GIT up! What you ‘bout?”

I opened my eyes and looked around, trying to make out where I was. —
我睁开眼睛四处看了看,试图辨别出我所处的地方。 —

It was after sun-up, and I had been sound asleep. —
太阳已经升起来了,而我一直熟睡着。 —

Pap was standing over me looking sour補nd sick, too. He says:

“What you doin’ with this gun?”

I judged he didn’t know nothing about what he had been doing, so I says:

“Somebody tried to get in, so I was laying for him.”

“Why didn’t you roust me out?”

“Well, I tried to, but I couldn’t; I couldn’t budge you.”

“Well, all right. Don’t stand there palavering all day, but out with you and see if there’s a fish on the lines for breakfast. —
“好吧,别在那里废话了,出去看看渔网上有没有鱼可以吃早饭。” —

I’ll be along in a minute.”

He unlocked the door, and I cleared out up the river-bank. —
他打开门,我就跑到河岸边。 —

I noticed some pieces of limbs and such things floating down, and a sprinkling of bark; —
我注意到有一些树枝和其他东西在河里漂流,还有一些树皮的碎片; —

so I knowed the river had begun to rise. —
所以我知道河水开始上涨了。 —

I reckoned I would have great times now if I was over at the town. —
我想着如果我能在镇上就好了,现在我应该会过得很开心。 —

The June rise used to be always luck for me; —
六月的晴朗对我来说一向是件幸事; —

because as soon as that rise begins here comes cordwood floating down, and pieces of log rafts – sometimes a dozen logs together; —
因为当河水上涨的时候,就会有木材漂下来,有时一次会有十几根木头组成的木排; —

so all you have to do is to catch them and sell them to the wood-yards and the sawmill.

I went along up the bank with one eye out for pap and t’other one out for what the rise might fetch along. —
我沿着河岸边走,一只眼睛盯着爸爸,另一只眼睛盯着这次涨水会带来什么。 —

Well, all at once here comes a canoe; just a beauty, too, about thirteen or fourteen foot long, riding high like a duck. —
突然间来了一艘独木舟,非常漂亮,长约十三、四英尺,像只鸭子一样高高地浮在水面上。 —

I shot head-first off of the bank like a frog, clothes and all on, and struck out for the canoe. —
我像青蛙一样头朝下从河岸上一跃而下,连同衣服一起,向独木舟游去。 —

I just expected there’d be somebody laying down in it, because people often done that to fool folks, and when a chap had pulled a skiff out most to it they’d raise up and laugh at him. —
我本来期待里面会有人躺着,因为有时人们会这样做来愚弄别人,当一个家伙把小船拖到靠近独木舟时,他们就会起身嘲笑他。 —

But it warn’t so this time. It was a drift-canoe sure enough, and I clumb in and paddled her ashore. Thinks I, the old man will be glad when he sees this – she’s worth ten dollars. —
但这次不是这样。那确实是一艘漂流的独木舟,我爬上去,划到岸边。我想,老爸看到这个会很高兴——它值10美元。 —

But when I got to shore pap wasn’t in sight yet, and as I was running her into a little creek like a gully, all hung over with vines and willows, I struck another idea: —
但是当我到达岸边时,爸爸还没出现,正当我把小船开进一条长满藤蔓和柳树的小溪时,我又想到了另一个主意: —

I judged I’d hide her good, and then, ‘stead of taking to the woods when I run off, I’d go down the river about fifty mile and camp in one place for good, and not have such a rough time tramping on foot.

It was pretty close to the shanty, and I thought I heard the old man coming all the time; —
那地方离小屋很近,我觉得老人随时都会过来; —

but I got her hid; and then I out and looked around a bunch of willows, and there was the old man down the path a piece just drawing a bead on a bird with his gun. —
但是我把她藏起来了,然后我过去看了一群柳树,老头就在不远的小路上用枪瞄准一只鸟。 —

So he hadn’t seen anything.

When he got along I was hard at it taking up a “trot” line. He abused me a little for being so slow; —
当他越过时,我正在认真收起渔线。他稍微责备了我一下说我动作太慢; —

but I told him I fell in the river, and that was what made me so long. —
但我告诉他我掉进了河里,所以才耽误了这么久。 —

I knowed he would see I was wet, and then he would be asking questions. —
我知道他会看到我湿透了,然后会问一些问题。 —

We got five catfish off the lines and went home.

While we laid off after breakfast to sleep up, both of us being about wore out, I got to thinking that if I could fix up some way to keep pap and the widow from trying to follow me, it would be a certainer thing than trusting to luck to get far enough off before they missed me; —
当我们吃完早饭之后,为了休息一下,毕竟我们都快累垮了,我开始思考,如果我能设法找到一种办法阻止爸爸和寡妇跟着我,那就比侥幸地走得远一些更加有把握; —

you see, all kinds of things might happen. —
你知道的,各种事情可能发生。 —

Well, I didn’t see no way for a while, but by and by pap raised up a minute to drink another barrel of water, and he says:

“Another time a man comes a-prowling round here you roust me out, you hear? —
“下次如果有人在这里四处游荡,你就把我叫醒,你听到了吗? —

That man warn’t here for no good. I’d a shot him. —
那个人不是来这里干好事的。我本来会开枪打死他的。 —

Next time you roust me out, you hear?”

Then he dropped down and went to sleep again; —
然后他又倒下去睡着了; —

but what he had been saying give me the very idea I wanted. —
但是他刚才说的话给了我一个好主意。 —

I says to myself, I can fix it now so nobody won’t think of following me.

About twelve o’clock we turned out and went along up the bank. —
大约十二点钟,我们起身沿着河岸走去。 —

The river was coming up pretty fast, and lots of driftwood going by on the rise. —
河水上涨得相当快,很多漂木在水面上漂过。 —

By and by along comes part of a log raft – nine logs fast together. —
接着一群木头筏子漂了过来–九根木头快速地拧在一起。 —

We went out with the skiff and towed it ashore. Then we had dinner. —
我们用小船把木头筏子拖上岸。然后我们吃了晚餐。 —

Anybody but pap would a waited and seen the day through, so as to catch more stuff; —
除了爸爸外,任何人都会等待并将整天度过,以便捕到更多东西; —

but that warn’t pap’s style. Nine logs was enough for one time; —
但那不是爸爸的风格。一次九根木头已经足够了; —

he must shove right over to town and sell. —
他必须直接推去城里卖。 —

So he locked me in and took the skiff, and started off towing the raft about halfpast three. —
所以他把我锁在里面,带着小船离开,大约三点半的时候开始拖着筏子。 —

I judged he wouldn’t come back that night. I waited till I reckoned he had got a good start; —
我觉得他不会在那天晚上回来。我等到我估计他已经开始了一段良好的旅程; —

then I out with my saw, and went to work on that log again. —
然后我拿出我的锯子,又继续工作那根木头。 —

Before he was t’other side of the river I was out of the hole; —
在他渡过河去的时候,我已经从洞里出来了; —

him and his raft was just a speck on the water away off yonder.

I took the sack of corn meal and took it to where the canoe was hid, and shoved the vines and branches apart and put it in; —
我拿起那袋玉米粉,把它放在藏着的独木舟那里,推开了藤蔓和树枝,放了进去; —

then I done the same with the side of bacon; then the whisky-jug. —
然后我用同样的方法处理了培根肉,接着是威士忌瓶子。 —

I took all the coffee and sugar there was, and all the ammunition; I took the wadding; —
我把所有可能的咖啡、糖和弹药都带走了,还有填料。 —

I took the bucket and gourd; I took a dipper and a tin cup, and my old saw and two blankets, and the skillet and the coffee-pot. —
我带走了桶子、葫芦、舀子、锡杯、旧锯子、两条毯子、平底锅和咖啡壶。 —

I took fish-lines and matches and other things – everything that was worth a cent. —
我带走了鱼线、火柴和其他值钱的东西——所有值一分钱的东西。 —

I cleaned out the place. I wanted an axe, but there wasn’t any, only the one out at the woodpile, and I knowed why I was going to leave that. —
我把地方清空了。我想要一把斧子,但是只有木材堆那边还有一把,我知道我为什么要把那把留下来。 —

I fetched out the gun, and now I was done.

I had wore the ground a good deal crawling out of the hole and dragging out so many things. —
我爬出洞口并拉出了很多东西,把地面磨得很破。 —

So I fixed that as good as I could from the outside by scattering dust on the place, which covered up the smoothness and the sawdust. —
所以我在外面撒了些尘土,把那个地方盖住了,掩盖了光滑和锯末。 —

Then I fixed the piece of log back into its place, and put two rocks under it and one against it to hold it there, for it was bent up at that place and didn’t quite touch ground. —
然后我把那块木头放回原位,下面垫了两块石头,又放了一块石头撑着,因为那个地方弯了起来,没碰到地面。 —

If you stood four or five foot away and didn’t know it was sawed, you wouldn’t never notice it; —
如果你站在四、五英尺远的地方,而且不知道它被锯开了,你是察觉不到的; —

and besides, this was the back of the cabin, and it warn’t likely anybody would go fooling around there.

It was all grass clear to the canoe, so I hadn’t left a track. I followed around to see. —
从小船到这里,一片都是草,所以我没有留下踪迹。我跟着绕过去看看。 —

I stood on the bank and looked out over the river. All safe. —
我站在岸边,俯瞰着河流。一切安全。 —

So I took the gun and went up a piece into the woods, and was hunting around for some birds when I see a wild pig; —
于是我拿起枪,走进森林里,寻找一些鸟类,突然看见了一只野猪; —

hogs soon went wild in them bottoms after they had got away from the prairie farms. —
离开了大草原农场,猪很快就在这些区域变得野生了。 —

I shot this fellow and took him into camp.

I took the axe and smashed in the door. I beat it and hacked it considerable a-doing it. —
我拿起斧头砸开了门。我跺着脚、使劲砍了好一阵子。 —

I fetched the pig in, and took him back nearly to the table and hacked into his throat with the axe, and laid him down on the ground to bleed; —
我把猪带进来,近乎靠近桌子,用斧头割开了它的喉咙,然后把它放到地上让它流血; —

I say ground because it was ground – hard packed, and no boards. —
我说地,因为它是地面,硬实地面,没有木板。 —

Well, next I took an old sack and put a lot of big rocks in it – all I could drag – and I started it from the pig, and dragged it to the door and through the woods down to the river and dumped it in, and down it sunk, out of sight. —
接下来,我拿了一个旧麻袋,装了很多大石头——我能拉得动的都装上了——然后,从猪那里开始,把它拖到门口,穿过树林,一直拖到河边,然后倾倒进去,它沉入了水中,不见了。 —

You could easy see that something had been dragged over the ground. —
很容易就能看出有东西被拖过了地面。 —

I did wish Tom Sawyer was there; I knowed he would take an interest in this kind of business, and throw in the fancy touches. —
我真希望汤姆·索亚在这儿,我知道他对这种事情会感兴趣,会加入些别致的东西。 —

Nobody could spread himself like Tom Sawyer in such a thing as that.

Well, last I pulled out some of my hair, and blooded the axe good, and stuck it on the back side, and slung the axe in the corner. —
好吧,最后我拔下一些头发,把斧头染上了血迹,然后把它塞到袋子后面,把斧头扔进角落。 —

Then I took up the pig and held him to my breast with my jacket (so he couldn’t drip) till I got a good piece below the house and then dumped him into the river. —
然后,我抓住猪,用夹克抱住它(这样它就不会滴水),直到我拖到房子下面一个好位置,然后把它丢进了河里。 —

Now I thought of something else. So I went and got the bag of meal and my old saw out of the canoe, and fetched them to the house. —
现在,我想到了另一件事。于是,我去取了袋子里的面粉和我旧的锯子,把它们带到了房子里。 —

I took the bag to where it used to stand, and ripped a hole in the bottom of it with the saw, for there warn’t no knives and forks on the place – pap done everything with his clasp-knife about the cooking. —
我把袋子拿到它过去的位置,用锯子在底部切了个洞,因为那里没有刀子和叉子 - 爸爸要在烹饪时用他的折叠刀来做所有事情。 —

Then I carried the sack about a hundred yards across the grass and through the willows east of the house, to a shallow lake that was five mile wide and full of rushes – and ducks too, you might say, in the season. —
然后,我背着袋子穿过房子东边的草地和杨柳,走了大约一百码,来到一个浅水湖,湖面五英里宽,到处都是芦苇 - 当然,季节对于鸭子来说也是如此。 —

There was a slough or a creek leading out of it on the other side that went miles away, I don’t know where, but it didn’t go to the river. —
湖的另一边有一条水坑或小溪,出去后可能还继续往远处流,我不知道具体流向,但是它并没流到河流那里。 —

The meal sifted out and made a little track all the way to the lake. —
面粉透过裂缝洒出来的痕迹一路延伸到湖边。 —

I dropped pap’s whetstone there too, so as to look like it had been done by accident. —
我也在那里放下了爸爸的磨刀石,这样看上去好像是意外掉落的。 —

Then I tied up the rip in the meal sack with a string, so it wouldn’t leak no more, and took it and my saw to the canoe again.

It was about dark now; so I dropped the canoe down the river under some willows that hung over the bank, and waited for the moon to rise. —
现在天色已晚,所以我把独木舟放下河流,顺着河岸下行,找了一个悬垂在岸边的柳树下等待月亮升起。 —

I made fast to a willow; then I took a bite to eat, and by and by laid down in the canoe to smoke a pipe and lay out a plan. —
我迅速把小船系在了一棵柳树上;然后我拿出一块食物吃了一口,接着躺在船里吸烟并制定了一个计划。 —

I says to myself, they’ll follow the track of that sackful of rocks to the shore and then drag the river for me. —
我对自己说,他们会沿着那袋石头的轨迹找到岸边,然后为了找到我会把河里搜一遍。 —

And they’ll follow that meal track to the lake and go browsing down the creek that leads out of it to find the robbers that killed me and took the things. —
然后他们会顺着那顿饭的痕迹找到湖,沿着流出湖的小溪去寻找杀害我的强盗和带走东西的人。 —

They won’t ever hunt the river for anything but my dead carcass. —
他们不会为了其他东西而搜索河水,只会找我的尸体。 —

They’ll soon get tired of that, and won’t bother no more about me. All right; —
他们很快会对此厌烦,不再打扰我。没问题; —

I can stop anywhere I want to. Jackson’s Island is good enough for me; —
我可以在任何地方停下来。杰克逊岛对我来说已经足够好了; —

I know that island pretty well, and nobody ever comes there. —
我对那个岛相当熟悉,从来没有人来过那里。 —

And then I can paddle over to town nights, and slink around and pick up things I want. —
然后我可以划到镇上的晚上,在周围潜伏并捡起我想要的东西。 —

Jackson’s Island’s the place.

I was pretty tired, and the first thing I knowed I was asleep. —
我相当累了,接下来的事情我就睡着了。 —

When I woke up I didn’t know where I was for a minute. I set up and looked around, a little scared. —
当我醒来的时候,我一会儿不知道自己在哪里。我坐起来四处看了看,有点害怕。 —

Then I remembered. The river looked miles and miles across. —
然后我记起来了。河看上去宽了好几里。 —

The moon was so bright I could a counted the drift logs that went a-slipping along, black and still, hundreds of yards out from shore. —
月亮这么亮,我可以数一下那些漂浮木,它们黑黑的,在离岸边几百码远的地方悄悄地滑动着。 —

Everything was dead quiet, and it looked late, and SMELT late. —
一切都死一般的安静,看上去很晚,闻起来也很晚。 —

You know what I mean – I don’t know the words to put it in.

I took a good gap and a stretch, and was just going to unhitch and start when I heard a sound away over the water. —
我深深地吸了一口气,伸了个懒腰,正准备解开缚住的东西开始时,我听到了远处水面上的声音。 —

I listened. Pretty soon I made it out. It was that dull kind of a regular sound that comes from oars working in rowlocks when it’s a still night. —
我细听了一下。很快我弄明白了。那是一种阻尼的规律的声音,是划桨的声音,在静夜里。 —

I peeped out through the willow branches, and there it was – a skiff, away across the water. —
我透过柳树枝缝往外看,果然–一个小船,就在水面的那边。 —

I couldn’t tell how many was in it. It kept a-coming, and when it was abreast of me I see there warn’t but one man in it. —
我无法判断里面有多少人。它一直在靠近,当它与我并列时,我看到里面只有一个人。 —

Think’s I, maybe it’s pap, though I warn’t expecting him. —
我心想,也许是爸爸,尽管我没想到他会来。 —

He dropped below me with the current, and by and by he came a-swinging up shore in the easy water, and he went by so close I could a reached out the gun and touched him. —
他在水流的下游漂了下去,然后不久他在平缓的水中向岸边摇了过来,他离得那么近,我差点就能伸手用枪去碰到他。 —

Well, it WAS pap, sure enough – and sober, too, by the way he laid his oars.

I didn’t lose no time. The next minute I was aspinning down stream soft but quick in the shade of the bank. —
我没耽搁什么时间。下一分钟,我就在河岸的阴影下平稳而快速地顺流而下。 —

I made two mile and a half, and then struck out a quarter of a mile or more towards the middle of the river, because pretty soon I would be passing the ferry landing, and people might see me and hail me. —
我行进了两英里半,然后向河中间方向再划行了四分之一英里多一点,因为很快我就要经过渡口,人们可能会看到我并喊我。 —

I got out amongst the driftwood, and then laid down in the bottom of the canoe and let her float. —
我钻进了漂木中间,然后躺在独木舟的底部,任由它漂流。 —

I laid there, and had a good rest and a smoke out of my pipe, looking away into the sky; —
我躺在那里,好好地休息了一会儿,点了根烟,一直望向天空。 —

not a cloud in it. The sky looks ever so deep when you lay down on your back in the moonshine; —
天空中没有一片云。当你仰躺在月光下时,天空看起来非常深邃; —

I never knowed it before. And how far a body can hear on the water such nights! —
以前我从未注意到这一点。在如此晴朗的夜晚,一个人在水上听到的声音会有多远! —

I heard people talking at the ferry landing. I heard what they said, too – every word of it. —
我听到了人们在渡口上谈话。我也听到了他们说的每个字。 —

One man said it was getting towards the long days and the short nights now. —
有个人说现在已经是长日短夜的时候了。 —

T’other one said THIS warn’t one of the short ones, he reckoned – and then they laughed, and he said it over again, and they laughed again; —
另一个人说这并不是短夜之一,他估计——然后他们笑了,他又重复了一遍,他们又笑了; —

then they waked up another fellow and told him, and laughed, but he didn’t laugh; —
然后他们叫醒了另一个家伙告诉他,然后笑了,但他没有笑; —

he ripped out something brisk, and said let him alone. —
他强硬地说了几句话,说让他一个人呆着。 —

The first fellow said he ‘lowed to tell it to his old woman – she would think it was pretty good; —
第一个家伙说他打算告诉给他的老婆听——她会觉得很有趣; —

but he said that warn’t nothing to some things he had said in his time. —
但他说那算不了什么,他过去说过的一些话才是真正的玩笑。 —

I heard one man say it was nearly three o’clock, and he hoped daylight wouldn’t wait more than about a week longer. —
我听到有人说快接近三点钟了,他希望天亮不再等待超过一个星期。 —

After that the talk got further and further away, and I couldn’t make out the words any more; —
之后,讨论越来越远,我已听不到他们说话的内容; —

but I could hear the mumble, and now and then a laugh, too, but it seemed a long ways off.

I was away below the ferry now. I rose up, and there was Jackson’s Island, about two mile and a half down stream, heavy timbered and standing up out of the middle of the river, big and dark and solid, like a steamboat without any lights. —
我已经离渡船很远了。我站起身来,朝下游望去,那里有杰克逊岛,大约两英里远,高大的树木在河中央挺立,像一艘没有灯光的汽船,黑漆漆、坚实。 —

There warn’t any signs of the bar at the head – it was all under water now.

It didn’t take me long to get there. I shot past the head at a ripping rate, the current was so swift, and then I got into the dead water and landed on the side towards the Illinois shore. —
我很快就到了那里。我以极快的速度冲过河头,因为水流非常急,然后进入了死水区,在伊利诺伊岸边登陆。 —

I run the canoe into a deep dent in the bank that I knowed about; —
我把船划到我熟悉的河岸凹陷处; —

I had to part the willow branches to get in; —
我不得不拨开柳树枝才能进入; —

and when I made fast nobody could a seen the canoe from the outside.

I went up and set down on a log at the head of the island, and looked out on the big river and the black driftwood and away over to the town, three mile away, where there was three or four lights twinkling. —
我走上了岛上的一根木头上坐下来,望着大河和黑色的漂流木,再看远处的镇子,大约三英里远处,那里有三四盏眨眼的灯。 —

A monstrous big lumber-raft was about a mile up stream, coming along down, with a lantern in the middle of it. —
一艘巨大的木材筏子正顺流而下,大约一英里远,中间点着一盏灯。 —

I watched it come creeping down, and when it was most abreast of where I stood I heard a man say, “Stern oars, there! —
我看着它慢慢靠近,当它几乎与我站立的位置平行时,我听到一个人说,“船尾划桨,向右打舵!”我听得清楚,好像那个人就在我身边。 —

heave her head to stabboard!” I heard that just as plain as if the man was by my side.

There was a little gray in the sky now; so I stepped into the woods, and laid down for a nap before breakfast.   ”