
sān xiá
三 峡
The Three Gorges

nán běi cháo lì dào yuán
( 南 北 朝 ) 郦 道 元
(South North Dynasty) Li Daoyuan

zì sān xiá qī bǎi lǐ zhōng
自 三 峡 七 百 里 中 ,
From the three hundred miles of the Three Gorges,

liǎng àn lián shān lüè wú quē chù
两 岸 连 山 , 略 无 阙 处 。
Both banks are connected by mountains, with hardly any gaps.

chóng yán dié zhàng yǐn tiān bì rì
重 岩 叠 嶂 , 隐 天 蔽 日 。
Layers of cliffs and peaks, hiding the sky and blocking the sun.

zì fēi tíng wǔ yè fēn bù jiàn xī yuè
自 非 亭 午 夜 分 , 不 见 曦 月 。
Except for the midday and midnight, the light of the sun and moon is not seen.

zhì yú xià shuǐ xiāng líng yán sù zǔ jué
至 于 夏 水 襄 陵 , 沿 溯 阻 绝 。
In the summer, the water rises and covers the hills, making it impossible to travel up or down.

huò wáng mìng jí xuān
或 王 命 急 宣 ,
Sometimes, when the imperial order is urgent,

yǒu shí zhāo fā bái dì mù dào jiāng líng
有 时 朝 发 白 帝 , 暮 到 江 陵 ,
There are times when one leaves Baidi in the morning and arrives in Jingling in the evening.

qí jiān qiān èr bǎi lǐ
其 间 千 二 百 里 ,
The distance between them is twelve hundred miles.

suī chéng bēn yù fēng bù yǐ jí yě
虽 乘 奔 御 风 , 不 以 疾 也 。
Even if one rides a fast horse or faces the wind, it is not considered fast enough.

chūn dōng zhī shí
春 冬 之 时 ,
In the spring and winter,

zé sù tuān lǜ tán huí qīng dào yǐng
则 素 湍 绿 潭 , 回 清 倒 影 。
The clear rapids and green pools, with the clear water reflecting the scenery.

jué yǎn duō shēng guài bǎi
绝 ? 多 生 怪 柏 ,
The steep cliffs are full of strange cypress trees,

xuán quán pù bù fēi shù qí jiān
悬 泉 瀑 布 , 飞 漱 其 间 ,
And hanging springs and waterfalls are scattered among them.

qīng róng jùn mào liáng duō qù wèi
清 荣 峻 茂 , 良 多 趣 味 。
The clear, beautiful, steep, and lush scenery is full of interest.

měi zhì qíng chū shuāng dàn lín hán jiàn sù
每 至 晴 初 霜 旦 , 林 寒 涧 肃 ,
Every time it is sunny after the frost, and the forest is cold and the ravine is solemn,

cháng yǒu gāo yuán cháng xiào zhǔ yǐn qī yì
常 有 高 猿 长 啸 , 属 引 凄 异 ,
There is often a high ape howling, with a long and mournful sound,

kōng gǔ chuán xiǎng āi zhuǎn jiǔ jué
空 谷 传 响 , 哀 转 久 绝 。
The echoing sound in the empty valley, full of sadness, lasts for a long time.

gù yú zhě gē yuē
故 渔 者 歌 曰 :
Therefore, the fishermen sing:

bā dōng sān xiá wū xiá cháng
“ 巴 东 三 峡 巫 峡 长 ,
“The Three Gorges of Baidong and the Wuxia Gorge are long,

yuán míng sān shēng lèi zhān cháng
猿 鸣 三 声 泪 沾 裳 。”
The ape’s cry thrice heard, tears dampen the garment.