SO I started for town in the wagon, and when I was half-way I see a wagon coming, and sure enough it was Tom Sawyer, and I stopped and waited till he come along. —
所以我开始驾驶马车进城,当我行进到一半时,我看见一辆马车朝我驶来,果然是汤姆·索亚,于是我停下来等他过来。 —

I says “Hold on!” and it stopped alongside, and his mouth opened up like a trunk, and stayed so; —
我说:“等一下!”他就停下来靠边,他的嘴巴像大象的鼻子一样张得大大的,一直这样。 —

and he swallowed two or three times like a person that’s got a dry throat, and then says:

“I hain’t ever done you no harm. You know that. —
“我从来没有伤害过你。你知道的。 —

So, then, what you want to come back and ha’nt ME for?”

I says:

“I hain’t come back – I hain’t been GONE.”

When he heard my voice it righted him up some, but he warn’t quite satisfied yet. He says:

“Don’t you play nothing on me, because I wouldn’t on you. Honest injun, you ain’t a ghost?”

“Honest injun, I ain’t,” I says.

“Well – I – I – well, that ought to settle it, of course; —
“嗯—我—嗯,那当然可以解决问题了; —

but I can’t somehow seem to understand it no way. —
但是我无论如何都无法理解。看这里,难道你从来没有被谋杀过吗?” —

Looky here, warn’t you ever murdered AT ALL?”

“No. I warn’t ever murdered at all – I played it on them. —
你进来摸摸我,如果你不相信的话。” —

You come in here and feel of me if you don’t believe me.”

So he done it; and it satisfied him; and he was that glad to see me again he didn’t know what to do. —
于是他做到了;而且他对此感到满意;见到我再次他高兴得不知道该怎么办了。 —

And he wanted to know all about it right off, because it was a grand adventure, and mysterious, and so it hit him where he lived. —
他立刻就想要全面了解,因为这是一次盛大的冒险,神秘而又深入人心。 —

But I said, leave it alone till by and by; —
但我说,暂且不要管它,先等一会儿吧; —

and told his driver to wait, and we drove off a little piece, and I told him the kind of a fix I was in, and what did he reckon we better do? —
于是我告诉他的司机等一下,我们开了一小段路,我告诉他我所处的困境,问他认为我们该怎么办。 —

He said, let him alone a minute, and don’t disturb him. —
他说,让他一个人静一会儿,不要打扰他。 —

So he thought and thought, and pretty soon he says:

“It’s all right; I’ve got it. Take my trunk in your wagon, and let on it’s your’n; —
“没问题,我有办法了。把我的行李箱放在你的马车上,假装是你的; —

and you turn back and fool along slow, so as to get to the house about the time you ought to; —
然后你掉头慢慢地走回去,保证到达房子的时候是该到的时间; —

and I’ll go towards town a piece, and take a fresh start, and get there a quarter or a half an hour after you; —
我会往镇上走一段,稍作休整,半小时之后到那里; —

and you needn’t let on to know me at first.”

I says:

“All right; but wait a minute. There’s one more thing – a thing that NOBODY don’t know but me. —
“好的,但是等一下。还有一件事,除了我没有人知道。 —

And that is, there’s a nigger here that I’m a-trying to steal out of slavery, and his name is JIM – old Miss Watson’s Jim.”

He says:

” What ! Why, Jim is –”

He stopped and went to studying. I says:

“I know what you’ll say. You’ll say it’s dirty, lowdown business; but what if it is? I’m low down; —
“我知道你会说什么。你会说这是肮脏、卑鄙的事情;但如果是这样呢?我又确实卑鄙; —

and I’m a-going to steal him, and I want you keep mum and not let on. Will you?”

His eye lit up, and he says:

“I’ll HELP you steal him!”

Well, I let go all holts then, like I was shot. —
好吧,我当时完全松了口,就像被击中一样。 —

It was the most astonishing speech I ever heard – and I’m bound to say Tom Sawyer fell considerable in my estimation. —
这是我听过最令人惊讶的谈话了-我不得不说,汤姆·索亚在我心中的形象大大降低了。 —

Only I couldn’t believe it. Tom Sawyer a NIGGER-STEALER!

“Oh, shucks!” I says; “you’re joking.”

“I ain’t joking, either.”

“Well, then,” I says, “joking or no joking, if you hear anything said about a runaway nigger, don’t forget to remember that YOU don’t know nothing about him, and I don’t know nothing about him.”

Then we took the trunk and put it in my wagon, and he drove off his way and I drove mine. —
然后我们把箱子放进我的马车里,他朝他的方向走,我朝我的方向走。 —

But of course I forgot all about driving slow on accounts of being glad and full of thinking; —
可是当然了,由于高兴和思考,我忘记了该驾驶缓慢; —

so I got home a heap too quick for that length of a trip. —
所以我回到家的速度比旅程应有的时间要快得多。 —

The old gentleman was at the door, and he says:

“Why, this is wonderful! Whoever would a thought it was in that mare to do it? —
“哎呀,这太奇妙了!谁会想到她能这样做? —

I wish we’d a timed her. And she hain’t sweated a hair – not a hair. It’s wonderful. —
我希望我们能计时。她连一根毛都没出汗,一根毛都没有。太不可思议了。 —

Why, I wouldn’t take a hundred dollars for that horse now – I wouldn’t, honest; —
为了这匹马,我现在可不会卖个一百块。真的不会,诚实地说; —

and yet I’d a sold her for fifteen before, and thought ‘twas all she was worth.”

That’s all he said. He was the innocentest, best old soul I ever see. But it warn’t surprising; —
他就只说了这些。他是我见过的最天真、最善良的老人。但这也不奇怪; —

because he warn’t only just a farmer, he was a preacher, too, and had a little one-horse log church down back of the plantation, which he built it himself at his own expense, for a church and schoolhouse, and never charged nothing for his preaching, and it was worth it, too. —
因为他不仅仅是个农民,他还是个牧师,他在庄园后面自费建了一个小小的一马车厢的教堂,作为教堂和学校,从来没有收过讲道费,而且这是值得的。 —

There was plenty other farmer-preachers like that, and done the same way, down South.

In about half an hour Tom’s wagon drove up to the front stile, and Aunt Sally she see it through the window, because it was only about fifty yards, and says:

“Why, there’s somebody come! I wonder who ‘tis? Why, I do believe it’s a stranger. —
“哎呀,有人来了!我不知道是谁呢?哎呀,我相信是个陌生人。 —

Jimmy ” (that’s one of the children)’ “run and tell Lize to put on another plate for dinner.”

Everybody made a rush for the front door, because, of course, a stranger don’t come EVERY year, and so he lays over the yaller-fever, for interest, when he does come. —
每个人都冲向前门,因为,当然,陌生人可不是每年都会来的,所以他的到来比黄热病还让人感兴趣。 —

Tom was over the stile and starting for the house; —
汤姆跨过了门木,向房子走去; —

the wagon was spinning up the road for the village, and we was all bunched in the front door. —
马车沿着道路飞奔着去村里,我们都挤在前门口。 —

Tom had his store clothes on, and an audience – and that was always nuts for Tom Sawyer. —
汤姆穿着商店里的衣服,他有观众-对于汤姆·索耶来说这总是很有成就感的。 —

In them circumstances it warn’t no trouble to him to throw in an amount of style that was suitable. —
在这种情况下,他很容易展示适当的风格。 —

He warn’t a boy to meeky along up that yard like a sheep; —
他不像一只绵羊一样老老实实地走上那个院子; —

no, he come ca’m and important, like the ram. —
不,他平静而重要地来了,就像一只公羊一样。 —

When he got a-front of us he lifts his hat ever so gracious and dainty, like it was the lid of a box that had butterflies asleep in it and he didn’t want to disturb them, and says:

“Mr. Archibald Nichols, I presume?”

“No, my boy,” says the old gentleman, “I’m sorry to say ’t your driver has deceived you; —
“不,我的孩子,”老绅士说,“我很抱歉告诉你,你的司机欺骗了你; —

Nichols’s place is down a matter of three mile more. Come in, come in.”

Tom he took a look back over his shoulder, and says, “Too late – he’s out of !j: