WHEN the snows came, grandfather once more took me to grandmother’ssister.

  “It will do you no harm,” he said to me.

I seemed to have had a wonderful lot of experience during the summer. —
整个夏天似乎经历了很多奇妙的事情。 —

Ifelt that I had grown older and cleverer, and the dullness of my master’shouse seemed worse than ever. —
我觉得自己长大了,变得更聪明了,而我的主人家的无聊似乎比以往更糟。 —

They fell ill as often as ever, upsetting theirstomachs with offensive poisons, and giv — ing one another detailedaccounts of the progress of their illnesses. —
他们仍然像往常一样频频生病,用令人恶心的毒药弄坏他们的胃,并彼此详细汇报病情的进展。 —

The old woman prayed to God inthe same terrible and malignant way. —
老女人的祈祷方式依旧那么可怕且恶毒。 —

The young mistress had grown thin,but she moved about just as pompously and slowly as when she wasexpecting her child. —
年轻的女主人变得瘦弱了,但她仍然像怀孕时一样摆出一副威严而慢悠悠的姿态。 —

When she stitched at the baby-clothes she always sangthe same song softly to herself:

  “Spiria, Spiria, Spiridon,Spiria, my little brother,I will sit in the sledge myselfAnd Spiria on the foot-board.”

  If any one went into the room she left off singing at once and criedangrily:

  “What do you want?”

  I fully believed that she knew no other song but that.

In the evenings they used to call me into the sitting-room, and the orderwas given: —
晚上他们常常叫我进客厅,然后给出指令: —

i8o“Now tell us how you lived on the boat.”

I sat on a chair near the door and spoke. —
我坐在门边的椅子上讲述起来。 —

I liked to recall a different lifefrom this which I was forced to lead against my will. —
我喜欢回忆起我曾被迫过的与意愿不同的生活。 —

I was so interested that Iforgot my audience, but not for long.

  The women, who had never been on a boat, asked me:

  “But it was very alarming, wasn’t it?”

  I did not understand. Why should it be alarming?

  “Why, the boat might go down any moment, and every one would bedrowned.”

The master burst out laughing, and I, although I knew that boats did notsink just because there were deep places, could not convince the women. —
船老板大笑起来,我虽然知道船不会因为有深水而沉没,却无法说服那些女性。 —

Theold woman was certain that the boat did not float on the water, but wentalong on wheels on the bottom of the river, like a cart on dry land.

  “If they are made of iron, how can they float? An ax will not float; nofear!”

  “But a scoop does not sink in the water.”

  “There’s a comparison to make! A scoop is a small thing, nothing tospeak of.”

  When I spoke of Smouri and his books they regarded me with contempt.

  The old lady said that only fools and heretics wrote books.

  “What about the Psalms and King David?”

  “The Psalms are sacred writings, and King David prayed God to forgivehim for writing the Psalms.”

  “Where does it say so?”

“In the palms of my hands; that’s where! —
“就在我的手掌中!那就是那里!” —

When I get hold of you by theneck you will learn where.”

  She knew everything; she spoke on all subjects with conviction andalways savagely.

  “A Tatar died on the Pechorka, and his soul came out of his mouth asblack as tar.”

  “Soul? Spirit?” I said, but she cried contemptuously :

  “Of a Tatar! Fool!”

  The young mistress was afraid of books, too.

  “It is very injurious to read books, and especially when you are young,”

she said. “At home, at Grebeshka, there was a young girl of good family whoread and read, and the end of it was that she fell in love with the deacon, andthe deacon’s wife so shamed her that it was terrible to see. —
她说。“在家里,在格列别什卡,有个出身不错的年轻女孩读书读书,结果她爱上了执事,执事的妻子就让她蒙受了极大的羞辱,看着实在是可怕。 —

In the street,before everybody.”

Sometimes I used words out of Smouri’s books, in one of which, onewithout beginning or end, was written, “Strictly speaking, no one personreally invented powder; —
有时我会用斯莫里书中的词汇,其中一本书里写着,“严格来说,没有人真正发明了火药; —

as is always the case, it appeared at the end of a longseries of minor observations and discoveries.” I do not know why Iremembered these words so well. —
正如通常的情况一样,它出现在一系列小的观察和发现之后。”我不知道为什么我记住了这些话。 —

What I liked best of all was the joining oftwo phrases, “strictly speaking, no one person really invented powder. —
我最喜欢的是将两个短语连在一起,“严格来说,没有人真正发明了火药。 —

” I wasaware of force underlying them ; —
”我意识到其中蕴含的力量; —

but they brought me sorrow, ludicrous sor— row. It happened thus.

  One day when my employers proposed that I should tell them aboutsomething which had happened on the boat I answered:

  “I haven’t anything left to tell, strictly speaking.”

  This amazed them. They cried:

  “What? What’s that you said?’

  And all four began to laugh in a friendly fashion, repeating :

  “‘Strictly speaking,’ — ah. Lord!”
“‘严格来说’ — 啊。天哪!”

  Even the master said to me :

  “You have thought that out badly, old fellow.”

  And for a long time after that they used to call me:

  “Hi, ‘strictly speaking,’ come here and wipe up the floor after the baby,strictly speaking.”

This stupid banter did not offend, but it greatly surprised, me. —
我沉浸在令人昏昏欲睡的悲伤中,努力工作以抵抗它。 —

I lived in afog of stupefying grief, and I worked hard in order to fight against it. —
工作时,我并未感到自己不称职。家里有两个小孩。 —

I didnot feel my inefficiencies when I was at work. In the house were two youngchildren. —
保姆从来都不讨家庭主妇的喜欢,经常被更换。 —

The nurses never pleased the mistresses, and were continuallybeing changed. —
我不得不侍奉孩子,每天洗宝宝的衣服,每周要去詹达尔姆斯基喷泉冲洗衣物。 —

I had to wait upon the children, to wash baby-clothes everyday, and every week I had to go to the Jandarmski Fountain to rinse thelinen. —
在那里,洗衣女工们嘲笑我: —

Here I was derided by the washerwomen:

  “Why are you doing women’s work?”

Sometimes they worked me up to such a pitch that I slapped them withthe wet, twisted linen. —
她们大方地还击了我,但我觉得她们开朗有趣。 —

They paid me back generously for this, but I foundthem merry and interesting.

The Jandarmski Fountain ran along the bottom of a deep causeway andfell into the Oka. The causeway cut the town off from the field which wascalled, from the name of an ancient god, Yarilo. —
在那片田野上,靠近塞米卡,城镇居民建了一个漫步道。 —

On that field, near Semika,the inhabitants of the town had made a promenade. —
祖母告诉我,在她年轻的时候,人们还信仰亚里洛,并向他献祭。 —

Grandmother had toldme that in the days of her youth people still believed in Yarilo and offeredsacrifices to him. —
Grandmother had toldme that in the days of her youth people still believed in Yarilo and offeredsacrifices to him. —

They took a wheel, covered it with tarred tow, and let it rolldown the hill with cries and songs, watching to see if the burning wheelwould roll as far as the Oka. If it did, the god Yarilo had accepted thesacrifice; —
他们用车轮涂抹了沥青的麻绳,让它沿着山坡滚动,伴随着呼喊和歌声,观察着燃烧的车轮是否会滚到奥卡河。如果成功了,那就意味着神恩的雅利洛接受了祭品; —

the summer would be sunny and happy.

The washerwomen were for the most part from Yarilo, bold, headstrongwomen who had the life of the town at their finger-ends. —
多数洗衣妇来自雅利洛,她们是勇敢、任性的女人,掌握着城镇生活的方方面面。 —

It was veryinteresting to hear their tales of the merchants, chinovniks and officers forwhom they worked. —
听她们讲述那些商人、官员和军官的故事很有趣。 —

To rinse the linen in winter in the icy water of the riverwas work for a galley-slave. —
冬天在冰冷的河水中漂洗衣物,简直就像是苦役。 —

All the women had their hands so frost-bittenthat the skin was broken. —
所有的女人手指都被冻伤,皮肤破裂了。 —

Bending over the stream, inclosed in a woodentrough, under an old penthouse full of crevices, which was no protectionagainst either wind or snow, the women rinsed the linen. —
弯腰在木槽里,站在一个充满裂缝的破旧棚子下面,这既不能阻挡风雪,也不能保护她们免受严寒之苦,女人们在河水中漂洗衣物。 —

Their faces wereflushed, pinched by the frost. The frost burned their wet fingers ; —
面庞因严寒而憋红,冻伤的湿漉漉的手指火辣辣地疼,已经弯曲不起来了。 —

they couldnot bend them. Tears trickled from their eyes, but they chatted all the time,telling one another different stories, bearing themselves with a peculiarbravery toward every one and everything.

The best of all the stories were told by Natalia Kozlovski, a woman ofabout thirty, fresh-faced, strong, with laughing eyes and a peculiarly facileand sharp tongue. —
最精彩的故事都是由娜塔莉娅·科兹洛夫斯基讲述的,一个大约三十岁的女人,面容清新、强壮,眼睛明亮而具有敏锐的舌头。 —

All her companions had a high regard for her; —
她的所有伙伴都对她赞不绝口; —

she wasconsulted on all sorts of affairs, and much admired for her skill in work, forthe neatness of her attire, and because she had been able to send herdaughter to the high school. —
在各种事务上都要征求她的意见,并因她的工作技巧、服装整洁以及成功送女儿上了高中而受到极高的尊敬。 —

When, bending under the weight of two basketsof wet linen, she came down the hill on the slippery footpath, they greetedher gladly, and asked solicitously:

  “Well, and how is the daughter?”

  “Very well, thank you; she is learning well, thank God!”

  “Look at that now! She will be a lady.”

“That’s why I am having her taught. Where do the ladies with the paintedfaces come from? —
“这就是为什么我让她接受教育。那些脸上涂着化妆品的女士们是从哪里来的呢?” —

They all come from us, from the black earth. And whereelse should they come from? —
“他们都是来自我们,来自黑土。难道还能来自哪里吗?” —

He who has the most knowledge has the longestarms and can take more, and the one who takes the most has the honor andglory. —
“拥有最多知识的人拥有最长的臂膀,可以得到更多;而拿到最多的人则拥有荣誉和光荣。” —

God sends us into the world as stupid children and expects to take usback as wise old people, which means that we must learn!”

When she spoke every one was silent, listening attentively to her fluent,self-confident speech. They praised her to her face and behind her back,amazed at her cleverness, her intellect ; —
“当她说话时,每个人都静静地听着,专注地听着她流利、自信的发言。他们当面表扬她,背地里惊叹她的聪明才智;” —

but no one tried to imitate her. Shehad sewn brown leather from the leg of a boot, over the sleeve of her bodicewhich saved her from the necessity of baring her arms to the elbow, andprevented her sleeves from getting wet. —
“但没有人试图模仿她。她用靴子的皮革缝在她的外衣袖子上,这样既避免了她不得不露出手臂到肘部的必要,又避免了她的袖子被弄湿。” —

They all said what a good idea it was,but not one of them followed her example. —
“他们都称赞这个主意多么不错,但没有人效仿她的做法。” —

When I did so they laughed at me.

“Ekh, you! Letting a woman teach you!” With reference to her daughtershe said: —
“额,你!让一个女人教你!”谈到她的女儿时,她说: —

“That is an important affair. There will be one more young lady inthe world. —
“那是一件重要的事情。世界上将多一个年轻淑女。” —

Is that a small thing? But of course she may not be able to finishher studies ; she may die. —
“这不是小事吧?但当然她可能无法完成她的学业;她可能会去世。” —

And it is not an easy life for those who arestudents, you see. —
“对于那些学生来说,它并不是一种容易的生活,你看。” —

There was that daughter of the Bakhilovs. —
“还有那位巴希洛夫的女儿。” —

She studied andstudied, and even became a teacher herself. —
“她学习了又学习,甚至成为了一名老师。” —

Once you become a teacher, youknow, you are settled for life.”

“Of course, if they marry, they can do without education; —
“当然,如果他们结婚了,他们就可以不用受教育; —

that is, if theyhave something else to recom — mend them.”

“A woman’s wit lies not in her head. —
“一个女人的智慧不在于她的头脑。 —

” It was strange and embarrassing tohear them speak about themselves with such lack of reticence. —
”听到他们如此毫不保留地谈论自己,真是奇怪而尴尬。 —

I knew howsailors, soldiers, and tillers of the soil spoke about women. —
我知道水手、士兵和农民是如何谈论女人的。 —

I heard menalways boasting among themselves of their skill in deceiving women, ofcunning in their relations with them. —
我听到男人们总是在彼此间吹嘘他们欺骗女人的技巧,谈论他们与女人的关系中的狡猾之处。 —

I felt that their attitude toward“females” was hostile, but generally there was a ring of something in theseboastings which led me to suppose that these stories were merely brag,inventions, and not the truth.

  The washerwomen did not tell one another about their love adventures,but in whatever they said about men I detected an undercurrent of derision,of malice, and I thought it might be true that woman was strength.

“Even when they don’t go about among their fellows and make friends,they come to women, every one of them! —
“即使他们不在同伴间走动交友,他们也会来找女人,所有的人都会找女人! —

” said Natalia one day, and an oldwoman cried to her in a rheumy voice:

  “And to whom else should they go? Even from God monks and hermitscome to us.”

These conversations amid the weeping splash of the water, the slappingof wet clothes on the ground, or against the dirty chinks, which not even thesnow could hide with its clean cover — these shameless, maliciousconversations about secret things, about that from which all races andpeoples have sprung, roused in me a timid disgust, forced my thoughts andfeelings to fix themselves on “the romances” which surrounded and irritatedme. —
这些对话伴随着哭泣声和水声的拍打声,或者水洗得湿淋淋的衣服在地上或在冻结都不能完全遮掩的污渍上拍打的声音——这些无耻、恶意的对话探讨秘密的事情,探讨这一切民族和种族都起源于的事物,使我产生了一种胆怯的反感,迫使我的思想和感情集中在围绕着并激怒我的“浪漫”上。 —

For me the understanding of the “romances” was closely intertwinedwith representations of obscure, immoral stories.

However, whether I was with the washerwomen, or in the kitchen withthe orderlies or in cellars where lived the field laborers, I found it much moreinteresting than to be at home, where the stilted conversa — tions werealways on the same lines, where the same things happened over and overagain, arousing nothing but a feeling of constraint and embittered bore —dom. —
不过,无论我和洗衣妇们在一起,或者和勤杂人员在厨房里,或者在卫生间与田间劳作者一起住在地下室,我发现这比待在家里要有趣得多,那里的生活总是固定的,同样的事情一遍又一遍地发生,只会引起压抑和苦涩的乏味感。 —

My employers dwelt within the magic circle of food, illness, sleep, andthe anxieties attendant on preparing for eating and sleeping. —
我的雇主们生活在食物、疾病、睡眠以及为吃饭和睡觉做准备时产生的焦虑的魔法圈子中。 —

They spoke ofsin and of death, of which they were much afraid. —
他们谈论罪恶和死亡,对此非常害怕。 —

They rubbed against oneanother as grains of corn are rubbed against the grindstone, which theyexpect every moment to crush them. —
他们互相摩擦,就像玉米粒被摩磨轮那样,他们随时都担心被粉碎。 —

In my free time I used to go into theshed to chop wood, desiring to be alone. —
在闲暇时间,我常常去棚子里砍木头,渴望独处。 —

But that rarely happened. Theorderlies used to come and talk about the news of the yard.

Ermokhin and Sidorov came more often than the others. —
尔莫欣和西多罗夫比其他人来得更频繁。 —

The former wasa long, bow-backed Kalougan, with thick, strong veins all over him, a smallhead, and dull eyes. —
前者是一个长背的卡卢干人,静脉粗壮,头小,眼睛无神。 —

He was lazy and irritatingly stupid; he moved slowly andclumsily, and when he saw a woman he blinked and bent forward, just as ifhe were going to throw himself at her feet. —
他懒散而令人烦躁;行动迟缓笨拙,看到女人时眨巴眨巴眼睛,弯腰前倾,就好像要投奔女人脚下一样。 —

All the yard was amazed by hisswift conquest of the cooks and the maids, and envied him. —
全院人都对他迅速地征服厨师和女仆感到惊讶,羡慕他。 —

They were allafraid of his bear-like strength. —
他们都害怕他像熊一样的力量。 —

Sidorov, a lean, bony native of Tula, wasalways sad, spoke softly, and loved to gaze into dark corners. —
西多罗夫是个消瘦的图拉人,总是忧郁,说话轻声,喜欢凝视黑暗角落。 —

He would relatesome incident in a low voice, or sit in silence, looking into the darkest corner.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “I thought I saw a mouse running about. I love mice ; they run to and froso quietly.”

I used to write letters home for these orderlies — love-letters. —
我常为这些勤务兵写回家的信—情书。 —

I liked this,but it was pleasanter to write letters for Sidorov than for any of the others.

  Every Saturday regularly he sent a letter to his sister at Tula.

  He invited me into his kitchen, sat down beside me at the table, and,rubbing his close-cropped hair hard, whispered in my ear :

“Well, go on. Begin it as it ought to be begun. —
“好了,继续。该怎么开始写才对。 —

‘My dearest sister, may yoube in good health for many years’ — you know how it ought to go. —
‘我最亲爱的妹妹,请你身体健康多年’ — 你知道应该怎么写。 —

And nowwrite, ‘I received the ruble; only you need not have sent it. But I thank you. —
现在写,‘我收到了卢布;其实你不需要寄。但我还是要谢谢你。 —

Iwant for nothing; we live well here.’ As a matter of fact, we do not live at allwell, but like dogs; —
我什么都不缺;我们这里生活得很好。’ 而事实上,我们根本就没好好生活,活得像狗一样; —

but there is no need to write that. Write that we live well.

She is little, only fourteen years old. Why should she know? —
她很小,只有十四岁。她为什么要知道呢? —

Now write byyourself, as you have been taught.”

  He pressed upon me from the left side, breathing into my ear hotly andodorously, and whispered perseveringly :

“Write ‘if any one speaks tenderly to you, you are not to believe him. —
“写‘如果有人对你温柔,你不要相信他。 —

Hewants to deceive you, and ruin you.’ ”

His face was flushed by his effort to keep back a cough. —
他为了忍住咳嗽而涨红了脸。 —

Tears stood in hiseyes. He leaned on the table and pushed against me.

  “You are hindering me!”

“It is all right; go on I ‘Above all, never believe gentlemen. —
“没关系,继续吧。‘最重要的是,千万不要相信绅士们。 —

They will leada girl wrong the first time they see her. They know exactly what to say. —
第一次见到一个女孩他们就会把她引入歧途。他们清楚该说些什么。 —

And ifyou have saved any money, give it to the priest to keep for you, if he is a goodman. —
如果你存了一些钱,交给神父保管,如果他是个好人的话。 —

But the best thing, is to bury it in the ground, and remember the spot.’

“  ”

  It was miserable work trying to listen to this whisper, which wasdrowned by the squeaking of the tin ventilator in the fortochka, I looked atthe blackened front of the stove, at the china cupboard covered with flies.

The kitchen was certainly very dirty, overrun with bugs, redolent with anacrid smell of burnt fat, kerosene, and smoke. —
厨房确实很脏,到处是虫子,散发着烧焦油脂、煤油和烟熏的刺鼻气味。 —

On the stove, among the sticksof wood, cockroaches crawled in and out. —
在炉子上,木头间,蟑螂上上下下爬动。 —

A sense of melancholy stole overmy heart. —
一种忧郁感袭上我心头。 —

I could have cried with pity for the soldier and his sister. —
我几乎忍不住为那个士兵和他的姐姐哭泣。 —

Was itpossible, was it right that people should live like this?

I wrote something, no longer listening to Sidorov’s whisper. —
我写着什么,不再倾听西多罗夫的细语。 —

I wrote ofthe misery and repulsiveness of life, and he said to me, sighing:

  “You have written a lot; thank you. Now she will know what she has to beafraid of.”

  “There is nothing for her to be afraid of,” I said angrily, although I wasafraid of many things myself.

  The soldier laughed, and cleared his throat.

“What an oddity you are! How is there nothing to be afraid of? —
“你真是个怪人!难道就没有什么可害怕的吗? —

Whatabout gentlemen, and God? Isn’t that something?”

  When he received a letter from his sister he said restlessly :

  “Read it, please. Be quick!”

  And he made me read the badly scrawled, insultingly short, andnonsensical letter three times.

He was good and kind, but he behaved toward women like all the others; —
他善良友好,但对待女性的行为却像所有其他人一样; —

that is, with the primitive coarseness of an animal. —
即以动物般原始的粗鲁行为。 —

Willingly and unwillingly,as I observed these affairs, which often went on under my eyes, beginningand ending with striking and impure swiftness, I saw Sidorov arouse in thebreast of a woman a kind feeling of pity for him in his soldier’s life, thenintoxicate her with tender lies, and then tell Ermokhin of his conquest,frowning and spitting his disgust, just as if he had been taking some bittermedicine. —
愿意或不愿意,当我目睹这些事务,它们经常在我的眼前进行,开始和结束迅速而污秽时,我看到斯多罗夫在一位女性心中引起了对他在军人生活中的怜悯感,然后用深情的谎言使她陶醉,然后告诉耶尔莫金他的征服,皱眉并吐出恶心,就好像他正在吃苦良药一样。 —

This made my heart ache, and I angrily asked the soldiers whythey all deceived women, lied to them, and then, jeering among themselvesat the woman they had treated so, gave her away and often beat her.

  One of them laughed softly, and said :

“It is not necessary for you to know anything about such things. —
“你没有必要了解这些事情。 —

It is allvery bad; it is sin. You are young; —
这全都非常糟糕;这是罪。你还年轻; —

it is too early for you.”

  But one day I obtained a more definite answer, which I have alwaysremembered.

“Do you think that she does not know that I am deceiving her? —
“你认为她不知道我在欺骗她吗? —

” he said,blinking and coughing. “She kno-o-ows. She wants to be deceived.

Everybody lies in such affairs ; they are a disgrace to all concerned. —
在这些事情里,每个人都撒谎;它们对所有相关人员都是耻辱。 —

There isno love on either side; it is simply an amusement. —
双方都没有爱;这只是一种娱乐。 —

It is a dreadful disgrace.

Wait, and you will know for yourself. —
等一等,你自己就会知道。 —

It was for that God drove them out ofparadise, and from that all unhappiness has come.”

He spoke so well, so sadly, and so penitently that he reconciled me alittle to these “romances. —
他说得那么好,那么悲哀,那么忏悔,以至于我对这些“浪漫故事”有了一点好感。 —

” I began to have a more friendly feeling toward himthan towards Ermokhin, whom I hated, and seized every oc — casion ofmocking and teasing. —
“我开始对他比对Ermokhin更友好,我讨厌Ermokhin,并且利用一切机会嘲笑和取笑他。 —

I succeeded in this, and he often pursued me across theyard with some evil design, which only his clumsiness prevented him fromexecuting.

  “It is forbidden,” went on Sidorov, speaking of women.

That it was forbidden I knew, but that it was the cause of humanunhappiness I did not believe. —
我知道这是禁止的,但我不相信这是人类不幸的原因。 —

I saw that people were unhappy, but I did notbelieve what he said, because I sometimes saw an extraordinary expressionin the eyes of people in love, and was aware of a peculiar tenderness in thosewho loved. —
我看到人们不幸,但我不相信他所说的,因为我有时在恋爱中的人眼中看到一种特殊的表情,并意识到那些相爱的人身上有一种特殊的温柔。 —

To witness this festival of the heart was always pleasant to me.

  However, I remember that life seemed to me to grow more and moretedious, cruel, fixed for ever in those forms of it which I saw from day to day.

  I did not dream of anything better than that which passed interminablybefore my eyes.

But one day the soldiers told me a story which stirred me deeply. —
但有一天,士兵们告诉我一个让我深感震撼的故事。 —

In oneof the flats lived a cutter-out, employed by the best tailor in the town, a quiet,meek foreigner. —
一个公寓里住着一个裁缝,是镇上最好的裁缝雇佣的,一个安静,温和的外国人。 —

He had a little, childless wife who read books all day long.

Over the noisy yard, amid houses full of drunken people, these two lived,invisible and silent. —
在嘈杂的院子里,住着一群醉鬼,这两个人生活在那里,看不见,安静。 —

They had no visitors, and never went anywherethemselves except to the theater in holiday-time.

The husband was engaged from early morning until late at night. —
丈夫从早到晚都在工作。 —

Thewife, who looked like an undersized girl, went to the library twice a week. —
妻子看起来像一个个子不高的姑娘,每周去图书馆两次。 —

Ioften saw her walking with a limp, as if she were slightly lame, as far as thedike, carrying books in a strap, like a school-girl. —
我经常看到她走路时稍微一瘸一拐,好像是有点跛腿,背着背带上的书,就像一个女学生。 —

She looked unaffected,pleasant, new, clean, with gloves on her small hands. —
她看起来不做作,愉快,新鲜,干净,手上戴着手套。 —

She had a face like abird, with little quick eyes, and everything about her was pretty, like aporcelain figure on a mantel-shelf. —
她有着鸟一样的小眼睛,所有关于她的东西都很漂亮,像壁炉架上的瓷器人偶。 —

The soldiers said that she had some ribsmissing in her left side, and that was what made her sway so curiously as shewalked; —
士兵说她左边缺了几根肋骨,所以她走路时会摇摇晃晃; —

but I thought this very nice, and at once set her above all the otherladies in the yard — the officers’ wives. —
但我觉得这很好,立刻将她放在了院子里的所有其他女士——军官的妻子之上。 —

The latter, despite their loud voices,their variegated attire, and haut tournure had a soiled look about them, as ifthey had been lying forgotten for a long time, in a dark closet among otherunneeded things.

The little wife of the cutter-out was regarded in the yard as half witted. —
裁缝的小妻子在院子里被视为半疯狂。 —

Itwas said that she had lost her senses over books, and had got into such acondition that she could not manage the housekeeping; —
据说她是因为书疯了,患上了一种无法打理家务的状态; —

that her husbandhad to go to the market himself in search of provisions, and order the dinnerand supper of the cook, a great, huge foreign female. —
她的丈夫不得不亲自去市场买食物,并向厨师——一个高大强壮的外国女人订购晚餐和午餐。 —

She had only one redeye, which was always moist, and a narrow pink crevice in place of the other.
她只有一只 红色的眼睛,总是湿润的,另一只的地方只有一个狭窄的粉红色裂缝。

She was like her mistress, they said of her. —
他们说她和她的女主人很像。 —

She did not know how to cook adish of fried veal and onions properly, and one day she ignominiously boughtradishes, thinking she was buying parsley. —
他们说她不会炒牛排和洋葱,有一天她居然羞辱地买了萝卜,以为是买了香菜。 —

Just think what a dreadful thingthat was IAll three were aliens in the building, as if they had fallen by accident intoone of the compartments of a large hen-house. —
想想那有多可怕!他们三人在这栋建筑物里都是外来者,好像意外地掉进了一个大鸡舍的隔间里。 —

They reminded me of a titmousewhich, taking refuge from the frost, flies through the fortochka into astifling and dirty habitation of man.

And then the orderlies told me how the officers had played an insultingand wicked trick on the tailor’s little wife. —
然后勤务员告诉我,军官们给裁缝的小妻子玩了一次侮辱性和恶毒的把戏。 —

They took turns to write her aletter every day, declaring their love for her, speaking of their sufferings andof her beauty. —
他们轮流每天给她写一封信,宣称他们爱她,谈论他们的痛苦和她的美丽。 —

She answered them, begging them to leave her in peace,regretting that she had been the cause of unhappiness to any one, andpraying God that He would help them to give up loving her. —
她回信给他们,请求他们让她平静,遗憾地说自己给任何人带来不快,并祈求上帝帮助他们放弃爱她。 —

When any one ofthem received a letter like that, they used to read it all together, and thenmake up another letter to her, signed by a different person.

  When they told me this story, the orderlies laughed too, and abused thelady.

  “She is a wretched fool, the crookback,” said Ermokhin in a bass voice,and Sidorov softly agreed with him.

  “Whatever a woman is, she likes being deceived. She knows all about it.”

I did not believe that the wife of the cutter-out knew that they werelaughing at her, and I resolved at once to tell her about it. —
我不相信裁剪匠的妻子知道他们在嘲笑她,我立刻决定告诉她。 —

I watched for thecook to go down into the cellar, and I ran up the dark staircase to the flat ofthe little woman, and slipped into the kitchen. —
我等着厨子下到地下室,然后跑上黑暗的楼梯来到那位小女人的公寓,悄悄进入厨房。 —

It was empty. I went on to thesitting-room. The tailor’s wife was sitting at the table. —
里面空无一人。我继续走向客厅。裁缝的妻子坐在桌子旁。 —

In one hand she held aheavy gold cup, and in the other an open book. —
她手里拿着一个沉重的金杯,在另一只手里拿着一本打开的书。 —

She was startled. Pressing thebook to her bosom, she cried in a low voice :

  “Who is that? Angus te! Who are you?”

I began to speak quickly and confusedly, expecting every minute that shewould throw the book at me. —
我开始迅速而紗乱地说话,每分每秒都准备着她可能会向我扔书。 —

She was sitting in a large, raspberry-coloredarm-chair, dressed in a pale-blue wrap with a fringe at the hem and lace onthe collar and sleeves over her shoulders was spread her flaxen, wavy hair.

She looked like an angel from the gates of heaven. —
她看起来就像一个天堂之门的天使。 —

Leaning against the backof her chair, she looked at me with round eyes, at first angrily, then insmiling surprise.

  When I had said what I wanted to say, and, losing my courage, turned tothe door, she cried after me :


  Placing the cup on the tray, throwing the book on the table, and foldingher hands, she said in a husky, grown-up voice:

  “What a funny boy you are! Come closer!”

  I approached very cautiously. She took me by the hand, and, stroking itwith her cold, small fingers, said :

“Are you sure that no one sent you to tell me this? No? —
“你确定没有人派你来告诉我这件事吗?没有? —

All right; I seethat you thought of it yourself.”

  Letting my hand go, she closed her eyes, and said softly and drawingly:

  “So that is how the soldiers speak of me?”

  “Leave this place,” I advised her earnestly.


  “They will get the better of you/’

  She laughed pleasantly. Then she asked :

  “Do you study ? Are you fond of books?”

  “I have no time for reading.”

  “If you were fond of it, you would find the time. Well, thank you.”

She held out a piece of silver money to me, grasped between her firstfinger and her thumb. —
她用食指和拇指夹着一枚银币递给我。 —

I felt ashamed to take that cold thing from her, but Idid not dare to refuse. —
我感到很羞愧接受她递过来的冰冷的东西,但我又不敢拒绝。 —

As I went out, I laid it on the pedestal of the stair-banisters.

I took away with me a deep, new impression from that woman. —
我从那个女人身上带走了深刻而新的印象。 —

It was asif a new day had dawned for me. —
对我来说,仿佛是一个新的一天到来了。 —

I lived for several days in a state of joy,thinking of the spacious room and the tailor’s wife sitting in it, dressed inpale blue and looking like an angel. —
我在一种欣喜的状态中生活了几天,想着宽敞的房间和坐在里面的裁缝妻子,穿着淡蓝色,看起来像一个天使。 —

Everything around her was unfamiliarlybeautiful. A dull-gold carpet lay under her feet; —
她周围的一切都是陌生而美丽的。她脚下铺着一块黄铜地毯; —

the winter day lookedthrough the silver panes of the window, warming itself in her presence. —
冬日透过窗户的银色玻璃看着那温暖自己的样子。 —

Iwanted very much to look at her again. How would it be if I went to her andasked her for a book?

I acted upon this idea. Once more I saw her in the same place, also with abook in her hand; —
我采取了这个想法。我再次看到她在同一个地方,手里拿着一本书; —

but she had a red handkerchief tied round her face, andher eyes were swollen. —
但她用红手帕捂着脸,眼睛肿了。 —

As she gave me a book with a black binding, sheindistinctly called out something.

I went away feeling sad, carrying the book, which smelt of creosote andaniseed drops. —
我伤心地离开了,带着那本闻起来像煤焦油和茴香糖的书。 —

I hid it in the attic, wrapping it up in a clean shirt and somepaper; —
我把它藏在阁楼上,用一件干净的衬衣和一些纸包起来; —

for I was afraid that my employers might find it and spoil it.

They used to take the “Neva” for the sake of the patterns and prizes, butthey never read it. —
他们买《尼瓦报》是为了图案和奖品,但他们从不阅读它。 —

When they had looked at the pictures, they put it away ina cupboard in the bedroom, and at the end of the year they had been bound,placing them under the bed, where already lay three volumes of “The Reviewof Painting. —
他们看完图片后,把它收起来放在卧室的橱柜里,到年底时它们已经被装订好,放在床底下,那里已经放着三卷《绘画评论》。 —

” When I washed the floor in the bedroom dirty water flowedunder these books. —
当我在卧室擦地板时,脏水就会流到这些书下面。 —

The master subscribed to the “Russian Courier,” butwhen he read it in the evening he grumbled at it.

  “What the devil do they want to write all this for? Such dull stuff!”

On Saturday, when I was putting away the linen in the attic, Iremembered about the book. —
星期六,我在阁楼整理亚麻布时,想起了那本书。 —

I undid it from its wrappings, and read the firstlines: —
我把它从包裹中打开,读了第一行: —

“Houses are like people; they all have physiognomies of their own.”

The truth of this surprised me, and I went on reading farther, standing at thedormer-window until I was too cold to stay longer. —
这个真理让我感到惊讶,我继续读下去,站在小窗户前,直到冷得无法再待下去。 —

But in the evening, whenthey had gone to vespers, I carried the book into the kitchen and buriedmyself in the yellow, worn pages, which were like autumn leaves. —
但晚上他们去参加晚祈祷时,我把书拿到厨房,埋头于那些黄色的破旧页面中,那些就像秋叶一样。 —

Withouteffort, they carried me into another life, with new names and new standards,showed me noble heroes, gloomy villains, quite unlike the people with whomI had to do. —
毫不费力地把我带入另一个生活,新名字和新标准,向我展示了高尚的英雄,阴郁的恶棍,与我所熟悉的人完全不同。 —

This was a novel by Xavier de Montepaine. —
这是一本由赛维尔·德·蒙特庞伊撰写的小说。 —

It was long, likeall his novels, simply packed with people and incidents, describing anunfamiliar, vehement life. —
就像他所有的小说一样,这本书很长,充满了人物和事件,描绘了一个陌生而激烈的生活。 —

Everything in this novel was wonderfully clear andsimple, as if a mellow light hid — den between the lines illuminated the goodand evil. —
这本小说中的一切都惊人地清晰简单,好坏仿佛被隐藏在行间发着柔和的光。 —

It helped one to love and hate, compelling one to follow withintense interest the fates of the people, who seemed so inextricablyentangled. —
它帮助我去爱和恨,迫使我强烈地关注这些人的命运,他们似乎被错综复杂地缠绕在一起。 —

I was seized with sudden desires to help this person, to hinderthat, forgetting that this life, which had so unexpectedly opened before me,had its existence only on paper. —
我突然产生了想要帮助这个人,阻止那个人的愿望,忘记了这个出乎意料地展现的生活仅仅存在于纸上。 —

I forgot everything else in the excitingstruggles. —
在激动人心的斗争中,我忘记了一切。 —

I was swallowed up by a feeling of joy on one page, and by a feelingof grief on the next.

I read until I heard the bell ring in the front hall. —
我读到前厅门铃响起。 —

I knew at once who itwas that was ringing, and why.

The candle had almost burned out. The candle-stick, which I had cleanedonly that morning, was covered with grease; —
蜡烛已经快要烧完了。那个早上刚擦干净的蜡烛台上沾满了脂肪; —

the wick of the lamp, which Iought to have looked after, had slipped out of its place, and the flame hadgone out. —
我本应该好好照看的灯芯脱离了位置,火焰熄灭了。 —

I rushed about the kitchen trying to hide the traces of my crime. —
我在厨房里急忙地试图隐藏我罪行的痕迹。 —

Islipped the book under the stove-hole, and began to put the lamp to rights.

  The nurse caine running out of the sitting-room.

  “Are you deaf? They have rung!”

  I rushed to open the door.

“Were you asleep?” asked the master roughly. —
“你在睡觉吗?”主人粗声粗气地问道。 —

His wife, mounting thestairs heavily, complained that she had caught cold. —
他的妻子沉重地上楼,抱怨说自己感冒了。 —

The old lady scolded me.

In the kitchen she noticed the burned-out candle at once, and began to askme what I had been doing. —
在厨房她立刻注意到烧尽的蜡烛,开始询问我在做什么。 —

I said nothing. I had only just come down fromthe heights, and I was all to pieces with fright lest they should find the book.

She cried out that I would set the house on fire. —
她大叫我会把房子烧着。 —

When the master and hiswife came down to supper she complained to them.

  “There, you see, he has let the candle gutter, he will set the house onfire.”

While they were at supper the whole four of them lashed me with theirtongues, reminding me of all my crimes, wilful and involuntary, threateningme with perdition; —
他们吃晚饭时,四个人一起责骂我,提醒我所有的罪行,无论是蓄意的还是无意的,威胁我说会堕入地狱; —

but I knew quite well that they were all speaking not fromill-feeling, or for my good, but simply because they were bored. —
但我很清楚,他们说这些并不是出于恶意或为了我好,只是因为他们感到无聊。 —

And it wascurious to observe how empty and foolish they were compared with thepeople in books.

When they had finished eating, they grew heavy, and went wearily tobed. —
当他们吃完饭后,就变得沉重,疲倦地上床睡觉了。 —

The old woman, after disturbing God with her angry complaints, settledher — self on the stove and was silent. —
老妇人在向上帝抱怨后,坐到火炉上静默了。 —

Then I got up, took the book from thestove-hole, and went to the window. —
然后我起身,从火炉口取下书,走向窗户。 —

It was a bright night, and the moonlooked straight into the window ; —
那是一个明亮的夜晚,月亮直射进窗户。 —

but my sight was not good enough to seethe small print. My desire to read was tormenting me. —
但我的视力不够好,看不清小字。 —

I took a brasssaucepan from the shelf and reflected the light of the moon from it on thebook; —
我从架子上拿了一个黄铜锅,让月光照射在书上; —

but it became still more difficult and blurred. —
但变得更加困难和模糊。 —

Then I betook myself tothe bench in the corner where the icon was, and, standing upon it, began toread by the light of the small lamp. —
然后我走到角落的长凳上,靠在挂着圣像的地方,站在上面,开始用小灯的光线阅读。 —

But I was very tired, and dozed, sinkingdown on the bench. —
但我非常疲倦,打着瞌睡,坐在长凳上。 —

I was awakened by the cries and blows of the old woman.

She was hitting me painfully over the shoulders with the book, which sheheld in her hand. —
她用手中拿着的书在我肩膀上痛苦地打我。 —

She was red with rage, furiously tossing her brown head,barefooted, and wearing only her night-dress. —
她被愤怒染红了脸,光着脚丫,穿着睡衣,用力地摇晃着她的棕色头发。 —

Victor roared from the loft:

  “Mamasha, don’t make such a noise! You make life unbearable.”

  “She has found the book. She will tear it up!” I thought.

  My trial took place at breakfast-time. The master asked me, sternly:

  “Where did you get that book?”

The women exclaimed, interrupting each other. —
女人们都惊呼,互相打断对方。 —

Victor sniffedcontemptuously at the pages and said:

  “Good gracious! what does it smell of?”

Learning that the book belonged to the priest, they looked at it again,surprised and indignant that the priest should read novels. —
他们得知这本书是牧师的后,又惊讶又愤怒地看了一遍,不相信牧师竟然会看小说。 —

However, thisseemed to calm them down a little, though the master gave me another longlecture to the effect that reading was both injurious and dangerous.

  “It is the people who read books who rob trains and even commitmurders.”

  The mistress cried out, angry and terrified :

  “Have you gone out of your mind? What do you want to say such thingsto him for?”

  I took Montepaine to the soldier and told him what had happened.

  Sidorov took the book, opened a small trunk, took out a clean towel, and,wrapping the novel in it, hid it in the trunk.

“Don’t you take any notice of them. Come and read here. I shan’t tell anyone. —
“别理会他们。来这里读书。我不会告诉任何人。 —

And if you come when I am not here, you will find the key hangingbehind the icon. —
如果我不在的时候你来了,你会发现钥匙挂在圣像后面。 —

Open the trunk and read.”

The attitude my employers had taken with regard to the book raised it tothe height of an important and terrible secret in my mind. —
我的雇主对这本书的态度使我心中将其提高到了一个重要而可怕的秘密的高度。 —

That some“readers” had robbed a train or tried to murder some one did not interestme, but I remembered the question the priest had asked me in confession,the reading of the gymnasiast in the basement, the words of Smouri, the“proper books,” and grandfather’s stories of the black books of freemasonry.

  He had said:

“In the time of the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich of blessed memory thenobles took up the study of ‘black books’ and freemasonry. —
“在至高无上的亚历山大·帕夫洛维奇皇帝时代,贵族们开始研究‘黑书’和共济会。 —

They planned tohand over the whole Russian people to the Pope of Rome, if you please! —
他们计划把整个俄罗斯人民送给罗马教皇,如果你愿意! —

ButGeneral Arakcheev caught them in the act, and, without regard to theirposition, sent them all to Siberia, into prison. —
但是阿拉克切耶夫将军抓住了他们,不顾他们的地位,把他们全部送到了西伯利亚,投进监狱。 —

And there they were ;exterminated like vermin.”

  I remembered the “umbra” of Smouri’ s book and “Gervase” and thesolemn, comical words:

  Profane ones who are curious to know our business,Never shall your weak eyes spy it out!

I felt that I was on the threshold of the discovery of some great secret, andwent about like a lunatic. —
我感到我快要发现某个伟大秘密的门槛,像个疯子一样四处乱走。 —

I wanted to finish reading the book, and was afraidthat the soldier might lose it or spoil it somehow. —
我想要读完这本书,担心士兵会弄丢或者弄坏它。 —

What should I say to thetailor’s wife then?

  The old woman watched me sharply to see that I did not run to theorderly’s room, and taunted me :

“Bookworm! Books! They teach dissoluteness. Look at that woman, thebookish one. —
“书虫!书籍!他们教坏。看看那个女人,那个爱读书的。 —

She can’t even go to market herself. All she can do is to carry onwith the officers. —
她甚至不能自己去市场。她只会与军官们往来。 —

She receives them in the daytime. I kno-o-w.”

I wanted to cry, “That’s not true. —
我想要大声喊,“那不是真的。 —

She does not carry on,” but I was afraidto defend the tailor’s wife, for then the old woman might guess that the bookwas hers.

I had a desperately bad time of it for several days. —
我度过了几天非常痛苦的时光。 —

I was distracted andworried, and could not sleep for fear that Montepaine had come to grief.

  Then one day the cook belonging to the tailor’s household stopped me in theyard and said :

  “You are to bring back that book.”

I chose the time after dinner, when my employers lay down to rest, andappeared before the tailor’s wife embarrassed and crushed. —
我选择了午饭后的时间,雇主躺下休息后,尴尬又压抑地出现在裁缝的妻子面前。 —

She looked nowas she had the first time, only she was dressed differently. —
她看起来和第一次见到她时一样,只是穿着不同。 —

She wore a grayskirt and a black velvet blouse, with a turquoise cross upon her bare neck.

  She looked like a hen bullfinch. When I told her that I had not had time toread the book, and that I had been forbidden to read, tears filled my eyes.

  They were caused by mortification, and by joy at seeing this woman.

  “Too! what stupid people!” she said, drawing her fine brows together.

“And your master has such an interesting face, too! —
“而且你的主人的脸也很有趣! —

Don’t you fret about it. Iwill write to him.”

“You must not! Don’t write!” I begged her. “They will laugh at you andabuse you. —
“你不能这样!不要写!”我请求她。“他们会嘲笑你并辱骂你。 —

Don’t you know that no one in the yard likes you, that they alllaugh at you, and say that you are a fool, and that some of your ribs aremissing?”

As soon as I had blurted this out I knew that I had said somethingunnecessary and insulting to her. —
我一说出这句话就知道我说了一些不必要且侮辱性的话。 —

She bit her lower lip, and clapped herhands on her hips as if she were riding on horseback. —
她咬着下唇,双手叉腰,仿佛在骑马一样。 —

I hung my head inconfusion and wished that I could sink into the earth; —
我羞愧地低下了头,希望自己能沉入大地; —

but she sank into achair and laughed merrily, saying over and over again:

“Oh, how stupid I how stupid! Well, what is to be done? —
”她看着我,问道。然后她叹了口气,说,“你是个奇怪的男孩,非常奇怪。” —

” she asked,looking fixedly at me. Then she sighed and said, “You are a strange boy, verystrange.”

Glancing into the mirror beside her, I saw a face with high cheek-bonesand a short nose, a large bruise on the forehead, and hair, which had notbeen cut for a long time, sticking out in all directions. —
她称那是“一个奇怪的男孩”。 —

That is what she called“a strange boy. —
将军顾语言区有限,无法通过非官方渠道提供有关服务,详情请咨询主管部门。 —

” The strange boy was not in the least like a fine porcelainfigure.

  “You never took the money that I gave you. Why?”

  “I did not want it.”

  She sighed.

  “Well, what is to be done? If they will allow you to read, come to me andI will give you some books.”

On the mantel-shelf lay three books. The one which I had brought backwas the thickest. —
在壁炉架上放着三本书。我带回来的那本是最厚的。 —

I looked at it sadly. The tailor’s wife held out her small, pinkhand to me.

  “Well, good-by!”

  I touched her hand timidly, and went away quickly.

  It was certainly true what they said about her not knowing anything.

  Fancy calling two grevines money! It was just like a child.

  But it pleased me.