
chū shī biǎo
出 师 表
Preface on the Departure for War

liǎng hàn zhū gě liàng
( 两 汉 ) 诸 葛 亮
(Two Han Dynasties) Zhuge Liang

xiān dì chuàng yè wèi bàn ér zhōng dào bēng cú
先 帝 创 业 未 半 而 中 道 崩 殂 ,
The late Emperor’s great enterprise was not yet half completed when he passed away on the way,

jīn tiān xià sān fēn yì zhōu pí bì
今 天 下 三 分 , 益 州 疲 弊 ,
Now the world is divided into three kingdoms, and Yizhou is in a state of exhaustion and decline,

cǐ chéng wēi jí cún wáng zhī qiū yě
此 诚 危 急 存 亡 之 秋 也 。
This is indeed a critical moment for our country’s survival.

rán shì wèi zhī chén bù xiè yú nèi
然 侍 卫 之 臣 不 懈 于 内 ,
However, the minister of attending and guarding does not slack in the inside.

zhōng zhì zhī shì wàng shēn yú wài zhě
忠 志 之 士 忘 身 于 外 者 ,
Loyal and ambitious individuals forget themselves,

gài zhuī xiān dì zhī shū yù
盖 追 先 帝 之 殊 遇 ,
For they pursue the special favor of their predecessors,

yù bào zhī yú bì xià yě
欲 报 之 于 陛 下 也 。
Desiring to repay it to Your Majesty as well.

chéng yí kāi zhāng shèng tīng
诚 宜 开 张 圣 听 ,
It is truly fitting to expand the divine hearing,

yǐ guāng xiān dì yí dé
以 光 先 帝 遗 德 ,
In order to illuminate the legacy of virtue left by the late emperor,

huī hóng zhì shì zhī qì
恢 弘 志 士 之 气 ,
Restore the spirit of ambitious scholars,

bù yí wàng zì fěi bó yǐn yù shī yì
不 宜 妄 自 菲 薄 , 引 喻 失 义 ,
Do not belittle yourself without reason, and do not misinterpret,

yǐ sè zhōng jiàn zhī lù yě
以 塞 忠 谏 之 路 也 。
Lest you block the path of loyal advice.

gōng zhōng fǔ zhōng jù wéi yī tǐ
宫 中 府 中 , 俱 为 一 体 ;
In the palace and the government offices, they are one and the same;

zhì fá zāng pǐ bù yí yì tóng
陟 罚 臧 否 , 不 宜 异 同 。
Rewards and punishments, praises and criticisms, should not be different.

ruò yǒu zuò jiān fàn kē jí wéi zhōng shàn zhě
若 有 作 奸 犯 科 及 为 忠 善 者 ,
If there is one who commits adultery, crime, and punishes, and to be loyal, kind, one who

yí fù yǒu sī lùn qí xíng shǎng
宜 付 有 司 论 其 刑 赏 ,
It is appropriate to entrust have authorities to discuss their punishment and reward.

yǐ zhāo bì xià píng míng zhī lǐ
以 昭 陛 下 平 明 之 理 ;
With the clear and enlightened principles of Your Majesty,

bù yí piān sī shǐ nèi wài yì fǎ yě
不 宜 偏 私 , 使 内 外 异 法 也 。
One should not favor personal biases, creating different laws for insiders and outsiders.

shì zhōng shì láng guō yōu zhī fèi yī dǒng yǔn děng
侍 中 、 侍 郎 郭 攸 之 、 费 祎 、 董 允 等 ,
Attendants-in-chief, Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun,

cǐ jiē liáng shí zhì lǜ zhōng chún
此 皆 良 实 , 志 虑 忠 纯 ,
All are loyal and trustworthy, with pure intentions and concerns,

shì yǐ xiān dì jiǎn bá yǐ wèi bì xià
是 以 先 帝 简 拔 以 遗 陛 下 :
That is why the late Emperor selected them as a legacy for Your Majesty:

yú yǐ wéi gōng zhōng zhī shì
愚 以 为 宫 中 之 事 ,
I believe that for matters within the palace,

shì wú dà xiǎo xī yǐ zī zhī rán hòu shī xíng
事 无 大 小 , 悉 以 咨 之 , 然 后 施 行 ,
Regardless of their importance, all should be consulted with them before taking action,

bì néng bì bǔ quē lòu yǒu suǒ guǎng yì
必 能 裨 补 阙 漏 , 有 所 广 益 。
This will certainly help to remedy oversights and bring about broader benefits.

jiāng jūn xiàng chǒng
将 军 向 宠 ,
General Xiang Chong,

xìng xíng shū jūn xiǎo chàng jūn shì
性 行 淑 均 , 晓 畅 军 事 ,
With a gentle and balanced character, well-versed in military affairs,

shì yòng yú xī rì
试 用 于 昔 日 ,
Having been tested in the past,

xiān dì chēng zhī yuē néng
先 帝 称 之 曰 “ 能 ”,
The late Emperor praised him as “capable,”

shì yǐ zhòng yì jǔ chǒng wéi dū
是 以 众 议 举 宠 为 督 :
That is why the consensus was to appoint Chong as the supervisor:

yú yǐ wéi yíng zhōng zhī shì xī yǐ zī zhī
愚 以 为 营 中 之 事 , 悉 以 咨 之 ,
I believe that for matters within the camp, all should be consulted with him,

bì néng shǐ háng zhèn hé mù yōu liè dé suǒ
必 能 使 行 阵 和 睦 , 优 劣 得 所 。
He will surely be able to maintain harmony and unity among the ranks, ensuring that each individual finds their proper place.

qīn xián chén yuǎn xiǎo rén
亲 贤 臣 , 远 小 人 ,
To be close to wise ministers and distant from petty officials,

cǐ xiān hàn suǒ yǐ xīng lóng yě
此 先 汉 所 以 兴 隆 也 ;
This is the reason why the Western Han Dynasty flourished and prospered;

qīn xiǎo rén yuǎn xián chén
亲 小 人 , 远 贤 臣 ,
To be close to petty officials and distant from wise ministers,

cǐ hòu hàn suǒ yǐ qīng tuí yě
此 后 汉 所 以 倾 颓 也 。
This is the reason why the Eastern Han Dynasty declined and fell.

xiān dì zài shí měi yǔ chén lùn cǐ shì
先 帝 在 时 , 每 与 臣 论 此 事 ,
When the late Emperor was alive, he often discussed this matter with me,

wèi cháng bù tàn xī tòng hèn yú huán líng yě
未 尝 不 叹 息 痛 恨 于 桓 、 灵 也 。
I have never ceased to sigh and lament over the reigns of Huan and Ling.

shì zhōng shàng shū zhǎng shǐ cān jūn
侍 中 、 尚 书 、 长 史 、 参 军 ,
Your Majesty’s attendants, ministers, and military advisors,

cǐ xī zhēn liáng sǐ jié zhī chén
此 悉 贞 良 死 节 之 臣 ,
These are all loyal and righteous ministers who died for their principles,

yuàn bì xià qīn zhī xìn zhī
愿 陛 下 亲 之 、 信 之 ,
I hope Your Majesty will be close to them and trust them,

zé hàn shì zhī lóng
则 汉 室 之 隆 ,
Then the prosperity of the Han dynasty,

kě jì rì ér dài yě
可 计 日 而 待 也 。
Can be expected in the near future.

chén běn bù yī gōng gēng yú nán yáng
臣 本 布 衣 , 躬 耕 于 南 阳 ,
I was originally a commoner, tilling the land in Nanyang,

gǒu quán xìng mìng yú luàn shì
苟 全 性 命 于 乱 世 ,
Merely striving to preserve my life in a chaotic world,

bù qiú wén dá yú zhū hóu
不 求 闻 达 于 诸 侯 。
Without seeking fame and recognition among the feudal lords.

xiān dì bù yǐ chén bēi bǐ
先 帝 不 以 臣 卑 鄙 ,
The late Emperor did not disdain my humble status,

wěi zì wǎng qū sān gù chén yú cǎo lú zhī zhōng
猥 自 枉 屈 , 三 顾 臣 于 草 庐 之 中 ,
He graciously humbled himself and visited me three times at my thatched cottage,

zī chén yǐ dāng shì zhī shì
咨 臣 以 当 世 之 事 ,
Consulting me on the affairs of the time,

yóu shì gǎn jī suì xǔ xiān dì yǐ qū chí
由 是 感 激 , 遂 许 先 帝 以 驱 驰 。
Thus, I was deeply moved and subsequently pledged myself to serve the late Emperor.

hòu zhí qīng fù
后 值 倾 覆 ,
Later, when the empire was on the verge of collapse,

shòu rèn yú bài jūn zhī jì
受 任 于 败 军 之 际 ,
I received my appointment amidst a defeated army,

fèng mìng yú wēi nàn zhī jiān
奉 命 于 危 难 之 间 ,
And was entrusted with a mission during a time of great danger,

ěr lái èr shí yòu yī nián yǐ
尔 来 二 十 有 一 年 矣 。
For the past twenty-one years.

xiān dì zhī chén jǐn shèn
先 帝 知 臣 谨 慎 ,
The late Emperor knew of my prudence,

gù lín bēng jì chén yǐ dà shì yě
故 临 崩 寄 臣 以 大 事 也 。
Therefore, on his deathbed, he entrusted me with the affairs of state.

shòu mìng yǐ lái sù yè yōu tàn
受 命 以 来 , 夙 夜 忧 叹 ,
Since receiving the command, I have been filled with constant worry and叹息.

kǒng tuō fù bù xiào yǐ shāng xiān dì zhī míng
恐 托 付 不 效 , 以 伤 先 帝 之 明 ;
Fear of entrusting without effectiveness, thus injuring the late Emperor’s brilliance;

gù wǔ yuè dù lú shēn rù bù máo
故 五 月 渡 泸 , 深 入 不 毛 。
Therefore, in May, crossing the Lu River, deeply entering the undeveloped land.

jīn nán fāng yǐ dìng bīng jiǎ yǐ zú
今 南 方 已 定 , 兵 甲 已 足 ,
Now the southern region is stable, and the military forces are sufficient,

dāng jiǎng shuài sān jūn běi dìng zhōng yuán
当 奖 率 三 军 , 北 定 中 原 ,
We should reward and lead the three armies to stabilize the Central Plains.

shù jié nú dùn rǎng chú jiān xiōng
庶 竭 驽 钝 , 攘 除 奸 凶 ,
Striving to exhaust my humble abilities, to expel the treacherous and wicked,

xīng fù hàn shì huán yú jiù dū
兴 复 汉 室 , 还 于 旧 都 。
To restore the Han dynasty and return to the former capital.

cǐ chén suǒ yǐ bào xiān dì ér zhōng bì xià zhī zhí fèn yě
此 臣 所 以 报 先 帝 而 忠 陛 下 之 职 分 也 。
This is how I, the minister, repay the late Emperor and fulfill my loyalty to Your Majesty’s position.

zhì yú zhēn zhuó sǔn yì jìn jìn zhōng yán
至 于 斟 酌 损 益 , 进 尽 忠 言 ,
As for weighing the pros and cons, and offering loyal advice,

zé yōu zhī yī yǔn zhī rèn yě
则 攸 之 、 祎 、 允 之 任 也 。
It is the responsibility of Yu, Yi, and Yun.

yuàn bì xià tuō chén yǐ tǎo zéi xīng fù zhī xiào
愿 陛 下 托 臣 以 讨 贼 兴 复 之 效 ,
I wish Your Majesty would entrust me with the task of punishing the rebels and restoring the nation’s prosperity.

bù xiào zé zhì chén zhī zuì
不 效 , 则 治 臣 之 罪 ,
If I fail, punish my crime,

yǐ gào xiān dì zhī líng
以 告 先 帝 之 灵 。
To inform the late Emperor’s spirit.

ruò wú xīng dé zhī yán
若 无 兴 德 之 言 ,
If there are no words of promoting virtue,

zé zé yōu zhī yī yǔn děng zhī màn
则 责 攸 之 、 祎 、 允 等 之 慢 ,
Then blame Yu, Yi, and Yun for their negligence,

yǐ zhāng qí jiù
以 彰 其 咎 ;
To reveal their faults;

bì xià yì yí zì móu
陛 下 亦 宜 自 谋 ,
Your Majesty should also seek advice,

yǐ zī zōu shàn dào chá nà yǎ yán
以 咨 诹 善 道 , 察 纳 雅 言 ,
To consult the good path, to accept and adopt elegant words,

shēn zhuī xiān dì yí zhào
深 追 先 帝 遗 诏 。
Deeply pursuing the late Emperor’s遺诏 (imperial edict).

chén bù shèng shòu ēn gǎn jī
臣 不 胜 受 恩 感 激 。
I, the minister, am overwhelmed by the grace and gratitude.

jīn dāng yuǎn lí lín biǎo tì líng bù zhī suǒ yán
今 当 远 离 , 临 表 涕 零 , 不 知 所 言 。
Now, as I am about to depart far away, facing the memorial and shedding tears, I am at a loss for words.