Jo’s face was a study next day, for the secret rather weighed upon her, and she found it hard not to look mysterious and important. —
乔的脸在第二天变得很有深意,因为这个秘密使她感到沉重,她很难不显得神秘和重要。 —

Meg observed it, but did not trouble herself to make inquiries, for she had learned that the best way to manage Jo was by the law of contraries, so she felt sure of being told everything if she did not ask. —
梅格注意到了这一点,但她并不烦心地去打听,因为她已经知道管理乔的最好方法就是采取相反的方式,所以她相信如果她不问,乔就会告诉她一切。 —

She was rather surprised, therefore, when the silence remained unbroken, and Jo assumed a patronizing air, which decidedly aggravated Meg, who in her turn assumed an air of dignified reserve, and devoted herself to her mother. —
所以当乔始终保持沉默,而且还带着一种傲慢的态度时,梅格感到有些惊讶,这种态度明显激怒了梅格,于是她也装出一副尊严的保留态度,专心照顾母亲。 —

This left Jo to her own devices; —
这样一来,乔就只能自己解决问题了; —

for Mrs. March had taken her place as nurse, and bade her rest, exercise, and amuse herself after her long confinement. —
因为玛奇夫人已经代替她做了护士的工作,并叫她休息、锻炼和自娱自乐,好好享受长时间的休养。 —

Amy being gone, Laurie was her only refuge; and, much as she enjoyed his society, she rather dreaded him just then, for he was an incorrigible tease, and she feared he would coax her secret from her.

She was quite right; for the mischief-loving lad no sooner suspected a mystery than he set himself to find it out, and led Jo a trying life of it. —
她说得很对;因为这个好爱搞恶作剧的男孩一旦察觉到有什么秘密,就会努力去找出来,给乔带来一番煎熬。 —

He wheedled, bribed, ridiculed, threatened, and scolded; —
他哄骗、贿赂、嘲笑、威胁和责骂; —

affected indifference, that he might surprise the truth from her; —
装作漠不关心,以便从她那里突破真相; —

declared he knew, then that he didn’t care; and, at last, by dint of perseverance, he satisfied himself that it concerned Meg and Mr. Brooke. —
他宣称自己知道,然后又说他不在乎;最后,凭借坚持不懈,他满足自己的好奇,知道了那件事涉及到梅格和布鲁克先生。 —

Feeling indignant that he was not taken into his tutor’s confidence, he set his wits to work to devise some proper relation for the slight.

Meg meanwhile had apparently forgotten the matter, and was absorbed in preparations for her father’s return; —
与此同时,梅格似乎忘记了这件事,全神贯注于为父亲的回归做准备; —

but all of a sudden a change seemed to come over her, and, for a day or two, she was quite unlike herself. —
但突然间,她的心情似乎发生了变化,有一两天的时间,她完全不像平常的自己。 —

She started when spoken to, blushed when looked at, was very quiet, and sat over her sewing, with a timid, troubled look on her face. —
当被人叫到时她会惊起,被人盯着看时她会脸红,她很安静,坐在针线上,脸上带着一种胆怯和烦恼的表情。 —

To her mother’s inquiries she answered that she was quite well, and Jo’s she silenced by begging to be let alone.

She feels it in the air - love, I mean - and she’s going very fast. —
她感受到了爱情的氛围,我是指她的感觉,而且她的速度飞快。 —

She’s got most of the symptoms - is twittery and cross, doesn’t eat, lies awake, and mopes in corners. —
她出现了大部分症状——焦躁和暴躁,食欲不振,夜里睡不着,在角落里闷闷不乐。 —

I caught her singing that song he gave her, and once she said “John”, as you do, and then turned as red as a poppy. —
我听到她唱起了他给她的那首歌,有一次她说了一声”约翰”,就像你一样,然后脸红得像一朵罂粟。 —

Whatever shall we do?’ said Jo, looking ready for any measures, however violent.

Nothing but wait. Let her alone, be kind and patient, and Father’s coming will settle everything,’ replied her mother.
除了等待,不要打扰她,要善良和耐心,爸爸的到来会解决一切的,’ 她母亲回答道。

Here’s a note to you, Meg, all sealed up! How odd! —
‘这是给你的一封信,梅格,密封好了! —

Teddy never seals mine,’ said Jo, next day, as she distributed the contents of the little post-office.
好奇怪!特迪从来不给我的信密封。’ 第二天,乔说着,把小邮局的内容分发出去。

Mrs. March and Jo were deep in their own affairs, when a sound from Meg made them look up to see her staring at her note with a frightened face.

My child, what is it?’ cried her mother, running to her, while Jo tried to take the paper which had done the mischief.

It’s all a mistake - he didn’t send it. Oh, Jo, how could you do it?’ and Meg hid her face in her hands, crying as if her heart was quite broken.

Me! I’ve done nothing! What’s she talking about?’ cried Jo, bewildered.

Meg’s mild eyes kindled with anger as she pulled a crumpled note from her pocket, and threw it at Jo, saying reproachfully: —
梅格气得眼睛发亮,从口袋里掏出一张破烂的纸条,朝乔扔过去,责备地说道: —

‘You wrote it, and that bad boy helped you. —
你写的,还有那个坏孩子帮你。 —

How could you be so rude, so mean, and cruel to us both?’ Jo hardly heard her, for she and her mother were reading the note, which was written in a peculiar hand.

My Dearest Margaret - I Can no longer restrain my passion and must know my fate before I return. —
我最亲爱的玛格丽特——我再也无法控制我的激情,必须在我回来之前知道我的命运。 —

I dare not tell your parents yet, but I think they would consent if they knew that we adore one another. —
我不敢告诉你的父母,但如果他们知道我们彼此喜欢,我想他们会同意的。 —

Mr. Laurence will help me to some good place, and then, my sweet girl, you will make me happy. —
劳伦斯先生会帮我找到一个好的地方,然后,亲爱的女孩,你会让我幸福的。 —

I implore you to say nothing to your family yet, but to send one word of hope through Laurie to

Your devoted John.

Oh, the little villain! that’s the way he meant to pay me for keeping my word to Mother. —
哦,这个小恶棍!他这样来还我对母亲的承诺。 —

I’ll give him a hearty scolding, and bring him over to beg pardon,’ cried Jo, burning to execute immediate justice. —
我要狠狠训斥他,并让他过来道歉!’乔火烧眉毛地说道,急于执行即时的正义。 —

But her mother held her back, saying, with a look she seldom wore: ‘Stop, Jo, you must clear yourself first. —
但她的母亲拉住了她,说着她很少穿的表情:“站住,乔,你必须先证明自己清白。 —

You have played so many pranks, that I am afraid you have had a hand in this.’

On my word, Mother, I haven’t! I never saw that note before, and I don’t know anything about it, as true as I live!’ said Jo, so earnestly that they believed her. —
我保证,妈妈,我没有!我从来没有见过那张纸条,我对此一无所知,说真的!’乔如此真诚地说道,他们相信了她。’如果我参与其中, —

‘If I had taken a part in it I’d have done it better than this, and have written a sensible note. —
我会做得比这更好,并且写一封明智的信件。” —

I should think you’d have known Mr. Brooke wouldn’t write such stuff as that,’ she added, scornfully tossing down the paper.
我还以为你会知道布鲁克先生不会写那种东西,’ 她鄙视地扔下报纸说道。

It’s like his writing,’ faltered Meg, comparing it with the note in her hand.

Oh, Meg, you didn’t answer it?’ cried Mrs. March, quickly.

Yes, I did!’ and Meg hid her face again, overcome with shame.

Here’s a scrape! Do let me bring that wicked boy over to explain, and be lectured. —
这可糟了!让我把那个顽皮的男孩带过来解释一下,听取训斥。 —

I can’t rest till I get hold of him’; —
我一定要找到他才行!’ —

and Jo made for the door again.

Hush! let me manage this, for it is worse than I thought. —
嘘!让我来处理这个,情况比我想象的要糟糕。 —

Margaret, tell me the whole story,’ commanded Mrs. March, sitting down by Meg, yet keeping hold of Jo, lest she should fly off.

I received the first letter from Laurie, who didn’t look as if he knew anything about it,’ began Meg, without looking up. —
我收到了劳里的第一封信,他看起来好像什么都不知道,’梅格开始说,没有抬起头。 —

‘I was worried at first, and meant to tell you; —
‘起初我很担心,打算告诉你; —

then I remembered how you liked Mr. Brooke, so I thought you wouldn’t mind if I kept my little secret for a few days. —
后来我想起你喜欢布鲁克先生,所以我想你也不会介意我保守我的小秘密几天。 —

I’m so silly that I liked to think no one knew; and, while I was deciding what to say I felt like the girls in books, who have such things to do.

Forgive me, Mother, I’m paid for my silliness now; —
原谅我,妈妈,现在我为我的愚蠢付出了代价; —

I never can look him in the face again.’

What did you say to him?’ asked Mrs. March.

I only said I was too young to do anything about it yet; —
我只是说我还太年轻,暂时不能做任何事情; —

that I didn’t wish to have secrets from you, and he must speak to Father. —
我不希望对你隐瞒什么,他必须跟爸爸说。 —

I was very grateful for his kindness, and would be his friend, but nothing more, for a long while.’

Mrs. March smiled, as if pleased, and Jo clapped her hands, exclaiming, with a laugh:

You are almost equal to Caroline Percy, who was a pattern of prudence! Tell on, Meg. What did he say to that?’

He writes in a different way entirely, telling me that he never sent any love letter at all, and is very sorry that my roguish sister, Jo, should take such liberties with our names. —
他用一种完全不同的方式写信给我,告诉我根本没有发过任何情书,还为我调皮的妹妹乔以我们的名字来开玩笑感到非常抱歉。 —

It’s very kind and respectful, but think how dreadful for me!’

Meg leaned against her mother, looking the image of despair, and Jo tramped about the room, calling Laurie names. —
梅格无助地靠着母亲,神情痛苦不堪,乔在房间里来回踱步,咒骂劳里。 —

All of a sudden, she stopped, caught up the two notes, and, after looking at them closely, said decidedly, ‘I don’t believe Brooke ever saw either of these letters. —
突然,她停下来,拿起那两张纸条,仔细看了看,然后断定地说:“我不相信布鲁克看见过这两封信。 —

Teddy wrote both, and keeps yours to crow over me with, because I wouldn’t tell him my secret.’

Don’t have any secrets Jo; tell it to Mother, and keep out of trouble, as I should have done,’ said Meg, warningly.

Bless you, child! Mother told me.’

That will do, I’ll comfort Meg while you go and get Laurie. —
“这样行了,我来安慰梅格,你去找劳里吧。 —

I shall sift the matter to the bottom, and put a stop to such pranks at once.’

Away ran Jo, and Mrs. March gently told Meg Mr. Brooke’s real feelings. —
乔跑了出去,玛奇夫人温柔地告诉梅格布鲁克先生的真实感受。 —

‘Now, dear, what are your own? —
“亲爱的,你的感觉如何? —

Do you love him enough to wait till lie can make a home for you, or will you keep yourself quite free for the present?’

I’ve been so scared and worried, I don’t want to have anything to do with lovers for a long while - perhaps never,’ answered Meg, petulantly. —
“我一直都害怕和担心,我想很久都不想和情人打交道了 - 或许从此以后就永远不想了,”梅格生气地回答道。 —

‘If John doesn’t know anything about this nonsense, don’t tell him, and make Jo and Laurie hold their tongues. —
“如果约翰对这些胡闹一无所知,就不要告诉他,让乔和劳瑞保持沉默。” —

I won’t be deceived and plagued and made a fool of - it’s a shame!’
“我不想被欺骗、纠缠和愚弄 - 太丢人了!”

Seeing that Meg’s usually gentle temper was roused, and her pride hurt by this mischievous joke, Mrs. March soothed her by promises of entire silence, and great discretion for the future.

The instant Laurie’s step was heard in the hall, Meg fled into the study, and Mrs. March received the culprit alone. —
劳瑞的脚步声刚一在走廊里响起,梅格就逃进了书房,马奇太太独自接待了罪犯。 —

Jo had not told him why he was wanted, fearing he wouldn’t come; —
乔没有告诉他为什么需要他,因为害怕他不会来; —

but he knew the minute he saw Mrs. March’s face, and stood twirling his hat, with a guilty air which convicted him at once. —
但是他一看到马奇太太的脸,站着纠结着帽子,带着内疚的神情,立刻被证明有罪。 —

Jo was dismissed, but chose to march up and down the hall like a sentinel, having some fear that the prisoner might bolt. —
乔被解雇了,但是选择在走廊上来回巡逻,害怕囚犯会逃跑。 —

The sound of voices in the parlour rose and fell for half an hour; —
历时半个小时的客厅中的人声起伏不定; —

but what happened during that interview the girls never knew.

When they were called in, Laurie was standing by their mother, with such a penitent face that Jo forgave him on the spot, but did not think it wise to betray the fact. —
当她们被叫进去时,劳里站在她们母亲旁边,一脸懊悔,乔立刻原谅了他,但她认为背叛此事并不明智。 —

Meg received his humble apology, and was much comforted by the assurance that Brooke knew nothing of the joke.

I’ll never tell him to my dying day - wild horses shan’t drag it out of me; —
我宁愿去死也不会告诉他——就算用野马也拉不出来。 —

so you’ll forgive me, Meg, and I’ll do anything to show how out-and-out sorry I am,’ he added, looking very much ashamed of himself.

I’ll try; but it was a very ungentlemanly thing to do. —
我会努力的,但这是非常不绅士的事情。 —

I didn’t think you could be so sly and malicious, Laurie, replied Meg, trying to hide her maidenly confusion under a gravely reproachful air.

It was altogether abominable, and I don’t deserve to be spoken to for a month; —
这完全是可憎之事,我一个月都不配被与你说话;不过, —

but you will, though, won’t you?’ and Laurie folded his hands together with such an imploring gesture, as he spoke in his irresistibly persuasive tone, that it was impossible to frown upon him, in spite of his scandalous behaviour. —
你愿意,对吧?劳瑞把双手合在一起,做出一种恳求的姿态,他以无法抗拒的劝说口吻说话,即使他的丑闻行为,也无法对他生气。 —

Meg pardoned him, and Mrs. March’s grave face relaxed, in spite of her efforts to keep sober, when she heard him declare that he would atone for his sins by all sorts of penances and abase himself like a worm before the injured damsel. —
梅格原谅了他,而玛奇夫人的严肃表情也因听到他声明要通过各种惩罚来赎罪,并像一只蠕虫一样谦卑地面对受伤的少女而放松下来,尽管她努力保持严肃的态度。 —

Jo stood aloof, meanwhile, trying to harden her heart against him, and succeeding only in primming up her face into an expression of entire disapprobation. —
乔与此同时站在一旁,试图冷漠地对待他,只是她的脸上表情完全是不赞成的样子。 —

Laurie looked at her once or twice, but, as she showed no sign of relenting, he felt injured, and turned his back on her till the others were done with him, when he made her a low bow, and walked off without a word.

As soon as he had gone, she wished she had been more forgiving; —
他一走,她就后悔自己没有更加宽容一些。 —

and when Meg and her mother went upstairs she felt lonely and longed for Teddy. After resisting for some time, she yielded to the impulse and, armed with a book to return, went over to the big house.

Is Mr. Laurence in?’ asked Jo, of a housemaid, who was coming downstairs.

Yes, miss; but I don’t believe he’s seeable just yet.’

Why not? is he ill?’

La, no, miss, but he’s had a scene with Mr. Laurie, who is in one of his tantrums about something, which vexes the old gentleman, so I dursn’t go nigh him.’

Where is Laurie?’

Shut up in his room, and he won’t answer, though I’ve been a-tapping. —
关在他的房间里,他不回答,尽管我一直在敲门。” —

I don’t know what’s to become of the dinner, for it’s ready, and there’s no one to eat it.’

I’ll go and see what the matter is. —
我去看看情况怎么样。 —

I’m not afraid of either of them.’

Up went Jo, and knocked smartly at the door of Laurie’s little study.

Stop that, or I’ll open the door and make you!’ called out the young gentleman, in a threatening tone.
停下,否则我就打开门让你进来!’ 年轻绅士威胁地喊道。

Jo immediately knocked again; the door flew open, and in she bounced, before Laurie could recover from his surprise. —
乔立刻又敲了一下;门飞快地打开了,乔一下子跳了进去,劳瑞还来不及从惊讶中恢复过来。 —

Seeing that he really was out of temper, Jo, who knew how to manage him, assumed a contrite expression, and going artistically down upon her knees, said meekly, ‘Please forgive me for being so cross. —
看到他真的有点发脾气, 乔, 知道如何对付他, 假装一脸懊悔的表情, 优美地跪下来, 温顺地说: “请原谅我刚才如此任性。 —

I came to make it up, and can’t go away till I have.’

It’s all right. Get up, and don’t be a goose, Jo,’ was the cavalier reply to her petition.
没事的,起来, 别傻了, 乔, “对她的请求骑士般地回应道。

Thank you; I will. Could I ask what’s the matter? —
谢谢,我会的, 可以问问发生了什么吗? —

You don’t look exactly easy in your mind.’

I’ve been shaken, and I won’t bear it!’ growled Laurie, indignantly.
我被摇了一摇,我不能忍受!” 劳瑞愤怒地咆哮道。

Who did it?’ demanded Jo.

Grandfather; if it had been anyone else I’d have–’ And the injured youth finished his sentence by an energetic gesture of the right arm.
祖父;如果是其他人我会……” 受伤的少年用右臂做了个有力的手势来结束他的话。

That’s nothing; I often shake you, and you don’t mind,’ said Jo, soothingly.
那没什么;我经常摇你,你又不介意,” 乔安抚地说。

Pooh! you’re a girl, and it’s fun; —
哼!你是个女孩,这很有趣; —

but I’ll allow no man to shake me.’

I don’t think anyone would care to try it, if you looked as much like a thundercloud as you do now. —
我觉得如果你现在看起来像一个雷云般的样子,没有人会在意去尝试它。 —

Why were you treated so?’

Just because I wouldn’t say what your mother wanted me for. —
只是因为我不愿意说出你妈妈想要我做什么。 —

I’d promised not to tell, and of course I wasn’t going to break my word.’

Couldn’t you satisfy your grandpa in any other way?’

No; he would have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. —
不行;他要的是真相,全部的真相,不加掩饰。 —

I’d have told my part of the scrape, if I could without bringing Meg in. —
如果不牵连到梅格的话,我本来会说出我的那一部分。 —

As I couldn’t, I held my tongue, and bore the scolding till the old gentleman collared me. —
既然不能说,我就保持沉默,忍受着责骂,直到这位老绅士找上我。 —

Then I got angry, and bolted, for fear I should forget myself.’

It wasn’t nice, but he’s sorry, I know; —
这不好,但他后悔了,我知道; —

so go down and make up. I’ll help you.’

Hanged if I do! I’m not going to be lectured and pummelled by everyone, just for a bit of a frolic. —
别想了!我不会为了一点玩乐而接受每个人的训斥和打击。 —

I was sorry about Meg, and begged pardon like a man; —
对于梅格的事我很抱歉,像个男人一样道歉了; —

but I won’t do it again, when I wasn’t in the wrong.’

He didn’t know that.’

He ought to trust me, and not act as if I was a baby. —
他应该信任我,不要表现得我像个婴儿, —

It’s no use, Jo; —
这样没用,乔; —

he’s got to learn that I’m able to take care of myself, and don’t need anyone’s apron strings to hold on by.’

What pepper-pots you are!’ sighed Jo. ‘How do you mean to settle this affair?’

Well, he ought to beg pardon, and believe me when I say I can’t tell him what the fuss is about.’

Bless you! he won’t do that.’

I won’t go down till he does.’

Now, Teddy, be sensible; let it pass, and I’ll explain what I can. You can’t stay here, so what’s the use of being melodramatic?’

I don’t intend to stay here long, anyway. —
反正我也不打算在这里待太久。 —

I’ll slip off and take a journey somewhere, and when grandpa misses me he’ll come round fast enough.’

I dare say; but you ought not to go and worry him.’

Don’t preach. I’ll go to Washington and see Brooke; —
不要讲道理了。我要去华盛顿见布鲁克; —

it’s gay there, and I’ll enjoy myself after the troubles.’

What fun you’d have! I wish I could run off too,’ said Jo, forgetting her part of Mentor in lively visions of material life at the capital.

Come on, then! Why not? You go and surprise your father, and I’ll stir up old Brooke.’

It would be a glorious joke; let’s do it, Jo. We’ll leave a letter saying we are all right, and trot off at once. —
这将是个绝妙的笑话;让我们这么做吧,乔。我们将留下一封信说明我们没事,并马上出发。 —

I’ve got money enough; it will do you good, and be no harm, as you go to your father.’

For a moment Jo looked as if she would agree; for, wild as the plan was, it just suited her. —
乔的脸上出现了一瞬间的同意;虽然这个计划疯狂,但正适合她。 —

She was tired of care and confinement, longed for change, and thoughts of her father blended temptingly with the novel charms of camps and hospitals, liberty and fun. —
她厌倦了照顾和束缚,渴望改变,她对父亲的思念与野营和医院的新奇魅力混合在一起,诱人地吸引着她。 —

Her eyes kindled as they turned wistfully toward the window, but they fell on the old house opposite. —
她的眼睛饱含了期待地朝窗户看去,但落在了对面的那座旧房子上。 —

And she shook her head with sorrowful decision.

If I was a boy, we’d run away together, and have a capital time; —
如果我是个男孩,我们会一起逃走,度过一段美好时光; —

but as I’m a miserable girl, I must be proper, and stop at home. —
但因为我是个可怜的女孩,我必须表现得体,待在家里。 —

Don’t tempt me, Teddy, it’s a crazy plan.’

That’s the fun of it,’ began Laurie, who had got a wilful fit on him, and was possessed to break out of bounds in some way.

Hold your tongue!’ cried Jo, covering her ears. —
“你闭嘴!”乔大喊着,捂住了耳朵。 —

’ “Prunes and prisms” are my doom, and I may as well make up my mind to it. —
“这样的事情是我注定的,我可能已经下定决心了。 —

I came here to moralise, not to hear about things that make me skip to think of.’

I know Meg would wet-blanket such a proposal, but I thought you had more spirit,’ began Laurie, insinuatingly.

Bad boy, be quiet! Sit down and think of your own sins, don’t go making me add to mine. —
“坏孩子,安静点!坐下来想想你自己的罪过,别让我增加我的罪孽。” —

If I get grandpa to apologize for the shaking, will you give up running away?’ asked Jo, seriously.

Yes, but you won’t do it,’ answered Laurie, who wished to ‘make up’, but felt that his outraged dignity must be appeased first.

If I can manage the young one I can the old one,’ muttered Jo, as she walked away, leaving Laurie bent over a railroad map, with his head propped up on both hands.

Come in!’ and Mr. Laurence’s gruff voice sounded gruffer than ever, as Jo tapped at his door.

It’s only me, sir, come to return a book,’ she said, blandly, as she entered.

Want any more?’ asked the old gentleman, looking grim and vexed, but trying not to show it.

Yes, please. I like old Sam so well, I think I’ll try the second volume,’ returned Jo, hoping to propitiate him by accepting a second dose of Boswell’s Johnson as he had recommended that lively work.

The shaggy eyebrows unbent a little, as he rolled the steps towards the shelf where the Johnsonian literature was placed. —
粗犷的眉毛稍微舒展开来,他将把阶梯推向放着约翰逊文学作品的书架。 —

Jo skipped up, and sitting on the top step, affected to be searching for her book, but was really wondering how best to introduce the dangerous object of her visit. —
乔跳上去,坐在最高的一阶上,假装在找书,但实际上在考虑如何最好地引入她这次危险的访问目的。 —

Mr. Laurence seemed to suspect that something was brewing in her mind; —
劳伦斯先生似乎怀疑她的脑海中有什么阴谋。 —

for, after taking several brisk turns about the room, he faced round on her, speaking so abruptly that Rasselas tumbled face downward on the floor.

What has that boy been about? Don’t try to shield him. —
那个男孩到底在搞什么鬼?别想保护他, —

I know he has been in mischief by the way he acted when he came home. —
我知道他回家时的表现,他肯定搞了什么坏事。 —

I can’t get a word from him; —
我跟他根本说不上话, —

and when I threatened to shake the truth out of him he bolted upstairs, and locked himself into his room.’

He did do wrong, but we forgave him, and all promised not to say a word to anyone,’ began Jo, reluctantly.
他确实做错了事,但我们都已经原谅他了,而且发誓不会对任何人透露。’ 乔犹豫地说道。

That won’t do; he shall not shelter himself behind a promise from you softhearted girls. —
那样行不通,他不会因为你们这些心软的女孩保护他而逃过责罚。 —

If he’s done anything amiss, he shall confess, beg pardon, and be punished. —
如果他真的做错了什么,他应该招供、道歉并且受到惩罚。 —

Out with it, Jo! I won’t be kept in the dark.’

Mr. Laurence looked so alarming, and spoke so sharply, that Jo would gladly have run away, if she could, but she was perched aloft on the steps, and he stood at the foot, a lion in the path, so she had to stay and brave it out.

Indeed, sir, I cannot tell; Mother forbade it. —
实话说,先生,我不能说。妈妈不允许。 —

Laurie has confessed, asked pardon, and been punished quite enough. —
劳瑞已经招供了,道过歉,并且已经被惩罚得够多了。 —

We don’t keep silence to shield him, but someone else, and it will make more trouble if you interfere. —
我们保持沉默并不是为了保护他,而是为了保护其他人,如果你干涉会引来更多麻烦。 —

Please don’t; —
请不要干涉; —

it was partly my fault, but it’s all right now; —
部分责任是我的,但现在一切都好了; —

so let’s forget it, and talk about the Rambler, or something pleasant.’

Hang the Rambler! come down and give me your word that this harum-scarum boy of mine hasn’t done anything ungrateful or impertinent. —
去他的兰布勒!下来,给我你的承诺,说说我的这个活泼儿子没有做过什么忘恩负义或者轻率的事情。 —

If he has, after all your kindness to him, I’ll thrash him with my own hands.’

The threat sounded awful, but did not alarm Jo, for she knew the irascible old gentleman would never lift a finger against his grandson, whatever he might say to the contrary. —
威胁听上去可怕,但对于乔来说并不担心,因为她知道这个易怒的老绅士不会对他的孙子动手,无论他说了什么。 —

She obediently descended, and made as light of the prank as she could without betraying Meg or forgetting the truth.

Hum - ha - well, if the boy held his tongue because he promised, and not from obstinacy, I’ll forgive him. —
嗯——好吧——如果这个孩子保持沉默是因为承诺,而不是固执,我会原谅他。 —

He’s a stubborn fellow, and hard to manage, said Mr. Laurence, rubbing up his hair till it looked as if he had been out in a gale, and smoothing the frown from his brow with an air of relief.

So am I; but a kind word will govern me when all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t,’ said Jo, trying to say a kind word for her friend, who seemed to get out of one scrape only to fall into another.

You think I’m not kind to him, hey?’ was the sharp answer.

Oh, dear, no, sir; you are rather too kind sometimes, and then just a trifle hasty when he tries your patience. —
“哦,亲爱的,不,先生;你有时候太好了,但是一旦他考验到你的耐心,你又有点急躁。 —

Don’t you think you are?’

Jo was determined to have it out now, and tried to look quite placid, though she quaked a little after her bold speech. —
乔决定现在要把话说清楚,她试图看起来很平静,尽管在说出大胆的话之后有点害怕。 —

To her great relief and surprise, the old gentleman only threw his spectacles on to the table, with a rattle, and exclaimed frankly: —
令她感到非常宽慰和惊讶的是,老先生只是把眼镜扔到桌子上,发出一声响声,坦率地叫道: —

‘You’re right, girl, I am! I love the boy, but he tries my patience past bearing, and I don’t know how it will end, if we go on so.’

I’ll tell you, he’ll run away.’ Jo was sorry for that speech the minute it was made; —
我告诉你,他会逃跑的。乔一说完这个话就后悔了; —

she meant to warn him that Laurie would not bear much restraint, and hoped he would be more forbearing with the lad.

Mr. Laurence’s ruddy face changed suddenly, and he sat down, with a troubled glance at the picture of a handsome man, which hung over his table. —
劳伦斯先生红润的脸突然变了,他坐下来,一眼不安地看着挂在桌子上的一张帅气男子的照片。 —

It was Laurie’s father, who had run away in his youth, and married against the imperious old man’s will. —
那是劳里的父亲,年轻时逃离了,违背了霸道老人的意愿结婚。 —

Jo fancied he remembered and regretted the past, and she wished she had held her tongue.

He won’t do it unless he is very much worried, and only threatens it sometimes, when he gets tired of studying. —
他只有在非常烦恼的时候才会那样做,只是有时候说说而已,当他厌倦了学习的时候。 —

I often think I should like to, especially since my hair was cut; —
我经常想这么做,尤其是自从我剪了头发之后; —

so, if you ever miss us, you may advertise for two boys, and look among the ships bound for India.’

She laughed as she spoke, and Mr. Laurence looked relieved, evidently taking the whole thing as a joke.

You hussy, how dare you talk in that way? —
你这个轻佻的女人,竟敢那样说话? —

Where’s your respect for me, and your proper bringing up? —
你对我没一点儿尊重,也没教养! —

Bless the boys and girls! —
为男孩女孩们祈福吧! —

What torments they are; —
他们真是令人折磨不已; —

yet we can’t do without them,’ he said, pinching her cheeks good-humouredly. —
‘然而我们离不开他们,’他说着,友好地捏了捏她的脸颊。 —

‘Go and bring that boy down to his dinner, tell him it’s all right, and advise him not to put on tragedy airs with his grandfather. —
‘去把那个男孩叫下来吃饭,告诉他没问题了,劝他不要对他的祖父摆出悲剧样子。 —

I won’t bear it.’

He won’t come, sir; he feels badly because you didn’t believe him when he said he couldn’t tell. —
‘他不会过来,先生;因为您不相信他说不能说,所以他感到很难过。 —

I think the shaking hurt his feelings very much.’

Jo tried to look pathetic, but must have failed, for Mr. Laurence began to laugh, and she knew the day was won. —
乔试图装出可怜的样子,但显然失败了,因为劳伦斯先生开始笑了,她知道自己赢了。 —

‘I’m sorry for that, and ought to thank him for not shaking me, I suppose. —
‘我为此感到抱歉,我应该要感谢他没有摇晃我,我猜。 —

What the dickens does the fellow expect?’ and the old gentleman looked a trifle ashamed of his own testiness.
那家伙究竟希望发生什么?’ 老绅士看起来有点为自己的急躁感到羞愧。

If I were you, I’d write him an apology, sir. —
如果我是您,我会给他写一封道歉信, —

He says he won’t come down till he has one, and talks about Washington, and goes on in an absurd way. —
先生。他说如果没有一封道歉信他就不会下来,并且说起华盛顿,表现得很荒谬。 —

A formal apology will make him see how foolish he is, and bring him down quite amiable. —
一个正式的道歉将使他明白自己是多么愚蠢,并且会让他感到友善。试试看吧; —

Try it; —

he likes fun, and this way is better than talking. —
他喜欢好玩,这种方式比说话更好。 —

I’ll carry it up, and teach him his duty.’

Mr. Laurence gave her a sharp look, and put on his spectacles, saying slowly, ‘You’re a sly puss, but I don’t mind being managed by you and Beth. Here, give me a bit of paper, and let us have done with this nonsense.’

The note was written in the terms which one gentleman would use to another after offering some deep insult. —
这张便条以一个绅士向另一个绅士道歉后,对所犯的重大侮辱所使用的措辞来写。 —

Jo dropped a kiss on the top of Mr. Laurence’s bald head, and ran up to slip the apology under Laurie’s door, advising him, through the keyhole, to be submissive, decorous, and a few other agreeable impossibilities. —
乔亲了一下劳伦斯先生光头的顶部,跑上楼去把道歉信塞进劳里的门缝里,并通过门缝告诫他要顺从、端庄,和其他一些不可能做到的事情。 —

Finding the door locked again, she left the note to do its work, aid was going quietly away, when the young gentleman slid down the banisters, and waited for her at the bottom, saying, with his most virtuous expression of countenance, ‘What a good fellow you are, Jo! —
发现门再次被锁上,她把便条留在那里让它发挥作用,就静静地离开了,当这位年轻绅士沿着扶手滑下来,在底下等着她时,他带着最正经的表情说:“乔,你真是个好家伙!” —

Did you get blown up?’ he added, laughing.

No; he was pretty mild, on the whole.’

Ah! I got it all round; even you cast me off over there, and I felt just ready to go to the deuce,’ he began, apologetically.

Don’t talk in that way; turn over a new leaf and begin again, Teddy, my son.’

I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copy-books; —
“我总是换新宏图,结果搞砸它们,就像以前搞砸我的学习笔记一样。” —

and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end,’ he said, dolefully.

Go and eat your dinner; you’ll feel better after it. —
“去吃晚饭吧,吃饱了就会好受些。 —

Men always croak when they are hungry,’ and Jo whisked out at the front door after that.

That’s a “label” on my “sect”‘, answered Laurie, quoting Amy, as he went to partake of humble-pie dutifully with his grandfather, who was quite saintly in temper, and overwhelmingly respectful in manner, all the rest of the day.

Everyone thought the matter ended and the little cloud blown over; —
其他人都以为事情已经结束,小云已经消散, —

but the mischief was done, for, though others forgot it, Meg remembered. —
但却造成了一些麻烦,尽管其他人都忘记了,梅格却记得。 —

She never alluded to a certain person, but she thought of him a good deal, dreamed dreams more than ever; —
她从不提起那个特定的人,但她经常想着他,做更多的梦; —

and once Jo, rummaging her sister’s desk for stamps, found a bit of paper scribbled over with the words, “Mrs. John Brooke”; —
有一次,乔为了找邮票翻找她姐姐的写字台,发现了一张纸上面写着“约翰·布鲁克夫人”。 —

whereat she groaned tragically, and cast it into the fire, feeling that Laurie’s prank had hastened the evil day for her.