“LET me; I want to drive myself! I’ll sit by the driver!” —
“让我来开车;我想自己开!我会坐在驾驶员旁边!” —

Sofya Lvovna said in a loud voice. “Wait a minute, driver; —
索菲娅·利沃芙娜大声说道。“等一下,驾驶员; —

I’ll get up on the box beside you.”

She stood up in the sledge, and her husband, Vladimir Nikititch, and the friend of her childhood, Vladimir Mihalovitch, held her arms to prevent her falling. —
她站在雪撬上,她的丈夫弗拉基米尔·尼基蒂奇和她童年的朋友弗拉基米尔·米哈洛维奇拉着她的手臂防止她摔倒。 —

The three horses were galloping fast.

“I said you ought not to have given her brandy,” Vladimir Nikititch whispered to his companion with vexation. —
“我说过你不应该给她白兰地,“弗拉基米尔·尼基蒂奇生气地对他的同伴耳语。 —

“What a fellow you are, really!”

The Colonel knew by experience that in women like his wife, Sofya Lvovna, after a little too much wine, turbulent gaiety was followed by hysterical laughter and then tears. —
上校从经验中知道,像他妻子索菲娅·利沃芙娜这样的女人,喝了一点酒后,狂热的愉快后会接着是歇斯底里的笑声,然后是眼泪。 —

He was afraid that when they got home, instead of being able to sleep, he would have to be administering compresses and drops.

“Wo!” cried Sofya Lvovna. “I want to drive myself!”

She felt genuinely gay and triumphant. For the last two months, ever since her wedding, she had been tortured by the thought that she had married Colonel Yagitch from worldly motives and, as it is said, par dépit; —
她感到真正快乐和得意。过去两个月,自从她的婚礼以来,她一直因为认为自己是出于世俗的理由而嫁给了亚吉奇上校而感到痛苦,并且,正如所说的,是”副低声”; —

but that evening, at the restaurant, she had suddenly become convinced that she loved him passionately. —
但那天晚上,在餐厅里,她突然确信她热烈地爱着他。 —

In spite of his fifty-four years, he was so slim, agile, supple, he made puns and hummed to the gipsies’ tunes so charmingly. —
尽管他五十四岁了,他身材修长、敏捷、灵活,他说俏皮话,跟着吉普赛曲调哼唱得如此迷人。 —

Really, the older men were nowadays a thousand times more interesting than the young. —
真的,现在老年人比年轻人有趣千倍。 —

It seemed as though age and youth had changed parts. —
似乎年老和年轻互换了角色。 —

The Colonel was two years older than her father, but could there be any importance in that if, honestly speaking, there were infinitely more vitality, go, and freshness in him than in herself, though she was only twenty-three?

“Oh, my darling!” she thought. “You are wonderful!”

She had become convinced in the restaurant, too, that not a spark of her old feeling remained. —
她在饭店里也变得确信,她的旧感情再也没有一丝剩余。 —

For the friend of her childhood, Vladimir Mihalovitch, or simply Volodya, with whom only the day before she had been madly, miserably in love, she now felt nothing but complete indifference. —
对于她的童年朋友弗拉季米尔·米哈洛维奇,或者简单地说,沃洛迪亚,她只感到完全的冷漠,虽然就在前一天她还疯狂地、痛苦地爱着他。 —

All that evening he had seemed to her spiritless, torpid, uninteresting, and insignificant, and the sangfroid with which he habitually avoided paying at restaurants on this occasion revolted her, and she had hardly been able to resist saying, “If you are poor, you should stay at home.” —
整个晚上,他在她看来都是没精打采、迟钝、没意思和微不足道的,他在饭店里惯常不愿付账的冷漠态度让她感到反感,几乎忍不住想说:“如果你穷,就应该待在家里。” —

The Colonel paid for all.

Perhaps because trees, telegraph posts, and drifts of snow kept flitting past her eyes, all sorts of disconnected ideas came rushing into her mind. —
也许由于树木、电线杆和飘雪从她眼前飞过,各种毫无关联的思绪涌入她的脑海。 —

She reflected: the bill at the restaurant had been a hundred and twenty roubles, and a hundred had gone to the gipsies, and to-morrow she could fling away a thousand roubles if she liked; —
她反思道:饭店的账单是一百二十卢布,一百卢布给了吉普赛人,明天她如果愿意可以随意花掉一千卢布; —

and only two months ago, before her wedding, she had not had three roubles of her own, and had to ask her father for every trifle. —
而仅仅两个月前,在她结婚前,她连三卢布都没有,每次都得向父亲要。 —

What a change in her life!

Her thoughts were in a tangle. She recalled, how, when she was a child of ten, Colonel Yagitch, now her husband, used to make love to her aunt, and every one in the house said that he had ruined her. —
她头脑混乱。她回忆起十岁时,现在是她丈夫的亚吉奇上校曾向她的姨妈求爱的情形,家里的每个人都说他毁了她。 —

And her aunt had, in fact, often come down to dinner with her eyes red from crying, and was always going off somewhere; —
她的姨妈事实上经常因哭得红着眼睛才下楼用餐,总是四处走动; —

and people used to say of her that the poor thing could find no peace anywhere. —
人们常说这可怜的女人无法找到宁静。 —

He had been very handsome in those days, and had an extraordinary reputation as a lady-killer. —
那时他非常英俊,同时以花花公子的名声而闻名。 —

So much so that he was known all over the town, and it was said of him that he paid a round of visits to his adorers every day like a doctor visiting his patients. —
甚至有人说他每天如同医生看病人一样拜访自己的仰慕者。 —

And even now, in spite of his grey hair, his wrinkles, and his spectacles, his thin face looked handsome, especially in profile.

Sofya Lvovna’s father was an army doctor, and had at one time served in the same regiment with Colonel Yagitch. —
索菲娅·刘沃娜的父亲是一名军医,曾经和亚吉奇上校在同一个团里服役过。 —

Volodya’s father was an army doctor too, and he, too, had once been in the same regiment as her father and Colonel Yagitch. —
沃洛德亚的父亲也是一名军医,他曾和她的父亲以及亚吉奇上校在同一个团里。 —

In spite of many amatory adventures, often very complicated and disturbing, Volodya had done splendidly at the university, and had taken a very good degree. —
尽管经历了许多复杂令人困扰的恋爱冒险,沃洛德亚在大学里取得了显著的成绩,并获得了很好的学位。 —

Now he was specialising in foreign literature, and was said to be writing a thesis. —
现在他正在专攻外国文学,据说正在写一篇论文。 —

He lived with his father, the army doctor, in the barracks, and had no means of his own, though he was thirty. —
他和父亲,那位军医,住在军营里,虽然他已经三十岁,但并没有自己的财产。 —

As children Sofya and he had lived under the same roof, though in different flats. —
索菲娅和他从小一起生活,虽然住在不同的公寓里。 —

He often came to play with her, and they had dancing and French lessons together. —
他经常来找她玩,他们一起上舞蹈和法语课。 —

But when he grew up into a graceful, remarkably handsome young man, she began to feel shy of him, and then fell madly in love with him, and had loved him right up to the time when she was married to Yagitch. —
但当他长大成为一个优雅、异常英俊的年轻人时,她开始感到害羞,并疯狂地爱上了他,一直爱着他,直到她嫁给了亚吉奇。 —

He, too, had been renowned for his success with women almost from the age of fourteen, and the ladies who deceived their husbands on his account excused themselves by saying that he was only a boy. —
从十四岁起,他的成功在很大程度上是由于与女性的关系,那些因他而背叛她们丈夫的女士会找借口说他只是个男孩。 —

Some one had told a story of him lately that when he was a student living in lodgings so as to be near the university, it always happened if one knocked at his door, that one heard his footstep, and then a whispered apology: —
最近有人讲了一个关于他的故事,说当他还是一名学生住在附近的公寓时,如果有人敲门,总是能听到他的脚步声,然后听到他低声道歉:“对不起,我不是一个女人”。 —

Pardon, je ne suis pas setul.” Yagitch was delighted with him, and blessed him as a worthy successor, as Derchavin blessed Pushkin; —
亚吉奇对他非常高兴,并称赞他是一个配得上的继承者,就像德尔恰温称赞普希金一样; —

he appeared to be fond of him. They would play billiards or picquet by the hour together without uttering a word, if Yagitch drove out on any expedition he always took Volodya with him, and Yagitch was the only person Volodya initiated into the mysteries of his thesis. —
他似乎很喜欢他。 他们会一起打台球或玩纸牌游戏,甚至连一句话都不说。如果亚吉奇出去远行,他总是会带着沃洛德亚,而且亚吉奇是唯一一个被沃洛德亚介入其论文奥秘的人。 —

In earlier days, when Yagitch was rather younger, they had often been in the position of rivals, but they had never been jealous of one another. —
在早些时候,当亚吉奇还比较年轻时,他们经常处于竞争对手的位置,但他们从未嫉妒彼此。 —

In the circle in which they moved Yagitch was nicknamed Big Volodya, and his friend Little Volodya.

Besides Big Volodya, Little Volodya, and Sofya Lvovna, there was a fourth person in the sledge–Margarita Alexandrovna, or, as every one called her, Rita, a cousin of Madame Yagitch–a very pale girl over thirty, with black eyebrows and a pince-nez, who was for ever smoking cigarettes, even in the bitterest frost, and who always had her knees and the front of her blouse covered with cigarette ash. —
除了大弗洛迪亚、小弗洛迪亚和索菲娅·利沃夫娜外,雪橇上还有第四个人–玛格丽塔·亚历山德罗芙娜,或者,每个人都叫她丽塔,一个三十多岁的很苍白的女孩,黑眉毛和鼻夹。她总是吸烟,即使在最严寒的天气里,她的膝盖和衬衫前面总是被烟灰覆盖着。 —

She spoke through her nose, drawling every word, was of a cold temperament, could drink any amount of wine and liquor without being drunk, and used to tell scandalous anecdotes in a languid and tasteless way. —
她说话带着鼻音,每个字拉长,性情冷淡,无论喝多少酒,都不会醉,经常以一种懒散和毫无品味的方式讲些八卦。 —

At home she spent her days reading thick magazines, covering them with cigarette ash, or eating frozen apples.

“Sonia, give over fooling,” she said, drawling. “It’s really silly.”

As they drew near the city gates they went more slowly, and began to pass people and houses. —
当他们靠近城门时,雪橇慢了下来,开始经过人和房子。 —

Sofya Lvovna subsided, nestled up to her husband, and gave herself up to her thoughts. —
索菲娅·利沃夫娜安静下来,依偎在丈夫身边,沉浸在自己的思绪中。 —

Little Volodya sat opposite. By now her light-hearted and cheerful thoughts were mingled with gloomy ones. —
小弗洛迪亚坐在对面。现在,她轻松愉快的思绪和忧郁的思想交织在一起。 —

She thought that the man sitting opposite knew that she loved him, and no doubt he believed the gossip that she married the Colonel par dépit. —
她想,坐在对面的男人知道她爱他,毫无疑问他相信传言说她嫁给上校是出于失望。 —

She had never told him of her love; she had not wanted him to know, and had done her best to hide her feeling, but from her face she knew that he understood her perfectly –and her pride suffered. —
她从没告诉过他她的爱;她不想让他知道,并尽力隐藏自己的感情,但从她的脸上她知道他完全懂她–她的自尊受到了伤害。 —

But what was most humiliating in her position was that, since her wedding, Volodya had suddenly begun to pay her attention, which he had never done before, spending hours with her, sitting silent or chattering about trifles; —
但在她的位置上最令人屈辱的是,自她结婚以来,弗洛迪亚突然开始对她在意起来,以前从未这样,与她待在一起几个小时,无声或者闲聊些琐事; —

and even now in the sledge, though he did not talk to her, he touched her foot with his and pressed her hand a little. —
即使现在在雪橇里,虽然他没有和她说话,他用脚碰她的脚,稍稍握了握她的手。 —

Evidently that was all he wanted, that she should be married; —
显然他需要的就是这样,她应该结婚; —

and it was evident that he despised her and that she only excited in him an interest of a special kind as though she were an immoral and disreputable woman. —
显然他鄙视她,只是对她产生了一种特殊种类的兴趣,就好像她是一个道德败坏的女人。 —

And when the feeling of triumph and love for her husband were mingled in her soul with humiliation and wounded pride, she was overcome by a spirit of defiance, and longed to sit on the box, to shout and whistle to the horses.

Just as they passed the nunnery the huge hundred-ton bell rang out. Rita crossed herself.

“Our Olga is in that nunnery,” said Sofya Lvovna, and she, too, crossed herself and shuddered.

“Why did she go into the nunnery?” said the Colonel.

Par dépit,” Rita answered crossly, with obvious allusion to Sofya’s marrying Yagitch. —
“出于怨恨,”丽塔生气地回答道,显然是在暗指索非娅和亚吉奇的婚事。 —

Par dépit is all the fashion nowadays. Defiance of all the world. —
“现在‘出于怨恨’才是流行的时尚。与全世界为敌。 —

She was always laughing, a desperate flirt, fond of nothing but balls and young men, and all of a sudden off she went–to surprise every one!”

“That’s not true,” said Volodya, turning down the collar of his fur coat and showing his handsome face. —
“那不是真的,”沃洛迪亚把毛皮大衣的领子翻了下来,展示出他英俊的面容。 —

“It wasn’t a case of par dépit; it was simply horrible, if you like. —
“这不是‘出于怨恨’的情况;这是简直太可怕,如果你愿意的话。 —

Her brother Dmitri was sent to penal servitude, and they don’t know where he is now. —
她的兄弟德米特里被判了苦役,到现在都不知道他在哪里。 —

And her mother died of grief.”

He turned up his collar again.

“Olga did well,” he added in a muffled voice. —
“奥尔加做得对,”他以沉闷的声音补充道。 —

“Living as an adopted child, and with such a paragon as Sofya Lvovna,–one must take that into consideration too!”

Sofya Lvovna heard a tone of contempt in his voice, and longed to say something rude to him, but she said nothing. —
索非娅·利沃娜听到他的声音中带着蔑视的口气,很想对他说些粗鲁的话,但她什么也没说。 —

The spirit of defiance came over her again; —
又涌上她心头的那股对抗的精神; —

she stood up again and shouted in a tearful voice:

“I want to go to the early service! Driver, back! I want to see Olga.”

They turned back. The nunnery bell had a deep note, and Sofya Lvovna fancied there was something in it that reminded her of Olga and her life. —
他们掉头了。修道院的钟声发出深沉的声音,索菲亚·列沃夫娜觉得其中有些东西让她想起奥尔加和她的生活。 —

The other church bells began ringing too. —
其他教堂的钟声也开始响起。 —

When the driver stopped the horses, Sofya Lvovna jumped out of the sledge and, unescorted and alone, went quickly up to the gate.

“Make haste, please!” her husband called to her. “It’s late already.”

She went in at the dark gateway, then by the avenue that led from the gate to the chief church. —
她穿过黑暗的门廊,然后沿着从大门通向主教堂的林荫道走去。 —

The snow crunched under her feet, and the ringing was just above her head, and seemed to vibrate through her whole being. —
脚下的雪在吱吱作响,钟声就在她头顶,似乎贯穿她的整个生命。 —

Here was the church door, then three steps down, and an ante-room with ikons of the saints on both sides, a fragrance of juniper and incense, another door, and a dark figure opening it and bowing very low. —
这里是教堂的大门,然后下三级台阶,一个两侧有圣像的前厅,尽是一股檜和乳香的香味,另一扇门,一个黑衣人打开门并鞠躬。 —

The service had not yet begun. One nun was walking by the ikon-screen and lighting the candles on the tall standard candlesticks, another was lighting the chandelier. —
礼拜还未开始。一个修女走过圣像屏风,点燃高高的烛台上的蜡烛,另一个在点燃吊灯。 —

Here and there, by the columns and the side chapels, there stood black, motionless figures. —
在柱子和侧面小教堂附近,黑色、静止的身影站在那里。 —

“I suppose they must remain standing as they are now till the morning,” thought Sofya Lvovna, and it seemed to her dark, cold, and dreary–drearier than a graveyard. —
“我想她们必须得保持现在这样的姿势直到早晨了。”索菲亚·列沃夫娜想,觉得这里又暗、又冷、又阴沉——比墓地还要阴沉。 —

She looked with a feeling of dreariness at the still, motionless figures and suddenly felt a pang at her heart. —
她忧郁地看着站着一动不动的人群,突然感到一阵心痛。 —

For some reason, in one short nun, with thin shoulders and a black kerchief on her head, she recognised Olga, though when Olga went into the nunnery she had been plump and had looked taller. —
不知为何,她在一个矮瘦的修女身上,头顶黑色头巾,认出了奥尔加,尽管奥尔加进修道院时还很丰满并显得更高大。 —

Hesitating and extremely agitated, Sofya Lvovna went up to the nun, and looking over her shoulder into her face, recognised her as Olga.

“Olga!” she cried, throwing up her hands, and could not speak from emotion. “Olga!”

The nun knew her at once; she raised her eyebrows in surprise, and her pale, freshly washed face, and even, it seemed, the white headcloth that she wore under her wimple, beamed with pleasure.

“What a miracle from God!” she said, and she, too, threw up her thin, pale little hands.

Sofya Lvovna hugged her and kissed her warmly, and was afraid as she did so that she might smell of spirits.

“We were just driving past, and we thought of you,” she said, breathing hard, as though she had been running. —
“我们正好经过,就想着你了。”她说,喘着粗气,仿佛刚跑了一段。 —

“Dear me! How pale you are! I … I’m very glad to see you. —
“天哪!你怎么这么苍白!我……我真的很高兴见到你。 —

Well, tell me how are you? Are you dull?”

Sofya Lvovna looked round at the other nuns, and went on in a subdued voice:

“There’ve been so many changes at home … —
“在家里发生了很多变化……你知道的,我嫁给了雅吉奇上校。 —

you know, I’m married to Colonel Yagitch. —
你一定还记得他。……我和他在一起很幸福。” —

You remember him, no doubt… . I am very happy with him.”

“Well, thank God for that. And is your father quite well?”

“Yes, he is quite well. He often speaks of you. —
你假期时一定要来看我们,Olga,好吗?” —

You must come and see us during the holidays, Olga, won’t you?”

“I will come,” said Olga, and she smiled. “I’ll come on the second day.”

Sofya Lvovna began crying, she did not know why, and for a minute she shed tears in silence, then she wiped her eyes and said:

“Rita will be very sorry not to have seen you. She is with us too. And Volodya’s here. —
“丽塔很抱歉没有见到你。她也和我们在一起。还有沃洛迪亚在这里。” —

They are close to the gate. How pleased they’d be if you’d come out and see them. —
“他们就在大门附近。如果你出来看看他们会多高兴啊。” —

Let’s go out to them; the service hasn’t begun yet.”

“Let us,” Olga agreed. She crossed herself three times and went out with Sofya Lvovna to the entrance.

“So you say you’re happy, Sonitchka?” she asked when they came out at the gate.


“Well, thank God for that.”

The two Volodyas, seeing the nun, got out of the sledge and greeted her respectfully. —
两个沃洛迪亚看到这位修女,就从雪橇上下来,恭敬地向她问好。 —

Both were visibly touched by her pale face and her black monastic dress, and both were pleased that she had remembered them and come to greet them. —
他们俩明显被她苍白的脸和黑色的修道服所感动,他们都很高兴她记得他们并前来问候。 —

That she might not be cold, Sofya Lvovna wrapped her up in a rug and put one half of her fur coat round her. —
为了让她不冷,索菲娅·利沃夫娜用毯子裹住她,并把她的毛皮大衣的一半裹在她身上。 —

Her tears had relieved and purified her heart, and she was glad that this noisy, restless, and, in reality, impure night should unexpectedly end so purely and serenely. —
她的眼泪让她的心得到了宽慰和净化,她很高兴这个嘈杂、不安和实际上不纯净的夜晚能这样纯洁和宁静地结束。 —

And to keep Olga by her a little longer she suggested:

“Let us take her for a drive! Get in, Olga; we’ll go a little way.”

The men expected the nun to refuse–saints don’t dash about in three- horse sledges; —
男士们以为修女会拒绝——圣人们不会在三匹马的雪橇上飞驰; —

but to their surprise, she consented and got into the sledge. —
但令他们惊讶的是,她同意了并且坐进了雪橇里。 —

And while the horses were galloping to the city gate all were silent, and only tried to make her warm and comfortable, and each of them was thinking of what she had been in the past and what she was now. —
当马匹飞奔向城门时,众人皆默不作声,只想让她暖和舒适,每个人心中都想着她过去是怎样的,现在又是怎样的。 —

Her face was now passionless, inexpressive, cold, pale, and transparent, as though there were water, not blood, in her veins. —
她的脸此刻毫无激情,表情冷漠,冷淡,苍白透明,仿佛她的血液里流的是水,而非血。 —

And two or three years ago she had been plump and rosy, talking about her suitors and laughing at every trifle.

Near the city gate the sledge turned back; —
雪橇在城门附近掉头; —

when it stopped ten minutes later near the nunnery, Olga got out of the sledge. —
十分钟后停在修道院附近时,奥尔加从雪橇里下来。 —

The bell had begun to ring more rapidly.

“The Lord save you,” said Olga, and she bowed low as nuns do.

“Mind you come, Olga.”

“I will, I will.”

She went and quickly disappeared through the gateway. —
她走了,很快就消失在门户之间。 —

And when after that they drove on again, Sofya Lvovna felt very sad. Every one was silent. —
之后他们再度驶开,索菲娅·利沃夫娜感到非常悲伤。所有人都保持沉默。 —

She felt dispirited and weak all over. That she should have made a nun get into a sledge and drive in a company hardly sober seemed to her now stupid, tactless, and almost sacrilegious. —
她感到心灰意冷,浑身无力。她现在觉得,让一位修女上了雪橇并加入一群几乎没头绪的人行驶起来,是愚蠢、没有分寸,甚至近乎亵渎。 —

As the intoxication passed off, the desire to deceive herself passed away also. —
酒醉消退之后,欺骗自己的慾望也随之消失。 —

It was clear to her now that she did not love her husband, and never could love him, and that it all had been foolishness and nonsense. —
现在她清楚地意识到她并不爱她的丈夫,也永远不会爱他,一切都是愚蠢荒谬的。 —

She had married him from interested motives, because, in the words of her school friends, he was madly rich, and because she was afraid of becoming an old maid like Rita, and because she was sick of her father, the doctor, and wanted to annoy Volodya.

If she could have imagined when she got married, that it would be so oppressive, so dreadful, and so hideous, she would not have consented to the marriage for all the wealth in the world. —
如果她在结婚时能想象到会如此压抑、可怕和丑陋,她绝对不会为了世上所有的财富而同意结婚。 —

But now there was no setting it right. She must make up her mind to it.

They reached home. Getting into her warm, soft bed, and pulling the bed- clothes over her, Sofya Lvovna recalled the dark church, the smell of incense, and the figures by the columns, and she felt frightened at the thought that these figures would be standing there all the while she was asleep. —
他们回到了家。躺在温暖柔软的床上,拉上被子,索菲娅‧利沃夫娜回忆起那个黑暗的教堂、乳香的气味以及柱子旁的人影,她害怕想到这些人影会一直站在那里,直到她入睡。 —

The early service would be very, very long; —
清早的弥撒会非常非常漫长; —

then there would be “the hours,” then the mass, then the service of the day.

“But of course there is a God–there certainly is a God; —
“但当然有一个上帝–肯定有一个上帝; —

and I shall have to die, so that sooner or later one must think of one’s soul, of eternal life, like Olga. Olga is saved now; —
而且我迟早都得死,因此早晚必须考虑自己的灵魂,想到永生,就像奥尔加一样。奥尔加现在得救了; —

she has settled all questions for herself… . But if there is no God? —
她为自己解决了所有问题。… 但如果没有上帝呢? —

Then her life is wasted. But how is it wasted? Why is it wasted?”

And a minute later the thought came into her mind again:

“There is a God; death must come; one must think of one’s soul. —
“有一个上帝;死亡终将降临;必须考虑自己的灵魂。 —

If Olga were to see death before her this minute she would not be afraid. She is prepared. —
如果奥尔加此刻能看到死亡,她不会害怕。她已经做好准备。 —

And the great thing is that she has already solved the problem of life for herself. —
最重要的是她已经为自己解决了生命的难题。 —

There is a God … yes … . But is there no other solution except going into a monastery? To go into the monastery means to renounce life, to spoil it … .”
有一个上帝… 是的… 但除了进修道院没有别的解决方案吗?进修道院意味着放弃生活,毁掉它… .”

Sofya Lvovna began to feel rather frightened; she hid her head under her pillow.

“I mustn’t think about it,” she whispered. “I mustn’t… .”

Yagitch was walking about on the carpet in the next room with a soft jingle of spurs, thinking about something. —
亚吉奇在隔壁房间的地毯上走动,踢着软软的马刺,心里想着什么。 —

The thought occurred to Sofya Lvovna that this man was near and dear to her only for one reason–that his name, too, was Vladimir. —
索菲亚·利沃芙娜突然想到,这个男人之所以对她如此重要,仅仅是因为他的名字也叫弗拉基米尔。 —

She sat up in bed and called tenderly:


“What is it?” her husband responded.


She lay down again. She heard a bell, perhaps the same nunnery bell. —
她再次躺下。她听见了铃声,也许是同一个庵的铃声。 —

Again she thought of the vestibule and the dark figures, and thoughts of God and of inevitable death strayed through her mind, and she covered her ears that she might not hear the bell. —
她再次想起门厅和那些黑影,她的脑海中掠过上帝和不可避免的死亡的思绪,她捂住耳朵不想再听到铃声。 —

She thought that before old age and death there would be a long, long life before her, and that day by day she would have to put up with being close to a man she did not love, who had just now come into the bedroom and was getting into bed, and would have to stifle in her heart her hopeless love for the other young, fascinating, and, as she thought, exceptional man. —
她想到在衰老和死亡之前,她还有漫长漫长的一生在等待着她,而每一天她都不得不忍受和一个她不爱的男人相处,在刚刚走进卧室并上床的这个人身旁,她不得不深藏心底对另一个年轻、迷人、而且她认为是特别的男人无法实现的爱。 —

She looked at her husband and tried to say good-night to him, but suddenly burst out crying instead. —
她看着丈夫,试图对他说晚安,但突然改为哭了起来。 —

She was vexed with herself.

“Well, now then for the music!” said Yagitch.

She was not pacified till ten o’clock in the morning. —
直到早上十点,她才平静下来。 —

She left off crying and trembling all over, but she began to have a splitting headache. —
她停止哭泣和全身颤抖,但开始头痛欲裂。 —

Yagitch was in haste to go to the late mass, and in the next room was grumbling at his orderly, who was helping him to dress. —
亚吉奇急忙赶去参加晚弥撒,正在旁边的房间里,他的助手正在帮他穿衣服,而他则正嘟囔着。 —

He came into the bedroom once with the soft jingle of his spurs to fetch something, and then a second time wearing his epaulettes, and his orders on his breast, limping slightly from rheumatism; —
他戴着轻快的马刺声音走进卧室拿东西,然后第二次戴上他的肩章和他胸前的命令牌,因风湿病而稍微跛行; —

and it struck Sofya Lvovna that he looked and walked like a bird of prey.

She heard Yagitch ring the telephone bell.

“Be so good as to put me on to the Vassilevsky barracks,” he said; and a minute later: —
“请把我接到瓦西列夫斯基兵营,“他说,一分钟后: —

“Vassilevsky barracks? Please ask Doctor Salimovitch to come to the telephone …” —
“瓦西列夫斯基兵营?请叫萨利莫维奇医生接电话…” —

And a minute later: “With whom am I speaking? Is it you, Volodya? Delighted. —
一分钟后:“我在和谁通话?是你,沃洛迪娅吗?很高兴。 —

Ask your father to come to us at once, dear boy; my wife is rather shattered after yesterday. —
请让你父亲立刻来找我们,亲爱的孩子;昨天我妻子有点崩溃。 —

Not at home, you say? H’m! … Thank you. Very good. —
你说他不在家?嗯!…谢谢。好的。 —

I shall be much obliged … Merci.”

Yagitch came into the bedroom for the third time, bent down to his wife, made the sign of the cross over her, gave her his hand to kiss (the women who had been in love with him used to kiss his hand and he had got into the habit of it), and saying that he should be back to dinner, went out.

At twelve o’clock the maid came in to announce that Vladimir Mihalovitch had arrived. —
午夜十二点钟,女仆进来宣布弗拉基米尔·米哈洛维奇已经到了。 —

Sofya Lvovna, staggering with fatigue and headache, hurriedly put on her marvellous new lilac dressing-gown trimmed with fur, and hastily did up her hair after a fashion. —
索菲亚·列夫诺娃,浑身疲惫和头痛,赶紧穿上她美丽的新丁香色羊毛袍,镶有毛皮,匆忙把头发弄成一种样式。 —

She was conscious of an inexpressible tenderness in her heart, and was trembling with joy and with fear that he might go away. —
她心中充满了难以言喻的柔情,充满了喜悦和担忧,害怕他可能离开。 —

She wanted nothing but to look at him.

Volodya came dressed correctly for calling, in a swallow-tail coat and white tie. —
伏罗迪亚穿着得体,身穿燕尾服,打着白领结。 —

When Sofya Lvovna came in he kissed her hand and expressed his genuine regret that she was ill. —
当索菲娅·吕沃夫娜进来时,他亲吻她的手,并真诚地表示对她生病感到遗憾。 —

Then when they had sat down, he admired her dressing-gown.

“I was upset by seeing Olga yesterday,” she said. “At first I felt it dreadful, but now I envy her. —
“昨天见到奥尔加让我很难过,”她说。“起初我感到可怕,但现在我羡慕她。 —

She is like a rock that cannot be shattered; there is no moving her. —
她像一块坚不可摧的岩石;她是不可动摇的。 —

But was there no other solution for her, Volodya? —
但难道对她来说没有其他解决办法吗,伏罗迪亚? —

Is burying oneself alive the only solution of the problem of life? —
难道活埋自己是解决生命问题的唯一方法吗? —

Why, it’s death, not life!”

At the thought of Olga, Volodya’s face softened.

“Here, you are a clever man, Volodya,” said Sofya Lvovna. “Show me how to do what Olga has done. —
“你是个聪明人,伏罗迪亚,”索菲娅·吕沃夫娜说。“告诉我如何做到像奥尔加那样。 —

Of course, I am not a believer and should not go into a nunnery, but one can do something equivalent. —
当然,我不信教,不应该进修道院,但可以做一些等效的事。 —

Life isn’t easy for me,” she added after a brief pause. “Tell me what to do… . —
对我来说生活并不容易,”她在短暂的停顿后补充说。“告诉我该怎么做…… —

Tell me something I can believe in. Tell me something, if it’s only one word.”

“One word? By all means: tararaboomdeeay.”

“Volodya, why do you despise me?” she asked hotly. —
“伏罗迪亚,为什么你看不起我?”她愤怒地问道。 —

“You talk to me in a special, fatuous way, if you’ll excuse me, not as one talks to one’s friends and women one respects. —
“你和我说话的方式很特别,有点愚蠢,如果你原谅的话,不像一个人和朋友或值得尊敬的女人交谈的方式。 —

You are so good at your work, you are fond of science; —
你在工作上很擅长,你喜欢科学; —

why do you never talk of it to me? Why is it? —
为什么你从不跟我谈论这个?为什么呢? —

Am I not good enough?”

Volodya frowned with annoyance and said:

“Why do you want science all of a sudden? —
为什么你突然想要科学? —

Don’t you perhaps want constitutional government? —
难道你不想要宪政政府吗? —

Or sturgeon and horse-radish?”

“Very well, I am a worthless, trivial, silly woman with no convictions. —
“好吧,我是一个无足轻重、琐碎、愚蠢的女人,没有信念。 —

I have a mass, a mass of defects. I am neurotic, corrupt, and I ought to be despised for it. —
我有一大堆缺点。我神经过敏、堕落,应该被鄙视。 —

But you, Volodya, are ten years older than I am, and my husband is thirty years older. —
但是你,弗洛迪亚,比我大十岁,而我的丈夫大我三十岁。 —

I’ve grown up before your eyes, and if you would, you could have made anything you liked of me–an angel. —
我在你眼前长大,如果你愿意,你本可以使我成为任何你愿意的人–一个天使。 —

But you”–her voice quivered– “treat me horribly. —
但是你”–她的声音颤抖着– “对待我很恶劣。 —

Yagitch has married me in his old age, and you …”

“Come, come,” said Volodya, sitting nearer her and kissing both her hands. —
“来吧” ,弗洛迪亚说,坐在她旁边,亲吻着她的双手。” —

“Let the Schopenhauers philosophise and prove whatever they like, while we’ll kiss these little hands.”

“You despise me, and if only you knew how miserable it makes me,” she said uncertainly, knowing beforehand that he would not believe her. —
“你鄙视我,如果你只知道这让我有多么痛苦,”她迟疑地说,事先知道他不会相信她的话。 —

“And if you only knew how I want to change, to begin another life! I think of it with enthusiasm!” —
“如果你只知道我有多么想改变,开始另一种生活!我想着这个热情!” —

and tears of enthusiasm actually came into her eyes. —
热情的眼泪实际上流进了她的眼睛里。 —

“To be good, honest, pure, not to be lying; —
“要做一个善良、诚实、纯洁的人,不说谎; —

to have an object in life.”

“Come, come, come, please don’t be affected! I don’t like it!” —
“来,来,来,请不要受影响!我不喜欢这样!” —

said Volodya, and an ill-humoured expression came into his face. —
弗洛德亚说,脸上露出不快的表情。 —

“Upon my word, you might be on the stage. —
“我要说,你简直可以去舞台上演出。 —

Let us behave like simple people.”

To prevent him from getting cross and going away, she began defending herself, and forced herself to smile to please him; —
为了防止他发脾气走开,她开始为自己辩护,并逼着自己微笑以取悦他; —

and again she began talking of Olga, and of how she longed to solve the problem of her life and to become something real.

“Ta-ra-ra-boomdee-ay,” he hummed. “Ta-ra-ra-boom-dee-ay!”
“哒哒哒哒哒哒”,他哼唱道。 “哒哒哒哒哒哒!”

And all at once he put his arm round her waist, while she, without knowing what she was doing, laid her hands on his shoulders and for a minute gazed with ecstasy, almost intoxication, at his clever, ironical face, his brow, his eyes, his handsome beard.

“You have known that I love you for ever so long,” she confessed to him, and she blushed painfully, and felt that her lips were twitching with shame. —
“我爱你,我爱你很久了,”她向他坦白,她面露痛苦的脸红,感到自己的嘴唇因为羞耻而抽搐。 —

“I love you. Why do you torture me?”

She shut her eyes and kissed him passionately on the lips, and for a long while, a full minute, could not take her lips away, though she knew it was unseemly, that he might be thinking the worse of her, that a servant might come in.

“Oh, how you torture me!” she repeated.

When half an hour later, having got all that he wanted, he was sitting at lunch in the dining-room, she was kneeling before him, gazing greedily into his face, and he told her that she was like a little dog waiting for a bit of ham to be thrown to it. —
半小时后,当他已经得到他想要的一切,坐在餐厅里吃午餐时,她跪在他面前,贪婪地盯着他的脸,他告诉她她像一个等待被扔一块火腿的小狗。 —

Then he sat her on his knee, and dancing her up and down like a child, hummed:

“Tara-raboom-dee-ay… . Tara-raboom-dee-ay.” —
“塔拉-拉布姆-迪-埃。。。塔拉-拉布姆-迪-埃。” —

And when he was getting ready to go she asked him in a passionate whisper:

“When? To-day? Where?” And held out both hands to his mouth as though she wanted to seize his answer in them.

“To-day it will hardly be convenient,” he said after a minute’s thought. “To-morrow, perhaps.”

And they parted. Before dinner Sofya Lvovna went to the nunnery to see Olga, but there she was told that Olga was reading the psalter somewhere over the dead. —
然后他们分别了。晚饭前,索菲娅·列沃夫娜去修道院看奥尔加,但她被告知奥尔加正在逝者身边守夜。 —

From the nunnery she went to her father’s and found that he, too, was out. —
从修道院她去了父亲那里,发现他也不在家。 —

Then she took another sledge and drove aimlessly about the streets till evening. —
然后她换了另一辆雪橇,在城里无目的地地兜圈子,直到傍晚。 —

And for some reason she kept thinking of the aunt whose eyes were red with crying, and who could find no peace anywhere.

And at night they drove out again with three horses to a restaurant out of town and listened to the gipsies. —
夜晚他们再次乘着三匹马驾车去城外的一家餐馆听吉普赛音乐。 —

And driving back past the nunnery again, Sofya Lvovna thought of Olga, and she felt aghast at the thought that for the girls and women of her class there was no solution but to go on driving about and telling lies, or going into a nunnery to mortify the flesh. —
回程经过修道院时,索菲娅·列沃夫娜想起了奥尔加,她不禁感到惊讶,对于她这个阶层的女孩和女人来说,没有其他解决方法,只能继续环城兜圈撒谎,或者进修道院苦行。 —

… And next day she met her lover, and again Sofya Lvovna drove about the town alone in a hired sledge thinking about her aunt.
. . 。第二天,她遇见了她的情人,索菲娅·利沃夫娜再次独自坐着租来的雪橇在城里转悠,想着她的阿姨。

A week later Volodya threw her over. And after that life went on as before, uninteresting, miserable, and sometimes even agonising. —
一个星期后,沃洛狄娅抛弃了她。之后生活如同往常一样,无聊、悲惨,有时甚至痛苦。 —

The Colonel and Volodya spent hours playing billiards and picquet, Rita told anecdotes in the same languid, tasteless way, and Sofya Lvovna went about alone in hired sledges and kept begging her husband to take her for a good drive with three horses.

Going almost every day to the nunnery, she wearied Olga, complaining of her unbearable misery, weeping, and feeling as she did so that she brought with her into the cell something impure, pitiful, shabby. —
她几乎每天去修道院,使奥尔加感到疲倦,抱怨她难以忍受的痛苦,哭泣,同时感到自己带着一些不洁、可怜、破旧的东西走进了小房间。 —

And Olga repeated to her mechanically as though a lesson learnt by rote, that all this was of no consequence, that it would all pass and God would forgive her.