1802.—This September I was invited to devastate the moors of a friend in the north, and on my journey to his abode, I unexpectedly came within fifteen miles of Gimmerton.
今年九月,我收到了一位北方朋友关于肆意摧毁他位于北部的荒原的邀请,在前往他的住处的旅途中,我意外地离金默顿仅有十五英里的距离。 —

The ostler at a roadside public-house was holding a pail of water to refresh my horses, when a cart of very green oats, newly reaped, passed by, and he remarked,—“Yon’s frough Gimmerton, nah!
当时,一个路边小酒馆的马夫正在拿一桶水给我的马喂水,这时一辆装满了刚收割的鲜绿燕麦的马车经过,他说:“那是从金默顿来的,那里的人总是比其他人晚三周收割庄稼。” —

They’re allas three wick’ after other folk wi’ ther harvest.”

“Gimmerton?” I repeated—my residence in that locality had already grown dim and dreamy.
“可能有十四英里左右,得经过一条崎岖的山路。 —

“Ah! I know. How far is it from this?”

“Happen fourteen mile o’er th’ hills;
一股冲动突然袭来,我想去拜访思瑞斯克洛斯庄园。时值正午, —

and a rough road,” he answered.

A sudden impulse seized me to visit Thrushcross Grange.
另外,我可以轻松地腾出一天的时间来跟我的房东商量事情, —

It was scarcely noon, and I conceived that I might as well pass the night under my own roof as in an inn.
这样就省得再次打扰附近的居民了。 —

Besides, I could spare a day easily to arrange matters with my landlord, and thus save myself the trouble of invading the neighbourhood again.
格外返回原处,用自己的话理顺事情,以免再次侵扰附近居民。 —

Having rested awhile, I directed my servant to inquire the way to the village;
稍事休息后,我吩咐仆人去打听去村子的路; —

and, with great fatigue to our beasts, we managed the distance in some three hours.

I left him there, and proceeded down the valley alone.
我留下他,独自一人继续沿着山谷前进。 —

The grey church looked greyer, and the lonely churchyard lonelier.
那座灰色的教堂显得更加灰暗,孤独的教堂墓地更显凄凉。 —

I distinguished a moor-sheep cropping the short turf on the graves.
我看到一只羊在坟墓上吃着短草。天气温暖而宜人, —

It was sweet, warm weather—too warm for travelling;
对于旅行来说有些过热; —

but the heat did not hinder me from enjoying the delightful scenery above and below:
但炎热并没有妨碍我欣赏上下的美景:在这些被山丘包围的山谷和陡峭的广袤的荒野中,冬天是无比凄凉的,夏天则是无比神圣的。 —

had I seen it nearer August, I’m sure it would have tempted me to waste a month among its solitudes.
如果我在八月更近地观察过,我敢肯定它会引诱我在这片荒凉之地浪费一个月的时间。 —

In winter nothing more dreary, in summer nothing more divine, than those glens shut in by hills, and those bluff, bold swells of heath.

I reached the Grange before sunset, and knocked for admittance;
日落前我到达了农庄,敲门请进; —

but the family had retreated into the back premises, I judged, by one thin, blue wreath, curling from the kitchen chimney, and they did not hear.
但这个家庭似乎已经退入了后院的房屋,从厨房的烟囱里冉冉升起的一缕蓝烟告诉我他们没有听到声音。 —

I rode into the court. Under the porch, a girl of nine or ten sat knitting, and an old woman reclined on the housesteps, smoking a meditative pipe.

“Is Mrs. Dean within?” I demanded of the dame.

“Mistress Dean? Nay!” she answered, “she doesn’t bide here:
“迪恩夫人?不在这里:她在高地上。 —

shoo’s up at th’ Heights.”

“Are you the housekeeper, then?” I continued.

“Eea, Aw keep th’ hause,” she replied.

“Well, I’m Mr. Lockwood, the master.
“嗯,我是洛克伍德先生, —

Are there any rooms to lodge me in, I wonder? I wish to stay all night.”

“T’ maister!” she cried in astonishment. “Whet, whoiver knew yah wur coming?
“主人!”她惊讶地喊道。“是谁会知道您会来呢?您应该先发个通知信。 —

Yah sud ha’ send word.
” —

They’s nowt norther dry nor mensful abaht t’ place:
“这个地方既没有干燥又没有可靠的东西,真是一无所有!”她把烟斗丢在一边,忙碌地进屋了, —

nowt there isn’t!”

She threw down her pipe and bustled in, the girl followed, and I entered too;
我很快发现她说的是真的,而且我的突然出现几乎让她吃惊得失去了理智,我告诉她冷静下来。 —

soon perceiving that her report was true, and, moreover, that I had almost upset her wits by my unwelcome apparition, I bade her be composed.
识破了她的惊慌,我要求她冷静下来。 —

I would go out for a walk; and, meantime she must try to prepare a corner of a sitting-room for me to sup in, and a bedroom to sleep in.
我会出去散步;同时她必须试着给我安排一间客厅的角落供我用餐,并准备一间卧室供我睡觉。 —

No sweeping and dusting, only good fire and dry sheets were necessary.
不用扫地和拂尘,只需要好的火和干燥的床单。 —

She seemed willing to do her best;
她似乎愿意尽力而为; —

though she thrust the hearth-brush into the grates in mistake for the poker, and malappropriated several other articles of her craft:
尽管她错把炉灰刷当成了火钳,并错误地使用了她工具箱中的其他几样东西: —

but I retired, confiding in her energy for a resting-place against my return.
但我放心地离开了,相信她会为我找到一个休息的地方等我回来。 —

Wuthering Heights was the goal of my proposed excursion.
《呼啸山庄》是我这次计划的目的地。 —

An after-thought brought me back, when I had quitted the court.

“All well at the Heights?” I inquired of the woman.

“Eea, f’r owt ee knaw!” she answered, skurrying away with a pan of hot cinders.

I would have asked why Mrs. Dean had deserted the Grange, but it was impossible to delay her at such a crisis, so I turned away and made my exit, rambling leisurely along, with the glow of a sinking sun behind, and the mild glory of a rising moon in front—one fading, and the other brightening—as I quitted the park, and climbed the stony by-road branching off to Mr. Heathcliff’s dwelling.
我本来想问为什么迪恩夫人离开了庄园,但在这样的紧急情况下我无法再拖延她,所以我转身离开,悠闲地沿路走着,背后是夕阳的余晖,前方是升起的明亮月光,一个逝去,另一个正在变亮,就在我离开公园,爬上通往希斯克利夫先生住所的石质小路之时。 —

Before I arrived in sight of it, all that remained of day was a beamless amber light along the west:
在我望见住所之前,白昼仅余一抹黄金般无光的西方。 —

but I could see every pebble on the path, and every blade of grass, by that splendid moon.
但在那辉煌的月光下,我能看到路径上的每一颗鹅卵石,每一根草叶。 —

I had neither to climb the gate nor to knock—it yielded to my hand.
我既不需要翻过门,也不需要敲门,它轻易地给了我。 —

That is an improvement, I thought.
这真是个改进啊,我心想。 —

And I noticed another, by the aid of my nostrils;

a fragrance of stocks and wallflowers wafted on the air from amongst the homely fruit-trees.

Both doors and lattices were open; and yet, as is usually the case in a coal-district, a fine red fire illumined the chimney:
门和窗户都是敞开的;然而,如常在煤炭区域的情况一样,一堆红色火焰照亮了壁炉。 —

the comfort which the eye derives from it renders the extra heat endurable.
眼睛从中获得的舒适度使得额外的热量可以忍受。 —

But the house of Wuthering Heights is so large that the inmates have plenty of space for withdrawing out of its influence;
但是威瑟林高地的房子如此大,住户有足够的空间可以避开它的影响; —

and accordingly what inmates there were had stationed themselves not far from one of the windows.
因此,住户们已经站在离窗户不远的地方。 —

I could both see them and hear them talk before I entered, and looked and listened in consequence;
在我进入之前,我既能看到他们,也能听到他们的谈话,因此我看了又听了; —

being moved thereto by a mingled sense of curiosity and envy, that grew as I lingered.

“Con-trary!” said a voice as sweet as a silver bell. “That for the third time, you dunce!
“相反!”一个声音如银铃般甜美地说道。“这已经是第三次了,笨蛋! —

I’m not going to tell you again.
我不会再告诉你了。记住, —

Recollect, or I’ll pull your hair!”

“Contrary, then,” answered another, in deep but softened tones. “And now, kiss me, for minding so well.”

“No, read it over first correctly, without a single mistake.”

The male speaker began to read: he was a young man, respectably dressed and seated at a table, having a book before him.
男性说话者开始阅读:他是一个衣着得体的年轻人,坐在一张桌子前,桌子上放着一本书。 —

His handsome features glowed with pleasure, and his eyes kept impatiently wandering from the page to a small white hand over his shoulder, which recalled him by a smart slap on the cheek, whenever its owner detected such signs of inattention.
他英俊的面容洋溢着愉悦,他的目光不耐烦地从书页上游离到他肩后的一只小白手上,每当它的主人察觉到他不专注时,就会用一下聪明的巴掌打醒他。 —

Its owner stood behind; her light, shining ringlets blending, at intervals, with his brown locks, as she bent to superintend his studies;
主人站在他的身后;她的光亮的鬈发间或与他的棕色头发融合在一起,她弯下腰来监督他的学习; —

and her face—it was lucky he could not see her face, or he would never have been so steady.
而她的脸——幸好他看不见她的脸,不然他就不会那么专注了。我能看见; —

I could;

and I bit my lip in spite, at having thrown away the chance I might have had of doing something besides staring at its smiting beauty.

The task was done, not free from further blunders;
任务完成了,虽然还有一些错误; —

but the pupil claimed a reward, and received at least five kisses;
但学生要求得到奖励,并且至少收到了五个吻; —

which, however, he generously returned.
然而,他慷慨地亲吻了回来。 —

Then they came to the door, and from their conversation I judged they were about to issue out and have a walk on the moors.
然后他们走到了门口,从他们的对话中我判断出他们即将出去在荒原上散步。 —

I supposed I should be condemned in Hareton Earnshaw’s heart, if not by his mouth, to the lowest pit in the infernal regions if I showed my unfortunate person in his neighbourhood then;
如果我在哈里顿·恩肖的心里受到谴责,即使不是通过他的口中,也会被送入地狱最低的深渊,如果我在他的附近露面的话。 —

and feeling very mean and malignant, I skulked round to seek refuge in the kitchen.
并且感到非常卑劣和恶毒,我躲藏着四处寻找在厨房里避难。 —

There was unobstructed admittance on that side also;
那一侧也完全没有阻碍进入。 —

and at the door sat my old friend Nelly Dean, sewing and singing a song;
在门口坐着我的老朋友妮莉·迪恩,正在做着缝纫工作,唱着一首歌。 —

which was often interrupted from within by harsh words of scorn and intolerance, uttered in far from musical accents.

“I’d rayther, by th’ haulf, hev’ ’em swearing i’ my lugs fro’h morn to neeght, nor hearken ye hahsiver!
“我宁愿,从早到晚,听他们在我耳边咒骂,也不愿意听你们这些话啊!”厨房的居住者回答着妮莉未听到的话。 —

” said the tenant of the kitchen, in answer to an unheard speech of Nelly’s.
“这简直是个大耻辱!我连圣经都不能打开,而你们却为了撒旦树立了那些光辉,还有所有那些在世界上诞生的可怕恶行!” —

“It’s a blazing shame, that I cannot oppen t’ blessed Book, but yah set up them glories to sattan, and all t’ flaysome wickednesses that iver were born into th’ warld!
“唉,慢慢地吧,琐琐碎碎的小事,这不值得争论。”妮莉轻声回答道。 —

Oh! ye’re a raight nowt; and shoo’s another;
哦!你是个什么样的人;她也是; —

and that poor lad ’ll be lost atween ye.
那个可怜孩子就会在你们中间迷失。 —

Poor lad!” he added, with a groan;
可怜的孩子!”他叹了口气说; —

“he’s witched: I’m sartin on’t. Oh, Lord, judge ’em, for there’s norther law nor justice among wer rullers!”

“No! or we should be sitting in flaming fagots, I suppose,” retorted the singer.
“不!不然我们也会被绑在火柴棍上吧,”歌手反驳道。 —

“But wisht, old man, and read your Bible like a Christian, and never mind me.
“老人,别吭声了,像个基督徒一样读圣经,不要理会我。 —

This is ‘Fairy Annie’s Wedding’—a bonny tune—it goes to a dance.”

Mrs. Dean was about to recommence, when I advanced;
当我走近时,迪恩夫人正要重新开始,她立刻跳了起来, —

and recognising me directly, she jumped to her feet, crying—“Why, bless you, Mr. Lockwood!
喊道:“哦,天啊,洛克伍德先生,你怎么能这样回来呢?特拉什克罗斯花园关门了。 —

How could you think of returning in this way?
你应该事先通知我们! —

All’s shut up at Thrushcross Grange.
” —

You should have given us notice!”

“I’ve arranged to be accommodated there, for as long as I shall stay, ” I answered.
“明天我就会再次离开。迪恩夫人,你是怎么搬到这里的?告诉我。” —

“I depart again to-morrow.
“我已经安排在那里住宿, —

And how are you transplanted here, Mrs. Dean? tell me that.”

“Zillah left, and Mr. Heathcliff wished me to come, soon after you went to London, and stay till you returned.
“你去伦敦后不久,齐拉离开了,希斯克利夫先生希望我来,呆到你回来。” —

But, step in, pray! Have you walked from Gimmerton this evening?”

“From the Grange,” I replied;
“我从庄园走来的,”我回答道, —

“and while they make me lodging room there, I want to finish my business with your master;
“在他们给我安排住处的时候,我想完成我和你们主人的业务,因为我觉得很快不会有另一个机会了。” —

because I don’t think of having another opportunity in a hurry.”

“What business, sir?” said Nelly, conducting me into the house.
“是的, —

“He’s gone out at present, and won’t return soon.”

“About the rent,” I answered.

“Oh! then it is with Mrs. Heathcliff you must settle, ” she observed; “or rather with me.
我很惊讶地看着她。 —

She has not learnt to manage her affairs yet, and I act for her: there’s nobody else.”

I looked surprised.

“Ah! you have not heard of Heathcliff’s death, I see,” she continued.

“Heathcliff dead!” I exclaimed, astonished. “How long ago?”

“Three months since: but sit down, and let me take your hat, and I’ll tell you all about it.
“三个月过去了:但请坐下,让我帮你脱帽子,然后我会告诉你一切。 —

Stop, you have had nothing to eat, have you?”

“I want nothing: I have ordered supper at home.
“我什么都不要:我已经在家里定了晚餐。 —

You sit down too. I never dreamt of his dying!
我从没想过他会去世!” —

Let me hear how it came to pass.
“让我听听是怎么发生的。 —

You say you don’t expect them back for some time—the young people?”

“No—I have to scold them every evening for their late rambles:
“是的,我每天晚上都要责骂他们玩乐太晚了: —

but they don’t care for me.
可他们不在乎我。” —

At least, have a drink of our old ale;
“至少喝点我们的老麦酒吧; —

it will do you good: you seem weary.”

She hastened to fetch it before I could refuse, and I heard Joseph asking whether “it warn’t a crying scandal that she should have followers at her time of life?
在我拒绝之前,她赶紧去取了,我听到约瑟夫问:“这个年纪还要挤着追求者,真是太丢人了吧?” —

And then, to get them jocks out o’ t’ maister’s cellar!
“还有,他们还偷了主人的酒窖里的酒!简直让他无地自容。” —

He fair shaamed to ’bide still and see it.”

She did not stay to retaliate, but re-entered in a minute, bearing a reaming silver pint, whose contents I lauded with becoming earnestness.
请按原样返回。 —

And afterwards she furnished me with the sequel of Heathcliff’s history.
之后她为我提供了希斯克里夫历史的续篇。 —

He had a “queer” end, as she expressed it.

* * * * *

I was summoned to Wuthering Heights, within a fortnight of your leaving us, she said;
她说,在你离开我们不到两个星期后,我被传到了呼啸山庄; —

and I obeyed joyfully, for Catherine’s sake.
我为了凯瑟琳而欣然前往。 —

My first interview with her grieved and shocked me:
我与她的第一次见面使我感到悲伤和震惊: —

she had altered so much since our separation.
自从我们分开以来,她变化得很多。 —

Mr. Heathcliff did not explain his reasons for taking a new mind about my coming here;
希斯克里夫先生没有解释他改变主意的原因,要我来这里; —

he only told me he wanted me, and he was tired of seeing Catherine:
他只告诉我他需要我,并且厌倦了看到凯瑟琳: —

I must make the little parlour my sitting-room, and keep her with me.
我必须把小客厅作为我的起居室,并让她和我在一起。 —

It was enough if he were obliged to see her once or twice a day.
他只需要每天见她一两次就足够了。 —

She seemed pleased at this arrangement;
她似乎对这个安排很高兴; —

and, by degrees, I smuggled over a great number of books, and other articles, that had formed her amusement at the Grange;
渐渐地,我偷运了许多在格兰治庄园里曾经成为她娱乐的书籍和其他物品; —

and flattered myself we should get on in tolerable comfort.
我自以为我们会相对舒适地相处下去。 —

The delusion did not last long.
这个错觉没有持续多久。 —

Catherine, contented at first, in a brief space grew irritable and restless.
开始时,凯瑟琳感到很满足,但很快就变得烦躁和不安。 —

For one thing, she was forbidden to move out of the garden, and it fretted her sadly to be confined to its narrow bounds as spring drew on;
首先,她被禁止离开花园,随着春天的来临,被限制在这片狭小的领地内让她感到苦恼。 —

for another, in following the house, I was forced to quit her frequently, and she complained of loneliness:
另外,我经常需要离开她跟着房间里的人,她抱怨孤独。 —

she preferred quarrelling with Joseph in the kitchen to sitting at peace in her solitude.
她更喜欢和约瑟夫在厨房里争吵,而不是安静地呆在孤独中。 —

I did not mind their skirmishes:
我不在意他们的争吵。 —

but Hareton was often obliged to seek the kitchen also, when the master wanted to have the house to himself;
但是当主人想要享受独自一人时,哈里顿经常被迫也去厨房里。 —

and though in the beginning she either left it at his approach, or quietly joined in my occupations, and shunned remarking or addressing him—and though he was always as sullen and silent as possible—after a while, she changed her behaviour, and became incapable of letting him alone:
虽然起初她要么在他靠近时离开,要么安静地加入我的活动,避免注意或与他交谈-虽然他总是尽可能地愠怒和沉默-过了一会儿,她改变了自己的行为,无法让他一个人相安无事。 —

talking at him; commenting on his stupidity and idleness;
对着他说话;评论他的愚蠢和懒惰; —

expressing her wonder how he could endure the life he lived—how he could sit a whole evening staring into the fire, and dozing.

“He’s just like a dog, is he not, Ellen?
“他就像一条狗,不是吗,艾伦? —

” she once observed, “or a cart-horse?
”她曾经说过,“还是一匹拉车的马? —

He does his work, eats his food, and sleeps eternally!
他做他的工作,吃他的食物,无尽地睡觉! —

What a blank, dreary mind he must have!
他一定有一个空白、沉闷的头脑! —

Do you ever dream, Hareton?
哈里顿,你做梦吗? —

And, if you do, what is it about?
“如果你做梦,梦到什么了? —

But you can’t speak to me!”

Then she looked at him; but he would neither open his mouth nor look again.

“He’s, perhaps, dreaming now,” she continued.
“也许他现在在做梦,”她继续说。 —

“He twitched his shoulder as Juno twitches hers.
“他像朱诺那样抽动了他的肩膀。问问他, —

Ask him, Ellen.”

“Mr. Hareton will ask the master to send you upstairs, if you don’t behave!” I said.
“如果你不听话,哈里顿先生会让主人把你送上楼的!”我说。 —

He had not only twitched his shoulder but clenched his fist, as if tempted to use it.

“I know why Hareton never speaks, when I am in the kitchen,” she exclaimed, on another occasion. “He is afraid I shall laugh at him.
“我知道为什么哈里顿在我在厨房的时候从不说话,”她在另一个场合大声说道。“他害怕我嘲笑他。” —

Ellen, what do you think?
艾伦,你觉得怎么样? —

He began to teach himself to read once;
他一开始自学阅读; —

and, because I laughed, he burned his books, and dropped it: was he not a fool?”

“Were not you naughty?” I said; “answer me that.”

“Perhaps I was,” she went on;
“也许我是的,”她继续说, —

“but I did not expect him to be so silly. Hareton, if I gave you a book, would you take it now?
“但我没想到他会这么愚蠢。哈里顿,如果我给你一本书,你会拿吗? —

I’ll try!”

She placed one she had been perusing on his hand;
她把她一直在阅读的一本书放在他手上, —

he flung it off, and muttered, if she did not give over, he would break her neck.

“Well, I shall put it here,” she said, “in the table-drawer; and I’m going to bed.”

Then she whispered me to watch whether he touched it, and departed. But he would not come near it;
然后她对我低声说,看看他是否碰它,然后离开了。但他不靠近它; —

and so I informed her in the morning, to her great disappointment.
所以我在早上告诉她,让她感到非常失望。 —

I saw she was sorry for his persevering sulkiness and indolence:
我看到她为他执拗的阴郁和懒散感到遗憾: —

her conscience reproved her for frightening him off improving himself:
她的良心责备她吓走了他的自我进步动力; —

she had done it effectually.
她有效地做到了这一点。 —

But her ingenuity was at work to remedy the injury:
但她的聪明才智发挥作用来修复这个伤害: —

while I ironed, or pursued other such stationary employments as I could not well do in the parlour, she would bring some pleasant volume and read it aloud to me.
而我烫衣服或进行其他类似的静止工作时,她会带来某本有趣的书,大声朗读给我听。 —

When Hareton was there, she generally paused in an interesting part, and left the book lying about:
当哈雷顿在场时,她通常会在一个有趣的部分停顿下来,把书扔在一边: —

that she did repeatedly;
她确实经常这样做; —

but he was as obstinate as a mule, and, instead of snatching at her bait, in wet weather he took to smoking with Joseph;
但他固执得像头骡子,不是抓住她的诱饵,而是在雨天与约瑟夫抽烟; —

and they sat like automatons, one on each side of the fire, the elder happily too deaf to understand her wicked nonsense, as he would have called it, the younger doing his best to seem to disregard it.
他们就像自动机器人一样坐在火炉两边,年长的那个幸运地耳朵不好,听不懂她的邪恶废话,而年轻的则尽力装作不在乎。 —

On fine evenings the latter followed his shooting expeditions, and Catherine yawned and sighed, and teased me to talk to her, and ran off into the court or garden the moment I began;
晴朗的晚上,她会跟着他进行射击活动,而凯瑟琳则打哈欠、叹气,缠着我和她说话,一我一开始她就跑进院子或花园; —

and, as a last resource, cried, and said she was tired of living:
作为最后的手段,她哭了,说她厌倦了生活: —

her life was useless.

Mr. Heathcliff, who grew more and more disinclined to society, had almost banished Earnshaw from his apartment.
越来越不愿与人交往的希斯克里夫先生,几乎将欧恩肖赶出了他的公寓。 —

Owing to an accident at the commencement of March, he became for some days a fixture in the kitchen.
三月初,由于一次事故,他在厨房里待了几天。 —

His gun burst while out on the hills by himself;
他一个人在山上时,枪爆炸了; —

a splinter cut his arm, and he lost a good deal of blood before he could reach home.
一根碎片割伤了他的胳膊,在他能够回家之前他流了很多血。 —

The consequence was that, perforce, he was condemned to the fireside and tranquillity, till he made it up again.
结果,他被迫只能待在壁炉边,保持平静,直到他再次恢复了。 —

It suited Catherine to have him there: at any rate, it made her hate her room upstairs more than ever:
这正合适凯瑟琳让他在那儿待着:无论如何,这让她比以往更加讨厌楼上的房间: —

and she would compel me to find out business below, that she might accompany me.

On Easter Monday, Joseph went to Gimmerton fair with some cattle;
复活节周一,约瑟夫带着一些牲畜去金默顿集市, —

and, in the afternoon, I was busy getting up linen in the kitchen.
下午我在厨房忙着收拾亚麻布。 —

Earnshaw sat, morose as usual, at the chimney corner, and my little mistress was beguiling an idle hour with drawing pictures on the window-panes, varying her amusement by smothered bursts of songs, and whispered ejaculations, and quick glances of annoyance and impatience in the direction of her cousin, who steadfastly smoked, and looked into the grate.
伊尔沙的坐在炉边,像往常一样愁眉苦脸,我的小姐靠着玻璃窗打发无聊的时间,一会儿用抑制住的歌声和低声咒骂来解闷,一会儿不耐烦地瞥向她的表兄,他一直在抽烟,盯着火炉。 —

At a notice that I could do with her no longer intercepting my light, she removed to the hearthstone.
当她接到一个我不能再挡住灯光的通知后,她走到了炉底。 —

I bestowed little attention on her proceedings, but, presently, I heard her begin—“I’ve found out, Hareton, that I want—that I’m glad—that I should like you to be my cousin now, if you had not grown so cross to me, and so rough.”

Hareton returned no answer.

“Hareton, Hareton, Hareton! do you hear?” she continued.

“Get off wi’ ye!” he growled, with uncompromising gruffness.

“Let me take that pipe,” she said, cautiously advancing her hand and abstracting it from his mouth.

Before he could attempt to recover it, it was broken, and behind the fire. He swore at her and seized another.

“Stop,” she cried, “you must listen to me first;
“停下来,”她喊道,“你必须先听我说话; —

and I can’t speak while those clouds are floating in my face.”

“Will you go to the devil!” he exclaimed, ferociously, “and let me be!”

“No,” she persisted, “I won’t:
“不,”她坚持道,“我不会的, —

I can’t tell what to do to make you talk to me;
我不知道该怎么做才能让你和我说话; —

and you are determined not to understand.
而且你也决心不理解。” —

When I call you stupid, I don’t mean anything:
当我称你笨蛋时,我不是说什么恶意: —

I don’t mean that I despise you.
我不是说我看不起你。 —

Come, you shall take notice of me, Hareton:
来吧,Hareton,你要注意我, —

you are my cousin, and you shall own me.”

“I shall have naught to do wi’ you and your mucky pride, and your damned mocking tricks!
“我与你和你那肮脏的骄傲、该死的嘲弄把戏再也没什么可做的!”他回答道。 —

” he answered.

“I’ll go to hell, body and soul, before I look sideways after you again.
“我宁愿身心俱毁,也不会再向你张望一眼。 —

Side out o’ t’ gate, now, this minute!”

Catherine frowned, and retreated to the window-seat chewing her lip, and endeavouring, by humming an eccentric tune, to conceal a growing tendency to sob.

“You should be friends with your cousin, Mr. Hareton, ” I interrupted, “since she repents of her sauciness.
“你应该和你的表兄弟成为朋友,哈腾先生,”我打断道,“因为她后悔她的傲慢。 —

It would do you a great deal of good:
这会对你很有好处: —

it would make you another man to have her for a companion.”

“A companion!” he cried; “when she hates me, and does not think me fit to wipe her shoon!
“一个伴侣!”他喊道,“当她讨厌我,认为我不配擦她的鞋时! —

Nay, if it made me a king, I’d not be scorned for seeking her good-will any more.”

“It is not I who hate you, it is you who hate me!
“是你讨厌我,不是我讨厌你! —

” wept Cathy, no longer disguising her trouble.
”凯茜哭泣着,再也不能掩藏她的困扰。 —

“You hate me as much as Mr. Heathcliff does, and more.”

“You’re a damned liar,” began Earnshaw:
“你个该死的骗子, —

“why have I made him angry, by taking your part, then, a hundred times?
”厄恩肖开始说:“为什么我曾一百次地为了你而惹他生气? —

and that when you sneered at and despised me, and—Go on plaguing me, and I’ll step in yonder, and say you worried me out of the kitchen!”

“I didn’t know you took my part, ” she answered, drying her eyes;
“我不知道你会代替我,”她回答道,擦干眼泪; —

“and I was miserable and bitter at everybody;
“以前我很难过,对每个人都心怀怨恨; —

but now I thank you, and beg you to forgive me:
但现在我要感谢你,并请求你原谅我: —

what can I do besides?”

She returned to the hearth, and frankly extended her hand.
她回到壁炉旁,毫不犹豫地伸出手来。 —

He blackened and scowled like a thunder-cloud, and kept his fists resolutely clenched, and his gaze fixed on the ground.
他面色阴沉,像雷云一般阴沉,并紧握双拳,目光始终盯着地面。 —

Catherine, by instinct, must have divined it was obdurate perversity, and not dislike, that prompted this dogged conduct;
凯瑟琳凭直觉应该已经猜到了这是固执的任性,而不是厌恶,促使他表现得这样顽固。 —

for, after remaining an instant undecided, she stooped and impressed on his cheek a gentle kiss.
在犹豫片刻后,她弯下身子,在他的脸颊上亲了一下。 —

The little rogue thought I had not seen her, and, drawing back, she took her former station by the window, quite demurely.
这个小淘气以为我没看到她,于是缩了回去,老老实实地回到了窗边。 —

I shook my head reprovingly, and then she blushed and whispered—“Well!
我责备地摇了摇头,她脸红了,低声说道:“嗯! —

what should I have done, Ellen?
我该怎么做,艾伦? —

He wouldn’t shake hands, and he wouldn’t look:
他不肯握手,也不肯看向我: —

I must show him some way that I like him—that I want to be friends.”

Whether the kiss convinced Hareton, I cannot tell:
无法肯定亲吻是否让哈利顿相信了什么。 —

he was very careful, for some minutes, that his face should not be seen, and when he did raise it, he was sadly puzzled where to turn his eyes.

Catherine employed herself in wrapping a handsome book neatly in white paper, and having tied it with a bit of ribbon, and addressed it to “Mr. Hareton Earnshaw, ” she desired me to be her ambassadress, and convey the present to its destined recipient.

“And tell him, if he’ll take it, I’ll come and teach him to read it right, ” she said;
她说:“告诉他,如果他愿意接受,我会去教他读这本书”, —

“and, if he refuse it, I’ll go upstairs, and never tease him again.”

I carried it, and repeated the message;
我把礼物送了过去,并转达了这个信息; —

anxiously watched by my employer.
老板焦急地看着我。 —

Hareton would not open his fingers, so I laid it on his knee.
哈利顿不愿松开手指,所以我把礼物放在他膝盖上。 —

He did not strike it off, either. I returned to my work.
他也没有把它打开。我回到我的工作岗位。 —

Catherine leaned her head and arms on the table, till she heard the slight rustle of the covering being removed;
凯瑟琳的头和手臂靠在桌子上,直到她听见轻微的包装纸被解开的声音。 —

then she stole away, and quietly seated herself beside her cousin.
然后她悄悄地偷偷坐在她的表兄旁边。 —

He trembled, and his face glowed:
他颤抖着,脸色发红: —

all his rudeness and all his surly harshness had deserted him:
他所有的粗鲁和刻薄都消失了: —

he could not summon courage, at first, to utter a syllable in reply to her questioning look, and her murmured petition.

“Say you forgive me, Hareton, do.
“哈里顿,请说你原谅我。 —

You can make me so happy by speaking that little word.”

He muttered something inaudible.

“And you’ll be my friend?
“那你会成为我的朋友吗? —

” added Catherine, interrogatively.

“Nay, you’ll be ashamed of me every day of your life, ” he answered; “and the more ashamed, the more you know me; and I cannot bide it.”

“So you won’t be my friend?” she said, smiling as sweet as honey, and creeping close up.

I overheard no further distinguishable talk, but, on looking round again, I perceived two such radiant countenances bent over the page of the accepted book, that I did not doubt the treaty had been ratified on both sides;
我无法听清接下来的对话,但我看到两张容光焕发的脸低头阅读着一本共同认可的书的页面,我毫不怀疑这个协议已经得到了双方的批准; —

and the enemies were, thenceforth, sworn allies.

The work they studied was full of costly pictures;
他们研究的作品充满了昂贵的图片; —

and those and their position had charm enough to keep them unmoved till Joseph came home.
这些图片及其位置足以使他们保持冷静,直到约瑟夫回家。 —

He, poor man, was perfectly aghast at the spectacle of Catherine seated on the same bench with Hareton Earnshaw, leaning her hand on his shoulder;
可怜的他完全被凯瑟琳与哈里顿·恩肖坐在同一条长椅上、手搭在他肩膀上的景象所吓呆了; —

and confounded at his favourite’s endurance of her proximity:
他对他最喜欢的人能够容忍她的接近感到非常困惑, —

it affected him too deeply to allow an observation on the subject that night.
这使他显得太过沉重,以至于那个晚上他都无法做出任何评论。 —

His emotion was only revealed by the immense sighs he drew, as he solemnly spread his large Bible on the table, and overlaid it with dirty bank-notes from his pocket-book, the produce of the day’s transactions.
他的情绪仅通过他发出的巨大叹息表露出来,他郑重地将他的大圣经摊开放在桌子上,并将口袋本上的脏钞票铺在上面,这是一天交易的收益。 —

At length he summoned Hareton from his seat.

“Tak’ these in to t’ maister, lad,” he said, “and bide there. I’s gang up to my own rahm.
“拿着这些给主人带过去,孩子,”他说,” 然后就待在那里。我要去我自己的屋子里。 —

This hoile’s neither mensful nor seemly for us:
这个角落对我们来说既不适合也不合适: —

we mun side out and seearch another.”

“Come, Catherine,” I said, “we must ‘side out’ too:
“来,凯瑟琳,”我说,“我们也要出去了: —

I’ve done my ironing. Are you ready to go?”

“It is not eight o’clock!
“现在还不到八点钟! —

” she answered, rising unwillingly.
”她不情愿地站起来回答道。 —

“Hareton, I’ll leave this book upon the chimney-piece, and I’ll bring some more to-morrow.”

“Ony books that yah leave, I shall tak’ into th’ hahse,” said Joseph, “and it’ll be mitch if yah find ’em agean;
“你留下的任何书,我都会拿到院子里去的,如果你再找到它们,那就是走运。” —

soa, yah may plase yerseln!”

Cathy threatened that his library should pay for hers; and, smiling as she passed Hareton, went singing upstairs:
凯茜威胁说她会让哈里顿的图书馆为她付出代价;她笑着走过哈里顿,上楼唱歌: —

lighter of heart, I venture to say, than ever she had been under that roof before;
心情更加轻松,我敢说,她在这个屋顶下面从来没有过这样的心情; —

except, perhaps, during her earliest visits to Linton.

The intimacy thus commenced grew rapidly;
这样开始的亲密关系发展迅速, —

though it encountered temporary interruptions.
尽管遇到了暂时的中断。 —

Earnshaw was not to be civilized with a wish, and my young lady was no philosopher, and no paragon of patience;
欧德肖不会以一种愿望来被教化,我的小姐也不是一个哲学家,也不是一个耐心的典范; —

but both their minds tending to the same point—one loving and desiring to esteem, and the other loving and desiring to be esteemed—they contrived in the end to reach it.

You see, Mr. Lockwood, it was easy enough to win Mrs. Heathcliff’s heart.
你看,洛克伍德先生,赢得希斯克利夫夫人的心并不难。但是现在, —

But now, I’m glad you did not try.
我很高兴你没有尝试。 —

The crown of all my wishes will be the union of those two.
我的最大愿望就是他们两个人的结合。在他们的婚礼上, —

I shall envy no one on their wedding day:
我不会嫉妒任何人。 —

there won’t be a happier woman than myself in England!