
For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room to which he had been consigned by the wisdom and mercy of the board. —
在要求更多的不敬和亵渎行为之后的一周里,奥利弗被智慧和仁慈的董事会监禁在一个黑暗和孤独的房间里。 —

It appears, at first sight not unreasonable to suppose, that, if he had entertained a becoming feeling of respect for the prediction of the gentleman in the white waistcoat, he would have established that sage individual’s prophetic character, once and for ever, by tying one end of his pocket-handkerchief to a hook in the wall, and attaching himself to the other. —
乍一看,似乎不太合理地假设,如果他对穿着白背心的绅士的预言怀有应有的尊重,他将通过将他的手帕的一端系在墙上的钩子上,然后将另一端系在自己身上,永远地确立这位智者的预言性格。 —

To the performance of this feat, however, there was one obstacle: —
但是,执行这一壮举有一个障碍: —

namely, that pocket-handkerchiefs being decided articles of luxury, had been, for all future times and ages, removed from the noses of paupers by the express order of the board, in council assembled: —
即,手帕被决定性地视为奢侈品,根据董事会的明文规定,贫民的鼻子将永远不准再接触手帕。 —

solemnly given and pronounced under their hands and seals. —
这是著著董事会在集会上庄严给予并宣布的。 —

There was a still greater obstacle in Oliver’s youth and childishness. —
奥利弗的年幼和孩童气概是一个更大的障碍。 —

He only cried bitterly all day; and, when the long, dismal night came on, spread his little hands before his eyes to shut out the darkness, and crouching in the corner, tried to sleep: —
他整天只是痛苦地哭泣;当漫长而阴郁的夜晚降临时,他会将小手紧贴在眼前以阻挡黑暗,并蜷缩在角落里尝试睡觉; —

ever and anon waking with a start and tremble, and drawing himself closer and closer to the wall, as if to feel even its cold hard surface were a protection in the gloom and loneliness which surrounded him.

Let it not be supposed by the enemies of ‘the system,’ that, during the period of his solitary incarceration, Oliver was denied the benefit of exercise, the pleasure of society, or the advantages of religious consolation. —
请敌对“这一系统”的人士不要以为,在他孤独囚禁的期间,奥利弗被剥夺了锻炼的好处、社交的乐趣、以及宗教的安慰。 —

As for exercise, it was nice cold weather, and he was allowed to perform his ablutions every morning under the pump, in a stone yard, in the presence of Mr. Bumble, who prevented his catching cold, and caused a tingling sensation to pervade his frame, by repeated applications of the cane. —
至于锻炼,天气很冷,他被允许每天早晨在院子里的水泵下施行梳洗,巴姆布太监在场以防他着凉,并通过反复使用手杖让他躯体感到刺痛。 —

As for society, he was carried every other day into the hall where the boys dined, and there sociably flogged as a public warning and example. —
至于社交,每隔一天他会被带到男孩们用餐的大厅,公开遭到体罚以作为一个警告和示例。 —

And so for from being denied the advantages of religious consolation, he was kicked into the same apartment every evening at prayer-time, and there permitted to listen to, and console his mind with, a general supplication of the boys, containing a special clause, therein inserted by authority of the board, in which they entreated to be made good, virtuous, contented, and obedient, and to be guarded from the sins and vices of Oliver Twist: —
远非被剥夺了宗教慰藉的利益,每天晚上祷告时间,他被踢进同样的房间,并被允许聆听,并用众人的一般祈祷安慰自己,其中含有一项特别条款,是由董事会的权威插入其中,其中他们恳求自己变得善良、贞节、知足、顺从,并免受奥利弗·特维斯特的罪行和恶习的侵害; —

whom the supplication distinctly set forth to be under the exclusive patronage and protection of the powers of wickedness, and an article direct from the manufactory of the very Devil himself.

It chanced one morning, while Oliver’s affairs were in this auspicious and comfortable state, that Mr. Gamfield, chimney-sweep, went his way down the High Street, deeply cogitating in his mind his ways and means of paying certain arrears of rent, for which his landlord had become rather pressing. —
有一天早晨,当奥利弗的事务处于这一如意和舒适的状态时,烟囱扫师傅加姆菲尔德深思着他如何支付房东催缴的一些租金的方式和方法,沿着大街下去。 —

Mr. Gamfield’s most sanguine estimate of his finances could not raise them within full five pounds of the desired amount; —
Gamfield 先生对他的财务状况做了最为乐观的估计,但仍然相差整整五英镑; —

and, in a species of arthimetical desperation, he was alternately cudgelling his brains and his donkey, when passing the workhouse, his eyes encountered the bill on the gate.

‘Wo–o!’ said Mr. Gamfield to the donkey.
“嗷——嗷!”Gamfield 先生对着驴说道;

The donkey was in a state of profound abstraction: —
驴则正陷入深深的沉思之中: —

wondering, probably, whether he was destined to be regaled with a cabbage-stalk or two when he had disposed of the two sacks of soot with which the little cart was laden; —
或许在疑惑自己是否在把装满两袋煤灰的小车卸下后会被喂上一两根卷心菜叶; —

so, without noticing the word of command, he jogged onward.

Mr. Gamfield growled a fierce imprecation on the donkey generally, but more particularly on his eyes; and, running after him, bestowed a blow on his head, which would inevitably have beaten in any skull but a donkey’s. —
Gamfield 先生对驴低声咒骂,尤其瞪着它的眼睛;而后跑上前去,痛打其脑袋,这样的一击对非驴类生物来说,脑袋必然已被打烂; —

Then, catching hold of the bridle, he gave his jaw a sharp wrench, by way of gentle reminder that he was not his own master; —
随后,他拉住马勒,猛地扭动它的下巴,提示他不是自己的主宰; —

and by these means turned him round. He then gave him another blow on the head, just to stun him till he came back again. —
然后再次击打它的脑袋,只是为了让它晕倒直到回转过来; —

Having completed these arrangements, he walked up to the gate, to read the bill.

The gentleman with the white waistcoat was standing at the gate with his hands behind him, after having delivered himself of some profound sentiments in the board-room. —
穿着白腰带的绅士站在大门口,双手负在身后,刚才在董事会上说了几句深刻的话后; —

Having witnessed the little dispute between Mr. Gamfield and the donkey, he smiled joyously when that person came up to read the bill, for he saw at once that Mr. Gamfield was exactly the sort of master Oliver Twist wanted. —
他看到了 Gamfield 先生与驴之间的争吵,当那人来读告示的时候,他欣喜地微笑,因为他一眼就看出 Gamfield 先生正是奥利弗·吹特所需要的那种主人; —

Mr. Gamfield smiled, too, as he perused the document; —
Gamfield 先生看着文件也微笑起来; —

for five pounds was just the sum he had been wishing for; —
五镑恰恰是他一直所渴望的那笔钱; —

and, as to the boy with which it was encumbered, Mr. Gamfield, knowing what the dietary of the workhouse was, well knew he would be a nice small pattern, just the very thing for register stoves. —
至于所附的孩子,Gamfield 先生明白救济院的饮食有多简陋,他知道这孩子会是个不错的小模特,正好适合登记炉的使用。 —

So, he spelt the bill through again, from beginning to end; —
于是,他又从头到尾认真地朗读了一遍账单; —

and then, touching his fur cap in token of humility, accosted the gentleman in the white waistcoat.

‘This here boy, sir, wot the parish wants to ‘prentis,’ said Mr. Gamfield.

‘Ay, my man,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat, with a condescending smile. ‘What of him?’

‘If the parish vould like him to learn a right pleasant trade, in a good ‘spectable chimbley-sweepin’ bisness,’ said Mr. Gamfield, ‘I wants a ‘prentis, and I am ready to take him.’

‘Walk in,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. —
‘请进,’穿白色马甲的绅士说道; —

Mr. Gamfield having lingered behind, to give the donkey another blow on the head, and another wrench of the jaw, as a caution not to run away in his absence, followed the gentleman with the white waistcoat into the room where Oliver had first seen him.

‘It’s a nasty trade,’ said Mr. Limbkins, when Gamfield had again stated his wish.

‘Young boys have been smothered in chimneys before now,’ said another gentleman.

‘That’s acause they damped the straw afore they lit it in the chimbley to make ‘em come down again,’ said Gamfield; —
‘那是因为他们在点燃烟囱前把稻草打湿,以便把他们引下来,’甘菲尔德说道; —

‘that’s all smoke, and no blaze; vereas smoke ain’t o’ no use at all in making a boy come down, for it only sinds him to sleep, and that’s wot he likes. —
‘那全是烟雾,没有火苗;相反,烟雾对于让男孩下来毫无用处,因为它只会让他睡着,而那就是他喜欢的; —

Boys is wery obstinit, and wery lazy, Gen’l’men, and there’s nothink like a good hot blaze to make ‘em come down vith a run. —
男孩是非常固执和懒惰的,先生们,没有什么比一团炽热的火焰更能让他们一溜烟地下来; —

It’s humane too, gen’l’men, acause, even if they’ve stuck in the chimbley, roasting their feet makes ‘em struggle to hextricate theirselves.’

The gentleman in the white waistcoat appeared very much amused by this explanation; —
穿白色马甲的绅士对这个解释似乎很感兴趣; —

but his mirth was speedily checked by a look from Mr. Limbkins. —
但是他的笑声很快被林宾克斯先生的一瞥所制止。 —

The board then proceeded to converse among themselves for a few minutes, but in so low a tone, that the words ‘saving of expenditure,’ ‘looked well in the accounts,’ ‘have a printed report published,’ were alone audible. —
董事会随后开始彼此交谈几分钟,但说话声音很低,只有“节约支出”、“在账目上看起来不错”、“要出版一份印刷报告”等词听得到。 —

These only chanced to be heard, indeed, or account of their being very frequently repeated with great emphasis.

At length the whispering ceased; and the members of the board, having resumed their seats and their solemnity, Mr. Limbkins said:

‘We have considered your proposition, and we don’t approve of it.’

‘Not at all,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat.

‘Decidedly not,’ added the other members.

As Mr. Gamfield did happen to labour under the slight imputation of having bruised three or four boys to death already, it occurred to him that the board had, perhaps, in some unaccountable freak, taken it into their heads that this extraneous circumstance ought to influence their proceedings. —
由于甘菲尔德先生确实曾有过将三四个男孩打死的轻微指控,他突然想到董事会或许由于某种无法解释的怪念头认为这种外在因素应该影响到他们的决定。 —

It was very unlike their general mode of doing business, if they had; —
如果他们这样做的话,那与他们一般的做事方式截然不同; —

but still, as he had no particular wish to revive the rumour, he twisted his cap in his hands, and walked slowly from the table.

‘So you won’t let me have him, gen’l’men?’ said Mr. Gamfield, pausing near the door.

‘No,’ replied Mr. Limbkins; ‘at least, as it’s a nasty business, we think you ought to take something less than the premium we offered.’

Mr. Gamfield’s countenance brightened, as, with a quick step, he returned to the table, and said,

‘What’ll you give, gen’l’men? Come! Don’t be too hard on a poor man. What’ll you give?’

‘I should say, three pound ten was plenty,’ said Mr. Limbkins.

‘Ten shillings too much,’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat.

‘Come!’ said Gamfield; ‘say four pound, gen’l’men. —
“来!”甘菲尔德说,“说四磅,先生们。 —

Say four pound, and you’ve got rid of him for good and all. There!’

‘Three pound ten,’ repeated Mr. Limbkins, firmly.

‘Come! I’ll split the diff’erence, gen’l’men,’ urged Gamfield. ‘Three pound fifteen.’

‘Not a farthing more,’ was the firm reply of Mr. Limbkins.

‘You’re desperate hard upon me, gen’l’men,’ said Gamfield, wavering.

‘Pooh! pooh! nonsense!’ said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. —
白色背心的绅士说,“胡说八道!” —

‘He’d be cheap with nothing at all, as a premium. Take him, you silly fellow! —
“连一分钱也不要他的价格就低了. 把他带走吧,你这傻家伙! —

He’s just the boy for you. He wants the stick, now and then: it’ll do him good; —
他就是你需要的小伙子。他偶尔需要受点教训:这对他有好处, —

and his board needn’t come very expensive, for he hasn’t been overfed since he was born. Ha! ha! ha!’

Mr. Gamfield gave an arch look at the faces round the table, and, observing a smile on all of them, gradually broke into a smile himself. —
甘菲尔德朝着桌子周围的人看了一个俏皮的眼神,看到他们脸上都带着微笑,他也慢慢地笑了起来。 —

The bargain was made. Mr. Bumble, was at once instructed that Oliver Twist and his indentures were to be conveyed before the magistrate, for signature and approval, that very afternoon.

In pursuance of this determination, little Oliver, to his excessive astonishment, was released from bondage, and ordered to put himself into a clean shirt. —
根据这一决定,奥利弗小小的惊讶了一下,他被解除锁链,并被要求换上一件干净的衬衫。 —

He had hardly achieved this very unusual gymnastic performance, when Mr. Bumble brought him, with his own hands, a basin of gruel, and the holiday allowance of two ounces and a quarter of bread. —
他刚刚完成这个非常不寻常的体操表演时,本杜根先生亲手拿来一碗粥和两两四分之一的节日配给面包给他。 —

At this tremendous sight, Oliver began to cry very piteously: —
在这个巨大的景象面前,奥利弗开始非常可怜地哭了起来: —

thinking, not unnaturally, that the board must have determined to kill him for some useful purpose, or they never would have begun to fatten him up in that way.

‘Don’t make your eyes red, Oliver, but eat your food and be thankful,’ said Mr. Bumble, in a tone of impressive pomposity. —
“Oliver,别把眼睛弄红了,多吃点食物,心存感激,”冥想着说。 —

‘You’re a going to be made a ‘prentice of, Oliver.’

‘A prentice, sir!’ said the child, trembling.

‘Yes, Oliver,’ said Mr. Bumble. ‘The kind and blessed gentleman which is so many parents to you, Oliver, when you have none of your own: —
“是的,Oliver,”冥想着说,“那位慈祥和仁慈的绅士―对你像对自己的孩子一样,当你没有自己的父母时: —

are a going to ‘prentice’ you: and to set you up in life, and make a man of you: —
将‘学徒’你,并且为你开创一生,让你成为一个男子汉: —

although the expense to the parish is three pound ten!–three pound ten, Oliver! —
尽管这需要教区支出三英镑十先令!―三英镑十先令,Oliver! —

–seventy shillins–one hundred and forty sixpences! —
―七十先令―一百四十六便士! —

–and all for a naughty orphan which nobody can’t love.’

As Mr. Bumble paused to take breath, after delivering this address in an awful voice, the tears rolled down the poor child’s face, and he sobbed bitterly.

‘Come,’ said Mr. Bumble, somewhat less pompously, for it was gratifying to his feelings to observe the effect his eloquence had produced; —
“来吧,Oliver!”冥想着说,有点不那么夸张了,因为看到他的雄辩产生的效果令他感到满意; —

‘Come, Oliver! Wipe your eyes with the cuffs of your jacket, and don’t cry into your gruel; —
“来吧,Oliver!用夹克衣袖擦擦眼睛,不要在粥里哭; —

that’s a very foolish action, Oliver.’ It certainly was, for there was quite enough water in it already.
那是非常愚蠢的举动,Oliver。” 当然是愚蠢的了,因为粥里已经有足够的水了。

On their way to the magistrate, Mr. Bumble instructed Oliver that all he would have to do, would be to look very happy, and say, when the gentleman asked him if he wanted to be apprenticed, that he should like it very much indeed; —
在去见法官的路上,冥想者告诉Oliver,他只需要看上去非常开心,当那位绅士问他是否想做学徒时,应该非常愿意; —

both of which injunctions Oliver promised to obey: —
这两项指示Oliver都答应遵守。 —

the rather as Mr. Bumble threw in a gentle hint, that if he failed in either particular, there was no telling what would be done to him. —
就在巴姆布先生轻描淡写地暗示,如果他在任何一点上失败了,谁也说不准会对他做出什么来。 —

When they arrived at the office, he was shut up in a little room by himself, and admonished by Mr. Bumble to stay there, until he came back to fetch him.

There the boy remained, with a palpitating heart, for half an hour. —
男孩在那里焦虑不安地等了半个小时。 —

At the expiration of which time Mr. Bumble thrust in his head, unadorned with the cocked hat, and said aloud:

‘Now, Oliver, my dear, come to the gentleman.’ —
‘现在,亲爱的奥利弗,到这位先生面前来吧。’ —

As Mr. Bumble said this, he put on a grim and threatening look, and added, in a low voice, ‘Mind what I told you, you young rascal!’

Oliver stared innocently in Mr. Bumble’s face at this somewhat contradictory style of address; —
奥利弗对巴姆布先生这种颇有些矛盾的说辞无辜地瞪大了眼睛; —

but that gentleman prevented his offering any remark thereupon, by leading him at once into an adjoining room: —
但那位绅士没有给他发表任何评论的机会,立即就把他领到了一个旁边的房间里: —

the door of which was open. It was a large room, with a great window. —
房门是敞开的。房间很大,有一个大窗户。 —

Behind a desk, sat two old gentleman with powdered heads: one of whom was reading the newspaper; —
在一张书桌后面,坐着两位头发粉白的老绅士:一位正在看报纸; —

while the other was perusing, with the aid of a pair of tortoise-shell spectacles, a small piece of parchment which lay before him. —
而另一位则借助一副乌龟壳眼镜,正在看着放在他面前的一小张羊皮纸。 —

Mr. Limbkins was standing in front of the desk on one side; —
林金斯先生站在书桌的一边; —

and Mr. Gamfield, with a partially washed face, on the other; —
而伽莫菲尔德在另一边,略带洗过脸的面孔; —

while two or three bluff-looking men, in top-boots, were lounging about.

The old gentleman with the spectacles gradually dozed off, over the little bit of parchment; —
戴眼镜的老绅士渐渐在小片羊皮纸上打起了盹。 —

and there was a short pause, after Oliver had been stationed by Mr. Bumble in front of the desk.

‘This is the boy, your worship,’ said Mr. Bumble.

The old gentleman who was reading the newspaper raised his head for a moment, and pulled the other old gentleman by the sleeve; —
正在看报纸的老绅士抬起头,拉了另一个老绅士的袖子; —

whereupon, the last-mentioned old gentleman woke up.

‘Oh, is this the boy?’ said the old gentleman.

‘This is him, sir,’ replied Mr. Bumble. ‘Bow to the magistrate, my dear.’

Oliver roused himself, and made his best obeisance. —
奥利弗振作起来,做出最好的鞠躬。 —

He had been wondering, with his eyes fixed on the magistrates’ powder, whether all boards were born with that white stuff on their heads, and were boards from thenceforth on that account.

‘Well,’ said the old gentleman, ‘I suppose he’s fond of chimney-sweeping?’

‘He doats on it, your worship,’ replied Bumble; —
包姆回答,’他对此着迷,大人’; —

giving Oliver a sly pinch, to intimate that he had better not say he didn’t.

‘And he will be a sweep, will he?’ inquired the old gentleman.

‘If we was to bind him to any other trade to-morrow, he’d run away simultaneous, your worship,’ replied Bumble.

‘And this man that’s to be his master–you, sir–you’ll treat him well, and feed him, and do all that sort of thing, will you?’ —
‘作为他的主人的这位先生——您,先生——您会善待他,给他吃饭,做这些事情,对吧?’老绅士问道。 —

said the old gentleman.

‘When I says I will, I means I will,’ replied Mr. Gamfield doggedly.
“当我说我会的时候,我是指我会的,”Mr. Gamfield顽固地回答道。

‘You’re a rough speaker, my friend, but you look an honest, open-hearted man,’ said the old gentleman: —
“你说话很粗野,我的朋友,但你看起来是个诚实、坦率的人,”老绅士说道: —

turning his spectacles in the direction of the candidate for Oliver’s premium, whose villainous countenance was a regular stamped receipt for cruelty. —
老绅士把眼镜转向竞选奥利弗奖学金的人,他那凶恶的面容简直就是残忍的活证据。 —

But the magistrate was half blind and half childish, so he couldn’t reasonably be expected to discern what other people did.

‘I hope I am, sir,’ said Mr. Gamfield, with an ugly leer.
“我希望我是,先生,”Mr. Gamfield带着丑陋的狞笑说道。

‘I have no doubt you are, my friend,’ replied the old gentleman: —
“我相信你是,我的朋友,”老绅士回答道: —

fixing his spectacles more firmly on his nose, and looking about him for the inkstand.

It was the critical moment of Oliver’s fate. —
这是奥利弗命运的关键时刻。 —

If the inkstand had been where the old gentleman thought it was, he would have dipped his pen into it, and signed the indentures, and Oliver would have been straightway hurried off. —
如果墨水瓶在老绅士认为的位置上,他就会把笔蘸进墨水里,签署契约,然后奥利弗就会立刻被带走。 —

But, as it chanced to be immediately under his nose, it followed, as a matter of course, that he looked all over his desk for it, without finding it; —
但由于恰好就在他的鼻子下,他按理会在桌子上四处找寻,却找不到; —

and happening in the course of his search to look straight before him, his gaze encountered the pale and terrified face of Oliver Twist: —
在搜索的过程中,他恰巧看向前方,目光遇到了奥利弗·特威斯特苍白恐惧的脸庞: —

who, despite all the admonitory looks and pinches of Bumble, was regarding the repulsive countenance of his future master, with a mingled expression of horror and fear, too palpable to be mistaken, even by a half-blind magistrate.

The old gentleman stopped, laid down his pen, and looked from Oliver to Mr. Limbkins; —
老绅士停下来,放下笔,看了看奥利弗,然后又看了看林金斯先生; —

who attempted to take snuff with a cheerful and unconcerned aspect.

‘My boy!’ said the old gentleman, ‘you look pale and alarmed. What is the matter?’

‘Stand a little away from him, Beadle,’ said the other magistrate: —
“退后一点,看守长,”另一位法官说: —

laying aside the paper, and leaning forward with an expression of interest. —
放下报纸,前倾,神情表现出浓厚的兴趣。 —

‘Now, boy, tell us what’s the matter: don’t be afraid.’

Oliver fell on his knees, and clasping his hands together, prayed that they would order him back to the dark room–that they would starve him–beat him–kill him if they pleased–rather than send him away with that dreadful man.

‘Well!’ said Mr. Bumble, raising his hands and eyes with most impressive solemnity. ‘Well! —
“嗯!”邦布尔先生举起双手和眼睛,带着最令人印象深刻的庄严。’嗯! —

of all the artful and designing orphans that ever I see, Oliver, you are one of the most bare-facedest.’

‘Hold your tongue, Beadle,’ said the second old gentleman, when Mr. Bumble had given vent to this compound adjective.

‘I beg your worship’s pardon,’ said Mr. Bumble, incredulous of having heard aright. —
“请您的尊贵原谅,”邦布尔先生说,不敢相信自己听错了。 —

‘Did your worship speak to me?’

‘Yes. Hold your tongue.’

Mr. Bumble was stupefied with astonishment. —
邦布尔先生惊讶的目瞪口呆。 —

A beadle ordered to hold his tongue! A moral revolution!

The old gentleman in the tortoise-shell spectacles looked at his companion, he nodded significantly.

‘We refuse to sanction these indentures,’ said the old gentleman: —
“我们拒绝批准这些契约,”老绅士说: —

tossing aside the piece of parchment as he spoke.

‘I hope,’ stammered Mr. Limbkins: ‘I hope the magistrates will not form the opinion that the authorities have been guilty of any improper conduct, on the unsupported testimony of a child.’

‘The magistrates are not called upon to pronounce any opinion on the matter,’ said the second old gentleman sharply. —
“法官们并不需要就此事发表任何看法,”第二位老绅士锐利地说。 —

‘Take the boy back to the workhouse, and treat him kindly. —
“把那个男孩带回救济院,善待他。 —

He seems to want it.’

That same evening, the gentleman in the white waistcoat most positively and decidedly affirmed, not only that Oliver would be hung, but that he would be drawn and quartered into the bargain. —
当晚,穿白马甲的绅士坚决而断然地宣称,奥利弗不仅会被绞死,还会被拉去四分五裂。 —

Mr. Bumble shook his head with gloomy mystery, and said he wished he might come to good; —
巴姆布先生带着忧郁的神秘神情摇摇头,说希望他能福至心灵。 —

whereunto Mr. Gamfield replied, that he wished he might come to him; —
Gamfield回答说,他希望能够去见他; —

which, although he agreed with the beadle in most matters, would seem to be a wish of a totally opposite description.

The next morning, the public were once informed that Oliver Twist was again To Let, and that five pounds would be paid to anybody who would take possession of him.