The student meanwhile walked back from the Theatre-Italien to the Rue Neuve-Sainte-Genevieve, making the most delightful plans as he went. —
与此同时,学生从意大利剧院走回圣日耶讷夫街,一路上满脑子都是美好的计划。 —

He had noticed how closely Mme. de Restaud had scrutinized him when he sat beside Mme. de Nucingen, and inferred that the Countess’ doors would not be closed in the future. —
他注意到了当他坐在努辛真夫人身旁时,雷斯陶夫人是如何仔细端详他,因此可以推断出伯爵夫人以后不会拒绝他。 —

Four important houses were now open to him–for he meant to stand well with the Marechale; —
现在对他敞开着四家重要的大门——因为他打算和元帅夫人保持好关系; —

he had four supporters in the inmost circle of society in Paris. Even now it was clear to him that, once involved in this intricate social machinery, he must attach himself to a spoke of the wheel that was to turn and raise his fortunes; —
在巴黎社交圈最内层,他有四个支持者。当下他清楚地意识到,一旦卷入这复杂的社交机构,他必须依附于那将转动并提升他身价的车轮的辐条; —

he would not examine himself too curiously as to the methods, but he was certain of the end, and conscious of the power to gain and keep his hold.

“If Mme. de Nucingen takes an interest in me, I will teach her how to manage her husband. —
“如果努辛真夫人对我感兴趣,我会教她如何管理她的丈夫。 —

That husband of hers is a great speculator; —
她的丈夫是一个伟大的投机者; —

he might put me in the way of making a fortune by a single stroke.”

He did not say this bluntly in so many words; —
他并没有直截了当地如此说出,字字句句; —

as yet, indeed, he was not sufficient of a diplomatist to sum up a situation, to see its possibilities at a glance, and calculate the chances in his favor. —
因为他现在还不足以成为一名外交家,总结一种情势,一眼看穿它的可能性,并计算自己有利的机会。 —

These were nothing but hazy ideas that floated over his mental horizon; —
这些不过是在他脑海中飘过的模糊想法; —

they were less cynical than Vautrin’s notions; —
比沃兰的想法要少一些愤世嫉俗; —

but if they had been tried in the crucible of conscience, no very pure result would have issued from the test. —
但如果它们被道德的坩埚试验过,那出来的结果可不会太纯净。 —

It is by a succession of such like transactions that men sink at last to the level of the relaxed morality of this epoch, when there have never been so few of those who square their courses with their theories, so few of those noble characters who do not yield to temptation, for whom the slightest deviation from the line of rectitude is a crime. —
正是通过一系列类似的交易,人们最终会沦落到这个时代放松道德观念的水平,现在很少有人将自己的行动与理论保持一致,很少有那些不屈于诱惑的高贵人物,对他们来说,即便稍微偏离正道也是一个罪行。 —

To these magnificent types of uncompromising Right we owe two masterpieces–the Alceste of Moliere, and, in our own day, the characters of Jeanie Deans and her father in Sir Walter Scott’s novel. —
我们要感谢这些高尚的无与 compromise 的人——莫里哀的阿尔谢特,以及我们这个时代的瓦尔特•司各特小说中的珍妮•迪恩斯以及她的父亲。 —

Perhaps a work which should chronicle the opposite course, which should trace out all the devious courses through which a man of the world, a man of ambitions, drags his conscience, just steering clear of crime that he may gain his end and yet save appearances, such a chronicle would be no less edifying and no less dramatic.

Rastignac went home. He was fascinated by Mme. de Nucingen; —
瑞斯底尼亚克回到家。他被纳辛江夫人吸引了; —

he seemed to see her before him, slender and graceful as a swallow. —
他似乎看到她在他面前,纤细优雅如燕。 —

He recalled the intoxicating sweetness of her eyes, her fair hair, the delicate silken tissue of the skin, beneath which it almost seemed to him that he could see the blood coursing; —
他回忆起她眼睛中醉人的甜蜜,她的金发,那柔细如丝的皮肤,他几乎感觉得到皮肤下血管里流淌着的血液; —

the tones of her voice still exerted a spell over him; he had forgotten nothing; —
她的声音依然对他有着魔力;他什么都没忘记; —

his walk perhaps heated his imagination by sending a glow of warmth through his veins. —
也许他的散步通过让热情流淌在他的血管中,激发了他的想象; —

He knocked unceremonioesly at Goriot’s door.

“I have seen Mme. Delphine, neighbor,” said he.


“At the Italiens.”

“Did she enjoy it?… . Just come inside,” and the old man left his bed, unlocked the door, and promptly returned again.

It was the first time that Eugene had been in Father Goriot’s room, and he could not control his feeling of amazement at the contrast between the den in which the father lived and the costume of the daughter whom he had just beheld. —
这是尤金第一次来到戈里奥的房间,他忍不住对比他刚刚见到的女儿的穿着和父亲的生活环境感到惊讶; —

The window was curtainless, the walls were damp, in places the varnished wallpaper had come away and gave glimpses of the grimy yellow plaster beneath. —
窗户没有帘子,墙壁潮湿,有些地方涂料脱落,露出灰黄色的土灰; —

The wretched bed on which the old man lay boasted but one thin blanket, and a wadded quilt made out of large pieces of Mme. Vauquer’s old dresses. —
老人躺着的可怜床只有一条薄毯子,还有一件棉被是用芙尔大妈的旧衣服做成的; —

The floor was damp and gritty. Opposite the window stood a chest of drawers made of rosewood, one of the old-fashioned kind with a curving front and brass handles, shaped like rings of twisted vine stems covered with flowers and leaves. —
地板潮湿而砂砾;窗户对面有一张紫檀木的抽屉柜,是那种前凸后曲,镶有铜手柄的旧式家具,手柄造型像是藤蔓上盘绕的花朵和叶子。 —

On a venerable piece of furniture with a wooden shelf stood a ewer and basin and shaving apparatus. —
在一件古老的家具上,有一个木制架子,放着一个水巡和盆以及刮胡刀。 —

A pair of shoes stood in one corner; a night-table by the bed had neither a door nor marble slab. —
一双鞋子放在一个角落里;床边的床头柜既没有门也没有大理石板。 —

There was not a trace of a fire in the empty grate; —
壁炉里没有一点火苗; —

the square walnut table with the crossbar against which Father Goriot had crushed and twisted his possetdish stood near the hearth. —
方形的胡桃木桌旁,Father Goriot曾压碎并扭曲过饭盘的横木靠在壁炉附近。 —

The old man’s hat was lying on a broken-down bureau. —
老人的帽子放在一个破旧的梳妆台上。 —

An armchair stuffed with straw and a couple of chairs completed the list of ramshackle furniture. —
一把用稻草填充的扶手椅和两把椅子完成了这间破旧家具的清单。 —

From the tester of the bed, tied to the ceiling by a piece of rag, hung a strip of some cheap material in large red and black checks. —
从床上的天篷上,用布条系在天花板上的一个廉价材料条纹花格状。 —

No poor drudge in a garret could be worse lodged than Father Goriot in Mme. Vauquer’s lodging-house. The mere sight of the room sent a chill through you and a sense of oppression; —
在Vauquer夫人的出租房里,没有一个可怜的佣人在阁楼里比Father Goriot的住所更糟糕。这间房间的视觉效果让人感到一阵寒意和压抑; —

it was like the worst cell in a prison. Luckily, Goriot could not see the effect that his surroundings produced on Eugene as the latter deposited his candle on the night-table. —
像监狱里最糟的牢房一样。幸运的是,Goriot看不到他环境对尤金产生的影响,后者把蜡烛放在床头柜上。 —

The old man turned round, keeping the bedclothes huddled up to his chin.

“Well,” he said, “and which do you like the best, Mme. de Restaud or Mme. de Nucingen?”

“I like Mme. Delphine the best,” said the law student, “because she loves you the best.”

At the words so heartily spoken the old man’s hand slipped out from under the bedclothes and grasped Eugene’s.

“Thank you, thank you,” he said, gratefully. “Then what did she say about me?”

The student repeated the Baroness’ remarks with some embellishments of his own, the old man listening the while as though he heard a voice from Heaven.

“Dear child!” he said. “Yes, yes, she is very fond of me. —
“亲爱的孩子!”他说。“是的,是的,她非常喜欢我。 —

But you must not believe all that she tells you about Anastasie. —
但你不应该相信她对你说的所有有关阿纳斯塔西娅的一切。 —

The two sisters are jealous of each other, you see, another proof of their affection. —
两姐妹互相嫉妒,这也是她们之间情感的另一个证明。 —

Mme. de Restaud is very fond of me too. I know she is. —
雷斯托夫夫人也非常喜欢我。我知道她非常喜欢我。 —

A father sees his children as God sees all of us; he looks into the very depths of their hearts; —
一个父亲看待他的孩子就像上帝看待我们所有人一样;他看透了他们心底; —

he knows their intentions; and both of them are so loving. Oh! —
他知道他们的意图;而且他们两个人都如此亲爱。哦! —

if I only had good sons-in-law, I should be too happy, and I dare say there is no perfect happiness here below. —
如果我有了好女婿,我会太幸福了,我敢说在这个世界上没有完美的幸福。 —

If I might live with them-simply hear their voices, know that they are there, see them go and come as I used to do at home when they were still with me; —
如果我能和她们生活在一起–仅仅听到她们的声音,知道她们在那里,看到她们进进出出,就像当她们还和我在一起的时候我常做的那样; —

why, my heart bounds at the thought… . —
为什么,一想到这一点我的心就跳动不已。。。。 —

Were they nicely dressed?”

“Yes,” said Eugene. “But, M. Goriot, how is it that your daughters have such fine houses, while you live in such a den as this?”

“Dear me, why should I want anything better?” he replied, with qeeming carelessness. —
“天啊,我为什么要求得更好呢?”他漫不经心地回答。 —

“I can’t quite explain to you how it is; —
“我无法完全向你解释这是怎么回事; —

I am not used to stringing words together properly, but it all lies there—-” he said, tapping his heart. —
我不习惯正确地将文字串联在一起,但这一切都在这里—-”他说着,轻拍着自己的心。 —

“My real life is in my two girls, you see; —
“你看,我的真正生活就在我的两个女儿身上; —

and so long as they are happy, and smartly dressed, and have soft carpets under their feet, what does it matter what clothes I wear or where I lie down of a night? —
只要他们快乐、衣着得体、脚下铺着柔软的地毯,那我穿什么衣服、晚上睡在哪里又有什么关系呢? —

I shall never feel cold so long as they are warm; I shall never feel dull if they are laughing. —
只要他们温暖,我就不会感到寒冷;只要他们开心,我就不会感到无聊。 —

I have no troubles but theirs. When you, too, are a father, and you hear your children’s little voices, you will say to yourself, ‘That has all come from me.’ —
我的烦恼只来自于他们。当你也成为了父亲,听到孩子们的声音时,你会对自己说,“这一切都源自于我。” —

You will feel that those little ones are akin to every drop in your veins, that they are the very flower of your life (and what else are they? —
你会感到那些小家伙与你血液中的每一滴水都有着亲缘关系,他们是你生命的花朵(还能是什么呢?);你会与他们如此紧密地联系在一起,以至于似乎能感受到他们的每一个动作。 —

); you will cleave so closely to them that you seem to feel every movement that they make. —
我到处都听到他们的声音在我的耳边回荡。 —

Everywhere I hear their voices sounding in my ears. —
如果他们难过,他们眼中的神情会冰冷我的血液。 —

If they are sad, the look in their eyes freezes my blood. —
总有一天你会发现,在他人的幸福中远比在自己的幸福中更多地拥有快乐。这是我无法解释的,一种在内心深处传递一种暖意的东西。 —

Some day you will find out that there is far more happiness in another’s happiness than in your own. It is something that I cannot explain, something within that sends a glow of warmth all through you. —
简而言之,我活了三遍。我告诉你一个有趣的事情吧? —

In short, I live my life three times over. Shall I tell you something funny? —
自从我成为父亲,我开始理解上帝。他在世界的每一个地方,因为整个世界都来自他。对我的孩子们也是一样,先生。 —

Well, then, since I have been a father, I have come to understand God. He is everywhere in the world, because the whole world comes from Him. And it is just the same with my children, monsieur. —
只是,我爱我的女儿比上帝爱世界更多,因为世界不如上帝本身美丽,但我的孩子比我还美丽。 —

Only, I love my daughters better than God loves the world, for the world is not so beautiful as God Himself is, but my children are more beautiful than I am. —
他们的生活与我的紧密相连,以至于我不知怎的,今晚觉得你会看到她们。 —

Their lives are so bound up with mine that I felt somehow that you would see them this evening. —
天啊!如果有人能让我的小德尔菲娜如同被爱的妻子一样幸福,我宁愿擦拭他的靴子,为他奔走。 —

Great Heaven! If any man would make my little Delphine as happy as a wife is when she is loved, I would black his boots and run on his errands. —
那个可恶的马赛伊先生就是个卑鄙小人;我从她的女佣那里知道了他的一切。 —

That miserable M. de Marsay is a cur; I know all about him from her maid. —
有时候我会突然想扼住他的脖子。他简直就是禽兽。 —

A longing to wring his neck comes over me now and then. He does

not love her! does not love a pearl of a woman, with a voice like a nightingale and shaped like a model. —
不爱她!不爱这位如珍珠般美丽的女人,声音如夜莺般婉转,身材有如模特。 —

Where can her eyes have been when she married that great lump of an Alsatian? —
她嫁给那个畜生般的大男人时,她的眼睛在哪里? —

They ought both of them to have married young men, good-looking and good-tempered–but, after all, they had their own way.”

Father Goriot was sublime. Eugene had never yet seen his face light up as it did now with the passionate fervor of a father’s love. —
戈里奥特父亲是崇高的。尤金从未见过他的面容如此因为父爱的热切而明亮。 —

It is worthy of remark that strong feeling has a very subtle and pervasive power; —
值得注意的是,强烈的感情有着一种非常微妙而普及的力量; —

the roughest nature, in the endeavor to express a deep and sincere affection, communicates to others the influence that has put resonance into the voice, and eloquence into every gesture, wrought a change in the very features of the speaker; —
即使是最粗糙的性格,在试图表达深挚真挚的感情时,也会将这种影响传递给他人,给声音增添共鸣,给每个姿势增添雄辩,甚至能够改变说话者的面容; —

for under the inspiration of passion the stupidest human being attains to the highest eloquence of ideas, if not of language, and seems to move in some sphere of light. —
因为在激情的激励下,即使是最愚蠢的人类也能获得最高级的思想雄辩,如果不是语言上的话,至少是在灵感中行动。 —

In the old man’s tones and gesture there was something just then of the same spell that a great actor exerts over his audience. —
在老人的语调和姿势中,那时有着与一位伟大演员对观众的影响相同的魔力。 —

But does not the poet in us find expression in our affections?

“Well,” said Eugene, “perhaps you will not be sorry to hear that she is pretty sure to break with de Marsay before long. —
“好吧,”尤金说,“也许你会不遗憾地听到,她很可能很快就会和德马赛分手。 —

That sprig of fashion has left her for the Princesse Galathionne. —
那个时髦的小子已经离开她转而追求加拉狄翁公主。 —

For my part, I fell in love with Mme. Delphine this evening.”

“Stuff!” said Father Goriot.

“I did indeed, and she did not regard me with aversion. —
“我的确如此,而她并不对我怀有反感。 —

For a whole hour we talked of love, and I am to go to call on her on Saturday, the day after to-morrow.”

“Oh! how I should love you, if she should like you. You are kindhearted; —
“哦!如果她喜欢你,我该是多么爱你啊。你心地善良; —

you would never make her miserable. If you were to forsake her, I would cut your throat at once. —
你绝不会让她不快乐。如果你要抛弃她,我会立刻割断你的喉咙。 —

A woman does not love twice, you see! Good heavens! what nonsense I am talking, M. Eugene! —
一个女人不会再爱第二次,你看!天哪!我在说什么废话,尤金先生! —

It is cold; you ought not to stay here. MON DIEU! —
天冷了;你不应该在这里待着。天哪! —

so you have heard her speak? What message did she give you for me?”

“None at all,” said Eugene to himself; aloud he answered, “She told me to tell you that your daughter sends you a good kiss.”

“Good-night, neighbor! Sleep well, and pleasant dreams to you! —
“晚安,邻居!好好休息,愿你有愉快的梦! —

I have mine already made for me by that message from her. May God grant you all your desires! —
我的梦早已被她的消息准备好了。愿上帝满足你一切的愿望! —

You have come in like a good angel on me to-night, and brought with you the air that my daughter breathes.”

“Poor old fellow!” said Eugene as he lay down. —
“可怜的老人!”尤金躺下时说。 —

“It is enough to melt a heart of stone. His daughter no more thought of him than of the Grand Turk.”

Ever after this conference Goriot looked upon his neighbor as a friend, a confidant such as he had never hoped to find; —
从此后,戈里约对待他的邻居就像一个朋友,一个他从未奢望过会找到的知己; —

and there was established between the two the only relationship that could attach this old man to another man. —
并且在两人之间建立起了唯一一种能够把这位老人与另一个人联系在一起的关系。 —

The passions never miscalculate. Father Goriot felt that this friendship brought him closer to his daughter Delphine; —
激情从不会误判。戈里约感到这段友谊让他更接近他的女儿德尔芬; —

he thought that he should find a warmer welcome for himself if the Baroness should care for Eugene. —
他认为如果男爵夫人对尤金感兴趣,那么他自己也会受到更热烈的欢迎。” —

Moreover, he had confided one of his troubles to the younger man. —
此外,他向年轻人倾诉了自己的一些烦恼。 —

Mme. de Nucingen, for whose happiness he prayed a thousand times daily, had never known the joys of love. —
努西尼根夫人,他每天为她的幸福祈祷千百次,却从未体验过爱的欢乐。 —

Eugene was certainly (to make use of his own expression) one of the nicest young men that he had ever seen, and some prophetic instinct seemed to tell him that Eugene was to give her the happiness which had not been hers. —
尤金无疑是他见过的最好的年轻人之一(用他自己的话来说),一种预感告诉他,尤金将给她带来她从未拥有过的幸福。 —

These were the beginnings of a friendship that grew up between the old man and his neighbor; —
老人和他的邻居之间悄悄发展起来的友谊的开始就在这里; —

but for this friendship the catastrophe of the drama must have remained a mystery.

The affection with which Father Goriot regarded Eugene, by whom he seated himself at breakfast, the change in Goriot’s face, which as a rule, looked as expressionless as a plaster cast, and a few words that passed between the two, surprised the other lodgers. —
戈里奥对尤金的感情,以及他坐在尤金旁边吃早餐的表情改变,都让其他房客感到惊讶,因为戈里奥的脸通常冷冰冰地没有表情,就像个石膏像。 —

Vautrin, who saw Eugene for the first time since their interview, seemed as if he would fain read the student’s very soul. —
瓦特兰觉得好像第一次见到尤金以来,他渴望读懂这个学生的内心。 —

During the night Eugene had had some time in which to scan the vast field which lay before him; —
昨晚,尤金有时间审视眼前的广阔领域; —

and now, as he remembered yesterday’s proposal, the thought of Mlle. Taillefer’s dowry came, of course, to his mind, and he could not help thinking of Victorine as the most exemplary youth may think of an heiress. —
现在,当他想起昨天的提议时,当然想到泰勒费小姐的嫁妆,不自觉地开始把维多琳看成一个有钱女继承人。 —

It chanced that their eyes met. The poor girl did not fail to see that Eugene looked very handsome in his new clothes. —
巧合的是他们的目光相遇。可怜的女孩毫不犹豫地看到尤金穿着新衣服看起来非常帅气。 —

So much was said in the glance, thus exchanged, that Eugene could not doubt but that he was associated in her mind with the vague hopes that lie dormant in a girl’s heart and gather round the first attractive newcomer. —
这一目光交流中暗含的意思让尤金不禁怀疑自己是否在她心中与那些潜藏在女孩心中,环绕在第一个吸引人新来者周围的渴望有关。 —

“Eight hundred thousand francs!” a voice cried in his ears, but suddenly he took refuge in the memories of yesterday evening, thinking that his extemporized passion for Mme. de Nucingen was a talisman that would preserve him from this temptation.

“They gave Rossini’s Barber of Seville at the Italiens yesterday evening,” he remarked. —
“昨晚在意大利剧院他们上演了罗西尼的《塞维利亚的理发师》,”他说。 —

“I never heard such delicious music. Good gracious! —
“我从来没有听过如此美妙的音乐。天哪! —

how lucky people are to have a box at the Italiens!”

Father Goriot drank in every word that Eugene let fall, and watched him as a dog watches his master’s slightest movement.

“You men are like fighting cocks,” said Mme. Vauquer; “you do what you like.”

“How did you get back?” inquired Vautrin.

“I walked,” answered Eugene.

“For my own part,” remarked the tempter, “I do not care about doing things by halves. —
“就我而言,”引诱者评论道,”我不喜欢半途而废。 —

If I want to enjoy myself that way, I should prefer to go in my carriage, sit in my own box, and do the thing comfortably. —
如果我想那样享乐,我宁愿坐着我的马车,坐在我的包厢里,舒服地做这件事。 —

Everything or nothing; that is my motto.”

“And a good one, too,” commented Mme. Vauquer.

“Perhaps you will see Mme. de Nucingen to-day,” said Eugene, addressing Goriot in an undertone. —
“也许你今天会见到努辛根夫人,”尤金低声对高里奥说。 —

“She will welcome you with open arms, I am sure; —
“她一定会张开双臂欢迎你;我敢肯定; —

she would want to ask you for all sorts of little details about me. —
她会想跟你打听关于我的各种小细节。 —

I have found out that she will do anything in the world to be known by my cousin Mme. de Beauseant; —
我发现她为了被我表姐博札斯安夫人认识,愿意做任何事; —

don’t forget to tell her that I love her too well not to think of trying to arrange this.”

Rastignac went at once to the Ecole de Droit. He had no mind to stay a moment longer than was necessary in that odious house. —
拉斯坦尼亚克立刻去了法学院。他不愿在那个可恶的房子里多呆一分钟。 —

He wasted his time that day; he had fallen a victim to that fever of the brain that accompanies the too vivid hopes of youth. —
那天他浪费了时间;他成了年轻时过于明亮希望伴随的大脑狂热的受害者。 —

Vautrin’s arguments had set him meditating on social life, and he was deep in these reflections when he happened on his friend Bianchon in the Jardin du Luxembourg.

“What makes you look so solemn?” said the medical student, putting an arm through Eugene’s as they went towards the Palais.

“I am tormented by temptations.”

“What kind? There is a cure for temptation.”


“Yielding to it.”

“You laugh, but you don’t know what it is all about. Have you read Rousseau?”


“Do you remember that he asks the reader somewhere what he would do if he could make a fortune by killing an old mandarin somewhere in China by mere force of wishing it, and without stirring from Paris?”


“Well, then?”

“Pshaw! I am at my thirty-third mandarin.”

“Seriously, though. Look here, suppose you were sure that you could do it, and had only to give a nod. Would you do it?”

“Is he well ctricken in years, this mandarin of yours? Pshaw! —
“你提的这个官员,年岁已高了吧?呸! —

after all, young or old, paralytic, or well and sound, my word for it. —
不管他是年轻还是老了,瘫痪了还是健康的,我向你保证。 —

… Well, then. Hang it, no!”
… 怎么样,哈,不!”

“You are a good fellow, Bianchon. But suppose you loved a woman well enough to lose your soul in hell for her, and that she wanted money for dresses and a carriage, and all her whims, in fact?”

“Why, here you are taking away my reason, and want me to reason!”

“Well, then, Bianchon, I am mad; bring me to my senses. —
“好了,Bianchon,我疯了,把我拉回理智。 —

I have two sisters as beautiful and innocent as angels, and I want them to be happy. —
我有两个像天使般美丽和纯洁的姐妹,我想让她们幸福。 —

How am I to find two hundred thousand francs apiece for them in the next five years? —
在生活中有时候,你必须去押大注,把运气浪费在小赌上是没有意义的。 —

Now and then in life, you see, you must play for heavy stakes, and it is no use wasting your luck on low play.”

“But you are only stating the problem that lies before every one at the outset of his life, and you want to cut the Gordian knot with a sword. —
“但你只是陈述了每个人在生命开始时面临的问题,你想用一把剑解决这个难题。” —

If that is the way of it, dear boy, you must be an Alexander, or to the hulks you go. —
“如果是这样,亲爱的孩子,你必须成为亚历山大,否则你就要进监狱。” —

For my own part, I am quite contented with the little lot I mean to make for myself somewhere in the country, when I mean to step into my father’s shoes and plod along. —
“就我个人而言,我对在乡下某处创造自己的小天地很满足,当我打算继承父亲的位置并埋头工作时。” —

A man’s affections are just as fully satisfied by the smallest circle as they can be by a vast circumference. —
“一个人的感情被最小的圈子所满足,就像被广阔的范围所满足一样。” —

Napoleon himself could only dine once, and he could not have more mistresses than a house student at the Capuchins. —
“拿破仑本人只能吃一顿饭,他也不能比方济各会学生有更多情妇。” —

Happiness, old man, depends on what lies between the sole of your foot and the crown of your head; —
“老人,幸福取决于你脚底到头顶之间的一切; —

and whether it costs a million or a hundred louis, the actual amount of pleasure that you receive rests entirely with you, and is just exactly the same in any case. —
“无论花费一百万还是一百卢易,你得到的快乐量完全取决于你自己,在任何情况下都是完全一样的。” —

I am for letting that Chinaman live.”

“Thank you, Bianchon; you have done me good. We will always be friends.”

“I say,” remarked the medical student, as they came to the end of a broad walk in the Jardin des Plantes, “I saw the Michonneau and Poiret a few minutes ago on a bench chatting with a gentleman whom I used to see in last year’s troubles hanging about the Chamber of Deputies; —
“我说,”医学生说着,当他们走到植物园的一个宽阔小道尽头时,“我刚看到米尚瓦和普瓦雷坐在板凳上,与一名我去年在国民议会周围经常看到的绅士聊天; —

he seems to me, in fact, to be a detective dressed up like a decent retired tradesman. —
“实际上,他看起来对我来说是一个装扮得像体面的退休商人的侦探。 —

Let us keep an eye on that couple; I will tell you why some time. Good-bye; —
“我们要注意那对夫妇;我会告诉你为什么的。再见; —

it is nearly four o’clock, and I must be in to answer to my name.”

When Eugene reached the lodging-house, he found Father Goriot waiting for him.

“Here,” cried the old man, “here is a letter from her. Pretty handwriting, eh?”

Eugene broke the seal and read:-

“Sir,–I have heard from my father that you are fond of Italian music. —
“先生,–我听我父亲说您喜欢意大利音乐。 —

shall be delighted if you will do me the pleasure of accepting a seat in my box. —
如果您愿意坐在我的包厢里,我将非常高兴。 —

La Fodor and Pellegrini will sing on Saturday, so I am sure that you will not refuse me. —
拉·福多尔和佩莱格里尼将在周六演唱,所以我相信您不会拒绝我。 —

M. de Nucingen and I shall be pleased if you will dine with us; we shall be quite by ourselves. —
N.先生和我将很高兴您能与我们共进晚餐;届时只有我们两人。 —

If you will come and be my escort, my husband will be glad to be relieved from his conjugal duties. —
如果您愿意前来作为我的伴侣,我丈夫将很高兴能够从他的夫妻义务中解脱出来。 —

Do not answer, but simply come.–Yours sincerely, D. DE N.”
不用回信,直接来就行。–诚挚的,D. DE N.”

“Let me see it,” said Father Goriot, when Eugene had read the letter. “You are going, aren’t you?” —
“让我看看,” 当尤金读完信时,戈里奥先生说道。”你打算去吗?” —

he added, when he had smelled the writing-paper. “How nice it smells! —
他闻完纸的气味后又补充道,”味道多香!” —

Her fingers have touched it, that is certain.”

“A woman does not fling herself at a man’s head in this way,” the student was thinking. —
“一个女人不会这样主动主动示爱给一个男人,” 这位学生想着。 —

“She wants to use me to bring back de Marsay; —
“她想要利用我去带回德马赛; —

nothing but pique makes a woman do a thing like this.”

“Well,” said Father Goriot, “what are you thinking about?”
“那么,” 戈里奥先生说,”你在想什么?”