At that moment the door was softly opened, and a young girl walked into the room, looking timidly about her. —
在那一刻,门被轻轻打开,一个年轻女孩走进房间,畏首畏尾地四处张望。 —

Everyone turned towards her with surprise and curiosity. —
众人都惊讶而好奇地转向她。 —

At first sight, Raskolnikov did not recognise her. It was Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladov. —
车尔尼雪夫·谢梅诺夫娜·马尔梅拉多夫进来了。 —

He had seen her yesterday for the first time, but at such a moment, in such surroundings and in such a dress, that his memory retained a very different image of her. —
拉斯科尔尼科夫一时没认出她来。昨天他见过她,但那时的环境和着装让他对她有了完全不同的印象。 —

Now she was a modestly and poorly-dressed young girl, very young, indeed, almost like a child, with a modest and refined manner, with a candid but somewhat frightened-looking face. —
她现在是一个衣着朴素、穷困的年轻女孩,非常年轻,几乎像个孩子,带着谦虚而精致的举止,面容纯真但有点害怕。 —

She was wearing a very plain indoor dress, and had on a shabby old- fashioned hat, but she still carried a parasol. —
她穿着一身非常朴素的室内服装,戴着一顶陈旧的老式帽子,但仍带着一把阳伞。 —

Unexpectedly finding the room full of people, she was not so much embarrassed as completely overwhelmed with shyness, like a little child. —
没料到房间里挤满了人,她感到的不是尴尬,而是完全被羞涩淹没,就像个小孩。 —

She was even about to retreat. “Oh … it’s you!” —
她甚至有些想退缩。“哦……是你啊!” —

said Raskolnikov, extremely astonished, and he, too, was confused. —
拉斯科尔尼科夫非常惊讶地说,他也感到困惑。 —

He at once recollected that his mother and sister knew through Luzhin’s letter of “some young woman of notorious behaviour.” —
他马上想起母亲和妹妹通过卢日因的信得知了“某个名声不佳的年轻女子”。 —

He had only just been protesting against Luzhin’s calumny and declaring that he had seen the girl last night for the first time, and suddenly she had walked in. —
他刚刚还在抗议卢日因的诽谤,声称昨晚才第一次见到这个女孩,结果她突然走了进来。 —

He remembered, too, that he had not protested against the expression “of notorious behaviour.” —
他还记得,自己并没有反对“名声不佳”这个词语。 —

All this passed vaguely and fleetingly through his brain, but looking at her more intently, he saw that the humiliated creature was so humiliated that he felt suddenly sorry for her. —
所有这一切在他脑海里朦胧而飞快地过去,但仔细看着她,他看到这个受辱的人如此受辱,突然为她感到难过。 —

When she made a movement to retreat in terror, it sent a pang to his heart.

“I did not expect you,” he said, hurriedly, with a look that made her stop. “Please sit down. —
“我没想到你会来,”他仓促地说道,用一种神情让她停下来。“请坐下。 —

You come, no doubt, from Katerina Ivanovna. —
你毫无疑问是从叶里克西耶夫娜那里来的。 —

Allow me–not there. Sit here… .”

At Sonia’s entrance, Razumihin, who had been sitting on one of Raskolnikov’s three chairs, close to the door, got up to allow her to enter. —
索尼娅进来时,拉祖米欣,原本坐在罗得斯科尔尼科夫旁边一个靠近门的椅子上,站起来让她进来。 —

Raskolnikov had at first shown her the place on the sofa where Zossimov had been sitting, but feeling that the sofa which served him as a bed, was too /familiar/ a place, he hurriedly motioned her to Razumihin’s chair.

“You sit here,” he said to Razumihin, putting him on the sofa.

Sonia sat down, almost shaking with terror, and looked timidly at the two ladies. —
索尼娅坐下,几乎因恐惧而颤抖,畏畏缩缩地看着那两位女士。 —

It was evidently almost inconceivable to herself that she could sit down beside them. —
对她自己来说,除了坐在她们旁边几乎是难以想象的。 —

At the thought of it, she was so frightened that she hurriedly got up again, and in utter confusion addressed Raskolnikov.

“I … I … have come for one minute. Forgive me for disturbing you,” she began falteringly. —
“我……我……只来一会儿。请原谅我打扰你们,”她开始结巴地说。 —

“I come from Katerina Ivanovna, and she had no one to send. Katerina Ivanovna told me to beg you . —
“我是从叶里克西耶夫娜那里来的,她没有其他人可以派遣。叶里克西耶夫娜告诉我求你…… —

. . to be at the service … in the morning … at Mitrofanievsky … and then … to us . —
在明天早上……在米特洛法尼耶夫斯基教堂……到我们这里…… —

. . to her … to do her the honour … —
到她那里……尊她这个荣幸…… —

she told me to beg you …” Sonia stammered and ceased speaking.

“I will try, certainly, most certainly,” answered Raskolnikov. —
“我一定会尽力,当然,当然,”罗得斯科尔尼科夫回答道。 —

He, too, stood up, and he, too, faltered and could not finish his sentence. —
他也站了起来,也结结巴巴,无法完成自己的句子。 —

“Please sit down,” he said, suddenly. “I want to talk to you. —
“请坐下,”他突然说道,“我想和你谈谈。” —

You are perhaps in a hurry, but please, be so kind, spare me two minutes,” and he drew up a chair for her.

Sonia sat down again, and again timidly she took a hurried, frightened look at the two ladies, and dropped her eyes. —
索尼娅再次坐下,又害羞地朝两位女士投去一个匆忙而恐惧的眼神,然后低下了头。 —

Raskolnikov’s pale face flushed, a shudder passed over him, his eyes glowed.

“Mother,” he said, firmly and insistently, “this is Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladov, the daughter of that unfortunate Mr. Marmeladov, who was run over yesterday before my eyes, and of whom I was just telling you.”

Pulcheria Alexandrovna glanced at Sonia, and slightly screwed up her eyes. —
普尔凯里娅·亚历山德罗芙娜瞥了一眼索尼娅,微微皱眉。 —

In spite of her embarrassment before Rodya’s urgent and challenging look, she could not deny herself that satisfaction. —
尽管在罗德雅急迫而挑衅的眼神面前感到尴尬,她还是忍不住感到满意。 —

Dounia gazed gravely and intently into the poor girl’s face, and scrutinised her with perplexity. —
杜妮娅认真而专注地看着这位可怜女孩的脸,困惑地审视着她。 —

Sonia, hearing herself introduced, tried to raise her eyes again, but was more embarrassed than ever.

“I wanted to ask you,” said Raskolnikov, hastily, “how things were arranged yesterday. —
“我想问你,”拉斯科尔尼科夫匆忙地说,“昨天事情是怎么安排的。 —

You were not worried by the police, for instance?”

“No, that was all right … it was too evident, the cause of death … —
“没有,那些都没问题……死因太明显了…… —

they did not worry us … only the lodgers are angry.”


“At the body’s remaining so long. You see it is hot now. —
“因为尸体留在那么久。你看现在天气这么热。” —

So that, to-day, they will carry it to the cemetery, into the chapel, until to-morrow. —
所以,今天他们会把它带到墓地,进入教堂,直到明天。 —

At first Katerina Ivanovna was unwilling, but now she sees herself that it’s necessary …”

“To-day, then?”

“She begs you to do us the honour to be in the church to-morrow for the service, and then to be present at the funeral lunch.”

“She is giving a funeral lunch?”

“Yes … just a little… . She told me to thank you very much for helping us yesterday. —
“是的…只是一点点…她让我非常感谢您昨天帮助我们.” —

But for you, we should have had nothing for the funeral.”

All at once her lips and chin began trembling, but, with an effort, she controlled herself, looking down again.

During the conversation, Raskolnikov watched her carefully. —
在谈话期间,罗季昂诺夫仔细观察着她。 —

She had a thin, very thin, pale little face, rather irregular and angular, with a sharp little nose and chin. —
她有一张细弱的、非常细弱的、苍白的小脸,相当不规则和尖锐的小鼻子和下巴。 —

She could not have been called pretty, but her blue eyes were so clear, and when they lighted up, there was such a kindliness and simplicity in her expression that one could not help being attracted. —
她不能被称作漂亮,但她的蓝眼睛是如此清澈,当它们亮起时,她的表情中有如此的亲切和朴实,令人无法不被吸引。 —

Her face, and her whole figure indeed, had another peculiar characteristic. —
她的脸和整个身材都有另一个特殊的特征。 —

In spite of her eighteen years, she looked almost a little girl–almost a child. —
尽管她已经十八岁了,她看起来几乎像个小女孩,几乎像个孩子。 —

And in some of her gestures, this childishness seemed almost absurd.

“But has Katerina Ivanovna been able to manage with such small means? —
“但是卡捷琳娜·伊万诺夫娜能够用那么少的钱维持生活吗?” —

Does she even mean to have a funeral lunch?” —
她甚至有意要搞一个葬礼午餐吗? —

Raskolnikov asked, persistently keeping up the conversation.

“The coffin will be plain, of course … and everything will be plain, so it won’t cost much. —
“棺材肯定会是简单的…一切都会简单,这样就不会花太多钱。 —

Katerina Ivanovna and I have reckoned it all out, so that there will be enough left … —
叶卡捷琳娜·伊凡诺芙娜和我已经计算得很清楚,还会剩下足够的… —

and Katerina Ivanovna was very anxious it should be so. You know one can’t … —
叶卡捷琳娜·伊凡诺芙娜非常希望如此。你知道,人们不能… —

it’s a comfort to her … she is like that, you know… .”

“I understand, I understand … of course … —
“我明白,我明白…当然可以… —

why do you look at my room like that? My mother has just said it is like a tomb.”

“You gave us everything yesterday,” Sonia said suddenly, in reply, in a loud rapid whisper; —
“昨天你给了我们一切,”索尼娅突然回答,声音大而急促; —

and again she looked down in confusion. Her lips and chin were trembling once more. —
她再次尴尬地低下头。她的嘴唇和下巴再次颤抖。 —

She had been struck at once by Raskolnikov’s poor surroundings, and now these words broke out spontaneously. —
她立即被拉斯科尔尼科夫的贫瘠环境所震撼,现在这些话语又自然而然地冒了出来。 —

A silence followed. There was a light in Dounia’s eyes, and even Pulcheria Alexandrovna looked kindly at Sonia.

“Rodya,” she said, getting up, “we shall have dinner together, of course. Come, Dounia… . —
“罗狄亚,”她站起来说,“我们当然要一起吃晚餐。 来吧,杜尼娅。 … —

And you, Rodya, had better go for a little walk, and then rest and lie down before you come to see us. —
你,罗狄亚,最好出去散个步,然后休息一下,躺下来再过来见我们。 —

… I am afraid we have exhausted you… .”
… 我担心我们已经把你累坏了… .”

“Yes, yes, I’ll come,” he answered, getting up fussily. “But I have something to see to.”

“But surely you will have dinner together?” —
“但你们不会一起吃晚饭吗?” —

cried Razumihin, looking in surprise at Raskolnikov. —
看着拉斯科尔尼科夫,拉祖米欣惊讶地喊道。 —

“What do you mean?”

“Yes, yes, I am coming … of course, of course! And you stay a minute. —
“是的,是的,我来… 当然,当然!你留一会儿。 —

You do not want him just now, do you, mother? —
你现在不需要他,对吗,妈妈? —

Or perhaps I am taking him from you?”

“Oh, no, no. And will you, Dmitri Prokofitch, do us the favour of dining with us?”

“Please do,” added Dounia.

Razumihin bowed, positively radiant. For one moment, they were all strangely embarrassed.

“Good-bye, Rodya, that is till we meet. I do not like saying good-bye. —
“再见,罗季亚,直到我们再见面。我不喜欢说再见。 —

Good-bye, Nastasya. Ah, I have said good-bye again.”

Pulcheria Alexandrovna meant to greet Sonia, too; —
普尔切里娅·亚历山德罗夫娜本来也想和索尼娅打招呼; —

but it somehow failed to come off, and she went in a flutter out of the room.

But Avdotya Romanovna seemed to await her turn, and following her mother out, gave Sonia an attentive, courteous bow. —
但是阿芙多托亚·罗马诺夫娜似乎在等待她的轮到,随着母亲走出去,对索尼娅做了一个细心而有礼貌的鞠躬。 —

Sonia, in confusion, gave a hurried, frightened curtsy. —
索尼娅困惑中,匆忙而惊恐地鞠了一个急促的躬。 —

There was a look of poignant discomfort in her face, as though Avdotya Romanovna’s courtesy and attention were oppressive and painful to her.

“Dounia, good-bye,” called Raskolnikov, in the passage. “Give me your hand.”
“多尼娅,再见,” 罗德斯科尔尼科夫在走廊里喊道。”给我你的手.”

“Why, I did give it to you. Have you forgotten?” said Dounia, turning warmly and awkwardly to him.
“怎么了,我已经给过你了。你忘了吗?” 多尼娅热情而笨拙地转身对他说。

“Never mind, give it to me again.” And he squeezed her fingers warmly.
“不要紧,再给我一次.” 他热情地握住她的手指。

Dounia smiled, flushed, pulled her hand away, and went off quite happy.

“Come, that’s capital,” he said to Sonia, going back and looking brightly at her. —
“来吧,这太棒了,”他对索尼娅说,回过头来亮亮地看着她。 —

“God give peace to the dead, the living have still to live. —
“愿逝者安息,活着的人还要继续生活。 —

That is right, isn’t it?”

Sonia looked surprised at the sudden brightness of his face. —
索尼娅对他突然亮起的脸色感到惊讶。 —

He looked at her for some moments in silence. —
他沉默几个时刻看着她。 —

The whole history of the dead father floated before his memory in those moments… .


“Heavens, Dounia,” Pulcheria Alexandrovna began, as soon as they were in the street, “I really feel relieved myself at coming away–more at ease. —
“天哪,朵霞,”普尔谢里娅·亚历山德罗芙娜一上街就开始说,“我真的感到自己松了口气–更加轻松了。 —

How little did I think yesterday in the train that I could ever be glad of that.”

“I tell you again, mother, he is still very ill. Don’t you see it? —
“我再次告诉你,母亲,他还是很病。你难道没看出来吗? —

Perhaps worrying about us upset him. We must be patient, and much, much can be forgiven.”

“Well, you were not very patient!” Pulcheria Alexandrovna caught her up, hotly and jealously. —
“嗯,你可不怎么耐心!”普尔谢里娅·亚历山德罗芙娜火速而嫉妒地说道。 —

“Do you know, Dounia, I was looking at you two. —
“你知道吗,朵尼娅,我一直在看着你们两个。 —

You are the very portrait of him, and not so much in face as in soul. —
你们俩就是他的绝对翻版,不仅在面孔上,更在灵魂上。 —

You are both melancholy, both morose and hot-tempered, both haughty and both generous… . —
你们俩都忧郁,都脾气暴躁,都傲慢而慷慨…” —

Surely he can’t be an egoist, Dounia. Eh? —
多尼娅,他肯定不可能是个自私自利的人,对吧? —

When I think of what is in store for us this evening, my heart sinks!”

“Don’t be uneasy, mother. What must be, will be.”

“Dounia, only think what a position we are in! —
多尼娅,想想我们现在的处境吧! —

What if Pyotr Petrovitch breaks it off?” —
如果彼得·彼得罗维奇中途打消念头怎么办呢? —

poor Pulcheria Alexandrovna blurted out, incautiously.

“He won’t be worth much if he does,” answered Dounia, sharply and contemptuously.

“We did well to come away,” Pulcheria Alexandrovna hurriedly broke in. —
“我们离开是对的,”Pulcheria Alexandrovna匆匆打断。 —

“He was in a hurry about some business or other. If he gets out and has a breath of air … —
“他有某种生意急事。如果他出来呼吸一下… —

it is fearfully close in his room… . But where is one to get a breath of air here? —
他的房间里非常闷热… 但是在这里哪里能呼吸到空气呢? —

The very streets here feel like shut-up rooms. Good heavens! what a town! … stay … —
这里的街道感觉就像封闭的房间。天哪!这是一个什么城市!… 等一下… —

this side … they will crush you–carrying something. —
这边… 他们会挤到你身上 - 拿着东西。 —

Why, it is a piano they have got, I declare … how they push! … —
天啊,他们拿了把钢琴,我发誓… 他们好推!… —

I am very much afraid of that young woman, too.”

“What young woman, mother?

“Why, that Sofya Semyonovna, who was there just now.”


“I have a presentiment, Dounia. Well, you may believe it or not, but as soon as she came in, that very minute, I felt that she was the chief cause of the trouble… .”

“Nothing of the sort!” cried Dounia, in vexation. “What nonsense, with your presentiments, mother! —
“扯谈!”杜尼娅生气地大喊道。“母亲,别胡言乱语!” —

He only made her acquaintance the evening before, and he did not know her when she came in.”

“Well, you will see… . She worries me; but you will see, you will see! I was so frightened. —
“你等着瞧… 她让我很担心;不过你会看到,你会看到!我当时吓坏了。 —

She was gazing at me with those eyes. I could scarcely sit still in my chair when he began introducing her, do you remember? —
她用那双眼睛盯着我。当他开始介绍她时,我几乎坐不住.” —

It seems so strange, but Pyotr Petrovitch writes like that about her, and he introduces her to us–to you! —
看来很奇怪,但彼得·彼得洛维奇对她写的就是这样,他把她介绍给我们——给你! —

So he must think a great deal of her.”

“People will write anything. We were talked about and written about, too. —
“人们会乱写。我们也被谈论过,被写过。 —

Have you forgotten? I am sure that she is a good girl, and that it is all nonsense.”

“God grant it may be!”

“And Pyotr Petrovitch is a contemptible slanderer,” Dounia snapped out, suddenly.
“彼得·彼得洛维奇是个卑鄙的诽谤者,” 杜尼娅突然厉声说道。

Pulcheria Alexandrovna was crushed; the conversation was not resumed.


“I will tell you what I want with you,” said Raskolnikov, drawing Razumihin to the window.
“我会告诉你我要怎么样对待你,” 拉斯科尔尼科夫说着,把拉祖米欣拉到了窗边。

“Then I will tell Katerina Ivanovna that you are coming,” Sonia said hurriedly, preparing to depart.
“那么我会告诉叶卡捷琳娜·伊万诺夫娜说你会来的,” 索尼娅匆忙地说着,准备离开。

“One minute, Sofya Semyonovna. We have no secrets. You are not in our way. —
“等一下,索菲亚·谢梅诺芙娜。我们没有秘密。你不会碍事。 —

I want to have another word or two with you. Listen!” —
我还想和你聊几句话。听着!” —

he turned suddenly to Razumihin again. “You know that … —
他又突然转向拉祖米欣。”你知道那个…他叫什么名字…波尔菲里·佩特罗维奇?” —

what’s his name … Porfiry Petrovitch?”
“当然认识! 他是我们的亲戚。为什么?” 后者带着兴趣问道。

“I should think so! He is a relation. Why?” added the latter, with interest.
“他不是在处理那个案子…你知道的,那宗谋杀案? .

“Is not he managing that case … you know, about that murder? . —
你昨天正在谈论它.” —

. . You were speaking about it yesterday.”
“是的…那个呢?” 拉祖米欣的眼睛瞪大了。

“Yes … well?” Razumihin’s eyes opened wide.
“他在寻找典当物的人,而我也有些典当品—无关紧要的东西—我妹妹离开家时给我的戒指,以及我爸爸的银表—它们加起来只值五六卢布 .

“He was inquiring for people who had pawned things, and I have some pledges there, too–trifles–a ring my sister gave me as a keepsake when I left home, and my father’s silver watch–they are only worth five or six roubles altogether . —
. . 但我很在意。那么现在我该怎么办呢? —

. . but I value them. So what am I to do now? —
我不想失去那些东西,尤其是那块表。 —

I do not want to lose the things, especially the watch. —
我刚才非常害怕,害怕母亲会在我们提到杜尼亚的表时要求看看我的表。 —

I was quaking just now, for fear mother would ask to look at it, when we spoke of Dounia’s watch. —
我要怎么办?” —

It is the only thing of father’s left us. She would be ill if it were lost. —
这是父亲留给我们的唯一的东西。如果丢了,她会生病的。 —

You know what women are. So tell me what to do. —
你知道女人们是怎样的。所以告诉我该怎么办。 —

I know I ought to have given notice at the police station, but would it not be better to go straight to Porfiry? —
我知道我应该去警局报案,但是直接去找波尔菲里会不会更好呢? —

Eh? What do you think? The matter might be settled more quickly. —
嗯?你怎么想?问题可能会更快解决。 —

You see, mother may ask for it before dinner.”

“Certainly not to the police station. Certainly to Porfiry,” Razumihin shouted in extraordinary excitement. —
“当然不会去警局。一定要去找波尔菲里,” 拉兹米欣激动地喊道。 —

“Well, how glad I am. Let us go at once. —
“好吧,我多么高兴啊。我们马上去。 —

It is a couple of steps. We shall be sure to find him.”

“Very well, let us go.”

“And he will be very, very glad to make your acquaintance. —
“而且他会非常高兴认识你的。 —

I have often talked to him of you at different times. I was speaking of you yesterday. Let us go. —
我以前在不同的时候常常跟他提起过你。昨天还在谈论你。咱们去吧。 —

So you knew the old woman? So that’s it! —
所以你认识那个老太太?原来是这样! —

It is all turning out splendidly… . Oh, yes, Sofya Ivanovna …”

“Sofya Semyonovna,” corrected Raskolnikov. —
“索菲娅谢缅诺芙娜,” 拉斯科尔尼科夫纠正道。 —

“Sofya Semyonovna, this is my friend Razumihin, and he is a good man.”

“If you have to go now,” Sonia was beginning, not looking at Razumihin at all, and still more embarrassed.

“Let us go,” decided Raskolnikov. “I will come to you to-day, Sofya Semyonovna. —
“让我们走吧,”罗德执科尔尼科夫决定道。“我今天会来找你,索菲亚·谢苔诺夫娜。” —

Only tell me where you live.”

He was not exactly ill at ease, but seemed hurried, and avoided her eyes. —
他并不是完全不自在,但似乎有点慌张,避开了她的眼睛。 —

Sonia gave her address, and flushed as she did so. —
索尼娅报出了她的地址,说话时脸红了。 —

They all went out together.

“Don’t you lock up?” asked Razumihin, following him on to the stairs.

“Never,” answered Raskolnikov. “I have been meaning to buy a lock for these two years. —
“从来没有,”拉斯科尔尼科夫回答道。“我一直打算买一个锁已经两年了。 —

People are happy who have no need of locks,” he said, laughing, to Sonia. They stood still in the gateway.

“Do you go to the right, Sofya Semyonovna? How did you find me, by the way?” —
“索菲娅·谢苗诺芙娜,你往右边走吗?你是怎么找到我的,顺便问一下。” —

he added, as though he wanted to say something quite different. —
他又补充道,好像想说的是完全不同的事情。 —

He wanted to look at her soft clear eyes, but this was not easy.

“Why, you gave your address to Polenka yesterday.”

“Polenka? Oh, yes; Polenka, that is the little girl. —
“波兰卡?哦,是了;波兰卡,就是那个小女孩。 —

She is your sister? Did I give her the address?”

“Why, had you forgotten?”

“No, I remember.”

“I had heard my father speak of you … only I did not know your name, and he did not know it. —
“我听我父亲提起过你… 只是我不知道你的名字,他也不知道。 —

And now I came … and as I had learnt your name, I asked to-day, ‘Where does Mr. Raskolnikov live?’ —
现在我来了… 我已经知道了你的名字,今天问道,‘拉斯科尔尼科夫先生住在哪里?’” —

I did not know you had only a room too… . —
“我不知道你也只有一个房间… .” —

Good-bye, I will tell Katerina Ivanovna.”

She was extremely glad to escape at last; —
她终于极其高兴地逃走; —

she went away looking down, hurrying to get out of sight as soon as possible, to walk the twenty steps to the turning on the right and to be at last alone, and then moving rapidly along, looking at no one, noticing nothing, to think, to remember, to meditate on every word, every detail. —
她走开时低着头,匆忙离开视线,尽快走到右边的拐角处,最终独自一人,然后快速行走,不看任何人,不注意任何事物,只是思考、回忆、反思每一个词语,每一个细节。 —

Never, never had she felt anything like this. —
从来没有她有过这样的感觉。 —

Dimly and unconsciously a whole new world was opening before her. —
她模糊地、无意识地看到一个全新的世界正在向她展开。 —

She remembered suddenly that Raskolnikov meant to come to her that day, perhaps at once!

“Only not to-day, please, not to-day!” she kept muttering with a sinking heart, as though entreating someone, like a frightened child. —
“只是不要今天,拜托,不要今天!”她抑制着心头沉重的害怕,仿佛在恳求某人,仿佛是一个受惊吓的孩子。 —

“Mercy! to me … to that room … he will see … oh, dear!”

She was not capable at that instant of noticing an unknown gentleman who was watching her and following at her heels. —
就在那一瞬间,她竟没有注意到一个陌生的绅士正注视着她,跟在她的后面。 —

He had accompanied her from the gateway. —
他一直从大门口一路陪同着她。 —

At the moment when Razumihin, Raskolnikov, and she stood still at parting on the pavement, this gentleman, who was just passing, started on hearing Sonia’s words: —
当拉兹穆欣、罗季克诺夫和她站在人行道上告别时,这位刚好经过的绅士听到了索尼娅的话语,心中一动。 —

“and I asked where Mr. Raskolnikov lived?” —
“我问过罗季克诺夫先生住在哪里?” —

He turned a rapid but attentive look upon all three, especially upon Raskolnikov, to whom Sonia was speaking; —
他以迅速而专注的目光看了三人,尤其是索尼娅在说话的罗季克诺夫; —

then looked back and noted the house. All this was done in an instant as he passed, and trying not to betray his interest, he walked on more slowly as though waiting for something. —
然后回头注意到了那栋房子。这一切都在他经过时瞬息间完成,尽量不暴露出自己的兴趣,他走得更慢了,仿佛在等待某事。 —

He was waiting for Sonia; he saw that they were parting, and that Sonia was going home.

“Home? Where? I’ve seen that face somewhere,” he thought. “I must find out.”

At the turning he crossed over, looked round, and saw Sonia coming the same way, noticing nothing. —
在拐角处,他穿过街道,环顾四周,看到索尼娅也朝同一方向走来,却没有注意到任何事情。 —

She turned the corner. He followed her on the other side. —
她拐过了角。他在另一侧跟着她。 —

After about fifty paces he crossed over again, overtook her and kept two or three yards behind her.

He was a man about fifty, rather tall and thickly set, with broad high shoulders which made him look as though he stooped a little. —
他是一个大约五十岁的男人,相当高大而身材魁梧,宽宽的高肩让他看起来稍微有点驼背。 —

He wore good and fashionable clothes, and looked like a gentleman of position. —
他穿着时尚得体的衣服,看起来像一个地位高贵的绅士。 —

He carried a handsome cane, which he tapped on the pavement at each step; his gloves were spotless. —
他拿着一根漂亮的手杖,在每一步都敲击在人行道上;他的手套一尘不染。 —

He had a broad, rather pleasant face with high cheek-bones and a fresh colour, not often seen in Petersburg. —
他有一张宽阔而相当愉悦的脸,高高的颧骨和不常见的圣彼得堡城里带着一抹红润的肤色。 —

His flaxen hair was still abundant, and only touched here and there with grey, and his thick square beard was even lighter than his hair. —
他的金发仍然丰富,只有零星的触及一些灰色,他浓密的方形胡须甚至比他的头发还要浅。 —

His eyes were blue and had a cold and thoughtful look; his lips were crimson. —
他的眼睛是蓝色的,带着一种冷漠而深思的表情;他的嘴唇是深红色的。 —

He was a remarkedly well-preserved man and looked much younger than his years.

When Sonia came out on the canal bank, they were the only two persons on the pavement. —
当索尼娅走出运河岸,他们是人行道上唯一的两个人。 —

He observed her dreaminess and preoccupation. —
他注意到她的迷惘和专注。 —

On reaching the house where she lodged, Sonia turned in at the gate; —
当她到达她寄宿的房子时,索尼娅拐进了大门; —

he followed her, seeming rather surprised. In the courtyard she turned to the right corner. “Bah!” —
他跟着她,看起来有些惊讶。在庭院里,她拐向右拐角。“咳!” —

muttered the unknown gentleman, and mounted the stairs behind her. Only then Sonia noticed him. —
未知的绅士喃喃自语,跟在她后面上了楼梯。直到这时,索尼娅才注意到他。 —

She reached the third storey, turned down the passage, and rang at No. 9. —
她到达了第三层,拐过走廊,按了9号门的门铃。 —

On the door was inscribed in chalk, “Kapernaumov, Tailor.” “Bah!” —
门上用粉笔写着:“尼古拉·卡伯尔努莫夫,裁缝。”“啧!” —

the stranger repeated again, wondering at the strange coincidence, and he rang next door, at No. 8. —
陌生人再次重复,惊讶于这个奇怪的巧合,然后按了下一家,8号门。 —

The doors were two or three yards apart.

“You lodge at Kapernaumov’s,” he said, looking at Sonia and laughing. —
“你寄宿在卡伯尔努莫夫家里,”他看着索尼娅笑着说。 —

“He altered a waistcoat for me yesterday. —
“他昨天给我改了一件背心。 —

I am staying close here at Madame Resslich’s. How odd!” —
我就住在附近的蕾斯利夫人家。真是巧合!” —

Sonia looked at him attentively.

“We are neighbours,” he went on gaily. “I only came to town the day before yesterday. —
“我们是邻居,”他开心地说。“我前天才来这里。 —

Good-bye for the present.”

Sonia made no reply; the door opened and she slipped in. —
索尼娅没有回答;门打开了,她溜了进去。 —

She felt for some reason ashamed and uneasy.


On the way to Porfiry’s, Razumihin was obviously excited.

“That’s capital, brother,” he repeated several times, “and I am glad! I am glad!”

“What are you glad about?” Raskolnikov thought to himself.
“你为什么高兴?” 拉斯科尔尼科夫心想。

“I didn’t know that you pledged things at the old woman’s, too. And … —
“我不知道你也在老太太那里典当东西。而且… —

was it long ago? I mean, was it long since you were there?”

“What a simple-hearted fool he is!”

“When was it?” Raskolnikov stopped still to recollect. —
“是什么时候?” 拉斯科尔尼科夫停下来回忆。 —

“Two or three days before her death it must have been. —
“一定是在她去世前两三天。” —

But I am not going to redeem the things now,” he put in with a sort of hurried and conspicuous solicitude about the things. —
“但我现在不准备赎回那些东西。”他匆忙地插话说,对这些东西显得特别关心。 —

“I’ve not more than a silver rouble left … —
“我手里只剩下一块银卢布了… —

after last night’s accursed delirium!”

He laid special emphasis on the delirium.

“Yes, yes,” Razumihin hastened to agree–with what was not clear. “Then that’s why you … —
“是的,是的,”拉祖米欣急忙表示同意——不清楚在表示什么。“所以你… —

were stuck … partly … you know in your delirium you were continually mentioning some rings or chains! —
“被卡住了… 部分地… 你知道在你的神志不清中,你不断地提到一些戒指或项链! —

Yes, yes … that’s clear, it’s all clear now.”
“是的,是的… 这很清楚,现在一切都清楚了。”

“Hullo! How that idea must have got about among them. —
“喂!这个想法一定在他们中间散布开来。 —

Here this man will go to the stake for me, and I find him delighted at having it /cleared up/ why I spoke of rings in my delirium! —
“这个人会为我赴火刑,而我却发现他很高兴我说起在神志不清中提到戒指的原因! —

What a hold the idea must have on all of them!”

“Shall we find him?” he asked suddenly.

“Oh, yes,” Razumihin answered quickly. “He is a nice fellow, you will see, brother. —
“哦,是的,“拉祖米欣迅速回答道。”他是个不错的家伙,兄弟,你会看到的。 —

Rather clumsy, that is to say, he is a man of polished manners, but I mean clumsy in a different sense. —
有点笨拙,也就是说,他是一个举止文雅的人,但我是指在不同意义上笨拙。 —

He is an intelligent fellow, very much so indeed, but he has his own range of ideas… . —
他是一个聪明的家伙,非常聪明,但他有自己的思维范围… . —

He is incredulous, sceptical, cynical … —
他表示怀疑,持怀疑态度,愤世嫉俗… —

he likes to impose on people, or rather to make fun of them. His is the old, circumstantial method. —
他喜欢欺骗人,或者说取笑他们。他使用的是古老的详细方法. —

… But he understands his work … thoroughly… . —
… 但他对自己的工作… 真的很了解… . —

Last year he cleared up a case of murder in which the police had hardly a clue. —
去年,他解决了一宗凶杀案,当时警方几乎一无所获. —

He is very, very anxious to make your acquaintance!”

“On what grounds is he so anxious?”

“Oh, it’s not exactly … you see, since you’ve been ill I happen to have mentioned you several times. —
“哦,不完全是… 你知道,自从你病了,我碰巧几次提起了你. —

… So, when he heard about you … about your being a law student and not able to finish your studies, he said, ‘What a pity!’ —
… 所以,当他听说你的事… 你是个法学生,却无法完成学业时,他说,’多可惜!’ —

And so I concluded … from everything together, not only that; yesterday Zametov … —
因此我推断… 从一切综合来看,不仅仅是那样;昨天扎梅托夫… —

you know, Rodya, I talked some nonsense on the way home to you yesterday, when I was drunk . —
你知道,罗温,昨天在回家的路上我胡言乱语了一通,当时我喝醉了。 —

. . I am afraid, brother, of your exaggerating it, you see.”
. . 我担心,兄弟,你会夸大其词,你明白我的意思。

“What? That they think I am a madman? Maybe they are right,” he said with a constrained smile.

“Yes, yes… . That is, pooh, no! … —
“是的,是的……那是,呸,不是!” —

But all that I said (and there was something else too) it was all nonsense, drunken nonsense.”

“But why are you apologising? I am so sick of it all!” —
“但你为什么要道歉?我对这一切都感到厌烦!” —

Raskolnikov cried with exaggerated irritability. —
拉斯科尔尼科夫夸张地发脾气说道。 —

It was partly assumed, however.

“I know, I know, I understand. Believe me, I understand. One’s ashamed to speak of it.”

“If you are ashamed, then don’t speak of it.”

Both were silent. Razumihin was more than ecstatic and Raskolnikov perceived it with repulsion. —
他们俩都保持沉默。拉祖米欣兴高采烈,而拉斯科尔尼科夫却感到反感。 —

He was alarmed, too, by what Razumihin had just said about Porfiry.

“I shall have to pull a long face with him too,” he thought, with a beating heart, and he turned white, “and do it naturally, too. —
“我将不得不向他摆出一张严肃的脸,”他想到,心怦怦跳动着,脸色变白,”要自然地做到这一点。” —

But the most natural thing would be to do nothing at all. Carefully do nothing at all! —
但最自然的做法可能是什么都不做。小心翼翼地什么都不做! —

No, /carefully/ would not be natural again… . Oh, well, we shall see how it turns out… . —
不,小心翼翼地恐怕又不太自然……哦,好吧,我们等待看看结果……我们很快就会知道。 —

We shall see … directly. Is it a good thing to go or not? —
我们会看到……直接的。去还是不去是个好事?蝴蝶飞向光明。我的心在跳动,这就是不好的地方! —

The butterfly flies to the light. My heart is beating, that’s what’s bad!”

“In this grey house,” said Razumihin.
“在这座灰色房子里,” 拉祖米欣说。

“The most important thing, does Porfiry know that I was at the old hag’s flat yesterday … —
“最重要的是,波尔菲里知道我昨天去了老妪的公寓吗 … —

and asked about the blood? I must find that out instantly, as soon as I go in, find out from his face; —
并询问了关于血的事吗?我必须立刻找出这个, 一进去就要从他的脸上找出来; —

otherwise … I’ll find out, if it’s my ruin.”
否则 … 我会找出来, 这可能是我的毁灭.”

“I say, brother,” he said suddenly, addressing Razumihin, with a sly smile, “I have been noticing all day that you seem to be curiously excited. Isn’t it so?”
“我说,兄弟,” 他突然对拉祖米欣说,微笑着说: “我整天都注意到你似乎异常兴奋。是这样吗?”

“Excited? Not a bit of it,” said Razumihin, stung to the quick.
“兴奋?一点也不,” 拉祖米欣被刺激到。

“Yes, brother, I assure you it’s noticeable. —
“是的,兄弟,我向你保证这是显而易见的。 —

Why, you sat on your chair in a way you never do sit, on the edge somehow, and you seemed to be writhing all the time. —
为什么呢,你这样坐在椅子上,很少这样坐,总是像要跳起来似的。 —

You kept jumping up for nothing. One moment you were angry, and the next your face looked like a sweetmeat. —
你整个人都在扭动。有时候你很生气,然后你的脸又变得像甜食一样。 —

You even blushed; especially when you were invited to dinner, you blushed awfully.”
你甚至脸红; 尤其是当你被邀请去吃晚餐时,你很脸红.”

“Nothing of the sort, nonsense! What do you mean?”

“But why are you wriggling out of it, like a schoolboy? By Jove, there he’s blushing again.”

“What a pig you are!”

“But why are you so shamefaced about it? Romeo! Stay, I’ll tell of you to-day. —
“但你为什么羞于启齿呢?罗密欧!等等,我今天会把你的事告诉别人。 —

Ha-ha-ha! I’ll make mother laugh, and someone else, too …”
哈哈哈!我会让妈妈笑,还有其他人,也会 …”

“Listen, listen, listen, this is serious… . What next, you fiend!” —
“听着,听着,这很严肃……接下来,你这个恶棍!” —

Razumihin was utterly overwhelmed, turning cold with horror. —
拉祖米欣完全被压倒,惊恐地感到寒冷。 —

“What will you tell them? Come, brother … —
“你要告诉他们什么?来吧,兄弟……” —

foo! what a pig you are!”

“You are like a summer rose. And if only you knew how it suits you; a Romeo over six foot high! —
“你就像一朵夏日的玫瑰。如果你知道它是多么适合你;一个身高超过六英尺的罗密欧! —

And how you’ve washed to-day–you cleaned your nails, I declare. Eh? —
“看看你今天洗得多干净——你剪了指甲,我发誓。嗯?” —

That’s something unheard of! Why, I do believe you’ve got pomatum on your hair! Bend down.”


Raskolnikov laughed as though he could not restrain himself. —
拉斯科尔尼科夫笑得前所未有。 —

So laughing, they entered Porfiry Petrovitch’s flat. This is what Raskolnikov wanted: —
于是笑着,他们进入了普罗芬里·彼得罗维奇的公寓。这正是拉斯科尔尼科夫想要的: —

from within they could be heard laughing as they came in, still guffawing in the passage.

“Not a word here or I’ll … brain you!” —
“这里不许说话,要不我……敲晕你!” —

Razumihin whispered furiously, seizing Raskolnikov by the shoulder.