LYUBOV GRIGORYEVNA, a substantial, buxom lady of forty who undertook matchmaking and many other matters of which it is usual to speak only in whispers, had come to see Stytchkin, the head guard, on a day when he was off duty. —-
吕博娃·格里戈里耶芙娜,一个四十岁的丰满女士,承担起了媒人的工作,以及其他那些通常只能小声说的事情。今天,她来找离职当天的警卫长斯蒂奇金。 —-

Stytchkin, somewhat embarrassed, but, as always, grave, practical, and severe, was walking up and down the room, smoking a cigar and saying:

“Very pleased to make your acquaintance. —-
“非常高兴认识您。” —-

Semyon Ivanovitch recommended you on the ground that you may be able to assist me in a delicate and very important matter affecting the happiness of my life. —-
塞缪恩·伊万诺维奇是根据您可能能够帮助我解决一件涉及我生活幸福的微妙而非常重要的事情而推荐您的。 —-

I have, Lyubov Grigoryevna, reached the age of fifty-two; —-
我已经五十二岁了,吕博娃·格里戈里耶芙娜; —-

that is a period of life at which very many have already grown-up children. —-
那是一个很多人已经有成年子女的年龄。 —-

My position is a secure one. Though my fortune is not large, yet I am in a position to support a beloved being and children at my side. —-
我的职位很稳定,尽管我的财产不多,但我有能力养活一个心爱的人和孩子们。 —-

I may tell you between ourselves that apart from my salary I have also money in the bank which my manner of living has enabled me to save. —-
除了我的薪水外,在银行里我还有一些积蓄,这是我过节俭生活的结果。 —-

I am a practical and sober man, I lead a sensible and consistent life, so that I may hold myself up as an example to many. —-
我是一个实际和谨慎的人,我过着明智而一贯的生活,所以我可以以身作则。 —-

But one thing I lack—a domestic hearth of my own and a partner in life, and I live like a wandering Magyar, moving from place to place without any satisfaction. —-
但我缺少一个自己的家庭炉火和生活伴侣,我像一个流浪的马扎尔人一样四处流动,无法得到满足。 —-

I have no one with whom to take counsel, and when I am ill no one to give me water, and so on. —-
我没有人可以商量,当我生病时也没有人给我水等等。 —-

Apart from that, Lyubov Grigoryevna, a married man has always more weight in society than a bachelor. —-
除此之外,卢布夫·格里戈里耶夫娜,一个已婚男人在社会中比单身汉更有分量。 —-

. . . I am a man of the educated class, with money, but if you look at me from a point of view, what am I? —-
. . .我是一个有教育的阶级人,有钱,但从某种观点看,我算什么? —-

A man with no kith and kin, no better than some Polish priest. —-
一个没有亲人的人,不比一些波兰神父好。 —-

And therefore I should be very desirous to be united in the bonds of Hymen—that is, to enter into matrimony with some worthy person.”

“An excellent thing,” said the matchmaker, with a sigh.
“这是个不错的事情,” 媒人叹息道。

“I am a solitary man and in this town I know no one. —-
“我是一个孤独的人,在这个城市里我不认识任何人。 —-

Where can I go, and to whom can I apply, since all the people here are strangers to me? —-
我可以去哪里,向谁求助,因为这里的人对我来说都是陌生人? —-

That is why Semyon Ivanovitch advised me to address myself to a person who is a specialist in this line, and makes the arrangement of the happiness of others her profession. —-
所以谢米昂·伊万诺维奇建议我去找一个在这个领域是专家,将别人的幸福安排成职业的人。 —-

And therefore I most earnestly beg you, Lyubov Grigoryevna, to assist me in ordering my future. —-
因此,我非常恳切地请求你,卢布夫·格里戈里耶夫娜,帮助我规划我的未来。 —-

You know all the marriageable young ladies in the town, and it is easy for you to accommodate me.”

“I can. . . .”

“A glass of wine, I beg you. . . .”

With an habitual gesture the matchmaker raised her glass to her mouth and tossed it off without winking.

“I can,” she repeated. “And what sort of bride would you like, Nikolay Nikolayitch?”

“Should I like? The bride fate sends me.”

“Well, of course it depends on your fate, but everyone has his own taste, you know. —-
“嗯,当然这要取决于你的命运,但是你知道每个人都有自己的品味。 —-

One likes dark ladies, the other prefers fair ones.”

“You see, Lyubov Grigoryevna,” said Stytchkin, sighing sedately, “I am a practical man and a man of character; —-
“你看,吕布·格里戈里耶芙娜,”斯蒂奇金叹了口气,“我是个实际的人,也是个有性格的人; —-

for me beauty and external appearance generally take a secondary place, for, as you know yourself, beauty is neither bowl nor platter, and a pretty wife involves a great deal of anxiety. —-
对我来说,美丽和外貌通常是次要的,因为,正如你自己所知道的,美丽不是碗也不是盘子,漂亮的妻子会带来很多忧虑。 —-

The way I look at it is, what matters most in a woman is not what is external, but what lies within—that is, that she should have soul and all the qualities. —-
我看一个女人最重要的不是外表,而是内心——也就是说,她应该有灵魂和所有的品质。 —-

A glass of wine, I beg. . . . Of course, it would be very agreeable that one’s wife should be rather plump, but for mutual happiness it is not of great consequence; —-
来杯葡萄酒吧,我请求……当然,如果妻子稍微丰满些会很令人愉快,但对共同的幸福来说并不是非常重要; —-

what matters is the mind. Properly speaking, a woman does not need mind either, for if she has brains she will have too high an opinion of herself, and take all sorts of ideas into her head. —-
重要的是头脑。严格来说,女人也不需要头脑,因为如果她有聪明才智,她会对自己产生太高的评价,并充满各种想法。 —-

One cannot do without education nowadays, of course, but education is of different kinds. —-
现在不能没有教育,当然,但教育有不同的类型。 —-

It would be pleasing for one’s wife to know French and German, to speak various languages, very pleasing; —-
如果妻子懂得法语和德语,懂得多种语言,那会很讨人喜欢; —-

but what’s the use of that if she can’t sew on one’s buttons, perhaps? —-
但如果她连给我缝纽扣的本事都没有,那有什么用呢? —-

I am a man of the educated class: I am just as much at home, I may say, with Prince Kanitelin as I am with you here now. —-
我是受过教育的阶层的人:我可以说,我和卡尼特林亲王一样自如,也和现在和你在这里一样自如。 —-

But my habits are simple, and I want a girl who is not too much a fine lady. —-
但是我的习惯很简单,我希望找一个不太娇气的女孩。 —-

Above all, she must have respect for me and feel that I have made her happiness.”

“To be sure.”

“Well, now as regards the essential. . . . I do not want a wealthy bride; —-
嗯,现在说说关键的事情……我不想要一个富有的新娘; —-

I would never condescend to anything so low as to marry for money. —-
我绝对不会嫁给有钱人。 —-

I desire not to be kept by my wife, but to keep her, and that she may be sensible of it. —-
我希望我不是靠我妻子过活,而是养她,让她意识到这一点。 —-

But I do not want a poor girl either. Though I am a man of means, and am marrying not from mercenary motives, but from love, yet I cannot take a poor girl, for, as you know yourself, prices have gone up so, and there will be children.”

“One might find one with a dowry,” said the matchmaker.

“A glass of wine, I beg. . . .”

There was a pause of five minutes.

The matchmaker heaved a sigh, took a sidelong glance at the guard, and asked:

“Well, now, my good sir . . . do you want anything in the bachelor line? —-
那么,先生……你有什么单身的要求吗? —-

I have some fine bargains. One is a French girl and one is a Greek. Well worth the money.”

The guard thought a moment and said:

“No, I thank you. In view of your favourable disposition, allow me to enquire now how much you ask for your exertions in regard to a bride?”

“I don’t ask much. Give me twenty-five roubles and the stuff for a dress, as is usual, and I will say thank you . —-
“我没要求太多。给我二十五卢布和做一件衣服所需要的材料,像往常一样,我会说谢谢。” —-

. . but for the dowry, that’s a different account.”

Stytchkin folded his arms over his chest and fell to pondering in silence. —-
斯捷奇金双臂交叉在胸前沉思着。 —-

After some thought he heaved a sigh and said:

“That’s dear. . . .”

“It’s not at all dear, Nikolay Nikolayitch! —-
“一点也不贵,尼古拉·尼古拉耶维奇!以前结婚时可能便宜一些,但是现在我们的收入怎么样呢? —-

In old days when there were lots of weddings one did do it cheaper, but nowadays what are our earnings? —-
如果你一个月挣五十卢布,就已经算不错了,你应该感激。 —-

If you make fifty roubles in a month that is not a fast, you may be thankful. —-
我们不是靠结婚赚钱的,先生。” —-

It’s not on weddings we make our money, my good sir.”

Stytchkin looked at the matchmaker in amazement and shrugged his shoulders.

“H’m! . . . Do you call fifty roubles little?” he asked.

“Of course it is little! In old days we sometimes made more than a hundred.”

“H’m! I should never have thought it was possible to earn such a sum by these jobs. —-
“五十卢布!并不是每个人都能挣那么多! —-

Fifty roubles! It is not every man that earns as much! —-
请喝点酒……” —-

Pray drink your wine. . . .”

The matchmaker drained her glass without winking. —-
媒人一口气喝光了她的酒,没有眨眼。 —-

Stytchkin looked her over from head to foot in silence, then said:

“Fifty roubles. . . . Why, that is six hundred roubles a year. . . . Please take some more. . . —-
“五十卢布……嗯,那就是六百卢布一年……请再拿一点…… —-

With such dividends, you know, Lyubov Grigoryevna, you would have no difficulty in making a match for yourself. . . .”
有了这样的收入,你知道,Lyubov Grigoryevna,你就不会有困难去给自己找一个好婚配了……”

“For myself,” laughed the matchmaker, “I am an old woman.”

“Not at all. . . . You have such a figure, and your face is plump and fair, and all the rest of it.”

The matchmaker was embarrassed. Stytchkin was also embarrassed and sat down beside her.

“You are still very attractive,” said he; —-
“你还是很有魅力的。”他说道; —-

“if you met with a practical, steady, careful husband, with his salary and your earnings you might even attract him very much, and you’d get on very well together. . . .”

“Goodness knows what you are saying, Nikolay Nikolayitch.”
“天知道你在说什么,Nikolay Nikolayitch。”

“Well, I meant no harm. . . .”

A silence followed. Stytchkin began loudly blowing his nose, while the matchmaker turned crimson, and looking bashfully at him, asked:

“And how much do you get, Nikolay Nikolayitch?”
“你挣多少钱,Nikolay Nikolayitch?”

“I? Seventy-five roubles, besides tips. . . . —-
“我?七十五卢布,还有小费……除此之外,我们还靠卖蜡烛和兔子赚点钱。” —-

Apart from that we make something out of candles and hares.”

“You go hunting, then?”

“No. Passengers who travel without tickets are called hares with us.”

Another minute passed in silence. Stytchkin got up and walked about the room in excitement.

“I don’t want a young wife,” said he. “I am a middle-aged man, and I want someone who . . . —-
“我不想要一个年轻的妻子,”他说。“我是一个中年人,我想要一个像你这样的,沉稳而成熟,外貌有点像你的人。” —-

as it might be like you . . . staid and settled and a figure something like yours. . . .”

“Goodness knows what you are saying . . . —-
“对此不需要长时间思考。” —-

” giggled the matchmaker, hiding her crimson face in her kerchief.

“There is no need to be long thinking about it. —-
“我是一个务实、稳重的人,如果你喜欢我……有什么能比这更好呢?让我向你求婚吧!” —-

You are after my own heart, and you suit me in your qualities. —-
红娘含着眼泪笑了笑,表示同意后与斯提奇金碰杯。 —-

I am a practical, sober man, and if you like me . . . —-
“嗯,”幸福的铁路警卫说,“现在,请允许我向你解释我对你的期望和生活方式。” —-

what could be better? Allow me to make you a proposal!”

The matchmaker dropped a tear, laughed, and, in token of her consent, clinked glasses with Stytchkin.

“Well,” said the happy railway guard, “now allow me to explain to you the behaviour and manner of life I desire from you. —-
红娘说:“好吧,”她满意地答道,“现在,请允许我给你阐明我对你的期望和生活方式。” —-

. . . I am a strict, respectable, practical man. I take a gentlemanly view of everything. —-
“我是一个严肃、值得尊敬、务实的人。我对一切都持有绅士的观点。” —-

And I desire that my wife should be strict also, and should understand that to her I am a benefactor and the foremost person in the world.”

He sat down, and, heaving a deep sigh, began expounding to his bride- elect his views on domestic life and a wife’s duties.