“I LOVE YOU. You are my life, my happiness—everything to me! —-
“我爱你,你是我的生活,我的幸福——对我而言一切! —-

Forgive the avowal, but I have not the strength to suffer and be silent. —-
请原谅我的坦白,但我没有力量去忍受和沉默。 —-

I ask not for love in return, but for sympathy. —-
我不要求回报的爱,只求同情。 —-

Be at the old arbour at eight o’clock this evening. . . . —-
今晚八点在老亭子见面吧. . . —-

To sign my name is unnecessary I think, but do not be uneasy at my being anonymous. —-
签下我的名字是不必要的,我想,但是不要因为我匿名而担心。 —-

I am young, nice-looking . . . what more do you want?”
我年轻,相貌端正. . . 你还想要什么?

When Pavel Ivanitch Vyhodtsev, a practical married man who was spending his holidays at a summer villa, read this letter, he shrugged his shoulders and scratched his forehead in perplexity.

“What devilry is this?” he thought. “I’m a married man, and to send me such a queer . —-
“这是什么鬼把戏?”他想。“我是个已婚男人,却给我寄这样一个古怪的信。 —-

. . silly letter! Who wrote it?”
无聊了. . . 愚蠢的信!是谁写的?”

Pavel Ivanitch turned the letter over and over before his eyes, read it through again, and spat with disgust.

“‘I love you’” . . . he said jeeringly. “A nice boy she has pitched on! —-
“‘我爱你’” . . . 他讥笑道。“她选的这小伙不错! —-

So I’m to run off to meet you in the arbour! . . . —-
所以我得跑去亭子见你啊! . . . —-

I got over all such romances and fleurs d’amour years ago, my girl. . . . Hm! —-
我多年前就克服了这些浪漫和爱情花朵,我的女孩. . . . 嗯! —-

She must be some reckless, immoral creature. . . . Well, these women are a set! —-
她一定是个鲁莽、不道德的人. . . . 嗯,这些女人真是一群! —-

What a whirligig—God forgive us!—she must be to write a letter like that to a stranger, and a married man, too! —-
她一定是个天马行空的人—神原谅我们!—才会给一个陌生人写这样一封信,而且还是个已婚男人! —-

It’s real demoralisation!”

In the course of his eight years of married life Pavel Ivanitch had completely got over all sentimental feeling, and he had received no letters from ladies except letters of congratulation, and so, although he tried to carry it off with disdain, the letter quoted above greatly intrigued and agitated him.

An hour after receiving it, he was lying on his sofa, thinking:

“Of course I am not a silly boy, and I am not going to rush off to this idiotic rendezvous; —-
“当然,我不是一个傻孩子,我不会莽撞地冲去这个愚蠢的约会地点; —-

but yet it would be interesting to know who wrote it! Hm. . . . —-
但还是很有趣想知道是谁写的!嗯…. —-

It is certainly a woman’s writing. . . . —-
这绝对是女人的笔迹…. —-

The letter is written with genuine feeling, and so it can hardly be a joke. . . . —-
信写得真挚,所以不太可能是玩笑…. —-

Most likely it’s some neurotic girl, or perhaps a widow . . . —-
很可能是某个神经症女孩,或者一个寡妇…. —-

widows are frivolous and eccentric as a rule. —-
寡妇通常轻浮而古怪。 —-

Hm. . . . Who could it be?”
嗯…. 是谁呢?”

What made it the more difficult to decide the question was that Pavel Ivanitch had not one feminine acquaintance among all the summer visitors, except his wife.

“It is queer . . .” he mused. “‘I love you!’. . . When did she manage to fall in love? —-
“这真奇怪….” 他沉思道。“‘我爱你!’…. 她是什么时候设法爱上的? —-

Amazing woman! To fall in love like this, apropos of nothing, without making any acquaintance and finding out what sort of man I am. —-
不可思议的女人!这样毫无缘由地爱上一个人,根本还没有做过任何了解,搞清楚我是什么样的人。 —-

. . . She must be extremely young and romantic if she is capable of falling in love after two or three looks at me. —-
…. 她一定非常年轻和浪漫,如果在看了我两三眼之后就能爱上。 —-

. . . But . . . who is she?”
…. 但…. 她是谁?”

Pavel Ivanitch suddenly recalled that when he had been walking among the summer villas the day before, and the day before that, he had several times been met by a fair young lady with a light blue hat and a turn-up nose. —-
巴维尔·伊万尼奇突然想起,前一天和前天他在夏季别墅间散步时,几次遇见了一个戴着浅蓝色帽子、长着翘鼻子的美丽年轻女士。 —-

The fair charmer had kept looking at him, and when he sat down on a seat she had sat down beside him. . . .

“Can it be she?” Vyhodtsev wondered. “It can’t be! —-
“会不会是她?”维霍德采夫想。“不可能是她! —-

Could a delicate ephemeral creature like that fall in love with a worn-out old eel like me? —-
这样一个纤弱的虚幻生物会爱上一个破旧老鳗鱼像我吗? —-

No, it’s impossible!”

At dinner Pavel Ivanitch looked blankly at his wife while he meditated:

“She writes that she is young and nice-looking. . . . So she’s not old. . . . Hm. . . . —-
“她写道自己年轻漂亮……那她不老……嗯…… —-

To tell the truth, honestly I am not so old and plain that no one could fall in love with me. —-
老实说,坦率地说,我并不是那么老和平凡,没有人会爱上我的。 —-

My wife loves me! Besides, love is blind, we all know. . . .”

“What are you thinking about?” his wife asked him.

“Oh. . . my head aches a little. . .” Pavel Ivanitch said, quite untruly.

He made up his mind that it was stupid to pay attention to such a nonsensical thing as a love-letter, and laughed at it and at its authoress, but—alas! —-
他决定认为关注这种爱情信件是愚蠢的事,并嘲笑它和它的作者,但——唉! —-

—powerful is the “dacha” enemy of mankind! —-
——乡间别墅可是人类的强大敌人! —-

After dinner, Pavel Ivanitch lay down on his bed, and instead of going to sleep, reflected:

“But there, I daresay she is expecting me to come! What a silly! —-
“但是,我敢说她可能在期待我来!多蠢啊! —-

I can just imagine what a nervous fidget she’ll be in and how her tournure will quiver when she does not find me in the arbour! —-
我可以想象到她在焦躁不安时会是多么的烦躁,当她在凉亭里找不到我时,她的背心会颤抖! —-

I shan’t go, though. . . . Bother her!”
但是,我不会去…… 让她烦心吧!

But, I repeat, powerful is the enemy of mankind.

“Though I might, perhaps, just out of curiosity . . .” he was musing, half an hour later. —-
“也许,我只是出于好奇…”他在半个小时后想着。 —-

“I might go and look from a distance what sort of a creature she is. . . . —-
“也许我可以去远处看看她是什么样子……” —-

It would be interesting to have a look at her! It would be fun, and that’s all! —-
看她一眼会很有趣!这会很有趣,就这样了! —-

After all, why shouldn’t I have a little fun since such a chance has turned up?”

Pavel Ivanitch got up from his bed and began dressing. —-
保尔·伊万尼奇起床,开始穿衣。 —-

“What are you getting yourself up so smartly for? —-
“你这么漂亮地打扮自己干什么? —-

” his wife asked, noticing that he was putting on a clean shirt and a fashionable tie.

“Oh, nothing. . . . I must have a walk. . . . My head aches. . . . Hm.”
“哦,没什么…… 我需要出去走走…… 我头疼。嗯。”

Pavel Ivanitch dressed in his best, and waiting till eight o’clock, went out of the house. —-
保尔·伊万尼奇穿着他最好的衣服,等到八点,走出了家门。 —-

When the figures of gaily dressed summer visitors of both sexes began passing before his eyes against the bright green background, his heart throbbed.

“Which of them is it? . . .” he wondered, advancing irresolutely. “Come, what am I afraid of? —-
“她是他们中的哪一个呢?……”他犹豫地前进着。“来吧,我在害怕什么? —-

Why, I am not going to the rendezvous! What . . . a fool! Go forward boldly! —-
为什么,我又不是去约会!真…傻瓜!大胆前行! —-

And what if I go into the arbour? Well, well . . . —-
那么如果我走进凉亭呢?唔,唔… —-

there is no reason I should.”

Pavel Ivanitch’s heart beat still more violently. . . . —-
帕维尔·伊万尼奇的心跳更加剧烈地跳动着… —-

Involuntarily, with no desire to do so, he suddenly pictured to himself the half- darkness of the arbour. —-
他无意识地,没有任何愿望,突然幻想起凉亭半阴暗的景象。 —-

. . . A graceful fair girl with a little blue hat and a turn-up nose rose before his imagination. —-
…一个拥有优雅外貌,带着一顶蓝色小帽和翘起鼻子的金发女孩出现在他的想象中。 —-

He saw her, abashed by her love and trembling all over, timidly approach him, breathing excitedly, and . —-
他看到她,被爱情羞怯和颤抖着,胆怯地走向他,激动地呼吸着,并… —-

. . suddenly clasping him in her arms.

“If I weren’t married it would be all right . . . —-
“如果我没有结婚的话就会没事… —-

” he mused, driving sinful ideas out of his head. “Though . . . —-
” 他沉思着,把邪念驱逐出脑海。“虽然… —-

for once in my life, it would do no harm to have the experience, or else one will die without knowing what. —-
人生中有一次这样的经历也无妨,否则一个人将会毫无体验的死去。 —-

. . . And my wife, what will it matter to her? —-
…对我妻子来说会有什么影响呢? —-

Thank God, for eight years I’ve never moved one step away from her. . . . —-
感谢上帝,八年来我从未离开过她一步… —-

Eight years of irreproachable duty! Enough of her. . . . —-
八年无可指摘的责任!够了。… —-

It’s positively vexatious. . . . I’m ready to go to spite her!”

Trembling all over and holding his breath, Pavel Ivanitch went up to the arbour, wreathed with ivy and wild vine, and peeped into it . —-
帕维尔·伊万尼奇浑身颤抖着,屏住呼吸,走向缠绕着常绿藤和野葡萄的凉亭,往里面探视。 —-

. . . A smell of dampness and mildew reached him. . . .
. . . 一股潮湿发霉的气味飘进了他的鼻孔. . . .

“I believe there’s nobody . . .” he thought, going into the arbour, and at once saw a human silhouette in the corner.
“我相信没有人. . .” 他心想着,走进凉亭,立刻看到一个人影躲在角落里.

The silhouette was that of a man. . . . Looking more closely, Pavel Ivanitch recognised his wife’s brother, Mitya, a student, who was staying with them at the villa.
那个人影是一个男人. . . . 仔细看去,帕维尔·伊万尼奇认出那是他妻子的弟弟,正在他们别墅里住宿的学生弟弟米夏.

“Oh, it’s you . . .” he growled discontentedly, as he took off his hat and sat down.
“哦,是你. . .” 他不满地嘟囔着,摘下帽子坐了下来.

“Yes, it’s I” . . . answered Mitya.
“是我” . . . 米夏回答道.

Two minutes passed in silence.

“Excuse me, Pavel Ivanitch,” began Mitya: “but might I ask you to leave me alone?? . . . —-
“对不起,帕维尔·伊万尼奇,”米夏开始说:“你能不能让我独处?. . . —-

I am thinking over the dissertation for my degree and . . . —-
我正在思考我的学位论文. . . —-

and the presence of anybody else prevents my thinking.”

“You had better go somewhere in a dark avenue. . .” Pavel Ivanitch observed mildly. —-
“你最好去幽暗的林荫道. . .” 帕维尔·伊万尼奇温和地观察道. —-

“It’s easier to think in the open air, and, besides, . . . er . . . —-
“在室外更容易思考,而且,. . . 嗯. . . —-

I should like to have a little sleep here on this seat. . —-
我想在这个长椅上睡一会儿。 —-

. It’s not so hot here. . . .”
在这里不会那么炎热. . . .”

“You want to sleep, but it’s a question of my dissertation . . . —-
“你想睡觉,但这是关于我的论文的问题. . . —-

” Mitya grumbled. “The dissertation is more important.”
” 米夏抱怨着。“论文更重要.”

Again there was a silence. Pavel Ivanitch, who had given the rein to his imagination and was continually hearing footsteps, suddenly leaped up and said in a plaintive voice:
再次陷入沉默。 巴维尔·伊万尼奇发挥了他的想象力,不断听见脚步声,突然跳起来,用哀求的声音说:

“Come, I beg you, Mitya! You are younger and ought to consider me . . . . —-
“米太,请走吧!你年轻,应该考虑一下我..... —-

I am unwell and . . . I need sleep. . . . Go away!”

“That’s egoism. . . . Why must you be here and not I? I won’t go as a matter of principle.”

“Come, I ask you to! Suppose I am an egoist, a despot and a fool . . . —-
“来吧,我请求你!就算我是自私、专横和愚蠢... —-

but I ask you to go! For once in my life I ask you a favour! —-
但我请求你走开!我一生中第一次请求你一个快事! —-

Show some consideration!”

Mitya shook his head.

“What a beast! . . .” thought Pavel Ivanitch. —-
“多么残忍!” 巴维尔·伊万尼奇想。 —-

“That can’t be a rendezvous with him here! —-
“在他在这里,不可能和他有约会! —-

It’s impossible with him here!”

“I say, Mitya,” he said, “I ask you for the last time. . . . —-
“我说,米太,”他说,“我最后一次请求你... —-

Show that you are a sensible, humane, and cultivated man!”

“I don’t know why you keep on so!” . . . said Mitya, shrugging his shoulders. —-
“我不知道为什么你不停地这样!”...米太耸了耸肩。 —-

“I’ve said I won’t go, and I won’t. —-
“我说过我不走,我就不走。” —-

I shall stay here as a matter of principle. . . .”
我将留在这里是出于原则. . . .”

At that moment a woman’s face with a turn-up nose peeped into the arbour. . . .
就在那时,一个有着翘鼻子的女人的脸探头进了凉亭. . . .

Seeing Mitya and Pavel Ivanitch, it frowned and vanished.

“She is gone!” thought Pavel Ivanitch, looking angrily at Mitya. “She saw that blackguard and fled! —-
“她走了!” 帕维尔·伊万尼奇心想,生气地看着米太。“她看到那个流氓就跑了! —-

It’s all spoilt!”

After waiting a little longer, he got up, put on his hat and said:

“You’re a beast, a low brute and a blackguard! Yes! A beast! It’s mean . —-
“你是一个畜生,一个卑鄙的家伙和无赖!是的!一个畜生!这很卑鄙。 —-

. . and silly! Everything is at an end between us!”
. . 而且愚蠢!一切在我们之间都结束了!”

“Delighted to hear it!” muttered Mitya, also getting up and putting on his hat. —-
“听到这个我感到高兴!” 米太嘟囔着,也站起来戴上帽子。 —-

“Let me tell you that by being here just now you’ve played me such a dirty trick that I’ll never forgive you as long as I live.”

Pavel Ivanitch went out of the arbour, and beside himself with rage, strode rapidly to his villa. —-
帕维尔·伊万尼奇走出凉亭,怒气冲冲地急步走向他的别墅。 —-

Even the sight of the table laid for supper did not soothe him.

“Once in a lifetime such a chance has turned up,” he thought in agitation; —-
“一生只会出现这样的机会一次,”他心急如焚地想着; —-

“and then it’s been prevented! Now she is offended . . . crushed!”
“然后就被破坏了!现在她生气了. . . 被击溃了!”

At supper Pavel Ivanitch and Mitya kept their eyes on their plates and maintained a sullen silence. —-
晚餐时,帕维尔·伊万尼奇和米太都低头吃饭,保持着愠怒的沉默。 —-

. . . They were hating each other from the bottom of their hearts.

“What are you smiling at?” asked Pavel Ivanitch, pouncing on his wife. —-
“你在笑什么?”保尔·伊凡尼奇把妻子抓住,问道。 —-

“It’s only silly fools who laugh for nothing!”

His wife looked at her husband’s angry face, and went off into a peal of laughter.

“What was that letter you got this morning?” she asked.

“I? . . . I didn’t get one. . . .” Pavel Ivanitch was overcome with confusion. —-
“我?……我没收到。……” 保尔·伊凡尼奇困惑不解。 —-

“You are inventing . . . imagination.”

“Oh, come, tell us! Own up, you did! Why, it was I sent you that letter! —-
“哦,来吧,告诉我们!承认吧,你收到了!嘿嘿!” —-

Honour bright, I did! Ha ha!”

Pavel Ivanitch turned crimson and bent over his plate. “Silly jokes,” he growled.

“But what could I do? Tell me that. . . . —-
“我们今晚得把房间擦洗一下,你怎么能离开家呢? —-

We had to scrub the rooms out this evening, and how could we get you out of the house? —-
没有其他方式能让你出去。……但别生气,傻瓜。……” —-

There was no other way of getting you out. . . . But don’t be angry, stupid. . . . —-
“我不想让你在凉亭里无聊,所以我也给米太发了同样的信! —-

I didn’t want you to be dull in the arbour, so I sent the same letter to Mitya too! —-
米太,你去过凉亭了吗?” —-

Mitya, have you been to the arbour?”

Mitya grinned and left off glaring with hatred at his rival. —-
米蒂嘿嘿一笑,停止了对他的对手怀着仇恨的瞪视。 —-

具有阁楼的房子 具有阁楼的房子


IT happened nigh on seven years ago, when I was living in one of the districts of the J. province, on the estate of Bielokurov, a landowner, a young man who used to get up early, dress himself in a long overcoat, drink beer in the evenings, and all the while complain to me that he could nowhere find any one in sympathy with his ideas. —-
这是差不多七年前的事了,那时我住在J省的一个地区,住在一个名叫别洛库罗夫的地主的庄园里,他是一个年轻人,早早起床,穿着一件长大衣,晚上喝啤酒,并一直跟我抱怨,说他找不到任何一个能赞同他想法的人。 —-

He lived in a little house in the orchard, and I lived in the old manor-house, in a huge pillared hall where there was no furniture except a large divan, on which I slept, and a table at which I used to play patience. —-
他住在果园里的一个小房子里,而我住在老庄园里的一个巨大的有柱子的大厅里,那里除了一个大沙发,我在上面睡觉,还有一个我用来打扑克的桌子,别的家具都没有。 —-

Even in calm weather there was always a moaning in the chimney, and in a storm the whole house would rock and seem as though it must split, and it was quite terrifying, especially at night, when all the ten great windows were suddenly lit up by a flash of lightning.

Doomed by fate to permanent idleness, I did positively nothing. —-
命运注定我永远懒散,我真的什么都不做。 —-

For hours together I would sit and look through the windows at the sky, the birds, the trees and read my letters over and over again, and then for hours together I would sleep. —-
我会坐着望窗外看天空、鸟儿、树木,一遍又一遍地读我的信,然后又会连续几个小时的睡觉。 —-

Sometimes I would go out and wander aimlessly until evening.

Once on my way home I came unexpectedly on a strange farmhouse. —-
有一次在回家的路上,我意外地发现了一个陌生的农舍。 —-

The sun was already setting, and the lengthening shadows were thrown over the ripening corn. —-
太阳已经开始落山,延伸的影子投在成熟的谷物上。 —-

Two rows of closely planted tall fir-trees stood like two thick walls, forming a sombre, magnificent avenue. —-
两排紧密种植的高枞树像两堵厚墙一样直立着,形成了一条阴暗、壮丽的林荫道。 —-

I climbed the fence and walked up the avenue, slipping on the fir needles which lay two inches thick on the ground. —-
我翻过栅栏,沿着林荫道走去,脚下滑过铺在地上两英寸厚的松针。 —-

It was still, dark, and only here and there in the tops of the trees shimmered a bright gold light casting the colours of the rainbow on a spider’s web. —-
天还没有完全黑,只有树梢间偶尔闪现出明亮的金光,将一张蜘蛛网上的七彩虹色映照出来。 —-

The smell of the firs was almost suffocating. Then I turned into an avenue of limes. —-
松树的味道几乎让人窒息。然后我转入一条椴树大道。 —-

And here too were desolation and decay; the dead leaves rustled mournfully beneath my feet, and there were lurking shadows among the trees. —-
在这里,荒凉和颓废同样存在;枯叶在我脚下悲哀地沙沙作响,树木间隐藏着阴影。 —-

To the right, in an old orchard, a goldhammer sang a faint reluctant song, and he too must have been old. —-
在右边的一片老果园里,一只金匠鸟唱着一曲渐渐消瘦的歌,它也一定很老了。 —-

The lime-trees soon came to an end and I came to a white house with a terrace and a mezzanine, and suddenly a vista opened upon a farmyard with a pond and a bathing-shed, and a row of green willows, with a village beyond, and above it stood a tall, slender belfry, on which glowed a cross catching the light of the setting sun. —-
菩提树很快就不见了,我来到了一座白色房子前,房前有一排凉台和夹层,突然间,一片景象展现在我的眼前:一个农家庭院,有个池塘和一个浴室,一排绿柳树,村庄在远处,高高的尖塔隐隐约约,上面的十字架在夕阳的光线下闪闪发光。 —-

For a moment I was possessed with a sense of enchantment, intimate, particular, as though I had seen the scene before in my childhood.

By the white-stone gate surmounted with stone lions, which led from the yard into the field, stood two girls. —-
在通往田地的门前,门上镶着石狮子,站着两个女孩。 —-

One of them, the elder, thin, pale, very handsome, with masses of chestnut hair and a little stubborn mouth, looked rather prim and scarcely glanced at me; —-
其中一个,年长些,瘦削苍白,非常漂亮,一头栗色的秀发,嘴巴有点顽固,看起来相当端庄,几乎没有看向我; —-

the other, who was quite young—seventeen or eighteen, no more, also thin and pale, with a big mouth and big eyes, looked at me in surprise, as I passed, said something in English and looked confused, and it seemed to me that I had always known their dear faces. —-
另一个年纪很小——十七或十八岁,也是瘦削苍白,嘴巴大,眼睛大,目瞪口呆地看着我走过,用英语说了些话,看起来有点困惑,我觉得我好像一直都认识她们亲爱的面容。 —-

And I returned home feeling as though I had awoke from a pleasant dream.

Soon after that, one afternoon, when Bielokurov and I were walking near the house, suddenly there came into the yard a spring-carriage in which sat one of the two girls, the elder. —-
后来的一个下午,别洛库罗夫和我在房子附近散步时,突然驶入院子的一个马车,车里坐着两个女孩中的一个,年长的那位。 —-

She had come to ask for subscriptions to a fund for those who had suffered in a recent fire. —-
她来讨论一个为最近一场火灾中遭受损失的人筹款的活动。 —-

Without looking at us, she told us very seriously how many houses had been burned down in Sianov, how many men, women, and children had been left without shelter, and what had been done by the committee of which she was a member. —-
她非常认真地告诉我们,在Sianov有多少房屋被烧毁,多少男人、女人和孩子无家可归,以及她所在委员会做了什么。 —-

She gave us the list for us to write our names, put it away, and began to say good-bye.

“You have completely forgotten us, Piotr Petrovich,” she said to Bielokurov, as she gave him her hand. —-
“彼得·彼得罗维奇,你彻底忘记我们了,”她对着别洛库罗夫说,递给他手。 —-

“Come and see us, and if Mr. N. (she said my name) would like to see how the admirers of his talent live and would care to come and see us, then mother and I would be very pleased.”

I bowed.

When she had gone Piotr Petrovich began to tell me about her. —-
她离开后,彼得·彼得罗维奇开始告诉我关于她的事情。 —-

The girl, he said, was of a good family and her name was Lydia Volchaninov, and the estate, on which she lived with her mother and sister, was called, like the village on the other side of the pond, Sholkovka. —-
他说,那位女孩出身良好,名叫莉迪娅·沃尔恰宁诺夫,和母亲和妹妹一起住在一个叫作肖尔科夫卡的庄园里,就像池塘另一边的村庄一样。 —-

Her father had once occupied an eminent position in Moscow and died a privy councillor. —-
她的父亲曾经在莫斯科担任过显赫的职务,是一位冠冕堂皇的私议员。 —-

Notwithstanding their large means, the Volchaninovs always lived in the village, summer and winter, and Lydia was a teacher in the Zemstvo School at Sholkovka and earned twenty-five roubles a month. —-
尽管沃尔恰宁诺夫一家很富裕,但他们一直在农村生活,无论是夏天还是冬天,而莉迪娅是肖尔科夫卡村学校的一名老师,每个月挣25卢布。 —-

She only spent what she earned on herself and was proud of her independence.

“They are an interesting family,” said Bielokurov. —-
“他们是一个有趣的家庭,”别洛库罗夫说。 —-

“We ought to go and see them. They will be very glad to see you.”

One afternoon, during a holiday, we remembered the Volchaninovs and went over to Sholkovka. —-
有一天下午,在一个假日里,我们想起了沃尔恰宁诺夫一家,便去了肖尔科夫卡。 —-

They were all at home. The mother, Ekaterina Pavlovna, had obviously once been handsome, but now she was stouter than her age warranted, suffered from asthma, was melancholy and absent- minded as she tried to entertain me with talk about painting. —-
母亲叶卡捷琳娜·帕夫洛芙娜明显曾经很漂亮,但现在她比她的年龄更肥胖,患哮喘,神情忧郁,心不在焉地试图用谈论绘画来招待我。 —-

When she heard from her daughter that I might perhaps come over to Sholkovka, she hurriedly called to mind a few of my landscapes which she had seen in exhibitions in Moscow, and now she asked what I had tried to express in them. —-
当她听到她女儿说可能我会去肖尔科夫卡,她匆匆回忆起她在莫斯科展览会上看到的我的几幅风景画,然后问我在其中尝试表达了什么。 —-

Lydia, or as she was called at home, Lyda, talked more to Bielokurov than to me. —-
莉迪亚,或者在家里叫她莉达,更多地和别洛库罗夫交谈,而不是和我。 —-

Seriously and without a smile, she asked him why he did not work for the Zemstvo and why up till now he had never been to a Zemstvo meeting.

“It is not right of you, Piotr Petrovich,” she said reproachfully. “It is not right. It is a shame.”

“True, Lyda, true,” said her mother. “It is not right.”

“All our district is in Balaguin’s hands,” Lyda went on, turning to me. —-
“我们区的一切都控制在巴拉格因手中,”莉达转向我说。 —-

“He is the chairman of the council and all the jobs in the district are given to his nephews and brothers-in-law, and he does exactly as he likes. —-
他是理事会的主席,地区里的所有工作都给了他的侄子和姻亲,他想怎样就怎样。 —-

We ought to fight him. The young people ought to form a strong party; —-
我们应该与他斗争。年轻人应该组建一个强大的党派; —-

but you see what our young men are like. —-
但你看看我们的年轻人都是怎样的。 —-

It is a shame, Piotr Petrovich.”

The younger sister, Genya, was silent during the conversation about the Zemstvo. —-
年纪较小的姐妹格涅娅在谈论乡村自治时保持沉默。 —-

She did not take part in serious conversations, for by the family she was not considered grown-up, and they gave her her baby-name, Missyuss, because as a child she used to call her English governess that. —-
她不参与严肃的谈话,因为在家里她不被视为成人,他们用她小时候叫英国家庭女教师的昵称米修斯来称呼她。 —-

All the time she examined me curiously and when I looked at the photograph-album she explained: —-
她一直好奇地审视着我,当我看相册时,她解释说: —-

“This is my uncle…. That is my godfather,” and fingered the portraits, and at the same time touched me with her shoulder in a childlike way, and I could see her small, undeveloped bosom, her thin shoulders, her long, slim waist tightly drawn in by a belt.

We played croquet and lawn-tennis, walked in the garden, had tea, and then a large supper. —-
我们一起打槌球、草地网球,在花园里散步,喝茶,然后吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。 —-

After the huge pillared hall, I felt out of tune in the small cosy house, where there were no oleographs on the walls and the servants were treated considerately, and everything seemed to me young and pure, through the presence of Lyda and Missyuss, and everything was decent and orderly. —-
在巨大的有柱子的大厅之后,我在这个小而舒适的房子里感到格格不入,墙上没有佯装画,仆人们受到周到的对待,一切似乎都年轻纯洁,因为丽达和米修斯的存在,一切都体面有序。 —-

At supper Lyda again talked to Bielokurov about the Zemstvo, about Balaguin, about school libraries. She was a lively, sincere, serious girl, and it was interesting to listen to her, though she spoke at length and in a loud voice—perhaps because she was used to holding forth at school. —-
晚餐时,丽达再次与别洛库罗夫谈起了乡村自治、巴拉吉廷和学校图书馆。她是一个活泼、真诚、认真的女孩,听她说话很有趣,尽管她说话很长并且声音很大——也许是因为她习惯于在学校里大谈特谈。 —-

On the other hand, Piotr Petrovich, who from his university days had retained the habit of reducing any conversation to a discussion, spoke tediously, slowly, and deliberately, with an obvious desire to be taken for a clever and progressive man. —-
另一方面,彼得·彼得罗维奇,从大学时代就保持着任何谈话都要归结为讨论的习惯,讲话沉闷、缓慢、刻意,明显地希望被认为是一个聪明而进步的人。 —-

He gesticulated and upset the sauce with his sleeve and it made a large pool on the table-cloth, though nobody but myself seemed to notice it.

When we returned home the night was dark and still.

“I call it good breeding,” said Bielokurov, with a sigh, “not so much not to upset the sauce on the table, as not to notice it when some one else has done it. —-
别洛库罗夫叹了口气说:“这是好教养,不仅是不将桌上的酱汁弄倒,而是当别人弄倒时也没有注意到。” —-

Yes. An admirable intellectual family. I’m rather out of touch with nice people. —-
是的。一个令人敬佩的知识分子家庭。我和善良的人们联系较少。 —-

Ah! terribly. And all through business, business, business!”

He went on to say what hard work being a good farmer meant. And I thought: What a stupid, lazy lout! —-
他接着说做好农夫意味着多么辛苦。而我想:这个愚蠢又懒惰的家伙! —-

When we talked seriously he would drag it out with his awful drawl—er, er, er—and he works just as he talks—slowly, always behindhand, never up to time; —-
当我们认真交谈时,他总是用可怕的嗦嗦声拖延时间——嗯,嗯,嗯——而且他工作的方式也和他说话一样——慢悠悠地,总是跟不上进度,永远不按时; —-

and as for his being businesslike, I don’t believe it, for he often keeps letters given him to post for weeks in his pocket.

“The worst of it is,” he murmured as he walked along by my side, “the worst of it is that you go working away and never get any sympathy from anybody.”


I began to frequent the Volchaninovs’ house. Usually I sat on the bottom step of the veranda. —-
我开始常去沃尔恰宁诺夫家。通常我坐在门廊底层的台阶上。 —-

I was filled with dissatisfaction, vague discontent with my life, which had passed so quickly and uninterestingly, and I thought all the while how good it would be to tear out of my breast my heart which had grown so weary. —-
我充满了不满,对我那匆忙而乏味的生活,我想着要把我的心拔出来,因为它变得如此疲倦。 —-

There would be talk going on on the terrace, the rustling of dresses, the fluttering of the pages of a book. —-
露台上会有谈话声,衣服的沙沙声,书页的翻动声。 —-

I soon got used to Lyda receiving the sick all day long, and distributing books, and I used often to go with her to the village, bareheaded, under an umbrella. —-
我很快习惯了莉达整天接待病人,并分发书籍,我经常和她一起赤脑袋打伞去村子里。 —-

And in the evening she would hold forth about the Zemstvo and schools. —-
晚上她会大谈泽姆斯托和学校。 —-

She was very handsome, subtle, correct, and her lips were thin and sensitive, and whenever a serious conversation started she would say to me drily:

“This won’t interest you.”

I was not sympathetic to her. She did not like me because I was a landscape-painter, and in my pictures did not paint the suffering of the masses, and I seemed to her indifferent to what she believed in. —-
我对她没有共鸣。她不喜欢我,因为我是一个风景画家,我在我的画里没有描绘出大众的苦难, 而且我对她所信奉的事情似乎漠不关心。 —-

I remember once driving along the shore of the Baikal and I met a Bouryat girl, in shirt and trousers of Chinese cotton, on horseback: —-
我记得曾经沿着贝加尔湖的岸边开车,遇到了一位穿着中国棉布衬衫和裤子的布里亚特女孩,她骑在马上: —-

I asked her if she would sell me her pipe and, while we were talking, she looked with scorn at my European face and hat, and in a moment she got bored with talking to me, whooped and galloped away. —-
我问她能否卖给我她的烟斗,而在我们谈话的时候,她鄙夷地看着我的欧洲面孔和帽子,转瞬间对和我说话感到厌倦,高喊一声,飞奔而去。 —-

And in exactly the same way Lyda despised me as a stranger. —-
立达却以同样的方式鄙视我,视我为外人。 —-

Outwardly she never showed her dislike of me, but I felt it, and, as I sat on the bottom step of the terrace, I had a certain irritation and said that treating the peasants without being a doctor meant deceiving them, and that it is easy to be a benefactor when one owns four thousand acres.

Her sister, Missyuss, had no such cares and spent her time in complete idleness, like myself. —-
她的妹妹,米修斯,却没有这种烦恼,她像我一样整天无所事事。 —-

As soon as she got up in the morning she would take a book and read it on the terrace, sitting far back in a lounge chair so that her feet hardly touched the ground, or she would hide herself with her book in the lime-walk, or she would go through the gate into the field. —-
一早她会拿起一本书,在露台上读书,偏靠在躺椅里,以至于脚几乎不碰地面,或者她会把自己和书籍躲到银杏树荫下,或者她会走出大门到田野里。 —-

She would read all day long, eagerly poring over the book, and only through her looking fatigued, dizzy, and pale sometimes, was it possible to guess how much her reading exhausted her. —-
她整天都在阅读,专心地研究着书中的内容,只有在她看起来有些疲倦、头晕、面色苍白时,才能猜到她的阅读带来了多少疲惫。 —-

When she saw me come she would blush a little and leave her book, and, looking into my face with her big eyes, she would tell me of things that had happened, how the chimney in the servants’ room had caught fire, or how the labourer had caught a large fish in the pond. —-
当她看到我过来时,她会略微脸红,放下书,用她的大眼睛看着我,告诉我发生的事情,比如仆人室的烟囱着火了,或是农民在池塘里钓到了一条大鱼。 —-

On week-days she usually wore a bright-coloured blouse and a dark-blue skirt. —-
平时她穿着亮色的衬衫和深蓝色的裙子。 —-

We used to go out together and pluck cherries for jam, in the boat, and when she jumped to reach a cherry, or pulled the oars, her thin, round arms would shine through her wide sleeves. —-
我们一起出去采摘樱桃做果酱,在小船上,当她跳起来摘樱桃,或者划桨时,她细细的、圆润的胳膊从宽松的袖子里露出来。 —-

Or I would make a sketch and she would stand and watch me breathlessly.

One Sunday, at the end of June, I went over to the Volchaninovs in the morning about nine o’clock. —-
一个六月底的周日早晨,我在九点左右去了沃尔查宁诺夫家。 —-

I walked through the park, avoiding the house, looking for mushrooms, which were very plentiful that summer, and marking them so as to pick them later with Genya. A warm wind was blowing. —-
我穿过公园,避开房子,找蘑菇,那个夏天蘑菇长得非常茂盛,标记着它们,好让之后和吉尼亚一起采摘。一阵暖风吹来。 —-

I met Genya and her mother, both in bright Sunday dresses, going home from church, and Genya was holding her hat against the wind. —-
我遇到了吉尼亚和她母亲,她们都穿着鲜艳的周日礼服,从教堂回家,吉尼亚用手捂住帽子抵挡风。 —-

They told me they were going to have tea on the terrace.

As a man without a care in the world, seeking somehow to justify his constant idleness, I have always found such festive mornings in a country house universally attractive. —-
作为一个毫无牵挂的男人,总是在寻找某种方式来证明他持续的懒散,我总是觉得乡间别墅的节日早晨普遍迷人。 —-

When the green garden, still moist with dew, shines in the sun and seems happy, and when the terrace smells of mignonette and oleander, and the young people have just returned from church and drink tea in the garden, and when they are all so gaily dressed and so merry, and when you know that all these healthy, satisfied, beautiful people will do nothing all day long, then you long for all life to be like that. —-
当青翠的花园,还沾着露水,在阳光下闪闪发亮,看起来很快乐;当露台散发着木姜花和山丹花的香气,年轻人刚从教堂回来,在花园里喝茶时,他们打扮得漂亮,精神焕发;当你知道所有这些健康、满足、美丽的人整天都将无所事事,那么你渴望所有的生活都像那样。 —-

So I thought then as I walked through the garden, quite prepared to drift like that without occupation or purpose, all through the day, all through the summer.

Genya carried a basket and she looked as though she knew that she would find me there. —-
格涅亚拿着一个篮子,她看起来好像知道会在那儿找到我。 —-

We gathered mushrooms and talked, and whenever she asked me a question she stood in front of me to see my face.

“Yesterday,” she said, “a miracle happened in our village. —-
“昨天,”她说,“我们村里发生了一个奇迹。 —-

Pelagueya, the cripple, has been ill for a whole year, and no doctors or medicines were any good, but yesterday an old woman muttered over her and she got better.”

“That’s nothing,” I said. “One should not go to sick people and old women for miracles. —-
“那没什么,”我说。“不应该去病人和老妇人那里寻找奇迹。 —-

Is not health a miracle? And life itself? —-
健康不就是一个奇迹吗?生命本身不就是一个奇迹吗? —-

A miracle is something incomprehensible.”

“And you are not afraid of the incomprehensible?”

“No. I like to face things I do not understand and I do not submit to them. I am superior to them. —-
“不,我喜欢面对我不理解的事物,我不向它们屈服。我比它们高贵。 —-

Man must think himself higher than lions, tigers, stars, higher than anything in nature, even higher than that which seems incomprehensible and miraculous. —-
人必须认为自己比狮子、老虎、星星,甚至比看起来费解和神奇的东西都高贵。 —-

Otherwise he is not a man, but a mouse which is afraid of everything.”

Genya thought that I, as an artist, knew a great deal and could guess what I did not know. —-
格涅亚认为我作为一个艺术家,懂得很多,并且可以猜到我不明白的事物。 —-

She wanted me to lead her into the region of the eternal and the beautiful, into the highest world, with which, as she thought, I was perfectly familiar, and she talked to me of God, of eternal life, of the miraculous. —-
她想让我领她进入永恒和美丽的世界,进入她以为我非常熟悉的最高境界,她与我谈论上帝、永恒的生命、奇迹。 —-

And I, who did not admit that I and my imagination would perish for ever, would reply: —-
而我不相信我和我的想象会永远消失,会回答道: —-

“Yes. Men are immortal. Yes, eternal life awaits us.” —-
“是的。人是不朽的。是的,永恒的生命在等待着我们。” —-

And she would listen and believe me and never asked for proof.

As we approached the house she suddenly stopped and said:

“Our Lyda is a remarkable person, isn’t she? —-
“我们的莉达是一个非凡的人,是吗? —-

I love her dearly and would gladly sacrifice my life for her at any time. —-
我非常爱她,愿意随时为她牺牲我的生命。 —-

But tell me”—Genya touched my sleeve with her finger—“but tell me, why do you argue with her all the time? —-
但告诉我” — 艾妮亚用手指碰了碰我的袖子 — “但告诉我,你为什么总是要和她争论? —-

Why are you so irritated?”

“Because she is not right.”

Genya shook her head and tears came to her eyes.

“How incomprehensible!” she muttered.

At that moment Lyda came out, and she stood by the balcony with a riding-whip in her hand, and looked very fine and pretty in the sunlight as she gave some orders to a farm-hand. —-
此刻莉达走了出来,在阳台边拿着鞭子,阳光下看起来非常漂亮,当她对一个农场工人发出命令时,显示出了自己的优雅。 —-

Bustling about and talking loudly, she tended two or three of her patients, and then with a businesslike, preoccupied look she walked through the house, opening one cupboard after another, and at last went off to the attic; —-
忙碌地忙碌着,大声地说着,她照料着两三个病人,然后带着一种专心致志的表情穿过屋子,一遍又一遍地打开橱柜,最终去了阁楼; —-

it took some time to find her for dinner and she did not come until we had finished the soup. —-
她费了一些时间找到她,直到我们都喝完汤她才过来。 —-

Somehow I remember all these, little details and love to dwell on them, and I remember the whole of that day vividly, though nothing particular happened. —-
不知何故,我记得所有这些小细节,并喜欢细细琢磨,我依然清晰地记得那一天的整个情形,虽然没发生什么特别的事情。 —-

After dinner Genya read, lying in her lounge chair, and I sat on the bottom step of the terrace. —-
晚饭后,Genya躺在躺椅上读书,我坐在露台的台阶上。 —-

We were silent. The sky was overcast and a thin fine rain began to fall. —-
我们保持沉默。天空阴沉,蒙蒙细雨开始下起来。 —-

It was hot, the wind had dropped, and it seemed the day would never end. —-
天气炎热,风停了,似乎这一天永远不会结束。 —-

Ekaterina Pavlovna came out on to the terrace with a fan, looking very sleepy.

“O, mamma,” said Genya, kissing her hand. “It is not good for you to sleep during the day.”

They adored each other. When one went into the garden, the other would stand on the terrace and look at the trees and call: —-
她们彼此崇敬。一人走进花园,另一人就会站在露台上看着树,大声喊道: —-

“Hello!” “Genya!” or “Mamma, dear, where are you?” —-
“喂!”“Genya!”或“亲爱的妈妈,你在哪?” —-

They always prayed together and shared the same faith, and they understood each other very well, even when they were silent. —-
他们总是一起祈祷,分享同样的信仰,即使保持沉默,也能理解彼此。 —-

And they treated other people in exactly the same way. —-
他们对待别人的方式也完全相同。 —-

Ekaterina Pavlovna also soon got used to me and became attached to me, and when I did not turn up for a few days she would send to inquire if I was well. —-
叶卡捷琳娜·帕夫洛芙娜也很快习惯了我,并对我产生了依恋,我连续几天没出现时,她会派人来打听我是否健康。 —-

And she too used to look admiringly at my sketches, and with the same frank loquacity she would tell me things that happened, and she would confide her domestic secrets to me.

She revered her elder daughter. Lyda never came to her for caresses, and only talked about serious things: —-
她崇拜她的长女。Lyda从不为了抚摸而来找她,只谈论严肃的事情: —-

she went her own way and to her mother and sister she was as sacred and enigmatic as the admiral, sitting in his cabin, to his sailors.

“Our Lyda is a remarkable person,” her mother would often say; “isn’t she?”
“我们的Lyda是个非凡的人,是吗?”她妈经常说; “是吧?”

And, now, as the soft rain fell, we spoke of Lyda:

“She is a remarkable woman,” said her mother, and added in a low voice like a conspirator’s as she looked round, “such as she have to be looked for with a lamp in broad daylight, though you know, I am beginning to be anxious. —-
“她是一个了不起的女人,”她的母亲说道,声音低沉像一个阴谋者的声音,看着四周说道,“像她这样的女人,即使在光天化日之下也得点灯找,虽然你知道,我开始担心了。 —-

The school, pharmacies, books—all very well, but why go to such extremes? —-
学校、药店、书籍——都很好,但为什么要走到如此极端呢? —-

She is twenty-three and it is time for her to think seriously about herself. —-
她已经二十三岁了,是时候认真考虑自己了。 —-

If she goes on with her books and her pharmacies she won’t know how life has passed. —-
如果她继续忙于书籍和药店,她将不知不觉中错过生活。 —-

… She ought to marry.”
… 她应该结婚。

Genya, pale with reading, and with her hair ruffled, looked up and said, as if to herself, as she glanced at her mother:

“Mamma, dear, everything depends on the will of God.”

And once more she plunged into her book.

Bielokurov came over in a poddiovka, wearing an embroidered shirt. —-
别洛库罗夫穿着一件刺绣衬衣坐在四轮马车上过来。 —-

We played croquet and lawn-tennis, and when it grew dark we had a long supper, and Lyda once more spoke of her schools and Balaguin, who had got the whole district into his own hands. —-
我们打过槌球和草地网球,天黑了我们吃了一顿长长的晚餐,莉达再次谈起她的学校和巴拉古因,他已经控制了整个地区。 —-

As I left the Volchaninovs that night I carried away an impression of a long, long idle day, with a sad consciousness that everything ends, however long it may be. —-
当那天晚上我离开沃尔奇亚宁诺夫家的时候,我带走了一种漫长而悠闲的一天的印象,怀着一种悲哀的意识,无论多么长,一切都会结束。 —-

Genya took me to the gate, and perhaps, because she had spent the whole day with me from the beginning to end, I felt somehow lonely without her, and the whole kindly family was dear to me: —-
格涅娅送我到大门口,也许因为她整天从头到尾都陪伴着我,我感到有些失落没有她,整个亲切的家庭对我来说都很珍贵: —-

and for the first time during the whole of that summer I had a desire to work.

“Tell me why you lead such a monotonous life,” I asked Bielokurov, as we went home. —-
“告诉我为什么你过着这样单调的生活,”在回家的路上我问别洛库罗夫。 —-

“My life is tedious, dull, monotonous, because I am a painter, a queer fish, and have been worried all my life with envy, discontent, disbelief in my work: —-
“我的生活枯燥乏味,单调乏味,因为我是一名画家,一个古怪的人,一生都在为嫉妒、不满、对自己作品的怀疑而忧虑。” —-

I am always poor, I am a vagabond, but you are a wealthy, normal man, a landowner, a gentleman—why do you live so tamely and take so little from life? —-
“我总是很穷,我是个流浪汉,但你是个有钱的、正常的人,一个土地所有者,一个绅士-你为什么生活得如此平淡,对生活要求这么少呢?” —-

Why, for instance, haven’t you fallen in love with Lyda or Genya?”

“You forget that I love another woman,” answered Bielokurov.
比尔洛库洛夫回答说: “你忘了我爱另一个女人。”

He meant his mistress, Lyabor Ivanovna, who lived with him in the orchard house. —-
他指的是他的情妇莱雅博尔·伊万诺夫娜,她和他住在果园里的房子里。 —-

I used to see the lady every day, very stout, podgy, pompous, like a fatted goose, walking in the garden in a Russian head- dress, always with a sunshade, and the servants used to call her to meals or tea. —-
我过去每天都会看到这位女士,很胖,非常厚,自负自大,穿着俄式的头饰,总是带着阳伞,在花园里走动,仆人们会叫她去吃饭或喝茶。 —-

Three years ago she rented a part of his house for the summer, and stayed on to live with Bielokurov, apparently for ever. —-
三年前,她租了他房子的一部分过夏天,然后就留了下来,似乎永远和比尔洛库洛夫一起生活。 —-

She was ten years older than he and managed him very strictly, so that he had to ask her permission to go out. —-
她比他大十岁,对他非常严厉,以至于他必须征得她的同意才能出门。 —-

She would often sob and make horrible noises like a man with a cold, and then I used to send and tell her that I’m if she did not stop I would go away. —-
她经常会哭泣,发出像感冒男人一样可怕的声音,那时我就会派人告诉她,如果她不停止,我就会走了。 —-

Then she would stop.

When we reached home, Bielokurov sat down on the divan and frowned and brooded, and I began to pace up and down the hall, feeling a sweet stirring in me, exactly like the stirring of love. —-
当我们回到家时,比尔洛库洛夫坐在长沙发上,皱着眉头思考,而我开始在走廊里踱步,心中涌起一种甜蜜的激动,就像是恋爱的激动。 —-

I wanted to talk about the Volchaninovs.

“Lyda could only fall in love with a Zemstvo worker like herself, some one who is run off his legs with hospitals and schools,” I said. —-
“莉达只会爱上和她一样的泽姆斯托工作者,那些为医院和学校而忙得不亦乐乎的人,” 我说。 —-

“For the sake of a girl like that a man might not only become a Zemstvo worker, but might even become worn out, like the tale of the iron boots. —-
“为了像那样的女孩,一个人不仅可能成为泽姆斯托工作者,甚至可能像铁靴子的故事那样筋疲力尽。 —-

And Missyuss? How charming Missyuss is!”

Bielokurov began to talk at length and with his drawling er-er-ers of the disease of the century—pessimism. —-
比洛库罗夫开始长篇大论,用他那拖沓的“额-额-额”声谈论着这个世纪的疾病——悲观主义。 —-

He spoke confidently and argumentatively. —-
他自信而争辩地说着。 —-

Hundreds of miles of deserted, monotonous, blackened steppe could not so forcibly depress the mind as a man like that, sitting and talking and showing no signs of going away.

“The point is neither pessimism nor optimism,” I said irritably, “but that ninety-nine out of a hundred have no sense.”

Bielokurov took this to mean himself, was offended, and went away.


“The Prince is on a visit to Malozyomov and sends you his regards,” said Lyda to her mother, as she came in and took off her gloves. —-
“王子正在马洛佐莫夫家拜访,并向您问好,”莉达对她母亲说着,一边进来一边脱掉手套。 —-

“He told me many interesting things. He promised to bring forward in the Zemstvo Council the question of a medical station at Malozyomov, but he says there is little hope.” —-
“他告诉了我很多有趣的事情。他承诺在乡村议会上提出在马洛浅沼建立医疗站的问题,但他说几乎没有希望。” —-

And turning to me, she said: “Forgive me, I keep forgetting that you are not interested.”

I felt irritated.

“Why not?” I asked and shrugged my shoulders. —-
“为什么不呢?”我问道,耸了耸肩。 —-

“You don’t care about my opinion, but I assure you, the question greatly interests me.”


“In my opinion there is absolutely no need for a medical station at Malozyomov.”

My irritation affected her: she gave a glance at me, half closed her eyes and said:

“What is wanted then? Landscapes?”

“Not landscapes either. Nothing is wanted there.”

She finished taking off her gloves and took up a newspaper which had just come by post; —-
她脱掉手套,拿起一份刚刚邮寄来的报纸; —-

a moment later, she said quietly, apparently controlling herself:

“Last week Anna died in childbirth, and if a medical man had been available she would have lived. However, I suppose landscape-painters are entitled to their opinions.”

“I have a very definite opinion, I assure you,” said I, and she took refuge behind the newspaper, as though she did not wish to listen. —-
“我可以告诉你,我有一种非常明确的看法,”我说,她则躲到报纸后面,仿佛不想听。 —-

“In my opinion medical stations, schools, libraries, pharmacies, under existing conditions, only lead to slavery. —-
“在我看来,在现有情况下,医疗站、学校、图书馆、药房只会导致奴役。” —-

The masses are caught in a vast chain: you do not cut it but only add new links to it. —-
众人被困在一个巨大的链条中:你不是切断它,而是只能往里加新的链接。 —-

That is my opinion.”

She looked at me and smiled mockingly, and I went on, striving to catch the thread of my ideas.

“It does not matter that Anna should die in childbirth, but it does matter that all these Annas, Mavras, Pelagueyas, from dawn to sunset should be grinding away, ill from overwork, all their lives worried about their starving sickly children; —-
“安娜在分娩时去世并不重要,但重要的是所有这些安娜、马夫拉、佩拉盖娅,从黎明到日落都在辛苦地工作,生病过度劳累,一生为了他们挨饿虚弱的孩子而担心; —-

all their lives they are afraid of death and disease, and have to be looking after themselves; —-
他们一生都害怕死亡和疾病,必须照顾自己; —-

they fade in youth, grow old very early, and die in filth and dirt; —-
他们在青年时期就凋零,早早地变老,并在污秽肮脏中死去; —-

their children as they grow up go the same way and hundreds of years slip by and millions of people live worse than animals—in constant dread of never having a crust to eat; —-
当他们的孩子长大时,也沿着同样的道路走,数百年过去,数百万人过着比动物还糟糕的生活—恐惧着永远得不到一块面包; —-

but the horror of their position is that they have no time to think of their souls, no time to remember that they are made in the likeness of God; —-
但他们的可怕之处在于,他们无暇去思考自己的灵魂,无暇记得自己是按照上帝的样子造的; —-

hunger, cold, animal fear, incessant work, like drifts of snow block all the ways to spiritual activity, to the very thing that distinguishes man from the animals, and is the only thing indeed that makes life worth living. —-
饥饿、寒冷、动物般的恐惧、不断的劳作,就像一层层积雪堵住了通往精神活动的道路,堵住了人与动物的区别所在,并且唯一使生活有价值的东西。 —-

You come to their assistance with hospitals and schools, but you do not free them from their fetters; —-
你提供他们医院和学校的帮助,但你没有让他们摆脱枷锁; —-

on the contrary, you enslave them even more, since by introducing new prejudices into their lives, you increase the number of their demands, not to mention the fact that they have to pay the Zemstvo for their drugs and pamphlets, and therefore, have to work harder than ever.”

“I will not argue with you,” said Lyda. “I have heard all that.” She put down her paper. —-
“我不想和你争论,”莉达说。 “我已经听过了。” 她放下了手中的报纸。 —-

“I will only tell you one thing, it is no good sitting with folded hands. —-
“我只想告诉你一件事,坐而不动是没有用的。 —-

It is true, we do not save mankind, and perhaps we do make mistakes, but we do what we can and we are right. —-
对受过教育的人来说,最高最神圣的真理就是帮助他的邻居,我们尽力而为,我们是正确的。 —-

The highest and most sacred truth for an educated being—is to help his neighbours, and we do what we can to help. —-
对受过教育的人来说,最高最神圣的真理就是帮助他的邻居,我们尽力而为,我们是正确的。” —-

You do not like it, but it is impossible to please everybody.”

“True, Lyda, true,” said her mother.

In Lyda’s presence her courage always failed her, and as she talked she would look timidly at her, for she was afraid of saying something foolish or out of place: —-
在莉达面前,她总是失去了勇气,说话时会畏畏缩缩地看着她,因为她害怕说些愚蠢或不合时宜的话: —-

and she never contradicted, but would always agree: —-
她从不反驳,总是表示同意: —-

“True, Lyda, true.”

“Teaching peasants to read and write, giving them little moral pamphlets and medical assistance, cannot decrease either ignorance or mortality, just as the light from your windows cannot illuminate this huge garden,” I said. —-
“教农民读写,给他们一些道德小册子和医疗帮助,都不能减少无知或死亡率,就像你窗户里的光不能照亮这座巨大的花园一样,”我说。 —-

“You give nothing by your interference in the lives of these people. —-
“你的干涉并不能给这些人的生活带来任何东西。” —-

You only create new demands, and a new compulsion to work.”

“Ah! My God, but we must do something!” said Lyda exasperatedly, and I could tell by her voice that she thought my opinions negligible and despised me.

“It is necessary,” I said, “to free people from hard physical work. —-
“有必要,”我说,“解放人们免于艰苦的体力劳动。 —-

It is necessary to relieve them of their yoke, to give them breathing space, to save them from spending their whole lives in the kitchen or the byre, in the fields; —-
有必要让他们摆脱枷锁,给他们呼吸空间,使他们不用把一生花在厨房或牛棚、田地里; —-

they should have time to take thought of their souls, of God and to develop their spiritual capacities. —-
他们应该有时间思考自己的灵魂、上帝,并发展他们的精神能力。 —-

Every human being’s salvation lies in spiritual activity—in his continual search for truth and the meaning of life. —-
每个人的救赎都在于精神活动中—在他对真理和生命意义的不断探求中。 —-

Give them some relief from rough, animal labour, let them feel free, then you will see how ridiculous at bottom your pamphlets and pharmacies are. —-
让他们从粗鲁、动物般的劳动中得到一些解脱,让他们感到自由,那么你就会看到你的传单和药房在根本上是多么可笑。 —-

Once a human being is aware of his vocation, then he can only be satisfied with religion, service, art, and not with trifles like that.”

“Free them from work?” Lyda gave a smile. “Is that possible?”

“Yes…. Take upon yourself a part of their work. —-
“是的….承担一部分他们的工作。 —-

If we all, in town and country, without exception, agreed to share the work which is being spent by mankind in the satisfaction of physical demands, then none of us would have to work more than two or three hours a day. —-
如果我们所有人,无论是城市还是乡村,毫无例外地同意分担人类为满足生理需求所花费的工作,那么我们每个人一天的工作时间不超过两三个小时。 —-

If all of us, rich and poor, worked three hours a day the rest of our time would be free. —-
如果我们所有人,无论富有与贫穷,每天工作三个小时,那么剩下的时间都是自由的。 —-

And then to be still less dependent on our bodies, we should invent machines to do the work and we should try to reduce our demands to the minimum. —-
然后为了更少地依赖我们的身体,我们应该发明机器来做工作,并努力将我们的需求减少到最低限度。 —-

We should toughen ourselves and our children should not be afraid of hunger and cold, and we should not be anxious about their health, as Anna, Maria, Pelagueya were anxious. —-
我们应该锻炼自己,我们的孩子不应该害怕饥饿和寒冷,我们也不用担心他们的健康,就像安娜、玛丽亚、佩拉罗雅那样担心。 —-

Then supposing we did not bother about doctors and pharmacies, and did away with tobacco factories and distilleries—what a lot of free time we should have! —-
然后假设我们不再去管医生和药房,关闭烟草厂和酒厂—我们将有多少自由的时间! —-

We should give our leisure to service and the arts. —-
我们应该将闲暇时间奉献给服务和艺术。 —-

Just as peasants all work together to repair the roads, so the whole community would work together to seek truth and the meaning of life, and, I am sure of it—truth would be found very soon, man would get rid of his continual, poignant, depressing fear of death and even of death itself.”

“But you contradict yourself,” said Lyda. “You talk about service and deny education.”
“但你自相矛盾,”莉达说。 “你谈论服务,却否认教育。”

“I deny the education of a man who can only use it to read the signs on the public houses and possibly a pamphlet which he is incapable of understanding—the kind of education we have had from the time of Riurik: —-
“我否认那种只能用来阅读酒馆牌匾和可能连看也看不懂的小册子的人的教育——从列尔里克时代开始我们就一直有这种教育:” —-

and village life has remained exactly as it was then. —-
而村子里的生活却一直如同当时。 —-

Not education is wanted but freedom for the full development of spiritual capacities. —-
我们需要的不是教育,而是自由发展精神能力。 —-

Not schools are wanted but universities.”

“You deny medicine too.”

“Yes. It should only be used for the investigation of diseases, as natural phenomenon, not for their cure. —-
“是的。医学只应该用于研究疾病,作为自然现象,而非治疗。 —-

It is no good curing diseases if you don’t cure their causes. —-
如果不治疗疾病的根本原因是毫无意义的。 —-

Remove the chief cause—physical labour, and there will be no diseases. —-
根除首要原因——体力劳动,就不会有疾病。 —-

I don’t acknowledge the science which cures,” I went on excitedly. —-
我不认同那种只会治疗的科学,”我兴奋地继续说。 —-

“Science and art, when they are true, are directed not to temporary or private purposes, but to the eternal and the general—they seek the truth and the meaning of life, they seek God, the soul, and when they are harnessed to passing needs and activities, like pharmacies and libraries, then they only complicate and encumber life. —-
“当科学和艺术是真实的时候,它们不是为了临时或个人目的,而是为了永恒和普遍——它们追求真理和生命的意义,它们追求上帝、灵魂,而当它们为短暂需求和活动所驱使,如药房和图书馆时,那只会使生活变得复杂和受累。 —-

We have any number of doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, and highly educated people, but we have no biologists, mathematicians, philosophers, poets. —-
我们有大量的医生、药剂师、律师和受过高等教育的人,但是我们没有生物学家、数学家、哲学家、诗人。 —-

All our intellectual and spiritual energy is wasted on temporary passing needs. —-
我们所有的智力和精神能量都被浪费在短暂的过客需求上。 —-

… Scientists, writers, painters work and work, and thanks to them the comforts of life grow greater every day, the demands of the body multiply, but we are still a long way from the truth and man still remains the most rapacious and unseemly of animals, and everything tends to make the majority of mankind degenerate and more and more lacking in vitality. —-
科学家、作家、画家工作着,由于他们,生活的舒适度每天都在增加,身体的需求也在增加,但我们离真理还很遥远,人仍然是最贪婪和不体面的动物,一切都趋向于使大多数人堕落,越来越缺乏活力。 —-

Under such conditions the life of an artist has no meaning and the more talented he is, the more strange and incomprehensible his position is, since it only amounts to his working for the amusement of the predatory, disgusting animal, man, and supporting the existing state of things. —-
在这种情况下,艺术家的生活毫无意义,他越有才华,他的位置就越奇怪和不可理解,因为这只意味着他在为掠食性、令人恶心的动物——人类,工作,并支持现存的情况。 —-

And I don’t want to work and will not…. Nothing is wanted, so let the world go to hell.”

“Missyuss, go away,” said Lyda to her sister, evidently thinking my words dangerous to so young a girl.

Genya looked sadly at her sister and mother and went out.

“People generally talk like that,” said Lyda, “when they want to excuse their indifference. —-
“人们通常这样说,”莉达说,“当他们想要为自己的冷漠找借口时。 —-

It is easier to deny hospitals and schools than to come and teach.”

“True, Lyda, true,” her mother agreed.

“You say you will not work,” Lyda went on. —-
“你说你不想工作,”莉达继续说道。 —-

“Apparently you set a high price on your work, but do stop arguing. —-
“显然,你对自己的工作评价很高,但别再争论了。 —-

We shall never agree, since I value the most imperfect library or pharmacy, of which you spoke so scornfully just now, more than all the landscapes in the world.” —-
我觉得最不完美的图书馆或药房比你刚才嘲笑的所有风景画更有价值。” —-

And at once she turned to her mother and began to talk in quite a different tone: —-
紧接着,她转向母亲,用完全不同的口吻开始谈话: —-

“The Prince has got very thin, and is much changed since the last time he was here. —-
“王子变得很瘦,自上次来这里以来,他变化很大。 —-

The doctors are sending him to Vichy.”

She talked to her mother about the Prince to avoid talking to me. —-
她和母亲谈论王子,是为了避免和我说话。 —-

Her face was burning, and, in order to conceal her agitation, she bent over the table as if she were short-sighted and made a show of reading the newspaper. —-
她的脸滚烫着,为了掩饰自己的激动,她弯下腰好像视力不好,假装在看报纸。 —-

My presence was distasteful to her. I took my leave and went home.


All was quiet outside: the village on the other side of the pond was already asleep, not a single light was to be seen, and on the pond there was only the faint reflection of the stars. —-
外面一片安静:池塘对面的村庄早已入睡,看不见一盏灯光,池塘上只有星星的微弱倒影。 —-

By the gate with the stone lions stood Genya, waiting to accompany me.

“The village is asleep,” I said, trying to see her face in the darkness, and I could see her dark sad eyes fixed on me. —-
“村子已经入睡了,”我说,试图在黑暗中看清她的脸,我能看见她那双深邃忧伤的眼睛盯着我。 —-

“The innkeeper and the horse-stealers are sleeping quietly, and decent people like ourselves quarrel and irritate each other.”

It was a melancholy August night—melancholy because it already smelled of the autumn: —-
这是一个忧郁的八月夜晚—忧郁是因为它已经闻起秋天的气息: —-

the moon rose behind a purple cloud and hardly lighted the road and the dark fields of winter corn on either side. —-
月亮从紫色的云后升起,照得路和两边冬季玉米田里的黑暗。 —-

Stars fell frequently, Genya walked beside me on the road and tried not to look at the sky, to avoid seeing the falling stars, which somehow frightened her.

“I believe you are right,” she said, trembling in the evening chill. —-
“我相信你说的对,”她在傍晚的寒冷中颤抖着说。 —-

“If people could give themselves to spiritual activity, they would soon burst everything.”

“Certainly. We are superior beings, and if we really knew all the power of the human genius and lived only for higher purposes then we should become like gods. —-
“当然。我们是卓越的存在,如果我们真的知道了人类天才的力量,只为更高的目的而活,那我们会变成像神一样的存在。 —-

But this will never be. Mankind will degenerate and of their genius not a trace will be left.”

When the gate was out of sight Genya stopped and hurriedly shook my hand.

“Good night,” she said, trembling; her shoulders were covered only with a thin blouse and she was shivering with cold. “Come to-morrow.”

I was filled with a sudden dread of being left alone with my inevitable dissatisfaction with myself and people, and I, too, tried not to see the falling stars.

“Stay with me a little longer,” I said. “Please.”

I loved Genya, and she must have loved me, because she used to meet me and walk with me, and because she looked at me with tender admiration. —-
我爱着Genya,而她也一定爱着我,因为她经常会和我相约散步,因为她总是用温柔的仰慕之情看着我。 —-

How thrillingly beautiful her pale face was, her thin nose, her arms, her slenderness, her idleness, her constant reading. —-
她苍白的脸庞、纤细的鼻子、纤细的胳膊、瘦弱的身材、懒洋洋的样子、总是读书的样子,是如此迷人动人。 —-

And her mind? I suspected her of having an unusual intellect: —-
她的思想呢?我怀疑她拥有不同寻常的智慧: —-

I was fascinated by the breadth of her views, perhaps because she thought differently from the strong, handsome Lyda, who did not love me. —-
我被她的广博见识所吸引,也许是因为她的想法与那位高大英俊的没有爱过我的Lyda的不同。 —-

Genya liked me as a painter, I had conquered her heart by my talent, and I longed passionately to paint only for her, and I dreamed of her as my little queen, who would one day possess with me the trees, the fields, the river, the dawn, all Nature, wonderful and fascinating, with whom, as with them, I have felt helpless and useless.

“Stay with me a moment longer,” I called. “I implore you.”

I took off my overcoat and covered her childish shoulders. —-
我脱下大衣盖在她孩子般的肩膀上。 —-

Fearing that she would look queer and ugly in a man’s coat, she began to laugh and threw it off, and as she did so, I embraced her and began to cover her face, her shoulders, her arms with kisses.

“Till to-morrow,” she whispered timidly as though she was afraid to break the stillness of the night. She embraced me: —-
“直到明天,”她轻声地耳语,仿佛害怕打破夜晚的宁静。她拥抱着我: —-

“We have no secrets from one another. I must tell mamma and my sister. —-
“我们没有秘密可隐瞒。我必须告诉妈妈和我姐姐。 —-

… Is it so terrible? Mamma will be pleased. —-
… 这真的那么可怕吗?妈妈会高兴的。 —-

Mamma loves you, but Lyda!”

She ran to the gates.

“Good-bye,” she called out.

For a couple of minutes I stood and heard her running. —-
几分钟我站在那里听着她奔跑。 —-

I had no desire to go home, there was nothing there to go for. —-
我没有回家的愿望,家里没有什么可以为之而去。 —-

I stood for a while lost in thought, and then quietly dragged myself back, to have one more look at the house in which she lived, the dear, simple, old house, which seemed to look at me with the windows of the mezzanine for eyes, and to understand everything. —-
我站在那里陷入沉思,然后悄悄地使自己回去,再看一眼她住的房子,亲爱的、简单的、老房子,看起来像用阁楼的窗户看着我,似乎能懂得一切。 —-

I walked past the terrace, sat down on a bench by the lawn-tennis court, in the darkness under an old elm-tree, and looked at the house. —-
我走过露台,坐在草地网球场旁的长椅上,在一棵老榆树下的黑暗中,看着房子。 —-

In the windows of the mezzanine, where Missyuss had her room, shone a bright light, and then a faint green glow. —-
在阁楼的窗户里,瑞英的房间亮着强烈的灯光,然后是淡淡的绿光。 —-

The lamp had been covered with a shade. Shadows began to move. —-
灯被罩子遮住了。阴影开始晃动。 —-

… I was filled with tenderness and a calm satisfaction, to think that I could let myself be carried away and fall in love, and at the same time I felt uneasy at the thought that only a few yards away in one of the rooms of the house lay Lyda who did not love me, and perhaps hated me. —-
……我被柔情和平静的满足充满,想到自己可以被冲动地爱上,同时我也感到不安,想到只隔几码之远房子里的某个房间躺着不爱我、甚至可能恨我的莉达。 —-

I sat and waited to see if Genya would come out. —-
我坐着等待瑞英出来。 —-

I listened attentively and it seemed to me they were sitting in the mezzanine.

An hour passed. The green light went out, and the shadows were no longer visible. —-
一个钟头过去了。绿光熄灭了,阴影不再可见。 —-

The moon hung high above the house and lit the sleeping garden and the avenues: —-
月亮高悬在房子上方,照亮了睡着的花园和林荫道: —-

I could distinctly see the dahlias and roses in the flower-bed in front of the house, and all seemed to be of one colour. —-
我可以清楚地看到房子前花坛里的大丽花和玫瑰,所有的一切似乎都是同一种颜色。 —-

It was very cold. I left the garden, picked up my overcoat in the road, and walked slowly home.

Next day after dinner when I went to the Volchaninovs’, the glass door was wide open. —-
我去沃尔恰宁诺夫家吃过晚饭的第二天,玻璃门敞开着。 —-

I sat down on the terrace expecting Genya to come from behind the flower-bed or from one of the avenues, or to hear her voice come from out of the rooms; —-
我坐在露台上,期待着根雅从花坛后面或任何一条小道上出现,或者听到她的声音从房间里传出来; —-

then I went into the drawing-room and the dining-room. There was not a soul to be seen. —-
然后我进了客厅和餐厅。一个人影也没有。 —-

From the dining-room I went down a long passage into the hall, and then back again. —-
我从餐厅进了一个长长的走廊,到了大厅,又折了回去。 —-

There were several doors in the passage and behind one of them I could hear Lyda’s voice:

“To the crow somewhere … God …”—she spoke slowly and distinctly, and was probably dictating—“ . —-
“给了乌鸦一些奶酪… 上帝… “—她慢慢而清晰地说着,很可能在听写—“。 —-

.. God sent a piece of cheese…. To the crow … somewhere. —-
.. 上帝给了乌鸦一片奶酪… 某处。 —-

… Who is there?” she called out suddenly as she heard my footsteps.

“It is I.”

“Oh! excuse me. I can’t come out just now. I am teaching Masha.”

“Is Ekaterina Pavlovna in the garden?”

“No. She and my sister left to-day for my Aunt’s in Penga, and in the winter they are probably going abroad.” —-
“不在。她和我妹妹今天去了Penga的姑姑家,冬天他们可能会出国。” —-

She added after a short silence: “To the crow somewhere God sent a pi-ece of cheese. —-
她接着沉默片刻后说:“上帝在某处给了乌鸦一块奶酪。 —-

Have you got that?”

I went out into the hall, and, without a thought in my head, stood and looked out at the pond and the village, and still I heard:

“A piece of cheese…. To the crow somewhere God sent a piece of cheese.”
“一块奶酪… 上帝在某处给了乌鸦一块奶酪。”

And I left the house by the way I had come the first time, only reversing the order, from the yard into the garden, past the house, then along the lime-walk. —-
然后沿着我第一次来时的路线,反过来离开房子,从庭院进入花园,经过房子,然后沿着椴树林。 —-

Here a boy overtook me and handed me a note: —-
这里有个男孩追上我递来一张纸条: —-

“I have told my sister everything and she insists on my parting from you,” I read. —-
“我把一切告诉了我妹妹,她坚持让我和你分手”,我读到。 —-

“I could not hurt her by disobeying. God will give you happiness. —-
“我无法违抗伤害她。上帝会赐予你幸福。 —-

If you knew how bitterly mamma and I have cried.”

Then through the fir avenue and the rotten fence. —-
然后穿过枞木林荫道和烂木栅栏。 —-

…Over the fields where the corn was ripening and the quails screamed, cows and shackled horses now were browsing. —-
在玉米成熟、鹌鹑尖叫的田野上,现在是牛羊和栓住的马正在吃草。 —-

Here and there on the hills the winter corn was already showing green. —-
在山上,冬玉米已经显露出绿色。 —-

A sober, workaday mood possessed me and I was ashamed of all I had said at the Volchaninovs’, and once more it became tedious to go on living. —-
一种朴实、务实的情绪占据了我,我为自己在沃尔恰宁诺夫家所说的一切感到羞耻,再次感到继续生活令人厌倦。 —-

I went home, packed my things, and left that evening for Petersburg.

I never saw the Volchaninovs again. Lately on my way to the Crimea I met Bielokurov at a station. —-
我再也没有见过沃尔恰宁诺夫一家。最近在去克里米亚的路上,我在车站遇见了别洛库罗夫。 —-

As of old he was in a poddiovka, wearing an embroidered shirt, and when I asked after his health, he replied: —-
他像从前一样穿着刺绣衬衣,他身处一片花坡田中,当我问及他的健康状况时,他回答说: —-

“Quite well, thanks be to God.” He began to talk. —-
“非常好,感谢上帝。” 他开始讲述起来。 —-

He had sold his estate and bought another, smaller one in the name of Lyabov Ivanovna. —-
他已经卖掉了他的庄园,用列雅别洛夫娜的名字买下另一个更小的庄园。 —-

He told me a little about the Volchaninovs. —-
他给我讲了一点关于沃尔恰宁诺夫一家的事。 —-

Lyda, he said, still lived at Sholkovka and taught the children in the school; —-
他说莉达仍然住在肖尔科夫卡,教授学校里的孩子们; —-

little by little she succeeded in gathering round herself a circle of sympathetic people, who formed a strong party, and at the last Zemstvo election they drove out Balaguin, who up till then had had the whole district in his hands. —-
渐渐地,她成功地围绕自己聚集起一群有同情心的人,他们形成了一个强大的团体,在上次省政府选举中,他们赶走了长期控制该地区的巴拉金。 —-

Of Genya Bielokurov said that she did not live at home and he did not know where she was.

I have already begun to forget about the house with the mezzanine, and only now and then, when I am working or reading, suddenly—without rhyme or reason—I remember the green light in the window, and the sound of my own footsteps as I walked through the fields that night, when I was in love, rubbing my hands to keep them warm. —-
我已经开始遗忘有阁楼的房子,只是偶尔,在工作或阅读时,突然——莫名其妙地——我想起窗户里的绿光,想起我当初恋爱时穿越田野时的脚步声,我握着双手取暖。 —-

And even more rarely, when I am sad and lonely, I begin already to recollect and it seems to me that I, too, am being remembered and waited for, and that we shall meet….

Missyuss, where are you? TYPHUS
米修斯,你在哪里?伤實利克斯【译注:该词转自俄语 “травница”, 意为“伤實”或“伤伷” 病】

IN a smoking-compartment of the mail-train from Petrograd to Moscow sat a young lieutenant, Klimov by name. —-
在彼得格勒到莫斯科的邮车的吸烟室里,坐着一个名叫克里莫夫的年轻中尉。 —-

Opposite him sat an elderly man with a clean-shaven, shipmaster’s face, to all appearances a well-to-do Finn or Swede, who all through the journey smoked a pipe and talked round and round the same subject.

“Ha! you are an officer! My brother is also an officer, but he is a sailor. —-
“哈!你是军官!我的兄弟也是军官,但他是海员。 —-

He is a sailor and is stationed at Kronstadt. —-
他是一名海员,驻扎在克罗诺斯塔德。 —-

Why are you going to Moscow?”

“I am stationed there.”

“Ha! Are you married?”

“No. I live with my aunt and sister.”

“My brother is also an officer, but he is married and has a wife and three children. Ha!”

The Finn looked surprised at something, smiled broadly and fatuously as he exclaimed, “Ha,” and every now and then blew through the stem of his pipe. —-
芬兰人看起来对某件事感到惊讶,他笑得很开心,偶尔通过烟斗的管子吹气。 —-

Klimov, who was feeling rather unwell, and not at all inclined to answer questions, hated him with all his heart. —-
克里莫夫感到有点不舒服,一点也不想回答问题,他从心底里讨厌这个芬兰人。 —-

He thought how good it would be to snatch his gurgling pipe out of his hands and throw it under the seat and to order the Finn himself into another car.

“They are awful people, these Finns and … Greeks,” he thought. —-
“这些芬兰人和…希腊人真是可怕的人。 —-

“Useless, good-for-nothing, disgusting people. —-
“无用、一无是处、令人恶心的人。 —-

They only cumber the earth. What is the good of them?”

And the thought of Finns and Greeks filled him with a kind of nausea. —-
芬兰人和希腊人的想法让他感到一种恶心。 —-

He tried to compare them with the French and the Italians, but the idea of those races somehow roused in him the notion of organ-grinders, naked women, and the foreign oleographs which hung over the chest of drawers in his aunt’s house.

The young officer felt generally out of sorts. —-
这位年轻军官感到整体心情糟糕。 —-

There seemed to be no room for his arms and legs, though he had the whole seat to himself; —-
他好像没有足够的空间放手臂和腿,尽管他独自占据了整个座位; —-

his mouth was dry and sticky, his head was heavy and his clouded thoughts seemed to wander at random, not only in his head, but also outside it among the seats and the people looming in the darkness. —-
他的嘴干燥而粘腻,头重如铅,他混沌的思绪似乎随意徘徊,不仅在脑海中,也在黑暗中的座位和人群之间。 —-

Through the turmoil in his brain, as through a dream, he heard the murmur of voices, the rattle of the wheels, the slamming of doors. —-
通过大脑中的骚动,他仿佛听见了声音的喃喃,车轮的咔哒声,门的重击声。 —-

Bells, whistles, conductors, the tramp of the people on the platforms came oftener than usual. —-
铃声、哨声、售票员、站台上人们的脚步声也比往常频繁。 —-

The time slipped by quickly, imperceptibly, and it seemed that the train stopped every minute at a station as now and then there would come up the sound of metallic voices:

“Is the post ready?”


It seemed to him that the stove-neater came in too often to look at the thermometer, and that trains never stopped passing and his own train was always roaring over bridges. —-
他觉得取暖炉工人看温度计的次数太频繁,火车也似乎永远不停地穿过桥梁。 —-

The noise, the whistle, the Finn, the tobacco smoke—all mixed with the ominous shifting of misty shapes, weighed on Klimov like an intolerable nightmare. —-
噪音、汽笛声、芬兰人、烟雾——这一切与神秘的朦胧形象混杂在一起,令克里莫夫感到难以忍受的噩梦般沉重。 —-

In terrible anguish he lifted up his aching head, looked at the lamp whose light was encircled with shadows and misty spots; —-
在可怕的痛苦中,他抬起那沉重的头,看着灯笼,它的光被阴影和朦胧斑点包围着; —-

he wanted to ask for water, but his dry tongue would hardly move, and he had hardly strength enough to answer the Finn’s questions. —-
他想要喝水,却几乎无法移动干燥的舌头,也几乎没有足够的力气回答芬兰人的问题。 —-

He tried to lie down more comfortably and sleep, but he could not succeed; —-
他试图更舒服地躺下睡觉,但却无法成功; —-

the Finn fell asleep several times, woke up and lighted his pipe, talked to him with his “Ha!” —-
芬兰人几次打瞌睡,醒来点燃烟斗,用“哈”声和他说话。 —-

and went to sleep again; and the lieutenant could still not find room for his legs on the seat, and all the while the ominous figures shifted before his eyes.

At Spirov he got out to have a drink of water. —-
在斯皮洛夫,他下车喝了口水。 —-

He saw some people sitting at a table eating hurriedly.

“How can they eat?” he thought, trying to avoid the smell of roast meat in the air and seeing the chewing mouths, for both seemed to him utterly disgusting and made him feel sick.

A handsome lady was talking to a military man in a red cap, and she showed magnificent white teeth when she smiled; —-
一位漂亮的女士正与一个戴着红帽子的军人交谈,她微笑时露出了雪白的牙齿; —-

her smile, her teeth, the lady herself produced in Klimov the same impression of disgust as the ham and the fried cutlets. —-
她的微笑、她的牙齿、这位女士使克里莫夫产生了与火腿和油炸肉排相同的厌恶感。 —-

He could not understand how the military man in the red cap could bear to sit near her and look at her healthy smiling face.

After he had drunk some water, he went back to his place. The Finn sat and smoked. —-
喝了些水后,他回到了自己的座位。芬兰人坐着吸烟。 —-

His pipe gurgled and sucked like a galoche full of holes in dirty weather.

“Ha!” he said with some surprise. “What station is this?”

“I don’t know,” said Klimov, lying down and shutting his mouth to keep out the acrid tobacco smoke.

“When do we get to Tver.”

“I don’t know. I am sorry, I … I can’t talk. I am not well. I have a cold.”

The Finn knocked out his pipe against the window-frame and began to talk of his brother, the sailor. —-
芬兰人用烟斗在窗框上敲了敲,开始谈起他的哥哥,那位水手。 —-

Klimov paid no more attention to him and thought in agony of his soft, comfortable bed, of the bottle of cold water, of his sister Katy, who knew so well how to tuck him up and cosset him. —-
克利莫夫一点也没有理会他,痛苦地想着自己软软舒适的床,冰凉的水瓶,还有知道如何好好照顾他的妹妹凯蒂。 —-

He even smiled when there flashed across his mind his soldier-servant Pavel, taking off his heavy, close-fitting boots and putting water on the table. —-
当他脑海中闪现起士兵仆人帕维尔脱下他沉重而贴身的靴子,把水放在桌子上时,他甚至微微一笑。 —-

It seemed to him that he would only have to lie on his bed and drink some water and his nightmare would give way to a sound, healthy sleep.

“Is the post ready?” came a dull voice from a distance.

“Ready,” answered a loud, bass voice almost by the very window.

It was the second or third station from Spirov.

Time passed quickly, seemed to gallop along, and there would be no end to the bells, whistles, and stops. —-
时间飞逝,似乎飞驰而过,钟声、鸣笛声和停站声没有尽头。 —-

In despair Klimov pressed his face into the corner of the cushion, held his head in his hands, and again began to think of his sister Katy and his orderly Pavel; —-
绝望中,克利莫夫把脸埋在靠垫角落里,用双手捧住头,再次想起他的妹妹凯蒂和他的侍从帕维尔; —-

but his sister and his orderly got mixed up with the looming figures and whirled about and disappeared. —-
但他的妹妹和侍从被映射在那些若隐若现的身影中飞舞着并消失了。 —-

His breath, thrown back from the cushion, burned his face, and his legs ached and a draught from the window poured into his back, but, painful though it was, he refused to change his position. —-
从靠垫上反射回来的呼吸灼烧着他的脸,腿部酸痛,窗户那边的一股寒风吹在他的背上,虽然痛苦,他却拒绝改变姿势。 —-

… A heavy, drugging torpor crept over him and chained his limbs.

When at length he raised his head, the car was quite light. —-
当他最终抬起头时,车厢已经很亮了。 —-

The passengers were putting on their overcoats and moving about. The train stopped. —-
乘客们开始穿上外套并四处移动。火车停了下来。 —-

Porters in white aprons and number-plates bustled about the passengers and seized their boxes. —-
穿着白围裙和编号牌的搬运工们忙碌地为乘客们服务,抓起他们的箱子。 —-

Klimov put on his greatcoat mechanically and left the train, and he felt as though it were not himself walking, but some one else, a stranger, and he felt that he was accompanied by the heat of the train, his thirst, and the ominous, lowering figures which all night long had prevented his sleeping. —-
克利莫夫机械地穿上大衣,离开了火车,他觉得仿佛不是自己在走路,而是其他人,一个陌生人,他感觉自己伴随着火车的热度、口渴和整夜阻止他入睡的不祥、令人扼腕的身影。 —-

Mechanically he got his luggage and took a cab. —-
他机械地拿起行李,打了一辆的士。 —-

The cabman charged him one rouble and twenty-five copecks for driving him to Povarska Street, but he did not haggle and submissively took his seat in the sledge. —-
车夫收了他一卢布二十五戈比,送他到波瓦尔斯卡街,但他没有讨价还价,顺从地坐进了雪橇。 —-

He could still grasp the difference in numbers, but money had no value to him whatever.

At home Klimov was met by his aunt and his sister Katy, a girl of eighteen. —-
回到家里,克利莫夫遇到了他的姑姑和十八岁的妹妹凯蒂。 —-

Katy had a copy-book and a pencil in her hands as she greeted him, and he remembered that she was preparing for a teacher’s examination. —-
凯蒂握着一本练习册和一支铅笔迎接他,他记得她正在准备教师考试。 —-

He took no notice of their greetings and questions, but gasped from the heat, and walked aimlessly through the rooms until he reached his own, and then he fell prone on the bed. —-
他没有理会他们的问候和问题,只是因为热而喘气,无目的地走过房间,直到走到自己的房间,然后摔倒在床上。 —-

The Finn, the red cap, the lady with the white teeth, the smell of roast meat, the shifting spot in the lamp, filled his mind and he lost consciousness and did not hear the frightened voices near him.

When he came to himself he found himself in bed, undressed, and noticed the water-bottle and Pavel, but it did not make him any more comfortable nor easy. —-
当他恢复意识时,发现自己躺在床上,脱掉衣服,注意到了水壶和保罗,但这并没有让他感觉更舒服或轻松。 —-

His legs and arms, as before, felt cramped, his tongue clove to his palate, and he could hear the chuckle of the Finn’s pipe. —-
他的腿和手像以前一样感到抽筋,舌头粘在上颚上,他能听到芬兰人吸烟的声音。 —-

… By the bed, growing out of Pavel’s broad back, a stout, black-bearded doctor was bustling.

“All right, all right, my lad,” he murmured. “Excellent, excellent…. Jist so, jist so….”

The doctor called Klimov “my lad.” Instead of “just so,” he said “jist saow,” and instead of “yes,” “yies.”

“Yies, yies, yies,” he said. “Jist saow, jist saow…. Don’t be downhearted!”

The doctor’s quick, careless way of speaking, his well-fed face, and the condescending tone in which he said “my lad” exasperated Klimov.

“Why do you call me ‘my lad’?” he moaned. “Why this familiarity, damn it all?”

And he was frightened by the sound of his own voice. —-
他被自己声音的声响吓到了。 —-

It was so dry, weak, and hollow that he could hardly recognise it.

“Excellent, excellent,” murmured the doctor, not at all offended. —-
“优秀,优秀,”医生低声说道,一点也不生气。 —-

“Yies, yies. You mustn’t be cross.”

And at home the time galloped away as alarmingly quickly as in the train. —-
在家里,时间飞逝得像火车一样快。 —-

… The light of day in his bedroom was every now and then changed to the dim light of evening. —-
… 卧室里的白昼之光不时变为黄昏的微光。 —-

… The doctor never seemed to leave the bedside, and his “Yies, yies, yies,” could be heard at every moment. —-
… 医生似乎一刻也没有离开床边,听到他不停地说着”是的,是的,是的”。 —-

Through the room stretched an endless row of faces; —-
房间里摆满了一排无尽的面孔; —-

Pavel, the Finn, Captain Taroshevich, Sergeant Maximenko, the red cap, the lady with the white teeth, the doctor. —-
Pavel,芬兰人,塔罗舍维奇队长,麦希莫夫中士,红帽子,白牙女士,医生。 —-

All of them talked, waved their hands, smoked, ate. —-
所有人都在谈笑,挥手,抽烟,吃东西。 —-

Once in broad daylight Klimov saw his regimental priest, Father Alexander, in his stole and with the host in his hands, standing by the bedside and muttering something with such a serious expression as Klimov had never seen him wear before. —-
白天,克里莫夫看到他的团牧师亚历山大神父,穿着披肩手持圣餐立在床边,面带严肃祈祷着,使克里莫夫看到他前所未见的认真表情。 —-

The lieutenant remembered that Father Alexander used to call all the Catholic officers Poles, and wishing to make the priest laugh, he exclaimed:

“Father Taroshevich, the Poles have fled to the woods.”

But Father Alexander, usually a gay, light-hearted man, did not laugh and looked even more serious, and made the sign of the cross over Klimov. —-
但平时快乐轻松的亚历山大神父没有笑,神色更加庄严,向克里莫夫做了十字记号。 —-

At night, one after the other, there would come slowly creeping in and out two shadows. —-
晚上,两个身影一个接一个地悄悄进进出出。 —-

They were his aunt and his sister. The shadow of his sister would kneel down and pray; —-
他的姑妈和他的妹妹。他妹妹的影子会跪下来祈祷; —-

she would bow to the ikon, and her grey shadow on the wall would bow, too, so that two shadows prayed to God. And all the time there was a smell of roast meat and of the Finn’s pipe, but once Klimov could detect a distinct smell of incense. —-
她会向圣像鞠躬,她在墙上的灰色影子也会鞠躬,这样两个影子向上帝祈祷。而此时,整个房间里弥漫着烤肉和芬兰人的烟斗的味道,但是一次克里莫夫能闻到一种独特的乳香味道。 —-

He nearly vomited and cried:

“Incense! Take it away.”

There was no reply. He could only hear priests chanting in an undertone and some one running on the stairs.

When Klimov recovered from his delirium there was not a soul in the bedroom. —-
当克里莫夫从谵妄中恢复过来时,卧室里一个人都没有。 —-

The morning sun flared through the window and the drawn curtains, and a trembling beam, thin and keen as a sword, played on the water-bottle. —-
晨光照过窗户和拉好的窗帘,一道颤动的光束,细细锋利如利剑,在水壶上闪动。 —-

He could hear the rattle of wheels—that meant there was no more snow in the streets. —-
他能听到车轮的咔嗒声—那意味着街上已经没有雪了。 —-

The lieutenant looked at the sunbeam, at the familiar furniture and the door, and his first inclination was to laugh. —-
中尉看着阳光斜射进来的光束,看着熟悉的家具和门,他的第一反应是笑。 —-

His chest and stomach trembled with a sweet, happy, tickling laughter. —-
他的胸膛和胃部因一种甜蜜、快乐、刺痛的笑声而颤动。 —-

From head to foot his whole body was filled with a feeling of infinite happiness, like that which the first man must have felt when he stood erect and beheld the world for the first time. —-
从头到脚,他整个身体都充满了无限的幸福感,就像第一个站起来并第一次看到这个世界的人所感受到的那种幸福。 —-

Klimov had a passionate longing for people, movement, talk. His body lay motionless; —-
克里莫夫渴望着人群、运动和交谈。他的身体静止不动; —-

he could only move his hands, but he hardly noticed it, for his whole attention was fixed on little things. —-
他只能动一动手,但他几乎没注意到,因为他的所有注意力都集中在小细节上。 —-

He was delighted with his breathing and with his laughter; —-
他对自己的呼吸和笑声感到高兴; —-

he was delighted with the existence of the water-bottle, the ceiling, the sunbeam, the ribbon on the curtain. —-
他对水壶、天花板、光束、帘子上的细带的存在感到高兴。 —-

God’s world, even in such a narrow corner as his bedroom, seemed to him beautiful, varied, great. —-
上帝的世界,即使在他的卧室这样狭窄的角落里,对他来说也是美丽的、多样的、伟大的。 —-

When the doctor appeared the lieutenant thought how nice his medicine was, how nice and sympathetic the doctor was, how nice and interesting people were, on the whole.

“Yies, yies, yies,” said the doctor. “Excellent, excellent. —-
“是的,是的,是的,”医生说。“绝佳,绝佳。 —-

Now we are well again. Jist saow. Jist saow.”

The lieutenant listened and laughed gleefully. —-
中尉听着,欢快地笑了起来。 —-

He remembered the Finn, the lady with the white teeth, the train, and he wanted to eat and smoke.

“Doctor,” he said, “tell them to bring me a slice of rye bread and salt, and some sardines….”

The doctor refused. Pavel did not obey his order and refused to go for bread. —-
医生拒绝了。帕维尔没有听从他的命令,拒绝去拿面包。 —-

The lieutenant could not bear it and began to cry like a thwarted child.

“Ba-by,” the doctor laughed. “Mamma! Hush-aby!”

Klimov also began to laugh, and when the doctor had gone, he fell sound asleep. —-
克利莫夫也开始笑,医生走后,他又睡着了。 —-

He woke up with the same feeling of joy and happiness. —-
他醒来时依旧感到快乐幸福。 —-

His aunt was sitting by his bed.

“Oh, aunty!” He was very happy. “What has been the matter with me?”


“I say! And now I am well, quite well! Where is Katy?”

“She is not at home. She has probably gone to see some one after her examination.”

The old woman bent over her stocking as she said this; her lips began to tremble; —-
老太太说着垂下头织毛线袜;嘴唇开始颤抖; —-

she turned her face away and suddenly began to sob. —-
她把脸转向一边,突然开始哭泣。 —-

In her grief, she forgot the doctor’s orders and cried:

“Oh! Katy! Katy! Our angel is gone from us! She is gone!”

She dropped her stocking and stooped down for it, and her cap fell off her head. —-
她掉了毛线袜,弯下身子去捡,头上的头巾也掉了。 —-

Klimov stared at her grey hair, could not understand, was alarmed for Katy, and asked:

“But where is she, aunty?”

The old woman, who had already forgotten Klimov and remembered only her grief, said:

“She caught typhus from you and … and died. She was buried the day before yesterday.”

This sudden appalling piece of news came home to Klimov’s mind, but dreadful and shocking though it was it could not subdue the animal joy which thrilled through the convalescent lieutenant. —-
这突如其来的可怕消息震动了克里莫夫,尽管极为可怕和令人震惊,但无法扑灭这位正在病愈的中尉身上所充满的动物般的喜悦。 —-

He cried, laughed, and soon began to complain that he was given nothing to eat.

Only a week later, when, supported by Pavel, he walked in a dressing- gown to the window, and saw the grey spring sky and heard the horrible rattle of some old rails being carried by on a lorry, then his heart ached with sorrow and he began to weep and pressed his forehead against the window-frame.

“How unhappy I am!” he murmured. “My God, how unhappy I am!”

And joy gave way to his habitual weariness and a sense of his irreparable loss. GOOSEBERRIES

FROM early morning the sky had been overcast with clouds; —-
从早晨开始,天空就被厚厚的云覆盖; —-

the day was still, cool, and wearisome, as usual on grey, dull days when the clouds hang low over the fields and it looks like rain, which never comes. —-
这一天依然静谧、凉爽、乏味,就像是常见的灰蒙蒙的、云层低垂在田野上、看起来像是要下雨却又从不下雨的日子。 —-

Ivan Ivanich, the veterinary surgeon, and Bourkin, the schoolmaster, were tired of walking and the fields seemed endless to them. —-
兽医伊凡伊凡尼奇和教师布尔金走得有些疲倦,田野在他们看来似乎没有尽头。 —-

Far ahead they could just see the windmills of the village of Mirousky, to the right stretched away to disappear behind the village a line of hills, and they knew that it was the bank of the river; —-
在远处,他们只能看到米鲁斯基村的风车,向右延伸消失在村子后面的是一条连绵的山脊,他们知道那是河岸; —-

meadows, green willows, farmhouses; and from one of the hills there could be seen a field as endless, telegraph-posts, and the train, looking from a distance like a crawling caterpillar, and in clear weather even the town. —-
贴着村子的那片草地、绿柳、农舍;从一个山丘上能望见无边的田野、电线杆、远远看去像一条爬行的毛虫的火车,天气晴朗时还能看见城镇。 —-

In the calm weather when all Nature seemed gentle and melancholy, Ivan Ivanich and Bourkin were filled with love for the fields and thought how grand and beautiful the country was.

“Last time, when we stopped in Prokofyi’s shed,” said Bourkin, “you were going to tell me a story.”

“Yes. I wanted to tell you about my brother.”

Ivan Ivanich took a deep breath and lighted his pipe before beginning his story, but just then the rain began to fall. —-
伊凡伊凡尼奇深吸一口气,在开始讲述故事前点燃了烟斗,但就在那时雨开始下了。 —-

And in about five minutes it came pelting down and showed no signs of stopping. —-
大约五分钟后,大雨倾盆而至,看不到停下的迹象。 —-

Ivan Ivanich stopped and hesitated; the dogs, wet through, stood with their tails between their legs and looked at them mournfully.

“We ought to take shelter,” said Bourkin. “Let us go to Aliokhin. It is close by.”

“Very well.”

They took a short cut over a stubble-field and then bore to the right, until they came to the road. —-
他们走过一个麦田的捡拾地,然后向右转,直到到达了路。 —-

Soon there appeared poplars, a garden, the red roofs of granaries; —-
不久,出现了杨树、花园、红色的粮仓屋顶; —-

the river began to glimmer and they came to a wide road with a mill and a white bathing-shed. —-
河流开始泛着光芒,他们来到了一条宽阔的道路,路边有一座磨坊和一个白色的浴棚; —-

It was Sophino, where Aliokhin lived.

The mill was working, drowning the sound of the rain, and the dam shook. —-
磨坊正在运转,淹没着雨声,水坝在震动; —-

Round the carts stood wet horses, hanging their heads, and men were walking about with their heads covered with sacks. —-
车辆周围站着湿漉漉的马匹,低着头,人们头上戴着麻袋在来回走动; —-

It was wet, muddy, and unpleasant, and the river looked cold and sullen. —-
天气潮湿、泥泞且令人不愉快,河水看起来寒冷而忧郁; —-

Ivan Ivanich and Bourkin felt wet and uncomfortable through and through; —-
伊凡·伊凡尼奇和布尔京全身湿透且感到不舒服; —-

their feet were tired with walking in the mud, and they walked past the dam to the barn in silence as though they were angry with each other.

In one of the barns a winnowing-machine was working, sending out clouds of dust. —-
在谷仓里,一个风选机正在工作,喷出一团团尘土; —-

On the threshold stood Aliokhin himself, a man of about forty, tall and stout, with long hair, more like a professor or a painter than a farmer. —-
在门槛上站着一名约四十岁的男子,阿留金本人,个子高大而结实,长发披肩,更像是一名教授或画家,而不是农场主; —-

He was wearing a grimy white shirt and rope belt, and pants instead of trousers; —-
他穿着一件肮脏的白色衬衣和麻绳腰带,裤子取代了裤子; —-

and his boots were covered with mud and straw. —-
他的靴子沾满了泥土和稻草; —-

His nose and eyes were black with dust. He recognised Ivan Ivanich and was apparently very pleased.

“Please, gentlemen,” he said, “go to the house. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

The house was large and two-storied. Aliokhin lived down-stairs in two vaulted rooms with little windows designed for the farm-hands; —-
这座房子又大又有两层楼。阿留金住在楼下两间拱形的房间里,窗户很小,为农场工人设计; —-

the farmhouse was plain, and the place smelled of rye bread and vodka, and leather. —-
农舍很朴素,屋内弥漫着黑麦面包、伏特加和皮革的味道。 —-

He rarely used the reception-rooms, only when guests arrived. —-
他很少使用接待室,只有在有客人来访时才会使用。 —-

Ivan Ivanich and Bourkin were received by a chambermaid; —-
伊万伊万尼奇和布尔金被一个女仆接待; —-

such a pretty young woman that both of them stopped and exchanged glances.

“You cannot imagine how glad I am to see you, gentlemen,” said Aliokhin, coming after them into the hall. —-
“你们来真让我高兴,先生们,” 阿里奥欣说着,跟着他们走进大厅。 —-

“I never expected you. Pelagueya,” he said to the maid, “give my friends a change of clothes. —-
“我从没有想到你们会来。佩拉格耶娅,” 他对女仆说,”给我的朋友们换套衣服。 —-

And I will change, too. But I must have a bath. I haven’t had one since the spring. —-
我也要换一下,但我必须先洗个澡。我自春天以来就没洗过了。 —-

Wouldn’t you like to come to the bathing-shed? —-
你不想来洗澡吗? —-

And meanwhile our things will be got ready.”

Pretty Pelagueya, dainty and sweet, brought towels and soap, and Aliokhin led his guests to the bathing-shed.

“Yes,” he said, “it is a long time since I had a bath. —-
“是的,”他说,“我很长时间没洗澡了。 —-

My bathing-shed is all right, as you see. —-
你看,我的浴棚很好。 —-

My father and I put it up, but somehow I have no time to bathe.”

He sat down on the step and lathered his long hair and neck, and the water round him became brown.

“Yes. I see,” said Ivan Ivanich heavily, looking at his head.

“It is a long time since I bathed,” said Aliokhin shyly, as he soaped himself again, and the water round him became dark blue, like ink.

Ivan Ivanich came out of the shed, plunged into the water with a splash, and swam about in the rain, flapping his arms, and sending waves back, and on the waves tossed white lilies; —-
伊凡伊凡尼奇走出浴棚,大声起了一个响亮的飞溅声,浪花中白百合飘扬; —-

he swam out to the middle of the pool and dived, and in a minute came up again in another place and kept on swimming and diving, trying to reach the bottom. —-
他游到池塘的中央,潜下水去,一分钟后又在另一个地方冒了出来,继续游泳和潜水,试图达到水底。 —-

“Ah! how delicious!” he shouted in his glee. “How delicious!” —-
“啊!多美味啊!”他高兴地大叫着。“多美味啊!” —-

He swam to the mill, spoke to the peasants, and came back, and in the middle of the pool he lay on his back to let the rain fall on his face. —-
他游到磨坊,与农民交谈,然后返回,在池塘的中央仰卧让雨水滴在脸上。 —-

Bourkin and Aliokhin were already dressed and ready to go, but he kept on swimming and diving.

“Delicious,” he said. “Too delicious!”

“You’ve had enough,” shouted Bourkin.

They went to the house. And only when the lamp was lit in the large drawing-room up-stairs, and Bourkin and Ivan Ivanich, dressed in silk dressing-gowns and warm slippers, lounged in chairs, and Aliokhin himself, washed and brushed, in a new frock coat, paced up and down evidently delighting in the warmth and cleanliness and dry clothes and slippers, and pretty Pelagueya, noiselessly tripping over the carpet and smiling sweetly, brought in tea and jam on a tray, only then did Ivan Ivanich begin his story, and it was as though he was being listened to not only by Bourkin and Aliokhin, but also by the old and young ladies and the officer who looked down so staidly and tranquilly from the golden frames.
他们走进了房子。只有当楼上的大客厅里点亮了灯,Bourkin和Ivan Ivanich穿着丝绸睡袍和温暖的拖鞋懒散地坐在椅子上,而Aliokhin本人则洗漱整齐,穿着新买的礼服外套,穿着暖和的拖鞋,在干净暖和的衣服和拖鞋中明显地感到愉悦,而漂亮的Pelagueya则静静地走过地毯,微笑着端着装有茶和果酱的托盘走进来,只有在那时,Ivan Ivanich才开始讲故事,仿佛不仅Bourkin和Aliokhin在听着他讲,而且那些从金色画框里庄重安静地凝视下来的老太太、年轻女士和那位军官也在聆听。

“We are two brothers,” he began, “I, Ivan Ivanich, and Nicholai Ivanich, two years younger. —-
“我们是两兄弟,”他开始说,“我,Ivan Ivanich,比Nicholai Ivanich大两岁。 —-

I went in for study and became a veterinary surgeon, while Nicholai was at the Exchequer Court when he was nineteen. —-
我学医成为了一名兽医,而Nicholai则在十九岁时进了税务法院。 —-

Our father, Tchimasha-Himalaysky, was a cantonist, but he died with an officer’s rank and left us his title of nobility and a small estate. —-
我们的父亲,Tchimasha-Himalaysky,是一名间军,在他去世时是一名军官,并留给了我们爵位和一处小庄园. —-

After his death the estate went to pay his debts. —-
他去世后,庄园被用来偿还他的债务。 —-

However, we spent our childhood there in the country. —-
然而,我们在农村度过了童年。 —-

We were just like peasant’s children, spent days and nights in the fields and the woods, minded the house, barked the lime-trees, fished, and so on. —-
我们像农民的孩子一样,整天整夜在田地和树林里,照看房子,给菩提树涂树皮,钓鱼等等。 —-

… And you know once a man has fished, or watched the thrushes hovering in flocks over the village in the bright, cool, autumn days, he can never really be a townsman, and to the day of his death he will be drawn to the country. —-
…而你知道,一旦一个人钓鱼或者眺望一群青鸟在明亮凉爽的秋日在村庄上空盘旋,他就再也不可能真正成为城里人了,直到他去世那天,他都会被乡村吸引。 —-

My brother pined away in the Exchequer. Years passed and he sat in the same place, wrote out the same documents, and thought of one thing, how to get back to the country. —-
我的弟弟在税务法院日渐消瘦。多年过去了,他仍坐在同一位置,填写着同样的文件,只想着一个事情,怎样回到乡村。 —-

And little by little his distress became a definite disorder, a fixed idea—to buy a small farm somewhere by the bank of a river or a lake.

“He was a good fellow and I loved him, but I never sympathised with the desire to shut oneself up on one’s own farm. —-
“他是个好家伙,我爱他,但我从来没有同情过那种让自己困在自己的农场里的欲望。 —-

It is a common saying that a man needs only six feet of land. —-
俗话说,一个人只需要六尺方土地。 —-

But surely a corpse wants that, not a man. —-
但是肯定是尸体需要那个,而不是一个人。 —-

And I hear that our intellectuals have a longing for the land and want to acquire farms. —-
我听说我们的知识分子渴望拥有土地,想要购买农场。” —-

But it all comes down to the six feet of land. —-
但最终归根到底只有六英尺的土地。 —-

To leave town, and the struggle and the swim of life, and go and hide yourself in a farmhouse is not life—it is egoism, laziness; —-
离开城镇,逃避生活的挣扎和奋斗,躲藏在乡间农舍里并不是生活,而是自我主义、懒惰; —-

it is a kind of monasticism, but monasticism without action. —-
这是一种僧侣式的生活,但是没有实践的僧侣生活。 —-

A man needs, not six feet of land, not a farm, but the whole earth, all Nature, where in full liberty he can display all the properties and qualities of the free spirit.

“My brother Nicholai, sitting in his office, would dream of eating his own schi, with its savoury smell floating across the farmyard; —-
“我哥哥尼古拉坐在办公室里,会幻想着吃自己煮的香气扑鼻的酸菜汤; —-

and of eating out in the open air, and of sleeping in the sun, and of sitting for hours together on a seat by the gate and gazing at the field and the forest. —-
幻想着在户外用餐,沐浴阳光,整日坐在门口的长椅上凝视田野和森林。 —-

Books on agriculture and the hints in almanacs were his joy, his favourite spiritual food; —-
农业书籍和老年时钟上的线索是他的喜悦,他最喜欢的心灵食粮; —-

and he liked reading newspapers, but only the advertisements of land to be sold, so many acres of arable and grass land, with a farmhouse, river, garden, mill, and mill-pond. —-
他喜欢看报纸,但只看到关于待售土地的广告,有多少亩耕地和草地,带有一座农舍、河流、花园、磨坊和磨坊池。 —-

And he would dream of garden-walls, flowers, fruits, nests, carp in the pond, don’t you know, and all the rest of it. —-
他会幻想着围墙、鲜花、水果、巢穴、池塘里的鲤鱼等等。 —-

These fantasies of his used to vary according to the advertisements he found, but somehow there was always a gooseberry-bush in every one. —-
他的幻想会根据他找到的广告不同而变化,但总有一个醋栗灌木。 —-

Not a house, not a romantic spot could he imagine without its gooseberry-bush.

“‘Country life has its advantages,’ he used to say. —-
“‘乡村生活有它的优点,’他常说。 —-

‘You sit on the veranda drinking tea and your ducklings swim on the pond, and everything smells good . —-
‘你坐在阳台上喝茶,鸭子在池塘里游泳,一切都充满了芳香…… —-

.. and there are gooseberries.’
…… 还有醋栗。’

“He used to draw out a plan of his estate and always the same things were shown on it: —-
“他常画出他庄园的计划图,上面总是展示着相同的事物: —-

(a) Farmhouse, (b) cottage, (c) vegetable garden, (d) gooseberry-bush. —-
(a) 农舍,(b) 小屋,(c) 菜园,(d) 醋栗灌木。 —-

He used to live meagrely and never had enough to eat and drink, dressed God knows how, exactly like a beggar, and always saved and put his money into the bank. —-
他过着节俭的生活,吃喝不足,穿着像乞丐一样,总是省吃俭用,把钱存在银行里。 —-

He was terribly stingy. It used to hurt me to see him, and I used to give him money to go away for a holiday, but he would put that away, too. —-
他非常吝啬。看到他这样我感到痛心,我常给他钱让他去度假,但他也把那笔钱存起来。 —-

Once a man gets a fixed idea, there’s nothing to be done.

“Years passed; he was transferred to another province. —-
“年复一年,他被调到了另一个省份。 —-

He completed his fortieth year and was still reading advertisements in the papers and saving up his money. —-
他度过了四十岁生日,仍然在报纸上看广告,继续存钱。 —-

Then I heard he was married. Still with the same idea of buying a farmhouse with a gooseberry-bush, he married an elderly, ugly widow, not out of any feeling for her, but because she had money. —-
然后我听说他结婚了。仍然怀着买个有醋栗灌木的农舍的想法,他娶了一个年长且丑陋的寡妇,不是出于对她的感情,而是因为她有钱。 —-

With her he still lived stingily, kept her half-starved, and put the money into the bank in his own name. —-
与她在一起,他依旧过着吝啬的生活,让她半饿半饱,把钱寄存在自己名下的银行。 —-

She had been the wife of a postmaster and was used to good living, but with her second husband she did not even have enough black bread; —-
她曾是一位邮政局长的妻子,习惯了优裕的生活,但和第二任丈夫一起,她甚至连黑面包都不够吃; —-

she pined away in her new life, and in three years or so gave up her soul to God. And my brother never for a moment thought himself to blame for her death. —-
她在新生活中憔悴不堪,三年左右就将灵魂交给上帝。我兄弟从未认为自己有责任导致她的死亡。 —-

Money, like vodka, can play queer tricks with a man. Once in our town a merchant lay dying. —-
金钱,就像伏特加一样,能让一个人产生怪异的想法。在我们镇上,有位商人临终前。 —-

Before his death he asked for some honey, and he ate all his notes and scrip with the honey so that nobody should get it. —-
在临死之前他要了一些蜂蜜,然后用蜂蜜把他的所有票据和纸币都吃掉,以防别人得到。 —-

Once I was examining a herd of cattle at a station and a horse-jobber fell under the engine, and his foot was cut off. —-
有一次我在车站检查一群牛,一个马贩子被火车轧断了脚。 —-

We carried him into the waiting-room, with the blood pouring down—a terrible business—and all the while he kept on asking anxiously for his foot; —-
我们把他抬到候车室,鲜血如泉涌般流出——这是件可怕的事——他一直焦虑地问着他的脚; —-

he had twenty-five roubles in his boot and did not want to lose them.”

“Keep to your story,” said Bourkin.

“After the death of his wife,” Ivan Ivanich continued, after a long pause, “my brother began to look out for an estate. —-
“在他妻子去世后,”伊凡·伊凡尼奇停顿了一会儿后继续说道,“我的哥哥开始寻找一个庄园。 —-

Of course you may search for five years, and even then buy a pig in a poke. —-
当然你可以寻找五年,甚至在那之后买一只猫的袋。 —-

Through an agent my brother Nicholai raised a mortgage and bought three hundred acres with a farmhouse, a cottage, and a park, but there was no orchard, no gooseberry-bush, no duck-pond; —-
通过一个中介,我哥哥尼古拉伊筹集了抵押贷款,买下了一个有农舍、小屋和公园的三百英亩领地,但那里没有果园,没有茄子灌木,没有鸭塘; —-

there was a river but the water in it was coffee-coloured because the estate lay between a brick-yard and a gelatine factory. —-
有一条河,但河水是咖啡色的,因为庄园位于一个砖厂和明胶工厂之间。 —-

But my brother Nicholai was not worried about that; —-
但我哥哥尼古拉伊并不为此而担心; —-

he ordered twenty gooseberry-bushes and settled down to a country life.

“Last year I paid him a visit. I thought I’d go and see how things were with him. —-
“去年我去看望了他。我想去看看他的情况。 —-

In his letters my brother called his estate Tchimbarshov Corner, or Himalayskoe. —-
在他的信中,我哥哥称他的庄园为秦巴尔肖夫角(Tchimbarshov Corner),或者喜马拉雅。 —-

I arrived at Himalayskoe in the afternoon. It was hot. —-
我在下午到达了喜马拉雅。天气很热。 —-

There were ditches, fences, hedges, rows of young fir-trees, trees everywhere, and there was no telling how to cross the yard or where to put your horse. —-
有水沟、围栏、篱笆、一排排的小杉树,到处都是树,就不知道如何穿过庭院或者停马。 —-

I went to the house and was met by a red-haired dog, as fat as a pig. —-
我走进了房子,被一只红头发的狗拦住,一只像猪一样肥胖的狗。 —-

He tried to bark but felt too lazy. Out of the kitchen came the cook, barefooted, and also as fat as a pig, and said that the master was having his afternoon rest. —-
它尝试吠叫,但感到太懒了。厨房里走出来了一个赤脚的煮饭人,也像猪一样肥胖,说主人正在午休。 —-

I went in to my brother and found him sitting on his bed with his knees covered with a blanket; —-
我进了我的哥哥的屋子,发现他坐在床上,膝盖盖着一条毯子; —-

he looked old, stout, flabby; his cheeks, nose, and lips were pendulous. —-
他看起来又老又胖,肌肉松弛,脸颊、鼻子和嘴唇都下垂。 —-

I half expected him to grunt like a pig.

“We embraced and shed a tear of joy and also of sadness to think that we had once been young, but were now both going grey and nearing death. —-
“我们拥抱着,眼泪欢喜地流下,也悲伤想到我们曾经年轻过,如今都发白了,接近死亡。 —-

He dressed and took me to see his estate.

“‘Well? How are you getting on?’ I asked.

“‘All right, thank God. I am doing very well.’

“He was no longer the poor, tired official, but a real landowner and a person of consequence. —-
他再不是一个贫穷、疲惫的官员,而是一个真正的地主,一个有威望的人。 —-

He had got used to the place and liked it, ate a great deal, took Russian baths, was growing fat, had already gone to law with the parish and the two factories, and was much offended if the peasants did not call him ‘Your Lordship.’ —-
他适应了这个地方,喜欢它,吃得很多,做俄罗斯浴,渐渐发福,已经跟乡下人和两家工厂闹过法,如果农民不叫他‘阁下’,他就感到很受冒犯。 —-

And, like a good landowner, he looked after his soul and did good works pompously, never simply. —-
而像一位优秀的地主,他关注着自己的灵魂,夸张地行善,从不简单。 —-

What good works? He cured the peasants of all kinds of diseases with soda and castor-oil, and on his birthday he would have a thanksgiving service held in the middle of the village, and would treat the peasants to half a bucket of vodka, which he thought the right thing to do. —-
什么行善?他用苏打水和蓖麻油医治农民各种疾病,他的生日那天,他在村中间举办感恩仪式,对农民们请了半桶伏特加,他认为这是正确的做法。 —-

Ah! Those horrible buckets of vodka. One day a greasy landowner will drag the peasants before the Zembro Court for trespass, and the next, if it’s a holiday, he will give them a bucket of vodka, and they drink and shout Hooray! —-
啊!那些可怕的桶装伏特加。一天,一个油腻的土地所有者会把农民们告上泽布罗法庭,下一个,如果是假期,他会给他们一桶伏特加,他们喝着大喊万岁! —-

and lick his boots in their drunkenness. —-
在他们的醉态中,舔舐着他的靴子。 —-

A change to good eating and idleness always fills a Russian with the most preposterous self- conceit. —-
吃得好,懒散总是会让一个俄国人充满了自大与可笑的自负。 —-

Nicholai Ivanich who, when he was in the Exchequer, was terrified to have an opinion of his own, now imagined that what he said was law. —-
尼古拉·伊万尼奇,在财政部时,一想到自己的观点就怕得要命,如今却自以为自己说的话就是法律。 —-

‘Education is necessary for the masses, but they are not fit for it.’ —-
‘大众需要教育,但他们不适合接受它。 —-

‘Corporal punishment is generally harmful, but in certain cases it is useful and indispensable.’

“‘I know the people and I know how to treat them,’ he would say. —-
“’我了解这些人,知道如何对待他们,’他会说。 —-

‘The people love me. I have only to raise my finger and they will do as I wish.’

“And all this, mark you, was said with a kindly smile of wisdom. He was constantly saying: —-
“而且,要注意,他说这些话时总是满含智慧地微笑。他经常说: —-

‘We noblemen,’ or ‘I, as a nobleman.’ Apparently he had forgotten that our grandfather was a peasant and our father a common soldier. —-
‘我们贵族们,’或者‘作为一个贵族我……’似乎他忘记了我们的祖父是个农民,我们的父亲是个普通士兵。 —-

Even our family name, Tchimacha-Himalaysky, which is really an absurd one, seemed to him full-sounding, distinguished, and very pleasing.

“But my point does not concern him so much as myself. —-
“但我要表达的重点并不是他,而是我自己。 —-

I want to tell you what a change took place in me in those few hours while I was in his house. —-
我想告诉你,在我在他家的几个小时里发生了怎样的改变。 —-

In the evening, while we were having tea, the cook laid a plateful of gooseberries on the table. —-
晚上,我们喝茶的时候,厨师把一盘醋栗放到桌子上。 —-

They had not been bought, but were his own gooseberries, plucked for the first time since the bushes were planted. —-
它们不是买来的,而是他自己种的醋栗,自从灌木栽种以来首次采摘。 —-

Nicholai Ivanich laughed with joy and for a minute or two he looked in silence at the gooseberries with tears in his eyes. —-
尼古拉·伊万尼奇高兴地笑了笑,有一两分钟,他默默地凝视着醋栗,眼里带着泪水。 —-

He could not speak for excitement, then put one into his mouth, glanced at me in triumph, like a child at last being given its favourite toy, and said:

“‘How good they are!’

“He went on eating greedily, and saying all the while:

“‘How good they are! Do try one!’

“It was hard and sour, but, as Poushkin said, the illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths. —-
“它又酸又硬,但正如普希金所说,那些让我们产生错觉的东西,对我们而言比一万个事实更为珍贵。” —-

I saw a happy man, one whose dearest dream had come true, who had attained his goal in life, who had got what he wanted, and was pleased with his destiny and with himself. —-
我看见了一个幸福的人,他最亲爱的梦想实现了,达到了他在生活中的目标,得到了他想要的东西,对自己的命运和自己感到满意。 —-

In my idea of human life there is always some alloy of sadness, but now at the sight of a happy man I was filled with something like despair. —-
在我对人生的看法中,总会带有一些悲伤的成分,但是当看到一个幸福的人时,我被一种近乎绝望的感觉所充满。 —-

And at night it grew on me. A bed was made up for me in the room near my brother’s and I could hear him, unable to sleep, going again and again to the plate of gooseberries. —-
夜晚,这种感觉越发强烈。一张床为我铺好,放在我兄弟房间附近,我能听见他一遍又一遍地去盘子里的醋栗。 —-

I thought: ‘After all, what a lot of contented, happy people there must be! —-
我想:“毕竟,人世间一定有很多满足、幸福的人吧! —-

What an overwhelming power that means! I look at this life and see the arrogance and the idleness of the strong, the ignorance and bestiality of the weak, the horrible poverty everywhere, overcrowding, drunkenness, hypocrisy, falsehood. —-
这代表了多么强大的力量!我看着这个生活,看到强者的傲慢和懒散,看到弱者的无知和凶残,到处都是可怕的贫困,拥挤、酗酒、虚伪、谎言。 —-

… Meanwhile in all the houses, all the streets, there is peace; —-
…而与此同时,在所有的房屋、所有的街道上,都是平和的; —-

out of fifty thousand people who live in our town there is not one to kick against it all. —-
在我们镇上的五万人中,没有一个人去反抗这一切。 —-

Think of the people who go to the market for food: during the day they eat; —-
想想那些去市场买食物的人:白天他们吃饭; —-

at night they sleep, talk nonsense, marry, grow old, piously follow their dead to the cemetery; —-
晚上他们睡觉,说胡话,结婚,变老,虔诚地送死者到墓地; —-

one never sees or hears those who suffer, and all the horror of life goes on somewhere behind the scenes. —-
从未见到或听到那些受苦的人,而所有生活的恐怖都在幕后发生。 —-

Everything is quiet, peaceful, and against it all there is only the silent protest of statistics; —-
一切都是安静的、和平的,唯有统计数据所显示的静默抗议; —-

so many go mad, so many gallons are drunk, so many children die of starvation. —-
这样的状况显然正是我们想要的; —-

… And such a state of things is obviously what we want; —-
显然一个快乐的人之所以感到幸福,只是因为不幸的人在默默地承担着重担,如果没有这些人的沉默,幸福将是不可能的。 —-

apparently a happy man only feels so because the unhappy bear their burden in silence, but for which happiness would be impossible. —-
这是一种普遍的催眠。每个快乐的人门口应该有人敲敲小锤提醒他,还有不幸的人存在,无论他有多么幸福,生活迟早会展示它的爪牙,一些不幸将降临他-疾病、贫困、损失,那时没有人会看到或听到他,就像他现在既看不见也听不到别人一样。 —-

It is a general hypnosis. Every happy man should have some one with a little hammer at his door to knock and remind him that there are unhappy people, and that, however happy he may be, life will sooner or later show its claws, and some misfortune will befall him—illness, poverty, loss, and then no one will see or hear him, just as he now neither sees nor hears others. —-
愿译者: 快乐的时光是反反复复安静无事的,因为只在黑暗中忍受辛苦的人能感受到它。 —-

But there is no man with a hammer, and the happy go on living, just a little fluttered with the petty cares of every day, like an aspen-tree in the wind—and everything is all right.’

“That night I was able to understand how I, too, had been content and happy,” Ivan Ivanich went on, getting up. —-
“那天晚上我能明白我也曾经很满足和快乐,”伊凡·伊凡尼奇站起来说。 —-

“I, too, at meals or out hunting, used to lay down the law about living, and religion, and governing the masses. —-
“我也曾在吃饭或外出打猎时自以为能够谈论生活、宗教和管治众生。 —-

I, too, used to say that teaching is light, that education is necessary, but that for simple folk reading and writing is enough for the present. —-
我也曾说教育是光明,教育是必要的,但对于普通人来说,阅读和写作暂时足够。 —-

Freedom is a boon, I used to say, as essential as the air we breathe, but we must wait. —-
自由是一种慷慨,我曾说,像我们呼吸空气一样重要,但我们必须等待。 —-

Yes—I used to say so, but now I ask: ‘Why do we wait?’” Ivan Ivanich glanced angrily at Bourkin. —-
是的—我曾这么说,但现在我问:‘我们为什么要等待?’” 伊凡·伊凡尼奇愤怒地看着布尔金。 —-

“Why do we wait, I ask you? What considerations keep us fast? —-
“我问你,为什么要等待?有什么考虑让我们束手无策? —-

I am told that we cannot have everything at once, and that every idea is realised in time. —-
有人告诉我我们不能一次得到一切,并且每个想法都会在时间中实现。 —-

But who says so? Where is the proof that it is so? —-
但谁说的?有证据表明是这样吗? —-

You refer me to the natural order of things, to the law of cause and effect, but is there order or natural law in that I, a living, thinking creature, should stand by a ditch until it fills up, or is narrowed, when I could jump it or throw a bridge over it? —-
你让我遵循自然规律,因果定律,但我,一个有思想的生物,为什么要站在一个沟壑旁等待它填满或变窄,当我可以跳过去或在上面搭一座桥呢? —-

Tell me, I say, why should we wait? Wait, when we have no strength to live, and yet must live and are full of the desire to live!

“I left my brother early the next morning, and from that time on I found it impossible to live in town. —-
第二天早上我离开了我兄弟,从那时起,我发现在城里生活是不可能的。 —-

The peace and the quiet of it oppress me. —-
它的和平和宁静使我感到压抑。 —-

I dare not look in at the windows, for nothing is more dreadful to see than the sight of a happy family, sitting round a table, having tea. —-
我不敢往窗户里张望,因为再也没有比看到一个幸福的家庭围着桌子喝茶更可怕的事情了。 —-

I am an old man now and am no good for the struggle. I commenced late. —-
我现在是一个老人,已经不适合战斗。我开始得很晚。 —-

I can only grieve within my soul, and fret and sulk. —-
我只能在心灵中悲伤,烦躁和愁闷。 —-

At night my head buzzes with the rush of my thoughts and I cannot sleep. —-
晚上,我的头脑里充斥着思绪的奔涌,无法入眠。 —-

… Ah! If I were young!”

Ivan Ivanich walked excitedly up and down the room and repeated:

“If I were young.”

He suddenly walked up to Aliokhin and shook him first by one hand and then by the other.

“Pavel Konstantinich,” he said in a voice of entreaty, “don’t be satisfied, don’t let yourself be lulled to sleep! —-
“保罗·康斯坦丁尼奇,” 他哀求地说道,”不要满足,不要让自己沉醉入睡!” —-

While you are young, strong, wealthy, do not cease to do good! —-
当你年轻、强壮、富有时,不要停止行善! —-

Happiness does not exist, nor should it, and if there is any meaning or purpose in life, they are not in our peddling little happiness, but in something reasonable and grand. Do good!”

Ivan Ivanich said this with a piteous supplicating smile, as though he were asking a personal favour.

Then they all three sat in different corners of the drawing-room and were silent. —-
然后他们三人坐在客厅的不同角落,安静了下来。 —-

Ivan Ivanich’s story had satisfied neither Bourkin nor Aliokhin. —-
伊凡·伊凡尼奇的故事既没让包尔金满意,也没让阿列欧欣满意。 —-

With the generals and ladies looking down from their gilt frames, seeming alive in the firelight, it was tedious to hear the story of a miserable official who ate gooseberries. —-
大厅里,将军和女士们从镀金画框里俯视着,仿佛在火光中活灵活现,讲述一个吃草莓的可怜官员的故事真是令人厌烦。 —-

… Somehow they had a longing to hear and to speak of charming people, and of women. —-
……不知何故,他们渴望听到和谈论迷人的人和女人。 —-

And the mere fact of sitting in the drawing-room where everything—the lamp with its coloured shade, the chairs, and the carpet under their feet—told how the very people who now looked down at them from their frames once walked, and sat and had tea there, and the fact that pretty Pelagueya was near—was much better than any story.

Aliokhin wanted very much to go to bed; he had to get up for his work very early, about two in the morning, and now his eyes were closing, but he was afraid of his guests saying something interesting without his hearing it, so he would not go. —-
阿列欧欣很想睡觉;他第二天工作很早,大约凌晨两点就要起床,现在他的眼睛开始闭合,但他害怕客人在他听不见的情况下说了一些有趣的事情,所以他不想睡觉。 —-

He did not trouble to think whether what Ivan Ivanich had been saying was clever or right; —-
他没有费心去想伊凡·伊凡尼奇所说的话是否聪明或正确; —-

his guests were talking of neither groats, nor hay, nor tar, but of something which had no bearing on his life, and he liked it and wanted them to go on….

“However, it’s time to go to bed,” said Bourkin, getting up. “I will wish you good night.”

Aliokhin said good night and went down-stairs, and left his guests. —-
阿列欧欣说了声晚安,下楼去了,留下了客人。 —-

Each had a large room with an old wooden bed and carved ornaments; —-
每个房间都有一张装有雕刻装饰的古老木床; —-

in the corner was an ivory crucifix; and their wide, cool beds, made by pretty Pelagueya, smelled sweetly of clean linen.

Ivan Ivanich undressed in silence and lay down.

“God forgive me, a wicked sinner,” he murmured, as he drew the clothes over his head.

A smell of burning tobacco came from his pipe which lay on the table, and Bourkin could not sleep for a long time and was worried because he could not make out where the unpleasant smell came from.

The rain beat against the windows all night long. IN EXILE

OLD Simeon, whose nickname was Brains, and a young Tartar, whose name nobody knew, were sitting on the bank of the river by a wood-fire. —-
久经沧桑的西蒙,绰号是大脑,和一个年轻的鞑靼人,名字无人知晓,在河岸的一个树林旁的柴火旁坐着。 —-

The other three ferrymen were in the hut. —-
其他三个渡船工在小屋里。 —-

Simeon who was an old man of about sixty, skinny and toothless, but broad-shouldered and healthy, was drunk. —-
西蒙是一个大约六十岁的老人,瘦骨嶙峋,牙齿已经脱落,但肩膀宽阔,健康,已经喝醉了。 —-

He would long ago have gone to bed, but he had a bottle in his pocket and was afraid of his comrades asking him for vodka. —-
他早就该去睡觉了,但他口袋里还有一瓶酒,担心同伴们向他要伏特加。 —-

The Tartar was ill and miserable, and, pulling his rags about him, he went on talking about the good things in the province of Simbirsk, and what a beautiful and clever wife he had left at home. —-
鞑靼人病了而且悲惨,裹着他的破布,不停地谈论在辛比尔斯克省的好事,以及他留在家里的美丽聪明的妻子。 —-

He was not more than twenty-five, and now, by the light of the wood-fire, with his pale, sorrowful, sickly face, he looked a mere boy.

“Of course, it is not a paradise here,” said Brains, “you see, water, the bare bushes by the river, clay everywhere—nothing else. —-
“当然,这里不是天堂,”大脑说,“你看,水,河边的光秃秃的灌木,到处都是黏土—什么也没有。 —-

… It is long past Easter and there is still ice on the water and this morning there was snow….”

“Bad! Bad!” said the Tartar with a frightened look.
“糟糕!糟糕!” 鞑靼人惊恐地说。

A few yards away flowed the dark, cold river, muttering, dashing against the holes in the clayey banks as it tore along to the distant sea. —-
几码远处,黑暗、寒冷的河流奔腾而过,嘈杂地撞击着粘土岸边上的洞口,向着遥远的海洋急速流去。 —-

By the bank they were sitting on, loomed a great barge, which the ferrymen call a karbass. —-
在他们坐着的河岸边,隐约可见一只巨大的驳船,渡船工称之为卡巴丝。 —-

Far away and away, flashing out, flaring up, were fires crawling like snakes—last year’s grass being burned. —-
远处窜起、闪耀着的火光,像爬行的蛇一样——燃烧去年的草。 —-

And behind the water again was darkness. —-
水的后面又是黑暗。 —-

Little banks of ice could be heard knocking against the barge. —-
小冰块可以听到撞击驳船的声音。 —-

… It was very damp and cold….

The Tartar glanced at the sky. There were as many stars as at home, and the darkness was the same, but something was missing. —-
鞑靼人看了一眼天空。星星和黑暗一样多,但缺了点什么。 —-

At home in the Simbirsk province the stars and the sky were altogether different.

“Bad! Bad!” he repeated.
“糟糕!糟糕!” 他重复道。

“You will get used to it,” said Brains with a laugh. “You are young yet and foolish; —-
“你会习惯的,” 大脑笑着说。”你还年轻又愚蠢; —-

the milk is hardly dry on your lips, and in your folly you imagine that there is no one unhappier than you, but there will come a time when you will say: —-
你的嘴唇上的奶都还没干,你以为没有比你更不幸的人了,但有一天你会说: —-

God give every one such a life! Just look at me. —-
愿上帝赐给每个人这样的生活!看看我。 —-

In a week’s time the floods will be gone, and we will fix the ferry here, and all of you will go away into Siberia and I shall stay here, going to and fro. —-
一个星期后洪水会消退,我们会在这里修好渡船,你们全部去西伯利亚,而我将留在这里,来来往往。 —-

I have been living thus for the last two-and-twenty years, but, thank God, I want nothing. —-
我过去二十二年就是这样生活的,但,感谢上帝,我什么都不缺。 —-

God give everybody such a life.”

The Tartar threw some branches onto the fire, crawled near to it and said:

“My father is sick. When he dies, my mother and my wife have promised to come here.”

“What do you want your mother and your wife for?” asked Brains. “Just foolishness, my friend. —-
“你想要你的母亲和你的妻子干什么?”Brains问道。“只是愚蠢,我的朋友。 —-

It’s the devil tempting you, plague take him. Don’t listen to the Evil One. Don’t give way to him. —-
“就是魔鬼在诱惑你,该死的。不要听从邪恶者。不要向他屈服。 —-

When he talks to you about women you should answer him sharply: ‘I don’t want them!’ —-
当他跟你说女人的时候,你应该直接回答他说:‘我不要她们!’ —-

When he talks of freedom, you should stick to it and say: ‘I don’t want it. I want nothing! —-
当他谈论自由时,你应坚守立场说:‘我不要。我什么都不要! —-

No father, no mother, no wife, no freedom, no home, no love! —-
没有父亲,没有母亲,没有妻子,没有自由,没有家,没有爱! —-

I want nothing.’ Plague take ‘em all.”

Brains took a swig at his bottle and went on:

“My brother, I am not an ordinary peasant. I don’t come from the servile masses. —-
“我的兄弟,我不是普通的农民。我不是来自奴隶群众。 —-

I am the son of a deacon, and when I was a free man at Rursk, I used to wear a frock coat, and now I have brought myself to such a point that I can sleep naked on the ground and eat grass. —-
我是一位牧师的儿子,从前在Rursk我是个自由之身,常穿燕尾服,现在自己已经让自己到了睡在地上赤裸吃草的地步。 —-

God give such a life to everybody. I want nothing. —-
上帝让每个人都拥有这样的生活。我什么都不要。 —-

I am afraid of nobody and I think there is no man richer or freer than I. When they sent me here from Russia I set my teeth at once and said: —-
没有人能吓倒我,我认为没有人比我更富有或更自由。当他们把我从俄罗斯送到这里时,我立刻咬紧牙关说: —-

‘I want nothing!’ The devil whispers to me about my wife and my kindred, and about freedom and I say to him: —-
‘我什么都不要!’魔鬼对我耳语关于我的妻子和亲人,关于自由,我对他说: —-

‘I want nothing!’ I stuck to it, and, you see, I live happily and have nothing to grumble at. —-
‘我什么都不要!’我坚持下来,你看,我活得很幸福,没有什么好抱怨。 —-

If a man gives the devil the least opportunity and listens to him just once, then he is lost and has no hope of salvation: —-
如果一个人给了魔鬼丝毫机会,只要听他一次,那他就完了,没有救赎的希望: —-

he will be over ears in the mire and will never get out. —-
他将陷入泥泞深处,永无出头之日。” —-

Not only peasants the like of you are lost, but the nobly born and the educated also. —-
不仅是像你这样的农民迷失了方向,就连出身高贵和受过教育的人也一样。 —-

About fifteen years ago a certain nobleman was sent here from Russia. —-
大约十五年前,有一位贵族从俄罗斯被流放到这里。 —-

He had had some trouble with his brothers and had made a forgery in a will. —-
他与兄弟有了些麻烦,并在遗嘱中做了伪造。 —-

People said he was a prince or a baron, but perhaps he was only a high official—who knows? —-
人们说他是王子或男爵,但也许他只是个高级官员——谁知道呢? —-

Well, he came here and at once bought a house and land in Moukhzyink. —-
他来到这里后立即在莫赤因克买下了一座房子和土地。 —-

‘I want to live by my own work,’ said he, ‘in the sweat of my brow, because I am no longer a nobleman but an exile.’ —-
“我想靠自己的劳动维生,”他说,“靠我双手的汗水,因为我不再是贵族,而是被放逐者。” —-

‘Why,’ said I. ‘God help you, for that is good.’ He was a young man then, ardent and eager; —-
“为什么,”我说,“愿上帝帮助你,因为那是好的。” 当时他还是个年轻热情和渴望的人; —-

he used to mow and go fishing, and he would ride sixty miles on horseback. —-
他会割草、钓鱼,还会骑马六十英里。 —-

Only one thing was wrong; from the very beginning he was always driving to the post-office at Guyrin. —-
唯一的问题是,从一开始他总是驱车去盖林的邮局。 —-

He used to sit in my boat and sigh: ‘Ah! —-
他曾坐在我的船上叹道:“啊! —-

Simeon, it is a long time since they sent me any money from home.’ —-
西蒙,家里很久没有给我寄钱了。” —-

‘You are better without money, Vassili Sergnevich,’ said I. ‘What’s the good of it? —-
“没有钱的话你会过得更好,瓦西里·谢尔盖耶维奇,”我说,“有何用处呢? —-

You just throw away the past, as though it had never happened, as though it were only a dream, and start life afresh. —-
你只是把过去抛在脑后,仿佛从未发生过,仿佛只是一场梦,重新开始生活。 —-

Don’t listen to the devil,’ I said, ‘he won’t do you any good, and he will only tighten the noose. —-
不要听恶魔的话,”我说,“他对你没有好处,只会让绞索越来越紧。 —-

You want money now, but in a little while you will want something else, and then more and more. —-
你现在想要钱,但过不了多久你会想要别的东西,然后是更多的东西。 —-

If,’ said I, ‘you want to be happy you must want nothing. Exactly. —-
‘如果,’我说,’你想要快乐,你必须什么都不想要。确切地说。 —-

… If,’ I said, ‘fate has been hard on you and me, it is no good asking her for charity and falling at her feet. —-
如果,’我说,’命运对你我都很残酷,向她乞求怜悯并跪在她脚下是没有用的。 —-

We must ignore her and laugh at her.’ That’s what I said to him. —-
我们必须无视她,并嘲笑她。这就是我对他说的。 —-

… Two years later I ferried him over and he rubbed his hands and laughed. —-
… 两年后,我将他渡过河,他揩了揩手,笑了起来。 —-

‘I’m going,’ said he, ‘to Guyrin to meet my wife. —-
‘我要去,’他说,‘到Guyrin去看我的妻子。 —-

She has taken pity on me, she says, and she is coming here. She is very kind and good.’ —-
她对我怜悯有加,她说,她要来这里。她非常善良和慈祥。 —-

And he gave a gasp of joy. Then one day he came with his wife, a beautiful young lady with a little girl in her arms and a lot of luggage. —-
他欢喜地喘息着。然后有一天他带着他的妻子来了,一个美丽的年轻女士抱着一个小女孩,带着一大堆行李。 —-

And Vassili Andreich kept turning and looking at her and could not look at her or praise her enough. ‘Yes, Simeon, my friend, even in Siberia people live.’ —-
瓦西里安德瑞奇不停地看着她,赞美她,不够看不够夸。‘没错,西蒙,我的朋友,即使在西伯利亚人们也有生活。 —-

Well, thought I, all right, you won’t be content. —-
我想,好吧,你不会满足的。 —-

And from that time on, mark you, he used to go to Guyrin every week to find out if money had been sent from Russia. —-
从那时起,你要注意了,他每周都会去Guyrin查是否有钱从俄罗斯汇来。 —-

A terrible lot of money was wasted. ‘She stays here,’ said he, ‘for my sake, and her youth and beauty wither away here in Siberia. —-
浪费的钱太多了。‘她为了我留在这里,’他说,‘在西伯利亚她的青春和美丽都在这里凋零。 —-

She shares my bitter lot with me,’ said he, ‘and I must give her all the pleasure I can for it. —-
…’ ‘她和我共享着苦难,’他说,‘我必须给她尽可能多的快乐。 —-

…’ To make his wife happier he took up with the officials and any kind of rubbish. —-
…’为了让他的妻子更快乐,他和官员们和种种垃圾打交道。 —-

And they couldn’t have company without giving food and drink, and they must have a piano and a fluffy little dog on the sofa—bad cess to it. —-
他们不得不提供食物和饮料,他们必须有一台钢琴和一只毛绒绒的小狗躺在沙发上—它真讨厌。 —-

… Luxury, in a word, all kinds of tricks. My lady did not stay with him long. How could she? —-
奢侈,总之,各种花样百出。我的夫人和他在一起的时间不长。她能如何呢? —-

Clay, water, cold, no vegetables, no fruit; —-
黏土,水,寒冷,没有蔬菜,没有水果; —-

uneducated people and drunkards, with no manners, and she was a pretty pampered young lady from the metropolis. —-
没有受过教育的人和酒鬼,没有礼貌,她是大都市里一个被宠坏的漂亮年轻女士。 —-

… Of course she got bored. And her husband was no longer a gentleman, but an exile—quite a different matter. —-
…… 当然她感到无聊。她的丈夫不再是绅士,而是一个被流放的人——完全不同。 —-

Three years later, I remember, on the eve of the Assumption, I heard shouts from the other bank. —-
我记得,三年后,在圣母升天前夕,我听到对岸传来喊声。 —-

I went over in the ferry and saw my lady, all wrapped up, with a young gentleman, a government official, in a troika. —-
我划船过去,看见我的夫人裹得严严实实,坐在一匹三马车里,旁边是一个年轻的官员。 —-

… I ferried them across, they got into the carriage and disappeared, and I saw no more of them. —-
…… 我划船载他们过去,他们上了马车消失了,我再没有见到他们。 —-

Toward the morning Vassili Andreich came racing up in a coach and pair. —-
天亮时瓦西里安德烈奇坐着马车飞驰而来。 —-

‘Has my wife been across, Simeon, with a gentleman in spectacles?’ —-
‘西蒙,我的妻子和一个戴眼镜的绅士一起过来了吗?’ —-

‘She has,’ said I, ‘but you might as well look for the wind in the fields.’ —-
‘过来了,’ 我说,’但你可能会像在田间找风一样白费力气。’ —-

He raced after them and kept it up for five days and nights. —-
他追赶他们,连续五天五夜不停歇。 —-

When he came back he jumped on to the ferry and began to knock his head against the side and to cry aloud. —-
他回来时跳上渡船,开始用头撞击船边,大声哭泣。 —-

‘You see,’ said I, ‘there you are.’ And I laughed and reminded him: ‘Even in Siberia people live.’ —-
‘看吧,’ 我说,’就是这样。’ 我笑着提醒他:’就算在西伯利亚,人们也能生活下去。’ —-

But he went on beating his head harder than ever…. Then he got the desire for freedom. —-
但他依然用力撞击头部…… 然后他渴望自由。 —-

His wife had gone to Russia and he longed to go there to see her and take her away from her lover. —-
他的妻子去了俄罗斯,他渴望去那里找她,将她从情人手中带走。 —-

And he began to go to the post-office every day, and then to the authorities of the town. —-
他开始每天去邮局,然后去镇上的当局。 —-

He was always sending applications or personally handing them to the authorities, asking to have his term remitted and to be allowed to go, and he told me that he had spent over two hundred roubles on telegrams. —-
他总是把申请书寄出去,或亲自交给当局,请求让他的刑期减轻并允许他离开,他告诉我,他已经在电报上花了两百卢布。 —-

He sold his land and mortgaged his house to the money-lenders. —-
他卖掉他的土地,把房子抵押给了放债人。 —-

His hair went grey, he grew round-shouldered, and his face got yellow and consumptive-looking. —-
他的头发变白了,变得驼背,脸色黄中带病态。 —-

He used to cough whenever he spoke and tears used to come to his eyes. —-
他每次说话都会咳嗽,眼泪会涌上他的眼眶。 —-

He spent eight years on his applications, and at last he became happy again and lively: —-
他花了八年的时间申请,最终变得再次快乐且活跃: —-

he had thought of a new dodge. His daughter, you see, had grown up. —-
他想出了一个新的计谋。他的女儿,你知道,已经长大了。 —-

He doted on her and could never take his eyes off her. —-
他疼爱她,总是无法移开眼睛。 —-

And, indeed, she was very pretty, dark and clever. —-
而且,她非常漂亮,黑发聪明。 —-

Every Sunday he used to go to church with her at Guyrin. —-
每个星期天,他都会带她去Guyrin的教堂。 —-

They would stand side by side on the ferry, and she would smile and he would devour her with his eyes. —-
他们会并排站在渡船上,她会微笑,他会用眼睛吞没她。 —-

‘Yes, Simeon,’ he would say. ‘Even in Siberia people live. Even in Siberia there is happiness. —-
“是的,西蒙,”他会说,“即使在西伯利亚,人们也生活着。即使在西伯利亚,也有幸福。 —-

Look what a fine daughter I have. You wouldn’t find one like her in a thousand miles’ journey.’ —-
看看我多好的女儿。你见不到像她这样的女孩,即便走上千里之行。” —-

‘She’s a nice girl,’ said I. ‘Oh, yes.’ … And I thought to myself: ‘You wait…. She is young. —-
“她是个好姑娘,”我说,“哦,是的。”…… 我在心里想:“你等着吧… 她还年轻。 —-

Young blood will have its way; she wants to live and what life is there here?’ —-
年轻的血液会有自己的路;她想活着,这里能有什么样的生活?” —-

And she began to pine away…. Wasting, wasting away, she withered away, fell ill and had to keep to her bed. —-
她开始消瘦下去…… 消瘦下去,患病,不得不卧床养病。 —-

… Consumption. That’s Siberian happiness, plague take it; that’s Siberian life. —-
消费。那就是西伯利亚的幸福,让瘟疫带走它;那就是西伯利亚的生活。 —-

… He rushed all over the place after the doctors and dragged them home with him. —-
他四处匆匆找医生,然后拉着他们回家。 —-

If he heard of a doctor or a quack three hundred miles off he would rush off after him. —-
他听说三百英里外有医生或江湖郎中,就会冲过去找。 —-

He spent a terrific amount of money on doctors and I think it would have been much better spent on drink. —-
他在医生身上花了大量的钱,我觉得如果花在酒上会更好。 —-

All the same she had to die. No help for it. Then it was all up with him. —-
不过她还是得死。没办法。然后他就完蛋了。 —-

He thought of hanging himself, and of trying to escape to Russia. That would be the end of him. —-
他想要上吊,还有尝试逃往俄罗斯。那就是他的结局。 —-

He would try to escape: he would be caught, tried, penal servitude, flogging.”

“Good! Good!” muttered the Tartar with a shiver.
“好!好!” 塔塔尔人颤抖着低声说。

“What is good?” asked Brains.
“什么好?” 大脑问。

“Wife and daughter. What does penal servitude and suffering matter? —-
“妻子和女儿。受刑劳役和痛苦有什么关系? —-

He saw his wife and his daughter. You say one should want nothing. But nothing—is evil! —-
他看见了他的妻子和女儿。你说一个人不应该要什么。但没有——就是邪恶! —-

His wife spent three years with him. God gave him that. —-
他的妻子跟他一起度过了三年。上帝给了他那个。 —-

Nothing is evil, and three years is good. —-
没有什么邪恶,而三年是好的。 —-

Why don’t you understand that?”

Trembling and stammering as he groped for Russian words, of which he knew only a few, the Tartar began to say: —-
塔塔尔人颤抖着结结巴巴地摸索着俄语单词,他只懂得一点点,开始说: —-

“God forbid he should fall ill among strangers, and die and be buried in the cold sodden earth, and then, if his wife could come to him if only for one day or even for one hour, he would gladly endure any torture for such happiness, and would even thank God. Better one day of happiness than nothing.”

Then once more he said what a beautiful clever wife he had left at home, and with his head in his hands he began to cry and assured Simeon that he was innocent, and had been falsely accused. —-
然后,他再次说起他留在家中那位美丽聪明的妻子,头在手中开始哭泣,向西蒙保证自己是无辜的,被冤枉了。 —-

His two brothers and his uncle had stolen some horses from a peasant and beat the old man nearly to death, and the community never looked into the matter at all, and judgment was passed by which all three brothers were exiled to Siberia, while his uncle, a rich man, remained at home.

“You will get used to it,” said Simeon.
“你会习惯的,” 西蒙说。

The Tartar relapsed into silence and stared into the fire with his eyes red from weeping; —-
这位鞑靼人陷入沉默,眼睛因哭泣而发红,凝视着火苗。 —-

he looked perplexed and frightened, as if he could not understand why he was in the cold and the darkness, among strangers, and not in the province of Simbirsk. —-
他看起来困惑和害怕,好像无法理解为什么他处在寒冷和黑暗中,与陌生人相处,而不是在辛比尔斯克省。 —-

Brains lay down near the fire, smiled at something, and began to say in an undertone:

“But what a joy she must be to your father,” he muttered after a pause. —-
“你父亲一定对她很欣慰吧,” 他在停顿后喃喃道。 —-

“He loves her and she is a comfort to him, eh? But, my man, don’t tell me. —-
“他爱她,她是他的慰藉,是吧?但是,伙计,别告诉我。 —-

He is a strict, harsh old man. And girls don’t want strictness; —-
他是一个严厉、苛刻的老人。女孩们可不想要严厉; —-

they want kisses and laughter, scents and pomade. Yes…. Ah! What a life!” —-
她们想要亲吻和笑声,香味和润发油。是的……啊!多么美好的生活呀!” —-

Simeon swore heavily. “No more vodka! That means bedtime. —-
西蒙猛喝了一口。”不再喝伏特加了!这意味着睡觉时间。 —-

What? I’m going, my man.”

Left alone, the Tartar threw more branches on the fire, lay down, and, looking into the blaze, began to think of his native village and of his wife; —-
独自一人时,鞑靼人往火上又扔了些树枝,躺下,凝视着火焰,开始想起自己的家乡和妻子; —-

if she could come if only for a month, or even a day, and then, if she liked, go back again! —-
如果她能来,哪怕只是一个月,甚至一天,然后,如果她愿意,再回去! —-

Better a month or even a day, than nothing. —-
宁可一个月,甚至一天,也不要什么都没有。 —-

But even if his wife kept her promise and came, how could he provide for her? —-
但即便他的妻子遵守了诺言来了,他又怎么能养活她呢? —-

Where was she to live?

“If there is nothing to eat; how are we to live?” asked the Tartar aloud.

For working at the oars day and night he was paid two copecks a day; —-
白天黑夜划船,他每天拿两个戈比; —-

the passengers gave tips, but the ferrymen shared them out and gave nothing to the Tartar, and only laughed at him. —-
乘客给小费,但渡船工们独吞,连鞑靼人都不给,还嘲笑他。 —-

And he was poor, cold, hungry, and fearful. —-
他又穷又饿,寒冷又害怕。 —-

… With his whole body aching and shivering he thought it would be good to go into the hut and sleep; —-
…浑身酸痛发抖,他想进屋睡觉可能会好些; —-

but there was nothing to cover himself with, and it was colder there than on the bank. —-
可是那里没有东西盖,比岸边还要冷。 —-

He had nothing to cover himself with there, but he could make up a fire….

In a week’s time, when the floods had subsided and the ferry would be fixed up, all the ferrymen except Simeon would not be wanted any longer and the Tartar would have to go from village to village, begging and looking for work. —-
一周后,洪水退去,渡口恢复运转,除了西蒙,其他渡船工都不需要了,鞑靼人只能去村庄里乞讨找工作。 —-

His wife was only seventeen; beautiful, soft, and shy. —-
他的妻子只有十七岁;美丽、柔弱、羞怯。 —-

… Could she go unveiled begging through the villages? —-
…她能赤着脸去村庄乞讨吗? —-

No. The idea of it was horrible.

It was already dawn. The barges, the bushy willows above the water, the swirling flood began to take shape, and up above in a clayey cliff a hut thatched with straw, and above that the straggling houses of the village, where the cocks had begun to crow.

The ginger-coloured clay cliff, the barge, the river, the strange wild people, hunger, cold, illness—perhaps all these things did not really exist. —-
姜色的黏土悬崖,驳船,河流,奇怪的野人,饥饿,寒冷,疾病——也许这一切并不存在。 —-

Perhaps, thought the Tartar, it was only a dream. —-
鞑靼人想,也许这只是一场梦。 —-

He felt that he must be asleep, and he heard his own snoring. —-
他感觉自己一定是在睡觉,还听见自己打呼噜。 —-

… Certainly he was at home in the Simbirsk province; —-
……他显然是在西姆比尔斯克省的家里; —-

he had but to call his wife and she would answer; and his mother was in the next room. —-
只要叫一声妻子就会答应;他妈妈就在隔壁。 —-

… But what awful dreams there are! Why? —-
……但为什么会有如此可怕的梦呢?为什么? —-

The Tartar smiled and opened his eyes. What river was that? The Volga?

It was snowing.

“Hi! Ferry!” some one shouted on the other bank. “Karba-a-ass!”

The Tartar awoke and went to fetch his mates to row over to the other side. —-
鞑靼人醒来,去叫醒伙伴们划船过河。 —-

Hurrying into their sheepskins, swearing sleepily in hoarse voices, and shivering from the cold, the four men appeared on the bank. —-
匆匆穿上羊皮衣,嘟囔着在寒冷中声嘶力竭,从河里传来一阵刺骨的寒风,四个人出现在岸边。 —-

After their sleep, the river from which there came a piercing blast, seemed to them horrible and disgusting. —-
他们在睡醒后,对岸的河在寒风里看起来让他们感到恐惧和厌恶。 —-

They stepped slowly into the barge…. The Tartar and the three ferrymen took the long, broad-bladed oars, which in the dim light looked like a crab’s claw, and Simeon flung himself with his belly against the tiller. —-
他们缓缓走上驳船……鞑靼人和三个渡船工拿起长长的、宽刃的浆桨,昏暗的灯光下看起来像螃蟹的爪子,西蒙把自己的肚皮靠在舵柄上。 —-

And on the other side the voice kept on shouting, and a revolver was fired twice, for the man probably thought the ferrymen were asleep or gone to the village inn.

“All right. Plenty of time!” said Brains in the tone of one who was convinced that there is no need for hurry in this world—and indeed there is no reason for it.

The heavy, clumsy barge left the bank and heaved through the willows, and by the willows slowly receding it was possible to tell that the barge was moving. —-
笨重、笨拙的驳船离开了岸边,努力穿过垂柳,而通过慢慢后退的柳树可以看到驳船在移动。 —-

The ferrymen plied the oars with a slow measured stroke; —-
渡船夫缓慢有节奏地划桨; —-

Brains hung over the tiller with his stomach pressed against it and swung from side to side. —-
布兰斯将脑袋伸出直到舵柄,肚子贴着它来回摇摆。 —-

In the dim light they looked like men sitting on some antediluvian animal with long limbs, swimming out to a cold dismal nightmare country.

They got clear of the willows and swung out into mid-stream. —-
他们挣脱了柳树的纠缠,转向了中游。 —-

The thud of the oars and the splash could be heard on the other bank and shouts came: —-
桨击水的响声和溅水声在另一岸都能听见,传来呼喊声: —-

“Quicker! Quicker!” After another ten minutes the barge bumped heavily against the landing-stage.

“And it is still snowing, snowing all the time,” Simeon murmured, wiping the snow off his face. —-
“而且还在下雪,一直在下雪,”西莫恩擦着脸上的雪喃喃地说。 —-

“God knows where it comes from!”

On the other side a tall, lean old man was waiting in a short fox-fur coat and a white astrachan hat. He was standing some distance from his horses and did not move; —-
在对岸,一位高大瘦削的老人穿着短狐狸皮大衣,戴着一顶白色的阿斯特拉罕帽。他站在离他的马有一段距离的地方,一动不动; —-

he had a stern concentrated expression as if he were trying to remember something and were furious with his recalcitrant memory. —-
他神情严肃专注,好像在试图回忆什么,对自己顽固的记忆很生气。 —-

When Simeon went up to him and took off his hat with a smile he said:

“I’m in a hurry to get to Anastasievka. My daughter is worse again and they tell me there’s a new doctor at Anastasievka.”

The coach was clamped onto the barge and they rowed back. —-
车厢被固定在了驳船上,他们开始划回去了。 —-

All the while as they rowed the man, whom Simeon called Vassili Andreich, stood motionless, pressing his thick lips tight and staring in front of him. —-
一路上,当西莫恩称呼的男人瓦西里·安德雷奇一动不动,紧闭着厚厚的嘴唇,凝视着前方。 —-

When the driver craved leave to smoke in his presence, he answered nothing, as if he did not hear. —-
当驾驶员请求在他面前吸烟时,他没有回答,好像没有听到一样。 —-

And Simeon hung over the rudder and looked at him mockingly and said:

“Even in Siberia people live. L-i-v-e!”

On Brains’s face was a triumphant expression as if he were proving something, as if pleased that things had happened just as he thought they would. —-
布兰恩斯的脸上带着一种得意的表情,好像他在证明什么,好像很高兴事情正如他所想的发生了。 —-

The unhappy, helpless look of the man in the fox-fur coat seemed to give him great pleasure.

“The roads are now muddy, Vassili Andreich,” he said, when the horses had been harnessed on the bank. “You’d better wait a couple of weeks, until it gets dryer. —-
“现在道路泥泞,瓦西里·安德烈希,”马在堤岸上套好后他说道。”你最好等几周,等天干一些再走。” —-

… If there were any point in going—but you know yourself that people are always on the move day and night and there’s no point in it. Sure!”

Vassili Andreich said nothing, gave him a tip, took his seat in the coach and drove away.

“Look! He’s gone galloping after the doctor!” said Simeon, shivering in the cold. —-
“看!他骑马追医生去了!”西蒙在寒冷中打着哆嗦说。 —-

“Yes. To look for a real doctor, trying to overtake the wind in the fields, and catch the devil by the tail, plague take him! —-
“是的。去找个真正的医生,试图在田野中赶上风,抓住魔鬼的尾巴,该受到天谴! —-

What queer fish there are! God forgive me, a miserable sinner.”

The Tartar went up to Brains, and, looking at him with mingled hatred and disgust, trembling, and mixing Tartar words up with his broken Russian, said:

“He good … good. And you … bad! You are bad! —-
“他好……好的。而你……坏的!你是坏的! —-

The gentleman is a good soul, very good, and you are a beast, you are bad! —-
这位绅士是个好灵魂,非常善良,而你是个兽,你是坏的! —-

The gentleman is alive and you are dead. —-
这位绅士活着,而你是死的。 —-

… God made man that he should be alive, that he should have happiness, sorrow, grief, and you want nothing, so you are not alive, but a stone! —-
上帝造人是让他能够活着,拥有快乐、悲伤、忧伤,而你却什么也不想要,所以你并不活着,而是一块石头! —-

A stone wants nothing and so do you…. You are a stone—and God does not love you and the gentleman he does.”
石头不需要任何东西,而你也是如此… 你就是一块石头—上帝并不爱你,那位绅士更不会。”

They all began to laugh: the Tartar furiously knit his brows, waved his hand, drew his rags round him and went to the fire. —-
他们都开始笑了:那位鞑靼人勃然变色,挥了挥手,裹紧身上的破烂,走向火堆。 —-

The ferrymen and Simeon went slowly to the hut.

“It’s cold,” said one of the ferrymen hoarsely, as he stretched himself on the straw with which the damp, clay floor was covered.

“Yes. It’s not warm,” another agreed…. “It’s a hard life.”
“是的。不暖和,”另一个附和道…… “这是艰苦的生活。”

All of them lay down. The wind blew the door open. The snow drifted into the hut. —-
他们都躺了下来。风吹开了门,雪花飘进了茅屋。 —-

Nobody could bring himself to get up and shut the door; —-
没人有动力起身关上门; —-

it was cold, but they put up with it.

“And I am happy,” muttered Simeon as he fell asleep. “God give such a life to everybody.”

“You certainly are the devil’s own. Even the devil don’t need to take you.”

Sounds like the barking of a dog came from outside.

“Who is that? Who is there?”

“It’s the Tartar crying.”

“Oh! he’s a queer fish.”

“He’ll get used to it!” said Simeon, and at once he fell asleep. —-
“他会习惯的!”西门说着,立刻就睡着了。 —-

Soon the others slept too and the door was left open. —-
很快其他人也入睡了,门被留着开着。 —-
