To obviate the danger of this threat being fulfilled, Mr. Linton commissioned me to take the boy home early, on Catherine’s pony;
为了防止这个威胁的实现,林顿先生委托我提前带孩子回家,骑着凯瑟琳的小马; —

and, said he—“As we shall now have no influence over his destiny, good or bad, you must say nothing of where he is gone to my daughter:
他说:“既然我们现在对他的命运没有任何影响力,不管是好是坏,你对我女儿不能说他去了哪里; —

she cannot associate with him hereafter, and it is better for her to remain in ignorance of his proximity;
她将来不能再与他交往,对她来说最好不知道他的距离; —

lest she should be restless, and anxious to visit the Heights.
以免她变得不安,渴望去探望那个地方。 —

Merely tell her his father sent for him suddenly, and he has been obliged to leave us.”

Linton was very reluctant to be roused from his bed at five o’clock, and astonished to be informed that he must prepare for further travelling;
林顿被告知他必须准备继续旅行,五点起床,他非常不情愿,感到惊讶; —

but I softened off the matter by stating that he was going to spend some time with his father, Mr. Heathcliff, who wished to see him so much, he did not like to defer the pleasure till he should recover from his late journey.

“My father!” he cried, in strange perplexity.
“爸爸!”他大叫着,陷入了奇怪的困惑。 —

“Mamma never told me I had a father.
“妈妈从来没有告诉我我有爸爸。 —

Where does he live? I’d rather stay with uncle.”

“He lives a little distance from the Grange,” I replied;
“他住在离庄园有些距离的地方,”我回答道, —

“just beyond those hills: not so far, but you may walk over here when you get hearty.
“就在那些山的后面:不是很远,你可以在康复后步行过来。” —

And you should be glad to go home, and to see him.
“你应该高兴回家,去见他。 —

You must try to love him, as you did your mother, and then he will love you.”

“But why have I not heard of him before?” asked Linton.
“但是我以前为什么没有听说过他呢?”林顿问道。 —

“Why didn’t mamma and he live together, as other people do?”

“He had business to keep him in the north,” I answered, “and your mother’s health required her to reside in the south.”

“And why didn’t mamma speak to me about him?
“为什么妈妈没有和我谈论过他呢? —

” persevered the child.
”孩子坚持问道。 —

“She often talked of uncle, and I learnt to love him long ago.
“她经常谈论叔叔,我很久以前就开始喜欢他了。” —

How am I to love papa? I don’t know him.”

“Oh, all children love their parents,” I said.
“哦,所有孩子都爱他们的父母, —

“Your mother, perhaps, thought you would want to be with him if she mentioned him often to you.
”我说。“也许你的母亲认为如果她经常提起他,你会想和他在一起。让我们快点走吧。 —

Let us make haste.
” —

An early ride on such a beautiful morning is much preferable to an hour’s more sleep.”

“Is she to go with us,” he demanded, “the little girl I saw yesterday?”

“Not now,” replied I.

“Is uncle?” he continued.

“No, I shall be your companion there,” I said.

Linton sank back on his pillow and fell into a brown study.

“I won’t go without uncle,” he cried at length:
“我不会没有姑父一起去的!”他最后大声喊道: —

“I can’t tell where you mean to take me.”

I attempted to persuade him of the naughtiness of showing reluctance to meet his father;
我试图说服他违抗见父亲的行为是不礼貌的; —

still he obstinately resisted any progress towards dressing, and I had to call for my master’s assistance in coaxing him out of bed.
但他仍然顽固地拒绝穿衣服,我不得不请我的主人帮忙劝他起床。 —

The poor thing was finally got off, with several delusive assurances that his absence should be short:
最后他终于离开了,我们说了几个虚假的保证,说他的离开时间会很短: —

that Mr. Edgar and Cathy would visit him, and other promises, equally ill-founded, which I invented and reiterated at intervals throughout the way.
他们不会像我所编造的那样拜访他,还有其他同样没有根据的承诺,我在整个过程中一再重复。 —

The pure heather-scented air, the bright sunshine, and the gentle canter of Minny, relieved his despondency after a while.
纯净的石楠香气、明亮的阳光和Minny轻快的慢跑在一段时间后缓解了他的沮丧。 —

He began to put questions concerning his new home, and its inhabitants, with greater interest and liveliness.

“Is Wuthering Heights as pleasant a place as Thrushcross Grange?
“Wuthering Heights是不是和Thrushcross Grange一样宜人的地方?”他询问道,顺便转过身来最后看了一眼山谷,从那里升起一缕轻雾,在蓝色的边缘形成了一片蓬松的云。 —

” he inquired, turning to take a last glance into the valley, whence a light mist mounted and formed a fleecy cloud on the skirts of the blue.

“It is not so buried in trees,” I replied, “and it is not quite so large, but you can see the country beautifully all round;
而且对你来说,空气更加健康、新鲜和干燥。也许你会觉得建筑物一开始有些古老和阴暗,尽管这是一座体面的房子: —

and the air is healthier for you—fresher and drier.
在附近是第二好的。 —

You will, perhaps, think the building old and dark at first;
你可以在荒野上漫步。 —

though it is a respectable house:

the next best in the neighbourhood.
并且也乌塔林山那样好。 —

And you will have such nice rambles on the moors.

Hareton Earnshaw—that is, Miss Cathy’s other cousin, and so yours in a manner—will show you all the sweetest spots;
Hareton Earnshaw——也就是凯西小姐的另一个堂兄,所以也是你的堂兄——会带你去所有最美丽的地方; —

and you can bring a book in fine weather, and make a green hollow your study;
在好天气里,你可以带一本书,在一片绿草地中自习; —

and, now and then, your uncle may join you in a walk:
偶尔,你的叔叔也会和你一起散步: —

he does, frequently, walk out on the hills.”

“And what is my father like?” he asked.
“我父亲是什么样的人?”他问道, —

“Is he as young and handsome as uncle?”

“He’s as young,” said I;
“他和叔叔一样年轻, —

“but he has black hair and eyes, and looks sterner;
”我说,“但他有黑头发和眼睛,看起来更严厉; —

and he is taller and bigger altogether.
他个子也更高大。 —

He’ll not seem to you so gentle and kind at first, perhaps, because it is not his way:
也许刚开始他对你不会看起来那么温和亲切,因为他不是这样的: —

still, mind you, be frank and cordial with him;
但是,记住,在他面前坦诚友善; —

and naturally he’ll be fonder of you than any uncle, for you are his own.”

“Black hair and eyes!” mused Linton.
“黑头发和眼睛!”林顿沉思道, —

“I can’t fancy him. Then I am not like him, am I?”

“Not much,” I answered: not a morsel, I thought, surveying with regret the white complexion and slim frame of my companion, and his large languid eyes—his mother’s eyes, save that, unless a morbid touchiness kindled them a moment, they had not a vestige of her sparkling spirit.

“How strange that he should never come to see mamma and me!
“真奇怪,他怎么从来不来看妈妈和我!”他嘀咕道, —

” he murmured. “Has he ever seen me?
“他有没有见过我? —

If he has, I must have been a baby.
如果他见过,那一定是在我还是个婴儿的时候。 —

I remember not a single thing about him!”

“Why, Master Linton,” said I, “three hundred miles is a great distance;
“嗯,林顿先生,”我说:“三百英里的距离可是非常远的; —

and ten years seem very different in length to a grown-up person compared with what they do to you.
对于一个成年人来说,十年的长度和你感受到的完全不同。 —

It is probable Mr. Heathcliff proposed going from summer to summer, but never found a convenient opportunity;
希斯克利夫先生可能曾经提议去年一年到今年一年,但从未找到合适的机会; —

and now it is too late. Don’t trouble him with questions on the subject:
现在已经太晚了。不要问他这个问题,这会打扰到他, —

it will disturb him, for no good.”

The boy was fully occupied with his own cogitations for the remainder of the ride, till we halted before the farmhouse garden-gate.
剩下的路程,这个男孩完全沉浸在自己的思考中,直到我们停在农舍的花园门前。 —

I watched to catch his impressions in his countenance.
我观察着他的脸,希望捕捉到他的印象。 —

He surveyed the carved front and low-browed lattices, the straggling gooseberry-bushes and crooked firs, with solemn intentness, and then shook his head:
他一脸认真地审视着雕刻的正面和低矮的纱窗,那凌乱的醋栗丛和弯曲的冷杉,然后摇了摇头: —

his private feelings entirely disapproved of the exterior of his new abode.
他完全不喜欢他新住所的外观,但他明智地决定暂时不抱怨: —

But he had sense to postpone complaining:
或许里面会有补偿。 —

there might be compensation within. Before he dismounted, I went and opened the door. It was half-past six;
在他下马之前,我去开了门。那时已经六点半了; —

the family had just finished breakfast:
家里的人刚吃完早餐: —

the servant was clearing and wiping down the table.
仆人正在收拾和擦拭桌子。 —

Joseph stood by his master’s chair telling some tale concerning a lame horse;
约瑟夫站在他主人的椅子旁边,讲述着关于一匹瘸马的故事; —

and Hareton was preparing for the hayfield.

“Hallo, Nelly!” said Mr. Heathcliff, when he saw me.
“嘿,妮莉!”希斯克利夫先生见到我时说道。 —

“I feared I should have to come down and fetch my property myself.
“我担心我得亲自下来取我的财产。 —

You’ve brought it, have you?
你把它带来了吗? —

Let us see what we can make of it.”

He got up and strode to the door:
他站起身,大步走向门口: —

Hareton and Joseph followed in gaping curiosity.
Hareton和Joseph好奇地跟着他。 —

Poor Linton ran a frightened eye over the faces of the three.

“Sure-ly,” said Joseph after a grave inspection, “he’s swopped wi’ ye, Maister, an’ yon’s his lass!”

Heathcliff, having stared his son into an ague of confusion, uttered a scornful laugh.

“God! what a beauty! what a lovely, charming thing!
“天哪!多美啊!多可爱迷人的东西! —

” he exclaimed. “Hav’n’t they reared it on snails and sour milk, Nelly?
”他惊叹道。“他们是不是用蜗牛和酸奶喂养它长大的,奈莉? —

Oh, damn my soul! but that’s worse than I expected—and the devil knows I was not sanguine!”

I bid the trembling and bewildered child get down, and enter.
我命令那个颤抖而困惑的孩子下来,并进来。 —

He did not thoroughly comprehend the meaning of his father’s speech, or whether it were intended for him:
他没有完全理解他父亲的话的意思,也不确定这些话是否是对他说的: —

indeed, he was not yet certain that the grim, sneering stranger was his father.
实际上,他还不能确定那个冷酷嘲笑的陌生人是他的父亲。但他紧紧地依靠着我, —

But he clung to me with growing trepidation;
越来越害怕; —

and on Mr. Heathcliff’s taking a seat and bidding him “come hither” he hid his face on my shoulder and wept.

“Tut, tut!” said Heathcliff, stretching out a hand and dragging him roughly between his knees, and then holding up his head by the chin.
“嘘,嘘!” 希斯克利夫说,伸出一只手粗暴地把他拉过来,然后用下颚托住他的头颅。 —

“None of that nonsense!
“别胡闹! —

We’re not going to hurt thee, Linton—isn’t that thy name?
我们不会伤害你,林顿—那是你的名字吧? —

Thou art thy mother’s child, entirely!
“你完全是你母亲的孩子! —

Where is my share in thee, puling chicken?”

He took off the boy’s cap and pushed back his thick flaxen curls, felt his slender arms and his small fingers;
他摘下男孩的帽子,推开他浓密的金色卷发,摸了摸他细长的手臂和小手指; —

during which examination Linton ceased crying, and lifted his great blue eyes to inspect the inspector.

“Do you know me?” asked Heathcliff, having satisfied himself that the limbs were all equally frail and feeble.

“No,” said Linton, with a gaze of vacant fear.
“不,” 林顿听着,眼神充满了恐惧。

“You’ve heard of me, I daresay?”

“No,” he replied again.

“No! What a shame of your mother, never to waken your filial regard for me!
“不!真是你母亲不争气,竟然没有唤起你对我的孝顺之情! —

You are my son, then, I’ll tell you;
你是我的儿子,我告诉你; —

and your mother was a wicked slut to leave you in ignorance of the sort of father you possessed.
“而你的母亲却是一个淫荡的贱货,把你留在无知中,不让你知道你拥有何种父亲。 —

Now, don’t wince, and colour up!
现在别皱眉,脸色发紫!” —

Though it is something to see you have not white blood.
虽然看起来你并没有纯白的血统。 —

Be a good lad; and I’ll do for you. Nelly, if you be tired you may sit down;
做个好孩子;我会照顾你的。娜莉,如果你累了就坐下; —

if not, get home again. I guess you’ll report what you hear and see to the cipher at the Grange;
如果不累,就回家吧。我猜你会向住在岗楼里的人报告你所听到和看到的一切; —

and this thing won’t be settled while you linger about it.”

“Well,” replied I, “I hope you’ll be kind to the boy, Mr. Heathcliff, or you’ll not keep him long;
“好吧,”我回答道,“我希望你对那个孩子好一点,希斯克利夫先生,要不然你不会把他留太久; —

and he’s all you have akin in the wide world, that you will ever know—remember.”

“I’ll be very kind to him, you needn’t fear, ” he said, laughing. “Only nobody else must be kind to him:
“我会非常善待他,你不用担心,”他笑着说道。“只是其他人不能对他好; —

I’m jealous of monopolising his affection. And, to begin my kindness, Joseph, bring the lad some breakfast.
我嫉妒他独占了他的喜爱。为了开始我的善意,约瑟夫,给小伙子带些早餐来。 —

Hareton, you infernal calf, begone to your work. Yes, Nell, ” he added, when they had departed, “my son is prospective owner of your place, and I should not wish him to die till I was certain of being his successor.
哈里顿,你这该死的小牛犊,滚去工作。是的,尼尔,”他们离开后他补充道,“我的儿子有望成为你那地方未来的主人,我希望他不会死去,直到我确定我能继任他。 —

Besides, he’s mine, and I want the triumph of seeing my descendant fairly lord of their estates;
此外,他是我的,我想看到我的后代公正地成为他们的地产领主,这是我要求的胜利; —

my child hiring their children to till their fathers’ lands for wages.
我的孩子雇佣他们的孩子为工资来耕种他们父亲的土地。 —

That is the sole consideration which can make me endure the whelp:
这是我能容忍这个混蛋的唯一考虑: —

I despise him for himself, and hate him for the memories he revives!
我鄙视他本人,憎恨他勾起的回忆! —

But that consideration is sufficient:
但是这个考虑已经足够了: —

he’s as safe with me, and shall be tended as carefully as your master tends his own.
他和我在一起是安全的,我会像你的主人一样细心照料他。 —

I have a room upstairs, furnished for him in handsome style;
我楼上有间设备豪华的房间给他; —

I’ve engaged a tutor, also, to come three times a week, from twenty miles’ distance, to teach him what he pleases to learn.
我还雇了一名教师,每周从二十英里远的地方来三次,教他任何他愿意学的东西。 —

I’ve ordered Hareton to obey him:
我已经命令Hareton服从他, —

and in fact I’ve arranged everything with a view to preserve the superior and the gentleman in him, above his associates.
并且实际上我安排了一切,以保持他在同伴中的高贵和绅士风度。 —

I do regret, however, that he so little deserves the trouble:
然而,我确实后悔他那么不值得这么费心: —

if I wished any blessing in the world, it was to find him a worthy object of pride;
如果我希望世界上有任何幸福,那就是找到他值得骄傲的对象; —

and I’m bitterly disappointed with the whey-faced, whining wretch!”

While he was speaking, Joseph returned bearing a basin of milk-porridge, and placed it before Linton:
当他说话时,约瑟夫拿着一个饭盆回来了,放在Linton面前: —

who stirred round the homely mess with a look of aversion, and affirmed he could not eat it.
Linton用厌恶的表情搅拌着这碗朴素的糊状食物,并坚称他不能吃。 —

I saw the old man-servant shared largely in his master’s scorn of the child;
我看见这个老男仆跟随他主人一起对待这个孩子的蔑视; —

though he was compelled to retain the sentiment in his heart, because Heathcliff plainly meant his underlings to hold him in honour.

“Cannot ate it?” repeated he, peering in Linton’s face, and subduing his voice to a whisper, for fear of being overheard.
“不能吃?”他重复着,凑近Linton的脸,压低声音,生怕被人听到。 —

“But Maister Hareton nivir ate naught else, when he wer a little ’un;
“但哈里顿小的时候也只吃这个,他能吃就够了,我想你也可以!” —

and what wer gooid eneugh for him’s gooid eneugh for ye, I’s rayther think!”

“I sha’n’t eat it!” answered Linton, snappishly. “Take it away.”

Joseph snatched up the food indignantly, and brought it to us.

“Is there aught ails th’ victuals?” he asked, thrusting the tray under Heathcliff’s nose.

“What should ail them?” he said.

“Wah!” answered Joseph, “yon dainty chap says he cannut ate ’em.
约瑟夫回答说:“哇!这个挑剔的家伙说他不能吃它们。但我想他是对的!他妈妈就是这样——我们几乎太脏了, —

But I guess it’s raight!
以至于不能播种玉米来做面包。” —

His mother wer just soa—we wer a’most too mucky to sow t’ corn for makking her breead.”

“Don’t mention his mother to me, ” said the master, angrily.
他说:“给他点他能吃的东西,就这样。尼莉,他通常吃什么?” —

“Get him something that he can eat, that’s all. What is his usual food, Nelly?”

I suggested boiled milk or tea;
我心想, —

and the housekeeper received instructions to prepare some.
他父亲的自私也许会对他的舒适有所助益。 —

Come, I reflected, his father’s selfishness may contribute to his comfort.
来吧,我思索着,他父亲的自私也许能为他的舒适做些贡献。 —

He perceives his delicate constitution, and the necessity of treating him tolerably.
他意识到自己身体虚弱,并且需要适当对待他。 —

I’ll console Mr. Edgar by acquainting him with the turn Heathcliff’s humour has taken.
我将告诉埃德加先生希斯克里夫心情的变化,来安慰他。 —

Having no excuse for lingering longer, I slipped out, while Linton was engaged in timidly rebuffing the advances of a friendly sheep-dog.
没有借口再逗留,当林顿在腼腆地回避一只友善的牧羊犬的时候,我悄悄溜走了。 —

But he was too much on the alert to be cheated:
但他太警觉了,不会上当:我关上门的时候, —

as I closed the door, I heard a cry, and a frantic repetition of the words—

“Don’t leave me! I’ll not stay here!
“不要离开我!我不会留在这儿! —

I’ll not stay here!”

Then the latch was raised and fell:
然后门闩被抬起又放下: —

they did not suffer him to come forth.
他们不允许他出来。 —

I mounted Minny, and urged her to a trot;
我骑上敏尼,并催促它小跑;于是, —

and so my brief guardianship ended.