Another week over—and I am so many days nearer health, and spring!
又过了一周,我离健康和春天又近了几天! —

I have now heard all my neighbour’s history, at different sittings, as the housekeeper could spare time from more important occupations.
我已经在不同场合听完了我的邻居的故事,因为女管家有空闲时才能听。 —

I’ll continue it in her own words, only a little condensed.
我会以她自己的话继续讲,只是稍微缩减一些。 —

She is, on the whole, a very fair narrator, and I don’t think I could improve her style.

* * * * *

In the evening, she said, the evening of my visit to the Heights, I knew, as well as if I saw him, that Mr. Heathcliff was about the place;
她说,在我去荒原的那个晚上,我心里清楚,就好像亲眼见到他一样,希斯克利夫先生就在那附近。 —

and I shunned going out, because I still carried his letter in my pocket, and didn’t want to be threatened or teased any more.
因此我避免外出,因为我仍然把他的信放在口袋里,不想再受到威胁或戏弄。 —

I had made up my mind not to give it till my master went somewhere, as I could not guess how its receipt would affect Catherine.
我已经下定决心,在主人离开的时候再给她,因为我无法猜测收到这封信会对凯瑟琳有什么影响。 —

The consequence was, that it did not reach her before the lapse of three days.
结果是,这封信在三天之后才到达她手中。 —

The fourth was Sunday, and I brought it into her room after the family were gone to church.
第四天是星期天,在全家去教堂之后,我把信带到她的房间里。 —

There was a man servant left to keep the house with me, and we generally made a practice of locking the doors during the hours of service;
有一个男仆留下来和我一起守护房子,我们通常习惯在服务时间锁上门; —

but on that occasion the weather was so warm and pleasant that I set them wide open, and, to fulfil my engagement, as I knew who would be coming, I told my companion that the mistress wished very much for some oranges, and he must run over to the village and get a few, to be paid for on the morrow.
但是那天天气很温暖宜人,我敞开了门,为了履行我的承诺,我告诉我的伴侣,女主人非常想要一些橙子,他必须跑到村子里去买几个,明天付款。 —

He departed, and I went upstairs.

Mrs. Linton sat in a loose white dress, with a light shawl over her shoulders, in the recess of the open window, as usual.
林顿夫人坐在敞开的窗户的凹处,穿着宽松的白色连衣裙,肩上披着一件轻薄的披肩,与往常一样。 —

Her thick, long hair had been partly removed at the beginning of her illness, and now she wore it simply combed in its natural tresses over her temples and neck.
她浓密的长发在病初时已经部分剪掉,现在她把它自然地梳在太阳穴和脖子上。 —

Her appearance was altered, as I had told Heathcliff;
她的容貌发生了变化,就像我告诉希斯克利夫的那样; —

but when she was calm, there seemed unearthly beauty in the change.
但是当她平静下来时,这种变化中似乎有一种超凡脱俗的美。 —

The flash of her eyes had been succeeded by a dreamy and melancholy softness;
她眼中的闪光被一个梦幻而忧郁的温柔所取代。 —

they no longer gave the impression of looking at the objects around her:
她们不再给人留下看着周围物体的印象: —

they appeared always to gaze beyond, and far beyond—you would have said out of this world.
她们看起来总是注视着远方——你会说她们看到了超出这个世界的景象。 —

Then, the paleness of her face—its haggard aspect having vanished as she recovered flesh—and the peculiar expression arising from her mental state, though painfully suggestive of their causes, added to the touching interest which she awakened;
然后,她面庞苍白的外表——在恢复了肉体后她那憔悴的样子消失了——和她的精神状态带来的独特表情,虽然痛苦地暗示了其原因,但增添了她觉醒时的令人感动的兴趣; —

and—invariably to me, I know, and to any person who saw her, I should think—refuted more tangible proofs of convalescence, and stamped her as one doomed to decay.

A book lay spread on the sill before her, and the scarcely perceptible wind fluttered its leaves at intervals.
一本书散放在她面前的窗台上,微风时不时地飘动着它的页子。 —

I believe Linton had laid it there:
我相信林顿把它放在那里: —

for she never endeavoured to divert herself with reading, or occupation of any kind, and he would spend many an hour in trying to entice her attention to some subject which had formerly been her amusement.
因为她从来不试图以阅读或任何形式的职业来转移自己,而他则会花很多时间试图吸引她对某个曾经是她娱乐的主题感兴趣。 —

She was conscious of his aim, and in her better moods endured his efforts placidly, only showing their uselessness by now and then suppressing a wearied sigh, and checking him at last with the saddest of smiles and kisses.
她意识到了他的目的,心情好的时候,她能平静地忍受他的努力,只是偶尔压抑住一声疲倦的叹息,并在最后以最悲伤的微笑和吻来制止他。 —

At other times, she would turn petulantly away, and hide her face in her hands, or even push him off angrily;
在其他时候,她会愤怒地转过头去,把脸藏在手中,甚至生气地推开他。 —

and then he took care to let her alone, for he was certain of doing no good.

Gimmerton chapel bells were still ringing; and the full, mellow flow of the beck in the valley came soothingly on the ear.
吉默顿教堂的钟声还在响着;山谷中流淌着清澈悠扬的小溪声,舒缓地传入耳中。 —

It was a sweet substitute for the yet absent murmur of the summer foliage, which drowned that music about the Grange when the trees were in leaf.
这成了夏日林叶尚未抚醒的美妙替代品,当树叶繁茂时,它淹没在庄园周围的音乐之中。 —

At Wuthering Heights it always sounded on quiet days following a great thaw or a season of steady rain.
在呜呼林园,它总是在冰消雪融后的宁静日子里响起,或是下过连绵雨的季节。 —

And of Wuthering Heights Catherine was thinking as she listened:
正在倾听时,凯瑟琳脑海中浮现的却是呜呼林园: —

that is, if she thought or listened at all;
即使她有想法或聆听,也只是这样。 —

but she had the vague, distant look I mentioned before, which expressed no recognition of material things either by ear or eye.

“There’s a letter for you, Mrs. Linton,” I said, gently inserting it in one hand that rested on her knee.
“有一封信给你,林顿夫人”,我轻轻地将它插在她膝盖上靠着的一只手中。 —

“You must read it immediately, because it wants an answer.
“你必须立即读这封信,因为它需要回复。 —

Shall I break the seal?
我应该打开信封吗? —

” “Yes,” she answered, without altering the direction of her eyes.
”“是的,”她回答道,眼神没有改变方向。 —

I opened it—it was very short. “Now, ” I continued, “read it.
我打开了它——信很短。“现在,”我继续说,“读吧。 —

” She drew away her hand, and let it fall.
”她把手抽了回去,然后松开。 —

I replaced it in her lap, and stood waiting till it should please her to glance down;
我把它放回她的膝盖上,站在一旁等待着她往下看; —

but that movement was so long delayed that at last I resumed—“Must I read it, ma’am?
但那个动作拖得太久了,以至于最后我又说道:“我可以读给你听吗,夫人? —

It is from Mr. Heathcliff.”

There was a start and a troubled gleam of recollection, and a struggle to arrange her ideas.
她动了一下,露出了困惑的闪光和一种思绪整理的挣扎。她拿起信, —

She lifted the letter, and seemed to peruse it;
似乎在阅读它。 —

and when she came to the signature she sighed:
当她看到签名时,她叹了口气: —

yet still I found she had not gathered its import, for, upon my desiring to hear her reply, she merely pointed to the name, and gazed at me with mournful and questioning eagerness.

“Well, he wishes to see you,” said I, guessing her need of an interpreter.
“嗯,他想见你,”我说,猜到她需要一位口译员。 —

“He’s in the garden by this time, and impatient to know what answer I shall bring.”

As I spoke, I observed a large dog lying on the sunny grass beneath raise its ears as if about to bark, and then smoothing them back, announce, by a wag of the tail, that some one approached whom it did not consider a stranger.
当我说话时,我注意到一只大狗躺在阳光明媚的草地上,它抬起耳朵好像要叫,然后抚平它们,用尾巴摇动宣告,有人靠近它认为不是陌生人。 —

Mrs. Linton bent forward, and listened breathlessly.
林顿夫人向前倾听,屏住呼吸。一分钟后, —

The minute after a step traversed the hall;
一个脚步声穿过了走廊; —

the open house was too tempting for Heathcliff to resist walking in:
敞开的房门对希斯克利夫来说太有诱惑力,他无法抵制进来。 —

most likely he supposed that I was inclined to shirk my promise, and so resolved to trust to his own audacity.
他很可能认为我不愿遵守承诺,所以决定依靠自己的胆量。 —

With straining eagerness Catherine gazed towards the entrance of her chamber.
凯瑟琳急切地朝着她房间的入口凝视。 —

He did not hit the right room directly:
他没有直接找对房间: —

she motioned me to admit him, but he found it out ere I could reach the door, and in a stride or two was at her side, and had her grasped in his arms.

He neither spoke nor loosed his hold for some five minutes, during which period he bestowed more kisses than ever he gave in his life before, I daresay:
他在接下来的五分钟里既不说话也不放开她,期间他给了比他之前一生中都给的吻要多,我敢说。 —

but then my mistress had kissed him first, and I plainly saw that he could hardly bear, for downright agony, to look into her face!
但是我的主人先亲吻了他,我清楚地看到他几乎无法忍受,因为他实在是痛苦地无法直视她的脸! —

The same conviction had stricken him as me, from the instant he beheld her, that there was no prospect of ultimate recovery there—she was fated, sure to die.

“Oh, Cathy! Oh, my life! how can I bear it?
“哦,凯瑟琳!哦,我的生命! —

” was the first sentence he uttered, in a tone that did not seek to disguise his despair.
我怎么能承受得了?”他以一种毫不掩饰绝望的语气说出了他的第一句话。 —

And now he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the very intensity of his gaze would bring tears into his eyes;
现在他如此认真地盯着她,我以为他盯得这么紧会让他的眼睛里涌出泪水; —

but they burned with anguish: they did not melt.

“What now?” said Catherine, leaning back, and returning his look with a suddenly clouded brow:
“怎么了?”凯瑟琳说,后退了一步,用一双脸突然阴沉起来的眼睛回应他的目光: —

her humour was a mere vane for constantly varying caprices.
她的心情只是一个不断变化的风向标。 —

“You and Edgar have broken my heart, Heathcliff!
“你和埃德加让我心都碎了,希斯克利夫! —

And you both come to bewail the deed to me, as if you were the people to be pitied!
你们俩竟然来向我哀悼这件事,仿佛自己才是值得同情的人! —

I shall not pity you, not I. You have killed me—and thriven on it, I think.
我不会同情你们,真不会。你们杀了我,而且还因此受益了,我想。 —

How strong you are! How many years do you mean to live after I am gone?”

Heathcliff had knelt on one knee to embrace her;
希思克利夫跪在地上想抱住她, —

he attempted to rise, but she seized his hair, and kept him down.

“I wish I could hold you,” she continued, bitterly, “till we were both dead!
“我希望能抱住你,”她继续说,愤怒地,“直到我们俩都死! —

I shouldn’t care what you suffered.
你遭受什么痛苦我都不在乎。 —

I care nothing for your sufferings.
你的痛苦对我来说一文不值。 —

Why shouldn’t you suffer? I do! Will you forget me?
为什么你就不该受苦呢?我可是受苦了!你会忘了我吗? —

Will you be happy when I am in the earth?
当我入土为安时,你会快乐吗? —

Will you say twenty years hence, ‘That’s the grave of Catherine Earnshaw?
二十年后你会这样说吗,“那是凯瑟琳·恩肖的坟墓,我曾经爱过她, —

I loved her long ago, and was wretched to lose her;
失去她我曾经忍受过痛苦; —

but it is past.
但那已经过去了。 —

I’ve loved many others since:
我爱过其他很多人:我的孩子比她更亲。在死的时刻, —

my children are dearer to me than she was;
我不会因为要去找她而高兴,我会为必须离开他们而难过! —

and, at death, I shall not rejoice that I am going to her:
有这么说过吗, —

I shall be sorry that I must leave them!
希思克利夫?” —

’ Will you say so, Heathcliff?”

“Don’t torture me till I’m as mad as yourself, ” cried he, wrenching his head free, and grinding his teeth.

The two, to a cool spectator, made a strange and fearful picture.
对一个冷静的旁观者来说,这两人组成了一幅奇怪而可怕的画面。 —

Well might Catherine deem that heaven would be a land of exile to her, unless with her mortal body she cast away her moral character also.
如果凯瑟琳不放弃她的道德品行,她宁愿认为天堂也是一个流放之地。 —

Her present countenance had a wild vindictiveness in its white cheek, and a bloodless lip and scintillating eye;
她此刻的表情在白色的脸颊中显示出一种疯狂的复仇心态,而她的唇和眼睛则呈现出无血色的状态。 —

and she retained in her closed fingers a portion of the locks she had been grasping.
她闭着的手指中还握有她抓住的一部分头发。 —

As to her companion, while raising himself with one hand, he had taken her arm with the other;
至于她的伴侣,在一只手扶着自己的同时,还用另一只手搀扶着她的胳膊。 —

and so inadequate was his stock of gentleness to the requirements of her condition, that on his letting go I saw four distinct impressions left blue in the colourless skin.

“Are you possessed with a devil,” he pursued, savagely, “to talk in that manner to me when you are dying?
“你是被魔鬼附身了吗,”他狠狠地继续说道,“在你行将就木之时还对我这样说话?” —

Do you reflect that all those words will be branded in my memory, and eating deeper eternally after you have left me?
你觉得所有这些话会在我脑海里烙下记忆,永远深深地刺痛我吗,在你离开我之后? —

You know you lie to say I have killed you: and, Catherine, you know that I could as soon forget you as my existence!
你知道你在撒谎说我杀了你:而且,凯瑟琳,你也知道我不可能像忘记你那样忘记我自己的存在! —

Is it not sufficient for your infernal selfishness, that while you are at peace I shall writhe in the torments of hell?”

“I shall not be at peace,” moaned Catherine, recalled to a sense of physical weakness by the violent, unequal throbbing of her heart, which beat visibly and audibly under this excess of agitation.
“我不会安宁的,”凯瑟琳呻吟着,因体弱多病,她的心脏在剧烈、不规则的悸动下明显有声有色,这种过度的激动使她想起了自己的身体虚弱。 —

She said nothing further till the paroxysm was over;
她没有再说什么,直到这场发作结束后, —

then she continued, more kindly—

“I’m not wishing you greater torment than I have, Heathcliff. I only wish us never to be parted:
“我并不希望你比我更痛苦,希斯克利夫。我只希望我们永不分离: —

and should a word of mine distress you hereafter, think I feel the same distress underground, and for my own sake, forgive me!
如果以后我说了什么伤害了你,想象我在地下也感受到同样的痛苦,为了我自己的缘故,请原谅我! —

Come here and kneel down again!
这里过来,再次跪下! —

You never harmed me in your life.
你从来没有伤害过我。 —

Nay, if you nurse anger, that will be worse to remember than my harsh words!
不行,如果你养恼,那会比我严厉的话更不好忘记! —

Won’t you come here again? Do!”

Heathcliff went to the back of her chair, and leant over, but not so far as to let her see his face, which was livid with emotion.
希斯克利夫走到她椅子的背后,倚在上面,但没有让她看到他满脸的激动。 —

She bent round to look at him; he would not permit it:
她弯下身去看着他,他不允许这样: —

turning abruptly, he walked to the fireplace, where he stood, silent, with his back towards us.
突然转身,走向壁炉,在那里默默地背对着我们。 —

Mrs. Linton’s glance followed him suspiciously:
林顿夫人怀疑地注视着他。 —

every movement woke a new sentiment in her.
她的每一个动作都唤醒了她新的情感。 —

After a pause and a prolonged gaze, she resumed;
停顿片刻后,她恢复过来,继续对我说; —

addressing me in accents of indignant disappointment:—

“Oh, you see, Nelly, he would not relent a moment to keep me out of the grave.
那不是我的希斯克利夫。我还是会爱我的, —

That is how I’m loved!
还有把他带走: —

Well, never mind.
他在我灵魂中。 —

That is not my Heathcliff. I shall love mine yet;
还有,”她思索着补充道,”最让我痛苦的是这个被击碎的牢狱。 —

and take him with me: he’s in my soul.
我厌倦了被囚禁在这里。 —

And,” added she musingly, “the thing that irks me most is this shattered prison, after all. I’m tired of being enclosed here.
“和她一起,经过所有这些时间,所承受的一切。那个才是我真正的希斯克利夫。我会爱他的。” —

I’m wearying to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there:
我渴望逃离那个美好的世界,永远在那里: —

not seeing it dimly through tears, and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart:
不再透过泪水朦胧地看着它,不再透过痛苦的心墙渴望着它, —

but really with it, and in it.
而是真正与它同在。 —

Nelly, you think you are better and more fortunate than I;
妮莉,你认为你比我更好,更幸运;身体健康, —

in full health and strength:
力气充沛; —

you are sorry for me—very soon that will be altered.
你为我感到遗憾 - 很快这种情况就会改变。 —

I shall be sorry for you.
我会为你感到遗憾。 —

I shall be incomparably beyond and above you all.
我将远远超越你们所有人。 —

I wonder he won’t be near me!
我真不明白他为什么不愿靠近我! —

” She went on to herself.
”她继续自言自语。 —

“I thought he wished it. Heathcliff, dear!
我以为他希望这样。希斯克利夫,亲爱的! —

you should not be sullen now.
你不应该现在闷闷不乐。 —

Do come to me, Heathcliff.”

In her eagerness she rose and supported herself on the arm of the chair.
她急切地站起身,扶着椅子的扶手支撑着自己。 —

At that earnest appeal he turned to her, looking absolutely desperate.
在那真诚的恳求下,他转向她,看起来绝望至极。 —

His eyes, wide and wet, at last flashed fiercely on her;
他的眼睛湿润而宽大,终于愤怒地瞪向她; —

his breast heaved convulsively.
他的胸膛剧烈起伏。 —

An instant they held asunder, and then how they met I hardly saw, but Catherine made a spring, and he caught her, and they were locked in an embrace from which I thought my mistress would never be released alive:
瞬间他们分开,然后我几乎没看清他们是如何再次相遇,但是凯瑟琳蹦了起来,他抓住了她,他们陷入了拥抱之中,我想我的女主人永远无法从中挣脱出来。 —

in fact, to my eyes, she seemed directly insensible.
实际上,在我看来,她似乎直接昏迷了。 —

He flung himself into the nearest seat, and on my approaching hurriedly to ascertain if she had fainted, he gnashed at me, and foamed like a mad dog, and gathered her to him with greedy jealousy.
他猛地扑向最近的座位,我急忙走过去想确定她是否晕倒,他却对我咬牙切齿,像一只疯狗一样咆哮,贪婪地将她拉向自己。 —

I did not feel as if I were in the company of a creature of my own species:
我感觉不到我与同类在一起的感觉。 —

it appeared that he would not understand, though I spoke to him;
看来他不愿理解,尽管我对他说话。 —

so I stood off, and held my tongue, in great perplexity.

A movement of Catherine’s relieved me a little presently:
凯瑟琳稍稍动了一下,我稍微松了口气: —

she put up her hand to clasp his neck, and bring her cheek to his as he held her;
她伸手环抱着他的脖子,将她的脸颊贴近他的脸颊。 —

while he, in return, covering her with frantic caresses, said wildly—

“You teach me now how cruel you’ve been—cruel and false.
“你现在教我知道了你是多么残忍和虚伪。 —

Why did you despise me?
你为什么看不起我? —

Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy?
你为什么背叛了你自己的心灵,卡瑟琳?” —

I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this.
“我没有一句安慰的话。这是你应得的。 —

You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me, and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears:
你已经自杀了。是的,你可以亲吻我,哭泣;尽情吮吸我的亲吻和眼泪: —

they’ll blight you—they’ll damn you.
“它们会使你作茧自缚,它们会诅咒你。 —

You loved me—then what right had you to leave me?
你曾经爱过我,那你为什么有权利离开我? —

What right—answer me—for the poor fancy you felt for Linton?
“你有什么权利——告诉我——去满足你对林顿的渺茫幻想? —

Because misery and degradation, and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will, did it.
“因为即使是痛苦、堕落、死亡,以及上帝或撒旦所能施加的一切也无法把我们分开,而是你,出自你自己的意愿,做到了。 —

I have not broken your heart—you have broken it;
“我没有伤你的心,是你伤了它; —

and in breaking it, you have broken mine.
而在伤害它的同时,你也伤了我的。 —

So much the worse for me that I am strong.
我强大了,我就越糟糕。 —

Do I want to live? What kind of living will it be when you—oh, God!
“我还想活吗?当你——哦,天哪! —

would you like to live with your soul in the grave?”

“Let me alone. Let me alone,” sobbed Catherine.
“让我一个人呆着。让我一个人呆着。”卡瑟琳抽泣道。 —

“If I’ve done wrong, I’m dying for it. It is enough!
“如果我错了,我为此而死。已经足够了!” —

You left me too: but I won’t upbraid you!
你也离开了我,但我不会责怪你! —

I forgive you. Forgive me!”

“It is hard to forgive, and to look at those eyes, and feel those wasted hands, ” he answered. “Kiss me again;
“原谅是困难的,看着那双眼睛,感受着那双虚弱的手。”他回答道。“再亲我一次; —

and don’t let me see your eyes!
别让我看到你的眼睛! —

I forgive what you have done to me.
我原谅你对我的所作所为。 —

I love my murderer—but yours! How can I?”

They were silent—their faces hid against each other, and washed by each other’s tears.
他们沉默着,脸紧贴着彼此,眼泪交织。 —

At least, I suppose the weeping was on both sides;
至少我想,这次哭泣是双方都有的; —

as it seemed Heathcliff could weep on a great occasion like this.

I grew very uncomfortable, meanwhile;
与此同时,我感到非常不舒服; —

for the afternoon wore fast away, the man whom I had sent off returned from his errand, and I could distinguish, by the shine of the western sun up the valley, a concourse thickening outside Gimmerton chapel porch.

“Service is over,” I announced.
“服务结束了,”我宣布道。 —

“My master will be here in half an hour.”

Heathcliff groaned a curse, and strained Catherine closer:
希斯克里夫咕哝着诅咒,紧紧地抱着凯瑟琳: —

she never moved.

Ere long I perceived a group of the servants passing up the road towards the kitchen wing.
不久我看到一群仆人沿着路向厨房走廊走去。 —

Mr. Linton was not far behind;
林顿先生离他们并不远; —

he opened the gate himself and sauntered slowly up, probably enjoying the lovely afternoon that breathed as soft as summer.

“Now he is here,” I exclaimed.
“他来了,”我惊呼道。 —

“For heaven’s sake, hurry down!
“求你,赶快下来! —

You’ll not meet any one on the front stairs. Do be quick;
你在正门楼梯上不会遇到任何人。快点, —

and stay among the trees till he is fairly in.”

“I must go, Cathy,” said Heathcliff, seeking to extricate himself from his companion’s arms.
“我必须走了,凯瑟琳,”希斯克里夫试图从她的臂膀中挣脱出来。 —

“But if I live, I’ll see you again before you are asleep.
“但只要我还活着,你入睡之前我一定会再见到你。 —

I won’t stray five yards from your window.”

“You must not go!” she answered, holding him as firmly as her strength allowed.
“你不能走!”她紧紧抓住他,用尽全力。 “我告诉你, —

“You shall not, I tell you.”

“For one hour,” he pleaded earnestly.

“Not for one minute,” she replied.

“I must—Linton will be up immediately, ” persisted the alarmed intruder.
“我必须—— 林顿马上就要醒来了,” 惊慌的闯入者坚持道。

He would have risen, and unfixed her fingers by the act—she clung fast, gasping: there was mad resolution in her face.

“No!” she shrieked. “Oh, don’t, don’t go.
“不!” 她尖叫道,“哦,别,别走。 —

It is the last time! Edgar will not hurt us.
这是最后一次了!埃德加不会伤害我们的。 —

Heathcliff, I shall die!
希斯克利夫,我会死的! —

I shall die!”

“Damn the fool! There he is,” cried Heathcliff, sinking back into his seat.
“该死的傻瓜!他来了,”希斯克利夫喊道,重新坐回了座位,“嘘, —

“Hush, my darling!
亲爱的!” —

Hush, hush, Catherine! I’ll stay. If he shot me so, I’d expire with a blessing on my lips.”

And there they were fast again.
然后他们又紧紧抱在一起。 —

I heard my master mounting the stairs—the cold sweat ran from my forehead:
我听到我的主人上楼的声音——我额头冒着冷汗: —

I was horrified.

“Are you going to listen to her ravings?” I said, passionately. “She does not know what she says.
“你要听她的胡言乱语吗?” 我激动地说道,“她不知道自己在说什么。 —

Will you ruin her, because she has not wit to help herself?
你要毁了她,因为她没能力帮自己吗? —

Get up! You could be free instantly.
起来!你可以即刻解脱。 —

That is the most diabolical deed that ever you did.
这是你做过的最邪恶的事。 —

We are all done for—master, mistress, and servant.”

I wrung my hands, and cried out;
我握紧了双手,控制不住地哭喊起来; —

and Mr. Linton hastened his step at the noise.
因为这声音,Mr. Linton加快了脚步。 —

In the midst of my agitation, I was sincerely glad to observe that Catherine’s arms had fallen relaxed, and her head hung down.

“She’s fainted, or dead, ” I thought: “so much the better.
“她昏倒了,或者死了,”我想,”那就太好了。比她继续活着,成为大家的负担和带来痛苦的制造者要好得多。” —

Far better that she should be dead, than lingering a burden and a misery-maker to all about her.”

Edgar sprang to his unbidden guest, blanched with astonishment and rage.
然而,那个人立即停止了一切示威, —

What he meant to do I cannot tell;
把那个看起来无生命迹象的人形放在他的怀里。 —

however, the other stopped all demonstrations, at once, by placing the lifeless-looking form in his arms.

“Look there!” he said. “Unless you be a fiend, help her first—then you shall speak to me!”
他走进客厅,坐下。Mr. Linton叫我,并经过许多努力,痛苦地将她恢复到知觉。

He walked into the parlour, and sat down.

Mr. Linton summoned me, and with great difficulty, and after resorting to many means, we managed to restore her to sensation;

but she was all bewildered; she sighed, and moaned, and knew nobody. Edgar, in his anxiety for her, forgot her hated friend.
但她哭笑不得,叹息着,对谁也不认识。埃德加为了她而焦虑,忘记了她令人讨厌的朋友。我没有忘记。 —

I did not.

I went, at the earliest opportunity, and besought him to depart;
我在最早的机会里去找他,请求他离开。 —

affirming that Catherine was better, and he should hear from me in the morning how she passed the night.

“I shall not refuse to go out of doors, ” he answered; “but I shall stay in the garden:
“我不会拒绝出门的,”他回答道;”但我会待在花园里,尼莉,你要记住明天的诺言。我会在那些落羽杉树下等。记住!否则我会再次拜访,不管林顿在不在家里。” —

and, Nelly, mind you keep your word to-morrow.
他透过半开的门急速地扫视了一眼房间, —

I shall be under those larch-trees. Mind!
确定了我说的似乎是真的,就离开了这个不幸的地方。 —

or I pay another visit, whether Linton be in or not.”

He sent a rapid glance through the half-open door of the chamber, and, ascertaining that what I stated was apparently true, delivered the house of his luckless presence.