
The Siege of La Rochelle was one of the great political events of the reign of Louis XIII, and one of the great military enterprises of the cardinal. —
拉罗谢尔的围攻是路易十三时代重要的政治事件之一,也是红衣主教的重大军事行动之一。 —

It is, then, interesting and even necessary that we should say a few words about it, particularly as many details of this siege are connected in too important a manner with the story we have undertaken to relate to allow us to pass it over in silence.

The political plans of the cardinal when he undertook this siege were extensive. —
红衣主教在开始这场围攻时的政治策略是广泛的。 —

Let us unfold them first, and then pass on to the private plans which perhaps had not less influence upon his Eminence than the others.

Of the important cities given up by Henry IV to the Huguenots as places of safety, there only remained La Rochelle. —
亨利四世交给新教徒作为安全之地的重要城市中,只剩下拉罗谢尔。 —

It became necessary, therefore, to destroy this last bulwark of Calvinism–a dangerous leaven with which the ferments of civil revolt and foreign war were constantly mingling.

Spaniards, Englishmen, and Italian malcontents, adventurers of all nations, and soldiers of fortune of every sect, flocked at the first summons under the standard of the Protestants, and organized themselves like a vast association, whose branches diverged freely over all parts of Europe.

La Rochelle, which had derived a new importance from the ruin of the other Calvinist cities, was, then, the focus of dissensions and ambition. —
拉罗谢尔,因为其他加尔文主义城市的毁灭而变得更加重要,于是成为各种争端和野心的焦点。 —

Moreover, its port was the last in the kingdom of France open to the English, and by closing it against England, our eternal enemy, the cardinal completed the work of Joan of Arc and the Duc de Guise.

Thus Bassompierre, who was at once Protestant and Catholic– Protestant by conviction and Catholic as commander of the order of the Holy Ghost; —
因此,巴松皮埃尔,一位既是新教徒又是天主教徒– 既有信念上的新教徒也是圣灵骑士团的指挥–巴松皮埃尔,出生于德国但心系法国– 简言之,巴松皮埃尔,在拉罗谢尔围攻中具有卓越指挥的他,领着其他几位和他一样的新教贵族冲锋时曾说,“各位将见证,我们会愚蠢到攻占拉罗谢尔。” —

Bassompierre, who was a German by birth and a Frenchman at heart–in short, Bassompierre, who had a distinguished command at the siege of La Rochelle, said, in charging at the head of several other Protestant nobles like himself, “You will see, gentlemen, that we shall be fools enough to take La Rochelle.”

And Bassompierre was right. The cannonade of the Isle of Re presaged to him the dragonnades of the Cevennes; —
拉罗谢尔的陷落是撒下纳尔逐教令的序曲。 —

the taking of La Rochelle was the preface to the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

We have hinted that by the side of these views of the leveling and simplifying minister, which belong to history, the chronicler is forced to recognize the lesser motives of the amorous man and jealous rival.

Richelieu, as everyone knows, had loved the queen. —
众所周知,希里尤曾经爱过王后。 —

Was this love a simple political affair, or was it naturally one of those profound passions which Anne of Austria inspired in those who approached her? —
这种爱情是一种简单的政治关系,还是安妮·奥地利在接近她的人中所激发的那种深刻的激情? —

That we are not able to say; but at all events, we have seen, by the anterior developments of this story, that Buckingham had the advantage over him, and in two or three circumstances, particularly that of the diamond studs, had, thanks to the devotedness of the three Musketeers and the courage and conduct of D’Artagnan, cruelly mystified him.

It was, then, Richelieu’s object, not only to get rid of an enemy of France, but to avenge himself on a rival; —
所以,希里尤所追求的目标不仅是为了摆脱一个法国的敌人,而且是为了报复一个对手; —

but this vengeance must be grand and striking and worthy in every way of a man who held in his hand, as his weapon for combat, the forces of a kingdom.

Richelieu knew that in combating England he combated Buckingham; —
希里尤知道,在与英格兰对抗时,他与巴基汉姆对抗; —

that in triumphing over England he triumphed over Buckingham–in short, that in humiliating England in the eyes of Europe he humiliated Buckingham in the eyes of the queen.

On his side Buckingham, in pretending to maintain the honor of England, was moved by interests exactly like those of the cardinal. —
巴基汉姆在维护英格兰的荣誉时,也是出于和枢机主教完全相同的利益。 —

Buckingham also was pursuing a private vengeance. —
巴基汉姆也在追求私人复仇。 —

Buckingham could not under any pretense be admitted into France as an ambassador; —
无论在任何借口下,巴基汉姆都不能被接受为法国大使; —

he wished to enter it as a conqueror.

It resulted from this that the real stake in this game, which two most powerful kingdoms played for the good

pleasure of two amorous men, was simply a kind look from Anne of Austria.

The first advantage had been gained by Buckingham. —
他率领着九十艘船只和将近两万名士兵,出乎意料地来到雷岛附近,他突袭了为国王在岛上指挥的托鲁瓦伯爵,经过一场血腥的战斗,他成功地登陆了。 —

Arriving unexpectedly in sight of the Isle of Re with ninety vessels and nearly twenty thousand men, he had surprised the Comte de Toiras, who commanded for the king in the Isle, and he had, after a bloody conflict, effected his landing.

Allow us to observe in passing that in this fight perished the Baron de Chantal; —
让我们顺便提一下,在这场战斗中巴龙德尚塔尔丧生; —

that the Baron de Chantal left a little orphan girl eighteen months old, and that this little girl was afterward Mme. de Sevigne.

The Comte de Toiras retired into the citadel St. Martin with his garrison, and threw a hundred men into a little fort called the fort of La Pree.

This event had hastened the resolutions of the cardinal; —
这一事件催促了主教红衣主教的决议; —

and till the king and he could take the command of the siege of La Rochelle, which was determined, he had sent Monsieur to direct the first operations, and had ordered all the troops he could dispose of to march toward the theater of war. —
在国王和主教可以亲自率军围攻拉罗谢尔之前,他派遣了门神指挥最初的行动,并命令所有可调度的军队向战争的战场行进; —

It was of this detachment, sent as a vanguard, that our friend D’Artagnan formed a part.

The king, as we have said, was to follow as soon as his Bed of Justice had been held; —
如我们所说,国王在举行床位审判后将紧随其后; —

but on rising from his Bed of Justice on the twenty-eighth of June, he felt himself attacked by fever. —
但是在六月二十八日他从王庭起身后就感到被发热所侵袭。 —

He was, notwithstanding, anxious to set out; —
尽管如此,他急于出发; —

but his illness becoming more serious, he was forced to stop at Villeroy.

Now, whenever the king halted, the Musketeers halted. —
王停下来,麻腊骑士也停下来。 —

It followed that D’Artagnan, who was as yet purely and simply in the Guards, found himself, for the time at least, separated from his good friends–Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. —
因此,此时还只是近卫军的达达尼安,与他的好朋友——阿多斯、波托斯和阿拉米斯暂时分开了。 —

This separation, which was no more than an unpleasant circumstance, would have certainly become a cause of serious uneasiness if he had been able to guess by what unknown dangers he was surrounded.

He, however, arrived without accident in the camp established before La Rochelle, of the tenth of the month of September of the year 1627.

Everything was in the same state. The Duke of Buckingham and his English, masters of the Isle of Re, continued to besiege, but without success, the citadel St. Martin and the fort of La Pree; —
一切都没有变化。白金汉公爵和他的英国人仍在围攻瑟尔堡圣马丁堡和拉普里堡,却毫无进展; —

and hostilities with La Rochelle had commenced, two or three days before, about a fort which the Duc d’Angouleme had caused to be constructed near the city.

The Guards, under the command of M. Dessessart, took up their quartered at the Minimes; —
近卫军由德萨萨特指挥,驻扎在米尼姆修道院; —

but, as we know, D’Artagnan, possessed with ambition to enter the Musketeers, had formed but few friendships among his comrades, and he felt himself isolated and given up to his own reflections.

His reflections were not very cheerful. From the time of his arrival in Paris, he had been mixed up with public affairs; —
他的思考并不十分愉快。自他抵达巴黎以来,他就被卷入了公共事务; —

but his own private affairs had made no great progress, either in love or fortune. —
但无论是在爱情还是财富方面,他的私人事务并没有取得多大进展。 —

As to love, the only woman he could have loved was Mme. Bonacieux; —
至于爱情,他唯一可能爱上的女人是波纳谢夫人; —

and Mme. Bonacieux had disappeared, without his being able to discover what had become of her. —
而波纳谢夫人已经消失,他无法找到她去了哪里。 —

As to fortune, he had made–he, humble as he was–an enemy of the cardinal; —
关于财富,他已经招惹上了(相对于他来说)一个强大的敌人——红衣主教; —

that is to say, of a man before whom trembled the greatest men of the kingdom, beginning with the king.

That man had the power to crush him, and yet he had not done so. —
那个人有权利碾碎他,但他却没有这么做。 —

For a mind so perspicuous as that of D’Artagnan, this indulgence was a light by which he caught a glimpse of a better future.

Then he had made himself another enemy, less to be feared, he thought; —
然后,他又招惹上了另一个敌人,他认为不太值得畏惧; —

but nevertheless, he instinctively felt, not to be despised. —
但他本能地感觉到,也不容忽视。 —

This enemy was Milady.

In exchange for all this, he had acquired the protection and good will of the queen; —
作为交换,他获得了皇后的保护和友好; —

but the favor of the queen was at the present time an additional cause of persecution, and her protection, as it was known, protected badly–as witness Chalais and Mme. Bonacieux.

What he had clearly gained in all this was the diamond, worth five or six thousand livres, which he wore on his finger; —
在这一切中,他明显得到了一颗价值五六千里弗的钻石戴在手指上; —

and even this diamond–supposing that D’Artagnan, in his projects of ambition, wished to keep it, to make it someday a pledge for the gratitude of the queen–had not in the meanwhile, since he could not part with it, more value than the gravel he trod under his feet.

We say the gravel he trod under his feet, for D’Artagnan made these reflections while walking solitarily along a pretty little road which led from the camp to the village of Angoutin. —
我们说他脚下踩过的砂砾,因为达达尼安在走延伸自营地通往安古坦村的一条小路时做出这些反思。 —

Now, these reflections had led him further than he intended, and the day was beginning to decline when, by the last ray of the setting sun, he thought he saw the barrel of a musket glitter from behind a hedge.

D’Artagnan had a quick eye and a prompt understanding. —
达达尼安眼疾手快,理解能力强。 —

He comprehended that the musket had not come there of itself, and that he who bore it had not concealed himself behind a hedge with any friendly intentions. —
他明白那支火枪不是自己走过来的,持枪者也不是抱着友好意图藏在篱笆后面。 —

He determined, therefore, to direct his course as clear from it as he could when, on the opposite side of the road, from behind a rock, he perceived the extremity of another musket.

This was evidently an ambuscade.

The young man cast a glance at the first musket and saw, with a certain degree of inquietude, that it was leveled in his direction; —
年轻人瞥了一眼第一支枪,有些不安地发现它指向他的方向; —

but as soon as he perceived that the orifice of the barrel was motionless, he threw himself upon the ground. —
但当他发现枪口不动的时候,他立刻扑倒在地。 —

At the same instant the gun was fired, and he heard the whistling of a ball pass over his head.

No time was to be lost. D’Artagnan sprang up with a bound, and at the same instant the ball from the other musket tore up the gravel on the very spot on the road where he had thrown himself with his face to the ground.

D’Artagnan was not one of those foolhardy men who seek a ridiculous death in order that it may be said of them that they did not retreat a single step. —
达达尼昂不是那种愚蠢的人,去寻找荒谬的死因,以便他们被说成是一不退缩的。 —

Besides, courage was out of the question here; —
而且,这里不该有勇气; —

D’Artagnan had fallen into an ambush.

“If there is a third shot,” said he to himself, “I am a lost man.”

He immediately, therefore, took to his heels and ran toward the camp, with the swiftness of the young men of his country, so renowned for their agility; —
于是,他立刻转身向军营跑去,像他的国家里以敏捷而闻名的年轻人一样迅速; —

but whatever might be his speed, the first who fired, having had time to reload, fired a second shot, and this time so well aimed that it struck his hat, and carried it ten paces from him.

As he, however, had no other hat, he picked up this as he ran, and arrived at his quarters very pale and quite out of breath. —
然而,他没有别的帽子,他捡起帽子就跑着回到住处,脸色苍白,气喘吁吁。 —

He sat down without saying a word to anybody, and began to reflect.

This event might have three causes:

The first and the most natural was that it might be an ambuscade of the Rochellais, who might not be sorry to kill one of his Majesty’s Guards, because it would be an enemy the less, and this enemy might have a well-furnished purse in his pocket.

D’Artagnan took his hat, examined the hole made by the ball, and shook his head. —
达达尼安戴上帽子,检查了子弹造成的洞,并摇了摇头。 —

The ball was not a musket ball–it was an arquebus ball. —
子弹不是步枪子弹,而是火铳子弹。 —

The accuracy of the aim had first given him the idea that a special weapon had been employed. —
精准的瞄准首先让他想到可能是使用了特殊的武器。 —

This could not, then, be a military ambuscade, as the ball was not of the regular caliber.

This might be a kind remembrance of Monsieur the Cardinal. —
这可能是对红衣主教的一种友好提醒。 —

It may be observed that at the very moment when, thanks to the ray of the sun, he perceived the gun barrel, he was thinking with astonishment on the forbearance of his Eminence with respect to him.

But D’Artagnan again shook his head. For people toward whom he had but to put forth his hand, his Eminence had rarely recourse to such means.

It might be a vengeance of Milady; that was most probable.

He tried in vain to remember the faces or dress of the assassins; —
他努力回忆刺客们的面孔或服饰; —

he had escaped so rapidly that he had not had leisure to notice anything.

“Ah, my poor friends!” murmured D’Artagnan; “where are you? And that you should fail me!”

D’Artagnan passed a very bad night. Three or four times he started up, imagining that a man was approaching his bed for the purpose of stabbing him. —
达达尼安度过了一个很糟糕的夜晚。他起了三四次,幻想着有人走近他的床要刺他。 —

Nevertheless, day dawned without darkness having brought any accident.

But D’Artagnan well suspected that that which was deferred was not relinquished.

D’Artagnan remained all day in his quarters, assigning as a reason to himself that the weather was bad.

At nine o’clock the next morning, the drums beat to arms. The Duc d’Orleans visited the posts. —
第二天早上九点,鼓声响起,集合军队。奥尔良公爵视察了哨所。 —

The guards were under arms, and D’Artagnan took his place in the midst of his comrades.

Monsieur passed along the front of the line; —
先生沿着队伍前面走过; —

then all the superior officers approached him to pay their compliments, M. Dessessart, captain of the Guards, as well as the others.

At the expiration of a minute or two, it appeared to D’Artagnan that M. Dessessart made him a sign to approach. —
过了一两分钟,达达尼昂觉得德萨萨特先生向他打了个手势示意接近。 —

He waited for a fresh gesture on the part of his superior, for fear he might be mistaken; —
他等着上级再次示意,担心自己误解; —

but this gesture being repeated, he left the ranks, and advanced to receive orders.

“Monsieur is about to ask for some men of good will for a dangerous mission, but one which will do honor to those who shall accomplish it; —
“先生将要派一些勇敢的人去执行危险的任务,但完成任务的人将受到荣誉; —

and I made you a sign in order that you might hold yourself in readiness.”

“Thanks, my captain!” replied D’Artagnan, who wished for nothing better than an opportunity to distinguish himself under the eye of the lieutenant general.

In fact the Rochellais had made a sortie during the night, and had retaken a bastion of which the royal army had gained possession two days before. —
事实上,洛歇莱人在夜间发起了一次突击,夺回了两天前王军占领的一个堡垒。 —

The matter was to ascertain, by reconnoitering, how the enemy guarded this bastion.

At the end of a few minutes Monsieur raised his voice, and said, “I want for this mission three or four volunteers, led by a man who can be depended upon.”

“As to the man to be depended upon, I have him under my hand, monsieur,” said M. Dessessart, pointing to D’Artagnan; —
“至于可靠的人,我有他在手里,先生,”德萨萨特先生指着达达尼昂说; —

“and as to the four or five volunteers, Monsieur has but to make his intentions known, and the men will not be wanting.”

“Four men of good will who will risk being killed with me!” said D’Artagnan, raising his sword.

Two of his comrades of the Guards immediately sprang forward, and two other soldiers having joined them, the number was deemed sufficient. —
两名侍卫队的同僚立即向前冲去,随后加入了另外两名士兵,人数被认为足够了。 —

D’Artagnan declined all others, being unwilling to take the first chance from those who had the priority.

It was not know whether, after the taking of the bastion, the Rochellais had evacuated it or left a garrison in it; —
不清楚在占据了堡垒之后,罗歇莱是否撤离了或是留守了一个守军; —

the object then was to examine the place near enough to verify the reports.

D’Artagnan set out with his four companions, and followed the trench; —
达达尼昂和他的四名同伴出发,沿着壕沟前进; —

the two Guards marched abreast with him, and the two soldiers followed behind.

They arrived thus, screened by the lining of the trench, till they came within a hundred paces of the bastion. —
他们就这样通过壕沟的衬里藏身,直到距离堡垒一百步以内。 —

There, on turning round, D’Artagnan perceived that the two soldiers had disappeared.

He thought that, beginning to be afraid, they had stayed behind, and he continued to advance.

At the turning of the counterscarp they found themselves within about sixty paces of the bastion. —
在抵达护城河转角时,他们离堡垒大约六十步远。 —

They saw no one, and the bastion seemed abandoned.

The three composing our forlorn hope were deliberating whether they should proceed any further, when all at once a circle of smoke enveloped the giant of stone, and a dozen balls came whistling around D’Artagnan and his companions.

They knew all they wished to know; the bastion was guarded. —
他们了解了他们想了解的一切;堡垒已经被守卫了。 —

A longer stay in this dangerous spot would have been useless imprudence. —
这个危险的地方逗留时间更长只会是徒劳的鲁莽。 —

D’Artagnan and his two companions turned their backs, and commenced a retreat which resembled a flight.

On arriving at the angle of the trench which was to serve them as a rampart, one of the Guardsmen fell. —
当他们走到将用作壁垒的壕沟角落时,一个卫兵倒地了。 —

A ball had passed through his breast. The other, who was safe and sound, continued his way toward the camp.

D’Artagnan was not willing to abandon his companion thus, and stooped to raise him and assist him in regaining the lines; —
达达尼昂不愿意就这样抛弃他的同伴,弯下腰把他扶起,帮助他回到阵线上; —

but at this moment two shots were fired. —
但就在这时,两声枪响。 —

One ball struck the head of the already-wounded guard, and the other flattened itself against a rock, after having passed within two inches of D’Artagnan.

The young man turned quickly round, for this attack could not have come from the bastion, which was hidden by the angle of the trench. —
这位年轻人迅速转身,因为这次袭击不可能来自被壕沟角落遮挡的堡垒。 —

The idea of the two soldiers who had abandoned him occurred to his mind, and with them he remembered the assassins of two evenings before. —
他想起了两天前抛弃他的两名士兵,想起了那两个刺客。 —

He resolved this time to know with whom he had to deal, and fell upon the body of his comrade as if he were dead.

He quickly saw two heads appear above an abandoned work within thirty paces of him; —
他很快看到两个头出现在离他三十步远的一个废弃工事上; —

they were the heads of the two soldiers. D’Artagnan had not been deceived; —
他们是那两名士兵的头。达达尼昂没有被欺骗; —

these two men had only followed for the purpose of assassinating him, hoping that the young man’s death would be placed to the account of the enemy.

As he might be only wounded and might denounce their crime, they came up to him with the purpose of making sure. —
万幸的是,被达达尼昂的伎俩所迷惑,他们忽略了重新装填枪。 —

Fortunately, deceived by D’Artagnan’s trick, they neglected to reload their guns.

When they were within ten paces of him, D’Artagnan, who in falling had taken care not to let go his sword, sprang up close to them.

The assassins comprehended that if they fled toward the camp without having killed their man, they should be accused by him; —
刺客们明白,如果他们未能杀死目标就逃往营地,他们将会被他指控; —

therefore their first idea was to join the enemy. —
因此他们首先的想法是加入敌人。 —

One of them took his gun by the barrel, and used it as he would a club. —
其中一名刺客把枪以枪托朝他挥去,像对待棍棒一样。 —

He aimed a terrible blow at D’Artagnan, who avoided it by springing to one side; —
他瞄准了达达尼昂,达达尼昂则躲避了,跳向一侧; —

but by this movement he left a passage free to the bandit, who darted off toward the bastion. —
但是这个动作让生歹徒间隔留出一条通道,他冲向了基座。 —

As the Rochellais who guarded the bastion were ignorant of the intentions of the man they saw coming toward them, they fired upon him, and he fell, struck by a ball which broke his shoulder.

Meantime D’Artagnan had thrown himself upon the other soldier, attacking him with his sword. —
与此同时,达达尼昂已经冲向了另一名士兵,用剑袭击他。 —

The conflict was not long; the wretch had nothing to defend himself with but his discharged arquebus. —
战斗不持续多久,这个恶棍手无寸铁。 —

The sword of the Guardsman slipped along the barrel of the now-useless weapon, and passed through the thigh of the assassin, who fell.

D’Artagnan immediately placed the point of his sword at his throat.

“Oh, do not kill me!” cried the bandit. “Pardon, pardon, my officer, and I will tell you all.”
“哦,不要杀我!” 恶棍叫道。“饶了我,饶了我,我将告诉你一切。”

“Is your secret of enough importance to me to spare your life for it?” asked the young man, withholding his arm.
“你的秘密对我有足够重要吗?值得我为此饶过你一命?” 问那年轻人,收回了他的手臂。

“Yes; if you think existence worth anything to a man of twenty, as you are, and who may hope for everything, being handsome and brave, as you are.”

“Wretch,” cried D’Artagnan, “speak quickly! Who employed you to assassinate me?”
“卑鄙的家伙,” 达达尼昂大声喊道,“快说!是谁雇佣你暗杀我?”

“A woman whom I don’t know, but who is called Milady.”

“But if you don’t know this woman, how do you know her name?”

“My comrade knows her, and called her so. It was with him she agreed, and not with me; —
“我的同伴认识她,并称呼她。是他和她商定的,而不是我;” —

he even has in his pocket a letter from that person, who attaches great importance to you, as I have heard him say.”

“But how did you become concerned in this villainous affair?”

“He proposed to me to undertake it with him, and I agreed.”

“And how much did she give you for this fine enterprise?”

“A hundred louis.”

“Well, come!” said the young man, laughing, “she thinks I am worth something. A hundred louis? —
“好吧,来吧!”年轻人笑着说,“她觉得我值得一些东西。一百路易?” —

Well, that was a temptation for two wretches like you. —
“好吧,这对像你们这样的两个恶棍来说是个诱惑。” —

I understand why you accepted it, and I grant you my pardon; —
“我明白你们为什么接受了,我原谅你们;” —

but upon one condition.”

“What is that?” said the soldier, uneasy at perceiving that all was not over.

“That you will go and fetch me the letter your comrade has in his pocket.”

“But,” cried the bandit, “that is only another way of killing me. —
“但,”强盗大叫起来,“这只是另一种杀死我的方法。” —

How can I go and fetch that letter under the fire of the bastion?”

“You must nevertheless make up your mind to go and get it, or I swear you shall die by my hand.”

“Pardon, monsieur; pity! In the name of that young lady you

love, and whom you perhaps believe dead but who is not!” —
哎呀!贼寇喊道,跪在地上,用手支撑着,因为他开始因失血而虚弱。 —

cried the bandit, throwing himself upon his knees and leaning upon his hand–for he began to lose his strength with his blood.

“And how do you know there is a young woman whom I love, and that I believed that woman dead?” asked D’Artagnan.

“By that letter which my comrade has in his pocket.”
“And how do you know there is a young woman whom I love, and that I believed that woman dead?” asked D’Artagnan.

“You see, then,” said D’Artagnan, “that I must have that letter. —
“你看,”达达尼昂说,“我必须要那封信。” —

So no more delay, no more hesitation; or else whatever may be my repugnance to soiling my sword a second time with the blood of a wretch like you, I swear by my faith as an honest man–” and at these words D’Artagnan made so fierce a gesture that the wounded man sprang up.

“Stop, stop!” cried he, regaining strength by force of terror. “I will go–I will go!”
“停下,停下!”他喊道,被恐惧的力量所恢复, “我会去-我会去!”

D’Artagnan took the soldier’s arquebus, made him go on before him, and urged him toward his companion by pricking him behind with his sword.

It was a frightful thing to see this wretch, leaving a long track of blood on the ground he passed over, pale with approaching death, trying to drag himself along without being seen to the body of his accomplice, which lay twenty paces from him.

Terror was so strongly painted on his face, covered with a cold sweat, that D’Artagnan took pity on him, and casting upon him a look of contempt, “Stop,” said he, “I will show you the difference between a man of courage and such a coward as you. —
恐惧深深地刻在他满是冷汗的脸上,达达尼昂看不下去,怜悯地看了他一眼,“停住,”他说,“我会告诉你一位勇士和类似你这样的懦夫之间的区别。 —

Stay where you are; I will go myself.”

And with a light step, an eye on the watch, observing the movements of the enemy and taking advantage of the accidents of the ground, D’Artagnan succeeded in reaching the second soldier.

There were two means of gaining his object–to search him on the spot, or to carry him away, making a buckler of his body, and search him in the trench.

D’Artagnan preferred the second means, and lifted the assassin onto his shoulders at the moment the enemy fired.

A slight shock, the dull noise of three balls which penetrated the flesh, a last cry, a convulsion of agony, proved to D’Artagnan that the would-be assassin had saved his life.

D’Artagnan regained the trench, and threw the corpse beside the wounded man, who was as pale as death.

Then he began to search. A leather pocketbook, a purse, in which was evidently a part of the sum which the bandit had received, with a dice box and dice, completed the possessions of the dead man.

He left the box and dice where they fell, threw the purse to the wounded man, and eagerly opened the pocketbook.

Among some unimportant papers he found the following letter, that which he had sought at the risk of his life:

“Since you have lost sight of that woman and she is now in safety in the convent, which you should never have allowed her to reach, try, at least, not to miss the man. —
“既然你已经失去了那位女士并且她现在安全地在修道院,你至少试着不要错过那个男人。 —

If you do, you know that my hand stretches far, and that you shall pay very dearly for the hundred louis you have from me.”

No signature. Nevertheless it was plain the letter came from Milady. —
没有签名。然而清楚这封信是米莱迪写的。 —

He consequently kept it as a piece of evidence, and being in safety behind the angle of the trench, he began to interrogate the wounded man. —
因此他把它留下作为一件证据,然后躲在壕沟的角落里,开始审问那名受伤的人。 —

He confessed that he had undertaken with his comrade–the same who was killed–to carry off a young woman who was to leave Paris by the Barriere de La Villette; —
他坦白承认,他和他的同伴——也就是被杀的那个——曾经打算劫持一名打算要离开巴黎通过拉维利特关卡的年轻女子; —

but having stopped to drink at a cabaret, they had missed the carriage by ten minutes.

“But what were you to do with that woman?” asked D’Artagnan, with anguish.

“We were to have conveyed her to a hotel in the Place Royale,” said the wounded man.

“Yes, yes!” murmured D’Artagnan; “that’s the place–Milady’s own residence!”

Then the young man tremblingly comprehended what a terrible thirst for vengeance urged this woman on to destroy him, as well as all who loved him, and how well she must be acquainted with the affairs of the court, since she had discovered all. —
然后年轻人颤抖地明白,是什么可怕的复仇欲驱使这个女人毁灭他,以及所有爱他的人,她必须非常了解法庭的事务,因为她发现了一切。 —

There could be no doubt she owed this information to the cardinal.

But amid all this he perceived, with a feeling of real joy, that the queen must have discovered the prison in which poor Mme. Bonacieux was explaining her devotion, and that she had freed her from that prison; —
但在这一切中,他感到真实的喜悦,因为女王必定发现了那个囚禁着可怜的玛达姆·博纳希厄的监狱,而且她已经解救了她; —

and the letter he had received from the young woman, and her passage along the road of Chaillot like an apparition, were now explained.

Then also, as Athos had predicted, it became possible to find Mme. Bonacieux, and a convent was not impregnable.

This idea completely restored clemency to his heart. —
这个想法完全恢复了他心中的宽容。 —

He turned toward the wounded man, who had watched with intense anxiety all the various expressions of his countenance, and holding out his arm to him, said, “Come, I will not abandon you thus. —
他转向那名受伤的人,后者焦急地注视着他脸上各种表情,伸出手臂对他说:“来吧,我不会这样抛弃你。 —

Lean upon me, and let us return to the camp.”

“Yes,” said the man, who could scarcely believe in such magnanimity, “but is it not to have me hanged?”

“You have my word,” said he; “for the second time I give you your life.”

The wounded man sank upon his knees, to again kiss the feet of his preserver; —
受伤的人跪倒在地,再次亲吻他的救命恩人的脚; —

but D’Artagnan, who had no longer a motive for staying so near the enemy, abridged the testimonials of his gratitude.

The Guardsman who had returned at the first discharge announced the death of his four companions. —
回来时报喜的卫兵宣布他的四名同伴都死了。 —

They were therefore much astonished and delighted in the regiment when they saw the young man come back safe and sound.

D’Artagnan explained the sword wound of his companion by a sortie which he improvised. —
达达尼昂通过临时耍花招的突围来解释他同伴的刀伤。 —

He described the death of the other soldier, and the perils they had encountered. —
他描述了另一名士兵的死亡以及他们所经历的危险。 —

This recital was for him the occasion of veritable triumph. —
对他来说,这个叙述是一次真正的胜利。 —

The whole army talked of this expedition for a day, and Monsieur paid him his compliments upon it. —
整个军队在一天里都在谈论这次远征,而武士也对他送去了祝贺。 —

Besides this, as every great action bears its recompense with it, the brave exploit of D’Artagnan resulted in the restoration of the tranquility he had lost. —
除此之外,由于每一次伟大的行动都伴随着回报,达达尼昂的英勇壮举导致他重拾了失去的宁静。 —

In fact, D’Artagnan believed that he might be tranquil, as one of his two enemies was killed and the other devoted to his interests.

This tranquillity proved one thing–that D’Artagnan did not yet know Milady.