On the fifth morning, or rather afternoon, a different step approached—lighter and shorter; and, this time, the person entered the room.
到了第五天的早晨,或者应该说是下午,有一步声逐渐靠近——轻盈而短促;这一次,一个人走进了房间。 —

It was Zillah; donned in her scarlet shawl, with a black silk bonnet on her head, and a willow-basket swung to her arm.

“Eh, dear! Mrs. Dean!” she exclaimed. “Well!
“哎呀,亲爱的!迪恩夫人!”她惊呼道,“唉! —

there is a talk about you at Gimmerton.
在甘默顿可是有关于你的谈论呢。” —

I never thought but you were sunk in the Blackhorse marsh, and missy with you, till master told me you’d been found, and he’d lodged you here!
我从来没想过你会沉在布莱克霍斯沼泽里,而且还带着小姐一起,直到主人告诉我你被找到了,他让你住在这里! —

What! and you must have got on an island, sure?
什么!你一定是被困在一座岛上了,对吧? —

And how long were you in the hole?
你在那个洞里待了多久? —

Did master save you, Mrs. Dean?
主人救了你,迪恩夫人吗? —

But you’re not so thin—you’ve not been so poorly, have you?”

“Your master is a true scoundrel!” I replied.
“你的主人真是一个彻头彻尾的恶棍! —

“But he shall answer for it.
”我回答道。“但他会为此负责的。 —

He needn’t have raised that tale:
他没必要编造那个谎言: —

it shall all be laid bare!”

“What do you mean?” asked Zillah.
“你是什么意思?”希拉问道。 —

“It’s not his tale: they tell that in the village—about your being lost in the marsh;
“这不是他编的故事:这是村子里人们传言渺茫——关于你在沼泽中失踪; —

and I calls to Earnshaw, when I come in—‘Eh, they’s queer things, Mr. Hareton, happened since I went off.
当我进来时,我给Earnshaw打了电话,’嗯,哈里顿先生,我离开后发生了一些奇怪的事情。 —

It’s a sad pity of that likely young lass, and cant Nelly Dean.’ He stared.
这真是可惜那个有前途的年轻姑娘,还有她那个偏执的Nelly Dean。他瞪大了眼睛。 —

I thought he had not heard aught, so I told him the rumour.
我以为他没听到什么,所以我告诉了他那个谣言。 —

The master listened, and he just smiled to himself, and said, ‘If they have been in the marsh, they are out now, Zillah.
主人听着,只是笑了笑,并说:’ 如果他们曾经在沼泽里,现在他们已经出来了,Zillah。 —

Nelly Dean is lodged, at this minute, in your room.
Nelly Dean此刻就住在你的房间里。 —

You can tell her to flit, when you go up; here is the key.
你可以告诉她在你上楼的时候搬离;这是钥匙。 —

The bog-water got into her head, and she would have run home quite flighty, but I fixed her till she came round to her senses.
泥沼的水浸透了她的脑袋,她本来会迷迷糊糊地跑回家的,但我把她安顿下来,直到她恢复了理智。 —

You can bid her go to the Grange at once, if she be able, and carry a message from me, that her young lady will follow in time to attend the squire’s funeral.’”

“Mr. Edgar is not dead?” I gasped.
“爱德加先生没有死吗?”我喘不过气来。 —

“Oh! Zillah, Zillah!”

“No, no; sit you down, my good mistress,” she replied;
“不,不,我的好女主人, —

“you’re right sickly yet.
你还病得很重。 —

He’s not dead;
他没死; —

Doctor Kenneth thinks he may last another day.
博士肯尼思觉得他或许还能再活一天。 —

I met him on the road and asked.”

Instead of sitting down, I snatched my outdoor things, and hastened below, for the way was free.
我没有坐下,而是匆忙穿上外套,迅速下楼,因为道路通畅。 —

On entering the house, I looked about for some one to give information of Catherine.
进了屋子,我四处寻找要问些关于凯瑟琳的人。 —

The place was filled with sunshine, and the door stood wide open;
屋子里阳光普照,门敞开着, —

but nobody seemed at hand.
但周围似乎没有人。 —

As I hesitated whether to go off at once, or return and seek my mistress, a slight cough drew my attention to the hearth.
当我犹豫是立刻离开还是回去找我的女主人时,一声轻微的咳嗽吸引了我的注意力。 —

Linton lay on the settle, sole tenant, sucking a stick of sugar-candy, and pursuing my movements with apathetic eyes. “Where is Miss Catherine?
林顿瘫坐在靠背椅上,独自吮吸着一小块糖果,漠然地注视着我的动作。“凯瑟琳在哪里? —

” I demanded sternly, supposing I could frighten him into giving intelligence, by catching him thus, alone.
“我严厉地问道,希望通过这样抓住他一个人的方式把他吓唬得说出消息。 —

He sucked on like an innocent.

“Is she gone?” I said.

“No,” he replied; “she’s upstairs:
“没有,”他回答说,“她在楼上, —

she’s not to go; we won’t let her.”

“You won’t let her, little idiot!” I exclaimed.
“你不让她进去,你这个小傻瓜!”我大声说道。 —

“Direct me to her room immediately, or I’ll make you sing out sharply.”

“Papa would make you sing out, if you attempted to get there,” he answered.
“如果你想进去,爸爸会让你尖叫的,”他回答。 —

“He says I’m not to be soft with Catherine:
“他说我不能对凯瑟琳心软: —

she’s my wife, and it’s shameful that she should wish to leave me.
她是我的妻子,她想离开我是可耻的。 —

He says she hates me and wants me to die, that she may have my money;
他说她恨我,希望我死,好拿到我的钱; —

but she shan’t have it:
但是她不能拿到: —

and she shan’t go home!
她不能回家! —

She never shall!
永远不会! —

—she may cry, and be sick as much as she pleases!”

He resumed his former occupation, closing his lids, as if he meant to drop asleep.

“Master Heathcliff,” I resumed, “have you forgotten all Catherine’s kindness to you last winter, when you affirmed you loved her, and when she brought you books and sung you songs, and came many a time through wind and snow to see you?
“希斯克利夫先生,”我继续说,“你忘记了上个冬天凯瑟琳对你的好吗?你那时承认你爱她,她给你带来书籍,给你唱歌,为了看你经风雪走了很多次。 —

She wept to miss one evening, because you would be disappointed;
有一次她错过了一晚,因为她担心你会失望; —

and you felt then that she was a hundred times too good to you:
那时你感觉到她对你好了一百倍: —

and now you believe the lies your father tells, though you know he detests you both.
现在你相信你父亲告诉的谎言,尽管你知道他憎恶你们俩。 —

And you join him against her.
你们反对她, —

That’s fine gratitude, is it not?”

The corner of Linton’s mouth fell, and he took the sugar-candy from his lips.

“Did she come to Wuthering Heights because she hated you?” I continued.
“她来到呼啸山庄是因为憎恨你吗?”我接着说, —

“Think for yourself!
“你自己想想吧! —

As to your money, she does not even know that you will have any.
至于你的钱财,她甚至都不知道你会有多少。 —

And you say she’s sick;
而且你说她生病了, —

and yet you leave her alone, up there in a strange house!
可你却把她一个人扔在那陌生的房子里! —

You who have felt what it is to be so neglected!
你自己都经历过被忽略是什么感觉! —

You could pity your own sufferings;
你可以为自己的痛苦感到怜悯, —

and she pitied them, too;
她也可怜过你的痛苦, —

but you won’t pity hers!
但你却不会怜悯她的! —

I shed tears, Master Heathcliff, you see—an elderly woman, and a servant merely—and you, after pretending such affection, and having reason to worship her almost, store every tear you have for yourself, and lie there quite at ease.
你看,主人希斯克利夫,我流泪了,一个老妇人,只是一个仆人而已。而你,在假装如此深情之后,理由几乎可以崇拜她,竟能将你所有的眼泪都为自己而存起来,从容地躺在那里。 —

Ah! you’re a heartless, selfish boy!”

“I can’t stay with her,” he answered crossly.
“他生气地回答道:“我不能跟她呆在一起, —

“I’ll not stay by myself.
我一个人呆不下去。 —

She cries so I can’t bear it.
她哭得让我受不了。” —

And she won’t give over, though I say I’ll call my father. I did call him once, and he threatened to strangle her if she was not quiet;
“虽然我说要打电话给爸爸,但她也不罢休。我曾经给他打过电话,他威胁要掐死她,如果她不安静; —

but she began again the instant he left the room, moaning and grieving all night long, though I screamed for vexation that I couldn’t sleep.”

“Is Mr. Heathcliff out?” I inquired, perceiving that the wretched creature had no power to sympathise with his cousin’s mental tortures.

“He’s in the court,” he replied, “talking to Doctor Kenneth;
“他在院子里,”他回答道,“正在和肯尼斯医生交谈; —

who says uncle is dying, truly, at last.
肯尼斯医生说叔叔终于快死了。 —

I’m glad, for I shall be master of the Grange after him.
我很高兴,因为他死后我将成为庄园的主人。 —

Catherine always spoke of it as her house.
凯瑟琳总是把这当作她的房子。 —

It isn’t hers! It’s mine:
可那并不是她的!那是我的: —

papa says everything she has is mine.
爸爸说她所有的东西都是我的。 —

All her nice books are mine;
所有她漂亮的书都是我的; —

she offered to give me them, and her pretty birds, and her pony Minny, if I would get the key of our room, and let her out;
她主动给我这些,还有她漂亮的鸟和小马明妮,只要我拿到我们房间的钥匙,把她放出来。” —

but I told her she had nothing to give, they were all, all mine.
但是我告诉她她没有什么可以给的,都是我的。 —

And then she cried, and took a little picture from her neck, and said I should have that;
然后她哭了,从脖子上拿出一张小照片,说我应该留着它。 —

two pictures in a gold case, on one side her mother, and on the other uncle, when they were young.
金壳里有两张照片,一边是她的母亲,另一边是叔叔,他们年轻时的照片。 —

That was yesterday—I said they were mine, too;
昨天我说那张照片也是我的; —

and tried to get them from her.
并试图从她手中拿走。 —

The spiteful thing wouldn’t let me:
这个刻薄的女孩不让我拿, —

she pushed me off, and hurt me.
她把我推开,伤了我。 —

I shrieked out—that frightens her—she heard papa coming, and she broke the hinges and divided the case, and gave me her mother’s portrait;
我尖叫出声,吓坏了她,她听见爸爸来了,她把金壳掰开,把她母亲的肖像给了我; —

the other she attempted to hide:
她试图藏起另一张照片, —

but papa asked what was the matter, and I explained it.
但爸爸问怎么了,我解释了一下。 —

He took the one I had away, and ordered her to resign hers to me;
他把我那张照片拿走了,命令她把她的也交给我; —

she refused, and he—he struck her down, and wrenched it off the chain, and crushed it with his foot.”

“And were you pleased to see her struck?” I asked:
“你高兴看到她被打吗?”我问道, —

having my designs in encouraging his talk.

“I winked,” he answered:
“他回答说:“我眨了眨眼。 —

“I wink to see my father strike a dog or a horse, he does it so hard.
”我眨眼是因为我想看到爸爸打狗或打马,他打得很厉害。 —

Yet I was glad at first—she deserved punishing for pushing me:
然而一开始我很高兴——她应该受到惩罚因为她推了我: —

but when papa was gone, she made me come to the window and showed me her cheek cut on the inside, against her teeth, and her mouth filling with blood;
但是当爸爸走后,她让我来窗户那里,给我看她的脸颊被切开了,靠着她的牙齿,嘴里满是鲜血; —

and then she gathered up the bits of the picture, and went and sat down with her face to the wall, and she has never spoken to me since:
然后她把图片的碎片捡起来,去坐在墙边,而且她再也没和我说过话: —

and I sometimes think she can’t speak for pain.
有时我觉得她可能因为疼痛而说不出话来。 —

I don’t like to think so;
我不想这样想; —

but she’s a naughty thing for crying continually;
但是她因为不停地哭泣而很调皮; —

and she looks so pale and wild, I’m afraid of her.”

“And you can get the key if you choose?” I said.

“Yes, when I am upstairs,” he answered;
他回答说:“是的,当我在楼上的时候可以。 —

“but I can’t walk upstairs now.”

“In what apartment is it?” I asked.

“Oh,” he cried, “I shan’t tell you where it is.
“噢,”他叫道,“我不会告诉你它在哪儿。这是我们的秘密。 —

It is our secret. Nobody, neither Hareton nor Zillah, is to know. There!
没有人,无论是Hareton还是Zillah,都不应该知道。就是这样。” —

you’ve tired me—go away, go away!
你累了我——走开,走开! —

” And he turned his face on to his arm, and shut his eyes again.

I considered it best to depart without seeing Mr. Heathcliff, and bring a rescue for my young lady from the Grange.
我认为最好离开,不见希斯克利夫先生,然后为我的小姐从格朗治庄园带来援助。 —

On reaching it, the astonishment of my fellow-servants to see me, and their joy also, was intense;
到达那里时,我的同事们看到我后非常惊讶,他们的喜悦也非常强烈; —

and when they heard that their little mistress was safe, two or three were about to hurry up and shout the news at Mr. Edgar’s door:
当他们听说他们的小姐安全后,有两三个人准备冲上去,在爱德加先生的门前大喊消息: —

but I bespoke the announcement of it myself.
但我自己预约了宣布消息。 —

How changed I found him, even in those few days!
我发现他变了,即使只是这几天! —

He lay an image of sadness and resignation awaiting his death.
他像一个悲伤和顺从的形象在等待死亡。 —

Very young he looked:
他看起来非常年轻: —

though his actual age was thirty-nine, one would have called him ten years younger, at least.
尽管他的实际年龄是三十九岁,至少人们会说他显得年轻十岁。 —

He thought of Catherine; for he murmured her name.
他想起了凯瑟琳,因为他喃喃地念着她的名字。 —

I touched his hand, and spoke.

“Catherine is coming, dear master!” I whispered;
“凯瑟琳要来了,亲爱的主人!”我低声说道, —

“she is alive and well;
“她活着,身体很好; —

and will be here, I hope, to-night.”

I trembled at the first effects of this intelligence:
我在得知这个消息的第一时间就感到颤抖不已: —

he half rose up, looked eagerly round the apartment, and then sank back in a swoon.
他半身站起来,急切地环顾了一下房间,然后晕倒了回去。 —

As soon as he recovered, I related our compulsory visit, and detention at the Heights.
他一恢复过来,我就向他讲述了我们被迫去海茵茨庄园的经历,以及被拘留在那里的情况。 —

I said Heathcliff forced me to go in:
我说是希斯克利夫强迫我进去的,这话并不完全准确。 —

which was not quite true.
尽量不去描述兰顿的坏行为, —

I uttered as little as possible against Linton;
我只字未提。 —

nor did I describe all his father’s brutal conduct—my intentions being to add no bitterness, if I could help it, to his already overflowing cup.

He divined that one of his enemy’s purposes was to secure the personal property, as well as the estate, to his son:
他猜到敌人的一个目的是将个人财产和庄园都留给他的儿子,或者更准确地说是自己; —

or rather himself;

yet why he did not wait till his decease was a puzzle to my master, because ignorant how nearly he and his nephew would quit the world together.
然而为什么他不等到自己去世后再进行计划,这让我的主人感到困惑,因为他不知道自己和侄子离开这个世界的时间如此接近。 —

However, he felt that his will had better be altered:
然而,他觉得最好修改他的遗嘱: —

instead of leaving Catherine’s fortune at her own disposal, he determined to put it in the hands of trustees for her use during life, and for her children, if she had any, after her.
不再将凯瑟琳的财产由她自己决定,他决定将其交给受托人,在她生活期间使用,并在她有子女时给予他们。 —

By that means, it could not fall to Mr. Heathcliff should Linton die.

Having received his orders, I despatched a man to fetch the attorney, and four more, provided with serviceable weapons, to demand my young lady of her jailor.
接到指令后,我派人去请律师,并另外四人带着装备,要求将我的小姐从她的监禁者那里释放出来。 —

Both parties were delayed very late.
双方都被耽搁得很晚, —

The single servant returned first.
先回来的只有一个仆人。 —

He said Mr. Green, the lawyer, was out when he arrived at his house, and he had to wait two hours for his re-entrance;
他说他到达律师格林先生的家时,格林先生不在,他等了两个小时才回来; —

and then Mr. Green told him he had a little business in the village that must be done;
然后格林先生告诉他他还有一点事情要在村子里处理, —

but he would be at Thrushcross Grange before morning.
但他会在天亮前回到思瑞斯克洛斯庄园。 —

The four men came back unaccompanied also.
其他四个人也没有带着凯瑟琳回来。 —

They brought word that Catherine was ill:
他们带来的消息是凯瑟琳生病了:她病得太重, —

too ill to quit her room;
无法离开房间; —

and Heathcliff would not suffer them to see her.
而希思克里夫不允许他们看到她。 —

I scolded the stupid fellows well for listening to that tale, which I would not carry to my master;
我狠狠地责骂那些愚蠢的家伙,因为他们听信了那个谎言,我不肯把它告诉主人; —

resolving to take a whole bevy up to the Heights, at daylight, and storm it literally, unless the prisoner were quietly surrendered to us.
决定在天亮时带着一群人去高地,直接冲上去,除非那个囚犯安静地投降给我们; —

Her father shall see her, I vowed, and vowed again, if that devil be killed on his own door-stones in trying to prevent it!

Happily, I was spared the journey and the trouble.
庆幸的是,我省了这趟旅程和麻烦。 —

I had gone downstairs at three o’clock to fetch a jug of water;
我三点钟下楼去拿一壶水; —

and was passing through the hall with it in my hand, when a sharp knock at the front door made me jump. “Oh!
当我手里提着壶经过大厅时,前门突然有人敲门,把我吓了一跳。“哦!是格林,”我想起来后说,“只是格林”,然后我打算让别人去开门; —

it is Green,” I said, recollecting myself—“only Green, ” and I went on, intending to send somebody else to open it;
但敲门声又重复了:不大声,但坚决不停。我把壶放在栏杆上,匆匆忙忙去接他了。 —

but the knock was repeated: not loud, and still importunately.
外面明亮的丰收月光。那不是律师。 —

I put the jug on the banister and hastened to admit him myself.

The harvest moon shone clear outside.
我准备自己去开门。 —

It was not the attorney.

My own sweet little mistress sprang on my neck sobbing, “Ellen, Ellen! Is papa alive?”

“Yes,” I cried: “yes, my angel, he is, God be thanked, you are safe with us again!”

She wanted to run, breathless as she was, upstairs to Mr. Linton’s room;
她想上楼去找林顿先生的房间,虽然上气不接下气。 —

but I compelled her to sit down on a chair, and made her drink, and washed her pale face, chafing it into a faint colour with my apron.
但我强迫她坐在椅子上,给她喝水,擦拭她苍白的脸,用围裙轻轻揉搓,使其微微泛起颜色。 —

Then I said I must go first, and tell of her arrival;
然后我说我必须先走,告诉他们她的到来; —

imploring her to say, she should be happy with young Heathcliff.
恳求她说她将和年轻的希斯克利夫过得幸福。 —

She stared, but soon comprehending why I counselled her to utter the falsehood, she assured me she would not complain.

I couldn’t abide to be present at their meeting.
我无法忍受在他们相遇时在场。 —

I stood outside the chamber-door a quarter of an hour, and hardly ventured near the bed, then.
我站在房门外一个小时之久,几乎不敢接近床边。 —

All was composed, however:
一切都平静了, —

Catherine’s despair was as silent as her father’s joy.
凯瑟琳的绝望像她父亲的喜悦一样沉默。 —

She supported him calmly, in appearance;
她在表面上镇定地支持着他, —

and he fixed on her features his raised eyes that seemed dilating with ecstasy.

He died blissfully, Mr. Lockwood: he died so.
他幸福地离世了,洛克伍德先生:他是这样去的。 —

Kissing her cheek, he murmured,—“I am going to her;
亲吻她的脸颊,他低声说道,“我要去见她;而你, —

and you, darling child, shall come to us!
亲爱的孩子,也会和我们在一起的!” —

” and never stirred or spoke again;
他没有再动一下,也没有再说一句话, —

but continued that rapt, radiant gaze, till his pulse imperceptibly stopped and his soul departed.
只是继续那种投入、光辉的凝视,直到他的脉搏渐渐停止,灵魂离开了。 —

None could have noticed the exact minute of his death, it was so entirely without a struggle.

Whether Catherine had spent her tears, or whether the grief were too weighty to let them flow, she sat there dry-eyed till the sun rose:
或许是凯瑟琳已经哭尽了泪水,或许是那份悲伤太过沉重,让她无法流泪,她一直坐在那里,直到太阳升起。 —

she sat till noon, and would still have remained brooding over that deathbed, but I insisted on her coming away and taking some repose.
她坐到中午,还愿意继续困守在那个临终的病床旁沉思,但我坚持让她离开,休息一下。 —

It was well I succeeded in removing her, for at dinner-time appeared the lawyer, having called at Wuthering Heights to get his instructions how to behave.
幸好我成功地将她带走了,因为午餐时间律师出现了,他曾去过呼啸山庄,为了得到主人的指示应该如何行动。 —

He had sold himself to Mr. Heathcliff:
他已经出卖了自己给了希斯克里夫先生: —

that was the cause of his delay in obeying my master’s summons.
这就是他延误了我主人的召唤的原因。 —

Fortunately, no thought of worldly affairs crossed the latter’s mind, to disturb him, after his daughter’s arrival.

Mr. Green took upon himself to order everything and everybody about the place.
格林先生开始发号施令,指使这个地方的一切人和事。 —

He gave all the servants but me, notice to quit.
他向除了我之外的所有仆人通知解雇。 —

He would have carried his delegated authority to the point of insisting that Edgar Linton should not be buried beside his wife, but in the chapel, with his family.
他甚至想要扩大他的职权,坚持不让爱德格·林顿被葬在妻子旁边,而是葬在教堂里和他的家人在一起。 —

There was the will, however, to hinder that, and my loud protestations against any infringement of its directions.
但那里有遗嘱作为阻碍,我大声抗议任何违反遗嘱规定的行为。 —

The funeral was hurried over;
葬礼被匆忙结束; —

Catherine, Mrs. Linton Heathcliff now, was suffered to stay at the Grange till her father’s corpse had quitted it.

She told me that her anguish had at last spurred Linton to incur the risk of liberating her.
她告诉我说她的痛苦最终促使林顿冒险解救她。 —

She heard the men I sent disputing at the door, and she gathered the sense of Heathcliff’s answer.
她听到我派去的男人们在门口争论,她从中领悟到了希斯克利夫的回答。 —

It drove her desperate.
这让她绝望。 —

Linton who had been conveyed up to the little parlour soon after I left, was terrified into fetching the key before his father re-ascended.
我离开后不久,林顿被带到小客厅里,他被吓得去取钥匙,以免他父亲再次上楼。 —

He had the cunning to unlock and re-lock the door, without shutting it;
他聪明地打开了门,并重新锁上,而不关上它。 —

and when he should have gone to bed, he begged to sleep with Hareton, and his petition was granted for once.
该睡觉时,他请求和海顿一起睡,这次他的请求得到了允许。 —

Catherine stole out before break of day.
凯瑟琳在天亮之前悄悄溜了出去。 —

She dared not try the doors lest the dogs should raise an alarm;
她不敢试试门,以免狗引起警报; —

she visited the empty chambers and examined their windows;
她参观了空房间并检查了它们的窗户。 —

and, luckily, lighting on her mother’s, she got easily out of its lattice, and on to the ground, by means of the fir-tree close by.
幸运的是,她找到了她母亲的窗户,通过旁边的松树轻松地爬下来,到了地上。 —

Her accomplice suffered for his share in the escape, notwithstanding his timid contrivances.