WE stopped talking, and got to thinking. By and by Tom says:

“Looky here, Huck, what fools we are to not think of it before! I bet I know where Jim is.”

“No! Where?”

“In that hut down by the ash-hopper. Why, looky here. —
“在灰斗旁边的小屋里。嘿,看这里。 —

When we was at dinner, didn’t you see a nigger man go in there with some vittles?”


“What did you think the vittles was for?”

“For a dog.”

“So ’d I. Well, it wasn’t for a dog.”


“Because part of it was watermelon.”

“So it was – I noticed it. Well, it does beat all that I never thought about a dog not eating watermelon. —
“噢,是这样,我注意到了。唉,真不敢相信狗不吃西瓜。 —

It shows how a body can see and don’t see at the same time.”

“Well, the nigger unlocked the padlock when he went in, and he locked it again when he came out. —
“嗯,那个黑奴进去的时候解开了挂锁,出来时又锁上了。 —

He fetched uncle a key about the time we got up from table – same key, I bet. —
“他拿给叔叔一把钥匙,我们刚从餐桌上起来的时候 —— 肯定是同一把钥匙。 —

Watermelon shows man, lock shows prisoner; —
“西瓜代表人,锁代表囚犯; —

and it ain’t likely there’s two prisoners on such a little plantation, and where the people’s all so kind and good. —
“这么个小农庄上,人们都那么友善善良,不可能有两个囚犯。 —

Jim’s the prisoner. All right – I’m glad we found it out detective fashion; —
“吉姆是囚犯。好吧 —— 我很高兴我们以侦探的方式找出了真相; —

I wouldn’t give shucks for any other way. —
“我宁愿废话不多,也不要其它任何方式。 —

Now you work your mind, and study out a plan to steal Jim, and I will study out one, too; —
“现在你运用你的头脑,想出一个偷走吉姆的计划,我也会想一个; —

and we’ll take the one we like the best.”

What a head for just a boy to have! If I had Tom Sawyer’s head I wouldn’t trade it off to be a duke, nor mate of a steamboat, nor clown in a circus, nor nothing I can think of. —
“一个孩子居然有这么聪明的脑袋!如果我有汤姆·索亚的脑袋,我也不会跟任何人换,无论是做公爵、轮船副手、马戏团小丑,还是其他我能想到的什么。” —

I went to thinking out a plan, but only just to be doing something; —
我去考虑一个计划,只是为了有事可做; —

I knowed very well where the right plan was going to come from. —
我非常清楚正确的计划会从哪里得到。 —

Pretty soon Tom says:


“Yes,” I says.

“All right – bring it out.”

“My plan is this,” I says. “We can easy find out if it’s Jim in there. —
“我的计划是这样的,”我说。”我们可以轻松找出里面是不是吉姆。 —

Then get up my canoe to-morrow night, and fetch my raft over from the island. —
然后明天晚上把我的独木舟弄出来,从岛上把我的筏子运过来。 —

Then the first dark night that comes steal the key out of the old man’s britches after he goes to bed, and shove off down the river on the raft with Jim, hiding daytimes and running nights, the way me and Jim used to do before. —
然后在第一个黑夜偷到那个老人躺下后从他的裤子上取下钥匙,用筏子顺着河流逃走,白天躲藏,晚上行动,就像我和吉姆以前那样。 —

Wouldn’t that plan work?”

“WORK? Why, cert’nly it would work, like rats a-fighting. But it’s too blame’ simple; —
“可行?当然可行,就像老鼠打架一样。但这也太简单了; —

there ain’t nothing TO it. What’s the good of a plan that ain’t no more trouble than that? —
根本没有什么意思。有什么用呢,一个这么简单,不费吹灰之力的计划? —

It’s as mild as goose-milk. Why, Huck, it wouldn’t make no more talk than breaking into a soap factory.”

I never said nothing, because I warn’t expecting nothing different; —
我什么都没说,因为我并不期望有任何不同的情况; —

but I knowed mighty well that whenever he got HIS plan ready it wouldn’t have none of them objections to it.

And it didn’t. He told me what it was, and I see in a minute it was worth fifteen of mine for style, and would make Jim just as free a man as mine would, and maybe get us all killed besides. —
然而事实并非如此。他告诉我那是什么,我很快就明白,从风格上来说价值是我所不能比的,它会让吉姆成为一个和我一样自由的人,甚至可能会让我们全部丧命。 —

So I was satisfied, and said we would waltz in on it. —
所以我感到满意,并且说我们将开始行动。 —

I needn’t tell what it was here, because I knowed it wouldn’t stay the way, it was. —
我不必在这里透露它是什么,因为我知道它不会保持原状。 —

I knowed he would be changing it around every which way as we went along, and heaving in new bullinesses wherever he got a chance. —
我知道他会在我们进行的过程中不断改变它,并在任何有机会的地方渲染新的精彩之处。 —

And that is what he done.

Well, one thing was dead sure, and that was that Tom Sawyer was in earnest, and was actuly going to help steal that nigger out of slavery. —
嗯,有一件事情肯定,汤姆·索耶是认真的,实际上打算帮助偷走那个受奴役的黑人。 —

That was the thing that was too many for me. Here was a boy that was respectable and well brung up; —
这是我无法理解的事情。这里有一个受过良好教育、有品行的孩子; —

and had a character to lose; and folks at home that had characters; —
还有为了维护名誉的家人; —

and he was bright and not leather-headed; and knowing and not ignorant; and not mean, but kind; —
他聪明并不愚蠢;他知道事情的来龙去脉并非无知;他不卑鄙,而是善良的; —

and yet here he was, without any more pride, or rightness, or feeling, than to stoop to this business, and make himself a shame, and his family a shame, before everybody. —
然而他竟然毫不自尊、不正直、没有感觉,竟然陷入这样的事情中,使自己成为耻辱,使他的家庭成为所有人的耻辱。 —

I COULDN’T understand it no way at all. It was outrageous, and I knowed I ought to just up and tell him so; —
我无论如何都无法理解。这太荒谬了,我知道我应该站出来告诉他这一点; —

and so be his true friend, and let him quit the thing right where he was and save himself. —
于是成为他真正的朋友,让他立刻停下这件事,并救自己一命。 —

And I DID start to tell him; but he shut me up, and says:

“Don’t you reckon I know what I’m about? Don’t I generly know what I’m about?”


“Didn’t I SAY I was going to help steal the nigger?”
“Did not I SAY that I was going to help steal the nigger?”


“WELL, then.”

That’s all he said, and that’s all I said. It warn’t no use to say any more; —
那就是他说的全部,我也没再说什么; —

because when he said he’d do a thing, he always done it. —
因为每当他说要做某件事,他总是做到。 —

But I couldn’t make out how he was willing to go into this thing; —
但我不明白他为什么愿意参与这件事; —

so I just let it go, and never bothered no more about it. —
所以我就不再追问,也不再多管闲事。 —

If he was bound to have it so, I couldn’t help it.

When we got home the house was all dark and still; —
当我们回到家时,房子里黑漆漆的一片寂静; —

so we went on down to the hut by the ash-hopper for to examine it. —
所以我们走到灰渣箱旁边的小屋去检查一下。 —

We went through the yard so as to see what the hounds would do. —
我们穿过院子,看看猎狗会作何反应。 —

They knowed us, and didn’t make no more noise than country dogs is always doing when anything comes by in the night. —
它们认识我们,只有在夜晚有什么东西经过时才会发出像农村狗狗常常发出的声音。 —

When we got to the cabin we took a look at the front and the two sides; —
当我们到达小屋时,我们看了看正面和两侧; —

and on the side I warn’t acquainted with – which was the north side – we found a square windowhole, up tolerable high, with just one stout board nailed across it. I says:

“Here’s the ticket. This hole’s big enough for Jim to get through if we wrench off the board.”

Tom says:

“It’s as simple as tit-tat-toe, three-in-a-row, and as easy as playing hooky. —
“就像井字棋一样简单,三子连成一线,跟逃学玩一样容易。 —

I should HOPE we can find a way that’s a little more complicated than THAT, Huck Finn.”

“Well, then,” I says, “how ’ll it do to saw him out, the way I done before I was murdered that time?”

“That’s more LIKE,” he says. “It’s real mysterious, and troublesome, and good,” he says; —
“那更像了,”他说。“真的神秘,麻烦,不错,”他说; —

“but I bet we can find a way that’s twice as long. —
“但我敢打赌我们能找到一个两倍长的方法。 —

There ain’t no hurry; le’s keep on looking around.”

Betwixt the hut and the fence, on the back side, was a lean-to that joined the hut at the eaves, and was made out of plank. —
在棚子和栅栏之间,背面有一个连接在屋檐上,由木板组成的临建物。 —

It was as long as the hut, but narrow – only about six foot wide. —
它与小屋一样长,但很窄——只有大约六英尺宽。 —

The door to it was at the south end, and was padlocked. —
门在南端,上面有个挂锁。 —

Tom he went to the soap-kettle and searched around, and fetched back the iron thing they lift the lid with; —
汤姆走到肥皂锅旁搜索,找回了用来抬开锅盖的铁器。 —

so he took it and prized out one of the staples. —
于是他拿了起来,撬掉了其中一个门牢。 —

The chain fell down, and we opened the door and went in, and shut it, and struck a match, and see the shed was only built against a cabin and hadn’t no connection with it; —
链子掉下来了,我们就进去了,关上门,点着火柴,发现这个棚子只是盖在一个小木房上,与它没有任何连接。 —

and there warn’t no floor to the shed, nor nothing in it but some old rusty played-out hoes and spades and picks and a crippled plow. —
棚子里没有地板,只有一些旧锈迹斑斑的锄头、铁锹、镐和一把坏了的犁。 —

The match went out, and so did we, and shoved in the staple again, and the door was locked as good as ever. —
火柴灭了,我们也出来了,重新插上了门牢,门锁得跟之前一样好。 —

Tom was joyful. He says;

“Now we’re all right. We’ll DIG him out. It ’ll take about a week!”

Then we started for the house, and I went in the back door – you only have to pull a buckskin latchstring, they don’t fasten the doors – but that warn’t romantical enough for Tom Sawyer; —
然后我们朝着屋子走去,我进了后门——你只需要拉一下那根鹿皮拉环,他们不锁门——但对于汤姆·索亚来说,这样还不够浪漫; —

no way would do him but he must climb up the lightning-rod. —
他非要爬上避雷针不可。 —

But after he got up half way about three times, and missed fire and fell every time, and the last time most busted his brains out, he thought he’d got to give it up; —
但在他爬了半路三次,每次都失手摔下来,最后一次几乎把他脑袋摔破,他觉得他得放弃了; —

but after he was rested he allowed he would give her one more turn for luck, and this time he made the trip.

In the morning we was up at break of day, and down to the nigger cabins to pet the dogs and make friends with the nigger that fed Jim – if it WAS Jim that was being fed. —
早上我们在破晓时起来,去找黑奴的小屋,逗逗狗,与喂食吉姆的黑奴交朋友,如果那个正在被喂食的人是吉姆的话。 —

The niggers was just getting through breakfast and starting for the fields; —
黑人们刚吃过早餐,准备去田地里; —

and Jim’s nigger was piling up a tin pan with bread and meat and things; —
吉姆的黑人员工正在将一个锡盘堆满面包、肉和其他东西; —

and whilst the others was leaving, the key come from the house.

This nigger had a good-natured, chuckle-headed face, and his wool was all tied up in little bunches with thread. —
这个黑人有一张憨厚的脸,他的头发都用线扎成小蓬松; —

That was to keep witches off. He said the witches was pestering him awful these nights, and making him see all kinds of strange things, and hear all kinds of strange words and noises, and he didn’t believe he was ever witched so long before in his life. —
那是为了赶走女巫。他说女巫最近晚上骚扰他,让他看见各种奇怪的东西,听见各种奇怪的词语和声音,他觉得自己在生命中从来没有这么久受到女巫的纠缠过; —

He got so worked up, and got to running on so about his troubles, he forgot all about what he’d been a-going to do. So Tom says:

“What’s the vittles for? Going to feed the dogs?”

The nigger kind of smiled around graduly over his face, like when you heave a brickbat in a mud-puddle, and he says:

“Yes, Mars Sid, A dog. Cur’us dog, too. Does you want to go en look at ‘im?”


I hunched Tom, and whispers:

“You going, right here in the daybreak? THAT warn’t the plan.”

“No, it warn’t; but it’s the plan NOW.”

So, drat him, we went along, but I didn’t like it much. —
于是,见鬼,我们一起走了,但我不太喜欢这个计划。 —

When we got in we couldn’t hardly see anything, it was so dark; —
我们进去后,什么都看不见,太黑了。 —

but Jim was there, sure enough, and could see us; and he sings out:

“Why, HUCK! En good LAN’! ain’ dat Misto Tom?”

I just knowed how it would be; I just expected it. I didn’t know nothing to do; —
我早就知道会这样;我早就预料到了。我不知道该怎么办; —

and if I had I couldn’t a done it, because that nigger busted in and says:

“Why, de gracious sakes! do he know you genlmen?”

We could see pretty well now. Tom he looked at the nigger, steady and kind of wondering, and says:

“Does WHO know us?”

“Why, dis-yer runaway nigger.”

“I don’t reckon he does; but what put that into your head?”

“What PUT it dar? Didn’ he jis’ dis minute sing out like he knowed you?”

Tom says, in a puzzled-up kind of way:

“Well, that’s mighty curious. WHO sung out? WHEN did he sing out? WHAT did he sing out?” —
“嗯,这真是奇怪。是谁叫出来的?他什么时候叫出来的?他叫出来说了什么?” —

And turns to me, perfectly ca’m, and says, “Did YOU hear anybody sing out?”

Of course there warn’t nothing to be said but the one thing; so I says:

“No; I ain’t heard nobody say nothing.”

Then he turns to Jim, and looks him over like he never see him before, and says:

“Did you sing out?”

“No, sah,” says Jim; “ I hain’t said nothing, sah.”

“Not a word?”

“No, sah, I hain’t said a word.”

“Did you ever see us before?”

“No, sah; not as I knows on.”

So Tom turns to the nigger, which was looking wild and distressed, and says, kind of severe:

“What do you reckon’s the matter with you, anyway? What made you think somebody sung out?”

“Oh, it’s de dad-blame’ witches, sah, en I wisht I was dead, I do. —
“哦,是那些该死的女巫,先生,我真希望我死了。她们总是在闹,先生,吓得我要命。” —

Dey’s awluz at it, sah, en dey do mos’ kill me, dey sk’yers me so. —
“她们总是折磨我,让我非常害怕。如果能不告诉任何人这件事,先生,或者老头子西拉斯先生不会责骂我就太好了。” —

Please to don’t tell nobody ‘bout it sah, er ole Mars Silas he’ll scole me; —
“因为他说没有女巫。我真希望他能在这儿——那他会怎么说呢!我敢打赌这次他找不到任何借口来解释。” —

‘kase he say dey AIN’T no witches. I jis’ wish to goodness he was heah now – DEN what would he say! I jis’ bet he couldn’ fine no way to git aroun’ it DIS time. —
“但这总是这样,固执的人就是那么固执;他们不会去探究一些事情并找出真相。当你找到真相并告诉他们时,他们不相信。” —

But it’s awluz jis’ so; people dat’s SOT, stays sot; —
“他们总是执迷不悟,他们不会自己去探寻并了解事实真相,当你找到并告诉他们时,他们就不会相信。” —

dey won’t look into noth’n’en fine it out f’r deyselves, en when YOU fine it out en tell um ‘bout it, dey doan’ b’lieve you.”

Tom give him a dime, and said we wouldn’t tell nobody; —
汤姆给了他一角钱,说我们不会告诉任何人; —

and told him to buy some more thread to tie up his wool with; —
并告诉他用它买些线来捆绑他的羊毛; —

and then looks at Jim, and says:

“I wonder if Uncle Silas is going to hang this nigger. —
“我想知道Uncle Silas是否会处决这个黑鬼。 —

If I was to catch a nigger that was ungrateful enough to run away, I wouldn’t give him up, I’d hang him.” —
如果我抓到一个忘恩负义逃跑的黑鬼,我不会把他交出去,我会将他处决。” —

And whilst the nigger stepped to the door to look at the dime and bite it to see if it was good, he whispers to Jim and says:

“Don’t ever let on to know us. And if you hear any digging going on nights, it’s us; —
“永远别暴露我们的身份。如果你听到晚上有人挖土的声音,是我们; —

we’re going to set you free.”

Jim only had time to grab us by the hand and squeeze it; —
吉姆只来得及抓住我们的手并紧握了一下; —

then the nigger come back, and we said we’d come again some time if the nigger wanted us to; —
然后那个黑鬼回来了,我们说如果他想的话我们会再过来; —

and he said he would, more particular if it was dark, because the witches went for him mostly in the dark, and it was good to have folks around then.