
In great families, when an advantageous place cannot be obtained, either in possession, reversion, remainder, or expectancy, for the young man who is growing up, it is a very general custom to send him to sea. —-
在大家族中,当年轻人正在成长时,如果无法为他们获取有利的职位,不论是现有的、继承的、剩余的、还是期望的,很普遍的做法是让他们去航海。 —-

The board, in imitation of so wise and salutary an example, took counsel together on the expediency of shipping off Oliver Twist, in some small trading vessel bound to a good unhealthy port. —-
理事会仿效这种明智而有益的例子,商讨了把奥利弗·扭斯特送上一艘小型的贸易船,前往一个良好但不健康的港口的可行性。 —-

This suggested itself as the very best thing that could possibly be done with him: —-
这被认为是对他来说可能做的最好的事情: —-

the probability being, that the skipper would flog him to death, in a playful mood, some day after dinner, or would knock his brains out with an iron bar; —-
因为有可能船长某一天在午饭后玩笑似地将他鞭打致死,或者用铁棍打碎他的脑门; —-

both pastimes being, as is pretty generally known, very favourite and common recreations among gentleman of that class. —-
这两种消遣,相当广泛地知道,都是那个阶层绅士非常喜爱且常见的消遣。 —-

The more the case presented itself to the board, in this point of view, the more manifold the advantages of the step appeared; —-
这个情况在理事会看来愈发如此,这个措施的好处愈发显而易见; —-

so, they came to the conclusion that the only way of providing for Oliver effectually, was to send him to sea without delay.

Mr. Bumble had been despatched to make various preliminary inquiries, with the view of finding out some captain or other who wanted a cabin-boy without any friends; —-
邦布尔先生已经被派出去进行各种初步调查,试图找到一个想要一个没有朋友的船舱男孩的船长; —-

and was returning to the workhouse to communicate the result of his mission; —-
并且正在返回工house,以便告知他的任务结果; —-

when he encountered at the gate, no less a person than Mr. Sowerberry, the parochial undertaker.

Mr. Sowerberry was a tall gaunt, large-jointed man, attired in a suit of threadbare black, with darned cotton stockings of the same colour, and shoes to answer. —-
索尔贝瑞先生是一个高大瘦削,大关节的人,身着一套破旧的黑色衣服,穿着同色的补过的棉袜和相应的鞋子。 —-

His features were not naturally intended to wear a smiling aspect, but he was in general rather given to professional jocosity. —-
他的特征并不天生适合微笑,但他一般倾向于以职业幽默来取悦人。 —-

His step was elastic, and his face betokened inward pleasantry, as he advanced to Mr. Bumble, and shook him cordially by the hand.

‘I have taken the measure of the two women that died last night, Mr. Bumble,’ said the undertaker.

‘You’ll make your fortune, Mr. Sowerberry,’ said the beadle, as he thrust his thumb and forefinger into the proffered snuff-box of the undertaker: —-
“索尔贝瑞先生,你会发财的,”灵柩商说着,当他将大拇指和食指伸入灵柩商递过来的鼻烟盒时。 —-

which was an ingenious little model of a patent coffin. —-
这个鼻烟盒是一个巧妙的专利棺材的小模型。 —-

‘I say you’ll make your fortune, Mr. Sowerberry,’ repeated Mr. Bumble, tapping the undertaker on the shoulder, in a friendly manner, with his cane.

‘Think so?’ said the undertaker in a tone which half admitted and half disputed the probability of the event. —-
“你是这么想的吗?”灵柩商以一种既承认又质疑事件可能性的口吻说道。 —-

‘The prices allowed by the board are very small, Mr. Bumble.’

‘So are the coffins,’ replied the beadle: —-
灵柩商回答说:“棺材也是如此。” —-

with precisely as near an approach to a laugh as a great official ought to indulge in.

Mr. Sowerberry was much tickled at this: as of course he ought to be; —-
索尔贝瑞先生对此非常感兴趣,正如他应该的那样; —-

and laughed a long time without cessation. —-
他笑个不停。 —-

‘Well, well, Mr. Bumble,’ he said at length, ‘there’s no denying that, since the new system of feeding has come in, the coffins are something narrower and more shallow than they used to be; —-
“好的,好的,布莫先生,”他最终说:“不可否认的是,自从新的喂养系统出现以来,棺材比以前要窄浅一些; —-

but we must have some profit, Mr. Bumble. —-
但是我们必须有一些利润,布莫先生。 —-

Well-seasoned timber is an expensive article, sir; —-
经验丰富的木材是昂贵的; —-

and all the iron handles come, by canal, from Birmingham.’

‘Well, well,’ said Mr. Bumble, ‘every trade has its drawbacks. —-
“好吧,好吧,”布莫先生说:“每个行业都有其不利之处。 —-

A fair profit is, of course, allowable.’

‘Of course, of course,’ replied the undertaker; —-
“当然,当然,”殡仪馆老板回答说; —-

‘and if I don’t get a profit upon this or that particular article, why, I make it up in the long-run, you see—he! he! he!’

‘Just so,’ said Mr. Bumble.

‘Though I must say,’ continued the undertaker, resuming the current of observations which the beadle had interrupted: —-
“不过我必须说,”殡仪馆老板继续说道,继续邦布尔打断的话题流: —-

‘though I must say, Mr. Bumble, that I have to contend against one very great disadvantage: —-
“我必须说,邦布尔先生,我面临一个非常大的不利因素: —-

which is, that all the stout people go off the quickest. —-
那就是,那些身材魁梧的人离世最快。 —-

The people who have been better off, and have paid rates for many years, are the first to sink when they come into the house; —-
那些生活过得好,多年来支付过税款的人,一旦进入休养所就会第一个沦陷; —-

and let me tell you, Mr. Bumble, that three or four inches over one’s calculation makes a great hole in one’s profits: —-
请你听着,邦布尔先生,一个人的算计差了三四英寸对利润来说就是一个大洞: —-

especially when one has a family to provide for, sir.’

As Mr. Sowerberry said this, with the becoming indignation of an ill-used man; —-
当被冤枉的人愤愤不平地说这番话时; —-

and as Mr. Bumble felt that it rather tended to convey a reflection on the honour of the parish; —-
而邦布尔先生则感到这有点对教区的名誉构成怀疑; —-

the latter gentleman thought it advisable to change the subject. —-
后者认为最好改变话题。 —-

Oliver Twist being uppermost in his mind, he made him his theme.

‘By the bye,’ said Mr. Bumble, ‘you don’t know anybody who wants a boy, do you? —-
“顺便说一句,”邦布尔先生说,“你不知道有谁需要一个男孩吗? —-

A porochial ‘prentis, who is at present a dead-weight; —-
一个现在只是一个负担的教区学徒;” —-

a millstone, as I may say, round the porochial throat? —-
我可以说,这是一个像石磨一样沉重的负担,压在教区的喉咙上? —-

Liberal terms, Mr. Sowerberry, liberal terms?’ —-
宽宏大量,索尔伯瑞先生,宽宏大量? —-

As Mr. Bumble spoke, he raised his cane to the bill above him, and gave three distinct raps upon the words ‘five pounds’: —-
当邦布尔先生说话时,他将手杖举起,敲击了悬挂在他上方“五镑”这几个字上的账单,这些字用巨大的罗马体印刷而成。 —-

which were printed thereon in Roman capitals of gigantic size.

‘Gadso!’ said the undertaker: taking Mr. Bumble by the gilt-edged lappel of his official coat; —-
你知道的-天哪,邦布尔先生,您的官方外套上这颗镀金的扣子简直太漂亮了! —-

‘that’s just the very thing I wanted to speak to you about. —-
这正是我想要和你谈谈的事情。 —-

You know—dear me, what a very elegant button this is, Mr. Bumble! —-
你知道的-天哪,邦布尔先生,您的官方外套上这颗镀金的扣子简直太漂亮了! —-

I never noticed it before.’

‘Yes, I think it rather pretty,’ said the beadle, glancing proudly downwards at the large brass buttons which embellished his coat. —-
‘是的,我觉得它相当漂亮,’保镖说着,骄傲地看着自己外套上装饰着的大铜扣。 —-

‘The die is the same as the porochial seal—the Good Samaritan healing the sick and bruised man. —-
‘这个图案和救助站印章一样——好撒玛利亚人医治了受伤的人。 —-

The board presented it to me on Newyear’s morning, Mr. Sowerberry. —-
墓地工人说:‘这是新年早晨董事会送给我的,索韦贝利先生。 —-

I put it on, I remember, for the first time, to attend the inquest on that reduced tradesman, who died in a doorway at midnight.’

‘I recollect,’ said the undertaker. ‘The jury brought it in, “Died from exposure to the cold, and want of the common necessaries of life,” didn’t they?’

Mr. Bumble nodded.

‘And they made it a special verdict, I think,’ said the undertaker, ‘by adding some words to the effect, that if the relieving officer had—‘

‘Tush! Foolery!’ interposed the beadle. ‘If the board attended to all the nonsense that ignorant jurymen talk, they’d have enough to do.’

‘Very true,’ said the undertaker; ‘they would indeed.’

‘Juries,’ said Mr. Bumble, grasping his cane tightly, as was his wont when working into a passion: —-
‘陪审团,’班布尔先生握紧了手杖,一如往常在愤怒中时所为: —-

‘juries is ineddicated, vulgar, grovelling wretches.’

‘So they are,’ said the undertaker.

‘They haven’t no more philosophy nor political economy about ‘em than that,’ said the beadle, snapping his fingers contemptuously.

‘No more they have,’ acquiesced the undertaker.

‘I despise ‘em,’ said the beadle, growing very red in the face.

‘So do I,’ rejoined the undertaker.

‘And I only wish we’d a jury of the independent sort, in the house for a week or two,’ said the beadle; —-
‘我只希望我们能有一些独立的陪审团在这里待上一两个星期,’道士说, —-

‘the rules and regulations of the board would soon bring their spirit down for ‘em.’

‘Let ‘em alone for that,’ replied the undertaker. —-
‘那就让他们去吧,’殡仪师回答。 —-

So saying, he smiled, approvingly: to calm the rising wrath of the indignant parish officer.

Mr Bumble lifted off his cocked hat; took a handkerchief from the inside of the crown; —-
巴姆布尔先生摘下他的三角帽;从帽子内部取出一条手帕; —-

wiped from his forehead the perspiration which his rage had engendered; —-
擦去愤怒使他额头上冒出的汗水; —-

fixed the cocked hat on again; and, turning to the undertaker, said in a calmer voice:

‘Well; what about the boy?’

‘Oh!’ replied the undertaker; ‘why, you know, Mr. Bumble, I pay a good deal towards the poor’s rates.’

‘Hem!’ said Mr. Bumble. ‘Well?’

‘Well,’ replied the undertaker, ‘I was thinking that if I pay so much towards ‘em, I’ve a right to get as much out of ‘em as I can, Mr. Bumble; —-
‘接着,’殡仪师回答,’我想如果我交了那么多税,我有权利尽可能多地从中得利,巴姆布尔先生; —-

and so—I think I’ll take the boy myself.’

Mr. Bumble grasped the undertaker by the arm, and led him into the building. —-
巴姆布尔先生抓住了殡仪师的胳膊,领着他走进了建筑物。 —-

Mr. Sowerberry was closeted with the board for five minutes; —-
索尔贝瑞先生和理事会在密室会议了五分钟; —-

and it was arranged that Oliver should go to him that evening ‘upon liking’—a phrase which means, in the case of a parish apprentice, that if the master find, upon a short trial, that he can get enough work out of a boy without putting too much food into him, he shall have him for a term of years, to do what he likes with.

When little Oliver was taken before ‘the gentlemen’ that evening; —-
当小奥利弗那天晚上被带到“绅士们”面前; —-

and informed that he was to go, that night, as general house-lad to a coffin-maker’s; —-
并被告知他将在那晚作为棺材制造者的通用家务工人去那里工作; —-

and that if he complained of his situation, or ever came back to the parish again, he would be sent to sea, there to be drowned, or knocked on the head, as the case might be, he evinced so little emotion, that they by common consent pronounced him a hardened young rascal, and ordered Mr. Bumble to remove him forthwith.

Now, although it was very natural that the board, of all people in the world, should feel in a great state of virtuous astonishment and horror at the smallest tokens of want of feeling on the part of anybody, they were rather out, in this particular instance. —-
而事实上,理事会作为世界上最具有虔诚的惊奇和震惊情感的人,对于任何人身上表现出的最细微的缺乏感情的迹象,感到非常自然的,他们在这个特定例子中有点不太对头。 —-

The simple fact was, that Oliver, instead of possessing too little feeling, possessed rather too much; —-
简单的事实是,奥利弗并不是缺乏感情,而是有点太过感情。 —-

and was in a fair way of being reduced, for life, to a state of brutal stupidity and sullenness by the ill usage he had received. —-
并且以遭受的虐待方式,他正逐渐变得愚钝和阴郁。 —-

He heard the news of his destination, in perfect silence; —-
他默默无言地听到了自己的去向的消息; —-

and, having had his luggage put into his hand—which was not very difficult to carry, inasmuch as it was all comprised within the limits of a brown paper parcel, about half a foot square by three inches deep—he pulled his cap over his eyes; —-
并且接过自己的行李——这并不难拿,因为所有物品都装在一个棕色纸袋里,大约半尺见方,三寸深——他把帽子拉低遮住了眼睛; —-

and once more attaching himself to Mr. Bumble’s coat cuff, was led away by that dignitary to a new scene of suffering.

For some time, Mr. Bumble drew Oliver along, without notice or remark; —-
有一段时间,包括奥利弗在内的大家都没有注意到或发表任何评论; —-

for the beadle carried his head very erect, as a beadle always should: —-
因为这位警长昂首挺胸地充当警长的样子实在端庄; —-

and, it being a windy day, little Oliver was completely enshrouded by the skirts of Mr. Bumble’s coat as they blew open, and disclosed to great advantage his flapped waistcoat and drab plush knee-breeches. —-
今天风很大,小奥利弗完全被布姆布尔先生大衣的下摆所遮盖,这样就很好地彰显了他穿着的特点——翻领背心和灰色天鹅绒马裤。 —-

As they drew near to their destination, however, Mr. Bumble thought it expedient to look down, and see that the boy was in good order for inspection by his new master: —-
然而,当他们渐渐接近目的地时,布姆布尔先生认为有必要低头看看小男孩是否整洁得可以供新主人检阅; —-

which he accordingly did, with a fit and becoming air of gracious patronage.

‘Oliver!’ said Mr. Bumble.

‘Yes, sir,’ replied Oliver, in a low, tremulous voice.

‘Pull that cap off your eyes, and hold up your head, sir.’

Although Oliver did as he was desired, at once; —-
虽然奥利弗马上照做了; —-

and passed the back of his unoccupied hand briskly across his eyes, he left a tear in them when he looked up at his conductor. —-
并且当他把没有东西的手背迅速擦过眼睛时,他抬头看领导时,眼睛中还留有泪水。 —-

As Mr. Bumble gazed sternly upon him, it rolled down his cheek. —-
当布姆布尔先生严厉地瞪着他时,一滴泪水顺着他的面颊流下。 —-

It was followed by another, and another. —-
这句后面跟着另一句,再后面又是另一句。 —-

The child made a strong effort, but it was an unsuccessful one. —-
这个孩子努力了,但是没有成功。 —-

Withdrawing his other hand from Mr. Bumble’s he covered his face with both; —-
他把另一只手从巴恩布尔先生手中抽出来,双手捂住脸; —-

and wept until the tears sprung out from between his chin and bony fingers.

‘Well!’ exclaimed Mr. Bumble, stopping short, and darting at his little charge a look of intense malignity. —-
‘噢!’巴恩布尔停下来,怒视着他那个小小的责任人。 —-

‘Well! Of all the ungratefullest, and worst-disposed boys as ever I see, Oliver, you are the—‘

‘No, no, sir,’ sobbed Oliver, clinging to the hand which held the well-known cane; ‘no, no, sir; —-
‘不,不,先生,’奥利弗抽泣着,紧紧抓住那根拿着那根熟悉的手杖的手;’不,不,先生; —-

I will be good indeed; indeed, indeed I will, sir! —-
我真的会很乖;的确,的确,我会的,先生! —-

I am a very little boy, sir; and it is so—so—‘

‘So what?’ inquired Mr. Bumble in amazement.

‘So lonely, sir! So very lonely!’ cried the child. ‘Everybody hates me. Oh! —-
‘太孤独了,先生!太孤独了!’孩子哭诉道,’每个人都讨厌我。噢! —-

sir, don’t, don’t pray be cross to me!’ The child beat his hand upon his heart; —-
先生,求求您,不要,不要对我生气!’孩子用手拍着自己的心脏; —-

and looked in his companion’s face, with tears of real agony.

Mr. Bumble regarded Oliver’s piteous and helpless look, with some astonishment, for a few seconds; —-
巴恩布尔惊讶地凝视着奥利弗那悲惨无助的表情,停顿了几秒钟; —-

hemmed three or four times in a husky manner; —-
用沙哑的方式咳嗽了三四次。 —-

and after muttering something about ‘that troublesome cough,’ bade Oliver dry his eyes and be a good boy. —-
‘啊哈!’承办葬礼的看着书本从中停了下来,说到; —-

Then once more taking his hand, he walked on with him in silence.

The undertaker, who had just putup the shutters of his shop, was making some entries in his day-book by the light of a most appropriate dismal candle, when Mr. Bumble entered.

‘Aha!’ said the undertaker; looking up from the book, and pausing in the middle of a word; —-
承办葬礼的说:‘哦!这就是那个男孩?’ —-

‘is that you, Bumble?’

‘No one else, Mr. Sowerberry,’ replied the beadle. ‘Here! I’ve brought the boy.’ Oliver made a bow.

‘Oh! that’s the boy, is it?’ said the undertaker: —-
先从书里抬起头来,看看悬挂在他店里的百叶窗,然后才说:‘是你,班布尔?’ —-

raising the candle above his head, to get a better view of Oliver. —-
将蜡烛举在头顶上,以便更好地看清奥利弗。 —-

‘Mrs. Sowerberry, will you have the goodness to come here a moment, my dear?’

Mrs. Sowerberry emerged from a little room behind the shop, and presented the form of a short, then, squeezed-up woman, with a vixenish countenance.

‘My dear,’ said Mr. Sowerberry, deferentially, ‘this is the boy from the workhouse that I told you of.’ —-
“亲爱的,”慷慨地说着Sowerberry先生,“这是我告诉你的来自救济院的男孩。” —-

Oliver bowed again.

‘Dear me!’ said the undertaker’s wife, ‘he’s very small.’

‘Why, he is rather small,’ replied Mr. Bumble: —-
“嗯,他确实有点小”,Bumble先生回答道,看着Oliver好像他的身材小是他的错,“他确实小。毫不否认。 —-

looking at Oliver as if it were his fault that he was no bigger; ‘he is small. —-
毫不否认。但他会长大的,Sowerberry夫人——他会长大。” —-

There’s no denying it. But he’ll grow, Mrs. Sowerberry—he’ll grow.’

‘Ah! I dare say he will,’ replied the lady pettishly, ‘on our victuals and our drink. —-
不过,男人总是自以为是。唉!下楼,小东西。” —-

I see no saving in parish children, not I; for they always cost more to keep, than they’re worth. —-
说着,殡仪师的太太打开了侧门,把Oliver推下一道陡峭的台阶,推到一个潮湿、黑暗的石头小房间里,作为通往煤窖的前厅,被称为“厨房”; —-

However, men always think they know best. There! Get downstairs, little bag o’ bones.’ —-
里面坐着一个衣着邋遢的女孩,鞋跟已经磨损、蓝色羊毛袜子破烂不堪。 —-

With this, the undertaker’s wife opened a side door, and pushed Oliver down a steep flight of stairs into a stone cell, damp and dark: —-
“夏洛特,”跟着下来的Sowerberry先生说道,“给这个男孩一些留给Trip的剩菜冷餐。自从早上他就没回来,所以他就别想吃了。” —-

forming the ante-room to the coal-cellar, and denominated ‘kitchen’; —-
“夏洛特”就是给这个女孩的tag。 —-

wherein sat a slatternly girl, in shoes down at heel, and blue worsted stockings very much out of repair.

‘Here, Charlotte,’ said Mr. Sowerberry, who had followed Oliver down, ‘give this boy some of the cold bits that were put by for Trip. He hasn’t come home since the morning, so he may go without ‘em. —-
“请这个男孩享用一些留给Trip的剩菜冷餐。自从早上他就没回来,所以他就别想吃了。” —-

I dare say the boy isn’t too dainty to eat ‘em—are you, boy?’

Oliver, whose eyes had glistened at the mention of meat, and who was trembling with eagerness to devour it, replied in the negative; —-
奥利弗听到肉食的提及,眼睛发亮,颤抖着渴望着吞咽,否定地回答说; —-

and a plateful of coarse broken victuals was set before him.

I wish some well-fed philosopher, whose meat and drink turn to gall within him; —-
我希望某个满肚子哲学的胖子能看到,他的食物和饮料在他体内变成苦涩; —-

whose blood is ice, whose heart is iron; —-
他的血液像冰,心像铁, —-

could have seen Oliver Twist clutching at the dainty viands that the dog had neglected. —-
能看到奥利弗·特威斯特急切地抓住狗忽视的美味食物。 —-

I wish he could have witnessed the horrible avidity with which Oliver tore the bits asunder with all the ferocity of famine. —-
我希望他能见证奥利弗像饥荒时的凶残一样用力撕扯着食物碎片。 —-

There is only one thing I should like better; —-
我只更喜欢 —-

and that would be to see the Philosopher making the same sort of meal himself, with the same relish.

‘Well,’ said the undertaker’s wife, when Oliver had finished his supper: —-

which she had regarded in silent horror, and with fearful auguries of his future appetite: ‘have you done?’
她默默地用恐惧和对他未来食欲的可怕预感看着他:’你吃完了吗?’ —-

There being nothing eatable within his reach, Oliver replied in the affirmative.

‘Then come with me,’ said Mrs. Sowerberry: —-

taking up a dim and dirty lamp, and leading the way upstairs; ‘your bed’s under the counter. —-
拿起一盏昏暗肮脏的灯,领着奥利弗上楼;’你的床在柜台下。 —-

You don’t mind sleeping among the coffins, I suppose? —-
你不介意睡在棺材旁边,对吧? —-

But it doesn’t much matter whether you do or don’t, for you can’t sleep anywhere else. —-
但无论你愿意与否并不重要,因为你无法在别的地方睡觉。 —-

Come; don’t keep me here all night!’
来吧; 不要让我在这里呆一整晚!

Oliver lingered no longer, but meekly followed his new mistress.