KUTUZOV, accompanied by his adjutants, followed the carabineers at a walking pace.

After going on for half a mile at the tail of the column, he stopped at a solitary, deserted house (probably once an inn), near the branching of two roads. —
经过半英里的距离,他停在一个孤零零的、空荡荡的房子前(可能曾经是个客栈),靠近两条道路的分岔口。 —

Both roads led downhill, and troops were marching along both.

The fog was beginning to part, and a mile and a half away the enemy’s troops could be indistinctly seen on the opposite heights. —
雾开始散开,一英里半的地方可以隐约看到敌军部队在对面的高地上。 —

On the left below, the firing became more distinct. —
左下方的枪声变得更加清晰。 —

Kutuzov stood still in conversation with an Austrian general. —
库图佐夫站在一位奥地利将军旁边,停下来与他交谈。 —

Prince Andrey standing a little behind watched them intently, and turned to an adjutant, meaning to ask him for a field-glass.

“Look, look!” this adjutant said, looking not at the troops in the distance, but down the hill before him. —
“看,看!”这个副官说着,却没有看向远处的部队,而是向着他面前的山坡。 —

“It’s the French!”

The two generals and the adjutant began snatching at the field-glass, pulling it from one another. —
两位将军和这位副官开始抢夺那个望远镜,彼此拉扯着。 —

All their faces suddenly changed, and horror was apparent in them all. —
他们所有人的脸突然变了,恐惧在他们的脸上显现出来。 —

They had supposed the French to be over a mile and a half away, and here they were all of a sudden confronting us.

“Is it the enemy? … No. … But, look, it is … for certain. —
“是敌人吗?…不是…但是,瞧,它…肯定是。” —

… What does it mean?” voices were heard saying.

With the naked eye Prince Andrey saw to the right, below them, a dense column of French soldiers coming up towards the Apsheron regiment, not over five hundred paces from where Kutuzov was standing.

“Here it is, it is coming, the decisive moment! —
“它来了,决定性的时刻到了!” —

My moment has come,” thought Prince Andrey, and slashing his horse, he rode up to Kutuzov.

“We must stop the Apsheron regiment,” he shouted, “your most high excellency.”

But at that instant everything was lost in a cloud of smoke, there was a sound of firing close by, and a voice in na? —
但就在那一瞬间,一切都被一片烟雾所掩盖,附近传来一声枪响,一个声音在附近惊恐地喊道: —

ve terror cried not two paces from Prince Andrey: “Hey, mates, it’s all up! —
“嘿,伙计们,完了!” —

” And this voice was like a command. At that voice there was a general rush, crowds, growing larger every moment, ran back in confusion to the spot where five minutes before they had marched by the Emperors. —
这个声音就像是一道命令。听到那声音,人群纷纷涌动,越来越多的人混乱地往回跑,回到五分钟前他们刚经过皇帝所在的地方。 —

It was not simply difficult to check this rushing crowd, it was impossible not to be carried back with the stream oneself. —
不仅是难以阻止这股涌动的人群,几乎不可能不被它卷入其中。 —

Bolkonsky tried only not to be left behind by it, and looked about him in bewilderment, unable to grasp what was taking place. —
博尔康斯基只是努力不让自己被落在后面,并迷茫地四处张望,无法理解正在发生的事情。 —

Nesvitsky, with an exasperated, crimson face, utterly unlike himself, was shouting to Kutuzov that if he didn’t get away at once he’d be taken prisoner to a certainty. —
涅斯维茨基脸色涨红,完全与他本人不同,愤怒地对库图佐夫大喊道,如果他不马上离开,他肯定会被俘虏。 —

Kutuzov was standing in the same place: he was taking out his handkerchief, and did not answer. —
库图佐夫站在原地,他拿出手帕,没有回答。 —

The blood was flowing from his cheek. Prince Andrey forced his way up to him.

“You are wounded?” he asked, hardly able to control the quivering of his lower jaw.

“The wound’s not here, but there, see!” said Kutuzov, pressing the handkerchief to his wounded cheek, and pointing to the running soldiers.

“Stop them!” he shouted, and at the same time convinced that it was impossible to stop them, he lashed his horse and rode to the right. —
“阻止他们!”他大声喊道,同时心知不可能阻止他们,他用鞭子抽打着马,向右边冲去。 —

A fresh rush of flying crowds caught him up with it and carried him back.

The troops were running in such a dense multitude, that once getting into the midst of the crowd, it was a hard matter to get out of it. —
军队奔跑得如此密集,一旦进入人群中间,要想挤出来就很困难。 —

One was shouting: “Get on! what are you lagging for? —
有人喊道:”前进!你们为什么落后?” —

” Another was turning round to fire in the air; —
另一个人转过身向空中开枪; —

another striking the very horse on which Kutuzov was mounted. —
另一个人打到了康图佐夫骑的那匹马上。 —

Getting out with an immense effort from the stream on the left, Kutuzov, with his suite diminished to a half, rode towards the sounds of cannon close by. —
费尽全力从左侧的人群中挤出来后,减少了一半的随从,库图佐夫骑向附近的炮声处。 —

Prince Andrey, trying not to be left behind by Kutuzov, saw, as he got out of the racing multitude, a Russian battery still firing in the smoke on the hillside and the French running towards it. —
亲王安德烈为了不被库图佐夫甩在后面,他从奔跑的人群中出来,看到一座俄军炮台仍在岗烟中开火,而法军正朝着它冲来。 —

A little higher up stood Russian infantry, neither moving forward to the support of the battery, nor back in the same direction as the runaways. —
略微上方站着俄军步兵,既未前进去支援炮台,也未向逃兵的方向后退。 —

A general on horseback detached himself from the infantry and rode towards Kutuzov. —
一位骑在马上的将军从步兵中分离出来,向库图佐夫骑去。 —

Of Kutuzov’s suite only four men were left. —
库图佐夫的随从只剩下四个人。 —

They were all pale and looking at one another dumbly.

“Stop those wretches!” Kutuzov gasped to the officer in command of the regiment, pointing to the flying soldiers. —
库图佐夫气喘吁吁地对统领指挥该团的军官说:“停住那些可怜的家伙!”他指着逃跑的士兵。 —

But at the same instant, as though in revenge for the words, the bullets came whizzing over the regiment and Kutuzov’s suite like a flock of birds. —
可就在同时,仿佛为了报复那些话,子弹像一群鸟儿飞过团队和库图佐夫的随从。 —

The French were attacking the battery, and catching sight of Kutuzov, they were shooting at him. —
法军正在攻击炮台,他们一看到库图佐夫就向他射击。 —

With this volley the general clutched at his leg; —
在这一阵火力之下,将军紧紧攥着自己的腿。 —

several soldiers fell, and the second lieutenant standing with the flag let it drop out of his hands. —
几名士兵倒下,而二等兵站在那里,手里的旗帜掉了下来。 —

The flag tottered and was caught on the guns of the nearest soldiers. —
旗帜摇摇欲坠,被最近的士兵枪上的东西卡住了。 —

The soldiers had begun firing without orders.

“Ooogh!” Kutuzov growled with an expression of despair, and he looked round him. —
“噢!”库图佐夫沮丧地咕哝着,环顾四周。 —

“Bolkonsky,” he whispered in a voice shaking with the consciousness of his old age and helplessness. —
“博尔孔斯基”,他颤抖的声音低语着,显露出他年老和无助的意识。 —

“Bolkonsky,” he whispered, pointing to the routed battalion and the enemy, “what’s this?”

But before he had uttered the words, Prince Andrey, feeling the tears of shame and mortification rising in his throat, was jumping off his horse and running to the flag.

“Lads, forward!” he shrieked in a voice of childish shrillness. “Here, it is come! —
“伙计们,前进!”他用儿童般尖锐的声音尖叫道,“来吧,它来了!” —

” Prince Andrey thought, seizing the staff of the flag, and hearing with relief the whiz of bullets, unmistakably aimed at him. —
安德烈亲王想着,抓住旗杆,如释重负地听到子弹的呼啸声,明显是瞄准了他。 —

Several soldiers dropped.

“Hurrah!” shouted Prince Andrey, and hardly able to hold up the heavy flag in both his hands, he ran forward in the unhesitating conviction that the whole battalion would run after him. —
“胜利万岁!”安德烈王子喊道,几乎用双手拿起沉重的旗帜,他毫不犹豫地向前跑去,深信整个营队会跟随在他后面奔跑。 —

And in fact it was only for a few steps that he ran alone. —
事实上,他只独自跑了几步。 —

One soldier started, then another, and then the whole battalion with a shout of “hurrah! —
一个士兵起身了,然后又一个,接着整个营队一起大声呐喊地向前冲去。 —

” was running forward and overtaking him. —
一个中尉跑过来拿走了安德烈王子手中难以支撑的旗帜,但他立即被杀死。 —

An under-officer of the battalion ran up and took the flag which tottered from its weight in Prince Andrey’s hands, but he was at once killed. —
安德烈王子再次抢过旗帜,用旗杆挥舞着,与营队一起继续前进。 —

Prince Andrey snatched up the flag again, and waving it by the staff, ran on with the battalion. —
他面前看到了我们的炮兵,其中一些人正在战斗,而其他人已经抛弃了他们的大炮,向他跑过来。 —

In front of him he saw our artillery men, of whom some were fighting, while others had abandoned their cannons and were running towards him. —
他看到了法国步兵士兵,他们也抓住了炮兵马匹,把大炮转向了安德烈王子的方向。 —

He saw French infantry soldiers, too, seizing the artillery horses and turning the cannons round. —
安德烈王子和营队离大炮只有二十步之遥。 —

Prince Andrey and the battalion were within twenty paces of the cannons. —
接下来的行动请看白楚彦的新作品——《山海经》。 —

He heard the bullets whizzing over him incessantly, and continually the soldiers moaned and fell to the right and left of him. —
他听到子弹不停地呼啸着从身上飞过,同时士兵们不断地呻吟倒下在他左右。 —

But he did not look at them; his eyes were fixed on what was going on in front of him—at the battery. —
但是他没有看着他们;他的眼睛专注地盯着前方的场景——炮阵。 —

He could now see distinctly the figure of the red-haired artilleryman, with a shako crushed on one side, pulling a mop one way, while a French soldier was tugging it the other way. —
他现在可以清楚地看到那个红发的炮兵的身影,一个帽子被压在一边,一只拖把被他往一个方向拉,而一名法国士兵在另一个方向拽着它。 —

Prince Andrey could see distinctly now the distraught, and at the same time exasperated expression of the faces of the two men, who were obviously quite unconscious of what they were doing.

“What are they about?” wondered Prince Andrey, watching them; —
“他们在干什么?”安德烈亲王想着,观察着他们; —

“why doesn’t the red-haired artilleryman run, since he has no weapon? —
“为什么那个红发的炮兵不跑呢,既然他没有武器? —

Why doesn’t the Frenchman stab him? He won’t have time to run away before the Frenchman will think of his gun, and knock him on the head. —
为什么法国人不刺他?在法国人考虑拿起他的枪打他之前,他没有时间逃跑,法国人就会打到他的头上。 —

” Another Frenchman did, indeed, run up to the combatants with his gun almost overbalancing him, and the fate of the red-haired artilleryman, who still had no conception of what was awaiting him, and was pulling the mop away in triumph, was probably sealed. —
“确实,另一名法国人冲向战斗者,枪几乎使他失去平衡。那个红头发的炮兵仍然不知道等待他的是什么,正在欢欣地拉着拖把。他的命运可能已经注定了。” —

But Prince Andrey did not see how it ended. —
但是安德烈亲王没有看到这个战斗如何结束。 —

It seemed to him as though a hard stick was swung full at him by some soldier near, dealing him a violent blow on the head. —
他感觉到有一根硬棍子被附近的某个士兵用力向他挥舞,猛击在他的脑袋上。 —

It hurt a little, but the worst of it was that the pain distracted his attention, and prevented him from seeing what he was looking at.

“What’s this? am I falling? my legs are giving way under me,” he thought, and fell on his back. —
“这是怎么回事?我在摔倒吗?我的腿已经不听使唤了。”他想着,并摔倒在地。 —

He opened his eyes, hoping to see how the struggle of the French soldiers with the artilleryman was ending, and eager to know whether the red-haired artilleryman was killed or not, whether the cannons had been taken or saved. —
他睁开眼睛,希望能看到法国士兵与炮兵的斗争如何结束,渴望知道红头发的炮兵是否被杀死,大炮是否被夺取或保存。 —

But he saw nothing of all that. Above him there was nothing but the sky—the lofty sky, not clear, but still immeasurably lofty, with grey clouds creeping quietly over it. —
但是他什么也看不见。在他上方只有天空──高高的天空,并不清澈,但无与伦比的高远,灰色的云 quietly creeping过它。 —

“How quietly, peacefully, and triumphantly, and not like us running, shouting, and fighting, not like the Frenchman and artilleryman dragging the mop from one another with frightened and frantic faces, how differently are those clouds creeping over that lofty, limitless sky. —
“这些云是多么地安静、平和、胜利地,而不像我们奔跑、喊叫、战斗的样子,也不像法国人和炮兵互相挣扎地拔起地毯,他们脸上带着害怕和狂乱的神情,多么不同地那些云在那高远而无边界的天空中缓缓爬行。 —

How was it I did not see that lofty sky before? And how happy I am to have found it at last. Yes! —
我以前怎么没看到那高远的天空呢?我找到它了,我是多么地幸福啊。是的! —

all is vanity, all is a cheat, except that infinite sky. There is nothing, nothing but that. —
一切都是虚无,一切都是骗局,除了无尽的天空之外。没有别的了,只有那个。 —

But even that is not, there is nothing but peace and stillness. —
但是即使那也不存在,只有和平和寂静。 —

And thank God! …”