Seven days glided away, every one marking its course by the henceforth rapid alteration of Edgar Linton’s state.
七天飞快地过去了,埃德加·林顿的状态正在迅速地发生变化,每天都有明显的变化。 —

The havoc that months had previously wrought was now emulated by the inroads of hours.
几个月前所造成的破坏,现在已经被几小时的侵蚀所取代。我们想要欺骗凯瑟琳,但她自己敏锐的灵魂拒绝被欺骗: —

Catherine we would fain have deluded yet;
她暗中预感到可怕的可能性,并慢慢地变成了确定的事实。 —

but her own quick spirit refused to delude her:
她没有心情在周四的时候提起她的骑马经历,我替她提了起来,并得到了允许, —

it divined in secret, and brooded on the dreadful probability, gradually ripening into certainty.
可以让她出门了:她父亲每天只能坚持一小段时间坐起来,所以书房和他的房间成了她整个世界。她不舍每一刻不在他的枕边弯腰或坐在他身边。 —

She had not the heart to mention her ride, when Thursday came round; I mentioned it for her, and obtained permission to order her out of doors:
她因为守护和悲伤变得苍白无力,我的主人很高兴地让她去享受他自以为会是快乐的改变场景和交际圈。 —

for the library, where her father stopped a short time daily—the brief period he could bear to sit up—and his chamber, had become her whole world.
她的面容因为守夜和悲伤而变得苍白, —

She grudged each moment that did not find her bending over his pillow, or seated by his side.
我的主人很高兴地让她享受他自以为是一段快乐的改变场景和社交生活。 —

Her countenance grew wan with watching and sorrow, and my master gladly dismissed her to what he flattered himself would be a happy change of scene and society;
她的脸色因为守夜和悲伤而变得苍白,我的主人很高兴地让她充满期待地去享受他自以为会是快乐的改变场景和交际圈;他甚至难熬地忍受她稍微迟到一点回来的时候。 —

drawing comfort from the hope that she would not now be left entirely alone after his death.

He had a fixed idea, I guessed by several observations he let fall, that, as his nephew resembled him in person, he would resemble him in mind;
通过他偶然透露的一些观察,我猜到他有个固定的想法,认为他的侄子不仅在外貌上像他,性格也会像他一样。 —

for Linton’s letters bore few or no indications of his defective character.
林顿的信中几乎没有透露出他有缺陷的性格。 —

And I, through pardonable weakness, refrained from correcting the error;
出于可以原谅的软弱,我没有纠正这个错误。 —

asking myself what good there would be in disturbing his last moments with information that he had neither power nor opportunity to turn to account.

We deferred our excursion till the afternoon;
我们把我们的远足推迟到下午, —

a golden afternoon of August:
一个八月的金色下午。 —

every breath from the hills so full of life, that it seemed whoever respired it, though dying, might revive.
山上的每一口气都充满了生机,似乎呼吸这样的空气的人,即使奄奄一息,也有可能复苏。 —

Catherine’s face was just like the landscape—shadows and sunshine flitting over it in rapid succession;
凯瑟琳的脸就像景色一样,阴影和阳光在上面快速交替。 —

but the shadows rested longer, and the sunshine was more transient;
但阴影持续时间更长,阳光更短暂。 —

and her poor little heart reproached itself for even that passing forgetfulness of its cares.

We discerned Linton watching at the same spot he had selected before.
我们看到林顿在之前他选择的同一个地点观察。 —

My young mistress alighted, and told me that, as she was resolved to stay a very little while, I had better hold the pony and remain on horseback;
我的年轻女主人下车告诉我,因为她决定停留一小会儿,我最好拿着小马并且骑着等待; —

but I dissented: I wouldn’t risk losing sight of the charge committed to me a minute;
但我不同意:我不会冒失地失去对我的责任视线,即使一分钟都不行; —

so we climbed the slope of heath together.
于是我们一起爬上了山坡。 —

Master Heathcliff received us with greater animation on this occasion:
希斯克利夫先生在这次接待我们时表现得更加活跃: —

not the animation of high spirits though, nor yet of joy; it looked more like fear.

“It is late!” he said, speaking short and with difficulty.
“已经很晚了!”他说话时有些短促和困难。 —

“Is not your father very ill?
“你父亲不是病得很重吗? —

I thought you wouldn’t come.”

Why won’t you be candid?” cried Catherine, swallowing her greeting.
“为什么不能坦白?”凯瑟琳大声说道,一口气吞下了问候。 —

“Why cannot you say at once you don’t want me?
“为什么不能立刻说你不想要我?” —

It is strange, Linton, that for the second time you have brought me here on purpose, apparently to distress us both, and for no reason besides!”

Linton shivered, and glanced at her, half supplicating, half ashamed;
林顿打了个寒颤,犹犹豫豫地望着她,既有恳求,又有羞愧。 —

but his cousin’s patience was not sufficient to endure this enigmatical behaviour.

“My father is very ill,” she said;
“我父亲病得很重,”她说。” —

“and why am I called from his bedside?
为什么叫我离开他的床前? —

Why didn’t you send to absolve me from my promise, when you wished I wouldn’t keep it?
当你希望我不遵守诺言的时候,为什么不给我发信放我出去?来! —

Come! I desire an explanation:
我要一个解释: —

playing and trifling are completely banished out of my mind;
游玩和嬉戏已经完全从我的脑海里抹去了; —

and I can’t dance attendance on your affectations now!”

“My affectations!” he murmured; “what are they?
“我的虚情假意!”他低声说道。” —

For heaven’s sake, Catherine, don’t look so angry! Despise me as much as you please;
天哪,凯瑟琳,别生这么大的气!尽管尽量鄙视我; —

I am a worthless, cowardly wretch:
我是一个毫无价值、胆小的家伙: —

I can’t be scorned enough;
对我藐视再多也不过分; —

but I’m too mean for your anger.
但我太卑劣,不够你生气的。 —

Hate my father, and spare me for contempt.”

“Nonsense!” cried Catherine in a passion. “Foolish, silly boy! And there! he trembles, as if I were really going to touch him!
“胡说!”凯瑟琳激动地喊道。“傻孩子!看他颤抖,好像我真的要碰他一样! —

You needn’t bespeak contempt, Linton:
你不需要索求轻蔑,林顿: —

anybody will have it spontaneously at your service.
任何人都会自动地为你提供。离开吧! —

Get off! I shall return home:
我要回家了: —

it is folly dragging you from the hearth-stone, and pretending—what do we pretend? Let go my frock!
拖着你离开炉边,而假装什么呢?我们要做什么假装?放开我的衣服! —

If I pitied you for crying and looking so very frightened, you should spurn such pity.
如果我因为你哭泣,看起来非常害怕而可怜你,你应该蔑视这种怜悯。 —

Ellen, tell him how disgraceful this conduct is. Rise, and don’t degrade yourself into an abject reptile—don’t!”

With streaming face and an expression of agony, Linton had thrown his nerveless frame along the ground:
林顿满脸泪水,表情痛苦地将无力的身体扔在地上: —

he seemed convulsed with exquisite terror.

“Oh!” he sobbed, “I cannot bear it! Catherine, Catherine, I’m a traitor, too, and I dare not tell you! But leave me, and I shall be killed!
“哦!”他抽泣着说。“我无法忍受!凯瑟琳,凯瑟琳,我也是个叛徒,我敢不说给你听!但是离开我,我会被杀的! —

Dear Catherine, my life is in your hands:
亲爱的凯瑟琳,我的生命掌握在你手中: —

and you have said you loved me, and if you did, it wouldn’t harm you.
而且你说过你爱我,如果你爱我,这不会伤害你。” —

You’ll not go, then? kind, sweet, good Catherine!
那么你不会走了吗,亲爱的、善良的、可爱的凯瑟琳! —

And perhaps you will consent—and he’ll let me die with you!”

My young lady, on witnessing his intense anguish, stooped to raise him.
我的小姐,看到他那强烈的痛苦,低下身来扶起他。 —

The old feeling of indulgent tenderness overcame her vexation, and she grew thoroughly moved and alarmed.

“Consent to what?” she asked. “To stay!
“同意什么?”她问。 —

tell me the meaning of this strange talk, and I will.
“告诉我这种奇怪的谈话的意思,我就会同意。 —

You contradict your own words, and distract me!
你自相矛盾,让我心神不安! —

Be calm and frank, and confess at once all that weighs on your heart.
冷静坦白,立刻坦白出你心底的一切。 —

You wouldn’t injure me, Linton, would you?
你不会伤害我,林顿,对吗? —

You wouldn’t let any enemy hurt me, if you could prevent it?
如果可以阻止它,你不会让任何敌人伤害我吧? —

I’ll believe you are a coward, for yourself, but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend.”

“But my father threatened me,” gasped the boy, clasping his attenuated fingers, “and I dread him—I dread him!
“但我父亲威胁我,”小男孩喘着气,扭动着稀薄的指头,“我害怕他,害怕他! —

I dare not tell!”

“Oh, well!” said Catherine, with scornful compassion, “keep your secret: I’m no coward.
“哦,好吧!”凯瑟琳鄙视地说道,“保守你的秘密吧:我可不是懦夫。 —

Save yourself: I’m not afraid!”

Her magnanimity provoked his tears: he wept wildly, kissing her supporting hands, and yet could not summon courage to speak out.
她的宽容激发了他的眼泪:他痛苦地哭泣着,亲吻着她支撑的手,却无法鼓起勇气说出真相。 —

I was cogitating what the mystery might be, and determined Catherine should never suffer to benefit him or any one else, by my good will;
我思考着这个谜团可能是什么,决定凯瑟琳永远不会因为我善意而为他或其他人受苦。 —

when, hearing a rustle among the ling, I looked up and saw Mr. Heathcliff almost close upon us, descending the Heights.
就在我听到杂草中有沙沙声的时候,抬头一看,就见希斯克利夫先生几乎就在我们附近从山上下来。 —

He didn’t cast a glance towards my companions, though they were sufficiently near for Linton’s sobs to be audible;
他没有向我的伙伴们一瞥,尽管他们离得足够近,可以听到林顿的哭声; —

but hailing me in the almost hearty tone he assumed to none besides, and the sincerity of which I couldn’t avoid doubting, he said—

“It is something to see you so near to my house, Nelly. How are you at the Grange?
“能在我家附近看到你真是件好事啊,尼莉。你在庄园过得怎么样? —

Let us hear.
告诉我吧。 —

The rumour goes,” he added, in a lower tone, “that Edgar Linton is on his death-bed:
有传闻说,”他压低声音说道,“埃德加·林顿正躺在病床上,奄奄一息。 —

perhaps they exaggerate his illness?”

“No; my master is dying,” I replied:
“不,我的主人快要死了,”我回答道: —

“it is true enough. A sad thing it will be for us all, but a blessing for him!”

“How long will he last, do you think?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said.

“Because,” he continued, looking at the two young people, who were fixed under his eye—Linton appeared as if he could not venture to stir or raise his head, and Catherine could not move, on his account—“because that lad yonder seems determined to beat me;
“因为,”他继续说道,眼睛盯着那两个年轻人,他们似乎不敢动弹或抬头——林顿看起来似乎无法冒险动一下,而凯瑟琳则为了他而不能动。“因为那小子看起来决心要打败我;我请求他的叔父快点走在他前面!嘿!他玩那个游戏已经玩了多久了? —

and I’d thank his uncle to be quick, and go before him!
我确实给他一些哭诉的课程。 —

Hallo! has the whelp been playing that game long?
他和林顿小姐在一起时活泼吗?” —

I did give him some lessons about snivelling.
“活泼?不,他表现得很痛苦, —

Is he pretty lively with Miss Linton generally?”

“Lively? no—he has shown the greatest distress, ” I answered.
“看他的样子,我觉得他应该躺在床上,找个医生看病,而不是和他的甜心在山上漫游。” —

“To see him, I should say, that instead of rambling with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor.”

“He shall be, in a day or two,” muttered Heathcliff.
“他很快就会恢复,”希斯克利夫喃喃自语道。 —

“But first—get up, Linton!
“但是首先——起来,林顿!起来! —

Get up!
” —

” he shouted. “Don’t grovel on the ground there:
他喊道。“别在地上卑躬屈膝: —

up, this moment!”

Linton had sunk prostrate again in another paroxysm of helpless fear, caused by his father’s glance towards him, I suppose:
林顿又一次因为父亲的目光朝他扫过而陷入了无助的恐惧之中,我猜是因为没有其他事情能够带来如此的羞辱。他试图多次地听从,但是他的力量暂时被摧毁了,他又倒了下去,发出呻吟声。 —

there was nothing else to produce such humiliation.
希斯克利夫前进, —

He made several efforts to obey, but his little strength was annihilated for the time, and he fell back again with a moan.
将他扶起来靠在一块草地上。 —

Mr. Heathcliff advanced, and lifted him to lean against a ridge of turf.

“Now,” said he, with curbed ferocity, “I’m getting angry—and if you don’t command that paltry spirit of yours—damn you!
“我会的,父亲,”他喘着气说道。“只是,请让我自己一个人,否则我会晕倒的。我已经按照你的要求去做了, —

get up directly!”

“I will, father,” he panted. “Only, let me alone, or I shall faint. I’ve done as you wished, I’m sure.
“我会的,父亲,”他喘着气说道。“只是,请让我自己一个人,否则我会晕倒的。我已经按照你的要求去做了,我肯定。” —

Catherine will tell you that I—that I—have been cheerful. Ah!
“凯瑟琳会告诉你,我——我——一直都很开心。啊!请陪着我,凯瑟琳;给我你的手。” —

keep by me, Catherine; give me your hand.”
“I will, father,” he panted. “Only, let me alone, or I shall faint. I’ve done as you wished, I’m sure.”

“Take mine,” said his father; “stand on your feet.
“把我的拿去,”他父亲说,“站起来吧。 —

There now—she’ll lend you her arm:
现在,她会借你胳膊的: —

that’s right, look at her.
没错,看着她。” —

You would imagine I was the devil himself, Miss Linton, to excite such horror.
“你会认为我就是魔鬼本人,林顿小姐,才会引起如此恐惧。” —

Be so kind as to walk home with him, will you? He shudders if I touch him.”

“Linton dear!” whispered Catherine, “I can’t go to Wuthering Heights:
“亲爱的林顿!”凯瑟琳低声说,“我不能去威瑟林庄: —

papa has forbidden me. He’ll not harm you:
爸爸禁止我去。他不会伤害你: —

why are you so afraid?”

“I can never re-enter that house,” he answered.
“我永远无法再进那个房子了,”他回答道, —

“I’m not to re-enter it without you!”

“Stop!” cried his father.
“站住!”他父亲大声说, —

“We’ll respect Catherine’s filial scruples.
“我们会尊重凯瑟琳的孝顺心。” —

Nelly, take him in, and I’ll follow your advice concerning the doctor, without delay.”

“You’ll do well,” replied I. “But I must remain with my mistress:
“你做得很好,”我回答道,“但我必须留下来照顾我的女主人: —

to mind your son is not my business.”

“You are very stiff,” said Heathcliff, “I know that:
“你很顽固,”希斯克利夫说道,“我知道这一点: —

but you’ll force me to pinch the baby and make it scream before it moves your charity.
但你会逼我捏一下孩子,让它尖叫,才能触动你的仁慈。” —

Come, then, my hero. Are you willing to return, escorted by me?”

He approached once more, and made as if he would seize the fragile being;
他再次靠近,似乎要抓住这个脆弱的人。 —

but, shrinking back, Linton clung to his cousin, and implored her to accompany him, with a frantic importunity that admitted no denial.
但是,林顿退缩了,紧紧抓住表妹,不顾一切地恳求她陪他走,他的恳求没有任何拒绝的余地。 —

However I disapproved, I couldn’t hinder her: indeed, how could she have refused him herself?
不过,尽管我不赞成,我也不能阻止她:事实上,她自己怎么能拒绝他呢? —

What was filling him with dread we had no means of discerning;
我们无法确定他为什么感到害怕。 —

but there he was, powerless under its gripe, and any addition seemed capable of shocking him into idiocy.
但他就在那里,无力地被这种恐惧所束缚,任何额外的负担都能把他吓得发呆。 —

We reached the threshold;
我们走到了门口。 —

Catherine walked in, and I stood waiting till she had conducted the invalid to a chair, expecting her out immediately;
凯瑟琳走了进去,我站在那里等她把病人领到椅子上,期待她马上出来。 —

when Mr. Heathcliff, pushing me forward, exclaimed—“My house is not stricken with the plague, Nelly;
这时希斯克利夫先生把我推到前面,喊道:“我的房子没有瘟疫,奈莉; —

and I have a mind to be hospitable to-day:
我今天心情好客:坐下, —

sit down, and allow me to shut the door.”

He shut and locked it also. I started.

“You shall have tea before you go home, ” he added. “I am by myself.
“在你回家之前,你必须先喝茶,”他补充道。“我一个人在这里。 —

Hareton is gone with some cattle to the Lees, and Zillah and Joseph are off on a journey of pleasure;
Hareton带了一些牲口去了Lees,Zillah和Joseph也出去游玩了; —

and, though I’m used to being alone, I’d rather have some interesting company, if I can get it. Miss Linton, take your seat by him.
虽然我习惯独处,但如果能有一些有趣的陪伴就更好了。林顿小姐,请坐到他旁边。 —

I give you what I have: the present is hardly worth accepting;
我给你我所拥有的:现在这份礼物或许不值得接受, —

but I have nothing else to offer.
但我没有别的东西可以给你了。 —

It is Linton, I mean. How she does stare!
我指的是林顿。瞧她怎么这么瞪眼! —

It’s odd what a savage feeling I have to anything that seems afraid of me!
奇怪,任何对我感到害怕的事物,我都有一种野蛮的感觉! —

Had I been born where laws are less strict and tastes less dainty, I should treat myself to a slow vivisection of those two, as an evening’s amusement.”

He drew in his breath, struck the table, and swore to himself, “By hell!
他深吸一口气,砸了桌子,心里骂道:“该死的!我讨厌他们。 —

I hate them.”

“I am not afraid of you!” exclaimed Catherine, who could not hear the latter part of his speech.
“我不怕你!”凯瑟琳叫道,她听不到他话的后半部分。 —

She stepped close up;
她靠近了他; —

her black eyes flashing with passion and resolution.
她的黑眼睛闪着激情和决心。“给我那把钥匙: —

“Give me that key: I will have it!
我一定要它! —

” she said. “I wouldn’t eat or drink here, if I were starving.”

Heathcliff had the key in his hand that remained on the table.
希斯克利夫抓着桌子上的钥匙, —

He looked up, seized with a sort of surprise at her boldness;
抬起头,对她的大胆感到惊讶。 —

or, possibly, reminded, by her voice and glance, of the person from whom she inherited it.
或许是因为她的声音和眼神让他想起了她继承钥匙的人。 —

She snatched at the instrument, and half succeeded in getting it out of his loosened fingers:
她抢过这个工具,并且几乎成功地从他松开的手中夺走了它: —

but her action recalled him to the present;
但她的行动让他回到了现实, —

he recovered it speedily.

“Now, Catherine Linton,” he said, “stand off, or I shall knock you down;
“现在,凯瑟琳·林顿,”他说,“退后,否则我会打倒你; —

and that will make Mrs. Dean mad.”

Regardless of this warning, she captured his closed hand and its contents again.
尽管受到了警告,她再次夺走了他的握紧的手和里面的东西。 —

“We will go!
“我们会走的! —

” she repeated, exerting her utmost efforts to cause the iron muscles to relax;
”她重复着,竭尽全力使铁质的肌肉放松; —

and finding that her nails made no impression, she applied her teeth pretty sharply.
发现她的指甲没有留下任何印记,她又用牙齿轻轻地咬了一下。 —

Heathcliff glanced at me a glance that kept me from interfering a moment.
希斯克利夫瞥了我一眼,那个眼神让我一时无法干预。 —

Catherine was too intent on his fingers to notice his face.
凯瑟琳太专注于他的手指了,没有注意到他的脸。 —

He opened them suddenly, and resigned the object of dispute;
他突然打开手,放弃了争议的东西; —

but, ere she had well secured it, he seized her with the liberated hand, and, pulling her on his knee, administered with the other a shower of terrific slaps on both sides of the head, each sufficient to have fulfilled his threat, had she been able to fall.

At this diabolical violence I rushed on him furiously.
在这种恶魔般的暴力之下,我愤怒地冲向他。 —

“You villain!” I began to cry, “you villain!
“你这个恶棍!”我开始大喊,“你这个恶棍! —

” A touch on the chest silenced me:
”他在胸前轻轻一推,把我弄得闭嘴了: —

I am stout, and soon put out of breath; and, what with that and the rage, I staggered dizzily back, and felt ready to suffocate, or to burst a blood-vessel.
我身材魁梧,很快就气喘吁吁;加上愤怒,我头晕目眩,几乎要窒息或者血管破裂了。 —

The scene was over in two minutes; Catherine, released, put her two hands to her temples, and looked just as if she were not sure whether her ears were off or on.
这场景只持续了两分钟;被放开的凯瑟琳两手捂着太阳穴,看起来似乎不确定自己的耳朵是有还是没有。 —

She trembled like a reed, poor thing, and leant against the table perfectly bewildered.

“I know how to chastise children, you see, ” said the scoundrel, grimly, as he stooped to repossess himself of the key, which had dropped to the floor.
“你看,我知道如何惩罚孩子,”这个恶棍严肃地说道,他弯下腰重新夺回掉在地上的钥匙。 —

“Go to Linton now, as I told you; and cry at your ease!
“去找林顿吧,就像我告诉过你的那样, —

I shall be your father, to-morrow—all the father you’ll have in a few days—and you shall have plenty of that.
尽情哭泣吧!明天我将成为你的父亲——你即将拥有的唯一父亲——你将会尽情享受。” —

You can bear plenty; you’re no weakling:
你能承受很多;你不是软弱的人: —

you shall have a daily taste, if I catch such a devil of a temper in your eyes again!”

Cathy ran to me instead of Linton, and knelt down and put her burning cheek on my lap, weeping aloud.
凯茜跑到我这里,而不是林顿那里,跪在我的腿上,大声哭泣着,脸颊发烧。 —

Her cousin had shrunk into a corner of the settle, as quiet as a mouse, congratulating himself, I dare say, that the correction had alighted on another than him.
她的堂兄已经缩在座椅的一个角落里,安静得像只老鼠,我敢说他自己庆幸这次惩罚落在了别人身上。 —

Mr. Heathcliff, perceiving us all confounded, rose, and expeditiously made the tea himself.
希斯克里夫先生看到我们都困惑了,就站起来亲自泡茶。 —

The cups and saucers were laid ready.
茶杯和茶碟已经准备好了。 —

He poured it out, and handed me a cup.

“Wash away your spleen,” he said.
“他说:“洗净你的脾脏。 —

“And help your own naughty pet and mine.
”“帮助你自己淘气的宠物和我的。” —

It is not poisoned, though I prepared it.
虽然我准备了它,但它没有毒。 —

I’m going out to seek your horses.”

Our first thought, on his departure, was to force an exit somewhere.
他离开后,我们的第一个想法是找个地方逃出去。 —

We tried the kitchen door, but that was fastened outside:
我们试了厨房的门,但门被从外面锁住了: —

we looked at the windows—they were too narrow for even Cathy’s little figure.

“Master Linton,” I cried, seeing we were regularly imprisoned, “you know what your diabolical father is after, and you shall tell us, or I’ll box your ears, as he has done your cousin’s.”

“Yes, Linton, you must tell,” said Catherine.
“是的,林顿,你必须告诉我们,”凯瑟琳说。 —

“It was for your sake I came;
“我是为了你才来的, —

and it will be wickedly ungrateful if you refuse.”

“Give me some tea, I’m thirsty, and then I’ll tell you,” he answered. “Mrs. Dean, go away. I don’t like you standing over me.
“给我点茶,我渴了,然后我会告诉你们,”他回答。“迪恩夫人,你走开。我不喜欢你站在我身边。 —

Now, Catherine, you are letting your tears fall into my cup.
凯瑟琳,你的眼泪掉进了我的杯子里。 —

I won’t drink that. Give me another.”

Catherine pushed another to him, and wiped her face.
凯瑟琳把另一个人推到了他面前, —

I felt disgusted at the little wretch’s composure, since he was no longer in terror for himself.
并擦了擦脸。看到这个卑微的家伙一点都不害怕了,我感到厌恶。 —

The anguish he had exhibited on the moor subsided as soon as ever he entered Wuthering Heights;
他在荒原上所表现出来的痛苦在进入呼啸山庄后立刻消失了; —

so I guessed he had been menaced with an awful visitation of wrath if he failed in decoying us there;
所以我猜想他一定被恐怖的惩罚威胁过,如果不能诱使我们去那儿的话; —

and, that accomplished, he had no further immediate fears.

“Papa wants us to be married,” he continued, after sipping some of the liquid.
“爸爸希望我们结婚,”他在品尝了些液体之后继续说道。 —

“And he knows your papa wouldn’t let us marry now;
“他知道你爸爸现在不会让我们结婚; —

and he’s afraid of my dying if we wait;
如果我们等下去,他担心我会死, —

so we are to be married in the morning, and you are to stay here all night;
所以我们明天早上就要结婚,你将在这里过夜; —

and, if you do as he wishes, you shall return home next day, and take me with you.”

“Take you with her, pitiful changeling!” I exclaimed.
“带你跟她走,可怜的换婴!”我喊道。“你结婚? —

You marry? Why, the man is mad!
唉,这个男人疯了! —

or he thinks us fools, every one.
或者他以为我们都是傻子。” —

And do you imagine that beautiful young lady, that healthy, hearty girl, will tie herself to a little perishing monkey like you?
你难道认为那位美丽年轻的女士,那位健康而充满活力的姑娘,会把自己嫁给像你这样一个渺小的猴子吗? —

Are you cherishing the notion that anybody, let alone Miss Catherine Linton, would have you for a husband?
你是否自暴自弃地幻想着,任何人都会嫁给你这样一个丈夫,更别说是凯瑟琳·林顿小姐了? —

You want whipping for bringing us in here at all, with your dastardly puling tricks:
你的卑鄙无耻的哭泣把我们带到这里,你应该挨鞭子打! —

and—don’t look so silly, now!
现在别傻傻的看着我! —

I’ve a very good mind to shake you severely, for your contemptible treachery, and your imbecile conceit.”

I did give him a slight shaking;
我确实稍微摇了摇他, —

but it brought on the cough, and he took to his ordinary resource of moaning and weeping, and Catherine rebuked me.

“Stay all night? No,” she said, looking slowly round.
“留宿一晚?不,”她慢慢地四处眺望着说道。 —

“Ellen, I’ll burn that door down but I’ll get out.”

And she would have commenced the execution of her threat directly, but Linton was up in alarm for his dear self again.
她本想立刻执行她的威胁,但林顿又为了自己的安危而惊慌失措。 —

He clasped her in his two feeble arms sobbing:
他用他的两只虚弱的胳膊抱住她,哭泣着说: —

—“Won’t you have me, and save me?
“你难道不会接受我,救救我? —

not let me come to the Grange?
不让我去庄园吗?” —

Oh, darling Catherine! you mustn’t go and leave, after all.
哦,亲爱的凯瑟琳!你不能走,不能离开。 —

You must obey my father—you must!”

“I must obey my own,” she replied, “and relieve him from this cruel suspense.
“我必须听从我自己的心声,解除他这种残酷的担忧。 —

The whole night! What would he think?
整个晚上!他会怎么想? —

He’ll be distressed already.
他已经很痛苦了。 —

I’ll either break or burn a way out of the house.
我要么弄破,要么烧通一条出去的路。安静点! —

Be quiet!

You’re in no danger; but if you hinder me—Linton, I love papa better than you!”

The mortal terror he felt of Mr. Heathcliff’s anger restored to the boy his coward’s eloquence.
他对希斯克利夫先生的愤怒感到了致命的恐惧,使这个男孩回复了他胆怯的口才。 —

Catherine was near distraught:
凯瑟琳几乎错乱了: —

still, she persisted that she must go home, and tried entreaty in her turn, persuading him to subdue his selfish agony.
不过,她坚持自己必须回家,转而对他进行恳求,劝说他克制自己的自私痛苦。 —

While they were thus occupied, our jailor re-entered.

“Your beasts have trotted off,” he said, “and—now Linton! snivelling again?
“你的野兽飞奔而去了,”他说,“现在又是林顿!又哭鼻子了? —

What has she been doing to you?
她对你做了什么? —

Come, come—have done, and get to bed. In a month or two, my lad, you’ll be able to pay her back her present tyrannies with a vigorous hand.
来吧,来吧——算了吧,去睡觉吧。过了一个月或两个月,我的小伙子,你就能以有力的手回报她的现在的暴政了。 —

You’re pining for pure love, are you not?
你渴望纯粹的爱,不是吗? —

nothing else in the world: and she shall have you! There, to bed! Zillah won’t be here to-night;
世界上没有别的东西:她将拥有你!去吧!今晚Zillah不会在这里; —

you must undress yourself. Hush! hold your noise!
你必须脱衣服。嘘!别吵! —

Once in your own room, I’ll not come near you:
一旦到了自己的房间,我就不会靠近你了。 —

you needn’t fear. By chance, you’ve managed tolerably.
你不用害怕。碰巧你做得还不错。 —

I’ll look to the rest.”

He spoke these words, holding the door open for his son to pass, and the latter achieved his exit exactly as a spaniel might which suspected the person who attended on it of designing a spiteful squeeze.
他说着这些话,打开门让他儿子通过,后者像怀疑有人想要恶意挤压它的人来照顾它一样成功地离开了。 —

The lock was re-secured. Heathcliff approached the fire, where my mistress and I stood silent.
锁被重新锁上。希斯克利夫走近火堆,我和我的主人站在那里沉默着。 —

Catherine looked up, and instinctively raised her hand to her cheek:
凯瑟琳抬起头,本能地抚摸着自己的脸颊: —

his neighbourhood revived a painful sensation.
他的附近唤起了一种痛苦的感觉。 —

Anybody else would have been incapable of regarding the childish act with sternness, but he scowled on her and muttered—“Oh!
任何其他人都无法以严肃的眼光看待这种孩子般的行为,但他对她怒视着,并喃喃道:“哦!你不害怕我?你的勇气很好地伪装了出来:你看起来该死的害怕!” —

you are not afraid of me?
你不害怕我? —

Your courage is well disguised:
你的勇气被很好地伪装了出来: —

you seem damnably afraid!”

“I am afraid now,” she replied, “because, if I stay, papa will be miserable:
“我现在害怕了,”她回答说,“因为如果我留下来,爸爸会很难过:” —

and how can I endure making him miserable—when he—when he—Mr. Heathcliff, let me go home! I promise to marry Linton:
“我怎么能忍受让他难过呢—当他—当他—赫斯克利夫先生,让我回家吧!我答应嫁给林顿:” —

papa would like me to: and I love him.
“爸爸希望我这么做:而且我爱他。 —

Why should you wish to force me to do what I’ll willingly do of myself?”

“Let him dare to force you,” I cried.
“让他敢来强迫你,”我喊道。 —

“There’s law in the land, thank God! there is;
“感谢上帝,这里有法律!” —

though we be in an out-of-the-way place.
“即使我们在一个偏僻的地方。 —

I’d inform if he were my own son:
如果他是我亲生儿子,我也会举报他:” —

and it’s felony without benefit of clergy!”

“Silence!” said the ruffian.
“闭嘴!”恶棍说。 —

“To the devil with your clamour!
“去你的喧闹! —

I don’t want you to speak.
我不想让你说话。” —

Miss Linton, I shall enjoy myself remarkably in thinking your father will be miserable:
“林顿小姐,我对你父亲会很难过感到非常满意: —

I shall not sleep for satisfaction.
为此我将无法入眠。” —

You could have hit on no surer way of fixing your residence under my roof for the next twenty-four hours than informing me that such an event would follow.
“你找不到更确切地在我屋顶下安居一天的方法,比告诉我这种事情会发生更好了。” —

As to your promise to marry Linton, I’ll take care you shall keep it;
关于你承诺与林顿结婚的事情,我会确保你履行承诺; —

for you shall not quit this place till it is fulfilled.”

“Send Ellen, then, to let papa know I’m safe!
“请让艾伦去告诉爸爸我安全了! —

” exclaimed Catherine, weeping bitterly.
”凯瑟琳哭泣着喊道。 —

“Or marry me now. Poor papa! Ellen, he’ll think we’re lost.
“或者现在就嫁给我。可怜的爸爸!艾伦,他会以为我们迷失了。 —

What shall we do?”

“Not he! He’ll think you are tired of waiting on him, and run off for a little amusement, ” answered Heathcliff.
“不会的!他会以为你厌倦了照顾他,跑出去找点娱乐。”希斯克利夫回答道。 —

“You cannot deny that you entered my house of your own accord, in contempt of his injunctions to the contrary.
“你不能否认,你是故意违抗他的指示,进入我的屋子的。 —

And it is quite natural that you should desire amusement at your age;
你处在这个年纪,渴望娱乐是很自然的; —

and that you would weary of nursing a sick man, and that man only your father. Catherine, his happiest days were over when your days began.
你会厌倦照顾一个病人,尤其是你的父亲。凯瑟琳,你的父亲最幸福的日子已经过去了,正是在你的日子开始的时候。 —

He cursed you, I dare say, for coming into the world (I did, at least); and it would just do if he cursed you as he went out of it.
他咒骂你,我敢说,咒骂你来到这个世界上(至少我是这样的);如果他在离世时诅咒你,那也是恰当的。我也会加入他的诅咒。 —

I’d join him.

I don’t love you! How should I? Weep away.
我不爱你!我怎么能爱呢?去哭吧。 —

As far as I can see, it will be your chief diversion hereafter;
在我看来,这将是你以后最主要的娱乐方式; —

unless Linton make amends for other losses:
除非林顿赔偿其他损失: —

and your provident parent appears to fancy he may.
而你精明的父亲似乎认为他可能会这样做。 —

His letters of advice and consolation entertained me vastly.
他那些充满忠告和安慰的信使我非常开心。 —

In his last he recommended my jewel to be careful of his;
在他最后一封信里,他建议我珍惜他; —

and kind to her when he got her.
并在他得到她时对她友善。 —

Careful and kind—that’s paternal.
细心和友善——那才是父爱。 —

But Linton requires his whole stock of care and kindness for himself.
但林顿要为自己保存自己全部的关心和友善。 —

Linton can play the little tyrant well.
林顿可以很好地扮演小的暴君。 —

He’ll undertake to torture any number of cats, if their teeth be drawn and their claws pared.
如果他们的牙齿被拔掉,爪子被剪短,他可以折磨任何数量的猫儿。 —

You’ll be able to tell his uncle fine tales of his kindness, when you get home again, I assure you.”

“You’re right there!” I said;
“你说得对!”我说, —

“explain your son’s character.
“解释一下你儿子的性格。 —

Show his resemblance to yourself:
展示他和你的相似之处: —

and then, I hope, Miss Cathy will think twice before she takes the cockatrice!”

“I don’t much mind speaking of his amiable qualities now, ” he answered;
“现在我不太在乎谈论他的可爱品质了,”他回答道; —

“because she must either accept him or remain a prisoner, and you along with her, till your master dies.
“因为她要么接受他,要么继续被囚禁,而你也会和她一起,直到你的主人死去。 —

I can detain you both, quite concealed, here. If you doubt, encourage her to retract her word, and you’ll have an opportunity of judging!”

“I’ll not retract my word,” said Catherine.
“我不会收回我的话,”凯瑟琳说。 —

“I’ll marry him within this hour, if I may go to Thrushcross Grange afterwards.
“如果之后我能去棘原庄园,我会在这个小时内嫁给他。” —

Mr. Heathcliff, you’re a cruel man, but you’re not a fiend; and you won’t, from mere malice, destroy irrevocably all my happiness.
“希斯克利夫先生,你是一个残忍的人,但你不是一个恶魔;你不会仅仅出于恶意,毁掉我所有的幸福。” —

If papa thought I had left him on purpose, and if he died before I returned, could I bear to live? I’ve given over crying:
“如果爸爸认为我是故意离开他的,如果他在我回来之前去世了,我怎么能继续活下去呢?我已经不再哭泣: —

but I’m going to kneel here, at your knee;
但我要跪在这里,在你的膝盖前; —

and I’ll not get up, and I’ll not take my eyes from your face till you look back at me!
我不会站起来,也不会移开眼睛,直到你望过来! —

No, don’t turn away! do look!
不,不要转过脸!看过来! —

you’ll see nothing to provoke you.
你将看不到任何能激怒你的东西。 —

I don’t hate you. I’m not angry that you struck me.
我不恨你。你打我我也不生气。” —

Have you never loved anybody in all your life, uncle? never? Ah! you must look once.
你在你的一生中从未爱过任何人吗,叔叔?从来没有吗?啊!你必须再看一眼。 —

I’m so wretched, you can’t help being sorry and pitying me.”

“Keep your eft’s fingers off; and move, or I’ll kick you!” cried Heathcliff, brutally repulsing her.
“别把你那不要脸的鳄鱼指头放在我身上,走开,否则我会踢你!”希思克利夫冷酷地拒绝她。 —

“I’d rather be hugged by a snake.
“与其受到蛇的拥抱,我宁愿如此。 —

How the devil can you dream of fawning on me?
你怎么会幻想对我巴结? —

I detest you!”

He shrugged his shoulders: shook himself, indeed, as if his flesh crept with aversion;
他耸了耸肩膀,实际上,他像是全身充满厌恶一样颤动了一下, —

and thrust back his chair;
然后把椅子拨了回去; —

while I got up, and opened my mouth, to commence a downright torrent of abuse.
而我站起来,张开嘴巴,准备开始一连串的辱骂。 —

But I was rendered dumb in the middle of the first sentence, by a threat that I should be shown into a room by myself the very next syllable I uttered.
但我在第一个句子还没说完时,因为受到了一个威胁,要把我自己放到一个房间里。 —

It was growing dark—we heard a sound of voices at the garden-gate.
天已经变暗了——我们听到了门口有人说话的声音。 —

Our host hurried out instantly:
我们的主人立刻匆忙出去了: —

he had his wits about him; we had not.
他有头脑;我们没有。 —

There was a talk of two or three minutes, and he returned alone.

“I thought it had been your cousin Hareton, ” I observed to Catherine. “I wish he would arrive!
“我还以为是你表弟哈雷顿来了,”我对凯瑟琳说道。“真希望他能来! —

Who knows but he might take our part?”

“It was three servants sent to seek you from the Grange, ” said Heathcliff, overhearing me.
“是三个仆人从格兰治来找你的,”希思克里夫听到我说了这句话。 —

“You should have opened a lattice and called out:
“你应该打开窗棂喊喊的, —

but I could swear that chit is glad you didn’t.
可我敢打赌那个丫头也许会高兴你没这样做。” —

She’s glad to be obliged to stay, I’m certain.”

At learning the chance we had missed, we both gave vent to our grief without control;
得知我们错过了机会后,我们俩都毫不控制地发泄着悲伤; —

and he allowed us to wail on till nine o’clock.
他让我们哭泣到九点钟。 —

Then he bid us go upstairs, through the kitchen, to Zillah’s chamber; and I whispered my companion to obey:
然后他让我们通过厨房上楼,去席拉的房间;我悄声告诉伴侣要服从: —

perhaps we might contrive to get through the window there, or into a garret, and out by its skylight.
或许我们可以设法从那里通过窗户逃走,或者进入阁楼,通过顶窗出去。 —

The window, however, was narrow, like those below, and the garret trap was safe from our attempts;
然而,窗户窄小,和下面的窗户一样,阁楼的陷阱对我们的尝试来说是安全的, —

for we were fastened in as before.
因为我们被像之前一样锁住了。 —

We neither of us lay down:
我们俩都没有躺下: —

Catherine took her station by the lattice, and watched anxiously for morning;
凯瑟琳站在窗棂旁,焦急地盼望着天亮。 —

a deep sigh being the only answer I could obtain to my frequent entreaties that she would try to rest.
每次我坚持她要尝试休息,她只是深深地叹了口气,作为唯一的答复。 —

I seated myself in a chair, and rocked to and fro, passing harsh judgment on my many derelictions of duty;
我坐在椅子上,来回晃动,对自己多次疏忽职责进行严厉的批判; —

from which, it struck me then, all the misfortunes of my employers sprang.
我当时觉得,雇主的所有不幸都源自此。 —

It was not the case, in reality, I am aware;
实际情况并非如此,我明白; —

but it was, in my imagination, that dismal night;
但在那个令人沮丧的夜晚,我却这样想, —

and I thought Heathcliff himself less guilty than I.

At seven o’clock he came, and inquired if Miss Linton had risen.
晚七点他来了,询问林顿小姐起床了吗。 —

She ran to the door immediately, and answered, “Yes.” “Here, then,” he said, opening it, and pulling her out.
她立刻跑到门口,回答道:“是的。”他打开门,把她拉了出来。 —

I rose to follow, but he turned the lock again.
我站起来跟着出去,但他又锁上了门。 —

I demanded my release.

“Be patient,” he replied;
“耐心点,”他回答道, —

“I’ll send up your breakfast in a while.”

I thumped on the panels, and rattled the latch angrily;
我用力敲打着门板,生气地摇晃着门闩, —

and Catherine asked why I was still shut up?
凯瑟琳问我为什么还关着? —

He answered, I must try to endure it another hour, and they went away.
他回答说,我必须再忍受一个小时,然后他们就离开了。 —

I endured it two or three hours; at length, I heard a footstep: not Heathcliff’s.

“I’ve brought you something to eat, ” said a voice; “oppen t’ door!”

Complying eagerly, I beheld Hareton, laden with food enough to last me all day.

“Tak’ it,” he added, thrusting the tray into my hand.

“Stay one minute,” I began.

“Nay,” cried he, and retired, regardless of any prayers I could pour forth to detain him.

And there I remained enclosed the whole day, and the whole of the next night;
于是我整天整夜地困在这里,一直到第二天晚上, —

and another, and another.
再一天,再一天。 —

Five nights and four days I remained, altogether, seeing nobody but Hareton once every morning;
总共有五个夜晚和四天的时间我待在这里,除了每天早上见到海顿一次之外,再也没有见到其他人。 —

and he was a model of a jailor: surly, and dumb, and deaf to every attempt at moving his sense of justice or compassion.