Two miles from the village of Obrutchanovo a huge bridge was being built. —
距离奥布鲁恰诺沃村两英里处,一座巨大的桥正在建造中。 —

From the village, which stood up high on the steep river-bank, its trellis-like skeleton could be seen, and in foggy weather and on still winter days, when its delicate iron girders and all the scaffolding around was covered with hoar frost, it presented a picturesque and even fantastic spectacle. —
从位于陡峭河岸高处的村庄可以看到它像架状的骨架,而在雾天和寂静的冬天,当它精致的铁梁和周围的所有脚手架都被霜覆盖时,它呈现出一幅风景如画甚至梦幻般的景象。 —

Kutcherov, the engineer who was building the bridge, a stout, broad-shouldered, bearded man in a soft crumpled cap drove through the village in his racing droshky or his open carriage. —
正在建造桥梁的工程师库切洛夫,一个穿着柔软饱和帽子的笔挺肩宽的胡须男子,驱车穿过村庄。 —

Now and then on holidays navvies working on the bridge would come to the village; —
偶尔在节假日,来自桥梁工地上的挖掘工会来到村庄; —

they begged for alms, laughed at the women, and sometimes carried off something. But that was rare; —
他们乞讨施舍,嘲笑女人,有时还会拿走一些东西。但这是罕见的; —

as a rule the days passed quietly and peacefully as though no bridge-building were going on, and only in the evening, when camp fires gleamed near the bridge, the wind faintly wafted the songs of the navvies. —
通常情况下,日子平静宁静地过去,好像没有在进行桥梁建设,直到傍晚,当桥附近的营火闪耀,微风在轻轻飘来挖掘工的歌声。 —

And by day there was sometimes the mournful clang of metal, don-don-don.

It happened that the engineer’s wife came to see him. —
有一次,工程师的妻子来看他。 —

She was pleased with the river-banks and the gorgeous view over the green valley with trees, churches, flocks, and she began begging her husband to buy a small piece of ground and to build them a cottage on it. —
她对河岸和绿色山谷上的壮丽景色喜出望外,请求丈夫购买一小块地并在上面建一座小屋。 —

Her husband agreed. They bought sixty acres of land, and on the high bank in a field, where in earlier days the cows of Obrutchanovo used to wander, they built a pretty house of two storeys with a terrace and a verandah, with a tower and a flagstaff on which a flag fluttered on Sundays—they built it in about three months, and then all the winter they were planting big trees, and when spring came and everything began to be green there were already avenues to the new house, a gardener and two labourers in white aprons were digging near it, there was a little fountain, and a globe of looking-glass flashed so brilliantly that it was painful to look at. —
她的丈夫同意了。他们买了六十英亩的土地,在一个田里的高岸上,以前奥布鲁恰诺沃的牛曾在其间徘徊,他们在这里建造了一幢两层楼的漂亮房子,有一个露台和一个门廊,一座塔楼和一个周日上会飘扬旗帜的旗杆——大约三个月的时间里建成,然后整个冬天他们一直在种植大树,当春天来临,一切开始变绿时,新房子的周围已经有了林荫大道,一个园丁和两名穿白围裙的劳工在附近挖掘,有一个小喷泉,和一个光辉夺目的镀银球闪闪发光,令人看得眼花缭乱。 —

The house had already been named the New Villa.

On a bright, warm morning at the end of May two horses were brought to Obrutchanovo to the village blacksmith, Rodion Petrov. —
五月底的一个明亮温暖的早晨,两匹马被送到奥布鲁恰诺沃村的村庄铁匠罗季翁·彼得罗夫那里。 —

They came from the New Villa. The horses were sleek, graceful beasts, as white as snow, and strikingly alike.

“Perfect swans!” said Rodion, gazing at them with reverent admiration.

His wife Stepanida, his children and grandchildren came out into the street to look at them. —
他的妻子史德潘妮达,他的孩子和孙子们走出街头来看他们。 —

By degrees a crowd collected. The Lytchkovs, father and son, both men with swollen faces and entirely beardless, came up bareheaded. —
渐渐地聚集了一群人。来了莱特乔科夫父子,两人的脸浮肿,完全没胡子,赤头露顶。 —

Kozov, a tall, thin old man with a long, narrow beard, came up leaning on a stick with a crook handle: —
科佐夫,一个高大瘦削长着窄胡子的老人,靠着一个带有弯曲把手的手杖走了过来: —

he kept winking with his crafty eyes and smiling ironically as though he knew something.

“It’s only that they are white; what is there in them?” he said. —
“只是它们是白的;有什么了不起?” 他说。 —

“Put mine on oats, and they will be just as sleek. —
“把我的马喂麦子,它们也会变得一样漂亮。 —

They ought to be in a plough and with a whip, too….”

The coachman simply looked at him with disdain, but did not utter a word. —
马车夫只是鄙夷地看着他,但没有说话。 —

And afterwards, while they were blowing up the fire at the forge, the coachman talked while he smoked cigarettes. —
后来,在锻铁炉火烧起来的时候,马车夫边抽着烟,边聊天。 —

The peasants learned from him various details: his employers were wealthy people; —
他告诉农民一些细节:他的雇主是有钱人; —

his mistress, Elena Ivanovna, had till her marriage lived in Moscow in a poor way as a governess; —
他的女主人叶连娜·伊凡诺芙娜,在结婚前一直在莫斯科过着贫困的教师生活; —

she was kind-hearted, compassionate, and fond of helping the poor. —
她善良,有同情心,喜欢帮助穷人。 —

On the new estate, he told them, they were not going to plough or to sow, but simply to live for their pleasure, live only to breathe the fresh air. —
他告诉他们,在新庄园里,他们不打算犁地或播种,只是为了自己的快乐生活,只是为了呼吸新鲜空气。 —

When he had finished and led the horses back a crowd of boys followed him, the dogs barked, and Kozov, looking after him, winked sarcastically.

“Landowners, too-oo!” he said. “They have built a house and set up horses, but I bet they are nobodies—landowners, too-oo.”
“地主,也是呀!” 他说。“他们盖了房子,拉起了马,但我敢打赌他们是无足轻重的——地主,也是呀。”

Kozov for some reason took a dislike from the first to the new house, to the white horses, and to the handsome, well-fed coachman. —
科佐夫出于某种原因对新房子、白马和那位英俊、喂养得好的车夫一见钟情。 —

Kozov was a solitary man, a widower; he had a dreary life (he was prevented from working by a disease which he sometimes called a rupture and sometimes worms) he was maintained by his son, who worked at a confectioner’s in Harkov and sent him money; —
科佐夫是一个孤独的人,是个鳏夫;他过着令人沮丧的生活(他患有一种疾病,有时称之为疝气,有时称之为蠕虫),他的生活来源于他的儿子,后者在哈尔科夫的一家糕点店工作并寄钱给他; —

and from early morning till evening he sauntered at leisure about the river or about the village; —
他从清晨到晚上漫步在河边或村庄附近; —

if he saw, for instance, a peasant carting a log, or fishing, he would say: —
比如他看见一个农民运一根木头,或者在钓鱼,他会说: —

“That log’s dry wood—it is rotten,” or, “They won’t bite in weather like this. —
“那根木头是干的木头—腐烂了,”或者,“这种天气鱼不会上钩。” —

” In times of drought he would declare that there would not be a drop of rain till the frost came; —
旱灾时他会声称雨水要等到霜降才降下; —

and when the rains came he would say that everything would rot in the fields, that everything was ruined. —
雨水来时他又会说田地里的一切都会烂掉,一切都毁了。 —

And as he said these things he would wink as though he knew something.

At the New Villa they burned Bengal lights and sent up fireworks in the evenings, and a sailing-boat with red lanterns floated by Obrutchanovo. —
在新别墅,他们在晚上燃放孟加拉灯,放烟火,一只带着红灯笼的帆船漂浮在奥布鲁恰诺河上。 —

One morning the engineer’s wife, Elena Ivanovna, and her little daughter drove to the village in a carriage with yellow wheels and a pair of dark bay ponies; —
一天早上,工程师的妻子叶连娜·伊万诺芙娜和她的小女儿乘着一辆有黄色车轮的马车来到村庄,车上装着一对深褐色矮马。 —

both mother and daughter were wearing broad-brimmed straw hats, bent down over their ears.

This was exactly at the time when they were carting manure, and the blacksmith Rodion, a tall, gaunt old man, bareheaded and barefooted, was standing near his dirty and repulsive-looking cart and, flustered, looked at the ponies, and it was evident by his face that he had never seen such little horses before.

“The Kutcherov lady has come!” was whispered around. “Look, the Kutcherov lady has come!”

Elena Ivanovna looked at the huts as though she were selecting one, and then stopped at the very poorest, at the windows of which there were so many children’s heads—flaxen, red, and dark. —
叶连娜·伊万诺芙娜看着村庄中的小屋,仿佛在挑选一座,然后停在最贫穷的那座屋前,窗户上挤满了各式孩子的头—金黄、红色和深色。 —

Stepanida, Rodion’s wife, a stout woman, came running out of the hut; —
罗季翁的妻子斯捷潘尼达,一个身材魁梧的女人,从小屋里跑了出来; —

her kerchief slipped off her grey head; she looked at the carriage facing the sun, and her face smiled and wrinkled up as though she were blind.

“This is for your children,” said Elena Ivanovna, and she gave her three roubles.

Stepanida suddenly burst into tears and bowed down to the ground. —
斯捷潘妮达突然泪流满面,俯身跪倒在地上。 —

Rodion, too, flopped to the ground, displaying his brownish bald head, and as he did so he almost caught his wife in the ribs with the fork. —
罗季翁也瘫倒在地,露出他那个有点发白的秃头,和这个动作几乎揪到了他妻子的肋骨。 —

Elena Ivanovna was overcome with confusion and drove back.


The Lytchkovs, father and son, caught in their meadows two cart-horses, a pony, and a broad-faced Aalhaus bull-calf, and with the help of red- headed Volodka, son of the blacksmith Rodion, drove them to the village. —
莉茨科夫父子在他们的牧场里抓住了两匹马、一匹小马和一头宽脸的阿尔豪斯小公牛,然后在铁匠罗季翁的儿子、红头发的沃洛德卡的帮助下,把它们赶到了村子里。 —

They called the village elder, collected witnesses, and went to look at the damage.

“All right, let ‘em!” said Kozov, winking, “le-et em! —
“行了,让他们杀!” 科佐夫挤了眼,说,“让他们自个儿看着办吧,那些工程师们! —

Let them get out of it if they can, the engineers! —
他们以为没有法律吗?行,来吧! —

Do you think there is no such thing as law? All right! —
你以为法律不存在?行,来吧! —

Send for the police inspector, draw up a statement!…”

“Draw up a statement,” repeated Volodka.
“写份报告。” 沃洛德卡重复道。

“I don’t want to let this pass!” shouted the younger Lytchkov. —
“我不想善罢甘休!” 年轻的莉茨科夫大声咆哮着。 —

He shouted louder and louder, and his beardless face seemed to be more and more swollen. —
他越喊越响,他那张无须的脸似乎变得越来越肿胀。 —

“They’ve set up a nice fashion! Leave them free, and they will ruin all the meadows! —
“他们建立了一种漂亮的时尚!放任他们自由,他们会毁坏所有的牧场!” —

You’ve no sort of right to ill-treat people! —
“你们没有任何权利虐待人民!” —

We are not serfs now!”

“We are not serfs now!” repeated Volodka.

“We got on all right without a bridge,” said the elder Lytchkov gloomily; —
“我们过去没有桥也过得很好,”年长的利契科夫忧郁地说道; —

“we did not ask for it. What do we want a bridge for? —
“我们并没有请求建桥。我们需要桥吗? —

We don’t want it!”

“Brothers, good Christians, we cannot leave it like this!”

“All right, let ‘em!” said Kozov, winking. —
“行了,让他们自生自灭吧!”科佐夫眨眼说。 —

“Let them get out of it if they can! Landowners, indeed!”

They went back to the village, and as they walked the younger Lytchkov beat himself on the breast with his fist and shouted all the way, and Volodka shouted, too, repeating his words. —
他们回到村子,一路走着,年轻的利契科夫拳打胸膛高喊,沃洛卡也跟着重复他的话。 —

And meanwhile quite a crowd had gathered in the village round the thoroughbred bull-calf and the horses. —
与此同时,村子里围绕着优质的小公牛和马聚集了一大群人。 —

The bullcalf was embarrassed and looked up from under his brows, but suddenly lowered his muzzle to the ground and took to his heels, kicking up his hind legs; —
小公牛感到尴尬,从眉头下往上看了看,突然低下头,扬起后腿,飞奔而去; —

Kozov was frightened and waved his stick at him, and they all burst out laughing. —
科佐夫吓坏了,挥舞着手杖,他们都笑了起来。 —

Then they locked up the beasts and waited.

In the evening the engineer sent five roubles for the damage, and the two horses, the pony and the bull-calf, without being fed or given water, returned home, their heads hanging with a guilty air as though they were convicted criminals.

On getting the five roubles the Lytchkovs, father and son, the village elder and Volodka, punted over the river in a boat and went to a hamlet on the other side where there was a tavern, and there had a long carousal. —
当莱特楚科夫的老父亲和儿子、村长和沃洛多卡收到五卢布后,他们乘船渡过河去到对岸的一个小村庄里的一家酒馆,然后进行了一场长时间的狂欢。 —

Their singing and the shouting of the younger Lytchkov could be heard from the village. —
他们的歌声和年轻的莱特楚科夫的喧响声可以从村庄里听到。 —

Their women were uneasy and did not sleep all night. —
他们的妇女们非常担心,整晚都没能入睡。 —

Rodion did not sleep either.

“It’s a bad business,” he said, sighing and turning from side to side. —
“这事情不妙,”他叹了口气,辗转反侧。 —

“The gentleman will be angry, and then there will be trouble. —
“绅士会生气的,然后就会有麻烦了。 —

… They have insulted the gentleman…. Oh, they’ve insulted him. —
… 他们冒犯了绅士… 哦,他们竟然冒犯了他。 —

It’s a bad business…”

It happened that the peasants, Rodion amongst them, went into their forest to divide the clearings for mowing, and as they were returning home they were met by the engineer. —
有一天,农民们,罗季也在其中,去他们的森林划分清除地块准备收割,当他们回家的时候遇到了工程师。 —

He was wearing a red cotton shirt and high boots; —
他穿着一件红色棉衬衣和高靴; —

a setter dog with its long tongue hanging out, followed behind him.

“Good-day, brothers,” he said.

The peasants stopped and took off their hats.

“I have long wanted to have a talk with you, friends,” he went on. “This is what it is. —
“很久以来,我就想和你们谈谈,朋友们,”他接着说,“事情是这样的。 —

Ever since the early spring your cattle have been in my copse and garden every day. —
从初春开始,你的牛群每天都在我的林地和花园里。 —

Everything is trampled down; the pigs have rooted up the meadow, are ruining everything in the kitchen garden, and all the undergrowth in the copse is destroyed. —
一切都被践踏了;猪猪翻起了草地,毁坏了菜园,还有林地里的所有灌木都被毁坏了。 —

There is no getting on with your herdsmen; one asks them civilly, and they are rude. —
和你的牧人们没法相处;对他们客气地提出请求,他们却很粗鲁。 —

Damage is done on my estate every day and I do nothing—I don’t fine you or make a complaint; —
每天都在我的地产上造成损害,我却什么都没做 — 我没有对你罚款,也没有提出投诉; —

meanwhile you impounded my horses and my bull calf and exacted five roubles. Was that right? —
同时你扣押了我的马和我的小母牛,要了五卢布。这样做对吗? —

Is that neighbourly?” he went on, and his face was so soft and persuasive, and his expression was not forbidding. —
那是邻里之间应该做的事吗?”他继续说道,他的表情是如此温和和劝说,看起来一点也不威胁。 —

“Is that the way decent people behave? —
“正派的人会这样下作吗? —

A week ago one of your people cut down two oak saplings in my copse. —
一周前你们其中的一个人砍伐了我的林地里的两株橡树幼苗。 —

You have dug up the road to Eresnevo, and now I have to go two miles round. —
你们还挖毁了通往Eresnevo的道路,现在我只好绕路走两英里。 —

Why do you injure me at every step? What harm have I done you? For God’s sake, tell me! —
你们为什么要每一步都伤害我?我对你们做了什么伤害?求求你,告诉我吧! —

My wife and I do our utmost to live with you in peace and harmony; we help the peasants as we can. —
我和妻子尽我们最大努力与你们和睦相处;我们尽力帮助农民。 —

My wife is a kind, warm-hearted woman; she never refuses you help. —
我妻子是位善良、热心的女人;她从不拒绝帮助你们。 —

That is her dream—to be of use to you and your children. You reward us with evil for our good. —
那是她的梦想 — 能帮助你和你的孩子们。你们以恶报我们的善。 —

You are unjust, my friends. Think of that. —
你们是不公正的,我的朋友们。请想想这一点。 —

I ask you earnestly to think it over. We treat you humanely; —
我诚恳地请求你们好好考虑一下。我们对待你们是人道的; —

repay us in the same coin.”

He turned and went away. The peasants stood a little longer, put on their caps and walked away. —
他转身走开了。农民们站了一会儿,戴上帽子,走开了。 —

Rodion, who always understood everything that was said to him in some peculiar way of his own, heaved a sigh and said:

“We must pay. ‘Repay in coin, my friends’… he said.”

They walked to the village in silence. On reaching home Rodion said his prayer, took off his boots, and sat down on the bench beside his wife. —
他们默默地走向村庄。到家后,罗甸念完祈祷文,脱下靴子,坐在妻子旁边的长椅上。 —

Stepanida and he always sat side by side when they were at home, and always walked side by side in the street; —
斯特潘尼达和他总是在家时并排坐着,总是在街上肩并肩走着; —

they ate and they drank and they slept always together, and the older they grew the more they loved one another. —
他们一起吃饭、喝酒、睡觉,他们变老后越来越爱对方。 —

It was hot and crowded in their hut, and there were children everywhere—on the floors, in the windows, on the stove. —
他们的小屋里又热又拥挤,到处都是孩子—在地板上、在窗户口、在火炉上。 —

… In spite of her advanced years Stepanida was still bearing children, and now, looking at the crowd of children, it was hard to distinguish which were Rodion’s and which were Volodka’s. —
尽管斯特潘尼达年纪大了还在生孩子,现在看着这群孩子,很难分辨哪些是罗甸的,哪些是沃洛达的。 —

Volodka’s wife, Lukerya, a plain young woman with prominent eyes and a nose like the beak of a bird, was kneading dough in a tub; —
沃洛达的妻子卢克里亚,一个长相普通、眼睛突出鼻子像鸟嘴的年轻女人,正在木桶里揉面团; —

Volodka was sitting on the stove with his legs hanging.

“On the road near Nikita’s buckwheat… the engineer with his dog. —
“在尼基塔家附近的路上…有工程师和他的狗。 —

..” Rodion began, after a rest, scratching his ribs and his elbow. “‘You must pay,’ says he. —
..”罗甸休息后开始说,挠了挠肋骨和肘部。“‘你必须付款’,他说。 —

.. ‘coin,’ says he…. Coin or no coin, we shall have to collect ten kopecks from every hut. —
..‘用钱’,他说….有钱无钱,我们还是得从每户收十戈比。 —

We’ve offended the gentleman very much. —
我们得罪了那位绅士,他很生气。 —

I am sorry for him….”

“We’ve lived without a bridge,” said Volodka, not looking at anyone, “and we don’t want one.”

“What next; the bridge is a government business.”
“接下来呢; 桥是政府的事。”

“We don’t want it.”

“Your opinion is not asked. What is it to you?”

“‘Your opinion is not asked,’” Volodka mimicked him. “We don’t want to drive anywhere; —
“‘不问你们的意见,’”沃洛芥卡模仿他。“我们不想开车去任何地方; —

what do we want with a bridge? If we have to, we can cross by the boat.”

Someone from the yard outside knocked at the window so violently that it seemed to shake the whole hut.

“Is Volodka at home?” he heard the voice of the younger Lytchkov. —
“沃洛芥卡在家吗?”他听到年轻的利昌科夫的声音。 —

“Volodka, come out, come along.”

Volodka jumped down off the stove and began looking for his cap.

“Don’t go, Volodka,” said Rodion diffidently. “Don’t go with them, son. —
“别走,沃洛芥卡,”罗季恩犹豫地说。“不要跟他们走,孩子。 —

You are foolish, like a little child; they will teach you no good; don’t go!”

“Don’t go, son,” said Stepanida, and she blinked as though about to shed tears. —
“别走,孩子,”史特帕尼达说,眨巴着眼睛,仿佛要流泪了。 —

“I bet they are calling you to the tavern.”

“‘To the tavern,’” Volodka mimicked.
“‘去酒馆吧,’” Volodka模仿着说。

“You’ll come back drunk again, you currish Herod,” said Lukerya, looking at him angrily. —
“你会再喝醉的,你这个卑鄙的黑格尔”,Lukerya生气地看着他说。 —

“Go along, go along, and may you burn up with vodka, you tailless Satan!”

“You hold your tongue,” shouted Volodka.

“They’ve married me to a fool, they’ve ruined me, a luckless orphan, you red-headed drunkard. —
“他们把我嫁给了一个傻瓜,他们把我毁了,一个不幸的孤儿,你这个红头发的醉鬼。” —

..” wailed Lukerya, wiping her face with a hand covered with dough. —
“…”Lukerya抱怨着,用布满面团的手擦拭着脸。 —

“I wish I had never set eyes on you.”

Volodka gave her a blow on the ear and went off.


Elena Ivanovna and her little daughter visited the village on foot. They were out for a walk. —
Elena Ivanovna和她的小女儿步行访问了村庄。他们在散步。 —

It was a Sunday, and the peasant women and girls were walking up and down the street in their brightly-coloured dresses. —
那是星期天,农民妇女和姑娘穿着色彩鲜艳的裙子在街上走动。 —

Rodion and Stepanida, sitting side by side at their door, bowed and smiled to Elena Ivanovna and her little daughter as to acquaintances. —
Rodion和Stepanida并排坐在门口,向Elena Ivanovna和她的小女儿点头微笑,像是认识的人一样。 —

From the windows more than a dozen children stared at them; —
窗户里有十几个孩子盯着他们看; —

their faces expressed amazement and curiosity, and they could be heard whispering:

“The Kutcherov lady has come! The Kutcherov lady!”

“Good-morning,” said Elena Ivanovna, and she stopped; —
“早上好,”叶连娜·伊万诺夫娜说着停了下来; —

she paused, and then asked: “Well, how are you getting on?”

“We get along all right, thank God,” answered Rodion, speaking rapidly. —
“我们还过得去,谢天谢地,”罗季安快速地回答说。 —

“To be sure we get along.”

“The life we lead!” smiled Stepanida. “You can see our poverty yourself, dear lady! —
“我们过的生活!”史黛潘娣娜微笑着说道,“亲爱的夫人,你自己都可以看到我们的贫困! —

The family is fourteen souls in all, and only two bread- winners. —
我们一共有十四口人,但只有两个养家糊口的人。 —

We are supposed to be blacksmiths, but when they bring us a horse to shoe we have no coal, nothing to buy it with. —
我们被认为是铁匠,但当人们把马带来让我们给它钉马蹄铁时,我们没有煤,也没有钱买。 —

We are worried to death, lady,” she went on, and laughed. —
我们简直是为了死去担忧,”她接着说着笑了起来。 —

“Oh, oh, we are worried to death.”

Elena Ivanovna sat down at the entrance and, putting her arm round her little girl, pondered something, and judging from the little girl’s expression, melancholy thoughts were straying through her mind, too; —
叶连娜·伊万诺夫娜坐在门口,搂着她的小女儿,沉思着些什么,从小女儿的表情看,沉郁的思绪也在她脑海中飘动; —

as she brooded she played with the sumptuous lace on the parasol she had taken out of her mother’s hands.

“Poverty,” said Rodion, “a great deal of anxiety—you see no end to it. —
“贫穷,”罗季安说,“忧虑重重——看不到尽头。 —

Here, God sends no rain… our life is not easy, there is no denying it.”

“You have a hard time in this life,” said Elena Ivanovna, “but in the other world you will be happy.”

Rodion did not understand her, and simply coughed into his clenched hand by way of reply. Stepanida said:

“Dear lady, the rich men will be all right in the next world, too. —
“亲爱的夫人,富人在来世也会过得很好。” —

The rich put up candles, pay for services; the rich give to beggars, but what can the poor man do? —
“富人点燃蜡烛,为服务付费;富人施舍给乞丐,但穷人能做什么呢?” —

He has no time to make the sign of the cross. He is the beggar of beggars himself; —
“他没时间做十字记号。他自己就是所有乞丐中最穷的;” —

how can he think of his soul? And many sins come from poverty; —
“他怎么能想到自己的灵魂呢?而贫困导致很多罪过;” —

from trouble we snarl at one another like dogs, we haven’t a good word to say to one another, and all sorts of things happen, dear lady—God forbid! —
“从痛苦中我们像狗一样彼此咆哮,对彼此毫无好话说,亲爱的夫人——愿上帝保佑!” —

It seems we have no luck in this world nor the next. —
“看来我们在这个世界和来世都没什么好运气。” —

All the luck has fallen to the rich.”

She spoke gaily; she was evidently used to talking of her hard life. And Rodion smiled, too; —
“她说话很快活;显然她习惯谈论自己的苦难生活。罗第翁也笑了;” —

he was pleased that his old woman was so clever, so ready of speech.

“It is only on the surface that the rich seem to be happy,” said Elena Ivanovna. —
“富人看起来只是表面上幸福而已,”埃琳娜·伊万诺芙娜说。 —

“Every man has his sorrow. Here my husband and I do not live poorly, we have means, but are we happy? —
“每个人都有痛苦。在这里我和丈夫生活并不穷,我们有财力,但我们快乐吗?” —

I am young, but I have had four children; —
“我还年轻,但已经有了四个孩子;” —

my children are always being ill. I am ill, too, and constantly being doctored.”

“And what is your illness?” asked Rodion.

“A woman’s complaint. I get no sleep; a continual headache gives me no peace. —
“妇科疾病。我睡不好觉;经常头痛让我得不到片刻安宁。” —

Here I am sitting and talking, but my head is bad, I am weak all over, and I should prefer the hardest labour to such a condition. —
这时候我坐在这里谈话,但我的头很疼,我全身无力,我宁愿做最艰苦的劳动也不愿这样。 —

My soul, too, is troubled; I am in continual fear for my children, my husband. —
我的灵魂也受到困扰;我时刻为我的孩子,我的丈夫担心。 —

Every family has its own trouble of some sort; we have ours. I am not of noble birth. —
每个家庭都会有各种各样的困扰;我们也有。我并非贵族出身。 —

My grandfather was a simple peasant, my father was a tradesman in Moscow; —
我的祖父是个普通的农民,我父亲在莫斯科做生意; —

he was a plain, uneducated man, too, while my husband’s parents were wealthy and distinguished. —
他也是个简单、没有受过教育的人,而我丈夫的父母却是富有和杰出的。 —

They did not want him to marry me, but he disobeyed them, quarrelled with them, and they have not forgiven us to this day. —
他们不希望他和我结婚,但他违抗了他们,和他们吵架,至今他们仍未原谅我们。 —

That worries my husband; it troubles him and keeps him in constant agitation; —
这使我丈夫苦恼;这困扰他,让他一直心烦意乱; —

he loves his mother, loves her dearly. So I am uneasy, too, my soul is in pain.”

Peasants, men and women, were by now standing round Rodion’s hut and listening. —
村民们,男男女女,现在都站在罗季恩的小屋周围聆听。 —

Kozov came up, too, and stood twitching his long, narrow beard. —
科佐夫也走过来,站在那里拧动着他那长长的尖胡须。 —

The Lytchkovs, father and son, drew near.

“And say what you like, one cannot be happy and satisfied if one does not feel in one’s proper place. —
“不管你说什么,如果一个人没有感到自己在正确的位置上,就无法幸福满足。 —

” Elena Ivanovna went on. “Each of you has his strip of land, each of you works and knows what he is working for; —
” 叶连娜·伊万诺夫娜继续说道。“每个人都有自己的一分土地,每个人都在劳作,并知道自己在为什么劳作; —

my husband builds bridges—in short, everyone has his place, while I, I simply walk about. —
我丈夫修建桥梁——总之,每个人都有自己的位置,而我,我只是漫无目的地走着。 —

I have not my bit to work. I don’t work, and feel as though I were an outsider. —
我没有自己的活干。我不工作,感觉自己像个局外人。 —

I am saying all this that you may not judge from outward appearances; —
我说这些是为了让你不要以外表判断; —

if a man is expensively dressed and has means it does not prove that he is satisfied with his life.”

She got up to go away and took her daughter by the hand.

“I like your place here very much,” she said, and smiled, and from that faint, diffident smile one could tell how unwell she really was, how young and how pretty; —
“我非常喜欢你这里的地方,”她说着,微笑着,从那微弱的、羞怯的微笑中可以看出她其实有多心不在焉,有多年轻和漂亮; —

she had a pale, thinnish face with dark eyebrows and fair hair. —
她有一张苍白、瘦小的脸庞,深色的眉毛和金发。 —

And the little girl was just such another as her mother: —
而小女孩也和她的母亲一样: —

thin, fair, and slender. There was a fragrance of scent about them.

“I like the river and the forest and the village,” Elena Ivanovna went on; —
“我喜欢这条河、这片森林和这个村庄,”叶连娜·伊万诺芙娜继续说道; —

“I could live here all my life, and I feel as though here I should get strong and find my place. —
“我可以在这里度过一生,我感觉我可以在这里变得强壮,并找到我的位置。 —

I want to help you—I want to dreadfully—to be of use, to be a real friend to you. —
我想帮助你—我非常想—成为你的助手,成为你真正的朋友。 —

I know your need, and what I don’t know I feel, my heart guesses. —
我知道你的需要,我不知道的那些事情,我能够感受到,我的内心能够猜透。 —

I am sick, feeble, and for me perhaps it is not possible to change my life as I would. —
我病了,虚弱,也许对我来说改变生活不像我所愿那么容易。 —

But I have children. I will try to bring them up that they may be of use to you, may love you. —
但我有孩子。我会努力教育他们,让他们能够对你有所帮助,对你心存爱意。 —

I shall impress upon them continually that their life does not belong to them, but to you. —
我会不断地告诉他们,他们的生活不属于他们自己,而是属于你。 —

Only I beg you earnestly, I beseech you, trust us, live in friendship with us. —
但我恳求你,我乞求你,信任我们,和我们交朋友。 —

My husband is a kind, good man. Don’t worry him, don’t irritate him. —
我丈夫是一个善良、好人。不要让他担心,也不要惹他生气。 —

He is sensitive to every trifle, and yesterday, for instance, your cattle were in our vegetable garden, and one of your people broke down the fence to the bee-hives, and such an attitude to us drives my husband to despair. —
他对每件琐事都很敏感,比如昨天,你们的牲畜闯进我们的菜园,你们的人还把蜂箱的围栏弄坏了,这样对待我们会让我丈夫绝望。 —

I beg you,” she went on in an imploring voice, and she clasped her hands on her bosom—“I beg you to treat us as good neighbours; —
我请求你,”她以哀求的声音继续说着,双手交叉放在胸前,“我请求你当好邻居; —

let us live in peace! There is a saying, you know, that even a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, and, ‘Don’t buy property, but buy neighbours. —
让我们和睦相处!你知道有句谚语是这样说的,即使是不和睦的和平也胜过和睦的争吵,“不买房产,买邻居。” —

’ I repeat my husband is a kind man and good; —
我再次重申,我丈夫是一个善良和好人; —

if all goes well we promise to do everything in our power for you; —
如果一切顺利,我们承诺尽我们所能为你们做出努力; —

we will mend the roads, we will build a school for your children. I promise you.”

“Of course we thank you humbly, lady,” said Lytchkov the father, looking at the ground; —
“当然,夫人,我们衷心感谢你,”父亲Lytchkov低头说, —

“you are educated people; it is for you to know best. —
“你们是受过教育的人;最好由你们来决定。 —

Only, you see, Voronov, a rich peasant at Eresnevo, promised to build a school; —
只是,你们看,在Eresnevo有位富有的农民Voronov承诺要建一座学校; —

he, too, said, ‘I will do this for you,’ ‘I will do that for you,’ and he only put up the framework and refused to go on. —
他也说过,‘我会为你们做这个,’‘我会为你们做那个,’但是最后只架好了框架就不愿意继续。 —

And then they made the peasants put the roof on and finish it; it cost them a thousand roubles. —
后来他让农民们自己负责盖屋顶和完工;这花了他们一千卢布。 —

Voronov did not care; he only stroked his beard, but the peasants felt it a bit hard.”

“That was a crow, but now there’s a rook, too,” said Kozov, and he winked.

There was the sound of laughter.

“We don’t want a school,” said Volodka sullenly. —
“我们不想要学校,”Volodka愠怒地说。 —

“Our children go to Petrovskoe, and they can go on going there; —
“我们的孩子去彼得罗夫斯科,他们可以继续去那里; —

we don’t want it.”

Elena Ivanovna seemed suddenly intimidated; —
Elena Ivanovna突然显得胆怯; —

her face looked paler and thinner, she shrank into herself as though she had been touched with something coarse, and walked away without uttering another word. —
她的脸色苍白,变得消瘦,仿佛被某种粗鲁的东西触碰到,她退缩了一下,走开了,没有再说一句话。 —

And she walked more and more quickly, without looking round.

“Lady,” said Rodion, walking after her, “lady, wait a bit; hear what I would say to you.”

He followed her without his cap, and spoke softly as though begging.

“Lady, wait and hear what I will say to you.”

They had walked out of the village, and Elena Ivanovna stopped beside a cart in the shade of an old mountain ash.

“Don’t be offended, lady,” said Rodion. “What does it mean? Have patience. —
“别生气,女士,”Rodion说。“这是什么意思?耐心点。 —

Have patience for a couple of years. You will live here, you will have patience, and it will all come round. —
再忍耐几年。你会在这里生活,你会耐心等待,一切都会好起来的。 —

Our folks are good and peaceable; there’s no harm in them; —
我们的人民善良而和平;他们没有害处; —

it’s God’s truth I’m telling you. Don’t mind Kozov and the Lytchkovs, and don’t mind Volodka. —
我告诉你的都是上帝的真理。不要在乎科佐夫和利切科夫,也不要在意Volodka。 —

He’s a fool; he listens to the first that speaks. The others are quiet folks; they are silent. —
他是个傻瓜;听到第一个说的就信。其他人都是安静的人;他们沉默着。” —

Some would be glad, you know, to say a word from the heart and to stand up for themselves, but cannot. —
有些人想要发自内心说一句话,为自己辩护,却不能。 —

They have a heart and a conscience, but no tongue. —
他们有心有良心,却无话可说。 —

Don’t be offended… have patience…. What does it matter?”

Elena Ivanovna looked at the broad, tranquil river, pondering, and tears flowed down her cheeks. —
叶连娜·伊万诺芙娜凝视着辽阔而宁静的河流,思考着,泪水一直流下。 —

And Rodion was troubled by those tears; he almost cried himself.

“Never mind…” he muttered. “Have patience for a couple of years. —
“不要紧…”他喃喃自语。“再忍耐几年。 —

You can have the school, you can have the roads, only not all at once. —
你可以有学校,你可以有道路,不过不能一次全都要。 —

If you went, let us say, to sow corn on that mound you would first have to weed it out, to pick out all the stones, and then to plough, and work and work. —
如果你去,在那个小土丘上播种玉米,你得先拔草,捡出所有的石头,然后耕地,工作并不停地工作。 —

.. and with the people, you see, it is the same. —
.. 与人们相处也是一样。 —

.. you must work and work until you overcome them.”
.. 你必须工作并不停地工作,直到你战胜他们。”

The crowd had moved away from Rodion’s hut, and was coming along the street towards the mountain ash. —
人群已经离开了罗狄翁的小屋,沿着街道朝着山楂树走来。 —

They began singing songs and playing the concertina, and they kept coming closer and closer….

“Mamma, let us go away from here,” said the little girl, huddling up to her mother, pale and shaking all over; —
“妈妈,让我们离开这里吧,”小女孩蜷缩在母亲身边,脸色苍白,全身颤抖; —

“let us go away, mamma!


“To Moscow…. Let us go, mamma.”

The child began crying.

Rodion was utterly overcome; his face broke into profuse perspiration; —
罗季安全完全失控,他满脸大汗; —

he took out of his pocket a little crooked cucumber, like a half-moon, covered with crumbs of rye bread, and began thrusting it into the little girl’s hands.

“Come, come,” he muttered, scowling severely; “take the little cucumber, eat it up. —
“来,来,”他喃喃地说着,苦着脸皱眉;“拿着这个小黄瓜,把它吃完吧。 —

… You mustn’t cry. Mamma will whip you. —
…… 你不能哭。妈妈会揍你的。 —

… She’ll tell your father of you when you get home. Come, come….”
…… 回家后她会告诉你爸爸的。来,来……”

They walked on, and he still followed behind them, wanting to say something friendly and persuasive to them. —
他们继续走着,他仍紧随在后,想跟他们说些友好劝说的话。 —

And seeing that they were both absorbed in their own thoughts and their own griefs, and not noticing him, he stopped and, shading his eyes from the sun, looked after them for a long time till they disappeared into their copse.


The engineer seemed to grow irritable and petty, and in every trivial incident saw an act of robbery or outrage. —
工程师似乎变得急躁和琐碎,把每个小事都看成是被抢劫或侵犯的行为。 —

His gate was kept bolted even by day, and at night two watchmen walked up and down the garden beating a board; —
他的大门白天也保持着上锁,晚上两名看守在花园里来回走动敲着一块板; —

and they gave up employing anyone from Obrutchanovo as a labourer. —
他们停止雇用奥布鲁特恰诺沃的任何劳工。 —

As ill-luck would have it someone (either a peasant or one of the workmen) took the new wheels off the cart and replaced them by old ones, then soon afterwards two bridles and a pair of pincers were carried off, and murmurs arose even in the village. —
不幸的是,有人(无论是农民还是工人中的一个)把马车上的新轮子卸下来换成旧的,然后不久之后,两个笼头和一把钳子被带走,甚至村里也传起了议论。 —

People began to say that a search should be made at the Lytchkovs’ and at Volodka’s, and then the bridles and the pincers were found under the hedge in the engineer’s garden; —
人们开始说应该对利奇科夫家和沃尔德卡家进行搜查,随后就在工程师的花园篱笆下发现了笼头和钳子; —

someone had thrown them down there.

It happened that the peasants were coming in a crowd out of the forest, and again they met the engineer on the road. —
偶然间,农民们成群结队地走出森林,又在路上遇到了工程师。 —

He stopped, and without wishing them good-day he began, looking angrily first at one, then at another:

“I have begged you not to gather mushrooms in the park and near the yard, but to leave them for my wife and children, but your girls come before daybreak and there is not a mushroom left. —
“我已经请求过你们不要在公园和院子附近采摘蘑菇,留给我的妻子和孩子,但你们的女孩们一大早就来了,一只蘑菇都不剩。 —

…Whether one asks you or not it makes no difference. —
…无论是不是有人问你,都没区别。 —

Entreaties, and friendliness, and persuasion I see are all useless.”

He fixed his indignant eyes on Rodion and went on:

“My wife and I behaved to you as human beings, as to our equals, and you? —
“我和我的妻子对你们都像对待人类一样,像对待我们的平等的朋友一样,而你呢?” —

But what’s the use of talking! It will end by our looking down upon you. —
“但说什么都没有用!最终我们会看不起你们。” —

There is nothing left!”

And making an effort to restrain his anger, not to say too much, he turned and went on.

On getting home Rodion said his prayer, took off his boots, and sat down beside his wife.

“Yes…” he began with a sigh. “We were walking along just now, and Mr. Kutcherov met us. —
“是的……” 他叹了口气开始说。“刚才我们在路上走着,库特切洛夫先生遇见了我们。” —

… Yes…. He saw the girls at daybreak… ‘Why don’t they bring mushrooms,’. —
“…… 是的…… 他在黎明时分看到了那些女孩……‘为什么他们不带些蘑菇来,’” —

.. he said ‘to my wife and children?’ he said…. And then he looked at me and he said: —
“…他说道‘给我和我的孩子们吃?’ 他说……然后他看着我,说道:” —

‘I and my wife will look after you,’ he said. —
“‘我和我的妻子会照顾你们的,’他说。” —

I wanted to fall down at his feet, but I hadn’t the courage. —
“我想跪下来谢恩,但是我没有勇气。” —

… God give him health… God bless him!…”

Stephania crossed herself and sighed.

“They are kind, simple-hearted people,” Rodion went on. “‘We shall look after you. —
“他们是善良、纯朴的人们,”罗第翁继续说。“‘我们会照顾你们的。’……他在所有人面前对我许诺。在我们年老时……这是一件好事。” —

’… He promised me that before everyone. In our old age… it wouldn’t be a bad thing. —
“……我会为他们祈祷……圣母,保佑他们……” —

… I should always pray for them…. Holy Mother, bless them….”

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the fourteenth of September, was the festival of the village church. —
十四日是十字架升高节,是村庙的主要节日。 —

The Lytchkovs, father and son, went across the river early in the morning and returned to dinner drunk; —
利切科夫父子一大早过了河回来,午饭时已经喝醉了。 —

they spent a long time going about the village, alternately singing and swearing; —
他们在村里转了很久,时而唱歌时而咒骂。 —

then they had a fight and went to the New Villa to complain. —
然后他们打了起来,去新别墅投诉。 —

First Lytchkov the father went into the yard with a long ashen stick in his hands. —
先是利切科夫老父带着一根长长的灰树枝进了院子。 —

He stopped irresolutely and took off his hat. —
他犹豫停下来,摘下了帽子。 —

Just at that moment the engineer and his family were sitting on the verandah, drinking tea.

“What do you want?” shouted the engineer.

“Your honour…” Lytchkov began, and burst into tears. —
“阁下…” 利切科夫开始,然后哭了起来。 —

“Show the Divine mercy, protect me… my son makes my life a misery. —
“天主怜悯,保护我… 我儿子让我生不如死。 —

.. your honour…”
… 阁下…”

Lytchkov the son walked up, too; he, too, was bareheaded and had a stick in his hand; —
利切科夫的儿子也走了上来;他也是光着头,手里拿着一根棍子; —

he stopped and fixed his drunken senseless eyes on the verandah.

“It is not my business to settle your affairs,” said the engineer. —
“我不管你们的事。”工程师说。 —

“Go to the rural captain or the police officer.”

“I have been everywhere…. I have lodged a petition. —
“我已经走遍了所有地方….我已经递交了一份请愿书。 —

..” said Lytchkov the father, and he sobbed. “Where can I go now? —
”利奇科夫父亲说着,抽泣着。“我现在该去哪里呢? —

He can kill me now, it seems. He can do anything. —
他现在似乎能杀了我。他可以做任何事。 —

Is that the way to treat a father? A father?”
这就是对待一个父亲的方式吗? 一个父亲?“

He raised his stick and hit his son on the head; —
他举起手中的棍子,打了儿子的头; —

the son raised his stick and struck his father just on his bald patch such a blow that the stick bounced back. —
儿子举起手中的棍子,猛击父亲的光头,以至于棍子弹回来。 —

The father did not even flinch, but hit his son again and again on the head. —
父亲甚至没有动一下,继续击打儿子的头。 —

And so they stood and kept hitting one another on the head, and it looked not so much like a fight as some sort of a game. —
他们这样站着,互相在头上击打,看起来不像是一场争斗,而更像是某种游戏。 —

And peasants, men and women, stood in a crowd at the gate and looked into the garden, and the faces of all were grave. —
门口站着一群农民,男男女女,凝视着花园,所有人的脸色都严肃。 —

They were the peasants who had come to greet them for the holiday, but seeing the Lytchkovs, they were ashamed and did not go in.

The next morning Elena Ivanovna went with the children to Moscow. —
第二天早上,伊莲娜·伊万诺夫娜带着孩子们去了莫斯科。 —

And there was a rumour that the engineer was selling his house….


The peasants had long ago grown used to the sight of the bridge, and it was difficult to imagine the river at that place without a bridge. —
农民们早已习惯了看到那座桥的景象,很难想象那个地方的河流没有桥。 —

The heap of rubble left from the building of it had long been overgrown with grass, the navvies were forgotten, and instead of the strains of the “Dubinushka” that they used to sing, the peasants heard almost every hour the sounds of a passing train.

The New Villa has long ago been sold; now it belongs to a government clerk who comes here from the town for the holidays with his family, drinks tea on the terrace, and then goes back to the town again. —
新别墅早已被卖掉;现在它属于一个政府文职人员,他带着家人从镇上来度假,坐在露台上喝茶,然后再回镇上去。 —

He wears a cockade on his cap; he talks and clears his throat as though he were a very important official, though he is only of the rank of a collegiate secretary, and when the peasants bow he makes no response.

In Obrutchanovo everyone has grown older; Kozov is dead. —
奥布鲁奇亚诺的每个人都变老了;科佐夫已经去世了。 —

In Rodion’s hut there are even more children. —
罗迪翁的小屋里孩子更多了。 —

Volodka has grown a long red beard. They are still as poor as ever.

In the early spring the Obrutchanovo peasants were sawing wood near the station. —
初春时分,奥布鲁奇亚诺的农民正在火车站附近锯木头。 —

And after work they were going home; they walked without haste one after the other. —
工作结束后他们回家;他们不慌不忙地一个接着一个走。 —

Broad saws curved over their shoulders; the sun was reflected in them. —
宽宽的锯子在他们肩上弯曲;太阳在上面反射。 —

The nightingales were singing in the bushes on the bank, larks were trilling in the heavens. —
灌木丛中夜莺在歌唱,天空中百灵在啁啾。 —

It was quiet at the New Villa; there was not a soul there, and only golden pigeons—golden because the sunlight was streaming upon them—were flying over the house. —
新别墅很安静;那里一个人也没有,只有金色的鸽子——金色因为阳光正好照射在它们身上——飞过房顶。 —

All of them—Rodion, the two Lytchkovs, and Volodka—thought of the white horses, the little ponies, the fireworks, the boat with the lanterns; —
他们所有人——罗迪翁,两个利特乔夫以及沃洛德卡——想起了白马、小马、烟花、灯笼船; —

they remembered how the engineer’s wife, so beautiful and so grandly dressed, had come into the village and talked to them in such a friendly way. —
他们记得工程师的妻子,那么美丽,穿着如此华丽地出现在村里并以一种友好的方式与他们交谈。 —

And it seemed as though all that had never been; —
那一切似乎从未发生过; —

it was like a dream or a fairy-tale.

They trudged along, tired out, and mused as they went. —
他们疲惫地前行,一边沉思。 —

… In their village, they mused, the people were good, quiet, sensible, fearing God, and Elena Ivanovna, too, was quiet, kind, and gentle; —
在他们的村庄里,他们沉思道,人们善良、安静、理智、敬畏上帝,埃琳娜·伊万诺夫娜也是温和、慈祥、温和的; —

it made one sad to look at her, but why had they not got on together? —
看着她让人感到悲伤,但为什么他们不能和睦相处呢? —

Why had they parted like enemies? How was it that some mist had shrouded from their eyes what mattered most, and had let them see nothing but damage done by cattle, bridles, pincers, and all those trivial things which now, as they remembered them, seemed so nonsensical? —
为什么他们分开时像仇敌一样?雾气为何从他们的眼中遮掩了最重要的事情,让他们只看到牲畜、缰绳、钳子等这些琐碎的事情带来的损害,现在回忆起来,这些事似乎那么荒谬无意义? —

How was it that with the new owner they lived in peace, and yet had been on bad terms with the engineer?

And not knowing what answer to make to these questions they were all silent except Volodka, who muttered something.

“What is it?” Rodion asked.

“We lived without a bridge…” said Volodka gloomily. —
“我们过去没有桥……”沃洛德卡阴郁地说道。 —

“We lived without a bridge, and did not ask for one. —
“我们过去没有桥,也从未要求过。” —

.. and we don’t want it….”

No one answered him and they walked on in silence with drooping heads.