Eugene did not know the fever or vanity that possessed some women in those days; —
尤金不知道在那个年代,有些女人被狂热的热情和虚荣所支配; —

how should he imagine that to open a door in the Faubourg Saint-Germain a banker’s wife would go to almost any length. —
他怎能想象在开启圣日耳曼区的一扇门时,一个银行家的妻子会不惜一切; —

For the coterie of the Faubourg Saint-Germain was a aharmed circle, and the women who moved in it were at that time the queens of society; —
圣日耳曼区的圈子是一个魅力无限的圈子,那时在其中活动的女人们是社交界的女王们; —

and among the greatest of these Dames du Petit-Chateau, as they were called, were Mme. de Beauseant and her friends the Duchesse de Langeais and the Duchesse de Maufrigneause. —
在这些最伟大的小城堡女士中,最著名的有博艾桑夫人及她的朋友朗日公爵夫人和茂夫人公爵夫人; —

Rastignac was alone in his ignorance of the frantic efforts made by women who lived in the Chausee-d’Antin to enter this seventh heaven and shine among the brightest constellations of their sex. —
天竺安坦大街的女人为进入这个第七天堂并在她们的性别中闪耀而做出疯狂的努力,拉斯汀尼亚克独自一人并不知情; —

But his cautious disposition stood him in good stead, and kept his judgment cool, and the not altogether enviable power of imposing instead of accepting conditions.

“Yes, I am going,” he replied.

So it was curiosity that drew him to Mme. de Nucingen; —
所以正是好奇心把他带到了纳辛根夫人身边; —

while, if she had treated him disdainfully, passion perhaps might have brought him to her feet. —
如果她以轻蔑的态度对待他,也许激情会让他屈服。 —

Still he waited almost impatiently for to-morrow, and the hour when he could go to her. —
但他几乎不耐烦地等待着明天,等着他可以去找她的时刻。 —

There is almost as much charm for a young man in a first flirtation as there is in first love. —
对一个年轻人而言,初次调情几乎和初恋一样有魅力。 —

The certainty of success is a source of happiness to which men do not confess, and all the charm of certain women lies in this. —
成功的确切可能性是一种幸福的源泉,男人们不愿承认,而某些女人的魅力正源自此。 —

The desire of conquest springs no less from the easiness than from the difficulty of triumph, and every passion is excited or sustained by one or the other of these two motives which divide the empire of love. —
征服欲不仅来自于容易而来自于困难的胜利,每一种激情都是由这两种动机之一或两种之间划分的这两种动机所激发或维持。 —

Perhaps this division is one pesult of the great question of temperaments; —
或许这一区分是气质这个大问题所导致的; —

which, after all, dominates social life. —
它毕竟主宰着社会生活。 —

The melancholic temperament may stand in need of the tonic of coquetry, while those of nervous or sanguine complexion withdraw if they meet with a too stubborn resistance. —
忧郁的气质可能需要妩媚的刺激,而那些神经质或多血质的人在遇到顽固的抵抗时会退缩。 —

In other words, the lymphatic temperament is essentially despondent, and the rhapsodic is bilious.

Eugene lingered over his toilette with an enjoyment of all its little details that is grateful to a young man’s self-love, though he will not own to it for fear of being laughed at. —
尤金沉迷于他的打扮,享受着所有细节,这对一个年轻人的自尊心是令人愉悦的,尽管他害怕被取笑而不敢承认。 —

He thought, as he arranged his hair, that a pretty woman’s glances would wander through the dark curls. —
他在整理头发时想,一个漂亮女人的目光会在黑色鬈发中游荡。 —

He indulged in childish tricks like any young girl dressing for a dance, and gazed complacently at his graceful figure while he smoothed out the creases of his coat.

“There are worse figures, that is certain,” he said to himself.
“毫无疑问,还有更糟糕的身材,” 他对自己说。

Then he went downstairs, just as the rest of the household were sitting down to dinner, and took with good humor the boisterous applause excited by his elegant appearance. —
然后他下楼,正好其余的房客们正在准备吃晚饭,对他优雅的外表引起的热烈掌声充满了好心情。 —

The amazement with which any attention to dress is regarded in a lodging-house is a very characteristic trait. —
在旅馆里,对着衣着打扮的注意的惊讶是一个非常典型的特征。 —

No one can put on a new coat but every one else must say his say about it.

“Clk! clk! clk!” cried Bianchon, making the sound with his tongue against the roof of his mouth, like a driver urging on a horse.
“哧哧哧!” 比昂雄用舌头在嘴巴顶部发出声音,好像驱赶一匹马。

“He holds himself like a duke and a peer of France,” said Mme. Vauquer.
“他的姿势像法国公爵和贵族,” 瓦凯太太说。

“Are you going a-courting?” inquired Mlle. Michonneau.
“你是去求爱吗?” 米歇诺女士问道。

“Cock-a-doodle-doo!” cried the artist.
“喔喔喔!” 画家喊道。

“My compliments to my lady your wife,” from the employe at the Museum.
“祝福我的夫人您的夫人,” 博物馆的雇员说。

“Your wife; have you a wife?” asked Poiret.
“您的夫人;您有夫人吗?” 波瓦伊问道。

“Yes, in compartments, water-tight and floats, guaranteed fast color, all prices from twenty-five to forty sous, neat check patterns in the latest fashion and best taste, will wash, halflinen, half-cotton, half-wool; —
“是的,有隔间,防水并且漂浮,保证颜色不褪,价格都在二十五到四十便士之间,时尚且优雅的整洁方格图案,可机洗,半亚麻半棉半羊毛;” —

a certain cure for toothache and other complaints under the patronage of the Royal College of Physicians! —
“对牙痛和其他不适有特效,得到皇家医学院的支持!” —

children like it! a remedy for headache, indigestion, and all other diseases affecting the throat, eyes, and ears!” —
“孩子们喜欢它!对头痛、消化不良和影响喉咙、眼睛和耳朵的所有疾病的治疗!” —

cried Vautrin, with a comical imitation of the volubility of a quack at a fair. —
“充满趣味地模仿集市上的江湖骗子,”瓦特兰笑着说。 —

“And how much shall we say for this marvel, gentlemen? Twopence? No. Nothing of the sort. —
“那么我们该为这件奇迹要价多少,先生们?两便士?不,一点都不是。 —

All that is left in stock after supplying the Great Mogul. All the crowned heads of Europe, including the Gr-r-rand Duke of Baden, have been anxious to get a sight of it. —
供应给偉大的大蒙古后所剩无几。整个欧洲的王室,包括巴登的大公都迫不及待想看一看。 —

Walk up! walk up! gentlemen! Pay at the desk as you go in! Strike up the music there! —
“快来!快来!先生们!进去前在柜台付款!播放音乐!” —

Brooum, la, la, trinn! la, la, boum! boum! —
“哐哐,啦啦,滴,啦啦,哔哔!” —

Mister Clarinette, there you are out of tune!” —
“克拉尼特先生,你的调子又跑了!” —

he added gruffly; “I will rap your knuckles for you!”

“Goodness! what an amusing man!” said Mme. Vauquer to Mme. Couture; —
“天啊!这人真有趣!”瓦克太太对库图尔太太说; —

“I should never feel dull with him in the house.”

This burlesque of Vautrin’s was the signal for an outburst of merriment, and under cover of jokes and laughter Eugene caught a glance from Mlle. Taillefer; —
瓦特兰的滑稽表演引发了一阵欢笑,尤金借机从泰勒费小姐那儿抓到一个眼神; —

she had leaned over to say a few words in Mme. Couture’s ear.

“The cab is at the door,” announced Sylvie.

“But where is he going to dine?” asked Bianchon.

“With Madame la Baronne de Nucingen.”

“M. Goriot’s daughter,” said the law student.

At this, all eyes turned to the old vermicelli maker; —
在这时,所有的目光都转向了那位老意大利面制造商; —

he was gazing at Eugene with something like envy in his eyes.

Rastignac reached the house in the Rue Saint-Lazare, one of those many-windowed houses with a mean-looking portico and slender columns, which are considered the thing in Paris, a typical banker’s house, decorated in the most ostentatious fashion; —
拉斯堤尼亚克走进了圣拉扎尔街的那座房子,这是巴黎典型的、被认为是时髦的一种多窗洞房; —

the walls lined with stucco, the landings of marble mosaic. —
墙上贴满了灰泥,楼梯台铺着大理石马赛克。 —

Mme. de Nucingen was sitting in a little drawing-room; —
女努桥人坐在一个小客厅里; —

the room was painted in the Italian fashion, and decorated like a restaurant. —
房间按意大利风格装饰,装饰得像一家餐馆。 —

The Baroness seemed depressed. The effort that she made to hide her feelings aroused Eugene’s interest; —
女男爵看起来沮丧。她试图掩饰自己的情绪引起了尤金的兴趣; —

it was plain that she was not playing a part. —
很显然她并没有在扮演角色。 —

He had expected a little flutter of excitement at his coming, and he found her dispirited and sad. —
他本来期望她来时会有一点兴奋,却发现她心情低落沉郁。 —

The disappointment piqued his vanity.

“My claim to your confidence is very small, madame,” he said, after rallying her on her abstracted mood; —
“我获得您的信任几乎是微乎其微的,女士,“在开玩笑讥讽她心不在焉之后,他说; —

“but if I am in the way, please tell me so frankly; —
“但如果我碍事,请坦率告诉我; —

I count on your good faith.”

“No, stay with me,” she said; “I shall be all alone if you go. —
“不,留下来吧,”她说;”你要走的话我就一个人了。 —

Nucingen is dining in town, and I do not want to be alone; —
纽辛根在城里吃晚饭,我不想一个人; —

I want to be taken out of myself.”

“But what is the matter?”

“You are the very last person whom I should tell,” she exclaimed.

“Then I am connected in some way in this secret. I wonder what it is?”

“Perhaps. Yet, no,” she went on; “it is a domestic quarrel, which ought to be buried in the depths of the heart. —
“也许吧。但不是,”她继续说;”这是一场家庭纷争,应该埋在心底。 —

I am very unhappy; did I not tell you so the day before yesterday? —
我很不开心;前天不是告诉过你了吗? —

Golden chains are the heaviest of all fetters.”

When a woman tells a young man that she is very unhappy, and when the young man is clever, and well dressed, and has fifteen hundred francs lying idle in his pocket, he is sure to think as Eugene said, and he becomes a coxcomb.

“What can you have left to wish for?” he answered. “You are young, beautiful, beloved, and rich.”

“Do not let us talk of my affairs,” she said shaking her head mournfully. —
“我们别谈我的事了,”她悲伤地摇摇头。 —

“We will dine together tete-a-tete, and afterwards we will go to hear the most exquisite music. —
“我们会两个人共进晚餐,然后去听最精致的音乐。 —

Am I to your taste?” she went on, rising and displaying her gown of white cashmere, covered with Persian designs in the most superb taste.

“I wish that you were altogether mine,” said Eugene; “you are charming.”

“You would have a forlorn piece of property,” she said, smiling bitterly. —
她苦笑着说:“你会得到一个可怜的所有者。” —

“There is nothing about me that betrays my wretchedness; —
“关于我没有任何显示出我悲惨的迹象; —

and yet, in spite of appearances, I am in despair. I cannot sleep; —
但尽管外表看起来如此,我却绝望。我无法入睡; —

my troubles have broken my night’s rest; —
我的烦恼已经破坏了我的睡眠; —

I shall grow ugly.”

“Oh! that is impossible,” cried the law student; —
“哦!那是不可能的”,法学生叫道; —

“but I am curious to know what these troubles can be that a devoted love cannot efface.”

“Ah! if I were to tell you about them, you would shun me,” she said. —
“啊!如果我告诉你它们,你会避开我”,她说。 —

“Your love for me is as yet only the conventional gallantry that men use to masquerade in; —
“你对我爱意还只是一种男人用来伪装的传统殷勤; —

and, if you really loved me, you would be driven to despair. I must keep silence, you see. —
如果你真的爱我,你会陷入绝望。你看,我必须保持沉默。 —

Let us talk of something else, for pity’s sake,” she added. —
求你换个话题,行行好”,她补充道。 —

“Let me show you my rooms.”

“No; let us stay here,” answered Eugene; he sat down on the sofa before the fire, and boldly took Mme. de Nucingen’s hand in his. —
“不,我们就呆在这里吧”,尤金回答说;他坐在火炉前的沙发上,勇敢地握住了努山娜夫人的手。 —

She surrendered it to him; he even felt the pressure of her fingers in one of the spasmodic clutches that betray terrible agitation.

“Listen,” said Rastignac; “if you are in trouble, you ought to tell me about it. —
“听着,”拉斯汀尼亚克说,“如果你有麻烦,你应该告诉我。” —

I want to prove to you that I love you for yourself alone. —
我要向你证明我爱你只是因为你是你。 —

You must speak to me frankly about your troubles, so that I can put an end to them, even if I have to kill half-adozen men; —
你必须坦率地告诉我你的问题,这样我才能解决它们,即使我不得不杀死半打人; —

or I shall go, never to return.”

“Very well,” she cried, putting her hand to her forehead in an agony of despair, “I will put you to the proof, and this very moment. —
“好吧,”她哭着,绝望地扶额,“我会让你经受考验,就在此刻。 —

Yes,” she said to herself, “I have no other resource left.”

She rang the bell.

“Are the horses put in for the master?” she asked of the servant.

“Yes, madame.”

“I shall take his carriage myself. He can have mine and my horses. Serve dinner at seven o’clock.”

“Now, come with me,” she said to Eugene, who thought as he sat in the banker’s carriage beside Mme. de Nucingen that he must surely be dreaming.

“To the Palais-Royal,” she said to the coachman; “stop near the Theatre-Francais.”

She seemed to be too troubled and excited to answer the innumerable questions that Eugene put to her. He was at a loss what to think of her mute resistance, her obstinate silence.

“Another moment and she will escape me,” he said to himself.

When the carriage stopped at last, the Baroness gave the law student a glance that silenced his wild words, for he was almost beside himself.

“Is it true that you love me?” she asked.

“Yes,” he answered, and in his manner and tone there was no trace of the uneasiness that he felt.

“You will not think ill of me, will you, whatever I may ask of you?”


“Are you ready to do my bidding?”


“Have you ever been to a gaming-house?” she asked in a tremulous voice.


“Ah! now I can breathe. You will have luck. Here is my purse,” she said. “Take it! —
“啊!现在我可以呼吸了。你会有好运。这是我的钱包,”她说。“拿去吧!” —

there are a hundred francs in it, all that such a fortunate woman as I can call her own. —
“里面有一百法郎,这是我这样幸运女人能称之为自己的一切。” —

Go up into one of the gaming-houses–I do not know where they are, but there are some near the Palais-Royal. Try your luck with the hundred francs at a game they call roulette; —
进入游戏厅之一-我不知道它们在哪里,但在皇宫附近有一些。尝试用一百法郎在他们称为轮盘赌的游戏中碰运气; —

lose it all or bring me back six thousand francs. —
输掉所有的钱或者给我带回六千法郎。 —

I will tell you about my troubles when you come back.”

“Devil take me, I’m sure, if I have a glimmer of a notion of what I am about, but I will obey you,” he added, with inward exultation, as he thought, “She has gone too far to draw back-she can refuse me nothing now!”

Eugene took the dainty little purse, inquired the way of a second-hand clothes-dealer, and hurried to number 9, which happened to be the nearest gaming-house. —
尤金拿起精致的小钱包,问了一个二手衣服商的地址,匆忙前往第9号,碰巧是离他最近的一家赌场。 —

He mounted the staircase, surrendered his hat, and asked the way to the roulette-table, whither the attendant took him, not a little to the astonishment of the regular comers. —
他走上楼梯,交出帽子,询问轮盘桌的位置,服务员带他到那里,让常客们颇感惊讶。 —

All eyes were fixed on Eugene as he asked, without bashfulness, where he was to deposit his stakes.

“If you put a louis on one only of those thirty-six numbers, and it turns up, you will win thirty-six louis,” said a respectablelooking, white-haired old man in answer to his inquiry.

Eugene staked the whole of his money on the number 21 (his own age). —
尤金把他所有的钱都押在了数字21上(他自己的年龄)。 —

There was a cry of surprise; before he knew what he had done, he had won.

“Take your money off, sir,” said the old gentleman; —
“先生,把你的钱拿走,”老人说道; —

“you don’t often win twice running by that system.”

Eugene took the rake that the old man handed to him, and drew in his three thousand six hundred francs, and, still perfectly ignorant of what he was about, staked again on the red. —
尤金接过老人递给他的耙子,收取了3600法郎,完全不知道自己在做什么,又在红色上下了赌注。 —

The bystanders watched him enviously as they saw him continue to play. —
围观者羡慕地看着他继续玩下去。 —

The disc turned, and again he won; the banker threw him three thousand six hundred francs once more.

“You have seven thousand, two hundred francs of your own,” the old gentleman said in his ear. —
“你自己有七千二百法郎,”老绅士在他耳边说道。 —

“Take my advice and go away with your winnings; red has turned up eight times already. —
“听我的建议,带着赢利离开吧;红色已经出现了八次了。 —

If you are charitable, you will show your gratitude for sound counsel by giving a trifle to an old prefect of Napoleon who is down on his luck.”

Rastignac’s head was swimming; he saw ten of his louis pass into the white-haired man’s possession, and went down-stairs with his seven thousand francs; —
拉斯坦尼亚克头脑昏眩;他看着自己的十个路易进入了那位白发老人的手中,然后带着自己的七千法郎走下楼; —

he was still ignorant of the game, and stupefied by his luck.

“So, that is over; and now where will you take me?” —
“所以,这个结束了;那么你会带我去哪里呢?” —

he asked, as soon as the door was closed, and he showed the seven thousand francs to Mme. de Nucingen.

Delphine flung her arms about him, but there was no passion in that wild embrace.

“You have saved me!” she cried, and tears of joy flowed fast.

“I will tell you everything, my friend. For you will be my friend, will you not? —
“我会告诉你一切,我的朋友。你会成为我的朋友,对吧? —

I am rich, you think, very rich; I have everything I want, or I seem as if I had everything. —
你以为我很富有,非常富有;我有我想要的一切,或者看起来我拥有一切。 —

Very well, you must know that M. de Nucingen does not allow me the control of a single penny; —
好吧,你必须知道努当尼日先生不允许我掌控一分钱; —

he pays all the bills for the house expenses; he pays for my carriages and opera box; —
他支付所有家庭开销;他支付我的车辆和歌剧包厢的费用; —

he does not give me enough to pay for my dress, and he reduces me to poverty in secret on purpose. —
他甚至不给我足够支付我的服装,故意在暗中让我陷入贫困。 —

I am too proud to beg from him. I should be the vilest of women if I could take his money at the price at which he offers it. —
我太骄傲了,不能从他那里乞讨。如果以这样的代价接受他的钱,我将是最卑劣的女人。” —

Do you ask how I, with seven hundred thousand francs of my own, could let myself be robbed? —
你问为什么我手里有七十万法郎,还会让自己被抢劫? —

It is because I was proud, and scorned to speak. —
是因为我骄傲,不屑开口。 —

We are so young, so artless when our married life begins! —
当我们的婚姻生活开始时,我们是如此年轻,如此天真! —

I never could bring myself to ask my husband for money; —
我从来不忍心向我丈夫要钱; —

the words would have made my lips bleed, I did not dare to ask; —
那番话会让我的嘴唇流血,我不敢开口要; —

I spent my savings first, and then the money that my poor father gave me, then I ran into debt. —
我先花光了我的积蓄,然后是我可怜父亲给我的钱,然后我负债累累。 —

Marriage for me is a hideous farce; I cannot talk about it, let it suffice to say that Nucingen and I have separate rooms, and that I would fling myself out of the window sooner than consent to any other manner of life. —
对我来说,婚姻是一场可怕的闹剧; 我无法谈论它,只能说Nucingen和我有分开的房间,我宁愿朝窗外跳下去,也不愿同意任何其他生活方式。 —

I suffered agonies when I had to confess to my girlish extravagance, my debts for jewelry and trifles (for our poor father had never refused us anything, and spoiled us), but at last I found courage to tell him about them. —
当我不得不坦白我年轻时的挥霍,我为首饰和小玩意欠下的债务时,我受尽痛苦(因为我们可怜的父亲从未拒绝过我们任何事,并惯坏了我们),但最后我鼓足勇气告诉他这些事。 —

After all, I had a fortune of my own. Nucingen flew into a rage; —
毕竟,我有自己的一笔财产。 Nucingen大发雷霆; —

he said that I should be the ruin of him, and used frightful language! —
他说我会害了他,用恐怖的语言! —

I wished myself a hundred feet down in the earth. —
我恨不得自己深入地下一百英尺。 —

He had my dowry, so he paid my debts, but he stipulated at the same time that my expenses in future must not exceed a certain fixed sum, and I gave way for the sake of peace. —
他有我的嫁妆,所以他还清了我的债务,但同时规定,我的未来支出不得超过一定额度,为了和平起见,我让步了。 —

And then,” she went on, “I wanted to gratify the self-love of some one whom you know. —
然后,”她接着说,”我想取悦你们中某位人的自尊。 —

He may have deceived me, but I should do him the justice to say that there was nothing petty in his character. —
他也许欺骗了我,但我要公正地说,他的性格毫不卑微。 —

But, after all, he threw me over disgracefully. If,

at a woman’s utmost need, SOMEBODY heaps gold upon her, he ought never to forsake her; —
在一个女人极度需要时,有人给她堆满金银,他绝不能抛弃她; —

that love should last for ever! But you, at one-and-twenty, you, the soul of honor, with the unsullied conscience of youth, will ask me how a woman can bring herself to accept money in such a way? —
相爱应该永远持续!但是,你,在21岁时,你这个诚实之魂,带着未被玷污的青春良心,会问我一个女人怎么能接受这样的金钱? —

MON DIEU! is it not natural to share everything with the one to whom we owe our happiness? —
天呐!与我们所欠幸福之人分享一切不是自然而然吗? —

When all has been given, why should we pause and hesitate over a part? —
当所有都被奉献出去,为什么我们要在某部分上停顿犹豫呢? —

Money is as nothing between us until the moment when the sentiment that bound us together ceases to exist. —
直到那情感联结我们的时刻,金钱对我们来说并无重要性。 —

Were we not bound to each other for life? Who that believes in love foresees such an end to love? —
我们难道不终生相守吗?谁会预见到爱的这种结局呢? —

You swear to love us eternally; how, then, can our interests be separate?

“You do not know how I suffered to-day when Nucingen refused to give me six thousand francs; —
“你根本不知道我今天受了多大的折磨,纳欣先生拒绝给我六千法郎; —

he spends as much as that every month on his mistress, an opera dancer! —
他每月花的和这一样多在他的情妇身上,一个歌剧舞蹈演员! —

I thought of killing myself. The wildest thoughts came into my head. —
我想自杀。最狂乱的念头涌上脑际。 —

There have been moments in my life when I have envied my servants, and would have changed places with my maid. —
我生命中有那种时刻,羡慕了我的女仆,甚至想和我的女佣调换位置。 —

It was madness to think of going to our father, Anastasie and I have bled him dry; —
我想过去找我们的父亲,但阿纳斯塔西和我已经把他榨干了; —

our poor father would have sold himself if he could have raised six thousand francs that way. —
我们可怜的父亲如果能以这种方式筹得六千法郎也会卖掉自己。 —

I should have driven him frantic to no purpose. You have saved me from shame and death; —
我应该是要把他逼疯了,你救了我免于羞辱和死亡; —

I was beside myself with anguish. Ah! monsieur, I owed you this explanation after my mad ravings. —
我当时是在绝望中。啊!先生,在我疯狂的咆哮之后,我欠你这个解释。 —

When you left me just now, as soon as you were out of sight, I longed to escape, to run away … —
刚才你离开我时,一眼看不到你,我就渴望逃走,逃向哪里,我不知道。 —

where, I did not know. Half the women in Paris lead such lives as mine; —
巴黎有半数女性过着和我一样的生活; —

they live in apparent luxury, and in their souls are tormented by anxiety. —
她们看似生活奢华,心中却被焦虑折磨。 —

I know of poor creatures even more miserable than I; —
我知道有比我更不幸的可怜人; —

there are women who are driven to ask their tradespeople to make out false bills, women who rob their husbands. —
有些女人被逼着请做账单的商人伪造账单,有些女人偷窃丈夫。 —

Some men believe that an Indian shawl worth a thousand louis only cost five hundred francs, others that a shawl costing five hundred francs is worth a hundred louis. —
有些人认为价值一千路易的印度披肩只需五百法郎,也有人觉得一条价值五百法郎的披肩值一百路易。 —

There are women, too, with narrow incomes, who scrape and save and starve their children to pay for a dress. —
也有收入有限的女性,拼命节俭,为了一件衣服而让孩子挨饿。 —

I am innocent of these base meannesses. But this is the last extremity of my torture. —
我对这些卑鄙勾当一无所知。但这是我痛苦的尽头。 —

Some women will sell themselves to their husbands, and so obtain their way, but I, at any rate, am free. —
有些女人会对丈夫出卖自己,来得到自己想要的,但是我至少是自由的。 —

If I chose, Nucingen would cover me with gold, but I would rather weep on the breast of a man whom I can respect. —
如果我愿意,努欣根会用金子包裹我,但我宁可在一位值得尊敬的男人怀中哭泣。 —

Ah! tonight, M. de Marsay will no longer have a right to think of me as a woman whom he has paid.” —
啊!今晚,马尔赛伯爵将不再有权视我为一名被他买卖过的女人。 —

She tried to conceal her tears from him, hiding her face in her hands; —
她试图把眼泪隐藏起来,捂着脸, —

Eugene drew them away and looked at her; —
尤金拿开她的手,看着她; —

she seemed to him sublime at that moment.

“It is hideous, is it not,” she cried, “to speak in a breath of money and affection. —
“多么可怕,不是吗。”她哭泣着说道,“在一口气里谈论金钱和感情。 —

You cannot love me after this,” she added.

The incongruity between the ideas of honor which make women so great, and the errors in conduct which are forced upon them by the constitution of society, had thrown Eugene’s thoughts into confusion; —
女性尊严的观念与社会体制强加于她们的行为错误之间的不协调使尤金的思绪混乱。 —

he uttered soothing and consoling words, and wondered at the beautiful woman before him, and at the artless imprudence of her cry of pain.

“You will not remember this against me?” she asked; “promise me that you will not.”

“Ah! madame, I am incapable of doing so,” he said. —
“啊!夫人,我做不到,”他说。 —

She took his hand and held it to her heart, a movement full of grace that expressed her deep gratitude.

“I am free and happy once more, thanks to you,” she said. “Oh! —
“再次感谢你,我如今又自由又幸福,多亏了你,”她说。“唉! —

I have felt lately as if I were in the grasp of an iron hand. —
最近我感觉自己仿佛被一只铁手紧紧掌控。 —

But after this I mean to live simply and to spend nothing. —
但这之后我打算简朴生活,少花钱。 —

You will think me just as pretty, will you not, my friend? —
你不会认为我变得不再漂亮了吧,我的朋友? —

Keep this,” she went on, as she took only six of the banknotes. —
拿着这些,”她接着说,只拿走六张钞票。 —

“In conscience I owe you a thousand crowns, for I really ought to go halves with you.”

Eugene’s maiden conscience resisted; but when the Baroness said, “I am bound to look on you as an accomplice or as an enemy,” he took the money.

“It shall be a last stake in reserve,” he said, “in case of misfortune.”

“That was what I was dreading to hear,” she cried, turning pale. —
“我正是担心会听到这样的话,”她尖声说道,脸色变得苍白。 —

“Oh, if you would that I should be anything to you, swear to me that you will never re-enter a gaming-house. —
“哦,如果你想我对你有任何意义,向我发誓你永远不再进赌场。” —

Great Heaven! that I should corrupt you! —
“上帝啊!我竟然会腐化你!” —

I should die of sorrow!”

They had reached the Rue Saint-Lazare by this time. —
他们此时已经到达了圣拉扎尔街。 —

The contrast between the ostentation of wealth in the house, and the wretched condition of its mistress, dazed the student; —
在这所房子里财富的炫耀与女主人悲惨的状况形成了鲜明对比,使这名学生目瞪口呆; —

and Vautrin’s cynical words began to ring in his ears.

“Seat yourself there,” said the Baroness, pointing to a low chair beside the fire. —
“坐在那里,” 男爵夫人指着火堆旁的一把低椅子说道。 —

“I have a difficult letter to write,” she added. “Tell me what to say.”
“我要写一封困难的信,” 她接着说。 “告诉我该写些什么。”

“Say nothing,” Eugene answered her. “Put the bills in an envelope, direct it, and send it by your maid.”

“Why, you are a love of a man,” she said. “Ah! see what it is to have been well brought up. —
“哦,你真是个慈爱的人,” 她说道。 “啊!看看受过良好的教育有多么重要。 —

That is the Beauseant through and through,” she went on, smiling at him.
这完全是博朗将夫人的风格,” 她笑着说着。

“She is charming,” thought Eugene, more and more in love. He looked round him at the room; —
尤金想着,她 charm 无穷了。他环顾四周房间; —

there was an ostentatious character about the luxury, a meretricious taste in the splendor.

“Do you like it?” she asked, as she rang for the maid.
“你喜欢吗?” 她问道,同时按铃召唤女仆。

“Therese, take this to M. de Marsay, and give it into his hands yourself. —
“特蕾丝,把这个交给马赛先生,亲自把信递给他。” —

If he is not at home, bring the letter back to me.”
如果他不在家, 把信带回给我。

Therese went, but not before she had given Eugene a spiteful glance.
玛丽丝走了, 但是在她走之前给了尤金一个恶毒的眼神。