The rainy night had ushered in a misty morning—half frost, half drizzle—and temporary brooks crossed our path—gurgling from the uplands.
雨夜带来了朦胧的早晨——半霜半毛毛雨,而临时溪流穿过我们的道路——从高地上潺潺流过。 —

My feet were thoroughly wetted; I was cross and low;
我的脚已经湿透了,我心情不好, —

exactly the humour suited for making the most of these disagreeable things.
情绪低落,正好适合充分利用这些令人不愉快的事情。 —

We entered the farm-house by the kitchen way, to ascertain whether Mr. Heathcliff were really absent:
我们通过厨房的方式进入了农舍,确认希斯克利夫先生真的不在: —

because I put slight faith in his own affirmation.

Joseph seemed sitting in a sort of elysium alone, beside a roaring fire;
约瑟夫似乎独自坐在一个火光熊熊的天堂里; —

a quart of ale on the table near him, bristling with large pieces of toasted oat-cake;
一夸脱的麦酒放在他旁边的桌子上,上面堆满了烤燕麦蛋糕; —

and his black, short pipe in his mouth.
他黑色的短烟斗还夹在嘴里。 —

Catherine ran to the hearth to warm herself.
凯瑟琳跑到炉边取暖。 —

I asked if the master was in?
我问主人在不在? —

My question remained so long unanswered, that I thought the old man had grown deaf, and repeated it louder.

“Na—ay!” he snarled, or rather screamed through his nose. “Na—ay!
“Na-ay!”他嘶哑地叫道,或者更准确地说是通过他的鼻子尖叫道。“Na—ay! —

yah muh goa back whear yah coom frough.”
yah muh goa back whear yah coom frough。”

“Joseph!” cried a peevish voice, simultaneously with me, from the inner room.
“约瑟夫!”一个发火的声音与我同时从内室传来。 —

“How often am I to call you?
“我要叫你几次? —

There are only a few red ashes now.
现在只剩下几颗红色的灰烬了。 —

Joseph! come this moment.”

Vigorous puffs, and a resolute stare into the grate, declared he had no ear for this appeal.
他用力吹了几口气,并坚定地盯着炉子,表明他对这个请求充耳不闻。 —

The housekeeper and Hareton were invisible;
管家和海顿都不见了;一个出去办事, —

one gone on an errand, and the other at his work, probably.
另一个在工作,很可能是这样。 —

We knew Linton’s tones, and entered.

“Oh, I hope you’ll die in a garret, starved to death!
“哦,我希望你会死在一个阁楼里,被饿死! —

” said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant.

He stopped on observing his error: his cousin flew to him.

“Is that you, Miss Linton?” he said, raising his head from the arm of the great chair, in which he reclined. “No—don’t kiss me:
“是你,林顿小姐?”他从大椅子的扶手上抬起头说,“不要……吻我:那样会让我喘不过气。天哪!爸爸说你会来,”在从凯瑟琳的拥抱中稍微恢复过来后,他继续说道; —

it takes my breath. Dear me! Papa said you would call, ” continued he, after recovering a little from Catherine’s embrace;
她站在一旁,一脸懊悔地说道:“你可以请关上门吗?你把它留开了; —

while she stood by looking very contrite.
你把它关上, —

“Will you shut the door, if you please? you left it open;
可以吗?” —

and those—those detestable creatures won’t bring coals to the fire.
那些——那些可恶的家伙都没有给火堆添炭。 —

It’s so cold!”

I stirred up the cinders, and fetched a scuttleful myself.
我搅动着煤渣,自己去找了一桶。 —

The invalid complained of being covered with ashes;
病人抱怨自己被灰覆盖着; —

but he had a tiresome cough, and looked feverish and ill, so I did not rebuke his temper.

“Well, Linton,” murmured Catherine, when his corrugated brow relaxed, “are you glad to see me?
“嗯,林顿,”凯瑟琳低声说道,当他的皱眉舒展开来,“见到我你高兴吗? —

Can I do you any good?”

“Why didn’t you come before?” he asked.
“你为什么不早点来?”他问道。 —

“You should have come, instead of writing.
“你应该来的,而不是写信。 —

It tired me dreadfully writing those long letters.
写那些长信非常累人。” —

I’d far rather have talked to you. Now, I can neither bear to talk, nor anything else.
“我宁愿和你说话,现在我既不能忍受说话,也不能忍受其他事情。” —

I wonder where Zillah is!
“我不知道希拉在哪里! —

Will you” (looking at me) “step into the kitchen and see?”

I had received no thanks for my other service;
我的其他服务没有得到感谢; —

and being unwilling to run to and fro at his behest, I replied—

“Nobody is out there but Joseph.”

“I want to drink,” he exclaimed fretfully, turning away.
“我想喝水,”他焦躁地喊道,转身离开。 —

“Zillah is constantly gadding off to Gimmerton since papa went:
“自从爸爸走了,希拉总是到吉默顿去闲逛。” —

it’s miserable! And I’m obliged to come down here—they resolved never to hear me upstairs.”

“Is your father attentive to you, Master Heathcliff?
“希斯克利夫先生,你的父亲对你很关注吗? —

” I asked, perceiving Catherine to be checked in her friendly advances.

“Attentive? He makes them a little more attentive at least, ” he cried. “The wretches!
“关注?他至少使他们更加关注了,”他喊道。“这些恶棍! —

Do you know, Miss Linton, that brute Hareton laughs at me!
你知道吗,林顿小姐,那个野蛮的海顿嘲笑我! —

I hate him!
我讨厌他! —

indeed, I hate them all: they are odious beings.”

Cathy began searching for some water;
凯茜开始寻找水; —

she lighted on a pitcher in the dresser, filled a tumbler, and brought it.
她在橱柜里找到了一个玻璃杯,倒满了一杯水端了过来。 —

He bid her add a spoonful of wine from a bottle on the table;
他吩咐她从桌子上的一瓶酒里加一勺子; —

and having swallowed a small portion, appeared more tranquil, and said she was very kind.

“And are you glad to see me?” asked she, reiterating her former question, and pleased to detect the faint dawn of a smile.

“Yes, I am. It’s something new to hear a voice like yours!
“是的,我很高兴。听到你这样的声音,真是新鲜! —

” he replied. “But I have been vexed, because you wouldn’t come.
”他回答道。“但我一直很生气,因为你不肯过来。 —

And papa swore it was owing to me: he called me a pitiful, shuffling, worthless thing;
爸爸发誓是我害的,他称呼我为可怜、闪烁和毫无价值的东西,并说你看不起我; —

and said you despised me;

and if he had been in my place, he would be more the master of the Grange than your father by this time.
如果他身处我的位置,到现在他早已比你父亲更成为荒原庄园的主人了; —

But you don’t despise me, do you, Miss—?”

“I wish you would say Catherine, or Cathy, ” interrupted my young lady.
“我希望你能叫我凯瑟琳,或者卡西。”我的小姐打断他,“看不起你? —

“Despise you? No!
不会的! —

Next to papa and Ellen, I love you better than anybody living.
爸爸和爱伦之后,我比任何活着的人都更爱你。 —

I don’t love Mr. Heathcliff, though;
但我并不爱希斯克利夫先生; —

and I dare not come when he returns:
我敢在他回来之前来吗? —

will he stay away many days?”

“Not many,” answered Linton;
“不会太久,”林顿回答, —

“but he goes on to the moors frequently, since the shooting season commenced;
“自从射猎季开始,他常常去荒原; —

and you might spend an hour or two with me in his absence.
你可以在他离开的时候和我一起度过一个小时或两个小时。 —

Do say you will. I think I should not be peevish with you:
我觉得你不会惹我生气; —

you’d not provoke me, and you’d always be ready to help me, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Catherine, stroking his long soft hair, “if I could only get papa’s consent, I’d spend half my time with you.
“是的,”凯瑟琳说着,抚摸着他长长的柔软头发,“如果我能得到爸爸的同意,我会用一半的时间陪你。” —

Pretty Linton! I wish you were my brother.”

“And then you would like me as well as your father?” observed he, more cheerfully.
他更开心地观察到:“那你会喜欢我,像喜欢你爸爸一样吗?” —

“But papa says you would love me better than him and all the world, if you were my wife;
“但爸爸说如果你是我的妻子的话,你会比他和全世界都更爱我;所以我宁愿你是那样。” —

so I’d rather you were that.”

“No, I should never love anybody better than papa, ” she returned gravely.
林顿否认人们曾经讨厌他们的妻子;但凯茜却断言他们会, —

“And people hate their wives, sometimes;
她聪明地列举了他爸爸对她姑姑的反感。 —

but not their sisters and brothers:
我努力试图制止她冲动的舌头。 —

and if you were the latter, you would live with us, and papa would be as fond of you as he is of me.”

Linton denied that people ever hated their wives;

but Cathy affirmed they did, and, in her wisdom, instanced his own father’s aversion to her aunt.
希斯克利夫先生非常愤怒地断言她的说法是错误的。 —

I endeavoured to stop her thoughtless tongue.
她回答得漂亮:“爸爸告诉了我; —

I couldn’t succeed till everything she knew was out.
爸爸不会说谎。” —

Master Heathcliff, much irritated, asserted her relation was false.

“Papa told me; and papa does not tell falsehoods, ” she answered pertly.

My papa scorns yours!” cried Linton.
爸爸鄙视你们的爸爸!” 林顿大喊道。 —

“He calls him a sneaking fool.”

“Yours is a wicked man,” retorted Catherine;
“你爸爸是个邪恶的人,” 凯瑟琳反驳道。 —

“and you are very naughty to dare to repeat what he says.
“你很调皮,敢重复他说的话。 —

He must be wicked to have made Aunt Isabella leave him as she did.”

“She didn’t leave him,” said the boy;
“她没有离开他,”男孩说。 —

“you sha’n’t contradict me.”

“She did,” cried my young lady.

“Well, I’ll tell you something!” said Linton.
“好吧,我告诉一件事!” 林顿说。 —

“Your mother hated your father:
“你妈妈恨你爸爸:就是这样。 —

now then.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Catherine, too enraged to continue.
“哦!” 凯瑟琳愤怒到无法继续说下去。

“And she loved mine,” added he.

“You little liar! I hate you now!” she panted, and her face grew red with passion.

“She did! she did!” sang Linton, sinking into the recess of his chair, and leaning back his head to enjoy the agitation of the other disputant, who stood behind.
“她爱!她爱!” 林顿唱着,沉入他椅子的隐蔽处,把头向后靠,欣赏站在后面的另一个争论者的激动。

“Hush, Master Heathcliff!” I said;
“嘘,希斯克里夫小主人! —

“that’s your father’s tale, too, I suppose.”
” 我说。“我想那也是你爸爸的故事。”

“It isn’t: you hold your tongue!” he answered.
“不,你闭嘴!”他回答道,“她做到了, —

“She did, she did, Catherine!
她做到了,凯瑟琳!她做到了, —

she did, she did!”

Cathy, beside herself, gave the chair a violent push, and caused him to fall against one arm.
凯茜兴奋不已,猛地推开椅子,使他撞到扶手上。 —

He was immediately seized by a suffocating cough that soon ended his triumph.
他立刻被一阵窒息的咳嗽折磨,最终结束了他的得意洋洋。 —

It lasted so long that it frightened even me.
那咳嗽持续了很久,连我都感到害怕。 —

As to his cousin, she wept with all her might, aghast at the mischief she had done:
至于他的表亲,她哭得信誓旦旦,因为她造成了这场混乱: —

though she said nothing.
尽管她什么都没说。 —

I held him till the fit exhausted itself.
我一直扶着他,直到发作结束。 —

Then he thrust me away, and leant his head down silently.
然后,他把我推开,沉默地低下了头。 —

Catherine quelled her lamentations also, took a seat opposite, and looked solemnly into the fire.

“How do you feel now, Master Heathcliff?
“希斯克利夫先生,您现在感觉怎么样? —

” I inquired, after waiting ten minutes.

“I wish she felt as I do,” he replied: “spiteful, cruel thing! Hareton never touches me:
“我希望她和我一样感到难受,”他回答道,“那个恶毒、残忍的家伙!哈顿从来不碰我: —

he never struck me in his life. And I was better to-day:
他从未打过我一次。今天我感觉好点了, —

and there—” his voice died in a whimper.

I didn’t strike you!” muttered Cathy, chewing her lip to prevent another burst of emotion.

He sighed and moaned like one under great suffering, and kept it up for a quarter of an hour;
他叹了口气,哼了哼,像是一个受苦受难的人,这个动作持续了一个小时。 —

on purpose to distress his cousin apparently, for whenever he caught a stifled sob from her he put renewed pain and pathos into the inflexions of his voice.

“I’m sorry I hurt you, Linton, ” she said at length, racked beyond endurance.
“林顿,我真的很抱歉伤害了你。”她终于说出口了,已经承受得无法忍受了。 —

“But I couldn’t have been hurt by that little push, and I had no idea that you could, either:
“但‘我’不可能被那么轻微的推撞伤到,而且我也不知道你能被伤到: —

you’re not much, are you, Linton?
“你不怎么样,对吧,林顿? —

Don’t let me go home thinking I’ve done you harm.
别让我回家以为我对你造成了伤害。回答! —

Answer! speak to me.”

“I can’t speak to you,” he murmured;
“我无法跟你说话,”他低声说道, —

“you’ve hurt me so that I shall lie awake all night choking with this cough.
“你伤到了我,以至于我将整夜被噎住的咳嗽折磨着。 —

If you had it you’d know what it was;
“如果你有这种感觉,你就会知道这是什么感觉; —

but you’ll be comfortably asleep while I’m in agony, and nobody near me.
但‘你’会舒服地睡着,而我却在痛苦之中,周围没有人陪伴。” —

I wonder how you would like to pass those fearful nights!
“我想知道你会如何度过那些可怕的夜晚! —

” And he began to wail aloud, for very pity of himself.

“Since you are in the habit of passing dreadful nights, ” I said, “it won’t be Miss who spoils your ease:
“既然你习惯了度过可怕的夜晚,”我说道,“不会是小姐让你躁动不安的: —

you’d be the same had she never come. However, she shall not disturb you again;
即使她从未来过,你也会是同样的情况。不过,她再也不会打扰你了; —

and perhaps you’ll get quieter when we leave you.”

“Must I go?” asked Catherine dolefully, bending over him. “Do you want me to go, Linton?”

“You can’t alter what you’ve done, ” he replied pettishly, shrinking from her, “unless you alter it for the worse by teasing me into a fever.”

“Well, then, I must go?” she repeated.

“Let me alone, at least,” said he;
“至少让我一个人待着,”他说道, —

“I can’t bear your talking.”

She lingered, and resisted my persuasions to departure a tiresome while;
她逗留了一会儿,并抵制我的劝说让她离开,但他既不抬头也不说话,最后她向门口走去,我跟着走出。我们被一声尖叫召回。 —

but as he neither looked up nor spoke, she finally made a movement to the door, and I followed. We were recalled by a scream.

Linton had slid from his seat on to the hearthstone, and lay writhing in the mere perverseness of an indulged plague of a child, determined to be as grievous and harassing as it can.
林顿从椅子上滑到了炉石上,扭动着身子,像一个被纵容的顽皮的孩子一样,下定决心要尽可能地让人难以忍受和困扰。 —

I thoroughly gauged his disposition from his behaviour, and saw at once it would be folly to attempt humouring him.
我从他的行为中充分感受到了他的性情,并立刻明白要试图迎合他是愚蠢的。 —

Not so my companion:
但我的同伴不然: —

she ran back in terror, knelt down, and cried, and soothed, and entreated, till he grew quiet from lack of breath:
她恐惧地跑回来,跪下来哭泣、安抚和恳求,直到他因为喘不过气而变得平静: —

by no means from compunction at distressing her.

“I shall lift him on to the settle,” I said, “and he may roll about as he pleases:
“我会把他抬到长凳上,他可以随心所欲地滚来滚去: —

we can’t stop to watch him.
我们没时间去守着他。 —

I hope you are satisfied, Miss Cathy, that you are not the person to benefit him;
我希望你明白,凯瑟琳小姐,你不是能够让他受益的那个人; —

and that his condition of health is not occasioned by attachment to you.
而且他的健康状况并不是因为对你的依恋而导致的。现在, —

Now, then, there he is! Come away:
他在那里了!走吧: —

as soon as he knows there is nobody by to care for his nonsense, he’ll be glad to lie still.”

She placed a cushion under his head, and offered him some water;
她在他的头下放了个垫子,并给他提供了些水。 —

he rejected the latter, and tossed uneasily on the former, as if it were a stone or a block of wood.
他拒绝了后者,并不安地把前者抛掉,好像它是一块石头或一块木头。 —

She tried to put it more comfortably.

“I can’t do with that,” he said;
“我不能接受这个,“他说; —

“it’s not high enough.”

Catherine brought another to lay above it.

“That’s too high,” murmured the provoking thing.

“How must I arrange it, then?” she asked despairingly.

He twined himself up to her, as she half knelt by the settle, and converted her shoulder into a support.

“No, that won’t do,” I said.
“不,那样不行,”我说。 —

“You’ll be content with the cushion, Master Heathcliff.
“你应该满足于靠垫,希思克里夫先生。 —

Miss has wasted too much time on you already:
小姐已经在你身上浪费了太多时间: —

we cannot remain five minutes longer.”

“Yes, yes, we can!” replied Cathy. “He’s good and patient now.
“是的,我们可以!”凯瑟琳回答。 “他现在很好和耐心。 —

He’s beginning to think I shall have far greater misery than he will to-night, if I believe he is the worse for my visit:
他开始认为如果我相信他因为我的到来而变得更糟,那么今晚我将遭受比他更大的痛苦: —

and then I dare not come again.
然后我就不能再来了。 —

Tell the truth about it, Linton;
Linton,告诉我真相; —

for I mustn’t come, if I have hurt you.”

“You must come, to cure me,” he answered.
“你必须来,来治好我,”他回答道。“你应该来,因为你伤害过我, —

“You ought to come, because you have hurt me:
你知道你伤害得很重!当你进来的时候,我没有现在这么病吧?” —

you know you have extremely!
“但是你哭闹和发脾气把自己搞病了。 —

I was not as ill when you entered as I am at present—was I?”

“But you’ve made yourself ill by crying and being in a passion.
“你哭闹和发脾气把自己搞病了。我可没全是干的。 —

—I didn’t do it all,” said his cousin.
”他的表亲说道。 —

“However, we’ll be friends now. And you want me:
“然而,我们现在会成为朋友的。而且你想要我: —

you would wish to see me sometimes, really?”

“I told you I did,” he replied impatiently.
“我告诉过你我想要的,”他不耐烦地回答道。 —

“Sit on the settle and let me lean on your knee.
“坐在那个长椅上,让我靠在你的膝盖上。” —

That’s as mamma used to do, whole afternoons together.
“这就是妈妈过去常常做的事情,整个下午我们在一起。 —

Sit quite still and don’t talk:
静静地坐着,不要说话: —

but you may sing a song, if you can sing;
但你可以唱首歌,如果你会唱的话。 —

or you may say a nice long interesting ballad—one of those you promised to teach me;
或者你可以说一个有趣的漫长的叙事诗-你答应过要教我的那种; —

or a story. I’d rather have a ballad, though: begin.”

Catherine repeated the longest she could remember.
凯瑟琳回忆起她能记得的最长的一首。 —

The employment pleased both mightily.
这个活动让两人都非常高兴。 —

Linton would have another, and after that another, notwithstanding my strenuous objections;
林顿想要听另一首,即使我强烈反对; —

and so they went on until the clock struck twelve, and we heard Hareton in the court, returning for his dinner.

“And to-morrow, Catherine, will you be here to-morrow?
“凯瑟琳,明天,你明天会在这里吗? —

” asked young Heathcliff, holding her frock as she rose reluctantly.

“No,” I answered, “nor next day neither.” She, however, gave a different response evidently, for his forehead cleared as she stooped and whispered in his ear.

“You won’t go to-morrow, recollect, Miss!
“明天你不会去的,记住,小姐! —

” I commenced, when we were out of the house.
”我们离开房子时我开始说。 —

“You are not dreaming of it, are you?”

She smiled.

“Oh, I’ll take good care,” I continued:
“哦,我会好好照顾的,”我接着说: —

“I’ll have that lock mended, and you can escape by no way else.”

“I can get over the wall,” she said laughing.
“我可以翻过墙去,”她笑着说。 —

“The Grange is not a prison, Ellen, and you are not my gaoler.
“荒原不是个监狱,艾伦,你不是我的看守人。 —

And besides, I’m almost seventeen: I’m a woman.
而且,我快要十七了:我是个女人了。 —

And I’m certain Linton would recover quickly if he had me to look after him.
我相信林顿如果有我照顾他,他会很快恢复。 —

I’m older than he is, you know, and wiser: less childish, am I not? And he’ll soon do as I direct him, with some slight coaxing.
你知道的,我比他大,更聪明:不那么孩子气,对吗?只要我稍微哄一下他,他很快会按照我的指示去做。 —

He’s a pretty little darling when he’s good.
当他乖的时候,他真是个可爱的小宝贝。 —

I’d make such a pet of him, if he were mine.
如果他是我的,我一定会把他养得很爱惜。 —

We should never quarrel, should we, after we were used to each other?
我们在互相习惯了之后,应该永远不要争吵,不是吗? —

Don’t you like him, Ellen?”

“Like him!” I exclaimed.
“喜欢他!”我惊呼道, —

“The worst-tempered bit of a sickly slip that ever struggled into its teens.
“这个性情暴躁的小家伙,病弱得连十几岁都奄奄一息。 —

Happily, as Mr. Heathcliff conjectured, he’ll not win twenty. I doubt whether he’ll see spring, indeed.
幸好,正如希斯克利夫先生所猜测的那样,他活不到二十岁。我甚至怀疑他是否能活过这个春天。 —

And small loss to his family whenever he drops off.
对他的家人来说,他一旦离开无足轻重。 —

And lucky it is for us that his father took him:
他父亲带走他,我们才好了几乎没有受损失: —

the kinder he was treated, the more tedious and selfish he’d be.
对他越是好,他就变得越无聊和自私。 —

I’m glad you have no chance of having him for a husband, Miss Catherine.”

My companion waxed serious at hearing this speech.
我的伴侣听到这番话后,变得很严肃。 —

To speak of his death so regardlessly wounded her feelings.

“He’s younger than I,” she answered, after a protracted pause of meditation, “and he ought to live the longest:
“他比我小,”她沉思了很久后回答道,“他应该活得最久: —

he will—he must live as long as I do.
他会,他必须活得和我一样久。 —

He’s as strong now as when he first came into the north;
他现在和他来北方的时候一样强壮, —

I’m positive of that.
这一点我很肯定。 —

It’s only a cold that ails him, the same as papa has.
只是感冒困扰了他,就像爸爸一样。 —

You say papa will get better, and why shouldn’t he?”

“Well, well,” I cried, “after all, we needn’t trouble ourselves;
“嗯,嗯,”我喊道,”毕竟,我们不必自愁; —

for listen, Miss,—and mind, I’ll keep my word, —if you attempt going to Wuthering Heights again, with or without me, I shall inform Mr. Linton, and, unless he allow it, the intimacy with your cousin must not be revived.”

“It has been revived,” muttered Cathy, sulkily.

“Must not be continued, then,” I said.

“We’ll see,” was her reply, and she set off at a gallop, leaving me to toil in the rear.

We both reached home before our dinner-time;
我们在正午之前都回到了家, —

my master supposed we had been wandering through the park, and therefore he demanded no explanation of our absence.
我的主人以为我们在公园里闲逛,所以他没有问我们离开的原因。 —

As soon as I entered I hastened to change my soaked shoes and stockings;
我一回家就赶紧换掉湿透的鞋子和袜子, —

but sitting such a while at the Heights had done the mischief.
但是在荒原上坐了那么久,伤害已经造成了。 —

On the succeeding morning I was laid up, and during three weeks I remained incapacitated for attending to my duties:
第二天早上,我病倒了,接下来的三个星期我都不能工作。 —

a calamity never experienced prior to that period, and never, I am thankful to say, since.

My little mistress behaved like an angel in coming to wait on me, and cheer my solitude; the confinement brought me exceedingly low.
我的小主人像天使一样来照顾我,给我打气,陪伴我的孤独;这段禁闭时间让我身体十分虚弱。 —

It is wearisome, to a stirring active body:
对一个好动的人来说,这真是令人厌倦。 —

but few have slighter reasons for complaint than I had.
但是我没有什么好抱怨的理由。 —

The moment Catherine left Mr. Linton’s room she appeared at my bedside.
当凯瑟琳离开林顿先生的房间后,她就出现在我的床前。 —

Her day was divided between us;
她的一天都被我们两个分割开了, —

no amusement usurped a minute:
没有什么娱乐能动摇她一分钟。 —

she neglected her meals, her studies, and her play;
她忽视了饮食、学习和游戏; —

and she was the fondest nurse that ever watched.
她是我见过的最亲切的护士。 —

She must have had a warm heart, when she loved her father so, to give so much to me.
她一定有一颗炽热的心,因为她这么爱她的父亲,才会这么关心我。 —

I said her days were divided between us;
我说过她的时间都被我们分割了。 —

but the master retired early, and I generally needed nothing after six o’clock, thus the evening was her own.
但是主人很早就退休了,我通常六点钟之后就不需要她了,所以晚上是她自己的时间。可怜的孩子! —

Poor thing!

I never considered what she did with herself after tea.
我从未考虑过她在茶后做些什么。 —

And though frequently, when she looked in to bid me good-night, I remarked a fresh colour in her cheeks and a pinkness over her slender fingers, instead of fancying the hue borrowed from a cold ride across the moors, I laid it to the charge of a hot fire in the library.