The rest of our story is soon told. George Shelby, interested, as any other young man might be, by the romance of the incident, no less than by feelings of humanity, was at the pains to send to Cassy the bill of sale of Eliza; —
我们的故事剩下的部分很快就讲完了。乔治·谢尔比对这个事件的浪漫情节感兴趣,正如任何其他年轻人可能感到的那样,他不仅出于人道主义的感情,还不辞辛劳地把伊丽莎的买卖单据寄给了卡西; —

whose date and name all corresponded with her own knowledge of facts, and felt no doubt upon her mind as to the identity of her child. —
日期和姓名都与她自己对事实的了解一致,对她孩子的身份没有任何怀疑。 —

It remained now only for her to trace out the path of the fugitives.

Madame de Thoux and she, thus drawn together by the singular coincidence of their fortunes, proceeded immediately to Canada, and began a tour of inquiry among the stations, where the numerous dugitives from slavery are located. —
德索夫人和她因为命运的奇特巧合而结合在一起,立即前往加拿大,并开始在那里追问许多从奴隶制度中逃脱出来的人所在的地点。 —

At Amherstberg they found the missionary with whom George and Eliza had taken shelter, on their first arrival in Canada; —
他们在阿默斯特伯格找到了乔治和伊丽莎最初抵达加拿大时寻求庇护的传教士; —

and through him were enabled to trace the family to Montreal.

George and Eliza had now been five years free. —
乔治和伊丽莎现在已经自由了五年。 —

George had found constant occupation in the shop of a worthy machinist, where he had been earning a competent support for his family, which, in the mean time, had been increased by the addition of another daughter.

Little Harry–a fine bright boy–had been put to a good school, and was making rapid proficiency in knowledge.

The worthy pastor of the station, in Amherstberg, where George had first landed, was so much interested in the statements of Madame de Thoux and Cassy, that he yielded to the solicitations of the former, to accompany them to Montreal, in their search,–she bearing all the expense of the expedition.

The scene now changes to a small, neat tenement, in the outskirts of Montreal; the time, evening. —
场景现在变到了蒙特利尔郊区一幢小巧整洁的公寓;时间,傍晚。 —

A cheerful fire blazes on the hearth; a tea-table, covered with a snowy cloth, stands prepared for the evening meal. —
壁炉上燃烧着一团欢快的火光;一张白色桌布覆盖着的茶几,准备好待晚餐。 —

In one corner of the room was a table covered with a green cloth, where was an open writing-desk, pens, paper, and over it a shelf of well-selected books.

This was George’s study. The same zeal for self-improvement, which led him to steal the much coveted arts of reading and writing, amid all the toil and discouragements of his early life, still led him to devote all his leisure time to self-cultivation.

At this present time, he is seated at the table, making notes from a volume of the family library he has been reading.

“Come, George,” says Eliza, “you’ve been gone all day. —
“乔治,快过来,”埃丽扎说道,“你整天都不在家。 —

Do put down that book, and let’s talk, while I’m getting tea,–do.”

And little Eliza seconds the effort, by toddling up to her father, and trying to pull the book out of his hand, and install herself on his knee as a substitute.

“O, you little witch!” says George, yielding, as, in such circumstances, man always must.

“That’s right,” says Eliza, as she begins to cut a loaf of bread. A little older she looks; —
“很好,”埃丽扎说着,一边开始切面包。她显得更成熟一点;身材也更丰满;比以前更像个贤淑的妇人; —

her form a little fuller; her air more matronly than of yore; —
但明显是幸福快乐的,一个女人所需要的幸福。 —

but evidently contented and happy as woman need be.

“Harry, my boy, how did you come on in that sum, today?” —
“哈利,我的孩子,你今天这道题做得怎么样了?” —

says George, as he laid his land on his son’s head.

Harry has lost his long curls; but he can never lose those eyes and eyelashes, and that fine, bold brow, that flushes with triumph, as he answers, “I did it, every bit of it, myself, father; —
哈利失去了他那一头长卷发;但他永远也失去不了那双眼睛和睫毛,还有那细腻大胆的额头,当他答道:“我完全是靠自己做出来的,父亲; —

and nobody helped me!”

“That’s right,” says his father; “depend on yourself, my son. —
“好样的,”他父亲说道,“依靠自己,我的儿子。 —

You have a better chance than ever your poor father had.”

At this moment, there is a rap at the door; and Eliza goes and opens it. The delighted–“Why! —
就在这时,门外传来敲门声;伊丽莎走过去开门。她兴奋地说道“啊! —

this you?”–calls up her husband; and the good pastor of Amherstberg is welcomed. —
这个人就是你吗?” ——她叫起她的丈夫来,艾默斯堡的好牧师受到了欢迎。 —

There are two more women with him, and Eliza asks them to sit down.

Now, if the truth must be told, the honest pastor had arranged a little programme, according to which this affair was to develop itself; —
现在,如果必须说实话,老实的牧师已经安排了一个小节目,根据这个节目,这件事将发展下去; —

and, on the way up, all had very cautiously and prudently exhorted each other not to let things out, except according to previous arrangement.

What was the good man’s consternation, therefore, just as he had motioned to the ladies to be seated, and was taking out his pocket-handkerchief to wipe his mouth, so as to proceed to his introductory speech in good order, when Madame de Thoux upset the whole plan, by throwing her arms around George’s neck, and letting all out at once, by saying, “O, George! —
因此,当好人刚刚示意女士们坐下,并拿出手绢擦拭嘴巴,以便有条不紊地开始他的开场白时,他是多么惊慌,马德姆·德·图抱住乔治的脖子,一下子让所有事情都曝光了,她说:“哦,乔治!你不认识我吗?我是你的妹妹艾米莉。” —

don’t you know me? I’m your sister Emily.”

Cassy had seated herself more composedly, and would have carried on her part very well, had not little Eliza suddenly appeared before her in exact shape and form, every outline and curl, just as her daughter was when she saw her last. —
小家伙仰起头看着她的脸; 卡西抱起她,搂在怀里,说出当时她真心信的话,“宝贝,我就是你的妈妈!” —

The little thing peered up in her face; and Cassy caught her up in her arms, pressed her to her bosom, saying, what, at the moment she really believed, “Darling, I’m your mother!”

In fact, it was a troublesome matter to do up exactly in proper order; —
不过最后,善良的牧师成功地让每个人安静下来,并发表了他打算开场的讲话; —

but the good pastor, at last, succeeded in getting everybody quiet, and delivering the speech with which he had intended to open the exercises; —
他的演讲非常成功,他的整个听众都在围绕他哭泣,这种情形应该满足任何一位古代或现代演讲者。 —

and in which, at last, he succeeded so well, that his whole audience were sobbing about him in a manner that ought to satisfy any orator, ancient or modern.
他们一起跪下,善良的人祈祷, —— 因为有些情感是如此激动和喧闹,只有倾注到那位全能之爱的怀抱中才能找到安宁, —— 然后,站起来,这个新找到的家庭相互拥抱,对那位从如此危险和险境中,通过如此未知的方式,将他们聚集在一起的主充满信任。

They knelt together, and the good man prayed,–for there are some feelings so agitated and tumultuous, that they can find rest only by being poured into the bosom of Almighty love,–and then, rising up, the new-found family embraced each other, with a holy trust in Him, who from such peril and dangers, and by such unknown ways, had brought them together.

The note-book of a missionary, among the Canadian fugitives, contains truth stranger than fiction. —
当一种制度流行,像风吹散秋天的叶子一样,使家庭分崩离析的成员,那还能怎样呢? —

How can it be otherwise, when a system prevails which whirls families and scatters their members, as the wind whirls and scatters the leaves of autumn? —
这些避难之地,像永恒的海岸一样,经常再次团聚,让长年以来悲哀彼此失散的心灵欢欣相会。 —

These shores of refuge, like the eternal shore, often unite again, in glad communion, hearts that for long years have mourned each other as lost. —
这个簿记着的加拿大逃亡者的传教士,包含着真理胜过虚构。 —

And affecting beyond expression is the earnestness with which every new arrival among them is met, if, perchance, it may bring tidings of mother, sister, child or wife, still lost to view in the shadows of slavery.

Deeds of heroism are wrought here more than those of romance, when defying torture, and braving death itself, the fugitive voluntarily threads his way back to the terrors and perils of that dark land, that he may bring out his sister, or mother, or wife.

One young man, of whom a missionary has told us, twice re-captured, and suffering shameful stripes for his heroism, had escaped again; —
一位传教士告诉我们的一位年轻男子,在自己两次被重新捕获并因其英勇行为遭受耻辱性的鞭打后,成功逃跑了; —

and, in a letter which we heard read, tells his friends that he is going back a third time, that he may, at last, bring away his sister. —
在一封我们听到的信中,他告诉他的朋友他将再次返回,以便最终带走他的姐妹。 —

My good sir, is this man a hero, or a criminal? —
先生,你认为这个男人是英雄,还是罪犯? —

Would not you do as much for your sister? —
你难道不会为了你的姐妹做同样的事情吗? —

nd can you blame him?

But, to return to our friends, whom we left wiping their eyes, and recovering themselves from too great and sudden a joy. —
但是,让我们回到我们的朋友身边,我们离开时他们正在擦干他们的眼睛,从太大的突然而来的快乐中恢复过来。 —

They are now seated around the social board, and are getting decidedly companionable; —
他们现在坐在社交桌旁,变得更加快乐愉悦; —

only that Cassy, who keeps little Eliza on her lap, occasionally squeezes the little thing, in a manner that rather astonishes her, and obstinately refuses to have her mouth stuffed with cake to the extent the little one desires,–alleging, what the child rather wonders at, that she has got something better than cake, and doesn’t want it.
只是Cassy时而将小Eliza搁在膝上,有时轻轻地挤压这个小家伙,让她感到惊讶,她还坚决拒绝用蛋糕填满她的嘴巴到小女孩想要的程度 - 她声称,她有比蛋糕更好的东西,不需要它。

And, indeed, in two or three days, such a change has passed over Cassy, that our readers would scarcely know her. —
而且,实际上,只过了两三天,Cassy就发生了如此大的变化,以至于我们的读者几乎认不出她。 —

The despairing, haggard expression of her face had given way to one of gentle trust. —
她脸上绝望的、憔悴的表情已经消失,变成了温柔的信任。 —

She seemed to sink, at once, into the bosom of the family, and take the little ones into her heart, as something for which it long had waited. —
她似乎立即融入了这个家庭的怀抱,将这些孩子视为心中渴望已久的东西。 —

Indeed, her love seemed to flow more naturally to the little Eliza than to her own daughter; —
实际上,她对小Eliza的爱似乎比对自己的女儿更自然流露; —

for she was the exact image and body of the child whom she had lost. —
因为小Eliza是她失去的孩子的一模一样的形象和身体。 —

The little one was a flowery bond between mother and daughter, through whom grew up acquaintanceship and affection. —
这个小家伙是母女之间的一道花环,让熟悉和情感在她们之间生长起来。 —

Eliza’s steady, consistent piety, regulated by the constant reading of the sacred word, made her a proper guide for the shattered and wearied mind of her mother. —
伊莉莎稳定、一贯的虔诚,通过持续阅读圣经,成为母亲疲惫心灵的合适引导。 —

Cassy yielded at once, and with her whole soul, to every good influence, and became a devout and tender Christian.

After a day or two, Madame de Thoux told her brother more particularly of her affairs. —
过了一两天,德图太夫人更详细地告诉她兄弟她的事务。 —

The death of her husband had left her an ample fortune, which she generously offered to share with the family. —
丈夫的去世给她留下了一笔丰厚的财富,她慷慨地提出与家人分享。 —

When she asked George what way she could best apply it for him, he answered, “Give me an education, Emily; —
当她问乔治如何最好地使用这笔钱时,他回答:”给我一个教育,艾米莉;这一直是我内心的渴望。那样,我就可以做剩下的一切。” —

that has always been my heart’s desire. Then, I can do all the rest.”

On mature deliberation, it was decided that the whole family should go, for some years, to France; —
在经过成熟的思考后,决定整个家庭去法国几年; —

whither they sailed, carrying Emmeline with them.

The good looks of the latter won the affection of the first mate of the vessel; —
后者的美貌赢得了船上的大副的喜爱; —

and, shortly after entering the port, she became his wife.

George remained four years at a French university, and, applying himself with an unintermitted zeal, obtained a very thorough education.

Political troubles in France, at last, led the family again to seek an asylum in this country.

George’s feelings and views, as an educated man, may be best expressed in a letter to one of his friends.

“I feel somewhat at a loss, as to my future course. —
“关于我的未来道路,我感到有些困惑; —

True, as you have said to me, I might mingle in the circles of the whites, in this country, my shade of color is so slight, and that of my wife and family scarce perceptible. —
确实,正如你对我说的,我可能在这个国家的白人圈子中交际,我的肤色如此轻微,而我妻子和家人的肤色几乎察觉不到; —

Well, perhaps, on sufferance, I might. But, to tell you the truth, I have no wish to.

“My sympathies are not for my father’s race, but for my mother’s. —
“我的情感并不属于我父亲的种族,而属于我母亲的; —

To him I was no more than a fine dog or horse: to my poor heart-broken mother I was a child; —
对于他来说,我只不过是一匹好的狗或马:对于我那可怜伤心的母亲,我是一个孩子; —

and, though I never saw her, after the cruel sale that separated us, till she died, yet I know she always loved me dearly. —
尽管自从我们被残酷分开的那场出售后,我再也没见过她,直到她去世,但我知道她一直深爱我; —

I know it by my own heart. When I think of all she suffered, of my own early sufferings, of the distresses and struggles of my heroic wife, of my sister, sold in the New Orleans slave-market,–though I hope to have no unchristian sentiments, yet I may be excused for saying, I have no wish to pass for an American, or to identify myself with them.

“It is with the oppressed, enslaved African race that I cast in my lot; —
“我选择与被压迫、被奴役的非洲种族结合在一起;” —

and, if I wished anything, I would wish myself two shades darker, rather than one lighter.

“The desire and yearning of my soul is for an African nationality. —
“我灵魂的渴望是拥有非洲的民族特性。 —

I want a people that shall have a tangible, separate existence of its own; —
我想要一个能够有具体、独立存在的人群; —

and where am I to look for it? Not in Hayti; for in Hayti they had nothing to start with. —
我在哪里可以找到呢?不是在海地;因为在海地,他们一开始就没有什么东西可借鉴。 —

A stream cannot rise above its fountain. —
溪流无法高于它的源头。 —

The race that formed the character of the Haytiens was a worn-out, effeminate one; —
形成海地人性格的种族是一个疲惫、缺乏男子气的种族; —

and, of course, the subject race will be centuries in rising to anything.

“Where, then, shall I look? On the shores of Africa I see a republic,–a republic formed of picked men, who, by energy and self-educating force, have, in many cases, individually, raised themselves above a condition of slavery. —
“那么,我该去哪里?在非洲的海岸上,我看到了一个共和国,–一个由精挑细选的人组成的共和国,这些人凭借活力和自我教育的力量,在许多情况下,已经个别地摆脱了奴役的境况。 —

Having gone through a preparatory stage of feebleness, this republic has, at last, become an acknowledged nation on the face of the earth,–acknowledged by both France and England. —
在度过软弱的准备阶段后,这个共和国终于成为了世界上一个被承认的国家,–被法国和英国都承认。 —

There it is my wish to go, and find myself a people.

“I am aware, now, that I shall have you all against me; but, before you strike, hear me. —
“我现在知道,你们都会反对我;但,在你们打击之前,请听我说。 —

During my stay in France, I have followed up, with intense interest, the history of my people in America. —
在法国的逗留期间,我非常感兴趣地关注了我在美国的人民历史。 —

I have noted the struggle between abolitionist and colonizationist, and have received some impressions, as a distant spectator, which could never have occurred to me as a participator.

“I grant that this Liberia may have subserved all sorts of purposes, by being played off, in the hands of our oppressors, against us. —
“我承认这个利比里亚可能已经为我们的压迫者在他们手中对抗我们,服务了各种目的。 —

Doubtless the scheme may have been used, in unjustifiable ways, as a means of retarding our emancipation. —
毫无疑问,这个计划可能已被不正当地使用,作为阻碍我们解放的手段。 —

But the question to me is, Is there not a God above all man’s schemes? —
但对我来说,问题是,岂非有一位在所有人类图谋之上的神吗? —

May He not have over-ruled their designs, and founded for us a nation by them?

“In these days, a nation is born in a day. —
“在这些日子里,一个国家是在一天之内诞生的。 —

A nation starts, now, with all the great problems of republican life and civilization wrought out to its hand; —
一个国家现在就开始了,所有共和生活和文明的伟大问题都被铸造在手里; —

–it has not to discover, but only to apply. —
- 它不需要发现,只需要应用。 —

Let us, then, all take hold together, with all our might, and see what we can do with this new enterprise, and the whole splendid continent of Africa opens before us and our children. —
那么,让我们一起全力以赴,看看我们能为这个新企业以及整个辉煌的非洲大陆开拓出什么。 —

Our nation shall roll the tide of civilization and Christianity along its shores, and plant there mighty republics, that, growing with the rapidity of tropical vegetation, shall be for all coming ages.
我们的国家 将把文明和基督教信仰之潮卷到其沿岸,种植那里的强大共和国,这些共和国将如热带植被般迅速生长,永远留存于后人。

“Do you say that I am deserting my enslaved brethren? I think not. —
“您是否说我是在抛弃我的被奴役的兄弟们?我不这样认为。 —

If I forget them one hour, one moment of my life, so may God forget me! —
如果我有时刻、有生命中的一刻忘记了他们,愿上帝也忘记我! —

But, what can I do for them, here? Can I break their chains? No, not as an individual; —
但是,我在这里能为他们做些什么呢?我能打断他们的锁链吗?不,作为个体不行; —

but, let me go and form part of a nation, which shall have a voice in the councils of nations, and then we can speak. —
但是,让我去成为一个有话语权的国家的一员,然后我们就可以说话。 —

A nation has a right to argue, remonstrate, implore, and present the cause of its race,–which an individual has not.

“If Europe ever becomes a grand council of free nations,–as I trust in God it will,–if, there, serfdom, and all unjust and oppressive social inequalities, are done away; —
“如果欧洲真的成为一个自由国家的大会,- 我相信上帝它将如此,- 如果在那里,农奴制和所有不公正和压迫性的社会不平等都被消除了; —

and if they, as France and England have done, acknowledge our position,–then, in the great congress of nations, we will make our appeal, and present the cause of our enslaved and suffering race; —
并且如果它们,如同法国和英国所做的那样,承认我们的地位,- 那么,在伟大的国家大会上,我们将提出上诉,为我们被奴役和受苦的种族辩护; —

and it cannot be that free, enlightened America will not then desire to wipe from her escutcheon that bar sinister which disgraces her among nations, and is as truly a curse to her as to the enslaved.

“But, you will tell me, our race have equal rights to mingle in the American republic as the Irishman, the German, the Swede. Granted, they have. —
但是,你会告诉我,我们的种族和爱尔兰人,德国人,瑞典人一样有权利融入美利坚共和国。承认吧,他们确实有。 —

We ought to be free to meet and mingle,–to rise by our individual worth, without any consideration of caste or color; —
我们应该自由地相遇和交往,–凭借个人的价值升华,而不考虑种姓或肤色; —

and they who deny us this right are false to their own professed principles of human equality. —
那些否定我们这种权利的人背弃了他们自己所信奉的人类平等原则。 —

We ought, in particular, to be allowed here. We have more than the rights of common men; —
我们应该被允许在这里。我们拥有比普通人更多的权利; —

–we have the claim of an injured race for reparation. But, then, I do not want it; —
–因为我们是一个受伤害的种族,需要得到补偿。但是,我并不想要这个; —

I want a country, a nation, of my own. I think that the African race has peculiarities, yet to be unfolded in the light of civilization and Christianity, which, if not the same with those of the Anglo-Saxon, may prove to be, morally, of even a higher type.

“Do the Anglo-Saxon race has been intrusted the destinies of the world, during its pioneer period of struggle and conflict. —
直到现在,盎格鲁撒克逊种族一直被赋予了世界的命运,经历了开拓时期的斗争与冲突。 —

To that mission its stern, inflexible, energetic elements, were well adapted; —
对于这个任务,它那严肃、坚定、有活力的元素,都很适应; —

but, as a Christian, I look for another era to arise. On its borders I trust we stand; —
但是,作为一个基督徒,我期待另一个时代的到来。我相信我们站在它的边缘; —

and the throes that now convulse the nations are, to my hope, but the birth-pangs of an hour of universal peace and brotherhood.

“I trust that the development of Africa is to be essentially a Christian one. —
我相信非洲的发展本质上是基督教的。 —

If not a dominant and commanding race, they are, at least, an affectionate, magnanimous, and forgiving one. —
虽然不是一个占主导地位的种族,他们至少是一个充满爱心、宽宏大量、宽恕的种族。 —

Having been called in the furnace of injustice and oppression, they have need to bind closer to their hearts that sublime doctrine of love and forgiveness, through which alone they are to conquer, which it is to be their mission to spread over the continent of Africa.

“In myself, I confess, I am feeble for this,–full half the blood in my veins is the hot and hasty Saxon; —
我自己承认,我为此而虚弱,我血管中一半的血液是热情而性急的撒克逊血统; —

but I have an eloquent preacher of the Gospel ever by my side, in the person of my beautiful wife. —
但是我有一个口才流利的福音传道者一直在我身旁,那就是我美丽的妻子。 —

When I wander, her gentler spirit ever restores me, and keeps before my eyes the Christian calling and mission of our race. —
当我徘徊时,她温柔的精神总是使我恢复过来,并让我铭记着我们种族的基督教使命和召唤。 —

As a Christian patriot, as a teacher of Christianity, I go to my country,–my chosen, my glorious Africa! —
作为一个基督教爱国者,作为一个基督教教师,我去我的国家,–我选择的,我辉煌的非洲! —

–and to her, in my heart, I sometimes apply those splendid words of prophecy: —
–而对于她,我有时在心中套用那些辉煌的预言: —

`Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee; —
“你曾被撇弃和憎恶,以至无人由你经过; —

I will make thee an eternal excellence, a joy of many generations!’

“You will call me an enthusiast: you will tell me that I have not well considered what I am undertaking. —
“你会称我为狂热者:你会告诉我我没有好好考虑我正在从事什么。 —

But I have considered, and counted the cost. —
但我已经考虑过,算过成本。 —

I go to Liberia, not as an Elysium of romance, but as to a field of work. —
我去利比里亚,不是象个浪漫的乐园,而是一个工作的领域。 —

I expect to work with both hands,–to work hard; —
我计划全力以赴工作,–努力工作; —

to work against all sorts of difficulties and discouragements; and to work till I die. —
面对各种困难和沮丧工作;并工作直到我死去。 —

This is what I go for; and in this I am quite sure I shall not be disappointed.

“Whatever you may think of my determination, do not divorce me from your confidence; —
“无论你对我的决定有何见解,请不要丧失对我的信任; —

and think that, in whatever I do, I act with a heart wholly given to my people. “GEORGE HARRIS.”

George, with his wife, children, sister and mother, embarked for Africa, some few weeks after. —
乔治和他的妻子、孩子、姐妹和母亲在几周后启程前往非洲。 —

If we are not mistaken, the world will yet hear from him there.

Of our other characters we have nothing very particular to write, except a word relating to Miss Ophelia and Topsy, and a farewell chapter, which we shall dedicate to George Shelby.

Miss Ophelia took Topsy home to Vermont with her, much to the surprise of the grave deliberative body whom a New Englander recognizes under the term “Our folks.” —
奥费利亚小姐带着托普希回了佛蒙特州,这让新英格兰人在“我们的人”中感到很惊讶。 —

“Our folks,” at first, thought it an odd and unnecessary addition to their well-trained domestic establishment; —
“我们的人”一开始认为这是他们经过良好训练的家庭职员中的一个奇怪而不必要的添加; —

but, so thoroughly efficient was Miss Ophelia in her conscientious endeavor to do her duty by her eleve, that the child rapidly grew in grace and in favor with the family and neighborhood. —
但是,奥费利亚小姐对她的教养工作极其尽责,因此这个孩子很快便在家庭和邻里中受到了青睐。 —

At the age of womanhood, she was, by her own request, baptized, and became a member of the Christian church in the place; —
成年后,她亲自请求受洗,并成为了当地基督教堂的一名成员; —

and showed so much intelligence, activity and zeal, and desire to do good in the world, that she was at last recommended, and approved as a missionary to one of the stations in Africa; —
她表现出了很多智慧、活动力和热情,渴望在世界上做善事,最终被推荐并批准成为非洲某个基地的传教士; —

and we have heard that the same activity and ingenuity which, when a child, made her so multiform and restless in her developments, is now employed, in a safer and wholesomer manner, in teaching the children of her own country.

P.S.–It will be a satisfaction to some mother, also, to state, that some inquiries, which were set on foot by Madame de Thoux, have resulted recently in the discovery of Cassy’s son. —
附:同时,值得一提的是,由慕兰.德图所展开的一些调查,最近导致了卡西的儿子的发现。 —

Being a young man of energy, he had escaped, some years before his mother, and been received and educated by friends of the oppressed in the north. —
作为一个充满活力的年轻人,他在比他母亲早几年就已逃脱,并被北方受压迫者的朋友所接收和教育。 —

He will soon follow his family to Africa.