FYODOR LUKITCH SYSOEV, the master of the factory school maintained at the expense of the firm of Kulikin, was getting ready for the annual dinner. —-
费奥多尔·卢基奇·西索耶夫,库利金公司负责的工厂学校的负责人,正在为年度晚宴做准备。 —-

Every year after the school examination the board of managers gave a dinner at which the inspector of elementary schools, all who had conducted the examinations, and all the managers and foremen of the factory were present. —-
每年在学校考试之后,董事会都会举办一场晚宴,邀请小学校长、所有进行考试的人、以及工厂的所有经理和领班。 —-

In spite of their official character, these dinners were always good and lively, and the guests sat a long time over them; —-
尽管这些晚宴具有官方性质,但总是美味而热闹,客人们长时间地坐在那里; —-

forgetting distinctions of rank and recalling only their meritorious labours, they ate till they were full, drank amicably, chattered till they were all hoarse and parted late in the evening, deafening the whole factory settlement with their singing and the sound of their kisses. —-
他们忘记了等级的区别,只记得他们辛勤的工作,他们吃得饱饱的,友好地喝着酒,聊得嘶哑,直到深夜才离开,他们的歌声和亲亲声震耳欲聋地回荡在整个工厂住区。 —-

Of such dinners Sysoev had taken part in thirteen, as he had been that number of years master of the factory school.

Now, getting ready for the fourteenth, he was trying to make himself look as festive and correct as possible. —-
现在,为了第十四次晚宴,他正在尽可能地使自己看起来喜庆和得体。 —-

He had spent a whole hour brushing his new black suit, and spent almost as long in front of a looking-glass while he put on a fashionable shirt; —-
他用了一个小时刷他的新黑西装,几乎花了同样长的时间在镜子前穿上时髦的衬衫; —-

the studs would not go into the button-holes, and this circumstance called forth a perfect storm of complaints, threats, and reproaches addressed to his wife.

His poor wife, bustling round him, wore herself out with her efforts. —-
他可怜的妻子忙碌在他周围,为了帮他而筋疲力尽。 —-

And indeed he, too, was exhausted in the end. —-
事实上,他自己也筋疲力尽了。 —-

When his polished boots were brought him from the kitchen he had not strength to pull them on. —-
当他的擦亮的靴子从厨房里取来时,他没有力气穿上。 —-

He had to lie down and have a drink of water.

“How weak you have grown!” sighed his wife. “You ought not to go to this dinner at all.”

“No advice, please!” the schoolmaster cut her short angrily.

He was in a very bad temper, for he had been much displeased with the recent examinations. —-
他心情很糟糕,因为他对最近的考试非常不满意。 —-

The examinations had gone off splendidly; —-
考试进行得很出色; —-

all the boys of the senior division had gained certificates and prizes; —-
高年级的所有男生都获得了证书和奖品; —-

both the managers of the factory and the government officials were pleased with the results; —-
工厂的经理和政府官员都对结果感到满意; —-

but that was not enough for the schoolmaster. —-
但对校长来说这还不够。 —-

He was vexed that Babkin, a boy who never made a mistake in writing, had made three mistakes in the dictation; —-
他很生气巴宾这个从不犯错误的孩子在听写中犯了三个错误; —-

Sergeyev, another boy, had been so excited that he could not remember seventeen times thirteen; —-
另一个叫谢尔盖耶夫的孩子太激动了以至于记不住十七乘以十三是多少; —-

the inspector, a young and inexperienced man, had chosen a difficult article for dictation, and Lyapunov, the master of a neighbouring school, whom the inspector had asked to dictate, had not behaved like “a good comrade”; —-
督学是一位年轻且经验不足的人,他选择了一个很难的文章作为听写; —-

but in dictating had, as it were, swallowed the words and had not pronounced them as written.

After pulling on his boots with the assistance of his wife, and looking at himself once more in the looking-glass, the schoolmaster took his gnarled stick and set off for the dinner. —-
他在听写时,似乎将字吞了下去,没有按照书面的样子朗读出来。 —-

Just before the factory manager’s house, where the festivity was to take place, he had a little mishap. —-
在他穿上靴子并在镜子里照了自己最后一眼之后,校长拿起他生满疙瘩的手杖走出了家门,前往宴会。 —-

He was taken with a violent fit of coughing . . . . —-
就在工厂经理的家门口,宴会要举行的地方,他碰上了一个小不幸。 —-

He was so shaken by it that the cap flew off his head and the stick dropped out of his hand; —-
他突然被一阵剧烈的咳嗽折磨住了…… —-

and when the school inspector and the teachers, hearing his cough, ran out of the house, he was sitting on the bottom step, bathed in perspiration.

“Fyodor Lukitch, is that you?” said the inspector, surprised. “You . . . have come?”

“Why not?”

“You ought to be at home, my dear fellow. You are not at all well to- day. . . .”

“I am just the same to-day as I was yesterday. —-
“我今天和昨天一样。” —-

And if my presence is not agreeable to you, I can go back.”

“Oh, Fyodor Lukitch, you must not talk like that! Please come in. —-
“哦,费奥多尔·卢基奇,你不要这样说!请进来。” —-

Why, the function is really in your honour, not ours. —-
“噢,这场宴会是为了你而准备的,不是为了我们。” —-

And we are delighted to see you. Of course we are! . . .”

Within, everything was ready for the banquet. —-
宴会厅里一切都准备就绪。 —-

In the big dining-room adorned with German oleographs and smelling of geraniums and varnish there were two tables, a larger one for the dinner and a smaller one for the hors-d’oeuvres. —-
大餐厅里挂满了德国油画,并且散发着天竺葵和清漆的味道。这里摆放着两张桌子,一张更大的用于正餐,一张较小的用于小菜。 —-

The hot light of midday faintly percolated through the lowered blinds. . . . —-
中午的强烈阳光透过降下的百叶窗微弱地透入室内… —-

The twilight of the room, the Swiss views on the blinds, the geraniums, the thin slices of sausage on the plates, all had a naïve, girlishly-sentimental air, and it was all in keeping with the master of the house, a good-natured little German with a round little stomach and affectionate, oily little eyes. —-
房间里的暮色,百叶窗上的瑞士风景图,天竺葵,盘子上的薄薄的香肠片,都散发着一种天真而少女般的情感,与主人家完美契合——那是一个性格和蔼的小德国人,圆圆的小肚子和亲切的油亮眼睛。 —-

Adolf Andreyitch Bruni (that was his name) was bustling round the table of hors-d’oeuvres as zealously as though it were a house on fire, filling up the wine- glasses, loading the plates, and trying in every way to please, to amuse, and to show his friendly feelings. —-
阿道夫·安德烈奇·布鲁尼(他的名字就是这样)竭力忙碌在小菜桌旁,像房子失火一样,倒满酒杯,装满盘子,用各种方式取悦、逗乐和表达他的友好。 —-

He clapped people on the shoulder, looked into their eyes, chuckled, rubbed his hands, in fact was as ingratiating as a friendly dog.

“Whom do I behold? Fyodor Lukitch!” he said in a jerky voice, on seeing Sysoev. —-
“我看见谁了?费奥多尔·卢基奇!”他一看到叶谢耶夫就用断断续续的声音喊道。 —-

“How delightful! You have come in spite of your illness. —-
“太棒了!你尽管生病还来了。” —-

Gentlemen, let me congratulate you, Fyodor Lukitch has come!”

The school-teachers were already crowding round the table and eating the hors-d’oeuvres. —-
学校的教师们已经围着桌子挤在一起吃开胃菜。 —-

Sysoev frowned; he was displeased that his colleagues had begun to eat and drink without waiting for him. —-
希苏耶夫皱了皱眉头,他对同事们在没有等他的情况下开始吃喝感到不悦。 —-

He noticed among them Lyapunov, the man who had dictated at the examination, and going up to him, began:

“It was not acting like a comrade! No, indeed! Gentlemanly people don’t dictate like that!”

“Good Lord, you are still harping on it! —-
“天哪,你还在唠叨这件事!” —-

” said Lyapunov, and he frowned. “Aren’t you sick of it?”

“Yes, still harping on it! My Babkin has never made mistakes! I know why you dictated like that. —-
“是啊,还在唠叨这件事!我的巴布金从来不会出错!我知道你为什么那样口述。” —-

You simply wanted my pupils to be floored, so that your school might seem better than mine. —-
“你只是想让我的学生们感到沮丧,好让你们的学校看起来比我好。 —-

I know all about it! . . .”

“Why are you trying to get up a quarrel? —-
“你为什么要挑起争论呢?” —-

” Lyapunov snarled. “Why the devil do you pester me?”

“Come, gentlemen,” interposed the inspector, making a woebegone face. —-
“来吧,先生们。”主任插话道,一脸悲痛的表情。 —-

“Is it worth while to get so heated over a trifle? —-
“为了这么小的事情激烈争吵值得吗?” —-

Three mistakes . . . not one mistake . . . does it matter?”

“Yes, it does matter. Babkin has never made mistakes.”

“He won’t leave off,” Lyapunov went on, snorting angrily. —-
“他就是不罢休,”利亚普诺夫继续愤怒地嘶嘶声。 —-

“He takes advantage of his position as an invalid and worries us all to death. —-
“他利用自己作为病人的地位,把我们都操得命悬一线。 —-

Well, sir, I am not going to consider your being ill.”

“Let my illness alone!” cried Sysoev, angrily. “What is it to do with you? —-
“别管我生病的事!”西梭耶夫生气地喊道。“那与你有什么关系? —-

They all keep repeating it at me: illness! illness! illness! . . . As though I need your sympathy! —-
他们都对我这么说:病!病!病!…好像我需要你们的同情! —-

Besides, where have you picked up the notion that I am ill? —-
而且,你从哪里听说我生病了? —-

I was ill before the examinations, that’s true, but now I have completely recovered, there is nothing left of it but weakness.”

“You have regained your health, well, thank God,” said the scripture teacher, Father Nikolay, a young priest in a foppish cinnamon-coloured cassock and trousers outside his boots. —-
“你已经恢复健康了,那就感谢上帝,”笔者教师尼古拉费迪诺夫神父说,他是一个穿着花哨的肉桂色法衣,裤子卷在靴子外面的年轻神父。 —-

“You ought to rejoice, but you are irritable and so on.”

“You are a nice one, too,” Sysoev interrupted him. —-
“你也不错,”西梭耶夫打断他。 —-

“Questions ought to be straightforward, clear, but you kept asking riddles. —-
“问题应该直截了当,清晰明了,可你却问一些谜语。 —-

That’s not the thing to do!”

By combined efforts they succeeded in soothing him and making him sit down to the table. —-
他们合力安抚了他,让他坐到桌前。 —-

He was a long time making up his mind what to drink, and pulling a wry face drank a wine-glass of some green liqueur; —-
他花了很长时间才决定喝什么,他一副不情愿的表情,喝了一杯绿色的利口酒; —-

then he drew a bit of pie towards him, and sulkily picked out of the inside an egg with onion on it. At the first mouthful it seemed to him that there was no salt in it. —-
然后他把一块馅饼拉到自己面前,板着脸从里面拿出一个葱花鸡蛋。他第一口就觉得里面没有放盐。 —-

He sprinkled salt on it and at once pushed it away as the pie was too salt.

At dinner Sysoev was seated between the inspector and Bruni. After the first course the toasts began, according to the old-established custom.

“I consider it my agreeable duty,” the inspector began, “to propose a vote of thanks to the absent school wardens, Daniel Petrovitch and . —-
“我认为这是一个愉快的责任,”检查员开始说,“我要向缺席的学校监护人丹尼尔·彼得洛维奇和 . . . 以及 . . . 以 . . .” —-

. . and . . . and . . .”

“And Ivan Petrovitch,” Bruni prompted him.
“以及伊凡·彼得洛维奇·库里金,他毫不吝啬为学校付出,我提议为他们的健康干杯 . . .”

“And Ivan Petrovitch Kulikin, who grudge no expense for the school, and I propose to drink their health. . . .”

“For my part,” said Bruni, jumping up as though he had been stung, “I propose a toast to the health of the honoured inspector of elementary schools, Pavel Gennadievitch Nadarov!”

Chairs were pushed back, faces beamed with smiles, and the usual clinking of glasses began.

The third toast always fell to Sysoev. And on this occasion, too, he got up and began to speak. —-
他神情严肃地清了清嗓子,首先宣布他没有演讲的天赋,也没有准备好做讲话。 —-

Looking grave and clearing his throat, he first of all announced that he had not the gift of eloquence and that he was not prepared to make a speech. —-
他进一步说道,在他担任校长的十四年里,有很多阴谋,许多暗中攻击,甚至向当局秘密举报他的人,他知道他的敌人和那些告发他的人,却不愿透露他们的名字,“以免破坏某人的胃口”; —-

Further he said that during the fourteen years that he had been schoolmaster there had been many intrigues, many underhand attacks, and even secret reports on him to the authorities, and that he knew his enemies and those who had informed against him, and he would not mention their names, “for fear of spoiling somebody’s appetite”; —-
他说,尽管有这些阴谋,库里金学校在全省不仅在道德上,而且在物质上都居于首位。” —-

that in spite of these intrigues the Kulikin school held the foremost place in the whole province not only from a moral, but also from a material point of view.”

“Everywhere else,” he said, “schoolmasters get two hundred or three hundred roubles, while I get five hundred, and moreover my house has been redecorated and even furnished at the expense of the firm. —-
而且今年所有的墙壁都重新粉刷过了. . .” —-

And this year all the walls have been repapered. . . .”

Further the schoolmaster enlarged on the liberality with which the pupils were provided with writing materials in the factory schools as compared with the Zemstvo and Government schools. —-
在厂校和乡村学校与政府学校相比,校长进一步强调了学生们获得文具的慷慨待遇。 —-

And for all this the school was indebted, in his opinion, not to the heads of the firm, who lived abroad and scarcely knew of its existence, but to a man who, in spite of his German origin and Lutheran faith, was a Russian at heart.

Sysoev spoke at length, with pauses to get his breath and with pretensions to rhetoric, and his speech was boring and unpleasant. —-
赛索耶夫假装雄辩地讲了很长时间,有时会停下来喘口气,他的演讲令人生厌且不愉快。 —-

He several times referred to certain enemies of his, tried to drop hints, repeated himself, coughed, and flourished his fingers unbecomingly. —-
他多次提到自己的某些敌人,试图暗示一下,反复重复,咳嗽,并且举止不为体面地挥舞着手指。 —-

At last he was exhausted and in a perspiration and he began talking jerkily, in a low voice as though to himself, and finished his speech not quite coherently: —-
最后他筋疲力尽,满头大汗,开始用断断续续、低沉的声音自言自语地说话,演讲结束时有些话讲得不太连贯: —-

“And so I propose the health of Bruni, that is Adolf Andreyitch, who is here, among us . —-
“因此我提议为布鲁尼(即阿道夫·安德烈耶维奇)干杯,他就在我们中间。 —-

. . generally speaking . . . you understand . . .”

When he finished everyone gave a faint sigh, as though someone had sprinkled cold water and cleared the air. —-
在他演讲结束时,每个人都轻轻地叹了一口气,仿佛有人洒了一盆冷水,空气变得清新起来。 —-

Bruni alone apparently had no unpleasant feeling. —-
只有布鲁尼似乎没有不愉快的感觉。 —-

Beaming and rolling his sentimental eyes, the German shook Sysoev’s hand with feeling and was again as friendly as a dog.

“Oh, I thank you,” he said, with an emphasis on the oh, laying his left hand on his heart. —-
“哦,谢谢你”,他用重音说,左手放在心脏上。 —-

“I am very happy that you understand me! I, with my whole heart, wish you all things good. —-
“我很高兴你能理解我!我真心地希望你一切都好。 —-

But I ought only to observe; you exaggerate my importance. —-
但我只能观察到一点:你夸大了我的重要性。 —-

The school owes its flourishing condition only to you, my honoured friend, Fyodor Lukitch. —-
学校的繁荣只归功于你,我的尊敬的朋友,费奥多尔·卢基奇。 —-

But for you it would be in no way distinguished from other schools! —-
如果没有你,它将和其他学校毫无区别! —-

You think the German is paying a compliment, the German is saying something polite. Ha-ha! —-
你认为德国人是在赞美你,其实德国人只是说了些客气话。哈哈! —-

No, my dear Fyodor Lukitch, I am an honest man and never make complimentary speeches. —-
不,我亲爱的费奥多尔·卢基奇,我是一个诚实的人,从不说讨好的话。 —-

If we pay you five hundred roubles a year it is because you are valued by us. Isn’t that so? —-
如果我们每年付给你500卢布,那是因为我们看重你。是这样吗? —-

Gentlemen, what I say is true, isn’t it? —-
先生们,我说的是真的,对吗? —-

We should not pay anyone else so much. . . . —-
我们不应该再给别人支付那么多……。 —-

Why, a good school is an honour to the factory!”

“I must sincerely own that your school is really exceptional,” said the inspector. —-
“我必须真诚地承认,你的学校真的非同寻常,”检查员说道。 —-

“Don’t think this is flattery. Anyway, I have never come across another like it in my life. —-
“别以为我在奉承你。无论如何,我这一辈子也没见过像这样的学校。” —-

As I sat at the examination I was full of admiration. . . . Wonderful children! —-
当我坐在考场上时,我充满了赞叹……这些孩子真了不起! —-

They know a great deal and answer brightly, and at the same time they are somehow special, unconstrained, sincere. —-
他们知道很多,回答得很聪明,同时又有些特别,不拘束,真诚。 —-

. . . One can see that they love you, Fyodor Lukitch. —-
“可以看出他们爱你,费奥多尔·卢基奇。” —-

You are a schoolmaster to the marrow of your bones. You must have been born a teacher. —-
你是个纯粹的教育家。你一定是天生的教师。 —-

You have all the gifts —innate vocation, long experience, and love for your work. . . . —-
你拥有所有天赋 ——内在的职业天分,丰富的经验和对工作的热爱…… —-

It’s simply amazing, considering the weak state of your health, what energy, what understanding . —-
考虑到你健康状况不佳,你的精力、理解力、毅力……简直让人惊叹。 —-

. . what perseverance, do you understand, what confidence you have! —-
你有多么坚定,你懂吗,多么自信! —-

Some one in the school committee said truly that you were a poet in your work. —-
有一个学校委员会的人说你的作品里有真正的诗人。 —-

. . . Yes, a poet you are!”

And all present at the dinner began as one man talking of Sysoev’s extraordinary talent. —-
在晚宴上,所有在场的人一致都谈论着Sysoev非凡的才华。 —-

And as though a dam had been burst, there followed a flood of sincere, enthusiastic words such as men do not utter when they are restrained by prudent and cautious sobriety. —-
就像一道堤坝决堤一样,接下来涌出了一波真诚、热情的言辞,这些言辞不是被审慎稳重所克制的。 —-

Sysoev’s speech and his intolerable temper and the horrid, spiteful expression on his face were all forgotten. —-
人们忘记了Sysoev的演讲、他令人无法忍受的脾气以及他脸上可怕而恶毒的表情。 —-

Everyone talked freely, even the shy and silent new teachers, poverty-stricken, down-trodden youths who never spoke to the inspector without addressing him as “your honour. —-
每个人都自由地交谈,甚至是羞涩而沉默的新教师,他们贫穷、受压迫的年轻人,他们从不在与校长交谈时称之为“您的尊贵”。 —-

” It was clear that in his own circle Sysoev was a person of consequence.

Having been accustomed to success and praise for the fourteen years that he had been schoolmaster, he listened with indifference to the noisy enthusiasm of his admirers.

It was Bruni who drank in the praise instead of the schoolmaster. —-
不是校长,而是布鲁尼喝入了这些赞美之中。 —-

The German caught every word, beamed, clapped his hands, and flushed modestly as though the praise referred not to the schoolmaster but to him.

“Bravo! bravo!” he shouted. “That’s true! You have grasped my meaning! . . . Excellent! . . —-
“好极了!太棒了!”他喊道,“你理解了我的意思!……很好!” —-

.” He looked into the schoolmaster’s eyes as though he wanted to share his bliss with him. —-
他凝视着校长的眼睛,好像想要和他一起分享幸福。 —-

At last he could restrain himself no longer; —-
最后,他忍不住了; —-

he leapt up, and, overpowering all the other voices with his shrill little tenor, shouted:

“Gentlemen! Allow me to speak! Sh-h! To all you say I can make only one reply: —-
“先生们,请允许我发言!嘘!对于你们所说的一切,我只能回答一句: —-

the management of the factory will not be forgetful of what it owes to Fyodor Lukitch! . . .”

All were silent. Sysoev raised his eyes to the German’s rosy face.

“We know how to appreciate it,” Bruni went on, dropping his voice. —-
“我们知道如何珍惜这一点,”布鲁尼继续说,声音低沉下来。 —-

“In response to your words I ought to tell you that . . . —-
“作为对你的话的回应,我应该告诉你…… —-

Fyodor Lukitch’s family will be provided for and that a sum of money was placed in the bank a month ago for that object.”

Sysoev looked enquiringly at the German, at his colleagues, as though unable to understand why his family should be provided for and not he himself. —-
西索耶夫疑惑地看着德国人,看着他的同事们,仿佛无法理解为什么是他的家人得到照顾,而不是他自己。 —-

And at once on all the faces, in all the motionless eyes bent upon him, he read not the sympathy, not the commiseration which he could not endure, but something else, something soft, tender, but at the same time intensely sinister, like a terrible truth, something which in one instant turned him cold all over and filled his soul with unutterable despair. —-
在所有的脸上,所有注视着他的不动的眼睛中,他读出的不是同情,不是怜悯,而是另外一种东西,柔软的、温柔的,但同时异常邪恶,像一个可怕的真相,一瞬间让他全身冰冷,心灵充满无尽的绝望。 —-

With a pale, distorted face he suddenly jumped up and clutched at his head. —-
他脸色苍白、扭曲,突然跳了起来,抓住头发。 —-

For a quarter of a minute he stood like that, stared with horror at a fixed point before him as though he saw the swiftly coming death of which Bruni was speaking, then sat down and burst into tears.

“Come, come! . . . What is it?” he heard agitated voices saying. —-
“来,来!……怎么了?”他听到激动的声音说。 —-

“Water! drink a little water!”

A short time passed and the schoolmaster grew calmer, but the party did not recover their previous liveliness. —-
过了一会儿,这位校长变得更加冷静了,但是这个聚会没有恢复之前的活泼气氛。 —-

The dinner ended in gloomy silence, and much earlier than on previous occasions.

When he got home Sysoev first of all looked at himself in the glass.

“Of course there was no need for me to blubber like that! —-
“当然没有必要像那样啜泣! —-

” he thought, looking at his sunken cheeks and his eyes with dark rings under them. —-
“他想,看着他凹陷的脸颊和黑眼圈。 —-

“My face is a much better colour to-day than yesterday. —-
“今天我的脸色比昨天好多了。 —-

I am suffering from anemia and catarrh of the stomach, and my cough is only a stomach cough.”

Reassured, he slowly began undressing, and spent a long time brushing his new black suit, then carefully folded it up and put it in the chest of drawers.

Then he went up to the table where there lay a pile of his pupils’ exercise-books, and picking out Babkin’s, sat down and fell to contemplating the beautiful childish handwriting. . . .

And meantime, while he was examining the exercise-books, the district doctor was sitting in the next room and telling his wife in a whisper that a man ought not to have been allowed to go out to dinner who had not in all probability more than a week to live.