What vain weather-cocks we are! I, who had determined to hold myself independent of all social intercourse, and thanked my stars that, at length, I had lighted on a spot where it was next to impracticable—I, weak wretch, after maintaining till dusk a struggle with low spirits and solitude, was finally compelled to strike my colours;
我们是多么爱虚荣的浮华气象站!我本来决定独立于一切社交交往,并且感谢上天终于找到了一个几乎不可能的场所。然而,我这个软弱的失败者,到了黄昏时分仍与低落的情绪和孤寂作斗争,最终被迫败下阵来; —

and under pretence of gaining information concerning the necessities of my establishment, I desired Mrs. Dean, when she brought in supper, to sit down while I ate it;
并且借口询问关于我住处所需物品的信息,我请求德恩夫人在我吃晚餐时坐下; —

hoping sincerely she would prove a regular gossip, and either rouse me to animation or lull me to sleep by her talk.

“You have lived here a considerable time, ” I commenced; “did you not say sixteen years?”
“你在这里住了相当长的时间了吧,” 我开始问道,”你不是说了十六年吗?”

“Eighteen, sir: I came when the mistress was married, to wait on her; after she died, the master retained me for his housekeeper.”


There ensued a pause. She was not a gossip, I feared;
接下来是一段沉默。我担心她不会说闲话, —

unless about her own affairs, and those could hardly interest me.
除非是关于她自己的事情,而那些对我来说可能不会产生兴趣。 —

However, having studied for an interval, with a fist on either knee, and a cloud of meditation over her ruddy countenance, she ejaculated—“Ah, times are greatly changed since then!”

“Yes,” I remarked, “you’ve seen a good many alterations, I suppose?”

“I have: and troubles too,” she said.

“Oh, I’ll turn the talk on my landlord’s family!
“哦,我要把话题转到我的房东家族上! —

” I thought to myself. “A good subject to start!
”我心想。“一个很好的开始! —

And that pretty girl-widow, I should like to know her history:
那个漂亮的寡妇,我应该了解她的历史: —

whether she be a native of the country, or, as is more probable, an exotic that the surly indigenae will not recognise for kin.
她是不是本地人,或者更有可能是不被暴躁的土著人认可的一个外来人?” —

” With this intention I asked Mrs. Dean why Heathcliff let Thrushcross Grange, and preferred living in a situation and residence so much inferior.
这样说着,我问Mrs. Dean为什么Heathcliff放弃了Thrushcross Grange,宁愿住在一个和住所条件差很多的地方。 —

“Is he not rich enough to keep the estate in good order?
“他难道不富裕到足以维护这个庄园的良好秩序吗? —

” I inquired.

“Rich, sir!” she returned.
“富有,先生!”她回答。 —

“He has nobody knows what money, and every year it increases.
“他有很多人都不知道的钱,而且每年都在增加。” —

Yes, yes, he’s rich enough to live in a finer house than this:
是的,是的,他有足够的财富可以住在比这个更好的房子里: —

but he’s very near—close-handed;
但他非常小气; —

and, if he had meant to flit to Thrushcross Grange, as soon as he heard of a good tenant he could not have borne to miss the chance of getting a few hundreds more.
如果他打算搬到Thrushcross Grange,一旦听说有一个好的租户,他肯定会不能错过多赚几百英镑的机会。 —

It is strange people should be so greedy, when they are alone in the world!”

“He had a son, it seems?”

“Yes, he had one—he is dead.”

“And that young lady, Mrs. Heathcliff, is his widow?”


“Where did she come from originally?”

“Why, sir, she is my late master’s daughter:
“嗯,先生,她是我已故主人的女儿: —

Catherine Linton was her maiden name.
凯瑟琳·林顿是她的娘家姓。我曾照顾过她, —

I nursed her, poor thing!
可怜的孩子! —

I did wish Mr. Heathcliff would remove here, and then we might have been together again.”

“What! Catherine Linton?” I exclaimed, astonished.
“什么!凯瑟琳·林顿?”我惊呼道。 —

But a minute’s reflection convinced me it was not my ghostly Catherine.
但一分钟的思考让我确信她并不是我幽灵般的凯瑟琳。 —

“Then,” I continued, “my predecessor’s name was Linton?”

“It was.”

“And who is that Earnshaw: Hareton Earnshaw, who lives with Mr. Heathcliff?
“那位恩肖先生是谁?哈吉顿·恩肖,在希斯克利夫先生那里住? —

Are they relations?”

“No; he is the late Mrs. Linton’s nephew.”

“The young lady’s cousin, then?”

“Yes; and her husband was her cousin also:
“是的,她丈夫也是她堂兄弟: —

one on the mother’s, the other on the father’s side:
一个是母亲那边的,另一个是父亲那边的: —

Heathcliff married Mr. Linton’s sister.”

“I see the house at Wuthering Heights has ‘Earnshaw’ carved over the front door.
“我看到希瑟灵海茨庄园的门上刻着‘恩肖’。他们是一个古老的家族吗? —

Are they an old family?”

“Very old, sir; and Hareton is the last of them, as our Miss Cathy is of us—I mean, of the Lintons.
“非常古老,先生;哈吉顿是他们最后一个了,就像我们的凯茜小姐一样——我是说林顿家族的最后一个人。” —

Have you been to Wuthering Heights?
“你去过希瑟灵海茨庄园吗? —

I beg pardon for asking;
请原谅我把它问出来; —

but I should like to hear how she is!”

“Mrs. Heathcliff? she looked very well, and very handsome; yet, I think, not very happy.”

“Oh dear, I don’t wonder!
“哦,我不感到奇怪! —

And how did you like the master?”

“A rough fellow, rather, Mrs. Dean. Is not that his character?”

“Rough as a saw-edge, and hard as whinstone!
“像锯齿一样粗糙,像坚石一样坚硬! —

The less you meddle with him the better.”

“He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl.
“他一定经历过生活的起起伏伏,才会成为现在这样的粗鄙之人。 —

Do you know anything of his history?”

“It’s a cuckoo’s, sir—I know all about it:
“这是一个宝贝莺鸟,先生——我对它了如指掌: —

except where he was born, and who were his parents, and how he got his money at first.
除了他出生在哪里,父母是谁,以及他最初是如何得到钱的,我都知道。” —

And Hareton has been cast out like an unfledged dunnock!
“而哈里顿就像个还没长羽毛的麻雀被抛弃了! —

The unfortunate lad is the only one in all this parish that does not guess how he has been cheated.”

“Well, Mrs. Dean, it will be a charitable deed to tell me something of my neighbours:
“嗯,迪恩夫人,告诉我一些关于我的邻居的事情是一种慈善行为。” —

I feel I shall not rest if I go to bed;
“我感觉如果我上床睡觉就无法安心, —

so be good enough to sit and chat an hour.”

“Oh, certainly, sir! I’ll just fetch a little sewing, and then I’ll sit as long as you please.
“哦,当然,先生!我只是拿点针线来,然后可以陪你坐很久。” —

But you’ve caught cold: I saw you shivering, and you must have some gruel to drive it out.”

The worthy woman bustled off, and I crouched nearer the fire;
这位善良的女人忙碌着离开了,而我靠近了火炉;我的头发烫,身体其他部位却冷:此外, —

my head felt hot, and the rest of me chill:
我因为神经和脑袋的激动,已经接近愚蠢的境地了。 —

moreover, I was excited, almost to a pitch of foolishness, through my nerves and brain.
“ —

This caused me to feel, not uncomfortable, but rather fearful (as I am still) of serious effects from the incidents of to-day and yesterday.
这让我感到不舒服,而是害怕(我现在仍然)对今天和昨天的事件产生重大影响。 —

She returned presently, bringing a smoking basin and a basket of work;
她随后回来,带来了一个冒烟的盆子和一个篮子的工作; —

and, having placed the former on the hob, drew in her seat, evidently pleased to find me so companionable.

* * * * *

Before I came to live here, she commenced—waiting no farther invitation to her story—I was almost always at Wuthering Heights;
她开头说,在我搬到这里之前,我几乎一直在呼啸山庄; —

because my mother had nursed Mr. Hindley Earnshaw, that was Hareton’s father, and I got used to playing with the children:
因为我妈妈曾经照顾过Hindley Earnshaw先生,他是Hareton的父亲,所以我习惯了和孩子们玩耍: —

I ran errands too, and helped to make hay, and hung about the farm ready for anything that anybody would set me to.
我也跑腿,帮忙晒干草,围着农场,随时准备去做任何人交给我的事情。 —

One fine summer morning—it was the beginning of harvest, I remember—Mr. Earnshaw, the old master, came downstairs, dressed for a journey;
一个美丽的夏天的早晨,是收割的开始,我记得,老主人Earnshaw先生下楼,穿好了准备出门; —

and, after he had told Joseph what was to be done during the day, he turned to Hindley, and Cathy, and me—for I sat eating my porridge with them—and he said, speaking to his son, “Now, my bonny man, I’m going to Liverpool to-day, what shall I bring you?
在告诉约瑟夫白天要做些什么后,他转向亨德利、凯茜和我——因为我和他们一起吃着粥——他对他的儿子说:“现在,我的宝贝,今天我要去利物浦,我给你带什么东西回来好呢?” —

You may choose what you like: only let it be little, for I shall walk there and back:
你可以选择任何你喜欢的东西:只要小点,因为我要来回走路:每次六十英里, —

sixty miles each way, that is a long spell!
那可是一段很长的路程! —

” Hindley named a fiddle, and then he asked Miss Cathy;
亨德利提到了小提琴,然后他问凯茜; —

she was hardly six years old, but she could ride any horse in the stable, and she chose a whip.
她只有六岁,但她可以骑马厩里的任何一匹马,她选择了一条鞭子。 —

He did not forget me; for he had a kind heart, though he was rather severe sometimes.
他没有忘记我;因为他有一颗善良的心,虽然有时他比较严厉。 —

He promised to bring me a pocketful of apples and pears, and then he kissed his children, said good-bye, and set off.

It seemed a long while to us all—the three days of his absence—and often did little Cathy ask when he would be home.
对我们来说,他的离去的三天时间似乎很长,小凯茜经常问他什么时候回家。 —

Mrs. Earnshaw expected him by supper-time on the third evening, and she put the meal off hour after hour;
第三天晚上,恩肖太太期望他到晚饭时间回来,她一次又一次地推迟着用餐时间。 —

there were no signs of his coming, however, and at last the children got tired of running down to the gate to look.
然而,没有任何迹象表明他的到来,孩子们最后厌倦了一直跑到大门口去看。 —

Then it grew dark;
然后天就黑了。 —

she would have had them to bed, but they begged sadly to be allowed to stay up;
她本想让他们上床睡觉,但他们悲伤地请求能够晚点睡。 —

and, just about eleven o’clock, the door-latch was raised quietly, and in stepped the master.
大约在十一点左右,门闩悄悄地抬起,主人走了进来。 —

He threw himself into a chair, laughing and groaning, and bid them all stand off, for he was nearly killed—he would not have such another walk for the three kingdoms.

“And at the end of it to be flighted to death!” he said, opening his great-coat, which he held bundled up in his arms.
“走了这么远最后还被吓得半死!”他说着,打开他用手臂捆着的大衣。“看这儿, —

“See here, wife!
老婆! —

I was never so beaten with anything in my life:
我这辈子从没被什么东西打得这么疲惫了: —

but you must e’en take it as a gift of God;
但你只能将其当作上帝的礼物; —

though it’s as dark almost as if it came from the devil.”

We crowded round, and over Miss Cathy’s head I had a peep at a dirty, ragged, black-haired child;
我们围着看,在凯蒂小姐的头顶上,我偷看到了一个肮脏、蓬乱头发的孩子; —

big enough both to walk and talk:
足够大了能走能说: —

indeed, its face looked older than Catherine’s;
的确,它的脸看起来比凯瑟琳的脸更老; —

yet when it was set on its feet, it only stared round, and repeated over and over again some gibberish that nobody could understand.
然而当它站起来时,它只是四处张望,一遍又一遍地重复一些没有人能理解的胡言乱语。 —

I was frightened, and Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors:
我害怕了,而恩肖太太准备把它扔出门外。 —

she did fly up, asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house, when they had their own bairns to feed and fend for?
她勃然大怒,问他怎么能把这个吉普赛的孩子带进家里,当他们有自己要养育和照顾的孩子? —

What he meant to do with it, and whether he were mad?
他打算对它做什么,他是不是疯了? —

The master tried to explain the matter;
主人试图解释这件事; —

but he was really half dead with fatigue, and all that I could make out, amongst her scolding, was a tale of his seeing it starving, and houseless, and as good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool, where he picked it up and inquired for its owner.
但他实在太累了,几近半死,她唠叨声中我能听出的只有一段关于他在利物浦的街头看到它快饿死、无家可归,几乎一言不发,于是他将其捡回家,打算问问是否有主人。 —

Not a soul knew to whom it belonged, he said;
他说没有人知道它是谁的, —

and his money and time being both limited, he thought it better to take it home with him at once, than run into vain expenses there:
而他的时间和金钱都有限,所以他认为最好立即带回家,不要白费心思在那儿。 —

because he was determined he would not leave it as he found it.
因为他下定决心不会将它保持不变。好吧, —

Well, the conclusion was, that my mistress grumbled herself calm;
结论是,我的女主人发牢骚发泄过后镇定下来了; —

and Mr. Earnshaw told me to wash it, and give it clean things, and let it sleep with the children.

Hindley and Cathy contented themselves with looking and listening till peace was restored:
。辛德利和凯茜只满足于观看和倾听,直到平静恢复; —

then, both began searching their father’s pockets for the presents he had promised them.
然后,他们俩开始在他们父亲的口袋中搜寻他曾经许诺给他们的礼物; —

The former was a boy of fourteen, but when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud;
辛德利是一个十四岁的男孩,但当他拿出了曾经是一把小提琴,碰成碎片的东西时,他大声哭泣; —

and Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing;
而凯茜,当她知道主人在照顾陌生人时弄丢了她的鞭子,她嘴里咧嘴一笑,对那个可笑的小家伙吐了口水; —

earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners.
为了教她更加干净的礼貌,她受到了父亲的重击; —

They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room;
他们坚决拒绝让它和他们一起睡觉,甚至进他们的房间; —

and I had no more sense, so I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it might be gone on the morrow.
而我没有更好的办法,所以我把它放在楼梯的过道上,希望明天它会不见了。 —

By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw’s door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber.
也许是偶然的机会,或者是被他的声音吸引,它爬到了恩肖先生的门前,他在离开卧室时发现了它。 —

Inquiries were made as to how it got there;
有人询问它是怎么来的; —

I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

This was Heathcliff’s first introduction to the family.
这是希斯克利夫第一次见到这个家庭。 —

On coming back a few days afterwards (for I did not consider my banishment perpetual), I found they had christened him “Heathcliff”:
几天后回来(因为我并没有认为我被永远驱逐),我发现他们给他起名叫“希斯克利夫”: —

it was the name of a son who died in childhood, and it has served him ever since, both for Christian and surname.
那是一个在童年时期去世的儿子的名字,从那时起,这个名字既是他的基督教名字也是他的姓氏。 —

Miss Cathy and he were now very thick;
凯茜小姐和他现在非常亲密; —

but Hindley hated him: and to say the truth I did the same;
但是亨德利憎恨他:说实话,我也是; —

and we plagued and went on with him shamefully:
我们对他进行了可耻的折磨和捉弄: —

for I wasn’t reasonable enough to feel my injustice, and the mistress never put in a word on his behalf when she saw him wronged.

He seemed a sullen, patient child; hardened, perhaps, to ill-treatment:
他似乎是一个沉默寡言、忍耐力强的孩子;也许是对待虐待习以为常。 —

he would stand Hindley’s blows without winking or shedding a tear, and my pinches moved him only to draw in a breath and open his eyes, as if he had hurt himself by accident, and nobody was to blame.
他能够毫不眨眼、不流一滴眼泪地承受亨德里的殴打,而我的轻拍仅仅让他吸了一口气,睁开眼睛,好像自己不小心弄伤了自己,没有人要受责备。 —

This endurance made old Earnshaw furious, when he discovered his son persecuting the poor fatherless child, as he called him.
这份耐力让老爱恩肖感到愤怒,当他发现自己的儿子在欺负这个可怜的孤儿时,他称呼他为孤儿。 —

He took to Heathcliff strangely, believing all he said (for that matter, he said precious little, and generally the truth), and petting him up far above Cathy, who was too mischievous and wayward for a favourite.

So, from the very beginning, he bred bad feeling in the house;
所以,从一开始,他在家里培养了令人不悦的感情; —

and at Mrs. Earnshaw’s death, which happened in less than two years after, the young master had learned to regard his father as an oppressor rather than a friend, and Heathcliff as a usurper of his parent’s affections and his privileges;
在不到两年后的厄恩肖夫人去世时,这位年轻的主人已经把自己的父亲看作一个压迫者而不是一个朋友,把希斯克利夫看作是夺走他父亲的情感和权益的篡位者; —

and he grew bitter with brooding over these injuries.
他因为对这些伤害的思考而变得愈发痛苦。 —

I sympathised a while;
我曾一度表示同情。 —

but when the children fell ill of the measles, and I had to tend them, and take on me the cares of a woman at once, I changed my idea.
但是当孩子们染上麻疹生病时,我不得不照顾他们,一下子变得像个女人,我的想法改变了。 —

Heathcliff was dangerously sick;
Heathcliff病得很重, —

and while he lay at the worst he would have me constantly by his pillow:
他躺在床上最糟糕的时候,我必须一直守在他的枕边。 —

I suppose he felt I did a good deal for him, and he hadn’t wit to guess that I was compelled to do it.
我想他感觉到我为他做了很多事情,却没聪明到能猜到我被迫这么做。 —

However, I will say this, he was the quietest child that ever nurse watched over.
无论如何,我要说,他是我照看过的最安静的孩子。 —

The difference between him and the others forced me to be less partial.
他和其他孩子之间的区别迫使我少一些偏心。 —

Cathy and her brother harassed me terribly:
Cathy和她的兄弟让我痛苦不堪: —

he was as uncomplaining as a lamb; though hardness, not gentleness, made him give little trouble.

He got through, and the doctor affirmed it was in a great measure owing to me, and praised me for my care.
他渡过了难关,医生声称在很大程度上是因为我,称赞我照顾得很好。 —

I was vain of his commendations, and softened towards the being by whose means I earned them, and thus Hindley lost his last ally:
我为他的赞美感到骄傲,对通过他我获得赞誉的存在变得温和起来,于是Hindley失去了最后的盟友。 —

still I couldn’t dote on Heathcliff, and I wondered often what my master saw to admire so much in the sullen boy;
尽管我不能够喜爱希思克里夫,我常常想知道我的主人为何如此钦佩这个脾气乖戾的男孩; —

who never, to my recollection, repaid his indulgence by any sign of gratitude.
我记不起他曾经为了感激而对他的恩人表示过任何感激之情。 —

He was not insolent to his benefactor, he was simply insensible;
他对他的恩人既不傲慢也不感激; —

though knowing perfectly the hold he had on his heart, and conscious he had only to speak and all the house would be obliged to bend to his wishes.
然而他清楚地了解他在他心中的地位,并且意识到只需他开口,全家都将被迫顺从他的愿望。 —

As an instance, I remember Mr. Earnshaw once bought a couple of colts at the parish fair, and gave the lads each one.
例如,我记得伊恩肖先生曾经在教区集市上买了两匹小马,然后给了两个孩子各一匹。 —

Heathcliff took the handsomest, but it soon fell lame, and when he discovered it, he said to Hindley—

“You must exchange horses with me: I don’t like mine;
“你必须跟我交换马匹:我不喜欢我的那匹; —

and if you won’t I shall tell your father of the three thrashings you’ve given me this week, and show him my arm, which is black to the shoulder.
如果你不肯,我就告诉你父亲你这个星期打了我三次,并给他看我肩膀上黑一截的胳膊。” —

” Hindley put out his tongue, and cuffed him over the ears.
亨德利伸出舌头,狠狠地给了他一个耳光。 —

“You’d better do it at once,” he persisted, escaping to the porch (they were in the stable):
“你最好马上去做,”他坚持道,逃到门廊上(他们在马厩里): —

“you will have to:
“你必须这样做。 —

and if I speak of these blows, you’ll get them again with interest.
“如果我说出这些暴行,你会受到更加严厉的惩罚。” “滚开, —

” “Off, dog!
混蛋! —

” cried Hindley, threatening him with an iron weight used for weighing potatoes and hay.
“喂,森德利,” 干脆威胁道,同时拿起一个用来称量土豆和干草的铁砝码。 —

“Throw it,” he replied, standing still, “and then I’ll tell how you boasted that you would turn me out of doors as soon as he died, and see whether he will not turn you out directly.
“扔吧,” 他站在原地回答,“然后我会告诉大家你是怎么夸下海口说等他死后就把我赶出去看看他是否真的会立刻把你赶出来。 —

” Hindley threw it, hitting him on the breast, and down he fell, but staggered up immediately, breathless and white;
”赫德利将其扔出去,击中他的胸口,他立刻倒下,但马上又站了起来,气喘吁吁,脸色苍白; —

and, had not I prevented it, he would have gone just so to the master, and got full revenge by letting his condition plead for him, intimating who had caused it.
要不是我制止了他,他就会直接去找主人,并通过让他的状况为自己辩护来报复你,暗示是谁导致了这一切。 —

“Take my colt, Gipsy, then!” said young Earnshaw.
“那就拿走我的小马吧,吉普赛!” 少爷恶狠狠地说道。 —

“And I pray that he may break your neck: take him, and be damned, you beggarly interloper!
“我祈祷他能把你摔断脖子:拿走他,去见鬼吧,你这个可怜的闯入者! —

and wheedle my father out of all he has:
然后用计诱骗我的父亲把他所有的财产都骗到手: —

only afterwards show him what you are, imp of Satan.—And take that, I hope he’ll kick out your brains!”
只有在那之后展示给他你到底是个什么东西,撒旦的小鬼。- 然后接受吧,我希望他会踢出你的脑袋!

Heathcliff had gone to loose the beast, and shift it to his own stall;
希斯克里夫已经去解开野兽,把它移到自己的马厩。 —

he was passing behind it, when Hindley finished his speech by knocking him under its feet, and without stopping to examine whether his hopes were fulfilled, ran away as fast as he could.
当这个野兽经过他时,亨德利完成了他的发言,将他踢到它的脚下,而不停下来检查他的希望是否实现,他拼命地逃跑。 —

I was surprised to witness how coolly the child gathered himself up, and went on with his intention;
我惊讶地看到这个孩子冷静地把自己捡了起来,继续他的打算; —

exchanging saddles and all, and then sitting down on a bundle of hay to overcome the qualm which the violent blow occasioned, before he entered the house.
交换鞍具,然后坐在一捆干草上克服暴力冲击所引起的不适,然后再进屋。 —

I persuaded him easily to let me lay the blame of his bruises on the horse:
我很容易说服他把他的伤痕归咎于马上:他不在乎讲什么故事, —

he minded little what tale was told since he had what he wanted.
因为他得到了他想要的东西。 —

He complained so seldom, indeed, of such stirs as these, that I really thought him not vindictive:
他真的很少抱怨这样的骚动,以至于我真的认为他不是复仇心很强的人: —

I was deceived completely, as you will hear.