“Pyotr Petrovitch,” she cried, “protect me … you at least! —
“彼得·彼得罗维奇,”她喊道,”保护我……至少你可以! —

Make this foolish woman understand that she can’t behave like this to a lady in misfortune … —
让这个愚蠢的女人明白,她不能这样对待一个不幸的女士…… —

that there is a law for such things… . I’ll go to the governor-general himself… . —
法律是有关这些事情的……我将去找总督亲自…… —

She shall answer for it… . Remembering my father’s hospitality protect these orphans.”

“Allow me, madam… . Allow me.” Pyotr Petrovitch waved her off. —
“请让我来,夫人……请让我。” 彼得·彼得罗维奇挥手让她离开。 —

“Your papa as you are well aware I had not the honour of knowing” (someone laughed aloud) “and I do not intend to take part in your everlasting squabbles with Amalia Ivanovna. —
“你的爸爸,你很清楚我没有荣幸认识”(有人在大声笑)”,我不打算参与你和阿玛利娅·伊万诺芙娜之间的永无止境的争吵。 —

… I have come here to speak of my own affairs … —
我来这里是为了谈我的自己的事情…… —

and I want to have a word with your stepdaughter, Sofya … —
我想和你的继女索非娅谈一下…… —

Ivanovna, I think it is? Allow me to pass.”

Pyotr Petrovitch, edging by her, went to the opposite corner where Sonia was.

Katerina Ivanovna remained standing where she was, as though thunderstruck. —
卡捷琳娜·伊万诺芙娜仍站在原地,仿佛被震惊了。 —

She could not understand how Pyotr Petrovitch could deny having enjoyed her father’s hospitility. —
她不明白彼得·彼得罗维奇怎么能否认享受她父亲的款待。 —

Though she had invented it herself, she believed in it firmly by this time. —
尽管这是她自己编造的,她现在却坚信不疑。 —

She was struck too by the businesslike, dry and even contemptuous menacing tone of Pyotr Petrovitch. All the clamour gradually died away at his entrance. —
她还被彼得·彼得罗维奇那种事务性、干燥甚至蔑视的威胁性口吻所震撼。随着他的进入,所有的喧哗渐渐平息下来。 —

Not only was this “serious business man” strikingly incongruous with the rest of the party, but it was evident, too, that he had come upon some matter of consequence, that some exceptional cause must have brought him and that therefore something was going to happen. —
这个“认真的商人”不仅与其他人格格不入,还很明显,他是因为某个重要原因而来的,必定会有一些特殊的事情发生。 —

Raskolnikov, standing beside Sonia, moved aside to let him pass; —
拉斯科尔尼科夫站在索尼娅旁边,让他走过去; —

Pyotr Petrovitch did not seem to notice him. —
彼得·彼得罗维奇似乎没有注意到他。 —

A minute later Lebeziatnikov, too, appeared in the doorway; —
一分钟后,列别日亚特尼科夫也出现在门口; —

he did not come in, but stood still, listening with marked interest, almost wonder, and seemed for a time perplexed.

“Excuse me for possibly interrupting you, but it’s a matter of some importance,” Pyotr Petrovitch observed, addressing the company generally. —
“请原谅我可能打断你们,但这事很重要,”彼得·彼得罗维奇对全体说道。 —

“I am glad indeed to find other persons present. —
“我真的很高兴发现其他人在场。 —

Amalia Ivanovna, I humbly beg you as mistress of the house to pay careful attention to what I have to say to Sofya Ivanovna. —
阿玛利娅·伊凡诺芙娜,我谦卑地请求你作为这个房子的女主人,认真听我对索菲娅·伊凡诺芙娜要说的话。 —

Sofya Ivanovna,” he went on, addressing Sonia, who was very much surprised and already alarmed, “immediately after your visit I found that a hundred-rouble note was missing from my table, in the room of my friend Mr. Lebeziatnikov. —
索菲娅·伊凡诺芙娜,”他继续说,对已经非常惊讶并且已经害怕担心的索尼娅说,“在你来访之后,我发现我的朋友列别日亚特尼科夫先生的房间里的桌子上消失了一张一百卢布的钞票。 —

If in any way whatever you know and will tell us where it is now, I assure you on my word of honour and call all present to witness that the matter shall end there. —
如果你以任何方式知道并告诉我们现在它在哪里,我以我的诚信保证,并请在场的所有人作为证人,事情将在那里结束。 —

In the opposite case I shall be compelled to have recourse to very serious measures and then . —
如果相反的情况发生,我将不得不采取非常严肃的措施,那时候… —

. . you must blame yourself.”

Complete silence reigned in the room. Even the crying children were still. —
房间里一片寂静。甚至哭泣的孩子也安静了下来。 —

Sonia stood deadly pale, staring at Luzhin and unable to say a word. —
索尼娅脸色惨白,盯着卢日因,无法说出一句话。 —

She seemed not to understand. Some seconds passed.

“Well, how is it to be then?” asked Luzhin, looking intently at her.
“那么,问题要怎样解决?” 卢日因目不转睛地看着她。

“I don’t know… . I know nothing about it,” Sonia articulated faintly at last.

“No, you know nothing?” Luzhin repeated and again he paused for some seconds. —
“不知道吗?”卢任重复道,再次停顿几秒钟。 —

“Think a moment, mademoiselle,” he began severely, but still, as it were, admonishing her. —
“想一想,小姐,”他严厉地开始说,但仍像是在警告她。 —

“Reflect, I am prepared to give you time for consideration. Kindly observe this: —
“请你认真考虑一下。我准备给你时间来思考。请注意: —

if I were not so entirely convinced I should not, you may be sure, with my experience venture to accuse you so directly. —
如果我不完全确信,我肯定不会,你可以相信,根据我的经验,冒险如此直接地指责你。 —

Seeing that for such direct accusation before witnesses, if false or even mistaken, I should myself in a certain sense be made responsible, I am aware of that. —
看到这种直接的指控在证人面前,如果是假的甚至是错误的,我在某种意义上会对此负责。我知道这一点。 —

This morning I changed for my own purposes several five-per-cent securities for the sum of approximately three thousand roubles. —
今天早上,我为了我的私人目的换了几张百分之五的有价证券,共大约三千卢布。 —

The account is noted down in my pocket-book. —
账目记录在我的钱包里。 —

On my return home I proceeded to count the money–as Mr. Lebeziatnikov will bear witness–and after counting two thousand three hundred roubles I put the rest in my pocket-book in my coat pocket. —
我回家后就开始数钱——莱贝芝亚特尼科夫先生会作证——数到两千三百卢布后,我把剩下的放在我的外套口袋里的钱包里。 —

About five hundred roubles remained on the table and among them three notes of a hundred roubles each. —
桌子上还剩下五百卢布,其中包括三张一百卢布的钞票。 —

At that moment you entered (at my invitation)–and all the time you were present you were exceedingly embarrassed; —
就在那时,你进来了(在我邀请之下)——在你在场的整个时间里,你非常尴尬; —

so that three times you jumped up in the middle of the conversation and tried to make off. —
以至于你在谈话中三次跳起来试图逃跑。 —

Mr. Lebeziatnikov can bear witness to this. —
莱贝芝亚特尼科夫先生可以作证。 —

You yourself, mademoiselle, probably will not refuse to confirm my statement that I invited you through Mr. Lebeziatnikov, solely in order to discuss with you the hopeless and destitute position of your relative, Katerina Ivanovna (whose dinner I was unable to attend), and the advisability of getting up something of the nature of a subscription, lottery or the like, for her benefit. —
你自己,小姐,可能不会拒绝确认我的陈述是事实,我邀请你通过莱贝芝亚特尼科夫先生,纯粹是为了和你讨论你亲戚叶卡捷琳娜·伊万诺夫娜无望又赤贫的境地(我不能参加她的晚宴),以及为她的利益筹备类似捐款、彩票或其他活动的合适性。 —

You thanked me and even shed tears. I describe all this as it took place, primarily to recall it to your mind and secondly to show you that not the slightest detail has escaped my recollection. —
你感谢了我,甚至流下眼泪。我描述这一切是为了让你回忆起,并展示你,我的记忆未有丝毫遗漏。 —

Then I took a ten- rouble note from the table and handed it to you by way of first instalment on my part for the benefit of your relative. —
然后我从桌子上拿起一张十卢布的钞票,作为我为了您的亲戚的利益所支付的第一笔分期款,递给了你。 —

Mr. Lebeziatnikov saw all this. Then I accompanied you to the door–you being still in the same state of embarrassment–after which, being left alone with Mr. Lebeziatnikov I talked to him for ten minutes– then Mr. Lebeziatnikov went out and I returned to the table with the money lying on it, intending to count it and to put it aside, as I proposed doing before. —
列别日尼科夫先生看到了这一切。然后我陪着您走到门口–您仍然处于尴尬的状态–之后,留下与列别日尼科夫先生单独交谈了十分钟–然后列别日尼科夫先生走了,我回到桌子,上面放着钱,打算好好数一数,然后把它放在一边,就像我之前计划的那样。 —

To my surprise one hundred-rouble note had disappeared. Kindly consider the position. —
令我惊讶的是一张一百卢布的钞票不见了。请您考虑一下这个局面。 —

Mr. Lebeziatnikov I cannot suspect. I am ashamed to allude to such a supposition. —
我不能怀疑列别日尼科夫先生。提到这样的猜测让我感到羞愧。 —

I cannot have made a mistake in my reckoning, for the minute before your entrance I had finished my accounts and found the total correct. —
我在计算上不可能出错,因为您进来之前的一分钟,我已经算完了账,发现总数是正确的。 —

You will admit that recollecting your embarrassment, your eagerness to get away and the fact that you kept your hands for some time on the table, and taking into consideration your social position and the habits associated with it, I was, so to say, with horror and positively against my will, /compelled/ to entertain a suspicion–a cruel, but justifiable suspicion! —
您会承认,想起您的尴尬,想要走开的急切心情,以及您在桌子上停留了一段时间,并考虑到您的社会地位和与之相关的习惯,我不得不说,几乎是带着恐惧和绝对不情愿,不得不抱有一个怀疑–一种残酷但可以理解的怀疑! —

I will add further and repeat that in spite of my positive conviction, I realise that I run a certain risk in making this accusation, but as you see, I could not let it pass. —
我还要补充并重复说,尽管我坚信不疑,但我意识到在提出这一指控时存在一定风险,但正如您看到的,我不得不这样做。 —

I have taken action and I will tell you why: —
我已经采取了行动,我将告诉您原因: —

solely, madam, solely, owing to your black ingratitude! Why! —
仅仅,女士,仅仅,因为您的不知感激!为什么! —

I invite you for the benefit of your destitute relative, I present you with my donation of ten roubles and you, on the spot, repay me for all that with such an action. —
我邀请您为了您那困苦的亲戚,我给了您十卢布的捐款,而您,当场,用这样的行为回报我。 —

It is too bad! You need a lesson. Reflect! —
这太糟糕了!您需要一个教训。好好想想! —

Moreover, like a true friend I beg you– and you could have no better friend at this moment–think what you are doing, otherwise I shall be immovable! —
此外,恰如其分地,作为一个真正的朋友,我请求您–而您此刻没有比我更好的朋友–好好想想您在做什么,否则我将不会改变立场! —

Well, what do you say?”

“I have taken nothing,” Sonia whispered in terror, “you gave me ten roubles, here it is, take it.”

Sonia pulled her handkerchief out of her pocket, untied a corner of it, took out the ten-rouble note and gave it to Luzhin.

“And the hundred roubles you do not confess to taking?” —
“而你不承认拿走的一百卢布呢?” —

he insisted reproachfully, not taking the note.

Sonia looked about her. All were looking at her with such awful, stern, ironical, hostile eyes. —
索尼娅四处看了看。所有人都用可怕、严厉、讥讽和敌对的眼神看着她。 —

She looked at Raskolnikov … he stood against the wall, with his arms crossed, looking at her with glowing eyes.

“Good God!” broke from Sonia.

“Amalia Ivanovna, we shall have to send word to the police and therefore I humbly beg you meanwhile to send for the house porter,” Luzhin said softly and even kindly.

”/Gott der Barmherzige/! I knew she was the thief,” cried Amalia Ivanovna, throwing up her hands.

“You knew it?” Luzhin caught her up, “then I suppose you had some reason before this for thinking so. —
“你知道吗?”卢日尼插嘴道,“那么我想在此之前你一定有某些理由认为这样。 —

I beg you, worthy Amalia Ivanovna, to remember your words which have been uttered before witnesses.”

There was a buzz of loud conversation on all sides. All were in movement.

“What!” cried Katerina Ivanovna, suddenly realising the position, and she rushed at Luzhin. —
“什么!”凯特琳娜·伊万诺夫娜突然意识到情况,她冲向卢日尼。 —

“What! You accuse her of stealing? Sonia? —
“什么!你指控她偷窃?索尼娅? —

Ah, the wretches, the wretches!”

And running to Sonia she flung her wasted arms round her and held her as in a vise.

“Sonia! how dared you take ten roubles from him? Foolish girl! —
“索尼娅!你怎么敢从他那里拿走十卢布?愚蠢的女孩! —

Give it to me! Give me the ten roubles at once–here!

And snatching the note from Sonia, Katerina Ivanovna crumpled it up and flung it straight into Luzhin’s face. —
然后索尼娅从索尼娅那里夺过纸币,把它揉成一团,直接扔到卢兹金的脸上。 —

It hit him in the eye and fell on the ground. —
它击中了他的眼睛,落在地上。 —

Amalia Ivanovna hastened to pick it up. Pyotr Petrovitch lost his temper.

“Hold that mad woman!” he shouted.

At that moment several other persons, besides Lebeziatnikov, appeared in the doorway, among them the two ladies.

“What! Mad? Am I mad? Idiot!” shrieked Katerina Ivanovna. —
“什么!疯了?我疯了吗?白痴!”卡捷琳娜·伊万诺芙娜尖叫道。 —

“You are an idiot yourself, pettifogging lawyer, base man! Sonia, Sonia take his money! —
“你才是白痴,小心眼的律师,卑鄙的人!索尼娅,索尼娅拿他的钱! —

Sonia a thief! Why, she’d give away her last penny!” —
索尼娅是个小偷!为什么,她会把最后一分钱都给出去!” —

and Katerina Ivanovna broke into hysterical laughter. “Did you ever see such an idiot?” —
卡捷琳娜·伊万诺芙娜陷入歇斯底里的笑声。“你见过这么白痴的人吗?” —

she turned from side to side. “And you too?” —
她从一边转向另一边。“还有你?” —

she suddenly saw the landlady, “and you too, sausage eater, you declare that she is a thief, you trashy Prussian hen’s leg in a crinoline! —
她突然看到了女房东,“还有你,吃香肠的,你说她是个小偷,你这个恶毒的普鲁士鸡腿穿着褶皱的裙子! —

She hasn’t been out of this room: she came straight from you, you wretch, and sat down beside me, everyone saw her. —
她没有离开这个房间:她是直接从你们那里来的,你个恶棍,坐在我旁边,每个人都看见了。 —

She sat here, by Rodion Romanovitch. Search her! —
她坐在这里,旁边是罗季恩·罗马诺维奇。搜搜她! —

Since she’s not left the room, the money would have to be on her! Search her, search her! —
既然她没有离开房间,那钱一定在她身上!搜搜她,搜搜她!” —

But if you don’t find it, then excuse me, my dear fellow, you’ll answer for it! —
但是如果你找不到,那么请原谅,我亲爱的朋友,你会为此负责! —

I’ll go to our Sovereign, to our Sovereign, to our gracious Tsar himself, and throw myself at his feet, to-day, this minute! —
我会去找我们的君主,我们的仁慈沙皇本人,今天,此刻就去投降他的脚下! —

I am alone in the world! They would let me in! Do you think they wouldn’t? —
我在这个世界上孤单!他们会让我进去的!你以为他们不会吗? —

You’re wrong, I will get in! I will get in! You reckoned on her meekness! You relied upon that! —
你错了,我会进去的!我会进去的!你寄希望于她的温顺!你依赖于那一点! —

But I am not so submissive, let me tell you! —
但是我不那么顺从,让我告诉你! —

You’ve gone too far yourself. Search her, search her!”

And Katerina Ivanovna in a frenzy shook Luzhin and dragged him towards Sonia.

“I am ready, I’ll be responsible … but calm yourself, madam, calm yourself. —
“我准备好了,我会承担责任……但请冷静,夫人,请冷静。 —

I see that you are not so submissive! … Well, well, but as to that …” —
我看出你并不那么顺从!……好吧,但就这个……” —

Luzhin muttered, “that ought to be before the police … —
卢亚诺夫喃喃自语道,“应该报告警察……尽管这已经有足够的证人……我准备好了……但无论如何,对一个男人来说很困难……因为她是女性……但借助阿玛莉娅·伊万诺芙娜的帮助……尽管,当然,这不是正确的做法。 —

though indeed there are witnesses enough as it is… . I am ready… . —
……该怎么做?” —

But in any case it’s difficult for a man … on account of her sex… . —
但是怎样做呢? —

But with the help of Amalia Ivanovna … —
……但怎么做? —

though, of course, it’s not the way to do things. —
不过,应该怎么做呢? —

… How is it to be done?”

“As you will! Let anyone who likes search her!” cried Katerina Ivanovna. —
“随你们去吧!谁愿意搜她就去搜!”凯特琳娜·伊万诺夫娜喊道。 —

“Sonia, turn out your pockets! See! Look, monster, the pocket is empty, here was her handkerchief! —
“索尼娅,把口袋倒出来!看!看啊,怪物,口袋是空的,她的手绢在这里! —

Here is the other pocket, look! D’you see, d’you see?”

And Katerina Ivanovna turned–or rather snatched–both pockets inside out. —
凯特琳娜·伊万诺夫娜转身–或者说抢过–把两个口袋都掏空了。 —

But from the right pocket a piece of paper flew out and describing a parabola in the air fell at Luzhin’s feet. —
但是从右口袋里飞出了一张纸,描述着一个抛物线,在空中落在了卢日尼的脚下。 —

Everyone saw it, several cried out. Pyotr Petrovitch stooped down, picked up the paper in two fingers, lifted it where all could see it and opened it. —
所有人都看到了,几个人叫了出来。彼得·彼得罗维奇弯下腰,用两根手指捡起了那张纸,提高到所有人都能看到的地方,然后打开了。 —

It was a hundred-rouble note folded in eight. —
那是一张折叠成八瓣的一百卢布纸币。 —

Pyotr Petrovitch held up the note showing it to everyone.

“Thief! Out of my lodging. Police, police!” —
“小偷!滚出我的住所。警察,警察!” —

yelled Amalia Ivanovna. “They must to Siberia be sent! Away!”

Exclamations arose on all sides. Raskolnikov was silent, keeping his eyes fixed on Sonia, except for an occasional rapid glance at Luzhin. —
各处响起了惊呼声。拉斯科尔尼科夫保持沉默,目不转睛地看着索尼娅,偶尔快速地瞥一眼卢日尼。 —

Sonia stood still, as though unconscious. She was hardly able to feel surprise. —
索尼娅站在那里,好像失去了知觉。她几乎感受不到惊讶。 —

Suddenly the colour rushed to her cheeks; —
突然,血液涌上了她的脸颊; —

she uttered a cry and hid her face in her hands.

“No, it wasn’t I! I didn’t take it! I know nothing about it,” she cried with a heartrending wail, and she ran to Katerina Ivanovna, who clasped her tightly in her arms, as though she would shelter her from all the world.

“Sonia! Sonia! I don’t believe it! You see, I don’t believe it!” —
“索尼娅!索尼娅!我简直不敢相信!你看,我不敢相信!” —

she cried in the face of the obvious fact, swaying her to and fro in her arms like a baby, kissing her face continually, then snatching at her hands and kissing them, too, “you took it! —
她在明显的事实面前哭泣,把她摇来摇去地抱在怀里像个婴儿,不停地亲吻她的脸,然后抓住她的手也亲吻,“你拿走了! —

How stupid these people are! Oh dear! You are fools, fools,” she cried, addressing the whole room, “you don’t know, you don’t know what a heart she has, what a girl she is! —
这些人都多愚蠢啊!天哪!你们都是傻瓜,傻瓜们,”她大声喊道,对着整个房间说道,“你们不知道,你们不知道她心如何,她是个怎样的女孩! —

She take it, she? She’d sell her last rag, she’d go barefoot to help you if you needed it, that’s what she is! —
她拿了,她拿了吗?她会为了我们卖掉最后的破烂,她会赤脚走路来帮助你们,这就是她! —

She has the yellow passport because my children were starving, she sold herself for us! —
她拿了黄护照是因为我的孩子们在挨饿,她为了我们出卖了自己! —

Ah, husband, husband! Do you see? Do you see? What a memorial dinner for you! Merciful heavens! —
啊,丈夫,丈夫!你看见了吗?你看见了吗?为你举办的纪念晚宴!天哪! —

Defend her, why are you all standing still? Rodion Romanovitch, why don’t you stand up for her? —
为什么你们都站着不动?罗季翁·罗曼诺维奇,你为什么不为她说话? —

Do you believe it, too? You are not worth her little finger, all of you together! —
你们也相信吗?你们所有人一起不如她的小指! —

Good God! Defend her now, at least!”

The wail of the poor, consumptive, helpless woman seemed to produce a great effect on her audience. —
这位可怜、患结核病、无助的女人的哀号似乎对听众产生了很大影响。 —

The agonised, wasted, consumptive face, the parched blood-stained lips, the hoarse voice, the tears unrestrained as a child’s, the trustful, childish and yet despairing prayer for help were so piteous that everyone seemed to feel for her. —
患病、憔悴,被蚀的嘴唇,嘶哑的声音,像孩子一样的眼泪,寄托着信任的孩子般却绝望的祈求帮助,是如此可怜,以至于每个人似乎都为她感到不忍。 —

Pyotr Petrovitch at any rate was at once moved to /compassion/.
至少对彼得·彼得罗维奇来说,他立即被激发出 /怜悯/。

“Madam, madam, this incident does not reflect upon you!” —
“女士,女士,这一事件不会对您造成影响!” —

he cried impressively, “no one would take upon himself to accuse you of being an instigator or even an accomplice in it, especially as you have proved her guilt by turning out her pockets, showing that you had no previous idea of it. —
他感人地喊道,“没有人会指责您是这起事件的策划者或甚至同谋,尤其是您通过翻出她的口袋证明了她的罪行,表明您之前并没有怀疑。 —

I am most ready, most ready to show compassion, if poverty, so to speak, drove Sofya Semyonovna to it, but why did you refuse to confess, mademoiselle? —
如果穷困,可谓如此,驱使索菲娅·谢耶莫诺芙娜去做这事,我最乐意、最乐意显示怜悯,但是,为何您拒绝坦白,小姐?” —

Were you afraid of the disgrace? The first step? You lost your head, perhaps? —
你害怕丢脸吗?第一步?也许你冲昏了头脑? —

One can quite understand it… . But how could you have lowered yourself to such an action? —
这完全可以理解……但你怎么能够降低自己做出这样的行为呢? —

Gentlemen,” he addressed the whole company, “gentlemen! —
先生们,”他对着整个公司说,”先生们! —

Compassionate and, so to say, commiserating these people, I am ready to overlook it even now in spite of the personal insult lavished upon me! —
体恤并且可以说是怜悯这些人,我现在准备放过你们,尽管你们对我进行了人身侮辱! —

And may this disgrace be a lesson to you for the future,” he said, addressing Sonia, “and I will carry the matter no further. Enough!”

Pyotr Petrovitch stole a glance at Raskolnikov. —
彼得・彼得罗维奇偷偷瞥了瞥拉斯科尔尼科夫。 —

Their eyes met, and the fire in Raskolnikov’s seemed ready to reduce him to ashes. —
他们的目光相遇,拉斯科尔尼科夫眼中的火焰似乎随时准备将他烧成灰烬。 —

Meanwhile Katerina Ivanovna apparently heard nothing. —
与此同时,卡捷琳娜・伊万诺夫娜似乎什么也没有听到。 —

She was kissing and hugging Sonia like a madwoman. —
她像个疯女人一样拥吻着梳妮娅。 —

The children, too, were embracing Sonia on all sides, and Polenka–though she did not fully understand what was wrong–was drowned in tears and shaking with sobs, as she hid her pretty little face, swollen with weeping, on Sonia’s shoulder.

“How vile!” a loud voice cried suddenly in the doorway.

Pyotr Petrovitch looked round quickly.

“What vileness!” Lebeziatnikov repeated, staring him straight in the face.

Pyotr Petrovitch gave a positive start–all noticed it and recalled it afterwards. —
彼得・彼得罗维奇明显地一个冷颤──所有人都注意到了,事后回想起来也都记得。 —

Lebeziatnikov strode into the room.

“And you dared to call me as witness?” he said, going up to Pyotr Petrovitch.

“What do you mean? What are you talking about?” muttered Luzhin.

“I mean that you … are a slanderer, that’s what my words mean!” —
“我的意思是你……是个诽谤者,这就是我的话的意思!”勒别季亚特尼科夫生气地说,用他那近视的眼睛严厉地盯着他。 —

Lebeziatnikov said hotly, looking sternly at him with his short- sighted eyes.

He was extremely angry. Raskolnikov gazed intently at him, as though seizing and weighing each word. Again there was a silence. —
彼得·彼得罗维奇似乎一开始几乎惊呆了。 —

Pyotr Petrovitch indeed seemed almost dumbfounded for the first moment.

“If you mean that for me, …” he began, stammering. —
再一次是沉默。 —

“But what’s the matter with you? Are you out of your mind?”

“I’m in my mind, but you are a scoundrel! Ah, how vile! I have heard everything. —
“我神智正常,但你却是个恶棍!啊,多么卑鄙!我听到了一切。” —

I kept waiting on purpose to understand it, for I must own even now it is not quite logical. —
“我特意等着想明白,因为我必须承认,即使现在也不太合乎逻辑。” —

… What you have done it all for I can’t understand.”

“Why, what have I done then? Give over talking in your nonsensical riddles! —
“喂,我到底做了什么?别再用你无聊的谜语说话了!” —

Or maybe you are drunk!”

“You may be a drunkard, perhaps, vile man, but I am not! —
“也许你是个酗酒鬼,可恶的人,但我不是!” —

I never touch vodka, for it’s against my convictions. —
“我从不碰伏特加,因为这违背了我的信念!” —

Would you believe it, he, he himself, with his own hands gave Sofya Semyonovna that hundred-rouble note–I saw it, I was a witness, I’ll take my oath! —
“你相信吗,他,他亲手给索菲娅·谢梅诺夫娜那张一百卢布的钞票——我看见了,我亲眼见证,我可以作证!” —

He did it, he!” repeated Lebeziatnikov, addressing all.
“他做了,他!” 列别季亚特尼科夫重复道,对所有人说。

“Are you crazy, milksop?” squealed Luzhin. —
“你疯了,软弱的人?” 卢金尖声说。 —

“She is herself before you –she herself here declared just now before everyone that I gave her only ten roubles. —
“她就在你面前——刚才她自己在所有人面前说我只给了她十卢布。 —

How could I have given it to her?”

“I saw it, I saw it,” Lebeziatnikov repeated, “and though it is against my principles, I am ready this very minute to take any oath you like before the court, for I saw how you slipped it in her pocket. —
“我看见了,我看见了,”列别季亚特尼科夫重复说,”虽然这违背了我的原则,但我现在就愿意在法庭上立誓,我看到你是如何把钞票塞进她口袋里的。 —

Only like a fool I thought you did it out of kindness! —
“只是像个傻瓜一样,我以为你是出于善意!” —

When you were saying good-bye to her at the door, while you held her hand in one hand, with the other, the left, you slipped the note into her pocket. —
当你在门口向她道别时,一只手握着她的手,另一只手,左手,把纸条偷偷放进她口袋里。 —

I saw it, I saw it!”

Luzhin turned pale.

“What lies!” he cried impudently, “why, how could you, standing by the window, see the note? —
“胡说八道!”他厚颜无耻地叫道,”你站在窗边,又怎么可能看到那张纸条呢? —

You fancied it with your short-sighted eyes. You are raving!”

“No, I didn’t fancy it. And though I was standing some way off, I saw it all. —
“不,我并不是瞎想的。虽然我站得有些远,我看到了一切。 —

And though it certainly would be hard to distinguish a note from the window–that’s true–I knew for certain that it was a hundred-rouble note, because, when you were going to give Sofya Semyonovna ten roubles, you took up from the table a hundred-rouble note (I saw it because I was standing near then, and an idea struck me at once, so that I did not forget you had it in your hand). —
虽然从窗户辨别出纸条确实有难度–这是真的–但我确信那是一张一百卢布的纸币,因为当你正要给索非亚·谢米诺夫娜十卢布时,你从桌子上拿起了一张一百卢布的纸币(我看到了,因为我当时站得很近,顿时就想到了一个主意,所以也没忘记你手里拿着这张纸币)。” —

You folded it and kept it in your hand all the time. —
你把它折叠起来,一直握在手中。 —

I didn’t think of it again until, when you were getting up, you changed it from your right hand to your left and nearly dropped it! —
直到你起身的时候,把它从右手换到左手时,我再次想起了它,差点掉了! —

I noticed it because the same idea struck me again, that you meant to do her a kindness without my seeing. —
我注意到了,因为我再次想到了同样的想法,你想偷偷帮她一个忙。 —

You can fancy how I watched you and I saw how you succeeded in slipping it into her pocket. —
你可以想象我是如何看着你的,我看到你成功地把它塞进了她的口袋里。 —

I saw it, I saw it, I’ll take my oath.”

Lebeziatnikov was almost breathless. Exclamations arose on all hands chiefly expressive of wonder, but some were menacing in tone. —
列别扎特尼科夫几乎喘不过气来。人们纷纷发出感叹之声,主要是惊讶之情,但也有一些带有威胁色彩。 —

They all crowded round Pyotr Petrovitch. —
他们都围拢在皮奥特尔·彼得罗维奇周围。 —

Katerina Ivanovna flew to Lebeziatnikov.

“I was mistaken in you! Protect her! You are the only one to take her part! —
“我误会你了!保护她!你是唯一支持她的人! —

She is an orphan. God has sent you!”

Katerina Ivanovna, hardly knowing what she was doing, sank on her knees before him.

“A pack of nonsense!” yelled Luzhin, roused to fury, “it’s all nonsense you’ve been talking! —
“一派胡言!”鲁津愤怒地喊道,“你一直在胡说八道! —

‘An idea struck you, you didn’t think, you noticed’–what does it amount to? —
‘有个想法闯入你的脑海,你没有想,你注意到了’–这到底是什么意思? —

So I gave it to her on the sly on purpose? What for? —
所以我故意偷偷地给了她?为了什么? —

With what object? What have I to do with this …?”

“What for? That’s what I can’t understand, but that what I am telling you is the fact, that’s certain! —
“为什么呢?这是我无法理解的,但我告诉你的是事实,那是肯定的! —

So far from my being mistaken, you infamous criminal man, I remember how, on account of it, a question occurred to me at once, just when I was thanking you and pressing your hand. —
“远非我弄错了,你这个卑鄙的犯罪分子,我记得,正因为这件事,我一边感谢你,一边握着你的手时,立刻出现了一个问题。 —

What made you put it secretly in her pocket? Why you did it secretly, I mean? —
“你为什么偷偷把它放在她口袋里?你偷偷做这件事,是为什么? —

Could it be simply to conceal it from me, knowing that my convictions are opposed to yours and that I do not approve of private benevolence, which effects no radical cure? —
“难道仅仅是为了瞒着我,知道我的信仰和你的相悖,我不赞成不能彻底解决问题的私人善举吗? —

Well, I decided that you really were ashamed of giving such a large sum before me. —
“好吧,我断定你真的对在我面前给出如此巨额的钱感到羞愧。 —

Perhaps, too, I thought, he wants to give her a surprise, when she finds a whole hundred-rouble note in her pocket. —
“也许,我想,他也想给她一个惊喜,让她在口袋里找到一张整整的百卢布钞票。 —

(For I know, some benevolent people are very fond of decking out their charitable actions in that way. —
(因为我知道,有些善良的人很喜欢用这种方式装饰他们的慈善行为。 —

) Then the idea struck me, too, that you wanted to test her, to see whether, when she found it, she would come to thank you. —
)然后我又想到,你想测试她,看看当她找到钱时,她会不会来感谢你。 —

Then, too, that you wanted to avoid thanks and that, as the saying is, your right hand should not know . —
“又有一种想法闪过我脑海,你想避免感谢,以至于,俗话说,你的左手不知道右手的事. —

. . something of that sort, in fact. I thought of so many possibilities that I put off considering it, but still thought it indelicate to show you that I knew your secret. —
“. . 类似这样的事情,实际上。我想到了那么多可能性,所以拖着没有考虑,但仍然认为向你显露我知道你的秘密是不雅的。 —

But another idea struck me again that Sofya Semyonovna might easily lose the money before she noticed it, that was why I decided to come in here to call her out of the room and to tell her that you put a hundred roubles in her pocket. —
“但又有一个想法再次闪过我,索菲娅·谢尔盖耶芙娜可能在注意到之前很容易就把钱丢了,这就是为什么我决定过来叫她出去,告诉她你把一百卢布放在她口袋里。 —

But on my way I went first to Madame Kobilatnikov’s to take them the ‘General Treatise on the Positive Method’ and especially to recommend Piderit’s article (and also Wagner’s); —
“但在我去的路上,我先到科比拉特尼科夫夫人那里,把《正面方法的一般论著》带给他们,并特别推荐皮德里特的文章(还有瓦格纳的); —

then I come on here and what a state of things I find! —
“然后我来到这里,发现了一个什么情况! —

Now could I, could I, have all these ideas and reflections if I had not seen you put the hundred-rouble note in her pocket?”

When Lebeziatnikov finished his long-winded harangue with the logical deduction at the end, he was quite tired, and the perspiration streamed from his face. —
当莱别日亚特尼科夫结束了他冗长的言辞,并在最后做出逻辑推论时,他已经筋疲力尽,汗水从他脸上淌下来。 —

He could not, alas, even express himself correctly in Russian, though he knew no other language, so that he was quite exhausted, almost emaciated after this heroic exploit. —
他在俄语中甚至无法表达自己,虽然他不懂其他语言,因此在这一英雄壮举之后,他筋疲力尽,几乎消瘦憔悴。 —

But his speech produced a powerful effect. —
但他的讲话产生了强大的影响。 —

He had spoken with such vehemence, with such conviction that everyone obviously believed him. —
他讲话时如此慷慨激昂,如此坚定,以至于每个人显然都相信他。 —

Pyotr Petrovitch felt that things were going badly with him.

“What is it to do with me if silly ideas did occur to you?” he shouted, “that’s no evidence. —
“如果你脑子里产生了愚蠢的想法,那与我有什么关系?”他大声喊道,”那不是证据。 —

You may have dreamt it, that’s all! And I tell you, you are lying, sir. —
你可能只是做梦了!我告诉你,你在说谎,先生。 —

You are lying and slandering from some spite against me, simply from pique, because I did not agree with your free-thinking, godless, social propositions!”

But this retort did not benefit Pyotr Petrovitch. Murmurs of disapproval were heard on all sides.

“Ah, that’s your line now, is it!” cried Lebeziatnikov, “that’s nonsense! —
“啊,这是你的立场现在,是吗!”勒别兹尼科夫喊道,”那纯属胡扯! —

Call the police and I’ll take my oath! There’s only one thing I can’t understand: —
叫警察来,我发誓!只有一件事我搞不明白: —

what made him risk such a contemptible action. —
他为什么要冒险做出如此可鄙的行为。 —

Oh, pitiful, despicable man!”

“I can explain why he risked such an action, and if necessary, I, too, will swear to it,” Raskolnikov said at last in a firm voice, and he stepped forward.

He appeared to be firm and composed. Everyone felt clearly, from the very look of him that he really knew about it and that the mystery would be solved.

“Now I can explain it all to myself,” said Raskolnikov, addressing Lebeziatnikov. —
“现在我可以对自己解释一切了,”拉斯科尔尼科夫对勒别兹尼科夫说道。 —

“From the very beginning of the business, I suspected that there was some scoundrelly intrigue at the bottom of it. —
从业务开始,我就怀疑其中有一些恶毒的阴谋。 —

I began to suspect it from some special circumstances known to me only, which I will explain at once to everyone: —
我从一些只有我知道的特殊情况开始怀疑,我会立刻向大家解释: —

they account for everything. Your valuable evidence has finally made everything clear to me. —
他们解释了一切。 你宝贵的证据终于让我一切清楚了。 —

I beg all, all to listen. This gentleman (he pointed to Luzhin) was recently engaged to be married to a young lady–my sister, Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikov. —
我请求所有人都听着。 这位先生(他指向卢日因)最近与一个年轻女士订了婚–我妹妹,阿福多娅·罗曼诺芙娜·拉斯科尔尼科夫。 —

But coming to Petersburg he quarrelled with me, the day before yesterday, at our first meeting and I drove him out of my room –I have two witnesses to prove it. —
但是来到彼得堡,前天我们首次见面就吵架了,我把他赶出了我的房间–我有两个证人证实这一点。 —

He is a very spiteful man… . The day before yesterday I did not know that he was staying here, in your room, and that consequently on the very day we quarrelled–the day before yesterday–he saw me give Katerina Ivanovna some money for the funeral, as a friend of the late Mr. Marmeladov. —
他是一个非常恶毒的人……前天,我并不知道他住在这里,住在你的房间里,因此在我们吵架的那一天–前天–他看见我把钱给了凯捷琳娜·伊凡诺芙娜为葬礼当天为那位已故的马尔梅拉多夫夫人的朋友。 —

He at once wrote a note to my mother and informed her that I had given away all my money, not to Katerina Ivanovna but to Sofya Semyonovna, and referred in a most contemptible way to the . —
他马上写了一封信给我妈妈,告诉她我把所有的钱分给了索菲亚·谢米洛芙娜,而不是给凯捷琳娜·伊凡诺芙娜,并且以一种极其轻蔑的方式提到…… —

. . character of Sofya Semyonovna, that is, hinted at the character of my attitude to Sofya Semyonovna. —
索菲娅·谢缅诺夫娜的性格,这暗示了我对索菲娅·谢缅诺夫娜的态度。 —

All this you understand was with the object of dividing me from my mother and sister, by insinuating that I was squandering on unworthy objects the money which they had sent me and which was all they had. —
你明白这一切都是为了让我与母亲和姐妹分开,暗示我在不值得的事物上浪费她们寄给我的钱,这可是她们唯一的财产。 —

Yesterday evening, before my mother and sister and in his presence, I declared that I had given the money to Katerina Ivanovna for the funeral and not to Sofya Semyonovna and that I had no acquaintance with Sofya Semyonovna and had never seen her before, indeed. —
昨天晚上,在我母亲和姐妹和他的面前,我声明我把钱给了叶卡捷琳娜·伊万诺芙娜用于葬礼,而不是给索菲娅·谢缅诺夫娜,我根本不认识索菲娅·谢缅诺夫娜,以前从未见过她。 —

At the same time I added that he, Pyotr Petrovitch Luzhin, with all his virtues, was not worth Sofya Semyonovna’s little finger, though he spoke so ill of her. —
同时我补充说,尽管他说她的坏话,但彼得·彼得罗维奇·卢日因在所有美德中也不如索菲娅·谢缅诺夫娜的小指头。 —

To his question–would I let Sofya Semyonovna sit down beside my sister, I answered that I had already done so that day. —
在他询问是否会让索菲娅·谢缅诺夫娜坐在我姐妹旁边时,我回答我那天已经让她这样做了。 —

Irritated that my mother and sister were unwilling to quarrel with me at his insinuations, he gradually began being unpardonably rude to them. —
由于我母亲和姐妹不愿意因他的暗示与我吵架,他开始对他们表现出无法宽恕的无礼行为。 —

A final rupture took place and he was turned out of the house. All this happened yesterday evening. —
最终爆发发生,他被赶出了家门。 这一切发生在昨晚。 —

Now I beg your special attention: consider: —
现在请你特别注意:考虑: —

if he had now succeeded in proving that Sofya Semyonovna was a thief, he would have shown to my mother and sister that he was almost right in his suspicions, that he had reason to be angry at my putting my sister on a level with Sofya Semyonovna, that, in attacking me, he was protecting and preserving the honour of my sister, his betrothed. —
如果他现在成功地证明了索非亚·谢梅诺夫娜是个贼,那么他就向我母亲和姐姐表明,他几乎在他的怀疑中是正确的,他有理由对我把姐姐和索非亚·谢梅诺娃并列感到生气,在攻击我时,他是在保护并维护我妹妹,他的未婚妻的荣誉。 —

In fact he might even, through all this, have been able to estrange me from my family, and no doubt he hoped to be restored to favour with them; —
事实上,甚至通过这一切,他也许已经成功地把我同家人疏远开来,毫无疑问,他希望能被他们恢复偏爱; —

to say nothing of revenging himself on me personally, for he has grounds for supposing that the honour and happiness of Sofya Semyonovna are very precious to me. —
更不用说对我个人的报复,因为他有理由认为索非亚·谢梅诺娃的荣誉和幸福对我来说非常珍贵。 —

That was what he was working for! That’s how I understand it. —
那就是他的目的!这是我理解的全部。 —

That’s the whole reason for it and there can be no other!”

It was like this, or somewhat like this, that Raskolnikov wound up his speech which was followed very attentively, though often interrupted by exclamations from his audience. —
罗季昂尼科夫说完这番话后,一直得到了听众的高度关注,尽管经常被他们打断。 —

But in spite of interruptions he spoke clearly, calmly, exactly, firmly. —
但尽管遭到打断,他说话清晰、镇定、准确、坚定。 —

His decisive voice, his tone of conviction and his stern face made a great impression on everyone.

“Yes, yes, that’s it,” Lebeziatnikov assented gleefully, “that must be it, for he asked me, as soon as Sofya Semyonovna came into our room, whether you were here, whether I had seen you among Katerina Ivanovna’s guests. —
“是的,是的,就是这样,”莱别兹尼科夫高兴地表示,“肯定是这样,因为他一看到索非亚·谢梅诺娃走进我们的房间,就问我,你在不在这里,我是否在卡捷琳娜·伊万诺夫娜的客人中看到你。 —

He called me aside to the window and asked me in secret. —
他把我拉到窗前,在秘密中问我。 —

It was essential for him that you should be here! —
对他来说非常重要,你必须在这里! —

That’s it, that’s it!”

Luzhin smiled contemptuously and did not speak. But he was very pale. —
鲁热尼耶夫噗嗤一笑,不做声。但他变得非常苍白。 —

He seemed to be deliberating on some means of escape. —
他似乎在考虑一些逃跑的方法。 —

Perhaps he would have been glad to give up everything and get away, but at the moment this was scarcely possible. —
也许他会很乐意放弃一切离开,但此刻几乎不可能。 —

It would have implied admitting the truth of the accusations brought against him. —
这将意味着承认对他提出的指控的真相。 —

Moreover, the company, which had already been excited by drink, was now too much stirred to allow it. —
此外,已经兴奋了各类饮料的公司,现在过于激动不愿意放过他。 —

The commissariat clerk, though indeed he had not grasped the whole position, was shouting louder than anyone and was making some suggestions very unpleasant to Luzhin. —
尽管他确实没有完全理解整个局势,但军需员比任何人都大声疾呼,并提出了一些对卢日尼非常不愉快的建议。 —

But not all those present were drunk; lodgers came in from all the rooms. —
但并非所有在场的人都喝醉了;所有的住户都从各个房间里走了出来。 —

The three Poles were tremendously excited and were continually shouting at him: —
三个波兰人非常兴奋,不停地对他大喊: —

“The /pan/ is a /lajdak/!” and muttering threats in Polish. —
“那个先生是个傻子!” 用波兰语低声威胁。 —

Sonia had been listening with strained attention, though she too seemed unable to grasp it all; —
索尼娅一直在用紧绷的注意力聆听,虽然她似乎也无法完全理解; —

she seemed as though she had just returned to consciousness. —
她看起来好像刚刚恢复过来。 —

She did not take her eyes off Raskolnikov, feeling that all her safety lay in him. —
她没有移开视线,感觉到所有的安全都取决于他。 —

Katerina Ivanovna breathed hard and painfully and seemed fearfully exhausted. —
卡捷琳娜·伊万诺芙娜喘着气,看起来痛苦不堪,似乎恐怖地筋疲力尽。 —

Amalia Ivanovna stood looking more stupid than anyone, with her mouth wide open, unable to make out what had happened. —
阿玛利娅·伊万诺芙娜看起来比任何人都愚蠢,嘴巴大张,不知道发生了什么事。 —

She only saw that Pyotr Petrovitch had somehow come to grief.

Raskolnikov was attempting to speak again, but they did not let him. —
罗季昂诺夫试图再次讲话,但他们没有让他说。 —

Everyone was crowding round Luzhin with threats and shouts of abuse. —
每个人都围着卢日尼喧嚷着、恐吓着和辱骂着。 —

But Pyotr Petrovitch was not intimidated. —
但彼得·彼得罗维奇并没有被吓倒。 —

Seeing that his accusation of Sonia had completely failed, he had recourse to insolence:

“Allow me, gentlemen, allow me! Don’t squeeze, let me pass!” —
“先生们,请让一让! 别挤,让我过去!” —

he said, making his way through the crowd. “And no threats, if you please! —
他说着,穿过人群。“请不要威胁! —

I assure you it will be useless, you will gain nothing by it. —
我向你们保证这是无效的,你们不会从中得到任何利益。 —

On the contrary, you’ll have to answer, gentlemen, for violently obstructing the course of justice. —
相反,你们将不得不为暴力阻碍司法程序而负责,先生们. —

The thief has been more than unmasked, and I shall prosecute. Our judges are not so blind and … —
小偷已经被揭露,我将起诉。我们的法官不是那么盲目 —

not so drunk, and will not believe the testimony of two notorious infidels, agitators, and atheists, who accuse me from motives of personal revenge which they are foolish enough to admit. —
也不是那么醉酒,不会相信两个臭名远扬的异教徒、煽动者和无神论者的证词, —

… Yes, allow me to pass!”
… 是的,请让我通过!”

“Don’t let me find a trace of you in my room! —
“不让我在我的房间里找到你的蛛丝马迹! —

Kindly leave at once, and everything is at an end between us! —
请立刻离开,我们之间一切终止! —

When I think of the trouble I’ve been taking, the way I’ve been expounding . —
当我想到自己所做的辛苦,我所表述的方式 … —

. . all this fortnight!”
. .整整这两个星期!

“I told you myself to-day that I was going, when you tried to keep me; —
“今天我告诉过你我要离开,当你试图留住我的时候; —

now I will simply add that you are a fool. —
现在我只想补充一句,你是个傻瓜。 —

I advise you to see a doctor for your brains and your short sight. —
我建议你去看医生检查你的脑袋和近视问题。 —

Let me pass, gentlemen!”

He forced his way through. But the commissariat clerk was unwilling to let him off so easily: —
他硬闯过去。但办事处的职员不愿轻易放过他: —

he picked up a glass from the table, brandished it in the air and flung it at Pyotr Petrovitch; —
他从桌子上拿起一个玻璃杯,挥舞着在空中,朝彼得·彼得罗维奇扔了过去; —

but the glass flew straight at Amalia Ivanovna. —
但玻璃飞向了阿玛利娅·伊万诺夫娜。 —

She screamed, and the clerk, overbalancing, fell heavily under the table. —
她尖叫起来,而职员在失去平衡后重重地摔倒在桌子下面。 —

Pyotr Petrovitch made his way to his room and half an hour later had left the house. —
彼得·彼得罗维奇直奔自己的房间,半个小时后便离开了这栋房子。 —

Sonia, timid by nature, had felt before that day that she could be ill- treated more easily than anyone, and that she could be wronged with impunity. —
生性胆怯的索尼娅,在那天之前感到自己比任何人更容易受到虐待,可以被任意冤枉。 —

Yet till that moment she had fancied that she might escape misfortune by care, gentleness and submissiveness before everyone. —
然而,直到那一刻,她仍然认为,通过细心、温柔和顺从,她可能逃避不幸。 —

Her disappointment was too great. She could, of course, bear with patience and almost without murmur anything, even this. —
她的失望太大了。她当然可以忍受几乎任何事情,甚至这个。 —

But for the first minute she felt it too bitter. —
但在第一分钟,她感到痛苦过头了。 —

In spite of her triumph and her justification–when her first terror and stupefaction had passed and she could understand it all clearly–the feeling of her helplessness and of the wrong done to her made her heart throb with anguish and she was overcome with hysterical weeping. —
尽管获得了胜利和辩护–在她的第一次惊恐和麻木过去后,她能够清楚地理解所有这一切–她对自己的无助感和受到的冤屈让她心如刀绞,她被歇斯底里的哭泣所克制。 —

At last, unable to bear any more, she rushed out of the room and ran home, almost immediately after Luzhin’s departure. —
最后,再也无法承受,她冲出房间,几乎在卢日因离开之后的立刻就跑回了家。 —

When amidst loud laughter the glass flew at Amalia Ivanovna, it was more than the landlady could endure. —
当众人的大声笑声中,玻璃杯飞向阿玛利娅·伊万诺夫娜时,此时已经不只是女房东承受得了。 —

With a shriek she rushed like a fury at Katerina Ivanovna, considering her to blame for everything.

“Out of my lodgings! At once! Quick march!”

And with these words she began snatching up everything she could lay her hands on that belonged to Katerina Ivanovna, and throwing it on the floor. —
说着,她开始抓起凯特琳娜·伊万诺芙娜所有能够抓住的东西,往地板上扔。 —

Katerina Ivanovna, pale, almost fainting, and gasping for breath, jumped up from the bed where she had sunk in exhaustion and darted at Amalia Ivanovna. —
苍白,几乎要晕倒,喘不过气的凯特琳娜·伊万诺芙娜从床上跳起,向阿玛利娅·伊万诺芙娜扑去。 —

But the battle was too unequal: the landlady waved her away like a feather.

“What! As though that godless calumny was not enough–this vile creature attacks me! What! —
“什么!那个无神论的污蔑还不够吗–这个卑鄙之徒居然攻击我!什么! —

On the day of my husband’s funeral I am turned out of my lodging! —
在我丈夫的葬礼那天,我被赶出了我的住所! —

After eating my bread and salt she turns me into the street, with my orphans! Where am I to go?” —
吃了我的盐吃了我的面包,她把我和我的孤儿们都赶上街头!我该去哪里?” —

wailed the poor woman, sobbing and gasping. “Good God!” —
可怜的女人哭泣着,气喘吁吁地说。”天哪!” —

she cried with flashing eyes, “is there no justice upon earth? —
她眼中闪着愤怒,”难道地球上就没有正义吗? —

Whom should you protect if not us orphans? We shall see! —
谁该保护我们这些孤儿?我们会看到的! —

There is law and justice on earth, there is, I will find it! Wait a bit, godless creature! —
地球上有法律与正义,我会找到的!等等,无神论者! —

Polenka, stay with the children, I’ll come back. —
波兰卡,留在孩子们身边,我会回来的。 —

Wait for me, if you have to wait in the street. —
等我,即使你得在街上等。 —

We will see whether there is justice on earth!”

And throwing over her head that green shawl which Marmeladov had mentioned to Raskolnikov, Katerina Ivanovna squeezed her way through the disorderly and drunken crowd of lodgers who still filled the room, and, wailing and tearful, she ran into the street–with a vague intention of going at once somewhere to find justice. —
凯特琳娜·伊万诺芙娜将玛尔梅拉多夫提到的那条绿色披肩披在头上,挤过还挤满了醉酒客人的混乱房间,哭泣着跑进街上–模糊地想着立刻去某处寻找正义。 —

Polenka with the two little ones in her arms crouched, terrified, on the trunk in the corner of the room, where she waited trembling for her mother to come back. —
普露蕾娜抱着两个小家伙,蜷缩在房间角落的树干上,恐惧不安地等待着她的母亲回来。 —

Amalia Ivanovna raged about the room, shrieking, lamenting and throwing everything she came across on the floor. —
阿玛利娅伊万诺夫娜在房间里大发雷霆,尖叫着,哀号着,把她碰到的一切都扔到地板上。 —

The lodgers talked incoherently, some commented to the best of their ability on what had happened, others quarrelled and swore at one another, while others struck up a song… .

“Now it’s time for me to go,” thought Raskolnikov. —
“现在该我走了,”罗季昂诺夫心里想着。 —

“Well, Sofya Semyonovna, we shall see what you’ll say now!”

And he set off in the direction of Sonia’s lodgings.
