One morning, while Miss Ophelia was busy in some of her domestic cares, St. Clare’s voice was heard, calling her at the foot of the stairs.

“Come down here, Cousin, I’ve something to show you.”

“What is it?” said Miss Ophelia, coming down, with her sewing in her hand.

“I’ve made a purchase for your department,–see here,” said St. Clare; —
“我为你的部门买了东西,看这里,”圣克莱尔说着; —

and, with the word, he pulled along a little negro girl, about eight or nine years of age.

She was one of the blackest of her race; and her round shining eyes, glittering as glass beads, moved with quick and restless glances over everything in the room. —
她是她种族中最黑的之一;她那双圆圆的闪亮的眼睛如同玻璃珠一般,快速而不安地在房间里的一切上扫视着。 —

Her mouth, half open with astonishment at the wonders of the new Mas’r’s parlor, displayed a white and brilliant set of teeth. —
她的嘴半张着,对新主人的客厅中的奇迹感到惊讶,露出一口洁白而灿烂的牙齿。 —

Her woolly hair was braided in sundry little tails, which stuck out in every direction. —
她的卷发编成了几根小辫子,四处乱糟糟地伸出来。 —

The expression of her face was an odd mixture of shrewdness and cunning, over which was oddly drawn, like a kind of veil, an expression of the most doleful gravity and solemnity. —
她脸上的表情是一种狡猾和狡诈的奇怪混合,而在上面奇怪地拉出了一种幽深忧郁和庄严的表情。 —

She was dressed in a single filthy, ragged garment, made of bagging; —
她穿着一件由麻袋制成的肮脏破烂的衣服; —

and stood with her hands demurely folded before her. —
双手虔诚地交叉在胸前。 —

Altogether, there was something odd and goblin-like about her appearance,–something, as Miss Ophelia afterwards said, “so heathenish,” as to inspire that good lady with utter dismay; —
总的来说,她的外表有些古怪和妖怪般,正如后来奥菲利亚小姐所说,“那么异教徒般”,令那位好心的女士感到彻底的惊慌; —

and turning to St. Clare, she said,

“Augustine, what in the world have you brought that thing here for?”

“For you to educate, to be sure, and train in the way she should go. —
“当然是让你教育,指导她应该走的路。” —

I thought she was rather a funny specimen in the Jim Arow line. —
我认为她是吉姆·阿罗系列中相当滑稽的一个标本。 —

Here, Topsy,” he added, giving a whistle, as a man would to call the attention of a dog, “give us a song, now, and show us some of your dancing.”

The black, glassy eyes glittered with a kind of wicked drollery, and the thing struck up, in a clear shrill voice, an odd negro melody, to which she kept time with her hands and feet, spinning round, clapping her hands, knocking her knees together, in a wild, fantastic sort of time, and producing in her throat all those odd guttural sounds which distinguish the native music of her race; —
那双黑而发亮的眼睛闪着一种邪恶的诙谐,奇怪的黑人旋律响起,她用手脚配合节奏,转身、鼓掌、踢腿,在一种狂野、奇幻的节奏里,发出那些奇怪的喉音,这些音符使得她的音乐跟她的种族特征明显地相区别开来; —

and finally, turning a summerset or two, and giving a prolonged closing note, as odd and unearthly as that of a steam-whistle, she came suddenly down on the carpet, and stood with her hands folded, and a most sanctimonious expression of meekness and solemnity over her face, only broken by the cunning glances which she shot askance from the corners of her eyes.

Miss Ophelia stood silent, perfectly paralyzed with amazement. —
奥菲利亚小姐站在那里,完全被惊讶所震慑。 —

St. Clare, like a mischievous fellow as he was, appeared to enjoy her astonishment; —
圣克莱尔,像个调皮的家伙一样,似乎很享受她的惊讶; —

and, addressing the child again, said,

“Topsy, this is your new mistress. I’m going to give you up to her; —
“托普西,这是你的新主人。我要把你交给她; —

see now that you behave yourself.”

“Yes, Mas’r,” said Topsy, with sanctimonious gravity, her wicked eyes twinkling as she spoke.

“You’re going to be good, Topsy, you understand,” said St. Clare.

“O yes, Mas’r,” said Topsy, with another twinkle, her hands still devoutly folded.

“Now, Augustine, what upon earth is this for?” said Miss Ophelia. —
“奥古斯丁,这到底是为了什么?”奥菲利亚说。 —

“Your house is so full of these little plagues, now, that a body can’t set down their foot without treading on ‘em. —
“你家里现在满是这些小麻烦,一个人连脚都放不下,就要踩到它们。 —

I get up in the morning, and find one asleep behind the door, and see one black head poking out from under the table, one lying on the door-mat,–and they are mopping and mowing and grinning between all the railings, and tumbling over the kitchen floor! —
我早上起来,发现有一个躺在门后睡觉,看见一个黑头从桌子下探出来,一个躺在地垫上,它们在扶手间擦来擦去、咧嘴咧嘴、笑得合不拢嘴,并且在厨房地板上滚来滚去!” —

What on earth did you want to bring this one for?”

“For you to educate–didn’t I tell you? You’re always preaching about educating. —
为了让你教育她–难道我没告诉过你吗?你总是在说要教育。 —

I thought I would make you a present of a fresh-caught specimen, and let you try your hand on her, and bring her up in the way she should go.”

I don’t want her, I am sure;–I have more to do with ‘em now than I want to.”

“That’s you Christians, all over!–you’ll get up a society, and get some poor missionary to spend all his days among just such heathen. —
这就是你们基督徒的一贯作风!你们会成立一个协会,让一些可怜的传教士花费他们所有的时光在这些异教徒身上。 —

But let me see one of you that would take one into your house with you, and take the labor of their conversion on yourselves! —
但让我看看你们中哪一个会把他们带进你的家庭,把他们的改变负责在你们自己身上! —

No; when it comes to that, they are dirty and disagreeable, and it’s too much care, and so on.”

“Augustine, you know I didn’t think of it in that light,” said Miss Ophelia, evidently softening. —
奥古斯丁,你知道我没那么想的,”奥菲利娅小姐说,显然软化了。 —

“Well, it might be a real missionary work,” said she, looking rather more favorably on the ahild.

St. Clare had touched the right string. Miss Ophelia’s conscientiousness was ever on the alert. —
圣克莱猜对了奥菲利娅感觉。她的良知总是警惕的。 —

“But,” she added, “I really didn’t see the need of buying this one; —
“不过,”她补充道,“我真的看不出购买这一个的必要; —

–there are enough now, in your house, to take all my time and skill.”

“Well, then, Cousin,” said St. Clare, drawing her aside, “I ought to beg your pardon for my good-for-nothing speeches. —
“嗯,那么,表妹,”圣克莱说,把她拉到一旁,“我应该为我那些无用的话来向你道歉。 —

You are so good, after all, that there’s no sense in them. —
你总是那么善良,所以对这些话没有意义。 —

Why, the fact is, this concern belonged to a couple of drunken creatures that keep a low restaurant that I have to pass by every day, and I was tired of hearing her screaming, and them beating and swearing at her. —
事实是,这个可怜孩子原属于两个常常喝醉的家伙,他们经营一个低档餐馆,我每天都要经过那里,我受够了听到她尖叫,还有他们骂骂咧咧地打她。 —

She looked bright and funny, too, as if something might be made of her; —
她看起来聪明而有趣,好像她可能会有所作为; —

–so I bought her, and I’ll give her to you. —
所以我买了她,我会把她送给你。 —

Try, now, and give her a good orthodox New England bringing up, and see what it’ll make of her. —
来试试吧,给她一个好的传统新英格兰教养,看看她会变成什么样。 —

You know I haven’t any gift that way; but I’d like you to try.”

“Well, I’ll do what I can,” said Miss Ophelia; —
“好吧,我会尽力的,”奥菲利亚小姐说; —

and she approached her new subject very much as a person might be supposed to approach a black spider, supposing them to have benevolent designs toward it.

“She’s dreadfully dirty, and half naked,” she said.

“Well, take her down stairs, and make some of them clean and clothe her up.”

Miss Ophelia carried her to the kitchen regions.

“Don’t see what Mas’r St. Clare wants of ‘nother nigger!” —
“不明白圣克莱尔先生还要一个奴隶做什么!” —

said Dinah, surveying the new arrival with no friendly air. —
黛娜说道,怀着不友好的神态审视着新来的人。 —

“Won’t have her around under my feet, I know!”

“Pah!” said Rosa and Jane, with supreme disgust; “let her keep out of our way! —
“哼!”罗莎和简纳愤怒地说;”让她远离我们的视线! —

What in the world Mas’r wanted another of these low niggers for, I can’t see!”

“You go long! No more nigger dan you be, Miss Rosa,” said Dinah, who felt this last remark a reflection on herself. —
“你走开!罗莎小姐,你不再比我更像奴隶,”黛娜说道,感到最后一句话对她是一种侮辱。 —

“You seem to tink yourself white folks. You an’t nerry one, black nor white, I’d like to be one or turrer.”

Miss Ophelia saw that there was nobody in the camp that would undertake to oversee the cleansing and dressing of the new arrival; —
奥费莉亚小姐看到营地里没有人愿意负责清洁和换洗新来的孩子; —

and so she was forced to do it herself, with some very ungracious and reluctant assistance from Jane.

It is not for ears polite to hear the particulars of the first toilet of a neglected, abused child. —
一个被忽视、虐待的孩子第一次整理卫生,实在不是一个有教养的耳朵该听的细节。 —

In fact, in this world, multitudes must live and die in a state that it would be too great a shock to the nerves of their fellow-mortals even to hear described. —
事实上,在这个世界上,许多人必须生活和死去在一个状态中,即使描述给他们的同胞听到,也会给神经带来太大的冲击。 —

Miss Ophelia had a good, strong, practical deal of resolution; —
奥费莉亚小姐有着坚强、实用的决心; —

and she went through all the disgusting details with heroic thoroughness, though, it must be confessed, with no very gracious air,–for endurance was the utmost to which her principles could bring her. —
尽管并不十分慈祥,但她以英勇的彻底度度过了这一切恶心的细节–因为忍耐是她的原则所能带来的极限。 —

When she saw, on the back and shoulders of the child, great welts and calloused spots, ineffaceable marks of the system under which she had grown up thus far, her heart became pitiful within her.

“See there!” said Jane, pointing to the marks, “don’t that show she’s a limb? —
“看那里!”简指着那些伤痕说, “这不是她作的吗? —

We’ll have fine works with her, I reckon. I hate these nigger young uns! —
我们将和她闹翻天,我猜。我讨厌这些黑人小鬼! —

so disgusting! I wonder that Mas’r would buy her!”

The “young un” alluded to heard all these comments with the subdued and doleful air which seemed habitual to her, only scanning, with a keen and furtive glance of her flickering eyes, the ornaments which Jane wore in her ears. —
所谓的”小鬼”听到所有这些评论,只是低声、悲伤地看着简耳朵上戴的装饰品,这似乎已经成为她的习惯。 —

When arrayed at last in a suit of decent and whole clothing, her hair cropped short to her head, Miss Ophelia, with some satisfaction, said she looked more Christian-like than she did, and in her own mind began to mature some plans for her instruction.

Sitting down before her, she began to question her.

“How old are you, Topsy?”

“Dun no, Missis,” said the image, with a grin that showed all her teeth.

“Don’t know how old you are? Didn’t anybody ever tell you? Who was your mother?”

“Never had none!” said the child, with another grin.

“Never had any mother? What do you mean? Where were you born?”

“Never was born!” persisted Topsy, with another grin, that looked so goblin-like, that, if Miss Ophelia had been at all nervous, she might have fancied that she had got hold of some sooty gnome drom the land of Diablerie; —
“我从来没有出生过!”Topsy坚持说,露出了另一种鬼怪般的笑容,如果奥菲莉亚夫人有一点神经紧张的话,她可能会认为自己碰到了来自魔界的煤黑色小妖精; —

but Miss Ophelia was not nervous, but plain and business-like, and she said, with some sternness,

“You mustn’t answer me in that way, child; I’m not playing with you. —
“孩子,你不能这样回答我;我不是在和你玩。 —

Tell me where you were born, and who your father and mother were.”

“Never was born,” reiterated the creature, more emphatically; —
“我从来没有出生过,”那个生灵更加强调地重复说; —

“never had no father nor mother, nor nothin’. —
“没有父亲也没有母亲,什么都没有。 —

I was raised by a speculator, with lots of others. —
我是由一个投机商抚养大的,还有很多其他孩子。 —

Old Aunt Sue used to take car on us.”

The child was evidently sincere, and Jane, breaking into a short laugh, said,

“Laws, Missis, there’s heaps of ‘em. Speculators buys ‘em up cheap, when they’s little, and gets ‘em raised for market.”

“How long have you lived with your master and mistress?”

“Dun no, Missis.”

“Is it a year, or more, or less?”

“Dun no, Missis.”

“Laws, Missis, those low negroes,–they can’t tell; —
“天哪,女士,那些低劣的黑人,–他们不懂; —

they don’t know anything about time,” said Jane; —
他们对时间毫无概念,”简说; —

“they don’t know what a year is; they don’t know their own ages.

“Have you ever heard anything about God, Topsy?”

The child looked bewildered, but grinned as usual.

“Do you know who made you?”

“Nobody, as I knows on,” said the child, with a short laugh.
“没人知道,我想是我长出来的。没人造我,” 孩子笑着说。

The idea appeared to amuse her considerably; for her eyes twinkled, and she added,

“I spect I grow’d. Don’t think nobody never made me.”

“Do you know how to sew?” said Miss Ophelia, who thought she would turn her inquiries to something more tangible.
“你会缝纫吗?” 奥菲利亚小姐觉得自己该转换话题问些更实际的事情。

“No, Missis.”

“What can you do?–what did you do for your master and mistress?”

“Fetch water, and wash dishes, and rub knives, and wait on folks.”

“Were they good to you?”

“Spect they was,” said the child, scanning Miss Ophelia cunningly.
“我想他们应该是的,” 孩子狡黠地盯着奥菲利亚小姐。

Miss Ophelia rose from this encouraging colloquy; St. Clare was leaning over the back of her chair.

“You find virgin soil there, Cousin; put in your own ideas,–you won’t find many to pull up.”

Miss Ophelia’s ideas of education, like all her other ideas, were very set and definite; —
奥菲利亚小姐的教育观念,就像她的其他所有观念一样,非常固定明确; —

and of the kind that prevailed in New England a century ago, and which are still preserved in some very retired and unsophisticated parts, where there are no railroads. —
就像一个世纪以前在新英格兰盛行的教育观念一样,这种观念在一些非常僻静和不拘于世俗的地方仍然被保留着,那里没有铁路。 —

As nearly as could be expressed, they could be comprised in very few words: —
用尽可能简练的话来表达,它们可以被总结为很少的几个词: —

to teach them to mind when they were spoken to; to teach them the catechism, sewing, and reading; —
教导他们听别人讲话;教他们信经、缝纫和阅读; —

and to whip them if they told lies. And though, of course, in the flood of light that is now poured on education, these are left far away in the rear, yet it is an undisputed fact that our grandmothers raised some tolerably fair men and women under this regime, as many of us can remember and testify. —
并且如果他们撒谎就打他们。尽管现在教育领域光芒四射,这些方法早已被淘汰,但不可否认的是在这种教育体系下,我们的祖母们培养出了一些相当不错的男人和女人,许多人可以回忆和证实这一点。 —

At all events, Miss Ophelia knew of nothing else to do; —
不管怎样,奥非丽亚小姐当时没想到其他对策; —

and, therefore, applied her mind to her heathen with the best diligence she could command.

The child was announced and considered in the family as Miss Ophelia’s girl; —
大家把这个孩子当作奥非丽亚小姐的女儿; —

and, as she was looked upon with no gracious eye in the kitchen, Miss Ophelia resolved to confine her sphere of operation and instruction chiefly to her own chamber. —
鉴于厨房里的人对她并不友好,奥非丽亚决定将她的行为和教导范围主要限定在自己的房间里。 —

With a self-sacrifice which some of our readers will appreciate, she resolved, instead of comfortably making her own bed, sweeping and dusting her own chamber,–which she had hitherto done, in utter scorn of all offers of help from the chambermaid of the establishment,–to condemn herself to the martyrdom of instructing Topsy to perform these operations,–ah, woe the day! —
她下定决心要牺牲自己,而不是舒舒服服地整理自己的床铺,清扫并打扫自己的房间–她之前总是不屑于接受旅馆房间女佣的帮助–,而是选择自我折磨地教导托普希来执行这些工作–啊,可悲的一天! —

Did any of our readers ever do the same, they will appreciate the amount of her self-sacrifice.

Miss Ophelia began with Topsy by taking her into her chamber, the first morning, and solemnly commencing a course of instruction in the art and mystery of bed-making.

Behold, then, Topsy, washed and shorn of all the little braided tails wherein her heart had delighted, arrayed in a clean gown, with well-starched apron, standing reverently before Miss Ophelia, with an expression of solemnity well befitting a funeral.

“Now, Topsy, I’m going to show you just how my bed is to be made. —
“好了,托普希,我要教你我是如何整理床铺的。 —

I am very particular about my bed. You must learn exactly how to do it.”

“Yes, ma’am,” says Topsy, with a deep sigh, and a face of woful earnestness.

“Now, Topsy, look here;–this is the hem of the sheet,–this is the right side of the sheet, and this is the wrong; —
“现在,托普希,看这里;–这是床单的边缘,–这是床单的右面,这是反面; —

–will you remember?”

“Yes, ma’am,” says Topsy, with another sigh.

“Well, now, the under sheet you must bring over the bolster,–so–and tuck it clear down under the mattress nice and smooth,–so,–do you see?”

“Yes, ma’am,” said Topsy, with profound attention.

“But the upper sheet,” said Miss Ophelia, “must be brought down in this way, and tucked under firm and smooth at the foot,–so,–the narrow hem at the foot.”

“Yes, ma’am,” said Topsy, as before;–but we will add, what Miss Ophelia did not see, that, during the time when the good lady’s back was turned in the zeal of her manipulations, the young disciple had contrived to snatch a pair of gloves and a ribbon, which she had adroitly slipped into her sleeves, and stood with her hands dutifully folded, as before.

“Now, Topsy, let’s see you do this,” said Miss Ophelia, pulling off the clothes, and seating herself.

Topsy, with great gravity and adroitness, went through the exercise completely to Miss Ophelia’s satisfaction; —
Topsy以极大的严肃和灵巧完成了这个练习,使得Ophelia小姐非常满意; —

smoothing the sheets, patting out every wrinkle, and exhibiting, through the whole process, a gravity and seriousness with which her instructress was greatly edified. —
她整理床单,拍平每一个褶皱,在整个过程中展现出一种严肃和认真,让她的指导者感到非常满意。 —

By an unlucky slip, however, a fluttering fragment of the ribbon hung out of one of her sleeves, just as she was finishing, and caught Miss Ophelia’s attention. —
然而,不幸的是,当她快要完成时,一块飘忽不定的丝带碎片从她的袖子中掉了出来,引起了Ophelia小姐的注意。 —

Instantly, she pounced upon it. “What’s this? —
瞬间,她扑过去。“这是什么? —

You naughty, wicked child,–you’ve been stealing this!”

The ribbon was pulled out of Topsy’s own sleeve, yet was she not in the least disconcerted; —
丝带从Topsy自己的袖子里被拽了出来,然而她丝毫不感到困惑; —

she only looked at it with an air of the most surprised and unconscious innocence.

“Laws! why, that ar’s Miss Feely’s ribbon, an’t it? How could it a got caught in my sleeve?

“Topsy, you naughty girl, don’t you tell me a lie,–you stole that ribbon!”

“Missis, I declar for ’t, I didn’t;–never seed it till dis yer blessed minnit.”

“Topsy,” said Miss Ophelia, “don’t you now it’s wicked to tell lies?”

“I never tell no lies, Miss Feely,” said Topsy, with virtuous gravity; —
“Feely小姐,我从来不说谎”,Topsy认真地说; —

“it’s jist the truth I’ve been a tellin now, and an’t nothin else.”

“Topsy, I shall have to whip you, if you tell lies so.”

“Laws, Missis, if you’s to whip all day, couldn’t say no other way,” said Topsy, beginning to blubber. —
“天呐,夫人,就算你整天打我,我也没法说别的办法”,Topsy开始抽泣。 —

“I never seed dat ar,–it must a got caught in my sleeve. —
“我从没见过那个,–肯定是被卷进了我的袖子里。 —

Miss Feeley must have left it on the bed, and it got caught in the clothes, and so got in my sleeve.”

Miss Ophelia was so indignant at the barefaced lie, that she caught the child and shook her.

“Don’t you tell me that again!”

The shake brought the glove on to the floor, from the other sleeve.

“There, you!” said Miss Ophelia, “will you tell me now, you didn’t steal the ribbon?”

Topsy now confessed to the gloves, but still persisted in denying the ribbon.

“Now, Topsy,” said Miss Ophelia, “if you’ll confess all about it, I won’t whip you this time.” —
“现在,乌普西,”奥菲利亚小姐说,“如果你把一切都告诉我,这一次我不会打你。” —

Thus adjured, Topsy confessed to the ribbon and gloves, with woful protestations of penitence.

“Well, now, tell me. I know you must have taken other things since you have been in the house, for I let you run about all day yesterday. —
“好吧,告诉我。我知道你在家里一定还拿走了其他东西,因为昨天整天我让你四处跑。 —

Now, tell me if you took anything, and I shan’t whip you.”

“Laws, Miscis! I took Miss Eva’s red thing she wars on her neck.”

“You did, you naughty child!–Well, what else?”

“I took Rosa’s yer-rings,–them red ones.”

“Go bring them to me this minute, both of ‘em.”

“Laws, Missis! I can’t,–they ’s burnt up!”

“Burnt up!–what a story! Go get ‘em, or I’ll whip you.”

Topsy, with loud protestations, and tears, and groans, declared that she could not. —
托普希着声的抗议、哭泣和呻吟,声称她 不能。 —

“They ’s burnt up,–they was.”

“What did you burn ‘em for?” said Miss Ophelia.

“Cause I ’s wicked,–I is. I ’s mighty wicked, any how. I can’t help it.”

Just at this moment, Eva came innocently into the room, with the identical coral necklace on her neck.

“Why, Eva, where did you get your necklace?” said Miss Ophelia.

“Get it? Why, I’ve had it on all day,” said Eva.

“Did you have it on yesterday?”

“Yes; and what is funny, Aunty, I had it on all night. I forgot to take it off when I went to bed.”

Miss Ophelia looked perfectly bewildered; —
奥菲利亚小姐看起来完全困惑; —

the more so, as Rosa, at that instant, came into the room, with a basket of newly-ironed linen poised on her head, and the coral ear-drops shaking in her ears!

“I’m sure I can’t tell anything what to do with such a child!” she said, in despair. —
“我真的不知道怎么处理这么一个孩子!”她绝望地说。 —

“What in the world did you tell me you took those things for, Topsy?”

“Why, Missis said I must ‘fess; and I couldn’t think of nothin’ else to ‘fess,” said Topsy, rubbing her eyes.

“But, of course, I didn’t want you to confess things you didn’t do,” said Miss Ophelia; —
“但是,当然,我不希望你坦白你没做过的事情,”奥菲利亚小姐说; —

“that’s telling a lie, just as much as the other.”

“Laws, now, is it?” said Topsy, with an air of innocent wonder.

“La, there an’t any such thing as truth in that limb,” said Rosa, looking indignantly at Topsy. “If I was Mas’r St. Clare, I’d whip her till the blood run. —
“啊,那个家伙里没有真话,”罗莎愤怒地看着托普西说道。”如果我是圣克莱先生,我就会打她到流血。我会的,我可不手软!” —

I would,–I’d let her catch it!”

“No, no Rosa,” said Eva, with an air of command, which the child could assume at times; —
“你不能这样说,罗莎。我可受不了听到这种话。” —

“you mustn’t talk so, Rosa. I can’t bear to hear it.”

“La sakes! Miss Eva, you ’s so good, you don’t know nothing how to get along with niggers. —
“没有别的方法,只能好好地打他们,我告诉你。” —

There’s no way but to cut ‘em well up, I tell ye.”

“Rosa!” said Eva, “hush! Don’t you say another word of that sort!” —
孩子的眼睛闪闪发光,脸颊泛红。 —

and the eye of the child flashed, and her cheek deepened its color.

Rosa was cowed in a moment.

“Miss Eva has got the St. Clare blood in her, that’s plain. —
她说话,就像她爸爸一样,”她经过房间时说。 —

She can speak, for all the world, just like her papa,” she said, as she passed out of the room.

Eva stood looking at Topsy.

There stood the two children representatives of the two extremes of society. —
两个孩子站在那里,代表着社会的两个极端。 —

The fair, high-bred child, with her golden head, her deep eyes, her spiritual, noble brow, and prince-like movements; —
这个金发、深眼、精神高贵的孩子,她那王子般的举止; —

and her black, keen, subtle, cringing, yet acute neighbor. —
以及她那黑发锐利而巧妙、卑屈却敏锐的邻居。 —

They stood the representatives of their races. —
他们代表着各自种族。 —

The Saxon, born of ages of cultivation, command, education, physical and moral eminence; —
盎格鲁撒克逊,源自成就、指挥、教育、体力和道德卓越的岁月; —

the Afric, born of ages of oppression, submission, ignorance, toil and vice!

Something, perhaps, of such thoughts struggled through Eva’s mind. —
这种想法或许在爱娃的脑海中挣扎过。 —

But a child’s thoughts are rather dim, undefined instincts; —
但孩子的想法多半是朦胧的、模糊的本能; —

and in Eva’s noble nature many such were yearning and working, for which she had no power of utterance. —
在爱娃高贵的天性中,有很多这样的东西正渴望着、努力着,但却无法表达。 —

When Miss Ophelia expatiated on Topsy’s naughty, wicked conduct, the child looked perplexed and sorrowful, but said, sweetly.

“Poor Topsy, why need you steal? You’re going to be taken good care of now. —
“可怜的托普西,你为什么需要偷呢?现在你会被照顾得很好的。 —

I’m sure I’d rather give you anything of mine, than have you steal it.”

It was the first word of kindness the child had ever heard in her life; —
这是这个孩子一生中听到的第一个友善的词; —

and the sweet tone and manner struck strangely on the wild, rude heart, and a sparkle of something like a tear shone in the keen, round, glittering eye; —
这甜美的语调和举止奇怪地触动了这颗粗野、粗鲁的心,而这颗圆润发亮的眼里闪烁着类似于泪水的东西。 —

but it was followed by the short laugh and habitual grin. No! —
但随后是短暂的笑声和习惯性的笑容。不! —

the ear that has never heard anything but abuse is strangely incredulous of anything so heavenly as kindness; —
那只听惯了虐待的耳朵对善意这种天籁之音感到难以置信; —

and Topsy only thought Eva’s speech something funny and inexplicable,–she did not believe it.

But what was to be done with Topsy? Miss Ophelia found the case a puzzler; —
但托普希怎么办呢?奥菲利亚小姐觉得这个案子颇费脑筋; —

her rules for bringing up didn’t seem to apply. She thought she would take time to think of it; —
她平时用来教养孩子的方法似乎不适用。她想给自己一点时间来考虑; —

and, by the way of gaining time, and in hopes of some indefinite moral virtues supposed to be inherent in dark closets, Miss Ophelia shut Topsy up in one till she had arranged her ideas further on the subject.

“I don’t see,” said Miss Ophelia to St. Clare, “how I’m going to manage that child, without whipping her.”

“Well, whip her, then, to your heart’s content; I’ll give you full power to do what you like.”

“Children always have to be whipped,” said Miss Ophelia; —
“孩子们总是要挨打的,”奥菲利亚说; —

“I never heard of bringing them up without.”

“O, well, certainly,” said St. Clare; “do as you think best. Only I’ll make one suggestion: —
“哦,好吧,当然,”圣克莱尔说;”你按自己的想法办吧。只是我有一个建议: —

I’ve seen this child whipped with a poker, knocked down with the shovel or tongs, whichever came handiest, &c. —
我看过有人拿铁钩棒打这个孩子,用铁铲或钳子打倒她,随手拿什么就用什么,等等。 —

; and, seeing that she is used to that style of operation, I think your whippings will have to be pretty energetic, to make much impression.”

“What is to be done with her, then?” said Miss Ophelia.

“You have started a serious question,” said St. Clare; “I wish you’d answer it. —
“你提出了一个严肃的问题,”圣克莱尔说;”我希望你能回答它。 —

What is to be done with a human being that can be governed only by the lash,–that fails,–it’s a very common state of things down here!”

“I’m sure I don’t know; I never saw such a child as this.”

“Such children are very common among us, and such men and women, too. —
这种孩子在我们中间很常见,而且这样的男人和女人也很常见。 —

How are they to be governed?” said St. Clare.

“I’m sure it’s more than I can say,” said Miss Ophelia.

“Or I either,” said St. Clare. “The horrid cruelties and outrages that once and a while find their way into the papers,–such cases as Prue’s, for example,–what do they come from? —
“我也是,”圣克莱尔说。“那些时不时会登上报纸的可怕的残暴和暴行,比如普鲁的案例,是怎么回事呢?” —

In many cases, it is a gradual hardening process on both sides,–the owner growing more and more cruel, as the servant more and more callous. —
在许多情况下,这是双方逐渐变得麻木的结果–主人变得越来越残忍,仆人变得越来越冷漠。 —

Whipping and abuse are like laudanum; you have to double the dose as the sensibilities decline. —
鞭打和虐待就像鸦片;随着感官减退,你必须加量。 —

I saw this very early when I became an owner; —
当我成为一个主人时,我就早早看到了这一点; —

and I resolved never to begin, because I did not know when I should stop,–and I resolved, at least, to protect my own moral nature. —
我决定永不开始,因为我不知道何时会停止–至少我决定保护自己的道德品性。 —

The consequence is, that my servants act like spoiled children; —
结果就是,我的仆人们表现得像被宠坏的孩子; —

but I think that better than for us both to be brutalized together. —
但我认为这比我们两个都变得野蛮要好。 —

You have talked a great deal about our responsibilities in educating, Cousin. —
“你一直在谈论我们在教育方面的责任,表姐。 —

I really wanted you to try with one child, who is a specimen of thousands among us.”

“It is your system makes such children,” said Miss Ophelia.

“I know it; but they are made,–they exist,–and what is to be done with them?”

“Well, I can’t say I thank you for the experiment. —
“嗯,我不能说我感谢你的实验。” —

But, then, as it appears to be a duty, I shall persevere and try, and do the best I can,” said Miss Ophelia; —
“但是,既然这看起来是一个责任,我会坚持并尽力而为,”奥菲利亚小姐说; —

and Miss Ophelia, after this, did labor, with a commendable degree of zeal and energy, on her new subject. —
之后,奥菲利亚小姐对这个新的对象展现出了赞许的热情和精力。 —

She instituted regular hours and employments for her, and undertook to teach her to read and sew.

In the former art, the child was quick enough. —
孩子学习字母的速度很快。 —

She learned her letters as if by magic, and was very soon able to read plain reading; —
她像变魔术一样学会了字母,很快就能够阅读简单的文章; —

but the sewing was a more difficult matter. —
但是缝纫则是一个更加困难的事情。 —

The creature was as lithe as a cat, and as active as a monkey, and the confinement of sewing was her abomination; —
这个小家伙像猫一样灵活,像猴子一样活泼,缝纫的束缚让她憎恶; —

so she broke her needles, threw them slyly out of the window, or down in chinks of the walls; —
所以她会打断绣针,悄悄把它们扔出窗户或扔进墙缝里; —

she tangled, broke, and dirtied her thread, or, with a sly movement, would throw a spool away altogether. —
她搞乱、打断并弄脏线,或者偷偷地把线轴扔掉。 —

Her motions were almost as quick as those of a practised conjurer, and her command of her face quite as great; —
她的动作几乎像训练有素的魔术师,她对自己面部表情的控制力也很强; —

and though Miss Ophelia could not help feeling that so many accidents could not possibly happen in succession, yet she could not, without a watchfulness which would leave her no time for anything else, detect her.

Topsy was soon a noted character in the establishment. —
托普西很快就成了这间住宅的一个引人注目的角色。 —

Her talent for every species of drollery, grimace, and mimicry,–for dancing, tumbling, climbing, singing, whistling, imitating every sound that hit her fancy,–seemed inexhaustible. —
她的各种滑稽表演、扮鬼脸、模仿一切,跳舞、翻筋斗、爬山、唱歌、吹口哨,模仿一切触动她的幻想的声音的才能似乎是无穷无尽的。 —

In her play-hours, she invariably had every child in the establishment at her heels, open-mouthed with admiration and wonder,–not excepting Miss Eva, who appeared to be fascinated by her wild diablerie, as a dove is sometimes charmed by a glittering serpent. —
在她的玩耍时间里,她总是被学校里的每个孩子追随,他们充满敬佩和惊叹,包括伊娃小姐在内,她似乎被她狂野的恶作剧所吸引,就像鸽子有时会被闪闪发光的蛇吸引一样。 —

Miss Ophelia was uneasy that Eva should fancy Topsy’s society so much, and implored St. Clare to forbid it.

“Poh! let the child alone,” said St. Clare. “Topsy will do her good.”

“But so depraved a child,–are you not afraid she will teach her some mischief?”

“She can’t teach her mischief; she might teach it to some children, but evil rolls off Eva’s mind like dew off a cabbage-leaf,–not a drop sinks in.”

“Don’t be too sure,” said Miss Ophelia. “I know I’d never let a child of mine play with Topsy.”

“Well, your children needn’t,” said St. Clare, “but mine may; —
“噢,你的孩子不需要,”圣克莱说,“但我的可以;如果伊娃会被惯坏的话,多年前就已经发生了。” —

if Eva could have been spoiled, it would have been done years ago.”

Topsy was at first despised and contemned by the upper servants. —
他们很快发现理由改变了。 —

They soon found reason to alter their opinion. —
很快就发现,谁曾经对拖皮不敬,谁就很快会遇到一些不方便的事故; —

It was very soon discovered that whoever cast an indignity on Topsy was sure to meet with some inconvenient accident shortly after; —
——不管是耳环还是某个珍贵的小饰品都会失踪,或者一件衣物会突然发现完全被毁,或者当穿着盛装时不小心跌入一桶热水中,或者在全副武装的时候,肮脏的洗涤水会莫名其妙地从上方倾泻而下; —

–either a pair of ear-rings or some cherished trinket would be missing, or an article of dress would be suddenly found utterly ruined, or the person would stumble accidently into a pail of hot water, or a libation of dirty slop would unaccountably deluge them from above when in full gala dress; —
——在所有这些情况下,进行调查时,总找不到任何人承认对拖皮的侮辱。 —

-and on all these occasions, when investigation was made, there was nobody found to stand sponsor for the indignity. —
拖皮被传唤,一遍又一遍地被带到所有家庭法庭面前; —

Topsy was cited, and had up before all the domestic judicatories, time and again; —
但她总是以最具益处的天真与庄严的表现来维持她的调查。 —

but always sustained her examinations with most edifying innocence and gravity of appearance. —
在所有这些情况下,当进行调查时总是找不到任何人承认对拖皮的侮辱。 —

Nobody in the world ever doubted who did the things; —
世界上没有人怀疑过谁做了这些事情; —

but not a scrap of any direct evidence could be found to establish the suppositions, and Miss Ophelia was too just to feel at liberty to proceed to any length without it.

The mischiefs done were always so nicely timed, also, as further to shelter the aggressor. —
这些恶作剧总是被安排得如此巧妙,以便保护施加者。 —

Thus, the times for revenge on Rosa and Jane, the two chamber maids, were always chosen in those seasons when (as not unfrequently happened) they were in disgrace with their mistress, when any complaint from them would of course meet with no sympathy. —
因此,对罗莎和简两位女仆的报复总是选择在她们与雇主有争执(这种情况经常发生)的时候进行,这时她们的任何投诉当然不会得到同情。 —

In short, Topsy soon made the household understand the propriety of letting her alone; —
总之,托普西让家里的人明白最好让她独自一人; —

and she was let alone, accordingly.

Topsy was smart and energetic in all manual operations, learning everything that was taught her with surprising quickness. —
托普西在所有体力活动上都聪明而充满活力,学习一切都非常迅速。 —

With a few lessons, she had learned to do the proprieties of Miss Ophelia’s chamber in a way with which even that particular lady could find no fault. —
只需几课,她就学会了以一种甚至那位特别女士也找不出毛病的方式做奥菲利亚小姐房间的事务。 —

Mortal hands could not lay spread smoother, adjust pillows more accurately, sweep and dust and arrange more perfectly, than Topsy, when she chose,–but she didn’t very often choose. —
世上没有什么人工密集操作能比托普西更顺畅地执行,更准确地调整枕头,扫地,擦尘,整理,当她选择的时候–但她并不经常选择。 —

If Miss Ophelia, after three or four days of careful patient supervision, was so sanguine as to suppose that Topsy had at last fallen into her way, could do without over-looking, and so go off and busy herself about something else, Topsy would hold a perfect carnival of confusion, for some one or two hours. —
如果奥菲利亚小姐经过三四天的仔细耐心的监督后,如此乐观地认为托普西最终已经按照她的要求做事,可以不再过多看管,然后离开忙于其他事情,托普西就会在一两个小时内大肆捣乱。 —

Instead of making the bed, she would amuse herself with pulling off the pillowcases, butting her woolly head among the pillows, till it would sometimes be grotesquely ornamented with feathers sticking out in various directions; —
她不去整理床铺,却自己娱乐地摘下枕套,将她的羊毛头插入枕头之间,有时会奇异地装饰着羽毛朝各个方向突出。 —

she would climb the posts, and hang head downward from the tops; —
她会爬上床柱,从顶部倒挂下来; —

flourish the sheets and spreads all over the apartment; —
在房间里把被子和床单扔得到处都是; —

dress the bolster up in Miss Ophelia’s night-clothes, and enact various performances with that,–singing and whistling, and making grimaces at herself in the looking-glass; —
用奥菲利亚小姐的睡衣装饰抱枕,并演绎各种表演–唱歌、吹口哨,对着镜子做鬼脸; —

in short, as Miss Ophelia phrased it, “raising Cain” generally.

On one occasion, Miss Ophelia found Topsy with her very best scarlet India Canton crape shawl wound round her head for a turban, going on with her rehearsals before the glass in great style,–Miss Ophelia having, with carelessness most unheard-of in her, left the key for once in her drawer.

“Topsy!” she would say, when at the end of all patience, “what does make you act so?”

“Dunno, Missis,–I spects cause I ’s so wicked!”

“I don’t know anything what I shall do with you, Topsy.”

“Law, Missis, you must whip me; my old Missis allers whipped me. —
“天哪,夫人,你一定要鞭打我;我以前的夫人总是鞭打我。 —

I an’t used to workin’ unless I gets whipped.”

“Why, Topsy, I don’t want to whip you. You can do well, if you’ve a mind to; —
“托普西,我不想打你。如果你愿意的话,你是可以表现得很好的; —

what is the reason you won’t?”

“Laws, Missis, I ’s used to whippin’; I spects it’s good for me.”

Miss Ophelia tried the recipe, and Topsy invariably made a terrible commotion, screaming, groaning and imploring, though half an hour afterwards, when roosted on some projection of the balcony, and surrounded by a flock of admiring “young uns,” she would express the utmost contempt of the whole affair.

“Law, Miss Feely whip!–wouldn’t kill a skeeter, her whippins. —
“天哪,菲利夫人打人!–根本打不死一个蚊子,她的鞭打。 —

Oughter see how old Mas’r made the flesh fly; —
你应该看看老爷是怎么让血肉飞溅的; —

old Mas’r know’d how!”

Topsy always made great capital of her own sins and enormities, evidently considering them as something peculiarly distinguishing.

“Law, you niggers,” she would say to some of her auditors, “does you know you ’s all sinners? —
“天哪,你们黑奴们,”她会对一些听众说,“你们都知道自己都是罪人! —

Well, you is–everybody is. White folks is sinners too,–Miss Feely says so; —
嗯,你是–每个人都是。费利小姐说白人也是罪人; —

but I spects niggers is the biggest ones; but lor! ye an’t any on ye up to me. —
但我想黑人可能是最大的;但是哟!你们没有一个能比得上我。 —

I ’s so awful wicked there can’t nobody do nothin’ with me. —
我是如此邪恶,没有人能控制我。 —

I used to keep old Missis a swarin’ at me half de time. —
我过去总是把老夫人惹得气愤不已。 —

I spects I ’s the wickedest critter in the world;” —
我想我是世界上最邪恶的动物; —

and Topsy would cut a summerset, and come up brisk and shining on to a higher perch, and evidently plume herself on the distinction.

Miss Ophelia busied herself very earnestly on Sundays, teaching Topsy the catechism. —
奥菲莉亚小姐在星期天非常认真地教导托普希背教理。 —

Topsy had an uncommon verbal memory, and committed with a fluency that greatly encouraged her instructress.

“What good do you expect it is going to do her?” said St. Clare.

“Why, it always has done children good. It’s what children always have to learn, you know,” said Miss Ophelia.

“Understand it or not,” said St. Clare.

“O, children never understand it at the time; but, after they are grown up, it’ll come to them.”

“Mine hasn’t come to me yet,” said St. Clare, “though I’ll bear testimony that you put it into me pretty thoroughly when I was a boy.”’

“Ah, you were always good at learning, Augustine. —
“啊,你总是学得很好,奥古斯丁。 —

I used to have great hopes of you,” said Miss Ophelia.

“Well, haven’t you now?” said St. Clare.

“I wish you were as good as you were when you were a boy, Augustine.”

“So do I, that’s a fact, Cousin,” said St. Clare. “Well, go ahead and catechize Topsy; —
“事实如此,表兄啊,”圣克莱尔说。“好了,继续审问托普西吧; —

may be you’ll make out something yet.”

Topsy, who had stood like a black statue during this discussion, with hands decently folded, now, at a signal from Miss Ophelia, went on:

“Our first parents, being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the state wherein they were created.”

Topsy’s eyes twinkled, and she looked inquiringly.

“What is it, Topsy?” said Miss Ophelia.

“Please, Missis, was dat ar state Kintuck?”

“What state, Topsy?”

“Dat state dey fell out of. I used to hear Mas’r tell how we came down from Kintuck.”

St. Clare laughed.

“You’ll have to give her a meaning, or she’ll make one,” said he. —
“你得给她解释一下,否则她会自己想出来的,”他说。 —

“There seems to be a theory of emigration suggested there.”

“O! Augustine, be still,” said Miss Ophelia; “how can I do anything, if you will be laughing?”

“Well, I won’t disturb the exercises again, on my honor;” —
“好吧,我发誓不再打扰你们练习;” —

and St. Clare took his paper into the parlor, and sat down, till Topsy had finished her recitations. They were all very well, only that now and then she would oddly transpose some important words, and persist in the mistake, in spite of every effort to the contrary; —
圣克莱把纸拿进客厅坐下,等着Topsy念完她的台词。她的表现都不错,只是偶尔会把一些重要的词奇怪地颠倒,尽管努力更正,却还是坚持错误; —

and St. Clare, after all his promises of goodness, took a wicked pleasure in these mistakes, calling Topsy to him whenever he had a mind to amuse himself, and getting her to repeat the offending passages, in spite of Miss Ophelia’s remonstrances.

“How do you think I can do anything with the child, if you will go on so, Augustine?” she would say.

“Well, it is too bad,–I won’t again; but I do like to hear the droll little image stumble over those big words!”

“But you confirm her in the wrong way.”

“What’s the odds? One word is as good as another to her.”

“You wanted me to bring her up right; and you ought to remember she is a reasonable creature, and be careful of your influence over her.”

“O, dismal! so I ought; but, as Topsy herself says, `I ’s so wicked!‘”

In very much this way Topsy’s training proceeded, for a year or two,–Miss Ophelia worrying herself, from day to day, with her, as a kind of chronic plague, to whose inflictions she became, in time, as accustomed, as persons sometimes do to the neuralgia or sick headache.

St. Clare took the same kind of amusement in the child that a man might in the tricks of a parrot or a pointer. —
圣克莱对这个孩子的欢乐和一个人可能对鹦鹉或指示犬的把戏一样。 —

Topsy, whenever her sins brought her into disgrace in other quarters, always took refuge behind his chair; —
每当Topsy因为犯错在其他地方受到责备时,总会躲到他的椅子后面; —

and St. Clare, in one way or other, would make peace for her. —
圣克莱总会以一种方式为她和解。 —

From him she got many a stray picayune, which she laid out in nuts and candies, and distributed, with careless generosity, to all the children in the family; —
她总是从他那里得到一些零星的小钱,她会把它用在坚果和糖果上,并慷慨地分发给家里所有的孩子; —

for Topsy, to do her justice, was good-natured and liberal, and only spiteful in self-defence. —
因为说实话,Topsy性情善良而慷慨,在自卫时才会恶毒。 —

She is fairly introduced into our corps be ballet, and will figure, from time to time, in her turn, with other performers.