THE dog was barking excitedly outside. And Ananyev the engineer, his assistant called Von Schtenberg, and I went out of the hut to see at whom it was barking. —
外面有只狗兴奋地吠叫着。工程师Ananyev、他的助手Von Schtenberg和我走出小屋去看它在对着谁叫。 —

I was the visitor, and might have remained indoors, but I must confess my head was a little dizzy from the wine I had drunk, and I was glad to get a breath of fresh air.

“There is nobody here,” said Ananyev when we went out. —
“这里没有人,”Ananyev说着我们出去时。 —

“Why are you telling stories, Azorka? You fool!”

There was not a soul in sight.

“The fool,” Azorka, a black house-dog, probably conscious of his guilt in barking for nothing and anxious to propitiate us, approached us, diffidently wagging his tail. —
这只黑色家犬Azorka,可能意识到自己无故吠叫的罪孽,急于讨好我们,小心翼翼地摇着尾巴走过来。 —

The engineer bent down and touched him between his ears.

“Why are you barking for nothing, creature? —
“为什么你在无缘无故地吠叫,小家伙? —

” he said in the tone in which good-natured people talk to children and dogs. —
”他以善意人对待孩子和狗的口吻说道。 —

“Have you had a bad dream or what? Here, doctor, let me commend to your attention,” he said, turning to me, “a wonderfully nervous subject! —
“你做了个噩梦吗?医生,看看这位神经高度紧张的对象吧,”他转向我说,“简直不可相信,他不能忍受孤独——总是做恐怖的梦,受噩梦困扰; —

Would you believe it, he can’t endure solitude—he is always having terrible dreams and suffering from nightmares; —
当你对他大喊大叫时,他就会像发狂似地产生类似癔症的症状。” —

and when you shout at him he has something like an attack of hysterics.”

“Yes, a dog of refined feelings,” the student chimed in.

Azorka must have understood that the conversation was concerning him. —
他抬起头,苦笑着仿佛在说,“是的,有时我受痛苦难忍,但请原谅!” —

He turned his head upwards and grinned plaintively, as though to say, “Yes, at times I suffer unbearably, but please excuse it!”

It was an August night, there were stars, but it was dark. —
由于我生平从未置身于如今错综复杂的环境中,星空之夜对我来说显得阴郁、不友好,并比实际更为黑暗。 —

Owing to the fact that I had never in my life been in such exceptional surroundings, as I had chanced to come into now, the starry night seemed to me gloomy, inhospitable, and darker than it was in reality. —
我站立在一条仍在施工中的铁路线上。 —

I was on a railway line which was still in process of construction. —
高高的、还未完工的路堤,沙土、泥土和碎石的堆放,到处遍布的坑洼,散落的独轮手推车,工人们居住的泥屋平顶——这一切在黑暗的映衬下,色泽混乱,使大地呈现出一种奇特、荒凉的景象,仿佛回到了混沌的时代。 —

The high, half-finished embankment, the mounds of sand, clay, and rubble, the holes, the wheel- barrows standing here and there, the flat tops of the mud huts in which the workmen lived—all this muddle, coloured to one tint by the darkness, gave the earth a strange, wild aspect that suggested the times of chaos. —
这一切如此杂乱无序,在我面前摆放得居然如此奇怪,导致在这片毁坏得丑陋无比的大地上,看到人影和纤细的电线杆却显得格格不入。 —

There was so little order in all that lay before me that it was somehow strange in the midst of the hideously excavated, grotesque-looking earth to see the silhouettes of human beings and the slender telegraph posts. —
两者破坏了整体画面,看起来仿佛属于另一个世界。 —

Both spoiled the ensemble of the picture, and seemed to belong to a different world. —
这里寂静无声,唯一的声音来自很高处无休止地嗡鸣的电报线。 —

It was still, and the only sound came from the telegraph wire droning its wearisome refrain somewhere very high above our heads.

We climbed up on the embankment and from its height looked down upon the earth. —
我们爬上了堤岸,从高处俯瞰大地。 —

A hundred yards away where the pits, holes, and mounds melted into the darkness of the night, a dim light was twinkling. —
一百码外,坑洞和土丘在黑夜中融入一片漆黑,一点微弱的光在闪烁。 —

Beyond it gleamed another light, beyond that a third, then a hundred paces away two red eyes glowed side by side—probably the windows of some hut—and a long series of such lights, growing continually closer and dimmer, stretched along the line to the very horizon, then turned in a semicircle to the left and disappeared in the darkness of the distance. —
在那之外,又闪耀着另一个光,再有第三个,再往前一百步,两只红眼睛并排发亮——可能是某个小屋的窗户—一连串这样的光,越来越靠近而又变得朦胧,沿着线延伸到地平线,然后向左半圆转向,消失在远处的黑暗中。 —

The lights were motionless. There seemed to be something in common between them and the stillness of the night and the disconsolate song of the telegraph wire. —
那些光是静止的。它们似乎与夜晚的寂静、电报线哀伤的歌声有着共同之处。 —

It seemed as though some weighty secret were buried under the embankment and only the lights, the night, and the wires knew of it.

“How glorious, O Lord!” sighed Ananyev; —
“多么壮丽啊,主啊!”阿南耶夫叹息道; —

“such space and beauty that one can’t tear oneself away! And what an embankment! —
“这么广阔和美丽,让人无法自拔!这是一座堤岸! —

It’s not an embankment, my dear fellow, but a regular Mont Blanc. It’s costing millions… .”

Going into ecstasies over the lights and the embankment that was costing millions, intoxicated by the wine and his sentimental mood, the engineer slapped Von Schtenberg on the shoulder and went on in a jocose tone:

“Well, Mihail Mihailitch, lost in reveries? —
“嘿,米哈伊尔·米哈伊洛维奇,陷入沉思了吗? —

No doubt it is pleasant to look at the work of one’s own hands, eh? —
毫无疑问,看到自己的建设成果会让人愉快,对吧? —

Last year this very spot was bare steppe, not a sight of human life, and now look: life … —
去年这个地方还是荒芜的大草原,一点人烟都没有,现在看看:人类的生活…… —

civilisation… And how splendid it all is, upon my soul! —
文明……这一切是多么辉煌啊,天哪! —

You and I are building a railway, and after we are gone, in another century or two, good men will build a factory, a school, a hospital, and things will begin to move! Eh!”

The student stood motionless with his hands thrust in his pockets, and did not take his eyes off the lights. —
学生双手插兜站在那里,目不转睛地盯着那些光。 —

He was not listening to the engineer, but was thinking, and was apparently in the mood in which one does not want to speak or to listen. —
他没有听工程师讲话,而是在思考,显然是不想说话或者听别人说话的情绪中。 —

After a prolonged silence he turned to me and said quietly:

“Do you know what those endless lights are like? —
“你知道那些无尽的光线是什么样子吗? —

They make me think of something long dead, that lived thousands of years ago, something like the camps of the Amalekites or the Philistines. —
它们让我想起了一些很久以前就已经消亡的东西,好像是几千年前生活着的亚玛力人或非利士人的营地。 —

It is as though some people of the Old Testament had pitched their camp and were waiting for morning to fight with Saul or David. All that is wanting to complete the illusion is the blare of trumpets and sentries calling to one another in some Ethiopian language.”

And, as though of design, the wind fluttered over the line and brought a sound like the clank of weapons. —
就在此时,风掠过铁路带来一阵像武器碰撞的声音。 —

A silence followed. I don’t know what the engineer and the student were thinking of, but it seemed to me already that I actually saw before me something long dead and even heard the sentry talking in an unknown tongue. —
一阵寂静随之而来。我不知道工程师和学生在想些什么,但在我看来,我已经实际看见某样很久之前就已经消亡的东西,甚至听见哨兵用着一种陌生语言交谈。 —

My imagination hastened to picture the tents, the strange people, their clothes, their armour.

“Yes,” muttered the student pensively, “once Philistines and Amalekites were living in this world, making wars, playing their part, and now no trace of them remains. —
“是的,”学生若有所思地咕哝道,“曾经非利士人和亚玛力人在这个世界上生活,开战,扮演着各自的角色,但现在他们没有任何踪迹留下来。 —

So it will be with us. Now we are making a railway, are standing here philosophising, but two thousand years will pass—and of this embankment and of all those men, asleep after their hard work, not one grain of dust will remain. —
我们也会如此。现在我们在修筑一条铁路,站在这里进行哲学思考,但二千年过去了——这条路堤和所有那些辛苦工作后入睡的人,将没有一粒尘埃留下。 —

In reality, it’s awful!”

“You must drop those thoughts …” said the engineer gravely and admonishingly.
“你必须放弃这些念头……” 工程师严肃而警告地说。


“Because… . Thoughts like that are for the end of life, not for the beginning of it. —
“因为……像那样的想法适合于生命的终结,不适合于生命的开始。 —

You are too young for them.”

“Why so?” repeated the student.

“All these thoughts of the transitoriness, the insignificance and the aimlessness of life, of the inevitability of death, of the shadows of the grave, and so on, all such lofty thoughts, I tell you, my dear fellow, are good and natural in old age when they come as the product of years of inner travail, and are won by suffering and really are intellectual riches; —
“对于老年人来说,所有这些有关生命短暂、渺小、毫无目标,死亡不可避免,坟墓的阴影等等的想法,我告诉你,亲爱的朋友,都是好的、自然的,因为它们是老年人多年内心煎熬的产物,是通过苦难获得的,实际上是知识的财富; —

for a youthful brain on the threshold of real life they are simply a calamity! A calamity! —
在一个年轻的大脑即将踏入实际生活的阶段,这些思想只是一种灾难!一种灾难! —

” Ananyev repeated with a wave of his hand. —
”阿纳涅夫挥了挥手重复道。 —

“To my mind it is better at your age to have no head on your shoulders at all than to think on these lines. —
“在我看来,在你这个年纪,完全没有头脑比沿着这些思路想要好。 —

I am speaking seriously, Baron. And I have been meaning to speak to you about it for a long time, for I noticed from the very first day of our acquaintance your partiality for these damnable ideas!”

“Good gracious, why are they damnable?” the student asked with a smile, and from his voice and his face I could see that he asked the question from simple politeness, and that the discussion raised by the engineer did not interest him in the least.

I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was dreaming that immediately after our walk we should wish each other good-night and go to bed, but my dream was not quickly realised. —
我几乎睁不开眼睛了。我梦想着我们散步后马上互道晚安上床睡觉,但我的梦想没有很快实现。 —

When we had returned to the hut the engineer put away the empty bottles and took out of a large wicker hamper two full ones, and uncorking them, sat down to his work-table with the evident intention of going on drinking, talking, and working. —
当我们回到小屋时,工程师把空瓶子收起来,从一个大编织的提篮里拿出两个满满的瓶子,打开它们,并坐到他的工作桌旁,显然打算继续喝、谈话和工作。 —

Sipping a little from his glass, he made pencil notes on some plans and went on pointing out to the student that the latter’s way of thinking was not what it should be. —
他喝了一口,就在一些计划上做了铅笔记号,并继续告诉学生,后者的思维方式不对。 —

The student sat beside him checking accounts and saying nothing. —
学生坐在他旁边核对账目,一言不发。 —

He, like me, had no inclination to speak or to listen. —
他和我一样,没有讲话或倾听的意愿。 —

That I might not interfere with their work, I sat away from the table on the engineer’s crooked-legged travelling bedstead, feeling bored and expecting every moment that they would suggest I should go to bed. —
为了不干扰他们的工作,我坐在远离桌子的地方,坐在工程师歪腿的旅行床上,感到无聊,每时每刻都期待着他们建议我去睡觉。 —

It was going on for one o’clock.

Having nothing to do, I watched my new acquaintances. —
没有事可做,我观察着我的新相识。 —

I had never seen Ananyev or the student before. —
我从未见过Ananyev或这名学生。 —

I had only made their acquaintance on the night I have described. —
我只是在我描述的那个晚上才认识他们的。 —

Late in the evening I was returning on horseback from a fair to the house of a landowner with whom I was staying, had got on the wrong road in the dark and lost my way. —
当天晚上,我从一个我暂住的地主家返回来,在夜晚迷路了。 —

Going round and round by the railway line and seeing how dark the night was becoming, I thought of the “barefoot railway roughs,” who lie in wait for travellers on foot and on horseback, was frightened, and knocked at the first hut I came to. —
我在铁路线周围兜圈子,看到夜色变得越来越黑,想到“光脚的铁路暴徒”会埋伏在步行或骑马的旅行者身后,感到害怕,就敲开了我来的第一座小屋的门。 —

There I was cordially received by Ananyev and the student. —
在那里,我受到了Ananyev和这名学生的热情接待。 —

As is usually the case with strangers casually brought together, we quickly became acquainted, grew friendly and at first over the tea and afterward over the wine, began to feel as though we had known each other for years. —
就像通常发生的那样,我们很快就相互了解,变得友好,先是在茶水间,后来在葡萄酒中,开始感觉好像我们认识多年一样。 —

At the end of an hour or so, I knew who they were and how fate had brought them from town to the far-away steppe; —
大约一个小时后,我知道他们是谁,以及命运如何将他们从城市带到遥远的草原; —

and they knew who I was, what my occupation and my way of thinking.

Nikolay Anastasyevitch Ananyev, the engineer, was a broad-shouldered, thick-set man, and, judging from his appearance, he had, like Othello, begun the “descent into the vale of years,” and was growing rather too stout. —
尼古拉·阿纳斯塔谢维奇·阿纳涅夫,工程师,是一个宽肩膀、魁梧的人,从外表判断,他像奥赛罗一样,已经“开始了通往年老的阶段”,变得有些肥胖。 —

He was just at that stage which old match-making women mean when they speak of “a man in the prime of his age,” that is, he was neither young nor old, was fond of good fare, good liquor, and praising the past, panted a little as he walked, snored loudly when he was asleep, and in his manner with those surrounding him displayed that calm imperturbable good humour which is always acquired by decent people by the time they have reached the grade of a staff officer and begun to grow stout. —
他正处于那个老搭档媒人会说“在他年富力强的时候”,也就是说,他既不年轻也不老,喜欢美食、美酒,赞美过去,走路有点气喘,睡觉时呼噜声很大,并且在与周围的人交往中表现出那种冷静、不易动怒的幽默感,这在得体的人到了上校级别并开始变胖的时候总是会获得的。 —

His hair and beard were far from being grey, but already, with a condescension of which he was unconscious, he addressed young men as “my dear boy” and felt himself entitled to lecture them good- humouredly about their way of thinking. —
他的头发和胡须远非灰白,但不自觉地用一种优越感称呼年轻人为“我的亲爱的孩子”,并觉得自己有权以友好的方式对他们的思维方式进行训诫。 —

His movements and his voice were calm, smooth, and self-confident, as they are in a man who is thoroughly well aware that he has got his feet firmly planted on the right road, that he has definite work, a secure living, a settled outlook. —
他的动作和声音平静、流畅、自信,这是一个深知自己脚踏实地,有明确工作、稳定生活、明确前景的人所具备的特质。 —

… His sunburnt, thick-nosed face and muscular neck seemed to say: —
… 他晒黑的、厚鼻子的脸庞和肌肉结实的脖子似乎在说: —

“I am well fed, healthy, satisfied with myself, and the time will come when you young people too, will be well-fed, healthy, and satisfied with yourselves. —
“我吃得饱饱地,身体健康,对自己满意,你们年轻人的时间也会到来,你们也会吃得饱饱地,身体健康,对自己满意。” —

…” He was dressed in a cotton shirt with the collar awry and in full linen trousers thrust into his high boots. —
…” 他穿着一件领口歪斜的棉质衬衫,和塞进高靴子里的全麻裤。 —

From certain trifles, as for instance, from his coloured worsted girdle, his embroidered collar, and the patch on his elbow, I was able to guess that he was married and in all probability tenderly loved by his wife.

Baron Von Schtenberg, a student of the Institute of Transport, was a young man of about three or four and twenty. —
交通学院的学生施滕贝格男爵大约二三十岁。 —

Only his fair hair and scanty beard, and, perhaps, a certain coarseness and frigidity in his features showed traces of his descent from Barons of the Baltic provinces; —
仅有他金发和稀疏的胡须,或许是他面部粗糙和冷漠的特征,能看出他有着波罗的海省份男爵的血统; —

everything else—his name, Mihail Mihailovitch, his religion, his ideas, his manners, and the expression of his face were purely Russian. —
但除此之外——他的名字,米哈伊尔·米哈伊洛维奇,他的宗教信仰,他的思想,他的举止,以及他脸上的表情,都是纯粹俄罗斯的。 —

Wearing, like Ananyev, a cotton shirt and high boots, with his round shoulders, his hair left uncut, and his sunburnt face, he did not look like a student or a Baron, but like an ordinary Russian workman. —
他穿着像阿纳涅夫一样的棉衬衣和高统靴,肩膀圆圆的,头发未剪,晒黑的脸,看起来像是一名普通的俄罗斯工人。 —

His words and gestures were few, he drank reluctantly without relish, checked the accounts mechanically, and seemed all the while to be thinking of something else. —
他的言行举止寥寥,喝酒毫不热爱地有些勉强,机械地核对账目,似乎一边还在想着别的事。 —

His movements and voice were calm, and smooth too, but his calmness was of a different kind from the engineer’s. —
他的动作和声音平静,也很顺畅,但与工程师的平静不同。 —

His sunburnt, slightly ironical, dreamy face, his eyes which looked up from under his brows, and his whole figure were expressive of spiritual stagnatio—mental sloth. —
他晒黑、略带讽刺的、梦幻般的面孔,从眉毛底下看人的眼睛,以及整个身体都表达着精神上的停滞——思维懈怠。 —

He looked as though it did not matter to him in the least whether the light were burning before him or not, whether the wine were nice or nasty, and whether the accounts he was checking were correct or not. —
他看上去似乎毫不在乎眼前的灯是否亮着,酒是否好喝,以及他所核对的账目是否正确。 —

… And on his intelligent, calm face I read: —
… 在他聪明、冷静的脸上我读到: —

“I don’t see so far any good in definite work, a secure living, and a settled outlook. —
“我还没看到有什么好处可以从有确定的工作,安定的生活和稳定的前景中得到。 —

It’s all nonsense. I was in Petersburg, now I am sitting here in this hut, in the autumn I shall go back to Petersburg, then in the spring here again. —
这都是废话。我曾在圣彼得堡,现在在这个茅屋里坐着,秋天回圣彼得堡,春天再回这里。 —

… What sense there is in all that I don’t know, and no one knows. . —
… 这一切到底有什么意义,我不知道,也没有人知道。 —

. . And so it’s no use talking about it… .”
. . 所以谈论这些毫无意义。

He listened to the engineer without interest, with the condescending indifference with which cadets in the senior classes listen to an effusive and good-natured old attendant. —
他无聊地听着工程师,带着一种居高临下的冷漠,就像高年级的学生听待己情颇佳的老服务员一样。 —

It seemed as though there were nothing new to him in what the engineer said, and that if he had not himself been too lazy to talk, he would have said something newer and cleverer. —
看来,工程师说的对他来说都不新鲜,如果他自己不懒得说话,他本可以说出更新更聪明的话。 —

Meanwhile Ananyev would not desist. He had by now laid aside his good-humoured, jocose tone and spoke seriously, even with a fervour which was quite out of keeping with his expression of calmness. —
与此同时,阿纳涅夫却不肯罢休。他已经放下了富有幽默和玩笑色彩的语气,开始严肃地说话,甚至有些激动,这与他平静的表情格格不入。 —

Apparently he had no distaste for abstract subjects, was fond of them, indeed, but had neither skill nor practice in the handling of them. —
显然,他并不厌恶抽象的话题,相反,他很喜欢,但他没有在处理这些话题上的技巧和经验。 —

And this lack of practice was so pronounced in his talk that I did not always grasp his meaning at once.

“I hate those ideas with all my heart!” he said, “I was infected by them myself in my youth, I have not quite got rid of them even now, and I tell you—perhaps because I am stupid and such thoughts were not the right food for my mind—they did me nothing but harm. —
“我全心全意地憎恨这些想法!”他说,“在年轻时我自己曾被它们感染,即使现在我还没有完全摆脱它们,我告诉你——也许是因为我愚蠢,这类思想对我的思想来说并不是正确的食粮——它们只给我带来害处。 —

That’s easy to understand! Thoughts of the aimlessness of life, of the insignificance and transitoriness of the visible world, Solomon’s ‘vanity of vanities’ have been, and are to this day, the highest and final stage in the realm of thought. —
这很容易理解!对生活的无目的性的想法,对可见世界的微不足道和转瞬即逝的想法,所罗门的“虚空的虚空”一直以来,一直到现在,一直都是思想领域的最高和最终阶段。 —

The thinker reaches that stage and—comes to a halt! There is nowhere further to go. —
思想家达到了那个阶段,并停了下来!再也没有进一步前行的地方。 —

The activity of the normal brain is completed with this, and that is natural and in the order of things. —
正常的大脑活动到此结束,这是自然的,符合事物的秩序。 —

Our misfortune is that we begin thinking at that end. What normal people end with we begin with. —
我们的不幸是我们从那一端开始思考。正常人以什么结束,我们却以什么开始。 —

From the first start, as soon as the brain begins working independently, we mount to the very topmost, final step and refuse to know anything about the steps below.”

“What harm is there in that?” said the student.

“But you must understand that it’s abnormal,” shouted Ananyev, looking at him almost wrathfully. —
“但你必须明白,这是不正常的!”阿纳涅夫几乎愤怒地看着他说。 —

“If we find means of mounting to the topmost step without the help of the lower ones, then the whole long ladder, that is the whole of life, with its colours, sounds, and thoughts, loses all meaning for us. —
“如果我们找到了不借助底层阶梯就登上最高阶梯的方法,那么整个长长的阶梯,也就是整个生命,其中的色彩、声音和思想,对我们来说都失去了意义。 —

That at your age such reflections are harmful and absurd, you can see from every step of your rational independent life. —
你们这个年纪对这类思考有害且荒谬,你可以从你们理性独立的生活中的每一个步骤中看到这一点。 —

Let us suppose you sit down this minute to read Darwin or Shakespeare, you have scarcely read a page before the poison shows itself; —
让我们假设你此刻坐下来阅读达尔文或莎士比亚,你还没读一页就开始体会到毒害; —

and your long life, and Shakespeare, and Darwin, seem to you nonsense, absurdity, because you know you will die, that Shakespeare and Darwin have died too, that their thoughts have not saved them, nor the earth, nor you, and that if life is deprived of meaning in that way, all science, poetry, and exalted thoughts seem only useless diversions, the idle playthings of grown up people; —
你的长寿、莎士比亚和达尔文对你来说都是胡说八道、荒谬的,因为你知道你会死去,莎士比亚和达尔文也死去了,他们的思想没有拯救他们,也没有拯救地球、也没有拯救你,生活如果失去了意义,那么所有的科学、诗歌和高尚的思想似乎只是无用的消遣,是成年人的玩物; —

and you leave off reading at the second page. —
你就在第二页停止阅读。 —

Now, let us suppose that people come to you as an intelligent man and ask your opinion about war, for instance: —
现在,让我们假设人们向你作为一个聪明人询问战争的看法,比如说: —

whether it is desirable, whether it is morally justifiable or not. —
它是否值得,是否在道义上是正当的。 —

In answer to that terrible question you merely shrug your shoulders and confine yourself to some commonplace, because for you, with your way of thinking, it makes absolutely no difference whether hundreds of thousands of people die a violent death, or a natural one: —
对于这个可怕的问题,你只是耸耸肩,局限于一些陈词滥调,因为对于你这样思考的人来说,成千上万的人死于暴力或自然都无关紧要: —

the results are the same—ashes and oblivion. You and I are building a railway line. —
结果都是一样—骨灰和遗忘。你和我正在修建一条铁路线。 —

What’s the use, one may ask, of our worrying our heads, inventing, rising above the hackneyed thing, feeling for the workmen, stealing or not stealing, when we know that this railway line will turn to dust within two thousand years, and so on, and so on. —
有人可能会问,我们为什么要费心痴心,发明东西,超越陈词滥调,为工人着想,偷或不偷,当我们知道这条铁路线将在两千年内化为灰烬,等等,等等。 —

… You must admit that with such a disastrous way of looking at things there can be no progress, no science, no art, nor even thought itself. —
… 你必须承认,以这种灾难性的眼光看待事物,进步、科学、艺术甚至思想本身都是不存在的。 —

We fancy that we are cleverer than the crowd, and than Shakespeare. —
我们自以为比群众和莎士比亚聪明。 —

In reality our thinking leads to nothing because we have no inclination to go down to the lower steps and there is nowhere higher to go, so our brain stands at the freezing point—neither up nor down; —
实际上,我们的思维导致没有任何结果,因为我们没有倾向往下走,也无处可去更高,所以我们的大脑处于冰点—无上无下; —

I was in bondage to these ideas for six years, and by all that is holy, I never read a sensible book all that time, did not gain a ha’porth of wisdom, and did not raise my moral standard an inch. —
我为这些想法束缚了六年,我可誓不读过一本明智的书,没有获得半点智慧,也没有提高我的道德标准一寸。 —

Was not that disastrous? Moreover, besides being corrupted ourselves, we bring poison into the lives of those surrounding us. —
那难道不是灾难性的吗?而且,除了腐化自己,我们还给周围的人带来毒害。 —

It would be all right if, with our pessimism, we renounced life, went to live in a cave, or made haste to die, but, as it is, in obedience to the universal law, we live, feel, love women, bring up children, construct railways!”

“Our thoughts make no one hot or cold,” the student said reluctantly.

“Ah! there you are again!—do stop it! You have not yet had a good sniff at life. —
“啊!你又来了!别再说了!你还没有好好体验过生活。” —

But when you have lived as long as I have you will know a thing or two! —
但是当你像我这样活了这么长时间,你就会了解一些事情! —

Our theory of life is not so innocent as you suppose. —
我们的生活理论并不像你所认为的那么天真。 —

In practical life, in contact with human beings, it leads to nothing but horrors and follies. —
在实际生活中,与人类接触,它只会导致种种恐怖和愚蠢。 —

It has been my lot to pass through experiences which I would not wish a wicked Tatar to endure.”

“For instance?” I asked.

“For instance?” repeated the engineer.

He thought a minute, smiled and said:

“For instance, take this example. More correctly, it is not an example, but a regular drama, with a plot and a dénouement. —
“比如,拿这个例子说吧。更确切地说,这不是一个例子,而是一个正剧,有情节和结局。 —

An excellent lesson! Ah, what a lesson!”

He poured out wine for himself and us, emptied his glass, stroked his broad chest with his open hands, and went on, addressing himself more to me than to the student.

“It was in the year 187—, soon after the war, and when I had just left the University. —
“那是在187年,战争结束后不久,我刚离开大学。 —

I was going to the Caucasus, and on the way stopped for five days in the seaside town of N. I must tell you that I was born and grew up in that town, and so there is nothing odd in my thinking N. extraordinarily snug, cosy, and beautiful, though for a man from Petersburg or Moscow, life in it would be as dreary and comfortless as in any Tchuhloma or Kashira. —
我要去高加索山脉,途中在N海滨小镇停留了五天。我必须告诉你们,我出生并长大在那个小镇,所以我认为N异常舒适、温馨和美丽,并不奇怪,但对于一个从彼得堡或莫斯科来的人来说,在那里的生活会像在任何一个Tchuhloma或Kashira一样令人郁闷和不舒服。 —

With melancholy I passed by the high school where I had been a pupil; —
我忧郁地路过曾经就读的中学; —

with melancholy I walked about the very familiar park, I made a melancholy attempt to get a nearer look at people I had not seen for a long time—all with the same melancholy.

“Among other things, I drove out one evening to the so-called Quarantine. —
“在其他事情之中,我一个晚上开车出发到所谓的检疫所。 —

It was a small mangy copse in which, at some forgotten time of plague, there really had been a quarantine station, and which was now the resort of summer visitors. —
这是一个小而破旧的丛林,在某个被遗忘的瘟疫时期,曾经是一处检疫站,现在成为夏季游客的胜地。 —

It was a drive of three miles from the town along a good soft road. —
从小镇出发沿着一条好走的软路程,需要驱车三英里。 —

As one drove along one saw on the left the blue sea, on the right the unending gloomy steppe; —
当人们沿途驾车时,左边是蔚蓝的海洋,右边是辽阔的阴郁的草原; —

there was plenty of air to breathe, and wide views for the eyes to rest on. —
空气新鲜,眼睛可以得到开阔的景色。 —

The copse itself lay on the seashore. Dismissing my cabman, I went in at the familiar gates and first turned along an avenue leading to a little stone summer- house which I had been fond of in my childhood. —
丛林自身位于海岸边。我让车夫离开,走进了熟悉的栅栏门,首先沿着一条通往一个我童年喜欢的石头凉亭的林荫道。 —

In my opinion that round, heavy summer-house on its clumsy columns, which combined the romantic charm of an old tomb with the ungainliness of a Sobakevitch,* was the most poetical nook in the whole town. —
在我看来,那个圆形沉重的夏季凉亭,它笨拙的柱子结合了一个古老坟墓的浪漫魅力和一个索巴凯维奇的笨拙,是整个城镇最有诗意的一处角落。 —

It stood at the edge above the cliff, and from it there was a splendid view of the sea.

A character in Gogol’s Dead Souls.—Translator’s Note.

“I sat down on the seat, and, bending over the parapet, looked down. —
“我坐在长椅上,俯身趴在栏杆上,向下望去。 —

A path ran from the summer-house along the steep, almost overhanging cliff, between the lumps of clay and tussocks of burdock. —
一条小路从凉亭沿着陡峭的几乎悬崖的路线直达海滩,沿途遍布块状的黏土和牛蒡的荛草。 —

Where it ended, far below on the sandy shore, low waves were languidly foaming and softly purring. —
它尽头的远处,低垂的波浪在沙滩上缓缓泛起,柔和地打着犹如猫的呼噜声。 —

The sea was as majestic, as infinite, and as forbidding as seven years before when I left the high school and went from my native town to the capital; —
大海像七年前我从中学离开故乡去首都时一样雄伟、无垠又令人敬畏; —

in the distance there was a dark streak of smoke—a steamer was passing—and except for this hardly visible and motionless streak and the sea-swallows that flitted over the water, there was nothing to give life to the monotonous view of sea and sky. —
远处有一抹黑烟——一艘轮船经过——除了这条难以察觉且静止的烟柱和翻飞在水面上的海燕,这单调的海景和天空中没有别的生命。 —

To right and left of the summer-house stretched uneven clay cliffs.

“You know that when a man in a melancholy mood is left tête-à -tête with the sea, or any landscape which seems to him grandiose, there is always, for some reason, mixed with melancholy, a conviction that he will live and die in obscurity, and he reflectively snatches up a pencil and hastens to write his name on the first thing that comes handy. —
“你知道,当一个人心情沉郁时与大海或任何对他而言宏大的风景单独在一起,总会在悲伤中夹杂着一种他将默默无闻地生活和死去的信念,他反省地抓起一支铅笔,匆匆在随手可得的第一件物品上写下自己的名字。 —

And that, I suppose, is why all convenient solitary nooks like my summer- house are always scrawled over in pencil or carved with penknives. —
我想这就是为什么像我的夏季小屋这样方便的独处角落总是被用铅笔涂鸦或用水果刀雕刻。 —

I remember as though it were to-day; looking at the parapet I read: —
我依然记得如今天般清晰;我看着栏杆上写着: —

‘Ivan Korolkov, May 16, 1876.’ Beside Korolkov some local dreamer had scribbled freely, adding:

“‘He stood on the desolate ocean’s strand, While his soul was filled with imaginings grand.’

And his handwriting was dreamy, limp like wet silk. —
他的字迹如梦幻,软绵绵的,像湿丝绸。 —

An individual called Kross, probably an insignificant, little man, felt his unimportance so deeply that he gave full licence to his penknife and carved his name in deep letters an inch high. —
一个名为克洛斯的个体,可能是一个微不足道的小人物,感受到了自己的微不足道,深深地用水果刀刻下了自己的名字。 —

I took a pencil out of my pocket mechanically, and I too scribbled on one of the columns. —
我机械地从口袋里取出一支铅笔,也在其中的一根柱子上涂鸦。 —

All that is irrelevant, however… You must forgive me—I don’t know how to tell a story briefly.
然而,这些都不相关… 请原谅我——我不知道怎么以简洁方式讲述一个故事。

“I was sad and a little bored. Boredom, the stillness, and the purring of the sea gradually brought me to the line of thought we have been discussing. —
“我感到悲伤,有点无聊。无聊、寂静和海的咕噜声慢慢地让我陷入了我们正在讨论的思考。 —

At that period, towards the end of the ‘seventies, it had begun to be fashionable with the public, and later, at the beginning of the ‘eighties, it gradually passed from the general public into literature, science, and politics. —
那个时期,在’七十年代末,公众开始流行,后来,在’八十年代初,逐渐从大众流行进入文学、科学和政治领域。 —

I was no more than twenty-six at the time, but I knew perfectly well that life was aimless and had no meaning, that everything was a deception and an illusion, that in its essential nature and results a life of penal servitude in Sahalin was not in any way different from a life spent in Nice, that the difference between the brain of a Kant and the brain of a fly was of no real significance, that no one in this world is righteous or guilty, that everything was stuff and nonsense and damn it all! —
当时我只有26岁,但我很清楚生活是无目的的,没有意义的,一切都是欺骗和幻觉,萨哈林的劳改生活本质上和结果上与在尼斯度过的生活没有任何不同,康德的大脑和苍蝇的大脑之间的差异并不真正重要,这个世界上没有人是正义的或有罪的,一切都是废话,该死! —

I lived as though I were doing a favour to some unseen power which compelled me to live, and to which I seemed to say: —
我活得仿佛是在向某种看不见的力量讨好,这种力量迫使我活着,而我似乎在告诉它: —

‘Look, I don’t care a straw for life, but I am living! —
‘看吧,我对生活毫不在乎,但我还是在活着! —

’ I thought on one definite line, but in all sorts of keys, and in that respect I was like the subtle gourmand who could prepare a hundred appetising dishes from nothing but potatoes. —
’ 我的思想沿着一个明确的方向,但在各种各样的键上,而在这方面,我就像一个精细的美食家,可以用土豆烹制出一百种可口的菜。 —

There is no doubt that I was one-sided and even to some extent narrow, but I fancied at the time that my intellectual horizon had neither beginning nor end, and that my thought was as boundless as the sea. —
毫无疑问,我当时是片面的,甚至在某种程度上狭隘,但我当时自以为我的思维视野既没有开始也没有结束,我的思想像海洋一样无边无际。 —

Well, as far as I can judge by myself, the philosophy of which we are speaking has something alluring, narcotic in its nature, like tobacco or morphia. —
好吧,就我个人的判断来看,我们所谈论的哲学具有一种迷人、麻醉的性质,就像烟草或吗啡一样。 —

It becomes a habit, a craving. You take advantage of every minute of solitude to gloat over thoughts of the aimlessness of life and the darkness of the grave. —
这变成了一种习惯,一种渴望。你利用每一分钟的独处来沉湎于生活无目的和坟墓黑暗的思想中。 —

While I was sitting in the summer-house, Greek children with long noses were decorously walking about the avenues. —
当我坐在凉亭里时,希腊的长鼻子孩子们在林荫道上体面地走来走去。 —

I took advantage of the occasion and, looking at them, began reflecting in this style:

“‘Why are these children born, and what are they living for? —
“为什么这些孩子出生,他们活着是为了什么? —

Is there any sort of meaning in their existence? They grow up, without themselves knowing what for; —
他们的存在有什么意义吗?他们成长,自己不知道为了什么; —

they will live in this God-forsaken, comfortless hole for no sort of reason, and then they will die… .’

“And I actually felt vexed with those children because they were walking about decorously and talking with dignity, as though they did not hold their little colourless lives so cheap and knew what they were living for. —
“实际上,我感到恼火,因为这些孩子体面地走来走去,高谈阔论,好像他们并不觉得他们的那些毫无色彩的生活很廉价,又好像他们明白自己为了什么而活。” —

… I remember that far away at the end of an avenue three feminine figures came into sight. —
……我记得远远的林荫道尽头出现了三个女性身影。 —

Three young ladies, one in a pink dress, two in white, were walking arm-in-arm, talking and laughing. —
三位年轻女士,一位穿粉红色连衣裙,两位穿白色,手臂挽着手臂,谈笑风生。 —

Looking after them, I thought:

“‘It wouldn’t be bad to have an affair with some woman for a couple of days in this dull place.’

“I recalled by the way that it was three weeks since I had visited my Petersburg lady, and thought that a passing love affair would come in very appropriately for me just now. —
“顺便提一下,我记得我已经三个星期没去拜访我的圣彼得堡女士了,我想,一段匆匆流年的恋情现在正好适合我。” —

The young lady in white in the middle was rather younger and better looking than her companions, and judging by her manners and her laugh, she was a high-school girl in an upper form. —
中间那位穿白衣服的年轻女士比她的同伴年轻漂亮一些,从她的举止和笑容判断,她是一个上届高中生。 —

I looked, not without impure thoughts, at her bust, and at the same time reflected about her: —
我注视着她的胸部,不无淫念,并同时思考着她: —

‘She will be trained in music and manners, she will be married to some Greek—God help us! —
“她将接受音乐和礼仪的训练,她将嫁给某个希腊人—天啊保佑我们! —

—will lead a grey, stupid, comfortless life, will bring into the world a crowd of children without knowing why, and then will die. An absurd life!’

“I must say that as a rule I was a great hand at combining my lofty ideas with the lowest prose.

“Thoughts of the darkness of the grave did not prevent me from giving busts and legs their full due. —
“坟墓黑暗的想法并没有阻止我全面欣赏半身像和腿部。 —

Our dear Baron’s exalted ideas do not prevent him from going on Saturdays to Vukolovka on amatory expeditions. —
我们亲爱的男爵的高尚理念并没有阻止他在星期六去Vukolovka进行情爱探险。 —

To tell the honest truth, as far as I remember, my attitude to women was most insulting. —
老实说,就我记得,我对待女性的态度十分侮辱。 —

Now, when I think of that high-school girl, I blush for my thoughts then, but at the time my conscience was perfectly untroubled. —
现在我想起那个中学女孩,为我当时的想法感到羞愧,但那个时候我的良心完全无忧无虑。 —

I, the son of honourable parents, a Christian, who had received a superior education, not naturally wicked or stupid, felt not the slightest uneasiness when I paid women Blutgeld, as the Germans call it, or when I followed high-school girls with insulting looks. —
我,一个受过优良教育的基督徒,出身显赫的家庭,本性既不邪恶也不愚蠢,当我给女人付出“鲜血钱”,德国人所说的,或者用羞辱的眼神跟随中学女孩时,丝毫没有不安之感。 —

… The trouble is that youth makes its demands, and our philosophy has nothing in principle against those demands, whether they are good or whether they are loathsome. —
…麻烦在于青春有自己的要求,我们的哲学在原则上对这些要求并不反对,无论它们是好是恶。 —

One who knows that life is aimless and death inevitable is not interested in the struggle against nature or the conception of sin: —
一个知道人生无目的,死亡不可避免的人,对抗自然或罪恶观念并不感兴趣: —

whether you struggle or whether you don’t, you will die and rot just the same… . —
无论你奋斗与否,你最终都会死去并腐烂…。 —

Secondly, my friends, our philosophy instils even into very young people what is called reasonableness. —
其次,我的朋友们,我们的哲学甚至灌输给非常年轻的人所谓的理性。 —

The predominance of reason over the heart is simply overwhelming amongst us. —
理性在我们中间压倒一切,远超过了感情。 —

Direct feeling, inspiration—everything is choked by petty analysis. —
直接的感受、灵感—一切都被琐碎的分析窒息。 —

Where there is reasonableness there is coldness, and cold people—it’s no use to disguise it—know nothing of chastity. —
在理性存在的地方,存在冷漠,而冷漠的人—无需掩饰—对贞洁一无所知。 —

That virtue is only known to those who are warm, affectionate, and capable of love. —
只有那些热情、深情且有爱心的人才能了解美德。 —

Thirdly, our philosophy denies the significance of each individual personality. —
第三,我们的哲学否认个体人格的重要性。 —

It’s easy to see that if I deny the personality of some Natalya Stepanovna, it’s absolutely nothing to me whether she is insulted or not. —
很容易看出,如果我否定了某个娜塔利娅·斯捷潘诺夫娜的个性,她是否受到侮辱对我根本无所谓。 —

To-day one insults her dignity as a human being and pays her Blutgeld, and next day thinks no more of her.

“So I sat in the summer-house and watched the young ladies. —
“于是我坐在凉亭里,看着年轻的女士们。 —

Another woman’s figure appeared in the avenue, with fair hair, her head uncovered and a white knitted shawl on her shoulders. —
另一个女人的身影出现在林荫道上,金发,头发散乱,肩上披着一条白色针织披肩。 —

She walked along the avenue, then came into the summer-house, and taking hold of the parapet, looked indifferently below and into the distance over the sea. —
她沿着林荫道走来,然后进入凉亭,抓住栏杆,漠视地朝下面和远处的海看去。 —

As she came in she paid no attention to me, as though she did not notice me. —
她进来时对我毫不在意,好像没注意到我一样。 —

I scrutinised her from foot to head (not from head to foot, as one scrutinises men) and found that she was young, not more than five-and- twenty, nice-looking, with a good figure, in all probability married and belonging to the class of respectable women. —
我从头到脚仔细审视了她(不像审视男人那样从头到脚),发现她年轻,不超过二十五岁,相貌端正,身材匀称,很可能已婚,属于体面妇女阶层。 —

She was dressed as though she were at home, but fashionably and with taste, as ladies are, as a rule, in N.

“‘This one would do nicely,’ I thought, looking at her handsome figure and her arms; —
“‘她会很合适的,’我心想,看着她端庄的身姿和双臂; —

‘she is all right… . She is probably the wife of some doctor or schoolmaster… .’

“But to make up to her—that is, to make her the heroine of one of those impromptu affairs to which tourists are so prone—was not easy and, indeed, hardly possible. —
“但要去取悦她——也就是说,让她成为游客们容易陷入的那种突发事件的女主角——并不容易,而且实际上几乎不可能。 —

I felt that as I gazed at her face. The way she looked, and the expression of her face, suggested that the sea, the smoke in the distance, and the sky had bored her long, long ago, and wearied her sight. —
我凝视她的脸时感到了这一点。她的眼神和表情让人感觉她早已对大海、远处的烟雾以及云层感到厌倦已久,并且疲倦了她的视线。 —

She seemed to be tired, bored, and thinking about something dreary, and her face had not even that fussy, affectedly indifferent expression which one sees in the face of almost every woman when she is conscious of the presence of an unknown man in her vicinity.

“The fair-haired lady took a bored and passing glance at me, sat down on a seat and sank into reverie, and from her face I saw that she had no thoughts for me, and that I, with my Petersburg appearance, did not arouse in her even simple curiosity. —
“那位金发的女士漫不经心地瞥了我一眼,坐在一张椅子上陷入沉思,从她的脸上我看到她对我毫无兴趣,而我这个像彼得堡人的外表并没有引起她哪怕简单的好奇心。” —

But yet I made up my mind to speak to her, and asked: —
但我还是决定和她说话,问道: —

‘Madam, allow me to ask you at what time do the waggonettes go from here to the town?’

“‘At ten or eleven, I believe… .’”

“I thanked her. She glanced at me once or twice, and suddenly there was a gleam of curiosity, then of something like wonder on her passionless face. —
“我谢过她。她偶尔看了看我,突然在她那冷漠的脸上闪过一丝好奇,然后有点像惊讶。 —

… I made haste to assume an indifferent expression and to fall into a suitable attitude; —
我赶紧装作毫不在意的样子,摆出一副适当的姿态; —

she was catching on! She suddenly jumped up from the seat, as though something had bitten her, and examining me hurriedly, with a gentle smile, asked timidly:

“‘Oh, aren’t you Ananyev?’

“‘Yes, I am Ananyev,’ I answered.

“‘And don’t you recognise me? No?’

“I was a little confused. I looked intently at her, and—would you believe it? —
“我有些困惑。我仔细地看着她,你相信吗? —

—I recognised her not from her face nor her figure, but from her gentle, weary smile. —
—我认出她不是因为她的面容或身材,而是因为她那温柔疲倦的微笑。 —

It was Natalya Stepanovna, or, as she was called, Kisotchka, the very girl I had been head over ears in love with seven or eight years before, when I was wearing the uniform of a high- school boy. —
这就是纳塔利娅·斯捯潘诺夫娜,或者如人称她的那样,基艾索奇卡,七八年前我曾经深深爱上过的那个女孩,当时我还是一个穿着高中生制服的男孩。 —

The doings of far, vanished days, the days of long ago… . —
遥远已逝的日子的事情,往昔的时光……。 —

I remember this Kisotchka, a thin little high-school girl of fifteen or sixteen, when she was something just for a schoolboy’s taste, created by nature especially for Platonic love. —
我记得这位基艾索奇卡,一个十五六岁的苗条高中女生,当时她正是给一名中学男孩特别设计的那种东西,专门用来表现柏拉图式的爱情。 —

What a charming little girl she was! Pale, fragile, light—she looked as though a breath would send her flying like a feather to the skies—a gentle, perplexed face, little hands, soft long hair to her belt, a waist as thin as a wasp’s—altogether something ethereal, transparent like moonlight—in fact, from the point of view of a high-school boy a peerless beauty. —
她是多么迷人的小姑娘啊!苍白、纤弱、轻盈—仿佛一口气就能把她像羽毛一样轻盈地送往天空—柔和的迷惑脸庞,小巧的手,长长的软发直垂至腰间,腰细如黄蜂—总体仿佛是某种超凡脱俗的美丽,透明如月光—事实上,在一个高中男孩眼中无与伦比的美。 —

… Wasn’t I in love with her! I did not sleep at night. I wrote verses… . —
我是否爱上了她!我晚上都睡不着。我写了诗…… —

Sometimes in the evenings she would sit on a seat in the park while we schoolboys crowded round her, gazing reverently; —
有时,在傍晚,她会坐在公园的长椅上,我们这些学生围在她周围,虔诚地凝视着她; —

in response to our compliments, our sighing, and attitudinising, she would shrink nervously from the evening damp, screw up her eyes, and smile gently, and at such times she was awfully like a pretty little kitten. —
对于我们的恭维、叹息和装腔作势,她会因傍晚的潮湿而紧张地缩起眼睛,柔和地微笑,这时她非常像一只可爱的小猫咪。 —

As we gazed at her every one of us had a desire to caress her and stroke her like a cat, hence her nickname of Kisotchka.

“In the course of the seven or eight years since we had met, Kisotchka had greatly changed. —
“自从我们相识七八年以来,Kisotchka已经发生了很大变化。 —

She had grown more robust and stouter, and had quite lost the resemblance to a soft, fluffy kitten. —
她变得更加健壮和肥壮,不再像柔软、蓬松的小猫。 —

It was not that her features looked old or faded, but they had somehow lost their brilliance and looked sterner, her hair seemed shorter, she looked taller, and her shoulders were quite twice as broad, and what was most striking, there was already in her face the expression of motherliness and resignation commonly seen in respectable women of her age, and this, of course, I had never seen in her before. —
并非她的面容显得老去或黯淡,而是在某种程度上失去了亮丽,看起来更为严肃,头发似乎变短了,身高长高了,肩膀也宽了一倍,最引人注目的是,她的脸上已经带有了母爱和顺从的表情,在她这个年龄段的体面妇女中常见,而这,当然是我以前从未在她身上见到过的。 —

… In short, of the school-girlish and the Platonic her face had kept the gentle smile and nothing more… .

“We got into conversation. Learning that I was already an engineer, Kisotchka was immensely delighted.

“‘How good that is!’ she said, looking joyfully into my face. ‘Ah, how good! —
“‘这是多么好啊!’她兴高采烈地看着我的脸说。‘啊,这是多么好!” —

And how splendid you all are! Of all who left with you, not one has been a failure—they have all turned out well. —
“你们都是多么出色啊!你们当初一起离开时,没有一个失败——他们都做得很好。 —

One an engineer, another a doctor, a third a teacher, another, they say, is a celebrated singer in Petersburg. —
一个成了工程师,另一个成了医生,还有一个成了教师,据说另一个在圣彼得堡是一位著名的歌手。 —

… You are all splendid, all of you… . —
你们都很出色,所有的人……’ —

Ah, how good that is!’

“Kisotchka’s eyes shone with genuine goodwill and gladness. —
基索奇嘉的眼睛闪烁着真诚的善意和喜悦。 —

She was admiring me like an elder sister or a former governess. —
她像姐姐或前家庭教师一样赞赏着我。 —

‘While I looked at her sweet face and thought, It wouldn’t be bad to get hold of her to- day!’

“‘Do you remember, Natalya Stepanovna,’ I asked her, ‘how I once brought you in the park a bouquet with a note in it? —
“‘纳塔利娅·斯捷潘诺芙娜,你还记得吗,我曾经在公园给你送过一束花和一张纸条吗? —

You read my note, and such a look of bewilderment came into your face… .’

“‘No, I don’t remember that,’ she said, laughing. —
“‘不,我不记得了。’她笑着说。 —

‘But I remember how you wanted to challenge Florens to a duel over me… .’

“‘Well, would you believe it, I don’t remember that… .’

“‘Well, that’s all over and done with …’ sighed Kisotchka. —
“‘噢,那些都已经过去了……’ 基索奇嘉叹了口气。 —

‘At one time I was your idol, and now it is my turn to look up to all of you… .’

“From further conversation I learned that two years after leaving the high school, Kisotchka had been married to a resident in the town who was half Greek, half Russian, had a post either in the bank or in the insurance society, and also carried on a trade in corn. —
“从后来的谈话中我得知,基索奇嘉离开高中两年后嫁给了一个城里的居民,他一半是希腊人一半是俄罗斯人,在银行或保险公司有职务,还经营着粮食贸易。 —

He had a strange surname, something in the style of Populaki or Skarandopulo… . —
他有一个奇怪的姓氏,类似波普拉基或斯卡兰多普洛……” —

Goodness only knows—I have forgotten… . —
唉,天哪——我忘记了…… —

As a matter of fact, Kisotchka spoke little and with reluctance about herself. —
事实上,基索奇嘉很少很不情愿地谈论自己。 —

The conversation was only about me. She asked me about the College of Engineering, about my comrades, about Petersburg, about my plans, and everything I said moved her to eager delight and exclamations of, ‘Oh, how good that is!’

“We went down to the sea and walked over the sands; —
我们走到了海边,漫步在沙滩上; —

then when the night air began to blow chill and damp from the sea we climbed up again. —
当夜晚的海风开始变得潮湿和冷冷时,我们又爬了上去; —

All the while our talk was of me and of the past. —
在这段时间我们一直在谈论我和过去; —

We walked about until the reflection of the sunset had died away from the windows of the summer villas.

“‘Come in and have some tea,’ Kisotchka suggested. —
“‘进来喝点茶吧,’” Kisotchka建议道; —

‘The samovar must have been on the table long ago… . —
“‘茶炊估计早就摆在桌子上了。… ; —

I am alone at home,’ she said, as her villa came into sight through the green of the acacias. —
“她说着,当她的别墅透过阿卡西亚树的绿叶出现在眼前时; —

‘My husband is always in the town and only comes home at night, and not always then, and I must own that I am so dull that it’s simply deadly.’
“‘我一个人在家,’” 她说,’ 我丈夫总是在镇上,晚上才回家,有时甚至连那个时候都不回,我必须承认我感到无比无聊。’”

“I followed her in, admiring her back and shoulders. I was glad that she was married. —
“‘我跟在她后面走进屋里,欣赏着她的背部和肩膀。我很高兴她已经结婚。’” —

Married women are better material for temporary love affairs than girls. —
“已婚妇女比女孩更适合进行临时情感关系。’” —

I was also pleased that her husband was not at home. —
“我也很高兴她丈夫不在家。’” —

At the same time I felt that the affair would not come off… .

“We went into the house. The rooms were smallish and had low ceilings, and the furniture was typical of the summer villa (Russians like having at their summer villas uncomfortable heavy, dingy furniture which they are sorry to throw away and have nowhere to put), but from certain details I could observe that Kisotchka and her husband were not badly off, and must be spending five or six thousand roubles a year. —
“‘我们走进了房子。房间不大,天花板低矮,家具典型的夏季别墅风格(俄罗斯人喜欢在夏季别墅放上他们舍不得丢弃又无处安放的沉重暗沉的家具),但从某些细节上我可以观察到Kisotchka和她丈夫的境况不错,必须每年花费五六千卢布。’” —

I remember that in the middle of the room which Kisotchka called the dining-room there was a round table, supported for some reason on six legs, and on it a samovar and cups. —
“我记得在Kisotchka称之为餐厅的房间中间,有一张圆桌,出于某种原因支在六条腿上,桌上有一个茶炊和茶杯。’” —

At the edge of the table lay an open book, a pencil, and an exercise book. —
“在桌边有一本打开的书,一支铅笔,和一本练习本。’” —

I glanced at the book and recognised it as ‘Malinin and Burenin’s Arithmetical Examples. —
我瞥了一眼那本书,认出它是《马林尼和布伦尼的算术例题》。 —

’ It was open, as I now remember, at the ‘Rules of Compound Interest.’

“‘To whom are you giving lessons?’ I asked Kisotchka.

“‘Nobody,’ she answered. ‘I am just doing some… . —
“‘没人,’她回答道。‘我只是做一些……’ —

I have nothing to do, and am so bored that I think of the old days and do sums.’

“‘Have you any children?’

“‘I had a baby boy, but he only lived a week.’

“We began drinking tea. Admiring me, Kisotchka said again how good it was that I was an engineer, and how glad she was of my success. —
“我们开始喝茶。Kisotchka称赞我,再次说我成为工程师是多么的好,对此我也很高兴。 —

And the more she talked and the more genuinely she smiled, the stronger was my conviction that I should go away without having gained my object. —
而她说得越多,微笑得越真诚,我越确信自己要离开时并未达到我的目的。 —

I was a connoisseur in love affairs in those days, and could accurately gauge my chances of success. You can boldly reckon on success if you are tracking down a fool or a woman as much on the look out for new experiences and sensations as yourself, or an adventuress to whom you are a stranger. —
当时我是个情感专家,可以准确评估我成功的机会。如果你追求的是一个傻瓜或一位像你一样渴望新体验和感受的女人,或者是一个你所不熟悉的冒险家,那你可以大胆期待成功。 —

If you come across a sensible and serious woman, whose face has an expression of weary submission and goodwill, who is genuinely delighted at your presence, and, above all, respects you, you may as well turn back. —
如果你碰到一个明智而认真的女性,脸上带着一种疲惫顺从和善意的表情,对你的出现感到真诚高兴,并且最重要的是尊重你,那么你最好掉头离开。 —

To succeed in that case needs longer than one day.

“And by evening light Kisotchka seemed even more charming than by day. —
“到了傍晚,Kisotchka看起来比白天更迷人。 —

She attracted me more and more, and apparently she liked me too, and the surroundings were most appropriate: —
她越来越吸引我,显然她也喜欢我,周围的环境最适合不过了: —

the husband not at home, no servants visible, stillness around… . —
丈夫不在家,看不到仆人,周围一片寂静…… —

Though I had little confidence in success, I made up my mind to begin the attack anyway. —
虽然我对成功的信心不足,但我还是决定开始进攻。 —

First of all it was necessary to get into a familiar tone and to change Kisotchka’s lyrically earnest mood into a more frivolous one.

“‘Let us change the conversation, Natalya Stepanovna,’ I began. —
“‘我们换个话题,Natalya Stepanovna,’我开始说。 —

‘Let us talk of something amusing. First of all, allow me, for the sake of old times, to call you Kisotchka.’

“She allowed me.

“‘Tell me, please, Kisotchka,’ I went on, ‘what is the matter with all the fair sex here. —
“‘告诉我,Kisotchka,’我接着说,‘这里的所有女性怎么了? —

What has happened to them? In old days they were all so moral and virtuous, and now, upon my word, if one asks about anyone, one is told such things that one is quite shocked at human nature. —
他们怎么了?从前她们都是那么道德和贞洁,而现在,天哪,如果有人问起任何人,会被告知一些让人对人性感到震惊的事。 —

… One young lady has eloped with an officer; —
… 一个年轻女士和一个军官私奔了; —

another has run away and carried off a high-school boy with her; —
另一个私奔并带走了一个高中男生; —

another—a married woman—has run away from her husband with an actor; —
另一个——一个已婚妇女——和一个演员私奔了; —

a fourth has left her husband and gone off with an officer, and so on and so on. —
第四个离开丈夫和一个军官跑了,等等。 —

It’s a regular epidemic! If it goes on like this there won’t be a girl or a young woman left in your town!’

“I spoke in a vulgar, playful tone. If Kisotchka had laughed in response I should have gone on in this style: —
“我用粗俗、调侃的口吻说话。如果Kisotchka笑了,我会继续这样说: —

‘You had better look out, Kisotchka, or some officer or actor will be carrying you off! —
‘你最好小心,Kisotchka,否则会有军官或演员把你带走! —

’ She would have dropped her eyes and said: ‘As though anyone would care to carry me off; —
’ 她会垂下眼睛说:‘似乎没人在乎带走我;’ —

there are plenty younger and better looking … .’ And I should have said: —
有很多更年轻,更漂亮的人。… .’而我应该说: —

‘Nonsense, Kisotchka—I for one should be delighted! —
‘胡说八道,Kisotchka——我一个人会很高兴的! —

’ And so on in that style, and it would all have gone swimmingly. —
’等等,就是那种风格,一切都会顺利进行。 —

But Kisotchka did not laugh in response; —
但Kisotchka并没有笑着回答; —

on the contrary, she looked grave and sighed.

“‘All you have been told is true,’ she said. —
“‘所有告诉你的都是真的,’她说。 —

‘My cousin Sonya ran away from her husband with an actor. Of course, it is wrong… . —
‘我的表妹Sonya和一个演员私奔了。当然,这是错误的… . —

Everyone ought to bear the lot that fate has laid on him, but I do not condemn them or blame them. —
每个人都应该承担命运给他的一切,但我不谴责他们或责备他们。 —

… Circumstances are sometimes too strong for anyone!’

“‘That is so, Kisotchka, but what circumstances can produce a regular epidemic?’

“‘It’s very simple and easy to understand,’ replied Kisotchka, raising her eyebrows. —
“‘这很简单,很容易理解,’ Kisotchka回答,挑挑眉。 —

‘There is absolutely nothing for us educated girls and women to do with ourselves. —
‘对我们这些受过教育的女孩和妇女来说根本没什么事可做。 —

Not everyone is able to go to the University, to become a teacher, to live for ideas, in fact, as men do. —
不是每个人都能上大学,成为一名老师,为理想而活,实际上,就像男人那样。 —

They have to be married… . And whom would you have them marry? —
他们必须结婚… .那你希望她们嫁给谁? —

You boys leave the high-school and go away to the University, never to return to your native town again, and you marry in Petersburg or Moscow, while the girls remain. —
你们男孩们从中学毕业就去了大学,永远不再回到家乡,而你们在圣彼得堡或莫斯科结婚,而女孩们留下了。 —

… To whom are they to be married? Why, in the absence of decent cultured men, goodness knows what sort of men they marry—stockbrokers and such people of all kinds, who can do nothing but drink and get into rows at the club. —
… 他们要嫁给谁呢?在没有体面有教养的男人的情况下,天知道她们会嫁给什么样的人—股票经纪人和各种各样的人,他们除了喝酒和在俱乐部闹事什么也做不了。 —

… A girl married like that, at random… . And what is her life like afterwards? —
… 一位女孩这样随便结婚了… . 之后她的生活是怎样的? —

You can understand: a well-educated, cultured woman is living with a stupid, boorish man; —
你可以理解:一个受过良好教育有文化的女人和一个愚蠢粗鲁的男人生活在一起; —

if she meets a cultivated man, an officer, an actor, or a doctor—well, she gets to love him, her life becomes unbearable to her, and she runs away from her husband. —
如果她遇到一个有教养的男人,一个军官,一个演员或一个医生—嗯,她就会爱上他,她的生活对她来说将无法忍受,她就会从她的丈夫那里逃走。 —

And one can’t condemn her!’

“‘If that is so, Kisotchka, why get married?’ I asked.

“‘Yes, of course,’ said Kisotchka with a sigh, ‘but you know every girl fancies that any husband is better than nothing. —
“‘是的,当然,’Kisotchka叹了口气说,‘但你知道每个女孩都觉得任何丈夫都比没有强。 —

… Altogether life is horrid here, Nikolay Anastasyevitch, very horrid! —
… 总的来说,生活在这里太可怕了,Nikolay Anastasyevitch,非常可怕! —

Life is stifling for a girl and stifling when one is married… . —
对一个女孩来说,对一个已婚的人来说,生活是令人窒息的… . —

Here they laugh at Sonya for having run away from her husband, but if they could see into her soul they would not laugh… .’”
在这里,他们嘲笑Sonya因为逃离了丈夫,但如果他们能看透她的内心,他们就不会笑了… . ’”

Azorka began barking outside again. He growled angrily at some one, then howled miserably and dashed with all his force against the wall of the hut. —
Azorka再次在外面狂吠。他愤怒地对某人嚎叫,然后绝望地站起来,全力撞向小屋的墙壁。 —

… Ananyev’s face was puckered with pity; he broke off his story and went out. —
… Ananyev的脸上充满了怜悯之情;他中断了他的故事,走了出去。 —

For two minutes he could be heard outside comforting his dog. —
两分钟后,可以听到他在外面安慰他的狗。 —

“Good dog! poor dog!”

“Our Nikolay Anastasyevitch is fond of talking,” said Von Schtenberg, laughing. —
“我们的Nikolay Anastasyevitch喜欢说话,”Von Schtenberg笑着说。 —

“He is a good fellow,” he added after a brief silence.

Returning to the hut, the engineer filled up our glasses and, smiling and stroking his chest, went on:

“And so my attack was unsuccessful. There was nothing for it, I put off my unclean thoughts to a more favourable occasion, resigned myself to my failure and, as the saying is, waved my hand. —
“所以我的攻击失败了。我别无选择,只能把那些污秽的念头留到一个更有利的时机,接受了我的失败,并且顺势放手。 —

What is more, under the influence of Kisotchka’s voice, the evening air, and the stillness, I gradually myself fell into a quiet sentimental mood. —
而且,在Kisotchka的声音、傍晚的空气和宁静的环境的影响下,我渐渐陷入了一种安静的感伤情绪之中。 —

I remember I sat in an easy chair by the wide-open window and glanced at the trees and darkened sky. The outlines of the acacias and the lime trees were just the same as they had been eight years before; —
我记得我坐在开着的宽敞窗户旁的躺椅上,看着树木和渐渐变暗的天空。亚洲梧桐树和菩提树的轮廓与八年前完全一样; —

just as then, in the days of my childhood, somewhere far away there was the tinkling of a wretched piano, and the public had just the same habit of sauntering to and fro along the avenues, but the people were not the same. —
像八年前我的童年时期那样,远处传来了一架破旧钢琴的叮当声,人们正像以前一样在林荫道上闲逛,但人们已经不同了。 —

Along the avenues there walked now not my comrades and I and the object of my adoration, but schoolboys and young ladies who were strangers. —
林荫道上行走的现在不是我和我的同伴以及我心爱的对象,而是一些陌生的中学生和年轻女士。 —

And I felt melancholy. When to my inquiries about acquaintances I five times received from Kisotchka the answer, ‘He is dead,’ my melancholy changed into the feeling one has at the funeral service of a good man. —
我感到了忧郁。当我向Kisotchka查询熟人时,五次听到“他已经死了”这样的回答时,我的忧郁转变为参加一个好人的葬礼时的感觉。 —

And sitting there at the window, looking at the promenading public and listening to the tinkling piano, I saw with my own eyes for the first time in my life with what eagerness one generation hastens to replace another, and what a momentous significance even some seven or eight years may have in a man’s life!

“Kisotchka put a bottle of red wine on the table. —
“Kisotchka在桌子上放了一瓶红酒。 —

I drank it off, grew sentimental, and began telling a long story about something or other. —
我一口喝光了,变得感伤起来,开始讲述一段关于某事的漫长故事。 —

Kisotchka listened as before, admiring me and my cleverness. And time passed. —
Kisotchka像以前一样倾听着,赞美着我和我的聪明才智。时间悄然流逝。 —

The sky was by now so dark that the outlines of the acacias and lime trees melted into one, the public was no longer walking up and down the avenues, the piano was silent and the only sound was the even murmur of the sea.

“Young people are all alike. Be friendly to a young man, make much of him, regale him with wine, let him understand that he is attractive and he will sit on and on, forget that it is time to go, and talk and talk and talk. —
“年轻人都一样。对一个年轻人友善,善待他,用酒招待他,让他明白他是吸引人的,他会一直坐下去,忘记是离开的时候了,滔滔不绝地谈话。 —

… His hosts cannot keep their eyes open, it’s past their bedtime, and he still stays and talks. —
… 他的主人们早已困得睁不开眼睛,已经过了他们的就寝时间,他依然坐在那里谈个不停。 —

That was what I did. Once I chanced to look at the clock; —
这就是我做的。一次我碰巧看了一眼钟; —

it was half-past ten. I began saying good- bye.

“‘Have another glass before your walk,’ said Kisotchka.
“‘在你散步前再喝一杯吧,’ Kisotchka 说。

“I took another glass, again I began talking at length, forgot it was time to go, and sat down. —
“我又喝了一杯,又开始长篇大论,忘记了该走的时间,坐了下来。 —

Then there came the sound of men’s voices, footsteps and the clank of spurs.

“‘I think my husband has come in … .’ said Kisotchka listening.
“‘我想是我丈夫回来了……’ Kisotchka 侧耳倾听。

“The door creaked, two voices came now from the passage and I saw two men pass the door that led into the dining-room: —
“门吱呀一声响,两个声音现在从走廊传来,我看见两个人从通往饭厅的门口经过: —

one a stout, solid, dark man with a hooked nose, wearing a straw hat, and the other a young officer in a white tunic. —
一个是一个中等身材、结实、黑色皮肤、带着一顶草帽的男人,另一个是一名穿着白上衣的年轻军官。 —

As they passed the door they both glanced casually and indifferently at Kisotchka and me, and I fancied both of them were drunk.
当他们经过门口时,两人都漫不经心地看了 Kisotchka 和我一眼,我觉得他们两个都喝醉了。

“‘She told you a lie then, and you believed her! —
“‘然后她对你说了个谎,你居然信了她! —

’ we heard a loud voice with a marked nasal twang say a minute later. —
’ 一分钟后我们听到一个带有明显鼻音的大声说。 —

‘To begin with, it wasn’t at the big club but at the little one.’

“‘You are angry, Jupiter, so you are wrong … . —
“‘你生气了,朱庇特,所以你错了…… —

’ said another voice, obviously the officer’s, laughing and coughing. —
’ 另一个声音,显然是军官的,笑着说并咳嗽着。 —

‘I say, can I stay the night? Tell me honestly, shall I be in your way?’

“‘What a question! Not only you can, but you must. What will you have, beer or wine?’

“They were sitting two rooms away from us, talking loudly, and apparently feeling no interest in Kisotchka or her visitor. —
“他们坐在离我们两间屋子之外,大声谈话,显然对Kisotchka或她的访客没有兴趣。 —

A perceptible change came over Kisotchka on her husband’s arrival. —
Kisotchka的丈夫到来时,她的表情发生了明显的变化。 —

At first she flushed red, then her face wore a timid, guilty expression; —
起初她脸红,然后脸上露出胆怯、内疚的表情; —

she seemed to be troubled by some anxiety, and I began to fancy that she was ashamed to show me her husband and wanted me to go.

“I began taking leave. Kisotchka saw me to the front door. —
“我开始告别。Kisotchka陪我到前门。 —

I remember well her gentle mournful smile and kind patient eyes as she pressed my hand and said:

“‘Most likely we shall never see each other again. —
“‘我们很可能再也不会见面了。 —

Well, God give you every blessing. Thank you!’

“Not one sigh, not one fine phrase. As she said good-bye she was holding the candle in her hand; —
“没有一声叹息,没有一句华丽的辞藻。她说再见时手里拿着蜡烛; —

patches of light danced over her face and neck, as though chasing her mournful smile. —
光斑在她的脸和颈上跳动,仿佛在追逐她悲伤的微笑。 —

I pictured to myself the old Kisotchka whom one used to want to stroke like a cat, I looked intently at the present Kisotchka, and for some reason recalled her words: —
我想象着以前那个人们想要像抚摸猫一样抚摸的老Kisotchka,我仔细地看着现在的Kisotchka,并且出于某种原因想起了她的话: —

‘Everyone ought to bear the lot that fate has laid on him.’ And I had a pang at my heart. —
“‘每个人都应该承受命运赐予他的命运。’我内心感到痛楚。 —

I instinctively guessed how it was, and my conscience whispered to me that I, in my happiness and indifference, was face to face with a good, warm-hearted, loving creature, who was broken by suffering.

“I said good-bye and went to the gate. By now it was quite dark. —
“我说了再见,走向了门口。此刻已经很黑了。 —

In the south the evenings draw in early in July and it gets dark rapidly. —
七月的南方晚上早早地昏暗下来,很快就变得漆黑。 —

Towards ten o’clock it is so dark that you can’t see an inch before your nose. —
到了十点钟,天黑得你连自己的鼻尖都看不见。 —

I lighted a couple of dozen matches before, almost groping, I found my way to the gate.

“‘Cab!’ I shouted, going out of the gate; —
“‘出租车!’我大声喊道,走出大门; —

not a sound, not a sigh in answer… . —
没有任何声音,没有回应的叹息…… —

‘Cab,’ I repeated, ‘hey, Cab!’

“But there was no cab of any description. The silence of the grave. —
“但是没有任何形式的出租车。坟墓般的寂静。 —

I could hear nothing but the murmur of the drowsy sea and the beating of my heart from the wine. —
我只能听到昏睡的海水声和我因为酒精而急剧跳动的心跳声。 —

Lifting my eyes to the sky I found not a single star. It was dark and sullen. —
抬头看天空,找不到一颗星星。乌云密布。 —

Evidently the sky was covered with clouds. —
显然天空被厚厚的云层覆盖。 —

For some reason I shrugged my shoulders, smiling foolishly, and once more, not quite so resolutely, shouted for a cab.

“The echo answered me. A walk of three miles across open country and in the pitch dark was not an agreeable prospect. —
“回声回答了我。穿过开阔乡野,黑漆漆的夜里走三英里的路程并不让人愉快。 —

Before making up my mind to walk, I spent a long time deliberating and shouting for a cab; —
在决定步行之前,我花了很长时间仔细考虑和喊出租车; —

then, shrugging my shoulders, I walked lazily back to the copse, with no definite object in my mind. It was dreadfully dark in the copse. —
然后,耸耸肩,懒洋洋地又回到了小树丛,心中没有明确的目标。树丛里极其黑暗。 —

Here and there between the trees the windows of the summer villas glowed a dull red. —
树木间有些别墅的窗户在发出暗淡的红光。 —

A raven, disturbed by my steps and the matches with which I lighted my way to the summer-house, flew from tree to tree and rustled among the leaves. —
乌鸦被我的脚步和我用火柴点亮去夏亭的路途所打扰,它从树上飞来飞去,在树叶间沙沙作响。 —

I felt vexed and ashamed, and the raven seemed to understand this, and croaked ‘krrra! —
我感到生气和羞愧,而乌鸦似乎明白了这点,并嘎嘎地叫了一声”嘎啊!” —

’ I was vexed that I had to walk, and ashamed that I had stayed on at Kisotchka’s, chatting like a boy.

“I made my way to the summer-house, felt for the seat and sat down. —
我找到夏亭的座位坐下来。 —

Far below me, behind a veil of thick darkness, the sea kept up a low angry growl. —
在我下面遥远的地方,被厚厚黑暗所遮掩着的海继续发出低沉的愤怒吼声。 —

I remember that, as though I were blind, I could see neither sky nor sea, nor even the summer-house in which I was sitting. —
我记得那时,就像我是盲人一样,我无法看见天空也看不见大海,甚至看不见我正在坐着的夏亭。 —

And it seemed to me as though the whole world consisted only of the thoughts that were straying through my head, dizzy from the wine, and of an unseen power murmuring monotonously somewhere below. —
而且对我来说,仿佛整个世界只存在于我脑中游荡的那些让我头晕目眩的思绪和某种看不见的力量单调地低语之中。 —

And afterwards, as I sank into a doze, it began to seem that it was not the sea murmuring, but my thoughts, and that the whole world consisted of nothing but me. —
后来,当我渐渐进入睡意,开始感觉不像是海在低语,而是我的思绪在低语,整个世界只是由我自己构成。 —

And concentrating the whole world in myself in this way, I thought no more of cabs, of the town, and of Kisotchka, and abandoned myself to the sensation I was so fond of: —
并且以这种方式将整个世界集中在我自己身上,我不再想着出租车、城市和Kisotchka,而是沉浸在我喜欢的那种感觉中: —

that is, the sensation of fearful isolation when you feel that in the whole universe, dark and formless, you alone exist. —
也就是,当你感觉自己在整个宇宙中,黑暗而无形的世界中,只有你一个人存在时,一种让人恐惧的孤立感。 —

It is a proud, demoniac sensation, only possible to Russians whose thoughts and sensations are as large, boundless, and gloomy as their plains, their forests, and their snow. —
这是一种骄傲、魔鬼般的感觉,只有俄国人才能拥有,他们的思想和感觉像他们的平原、森林和雪一样宽广、无边、阴郁。 —

If I had been an artist I should certainly have depicted the expression of a Russian’s face when he sits motionless and, with his legs under him and his head clasped in his hands, abandons himself to this sensation. —
如果我是一位艺术家,我肯定会描绘出一个俄国人坐着、双腿蜷缩、头埋在双手里、沉浸在这种感觉中时的表情。 —

… And together with this sensation come thoughts of the aimlessness of life, of death, and of the darkness of the grave. —
… 和这种感觉一起,会有对生命的无目的性、死亡和坟墓黑暗的思考。 —

… The thoughts are not worth a brass farthing, but the expression of face must be fine… .
… 这些想法不值得一文钱,但表情一定是很细腻的…

“While I was sitting and dozing, unable to bring myself to get up—I was warm and comfortable—all at once, against the even monotonous murmur of the sea, as though upon a canvas, sounds began to grow distinct which drew my attention from myself. —
“当我坐着打瞌睡,无法使自己起身时——我觉得很温暖舒适——突然,在大海的均匀单调的低语声中,一些声音开始变得清晰起来,吸引了我远离自己。” —

… Someone was coming hurriedly along the avenue. —
有人匆匆走来。 —

Reaching the summer-house this someone stopped, gave a sob like a little girl, and said in the voice of a weeping child: —
当这个人来到凉亭时停下来,像一个小女孩般啜泣,并用哭泣的声音说道: —

‘My God, when will it all end! Merciful Heavens!’

“Judging from the voice and the weeping I took it to be a little girl of ten or twelve. —
“从声音和哭泣声判断,我认为是一个十岁或十二岁的小女孩。 —

She walked irresolutely into the summer-house, sat down, and began half-praying, half-complaining aloud… .

“‘Merciful God!’ she said, crying, ‘it’s unbearable. It’s beyond all endurance! —
“‘上帝仁慈!’她哭着说,‘这是无法忍受的。这已经超出我的承受范围! —

I suffer in silence, but I want to live too… —
“我默默忍受,但我也想生活下去…… —

. Oh, my God! My God!’

“And so on in the same style.

“I wanted to look at the child and speak to her. —
“我想看看这个孩子,并与她交谈。 —

So as not to frighten her I first gave a loud sigh and coughed, then cautiously struck a match… —
为了不吓到她,我先大声叹息并咳嗽,然后小心翼翼地划了一根火柴……。 —

. There was a flash of bright light in the darkness, which lighted up the weeping figure. —
黑暗中闪烁出明亮的光芒,照亮了那哭泣的身影。 —

It was Kisotchka!”

“Marvels upon marvels!” said Von Schtenberg with a sigh. “Black night, the murmur of the sea; —
“奇迹中的奇迹!”冯·施滕伯格叹了口气。“漆黑的夜晚,海水的低语; —

she in grief, he with a sensation of world—solitude… . —
她在悲伤,他感受到了世界的孤独……。 —

It’s too much of a good thing… . You only want Circassians with daggers to complete it.”

“I am not telling you a tale, but fact.”

“Well, even if it is a fact … it all proves nothing, and there is nothing new in it… .”

“Wait a little before you find fault! Let me finish,” said Ananyev, waving his hand with vexation; —
“等一会再找错!让我说完,”阿纳涅夫生气地挥动着手说; —

“don’t interfere, please! I am not telling you, but the doctor… . —
“请不要插嘴!我不是在和你说话,而是在和医生说……” —

Well,” he went on, addressing me and glancing askance at the student who bent over his books and seemed very well satisfied at having gibed at the engineer—“well, Kisotchka was not surprised or frightened at seeing me. —
“好吧,”他转向我,斜眼看着弯腰看书、看起来对讥讽工程师很满意的学生说,“好吧,基索奇卡看到我并不感到惊讶或害怕。 —

It seemed as though she had known beforehand that she would find me in the summer-house. —
她似乎事先知道在凉亭里会见到我。 —

She was breathing in gasps and trembling all over as though in a fever, while her tear- stained face, so far as I could distinguish it as I struck match after match, was not the intelligent, submissive weary face I had seen before, but something different, which I cannot understand to this day. —
她喘息得很急促,浑身发抖得像发热一样,我用火柴一根接一根地点亮,看见她含泪的脸,至少我总是看到她揉着眼睛表示疲倦的脸,但这次却不同,至今我仍不能理解。 —

It did not express pain, nor anxiety, nor misery—nothing of what was expressed by her words and her tears. —
它没有表达疼痛,也没有表达焦虑或痛苦,她的话和眼泪表现出的都不在其中。 —

… I must own that, probably because I did not understand it, it looked to me senseless and as though she were drunk.

“‘I can’t bear it,’ muttered Kisotchka in the voice of a crying child. —
“‘我受不了了,’基索奇卡像哭泣的孩子般喃喃自语。 —

‘It’s too much for me, Nikolay Anastasyitch. Forgive me, Nikolav Anastasyitch. —
‘我受不了了,尼古拉·阿纳斯塔西奇。原谅我,尼古拉·阿纳斯塔西奇。 —

I can’t go on living like this… . I am going to the town to my mother’s. . —
我不能再这样活下去了……我要去镇上我妈妈那。’ —

. . Take me there… . Take me there, for God’s sake!’

“In the presence of tears I can neither speak nor be silent. —
“在眼泪面前,我既不能开口也无法保持沉默。 —

I was flustered and muttered some nonsense trying to comfort her.

“‘No, no; I will go to my mother’s,’ said Kisotchka resolutely, getting up and clutching my arm convulsively (her hands and her sleeves were wet with tears). —
“‘不,不;我要去我妈妈那里,’基索特卡坚定地说着,起身抓紧我的胳膊(她的手和袖子上沾满了泪水)。 —

‘Forgive me, Nikolay Anastasyitch, I am going… —
‘尼古拉·阿纳斯塔西奇,原谅我,我要走了… —

. I can bear no more… .’
我再也无法忍受… .’

“‘Kisotchka, but there isn’t a single cab,’ I said. ‘How can you go?’

“‘No matter, I’ll walk… . It’s not far. I can’t bear it… .’
“‘没关系,我会走… . 离这不远。我不能忍受… .’

“I was embarrassed, but not touched. Kisotchka’s tears, her trembling, and the blank expression of her face suggested to me a trivial, French or Little Russian melodrama, in which every ounce of cheap shallow feeling is washed down with pints of tears.

“I didn’t understand her, and knew I did not understand her; —
“我不明白她,而且知道我不明白她; —

I ought to have been silent, but for some reason, most likely for fear my silence might be taken for stupidity, I thought fit to try to persuade her not to go to her mother’s, but to stay at home. —
我本应该保持沉默,但出于某种原因,很可能是因为担心我的沉默会被误解为愚蠢,我觉得有必要劝说她不要去她妈妈那里,而是留在家里。 —

When people cry, they don’t like their tears to be seen. —
当人们哭泣时,他们不喜欢让别人看到他们的眼泪。 —

And I lighted match after match and went on striking till the box was empty. —
而我一根接一根点着火柴,直到盒子里没有了。 —

What I wanted with this ungenerous illumination, I can’t conceive to this day. —
至今我想不明白我需要这种不够慷慨的灯光。 —

Cold-hearted people are apt to be awkward, and even stupid.

“In the end Kisotchka took my arm and we set off. —
“最后,基索特卡挽起我的胳膊,我们就这样出发了。 —

Going out of the gate, we turned to the right and sauntered slowly along the soft dusty road. —
我们走出大门,向右转,慢慢地沿着柔软的尘土路走着。 —

It was dark. As my eyes grew gradually accustomed to the darkness, I began to distinguish the silhouettes of the old gaunt oaks and lime trees which bordered the road. —
黑暗中。随着我慢慢适应黑暗,我开始分辨出路边那些古老的、瘦削的橡树和椴树的轮廓。 —

The jagged, precipitous cliffs, intersected here and there by deep, narrow ravines and creeks, soon showed indistinctly, a black streak on the right. —
凹凸不平、陡峭的悬崖,在这里或那里被深邃、狭窄的峡谷和小溪所穿插,很快就在右边显出一条黑色的线条。 —

Low bushes nestled by the hollows, looking like sitting figures. It was uncanny. —
低矮的灌木在低洼处蜷缩,看起来像是坐姿的人。这真是令人毛骨悚然。 —

I looked sideways suspiciously at the cliffs, and the murmur of the sea and the stillness of the country alarmed my imagination. —
我怀疑地斜眼看着悬崖,海的喧响和乡间的寂静让我的想象力受到了惊吓。 —

Kisotchka did not speak. She was still trembling, and before she had gone half a mile she was exhausted with walking and was out of breath. I too was silent.

“Three-quarters of a mile from the Quarantine Station there was a deserted building of four storeys, with a very high chimney in which there had once been a steam flour mill. —
“隔离站三分之四英里处有一座四层的废弃建筑,有一座很高的烟囱,曾是蒸汽磨坊。 —

It stood solitary on the cliff, and by day it could be seen for a long distance, both by sea and by land. —
它独自矗立在悬崖上,白天远远就能看到,无论从海上还是从陆地。 —

Because it was deserted and no one lived in it, and because there was an echo in it which distinctly repeated the steps and voices of passers-by, it seemed mysterious. —
因为它荒废了,没人住,而且里面有回声,清晰地重复路人的脚步声和声音,所以显得神秘。 —

Picture me in the dark night arm-in- arm with a woman who was running away from her husband near this tall long monster which repeated the sound of every step I took and stared at me fixedly with its hundred black windows. —
想象一下,在黑夜里,我和一个逃离丈夫的妇人挽臂行走,靠近这座高高的长长的令人毛骨悚然的怪物,它会重复每一步的声音,百窗盯着我凝视。 —

A normal young man would have been moved to romantic feelings in such surroundings, but I looked at the dark windows and thought: —
一个正常的年轻人在这样的环境中会被浪漫的情感所感动,但我看着那黑暗的窗户,心想: —

‘All this is very impressive, but time will come when of that building and of Kisotchka and her troubles and of me with my thoughts, not one grain of dust will remain. —
“这一切都很印象深刻,但有一天,那座建筑、基索琴科和她的烦恼,还有我和我的思绪,都将不复存在一粒灰尘。 —

… All is nonsense and vanity… .’

“When we reached the flour mill Kisotchka suddenly stopped, took her arm out of mine, and said, no longer in a childish voice, but in her own:

“‘Nikolay Anastasvitch, I know all this seems strange to you. But I am terribly unhappy! —
“‘尼古拉·安娜斯夫奇,我知道这一切对你来说似乎很奇怪。但我非常不幸! —

And you cannot even imagine how unhappy! It’s impossible to imagine it! —
你根本无法想象我有多么不幸!这是不可能想象的!’ —

I don’t tell you about it because one can’t talk about it. —
我不告诉你是因为这件事无法谈论。 —

… Such a life, such a life! …’

“Kisotchka did not finish. She clenched her teeth and moaned as though she were doing her utmost not to scream with pain.

“‘Such a life!’ she repeated with horror, with the cadence and the southern, rather Ukrainian accent which particularly in women gives to emotional speech the effect of singing. —
“‘这样的生活!’她带着恐惧重复着,带着那种南方、甚至乌克兰口音,使得女性情感的言语效果带有歌唱的意味。 —

‘It is a life! Ah, my God, my God! what does it mean? —
‘这是什么生活!啊,我的上帝,我的上帝!这意味着什么? —

Oh, my God, my God!’

“As though trying to solve the riddle of her fate, she shrugged her shoulders in perplexity, shook her head, and clasped her hands. —
“仿佛试图解开命运之谜,她困惑地耸了耸肩,摇了摇头,合拢双手。 —

She spoke as though she were singing, moved gracefully, and reminded me of a celebrated Little Russian actress.

“‘Great God, it is as though I were in a pit,’ she went on. —
“‘伟大的上帝,就像我被困在一个坑里一样,’她接着说。 —

‘If one could live for one minute in happiness as other people live! Oh, my God, my God! —
‘如果能像其他人一样活着享受一分钟的幸福!哦,我的上帝,我的上帝! —

I have come to such disgrace that before a stranger I am running away from my husband by night, like some disreputable creature! —
我已经降到了这种地步,以至于在陌生人面前,我半夜像某个不检点的东西一样逃离丈夫! —

Can I expect anything good after that?’

“As I admired her movements and her voice, I began to feel annoyed that she was not on good terms with her husband. —
“当我欣赏她的动作和声音时,我开始感到恼火她和丈夫的关系不好。 —

‘It would be nice to have got on into relations with her!’ flitted through my mind; —
‘如果能和她建立起关系就好了!’我的脑海中闪过这个无情的念头; —

and this pitiless thought stayed in my brain, haunted me all the way and grew more and more alluring.

“About a mile from the flour mill we had to turn to the left by the cemetery. —
离面粉厂大约一英里的地方,我们必须向左拐,经过墓地。 —

At the turning by the corner of the cemetery there stood a stone windmill, and by it a little hut in which the miller lived. —
在墓地角落的路口处,有一座石风车,旁边是一个小屋,磨坊主就住在那里。 —

We passed the mill and the hut, turned to the left and reached the gates of the cemetery. —
我们经过磨坊和小屋,向左拐,就到了墓地的大门口。 —

There Kisotchka stopped and said:

“‘I am going back, Nikolay Anastasyitch! —
“‘我要回去了,尼古拉·阿纳斯塔西奇! —

You go home, and God bless you, but I am going back. —
你回家吧,愿上帝保佑你,但我要回去。 —

I am not frightened.’

“‘Well, what next!’ I said, disconcerted. ‘If you are going, you had better go!’

“‘I have been too hasty… . It was all about nothing that mattered. —
“‘我太心急了…都是些无关紧要的事。 —

You and your talk took me back to the past and put all sort of ideas into my head… . —
你和你的话让我回到了过去,让我头脑里冒出各种各样的想法… —

I was sad and wanted to cry, and my husband said rude things to me before that officer, and I could not bear it. —
我很伤心,想哭,而我丈夫在那个军官面前对我说了粗话,我受不了。 —

… And what’s the good of my going to the town to my mother’s? —
..我去镇上找我妈有什么意义呢? —

Will that make me any happier? I must go back… . But never mind … —
那会让我更幸福吗?我必须回去…但没关系… —

let us go on,’ said Kisotchka, and she laughed. —
让我们继续前进吧,”Kisotchka说着笑了。 —

‘It makes no difference!’

“I remembered that over the gate of the cemetery there was an inscription: —
“我记得墓地大门上有一块铭文: —

‘The hour will come wherein all they that lie in the grave will hear the voice of the Son of God.’ I knew very well that sooner or later I and Kisotchka and her husband and the officer in the white tunic would lie under the dark trees in the churchyard; —
‘时候将至,墓中的人都要听到上帝之子的声音。’我很清楚,迟早我、Kisotchka和她的丈夫以及穿着白色束带的军官都会躺在教堂外的黑暗树荫下; —

I knew that an unhappy and insulted fellow-creature was walking beside me. —
我知道身边走着一个不幸而受辱的同类。 —

All this I recognised distinctly, but at the same time I was troubled by an oppressive and unpleasant dread that Kisotchka would turn back, and that I should not manage to say to her what had to be said. —
我清楚地认识到这一切,但与此同时,我被一种沉重而不愉快的恐惧困扰着,恐怕Kisotchka会掉头回去,而我将无法说出必须说的话。 —

Never at any other time in my life have thoughts of a higher order been so closely interwoven with the basest animal prose as on that night. —
在我生命中此时此刻从未有过高尚思想与最下贱的动物行为如此密切交织。 —

… It was horrible!
. . 那真是可怕的!

“Not far from the cemetery we found a cab. —
“离墓地不远,我们找到了一辆马车。 —

When we reached the High Street, where Kisotchka’s mother lived, we dismissed the cab and walked along the pavement. —
当我们到达高街,基索奇卡的母亲住的地方时,我们打发了出租车,沿着人行道走去。 —

Kisotchka was silent all the while, while I looked at her, and I raged at myself, ‘Why don’t you begin? —
基索奇卡沉默了一路,而我看着她,愤怒地责备自己,“你为什么不开始呢?现在是时候了!”离我住的酒店大约二十步远,基索奇卡停在路灯旁,泪流满面。 —

Now’s the time!’ About twenty paces from the hotel where I was staying, Kisotchka stopped by the lamp-post and burst into tears.

“‘Nikolay Anastasyitch!’ she said, crying and laughing and looking at me with wet shining eyes, ‘I shall never forget your sympathy . —
… 你们多好!你们都如此出色——你们所有人!诚实、伟大、善良、聪明。 … —

… How good you are! All of you are so splendid—all of you! —
啊,多好啊!’ —

Honest, great- hearted, kind, clever… . —
“如此优秀!伟大、善良、心地善良、聪明… —

Ah, how good that is!’

“She saw in me a highly educated man, advanced in every sense of the word, and on her tear-stained laughing face, together with the emotion and enthusiasm aroused by my personality, there was clearly written regret that she so rarely saw such people, and that God had not vouchsafed her the bliss of being the wife of one of them. —
“她在我身上看到了一个高度受过教育的人,从各个方面都很有进取心,而在她泪痕斑斑的笑脸上,除了对我的个性所引起的情感和热情外,还清楚地写着她很少见到这样的人,上帝未曾给她赐福成为其中一位的遗憾。 —

She muttered, ‘Ah, how splendid it is! —
“她喃喃道:‘啊,这是多么辉煌啊! —

’ The childish gladness on her face, the tears, the gentle smile, the soft hair, which had escaped from under the kerchief, and the kerchief itself thrown carelessly over her head, in the light of the street lamp reminded me of the old Kisotchka whom one had wanted to stroke like a kitten.

“I could not restrain myself, and began stroking her hair, her shoulders, and her hands.

“‘Kisotchka, what do you want?’ I muttered. —
“‘Kisotchka,你想要什么呢?’我喃喃道。 —

‘I’ll go to the ends of the earth with you if you like! —
“‘我愿意陪你走到地老天荒!如果你愿意的话! —

I will take you out of this hole and give you happiness. I love you. —
“我会带你离开这个地方,给你幸福。我爱你。 —

… Let us go, my sweet? Yes? Will you?’

“Kisotchka’s face was flooded with bewilderment. —
“Kisotchka的脸上充满了困惑。 —

She stepped back from the street lamp and, completely overwhelmed, gazed at me with wide-open eyes. —
她从街灯处退开,完全失控地用睁大的眼睛望着我。 —

I gripped her by the arm, began showering kisses on her face, her neck, her shoulders, and went on making vows and promises. —
我抓住她的胳膊,开始在她的脸上,颈部,肩膀上淋漓尽致地亲吻,并继续许下誓言和承诺。 —

In love affairs vows and promises are almost a physiological necessity. —
在恋爱中,誓言和承诺几乎是一种生理需要。 —

There’s no getting on without them. Sometimes you know you are lying and that promises are not necessary, but still you vow and protest. —
并非不可或缺。有时你知道自己在撒谎,知道承诺并不必要,但仍然许下誓言和承诺。 —

Kisotchka, utterly overwhelmed, kept staggering back and gazing at me with round eyes.

“‘Please don’t! Please don’t!’ she muttered, holding me off with her hands.

“I clasped her tightly in my arms. All at once she broke into hysterical tears. —
“我紧紧地搂住她。她突然陷入歇斯底里的哭泣中。 —

And her face had the same senseless blank expression that I had seen in the summer-house when I lighted the matches. —
她的脸上带着与我在夏室里点燃火柴时看到的那种毫无表情的神态。 —

Without asking her consent, preventing her from speaking, I dragged her forcibly towards my hotel. —
我没有征求她的同意,阻止她开口,强行把她拽向我的旅馆。 —

She seemed almost swooning and did not walk, but I took her under the arms and almost carried her. —
她似乎险些晕厥,无法行走,于是我搂住她的腋下,几乎把她扛起来。 —

… I remember, as we were going up the stairs, some man with a red band in his cap looked wonderingly at me and bowed to Kisotchka… .”
…我记得,我们上楼梯时,一个头戴红带的人惊奇地看着我,向 Kisotchka 鞠躬…

Ananyev flushed crimson and paused. He walked up and down near the table in silence, scratched the back of his head with an air of vexation, and several times shrugged his shoulders and twitched his shoulder-blades, while a shiver ran down his huge back. —
Ananyev 脸红了,停顿了一下。他在桌子旁来回走动,沉默着,带着烦恼的神情,几次用肩膀的背部抓挠着自己的头部,同时颤动着肩胛骨,巨大的背部颤抖着。 —

The memory was painful and made him ashamed, and he was struggling with himself.

“It’s horrible!” he said, draining a glass of wine and shaking his head. —
“太可怕了!”他喝了一杯酒,摇了摇头。 —

“I am told that in every introductory lecture on women’s diseases the medical students are admonished to remember that each one of them has a mother, a sister, a fiancée, before undressing and examining a female patient. —
“我听说在每一场有关妇女疾病的入门讲座中,医学生都会被告诫在检查女性患者前脱衣并检查之前先记得自己身边有一个母亲,一个姐妹,一个未婚妻。 —

… That advice would be very good not only for medical students but for everyone who in one way or another has to deal with a woman’s life. —
…那条建议不仅对医学生好,对每一个以某种方式与女性生活有交集的人也是如此。 —

Now that I have a wife and a little daughter, oh, how well I understand that advice! —
现在我有了妻子和一个小女儿,我的上帝啊,我有多么理解那条建议! —

How I understand it, my God! You may as well hear the rest, though… . —
我理解得多深刻啊,天啊!你们可能也听过余下的,不过还是让我说完好了… —

As soon as she had become my mistress, Kisotchka’s view of the position was very different from mine. —
一旦她成为我的情人,Kisotchka 对这段关系的看法就和我不同了。 —

First of all she felt for me a deep and passionate love. —
首先,她对我怀有深深的热爱。 —

What was for me an ordinary amatory episode was for her an absolute revolution in her life. —
对我来说是一段普通的情爱经历,对她来说却是她生活中的彻底革命。” —

I remember, it seemed to me that she had gone out of her mind. —
我记得,对我来说,她似乎疯了。 —

Happy for the first time in her life, looking five years younger, with an inspired enthusiastic face, not knowing what to do with herself for happiness, she laughed and cried and never ceased dreaming aloud how next day we would set off for the Caucasus, then in the autumn to Petersburg; —
第一次感到幸福,看上去年轻了五岁,满脸兴奋激动的表情,不知道为幸福该怎么办,笑着哭着,不停地幻想着明天我们会动身去高加索,然后秋天去彼得堡; —

how we would live afterwards.

“‘Don’t worry yourself about my husband,’ she said to reassure me. —
“‘别为我丈夫担心,’她对我说以安慰我。 —

‘He is bound to give me a divorce. Everyone in the town knows that he is living with the elder Kostovitch. —
‘他必须跟我离婚。镇上所有人都知道他跟年长的科斯托维奇住在一起。 —

We will get a divorce and be married.’

“When women love they become acclimatised and at home with people very quickly, like cats. —
“女人一旦爱上,就会很快融入和适应人群,就像猫一样。 —

Kisotchka had only spent an hour and a half in my room when she already felt as though she were at home and was ready to treat my property as though it were her own. —
基索琴卡在我的房间里待了一个半小时,她已经觉得自己像在家一样,准备把我的财产当成自己的。 —

She packed my things in my portmanteau, scolded me for not hanging my new expensive overcoat on a peg instead of flinging it on a chair, and so on.

“I looked at her, listened, and felt weariness and vexation. —
“我看着她,听着,感到疲倦和厌烦。 —

I was conscious of a slight twinge of horror at the thought that a respectable, honest, and unhappy woman had so easily, after some three or four hours, succumbed to the first man she met. —
我意识到略微有些恐惧,一个体面、诚实而不幸福的女人竟在三四个小时后如此轻易屈服于她遇到的第一个男人。 —

As a respectable man, you see, I didn’t like it. —
身为一个体面的男人,你看,我不喜欢这一点。 —

Then, too, I was unpleasantly impressed by the fact that women of Kisotchka’s sort, not deep or serious, are too much in love with life, and exalt what is in reality such a trifle as love for a man to the level of bliss, misery, a complete revolution in life. —
此外,现在我感到满意,我为自己如此愚蠢地与一个需要欺骗的女人纠缠不清感到恼火。 —

… Moreover, now that I was satisfied, I was vexed with myself for having been so stupid as to get entangled with a woman whom I should have to deceive. —
虽然我过着混乱的生活,但我必须观察到我无法忍受说谎。 —

And in spite of my disorderly life I must observe that I could not bear telling lies.

“I remember that Kisotchka sat down at my feet, laid her head on my knees, and, looking at me with shining, loving eyes, asked:
“我记得 Kisotchka 坐在我脚下,把头靠在我的膝盖上,用闪闪发光、充满爱意的眼睛看着我,问道:

“‘Kolya, do you love me? Very, very much?’

“And she laughed with happiness… . This struck me as sentimental, affected, and not clever; —
“她幸福地笑了起来……这让我觉得过于多愁善感、做作,而不聪明; —

and meanwhile I was already inclined to look for ‘depth of thought’ before everything.

“‘Kisotchka, you had better go home,’ I said, or else your people will be sure to miss you and will be looking for you all over the town; —
“‘Kisotchka,你最好回家吧,’我说,不然你家人一定会担心你,到处找你; —

and it would be awkward for you to go to your mother in the morning.’

“Kisotchka agreed. At parting we arranged to meet at midday next morning in the park, and the day after to set off together to Pyatigorsk. —
“Kisotchka 同意了。告别时,我们商定第二天中午在公园见面,后天一起去皮亚季哥尔斯克。 —

I went into the street to see her home, and I remember that I caressed her with genuine tenderness on the way. —
“我走到街上,陪她回家,我记得在路上对她表现出真挚的温柔。 —

There was a minute when I felt unbearably sorry for her, for trusting me so implicitly, and I made up my mind that I would really take her to Pyatigorsk, but remembering that I had only six hundred roubles in my portmanteau, and that it would be far more difficult to break it off with her in the autumn than now, I made haste to suppress my compassion.

“We reached the house where Kisotchka’s mother lived. I pulled at the bell. —
“我们来到了 Kisotchka 母亲的住处。我拉响了门铃。 —

When footsteps were heard at the other side of the door Kisotchka suddenly looked grave, glanced upwards to the sky, made the sign of the Cross over me several times and, clutching my hand, pressed it to her lips.
当门的另一边传来脚步声时,Kisotchka 突然变得严肃起来,仰望天空,连续在我身上做了几次十字,握住我的手,亲吻了一下。

“‘Till to-morrow,’ she said, and disappeared into the house.

“I crossed to the opposite pavement and from there looked at the house. —
“我走到对面的人行道,从那里看着这所房子。 —

At first the windows were in darkness, then in one of the windows there was the glimmer of the faint bluish flame of a newly lighted candle; —
起初窗户都漆黑一片,然后有一个窗户里透出微弱的蓝色烛光; —

the flame grew, gave more light, and I saw shadows moving about the rooms together with it.
火焰逐渐增强,照亮了更多, 我看见影子随着火光在房间中移动。

“‘They did not expect her,’ I thought.

“Returning to my hotel room I undressed, drank off a glass of red wine, ate some fresh caviare which I had bought that day in the bazaar, went to bed in a leisurely way, and slept the sound, untroubled sleep of a tourist.

“In the morning I woke up with a headache and in a bad humour. Something worried me.

“‘What’s the matter?’ I asked myself, trying to explain my uneasiness. —
“‘怎么了?’我问自己,试图解释我心中的不安。 —

‘What’s upsetting me?’

“And I put down my uneasiness to the dread that Kisotchka might turn up any minute and prevent my going away, and that I should have to tell lies and act a part before her. —
“我把我的不安归因于对Kisotchka可能随时出现并阻止我离开的担忧,以及我必须在她面前说谎和扮演一个角色的担心。 —

I hurriedly dressed, packed my things, and left the hotel, giving instructions to the porter to take my luggage to the station for the seven o’clock train in the evening. —
我匆匆忙忙地穿好衣服,收拾好东西,离开旅馆,并告诉门童把我的行李送到晚上七点的火车站。 —

I spent the whole day with a doctor friend and left the town that evening. —
我整天都和一位医生朋友在一起,晚上离开了这个城镇。 —

As you see, my philosophy did not prevent me from taking to my heels in a mean and treacherous flight… .

“All the while that I was at my friend’s, and afterwards driving to the station, I was tormented by anxiety. —
“我在朋友那里的整段时间,以及后来前往车站的路上,我都被焦虑所困扰。 —

I fancied that I was afraid of meeting with Kisotchka and a scene. —
我想我害怕遇到Kisotchka和一场争执。 —

In the station I purposely remained in the toilet room till the second bell rang, and while I was making my way to my compartment, I was oppressed by a feeling as though I were covered all over with stolen things. —
在车站,我故意留在洗手间,直到第二声铃响起,当我走向我的车厢时,我感到自己好像遍体鳞伤般压抑。 —

With what impatience and terror I waited for the third bell!

“At last the third bell that brought my deliverance rang at last, the train moved; —
“最后终于响起了给我的解脱的第三声铃,火车启动了; —

we passed the prison, the barracks, came out into the open country, and yet, to my surprise, the feeling of uneasiness still persisted, and still I felt like a thief passionately longing to escape. —
我们路过了监狱,军营,来到了郊外,然而,令我惊讶的是,不安的感觉仍然存在,我仍然感觉自己如同一个渴望逃脱的盗贼一般痴迷。” —

It was queer. To distract my mind and calm myself I looked out of the window. —
这真是奇怪。为了分散注意力和使自己冷静下来,我朝窗外望去。 —

The train ran along the coast. The sea was smooth, and the turquoise sky, almost half covered with the tender, golden crimson light of sunset, was gaily and serenely mirrored in it. —
火车沿着海岸线行驶。海面平静无涟漪,深蓝的天空几乎被晚霞染成了金色,欢快而宁静地在海面上倒影着。 —

Here and there fishing boats and rafts made black patches on its surface. —
那里点点的渔船和筏子在海面上形成黑色斑点。 —

The town, as clean and beautiful as a toy, stood on the high cliff, and was already shrouded in the mist of evening. —
小镇宛如一座洁净美丽的玩具,矗立在高高的悬崖上,已经被夜色笼罩。 —

The golden domes of its churches, the windows and the greenery reflected the setting sun, glowing and melting like shimmering gold. —
教堂的金顶、窗户和绿草,都倒映着夕阳,如金光涵熠。 —

… The scent of the fields mingled with the soft damp air from the sea.

“The train flew rapidly along. I heard the laughter of passengers and guards. —
火车迅速飞驰而过。我听到乘客和列车员的笑声。 —

Everyone was good-humoured and light-hearted, yet my unaccountable uneasiness grew greater and greater. —
大家都心情愉快,轻松愉快,但我的不可思议的不安感越来越强烈。 —

… I looked at the white mist that covered the town and I imagined how a woman with a senseless blank face was hurrying up and down in that mist by the churches and the houses, looking for me and moaning, ‘Oh, my God! —
我看着笼罩在城镇上的白雾,想象着一个面容茫然的女人在教堂和房子周围匆匆往返,寻找我,抱怨道:“哦,我的上帝!哦,我的上帝!”声音像个小女孩或俄罗斯小女演员。 —

Oh, my God!’ in the voice of a little girl or the cadences of a Little Russian actress. —
我回想起她认真的面庞和焦虑的大眼睛,在我上面划过十字记号,仿佛我属于她,机械地看着她昨天亲吻过的手。 —

I recalled her grave face and big anxious eyes as she made the sign of the Cross over me, as though I belonged to her, and mechanically I looked at the hand which she had kissed the day before.

“‘Surely I am not in love?’ I asked myself, scratching my hand.

“Only as night came on when the passengers were asleep and I was left tête-à -tête with my conscience, I began to understand what I had not been able to grasp before. —
在铁路车厢的昏暗中,Kisotchka的形象浮现在我面前,萦绕着我,我清楚地意识到我犯下了一种和谋杀一样糟糕的罪行。 —

In the twilight of the railway carriage the image of Kisotchka rose before me, haunted me and I recognised clearly that I had committed a crime as bad as murder. —
良心折磨着我。为了消除这种无法忍受的感觉,我安慰自己说一切都是荒谬和虚幻的,Kisotchka和我都将死去和腐烂,她的悲伤与死亡相比微不足道,等等等等。 —

My conscience tormented me. To stifle this unbearable feeling, I assured myself that everything was nonsense and vanity, that Kisotchka and I would die and decay, that her grief was nothing in comparison with death, and so on and so on . —
May 15, in the evening I heard unexpectedly and without any warning that Kisotchka had died and that her death was the same as a thunderbolt that changed everything around me in a moment. —

. . and that if you come to that, there is no such thing as freewill, and that therefore I was not to blame. —
. . 如果你认为不存在自由意志,那么我就没有错。 —

But all these arguments only irritated me and were extraordinarily quickly crowded out by other thoughts. —
但这些论点只会刺激到我,很快就被其他想法挤占了。 —

There was a miserable feeling in the hand that Kisotchka had kissed… . —
吻过的那只手上感到一种悲惨的感觉… —

I kept lying down and getting up again, drank vodka at the stations, forced myself to eat bread and butter, fell to assuring myself again that life had no meaning, but nothing was of any use. —
我一直躺下又起来,车站里喝伏特加,强迫自己吃面包和黄油,又开始劝服自己生活毫无意义,但一切都毫无用处。 —

A strange and if you like absurd ferment was going on in my brain. —
我的脑海里涌动着奇怪而又荒谬的想法。 —

The most incongruous ideas crowded one after another in disorder, getting more and more tangled, thwarting each other, and I, the thinker, ‘with my brow bent on the earth,’ could make out nothing and could not find my bearings in this mass of essential and non-essential ideas. —
一连串不协调的想法纷至沓来,越来越混乱,互相阻挠,而我这个思考者,“弯着头看着大地”,无从下手,在这些重要和不重要的想法堆积中无法找到方向。 —

It appeared that I, the thinker, had not mastered the technique of thinking, and that I was no more capable of managing my own brain than mending a watch. —
看来我这个思考者并没有掌握思考技巧,我竟然不懂如何掌控我的大脑,就如同无法修理一枚手表。 —

For the first time in my life I was really thinking eagerly and intensely, and that seemed to me so monstrous that I said to myself: —
我这一生第一次真正急切而深入地思考,那使我觉得这种境况多么荒谬,于是我告诉自己: —

‘I am going off my head.’ A man whose brain does not work at all times, but only at painful moments, is often haunted by the thought of madness.

“I spent a day and a night in this misery, then a second night, and learning from experience how little my philosophy was to me, I came to my senses and realised at last what sort of a creature I was. —
从这种痛苦中我度过了一天一夜,然后是第二个晚上,通过经历得知我的哲学对我毫无益处,我终于清醒过来,最终意识到了我是一种什么样的生物。 —

I saw that my ideas were not worth a brass farthing, and that before meeting Kisotchka I had not begun to think and had not even a conception of what thinking in earnest meant; —
我发现我的想法一文不值,遇见Kisotchka之前,我从未开始认真思考,甚至对认真思考有了概念; —

now through suffering I realised that I had neither convictions nor a definite moral standard, nor heart, nor reason; —
现在通过痛苦我意识到我既没有信条,也没有明确的道德标准,没有心,也没有理性; —

my whole intellectual and moral wealth consisted of specialist knowledge, fragments, useless memories, other people’s ideas—and nothing else; —
我的整个智识和道德财富只包括专业知识、碎片、无用的记忆、别人的想法——仅此而已; —

and my mental processes were as lacking in complexity, as useless and as rudimentary as a Yakut’s. . —
我的思维过程就像雅库特人一样缺乏复杂性、无用和基础。 —

. . If I had disliked lying, had not stolen, had not murdered, and, in fact, made obviously gross mistakes, that was not owing to my convictions—I had none, but because I was in bondage, hand and foot, to my nurse’s fairy tales and to copy-book morals, which had entered into my flesh and blood and without my noticing it guided me in life, though I looked on them as absurd… .
. . 如果我不喜欢说谎,不偷不抢不杀人,实际上犯了明显的错误,那不是因为我的信仰——我没有,而是因为我被禁锢在保姆的童话和课本道德中,这些已经深入我的血肉,悄无声息地在我生活中指导着我,尽管我认为它们荒谬无用… .

“I realised that I was not a thinker, not a philosopher, but simply a dilettante. —
“我意识到自己并不是一个思想家,也不是一个哲学家,只是一个业余爱好者。 —

God had given me a strong healthy Russian brain with promise of talent. —
上帝赐予了我一个强健健康的俄罗斯大脑和才华的前途。 —

And, only fancy, here was that brain at twenty-six, undisciplined, completely free from principles, not weighed down by any stores of knowledge, but only lightly sprinkled with information of a sort in the engineering line; —
而且,真是奇怪,这颗大脑在二十六岁时,没有得到规矩,完全没有原则约束,没有任何存储的知识,只是略微涂抹了一些工程方面的信息; —

it was young and had a physiological craving for exercise, it was on the look-out for it, when all at once quite casually the fine juicy idea of the aimlessness of life and the darkness beyond the tomb descends upon it. —
这颗大脑年轻且渴望运用,正在寻找机会,当突然间一种关于生活无目的和坟墓之外黑暗的美味理念降临时。 —

It greedily sucks it in, puts its whole outlook at its disposal and begins playing with it, like a cat with a mouse. —
它贪婪地吸收它,将其所有景观提供给它,并开始玩弄,就像猫抓老鼠一样。 —

There is neither learning nor system in the brain, but that does not matter. —
大脑中既没有学问也没有体系,但这并不要紧。 —

It deals with the great ideas with its own innate powers, like a self-educated man, and before a month has passed the owner of the brain can turn a potato into a hundred dainty dishes, and fancies himself a philosopher … .

“Our generation has carried this dilettantism, this playing with serious ideas into science, into literature, into politics, and into everything which it is not too lazy to go into, and with its dilettantism has introduced, too, its coldness, its boredom, and its one-sidedness and, as it seems to me, it has already succeeded in developing in the masses a new hitherto non-existent attitude to serious ideas.

“I realised and appreciated my abnormality and utter ignorance, thanks to a misfortune. —
“我开始意识到并珍视我的异常和彻底的无知,这多亏了一次不幸。 —

My normal thinking, so it seems to me now, dates from the day when I began again from the A, B, C, when my conscience sent me flying back to N., when with no philosophical subleties I repented, besought Kisotchka’s forgiveness like a naughty boy and wept with her… .”

Ananyev briefly described his last interview with Kisotchka.

“H’m… .” the student filtered through his teeth when the engineer had finished. —
当工程师讲完后,学生用牙缝过滤出声:“嗯……” —

“That’s the sort of thing that happens.”

His face still expressed mental inertia, and apparently Ananyev’s story had not touched him in the least. —
他的脸仍然表现出思维的惰性,显然Ananyev的故事一点也没触动他。 —

Only when the engineer after a moment’s pause, began expounding his view again and repeating what he had said at first, the student frowned irritably, got up from the table and walked away to his bed. —
只有当工程师停顿片刻后重新阐述他的观点,重复他起初所说的时候,这名学生不耐烦地皱着眉头,从桌边起身走向床铺。 —

He made his bed and began undressing.

“You look as though you have really convinced some one this time,” he said irritably.

“Me convince anybody!” said the engineer. “My dear soul, do you suppose I claim to do that? —
“我说服任何人!”工程师说道。“亲爱的,你认为我会这么自负吗? —

God bless you! To convince you is impossible. —
上帝保佑你!要说服你是不可能的。 —

You can reach conviction only by way of personal experience and suffering!”

“And then—it’s queer logic!” grumbled the student as he put on his nightshirt. —
“然后—这逻辑真古怪!”学生嘟囔着穿上他的睡衣。 —

“The ideas which you so dislike, which are so ruinous for the young are, according to you, the normal thing for the old; —
“你那么讨厌的那些理念,对年轻人来说是如此破坏性的,却是对老年人来说是正常的; —

it’s as though it were a question of grey hairs… . Where do the old get this privilege? —
好像这是一个灰发的问题。。。老年人获得这种特权是怎么回事? —

What is it based upon? If these ideas are poison, they are equally poisonous for all?”

“Oh, no, my dear soul, don’t say so!” said the engineer with a sly wink. “Don’t say so. —
“哦,不,亲爱的,别这么说!”工程师眨眼说。“不要这么说。 —

In the first place, old men are not dilettanti. —
首先,老年人不是业余爱好者。 —

Their pessimism comes to them not casually from outside, but from the depths of their own brains, and only after they have exhaustively studied the Hegels and Kants of all sorts, have suffered, have made no end of mistakes, in fact—when they have climbed the whole ladder from bottom to top. —
他们的悲观观念不是偶然从外部获得的,而是来自他们自己大脑的深处,只有在他们彻底研究了各种黑格尔和康德的作品,经历过痛苦,犯过无数错误,事实上—只有当他们从底层爬到顶层时才会有。 —

Their pessimism has both personal experience and sound philosophic training behind it. —
他们的悲观观念背后既有个人经验,又有扎实的哲学训练。 —

Secondly, the pessimism of old thinkers does not take the form of idle talk, as it does with you and me, but of Weltschmertz, of suffering; —
其次,老年思想家的悲观不是像你和我那样的空谈,而是世界痛苦,它基于他们对人类的爱和对人类的思考,完全没有在业余爱好者身上能够察觉到的自我主义。 —

it rests in them on a Christian foundation because it is derived from love for humanity and from thoughts about humanity, and is entirely free from the egoism which is noticeable in dilettanti. —
Es ruht bei ihnen auf einer christlichen Grndlage, weil es aus der Liebe zur Menschheit und aus Gedanken ber die Menschheit herrührt, es ist gänzlich frei von dem Egoismus, wie er bei Dilettanten bemerkbar ist. —

You despise life because its meaning and its object are hidden just from you, and you are only afraid of your own death, while the real thinker is unhappy because the truth is hidden from all and he is afraid for all men. —
你憎恨生命,因为它的意义和目的对你来说都是隐藏的,你只是害怕自己的死亡,而真正的思考者不快乐是因为真理对每个人都是隐藏的,他为所有人担忧。 —

For instance, there is living not far from here the Crown forester, Ivan Alexandritch. —
例如,住在这附近的是皇家林务官伊万·亚历山德里奇。 —

He is a nice old man. At one time he was a teacher somewhere, and used to write something; —
他是个好人。 曾经他在某个地方当老师,并且经常写东西; —

the devil only knows what he was, but anyway he is a remarkably clever fellow and in philosophy he is A1. He has read a great deal and he is continually reading now. —
鬼知道他是什么,但无论如何他是一个非常聪明的人,在哲学方面他是A1。 他读了很多书,而且现在也不停地在阅读。 —

Well, we came across him lately in the Gruzovsky district… . —
哦,我们最近在格鲁佐夫斯基区见到了他… —

They were laying the sleepers and rails just at the time. —
当时他们正在铺设枕木和铁轨。 —

It’s not a difficult job, but Ivan Alexandritch, not being a specialist, looked at it as though it were a conjuring trick. —
这不是一个困难的工作,但伊万·亚历山德里奇不是专业人士,看起来似乎像是魔术。 —

It takes an experienced workman less than a minute to lay a sleeper and fix a rail on it. —
一个经验丰富的工人只需不到一分钟就可以放置一根枕木和将铁轨固定在上面。 —

The workmen were in good form and really were working smartly and rapidly; —
工人们状态很好,确实工作得聪明迅速; —

one rascal in particular brought his hammer down with exceptional smartness on the head of the nail and drove it in at one blow, though the handle of the hammer was two yards or more in length and each nail was a foot long. —
特别是一个混蛋,他用锤子将钉子击打在栓头上,一锤就把它钉进去,虽然锤子的柄长两码或更长,每根钉子长一英尺。 —

Ivan Alexandritch watched the workmen a long time, was moved, and said to me with tears in his eyes:

“‘What a pity that these splendid men will die!’ Such pessimism I understand.”

“All that proves nothing and explains nothing,” said the student, covering himself up with a sheet; —
“所有这些都证明不了什么,解释不了什么,”学生说,裹紧了身上的被子; —

“all that is simply pounding liquid in a mortar. —
“这一切只是在研钵里搅拌液体。 —

No one knows anything and nothing can be proved by words.”

He peeped out from under the sheet, lifted up his head and, frowning irritably, said quickly:

“One must be very naïve to believe in human words and logic and to ascribe any determining value to them. —
“只有非常天真的人才会相信人类的言语和逻辑,并为它们赋予任何决定性的价值。 —

You can prove and disprove anything you like with words, and people will soon perfect the technique of language to such a point that they will prove with mathematical certainty that twice two is seven. —
你可以用言语证明或驳斥任何你想要的东西,人们很快就会把语言技术完善到一个地步,以至于他们会用数学的确定性证明二两等于七。 —

I am fond of reading and listening, but as to believing, no thank you; —
我喜欢阅读和倾听,但是关于相信,不用了,谢谢; —

I can’t, and I don’t want to. I believe only in God, but as for you, if you talk to me till the Second Coming and seduce another five hundred Kisothchkas, I shall believe in you only when I go out of my mind . —
我不能,也不想相信。我只相信上帝,至于你,如果你跟我说话直到第二次来临,并诱惑另外五百个Kisothchka,我只会在我发疯的时候相信你。 —

… Goodnight.”
… 晚安。”

The student hid his head under the sheet and turned his face towards the wall, meaning by this action to let us know that he did not want to speak or listen. —
学生将头藏在被子下面,把脸转向墙壁,意思是不想说话或倾听。 —

The argument ended at that.

Before going to bed the engineer and I went out of the hut, and I saw the lights once more.

“We have tired you out with our chatter,” said Ananyev, yawning and looking at the sky. —
“我们的唠叨搞得你累了吧,”Ananyev打着哈欠看着天空说。 —

“Well, my good sir! The only pleasure we have in this dull hole is drinking and philosophising. . —
“嗯,我亲爱的先生!在这个乏味的地方我们唯一的乐趣就是喝酒和探讨哲学。 —

. . What an embankment, Lord have mercy on us! —
. . 神啊,那段路堤! —

” he said admiringly, as we approached the embankment; —
”当我们走近路堤时,他欣赏地说, —

“it is more like Mount Ararat than an embankment.”

He paused for a little, then said: “Those lights remind the Baron of the Amalekites, but it seems to me that they are like the thoughts of man. —
他停顿了一会儿,然后说:“那些灯光让男爵想到了亚玛力人,但我觉得它们更像是人的思维。 —

… You know the thoughts of each individual man are scattered like that in disorder, stretch in a straight line towards some goal in the midst of the darkness and, without shedding light on anything, without lighting up the night, they vanish somewhere far beyond old age. —
但足够了!该走了。 —

But enough philosophising! It’s time to go bye-bye.”

When we were back in the hut the engineer began begging me to take his bed.

“Oh please!” he said imploringly, pressing both hands on his heart. —
“我请求你,别担心我! —

“I entreat you, and don’t worry about me! —
我随便哪里都可以睡觉,而且,我现在还不去睡觉。 —

I can sleep anywhere, and, besides, I am not going to bed just yet. —
拜托你了!” —

Please do—it’s a favour!”

I agreed, undressed, and went to bed, while he sat down to the table and set to work on the plans.

“We fellows have no time for sleep,” he said in a low voice when I had got into bed and shut my eyes. —
“当一个男人有妻子和两个孩子,就不能想睡觉。 —

“When a man has a wife and two children he can’t think of sleep. —
现在必须考虑食物、衣服和为未来存钱。 —

One must think now of food and clothes and saving for the future. —
我有两个孩子,一个儿子和一个女儿…… —

And I have two of them, a little son and a daughter… . —
那个男孩,小顽皮,笑脸可爱。 —

The boy, little rascal, has a jolly little face. —
他还不到六岁,已经展现出了非凡的能力,我向你保证…… —

He’s not six yet, and already he shows remarkable abilities, I assure you… . —
他们的照片我有,就在这里…… —

I have their photographs here, somewhere… . —
但定每一个都在心头。” —

Ah, my children, my children!”

He rummaged among his papers, found their photographs, and began looking at them. I fell asleep.

I was awakened by the barking of Azorka and loud voices. —
阿佐卡的吠声和大声的声音把我惊醒了。 —

Von Schtenberg with bare feet and ruffled hair was standing in the doorway dressed in his underclothes, talking loudly with some one . —
光着脚、头发凌乱的冯·施腾伯格穿着内衣站在门口,大声地和某人交谈着。 —

… It was getting light. A gloomy dark blue dawn was peeping in at the door, at the windows, and through the crevices in the hut walls, and casting a faint light on my bed, on the table with the papers, and on Ananyev. —
天色渐亮。阴沉的深蓝色黎明透过门口、窗户和木屋墙壁上的缝隙窥视着,把微弱的光投在我的床上、桌子上的文件和阿纳涅夫身上。 —

Stretched on the floor on a cloak, with a leather pillow under his head, the engineer lay asleep with his fleshy, hairy chest uppermost; —
工程师躺在地板上的一件斗篷上,头下垫着皮革枕头,他胸前肌肉发达而多毛;他睡得如此沉,以至于我从心底里同情那位学生,因为他每晚都不得不和工程师一起在同一个房间里睡觉。 —

he was snoring so loudly that I pitied the student from the bottom of my heart for having to sleep in the same room with him every night.

“Why on earth are we to take them?” shouted Von Schtenberg. —
“我们为什么要带他们?”冯·施腾伯格大声喊道。 —

“It has nothing to do with us! Go to Tchalisov! —
“和我们无关!去找查利索夫! —

From whom do the cauldrons come?”

“From Nikitin …” a bass voice answered gruffly.

“Well, then, take them to Tchalisov… . That’s not in our department. —
“那好,就把它们带给查利索夫……这不是我们的部门。 —

What the devil are you standing there for? Drive on!”

“Your honour, we have been to Tchalisov already,” said the bass voice still more gruffly. —
“阁下,我们昨天已经找过查利索夫了,”低沉的声音更加粗哑地说道。 —

“Yesterday we were the whole day looking for him down the line, and were told at his hut that he had gone to the Dymkovsky section. —
“整整一天我们都在线路下寻找他,被告知他去了丁科夫斯基区。” —

Please take them, your honour! How much longer are we to go carting them about? —
请拿走它们,你的尊贵!我们还要继续把它们拉来拉去多久? —

We go carting them on and on along the line, and see no end to it.”

“What is it?” Ananyev asked huskily, waking up and lifting his head quickly.

“They have brought some cauldrons from Nikitin’s,” said the student, “and he is begging us to take them. —
“他们从尼基廷那里拿来了一些锅,”学生说道,“他请求我们去拿。” —

And what business is it of ours to take them?”

“Do be so kind, your honour, and set things right! —
“恳请你,尊贵的先生,帮忙解决一下吧! —

The horses have been two days without food and the master, for sure, will be angry. —
马已经两天没有吃东西了,主人肯定会生气的。 —

Are we to take them back, or what? The railway ordered the cauldrons, so it ought to take them… .”
我们是不是要把它们送回去?铁路公司订购了这些锅,所以应该由他们来拿。… ”

“Can’t you understand, you blockhead, that it has nothing to do with us? Go on to Tchalisov!”

“What is it? Who’s there?” Ananyev asked huskily again. —
“是什么事?谁在那里?”安纳涅夫再次嘶哑地问道。 —

“Damnation take them all,” he said, getting up and going to the door. “What is it?”

I dressed, and two minutes later went out of the hut. —
我穿好衣服,两分钟后走出小屋。 —

Ananyev and the student, both in their underclothes and barefooted, were angrily and impatiently explaining to a peasant who was standing before them bare- headed, with his whip in his hand, apparently not understanding them. —
安纳涅夫和学生,两人都穿着内衣,光着脚,正在生气和不耐烦地解释着,一个农民站在他们面前,光着头,手里拿着鞭子,显然听不懂他们。 —

Both faces looked preoccupied with workaday cares.

“What use are your cauldrons to me,” shouted Ananyev. “Am I to put them on my head, or what? —
“你的锅对我有什么用?”安纳涅夫大喊道。“我是不是要把它们放在头上,还是怎么着?” —

If you can’t find Tchalisov, find his assistant, and leave us in peace!”

Seeing me, the student probably recalled the conversation of the previous night. —
看到我,这位学生可能想起了前一晚的对话。 —

The workaday expression vanished from his sleepy face and a look of mental inertia came into it. —
他昏昏欲睡的脸上瞬间消失了平凡的表情,取而代之的是一种智力迟钝的神态。 —

He waved the peasant off and walked away absorbed in thought.

It was a cloudy morning. On the line where the lights had been gleaming the night before, the workmen, just roused from sleep, were swarming. —
一个多云的早晨。在前一晚闪烁着灯光的地方,刚被吵醒的工人们涌了过来。 —

There was a sound of voices and the squeaking of wheelbarrows. The working day was beginning. —
声音响起,手推车发出吱吱声。工作日开始了。 —

One poor little nag harnessed with cord was already plodding towards the embankment, tugging with its neck, and dragging along a cartful of sand.

I began saying good-bye… . A great deal had been said in the night, but I carried away with me no answer to any question, and in the morning, of the whole conversation there remained in my memory, as in a filter, only the lights and the image of Kisotchka. —
我开始告别……前一晚说了许多话,但我没有得到任何问题的答案,早上时,我脑海中只留下了疏而杂乱的记忆,只有前一晚的灯光和基索卡的形象。 —

As I got on the horse, I looked at the student and Ananyev for the last time, at the hysterical dog with the lustreless, tipsy-looking eyes, at the workmen flitting to and fro in the morning fog, at the embankment, at the little nag straining with its neck, and thought:

“There is no making out anything in this world.”

And when I lashed my horse and galloped along the line, and when a little later I saw nothing before me but the endless gloomy plain and the cold overcast sky, I recalled the questions which were discussed in the night. —
当我抽鞭策马奔驰在铁路线上,稍后又看到眼前只有无止境的阴沉平原和寒冷多云的天空时,我回想起昨晚讨论的问题。 —

I pondered while the sun-scorched plain, the immense sky, the oak forest, dark on the horizon and the hazy distance, seemed saying to me:

“Yes, there’s no understanding anything in this world!”

The sun began to rise… .