THE earth was like an oven. The afternoon sun blazed with such energy that even the thermometer hanging in the excise officer’s room lost its head: —-
地球就像一个烤箱。下午的阳光充满了如此强烈的能量,连挂在关税官办公室里的温度计也不知所措。 —-

it ran up to 112.5 and stopped there, irresolute. —-
它飙升到112.5度,却停在那里,犹豫不决。 —-

The inhabitants streamed with perspiration like overdriven horses, and were too lazy to mop their faces.

Two of the inhabitants were walking along the market-place in front of the closely shuttered houses. One was Potcheshihin, the local treasury clerk, and the other was Optimov, the agent, for many years a correspondent of the Son of the Fatherland newspaper. —-
市场前密闭的房子门前,有两个居民在走着。一个是当地财政科员波切什欣,另一个是奥普蒂莫夫,多年来一直是《祖国的儿子》报的记者。 —-

They walked in silence, speechless from the heat. —-
他们默默无言地走着,被炎热所抑制。 —-

Optimov felt tempted to find fault with the local authorities for the dust and disorder of the market- place, but, aware of the peace-loving disposition and moderate views of his companion, he said nothing.

In the middle of the market-place Potcheshihin suddenly halted and began gazing into the sky.

“What are you looking at?”

“Those starlings that flew up. I wonder where they have settled. Clouds and clouds of them. . . . —-
“那些飞起来的椋鸟。不知道它们飞到哪里去了。成群结队的……” —-

If one were to go and take a shot at them, and if one were to pick them up . . . —-
“如果有人过去射击它们,如果有人拾起它们……” —-

and if . . . They have settled in the Father Prebendary’s garden!”

“Oh no! They are not in the Father Prebendary’s, they are in the Father Deacon’s. —-
“哦不!它们不在牧师长那里,而是在执事长那里。” —-

If you did have a shot at them from here you wouldn’t kill anything. —-
“如果你从这里射击,你什么也杀不到。 —-

Fine shot won’t carry so far; it loses its force. And why should you kill them, anyway? —-
好的枪击距离不会那么远,它会失去力量。而且你又为什么要杀它们呢? —-

They’re birds destructive of the fruit, that’s true; —-
它们是破坏水果的鸟,这倒是真的; —-

still, they’re fowls of the air, works of the Lord. The starling sings, you know. . . . —-
然而,它们都是空中的飞禽,是主的创造物。知道吗,椋鸟也会唱歌…… —-

And what does it sing, pray? A song of praise. . . . —-
它唱的是什么呢?是一首赞美之歌…… —-

‘All ye fowls of the air, praise ye the Lord.’ No. I do believe they have settled in the Father Prebendary’s garden.”

Three old pilgrim women, wearing bark shoes and carrying wallets, passed noiselessly by the speakers. —-
三个背着皮包、脚穿着树皮鞋的老朝圣者静静地走过说话的人。 —-

Looking enquiringly at the gentlemen who were for some unknown reason staring at the Father Prebendary’s house, they slackened their pace, and when they were a few yards off stopped, glanced at the friends once more, and then fell to gazing at the house themselves.

“Yes, you were right; they have settled in the Father Prebendary’s,” said Optimov. —-
“是的,你说对了,它们已经在常住司铎的花园里定居了。”Optimov说。 —-

“His cherries are ripe now, so they have gone there to peck them.”

From the garden gate emerged the Father Prebendary himself, accompanied by the sexton. —-
从花园的大门里走出来了常住司铎本人和执事。 —-

Seeing the attention directed upon his abode and wondering what people were staring at, he stopped, and he, too, as well as the sexton, began looking upwards to find out.

“The father is going to a service somewhere, I suppose,” said Potcheshihin. —-
“我猜父教堂长是要去参加某个服务仪式吧。”Potcheshihin说。 —-

“The Lord be his succour!”

Some workmen from Purov’s factory, who had been bathing in the river, passed between the friends and the priest. —-
Purov工厂的几个工人在河里洗完澡经过朋友们和神父之间。 —-

Seeing the latter absorbed in contemplation of the heavens and the pilgrim women, too, standing motionless with their eyes turned upwards, they stood still and stared in the same direction.

A small boy leading a blind beggar and a peasant, carrying a tub of stinking fish to throw into the market-place, did the same.

“There must be something the matter, I should think,” said Potcheshihin, “a fire or something. But there’s no sign of smoke anywhere. —-
“我觉得一定有什么事情发生了,可能是火灾什么的。但是没有任何烟雾的迹象。”Potcheshihin说道。 —-

Hey! Kuzma!” he shouted to the peasant, “what’s the matter?”

The peasant made some reply, but Potcheshihin and Optimov did not catch it. —-
农民回答了一些话,但波切什希欣和奥普蒂莫夫没有听清楚。 —-

Sleepy-looking shopmen made their appearance at the doors of all the shops. —-
瞌睡的店员从所有店铺的门口出现。 —-

Some plasterers at work on a warehouse near left their ladders and joined the workmen.

The fireman, who was describing circles with his bare feet, on the watch-tower, halted, and, after looking steadily at them for a few minutes, came down. —-
站在观火塔上用赤脚划圆圈的消防员停下来,凝视了他们几分钟后下来。 —-

The watch-tower was left deserted. This seemed suspicious.

“There must be a fire somewhere. Don’t shove me! You damned swine!”

“Where do you see the fire? What fire? Pass on, gentlemen! I ask you civilly!”

“It must be a fire indoors!”

“Asks us civilly and keeps poking with his elbows. Keep your hands to yourself! —-
“礼貌地请我们过去,却一直用手肘戳人。你的手可以收着点!虽然你是个警官,但你没有任何权利对人肆意使用拳头!” —-

Though you are a head constable, you have no sort of right to make free with your fists!”

“He’s trodden on my corn! Ah! I’ll crush you!”

“Crushed? Who’s crushed? Lads! a man’s been crushed!

“What’s the meaning of this crowd? What do you want?”

“A man’s been crushed, please your honour!”

“Where? Pass on! I ask you civilly! I ask you civilly, you blockheads!”

“You may shove a peasant, but you daren’t touch a gentleman! Hands off!”

“Did you ever know such people? There’s no doing anything with them by fair words, the devils! —-
“你们认识这样的人吗?用好话是没法对付他们的,这帮魔鬼!” —-

Sidorov, run for Akim Danilitch! Look sharp! It’ll be the worse for you, gentlemen! —-
“西多罗夫,去找阿基姆·达尼利奇!快点!先生们,糟糕透了!” —-

Akim Danilitch is coming, and he’ll give it to you! You here, Parfen? —-
“阿基姆·达尼利奇来了,他会惩罚你们的!你在这儿,帕尔芬?” —-

A blind man, and at his age too! Can’t see, but he must be like other people and won’t do what he’s told. —-
“一个瞎子,而且年纪也大了!看不见,但他非得像其他人一样,不按规定行事。” —-

Smirnov, put his name down!”

“Yes, sir! And shall I write down the men from Purov’s? —-
“是的,先生!我写下普罗夫那些人吗?” —-

That man there with the swollen cheek, he’s from Purov’s works.”

“Don’t put down the men from Purov’s. It’s Purov’s birthday to-morrow.”

The starlings rose in a black cloud from the Father Prebendary’s garden, but Potcheshihin and Optimov did not notice them. —-
星雀们从缄默院长的花园里升起,形成了一个黑云,但波切西欣和奥普蒂莫夫没有注意到它们。 —-

They stood staring into the air, wondering what could have attracted such a crowd, and what it was looking at.

Akim Danilitch appeared. Still munching and wiping his lips, he cut his way into the crowd, bellowing:

“Firemen, be ready! Disperse! Mr. Optimov, disperse, or it’ll be the worse for you! —-
“消防员们,准备好!散开!奥普蒂莫夫先生,散开,不然你会后悔的! —-

Instead of writing all kinds of things about decent people in the papers, you had better try to behave yourself more conformably! —-
你最好别在报纸上乱写一些关于正派人士的东西,还是试着更符合规矩地行事吧!” —-

No good ever comes of reading the papers!”

“Kindly refrain from reflections upon literature!” cried Optimov hotly. —-
“请不要对文学进行评述!” Optimov 愤怒地喊道。 —-

“I am a literary man, and I will allow no one to make reflections upon literature! —-
“我是一个文学家,我不允许任何人对文学进行评述!” —-

though, as is the duty of a citizen, I respect you as a father and benefactor!”

“Firemen, turn the hose on them!”

“There’s no water, please your honour!”

“Don’t answer me! Go and get some! Look sharp!”

“We’ve nothing to get it in, your honour. —-
“我们没东西装水,大人。” —-

The major has taken the fire- brigade horses to drive his aunt to the station.”

“Disperse! Stand back, damnation take you! Is that to your taste? Put him down, the devil!”

“I’ve lost my pencil, please your honour!”

The crowd grew larger and larger. There is no telling what proportions it might have reached if the new organ just arrived from Moscow had not fortunately begun playing in the tavern close by. —-
人群越来越多。如果不是从莫斯科刚刚运来的新风琴幸运地开始在附近的酒馆里演奏,无法预测它可能达到什么规模。 —-

Hearing their favourite tune, the crowd gasped and rushed off to the tavern. —-
听到他们最喜欢的曲子,人群喘了口气,冲向酒馆。 —-

So nobody ever knew why the crowd had assembled, and Potcheshihin and Optimov had by now forgotten the existence of the starlings who were innocently responsible for the proceedings.

An hour later the town was still and silent again, and only a solitary figure was to be seen—the fireman pacing round and round on the watch- tower.

The same evening Akim Danilitch sat in the grocer’s shop drinking limonade gaseuse and brandy, and writing:

“In addition to the official report, I venture, your Excellency, to append a few supplementary observations of my own. —-
“除了官方报告,阁下,我敢补充一些自己的观察。 —-

Father and benefactor! In very truth, but for the prayers of your virtuous spouse in her salubrious villa near our town, there’s no knowing what might not have come to pass. —-
父亲和恩人!事实上,要不是您贤德妻子在我们城镇附近她健康的别墅里的祈祷,难以说会发生什么。 —-

What I have been through to-day I can find no words to express. —-
我今天经历了什么,找不到言辞来表达。 —-

The efficiency of Krushensky and of the major of the fire brigade are beyond all praise! —-
Krushensky和消防队的少校的效率无与伦比! —-

I am proud of such devoted servants of our country! —-
我为我们国家如此忠诚的仆人感到骄傲! —-

As for me, I did all that a weak man could do, whose only desire is the welfare of his neighbour; —-
至于我,作为一个弱者,我竭尽所能,唯一的愿望就是邻里的福祉; —-

and sitting now in the bosom of my family, with tears in my eyes I thank Him Who spared us bloodshed! —-
现在坐在家人中间,眼泪流下,谢谢那位使我们免于流血的上帝! —-

In absence of evidence, the guilty parties remain in custody, but I propose to release them in a week or so. —-
在没有证据的情况下,有罪的人仍然被拘留,但我打算在一周左右释放他们。 —-

It was their ignorance that led them astray!”