WHEN I got there it was all still and Sunday-like, and hot and sunshiny; —
当我到那儿的时候,一切还是那么寂静、像周日一样,又炎热又阳光明媚; —

the hands was gone to the fields; and there was them kind of faint dronings of bugs and flies in the air that makes it seem so lonesome and like everybody’s dead and gone; —
人们都到田里去了;空气中有一种微弱的虫子和苍蝇的嗡嗡声,让人感到孤独,就像每个人都已经死去一样; —

and if a breeze fans along and quivers the leaves it makes you feel mournful, because you feel like it’s spirits whispering – spirits that’s been dead ever so many years – and you always think they’re talking about YOU. As a general thing it makes a body wish HE was dead, too, and done with it all.

Phelps’ was one of these little one-horse cotton plantations, and they all look alike. —
菲尔普斯的种植园就是其中一家这样的小一点的棉花种植园,它们都长得一模一样。 —

A rail fence round a two-acre yard; a stile made out of logs sawed off and up-ended in steps, like barrels of a different length, to climb over the fence with, and for the women to stand on when they are going to jump on to a horse; —
一个用木头围成的两英亩的院子;一个用锯过的木头做成的过关的台阶,像不同长度的桶,供人翻越围墙,供妇女们跳上马时站在上面; —

some sickly grass-patches in the big yard, but mostly it was bare and smooth, like an old hat with the nap rubbed off; —
在大院子里有一些病态的草地,但大部分都是光秃秃的,像一顶摩擦掉起毛的旧帽子; —

big double log-house for the white folks – hewed logs, with the chinks stopped up with mud or mortar, and these mud-stripes been whitewashed some time or another; —
为了白人改建过的大双层圆木房子——是用凿过的木头搭建的,木条上的缝隙被泥巴或砂浆封住了,这些泥条在某个时候曾经被白粉粉的涂过一次; —

round-log kitchen, with a big broad, open but roofed passage joining it to the house; —
圆木厨房,与房子之间有一条宽阔的敞开的但有屋顶的通道将它们连接在一起; —

log smokehouse back of the kitchen; three little log nigger-cabins in a row t’other side the smoke-house; —
在厨房后面烟熏房;在烟熏房的另一边,排成一排的三个小木头奴隶小屋; —

one little hut all by itself away down against the back fence, and some outbuildings down a piece the other side; —
在靠后围墙那边,有一个孤零零的小屋,以及一些在稍远处的其他附属建筑; —

ashhopper and big kettle to bile soap in by the little hut; —
在那座小屋的旁边有一个灰足炉台和一个大锅子,用来煮肥皂; —

bench by the kitchen door, with bucket of water and a gourd; hound asleep there in the sun; —
在厨房门口的长椅上,有一水桶和一个葫芦;一只狗在阳光下熟睡; —

more hounds asleep round about; about three shade trees away off in a corner; —
周围有更多的狗在熟睡;在角落里还有大约三棵树; —

some currant bushes and gooseberry bushes in one place by the fence; —
在围墙旁边的一个地方有一些红醋栗和醋栗灌木; —

outside of the fence a garden and a watermelon patch; —
在围墙外面有一个花园和一个西瓜地。 —

then the cotton fields begins, and after the fields the woods.

I went around and clumb over the back stile by the ash-hopper, and started for the kitchen. —
我四处走动,爬上石磨后面的横木,向厨房走去。 —

When I got a little ways I heard the dim hum of a spinning-wheel wailing along up and sinking along down again; —
走了一小段路,我听见纺车发出低沉的嗡嗡声,一会儿上升,一会儿下降; —

and then I knowed for certain I wished I was dead – for that IS the lonesomest sound in the whole world.
我确信我真希望自己已经死了 - 因为这是全世界最孤独的声音了。

I went right along, not fixing up any particular plan, but just trusting to Providence to put the right words in my mouth when the time come; —
我继续前行,没有制定特定的计划,只是信任上帝在我需要的时候会给我口才; —

for I’d noticed that Providence always did put the right words in my mouth if I left it alone.

When I got half-way, first one hound and then another got up and went for me, and of course I stopped and faced them, and kept still. —
走到半路,先是一条猎犬,然后又是另一条起身向我扑来,当然我停下来面对它们,保持安静。 —

And such another powwow as they made! In a quarter of a minute I was a kind of a hub of a wheel, as you may say – spokes made out of dogs – circle of fifteen of them packed together around me, with their necks and noses stretched up towards me, a-barking and howling; —
他们组织的又是一个狗叫声此起彼伏的集会!不到一分钟,我就像一个轮子的中心,可以说是由狗组成的辐条——紧紧地围绕着我的十五只狗,它们伸着脖子和鼻子对着我叫嚷着。 —

and more a-coming; you could see them sailing over fences and around corners from everywheres.

A nigger woman come tearing out of the kitchen with a rolling-pin in her hand, singing out, “Begone YOU Tige! —
一个黑人妇女提着一个擀面杖冲出厨房,大声喊道:“快走你们,Tige!你们,Spot!快走,先生!”她先赶走一只,再赶走另一只,它们就开始嚎叫,然后其他的狗也都跟着走了。 —

you Spot! begone sah!” and she fetched first one and then another of them a clip and sent them howling, and then the rest followed; —
下一秒钟,有一半的狗回来了,摇着尾巴围着我,和我交朋友。 —

and the next second half of them come back, wagging their tails around me, and making friends with me. —
猎犬没有任何害处。 —

There ain’t no harm in a hound, nohow.

And behind the woman comes a little nigger girl and two little nigger boys without anything on but tow-linen shirts, and they hung on to their mother’s gown, and peeped out from behind her at me, bashful, the way they always do. —
白人女人从房子里跑出来,大约四十五或五十岁,光着头,手里拿着纺纱棒。 —

And here comes the white woman running from the house, about forty-five or fifty year old, bareheaded, and her spinning-stick in her hand; —
她的小白人孩子们跟着她,表现得和那些小黑人孩子们一样。 —

and behind her comes her little white children, acting the same way the little niggers was going. —
她满脸笑容,几乎站不稳,而且说道:“终于找到你了!是吧?” —

She was smiling all over so she could hardly stand – and says:

“It’s YOU, at last! – AIN’T it?”

I out with a “Yes’m” before I thought.

She grabbed me and hugged me tight; and then gripped me by both hands and shook and shook; —
她似乎无法停止拥抱和摇晃,一直说着:“你和你母亲长得没那么像,我以为你会的; —

and the tears come in her eyes, and run down over; —

and she couldn’t seem to hug and shake enough, and kept saying, “You don’t look as much like your mother as I reckoned you would; —

but law sakes, I don’t care for that, I’m so glad to see you! —
但是天啊,我不在乎这个,我很高兴见到你! —

Dear, dear, it does seem like I could eat you up! —
亲爱的,亲爱的,我好像可以把你吃掉! —

Children, it’s your cousin Tom! – tell him howdy.”

But they ducked their heads, and put their fingers in their mouths, and hid behind her. So she run on:

“Lize, hurry up and get him a hot breakfast right away – or did you get your breakfast on the boat?”

I said I had got it on the boat. So then she started for the house, leading me by the hand, and the children tagging after. —
我说我在船上吃了早饭。然后她领着我去房子,我手拉着她,孩子们跟在后面。 —

When we got there she set me down in a split-bottomed chair, and set herself down on a little low stool in front of me, holding both of my hands, and says:

“Now I can have a GOOD look at you; and, laws-ame, I’ve been hungry for it a many and a many a time, all these long years, and it’s come at last! —
现在我可以好好看看你了;老天,我这么多年来一直渴望着这一刻,终于等到了! —

We been expecting you a couple of days and more. —
我们早就预料到你会来两天多了。 —

What kep’ you? – boat get aground?”

“Yes’m – she –”

“Don’t say yes’m – say Aunt Sally. Where’d she get aground?”

I didn’t rightly know what to say, because I didn’t know whether the boat would be coming up the river or down. —
我不太清楚该说什么,因为我不知道船会从河上游上还是下游上来。 —

But I go a good deal on instinct; and my instinct said she would be coming up – from down towards Orleans. —
但是我凭直觉走的很多;而我的直觉告诉我,她会从下游,从新奥尔良那边过来。 —

That didn’t help me much, though; for I didn’t know the names of bars down that way. —
尽管这没能帮助我太多,因为我不知道那边的水域叫什么名字。 —

I see I’d got to invent a bar, or forget the name of the one we got aground on – or – Now I struck an idea, and fetched it out:

“It warn’t the grounding – that didn’t keep us back but a little. We blowed out a cylinder-head.”

“Good gracious! anybody hurt?”

“No’m. Killed a nigger.”

“Well, it’s lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt. —
“好在没人受伤,因为有时候人们会受伤。” —

Two years ago last Christmas your uncle Silas was coming up from Newrleans on the old Lally Rook, and she blowed out a cylinder-head and crippled a man. —
“两年前圣诞节时你叔叔西拉斯从新奥尔良坐着老莱利卢克船上来,结果气缸盖爆了,还伤了一个人。” —

And I think he died afterwards. He was a Baptist. —
“然后他后来死了。他是一个浸信会的教徒。” —

Your uncle Silas knowed a family in Baton Rouge that knowed his people very well. —
“你叔叔西拉斯认识巴吞鲁日的一个家庭,对方的人也很了解他的家人。” —

Yes, I remember now, he DID die. Mortification set in, and they had to amputate him. —
“对,我现在记起来了,他确实死了。他开始化脓,他们不得不截肢。” —

But it didn’t save him. Yes, it was mortification – that was it. —
“但也没救活他。是啊,就是化脓导致的死亡。” —

He turned blue all over, and died in the hope of a glorious resurrection. —
“他全身变得发青,希望能有一个光荣的复活。” —

They say he was a sight to look at. Your uncle’s been up to the town every day to fetch you. —
“他据说很可怕。你叔叔每天都到城里来接你。” —

And he’s gone again, not more’n an hour ago; he’ll be back any minute now. —
“他刚刚走了,大概一个小时前;他随时都会回来。” —

You must a met him on the road, didn’t you? —
“你一定在路上见过他吧? —

– oldish man, with a –”

“No, I didn’t see nobody, Aunt Sally. The boat landed just at daylight, and I left my baggage on the wharf-boat and went looking around the town and out a piece in the country, to put in the time and not get here too soon; —
“不,我没看见任何人,Sally阿姨。船在天亮的时候刚刚靠岸,我把行李放在了码头船上,然后四处逛了一下小镇,顺便在乡间散了散步,为了消磨时间,不想来得太早; —

and so I come down the back way.”

“Who’d you give the baggage to?”


“Why, child, it ’ll be stole!”

“Not where I hid it I reckon it won’t,” I says.

“How’d you get your breakfast so early on the boat?”

It was kinder thin ice, but I says:

“The captain see me standing around, and told me I better have something to eat before I went ashore; so he took me in the texas to the officers’ lunch, and give me all I wanted.”

I was getting so uneasy I couldn’t listen good. I had my mind on the children all the time; —
我变得不安起来,无法专心听着。我一直在想着孩子们; —

I wanted to get them out to one side and pump them a little, and find out who I was. —
我想把他们带到一边,稍微询问一下,弄清楚我自己是谁。 —

But I couldn’t get no show, Mrs. Phelps kept it up and run on so. —
但我没有机会,菲尔普斯太太继续说个不停。 —

Pretty soon she made the cold chills streak all down my back, because she says:

“But here we’re a-running on this way, and you hain’t told me a word about Sis, nor any of them. —
“但我们一直这样啰嗦下去,你都还没跟我说关于Sis和其他人的事情。 —

Now I’ll rest my works a little, and you start up yourn; —
现在我要休息一会儿,你继续说吧; —

just tell me EVERYTHING – tell me all about ’m all every one of ’m; —
好吧,我看到我陷入了困境 - 而且是一个很大的困境。 —

and how they are, and what they’re doing, and what they told you to tell me; —
上帝一直保护着我,但是现在我卡在这里了。 —

and every last thing you can think of.”
我看到再继续前进是毫无用处的 - 我得认输了。

Well, I see I was up a stump – and up it good. —
所以我对自己说,在这里我又得拿真相来冒险了。 —

Providence had stood by me this fur all right, but I was hard and tight aground now. —
我刚要开口说话,但她抓住我,匆忙地把我藏在床后面,然后说道: —

I see it warn’t a bit of use to try to go ahead – I’d got to throw up my hand. —
“他来了!把头再低一点 - 好了,这样就看不见你了。 —

So I says to myself, here’s another place where I got to resk the truth. —
你别让他知道你在这里。我要给他来个玩笑。 —

I opened my mouth to begin; but she grabbed me and hustled me in behind the bed, and says:

“Here he comes! Stick your head down lower – there, that’ll do; you can’t be seen now. —
我看到自己陷入了困境。但是担心也没有用; —

Don’t you let on you’re here. I’ll play a joke on him. —
只能保持安静,准备好在闪电击中时躲开。 —

Children, don’t you say a word.”

I see I was in a fix now. But it warn’t no use to worry; —
然后床把他躲起来了。费尔普斯夫人冲向他,说道: —

there warn’t nothing to do but just hold still, and try and be ready to stand from under when the lightning struck.
“他来了!把头再低一点 - 好了,这样就看不见你了。

I had just one little glimpse of the old gentleman when he come in; —
你别让他知道你在这里。我要给他来个玩笑。 —

then the bed hid him. Mrs. Phelps she jumps for him, and says:

“Has he come?”

“No,” says her husband.

“Good-NESS gracious!” she says, “what in the warld can have become of him?”

“I can’t imagine,” says the old gentleman; “and I must say it makes me dreadful uneasy.”

“Uneasy!” she says; “I’m ready to go distracted! He MUST a come; —
“不安!”她说,”我要疯了!他一定来了; —

and you’ve missed him along the road. I KNOW it’s so – something tells me so.”
你在路上错过他了。我知道是这样的 — 感觉告诉我是这样。”

“Why, Sally, I COULDN’T miss him along the road – YOU know that.”
“为什么,莎莉,我不可能在路上错过他 — 你知道的。”

“But oh, dear, dear, what WILL Sis say! He must a come! You must a missed him. He –”
“但是噢,亲爱的,亲爱的,怎么办!他一定来了!你一定错过他了。他 —”

“Oh, don’t distress me any more’n I’m already distressed. —
“哦,不要让我更加痛苦。我真不知道怎么办。 —

I don’t know what in the world to make of it. —
快被逼疯了,而且我得承认我真的很害怕。 —

I’m at my wit’s end, and I don’t mind acknowledging ’t I’m right down scared. —
快到了极限,我再也受不了了。 —

But there’s no hope that he’s come; for he COULDN’T come and me miss him. —
是他肯定没有回来的希望;因为他不可能回来而我却错过他。 —

Sally, it’s terrible – just terrible – something’s happened to the boat, sure!”
莉,太可怕了 — 简直太可怕了 — 船上发生了什么事,肯定是!”

“Why, Silas! Look yonder! – up the road! – ain’t that somebody coming?”
“噢,塞拉斯!看那边! — 路上有人来了吗?”

He sprung to the window at the head of the bed, and that give Mrs. Phelps the chance she wanted. —
跳到床头的窗户那儿,给了菲尔普斯太太她想要的机会。 —

She stooped down quick at the foot of the bed and give me a pull, and out I come; —
她迅速弯下腰来,一把拉住床脚的我,我就出来了; —

and when he turned back from the window there she stood, a-beaming and a-smiling like a house afire, and I standing pretty meek and sweaty alongside. —
当他从窗户回过头来的时候,她站在那儿,笑容满面,像着了火的房子一样,而我站在一旁,相当温顺又出汗; —

The old gentleman stared, and says:

“Why, who’s that?”

“Who do you reckon ’t is?”

“I hain’t no idea. Who IS it?”


By jings, I most slumped through the floor! But there warn’t no time to swap knives; —
“天啊,我差点想当场昏倒!不过没时间换刀了; —

the old man grabbed me by the hand and shook, and kept on shaking; —
老头子抓住我的手,摇了起来,一直在摇,不停地摇; —

and all the time how the woman did dance around and laugh and cry; —
而那个女人一直在周围跳舞,笑着哭着; —

and then how they both did fire off questions about Sid, and Mary, and the rest of the tribe.

But if they was joyful, it warn’t nothing to what I was; —
但是,如果说他们高兴,那与我发现自己是谁相比简直微不足道; —

for it was like being born again, I was so glad to find out who I was. —
因为我太高兴了,感觉就像重生一样,终于知道了自己是谁; —

Well, they froze to me for two hours; and at last, when my chin was so tired it couldn’t hardly go any more, I had told them more about my family – I mean the Sawyer family – than ever happened to any six Sawyer families. —
好吧,他们审问了我两个小时;最后,当我的下巴累得几乎快不听使唤的时候,我给他们讲述了我的家族的更多事情 - 我是说索亚家族 - 比任何六个索亚家族遭遇的事情都要多; —

And I explained all about how we blowed out a cylinder-head at the mouth of White River, and it took us three days to fix it. —
而且我还详细解释了我们是如何在白河口炸裂一个汽缸盖,修理它花了我们三天的时间。 —

Which was all right, and worked first-rate; —
那是完全正确的,很好地起作用; —

because THEY didn’t know but what it would take three days to fix it. —
因为他们不知道修理需要三天时间。 —

If I’d a called it a bolthead it would a done just as well.

Now I was feeling pretty comfortable all down one side, and pretty uncomfortable all up the other. —
现在,我感觉一侧非常舒适,而另一侧非常不舒服。 —

Being Tom Sawyer was easy and comfortable, and it stayed easy and comfortable till by and by I hear a steamboat coughing along down the river. —
成为汤姆·索亚是容易而舒服的,一直保持着容易和舒适的感觉,直到不久后我听到一艘蒸汽船在河上咳嗽。 —

Then I says to myself, s’pose Tom Sawyer comes down on that boat? —
然后我对自己说,假设汤姆·索亚下了那艘船? —

And s’pose he steps in here any minute, and sings out my name before I can throw him a wink to keep quiet?

Well, I couldn’t HAVE it that way; it wouldn’t do at all. I must go up the road and waylay him. —
哦,我不能让事情这样发展;这样不行。我必须上路去埋伏他。 —

So I told the folks I reckoned I would go up to the town and fetch down my baggage. —
所以我告诉他们我想去镇上取我的行李。 —

The old gentleman was for going along with me, but I said no, I could drive the horse myself, and I druther he wouldn’t take no trouble about me.