“THE wind has got up, friends, and it is beginning to get dark. —-
“风起了,朋友们,天色开始变暗。 —-

Hadn’t we better take ourselves off before it gets worse?”

The wind was frolicking among the yellow leaves of the old birch trees, and a shower of thick drops fell upon us from the leaves. —-
风在老榆树的黄叶间嬉戏,一阵浓密的雨点从叶子上落在我们身上。 —-

One of our party slipped on the clayey soil, and clutched at a big grey cross to save himself from falling.

“Yegor Gryaznorukov, titular councillor and cavalier . .” he read. “I knew that gentleman. —-
“叶戈尔·格里亚兹诺鲁科夫,带衔顾问和骑士……”他读到,“我认识那位绅士。 —-

He was fond of his wife, he wore the Stanislav ribbon, and read nothing. . . . —-
他喜欢他的妻子,佩戴着斯坦尼斯拉夫丝带,什么都不读…… —-

His digestion worked well . . . . life was all right, wasn’t it? —-
他的消化系统运行良好……生活挺好的,不是吗? —-

One would have thought he had no reason to die, but alas! fate had its eye on him. . . . —-
人们本以为他没有理由去死,但唉!命运盯上了他…… —-

The poor fellow fell a victim to his habits of observation. —-
这可怜的家伙成为他观察习惯的牺牲品。 —-

On one occasion, when he was listening at a keyhole, he got such a bang on the head from the door that he sustained concussion of the brain (he had a brain), and died. —-
有一次,当他在偷听门锁时,门给他的头狠狠地砸了一下,他脑震荡了(他有个大脑),然后死了。 —-

And here, under this tombstone, lies a man who from his cradle detested verses and epigrams. . . . —-
而在这里,躺着一个从婴儿时期就厌恶诗句和讽刺诗的人…… —-

As though to mock him his whole tombstone is adorned with verses. —-
让他更加嘲笑的是,整个墓碑上都装饰着诗句。 —-

. . . There is someone coming!”

A man in a shabby overcoat, with a shaven, bluish-crimson countenance, overtook us. —-
一个身穿破烂大衣、脸色剃得发红发紫的人赶上了我们。 —-

He had a bottle under his arm and a parcel of sausage was sticking out of his pocket.

“Where is the grave of Mushkin, the actor?” he asked us in a husky voice.

We conducted him towards the grave of Mushkin, the actor, who had died two years before.

“You are a government clerk, I suppose?” we asked him.

“No, an actor. Nowadays it is difficult to distinguish actors from clerks of the Consistory. —-
“不,我是个演员。现在很难区分演员和选民记录员了。 —-

No doubt you have noticed that. . . . That’s typical, but it’s not very flattering for the government clerk.”

It was with difficulty that we found the actor’s grave. —-
我们很费劲才找到了那位演员的坟墓。 —-

It had sunken, was overgrown with weeds, and had lost all appearance of a grave. —-
它已经下沉,草木丛生,丧失了坟墓的模样。 —-

A cheap, little cross that had begun to rot, and was covered with green moss blackened by the frost, had an air of aged dejection and looked, as it were, ailing.

“. . . forgotten friend Mushkin . . .” we read.

Time had erased the never, and corrected the falsehood of man.

“A subscription for a monument to him was got up among actors and journalists, but they drank up the money, the dear fellows . —-
“有人为他募捐建立了一座纪念碑,捐款来自演员和记者,但是他们把钱都喝光了,亲爱的伙计们。 —-

. .” sighed the actor, bowing down to the ground and touching the wet earth with his knees and his cap.

“How do you mean, drank it?”

That’s very simple. They collected the money, published a paragraph about it in the newspaper, and spent it on drink. —-
那很简单。他们募集到了钱,在报纸上刊登了一段文章,然后用于酒水。 —-

. . . I don’t say it to blame them. . . . —-
“我并不是说他们不好……” —-

I hope it did them good, dear things! Good health to them, and eternal memory to him.”

“Drinking means bad health, and eternal memory nothing but sadness. —-
“喝酒令人身体不健康,而永恒的记忆只会带来悲伤。 —-

God give us remembrance for a time, but eternal memory—what next!”

“You are right there. Mushkin was a well-known man, you see; —-
“你说得对。慕尚金是个出名的人,你知道的; —-

there were a dozen wreaths on the coffin, and he is already forgotten. —-
棺材上有十几个花圈,而他已经被遗忘了。 —-

Those to whom he was dear have forgotten him, but those to whom he did harm remember him. —-
他所爱的人忘记了他,但他所伤害过的人记住了他。 —-

I, for instance, shall never, never forget him, for I got nothing but harm from him. —-
例如,我将永远永远不会忘记他,因为我从他那里得到的只有伤害。 —-

I have no love for the deceased.”

“What harm did he do you?”

“Great harm,” sighed the actor, and an expression of bitter resentment overspread his face. —-
“非常大的伤害,”演员叹了口气,脸上流露出一种痛苦的怨恨之情。 —-

“To me he was a villain and a scoundrel—the Kingdom of Heaven be his! —-
“对我来说,他是个恶棍和恶棍—天堂随他吧! —-

It was through looking at him and listening to him that I became an actor. —-
正是通过观察他和听他说话,我才成为了一个演员。 —-

By his art he lured me from the parental home, he enticed me with the excitements of an actor’s life, promised me all sorts of things—and brought tears and sorrow. —-
他通过艺术把我从父母的家中引诱了出来,诱惑我去过演员的生活,并承诺了我各种各样的东西,结果只带来了眼泪和悲伤。 —-

. . . An actor’s lot is a bitter one! I have lost youth, sobriety, and the divine semblance. . . —-
演员的命运是苦涩的!我已经失去了青春、庄重和神圣的相貌… —-

. I haven’t a half-penny to bless myself with, my shoes are down at heel, my breeches are frayed and patched, and my face looks as if it had been gnawed by dogs. —-
我一分钱都没有,我的鞋子下面下来了,裤子打了补丁,我的脸看起来好像被狗咬过一样。 —-

. . . My head’s full of freethinking and nonsense. . . . —-
我的脑袋满是自由思想和废话。。。 —-

He robbed me of my faith—my evil genius! —-
他把我的信仰夺走了 - 我邪恶的天才! —-

It would have been something if I had had talent, but as it is, I am ruined for nothing. . . . —-
如果我有天赋就好了,但事实上,我毁了一切…… —-

It’s cold, honoured friends. . . . Won’t you have some? There is enough for all. . . . B-r-r-r. —-
天气很冷,尊敬的朋友们,要喝点吗?这里有足够的给大家……哆嗦。 —-

. . . Let us drink to the rest of his soul! —-
。。。让我们为他的灵魂祈福! —-

Though I don’t like him and though he’s dead, he was the only one I had in the world, the only one. —-
虽然我不喜欢他,虽然他已经死了,但他是我唯一的亲人,唯一的依靠。 —-

It’s the last time I shall visit him. . . . —-
这是我最后一次拜访他了。。。 —-

The doctors say I shall soon die of drink, so here I have come to say good- bye. —-
医生说我会因为酒而很快死去,所以我来这里告别。 —-

One must forgive one’s enemies.”

We left the actor to converse with the dead Mushkin and went on. —-
我们把演员留下来与已故的穆申交谈,并继续前行。 —-

It began drizzling a fine cold rain.

At the turning into the principal avenue strewn with gravel, we met a funeral procession. —-
在转入铺有碎石的主道时,我们遇到了一个葬礼队伍。 —-

Four bearers, wearing white calico sashes and muddy high boots with leaves sticking on them, carried the brown coffin. —-
四名抬棺材的人身穿白色带子,脚穿泥泞的高靴,上面还粘着叶子。 —-

It was getting dark and they hastened, stumbling and shaking their burden. . . .

“We’ve only been walking here for a couple of hours and that is the third brought in already. —-
“我们才走了几个小时,已经有第三个被抬进来了。 —-

. . . Shall we go home, friends?”
. . 我们回家吧,朋友们?