Eugene was roused from his musings by the voice of the stout Sylvie, who announced that the tailor had come, and Eugene therefore made his appearance before the man with the two money bags, and was not ill pleased that it should be so. —
尤金被壮硕的西尔维的声音从思绪中唤醒,她宣布做衣裁缝已经来了,因此尤金便出现在那位带着两个钱袋的男人面前,他并不讨厌这样。 —

When he had tried on his dress suit, he put on his new morning costume, which completely metamorphosed him.

“I am quite equal to M. de Trailles,” he said to himself. “In short, I look like a gentleman.”

“You asked me, sir, if I knew the houses where Mme. de Nucingen goes,” Father Goriot’s voice spoke from the doorway of Eugene’s room.”


“Very well then, she is going to the Marechale Carigliano’s ball on Monday. —
“好吧,她将在星期一去卡里利亚诺女侯爵的舞会。 —

If you can manage to be there, I shall hear from you whether my two girls enjoyed themselves, and how they were dressed, and all about it in fact.”

“How did you find that out, my good Goriot?” —
“那么,你是怎么发现的,我亲爱的戈里约老人?” —

said Eugene, putting a chair by the fire for his visitor.

“Her maid told me. I hear all about their doings from Therese and Constance,” he added gleefully.

The old man looked like a lover who is still young enough to be made happy by the discovery of some little stratagem which brings him information of his lady-love without her knowledge.

“YOU will see them both!” he said, giving artless expression to a pang of jealousy.

“I do not know,” answered Eugene. “I will go to Mme. de Beauseant and ask her for an introduction to the Marechale.”

Eugene felt a thrill of pleasure at the thought of appearing before the Vicomtesse, dressed as henceforward he always meant to be. —
尤金一想到自己将以此后永远的装扮出现在女子们面前,就感到一阵快意。 —

The “abysses of the human heart,” in the moralists’ phrase, are only insidious thoughts, involuntary promptings of personal interest. —
在道德家的说法中,”人类心灵的深渊”只是人的私人利益不经意的思维、自愿的引导。 —

The instinct of enjoyment turns the scale; —
享受的本能扭转了天平; —

those rapid changes of purpose which have furnished the text for so much rhetoric are calculations prompted by the hope of pleasure. —
那些迅速改变目标的计算,都是因为希望得到快乐; —

Rastignac beholding himself well dressed and impeccable as to gloves and boots, forgot his virtuous resolutions. —
拉斯坦尼亚克看着自己穿着得体,手套和靴子一尘不染,忘记了他的正义决心; —

Youth, moreover, when bent upon wrongdoing does not dare to behold himself in the mirror of consciousness; —
年轻人,一旦想要做错事,就不敢在意识的镜子时观看自己; —

mature age has seen itself; and therein lies the whole difference between these two phases of life.

A friendship between Eugene and his neighbor, Father Goriot, had been growing up for several days past. —
尤金和他的邻居、戈里奥父亲之间的友谊已经在过去几天里渐渐成长; —

This secret friendship and the antipathy that the student had begun to entertain for Vautrin arose from the same psychological causes. —
起初暗中的友情和学生开始对沃特兰抱有的反感是出于相同的心理原因; —

The bold philosopher who shall investigate the effects of mental action upon the physical world will doubtless find more than one proof of the material nature of our sentiments in other animals. —
勇敢的哲学家如果研究心理活动对物质世界的影响,无疑会在其他动物身上找到更多证明我们感情的物质本质的证据; —

What physiognomist is as quick to discern character as a dog is to discover from a stranger’s face whether this is a friend or no? —
有哪个相面学家能像狗一样快速辨别人的性格,就像狗从陌生人的脸上辨别出他们是否朋友一样? —

Those by-words–“atoms,” “affinities”–are facts surviving in modern languages for the confusion of philosophic wiseacres who amuse themselves by winnowing the chaff of language to find its grammatical roots. —
那些“原子”,“亲和力”等俗语在现代语言中仍然生存,用以混淆只是为了从语言的糠中找到其语法根源而自娱自乐的哲学家; —

We FEEL that we are loved. Our sentiments make themselves felt in everything, even at a great distance. —
我们感觉到自己被爱。我们的情感在一切事物中都能感受到,甚至在很远的距离; —

A letter is a living soul, and so faithful an echo of the voice that speaks in it, that finer natures look upon a letter as one of love’s most precious treasures. —
一封信是一个生命的灵魂,而且是对其中说话的声音如此忠诚的回音,使得更纯粹的灵魂将一封信视为爱情最宝贵的珍宝之一; —

Father Goriot’s affection was of the instinctive order, a canine affection raised to a sublime pitch; —
戈里奥父亲的感情是一种本能的爱,一种高尚的狗类的爱; —

he had scented compassion in the air, and the kindly respect and youthful sympathy in the student’s heart. —
他嗅出了空气中的怜悯,以及学生心中的友好尊重和年轻的同情; —

This friendship had, however, scarcely reached the stage at which confidences are made. —
这种友情然而还没有达到坦诚相见的阶段。 —

Though Eugene had spoken of his wish to meet Mme. de Nucingen, it was not because he counted on the old man to introduce him to her house, for he hoped that his own audacity might stand him in good stead. —
尽管尤金曾经提到他希望见到努花仁太太,但并不是因为他指望这位老人介绍他去她家,因为他希望他自己的大胆可能会对他有利。 —

All that Father Goriot had said as yet about his daughters had referred to the remarks that the student had made so freely in public on that day of the two visits.

“How could you think that Mme. de Restaud bore you a grudge for mentioning my name?” —
“你怎么能认为蕾斯多夫夫人会因为你提到我的名字而对你怀恨在心呢?” —

he had said on the day following that scene at dinner. “My daughters are very fond of me; —
他在那次晚餐后的第二天说。“我的女儿们非常爱我;我是一个幸福的父亲;但我的女婿对我不好,而我选择偷偷见我的女儿,而不是在我的心肝宝贝和她们的丈夫之间制造麻烦。” —

I am a happy father; but my sons-in-law have behaved badly to me, and rather than make trouble between my darlings and their husbands, I choose to see my daughters secretly. —
“父亲们随时可以见到他们的女儿,无法理解所有这种神秘给我带来的快乐; —

Fathers who can see their daughters at any time have no idea of all the pleasure that all this mystery gives me; —
父亲们随时都能见到他们的女儿,无法理解所有这种神秘给我带来的快乐; —

I cannot always see mine when I wish, do you understand? —
我不能随时见到我的,你明白吗? —

So when it is fine I walk out in the ChampsElysees, after finding out from their waiting-maids whether my daughters mean to go out. —
所以天气好的时候,我会在香榭丽舍漫步,经过她们的侍女询问我的女儿们是否准备外出; —

I wait near the entrance; my heart beats fast when the carriages begin to come; —
我在入口处等待;当马车开始驶过时,我的心跳加快; —

I admire them in their dresses, and as they pass they give me a little smile, and it seems as if everything was lighted up for me by a ray of `right sunlight. —
我欣赏她们的衣服,当她们经过时,对我微笑一下,一切似乎都因为一缕“神圣阳光”而为我照亮。 —

I wait, for they always go back the same way, and then I see them again; —
我在等待,因为她们总是原路返回,然后我再见到她们; —

the fresh air has done them good and brought color into their cheeks; —
清新的空气给她们带来了好处,使她们的脸颊泛起红晕; —

all about me people say, ‘What a beautiful woman that is!’ —
在我周围的人都说:“那是多美丽的女人啊!” —

and it does my heart good to hear them.

“Are they not my own flesh and blood? I love the very horses that draw them; —
“难道她们不是我的血肉之躯吗?我甚至爱着拉着她们的马。” —

I envy the little lap-dog on their knees. Their happiness is my life. —
我羡慕那些跪在他们膝上的小狗。他们的幸福就是我的生活。 —

Every one loves after his own fashion, and mine does no one any harm; —
每个人都以自己的方式去爱,而我的方式并没有伤害到任何人; —

why should people trouble their heads about me? I am happy in my own way. —
为什么人们要为我感到烦恼?我以自己的方式很幸福。 —

Is there any law against going to see my girls in the evening when they are going out to a ball? —
有什么法律规定了我晚上去看女儿们去参加舞会的行为是不允许的吗? —

And what a disappointment it is when I get there too late, and am told that ‘Madame has gone out!’ —
当我去晚了,被告知“夫人已经出门了”的时候我感到多么失望! —

Once I waited till three o’clock in the morning for Nasie; I had not seen her for two whole days. —
有一次我等到凌晨三点钟才等到了Nasie;我已经两天没见到她了。 —

I was so pleased, that it was almost too much for me! —
我是如此高兴,简直要让我无法承受! —

Please do not speak of me unless it is to say how good my daughters are to me. —
请不要谈论我,除非是夸奖我的女儿们对我的好。 —

They are always wanting to heap presents upon me, but I will not have it. —
她们总是想要送我礼物,但我拒绝接受。 —

‘Just keep your money,’ I tell them. ‘What should I do with it? I want nothing.’ —
“把你的钱留着吧”,我告诉她们。“我需要什么呢?我不需要。” —

And what am I, sir, after all? An old carcase, whose soul is always where my daughters are. —
那么,我算个什么呢?一个老旧的躯壳,灵魂总在我的女儿们所在之处。 —

When you have seen Mme. de Nucingen, tell me which you like the most,” said the old man after a moment’s pause, while Eugene put the last touches to his toilette. —
“当你见过Nucingen夫人后,告诉我你更喜欢哪个,”老人停顿了片刻,Eugene正在准备最后的穿着。 —

The student was about to go out to walk in the Garden of the Tuileries until the hour when he could venture to appear in Mme. de Beauseant’s drawing-room.

That walk was a turning-point in Eugene’s career. Several women noticed him; —
那次散步改变了Eugene的命运。几位女人注意到了他; —

he looked so handsome, so young, and so well dressed. —
他看起来既英俊又年轻,穿着打扮得体。 —

This almost admiring attention gave a new turn to his thoughts. —
这种几乎崇拜般的关注使他的想法产生了新的转变。 —

He forgot his sisters and the aunt who had robbed herself for him; —
他忘记了他的姐妹和为他牺牲的姨妈; —

he no longer remembered his own virtuous scruples. —
他不再记得自己的正直顾虑。 —

He had seen hovering above his head the fiend so easy to mistake for an angel, the Devil with rainbow wings, who scatters rubies, and aims his golden shafts at palace fronts, who invests women with purple, and thrones with a glory that dazzles the eyes of fools till they forget the simple origins of royal dominion; —
他曾看见悬浮在他头顶的那个几乎被误认为是天使的恶魔,那个展开彩虹翅膀,撒播红宝石,对宫殿正面射出金箭的魔鬼,那个让女人披上紫袍,富于荣耀以至于愚人眼睛忽略了皇权简单起源的魔鬼; —

he had heard the rustle of that Vanity whose tinsel seems to us to be the symbol of power. —
他曾听到虚荣的沙沙声,其金属质感在我们看来似乎象征着权力。 —

However cynical Vautrin’s words had been, they had made an impression on his mind, as the sordid features of the old crone who whispers, “A lover, and gold in torrents,” remain engraven on a young girl’s memory.

Eugene lounged about the walks till it was nearly five o’clock, then he went to Mme. de Beauseant, and received one of the terrible blows against which young hearts are defenceless. —
尤金在花园散步直到将近五点钟,然后去找波旁公爵夫人,得到了对年轻心灵毫无抵抗力的可怕打击。 —

Hitherto the Vicomtesse had received him with the kindly urbanity, the bland grace of manner that is the result of fine breeding, but is only complete when it comes from the heart.

Today Mme. de Beauseant bowed constrainedly, and spoke curtly:

“M. de Rastignac, I cannot possibly see you, at least not at this moment. I am engaged …”

An observer, and Rastignac instantly became an observer, could read the whole history, the character and customs of caste, in the phrase, in the tones of her voice, in her glance and bearing. —
一个观察者,拉斯坦尼亚克瞬间变成了一个观察者,可以从她说话的措辞、声音、眼神和举止中读出整个历史、种姓的特征和习俗。 —

He caught a glimpse of the iron hand beneath the velvet glove-the personality, the egoism beneath the manner, the wood beneath the varnish. —
他瞥见了丝绒手套下的铁拳-人格,虚荣主义在举止下,清漆下的木匠。 —

In short, he heard that unmistakable I THE KING that issues from the plumed canopy of the throne, and finds its last echo under the crest of the simplest gentleman.

Eugene had trusted too implicitly to the generosity of a woman; —
尤金过于绝对地信任一个女人的慷慨; —

he could not believe in her haughtiness. —
他无法相信她的傲慢。 —

Like all the unfortunate, he had subscribed, in all good faith, the generous compact which should bind the benefactor to the recipient, and the first article in that bond, between two large-hearted natures, is a perfect equality. —
就像所有不幸的人一样,他全心全意地订阅了慷慨的契约,这个契约应该把恩人和受益者联系在一起,而在两个宽宏大量的本性之间的的第一条规定是完全的平等。 —

The kindness which knits two souls together is as rare, as divine, and as little understood as the passion of love, for both love and kindness are the lavish generosity of noble natures. —
将两个灵魂紧密联系在一起的仁爱与爱情一样罕见、神圣,同样被很少人理解,因为爱情和善良都是高尚本质的慷慨。 —

Rastignac was set upon going to the Duchesse de Carigliano’s ball, so he swallowed down this rebuff.

“Madame,” he faltered out, “I would not have come to trouble you about a trifling matter; —
“夫人,”他结结巴巴地说,“我不会为了一件微不足道的事情来打扰您; —

be so kind as to permit me to see you later, I can wait.”

“Very well, come and dine with me,” she said, a little confused by the harsh way in which she had spoken, for this lady was as genuinely kind-hearted as she was high-born.

Eugene was touched by this sudden relenting, but none the less he said to himself as he went away, “Crawl in the dust, put up with every kind of treatment. —
尽管被这种突如其来的宽容所感动,但尽管如此,他离开时对自己说,“在尘土中匍匐,忍受各种对待。 —

What must the rest of the world be like when one of the kindest of women forgets all her promises of befriending me in a moment, and tosses me aside like an old shoe? —
当其中一个最善良的女人忘记了她对我友谊的承诺,像把我抛弃像把一只旧鞋,那么整个世界必定是怎样的呢? —

So it is every one for himself? It is true that her house is not a shop, and I have put myself in the wrong by needing her help. —
所以每个人都只顾自己?她的家确实不是商店,我需要她的帮助是我的错。 —

You should cut your way through the world like a cannon ball, as Vautrin said.”

But the student’s bitter thoughts were soon dissipated by the pleasure which he promised himself in this dinner with the Vicomtesse. —
但学生苦涩的念头很快被他期待的和Vicomtesse共进晚餐的快乐所冲淡。 —

Fate seemed to determine that the smallest accidents in his life should combine to urge him into a career, which the terrible sphinx of the Maison Vauquer had described as a field of battle where you must either slay or be slain, and cheat to avoid being cheated. —
命运似乎决定了他生活中最微不足道的事故都让他被推向一条事业,正如饭寝女巫舍曾所形容的,这是一场必须杀戮或被屠的战场,而为了躲避被欺骗,你必须欺诈对方。 —

You leave your conscience and your heart at the barriers, and wear a mask on entering into this game of grim earnest, where, as in ancient Sparta, you must snatch your prize without being detected if you would deserve the crown.

On his return he found the Vicomtesse gracious and kindly, as she had always been to him. —
在回归后,他发现Vicomtesse对他像往常一样亲切和友好。 —

They went together to the dining-room, where the Vicomte was waiting for his wife. —
他们一起去了餐厅,那里Vicomte正等着他的妻子。 —

In the time of the Restoration the luxury of the table was carried, as is well known, to the highest degree, and M. de Beauseant, like many jaded men of the world, had few pleasures left but those of good cheer; —
如人熟知,复辟时期餐桌上的奢华达到了顶峰,而Beauseant先生像许多世故之人一样,除了美食之外几乎已经没有快乐了; —

in this matter, in fact, he was a gourmand of the schools of Louis XVIII. and of the Duc d’Escars, and luxury was supplemented by splendor. —
实际上,他在这方面是路易十八学派和Escars公爵学派的美食家,奢侈享受通过华丽完成。 —

Eugene, dining for the first time in a house where the traditions of grandeur had descended through many generations, had never seen any spectacle like this that now met his eyes. —
尤金第一次在这样的一家传承多代的宏伟府第中就餐,眼前呈现的景象他从未见过。 —

In the time of the Empire, balls had always ended with a supper, because the officers who took part in them must be fortified for immediate service, and even in Paris might be called upon to leave the ballroom for the battlefield. —
在帝国时期,舞会总是以宴会结束,因为参加的军官们必须为即将到来的战斗做好准备,甚至在巴黎可能在舞会结束后就被召集前去战场。 —

This arrangement had gone out of fashion under the Monarchy, and Eugene had so far only been asked to dances. —
这种安排在君主时期已经不流行了,Eugene到目前为止只被邀请参加舞会。 —

The self-possession which pre-eminently distinguished him in later life already stood him in good stead, and he did not betray his amazement. —
未来生活中所显著的自尊已开始发挥作用,他没有流露出惊讶。 —

Yet as he saw for the first time the finely wrought silver plate, the completeness of every detail, the sumptuous dinner, noiselessly served, it was difficult for such an ardent imagination not to prefer this life of studied and refined luxury to the hardships of the life which he had chosen only that morning.

His thoughts went back for a moment to the lodging-house, and with a feeling of profound loathing, he vowed to himself that at New Year he would go; —
他的思绪瞬间回到了住所,心中涌起一股深深的厌恶感,他发誓自己新年一定要搬走; —

prompted at least as much by a desire to live among cleaner surroundings as by a wish to shake off Vautrin, whose huge hand he seemed to feel on his shoulder at that moment. —
至少有一半的动机是因为想住在更干净的环境里,而不仅仅是为了摆脱沃特兰这个巨人般的手,他这一刻似乎感受到了那只手在自己肩上; —

When you consider the numberless forms, clamorous or mute, that corruption takes in Paris, common-sense begins to wonder what mental aberration prompted the State to establish great colleges and schools there, and assemble young men in the capital; —
当你考虑巴黎中无数形式的腐败,无论是喧嚣或沉默,理性开始质疑国家为何要在那里建立伟大的学院和学校,把年轻人聚集在首都; —

how it is that pretty women are respected, or that the gold coin displayed in the money-changer’s wooden saucers does not take to itself wings in the twinkling of an eye; —
当你进一步思考时,漂亮女性受到尊重,或者说在兑换商的木托盘中展示的金币不会在一眨眼间消失不见; —

and when you come to think further, how comparatively few cases of crime there are, and to count up the misdemeanors committed by youth, is there not a certain amount of respect due to these patient Tantaluses who wrestle with themselves and nearly always come off victorious? —
而且当你再往后思考,犯罪案例相对较少,加上年轻人犯下的轻罪,这些几乎总能取得胜利的顽强的坦塔卢斯们难道不值得尊敬吗? —

The struggles of the poor student in Paris, if skilfully drawn, would furnish a most dramatic picture of modern civilization.

In vain Mme. de Beauseant looked at Eugene as if asking him to speak; —
徒劳地,甚至有点期望对于尤金开口说话; —

the student was tongue-tied in the Vicomte’s presence.

“Are you going to take me to the Italiens this evening?” the Vicomtesse asked her husband.

“You cannot doubt that I should obey you with pleasure,” he answered, and there was a sarcastic tinge in his politeness which Eugene did not detect, “but I ought to go to meet some one at the Varietes.”

“His mistress,” said she to herself.

“Then, is not Ajuda coming for you this evening?” inquired the Vicomte.

“No,” she answered, petulantly.

“Very well, then, if you really must have an arm, take that of M. de Rastignac.”

The Vicomtess turned to Eugene with a smile.

“That would be a very compromising step for you,” she said.

” ‘A Frenchman loves danger, because in danger there is glory,’ to quote M. de Chateaubriand,” said Rastignac, with a bow.
” ‘一个法国人热爱危险,因为在危险中有荣耀’,引用夏多布里昂先生的话,”拉斯坦亚克鞠躬说。

A few moments later he was sitting beside Mme. de Beauseant in a brougham, that whirled them through the streets of Paris to a fashionable theatre. —
片刻之后,他就坐在一辆驶向巴黎街头的时髦剧院的马车上,旁边是博山侯爵夫人。 —

It seemed to him that some fairy magic had suddenly transported him into a box facing the stage. —
他觉得自己仿佛被仙女般的魔法突然传送到一个面对舞台的包厢里。 —

All the lorgnettes of the house were pointed at him as he entered, and at the Vicomtesse in her charming toilette. —
当他进入时,整个房间里所有的望远镜都对准了他和穿着迷人的博山侯爵太太。 —

He went from enchantment to enchantment.

“You must talk to me, you know,” said Mme. de Beauseant. “Ah! look! —
“你必须和我说话,你知道的,”博山夫人说。“啊!看!那里!” —

There is Mme. de Nucingen in the third box from ours. —
“我们隔壁第三个包厢里是努桥真人夫人,”博山夫人指着说。“她的姐妹和特莱伊先生在另一边。” —

Her sister and M. de Trailles are on the other side.”

The Vicomtesse glanced as she spoke at the box where Mlle. de Rochefide should have been; —
但是阿祖达先生不在那里,博山夫人的脸上闪过一丝奇妙的光芒。 —

M. d’Ajuda was not there, and Mme. de Beauseant’s face lighted up in a marvelous way.

“She is charming,” said Eugene, after looking at Mme. de Nucingen.

“She has white eyelashes.”

“Yes, but she has such a pretty slender figure!”

“Her hands are large.”

“Such beautiful eyes!”

“Her face is long.”

“Yes, but length gives distinction.”

“It is lucky for her that she has some distinction in her face. —
“她的脸有点独特,对她来说是幸运的。” —

Just see how she fidgets with her opera-glass! —
“看她怎么拿着歌剧眼镜瞎弄!” —

The Goriot blood shows itself in every movement,” said the Vicomtesse, much to Eugene’s astonishment.

Indeed, Mme. de Beauseant seemed to be engaged in making a survey of the house, and to be unconscious of Mme. Nucingen’s existence; —
实际上,博旺伯爵夫人似乎在打量着整座房子,对努辛根夫人的存在毫不在意; —

but no movement made by the latter was lost upon the Vicomtesse. —
但努辛根夫人所做的任何动作都没有逃过维康特斯的眼睛。 —

The house was full of the loveliest women in Paris, so that Delphine de Nucingen was not a little flattered to receive the undivided attention of Mme. de Beauseant’s young, handsome, and well-dressed cousin, who seemed to have no eyes for any one else.

“If you look at her so persistently, you will make people talk, M. de Rastignac. —
“如果你这样执意盯着她看,会引起人们议论的,拉斯坦尼亚克先生。 —

You will never succeed if you fling yourself at any one’s head like that.”

“My dear cousin,” said Eugene, “you have protected me indeed so far, and now if you would complete your work, I only ask of you a favor which will cost you but little, and be of very great service to me. —
“亲爱的表妹,”尤金说道,“迄今为止你确实保护了我,现在如果你能完成你的工作,我只求你一个小小的好处,对你来说代价微乎其微,但对我而言帮助却非常大。 —

I have lost my heart.”



“And to that woman!”

“How could I aspire to find any one else to listen to me?” —
“我怎么能奢望找到其他人来倾听我呢?” —

he asked, with a keen glance at his cousin. —
他问道,用锐利的目光看着表妹。 —

“Her Grace the Duchesse de Carigliano is a friend of the Duchesse de Berri,” he went on, after a pause; —
“卡利亚诺女公爵是贝里女公爵的朋友,“他停顿片刻后说道; —

“you are sure to see her, will you be so kind as to present me to her, and to take me to her ball on Monday? —
“你一定会见到她,你愿意介绍我给她认识,并在星期一带我去她的舞会吗? —

I shall meet Mme. de Nucingen there, and enter into my first skirmish.”

“Willingly,” she said. “If you have a liking for her already, your affairs of the heart are like to prosper. —
“很乐意,”她说道。”如果你已经喜欢上她,你的感情事业很可能会成功。 —

That is de Marsay over there in the Princesse Galathionne’s box. —
那个是德马赛在加拉奇奥娜公主的包厢里。 —

Mme. de Nucingen is racked with jealousy. —
努桑金夫人因嫉妒而折磨着自己。 —

There is no better time for approaching a woman, especially if she happens to be a banker’s wife. —
现在是接近女人的最佳时机,尤其是她碰巧是一位银行家的夫人。 —

All those ladies of the Chaussee-d’Antin love revenge.”

“Then, what would you do yourself in such a case?”

“I should suffer in silence.”

At this point the Marquis d’Ajuda appeared in Mme. de Beauseant’s box.

“I have made a muddle of my affairs to come to you,” he said, “and I am telling you about it, so that it may not be a sacrifice.”

Eugene saw the glow of joy on the Vicomtesse’s face, and knew that this was love, and learned the difference between love and the affectations of Parisian coquetry. —
尤金看到维康特的脸上洋溢着喜悦之光,他知道这是爱,也学会了爱与巴黎虚伪的媚态之间的区别。 —

He admired his cousin, grew mute, and yielded his place to M. d’Ajuda with a sigh.

“How noble, how sublime a woman is when she loves like that!” he said to himself. —
“当一个女人像那样爱的时候,她是多么高贵、多么崇高啊!” 他心里想。 —

“And HE could forsake her for a doll! Oh! —
“而他竟然为了一个娃娃而抛弃她!哦,” —

how could any one forsake her?”

There was a boy’s passionate indignation in his heart. —
他的心中涌现出少年时的激愤。 —

He could have flung himself at Mme. de Beauseant’s feet; —
他宁愿扑倒在波旁女士的脚下; —

he longed for the power of the devil if he could snatch her away and hide her in his heart, as an eagle snatches up some white yeanling from the plains and bears it to its eyrie. —
他渴望拥有魔鬼的力量,如果能夺走她并将她藏在心中,就像老鹰从平原上抓走一只小羊羔并带到巢穴一样。 —

It was humiliating to him to think that in all this gallery of fair pictures he had not one picture of his own. —
他想到,在所有这些优美画作中,他竟然没有一幅自己的画作,这让他感到羞辱。 —

“To have a mistress and an almost royal position is a sign of power,” he said to himself. —
“有一位情妇和几乎王室地位是权势的象征,“他心里想。 —

And he looked at Mme. de Nucingen as a man measures another who has insulted him.

The Vicomtesse turned to him, and the expression of her eyes thanked him a thousand times for his discretion. —
子爵夫人转向他,眼神中透露出对他的谨慎表示万次的感激之情。 —

The first act came to an end just then.

“Do you know Mme. de Nucingen well enough to present M. de Rastignac to her?” —
“你和努框太太熟吗?能介绍拉斯坦尼到她那里吗?” —

she asked of the Marquis d’Ajuda.

“She will be delighted,” said the Marquis. —
“她会很高兴的”,阿茹达侯爵说。 —

The handsome Portuguese rose as he spoke and took the student’s arm, and in another moment Eugene found himself in Mme. de Nucingen’s box.

“Madame,” said the Marquis, “I have the honor of presenting to you the Chevalier Eugene de Rastignac; he is a cousin of Mme. de Beauseant’s. —
“夫人,”阿茹达侯爵说,”我有幸向您介绍拉斯坦尼骑士;他是波申夫人的表弟。 —

You have made so deep an impression upon him, that I thought I would fill up the measure of his happiness by bringing him nearer to his divinity.”

Words spoken half jestingly to cover their somewhat disrespectful import; —
这是半开玩笑地掩饰那些稍显不尊重的话语; —

but such an implication, if carefully disguised, never gives offence to a woman. —
但如果谨慎地隐藏,这样的暗示从来不会冒犯到女人。 —

Mme. de Nucingen smiled, and offered Eugene the place which her husband had just left.

“I do not venture to suggest that you should stay with me, monsieur,” she said. —
“我不敢建议您应该留在我这儿,先生,”她说。 —

“Those who are so fortunate as to be in Mme. de Beauseant’s company do not desire to leave it.”

“Madame,” Eugene said, lowering his voice, “I think that to please my cousin I should remain with you. —
“夫人,”尤金压低声音说,“我想为了取悦我的表妹,我应该留在您这儿。” —

Before my lord Marquis came we were speaking of you and of your exceedingly distinguished appearance,” he added aloud.

M. d’Ajuda turned and left them.

“Are you really going to stay with me, monsieur?” asked the Baroness. —
“您真的要和我待在一起吗,先生?”男爵夫人问道。 —

“Then we shall make each other’s acquaintance. —
“那么我们就可以互相认识了。” —

Mme. de Restaud told me about you, and has made me anxious to meet you.”

“She must be very insincere, then, for she has shut her door on me.”


“Madame, I will tell you honestly the reason why; —
“夫人,我会坦率地告诉您原因; —

but I must crave your indulgence before confiding such a secret to you. —
但在向您透露这样一个秘密之前,我必须请求您的包涵。 —

I am your father’s neighbor; I had no idea that Mme. de Restaud was his daughter. —
我是您父亲的邻居;我完全不知道德·拉斯道夫人是他的女儿。 —

I was rash enough to mention his name; I meant no harm, but I annoyed your sister and her husband very much. —
我冒昧提及了他的名字;我并没有恶意,但我惹怒了您姐姐和她丈夫。 —

You cannot think how severely the Duchesse de Langeais and my cousin blamed this apostasy on a daughter’s part, as a piece of bad taste. —
您无法想象朗热公爵夫人和我的表妹对这种女儿的背叛行为多么严厉地指责,称其为一种品位不佳的行为。” —

I told them all about it, and they both burst out laughing. —
我告诉了他们所有的事情,他们俩都笑出了声。 —

Then Mme. de Beauseant made some comparison between you and your sister, speaking in high terms of you, and saying how very fond you were of my neighbor, M. Goriot. —
然后博扬桑夫人对你和你的姐妹做了一番比较,高度称赞你,并说你是我邻居戈里奥先生非常喜欢的人。 —

And, indeed, how could you help loving him? —
实际上,你怎么可能不喜欢他呢? —

He adores you so passionately that I am jealous already. —
他对你如此热情地爱着,我已经开始吃醋了。 —

We talked about you this morning for two hours. —
今天早上我们谈论了你两个小时。 —

So this evening I was quite full of all that your father had told me, and while I was dining with my cousin I said that you could not be as beautiful as affectionate. —
所以今晚我一直在想着你父亲告诉我的一切,当我和表亲一起进餐时,我说你不可能像你漂亮那样充满爱心。 —

Mme. de Beauseant meant to gratify such warm admiration, I think, when she brought me here, telling me, in her gracious way, that I should see you.”

“Then, even now, I owe you a debt of gratitude, monsieur,” said the banker’s wife. —
“那么,现在,我应该感谢你,先生,”银行家太太说。 —

“We shall be quite old friends in a little while.”

“Although a friendship with you could not be like an ordinary friendship,” said Rastignac; —
“尽管与你交往不能像普通的友谊一样,”拉斯蒂涅克说; —

“I should never wish to be your friend.”

Such stereotyped phrases as these, in the mouths of beginners, possess an unfailing charm for women, and are insipid only when read coldly; —
这些刻板的措辞在初学者的口中,对女人来说总是具有无可挑剔的魅力,只有在冷静地阅读时才会显得乏味; —

for a young man’s tone, glance and attitude give a surpassing eloquence to the banal phrases. —
年轻人的语调、眼神和姿态给平庸的短语赋予了无与伦比的雄辩力。 —

Mme. de Nucingen thought that Rastignac was adorable. —
努辛根夫人觉得拉斯蒂涅克是迷人的。 —

Then, woman-like, being at a loss how to reply to the student’s outspoken admiration, she answered a previous remark.

“Yes, it is very wrong of my sister to treat our poor father as she does,” she said; —
“是的,我姐姐对待我们可怜的父亲的方式非常错误,”她说; —

“he has been a Providence to us. It was not until M. de Nucingen positively ordered me only to receive him in the mornings that I yielded the point. —
“他对我们来说就像是个救星。直到尼昂兴先生明确命令我只在早上接待他,我才妥协。 —

But I have been unhappy about it for a long while; I have shed many tears over it. —
但我很久以来一直为此感到不快;我为此流下了很多眼泪。 —

This violence to my feelings, with my husband’s brutal treatment, have been two causes of my unhappy married life. —
这种对我的感情的暴力,再加上我丈夫的残忍对待,是我不幸婚姻生活的两个原因。 —

There is certainly no woman in Paris whose lot seems more enviable than mine, and yet, in reality, there is not one so much to be pitied. —
在巴黎没有一个女人的命运似乎比我的更令人羡慕,然而,实际上没有一个比我更值得同情的。 —

You will think I must be out of my senses to talk to you like this; —
你会认为我一定是疯了才这样对你说; —

but you know my father, and I cannot regard you as a stranger.”

“You will find no one,” said Eugene, “who longs as eagerly as I do to be yours. —
“你不会找到比我更渴望成为你们的人。 —

What do all women seek? Happiness.” (He answered his own question in low, vibrating tones. —
所有女人都在追求什么?幸福。”(他用低沉而震颤的语调回答了自己的问题。 —

) “And if happiness for a woman means that she is to be loved and adored, to have a friend to whom she can pour out her wishes, her fancies, her sorrows and joys; —
“如果女人的幸福意味着她被爱和崇拜,拥有一个可以倾诉她的心愿、幻想、悲伤和快乐的朋友; —

to whom she can lay bare her heart and soul, and all her fair defects and her gracious virtues, without fear of a betrayal; —
可以向他敞开心扉,展现她的心灵和灵魂,展示她所有的美好缺陷和优雅美德,毫无背叛的恐惧; —

believe me, the devotion and the warmth that never fails can only be found in the heart of a young man who, at a bare sign from you, would go to his death, who neither knows nor cares to know anything as yet of the world, because you will be all the world to him. —
请相信我,这种永不凉的热忱和深情只能在一个年轻人的心中找到,他只要你稍微示意,就愿意为你赴汤蹈火,他还不知道,也不关心世间是什么,因为你将成为他的整个世界。 —

I myself, you see (you will laugh at my simplicity), have just come from a remote country district; —
你看,我自己(你会笑我的简单)刚刚从一个边远乡村地区来; —

I am quite new to this world of Paris; I have only known true and loving hearts; —
我对巴黎这个世界还很陌生;我只知道真诚和充满爱心的心; —

and I made up my mind that here I should find no love. —
我下定决心在这里找不到爱。” —

Then I chanced to meet my cousin, and to see my cousin’s heart from very near; —
然后我偶然遇到了我的表妹,近距离看到了我的表妹的心; —

I have divined the inexhaustible treasures of passion, and, like Cherubino, I am the lover of all women, until the day comes when I find THE woman to whom I may devote myself. —
我已经揣摩到了无尽的激情宝藏,像切鲁比诺一样,我是所有女人的情人,直到有一天我找到那个可以全心奉献的女人为止。 —

As soon as I saw you, as soon as I came into the theatre this evening, I felt myself borne towards you as if by the current of a stream. —
我一看到你,一看到今晚进入剧院,就感觉自己像被激流冲向你一样。 —

I had so often thought of you already, but I had never dreamed that you would be so beautiful! —
我已经如此经常地想起你了,但我从未梦到过你会如此美丽! —

Mme. de Beauseant told me that I must not look so much at you. —
博艾桑夫人告诉我不能盯着你看太多。 —

She does not know the charm of your red lips, your fair face, nor see how soft your eyes are. —
她不知道你红唇的魅力,你白皙的脸庞,也没有看到你眼睛多么温柔。 —

… I also am beginning to talk nonsense; but let me talk.”

Nothing pleases a woman better than to listen to such whispered words as these; —
对于女人来说,没有什么比听到这样的私语更讨人喜欢; —

the most puritanical among them listens even when she ought not to reply to them; —
尽管有些女人虽不应该回复,但她们中最虔诚的人也会倾听; —

and Rastignac, having once begun, continued to pour out his story, dropping his voice, that she might lean and listen; —
拉斯坦尼亚克一旦开始,就继续倾诉他的故事,压低声音,以便她能倾听; —

and Mme. de Nucingen, smiling, glanced from time to time at de Marsay, who still sat in the Princesse Galathionne’s box.

Rastignac did not leave Mme. de Nucingen till her husband came to take her home.

“Madame,” Eugene said, “I shall have the pleasure of calling upon you before the Duchesse de Carigliano’s ball.”

“If Matame infites you to come,” said the Baron, a thickset Alsatian, with indications of a sinister cunning in his full-moon countenance, “you are quide sure of being well receifed.”

“My affairs seem to be in a promising way,” said Eugene to himself.–” ‘Can you love me?’ —
“我的事情看起来进展顺利,”尤金心想。–“你能爱我吗?” —

I asked her, and she did not resent it. The bit is in the horse’s mouth, and I have only to mount and ride;” —
我问了她,她并没有生气。勒在马嘴上,我只需上马骑行; —

and with that he went to pay his respects to Mme. de Beauseant, who was leaving the theatre on d’Ajuda’s arm.

The student did not know that the Baroness’ thoughts had been wandering; —
那位学生不知道男爵夫人的心已飘向别处; —

that she was even then expecting a letter from de Marsay, one of those letters that bring about a rupture that rends the soul; —
她正期待得到德马赛的信件,那种能导致心灵撕裂、感情破裂的信件; —

so, happy in his delusion, Eugene went with the Vicomtesse to the peristyle, where people were waiting till their carriages were announced.

“That cousin of yours is hardly recognizable for the same man,” said the Portuguese laughingly to the Vicomtesse, when Eugene had taken leave of them. —
“你表弟简直认不出是同一个人了,”葡萄牙人笑着对子爵夫人说,尤金刚刚向他们告别。 —

“He will break the bank. He is as supple as an eel; he will go a long way, of that I am sure. —
“他会打破赌场的。他像鳗鱼一样灵活;他会走得很远,我敢肯定。” —

Who else could have picked out a woman for him, as you did, just when she needed consolation?”

“But it is not certain that she does not still love the faithless lover,” said Mme. de Beauseant.