THE whole sky had been overcast with rain-clouds from early morning; —
整个天空从早晨开始就被厚厚的雨云遮蔽着; —

it was a still day, not hot, but heavy, as it is in grey dull weather when the clouds have been hanging over the country for a long while, when one expects rain and it does not come. —
这是一个风平浪静的日子,不热,但很闷,就像灰沉沉的天气,当厚云在久久地盘旋在乡间时,人们期待着雨水却迟迟不至。 —

Ivan Ivanovitch, the veterinary surgeon, and Burkin, the high-school teacher, were already tired from walking, and the fields seemed to them endless. —
兽医伊万·伊万诺维奇和高中老师布尔金已经疲惫不堪地走了很远,田野在他们看来无边无际。 —

Far ahead of them they could just see the windmills of the village of Mironositskoe; —
他们远远望见米罗诺西茨科村的风车; —

on the right stretched a row of hillocks which disappeared in the distance behind the village, and they both knew that this was the bank of the river, that there were meadows, green willows, homesteads there, and that if one stood on one of the hillocks one could see from it the same vast plain, telegraph-wires, and a train which in the distance looked like a crawling caterpillar, and that in clear weather one could even see the town. —
右侧是一排丘陵,延伸到村子的后面,他们俩都知道这是河岸,那里有牧场、绿柳、农舍,如果站在其中一座丘陵上,就可以看到同样的广袤平原、电报线、以及远处一列看起来像匍匐蚕的火车,晴天时甚至还能看到城镇。 —

Now, in still weather, when all nature seemed mild and dreamy, Ivan Ivanovitch and Burkin were filled with love of that countryside, and both thought how great, how beautiful a land it was.

“Last time we were in Prokofy’s barn,” said Burkin, “you were about to tell me a story.”

“Yes; I meant to tell you about my brother.”

Ivan Ivanovitch heaved a deep sigh and lighted a pipe to begin to tell his story, but just at that moment the rain began. —
伊万·伊万诺维奇深深地叹了口气,点燃一支烟斗准备讲述他的故事,但就在那时,雨开始了。 —

And five minutes later heavy rain came down, covering the sky, and it was hard to tell when it would be over. —
五分钟后,大雨倾盆而下,遮蔽了整个天空,很难预料它何时会停下来。 —

Ivan Ivanovitch and Burkin stopped in hesitation; —
伊万·伊万诺维奇和布尔金停在原地犹豫着; —

the dogs, already drenched, stood with their tails between their legs gazing at them feelingly.

“We must take shelter somewhere,” said Burkin. “Let us go to Alehin’s; it’s close by.”

“Come along.”

They turned aside and walked through mown fields, sometimes going straight forward, sometimes turning to the right, till they came out on the road. —
他们绕过割过的田地,有时笔直向前,有时向右转,直到走上路。 —

Soon they saw poplars, a garden, then the red roofs of barns; —
很快,他们看到了白杨树、一个花园,然后是红色的谷仓屋顶; —

there was a gleam of the river, and the view opened on to a broad expanse of water with a windmill and a white bath-house: —
随后出现了一条小河,景色开阔,水面上有一座风车和一座白色的浴室; —

this was Sofino, where Alehin lived.

The watermill was at work, drowning the sound of the rain; the dam was shaking. —
水车转动着,淹没了雨声;坝子在震动; —

Here wet horses with drooping heads were standing near their carts, and men were walking about covered with sacks. —
这里湿漉漉的马匹低着头站在车边,人们穿着带着麻袋,四处走动; —

It was damp, muddy, and desolate; the water looked cold and malignant. —
现场潮湿、泥泞、荒凉;水看起来冰冷而恶毒; —

Ivan Ivanovitch and Burkin were already conscious of a feeling of wetness, messiness, and discomfort all over; —
伊万·伊万诺维奇和伯金已经感到全身处于潮湿、肮脏和不适之中; —

their feet were heavy with mud, and when, crossing the dam, they went up to the barns, they were silent, as though they were angry with one another.

In one of the barns there was the sound of a winnowing machine, the door was open, and clouds of dust were coming from it. —
在其中一间谷仓里,传来一个簸箕机的声音,门敞开着,一片尘土飞扬; —

In the doorway was standing Alehin himself, a man of forty, tall and stout, with long hair, more like a professor or an artist than a landowner. —
在门口站着阿列欣本人,一个四十岁的高大肥壮男人,长发披肩,看起来更像是教授或艺术家,而不是地主; —

He had on a white shirt that badly needed washing, a rope for a belt, drawers instead of trousers, and his boots, too, were plastered up with mud and straw. —
他穿着急需洗涤的白色衬衫,用绳子当腰带,穿着内裤代替裤子,连靴子也被泥和稻草粘住了; —

His eyes and nose were black with dust. He recognized Ivan Ivanovitch and Burkin, and was apparently much delighted to see them.

“Go into the house, gentlemen,” he said, smiling; “I’ll come directly, this minute.”

It was a big two-storeyed house. Alehin lived in the lower storey, with arched ceilings and little windows, where the bailiffs had once lived; —
这是一幢两层楼的大房子。阿列欣住在下层,带有拱形天花板和小窗户,曾经是管家住的地方; —

here everything was plain, and there was a smell of rye bread, cheap vodka, and harness. —
这里一切都很朴素,散发着黑面包、廉价伏特加和马具的气味。 —

He went upstairs into the best rooms only on rare occasions, when visitors came. —
他极少进入楼上最好的房间,只有在有客人来访时才会这样做。 —

Ivan Ivanovitch and Burkin were met in the house by a maid-servant, a young woman so beautiful that they both stood still and looked at one another.

“You can’t imagine how delighted I am to see you, my friends,” said Alehin, going into the hall with them. —
“见到你们,朋友们,我真是高兴极了。” 阿列欣说着,带着他们进了大厅。 —

“It is a surprise! Pelagea,” he said, addressing the girl, “give our visitors something to change into. —
“真是个惊喜!佩拉基娅,” 他对那女孩说,“给我们的客人们准备点换洗的衣服。 —

And, by the way, I will change too. Only I must first go and wash, for I almost think I have not washed since spring. —
顺便说一句,我也要换衣服。但我得去洗个澡,因为我差点就觉得自从春天以来我从来没洗过。” —

Wouldn’t you like to come into the bath-house? —
你们想不想去我的浴室? —

and meanwhile they will get things ready here.”

Beautiful Pelagea, looking so refined and soft, brought them towels and soap, and Alehin went to the bath-house with his guests.

“It’s a long time since I had a wash,” he said, undressing. —
“我好久没洗澡了,” 他说着脱衣服。 —

“I have got a nice bath-house, as you see—my father built it—but I somehow never have time to wash.”

He sat down on the steps and soaped his long hair and his neck, and the water round him turned brown.

“Yes, I must say,” said Ivan Ivanovitch meaningly, looking at his head.
“是啊,我得说,” 伊凡·伊凡诺维奇含沙射影地看着他的头。

“It’s a long time since I washed…” said Alehin with embarrassment, giving himself a second soaping, and the water near him turned dark blue, like ink.
“我好久没洗了…” 阿列欣尴尬地说着,给自己再擦了一遍,他周围的水变成了深蓝色,像墨水一样。

Ivan Ivanovitch went outside, plunged into the water with a loud splash, and swam in the rain, flinging his arms out wide. —
伊凡·伊凡诺维奇走到外面,大声地跳进水里,引起一声响亮的喷溅声,雨中游泳,扬起大片水花。 —

He stirred the water into waves which set the white lilies bobbing up and down; —
他搅动水,使白色的百合花上下浮动。 —

he swam to the very middle of the millpond and dived, and came up a minute later in another place, and swam on, and kept on diving, trying to touch the bottom.

“Oh, my goodness!” he repeated continually, enjoying himself thoroughly. “Oh, my goodness! —
“天啊!”他不停地重复着,完全享受着自己。 “天啊!” —

” He swam to the mill, talked to the peasants there, then returned and lay on his back in the middle of the pond, turning his face to the rain. —
他游到磨房,和那里的农民交谈,然后返回,仰卧在池塘中间,将脸转向雨水。 —

Burkin and Alehin were dressed and ready to go, but he still went on swimming and diving. —
伯金和阿列欣已经穿好准备好要走了,但他仍然游泳和潜水。 —

“Oh, my goodness!…” he said. “Oh, Lord, have mercy on me!…”
“天啊!……”他说。 “主啊,怜悯我!……”

“That’s enough!” Burkin shouted to him.

They went back to the house. And only when the lamp was lighted in the big drawing-room upstairs, and Burkin and Ivan Ivanovitch, attired in silk dressing-gowns and warm slippers, were sitting in arm-chairs; —
他们回到了屋子里。只有在楼上大客厅里点亮了灯,伯金和伊万·伊万诺维奇穿着丝绸睡袍和暖和的拖鞋坐在扶手椅上; —

and Alehin, washed and combed, in a new coat, was walking about the drawing- room, evidently enjoying the feeling of warmth, cleanliness, dry clothes, and light shoes; —
而阿列欣已经梳洗干净,穿着新外套,穿着轻便鞋在客厅里走来走去,显然享受着温暖、干净、干燥的衣服和轻鞋的感觉; —

and when lovely Pelagea, stepping noiselessly on the carpet and smiling softly, handed tea and jam on a tray—only then Ivan Ivanovitch began on his story, and it seemed as though not only Burkin and Alehin were listening, but also the ladies, young and old, and the officers who looked down upon them sternly and calmly from their gold frames.

“There are two of us brothers,” he began—“I, Ivan Ivanovitch, and my brother, Nikolay Ivanovitch, two years younger. —
“我们是两兄弟,”他开始说,“我是伊万·伊万诺维奇,我的弟弟尼古拉·伊万诺维奇比我小两岁。 —

I went in for a learned profession and became a veterinary surgeon, while Nikolay sat in a government office from the time he was nineteen. —
我从事了一个有学问的职业,成为了一名兽医,而尼古拉从十九岁起就在政府机关工作。 —

Our father, Tchimsha- Himalaisky, was a kantonist, but he rose to be an officer and left us a little estate and the rank of nobility. —
我们的父亲,钦沙 - 喜马拉伊斯基,曾是一个兵士,但他晋升为了一名军官,留给我们一个小庄园和贵族头衔。 —

After his death the little estate went in debts and legal expenses; —
在他去世后,小庄园债台高筑和法律开支; —

but, anyway, we had spent our childhood running wild in the country. —
但无论如何,我们在乡村里颠沛流离的童年。 —

Like peasant children, we passed our days and nights in the fields and the woods, looked after horses, stripped the bark off the trees, fished, and so on. —
像农民的孩子一样,我们白天晚上在田野和树林里度过,照料马匹,剥树皮,钓鱼等等。 —

… And, you know, whoever has once in his life caught perch or has seen the migrating of the thrushes in autumn, watched how they float in flocks over the village on bright, cool days, he will never be a real townsman, and will have a yearning for freedom to the day of his death. —
1,…… 谁曾经一生中捕捉过鲈鱼,或者见过深秋时节的杜鹃迁徙,看着它们在明亮清凉的日子里成群结队飞过村庄的人,他永远不会成为真正的城里人,他会一生都渴望自由。 —

My brother was miserable in the government office. —
2,我兄弟在政府机关里过得很不开心。 —

Years passed by, and he went on sitting in the same place, went on writing the same papers and thinking of one and the same thing—how to get into the country. —
3,岁月流逝,他继续坐在同一个地方,继续写着同样的文件,想着同样的事情——怎样才能搬到乡下去。 —

And this yearning by degrees passed into a definite desire, into a dream of buying himself a little farm somewhere on the banks of a river or a lake.

“He was a gentle, good-natured fellow, and I was fond of him, but I never sympathized with this desire to shut himself up for the rest of his life in a little farm of his own. —
5,”他是一个温和、仁慈的家伙,我很喜欢他,但我从来不赞同他把自己关在一处小农场一生的愿望。 —

It’s the correct thing to say that a man needs no more than six feet of earth. —
6,说一个人不需要多余六英尺的土地是正确的。 —

But six feet is what a corpse needs, not a man. —
7,但六英尺土地足够一具尸体了,而不足以供一个人使用。 —

And they say, too, now, that if our intellectual classes are attracted to the land and yearn for a farm, it’s a good thing. —
8,他们还说,如今,如果我们的知识分子阶层被大地所吸引,渴望拥有一个农场是一件好事。 —

But these farms are just the same as six feet of earth. —
9,但这些农场和六英尺的土地没什么两样。 —

To retreat from town, from the struggle, from the bustle of life, to retreat and bury oneself in one’s farm—it’s not life, it’s egoism, laziness, it’s monasticism of a sort, but monasticism without good works. —
10,退隐市镇、脱离斗争、远离喧嚣,退隐并将自己埋葬在自己的农场里——这不是生活,这是自私、懒散,是某种程度上的修道主义,但缺少善行的修道主义。 —

A man does not need six feet of earth or a farm, but the whole globe, all nature, where he can have room to display all the qualities and peculiarities of his free spirit.

“My brother Nikolay, sitting in his government office, dreamed of how he would eat his own cabbages, which would fill the whole yard with such a savoury smell, take his meals on the green grass, sleep in the sun, sit for whole hours on the seat by the gate gazing at the fields and the forest. —
12,”在政府办公室里的我兄弟尼古拉,梦想着吃自己种的卷心菜,卷心菜散发出一股美妙的香味,整个院子充满香气,他可以在绿草上用餐,睡在阳光里,整个小时盯着大门旁的椅子看着田野和森林。 —

Gardening books and the agricultural hints in calendars were his delight, his favourite spiritual sustenance; —
13,园艺书籍和日历上的农业提示是他的快乐,他最喜欢的精神食粮; —

he enjoyed reading newspapers, too, but the only things he read in them were the advertisements of so many acres of arable land and a grass meadow with farm-houses and buildings, a river, a garden, a mill and millponds, for sale. —
14,他也喜欢读报纸,但他只读广告,有很多英亩的耕地和草地与农舍、建筑物、河流、花园、磨坊和磨坊池塘出售。 —

And his imagination pictured the garden-paths, flowers and fruit, starling cotes, the carp in the pond, and all that sort of thing, you know. —
15,他的想象描绘了花园小道、花朵和水果、椋鸟巢穴、池塘里的鲤鱼,以及各种其他东西,你懂的。 —

These imaginary pictures were of different kinds according to the advertisements which he came across, but for some reason in every one of them he had always to have gooseberries. —
这些虚构的画作在广告中有各种不同,但不知何故在每一幅画里他总是要有足跻。 —

He could not imagine a homestead, he could not picture an idyllic nook, without gooseberries.

“‘Country life has its conveniences,’ he would sometimes say. —
“’乡下生活还是很方便的,’他有时会说。 —

‘You sit on the verandah and you drink tea, while your ducks swim on the pond, there is a delicious smell everywhere, and. —
‘你坐在阳台上喝茶,你的鸭子在池塘里游,到处都是芬芳扑鼻的气味,还有…… —

.. and the gooseberries are growing.’

“He used to draw a map of his property, and in every map there were the same things—(a) house for the family, (b) servants’ quarters, © kitchen-garden, (d) gooseberry-bushes. —
“他常常绘制自己财产的地图,在每一张地图上都有相同的东西—(a) 家庭住所, (b) 仆人住宿, © 厨园, (d) 足添灌木丛。 —

He lived parsimoniously, was frugal in food and drink, his clothes were beyond description; —
他生活俭朴,饮食节俭,衣着破旧不堪; —

he looked like a beggar, but kept on saving and putting money in the bank. —
他看起来像个乞丐,但却一直在存钱和把钱存在银行里。 —

He grew fearfully avaricious. I did not like to look at him, and I used to give him something and send him presents for Christmas and Easter, but he used to save that too. —
他变得极其贪婪。我不喜欢看他,以前会给他一些东西,送他圣诞节和复活节的礼物,但他也会把那些存起来。 —

Once a man is absorbed by an idea there is no doing anything with him.

“Years passed: he was transferred to another province. —
“岁月流逝:他被调到另一个省份。 —

He was over forty, and he was still reading the advertisements in the papers and saving up. —
他已经过了四十岁,却仍在读报纸上的广告并存钱。 —

Then I heard he was married. Still with the same object of buying a farm and having gooseberries, he married an elderly and ugly widow without a trace of feeling for her, simply because she had filthy lucre. —
后来我听说他结婚了。仍然为了购买一个农场并种足跻,他娶了一个年长且丑陋的寡妇,对她毫无感情,只是因为她有肮脏的钱财。 —

He went on living frugally after marrying her, and kept her short of food, while he put her money in the bank in his name.

“Her first husband had been a postmaster, and with him she was accustomed to pies and home-made wines, while with her second husband she did not get enough black bread; —
“她的前夫曾是一名邮局局长,与他一起她习惯了吃馅饼和家酿酒,而与第二个丈夫在一起她却没得到足量的黑面包。 —

she began to pine away with this sort of life, and three years later she gave up her soul to God. And I need hardly say that my brother never for one moment imagined that he was responsible for her death. —
她开始因这种生活而消瘦,三年后将自己的灵魂献给了上帝。我无需多说,我的哥哥从未想过他有一刻是对她的死负责的。 —

Money, like vodka, makes a man queer. In our town there was a merchant who, before he died, ordered a plateful of honey and ate up all his money and lottery tickets with the honey, so that no one might get the benefit of it. —
金钱,就像伏特加,会让一个人古怪。在我们镇上有个商人,临死前点了一盘蜂蜜,用蜂蜜吃光了他所有的钱和彩票,以免别人得到好处。 —

While I was inspecting cattle at a railway-station, a cattle-dealer fell under an engine and had his leg cut off. —
当我在火车站查看牲口时,一个牲口贩子被一辆火车压住,腿被割掉了。 —

We carried him into the waiting-room, the blood was flowing—it was a horrible thing—and he kept asking them to look for his leg and was very much worried about it; —
我们把他抬进候车室,鲜血不断流出——那是一件可怕的事——他一直要他们找他的腿,非常担心; —

there were twenty roubles in the boot on the leg that had been cut off, and he was afraid they would be lost.”

“That’s a story from a different opera,” said Burkin.

“After his wife’s death,” Ivan Ivanovitch went on, after thinking for half a minute, “my brother began looking out for an estate for himself. —
“在他妻子去世后,”伊凡·伊凡诺维奇想了半分钟后继续说,“我哥开始寻找自己的庄园。 —

Of course, you may look about for five years and yet end by making a mistake, and buying something quite different from what you have dreamed of. —
当然,你可能寻找五年,却最终犯错,买下与你梦想的完全不同的东西。 —

My brother Nikolay bought through an agent a mortgaged estate of three hundred and thirty acres, with a house for the family, with servants’ quarters, with a park, but with no orchard, no gooseberry- bushes, and no duck-pond; —
我哥尼古拉通过一个中介买下了一座抵押的三百三十英亩庄园,有家庭住房,有仆人住所,有公园,但没有果园,没有茄苋丛,也没有鸭塘; —

there was a river, but the water in it was the colour of coffee, because on one side of the estate there was a brickyard and on the other a factory for burning bones. —
有一条河,但其中的水因为庄园一侧有一座砖厂,另一侧有一家燃骨厂而呈咖啡色。 —

But Nikolay Ivanovitch did not grieve much; —
但尼古拉伊凡诺维奇并没有太难过; —

he ordered twenty gooseberry-bushes, planted them, and began living as a country gentleman.

“Last year I went to pay him a visit. I thought I would go and see what it was like. —
“去年我去拜访了他。我想去看看那是什么样子。 —

In his letters my brother called his estate ‘Tchumbaroklov Waste, alias Himalaiskoe. —
我兄在他的信中将自己的庄园称为‘丘巴罗克洛夫荒地,又名喜马拉雅寨。 —

’ I reached ‘alias Himalaiskoe’ in the afternoon. It was hot. —
’ 我下午到达了‘喜马拉雅寨’。天气很热。 —

Everywhere there were ditches, fences, hedges, fir-trees planted in rows, and there was no knowing how to get to the yard, where to put one’s horse. —
到处都是沟渠、篱笆、树篱和整齐种植的杉树,人们不知道该往哪儿走,也不知道该把马停在哪里。 —

I went up to the house, and was met by a fat red dog that looked like a pig. —
我走进了房子,被一只肥胖的红色狗迎接,看起来像只猪。 —

It wanted to bark, but it was too lazy. The cook, a fat, barefooted woman, came out of the kitchen, and she, too, looked like a pig, and said that her master was resting after dinner. —
它想吠叫,但懒得动。一个肥胖、赤脚的厨师从厨房里走出来,她也像只猪,说她的主人吃过午饭后正在休息。 —

I went in to see my brother. He was sitting up in bed with a quilt over his legs; —
我走进去看我的兄弟。他坐在床上,腿上盖着床单; —

he had grown older, fatter, wrinkled; his cheeks, his nose, and his mouth all stuck out—he looked as though he might begin grunting into the quilt at any moment.

“We embraced each other, and shed tears of joy and of sadness at the thought that we had once been young and now were both grey-headed and near the grave. —
我们拥抱在一起,眼泪交加,为过去曾年轻如今却白发苍苍,离坟墓不远而感到快乐和悲伤。 —

He dressed, and led me out to show me the estate.

“‘Well, how are you getting on here?’ I asked.

“‘Oh, all right, thank God; I am getting on very well.’

“He was no more a poor timid clerk, but a real landowner, a gentleman. —
他再也不是一个贫穷胆怯的文员,而是一个真正的地主,绅士。 —

He was already accustomed to it, had grown used to it, and liked it. —
他已经习惯了,适应了,也喜欢上了这样的生活。 —

He ate a great deal, went to the bath-house, was growing stout, was already at law with the village commune and both factories, and was very much offended when the peasants did not call him ‘Your Honour. —
他吃很多,去浴室,开始发胖,已经与村委会和两家工厂起诉,而当农民们不称他为“尊贵的您”时就非常生气。 —

’ And he concerned himself with the salvation of his soul in a substantial, gentlemanly manner, and performed deeds of charity, not simply, but with an air of consequence. —
他以一种实在而绅士的方式关心自己灵魂的拯救,以一种带着权威的方式施行慈善事业。 —

And what deeds of charity! He treated the peasants for every sort of disease with soda and castor oil, and on his name-day had a thanksgiving service in the middle of the village, and then treated the peasants to a gallon of vodka—he thought that was the thing to do. —
这些慈善事业啊!他用苏打水和蓖麻油为农民们治疗各种疾病,然后在自己的名字日,他在村中央举行感恩祈祷,然后款待农民们一加仑伏特加酒——他认为这就是该做的事情。 —

Oh, those horrible gallons of vodka! One day the fat landowner hauls the peasants up before the district captain for trespass, and next day, in honour of a holiday, treats them to a gallon of vodka, and they drink and shout ‘Hurrah! —
噢,那些可怕的加仑伏特加!一天,肥胖的地主因为农民们擅自进入他的土地而将他们告上区长,第二天为了庆祝节日,又请他们喝上一加仑伏特加酒,他们就会喝着喊着“万岁!”。 —

’ and when they are drunk bow down to his feet. —
接着痛饮之后,他们会跪在他的脚下。 —

A change of life for the better, and being well-fed and idle develop in a Russian the most insolent self-conceit. —
对于俄罗斯人来说,生活的改善、吃得饱和闲散会使他们产生最傲慢的自负。 —

Nikolay Ivanovitch, who at one time in the government office was afraid to have any views of his own, now could say nothing that was not gospel truth, and uttered such truths in the tone of a prime minister. —
尼古拉·伊凡诺维奇,在政府办公室里曾经不敢有自己的观点,现在却只说出真理,而且是以首相的口吻说出这些真理。 —

‘Education is essential, but for the peasants it is premature. —
“教育很重要,但对农民来说还为时过早。 —

’ ‘Corporal punishment is harmful as a rule, but in some cases it is necessary and there is nothing to take its place.’

“‘I know the peasants and understand how to treat them,’ he would say. —
“‘我了解农民,并知道怎样对待他们,’他会说。 —

‘The peasants like me. I need only to hold up my little finger and the peasants will do anything I like.’

“And all this, observe, was uttered with a wise, benevolent smile. —
“而这一切,注意,都是说着智慧、善良的微笑。 —

He repeated twenty times over ‘We noblemen,’ ‘I as a noble’; —
他重复了二十遍‘我们贵族’,‘作为一个贵族的我’; —

obviously he did not remember that our grandfather was a peasant, and our father a soldier. —
显然他已经忘记了我们的祖父是农民,我们的父亲是士兵。 —

Even our surname Tchimsha-Himalaisky, in reality so incongruous, seemed to him now melodious, distinguished, and very agreeable.

“But the point just now is not he, but myself. —
“但现在关键不在他,而在我自己身上。 —

I want to tell you about the change that took place in me during the brief hours I spent at his country place. —
我想告诉你,在他的乡间住所度过的短短几个小时里发生在我身上的变化。 —

In the evening, when we were drinking tea, the cook put on the table a plateful of gooseberries. —
傍晚喝茶的时候,厨师把一盘醋栗放在桌上。 —

They were not bought, but his own gooseberries, gathered for the first time since the bushes were planted. —
它们不是买来的,而是他自己的醋栗,自从灌木种植以来第一次收成。 —

Nikolay Ivanovitch laughed and looked for a minute in silence at the gooseberries, with tears in his eyes; —
尼古拉伊万诺维奇笑了笑,沉默地看着醋栗,眼睛里含着泪水; —

he could not speak for excitement. Then he put one gooseberry in his mouth, looked at me with the triumph of a child who has at last received his favourite toy, and said:

“‘How delicious!’

“And he ate them greedily, continually repeating, ‘Ah, how delicious! Do taste them!’

“They were sour and unripe, but, as Pushkin says:

“‘Dearer to us the falsehood that exalts Than hosts of baser truths.’

“I saw a happy man whose cherished dream was so obviously fulfilled, who had attained his object in life, who had gained what he wanted, who was satisfied with his fate and himself. —
“我看到一个幸福的人,他的珍爱梦想显然实现了,他达到了生命中的目标,得到了他想要的,他满足于自己的命运和自己。 —

There is always, for some reason, an element of sadness mingled with my thoughts of human happiness, and, on this occasion, at the sight of a happy man I was overcome by an oppressive feeling that was close upon despair. —
我对人类幸福总会夹杂一种令人难受的伤感,这一次,在看到一个快乐的人时,我被沉重的感觉所压倒,几乎要陷入绝望。 —

It was particularly oppressive at night. —
这种感觉尤其在夜晚压抑。 —

A bed was made up for me in the room next to my brother’s bedroom, and I could hear that he was awake, and that he kept getting up and going to the plate of gooseberries and taking one. —
为我在我兄弟的卧室旁边安排了一张床,我听得到他还醒着,一直起床去桌子上的醋栗,拿一个。 —

I reflected how many satisfied, happy people there really are! What a suffocating force it is! —
我在想,实际上有多少满足和快乐的人呢!这是多么窒息的力量! —

You look at life: the insolence and idleness of the strong, the ignorance and brutishness of the weak, incredible poverty all about us, overcrowding, degeneration, drunkenness, hypocrisy, lying. —
你看生活:强者的傲慢和懒散,弱者的无知和野蛮,我们周围的难以置信的贫困,拥挤,堕落,酗酒,虚伪,谎言。 —

… Yet all is calm and stillness in the houses and in the streets; —
……然而,居民家中与街头都是平静与宁静; —

of the fifty thousand living in a town, there is not one who would cry out, who would give vent to his indignation aloud. —
在一个城镇的五万居民中,没有一个人会大声呼喊,表达他的愤慨。 —

We see the people going to market for provisions, eating by day, sleeping by night, talking their silly nonsense, getting married, growing old, serenely escorting their dead to the cemetery; —
我们看到人们去市场买食物,白天吃饭,晚上睡觉,闲聊蠢事,结婚,变老,安静地把去世的亲人送到墓地。 —

but we do not see and we do not hear those who suffer, and what is terrible in life goes on somewhere behind the scenes. —
但我们并没有看到,也没有听到那些受苦的人,生活中的可怕事情在幕后继续发生。 —

… Everything is quiet and peaceful, and nothing protests but mute statistics: —
… 一切都是安静和平静的,除了沉默的统计数据没有任何抗议: —

so many people gone out of their minds, so many gallons of vodka drunk, so many children dead from malnutrition. —
如此多的人精神错乱,如此多的伏特加被喝光,如此多的儿童死于营养不良。 —

… And this order of things is evidently necessary; —
… 显然这种秩序是必要的; —

evidently the happy man only feels at ease because the unhappy bear their burdens in silence, and without that silence happiness would be impossible. —
显然,幸福的人之所以感到自在,是因为不幸的人默默承担着自己的负担,没有这种沉默,幸福是不可能的。 —

It’s a case of general hypnotism. There ought to be behind the door of every happy, contented man some one standing with a hammer continually reminding him with a tap that there are unhappy people; —
这是一种普遍的催眠。每个快乐、满足的人的门后都应该有一个持槌者,不断地用一下提醒他,生活中有不幸的人; —

that however happy he may be, life will show him her laws sooner or later, trouble will come for him—disease, poverty, losses, and no one will see or hear, just as now he neither sees nor hears others. —
无论他有多快乐,生活都会以她的规律向他展示,烦恼终有一天会降临给他 — 疾病、贫困、损失,没人会看见或听见,就像他现在既看不见别人也听不见他。 —

But there is no man with a hammer; the happy man lives at his ease, and trivial daily cares faintly agitate him like the wind in the aspen-tree—and all goes well.
但没有一个持槌者;快乐的人生活自在,琐碎的日常烦恼只像风一样淡淡地扰乱他的心态 — 一切都好。

“That night I realized that I, too, was happy and contented,” Ivan Ivanovitch went on, getting up. —
“那天晚上,我意识到我也是快乐和满足的,” 伊万·伊万诺维奇站起来说道。 —

“I, too, at dinner and at the hunt liked to lay down the law on life and religion, and the way to manage the peasantry. —
“我也在晚餐和打猎时喜欢对生活和宗教,以及管理农民的方法发表看法。 —

I, too, used to say that science was light, that culture was essential, but for the simple people reading and writing was enough for the time. —
我也曾说过科学是光明,文化是必不可少的,但对于普通人来说,阅读和写作足够了。 —

Freedom is a blessing, I used to say; we can no more do without it than without air, but we must wait a little. —
自由是一种祝福,我曾说过;我们像呼吸空气一样不能没有它,但我们必须等待一会儿。 —

Yes, I used to talk like that, and now I ask, ‘For what reason are we to wait? —
是的,我以前说过这样的话,现在我问,‘为什么要等待呢? —

’” asked Ivan Ivanovitch, looking angrily at Burkin. “Why wait, I ask you? —
’” 伊万·伊万诺维奇生气地看着伯金,“我问你,为什么要等待? —

What grounds have we for waiting? I shall be told, it can’t be done all at once; —
我们有什么理由要等待?我想会有人告诉我,一下子做不到; —

every idea takes shape in life gradually, in its due time. But who is it says that? —
每一个想法在生活中逐渐成形,在它应有的时间里。但是谁说的呢? —

Where is the proof that it’s right? You will fall back upon the natural order of things, the uniformity of phenomena; —
它正确的证据在哪里?你会依靠自然界的秩序,事物的一致性; —

but is there order and uniformity in the fact that I, a living, thinking man, stand over a chasm and wait for it to close of itself, or to fill up with mud at the very time when perhaps I might leap over it or build a bridge across it? —
但在我,一个活着、思考的人,站在一个悬崖边上等待它自己封闭,或者在或许可以跳过去或者架桥的时候等待它填满泥土,这其中有秩序和一致性吗? —

And again, wait for the sake of what? Wait till there’s no strength to live? —
再说,等待是为了什么?等到没有力气活下去吗? —

And meanwhile one must live, and one wants to live!

“I went away from my brother’s early in the morning, and ever since then it has been unbearable for me to be in town. —
“清晨我离开了我的兄弟,自那时以来在城里就变得令人难以忍受。 —

I am oppressed by its peace and quiet; I am afraid to look at the windows, for there is no spectacle more painful to me now than the sight of a happy family sitting round the table drinking tea. —
安宁与宁静压抑着我;我害怕看窗户,因为对我来说现在没有比看到一个幸福的家庭围坐在桌旁喝茶更痛苦的场景了。 —

I am old and am not fit for the struggle; I am not even capable of hatred; —
我老了,没有力气奋斗;甚至连恨都无法产生; —

I can only grieve inwardly, feel irritated and vexed; —
我只能悲伤内心,感到烦躁和恼火; —

but at night my head is hot from the rush of ideas, and I cannot sleep. —
但晚上我的脑袋被思绪冲得发烫,无法入睡。 —

… Ah, if I were young!”

Ivan Ivanovitch walked backwards and forwards in excitement, and repeated: “If I were young!”

He suddenly went up to Alehin and began pressing first one of his hands and then the other.

“Pavel Konstantinovitch,” he said in an imploring voice, “don’t be calm and contented, don’t let yourself be put to sleep! —
“保罗·康斯坦丁诺维奇,”他用乞求的声音说,“不要安于现状,不要让自己入睡! —

While you are young, strong, confident, be not weary in well-doing! —
当你年轻、强壮、自信时,不要因善事而感到疲倦!”。 —

There is no happiness, and there ought not to be; —
没有幸福,也不应该有; —

but if there is a meaning and an object in life, that meaning and object is not our happiness, but something greater and more rational. Do good!”

And all this Ivan Ivanovitch said with a pitiful, imploring smile, as though he were asking him a personal favour.

Then all three sat in arm-chairs at different ends of the drawing-room and were silent. —
于是三人坐在客厅里的不同角落的扶手椅上,保持沉默。 —

Ivan Ivanovitch’s story had not satisfied either Burkin or Alehin. —
伊凡·伊凡诺维奇的故事既没有让伯金满意,也没有让阿列欣满意。 —

When the generals and ladies gazed down from their gilt frames, looking in the dusk as though they were alive, it was dreary to listen to the story of the poor clerk who ate gooseberries. —
当将军们和女士们从装裱得金灿灿的画框里凝视着,仿佛活着一样,听起那位吃过醋栗的可怜职员的故事真是让人感到沮丧。 —

They felt inclined, for some reason, to talk about elegant people, about women. —
他们不知为何想要谈论优雅的人,谈论女人。 —

And their sitting in the drawing-room where everything—the chandeliers in their covers, the arm-chairs, and the carpet under their feet—reminded them that those very people who were now looking down from their frames had once moved about, sat, drunk tea in this room, and the fact that lovely Pelagea was moving noiselessly about was better than any story.

Alehin was fearfully sleepy; he had got up early, before three o’clock in the morning, to look after his work, and now his eyes were closing; —
阿列欣困得要命;他清晨三点就起床去忙工作了,现在他的眼睛开始合上了; —

but he was afraid his visitors might tell some interesting story after he had gone, and he lingered on. —
但他担心客人可能在他离开之后讲一些有趣的故事,所以他逗留着。 —

He did not go into the question whether what Ivan Ivanovitch had just said was right and true. —
他没有深究伊凡·伊凡诺维奇刚刚说的是否正确和真实。 —

His visitors did not talk of groats, nor of hay, nor of tar, but of something that had no direct bearing on his life, and he was glad and wanted them to go on.

“It’s bed-time, though,” said Burkin, getting up. “Allow me to wish you good-night.”

Alehin said good-night and went downstairs to his own domain, while the visitors remained upstairs. —
阿列欣道了晚安,下楼去到自己的领域,而客人们则留在楼上。 —

They were both taken for the night to a big room where there stood two old wooden beds decorated with carvings, and in the corner was an ivory crucifix. —
他们被安排在一个宽敞的房间里过夜,在那里有两张镶嵌着雕花的古老木床,角落里还有一个象牙制的十字架。 —

The big cool beds, which had been made by the lovely Pelagea, smelt agreeably of clean linen.

Ivan Ivanovitch undressed in silence and got into bed.

“Lord forgive us sinners!” he said, and put his head under the quilt.

His pipe lying on the table smelt strongly of stale tobacco, and Burkin could not sleep for a long while, and kept wondering where the oppressive smell came from.

The rain was pattering on the window-panes all night.