Mme. de Beauseant did not hear him; she was absorbed in her own thoughts. —
德·博桑夫人没有听到他,她陷入了自己的思考之中。 —

For several minutes the silence remained unbroken till the law student became almost paralyzed with embarrassment, and was equally afraid to go or stay or speak a word.

“The world is basely ungrateful and ill-natured,” said the Ticomtesse at last. —
“世界卑鄙不知感恩,心地恶毒,”提康特斯终于说道。 —

“No sooner does a trouble befall you than a friend is ready to bring the tidings and to probe your heart with the point of a dagger while calling on you to admire the handle. —
“你一遭遇困难,朋友便立即准备带来消息,并且在叫你欣赏刀柄的时候用匕首刺你的心。 —

Epigrams and sarcasms already! Ah! I will defend myself!”
绝句和讥讽已经来了! 啊!我会保护自己!

She raised her head like the great lady that she was, and lightnings flashed from her proud eyes.

“Ah!” she said, as she saw Eugene, “are you there?”

“Still,” he said piteously.

“Well, then, M. de Rastignac, deal with the world as it deserves. You are determined to succeed? —
“那好吧,拉斯廷亚克先生,要对待世界如其所值。 你决心成功? —

I will help you. You shall sound the depths of corruption in woman; —
我会帮助你。 你将探寻女性腐败的深度; —

you shall measure the extent of man’s pitiful vanity. —
你将衡量人类可悲虚荣的程度。 —

Deeply as I am versed in such learning, there were pages in the book of life that I had not read. —
尽管我对这些了解颇深,但生命之书中仍有些页我未曾阅读。 —

Now I know all. The more cold-blooded your calculations, the further you will go. —
现在我都懂了。 你的计算越冷酷,你会走得越远。 —

Strike ruthlessly; you will be feared. Men and women for you must be nothing more than post-horses; —
无情打击;你将会被人敬畏。 对于你,男人和女人不过是驿站的马; —

take a fresh relay, and leave the last to drop by the roadside; —
换上新马,遗弃路边倒下的旧马。 —

in this way you will reach the goal of your ambition. —
用这种方式,你将实现自己的野心目标。 —

You will be nothing here, you see, unless a woman interests herself in you; —
在这里你将一无是处,除非有一个女人对你感兴趣; —

and she must be young and wealthy, and a woman of the world. —
她必须年轻、富有,是个世故的女人。 —

Yet, if you have a heart, lock it carefully away like a treasure; —
然而,如果你有心,就像珍宝一样小心地将它锁起来; —

do not let any one suspect it, or you will be lost; —
不要让任何人怀疑,否则你将迷失; —

you would cease to be the executioner, you would take the victim’s place. —
你将不再是刽子手,而会变成受害者。 —

And if ever you should love, never let your secret escape you! —
如果你曾经爱过,永远不要让你的秘密泄露出去! —

Trust no one until you are very sure of the heart to which you open your heart. —
直到你非常确定打开心扉的那颗心。 —

Learn to mistrust every one; take every precaution for the sake of the love which does not exist as yet. —
学会不信任每一个人;为了那尚未存在的爱,采取一切预防措施。 —

Listen, Miguel”-the name slipped from her so naturally that she did not notice her mistake–“there is something still more appalling than the ingratitude of daughters who have cast off their old father and wish that he were dead, and that is a rivalry between two sisters. —
听着,米格尔 - 名字从她口中不经意地滑出,她没有注意到她的错误 - 比起那些抛弃父亲、希望他早日去世的女儿们的忘恩负义,还有一件更骇人听闻的事情,那就是两个姐妹之间的竞争。 —

Restaud comes of a good family, his wife has been received into their circle; —
雷斯托德出身于一个名门望族,他的妻子已被接纳到他们的圈子; —

she has been presented at court; and her sister, her wealthy sister, Mme. Delphine de Nucingen, the wife of a great capitalist, is consumed with envy, and ready to die of spleen. —
她已经在宫廷受到了接待;她的姐妹,她富有的姐妹,纳辛真夫人,一个大资本家的妻子,却被嫉妒所蚀心,并且准备因脾气过剩而死去。 —

There is gulf set between the sisters–indeed, they are sisters no longer–the two women who refuse to acknowledge their father do not acknowledge each other. —
姐妹之间有一道鸿沟 - 事实上,她们已经不再是姐妹 - 那两个拒绝承认父亲的女人也不承认彼此。 —

So Mme. de Nucingen would lap up all the mud that lies between the Rue Saint-Lazare and the Rue de Grenelle to gain admittance to my salon. —
所以,纳辛真夫人会舔干介于圣拉扎雷街和格勒奈尔街之间的所有泥泞,以获取进入我的客厅的资格。 —

She fancied that she sho

uld gain her end through de Marsay; she has made herself de Marsay’s slave, and she bores him. —
她想通过德·马赛达到她的目的;她已经把自己变成了德·马赛的奴隶,而他对她并不在乎。 —

De Marsay cares very little about her. If you will introduce her to me, you will be her darling, her Benjamin; —
德·马赛对她并不在乎。如果你介绍她给我,你将成为她心爱的人,她的宝贝; —

she will idolize you. If, after that, you can love her, do so; if not, make her useful. —
她会崇拜你。之后,如果你能爱她,那就爱;否则,让她有用。 —

I will ask her to come once or twice to one of my great crushes, but I will never receive her here in the morning. —
我会邀请她去我盛大的聚会一两次,但我从不在这里接待她。 —

I will bow to her when I see her, and that will be quite sufficient. —
当我看到她时,我会向她鞠躬,那就足够了。 —

You have shut the Comtesse de Restaud’s door against you by mentioning Father Goriot’s name. —
你因为提到了戈里奥先生的名字而被关上了雷斯托伯爵夫人家的门。 —

Yes, my good friend, you may call at her house twenty times, and every time out of the twenty you will find that she is not at home. —
是的,亲爱的朋友,你可以去她家拜访二十次,而二十次中你每次都会发现她不在家。 —

The servants have their orders, and will not admit you. —
仆人们已经得到命令,不会让你进去。 —

Very well, then, now let Father Goriot gain the right of entry into her sister’s house for you. —
非常好,现在让戈里奥先生为你获得进入她姐妹家的权利吧。 —

The beautiful Mme. de Nucingen will give the signal for a battle. —
娇美的纳辛珍夫人将发出战斗的信号。 —

As soon as she singles you out, other women will begin to lose their heads about you, and her enemies and rivals and intimate friends will all try to take you from her. —
一旦她看中了你,其他女人也会开始为你疯狂,她的敌人、竞争对手以及亲密朋友都会试图夺走你。 —

There are women who will fall in love with a man because another woman has chosen him; —
有些女人会爱上一个男人,因为另一个女人选择了他; —

like the city madams, poor things, who copy our millinery, and hope thereby to acquire our manners. —
就像那些模仿我们服装,希望从中学习我们礼仪的城市夫人们一样,可怜的家伙们。 —

You will have a success, and in Paris success is everything; it is the key of power. —
你会取得成功,而在巴黎,成功就是一切;它是权力之钥。 —

If the women credit you with wit and talent, the men will follow suit so long as you do not undeceive them yourself. —
如果女性认为你有机智和才华,男性会效仿,只要你自己不揭穿他们。 —

There will be nothing you may not aspire to; —
你将没有任何不可追求的目标; —

you will go everywhere, and you will find out what the world is–an assemblage of fools and knaves. —
你将去各处,你将找到这个世界是什么——一个傻子和无赖的聚集地。 —

But you must be neither the one nor the other. —
但你必须既不是前者也不是后者。 —

I am giving you my name like Ariadne’s clue of thread to take with you into the labyrinth; —
我赐给你我的名字,就像阿莉亚德妮的线索一样带进迷宫; —

make no unworthy use of it,” she said, with a queenly glance and curve of her throat; —
保持它清白归还给我。”她说,带着一种高傲的目光和优美的颈线。 —

“give it back to me unsullied. And now, go; leave me. —
“不要恶意使用它,”她说着,送他离去。 —

We women also have our battles to fight.”

“And if you should ever need some one who would gladly set a match to a train for you—-”

“Well?” she asked.

He tapped his heart, smiled in answer to his cousin’s smile, and went.

It was five o’clock, and Eugene was hungry; —
现在是五点钟,尤金肚子饿了; —

he was afraid lest he should not be in time for dinner, a misgiving which made him feel that it was pleasant to be borne so quickly across Paris. This sensation of physical comfort left his mind free to grapple with the thoughts that assailed him. —
他担心自己会来不及赶到吃饭时间,这一担忧使他感到高兴地被快速穿越巴黎。这种身体上的舒适感让他的思绪得以自由地对抗困扰着他的思虑。 —

A mortification usually sends a young man of his age into a furious rage; —
一般来说,这种羞辱通常会让他这种年龄的年轻人暴跳如雷; —

he shakes his fist at society, and vows vengeance when his belief in himself is shaken. —
当他对自己的信念动摇时,他会向社会挥动拳头,发誓报仇。 —

Just then Rastignac was overwhelmed by the words, “You have shut the Countess’ door against you.”

“I shall call!” he said to himself, “and if Mme. de Beauseant is right, if I never find her at home–I . —
“我要打电话!”他自言自语道,“如果博朗夫人是对的,如果我找不到她在家,那么我就… —

. . well, Mme. de Restaud shall meet me in every salon in Paris. I will learn to fence and have some pistol practice, and kill that Maxime of hers!”

“And money?” cried an inward monitor. “How about money, where is that to come from?” —
“那钱呢?”内心的警告器喊道。“钱从哪里来?” —

And all at once the wealth displayed in the Countess de Restaud’s drawing-room rose before his eyes. That was the luxury which Goriot’s daughter had loved too well, the gilding, the ostentatious splendor, the unintelligent luxury of the parvenu, the riotous extravagance of a courtesan. —
突然之间,戈里奥女儿爱好的那种奢侈在瑞斯陀夫人的客厅里浮现在他眼前。那是高贵的奢侈,暴发户的华丽,挥霍的铺张,上流妓女的荒淫。 —

Then the attractive vision suddenly went under an eclipse as he remembered the stately grandeur of the Hotel de Beauseant. —
但随着他想起博朗夫人在贝奥桑斯酒店显赫的身影,这吸引人的幻想突然被蒙上了一层黑影。 —

As his fancy wandered among these lofty regions in the great world of Paris, innumerable dark thoughts gathered in his heart; —
当他的幻想漫游在巴黎这个大世界的高贵领域中,无数黑暗的念头在他心中聚集; —

his ideas widened, and his conscience grew more elastic. He saw the world as it is; —
他的理念扩展了,他的良心变得更加弹性。他看到了现实世界; —

saw how the rich lived beyond the jurisdiction of law and public opinion, and found in success the ultima ratio mundi.

“Vautrin is right, success is virtue!” he said to himself.

Arrived in the Rue Neuve-Sainte-Genevieve, he rushed up to his room for ten francs wherewith to satisfy the demands of the cabman, and went in to dinner. —
到了让让讷夫圣热纳维夫街,他冲进房间拿了十法郎交给车夫,然后去吃晚餐。 —

He glanced round the squalid room, saw the eighteen poverty-stricken creatures about to feed like aattle in their stalls, and the sight filled him with loathing. —
他环顾贫瘠的房间,看着十八个贫穷的人们如同牛群般在档位上吃饭,这一幕让他感到厌恶。 —

The transition was too sudden, and the contrast was so violent that it could not but act as a powerful stimulant; —
转变太突然,反差太强烈,让他不得不感受到强烈的刺激; —

his ambition developed and grew beyond all social bounds. —
他的志向发展壮大,超越了所有社会界限。 —

On the one hand, he beheld a vision of social life in its most charming and refined forms, of quick-pulsed youth, of fair, impassioned faces invested with all the charm of poetry, framed in a marvelous setting of luxury or art; —
一方面,他看到了社交生活的迷人和精致形式的幻景,年轻迅猛,充满诗意魅力的面孔,异彩纷呈的奢华或艺术的构架; —

and, on the other hand, he saw a sombre picture, the miry verge beyond these faces, in which passion was extinct and nothing was left of the drama but the cords and pulleys and bare mechanism. —
而另一方面,他看到了一个阴沉的画面,在这些面孔之外的泥泞边缘,热情已经熄灭,剧情只剩下绳索与滑轮和光秃秃的机械。 —

Mme. de Beauseant’s counsels, the words uttered in anger by the forsaken lady, her petulant offer, came to his mind, and poverty was a ready expositor. —
贝奥桑夫人的忠告,被抛弃的女士愤怒说出的话语、她生气的提议,都浮现在他的脑海中,贫穷是一位善于解释的诠释者。 —

Rastignac determined to open two parallel trenches so as to insure success; —
雷斯坦尼亚克决定开辟两条并行的战壕,以确保成功; —

he would be a learned doctor of law and a man of fashion. —
他将成为一位博学的法律博士和一位时尚之人。 —

Clearly he was still a child! Those two lines are asymptotes, and will never meet.

“You are very dull, my lord Marquis,” said Vautrin, with one of the shrewd glances that seem to read the innermost secrets of another mind.
“你很迟钝,我的贵族大人,” 瓦特兰说着,带着一种似乎能洞悉他人内心最深处秘密的锐利眼神。

“I am not in the humor to stand jokes from people who call me ‘my lord Marquis,’ ” answered Eugene. —
“我现在不想从那些称我为 ‘我的贵族大人’ 的人那里听到笑话,” 尤金回答道。 —

“A marquis here in Paris, if he is not the veriest sham, ought to have a hundred thousand livres a year at least; —
“一个在巴黎的侯爵,如果不是最彻头彻尾的骗子,至少应该有十万里弗的年收入;” —

and a lodger in the Maison Vauquer is not exactly Fortune’s favorite.”

Vautrin’s glance at Rastignac was half-paternal, halfcontemptuous. “Puppy!” —
沃克先生看着拉斯坦尼亚克,眼神半带亲切,半带轻蔑。“小家伙!” —

it seemed to say; “I should make one mouthful of him!” Then he answered:

“You are in a bad humor; perhaps your visit to the beautiful Comtesse de Restaud was not a success.”

“She has shut her door against me because I told her that her father dined at our table,” cried Rastignac.

Glances were exchanged all round the room; Father Goriot looked down.

“You have sent some snuff into my eye,” he said to his neighbor, turning a little aside to rub his hand over his face.

“Any one who molests Father Goriot will have henceforward to reckon with me,” said Eugene, looking at the old man’s neighbor; —
“任何惹恼戈里奥先生的人,将来都得和我算账,”尤金看着老人的邻座说; —

“he is worth all the rest of us put together. —
“他价值胜过我们所有人加在一起。–我不是在说女士们。”他补充道,转向泰勒菲尔小姐的方向。 —

–I am not speaking of the ladies,” he added, turning in the direction of Mlle. Taillefer.

Eugene’s remarks produced a sensation, and his tone silenced the dinner-table. Vautrin alone spoke. —
“如果你要捍卫戈里奥先生,并且还要兼顾起他的责任编辑,你必须是个神枪手,懂得如何处理争吵,”他戏谑地说。 —

“If you are going to champion Father Goriot, and set up for his responsible editor into the bargain, you had need be a crack shot and know how to handle the doils,” he said, banteringly.

“So I intend,” said Eugene.

“Then you are taking the field today?”

“Perhaps,” Rastignac answered. “But I owe no account of myself to any one, especially as I do not try to find out what other people do of a night.”

Vautrin looked askance at Rastignac.

“If you do not mean to be deceived by the puppets, my boy, you must go behind and see the whole show, and not peep through holes in the curtain. —
“如果你不想被木偶愚弄,我的孩子,你必须走到后面去看整个表演,而不是透过幕布的窟窿偷窥。 —

That is enough,” he added, seeing that Eugene was about to fly into a passion. —
足够了,“他看到尤金快要发火,便补充说。 —

“We can have a little talk whenever you like.”

There was a general feeling of gloom and constraint. —
整个气氛都变得愁闷而拘谨。 —

Father Goriot was so deeply dejected by the student’s remark that he did not notice the change in the disposition of his fellow-lodgers, nor know that he had met with a champion capable of putting an end to the persecution.

“Then, M. Goriot sitting there is the father of a countess,” said Mme. Vauquer in a low voice.

“And of a baroness,” answered Rastignac.

“That is about all he is capable of,” said Bianchon to Rastignac; “I have taken a look at his head; —
“这就是他所能做的一切,”医生比昂雄对拉斯蒂涅克说,“我已经瞧过他的头了; —

there is only one bump–the bump of Paternity; —
只有一个隆起–父性的隆起; —

he must be an ETERNAL FATHER.”

Eugene was too intent on his thoughts to laugh at Bianchon’s joke. —
尤金太专注于他的思绪了,没有笑医生比昂雄的笑话。 —

He determined to profit by Mme. de Beauseant’s counsels, and was asking himself how he could obtain the necessary money. —
他决定要利用贝奥桑夫人的建议,并在思索如何获取必要的钱。 —

He grew grave. The wide savannas of the world stretched before his eyes; —
他变得严肃起来。世界的广袤大草原展现在他的眼前; —

all things lay before him, nothing was his. —
一切都摆在他面前,但却没有任何属于他自己的。 —

Dinner came to an end, the others went, and he was left in the dining-room.

“So you have seen my daughter?” Goriot spoke tremulously, and the sound of his voice broke in upon Eugene’s dreams. —
“你见过我的女儿了吗?”戈里奥颤抖地说道,他的声音打破了尤金的梦境。 —

The young man took the elder’s hand, and looked at him with something like kindness in his eyes.

“You are a good and noble man,” he said. “We will have some talk about your daughters by and by.”

He rose without waiting for Goriot’s answer, and went to his room. —
他不等戈里奥回答,就站起身走进了自己的房间。 —

There he wrote the following letter to his mother:-

“My Dear Mother,–Can you nourish your child from your breast again? —
“我亲爱的母亲,你还能再给你的孩子哺乳吗? —

I am in a position to make a rapid fortune, but I want twelve hundred francs–I must have them at all costs. —
我有机会迅速发财,但我需要一千二百法郎——不惜一切代价我都必须得到它们。 —

Say nothing about this to my father; perhaps he might make objections, and unless I have the money, I may be led to put an end to myself, and so escape the clutches of despair. —
不要告诉父亲这件事;也许他会有异议,而如果我没有这笔钱,我可能会被绝望的抓揪所驱使,最终选择结束自己的生命。 —

I will tell you everything when I see you. —
看到你时我会告诉你一切。 —

I will not begin to try to describe my present situation; —
我不想开始描述我目前的处境; —

it would take volumes to put the whole story clearly and fully. —
完整清楚地表达整个故事需要很多稿纸。 —

I have not been gambling, my kind mother, I owe no one a penny; —
亲爱的母亲,我没有赌博,没有债务; —

but if you would preserve the life that you gave me, you must send me the sum I mention. —
但如果你想保全你赐予我的生命,你必须给我寄去我提到的那笔钱。 —

As a matter of fact, I go to see the Vicomtesse de Beauseant; she is using her influence for me; —
实际上,我去见了博桑侯爵夫人;她正在为我施加影响; —

I am obliged to go into society, and I have not a penny to lay out on clean gloves. —
我必须走进社交圈,但我一文不名,不能买新手套。 —

I can manage to exist on bread and water, or go without food, if need be, but I cannot do without the tools with which they cultivate the vineyards in this country. —
我能忍受只吃面包和水,甚至可以不吃饭,但不能没有这个国家用来栽培葡萄园的工具。 —

I must resolutely make up my mind at once to make my way, or stick in the mire for the rest of my days. —
我必须果断地立即决定闯出一条路,否则我会在泥潭中生活到永远。 —

I know that all your hopes are set on me, and I want to realize them quickly. —
我知道你们所有的希望都寄托在我身上,我想尽快实现它们。 —

Sell some of your old jewelry, my kind mother; I will give you other jewels very soon. —
卖掉你的一些旧珠宝,我很快会给你更漂亮的珠宝。 —

I know enough of our affairs at home to know all that such a sacrifice means, and you must not think that I would lightly ask you to make it; —
我知道足够了解我们家里的事情,知道这样牺牲意味着什么,你不要认为我会轻易要求你做到这一点; —

I should be a monster if I could. You must think of my entreaty as a cry forced from me by imperative necessity. —
如果你无法以其他方式获得全部钱款,被迫卖掉我姑姑的蕾丝,告诉她我会送她更漂亮的。 “等等。 —

Our whole future lies in the subsidy with which I must begin my first campaign, for life in Paris is one continual battle. —
我们整个未来取决于我必须开始我的第一场战役的补贴,因为在巴黎的生活就像一场持续不断的战斗。 —

If you cannot otherwise procure the whole of the money, and are forced to sell our aunt’s lace, tell her that I will send her some still handsomer,” and so forth.

He wrote to ask each of his sisters for their savings–would they despoil themselves for him, and keep the sacrifice a secret from the family? —
他写信请求姐妹们的积蓄–她们是否愿意为了他而牺牲,同时要求她们把这个牺牲对家庭保密? —

To his request he knew that they would not fail to pespond gladly, and he added to it an appeal to their delicacy by touching the chord of honor that vibrates so loudly in young and high-strung natures.

Yet when he had written the letters, he could not help feeling misgivings in spite of his youthful ambition; —
然而,当他写完信后,尽管他怀着青春的雄心壮志,他还是忍不住感到担忧; —

his heart beat fast, and he trembled. He knew the spotless nobleness of the lives buried away in the lonely manor house; —
心跳加快,他颤抖着。他知道这座荒僻的庄园里隐藏着崇高无瑕的生活; —

he knew what trouble and what joy his request would cause his sisters, and how happy they would be as they talked at the bottom of the orchard of that dear brother of theirs in Paris. Visions rose before his eyes; —
他知道他的请求将给他的姐妹们带来什么忧愁和欣喜,他们会多么开心地在果园底部讨论他们在巴黎的亲爱兄弟。幻想出现在他的眼前; —

a sudden strong light revealed his sisters secretly counting over their little store, devising some girlish stratagem by which the money could be sent to him incognito, essaying, for the first time in their lives, a piece of deceit that reached the sublime in its unselfishness.

“A sister’s heart is a diamond for purity, a deep sea of tenderness!” —
“一个姐妹的心是一颗纯净的钻石,是一片温柔的深海!” —

he said to himself. He felt ashamed of those letters.

What power there must be in the petitions put up by such hearts; —
这样的心向上帝祈祷的力量是多么强大; —

how pure the fervor that bears their souls to Heaven in prayer! —
怀着怎样纯净的热情,将他们的灵魂托付给天堂! —

What exquisite joy they would find in self-sacrifice! —
他们将在奉献中找到怎样美妙的喜悦! —

What a pang for his mother’s heart if she could not send him all that he asked for! —
如果他母亲无法给他他所需要的一切,那将会是他母亲心中的一根刺! —

And this noble affection, these sacrifices made at such terrible cost, were to serve as the ladder by which he meant to climb to Delphine de Nucingen. —
这种高贵的感情,这种不惜付出极高代价的牺牲,都是他计划用来攀登德尔菲娜·德·纳辛艰的阶梯。 —

A few tears, like the last grains of incense flung upon the sacred alter fire of the hearth, fell from his eyes. —
他的眼泪像最后的香料,洒在了炉边神圣的祭坛上。 —

He walked up and down, and despair mingled with his emotion. —
他来回踱步,绝望与情感交织。 —

Father Goriot saw him through the half-open door.

“What is the matter, sir?” he asked from the threshold.

“Ah! my good neighbor, I am as much a son and brother as you are a father. —
“啊!亲爱的邻居,我和你一样是一个儿子和兄弟。 —

You do well to fear for the Comtesse Anastasie; —
你为安娜斯塔西亚女伯爵担心是对的; —

there is one M. Maxime de Trailles, who will be her ruin.”

Father Goriot withdrew, stammering some words, but Eugene failed to catch their meaning.

The next morning Rastignac went out to post his letters. —
第二天早上,拉斯坦尼亚克出门寄信。 —

Up to the last moment he wavered and doubted, but he ended by flinging them into the box. —
直到最后一刻,他犹豫不决,但最终他还是把信投进邮箱。 —

“I shall succeed!” he said to himself. So says the gambler; so says the great captain; —
“我会成功的!”他心里想着。赌徒是这么说的,伟大的军事统帅也是这么说的; —

but the three words that have been the salvation of some few, have been the ruin of many more.