Zossimov was a tall, fat man with a puffy, colourless, clean-shaven face and straight flaxen hair. —
索西莫夫是个高大的胖子,脸色苍白,皮肤光滑,没有胡须,留着直的亚麻色头发。 —

He wore spectacles, and a big gold ring on his fat finger. He was twenty-seven. —
他戴着眼镜,在他那胖胖的手指上戴着一枚大金戒指。他今年27岁。 —

He had on a light grey fashionable loose coat, light summer trousers, and everything about him loose, fashionable and spick and span; —
他穿着浅灰色时尚的宽松外套,夏天的淡色长裤,穿着宽松时尚,整洁如新; —

his linen was irreproachable, his watch-chain was massive. —
他的亚麻布衬衣无可挑剔,表链厚实。 —

In manner he was slow and, as it were, nonchalant, and at the same time studiously free and easy; —
他的举止慢吞吞的,好像漫不经心,但同时又刻意自由随意; —

he made efforts to conceal his self-importance, but it was apparent at every instant. —
他努力隐藏他的自以为是,但在每一刻都显而易见。 —

All his acquaintances found him tedious, but said he was clever at his work.

“I’ve been to you twice to-day, brother. You see, he’s come to himself,” cried Razumihin.

“I see, I see; and how do we feel now, eh?” —
“我知道,我知道;我们现在感觉怎样,嗯?” —

said Zossimov to Raskolnikov, watching him carefully and, sitting down at the foot of the sofa, he settled himself as comfortably as he could.

“He is still depressed,” Razumihin went on. “We’ve just changed his linen and he almost cried.”

“That’s very natural; you might have put it off if he did not wish it… . —
“这很自然;如果他不想换,你本可以推迟。… —

His pulse is first-rate. Is your head still aching, eh?”

“I am well, I am perfectly well!” Raskolnikov declared positively and irritably. —
“我很好,我完全好!”拉斯科尔尼科夫坚决而恼火地宣布。 —

He raised himself on the sofa and looked at them with glittering eyes, but sank back on to the pillow at once and turned to the wall. —
他挺直身子看着他们,眼睛闪闪发光,但立刻又倒在枕头上,转身对着墙壁。 —

Zossimov watched him intently.

“Very good… . Going on all right,” he said lazily. “Has he eaten anything?”
“很好……进展顺利,” 他懒洋洋地说道。 “他吃东西了吗?”

They told him, and asked what he might have.

“He may have anything … soup, tea … —
“他可以吃……汤、茶…… —

mushrooms and cucumbers, of course, you must not give him; he’d better not have meat either, and . —
蘑菇和黄瓜,当然不能给他;肉最好也不要吃,还有…… —

. . but no need to tell you that!” Razumihin and he looked at each other. —
但无需告诉你!” 拉祖米欣和他相互看了看。 —

“No more medicine or anything. I’ll look at him again to-morrow. —
“不要再吃药或其他任何东西。明天我会再看他一次。 —

Perhaps, to-day even … but never mind …”

“To-morrow evening I shall take him for a walk,” said Razumihin. —
“明天晚上我会带他出去散步,”拉祖米欣说。 —

“We are going to the Yusupov garden and then to the Palais de Crystal.”

“I would not disturb him to-morrow at all, but I don’t know . . —
“明天晚上我不会打扰他,但我不知道……” —

. a little, maybe … but we’ll see.”

“Ach, what a nuisance! I’ve got a house-warming party to-night; it’s only a step from here. —
“啊,真讨厌!我今晚要办一个乔迁派对;离这里只有一步之遥。 —

Couldn’t he come? He could lie on the sofa. You are coming?” —
他可以来吗?他可以躺在沙发上。你会来吗?” —

Razumihin said to Zossimov. “Don’t forget, you promised.”

“All right, only rather later. What are you going to do?”

“Oh, nothing–tea, vodka, herrings. There will be a pie … just our friends.”

“And who?”

“All neighbours here, almost all new friends, except my old uncle, and he is new too–he only arrived in Petersburg yesterday to see to some business of his. —
“几乎都是附近的邻居,几乎都是新朋友,除了我的老叔,他也是新的——昨天才到圣彼得堡来办点他的生意。 —

We meet once in five years.”

“What is he?”

“He’s been stagnating all his life as a district postmaster; gets a little pension. —
“他一辈子都是一个地区的邮政局长;有一点养老金。” —

He is sixty-five–not worth talking about… . But I am fond of him. —
他已经六十五岁了–不值得说了……但我挺喜欢他的。 —

Porfiry Petrovitch, the head of the Investigation Department here . —
这里调查部的负责人,波罗菲里·彼得罗维奇。 —

. . But you know him.”

“Is he a relation of yours, too?”

“A very distant one. But why are you scowling? Because you quarrelled once, won’t you come then?”

“I don’t care a damn for him.”

“So much the better. Well, there will be some students, a teacher, a government clerk, a musician, an officer and Zametov.”

“Do tell me, please, what you or he”–Zossimov nodded at Raskolnikov– “can have in common with this Zametov?”

“Oh, you particular gentleman! Principles! You are worked by principles, as it were by springs; —
“哦,你这个挑剔的绅士!原则!你被原则所控制,就像被弹簧所控制一样;你连自己都不敢随意转动。” —

you won’t venture to turn round on your own account. —
“如果一个人是个好人,那就是我所坚持的唯一原则。” —

If a man is a nice fellow, that’s the only principle I go upon. —
“扎梅托夫是一个很令人愉快的人。” —

Zametov is a delightful person.”

“Though he does take bribes.”

“Well, he does! and what of it? I don’t care if he does take bribes,” Razumihin cried with unnatural irritability. —
“我并不是因为他收受贿赂而赞扬他。我只是说,他以自己的方式是个好人!” —

“I don’t praise him for taking bribes. I only say he is a nice man in his own way! —
“我才不在乎他收受贿赂呢!” —

But if one looks at men in all ways–are there many good ones left? —
但如果从各个方面看男人–还有多少好男人留下了? —

Why, I am sure I shouldn’t be worth a baked onion myself . . —
为什么,我确定自己不值一颗烤洋葱. . —

. perhaps with you thrown in.”

“That’s too little; I’d give two for you.”

“And I wouldn’t give more than one for you. No more of your jokes! Zametov is no more than a boy. —
“而我只愿意为你付一个。别开玩笑了!扎梅托不过是个孩子。 —

I can pull his hair and one must draw him not repel him. —
我可以拽他的头发,人们应该吸引他而不是排斥他。 —

You’ll never improve a man by repelling him, especially a boy. —
用排斥的方式永远无法改善一个人,特别是一个孩子。 —

One has to be twice as careful with a boy. Oh, you progressive dullards! You don’t understand. —
对一个男孩要特别小心。哦,你这些进步的愚蠢者!你们不理解。 —

You harm yourselves running another man down… . —
诋毁别人无益于自身。… . —

But if you want to know, we really have something in common.”

“I should like to know what.”

“Why, it’s all about a house-painter… . We are getting him out of a mess! —
“为什么,都是关于一个油漆工… . 我们正在帮他摆脱困境! —

Though indeed there’s nothing to fear now. —
虽然现在已经没有什么可担心的了。 —

The matter is absolutely self-evident. We only put on steam.”

“A painter?”

“Why, haven’t I told you about it? I only told you the beginning then about the murder of the old pawnbroker-woman. —
“为什么,我难道没告诉过你吗?我只告诉过你开始部分,然后关于那位老当铺老板娘的谋杀。” —

Well, the painter is mixed up in it …”

“Oh, I heard about that murder before and was rather interested in it … partly … —
“哦,我之前听说过那起谋杀案,而且我还对此颇感兴趣……部分原因是……我也在报纸上看到过……” —

for one reason… . I read about it in the papers, too… .”

“Lizaveta was murdered, too,” Nastasya blurted out, suddenly addressing Raskolnikov. —
“她一直在房间里,靠在门边听着。 —

She remained in the room all the time, standing by the door listening.

“Lizaveta,” murmured Raskolnikov hardly audibly.

“Lizaveta, who sold old clothes. Didn’t you know her? —
“利扎维塔,卖旧衣服的。你不认识她吗?” —

She used to come here. She mended a shirt for you, too.”

Raskolnikov turned to the wall where in the dirty, yellow paper he picked out one clumsy, white flower with brown lines on it and began examining how many petals there were in it, how many scallops in the petals and how many lines on them. —
罗季奇科夫转向墙壁,从脏兮兮的黄色墙纸上摘下一朵笨拙的白色花,花瓣上有褐色线条,开始仔细检查这朵花有多少瓣,每瓣上有多少弧线。 —

He felt his arms and legs as lifeless as though they had been cut off. —
他感到自己的手臂和腿象被切断了一样没有知觉。 —

He did not attempt to move, but stared obstinately at the flower.

“But what about the painter?” Zossimov interrupted Nastasya’s chatter with marked displeasure. —
“但画家呢?”佐西莫夫不满地打断了纳斯塔西娅的唠叨。 —

She sighed and was silent.

“Why, he was accused of the murder,” Razumihin went on hotly.

“Was there evidence against him then?”

“Evidence, indeed! Evidence that was no evidence, and that’s what we have to prove. —
“证据,确实是!没有意义的证据,我们得证明这一点。 —

It was just as they pitched on those fellows, Koch and Pestryakov, at first. Foo! —
就像一开始他们指认的那两个家伙,科赫和佩斯特亚科夫一样,傻了吧! —

how stupidly it’s all done, it makes one sick, though it’s not one’s business! —
这一切的做法多愚蠢,看着就生气,尽管和自己无关! —

Pestryakov may be coming to-night… . —
佩斯特亚科夫或许今晚会来……。 —

By the way, Rodya, you’ve heard about the business already; —
对了,罗季亚,你已经听说这件事了; —

it happened before you were ill, the day before you fainted at the police office while they were talking about it.”

Zossimov looked curiously at Raskolnikov. He did not stir.

“But I say, Razumihin, I wonder at you. What a busybody you are!” Zossimov observed.

“Maybe I am, but we will get him off anyway,” shouted Razumihin, bringing his fist down on the table. —
“也许我是,但无论如何我们都会把他搞定,”拉祖米欣喊道,猛击桌子。 —

“What’s the most offensive is not their lying–one can always forgive lying–lying is a delightful thing, for it leads to truth–what is offensive is that they lie and worship their own lying. —
“最令人厌恶的不是他们的谎言——人们总会原谅谎言——谎言是一件令人愉快的事情,因为它通向真相——令人厌恶的是他们说谎同时还崇拜自己的谎言。 —

… I respect Porfiry, but … What threw them out at first? —
“… 我尊重波尔菲里,但是 … 他们起初是怎么被挤出来的? —

The door was locked, and when they came back with the porter it was open. —
门是锁着的,他们和门房回来时门就开了。 —

So it followed that Koch and Pestryakov were the murderers–that was their logic!”

“But don’t excite yourself; they simply detained them, they could not help that… . —
“但不要激动自己;他们只是扣押了他们,他们也没办法……. —

And, by the way, I’ve met that man Koch. He used to buy unredeemed pledges from the old woman? Eh?”

“Yes, he is a swindler. He buys up bad debts, too. He makes a profession of it. But enough of him! —
“是的,他是个骗子。他也买坏账。他把这当成一种职业。但够了! —

Do you know what makes me angry? It’s their sickening rotten, petrified routine… . —
“知道什么让我生气吗?是他们令人作呕的腐朽、僵化的例行公事。… —

And this case might be the means of introducing a new method. —
“而这个案子也许能够引入一种新的方法。 —

One can show from the psychological data alone how to get on the track of the real man. —
“单凭心理数据,人们就可以找到真正的人的踪迹。 —

‘We have facts,’ they say. But facts are not everything–at least half the business lies in how you interpret them!”

“Can you interpret them, then?”

“Anyway, one can’t hold one’s tongue when one has a feeling, a tangible feeling, that one might be a help if only. —
“不管怎样,当一个人有一种能力,一种实实在在的感觉,认为自己可能会有帮助时,是无法保持沉默的。” —

… Eh! Do you know the details of the case?”
”… 嗯!你知道案件的细节吗?”

“I am waiting to hear about the painter.”

“Oh, yes! Well, here’s the story. Early on the third day after the murder, when they were still dandling Koch and Pestryakov–though they accounted for every step they took and it was as plain as a pikestaff- an unexpected fact turned up. —
“哦,是的!故事是这样的。在谋杀案发生的第三天早些时候,当他们还在审问科赫和彼斯特里亚科夫–虽然他们解释了每一个步骤并且一清二楚–一个意外的事实浮出水面。” —

A peasant called Dushkin, who keeps a dram-shop facing the house, brought to the police office a jeweller’s case containing some gold ear-rings, and told a long rigamarole. —
一个农民叫杜申金,经营着一家面对那栋房子的小酒馆,拿着一个珠宝盒子,里面装着一些金耳环,来到了警局,并讲了一个长长的故事。 —

‘The day before yesterday, just after eight o’clock’–mark the day and the hour! —
“前天,就在八点过后–记住日期和时间!” —

–‘a journeyman house-painter, Nikolay, who had been in to see me already that day, brought me this box of gold ear-rings and stones, and asked me to give him two roubles for them. —
“一个叫尼古莱的油漆工,他当天已经来找我了,拿给我这个盒子金耳环和宝石,然后要我给他两卢布。” —

When I asked him where he got them, he said that he picked them up in the street. —
“当我问他这些东西从哪里来的,他说是在街上捡到的。” —

I did not ask him anything more.’ I am telling you Dushkin’s story. —
“我没有问他更多。”我告诉你杜申金的故事。 —

‘I gave him a note’–a rouble that is–‘for I thought if he did not pawn it with me he would with another. —
“我给了他一张钞票–一卢布–因为我想,如果他不把它典当给我,他也会典当给别人的。” —

It would all come to the same thing–he’d spend it on drink, so the thing had better be with me. —
“终究都是一样的–他会用来喝酒,所以这事情还不如交给我来处理。” —

The further you hide it the quicker you will find it, and if anything turns up, if I hear any rumours, I’ll take it to the police.’ —
“你藏得越深,找起来就越快,如果有什么事情发生了,如果有什么传闻,我会拿给警察看的。” —

Of course, that’s all taradiddle; he lies like a horse, for I know this Dushkin, he is a pawnbroker and a receiver of stolen goods, and he did not cheat Nikolay out of a thirty-rouble trinket in order to give it to the police. —
当然,这都是胡扯;他像马一样撒谎,因为我认识这个杜申金,他是个当铺老板和接收赃物的人,他不会为了将一个值三十卢布的首饰送给警察而骗了尼古莱。 —

He was simply afraid. But no matter, to return to Dushkin’s story. —
他只是害怕而已。但没关系,回到杜申金的故事。 —

‘I’ve known this peasant, Nikolay Dementyev, from a child; —
“我从小就认识这个农民,尼古莱·登缅捷夫;” —

he comes from the same province and district of Zaraisk, we are both Ryazan men. —
他来自同一个省份和Zaraisk区,我们都是Ryazan人。 —

And though Nikolay is not a drunkard, he drinks, and I knew he had a job in that house, painting work with Dmitri, who comes from the same village, too. —
尽管尼古拉不是个酗酒者,但他会喝酒,我知道他和来自同一个村庄的德米特里在那所房子里做油漆工作。 —

As soon as he got the rouble he changed it, had a couple of glasses, took his change and went out. —
他一拿到卢布就换成零钱,喝了几杯,拿着找零就走了。 —

But I did not see Dmitri with him then. And the next day I heard that someone had murdered Alyona Ivanovna and her sister, Lizaveta Ivanovna, with an axe. —
但我当时没看到德米特里和他在一起。第二天我听说有人用斧头杀害了阿莉奥娜·伊万诺芙娜和她的姐姐丽莎维塔·伊万诺芙娜。 —

I knew them, and I felt suspicious about the ear-rings at once, for I knew the murdered woman lent money on pledges. —
我认识她们,我立刻对耳环感到可疑,因为我知道被杀的女人以当铺利息放款。 —

I went to the house, and began to make careful inquiries without saying a word to anyone. —
我去了那所房子,开始做细致的调查,没有告诉任何人。 —

First of all I asked, “Is Nikolay here?” Dmitri told me that Nikolay had gone off on the spree; —
首先我问,“尼古拉在这里吗?”德米特里告诉我尼古拉出去狂欢了; —

he had come home at daybreak drunk, stayed in the house about ten minutes, and went out again. —
他天亮回来喝醉了,在房子里待了大约十分钟,然后又出去了。 —

Dmitri didn’t see him again and is finishing the job alone. —
德米特里没再见过他,他现在独自完成工作。 —

And their job is on the same staircase as the murder, on the second floor. —
他们的工作就在谋杀地点的同一楼梯上,在二楼。 —

When I heard all that I did not say a word to anyone’–that’s Dushkin’s tale–‘but I found out what I could about the murder, and went home feeling as suspicious as ever. —
听到这一切后,我没有对任何人说过一句话–那是Dushkin的话-‘但我尽力了解有关谋杀案的情况,回家时和之前一样心存疑虑。 —

And at eight o’clock this morning’– that was the third day, you understand–‘I saw Nikolay coming in, not sober, though not to say very drunk–he could understand what was said to him. —
今天早上八点的时候’–那一天是第三天,你明白吧-‘我看见尼古拉走进来,虽然并不清醒,但也不是非常喝醉–他还能明白别人跟他说的话。 —

He sat down on the bench and did not speak. —
他坐在凳子上一言不发。 —

There was only one stranger in the bar and a man I knew asleep on a bench and our two boys. —
酒吧里只有一个陌生人和一个我认识的人躺在凳子上熟睡,还有我们两个孩子。 —

“Have you seen Dmitri?” said I. “No, I haven’t,” said he. “And you’ve not been here either?” —
“你见到德米特里了吗?”我说。“没有,”他说。“你也没在这里?” —

“Not since the day before yesterday,” said he. “And where did you sleep last night?” —
“自前天以来没有。”他说道。“你昨晚在哪里睡的?” —

“In Peski, with the Kolomensky men.” “And where did you get those ear-rings?” I asked. —
“在佩斯基,和科洛缅斯基家的人在一起。”“你这些耳环是从哪里弄来的?”我问。 —

“I found them in the street,” and the way he said it was a bit queer; he did not look at me. —
“在街上捡到的”,他说的语气有点奇怪;他没有看着我。 —

“Did you hear what happened that very evening, at that very hour, on that same staircase?” —
“你有没有听说那天晚上,在同一楼梯口,发生了什么事?” —

said I. “No,” said he, “I had not heard,” and all the while he was listening, his eyes were staring out of his head and he turned as white as chalk. —
我说。“没有”,他说,“我没听说过”,而他一直在倾听,眼睛直勾勾地瞪着,脸色苍白如纸。 —

I told him all about it and he took his hat and began getting up. I wanted to keep him. —
我把事情告诉了他,他戴上帽子就要起身。我想留住他。 —

“Wait a bit, Nikolay,” said I, “won’t you have a drink?” —
“等一下,尼古拉”,我说,“要不要来杯酒?” —

And I signed to the boy to hold the door, and I came out from behind the bar; —
我示意男孩守着门,我从吧台后走了出来; —

but he darted out and down the street to the turning at a run. I have not seen him since. —
他却冲出去,一路跑向拐角。从那以后我再也没有见过他。 —

Then my doubts were at an end–it was his doing, as clear as could be… .’”

“I should think so,” said Zossimov.

“Wait! Hear the end. Of course they sought high and low for Nikolay; —
“等等!听完。“当然他们到处搜寻尼古拉; —

they detained Dushkin and searched his house; Dmitri, too, was arrested; —
他们扣留了杜什金并搜查了他的房子;迪米特里也被逮捕; —

the Kolomensky men also were turned inside out. —
科洛缅斯基的人也被逮捕。他们被搜查个遍。 —

And the day before yesterday they arrested Nikolay in a tavern at the end of the town. —
前天他们在镇尽头的一家酒馆逮捕了尼古拉。” —

He had gone there, taken the silver cross off his neck and asked for a dram for it. —
他去了那里,从脖子上取下了银十字架,然后要了一点酒喝。 —

They gave it to him. A few minutes afterwards the woman went to the cowshed, and through a crack in the wall she saw in the stable adjoining he had made a noose of his sash from the beam, stood on a block of wood, and was trying to put his neck in the noose. —
他们给了他。几分钟后,那女人走到牛棚,透过墙上的缝隙看到,在隔壁的马厩里,他用腰带做了一个绞索挂在横梁上,站在一块木头上,试图把脖子放进绞索里。 —

The woman screeched her hardest; people ran in. ‘So that’s what you are up to!’ —
那女人尖叫起来;人们跑了进来。“你这是在干什么!” —

‘Take me,’ he says, ‘to such-and-such a police officer; I’ll confess everything.’ —
“带我去”,他说,“带我去到某某警官那里;我会坦白一切。” —

Well, they took him to that police station– that is here–with a suitable escort. —
他们把他带到了那个警察局– 就是这里–由一支适当的护卫队。 —

So they asked him this and that, how old he is, ‘twenty-two,’ and so on. —
于是他们问了他这个那个,他多大了,“二十二岁”,等等。 —

At the question, ‘When you were working with Dmitri, didn’t you see anyone on the staircase at such-and-such a time?’ —
“当你和德米特里一起工作的时候,你没有在楼梯上看到有人在某个时间吗?” —

–answer: ‘To be sure folks may have gone up and down, but I did not notice them.’ —
–答:当然可能有人上上下下,但我没注意到他们。 —

‘And didn’t you hear anything, any noise, and so on?’ ‘We heard nothing special.’ —
“你没有听到任何声音吗,没有任何特别的吗?” “我们什么都没听到。” —

‘And did you hear, Nikolay, that on the same day Widow So-and-so and her sister were murdered and robbed?’ —
“你没有听说,尼古拉,上个星期同一天某某遇害抢劫?” “我一点都不知道。我第一次听说的是前天从阿方西·帕夫洛维奇那里听说的。” —

‘I never knew a thing about it. The first I heard of it was from Afanasy Pavlovitch the day before yesterday.’ —
“你在哪里发现了耳环?” “我在人行道上发现的。” —

‘And where did you find the ear-rings?’ ‘I found them on the pavement. —
“为什么前几天你没有去和德米特里一起工作?” “因为我喝酒了。” —

“Why didn’t you go to work with Dmitri the other day?’ ‘Because I was drinking.’ —
“你在哪里喝的酒?” “哦,在某个地方。” —

‘And where were you drinking?’ ‘Oh, in such-and-such a place.’ —
“为什么你从杜什金那里跑掉了?” “因为我非常害怕。” —

‘Why did you run away from Dushkin’s?’ ‘Because I was awfully frightened.’ —
“And where did you find the ear-rings?” “I found them on the pavement.” —

‘What were you frightened of?’ ‘That I should be accused.’ —
‘你在害怕些什么?’ ‘怕被控告.’ —

‘How could you be frightened, if you felt free from guilt?’ —
‘如果你没有罪恶感,你怎么会害怕?’ —

Now, Zossimov, you may not believe me, that question was put literally in those words. —
现在,Zossimov,你可能不信,问题确实是用这些字面上的话说的。 —

I know it for a fact, it was repeated to me exactly! —
我知道这个事实,有人确实这样跟我说过! —

What do you say to that?”

“Well, anyway, there’s the evidence.”

“I am not talking of the evidence now, I am talking about that question, of their own idea of themselves. —
“我现在不是在谈论证据,我在谈论他们对自己的看法. —

Well, so they squeezed and squeezed him and he confessed: —
他们不断逼问,最后他承认了: —

‘I did not find it in the street, but in the flat where I was painting with Dmitri.’ —
‘我不是在街上捡到的,而是在我和迪米特里一起画画的公寓里找到的.’ —

‘And how was that?’ ‘Why, Dmitri and I were painting there all day, and we were just getting ready to go, and Dmitri took a brush and painted my face, and he ran off and I after him. —
‘那是怎么回事?’ ‘是这样的,我和迪米特里整天都在那里画画,准备要走时,迪米特里拿起画笔涂在我脸上,然后他跑掉了,我追了上去. —

I ran after him, shouting my hardest, and at the bottom of the stairs I ran right against the porter and some gentlemen–and how many gentlemen were there I don’t remember. —
我追着他,尽全力地喊叫,然后在楼梯底部,我撞到了门房和一些绅士们,他们有多少我记不清. —

And the porter swore at me, and the other porter swore, too, and the porter’s wife came out, and swore at us, too; —
门房骂了我,另一个门房也骂我们,门房的妻子出来了,也骂我们; —

and a gentleman came into the entry with a lady, and he swore at us, too, for Dmitri and I lay right across the way. —
一个绅士和一位女士走进入口处,也骂了我们,因为迪米特里和我正好挡住了道路. —

I got hold of Dmitri’s hair and knocked him down and began beating him. —
我抓住了迪米特里的头发把他打倒,开始揍他. —

And Dmitri, too, caught me by the hair and began beating me. —
迪米特里也抓住我的头发开始打我. —

But we did it all not for temper but in a friendly way, for sport. —
但我们做这一切并不是为了发脾气,而是友好的方式,纯粹为了娱乐。 —

And then Dmitri escaped and ran into the street, and I ran after him; —
然后德米特里逃走跑到街上,我追了出去; —

but I did not catch him, and went back to the flat alone; I had to clear up my things. —
但我没有抓到他,独自回到了公寓;我得整理我的东西。 —

I began putting them together, expecting Dmitri to come, and there in the passage, in the corner by the door, I stepped on the box. —
我开始整理它们,期待德米特里会回来,而在走廊里,在门边的角落,我踩到了盒子。 —

I saw it lying there wrapped up in paper. —
我看见它包裹在纸里躺在那儿。 —

I took off the paper, saw some little hooks, undid them, and in the box were the ear-rings… .’”
我取下纸,看见一些小钩,打开它们,盒子里是耳环。 … “

“Behind the door? Lying behind the door? Behind the door?” —
“在门后?躺在门后?在门后?” —

Raskolnikov cried suddenly, staring with a blank look of terror at Razumihin, and he slowly sat up on the sofa, leaning on his hand.

“Yes … why? What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” Razumihin, too, got up from his seat.
“是的 … 怎么了?有什么问题吗?怎么了?”拉祖米欣也从座位上站了起来。

“Nothing,” Raskolnikov answered faintly, turning to the wall. All were silent for a while.
“没事,” 拉斯科尔尼科夫微弱地回答,转向墙壁。所有人都沉默了一会儿。

“He must have waked from a dream,” Razumihin said at last, looking inquiringly at Zossimov. —
“他一定是从梦中惊醒了,”拉祖米欣最后说,询问地看着佐西莫夫。 —

The latter slightly shook his head.

“Well, go on,” said Zossimov. “What next?”

“What next? As soon as he saw the ear-rings, forgetting Dmitri and everything, he took up his cap and ran to Dushkin and, as we know, got a rouble from him. —
“接下来呢?一看见耳环,忘记了德米特里和一切,他就拿起帽子跑去杜什金那里,如我们所知,从他那里得到了一卢布。 —

He told a lie saying he found them in the street, and went off drinking. —
他撒了谎说在街上捡到的,然后去喝酒。 —

He keeps repeating his old story about the murder: —
他一直在重复他关于谋杀的旧故事: —

‘I know nothing of it, never heard of it till the day before yesterday.’ —
“我对此一无所知,直到前天才听说。” —

‘And why didn’t you come to the police till now?’ ‘I was frightened.’ —
“那你为什么直到现在才去报警?” “我害怕。” —

‘And why did you try to hang yourself?’ ‘From anxiety.’ ‘What anxiety?’ —
“那你为什么试图上吊呢?” “因为焦虑。” “什么焦虑?” —

‘That I should be accused of it.’ Well, that’s the whole story. —
“担心被指控。” 好吧,这就是整个故事。 —

And now what do you suppose they deduced from that?”

“Why, there’s no supposing. There’s a clue, such as it is, a fact. You wouldn’t have your painter set free?”

“Now they’ve simply taken him for the murderer. They haven’t a shadow of doubt.”

“That’s nonsense. You are excited. But what about the ear-rings? —
“那是荒谬的。你激动了。但是耳环怎么说呢? —

You must admit that, if on the very same day and hour ear-rings from the old woman’s box have come into Nikolay’s hands, they must have come there somehow. —
你必须承认,如果耳环正好在同一天同一时刻进入了尼古拉的手中,它们肯定是以某种方式进入那里的。 —

That’s a good deal in such a case.”

“How did they get there? How did they get there?” cried Razumihin. —
“它们是怎么进去的?它们是怎么进去的?” 拉祖米欣喊道。 —

“How can you, a doctor, whose duty it is to study man and who has more opportunity than anyone else for studying human nature–how can you fail to see the character of the man in the whole story? —
“你怎么能,一个医生,职责就是研究人类,并且比其他任何人更有机会研究人类性格 - 你怎么能不看出整个故事中这个人的特点? —

Don’t you see at once that the answers he has given in the examination are the holy truth? —
你难道不一下子就看出他在考试中所给的答案是无比真实的吗? —

They came into his hand precisely as he has told us–he stepped on the box and picked it up.”
他们正是按照他告诉我们的那样进入他手中 - 他踩在盒子上,然后捡起它。”

“The holy truth! But didn’t he own himself that he told a lie at first?”

“Listen to me, listen attentively. The porter and Koch and Pestryakov and the other porter and the wife of the first porter and the woman who was sitting in the porter’s lodge and the man Kryukov, who had just got out of a cab at that minute and went in at the entry with a lady on his arm, that is eight or ten witnesses, agree that Nikolay had Dmitri on the ground, was lying on him beating him, while Dmitri hung on to his hair, beating him, too. —
“听我说,仔细听。门房、科赫、佩斯特里亚科夫和另一个门房、第一个门房的妻子、坐在门房里的女人以及刚下了马车、搀扶着一个女士走进门口的克留科夫,总共有八到十个目击者,他们都证明尼古拉踩在地上的是德米特里,德米特里抓住他的头发也在打他。” —

They lay right across the way, blocking the thoroughfare. —
他们卧倒在路上,挡住了道路。 —

They were sworn at on all sides while they ‘like children’ (the very words of the witnesses) were falling over one another, squealing, fighting and laughing with the funniest faces, and, chasing one another like children, they ran into the street. —
当他们“像孩子们一样”(目击者的原话)互相踩踏、高声叫骂时,他们笑容可掬地跌绊着,互相追逐,滚进了街上。 —

Now take careful note. The bodies upstairs were warm, you understand, warm when they found them! —
现在要仔细注意了。楼上的尸体是温暖的,你明白吗,是温暖的! —

If they, or Nikolay alone, had murdered them and broken open the boxes, or simply taken part in the robbery, allow me to ask you one question: —
如果他们,或者仅有尼古拉,杀害了他们,并砸开了箱子,或者仅仅参与了抢劫,请允许我问你一个问题: —

do their state of mind, their squeals and giggles and childish scuffling at the gate fit in with axes, bloodshed, fiendish cunning, robbery? —
他们的精神状态,他们在大门口的尖叫、嬉笑和像孩子一样的打闹,跟用斧头杀人、血腥、魔鬼般的狡猾、抢劫相符吗? —

They’d just killed them, not five or ten minutes before, for the bodies were still warm, and at once, leaving the flat open, knowing that people would go there at once, flinging away their booty, they rolled about like children, laughing and attracting general attention. —
他们刚刚杀了他们不过五到十分钟,因为尸体还温暖着,立刻离开公寓,不顾一切在放弃了战利品的前提下,他们像孩子一样打闹、笑着吸引了大家的注意。 —

And there are a dozen witnesses to swear to that!”

“Of course it is strange! It’s impossible, indeed, but …”

“No, brother, no /buts/. And if the ear-rings being found in Nikolay’s hands at the very day and hour of the murder constitutes an important piece of circumstantial evidence against him–although the explanation given by him accounts for it, and therefore it does not tell seriously against him–one must take into consideration the facts which prove him innocent, especially as they are facts that /cannot be denied/. —
“不,兄弟,没有/但是/。而且,如果找到尼古拉的手中的耳环在谋杀的当天和时刻被视为对他构成重要的间接证据——虽然他给出的解释可以解释,因此不算利于他——人们必须考虑能证明他清白的事实,尤其是那些/不容否认/的事实。 —

And do you suppose, from the character of our legal system, that they will accept, or that they are in a position to accept, this fact– resting simply on a psychological impossibility–as irrefutable and conclusively breaking down the circumstantial evidence for the prosecution? —
如果从我们法律体系的性质来看,他们是否会接受,或者是否有条件接受这个事实——这是建立在一个心理上的不可能性上——作为不可辩驳的证据,从而彻底击垮检方的间接证据? —

No, they won’t accept it, they certainly won’t, because they found the jewel-case and the man tried to hang himself, ‘which he could not have done if he hadn’t felt guilty.’ —
不,他们不会接受,他们肯定不会,因为他们找到了首饰盒,而那个人试图自缢,‘如果他感到内疚就不可能做到这点’。” —

That’s the point, that’s what excites me, you must understand!”

“Oh, I see you are excited! Wait a bit. I forgot to ask you; —
“哦,我看到你很兴奋!等一下。我忘了问你:” —

what proof is there that the box came from the old woman?”

“That’s been proved,” said Razumihin with apparent reluctance, frowning. —
“这已经被证实了,”拉祖米欣似乎不情愿地说着,皱着眉头。 —

“Koch recognised the jewel-case and gave the name of the owner, who proved conclusively that it was his.”

“That’s bad. Now another point. Did anyone see Nikolay at the time that Koch and Pestryakov were going upstairs at first, and is there no evidence about that?”

“Nobody did see him,” Razumihin answered with vexation. “That’s the worst of it. —
“没有人看见他,”拉祖米欣生气地回答道。“这是最糟糕的地方。 —

Even Koch and Pestryakov did not notice them on their way upstairs, though, indeed, their evidence could not have been worth much. —
即使科赫和佩斯特里亚科夫也没有在他们上楼的路上注意到他们,虽然,事实上,他们的证词可能并不值得一提。 —

They said they saw the flat was open, and that there must be work going on in it, but they took no special notice and could not remember whether there actually were men at work in it.”

“Hm! … So the only evidence for the defence is that they were beating one another and laughing. —
“嗯!…所以辩护的唯一证据是他们互相打架并笑。 —

That constitutes a strong presumption, but … —
这构成了一个强烈的推定,但… —

How do you explain the facts yourself?”

“How do I explain them? What is there to explain? It’s clear. —
“我如何解释呢?还有什么需要解释的?很明显。 —

At any rate, the direction in which explanation is to be sought is clear, and the jewel-case points to it. —
无论如何,寻找解释的方向是明确的,珠宝盒指向它。 —

The real murderer dropped those ear- rings. —
真正的凶手丢掉了那些耳环。 —

The murderer was upstairs, locked in, when Koch and Pestryakov knocked at the door. —
凶手在楼上,被锁在房间里时,Koch和Pestryakov敲门。 —

Koch, like an ass, did not stay at the door; so the murderer popped out and ran down, too; —
Koch像个蠢货一样没有留在门口;所以凶手跑了出来,也跑下来; —

for he had no other way of escape. He hid from Koch, Pestryakov and the porter in the flat when Nikolay and Dmitri had just run out of it. —
因为他没有其他逃跑的方法。当尼古拉和德米特里刚从房间里跑出来时,他躲在那里。 —

He stopped there while the porter and others were going upstairs, waited till they were out of hearing, and then went calmly downstairs at the very minute when Dmitri and Nikolay ran out into the street and there was no one in the entry; —
当看门人和其他人上楼时,他停在那里,等到他们听不到声音的时候,就平静地下楼,正好在德米特里和尼古拉跑出街头的那一刻,走廊里没人; —

possibly he was seen, but not noticed. There are lots of people going in and out. —
可能他被看见了,但没有被注意到。有很多人出入。 —

He must have dropped the ear-rings out of his pocket when he stood behind the door, and did not notice he dropped them, because he had other things to think of. —
当他站在门后时,他必须把耳环从口袋里掉了出来,而且他没有注意到掉了,因为还有其他事情要考虑。 —

The jewel-case is a conclusive proof that he did stand there. —
珠宝盒是他站在那里的确凿证据。 —

… That’s how I explain it.”
… 就是这样我解释的。”

“Too clever! No, my boy, you’re too clever. That beats everything.”

“But, why, why?”

“Why, because everything fits too well … it’s too melodramatic.”

“A-ach!” Razumihin was exclaiming, but at that moment the door opened and a personage came in who was a stranger to all present.
“啊——啊!” 拉祖米欣喊着,但就在那时,门开了,一个陌生人走了进来,对在场的所有人都是陌生人。