“Deem not the just by Heaven forgot! Though life its common gifts deny,-Though, with a crushed and bleeding heart, And spurned of man, he goes to die!

For God hath marked each sorrowing day, And numbered every bitter tear, And heaven’s long years of bliss shall pay For all his children suffer here.” BRYANT.[1]

[1] This poem does not appear in the collected works of William Cullen Bryant, nor in the collected poems of his brother, John Howard Bryant. —
这首诗在威廉·卡伦·布莱恩特的作品集中没有出现,也不在他弟弟约翰·霍华德·布莱恩特的诗集中出现。 —

It was probably copied from a newspaper or magazine.

The longest way must have its close,–the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning. —
最遥远的路也会有终点,最昏暗的夜晚也会迎来清晨。 —

An eternal, inexorable lapse of moments is ever hurrying the day of the evil to an eternal night, and the night of the just to an eternal day. —
无数的时刻不可避免地将邪恶之日推向永恒的夜晚,将公义之夜推向永恒的白昼。 —

We have walked with our humble friend thus far in the valley of slavery; —
我们与我们那卑微的朋友一同走过奴隶谷地直至此刻; —

first through flowery fields of ease and indulgence, then through heart-breaking separations from all that man holds dear. —
一开始是在舒适与纵容的花田里,然后是经历令人心碎的与所爱之人的分别。 —

Again, we have waited with him in a sunny island, where generous hands concealed his chains with flowers; —
再次,我们曾经在一个阳光明媚的岛屿中等待,那里慷慨的手用鲜花掩饰了他身上的镣铐; —

and, lastly, we have followed him when the last ray of earthly hope went out in night, and seen how, in the blackness of earthly darkness, the firmament of the unseen has blazed with stars of new and significant lustre.

The morning-star now stands over the tops of the mountains, and gales and breezes, not of earth, show that the gates of day are unclosing.

The escape of Cassy and Emmeline irritated the before surly temper of Legree to the last degree; —
Cassy和Emmeline的逃跑激怒了先前脾气乖戾的Legree到了极点; —

and his fury, as was to be expected, fell upon the defenceless head of Tom. When he hurriedly announced the tidings among his hands, there was a sudden light in Tom’s eye, a sudden upraising of his hands, that did not escape him. —
他的愤怒自然而然地转向了毫无抵抗之力的汤姆。当他匆忙地在手下中宣布这个消息时,汤姆眼中闪过一道光芒,他的双手也突然抬起,这些动作都没有逃过他的眼睛。 —

He saw that he did not join the muster of the pursuers. He thought of forcing him to do it; —
他看到他没有加入追捕队伍。他想强迫他参与; —

but, having had, of old, experience of his inflexibility when commanded to take part in any deed of inhumanity, he would not, in his hurry, stop to enter into any conflict with him.

Tom, therefore, remained behind, with a few who had learned of him to pray, and offered up prayers for the escape of the fugitives.

When Legree returned, baffled and disappointed, all the long-working hatred of his soul towards his slave began to gather in a deadly and desperate form. —
当雷格利失望而气馁地回来时,他灵魂深处对奴隶的长期仇恨开始以致命和绝望的形式聚集。 —

Had not this man braved him,–steadily, powerfully, resistlessly,–ever since he bought him? —
这个男人岂不是一直勇敢地挑战他吗,尽管默默无言却强大无比吗,无法抗拒吗? —

Was there not a spirit in him which, silent as it was, burned on him like the fires of perdition?

“I hate him!” said Legree, that night, as he sat up in his bed; “I hate him! And isn’t he MINE? —
“我恨他!” 那个晚上,雷格利在床上坐着说,”我恨他!他不是我的吗? —

Can’t I do what I like with him? Who’s to hinder, I wonder?” —
我不能随心所欲地对他做吗?谁能阻止我,我想知道?” —

And Legree clenched his fist, and shook it, as if he had something in his hands that he could rend in pieces.

But, then, Tom was a faithful, valuable servant; —
但是,汤姆是一个忠诚、有价值的仆人; —

and, although Legree hated him the more for that, yet the consideration was still somewhat of a restraint to him.

The next morning, he determined to say nothing, as yet; —
第二天早上,他决定暂时什么都不说; —

to assemble a party, from some neighboring plantations, with dogs and guns; —
从一些邻近的种植园集结一队人,带着狗和枪; —

to surround the swamp, and go about the hunt systematically. If it succeeded, well and good; —
包围沼泽,对狩猎进行系统化的搜索。如果成功了,那就好; —

if not, he would summon Tom before him, and–his teeth clenched and his blood boiled–then he would break the fellow down, or–there was a dire inward whisper, to which his soul assented.

Ye say that the interest of the master is a sufficient safeguard for the slave. —
你们说主人的利益足以保护奴隶。 —

In the fury of man’s mad will, he will wittingly, and with open eye, sell his own soul to the devil to gain his ends; —
在人类狂热的意志愿望中,他会故意、睁着眼睛将自己的灵魂出卖给魔鬼来达到他的目的; —

and will he be more careful of his neighbor’s body?

“Well,” said Cassy, the next day, from the garret, as she reconnoitred through the knot-hole, “the hunt’s going to begin again, today!”

Three or four mounted horsemen were curvetting about, on the space in front of the house; —
三四个骑马的男人在房子前面的空地上腾挪不定; —

and one or two leashes of strange dogs were struggling with the negroes who held them, baying and barking at each other.

The men are, two of them, overseers of plantations in the vicinity; —
其中两个是附近种植园的监工; —

and others were some of Legree’s associates at the tavern-bar of a neighboring city, who had come for the interest of the sport. —
另外一些是勒格里在附近城市酒馆的一些同伙,他们是为了寻欢作乐而来。 —

A more hard-favored set, perhaps, could not be imagined. —
或许很难想象出更加凶恶的一群人了。 —

Legree was serving brandy, profusely, round among them, as also among the negroes, who had been detailed from the various plantations for this service; —
Legree在他们中间不断地斟满白兰地,也在从各个种植园派来的黑人中进行同样的服务; —

for it was an object to make every service of this kind, among the negroes, as much of a holiday as possible.

Cassy placed her ear at the knot-hole; and, as the morning air blew directly towards the house, she could overhear a good deal of the conversation. —
Cassy把耳朵贴在木头洞上,早晨的空气直吹向房子,她可以听到他们的对话。 —

A grave sneer overcast the dark, severe gravity of her face, as she listened, and heard them divide out the ground, discuss the rival merits of the dogs, give orders about firing, and the treatment of each, in case of capture.

Cassy drew back; and, clasping her hands, looked upward, and said, “O, great Almighty God! —
看着向上,Cassy把手合拢,说:“哦,伟大的全能上帝! —

we are all sinners; but what have we done, more than all the rest of the world, that we should be treated so?”

There was a terrible earnestness in her face and voice, as she spoke.

“If it wasn’t for you, child,” she said, looking at Emmeline, “I’d go out to them; —
她望向Emmeline说:“如果不是为了你,孩子,我会走向他们; —

and I’d thank any one of them that would shoot me down; —
我会感谢任何一个愿意把我打倒的人; —

for what use will freedom be to me? Can it give me back my children, or make me what I used to be?”

Emmeline, in her child-like simplicity, was half afraid of the dark moods of Cassy. She looked perplexed, but made no answer. —
Emmeline以她孩子般的纯真,有些害怕Cassy的阴郁情绪。她看起来困惑,但没有回答。 —

She only took her hand, with a gentle, caressing movement.

“Don’t!” said Cassy, trying to draw it away; —
Cassy试图把手拿开说:“别!”; —

“you’ll get me to loving you; and I never mean to love anything, again!”

“Poor Cassy!” said Emmeline, “don’t feel so! —
Emmeline说:“可怜的Cassy!不要这么想!” —

If the Lord gives us liberty, perhaps he’ll give you back your daughter; —
如果上帝赐予我们自由,也许他会把你的女儿还给你; —

at any rate, I’ll be like a daughter to you. —
无论如何,我会像你的女儿一样对待你。 —

I know I’ll never see my poor old mother again! —
我知道我再也不能见到我那可怜的老母亲了! —

I shall love you, Cassy, whether you love me or not!”

The gentle, child-like spirit conquered. Cassy sat down by her, put her arm round her neck, stroked her soft, brown hair; —
温柔而像孩子般的精神征服了她。Cassy坐在她身边,搂着她的脖子,抚摸着她柔软的棕色头发; —

and Emmeline then wondered at the beauty of her magnificent eyes, now soft with tears.

“O, Em!” said Cassy, “I’ve hungered for my children, and thirsted for them, and my eyes fail with longing for them! —
“哦,Em!”Cassy说,“我一直渴望我的孩子,为他们渴望,我的眼睛也因渴望他们而羡慕! —

Here! here!” she said, striking her breast, “it’s all desolate, all empty! —
在这里!在这里!”她说,打了一下自己的胸口,“所有都荒芜,都空空如也! —

If God would give me back my children, then I could pray.”

“You must trust him, Cassy,” said Emmeline; “he is our Father!”

“His wrath is upon us,” said Cassy; “he has turned away in anger.”

“No, Cassy! He will be good to us! Let us hope in Him,” said Emmeline,–“I always have had hope.”

The hunt was long, animated, and thorough, but unsuccessful; —
狩猎持续时间长,充满活力和全面,但却无功而返; —

and, with grave, ironic exultation, Cassy looked down on Legree, as, weary and dispirited, he alighted from his horse.

“Now, Quimbo,” said Legree, as he stretched himself down in the sitting-room, “you jest go and walk that Tom up here, right away! —
“现在,Quimbo,”Legree在客厅里伸了个懒腰说,“你立刻去把Tom赶上来! —

The old cuss is at the bottom of this yer whole matter; —
这个老家伙就是整个事情的罪魁祸首; —

and I’ll have it out of his old black hide, or I’ll know the reason why!”

Sambo and Quimbo, both, though hating each other, were joined in one mind by a no less cordial hatred of Tom. Legree had told them, at first, that he had bought him for a general overseer, in his absence; —
山伯和奎伯虽然互相憎恨,但对汤姆却有着同样热烈的仇恨。勒格利一开始告诉他们,他买汤姆是作为一个总监工,因为他不在场; —

and this had begun an ill will, on their part, which had increased, in their debased and servile natures, as they saw him becoming obnoxious to their master’s displeasure. —
这开始了他们心中的恶意,而在他们贱卑的本性中,这种恶意随着他们看到他变得令主人不满而增加。 —

Quimbo, therefore, departed, with a will, to execute his orders.

Tom heard the message with a forewarning heart; —
汤姆听到消息,心里一阵恐惧; —

for he knew all the plan of the fugitives’ escape, and the place of their present concealment; —
因为他知道逃亡者的计划和他们目前的藏身之处; —

–he knew the deadly character of the man he had to deal with, and his despotic power. —
“—他清楚要面对的那个邪恶人的性格以及他的专制权力。 —

But he felt strong in God to meet death, rather than betray the helpless.

He sat his basket down by the row, and, looking up, said, “Into thy hands I commend my spirit! —
他把篮子放在一排旁边,抬头说,“主啊,我将我的灵魂交托在你手中!你拯救了我,哦真实的主耶和华!” —

Thou hast redeemed me, oh Lord God of truth!” —
然后安静地随着奎伯粗暴的抓拿而自首。 —

and then quietly yielded himself to the rough, brutal grasp with which Quimbo seized him.

“Ay, ay!” said the giant, as he dragged him along; ye’ll cotch it, now! —
“我敢说主人会大发雷霆!千万别想溜出去!告诉你,你会受到惩罚,毫无疑问! —

I’ll boun’ Mas’r’s back ’s up high! No sneaking out, now! Tell ye, ye’ll get it, and no mistake! —
看看你现在是什么样子,帮助主人的奴隶逃跑! —

See how ye’ll look, now, helpin’ Mas’r’s niggers to run away! —
看你会怎么样! IN现在帮助主人的奴隶逃跑!” —

See what ye’ll get!”

The savage words none of them reached that ear! —
残忍的话语一个都没有传达到那只耳朵里! —

–a higher voice there was saying, “Fear not them that kill the body, and, after that, have no more that they can do.” —
——还有一个更高的声音在说,“不要怕那些杀害肉体而后再没有能为之所作的人。” —

Nerve and bone of that poor man’s body vibrated to those words, as if touched by the finger of God; —
那可怜男子的神经和骨骼对这些话语作出回应,仿佛被上帝之手触摸; —

and he felt the strength of a thousand souls in one. As he passed along, the trees. —
他感受到了千个灵魂合为一体的力量。当他走过,树木、灌木、诱拐他的小屋,所有羞辱他的场景,似乎在他身边旋转,就像风驰电掣的风景。 —

and bushes, the huts of his servitude, the whole scene of his degradation, seemed to whirl by him as the landscape by the rushing ear. —
他的灵魂悸动——他的家就在眼前——解脱的时刻似乎已经来临。 —

His soul throbbed,–his home was in sight,–and the hour of release seemed at hand.

“Well, Tom!” said Legree, walking up, and seizing him grimly by the collar of his coat, and speaking through his teeth, in a paroxysm of determined rage, “do you know I’ve made up my mind to KILL YOU?”

“It’s very likely, Mas’r,” said Tom, calmly.

“I have,” said Legree, with a grim, terrible calmness, “done–just–that–thing, Tom, unless you’ll tell me what you know about these yer gals!”

Tom stood silent.

“D’ye hear?” said Legree, stamping, with a roar like that of an incensed lion. “Speak!”
“你听到了吗?”莱格利怒不可遏地 stamping,像愤怒的狮子一样吼道,“说话!”

I han’t got nothing to tell, Mas’r,” said Tom, with a slow, firm, deliberate utterance.

“Do you dare to tell me, ye old black Christian, ye don’t know?” said Legree.

Tom was silent.

“Speak!” thundered Legree, striking him furiously. Do you know anything?”

“I know, Mas’r; but I can’t tell anything. I can die!

Legree drew in a long breath; and, suppressing his rage, took Tom by the arm, and, approaching his face almost to his, said, in a terrible voice, “Hark ‘e, Tom! —
莱格利深呼吸,压制住怒火,抓住汤姆的胳膊,几乎贴上他的脸,以可怕的声音说道:“听着,汤姆! —

–ye think, ‘cause I’ve let you off before, I don’t mean what I say; —
–你认为,因为我之前放过你,我说的不算数; —

but, this time, I’ve made up my mind, and counted the cost. You’ve always stood it out again’ me: —
是,这一次,我已下定决心,并算计过代价。你一直对抗我: —

now, I’ll conquer ye, or kill ye!–one or t’ other. —
在,我要征服你,或者杀了你!–两者之一。 —

I’ll count every drop of blood there is in you, and take ‘em, one by one, till ye give up!”

Tom looked up to his master, and answered, “Mas’r, if you was sick, or in trouble, or dying, and I could save ye, I’d give ye my heart’s blood; —
汤姆仰望着主人,回答道,“主人,如果您生病、遇到麻烦或垂危,而我能拯救您,我愿意把我的心血献出来; —

and, if taking every drop of blood in this poor old body would save your precious soul, I’d give ‘em freely, as the Lord gave his for me. —
如果取走我这具破旧老身体的每一滴血都能救您宝贵的灵魂,我愿意毫不犹豫地奉献出来,如同主为我所付出的那样。 —

O, Mas’r! don’t bring this great sin on your soul! It will hurt you more than ’t will me! —
哦,主人!请不要将这巨大的罪孽带到您的灵魂之上!那会比伤害我更为深刻! —

Do the worst you can, my troubles’ll be over soon; —
您尽情做最坏的事情吧,我的痛苦很快就会结束; —

but, if ye don’t repent, yours won’t never end!”

Like a strange snatch of heavenly music, heard in the lull of a tempest, this burst of feeling made a moment’s blank pause. —
就像在风暴中的平静时刻听到的一段天籁般的音乐,这番情感的爆发带来了一个瞬间的空白。 —

Legree stood aghast, and looked at Tom; and there was such a silence, that the tick of the old clock could be heard, measuring, with silent touch, the last moments of mercy and probation to that hardened heart.

It was but a moment. There was one hesitating pause,–one irresolute, relenting thrill,–and the spirit of evil came back, with seven-fold vehemence; —
只是片刻而已。有一段犹豫不决的暂停,一丝迟疑、悔意产生;但邪恶之灵却以七倍的热情回归; —

and Legree, foaming with rage, smote his victim to the ground.

Scenes of blood and cruelty are shocking to our ear and heart. —
血腥和残忍的场面让我们的耳朵和心灵震惊。 —

What man has nerve to do, man has not nerve to hear. —
而人敢去做的事,人却无法去听。 —

What brother-man and brother-Christian must suffer, cannot be told us, even in our secret chamber, it so harrows the soul! —
我们的兄弟和基督徒必须承受的苦难,不能被告知,即使在我们的密室中,它都让 souls 难以抚平; —

And yet, oh my country! these things are done under the shadow of thy laws! —
然而,哦,我的祖国!这些事情都是在你的法律阴影下发生的! —

O, Christ! thy church sees them, almost in silence!

But, of old, there was One whose suffering changed an instrument of torture, degradation and shame, into a symbol of glory, honor, and immortal life; —
然而,古时候有一位,他的苦难把一种刽子手、贬低和耻辱的工具变成了光荣、尊贵和永生的象征; —

and, where His spirit is, neither degrading stripes, nor blood, nor insults, can make the Christian’s last struggle less than glorious.

Was he alone, that long night, whose brave, loving spirit was bearing up, in that old shed, against buffeting and brutal stripes?

Nay! There stood by him ONE,–seen by him alone,–“like unto the Son of God.”

The tempter stood by him, too,–blinded by furious, despotic will,–every moment pressing him to shun that agony by the betrayal of the innocent. —
危险也站在他身旁,——这是被愤怒的专制意志蒙蔽的,每时每刻都在劝说他通过出卖无辜者来避免那种痛苦。 —

But the brave, true heart was firm on the Eternal Rock. Like his Master, he knew that, if he saved others, himself he could not save; —
但勇敢、真诚的心坚定在永恒的岩石上。像他的主人一样,他知道如果救了别人,就不能救自己; —

nor could utmost extremity wring from him words, save of prayers and holy trust.

“He’s most gone, Mas’r,” said Sambo, touched, in spite of himself, by the patience of his victim.

“Pay away, till he gives up! Give it to him!–give it to him!” shouted Legree. —
“继续打!把它给他!把它打给他!”莱格里喊道。 —

I’ll take every drop of blood he has, unless he confesses!”

Tom opened his eyes, and looked upon his master. “Ye poor miserable critter!” —
汤姆睁开眼睛,看着主人。“你这个可怜的家伙!” —

he said, “there ain’t no more ye can do! —
他说,“你再也做不了什么了! —

I forgive ye, with all my soul!” and he fainted entirely away.

“I b’lieve, my soul, he’s done for, finally,” said Legree, stepping forward, to look at him. —
“我相信,我的灵魂,他最终完蛋了,“莱格里走上前去,看着他。 —

“Yes, he is! Well, his mouth’s shut up, at last,–that’s one comfort!”

Yes, Legree; but who shall shut up that voice in thy soul? —
是的,莱格里;但是谁能将你内心的声音关闭? —

that soul, past repentance, past prayer, past hope, in whom the fire that never shall be quenched is already burning!

Yet Tom was not quite gone. His wondrous words and pious prayers had struck upon the hearts of the imbruted blacks, who had been the instruments of cruelty upon him; —
然而汤姆还没有完全离去。他奇妙的言辞和虔诚的祈祷打动了那些加害于他的愚昧黑人们的心灵; —

and, the instant Legree withdrew, they took him down, and, in their ignorance, sought to call him back to life,–as if that were any favor to him.

“Sartin, we ’s been doin’ a drefful wicked thing!” said Sambo; —
“确实,我们做了一件极其邪恶的事!”桑博说; —

“hopes Mas’r’ll have to ‘count for it, and not we.”

They washed his wounds,–they provided a rude bed, of some refuse cotton, for him to lie down on; —
他们洗净他的伤口,给他找来了一张以一些废棉为床的简陋床; —

and one of them, stealing up to the house, begged a drink of brandy of Legree, pretending that he was tired, and wanted it for himself. —
其中一人悄悄溜到屋子前,向莱格利求一杯白兰地,假装自己累了,需要喝点; —

He brought it back, and poured it down Tom’s throat.

“O, Tom!” said Quimbo, “we’s been awful wicked to ye!”

“I forgive ye, with all my heart!” said Tom, faintly.

“O, Tom! do tell us who is Jesus, anyhow?” said Sambo; —
“哦,汤姆!可不可以告诉我们,到底耶稣是谁呢?”桑博问道; —

–“Jesus, that’s been a standin’ by you so, all this night!–Who is he?”

The word roused the failing, fainting spirit. —
这个词唤起了即将消逝的虚弱精神。 —

He poured forth a few energetic sentences of that wondrous One,–his life, his death, his everlasting presence, and power to save.

They wept,–both the two savage men.

“Why didn’t I never hear this before?” said Sambo; “but I do believe! —
“为什么我以前从来没有听说过这个?” 桑博说; “但我相信了! —

–I can’t help it! Lord Jesus, have mercy on us!”
–我忍不住! 主耶稣啊,怜悯我们!”

“Poor critters!” said Tom, “I’d be willing to bar’ all I have, if it’ll only bring ye to Christ! —
“可怜的生灵!” 汤姆说,”我愿意拿出所有我所有的,只要能带你们去找基督! —

O, Lord! give me these two more souls, I pray!”
哦,主啊! 请赐给我这两个灵魂,我祈祷!”

That prayer was answered!