
sòng dù shào fǔ zhī rèn shǔ zhōu
送 杜 少 府 之 任 蜀 州
Seeing Off Deputy Du on His Assignment to Shu State

táng wáng bó
(唐) 王 勃
(Tang) Wang Bo

chéng què fǔ sān qín
城 阙 辅 三 秦 ,
The city walls support the three Qin states,

fēng yān wàng wǔ jīn
风 烟 望 五 津 。
Overlooking the misty smoke of the five rivers.

yǔ jūn lí bié yì
与 君 离 别 意 ,
The intent of parting with you,

tóng shì huàn yóu rén
同 是 宦 游 人 。
Both of us are officials wandering.

hǎi nèi cún zhī jǐ
海 内 存 知 己 ,
Within the sea, there are friends who know each other,

tiān yá ruò bǐ lín
天 涯 若 比 邻 。
At the ends of the earth, as if close neighbors.

wú wéi zài qí lù
无 为 在 歧 路 ,
Do nothing at the crossroads,

ér nǚ gòng zhān jīn
儿 女 共 沾 巾 。
Children and adults together wet their handkerchiefs.