Raskolnikov walked after him.

“What’s this?” cried Svidrigailov turning round, “I thought I said …”

“It means that I am not going to lose sight of you now.”


Both stood still and gazed at one another, as though measuring their strength.

“From all your half tipsy stories,” Raskolnikov observed harshly, “I am /positive/ that you have not given up your designs on my sister, but are pursuing them more actively than ever. —
“从你那些半醉的故事里可以断定,”拉斯科尔尼科夫严厉地观察着,“我确信你对我妹妹的企图并未放弃,而是比以往更加积极地进行着。 —

I have learnt that my sister received a letter this morning. —
我得知我妹妹今天早上收到了一封信。 —

You have hardly been able to sit still all this time… . —
你这段时间几乎都坐立不安……。 —

You may have unearthed a wife on the way, but that means nothing. —
你可能在路上发现了一个妻子,但那毫无意义。 —

I should like to make certain myself.”

Raskolnikov could hardly have said himself what he wanted and of what he wished to make certain.

“Upon my word! I’ll call the police!”

“Call away!”

Again they stood for a minute facing each other. At last Svidrigailov’s face changed. —
又站了一分钟,互相对视。最后,斯维朵瑞戈夫的脸色变了。 —

Having satisfied himself that Raskolnikov was not frightened at his threat, he assumed a mirthful and friendly air.

“What a fellow! I purposely refrained from referring to your affair, though I am devoured by curiosity. —
“这家伙!我故意没有提到你的事情,尽管我被好奇心所困扰。” —

It’s a fantastic affair. I’ve put it off till another time, but you’re enough to rouse the dead. . —
“这件事太奇妙了。我暂时搁置这件事,但你足以唤醒死者。” —

. . Well, let us go, only I warn you beforehand I am only going home for a moment, to get some money; —
“那好吧,我们走吧,只是提前警告你,我只是回家一会儿,去拿钱;” —

then I shall lock up the flat, take a cab and go to spend the evening at the Islands. —
“然后我会锁好公寓,打车去列岛度过晚上。” —

Now, now are you going to follow me?”

“I’m coming to your lodgings, not to see you but Sofya Semyonovna, to say I’m sorry not to have been at the funeral.”
“我来你的住处,不是来见你,而是Sofya Semyonovna,说我未能参加葬礼感到抱歉。”

“That’s as you like, but Sofya Semyonovna is not at home. —
“随你怎么想,但 Sofya Semyonovna 不在家。” —

She has taken the three children to an old lady of high rank, the patroness of some orphan asylums, whom I used to know years ago. —
“她已经带着三个孩子去拜访一位老夫人,她是一家孤儿院的资助人,我多年前认识她。” —

I charmed the old lady by depositing a sum of money with her to provide for the three children of Katerina Ivanovna and subscribing to the institution as well. —
“我通过向她存款以供养Katerina Ivanovna的三个孩子,并为该机构捐款,来讨好老夫人。 —

I told her too the story of Sofya Semyonovna in full detail, suppressing nothing. —
“我也把Sofya Semyonovna的故事告诉她,详细说明,一字不漏。” —

It produced an indescribable effect on her. —
“这对她产生了难以形容的影响。” —

That’s why Sofya Semyonovna has been invited to call to-day at the X. Hotel where the lady is staying for the time.”
“这就是为什么今天邀请Sofya Semyonovna去X.酒店拜访这位老夫人的原因。”

“No matter, I’ll come all the same.”

“As you like, it’s nothing to me, but I won’t come with you; here we are at home. —
“随你喜欢,我无所谓,但我不会跟你来;我们到家了。” —

By the way, I am convinced that you regard me with suspicion just because I have shown such delicacy and have not so far troubled you with questions . —
“顺便问一下,我相信你对我充满了怀疑,只是因为我表现得如此细致,迄今为止没有用问题打扰你。” —

. . you understand? It struck you as extraordinary; —
你明白了吗?这让你感到异常; —

I don’t mind betting it’s that. Well, it teaches one to show delicacy!”

“And to listen at doors!”

“Ah, that’s it, is it?” laughed Svidrigailov. —
“啊,就是这样吗?”斯维德里格洛笑着说。 —

“Yes, I should have been surprised if you had let that pass after all that has happened. Ha-ha! —
“是的,我会感到惊讶如果你在发生的一切之后就此作罢。哈哈! —

Though I did understand something of the pranks you had been up to and were telling Sofya Semyonovna about, what was the meaning of it? —
尽管我有点明白你上蹿下跳的那些恶作剧,并且告诉索菲亚·塞缪诺芙娜,它的意思是什么呢? —

Perhaps I am quite behind the times and can’t understand. —
也许我完全跟不上时代,无法理解。 —

For goodness’ sake, explain it, my dear boy. —
天啊,解释一下吧,我亲爱的孩子。 —

Expound the latest theories!”

“You couldn’t have heard anything. You’re making it all up!”

“But I’m not talking about that (though I did hear something). —
“但我不是在谈论那个(尽管我确实听到了一些事情)。 —

No, I’m talking of the way you keep sighing and groaning now. —
不,我是在谈论你现在不停叹息和呻吟的方式。 —

The Schiller in you is in revolt every moment, and now you tell me not to listen at doors. —
你心中的席勒每时每刻都在反叛,而现在你告诉我不要听门。 —

If that’s how you feel, go and inform the police that you had this mischance: —
如果你这样感觉,去通知警察你遇到了这个不幸: —

you made a little mistake in your theory. —
你在理论上犯了一个小错误。 —

But if you are convinced that one mustn’t listen at doors, but one may murder old women at one’s pleasure, you’d better be off to America and make haste. —
但如果你确信不应该在门口偷听,而可以随意谋杀老妇人的话,你最好赶紧去美国。 —

Run, young man! There may still be time. I’m speaking sincerely. —
赶紧,年轻人!或许还来得及。我说得很真诚。 —

Haven’t you the money? I’ll give you the fare.”

“I’m not thinking of that at all,” Raskolnikov interrupted with disgust.
“我一点都没有想那个,” 拉斯科尔尼科夫恶心地打断道。

“I understand (but don’t put yourself out, don’t discuss it if you don’t want to). —
“我明白(不勉强你,如果你不想讨论的话)。 —

I understand the questions you are worrying over– moral ones, aren’t they? —
我明白你担心的问题——难道不是道德问题吗? —

Duties of citizen and man? Lay them all aside. They are nothing to you now, ha-ha! —
市民和人的责任?都放在一边。对你来说毫无意义,哈哈! —

You’ll say you are still a man and a citizen. If so you ought not to have got into this coil. —
你会说你仍然是一个人和一个市民。如果是这样,你不应该陷入这种困境。 —

It’s no use taking up a job you are not fit for. —
做不合适的工作是毫无用处的。 —

Well, you’d better shoot yourself, or don’t you want to?”

“You seem trying to enrage me, to make me leave you.”

“What a queer fellow! But here we are. Welcome to the staircase. —
“多奇怪的人啊!但我们到了。欢迎来到楼梯。 —

You see, that’s the way to Sofya Semyonovna. Look, there is no one at home. Don’t you believe me? —
你看,这是通往索菲娅·谢莫诺芙娜的路。看,家里没人。你不信吗? —

Ask Kapernaumov. She leaves the key with him. Here is Madame de Kapernaumov herself. Hey, what? —
去问卡列纳乌莫夫。她把钥匙留给了他。这里是卡列纳乌莫夫夫人本人。嘿,怎么了? —

She is rather deaf. Has she gone out? Where? Did you hear? —
她有点聋。她出去了吗?去哪里了?听到了吗? —

She is not in and won’t be till late in the evening probably. Well, come to my room; —
她不在家,可能会到晚上才回来。好吧,来我房间吧; —

you wanted to come and see me, didn’t you? Here we are. Madame Resslich’s not at home. —
你想要来看我,对吧?我们在这。瑞斯利夫夫人不在家; —

She is a woman who is always busy, an excellent woman I assure you… . —
她总是很忙,我向你保证她是个出色的女人……; —

She might have been of use to you if you had been a little more sensible. Now, see! —
如果你能更明智一些,也许她对你有用。看吧! —

I take this five-per-cent bond out of the bureau–see what a lot I’ve got of them still–this one will be turned into cash to-day. —
我从橱柜里取出这张百分之五的债券,看看我还有多少……今天这张将变现; —

I mustn’t waste any more time. The bureau is locked, the flat is locked, and here we are again on the stairs. —
我不能再浪费时间了。橱柜上锁了,公寓锁了,我们又回到楼梯上了; —

Shall we take a cab? I’m going to the Islands. Would you like a lift? I’ll take this carriage. —
我们要打车吗?我要去群岛。你要搭车吗?我会坐这辆马车; —

Ah, you refuse? You are tired of it! Come for a drive! —
啊,你拒绝了?你对此已经厌烦了!来坐车! —

I believe it will come on to rain. Never mind, we’ll put down the hood… .”

Svidrigailov was already in the carriage. —
斯维杰戈洛夫已经在马车里了; —

Raskolnikov decided that his suspicions were at least for that moment unjust. —
拉斯科尔尼科夫决定他至少那一刻的怀疑是不公正的; —

Without answering a word he turned and walked back towards the Hay Market. —
他一句话都不回答,就转身向哈市场方向走去; —

If he had only turned round on his way he might have seen Svidrigailov get out not a hundred paces off, dismiss the cab and walk along the pavement. —
如果他在回去的路上转过身,也许会看见斯维杰戈洛夫离车不到一百步的地方下车,解散出租车,沿着人行道走; —

But he had turned the corner and could see nothing. —
但他已经转过了街角,什么也看不见; —

Intense disgust drew him away from Svidrigailov.

“To think that I could for one instant have looked for help from that coarse brute, that depraved sensualist and blackguard!” he cried.

Raskolnikov’s judgment was uttered too lightly and hastily: —
拉斯科尔尼科夫的判断说得太草率轻率了。 —

there was something about Svidrigailov which gave him a certain original, even a mysterious character. —
斯维杰加洛夫有着某种独特、甚至神秘的个性。 —

As concerned his sister, Raskolnikov was convinced that Svidrigailov would not leave her in peace. —
拉斯科尔尼科夫认为斯维杰加洛夫对他妹妹不会善罢甘休。 —

But it was too tiresome and unbearable to go on thinking and thinking about this.

When he was alone, he had not gone twenty paces before he sank, as usual, into deep thought. —
他独自一人时,走了不到二十步就像往常一样陷入深深的思考中。 —

On the bridge he stood by the railing and began gazing at the water. —
他站在桥边的栏杆旁,开始凝视着水面。 —

And his sister was standing close by him.

He met her at the entrance to the bridge, but passed by without seeing her. —
他在桥的入口处遇到了她,但没有注意到她。 —

Dounia had never met him like this in the street before and was struck with dismay. —
多妮娅在街上从来没有见过他这样,感到惊愕。 —

She stood still and did not know whether to call to him or not. —
她站在原地,不知道是否要喊他。 —

Suddenly she saw Svidrigailov coming quickly from the direction of the Hay Market.

He seemed to be approaching cautiously. He did not go on to the bridge, but stood aside on the pavement, doing all he could to avoid Raskolnikov’s seeing him. —
他似乎在小心翼翼地接近。他没有走上桥,而是站在人行道旁,竭尽所能避免让拉斯科尔尼科夫看见他。 —

He had observed Dounia for some time and had been making signs to her. —
他已经观察多妮娅一段时间了,并向她打手势。 —

She fancied he was signalling to beg her not to speak to her brother, but to come to him.

That was what Dounia did. She stole by her brother and went up to Svidrigailov.

“Let us make haste away,” Svidrigailov whispered to her, “I don’t want Rodion Romanovitch to know of our meeting. —
“我们赶快离开吧,” 斯维德里加洛夫悄声对她说,”我不想让罗季翁·罗马诺维奇知道我们见面了。 —

I must tell you I’ve been sitting with him in the restaurant close by, where he looked me up and I had great difficulty in getting rid of him. —
我必须告诉你,我一直和他坐在附近的餐馆里,在那里他找到了我,我很难摆脱他。 —

He has somehow heard of my letter to you and suspects something. —
他不知何故听说了我给你的信,开始起疑。 —

It wasn’t you who told him, of course, but if not you, who then?”

“Well, we’ve turned the corner now,” Dounia interrupted, “and my brother won’t see us. —
“好了,我们已经拐个弯了,” 多尼娅打断了,”我哥哥看不见我们了。 —

I have to tell you that I am going no further with you. —
我必须告诉你,我不会再跟你走了。 —

Speak to me here. You can tell it all in the street.”

“In the first place, I can’t say it in the street; secondly, you must hear Sofya Semyonovna too; —
“首先,我不能在街上说;其次,你必须也要听索菲娅·谢米诺夫娜; —

and, thirdly, I will show you some papers… . —
而且,我会给你看一些文件。… —

Oh well, if you won’t agree to come with me, I shall refuse to give any explanation and go away at once. —
哦,如果你不同意跟我走,我将拒绝解释任何事情并立刻离开。 —

But I beg you not to forget that a very curious secret of your beloved brother’s is entirely in my keeping.”

Dounia stood still, hesitating, and looked at Svidrigailov with searching eyes.

“What are you afraid of?” he observed quietly. “The town is not the country. —
“你在害怕什么?” 他安静地观察道,”这座城不是农村。 —

And even in the country you did me more harm than I did you.”

“Have you prepared Sofya Semyonovna?”

“No, I have not said a word to her and am not quite certain whether she is at home now. —
“没有,我还没有对她提起过,也不能确定她现在是否在家。 —

But most likely she is. She has buried her stepmother to-day: —
但很可能她在家。她今天刚刚埋葬了继母: —

she is not likely to go visiting on such a day. —
她不太可能在这样的日子外出拜访。 —

For the time I don’t want to speak to anyone about it and I half regret having spoken to you. —
目前我不想和任何人谈这件事,我有点后悔和你说了。 —

The slightest indiscretion is as bad as betrayal in a thing like this. —
在这种事情上,任何一点轻率行为都像背叛一样糟糕。 —

I live there in that house, we are coming to it. —
我住在那栋房子里,我们到了。 —

That’s the porter of our house–he knows me very well; you see, he’s bowing; —
那是我们房子的门房–他认识我很久了;你看,他在鞠躬; —

he sees I’m coming with a lady and no doubt he has noticed your face already and you will be glad of that if you are afraid of me and suspicious. —
他看见我和一个女士走在一起,而且肯定已经注意到了你的面孔,如果你害怕我并怀疑的话,你会为此感到高兴。 —

Excuse my putting things so coarsely. I haven’t a flat to myself; —
抱歉我说话这么粗鲁。我没有自己的公寓; —

Sofya Semyonovna’s room is next to mine–she lodges in the next flat. —
索菲娅·谢苗诺芙娜的房间就在我旁边–她住在隔壁。 —

The whole floor is let out in lodgings. Why are you frightened like a child? —
整个楼层都出租给别人。为什么你像个孩子一样害怕? —

Am I really so terrible?”

Svidrigailov’s lips were twisted in a condescending smile; but he was in no smiling mood. —
斯维杰里高洛夫的嘴唇扭曲成一种居高临下的微笑;但他并不是在开玩笑。 —

His heart was throbbing and he could scarcely breathe. —
他的心在狂跳,几乎无法呼吸。 —

He spoke rather loud to cover his growing excitement. —
他说话声音很大,以掩盖着自己激动的心情。 —

But Dounia did not notice this peculiar excitement, she was so irritated by his remark that she was frightened of him like a child and that he was so terrible to her.

“Though I know that you are not a man … of honour, I am not in the least afraid of you. —
“虽然我知道你不是一个有光荣感的人,但我一点也不害怕你。 —

Lead the way,” she said with apparent composure, but her face was very pale.

Svidrigailov stopped at Sonia’s room.

“Allow me to inquire whether she is at home… . She is not. How unfortunate! —
“请问她在家吗……她不在。真不幸! —

But I know she may come quite soon. If she’s gone out, it can only be to see a lady about the orphans. —
但我知道她可能马上就会回来。如果她出去了,只能是去看一个关于孤儿的女士。 —

Their mother is dead… . I’ve been meddling and making arrangements for them. —
他们的母亲去世了……我一直在协调和为他们做安排。 —

If Sofya Semyonovna does not come back in ten minutes, I will send her to you, to-day if you like. —
如果索菲娅·谢梅诺夫娜十分钟内不回来,我会把她送给你,如果你喜欢,今天就送去。 —

This is my flat. These are my two rooms. Madame Resslich, my landlady, has the next room. —
这是我的公寓。这是我的两个房间。我的房东太太瑞斯列希夫人,住在隔壁房间。 —

Now, look this way. I will show you my chief piece of evidence: —
现在,看这边。我会给你看我的主要证据: —

this door from my bedroom leads into two perfectly empty rooms, which are to let. —
我卧室的这扇门通往两个完全空着的房间,是要出租的。 —

Here they are … You must look into them with some attention.”

Svidrigailov occupied two fairly large furnished rooms. —
斯维德里盖洛夫占据了两个相当宽敞的带家具的房间。 —

Dounia was looking about her mistrustfully, but saw nothing special in the furniture or position of the rooms. —
陀妮娅怀疑地四处看着,但在房间的家具或位置上没有发现特别的地方。 —

Yet there was something to observe, for instance, that Svidrigailov’s flat was exactly between two sets of almost uninhabited apartments. —
然而,有一些事情可以观察到,比如斯维杰戈洛夫的公寓恰好处于两套几乎没人住的公寓之间。 —

His rooms were not entered directly from the passage, but through the landlady’s two almost empty rooms. —
他的房间不是直接从走廊进入,而是通过女房东的两个几乎空无一人的房间进入。 —

Unlocking a door leading out of his bedroom, Svidrigailov showed Dounia the two empty rooms that were to let. —
斯维杰戈洛夫打开卧室门后,向杜尼娅展示了两个空置的房间。 —

Dounia stopped in the doorway, not knowing what she was called to look upon, but Svidrigailov hastened to explain.

“Look here, at this second large room. Notice that door, it’s locked. —
“看看,这第二个大房间。注意那扇门,它是锁着的。 —

By the door stands a chair, the only one in the two rooms. —
门边放着一把椅子,这两个房间里唯一的一把椅子。 —

I brought it from my rooms so as to listen more conveniently. —
我从我的房间搬来了它,方便听。 —

Just the other side of the door is Sofya Semyonovna’s table; —
门的另一边就是索菲亚·谢梅诺夫娜的桌子; —

she sat there talking to Rodion Romanovitch. —
她坐在那里和罗狄翁·罗马诺维奇说话。 —

And I sat here listening on two successive evenings, for two hours each time–and of course I was able to learn something, what do you think?”

“You listened?”

“Yes, I did. Now come back to my room; we can’t sit down here.”

He brought Avdotya Romanovna back into his sitting-room and offered her a chair. —
他把阿芙多娅·罗马诺夫娜带回到客厅,并给她提供了一把椅子。 —

He sat down at the opposite side of the table, at least seven feet from her, but probably there was the same glow in his eyes which had once frightened Dounia so much. —
他坐在桌子的对面,至少与她相隔七英尺,但他的眼睛里可能有着曾经让杜尼娅感到害怕的那种光芒。 —

She shuddered and once more looked about her distrustfully. It was an involuntary gesture; —
她打了一个寒颤,再次不信任地四处看了看。这是一种不经意的手势; —

she evidently did not wish to betray her uneasiness. —
显然,她并不希望暴露她的不安。 —

But the secluded position of Svidrigailov’s lodging had suddenly struck her. —
但斯维杰戈洛夫的住所偏僻的位置突然让她感到不安。 —

She wanted to ask whether his landlady at least were at home, but pride kept her from asking. —
她想问他的女房东是否在家,但骄傲让她不敢问。 —

Moreover, she had another trouble in her heart incomparably greater than fear for herself. —
此外,她心中还有一个比为自己担忧更大得多的烦恼。 —

She was in great distress.

“Here is your letter,” she said, laying it on the table. “Can it be true what you write? —
“这是你的信,”她把它放在桌子上说。“你写的是真的吗? —

You hint at a crime committed, you say, by my brother. You hint at it too clearly; —
你暗示我哥哥犯下了一桩罪行。你的提示太明显了; —

you daren’t deny it now. I must tell you that I’d heard of this stupid story before you wrote and don’t believe a word of it. —
你现在无法否认。我必须告诉你,比你写的东西之前我已经听过这个愚蠢的故事,但我一句都不相信。 —

It’s a disgusting and ridiculous suspicion. I know the story and why and how it was invented. —
这是一个令人恶心和荒谬的嫌疑。我知道这个故事是怎么被捏造出来的以及为什么。 —

You can have no proofs. You promised to prove it. Speak! —
你没有证据。你答应要证明。说吧! —

But let me warn you that I don’t believe you! —
但让我警告你,我不相信你! —

I don’t believe you!”

Dounia said this, speaking hurriedly, and for an instant the colour rushed to her face.

“If you didn’t believe it, how could you risk coming alone to my rooms? —
“如果你不相信,你怎么敢一个人冒险来到我的房间? —

Why have you come? Simply from curiosity?”

“Don’t torment me. Speak, speak!”

“There’s no denying that you are a brave girl. —
“你确实是一个勇敢的女孩,无可否认。” —

Upon my word, I thought you would have asked Mr. Razumihin to escort you here. —
“我真以为你会让拉祖米欣先生护送你到这里来。” —

But he was not with you nor anywhere near. I was on the look-out. —
“但是他不跟你在一起,也不在附近。我一直在观察。” —

It’s spirited of you, it proves you wanted to spare Rodion Romanovitch. —
“你很有活力,这证明你想要保护罗季昂·罗马诺维奇。” —

But everything is divine in you… . About your brother, what am I to say to you? You’ve just seen him yourself. —
“但你的一切都是神圣的……关于你的兄弟,我该对你说什么?你刚刚见过他。” —

What did you think of him?”

“Surely that’s not the only thing you are building on?”

“No, not on that, but on his own words. He came here on two successive evenings to see Sofya Semyonovna. —
“不,不是光凭这个,还有他自己的话。他连续两个晚上来找索菲娅·谢梅诺夫娜。” —

I’ve shown you where they sat. He made a full confession to her. He is a murderer. —
“我告诉了你他们坐在哪里。他向她坦白了。他是个杀人犯。” —

He killed an old woman, a pawnbroker, with whom he had pawned things himself. —
“他用斧头杀死了一个老妇人,一个他曾经当过当铺的人” —

He killed her sister too, a pedlar woman called Lizaveta, who happened to come in while he was murdering her sister. —
“他还杀死了她的姐姐,一个叫莉扎维塔的小贩,后者碰巧在他杀姐姐时进来。” —

He killed them with an axe he brought with him. He murdered them to rob them and he did rob them. —
“他用带来的斧头杀害她们。他杀害她们是为了抢劫她们,而他确实抢了。” —

He took money and various things… . He told all this, word for word, to Sofya Semyonovna, the only person who knows his secret. —
“他拿了钱和各种东西……他将这一切原原本本告诉了索菲娅·谢梅诺夫娜,这是唯一知道他秘密的人。” —

But she has had no share by word or deed in the murder; —
“但她对这起谋杀没有任何言语或行为上的参与;“ —

she was as horrified at it as you are now. —
她对此和你现在一样感到恐惧。 —

Don’t be anxious, she won’t betray him.”

“It cannot be,” muttered Dounia, with white lips. She gasped for breath. “It cannot be. —
“不可能,” 多尼亚低声说,嘴唇泛白。她喘着气。“不可能。” —

There was not the slightest cause, no sort of ground. —
没有任何可能,也没有任何理由。 —

… It’s a lie, a lie!”

“He robbed her, that was the cause, he took money and things. —
“他抢劫她,那是原因,他拿了钱和东西。 —

It’s true that by his own admission he made no use of the money or things, but hid them under a stone, where they are now. —
他自己承认,他确实没用那笔钱或那些东西,而是把它们藏在一块石头下,那里现在还在。 —

But that was because he dared not make use of them.”

“But how could he steal, rob? How could he dream of it?” —
“但他怎么能偷盗?他怎么能做这种梦想?” —

cried Dounia, and she jumped up from the chair. —
多尼亚喊道,她从椅子上跳了起来。 —

“Why, you know him, and you’ve seen him, can he be a thief?”

She seemed to be imploring Svidrigailov; she had entirely forgotten her fear.

“There are thousands and millions of combinations and possibilities, Avdotya Romanovna. —
“阿夫多特亚·罗马诺芙娜,有千千万万种可能性和组合。 —

A thief steals and knows he is a scoundrel, but I’ve heard of a gentleman who broke open the mail. —
小偷偷东西时知道自己是个恶棍,但我听说过一个绅士打开邮件。 —

Who knows, very likely he thought he was doing a gentlemanly thing! —
谁知道呢,很可能他认为自己在做一件绅士的事情! —

Of course I should not have believed it myself if I’d been told of it as you have, but I believe my own ears. —
当然,如果有人告诉我这件事,我不会相信,但我相信我的耳朵。 —

He explained all the causes of it to Sofya Semyonovna too, but she did not believe her ears at first, yet she believed her own eyes at last.”

“What … were the causes?”

“It’s a long story, Avdotya Romanovna. Here’s … how shall I tell you? —
“这是一个漫长的故事,阿芙多图娅·罗马诺芙娜。这样说吧… —

–A theory of a sort, the same one by which I for instance consider that a single misdeed is permissible if the principal aim is right, a solitary wrongdoing and hundreds of good deeds! —
–某种理论,比如我认为,如果主要目的是正确的话,一个不道德的行为是可以接受的,一个孤立的错误和数百个善行! —

It’s galling too, of course, for a young man of gifts and overweening pride to know that if he had, for instance, a paltry three thousand, his whole career, his whole future would be differently shaped and yet not to have that three thousand. —
当然,对于一个有才华又过分自负的年轻人来说,知道如果他有微不足道的三千,他的整个事业、整个未来将会截然不同,但他却没有这三千。 —

Add to that, nervous irritability from hunger, from lodging in a hole, from rags, from a vivid sense of the charm of his social position and his sister’s and mother’s position too. —
再加上因为饥饿、住在洞穴、穿着破烂衣服、对自己社会地位的吸引力以及对姐姐和母亲地位的强烈感觉而产生的神经过敏。 —

Above all, vanity, pride and vanity, though goodness knows he may have good qualities too… . —
最重要的是虚荣心,骄傲而虚荣,尽管天晓得他也可能有好品质。… —

I am not blaming him, please don’t think it; besides, it’s not my business. —
我并不责怪他,请别误会;再说,这和我没关系。 —

A special little theory came in too–a theory of a sort–dividing mankind, you see, into material and superior persons, that is persons to whom the law does not apply owing to their superiority, who make laws for the rest of mankind, the material, that is. —
也出现了一个特别的小理论–一种理论–将人类分为物质人和优越人,也就是那些法律不适用于他们的人,因为他们的高人一等,他们为其他人制定法律。 —

It’s all right as a theory, /une theorie comme une autre/. —
作为一个理论还可以,/une theorie comme une autre/。 —

Napoleon attracted him tremendously, that is, what affected him was that a great many men of genius have not hesitated at wrongdoing, but have overstepped the law without thinking about it. —
拿破仑极其吸引他,也就是说,影响他的是很多天才都毫不犹豫地做错事,超越了法律而不加思索。 —

He seems to have fancied that he was a genius too–that is, he was convinced of it for a time. —
他似乎认为自己也是一个天才–也就是说,有一段时间他确信自己是。 —

He has suffered a great deal and is still suffering from the idea that he could make a theory, but was incapable of boldly overstepping the law, and so he is not a man of genius. —
他受了很多折磨,至今还在因为不能大胆超越法律而认为自己不能成为一个天才而痛苦,因此他不是一个天才。 —

And that’s humiliating for a young man of any pride, in our day especially… .”

“But remorse? You deny him any moral feeling then? Is he like that?”

“Ah, Avdotya Romanovna, everything is in a muddle now; not that it was ever in very good order. —
“啊,阿芙多特加·罗马诺芙娜,现在一切都乱七八糟;虽然从来都没有整顿得很好。 —

Russians in general are broad in their ideas, Avdotya Romanovna, broad like their land and exceedingly disposed to the fantastic, the chaotic. —
俄罗斯人总体上思想开阔,阿芙多特加·罗马诺芙娜,开阔像他们的国土一样,非常倾向于奇幻和混乱。 —

But it’s a misfortune to be broad without a special genius. —
但是广泛却没有特殊天赋是一种不幸。 —

Do you remember what a lot of talk we had together on this subject, sitting in the evenings on the terrace after supper? —
你还记得我们曾经在晚餐后在露台上对这个话题大谈特谈吗? —

Why, you used to reproach me with breadth! —
你当时常常指责我过于开阔! —

Who knows, perhaps we were talking at the very time when he was lying here thinking over his plan. —
谁知道,也许我们正讨论的时候,他就躺在这里思考他的计划。 —

There are no sacred traditions amongst us, especially in the educated class, Avdotya Romanovna. —
在我们之间没有 sacred traditions,尤其是在受过教育的阶层,Avdotya Romanovna。 —

At the best someone will make them up somehow for himself out of books or from some old chronicle. —
最好的情况是有人会从书籍中或某本古老的编年史中随便编造一些。 —

But those are for the most part the learned and all old fogeys, so that it would be almost ill-bred in a man of society. —
但大多数是学者和一些老古董,所以对社交人士来说,这几乎是不礼貌的。 —

You know my opinions in general, though. I never blame anyone. —
你知道我的一般观点,虽然我从不责备任何人。 —

I do nothing at all, I persevere in that. But we’ve talked of this more than once before. —
我什么都不做,我坚持这一点。但我们之前已经谈论过这个问题多次了。 —

I was so happy indeed as to interest you in my opinions… . —
我实在很高兴能引起你对我的观点的兴趣…… —

You are very pale, Avdotya Romanovna.”
你的脸色很苍白,Avdotya Romanovna。

“I know his theory. I read that article of his about men to whom all is permitted. —
“我知道他的理论。我看过他写的关于那些人被允许一切的那篇文章。 —

Razumihin brought it to me.”
Razumihin 给我带来的。

“Mr. Razumihin? Your brother’s article? In a magazine? Is there such an article? —
“Razumihin 先生? 你哥哥的文章? 在杂志上? 确实有这样一篇文章吗? —

I didn’t know. It must be interesting. But where are you going, Avdotya Romanovna?”
我不知道。肯定很有趣。但你要去哪里,Avdotya Romanovna?

“I want to see Sofya Semyonovna,” Dounia articulated faintly. “How do I go to her? —
“我想要去看 Sofya Semyonovna,斯维德,你能告诉我去她那里怎么走吗? —

She has come in, perhaps. I must see her at once. Perhaps she …”

Avdotya Romanovna could not finish. Her breath literally failed her.
Avdotya Romanovna 实在说不完。她的呼吸真的不支持她。

“Sofya Semyonovna will not be back till night, at least I believe not. —
“Sofya Semyonovna 至少不会在夜里回来,我相信是这样。 —

She was to have been back at once, but if not, then she will not be in till quite late.”

“Ah, then you are lying! I see … you were lying … lying all the time… . —
“啊,那么你在撒谎!我明白了…你一直在撒谎…” —

I don’t believe you! I don’t believe you!” —
我不相信你!我不相信你! —

cried Dounia, completely losing her head.

Almost fainting, she sank on to a chair which Svidrigailov made haste to give her.

“Avdotya Romanovna, what is it? Control yourself! Here is some water. Drink a little… .”

He sprinkled some water over her. Dounia shuddered and came to herself.

“It has acted violently,” Svidrigailov muttered to himself, frowning. —
“起了很大的作用,”斯维德里盖洛夫自言自语,皱着眉头说道。 —

“Avdotya Romanovna, calm yourself! Believe me, he has friends. We will save him. —
“阿夫多丽娅·罗曼诺芙娜,冷静下来!相信我,他有朋友。我们会救他的。 —

Would you like me to take him abroad? I have money, I can get a ticket in three days. —
你想让我带他出国吗?我有钱,我可以在三天内买到机票。 —

And as for the murder, he will do all sorts of good deeds yet, to atone for it. —
至于那起谋杀案,他以后会做出各种善行来赎罪。 —

Calm yourself. He may become a great man yet. —
冷静下来。他未来可能成为一个伟大的人。 —

Well, how are you? How do you feel?”

“Cruel man! To be able to jeer at it! Let me go …”

“Where are you going?”

“To him. Where is he? Do you know? Why is this door locked? —
向他。他在哪里?你知道吗?为什么这扇门被锁上了? —

We came in at that door and now it is locked. —
我们是从那扇门进来的,现在却锁上了。 —

When did you manage to lock it?”

“We couldn’t be shouting all over the flat on such a subject. I am far from jeering; —
“我们无法在整个公寓里大声喊出这样的话题。我绝不是在嘲笑; —

it’s simply that I’m sick of talking like this. But how can you go in such a state? —
只是我已经厌倦了这样说话。但你怎么可以以这种状态去见他呢? —

Do you want to betray him? You will drive him to fury, and he will give himself up. —
你难道要背叛他吗?你会惹他生气,他会自首的。 —

Let me tell you, he is already being watched; they are already on his track. —
让我告诉你,他已经被盯上了;他们已经在追踪他了。 —

You will simply be giving him away. Wait a little: I saw him and was talking to him just now. —
你会把他出卖了。等一等:我刚刚看到他并和他交谈过。 —

He can still be saved. Wait a bit, sit down; let us think it over together. —
他仍然可以被拯救。稍等片刻,坐下来;让我们一起好好考虑一下。 —

I asked you to come in order to discuss it alone with you and to consider it thoroughly. But do sit down!”

“How can you save him? Can he really be saved?”

Dounia sat down. Svidrigailov sat down beside her.

“It all depends on you, on you, on you alone,” he begin with glowing eyes, almost in a whisper and hardly able to utter the words for emotion.

Dounia drew back from him in alarm. He too was trembling all over.

“You … one word from you, and he is saved. I … I’ll save him. I have money and friends. —
“你……你说一句话,他就会被拯救。我……我会拯救他。我有钱有朋友。” —

I’ll send him away at once. I’ll get a passport, two passports, one for him and one for me. —
我会立刻把他送走。我会办护照,两本护照,一本给他,一本给我。 —

I have friends … capable people… . If you like, I’ll take a passport for you … —
我有朋友…… 有能力的人…… 如果你愿意,我可以为你办一本护照…… —

for your mother… . What do you want with Razumihin? I love you too… . —
为了你的母亲…… 你为什么要找拉祖米洪?我也爱你…… —

I love you beyond everything… . Let me kiss the hem of your dress, let me, let me… . —
我爱你胜过一切…… 让我亲吻你裙摆的边缘,让我,让我…… —

The very rustle of it is too much for me. Tell me, ‘do that,’ and I’ll do it. I’ll do everything. —
它的一丝声响对我来说就太多了。告诉我,“做这个”,我就会做。我会做任何事。 —

I will do the impossible. What you believe, I will believe. I’ll do anything –anything! —
我会做不可能的事情。你相信什么,我就会相信。我会做任何事,任何事! —

Don’t, don’t look at me like that. Do you know that you are killing me? …”

He was almost beginning to rave… . Something seemed suddenly to go to his head. —
他几乎开始疯狂起来…… 突然有什么东西冲上了他的脑子。 —

Dounia jumped up and rushed to the door.

“Open it! Open it!” she called, shaking the door. “Open it! Is there no one there?”
“打开门!打开门!” 她叫着,摇动着门。 “打开门!那里没人吗?”

Svidrigailov got up and came to himself. —
斯维德里盖洛夫站了起来,恢复了理智。 —

His still trembling lips slowly broke into an angry mocking smile.

“There is no one at home,” he said quietly and emphatically. —
“没人在家,” 他平静而有力地说。 —

“The landlady has gone out, and it’s waste of time to shout like that. —
“房东太太已经出门了,像那样喊是浪费时间。 —

You are only exciting yourself uselessly.”

“Where is the key? Open the door at once, at once, base man!”

“I have lost the key and cannot find it.”

“This is an outrage,” cried Dounia, turning pale as death. —
“这太过分了,”杜尼娅惊恐地说,脸色苍白如死。 —

She rushed to the furthest corner, where she made haste to barricade herself with a little table.

She did not scream, but she fixed her eyes on her tormentor and watched every movement he made.

Svidrigailov remained standing at the other end of the room facing her. —
斯维杰格洛夫站在房间的另一端对着她。 —

He was positively composed, at least in appearance, but his face was pale as before. —
他看起来相当平静,至少在外表上,但脸色和以前一样苍白。 —

The mocking smile did not leave his face.

“You spoke of outrage just now, Avdotya Romanovna. —
“你刚才提到了侮辱,阿夫多特雅·罗曼诺芙娜。 —

In that case you may be sure I’ve taken measures. Sofya Semyonovna is not at home. —
如果是这样,你可以肯定我已经采取措施了。索菲亚·谢苗诺夫娜不在家。 —

The Kapernaumovs are far away–there are five locked rooms between. —
卡柏尔诺夫一家离得很远——我们之间隔了五个上锁的房间。 —

I am at least twice as strong as you are and I have nothing to fear, besides. —
我至少比你强壮两倍,而且我没有什么可害怕的。 —

For you could not complain afterwards. You surely would not be willing actually to betray your brother? —
因为你之后也没有理由抱怨。你肯定不愿意真的背叛你的兄弟吧? —

Besides, no one would believe you. How should a girl have come alone to visit a solitary man in his lodgings? —
况且,谁会相信你呢。一个姑娘独自拜访一个独居的男人的房间? —

So that even if you do sacrifice your brother, you could prove nothing. —
因此,即使你牺牲你的兄弟,你也证明不了什么。 —

It is very difficult to prove an assault, Avdotya Romanovna.”

“Scoundrel!” whispered Dounia indignantly.

“As you like, but observe I was only speaking by way of a general proposition. —
“随你喜欢,但请注意我只是在谈一个一般性的命题。” —

It’s my personal conviction that you are perfectly right –violence is hateful. —
“我个人认为你是完全正确的——暴力是可恶的。” —

I only spoke to show you that you need have no remorse even if … —
“我只是想告诉你,即使……” —

you were willing to save your brother of your own accord, as I suggest to you. —
“你愿意出于自己的决意拯救你的兄弟,就像我建议的那样,你也不需要感到懊悔。” —

You would be simply submitting to circumstances, to violence, in fact, if we must use that word. —
“如果我们必须使用那个词,你只是在顺应情势,实际上是在顺应暴力。” —

Think about it. Your brother’s and your mother’s fate are in your hands. —
想想看。你兄弟和你母亲的命运掌握在你手中。 —

I will be your slave … all my life . . —
我将永远做你的奴隶… —

. I will wait here.”

Svidrigailov sat down on the sofa about eight steps from Dounia. —
史维德里加洛夫在沙发上坐下,距离杜尼娅大约有八步之遥。 —

She had not the slightest doubt now of his unbending determination. Besides, she knew him. —
她现在对他坚决不屈的决心毫无疑问。此外,她了解他。 —

Suddenly she pulled out of her pocket a revolver, cocked it and laid it in her hand on the table. —
突然,她从口袋里掏出一把左轮手枪,上膛,放在桌子上。 —

Svidrigailov jumped up.

“Aha! So that’s it, is it?” he cried, surprised but smiling maliciously. —
“啊哈!原来是这样啊?”他惊讶地喊道,但坏笑着。 —

“Well, that completely alters the aspect of affairs. —
“嗯,事情的面貌完全改变了。 —

You’ve made things wonderfully easier for me, Avdotya Romanovna. —
你给我事情变得十分容易,阿芙多特娅·罗马诺芙娜。 —

But where did you get the revolver? Was it Mr. Razumihin? Why, it’s my revolver, an old friend! —
但你从哪里拿到这把左轮手枪?拉祖米欣先生给的吗?为什么,这是我的左轮手枪,一个老朋友! —

And how I’ve hunted for it! The shooting lessons I’ve given you in the country have not been thrown away.”

“It’s not your revolver, it belonged to Marfa Petrovna, whom you killed, wretch! —
“这不是你的左轮手枪,它属于玛尔法·彼得罗芙娜,你这个恶棍!” —

There was nothing of yours in her house. —
“她的屋子里没有你的东西。 —

I took it when I began to suspect what you were capable of. —
我开始怀疑你会做出什么事情时,就拿走了它。” —

If you dare to advance one step, I swear I’ll kill you.” She was frantic.
“你若敢再前进一步,我发誓我会杀了你。” 她心慌意乱。

“But your brother? I ask from curiosity,” said Svidrigailov, still standing where he was.
“但是你的哥哥呢?我好奇地问,” 斯维杰戈洛夫仍旧站在原地。

“Inform, if you want to! Don’t stir! Don’t come nearer! I’ll shoot! —
“想通知的话就通知!不要动!别再靠近!我会开枪的! —

You poisoned your wife, I know; you are a murderer yourself!” —
“你毒死了你的妻子,我知道;你自己就是个杀人犯!” —

She held the revolver ready.

“Are you so positive I poisoned Marfa Petrovna?”

“You did! You hinted it yourself; you talked to me of poison… . I know you went to get it … —
“你毒死了!你自己暗示过;你跟我谈过毒药……我知道你去拿它的……” —

you had it in readiness… . It was your doing… . —
你已经准备好了……这是你的所作所为…… —

It must have been your doing… . Scoundrel!”

“Even if that were true, it would have been for your sake … you would have been the cause.”

“You are lying! I hated you always, always… .”

“Oho, Avdotya Romanovna! You seem to have forgotten how you softened to me in the heat of propaganda. —
“哦,阿夫多琳娜·罗马诺芙娜!你似乎忘记了你在宣传热情洋溢时是如何对我温柔的。 —

I saw it in your eyes. Do you remember that moonlight night, when the nightingale was singing?”

“That’s a lie,” there was a flash of fury in Dounia’s eyes, “that’s a lie and a libel!”

“A lie? Well, if you like, it’s a lie. I made it up. —
“谎言?那就是个谎言。我编造出来的。” —

Women ought not to be reminded of such things,” he smiled. —
“女人不该被提醒这样的事情。”他微笑着说。 —

“I know you will shoot, you pretty wild creature. Well, shoot away!”

Dounia raised the revolver, and deadly pale, gazed at him, measuring the distance and awaiting the first movement on his part. —
杜尼娅举起左轮手枪,脸色苍白,凝视着他,估量着距离,等待着他的第一个动作。 —

Her lower lip was white and quivering and her big black eyes flashed like fire. —
她的下唇发白在颤抖,她那双又大又黑的眼睛燃烧着火焰。 —

He had never seen her so handsome. The fire glowing in her eyes at the moment she raised the revolver seemed to kindle him and there was a pang of anguish in his heart. —
他从未见过她如此美丽。她举起左轮手枪时眼中的火焰仿佛点燃了他的心,心头一阵剧痛。 —

He took a step forward and a shot rang out. —
他向前迈出一步,一声枪响。 —

The bullet grazed his hair and flew into the wall behind. —
子弹擦着他的头发飞入了后面的墙壁。 —

He stood still and laughed softly.

“The wasp has stung me. She aimed straight at my head. What’s this? Blood?” —
“黄蜂蜇了我。她直接瞄准了我的头。这是什么?流血了?” —

he pulled out his handkerchief to wipe the blood, which flowed in a thin stream down his right temple. —
他掏出手帕擦拭着右鬓流下的细细血迹。 —

The bullet seemed to have just grazed the skin.

Dounia lowered the revolver and looked at Svidrigailov not so much in terror as in a sort of wild amazement. —
多妮娅放下手枪,不是因恐惧而是种野性的惊奇地看着斯维德里盖洛夫。 —

She seemed not to understand what she was doing and what was going on.

“Well, you missed! Fire again, I’ll wait,” said Svidrigailov softly, still smiling, but gloomily. —
“哦,你没打中!再开一枪,我等着,” 斯维德里盖洛夫轻声说着,仍带笑容,但阴沉地。 —

“If you go on like that, I shall have time to seize you before you cock again.”

Dounia started, quickly cocked the pistol and again raised it.

“Let me be,” she cried in despair. “I swear I’ll shoot again. I … I’ll kill you.”
“放过我,” 她绝望地大叫道。”我发誓我会再射击的。我……我会杀了你的。”

“Well … at three paces you can hardly help it. But if you don’t … then.” —
“好……三步距离你几乎不可能不中。但如果你不……那么。” —

His eyes flashed and he took two steps forward. —
他眼中闪过一丝光芒,向前迈出两步。 —

Dounia shot again: it missed fire.

“You haven’t loaded it properly. Never mind, you have another charge there. —
“你没有正确装填。没关系,你还有另一发弹药。准备好,我等着。” —

Get it ready, I’ll wait.”

He stood facing her, two paces away, waiting and gazing at her with wild determination, with feverishly passionate, stubborn, set eyes. —
他站在离她两步远的地方,等待着,用狂热的决心凝视着她,眼神里充满顽强、热情,死也不放手。 —

Dounia saw that he would sooner die than let her go. “And … —
多尼娅看到他宁可死也不放弃她。“而且…… —

now, of course she would kill him, at two paces!” —
现在,当然她会杀了他,在两步之外!” —

Suddenly she flung away the revolver.

“She’s dropped it!” said Svidrigailov with surprise, and he drew a deep breath. —
“她丢了!”斯维杰利高惊讶地说,深深地吸了口气。 —

A weight seemed to have rolled from his heart–perhaps not only the fear of death; —
他感觉心头轻松了下来——也许并不仅仅是对死亡的恐惧; —

indeed he may scarcely have felt it at that moment. —
事实上,在那一刻,他或许几乎没有感受到它。 —

It was the deliverance from another feeling, darker and more bitter, which he could not himself have defined.

He went to Dounia and gently put his arm round her waist. —
他走到多尼娅身边,温柔地搂住她的腰。 —

She did not resist, but, trembling like a leaf, looked at him with suppliant eyes. —
她没有反抗,但颤抖着像树叶一样,用恳求的眼神看着他。 —

He tried to say something, but his lips moved without being able to utter a sound.

“Let me go,” Dounia implored. Svidrigailov shuddered. Her voice now was quite different.

“Then you don’t love me?” he asked softly. Dounia shook her head.

“And … and you can’t? Never?” he whispered in despair.


There followed a moment of terrible, dumb struggle in the heart of Svidrigailov. —
斯维德里高洛夫的内心发生了一场可怕而愚蠢的争斗。 —

He looked at her with an indescribable gaze. —
他用一种难以形容的目光看着她。 —

Suddenly he withdrew his arm, turned quickly to the window and stood facing it. —
突然间,他缩回手臂,迅速转向窗户,面朝着它。 —

Another moment passed.

“Here’s the key.”

He took it out of the left pocket of his coat and laid it on the table behind him, without turning or looking at Dounia.

“Take it! Make haste!”

He looked stubbornly out of the window. Dounia went up to the table to take the key.

“Make haste! Make haste!” repeated Svidrigailov, still without turning or moving. —
“快!快!”斯维德里高洛夫重复道,仍然没有转身或移动。 —

But there seemed a terrible significance in the tone of that “make haste.”

Dounia understood it, snatched up the key, flew to the door, unlocked it quickly and rushed out of the room. —
敦尼亚明白了,抓起钥匙,飞奔到门口,迅速打开门,冲出了房间。 —

A minute later, beside herself, she ran out on to the canal bank in the direction of X. Bridge.

Svidrigailov remained three minutes standing at the window. —
斯维德里高洛夫在窗前站了三分钟。 —

At last he slowly turned, looked about him and passed his hand over his forehead. —
最后他慢慢转身,四周张望,手掌擦过额头。 —

A strange smile contorted his face, a pitiful, sad, weak smile, a smile of despair. —
一种奇怪的微笑扭曲了他的脸,一种可怜、悲伤、无力的绝望微笑。 —

The blood, which was already getting dry, smeared his hand. —
血已经干了,在他手上涂抹着。 —

He looked angrily at it, then wetted a towel and washed his temple. —
他愤怒地看着它,然后湿了一条毛巾,擦洗着自己的太阳穴。 —

The revolver which Dounia had flung away lay near the door and suddenly caught his eye. —
女儿扔掉的左轮手枪就在门边,突然引起了他的注意。 —

He picked it up and examined it. It was a little pocket three-barrel revolver of old-fashioned construction. —
他拾起它并检查了一下。这是一把老式构造的小口袋三管手枪。 —

There were still two charges and one capsule left in it. It could be fired again. —
里面还有两发子弹和一枚药囊。它可以再次开火。 —

He thought a little, put the revolver in his pocket, took his hat and went out.