“Mrs Ramsay!” Lily cried, “Mrs Ramsay!” But nothing happened. Thepain increased. —
“拉姆赛夫人!”莉莉喊道,“拉姆赛夫人!”但什么也没有发生。痛苦在加剧。 —

That anguish could reduce one to such a pitch of imbecility,she thought! —
这种痛苦竟然能使一个人变得如此愚蠢,她想! —

Anyhow the old man had not heard her. He remainedbenignant, calm—if one chose to think it, sublime. —
无论如何,老人并没有听到她的呼喊。他依然和蔼、平静——如果有人选择这样认为的话,那实在是崇高。 —

Heaven be praised, noone had heard her cry that ignominious cry, stop pain, stop! —
感谢上天,没有人听到她发出的那句丢脸的哭喊,停止疼痛,停下来! —

She had notobviously taken leave of her senses. —
她明显还没有失去理智。 —

No one had seen her step off herstrip of board into the waters of annihilation. She remained a skimpy oldmaid, holding a paint-brush.

And now slowly the pain of the want, and the bitter anger (to be calledback, just as she thought she would never feel sorrow for Mrs Ramsayagain. —
现在,不断增加的渴望和痛苦(被召回来,正当她以为自己永远不会再为拉姆赛夫人感到悲伤时,却再次有了这种感觉)逐渐减轻; —

Had she missed her among the coffee cups at breakfast? not in theleast) lessened; —
她是否在早餐时错过了她在咖啡杯中的身影?丝毫没有)减轻后,一种解脱的慰藉被带来,也更神秘地,一种感觉,那里有某个人,在那里轻轻地陪伴着拉姆赛夫人,然后(因为这就是拉姆赛夫人的全部美丽)给她的额头戴上一圈白花,然后她就去了。 —

and of their anguish left, as antidote, a relief that wasbalm in itself, and also, but more mysteriously, a sense of some onethere, of Mrs Ramsay, relieved for a moment of the weight that the worldhad put on her, staying lightly by her side and then (for this was MrsRamsay in all her beauty) raising to her forehead a wreath of whiteflowers with which she went. —
莉莉再次挤了挤颜料管。她着手解决那面围墙的难题。 —

Lily squeezed her tubes again. She attackedthat problem of the hedge. —
她发现奇怪的是,她清楚地看到了她,在田野间以她平常的敏捷步伐穿行,那些褶皱间,紫色而柔软,那些花朵中,风信子或百合,她消失了。 —

It was strange how clearly she sawher, stepping with her usual quickness across fields among whose folds,purplish and soft, among whose flowers, hyacinth or lilies, she vanished.

It was some trick of the painter’s eye. —
她听说拉姆赛夫人去世后的几天里,一直看到她如此行动,把花环放在额头,然后无疑地跟她的伴侣一起,一个幽灵穿越田野。 —

For days after she had heard of herdeath she had seen her thus, putting her wreath to her forehead and goingunquestioningly with her companion, a shade across the fields. —
这种景象,这种措辞,有着安慰的力量。 —

Thesight, the phrase, had its power to console. —
无论她在何处,画画,在这里,乡村或伦敦,这个幻影都会来到她身边,她半闭着眼睛,寻找一些基础来构建她的幻像。 —

Wherever she happened tobe, painting, here, in the country or in London, the vision would come toher, and her eyes, half closing, sought something to base her vision on.

She looked down the railway carriage, the omnibus; took a line fromshoulder or cheek; —
她朝铁路车厢里看去,朝公共汽车;从肩膀或脸颊上取下一行; —

looked at the windows opposite; at Piccadilly, lamp-strung in the evening. —
看向对面的窗户;在傍晚的皮卡迪利,灯火辉煌。 —

All had been part of the fields of death. —
一切都曾是死亡的领域一部分。 —

But alwayssomething—it might be a face, a voice, a paper boy crying STANDARD,NEWS—thrust through, snubbed her, waked her, required and got in the
但总是有什么——可能是一个脸,一个声音,一个卖报童喊着STANDARD, NEWS——穿过,刺激着她,唤醒她,需要并得到在最后必须不断重建视觉的努力。

end an effort of attention, so that the vision must be perpetually remade.

Now again, moved as she was by some instinctive need of distance andblue, she looked at the bay beneath her, making hillocks of the blue barsof the waves, and stony fields of the purpler spaces, again she wasroused as usual by something incongruous. —
海湾中间有一个棕色斑点。那是一只小船。 —

There was a brown spot inthe middle of the bay. It was a boat. —
是的,她在一秒钟后意识到了。 —

Yes, she realised that after a second.

But whose boat? Mr Ramsay’s boat, she replied. Mr Ramsay; —
那个曾经在她面前走过,举手示意,高高在头,头戴漂亮靴子的男人,求她的同情,而她拒绝了。 —

the manwho had marched past her, with his hand raised, aloof, at the head of aprocession, in his beautiful boots, asking her for sympathy, which shehad refused. —
小船如今已经过了海湾的一半。 —

The boat was now half way across the bay.

So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there thatthe sea and sky looked all one fabric, as if sails were stuck high up in thesky, or the clouds had dropped down into the sea. —
远在海上的一艘轮船划过空中留下一道巨大的烟炱卷,停留在那里优雅曲线般环绕飘舞,仿佛空气是一种精美的纱网,把事物固定在里面,轻轻地摇摆着这边那边。 —

A steamer far out atsea had drawn in the air a great scroll of smoke which stayed therecurving and circling decoratively, as if the air were a fine gauze whichheld things and kept them softly in its mesh, only gently swaying themthis way and that. —
有时候当天气非常晴朗时会发生的事情,悬崖看起来仿佛意识到了船只的存在,而船只也仿佛意识到了悬崖,彷佛它们彼此间传达着某种自己的信息。 —

And as happens sometimes when the weather is veryfine, the cliffs looked as if they were conscious of the ships, and the shipslooked as if they were conscious of the cliffs, as if they signalled to eachother some message of their own. —
因为有时候离岸很近时,灯塔在今天的薄雾中看起来十分遥远。 —

For sometimes quite close to the shore,the Lighthouse looked this morning in the haze an enormous distanceaway.

“Where are they now?” Lily thought, looking out to sea. —
“他们现在在哪里呢?” 莉莉想着,望着大海。 —

Where was he,that very old man who had gone past her silently, holding a brown paperparcel under his arm? —
那个非常年迈的男人在哪里呢?他默默地走过她身边,怀里抱着一个棕色纸包。 —

The boat was in the middle of the bay.