Sometimes, while meditating on these things in solitude, I’ve got up in a sudden terror, and put on my bonnet to go see how all was at the farm.
有时,当我独自冥想这些事情时,我突然惊醒,戴上帽子去农场看看情况如何。 —

I’ve persuaded my conscience that it was a duty to warn him how people talked regarding his ways;
我说服了自己,警告他人如何谈论他的行为是一种责任; —

and then I’ve recollected his confirmed bad habits, and, hopeless of benefiting him, have flinched from re-entering the dismal house, doubting if I could bear to be taken at my word.

One time I passed the old gate, going out of my way, on a journey to Gimmerton.
有一次,我越过了那扇古老的门,离开了我的路线, —

It was about the period that my narrative has reached:
去吉姆顿旅行。那是我的故事发生的时期: —

a bright frosty afternoon; the ground bare, and the road hard and dry.
一个明亮而寒冷的下午;地面光秃秃的,路面坚硬而干燥。 —

I came to a stone where the highway branches off on to the moor at your left hand;
我来到了一块石头那里,那是一条道路在你的左手边分开通向荒野的地方; —

a rough sand-pillar, with the letters W. H. cut on its north side, on the east, G., and on the south-west, T. G. It serves as a guide-post to the Grange, the Heights, and village.
一个粗糙的沙柱,在它的北面刻着字母W.H.,在东面是G.,在西南面是T.G.它是通往庄园、高地和村庄的路标。 —

The sun shone yellow on its grey head, reminding me of summer;
阳光照在它灰色的头上,让我想起夏天。 —

and I cannot say why, but all at once a gush of child’s sensations flowed into my heart.
我不能说为什么,但所有的孩子感觉突然涌入了我的心里。 —

Hindley and I held it a favourite spot twenty years before. I gazed long at the weather-worn block;
二十年前,Hindley和我把它当作最喜欢的地方。我长时间地凝视着风化的石块; —

and, stooping down, perceived a hole near the bottom still full of snail-shells and pebbles, which we were fond of storing there with more perishable things;
弯下身子,发现底部附近有一个洞,里面还装满了蜗牛壳和鹅卵石,我们喜欢把更易腐烂的东西存放在那里; —

and, as fresh as reality, it appeared that I beheld my early playmate seated on the withered turf:
它出现得如此真实,仿佛我看到我的早期玩伴坐在枯草上:他黑漆漆的方头前俯,用一块石板挖着土。 “可怜的Hindley!” 我情不自禁地叫道。 —

his dark, square head bent forward, and his little hand scooping out the earth with a piece of slate.
我惊了一下:我的眼前被欺骗了一瞬间, —

“Poor Hindley!” I exclaimed, involuntarily.
觉得那个孩子抬起脸来直直地盯着我的眼睛! —

I started: my bodily eye was cheated into a momentary belief that the child lifted its face and stared straight into mine!
它在一瞬间消失了;但我立刻感到一种无法抗拒的渴望,想去走走希思庄园。迷信驱使我顺从这一冲动: —

It vanished in a twinkling;
万一他已经死了呢! —

but immediately I felt an irresistible yearning to be at the Heights.
我想——或许他很快就会死! —

Superstition urged me to comply with this impulse:
——那会不会是个死亡的预兆呢? —

supposing he should be dead!
请务必回到希思庄园! —

I thought—or should die soon!
我心里想, —

—supposing it were a sign of death!
毫不犹豫地迈开步子。 —

The nearer I got to the house the more agitated I grew;
我越接近这个房子,我就越不安, —

and on catching sight of it I trembled in every limb. The apparition had outstripped me:
当我看到它时,我浑身颤抖。这个幽灵已经超过了我。 —

it stood looking through the gate.
它站在门口看着。 —

That was my first idea on observing an elf-locked, brown-eyed boy setting his ruddy countenance against the bars.
当我看到一个打了结的、棕色眼睛的男孩将他红润的脸对着栏杆时,这是我第一个想法。 —

Further reflection suggested this must be Hareton, my Hareton, not altered greatly since I left him, ten months since.

“God bless thee, darling!” I cried, forgetting instantaneously my foolish fears.
“上帝保佑你,亲爱的!”我喊道,立刻忘记了我愚蠢的恐惧。“赫顿, —

“Hareton, it’s Nelly!
我是尼莉!尼莉, —

Nelly, thy nurse.”

He retreated out of arm’s length, and picked up a large flint.

“I am come to see thy father, Hareton,” I added, guessing from the action that Nelly, if she lived in his memory at all, was not recognised as one with me.

He raised his missile to hurl it;
他举起他的石头要扔, —

I commenced a soothing speech, but could not stay his hand:
我开始安抚的话语,但无法阻止他的手: —

the stone struck my bonnet;
石头击中了我的帽子。 —

and then ensued, from the stammering lips of the little fellow, a string of curses, which, whether he comprehended them or not, were delivered with practised emphasis, and distorted his baby features into a shocking expression of malignity.
然后从这个小家伙结结巴巴的嘴唇里传出了一串咒骂,无论他是否理解这些话,他都用熟练的重音咆哮着,使他婴儿般的面容扭曲成可怕的恶意表情。 —

You may be certain this grieved more than angered me.
你可以肯定,这伤害了我,而不仅仅是激怒了我。 —

Fit to cry, I took an orange from my pocket, and offered it to propitiate him.
我伤心地快要哭了,从口袋里拿出一个橙子,试图安抚他。 —

He hesitated, and then snatched it from my hold;
他犹豫了一下,然后从我手中抢走了橙子; —

as if he fancied I only intended to tempt and disappoint him.
好像他认为我只是想引诱他然后让他失望。 —

I showed another, keeping it out of his reach.

“Who has taught you those fine words, my bairn?” I inquired.
“是谁教你这些好词好句的,小家伙? —

“The curate?”

“Damn the curate, and thee! Gie me that,” he replied.

“Tell us where you got your lessons, and you shall have it,” said I. “Who’s your master?”

“Devil daddy,” was his answer.

“And what do you learn from daddy?” I continued.

He jumped at the fruit; I raised it higher.
他扑向了水果;我把它抬得更高了。” —

“What does he teach you?” I asked.

“Naught,” said he, “but to keep out of his gait.
“他只是不想跟着他走。”我说, —

Daddy cannot bide me, because I swear at him.”

“Ah! and the devil teaches you to swear at daddy?
“啊!是魔鬼教你骂爸爸的吗? —

” I observed.

“Ay—nay,” he drawled.

“Who, then?”


“I asked if he liked Mr. Heathcliff.”

“Ay!” he answered again.

Desiring to have his reasons for liking him, I could only gather the sentences—“I known’t:
想要知道他为什么喜欢他,我只能听到这些话——“我不知道: —

he pays dad back what he gies to me—he curses daddy for cursing me.
他会还爸爸给我的东西,他骂爸爸是因为他骂我。 —

He says I mun do as I will.”

“And the curate does not teach you to read and write, then?” I pursued.

“No, I was told the curate should have his —— teeth dashed down his —— throat, if he stepped over the threshold—Heathcliff had promised that!”

I put the orange in his hand, and bade him tell his father that a woman called Nelly Dean was waiting to speak with him, by the garden gate.
我把橙子放在他手里,让他告诉他父亲有个叫妮莉·迪安的女人正在花园门口等着找他。 —

He went up the walk, and entered the house; but, instead of Hindley, Heathcliff appeared on the door-stones;
他走上小路,进了屋子;但是,出现在门前的不是辛德利,而是希斯克利夫; —

and I turned directly and ran down the road as hard as ever I could race, making no halt till I gained the guide-post, and feeling as scared as if I had raised a goblin.
我立刻转身朝路跑去,拼命地奔跑,一直到我跑到路标那里,吓得我像遇到了妖怪一样。 —

This is not much connected with Miss Isabella’s affair:
这与伊莎贝拉小姐的事情没有太大关系, —

except that it urged me to resolve further on mounting vigilant guard, and doing my utmost to check the spread of such bad influence at the Grange:
只是促使我下定决心,要继续保持警惕,尽我最大努力阻止这种不良影响在庄园里蔓延。 —

even though I should wake a domestic storm, by thwarting Mrs. Linton’s pleasure.

The next time Heathcliff came my young lady chanced to be feeding some pigeons in the court.
希斯克里夫下一次来的时候我的小姐碰巧在庭院里喂鸽子。 —

She had never spoken a word to her sister-in-law for three days;
她已经三天没有跟她的嫂子说过一句话了。 —

but she had likewise dropped her fretful complaining, and we found it a great comfort.
但她也不再抱怨发牢骚了,我们发现这样很安慰。 —

Heathcliff had not the habit of bestowing a single unnecessary civility on Miss Linton, I knew.
我知道希斯克里夫没有对林顿小姐施以一丝不必要的礼貌。 —

Now, as soon as he beheld her, his first precaution was to take a sweeping survey of the house-front.
现在,他一看到她,首先要做的是对房子的正面进行一次全面检查。 —

I was standing by the kitchen-window, but I drew out of sight.
我站在厨房窗口旁,但我躲了起来。 —

He then stepped across the pavement to her, and said something:
然后他穿过人行道走向她,说了些什么。 —

she seemed embarrassed, and desirous of getting away;
她似乎很尴尬,很想逃离;为了阻止她, —

to prevent it, he laid his hand on her arm.
他把手放在她的胳膊上。 —

She averted her face:
她移开了脸。 —

he apparently put some question which she had no mind to answer.
他显然问了一些她不想回答的问题。 —

There was another rapid glance at the house, and supposing himself unseen, the scoundrel had the impudence to embrace her.

“Judas! Traitor!” I ejaculated.
“犹大!叛徒!”我喊道。 —

“You are a hypocrite, too, are you?
“你也是个伪君子吗? —

A deliberate deceiver.”

“Who is, Nelly?” said Catherine’s voice at my elbow:
“谁是,Nelly?”凯瑟琳的声音在我耳边说道: —

I had been over-intent on watching the pair outside to mark her entrance.

“Your worthless friend!” I answered, warmly:
“你那个一无是处的朋友!”我激动地回答道: —

“the sneaking rascal yonder. Ah, he has caught a glimpse of us—he is coming in!
“那个卑鄙的无赖在那边。啊,他瞥见我们了,他要进来了! —

I wonder will he have the heart to find a plausible excuse for making love to Miss, when he told you he hated her?”

Mrs. Linton saw Isabella tear herself free, and run into the garden; and a minute after, Heathcliff opened the door.
林顿太太看到伊莎贝拉挣脱开来,奔向花园;一分钟后,希斯克里夫打开了门。 —

I couldn’t withhold giving some loose to my indignation;
我无法抑制住愤怒, —

but Catherine angrily insisted on silence, and threatened to order me out of the kitchen, if I dared to be so presumptuous as to put in my insolent tongue.

“To hear you, people might think you were the mistress!
“听你说话,人们可能会以为你是女主人! —

” she cried. “You want setting down in your right place!
”她喊道。“你需要被放到你应该在的位置上!” —

Heathcliff, what are you about, raising this stir?
希斯克里夫,你在干什么,搞得这么吵闹? —

I said you must let Isabella alone!
我说过你必须让伊莎贝拉一个人呆着! —

—I beg you will, unless you are tired of being received here, and wish Linton to draw the bolts against you!”

“God forbid that he should try!
“上帝保佑他温顺和耐心! —

” answered the black villain.
每天我都对把他送到天堂的念头越来越疯狂! —

I detested him just then.
” —

“God keep him meek and patient!
“别烦我。”凯瑟琳闭上内门说。 —

Every day I grow madder after sending him to heaven!”

“Hush!” said Catherine, shutting the inner door.
“愿上帝不要让他尝试! —

“Don’t vex me. Why have you disregarded my request?
”黑皮恶棍回答道。 —

Did she come across you on purpose?”

“What is it to you?” he growled.
“你管得着吗?”他咆哮道。“如果她愿意,我有权亲吻她; —

“I have a right to kiss her, if she chooses;
而你没有权利反对。我不是你的丈夫:你没必要嫉妒我!” —

and you have no right to object.
“我并不嫉妒你,”女主人回答道。 —

I am not your husband:
“我是为你嫉妒。 —

you needn’t be jealous of me!”

“I’m not jealous of you,” replied the mistress;
“如果你喜欢伊莎贝拉,你就应该娶她。 —

“I’m jealous for you. Clear your face:
但你喜欢她吗?告诉我真话, —

you sha’n’t scowl at me!
希斯克利夫! —

If you like Isabella, you shall marry her.
你不打算回答吗? —

But do you like her? Tell the truth, Heathcliff!
我敢肯定你不喜欢她。” —

There, you won’t answer. I’m certain you don’t.”

“And would Mr. Linton approve of his sister marrying that man?
“林顿先生应该同意, —

” I inquired.

“Mr. Linton should approve, ” returned my lady, decisively.

“He might spare himself the trouble,” said Heathcliff:
“关于你,凯瑟琳,我有些话要说, —

“I could do as well without his approbation.
现在正是机会。 —

And as to you, Catherine, I have a mind to speak a few words now, while we are at it.
“我要你知道,你对待我太恶劣了—太恶劣了!你听到了吗? —

I want you to be aware that I know you have treated me infernally—infernally!
“我还没有谈完,”希斯克利夫说。“还有其他一些事情。 —

Do you hear?
” —

And if you flatter yourself that I don’t perceive it, you are a fool; and if you think I can be consoled by sweet words, you are an idiot:
如果你自以为我没有察觉,那你就是个傻瓜;如果你认为我会被甜言蜜语安慰,那你就是个白痴。 —

and if you fancy I’ll suffer unrevenged, I’ll convince you of the contrary, in a very little while!
如果你以为我会忍受不报复,很快我就会让你知道相反的结果! —

Meantime, thank you for telling me your sister-in-law’s secret:
谢谢你告诉我你的嫂子的秘密。 —

I swear I’ll make the most of it. And stand you aside!”

“What new phase of his character is this?
“他的性格又有了什么新变化? —

” exclaimed Mrs. Linton, in amazement.
”穆斯·林顿夫人惊讶地说。 —

“I’ve treated you infernally—and you’ll take your revenge!
“我虐待了你,而你将会报复! —

How will you take it, ungrateful brute?
你会如何报复,忘恩负义的畜生? —

How have I treated you infernally?”

“I seek no revenge on you,” replied Heathcliff, less vehemently. “That’s not the plan.
“我并不寻求对你的报复,”希思克里夫回答得不那么激烈。“那不是我的计划。 —

The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don’t turn against him;
暴君镇压奴隶,而他们却不会反抗; —

they crush those beneath them.
他们只会压迫身下的人。 —

You are welcome to torture me to death for your amusement, only allow me to amuse myself a little in the same style, and refrain from insult as much as you are able.
你想用我的折磨取乐,我也无所谓,只是让我也以同样的方式取乐,尽量别侮辱我。 —

Having levelled my palace, don’t erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home.
毁了我的宫殿后,你别兴建一个简陋的草屋,然后自以为慷慨地夸耀你给我提供了一个住所。 —

If I imagined you really wished me to marry Isabel, I’d cut my throat!”

“Oh, the evil is that I am not jealous, is it?
哦,难道我不吃醋吗?凯瑟琳喊道。“好吧,我不再提供给你一个妻子的建议: —

” cried Catherine. “Well, I won’t repeat my offer of a wife:
这就像给撒旦一个迷失的灵魂。你的幸福就像他一样,是通过给予痛苦得到体现。而你正是证明了这一点。 —

it is as bad as offering Satan a lost soul. Your bliss lies, like his, in inflicting misery.
埃德加从你来的那一刻起恢复了他的坏脾气;我开始变得安全和宁静;而你却追求看到我们和平相处, —

You prove it.
看起来决意要挑起争吵。 —

Edgar is restored from the ill-temper he gave way to at your coming;
如果你愿意,请和埃德加吵架,希斯克利夫, —

I begin to be secure and tranquil;
并欺骗他的姐姐。 —

and you, restless to know us at peace, appear resolved on exciting a quarrel.
毁了我的宫殿后,你别兴建一个简陋的草屋,然后自以为慷慨地夸耀你给我提供了一个住所。 —

Quarrel with Edgar, if you please, Heathcliff, and deceive his sister:
如果我真的以为你希望我娶伊莎贝尔,我就会割喉自尽! —

you’ll hit on exactly the most efficient method of revenging yourself on me.”

The conversation ceased. Mrs. Linton sat down by the fire, flushed and gloomy. The spirit which served her was growing intractable:
对话停止了。林顿夫人闷闷不乐地坐在火炉旁边,脸红气闷。那股为她效力的精神变得难以控制:既无法击倒也无法控制。他双臂交叉站在壁炉边,沉思着邪恶的想法; —

she could neither lay nor control it.
在这个位置上我离开了他们, —

He stood on the hearth with folded arms, brooding on his evil thoughts;
去寻找那位想知道凯瑟琳为什么在下面这么长时间的主人。 —

and in this position I left them to seek the master, who was wondering what kept Catherine below so long.

“Ellen,” said he, when I entered, “have you seen your mistress?”

“Yes; she’s in the kitchen, sir,” I answered.
然后我叙述了法庭上的场景, —

“She’s sadly put out by Mr. Heathcliff’s behaviour:
以及整个随后的争执,尽量忠实于原文。 —

and, indeed, I do think it’s time to arrange his visits on another footing.
“你知道为何要将我锁起来。 —

There’s harm in being too soft, and now it’s come to this—.
” —

” And I related the scene in the court, and, as near as I dared, the whole subsequent dispute.
男子朗声说道,“这不过是一个小玩笑,你又何必如此紧张呢?” —

I fancied it could not be very prejudicial to Mrs. Linton;
我认为对林顿夫人来说,这不会造成很大的偏见; —

unless she made it so afterwards, by assuming the defensive for her guest.
除非她事后采取防守姿态,为她的客人辩护。 —

Edgar Linton had difficulty in hearing me to the close.
埃德加·林顿听到最后时有些困难。 —

His first words revealed that he did not clear his wife of blame.

“This is insufferable!” he exclaimed.
“这简直不可忍受!”他惊叫道。 —

“It is disgraceful that she should own him for a friend, and force his company on me!
“她竟然承认他为朋友,并且强迫他与我为伍,真是丢脸!” —

Call me two men out of the hall, Ellen. Catherine shall linger no longer to argue with the low ruffian—I have humoured her enough.”

He descended, and bidding the servants wait in the passage, went, followed by me, to the kitchen.
他下楼,让仆人们在走廊等候,然后带着我去了厨房。 —

Its occupants had recommenced their angry discussion:
里面的人们又开始愤怒地争论起来: —

Mrs. Linton, at least, was scolding with renewed vigour;
至少林顿夫人正在愤怒地责骂着; —

Heathcliff had moved to the window, and hung his head, somewhat cowed by her violent rating apparently.
希斯克利夫走到窗边,低下头,似乎被她的激烈责备吓到了。 —

He saw the master first, and made a hasty motion that she should be silent;
他先看到了主人,急忙示意她保持沉默; —

which she obeyed, abruptly, on discovering the reason of his intimation.

“How is this?” said Linton, addressing her;
“这个怎么样?”林顿问道, —

“what notion of propriety must you have to remain here, after the language which has been held to you by that blackguard?
“在那个混蛋对你说过的话后,你居然还能留在这里,你对得起这个场合的规矩吗? —

I suppose, because it is his ordinary talk you think nothing of it:
我猜,因为这是他平时的说法,你肯定觉得没什么。 —

you are habituated to his baseness, and, perhaps, imagine I can get used to it too!”

“Have you been listening at the door, Edgar?
“你在门口偷听吗,埃德加? —

” asked the mistress, in a tone particularly calculated to provoke her husband, implying both carelessness and contempt of his irritation.
”妻子问道,声音特意挑衅她的丈夫,暗示着对他的愤怒的不在乎和轻蔑。 —

Heathcliff, who had raised his eyes at the former speech, gave a sneering laugh at the latter;
希斯克利夫听到前面的话后,讥笑了一声,听到后面的话后更是如此; —

on purpose, it seemed, to draw Mr. Linton’s attention to him.
似乎是故意引起林顿先生的注意。他成功了。 —

He succeeded;

but Edgar did not mean to entertain him with any high flights of passion.

“I’ve been so far forbearing with you, sir,” he said quietly;
“我一直对你非常忍让,先生,”他平静地说道; —

“not that I was ignorant of your miserable, degraded character, but I felt you were only partly responsible for that;
“并不是因为我不知道你那可怜而堕落的品性,而是因为我觉得你只负有部分责任; —

and Catherine wishing to keep up your acquaintance, I acquiesced—foolishly.
为了维持与你的熟识,我愚蠢地屈服了。 —

Your presence is a moral poison that would contaminate the most virtuous:
你的存在是一种道德毒药,会污染最正直的人。 —

for that cause, and to prevent worse consequences, I shall deny you hereafter admission into this house, and give notice now that I require your instant departure.
为了防止更糟糕的后果,我将拒绝你进入这个屋子,并现在通知你需要立即离开。 —

Three minutes’ delay will render it involuntary and ignominious.”

Heathcliff measured the height and breadth of the speaker with an eye full of derision.

“Cathy, this lamb of yours threatens like a bull!
“凯瑟琳,你的小羊像公牛一样威胁人! —

” he said.
”他说。 —

“It is in danger of splitting its skull against my knuckles.
“它有可能会把头撞碎在我拳头上。见鬼! —

By God!

Mr. Linton, I’m mortally sorry that you are not worth knocking down!”

My master glanced towards the passage, and signed me to fetch the men:
我的主人朝过道那边瞥了一眼,并示意我去找人: —

he had no intention of hazarding a personal encounter.
他并无意对抗个人。我按照他的建议行动; —

I obeyed the hint;

but Mrs. Linton, suspecting something, followed;
但林顿夫人察觉到了什么,跟了过来; —

and when I attempted to call them, she pulled me back, slammed the door to, and locked it.

“Fair means!” she said, in answer to her husband’s look of angry surprise.
“公平的方式!”她回答道,回应了丈夫愤怒而惊讶的表情。 —

“If you have not courage to attack him, make an apology, or allow yourself to be beaten.
“如果你没有勇气去攻击他,那就道个歉,或者允许自己被打败。这样可以让你不再假装比你实际更勇敢。不,你在得到它之前,我宁愿把钥匙吞了!” —

It will correct you of feigning more valour than you possess. No, I’ll swallow the key before you shall get it!
亲爱的,我为了善良对待你们每个人而得到了非常好的回报!在无休止地纵容你们两个人的软弱本性和恶劣行径之后,我却得到了两个满目屈服、愚蠢到荒谬的感激之样! —

I’m delightfully rewarded for my kindness to each!
埃德加,我是在保护你和你的人! —

After constant indulgence of one’s weak nature, and the other’s bad one, I earn for thanks two samples of blind ingratitude, stupid to absurdity!
我希望希斯克里夫能打你得半死,只因你居然敢对我怀恶意的念头! —

Edgar, I was defending you and yours;

and I wish Heathcliff may flog you sick, for daring to think an evil thought of me!”

It did not need the medium of a flogging to produce that effect on the master.
他试图从凯瑟琳的手中夺走钥匙,为了安全起见,她把它扔进了最热的火堆中。 —

He tried to wrest the key from Catherine’s grasp, and for safety she flung it into the hottest part of the fire;
结果,埃德加先生突然颤抖起来,脸色惨白无比。 —

whereupon Mr. Edgar was taken with a nervous trembling, and his countenance grew deadly pale.
埃德加先生被凯瑟琳的手劲吓得全身发抖,脸色一下子变得惨白。 —

For his life he could not avert that excess of emotion:
他无论如何都无法避免情感的过度: —

mingled anguish and humiliation overcame him completely.
混合的痛苦和羞辱彻底地克服了他。 —

He leant on the back of a chair, and covered his face.

“Oh, heavens! In old days this would win you knighthood!
“哦,天哪!在旧日里这会让你成为骑士!” —

” exclaimed Mrs. Linton.
林顿夫人惊呼道。” —

“We are vanquished! we are vanquished!
我们失败了!我们失败了!” —

Heathcliff would as soon lift a finger at you as the king would march his army against a colony of mice.
希斯克利夫不会动手伤害你,就像国王不会率领军队攻击一群老鼠一样。 —

Cheer up!
振作点! —

you sha’n’t be hurt! Your type is not a lamb, it’s a sucking leveret.”

“I wish you joy of the milk-blooded coward, Cathy!
“凯茜!我祝贺你品味独特!” —

” said her friend. “I compliment you on your taste.
她的朋友说道。”我祝贺你!” —

And that is the slavering, shivering thing you preferred to me!
而这就是你宁愿选择的那个流着口水、发抖的东西! —

I would not strike him with my fist, but I’d kick him with my foot, and experience considerable satisfaction.
我不愿用拳头打他,但我会用脚踢他,并从中得到相当的满足感。 —

Is he weeping, or is he going to faint for fear?”

The fellow approached and gave the chair on which Linton rested a push.
那个家伙走近,推了推林顿靠的椅子。 —

He’d better have kept his distance:
他最好远离一点: —

my master quickly sprang erect, and struck him full on the throat a blow that would have levelled a slighter man.
我的主人立刻站起身,猛击他的喉咙,一击之下足以把一个瘦小的人打倒。 —

It took his breath for a minute;
他喘了一分钟的气。 —

and while he choked, Mr. Linton walked out by the back door into the yard, and from thence to the front entrance.

“There! you’ve done with coming here, ” cried Catherine. “Get away, now;
“好了,你不用再来了,”凯瑟琳大叫道,“现在滚开, —

he’ll return with a brace of pistols and half-a-dozen assistants.
他会带回一对手枪和半打帮手。 —

If he did overhear us, of course he’d never forgive you.
如果他确实听见了我们的谈话,当然他会永远不会原谅你。 —

You’ve played me an ill turn, Heathcliff!
你对我出了个坏主意,希斯克利夫! —

But go—make haste! I’d rather see Edgar at bay than you.”

“Do you suppose I’m going with that blow burning in my gullet?
“你以为我会忍受喉咙里刺痛的打击去跟他走吗? —

” he thundered. “By hell, no!
”他吼道,“该死,不! —

I’ll crush his ribs in like a rotten hazel-nut before I cross the threshold!
在我踏过门槛之前,我要把他的肋骨像烂榛子一样压碎! —

If I don’t floor him now, I shall murder him some time;
如果我现在不把他打倒,总有一天我会杀了他; —

so, as you value his existence, let me get at him!”

“He is not coming,” I interposed, framing a bit of a lie. “There’s the coachman and the two gardeners;
“他不会来了,”我插话道,编了一个小小的谎言。“车夫和两个园丁在那里。” —

you’ll surely not wait to be thrust into the road by them!
你肯定不会等到他们把你推到路上! —

Each has a bludgeon;
每个人都拿着破坏棒; —

and master will, very likely, be watching from the parlour-windows to see that they fulfil his orders.”

The gardeners and coachman were there:
园丁和车夫就在那里, —

but Linton was with them.
而林顿和他们在一起。 —

They had already entered the court.
他们已经进入了庭院。 —

Heathcliff, on the second thoughts, resolved to avoid a struggle against three underlings:
经过再三考虑,希斯克利夫决定避免与三个下人争斗: —

he seized the poker, smashed the lock from the inner door, and made his escape as they tramped in.

Mrs. Linton, who was very much excited, bade me accompany her upstairs.
非常兴奋的林顿太太让我陪她上楼。 —

She did not know my share in contributing to the disturbance, and I was anxious to keep her in ignorance.

“I’m nearly distracted, Nelly!” she exclaimed, throwing herself on the sofa.
“我快被逼疯了,奈莉!”她一边说,一边扑在沙发上。 —

“A thousand smiths’ hammers are beating in my head!
“我的脑袋里仿佛有一千个铁匠的锤子在敲打!” —

Tell Isabella to shun me; this uproar is owing to her;
请告诉伊莎贝拉远离我;这场骚动就是因为她; —

and should she or any one else aggravate my anger at present, I shall get wild.
如果她或其他人在现在激怒我,我会变得疯狂。 —

And, Nelly, say to Edgar, if you see him again to-night, that I’m in danger of being seriously ill. I wish it may prove true.
然后,Nelly,请告诉Edgar,如果你今晚再见到他,我可能会因病情严重而危及生命。但愿这是真的。 —

He has startled and distressed me shockingly!
他刚才吓了我一跳,非常让我痛苦! —

I want to frighten him. Besides, he might come and begin a string of abuse or complainings;
我想吓唬他。而且,他可能会来并开始一连串的谩骂或抱怨; —

I’m certain I should recriminate, and God knows where we should end!
我敢肯定我会互相指责,天知道我们会在哪里结束! —

Will you do so, my good Nelly?
你愿意帮我这个忙,好人? —

You are aware that I am no way blamable in this matter.
你知道在这件事上我没有任何过错。 —

What possessed him to turn listener?
是什么让他成为了倾听者? —

Heathcliff’s talk was outrageous, after you left us;
你离开后,Heathcliff的话实在太过分了; —

but I could soon have diverted him from Isabella, and the rest meant nothing.
但我本来可以很快转移他的注意力,让他不再关注Isabella,其他的都是无关紧要的。 —

Now all is dashed wrong;
现在一切都被彻底打乱了; —

by the fool’s craving to hear evil of self, that haunts some people like a demon!
都是那些像魔鬼一样纠缠着某些人、不断追求对自己的恶意传闻的傻瓜害得这样! —

Had Edgar never gathered our conversation, he would never have been the worse for it.
如果Edgar从未听到我们的对话,他也不会因此而受到任何伤害。 —

Really, when he opened on me in that unreasonable tone of displeasure after I had scolded Heathcliff till I was hoarse for _him;
真的,当他在我对Heathcliff发过脾气之后,用那种不合理的不悦口吻对我发飙时; —

_ I did not care hardly what they did to each other;
无论他们互相做了什么,我都几乎不在乎; —

especially as I felt that, however the scene closed, we should all be driven asunder for nobody knows how long!
尤其是因为我感到,不管场景如何收场,我们都将分散开来,无人知晓有多长时间! —

Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend—if Edgar will be mean and jealous, I’ll try to break their hearts by breaking my own.
好吧,如果我不能把希斯克利夫留作我的朋友——如果埃德加会变得卑鄙和嫉妒,我将试图通过伤害自己来伤害他们的心。 —

That will be a prompt way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity!
当我被逼入绝境时,这将是一个快速解决的方式! —

But it’s a deed to be reserved for a forlorn hope;
但这是一个应该保留给孤注一掷的行动; —

I’d not take Linton by surprise with it.
我不想用这种方式让林顿感到惊讶。 —

To this point he has been discreet in dreading to provoke me;
在这个问题上,他一直都很谨慎,害怕激怒我; —

you must represent the peril of quitting that policy, and remind him of my passionate temper, verging, when kindled, on frenzy.
你必须描绘出放弃那种策略的危险,并提醒他我那燃起时即将发狂的激情。 —

I wish you could dismiss that apathy out of that countenance, and look rather more anxious about me.”

The stolidity with which I received these instructions was, no doubt, rather exasperating:
我接受这些指示的冷漠无疑让人恼火:因为他们是完全真诚地发出的; —

for they were delivered in perfect sincerity;

but I believed a person who could plan the turning of her fits of passion to account, beforehand, might, by exerting her will, manage to control herself tolerably, even while under their influence;
但是我相信一个能够事先计划如何控制自己的愤怒发作的人,通过发挥自己的意志力,即使在受到情绪影响时也能够相对地控制自己; —

and I did not wish to “frighten” her husband, as she said, and multiply his annoyances for the purpose of serving her selfishness.
我不希望“吓到”她的丈夫,就像她所说的那样,为了满足自己的自私心而增加他的烦恼; —

Therefore I said nothing when I met the master coming towards the parlour;
因此,当我遇见主人走向起居室时,我没有说什么; —

but I took the liberty of turning back to listen whether they would resume their quarrel together.
但是我冒昧地转身倾听他们是否会继续争吵。 —

He began to speak first.

“Remain where you are, Catherine,” he said;
“呆在那里,凯瑟琳”, —

without any anger in his voice, but with much sorrowful despondency.
他的声音没有任何愤怒,却充满了悲伤的失望。 —

“I shall not stay.
“我不打算留下来。 —

I am neither come to wrangle nor be reconciled;
我既不是为了争吵也不是为了和解, —

but I wish just to learn whether, after this evening’s events, you intend to continue your intimacy with—”

“Oh, for mercy’s sake,” interrupted the mistress, stamping her foot, “for mercy’s sake, let us hear no more of it now!
“哦,求求你了,”女主人打断了他的话,跺着脚说道,“现在我们不想再听下去了! —

Your cold blood cannot be worked into a fever:
你冷血的不能被热情激发: —

your veins are full of ice-water;
你的血管里充满了冰水; —

but mine are boiling, and the sight of such chillness makes them dance.”

“To get rid of me, answer my question, ” persevered Mr. Linton. “You must answer it;
“为了摆脱我,回答我的问题,”林顿先生坚持道。“你必须回答, —

and that violence does not alarm me.
而那种暴力并不让我感到害怕。 —

I have found that you can be as stoical as anyone, when you please. Will you give up Heathcliff hereafter, or will you give up me?
我发现你能像任何人一样冷酷,只要你愿意。你以后会放弃希斯克利夫吗,还是放弃我? —

It is impossible for you to be my friend and his at the same time;
你不可能同时成为他的朋友和我的; —

and I absolutely require to know which you choose.”

“I require to be let alone!” exclaimed Catherine, furiously. “I demand it!
“我需要被放下!”凯瑟琳愤怒地喊道。“我要求这样! —

Don’t you see I can scarcely stand?
难道你看不到我几乎站不起来吗?埃德加, —

Edgar, you—you leave me!”

She rang the bell till it broke with a twang;
她按铃直到它发出一声断裂的声音; —

I entered leisurely. It was enough to try the temper of a saint, such senseless, wicked rages!
我悠然进入。这足以考验一个圣人的忍耐力,如此无意义、邪恶的愤怒! —

There she lay dashing her head against the arm of the sofa, and grinding her teeth, so that you might fancy she would crash them to splinters!
她躺在沙发扶手上猛撞头,咬牙切齿,让你会觉得她要把它们摔碎! —

Mr. Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear.
林顿先生突然感到内疚和恐惧地望着她。 —

He told me to fetch some water.
他告诉我去拿一些水。 —

She had no breath for speaking.
她没有力气说话。 —

I brought a glass full; and as she would not drink, I sprinkled it on her face.
我拿了一杯水,她不肯喝,我就把水洒在她脸上。 —

In a few seconds she stretched herself out stiff, and turned up her eyes, while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death.
几秒钟后,她僵硬地躺下来,眼睛翻白,脸色苍白又发青,看上去像是死了。 —

Linton looked terrified.

“There is nothing in the world the matter,” I whispered.
“她身体没有问题,”我低声说道。 —

I did not want him to yield, though I could not help being afraid in my heart.

“She has blood on her lips!” he said, shuddering.

“Never mind!” I answered, tartly.
“没关系!”我尖刻地回答。 —

And I told him how she had resolved, previous to his coming, on exhibiting a fit of frenzy.
然后我告诉他,她在他来之前决定要表演一次狂躁发作。 —

I incautiously gave the account aloud, and she heard me;
我无意中大声叙述了一遍,她听见了。 —

for she started up—her hair flying over her shoulders, her eyes flashing, the muscles of her neck and arms standing out preternaturally.
她突然跳起来,头发散乱着披在肩上,眼睛闪烁着,颈部和胳膊上的肌肉异常突出。 —

I made up my mind for broken bones, at least;
我决定至少为了骨折做准备; —

but she only glared about her for an instant, and then rushed from the room.
但她只是瞪了我一眼,然后冲出房间。 —

The master directed me to follow;
主人指示我跟着她; 我跟了上去, —

I did, to her chamber-door:
来到她的房门口。 —

she hindered me from going further by securing it against me.

As she never offered to descend to breakfast next morning, I went to ask whether she would have some carried up.
第二天早上她没有去吃早餐,我去问她是否要一些带上去。“不! —

“No!” she replied, peremptorily.
”她断然回答道。 —

The same question was repeated at dinner and tea;
午餐和晚餐时还问了同样的问题, —

and again on the morrow after, and received the same answer.
次日早上也是,得到的答案都一样。 —

Mr. Linton, on his part, spent his time in the library, and did not inquire concerning his wife’s occupations.
林顿先生则待在图书馆里,对他妻子的活动并不感兴趣。 —

Isabella and he had had an hour’s interview, during which he tried to elicit from her some sentiment of proper horror for Heathcliff’s advances:
他和伊莎贝拉进行了一个小时的会谈,试图引出她对希斯克利夫的行为的适当厌恶之情: —

but he could make nothing of her evasive replies, and was obliged to close the examination unsatisfactorily;
但是他无法得到她回避性的回答,只能不满意地结束了这次询问。 —

adding, however, a solemn warning, that if she were so insane as to encourage that worthless suitor, it would dissolve all bonds of relationship between herself and him.