THE old man was uptown again before breakfast, but couldn’t get no track of Tom; —
老人再次在早餐前来到市区,但找不到汤姆的踪迹; —

and both of them set at the table thinking, and not saying nothing, and looking mournful, and their coffee getting cold, and not eating anything. —
他们两个都坐在桌子前想着事情,什么都没有说,一脸忧伤,咖啡都变凉了,什么也没吃。 —

And by and by the old man says:

“Did I give you the letter?”

“What letter?”

“The one I got yesterday out of the post-office.”

“No, you didn’t give me no letter.”

“Well, I must a forgot it.”

So he rummaged his pockets, and then went off somewheres where he had laid it down, and fetched it, and give it to her. She says:

“Why, it’s from St. Petersburg – it’s from Sis.”

I allowed another walk would do me good; but I couldn’t stir. —
我本打算再去散散步,但是我动不了。 —

But before she could break it open she dropped it and run – for she see something. —
但在她打开信之前,她把它掉了下来,跑掉了——因为她看到了什么。 —

And so did I. It was Tom Sawyer on a mattress; and that old doctor; —
我也看到了。那是汤姆·索耶躺在床垫上;还有那个老医生; —

and Jim, in HER calico dress, with his hands tied behind him; and a lot of people. —
还有穿着她的印花布裙子,双手被绑在身后的吉姆;还有一群人。 —

I hid the letter behind the first thing that come handy, and rushed. She flung herself at Tom, crying, and says:

“Oh, he’s dead, he’s dead, I know he’s dead!”

And Tom he turned his head a little, and muttered something or other, which showed he warn’t in his right mind; —
汤姆转过头来,嘟哝了些什么,表明他的头脑不正常; —

then she flung up her hands, and says:

“He’s alive, thank God! And that’s enough!” —
“他还活着,谢天谢地!已经足够了!” —

and she snatched a kiss of him, and flew for the house to get the bed ready, and scattering orders right and left at the niggers and everybody else, as fast as her tongue could go, every jump of the way.

I followed the men to see what they was going to do with Jim; —
我跟着那些人看看他们打算怎么对待吉姆; —

and the old doctor and Uncle Silas followed after Tom into the house. —
老医生和舅舅西拉斯跟着汤姆走进了屋子。 —

The men was very huffy, and some of them wanted to hang Jim for an example to all the other niggers around there, so they wouldn’t be trying to run away like Jim done, and making such a raft of trouble, and keeping a whole family scared most to death for days and nights. —
那些人很生气,有些人想把吉姆挂起来,给其他附近的黑人树立一个榜样,这样他们就不会像吉姆那样逃跑,闹出那么多麻烦,整整一家人被吓得要死好几天几夜。 —

But the others said, don’t do it, it wouldn’t answer at all; —
但其他人说不要这样,完全行不通; —

he ain’t our nigger, and his owner would turn up and make us pay for him, sure. —
他不是我们的黑奴,他的主人会找到我们让我们赔偿的。 —

So that cooled them down a little, because the people that’s always the most anxious for to hang a nigger that hain’t done just right is always the very ones that ain’t the most anxious to pay for him when they’ve got their satisfaction out of him.

They cussed Jim considerble, though, and give him a cuff or two side the head once in a while, but Jim never said nothing, and he never let on to know me, and they took him to the same cabin, and put his own clothes on him, and chained him again, and not to no bed-leg this time, but to a big staple drove into the bottom log, and chained his hands, too, and both legs, and said he warn’t to have nothing but bread and water to eat after this till his owner come, or he was sold at auction because he didn’t come in a certain length of time, and filled up our hole, and said a couple of farmers with guns must stand watch around about the cabin every night, and a bulldog tied to the door in the daytime; —
他们骂了吉姆一通,偶尔还打他几下,但吉姆一声不吭,也装作不认识我,他们把他带进同一个小屋,给他穿上自己的衣服,又把他锁起来,不是锁在床腿上,而是锁在底部原木上的一个大铁环上,还铐住了他的双手和双腿,说他从此只能吃面包和喝水,直到他的主人来或者他在规定的时间内被拍卖出去,他们填平了掩土坑,还说白天要有两个带枪的农民守卫小屋周围,门口还要绑一条斗牛犬; —

and about this time they was through with the job and was tapering off with a kind of generl good-bye cussing, and then the old doctor comes and takes a look, and says:

“Don’t be no rougher on him than you’re obleeged to, because he ain’t a bad nigger. —
“不要对他太粗鲁,因为他不是个坏黑人。 —

When I got to where I found the boy I see I couldn’t cut the bullet out without some help, and he warn’t in no condition for me to leave to go and get help; —
当我到达找到那个男孩的地方时,我意识到如果没有帮助,我无法把子弹取出来,而他的情况也不允许我离开去找帮助; —

and he got a little worse and a little worse, and after a long time he went out of his head, and wouldn’t let me come a-nigh him any more, and said if I chalked his raft he’d kill me, and no end of wild foolishness like that, and I see I couldn’t do anything at all with him; —
他状况越来越糟,一天天变得更糟,过了很长一段时间后他失去了理智,不让我靠近他,还说如果我在他的筏子上画画,他会杀了我,还有很多类似的荒谬言论,我看得出我无法对他做什么; —

so I says, I got to have HELP somehow; and the minute I says it out crawls this nigger from somewheres and says he’ll help, and he done it, too, and done it very well. —
所以我说,我得以某种方式得到帮助;我一说出这句话,就有一个黑人从某个地方爬出来说他可以帮忙,他确实帮了忙,而且帮得非常好。 —

Of course I judged he must be a runaway nigger, and there I WAS! —
当然,我判断他一定是一个逃亡黑奴,那时我就陷进去了! —

and there I had to stick right straight along all the rest of the day and all night. —
我就得一直在那里坚持下去,一整天一整夜。 —

It was a fix, I tell you! I had a couple of patients with the chills, and of course I’d of liked to run up to town and see them, but I dasn’t, because the nigger might get away, and then I’d be to blame; —
这真是个困境,我告诉你们!我还有几个患着寒战的病人,当然我想跑到城里去看望他们,但是我不能,因为那个黑人可能会逃跑,然后我就会受到责备; —

and yet never a skiff come close enough for me to hail. —
可是从来没有一条小船靠得足够近,让我能够招呼。 —

So there I had to stick plumb until daylight this morning; —
所以我就得一直坚持到今天早晨亮了; —

and I never see a nigger that was a better nuss or faithfuller, and yet he was risking his freedom to do it, and was all tired out, too, and I see plain enough he’d been worked main hard lately. —
我从来没有见过一个黑奴如此好的护士,如此忠诚,而且他还冒险去做这件事,他也非常疲惫,我可以清楚地看出他最近工作非常辛苦。 —

I liked the nigger for that; I tell you, gentlemen, a nigger like that is worth a thousand dollars – and kind treatment, too. —
我喜欢这个黑人,我告诉你们,先生们,像这样的黑人价值千金 —— 而且还需要好的待遇。 —

I had everything I needed, and the boy was doing as well there as he would a done at home – better, maybe, because it was so quiet; —
我有我需要的一切,而且这个男孩在那里的情况也跟在家里一样好,甚至更好,因为那里安静; —

but there I WAS, with both of ’m on my hands, and there I had to stick till about dawn this morning; then some men in a skiff come by, and as good luck would have it the nigger was setting by the pallet with his head propped on his knees sound asleep; —
但我正在那里,两只手都握着他们,我只能一直等到今天早上的黎明。然后,一艘小船上的几个人靠近,幸运的是那个黑人坐在褥子旁边,把头枕在膝盖上,熟睡着。 —

so I motioned them in quiet, and they slipped up on him and grabbed him and tied him before he knowed what he was about, and we never had no trouble. —
所以我示意他们悄悄靠近,他们趁他还没有反应过来就抓住了他,绑起来,我们一点麻烦都没有遇到。 —

And the boy being in a kind of a flighty sleep, too, we muffled the oars and hitched the raft on, and towed her over very nice and quiet, and the nigger never made the least row nor said a word from the start. —
那个男孩也在一种紊乱的睡眠状态中,我们把桨包起来,把木筏牵引过来,非常轻巧而安静,那个黑人一开始就没有发出一点声音或者说一句话。 —

He ain’t no bad nigger, gentlemen; that’s what I think about him.”

Somebody says:

“Well, it sounds very good, doctor, I’m obleeged to say.”

Then the others softened up a little, too, and I was mighty thankful to that old doctor for doing Jim that good turn; —
其他人也渐渐软化了,我非常感激那位老医生为吉姆做了这个善意的举动; —

and I was glad it was according to my judgment of him, too; —
而且我也很高兴这与我对他的判断相符; —

because I thought he had a good heart in him and was a good man the first time I see him. —
因为我在第一次见到他的时候就觉得他内心善良,是个好人。 —

Then they all agreed that Jim had acted very well, and was deserving to have some notice took of it, and reward. —
然后他们都同意吉姆表现得很好,值得受到一些关注和奖励。 —

So every one of them promised, right out and hearty, that they wouldn’t cuss him no more.

Then they come out and locked him up. I hoped they was going to say he could have one or two of the chains took off, because they was rotten heavy, or could have meat and greens with his bread and water; —
然后他们把他锁了起来。我希望他们会说可以解开一两个锁链,因为它们很重且破旧,或者可以让他在面包和水里加些肉和蔬菜; —

but they didn’t think of it, and I reckoned it warn’t best for me to mix in, but I judged I’d get the doctor’s yarn to Aunt Sally somehow or other as soon as I’d got through the breakers that was laying just ahead of me – explanations, I mean, of how I forgot to mention about Sid being shot when I was telling how him and me put in that dratted night paddling around hunting the runaway nigger.

But I had plenty time. Aunt Sally she stuck to the sick-room all day and all night, and every time I see Uncle Silas mooning around I dodged him.

Next morning I heard Tom was a good deal better, and they said Aunt Sally was gone to get a nap. —
第二天早上我听说汤姆好多了,他们说莎莉姑妈去休息了。 —

So I slips to the sick-room, and if I found him awake I reckoned we could put up a yarn for the family that would wash. —
于是我悄悄走到病房,如果我发现他醒了,我觉得我们可以为家人编一段故事,让他们相信。 —

But he was sleeping, and sleeping very peaceful, too; —
但是他正在睡觉,而且睡得很安稳。 —

and pale, not fire-faced the way he was when he come. So I set down and laid for him to wake. —
脸色苍白,不像他来的时候那么兴奋。所以我坐下来等着他醒来。 —

In about half an hour Aunt Sally comes gliding in, and there I was, up a stump again! —
大约半个小时后,莎莉姑妈悄悄走进来,我又一次陷入了困境! —

She motioned me to be still, and set down by me, and begun to whisper, and said we could all be joyful now, because all the symptoms was first-rate, and he’d been sleeping like that for ever so long, and looking better and peacefuller all the time, and ten to one he’d wake up in his right mind.

So we set there watching, and by and by he stirs a bit, and opened his eyes very natural, and takes a look, and says:

“Hello! – why, I’m at HOME! How’s that? Where’s the raft?”

“It’s all right,” I says.

“And JIM?”

“The same,” I says, but couldn’t say it pretty brash. But he never noticed, but says:

“Good! Splendid! NOW we’re all right and safe! Did you tell Aunty?”

I was going to say yes; but she chipped in and says: “About what, Sid?”

“Why, about the way the whole thing was done.”

“What whole thing?”

“Why, THE whole thing. There ain’t but one; how we set the runaway nigger free – me and Tom.”

“Good land! Set the run – What IS the child talking about! Dear, dear, out of his head again!”

“NO, I ain’t out of my HEAD; I know all what I’m talking about. —
“不,我没发疯;我知道我在说什么。” —

We DID set him free – me and Tom. We laid out to do it, and we DONE it. —
“我们确实让他获得自由了-我和汤姆。我们计划这样做,然后我们做到了。” —

And we done it elegant, too.” He’d got a start, and she never checked him up, just set and stared and stared, and let him clip along, and I see it warn’t no use for ME to put in. —
“我们还做得非常漂亮。”他开始继续讲述,她也没打断他,只是坐在那里目不转睛地看着他,让他继续讲述,我看出我插话已经没用了。 —

“Why, Aunty, it cost us a power of work – weeks of it – hours and hours, every night, whilst you was all asleep. —
“哎呀,姑姑,这需要大量的工作-几个星期-每个夜晚数个小时,当你们都睡着的时候。” —

And we had to steal candles, and the sheet, and the shirt, and your dress, and spoons, and tin plates, and case-knives, and the warming-pan, and the grindstone, and flour, and just no end of things, and you can’t think what work it was to make the saws, and pens, and inscriptions, and one thing or another, and you can’t think HALF the fun it was. —
“我们不得不偷蜡烛、床单、衬衫、你的连衣裙、勺子、锡盘、刀叉、热水瓶、磨刀石、面粉,还有无数别的东西,你根本想象不到我们得做多少工作制造锯、笔、铭文等各种东西,你根本想象不到这其中的乐趣有多少。” —

And we had to make up the pictures of coffins and things, and nonnamous letters from the robbers, and get up and down the lightning-rod, and dig the hole into the cabin, and made the rope ladder and send it in cooked up in a pie, and send in spoons and things to work with in your apron pocket –”

“Mercy sakes!”

”– and load up the cabin with rats and snakes and so on, for company for Jim; —
“-然后我们还得往舱内塞满老鼠和蛇等作为吉姆的伴侣; —

and then you kept Tom here so long with the butter in his hat that you come near spiling the whole business, because the men come before we was out of the cabin, and we had to rush, and they heard us and let drive at us, and I got my share, and we dodged out of the path and let them go by, and when the dogs come they warn’t interested in us, but went for the most noise, and we got our canoe, and made for the raft, and was all safe, and Jim was a free man, and we done it all by ourselves, and WASN’T it bully, Aunty!”

“Well, I never heard the likes of it in all my born days! —
“哦,我这辈子从没听说过这样的事情!” —

So it was YOU, you little rapscallions, that’s been making all this trouble, and turned everybody’s wits clean inside out and scared us all most to death. —
原来是你们这些淘气的家伙搞的鬼,把我们都弄得智商都倒过来了,吓得要死。 —

I’ve as good a notion as ever I had in my life to take it out o’ you this very minute. —
我现在就想立刻给你一点教训。 —

To think, here I’ve been, night after night, a – YOU just get well once, you young scamp, and I lay I’ll tan the Old Harry out o’ both o’ ye!”

But Tom, he WAS so proud and joyful, he just COULDN’T hold in, and his tongue just WENT it – she a-chipping in, and spitting fire all along, and both of them going it at once, like a cat convention; and she says:

“WELL, you get all the enjoyment you can out of it NOW, for mind I tell you if I catch you meddling with him again –”

“Meddling with WHO?” Tom says, dropping his smile and looking surprised.

“With WHO? Why, the runaway nigger, of course. Who’d you reckon?”

Tom looks at me very grave, and says:

“Tom, didn’t you just tell me he was all right? Hasn’t he got away?”

“HIM?” says Aunt Sally; “the runaway nigger? ‘Deed he hasn’t. —
“他?”莎莉姨妈说,“那个逃跑的黑奴?当然没有。” —

They’ve got him back, safe and sound, and he’s in that cabin again, on bread and water, and loaded down with chains, till he’s claimed or sold!”

Tom rose square up in bed, with his eye hot, and his nostrils opening and shutting like gills, and sings out to me:

“They hain’t no RIGHT to shut him up! SHOVE! – and don’t you lose a minute. Turn him loose! —
“他们无权关押他!咣!你一定要立刻行动起来,不要浪费一分钟。放他走! —

he ain’t no slave; he’s as free as any cretur that walks this earth!”

“What DOES the child mean?”

“I mean every word I SAY, Aunt Sally, and if somebody don’t go, I’LL go. —
“我说的每句话都是认真的,莎莉阿姨,如果没有人去,我就会去。” —

I’ve knowed him all his life, and so has Tom, there. —
“我认识他一辈子了,汤姆也是。” —

Old Miss Watson died two months ago, and she was ashamed she ever was going to sell him down the river, and SAID so; —
“沃森老太太两个月前去世了,她对自己以前要把他卖到河那边感到羞愧,她是这样说的; —

and she set him free in her will.”

“Then what on earth did YOU want to set him free for, seeing he was already free?”

“Well, that IS a question, I must say; and just like women! Why, I wanted the ADVENTURE of it; —
“嗯,这个问题确实值得说一下,就像女人一样!我的确想要这样的冒险; —

and I’d a waded neck-deep in blood to – goodness alive, AUNT POLLY!”

If she warn’t standing right there, just inside the door, looking as sweet and contented as an angel half full of pie, I wish I may never!

Aunt Sally jumped for her, and most hugged the head off of her, and cried over her, and I found a good enough place for me under the bed, for it was getting pretty sultry for us, seemed to me. —
莎莉阿姨扑向她,几乎把她的头拥入怀中,哭泣着,我找到了一个足够好的地方躲在床底下,因为对我们来说已经相当闷热了,我觉得。 —

And I peeped out, and in a little while Tom’s Aunt Polly shook herself loose and stood there looking across at Tom over her spectacles – kind of grinding him into the earth, you know. And then she says:

“Yes, you BETTER turn y’r head away – I would if I was you, Tom.”

“Oh, deary me!” says Aunt Sally; “IS he changed so? Why, that ain’t TOM, it’s Sid; —
“哦,哎呀!”波莉阿姨说,“他变化这么大吗?哎呀,那不是汤姆,是西德; —

Tom’s – Tom’s – why, where is Tom? He was here a minute ago.”

“You mean where’s Huck FINN – that’s what you mean! —
“你是说哈克·费恩在哪里—你是这个意思!我养了这么多年,汤姆怎么可能比我这个淘气鬼更坏呢。 —

I reckon I hain’t raised such a scamp as my Tom all these years not to know him when I SEE him. —
我想我在看到他时不会没有认出他。” —

That WOULD be a pretty howdy-do. Come out from under that bed, Huck Finn.”

So I done it. But not feeling brash.

Aunt Sally she was one of the mixed-upest-looking persons I ever see – except one, and that was Uncle Silas, when he come in and they told it all to him. —
莎莉阿姨是我见过的最令人困惑的人之一,除了一个人,那就是西拉斯大叔,当他进来的时候,他们把一切都告诉了他。 —

It kind of made him drunk, as you may say, and he didn’t know nothing at all the rest of the day, and preached a prayer-meeting sermon that night that gave him a rattling ruputation, because the oldest man in the world couldn’t a understood it. —
这让他有点醉了,可以这么说,整天什么都不知道,晚上又做了一个令他声名狼藉的祷告会,因为全世界最老的人也听不懂。 —

So Tom’s Aunt Polly, she told all about who I was, and what; —
所以汤姆的波莉阿姨向大家介绍了我是谁,还有一些其他的事情; —

and I had to up and tell how I was in such a tight place that when Mrs. Phelps took me for Tom Sawyer – she chipped in and says, “Oh, go on and call me Aunt Sally, I’m used to it now, and ‘tain’t no need to change” – that when Aunt Sally took me for Tom Sawyer I had to stand it – there warn’t no other way, and I knowed he wouldn’t mind, because it would be nuts for him, being a mystery, and he’d make an adventure out of it, and be perfectly satisfied. —
我不得不跃跃欲试地告诉他,我当时的境地是如此困窘,以至于费尔普斯夫人把我当成了汤姆·索亚,她插话说:“哦,继续叫我莎莉阿姨吧,我现在习惯了,也没必要改变了。”当莎莉阿姨把我当成汤姆·索亚时,我不得不忍受这一切,没有别的办法,我知道他不会介意,因为对他来说,这将是一颗蛋糕,作为一个谜团,他会把它当成一个冒险,并且会完全满意。 —

And so it turned out, and he let on to be Sid, and made things as soft as he could for me.

And his Aunt Polly she said Tom was right about old Miss Watson setting Jim free in her will; —
他的波莉阿姨说汤姆关于老华生太太在遗嘱中要释放吉姆的说法是对的; —

and so, sure enough, Tom Sawyer had gone and took all that trouble and bother to set a free nigger free! —
确实如此,汤姆·索亚竟然费那么多力气和麻烦去给一个自由的黑人释放! —

and I couldn’t ever understand before, until that minute and that talk, how he COULD help a body set a nigger free with his bringing-up.

Well, Aunt Polly she said that when Aunt Sally wrote to her that Tom and SID had come all right and safe, she says to herself:

“Look at that, now! I might have expected it, letting him go off that way without anybody to watch him. —
“看看吧,现在是怎么回事!我也可以预料到,让他那样走开,没人看着他。 —

So now I got to go and trapse all the way down the river, eleven hundred mile, and find out what that creetur’s up to THIS time, as long as I couldn’t seem to get any answer out of you about it.”

“Why, I never heard nothing from you,” says Aunt Sally.

“Well, I wonder! Why, I wrote you twice to ask you what you could mean by Sid being here.”

“Well, I never got ‘em, Sis.”

Aunt Polly she turns around slow and severe, and says:

“You, Tom!”

“Well – WHAT?” he says, kind of pettish.

“Don t you what ME, you impudent thing – hand out them letters.”

“What letters?”

“THEM letters. I be bound, if I have to take aholt of you I’ll –”

“They’re in the trunk. There, now. And they’re just the same as they was when I got them out of the office. —
“它们在箱子里。就在那儿。而且拿出来时它们跟刚拿到办公室一样。 —

I hain’t looked into them, I hain’t touched them. —
我没看过它们,我没碰过它们。 —

But I knowed they’d make trouble, and I thought if you warn’t in no hurry, I’d –”

“Well, you DO need skinning, there ain’t no mistake about it. —
“唔,看来你确实需要挨揍,毫无疑问。 —

And I wrote another one to tell you I was coming; —
我又写了一封信告诉你我要来; —

and I s’pose he –”

“No, it come yesterday; I hain’t read it yet, but IT’S all right, I’ve got that one.”

I wanted to offer to bet two dollars she hadn’t, but I reckoned maybe it was just as safe to not to. —
我本想押两美元打赌她没有,但我觉得也许不出声更安全。 —

So I never said nothing.