IMPERCEPTIBLY, like a little star at dawn, my brother Kolia faded away.

Grandmother, he, and I slept in a small shed on planks covered with variousrags. —
我们和奶奶挤在一间小棚里,铺着各种各样的破布。 —

On the other side of the chinky wall of the out-house was the familypoultry-house. —
在厕所的墙的另一侧是家里的鸡舍。 —

We could hear the sleepy, overfed fowls fluttering andclucking in the evening, and the golden, shrill-voiced cock awoke us in themorning.

  “Oh, I should like to tear you to pieces!” grandmother would grumblewhen they woke her.

I was already awake, watching the sunbeams falling through the chinksupon my bed, and the silver specks of dust which danced in them. —
我此时已经醒了,看着阳光透过缝隙照在床上,金色的灰尘粒在阳光中飞舞。 —

Theselittle specks seemed to me just like the words in a fairy-tale. —
这些小灰尘粒对我来说就像童话故事中的文字一样。 —

Mice hadgnawed the planks, and red beetles with black spots ran about there.

Sometimes, to escape from the stifling fumes which arose from the soilin the fowl-house, I crept out of the wooden hut, climbed to the roof, andwatched the people of the house waking up, eyeless, large, and swollen withsleep. —
为了躲避从鸡舍里冒出的难闻的烟气,我爬出木屋,爬到屋顶上,看着屋子里的人们醒来,无眼,蓬头垢面。 —

Here appeared the hairy noddle of the boatman Phermanov, a surlydrunkard, who gazed at the sun with blear, running eyes and grunted like abear. —
这时划船工费尔曼诺夫的毛头出现了,一个脾气暴躁的酒鬼,眼睛泛着酒意,像熊一样咕哝着望着太阳。 —

Then grandfather came hurrying out into the yard and hastened to thewash-house to wash himself in cold water. —
然后爷爷匆匆走出院子,赶去洗衣房用冷水洗脸。 —

The garrulous cook of the land —lord, a sharp-nosed woman, thickly covered with freckles, was like a cuckoo.

The landlord himself was like an old fat dove. —
地主本人像一只老肥鸽子。 —

In fact, they were all like somebird, animal, or wild beast.

  Although the morning was so pleasant and bright, it made me feel sad,and I wanted to get away into the fields where no one came, for I had alreadylearned that human creatures always spoil a bright day.

  One day when I was lying on the roof grandmother called me, and said ina low voice, shaking her head as she lay on her bed :

  “Kolia is dead.”

The little boy had slipped from the pillow, and lay livid, lanky on the feltcover. —
小男孩从枕头上滑了下来,躺在毡子上脸色苍白而瘦削。 —

His night-shirt had worked itself up round his neck, leaving bare hisswollen stomach and crooked legs. —
他的睡衣滑到脖子上,露出了肿胀的肚子和弯曲的腿。 —

His hands were curiously folded behindhis back, as if he had been trying to lift himself up. —
他的手奇怪地叠在背后,好像他试图要站起来。 —

His head was bent on oneside.

“Thank God he has gone!” said grandmother as she did her hair. —
“感谢上帝他走了!”奶奶一边整理头发一边说。 —

“Whatwould have become of the poor little wretch had he lived?”

  Treading almost as if he were dancing, grandfather made hisappearance, and cautiously touched the closed eyes of the child with hisfingers.

  Grandmother asked him angrily:

  “What do you mean by touching him with unwashen hands?”

  He muttered:

  “There you are! He gets born, lives, and eats, and all for nothing.”

  “You are half asleep,” grandmother cut him short.

  He looked at her vacantly, and went out in the yard, saying :

  “I am not going to give him a funeral; you can do what you like about it.”

  “Phoo! you miserable creature!”

I went out, and did not return until it was close upon evening. —
我出去了,直到傍晚才回来。 —

Theyburied Kolia on the morning of the following day, and during the mass I satby the reopened grave with my dog and Yaz’s father. —
他们在第二天早上埋葬了科利亚,弥撒期间我坐在重新打开的坟边,带着我的狗和Yaz的父亲。 —

He had dug the gravecheaply, and kept praising himself for it before my face.

“I have only done this out of friendship; —
“我这么做只是出于友谊; —

for any one else I should havecharged so many rubles.”

Looking into the yellow pit, from which arose a heavy odor, I saw somemoist black planks at one side. —
看着那个黄色的坑,从中升起一种沉重的气味,我看到一侧有一些潮湿的黑色木板。 —

At my slightest movement the heaps of sandaround the grave fell to the bottom in a thin stream, leaving wrinkles in thesides. —
只要我轻微移动一下,坟墓周围的一堆沙就会像细流般落到底部,留下沟槽。 —

I moved on purpose, so that the sand would hide those boards.

  “No larks now!” said Yaz’s father, as he smoked.

Grandmother carried out the little coffin. —
奶奶拿着小棺材出去了。 —

The “trashy peasant” spranginto the hole, took the coffin from her, placed it beside the black boards, and,jumping out of the grave, began to hurl the earth into it with his feet and hisspade. —
“贱农”跳进坑里,从她手里接过棺材,把它放在黑板旁,然后跳出坟墓,用他的脚和铁锹把泥土往里填。 —

Grandfather and grandmother also helped him in silence. —
爷爷和奶奶也在沉默中帮他。 —

There wereneither priests nor beggars there ; only we four amid a dense crowd ofcrosses. —
那里没有神父也没有乞丐;只有我们四个人,在一大群十字架中。 —

As she gave the sexton his money, grandmother said reproachfully:

  “But you have disturbed Varina’s coffin.”

“What else could I do? If I had not done that, I should have had to takesome one else’s piece of ground. —
“我还能怎么办呢?如果不这样做,我就得拿走其他人的地方, —

But there’s nothing to worry about.”

  Grandmother prostrated herself on the grave, sobbed and groaned, andwent away, followed by grandfather, his eyes hidden by the peak of his cap,clutching at his worn coat.

  “They have sown the seed in unplowed ground,” he said suddenly,running along in front, just like a crow on the plowed field.

  “What does he mean?” I asked grandmother.

  “God bless him! He has his thoughts,” she answered.

  It was hot. Grandmother went heavily; her feet sank in the warm sand.

  She halted frequently, mopping her perspiring face with her handkerchief.

  “That black thing in the grave,” I asked her, “was it mother’s coffin?”

“Yes,” she said angrily. “Ignorant dog! —
“是的,”她生气地说。“无知的家伙! —

It is not a year yet, and our Variais already decayed! It is the sand that has done it; —
还不到一年,我们的瓦拉已经腐烂了!是沙子搞的鬼, —

it lets the water through. Ifthat had to happen, it would have been better to — ”
它会让水透过去。如果那是注定的结果,最好是 — ”

  “Shall we all decay?”

  “All. Only the saints escape it.”

  “You — you will not decay!”

  She halted, set my cap straight, and said to me seriously :

  “Don’t think about it; it is better not. Do you hear?’

  But I did think of it. How offensive and revolting death was! How odious!

  I felt very badly about itWhen we reached home grandfather had already prepared the samovarand laid the table.

“Come and have some tea. I expect you are hot,” he said. —
“来喝杯茶吧。我猜你们热了。”他说。 —

“I have put inmy own tea as well. This is for us all.”

  He went to grandmother and patted her on the shoulder.

  “Well, Mother, well?”

  Grandmother held up her hands.

  “Whatever does it all mean?”

“This is what it means: God is angry with us; —
“这就是意味着:上帝对我们生气了; —

He is tearing everythingaway from us bit by bit. —
他正在一点点地把一切从我们手中夺走。 —

If families lived together in unity, like fingers on ahand —”

It was long since he had spoken so gently and peaceably. —
他很久没有这样温和平静地说话了。 —

I listened,hoping that the old man would extinguish my sense of injury, and help me toforget the yellow pit and the black moist boards in protuberance in its side.

  But grandmother cut him short harshly :

“Leave off, Father! You have been uttering words like that all your life,and I should like to know who is the better for them? —
“够了,父亲!你一生都在说这样的话,我想知道这样做有谁受益呢? —

All your life you haveeaten into every one as rust corrodes iron.”

  Grandfather muttered, looked at her, and held his tongue.

  In the evening, at the gate, I told Ludmilla sorrowfully about what I hadseen in the morning, but it did not seem to make much impression on her.

“Orphans are better off. If my father and mother were to die, I shouldleave my sister to look after my brother, and I myself would go into a conventfor the rest of my life. —
“孤儿会过得更好。如果我父母去世了,我会让姐姐照顾弟弟,我自己会去修道院度过余生。 —

Where else should I go? I don’t expect to get married,being lame and unable to work. —
我还能去哪里呢?我不指望结婚,因为我一瘸一拐,无法工作。 —

Besides, I might bring crippled children intothe world.”

She spoke wisely, like all the women of our street, and it must have beenfrom that evening that I lost interest in her. —
她像我们街上所有的女人一样明智地说着,从那天晚上起,我对她失去了兴趣。 —

In fact, my life took a turn whichcaused me to see her very seldom.

  A few days after the death of my brother, grandfather said to me :

“Go to bed early this evening, while it is still light, and I will call you. —
“今晚天还亮着就早点睡吧,我会叫你的。 —

Wewill go into the forest and get some logs.”

  “And I will come and gather herbs,” declared grandmother.

The forest of fir — and birch — trees stood on a marsh about three verstsdistant from the village. —
松树和桦树的森林矗立在离村庄三公里远的沼泽地上。 —

Abounding in withered and fallen trees, it stretchedin one direction to the Oka, and in the other to the high road to Moscow.

  Beyond it, with its soft, black bristles looking like a black tent, rose the fir-thicket on the “Ridge of Savelov.”

  All this property belonged to Count Shuvalov, and was badly guarded.

The inhabitants of Kunavin regarded it as their own, carried away the fallentrees and cut off the dried wood, and on occasion were not squeamish aboutcutting down living trees. —
库纳温村的居民们认为这片地是他们自己的,他们搬走倒下的树木,削去枯木,有时甚至不放过活木。 —

In the autumn, when they were laying in a stock ofwood for the winter, people used to steal out here by the dozen, with hatchetsand ropes on their backs.

And so we three went out at dawn over the silver-green, dewy fields. —
于是我们三人在银绿色的田野上的露水草地上,在黎明时分出发了。 —

Onour left, beyond the Oka, above the ruddy sides of the Hill of Dyatlov, abovewhite Nijni-Novgorod, on the hillocks in the gardens, on the golden domesof churches, rose the lazy Russian sun in its leisurely manner. —
在我们的左边,超过奥卡河,在迪亚特洛夫山的红边,高高挂在白色的下诺夫哥罗德上,在花园里的小山上,在教堂的金顶上,俄罗斯的太阳在那慵懒的波浪上升起。 —

A gentle windblew sleepily from the turbid Oka; —
一阵和煦的微风从浑浊的奥卡河里吹来; —

the golden buttercups, bowed down by thedew, sway to and fro; —
被露水压弯的金黄色的毛茛花摇摆不定; —

lilac-colored bells bowed dumbly to the earth; —
淡紫色的钟形花默默地俯伏在地上; —

everlasting flowers of different colors stuck up dryly in the barren turf; —
不同颜色的常青花枯枝地竖立着; —

theblood-red blossoms of the flower called “night beauty” opened like stars. —
叫做“夜美人”的鲜红色小花开得像星星一样。 —

Thewoods came to meet us like a dark army; the fir-trees spread out their wingslike large birds; —
树木像一支黑暗的军队迎面而来;冷杉展开它们的翅膀像大鸟一样; —

the birches looked like maidens. The acrid smell of themarshes flowed over the fields. —
白桦树看起来像少女一样。苦苣草沼泽的刺鼻气味弥漫在田间。 —

My dog ran beside me with his pink tonguehanging out, often halting and snuffing the air, and shaking his fox-like head,as if in perplexity. —
我的狗跑在我身边,粉红的舌头外伸,经常停下来嗅一下空气,摇着狐狸般的脑袋,仿佛困惑一般。 —

Grandfather, in grand — mother’s short coat and an oldpeakless cap, blinking and smiling at something or other, walked ascautiously as if he were bent on stealing. —
祖父穿着祖母的短大衣和一顶旧帽子,眨巴着眼睛对着一些东西微笑着,走得非常小心,仿佛他要偷东西一样。 —

Grandmother, wearing a blueblouse, a black skirt, and a white handkerchief about her head, waddledcomfortably. —
奶奶穿着蓝色的衬衣,黑色的裙子,头上系着一块白色的手帕,脚步舒缓而有力。 —

It was difficult to hurry when walking behind her.

The nearer we came to the forest, the more animated grandfatherbecame. —
我们越来越接近森林,爷爷变得更加兴奋。 —

Walking with his nose in the air and muttering, he began to speak,at first disjointedly and inarticulately, and afterward happily and beautifully,almost as if he had been drinking.

“The forests are the Lord’s gardens. —
“森林是主的花园。 —

No one planted them save the windof God and the holy breath of His mouth. —
除了神之风和祂口中的神圣气息,没人种植过它们。 —

When I was working on the boatsin my youth I went to Jegoulya. —
当我年轻时在船上工作,我去过雅谷利亚。 —

Oh, Lexei, you will never have theexperiences I have had! —
哦,莱克西,你永远不会有我曾经经历过的事! —

There are forests along the Oka, from Kasimov toMouron, and there are forests on the Volga, too, stretching as far as theUrals. Yes; —
奥卡河流域到穆龙,沿着富尔加河一直延伸到乌拉尔山上都有森林。是的; —

it is all so boundless and wonderful.”

  Grandmother looked at him askance, and winked at me, and he,stumbling over the hillocks, let fall some disjointed, dry words that haveremained forever fixed in my memory.

“We were taking some empty oil-casks from Saratov to Makara on theYamarka, and we had with us as skipper Kyril of Poreshka. —
“我们正从萨拉托夫将一些空的油桶运往雅马尔卡,船长是来自波列什卡的基里尔。 —

The mate was aTatar — Asaph, or some such name. —
副船长是一个鞑靼人,名字像是阿萨夫。 —

When we reached Jegulia the wind wasright in our faces, blowing with all its force; —
当我们到达叶古利亚时,逆风直吹,势头汹涌; —

and as it remained in the samequarter and tossed us about, we went on shore to cook some food forourselves. —
由于风向不变,船只颠簸不已,我们上岸烹饪食物。 —

It was Maytime. The sea lay smooth around the land, and thewaves just floated on her, like a flock of birds — like thousands of swanswhich sport on the Caspian Sea. The hills of Jegulia are green in thespringtime; —
那是五月时节。海面平静,波浪轻轻飘动,像一群鸟,像成千上万只在里海嬉戏的天鹅。叶古利亚的山丘在春天翠绿; —

the sun floods the earth with gold. We rested; we becamefriendly; —
太阳泛着金色的光芒照耀大地。我们休息了;我们变得友好; —

we seemed to be drawn to one another. It was gray and cold on theriver, but on shore it was warm and fragrant. —
我们似乎被彼此吸引。河岸阴冷,但岸上却温暖而芬芳。 —

At eventide our Kyril — he wasa harsh man and well on in years — stood up, took off his cap, and said :

‘Well, children, I am no longer either chief or servant. —
‘孩子们,我再也不是你们的领袖或仆从了。 —

Go away byyourselves, and I will go to the forest.’ We were all startled. —
你们自己走开,我去树林里。’我们都吃惊。 —

What was it thathe was saying? We ought not to be left without some one responsible to bemaster. —
他在说什么?我们不应该没有一个负责任的人做主人。 —

You see, people can’t get on without a head, although it is only on theVolga, which is like a straight road. —
你看,人们离不开头领,即使只是在似乎一条笔直的伏尔加河上。 —

It is possible to lose one’s way, for peoplealone are only like a senseless beast, and who cares what becomes of them?

We were frightened; but he — he had made up his mind. —
我们感到恐惧;但他——他已下定决心。 —

T have no desire togo on living as your shepherd; I am going into the forest. —
‘我不想再活在你们的牧羊人身份下;我去树林里。’” —

’ Some of us hadhalf a mind to seize and keep him by force, but the others said, ‘Wait! —
我们中有些人设法强行将他抓住留下来,但其他人说:“等等! —

’ Thenthe Tatar mate set up a cry: T shall go, too!’ It was very bad luck. —
然后鞑靼人的同伴大声喊道:“我也要去!”这太倒霉了。 —

The Tatarhad not been paid by the proprietors for the last two journeys; —
这位鞑靼人已经两次旅行没有得到业主们的支付; —

in fact, he haddone half of a third one without pay, and that was a lot of money to lose inthose days. —
事实上,他做了半个第三次旅行却没有报酬,那在那个年代算是一大笔钱。 —

We wrangled over the matter until night, and then seven of ourcompany left us, leaving only sixteen or fourteen of us. —
我们为此争执到了晚上,然后我们的队伍中有七个人离开了我们,只剩下十六或十四个人。 —

That’s what yourforests do for people! —
这就是你们的森林对人们的影响! —

” “Did they go and join the brigands?”

  “Maybe, or they may have become hermits. We did not inquire into thematter then.”

  Grandmother crossed herself.

  “Holy Mother of God! When one thinks of people, one cannot help beingsorry for them.”

  “We are all given the same powers of reason, you know, where the devildraws.”

We entered the forest by a wet path between marshy hillocks and frailfir-trees. —
我们通过一条潮湿的小道进入了森林,两侧是沼泽小山丘和纤弱的冷杉。 —

I thought that it must be lovely to go and live in the woods as Kyrilof Poreshka had done. —
我想如果像波列什卡的基里洛夫那样去森林里生活一定很美好。 —

There are no chattering human creatures there, nofights or drunkenness. —
那里没有啰嗦的人类,没有争吵或醉酒。 —

There I should be able to forget the repulsivegreediness of grandfather and mother’s sandy grave, all of which things hurtme, and weighed on my heart with an oppressive heaviness. —
在那里我应该能忘记祖父的可憎贪婪和母亲的沙地坟墓,这一切伤害了我,使我心情沉重压抑。 —

When we cameto a dry place grandmother said:

  “We must have a snack now. Sit down.”

In her basket there were rye bread, onions, cucumbers, salt, and curdswrapped in a cloth. —
在她的篮子里有黑麦面包,洋葱,黄瓜,盐,还有用布包着的干酪。 —

Grandfather looked at all this in confusion and blinked.

  “But I did not bring anything to eat, good Mother.”

  “There is enough for us all.”

We sat down, leaning against the mast-like trunk of a fir-tree. —
我们坐下,靠在一棵杉树般粗壮的树干上。 —

The airwas laden with a resinous odor; from the fields blew a gentle wind; —
空气中弥漫着松香味;从田野传来一阵微风; —

theshave-grass waved to and fro. Grandmother plucked the herbs with her darkhands, and told me about the medicinal properties of St. John’s-wort,betony, and rib-wort, and of the secret power of bracken. —
奶奶用她的黑色手掐拔草药,告诉我关于圣约翰草,地榆和蹄形草的药用特性,以及蕨类植物的秘密力量。 —

Grandfather hewedthe fallen trees in pieces, and it was my part to carry the logs and put themall in one place; —
祖父将倒下的树木砍成小块,而我的任务就是搬运木柴,把它们都放在一个地方; —

but I stole away unnoticed into the thicket aftergrandmother. —
但我在祖母不注意的情况下溜进了丛林。 —

She looked as if she were floating among the stout, hardy tree-trunks, and as if she were diving when she stooped to the earth, which wasstrewn with fir-cones. —
她看起来就像漂浮在壮硕坚韧的树干间,当她俯身至洒满松果的土地时,仿佛是潜水。 —

She talked to herself as she went along.

  “We have come too early again. There will be hardly any mushrooms.

  Lord, how badly Thou lookest after the poor! Mushrooms are the treat of thepoor.”

I followed her silently and cautiously, not to attract her attention. —
我默默地谨慎地跟随她,不想引起她的注意。 —

I didnot wish to interrupt her conversation with God, the herbs, and the frogs.

  But she saw me.

“Have you run away from grandfather? —
“你是从爷爷那里逃走了吗?” —

” And stooping to the black earth,splendidly decked in flowered vestments, she spoke of the time when God,enraged with mankind, flooded the earth with water and drowned all livingcreatures. —
掉头看向那片黑土,华丽地穿着花岗石衣服的她讲述了当上帝因人类而愤怒时,用水淹没了整个地球,淹死了所有生物。 —

“But the sweet Mother of God had beforehand collected the seedsof everything in a basket and hidden them, and when it was all over, shebegged the sun: —
“但甜蜜的上帝之母提前收集了所有事物的种子放在篮子里藏起来,等一切结束后,她请求太阳: —

‘Dry the earth from end to end, and then will all the peoplesing thy praises. —
‘将地球从一端到另一端都擦干,那时所有的人都会歌颂你。 —

’ The sun dried the earth, and she sowed the seed. Godlooked. —
’ 太阳烘干了地球,她播下了种子。上帝看了看。 —

Once more the earth was covered with living creatures, herbs, cattle,and people. —
地球再次覆盖着生物、草药、牛群和人类。 —

‘Who has done this against My will?’ He asked. —
‘谁违背了我的意愿?’ 他问道。 —

And here sheconfessed, and as God had been sorry Himself to see the earth bare, He saidto her, ‘You have done well.’ ”

  I liked. this story, but it surprised me, and I said very gravely :

  “But was that really so? The Mother of God was born long after theflood.”

  It was now grandmother’s turn to be surprised.

  “Who told you that?’

  “It was written in the books at school.”

  This reassured her, and she gave me the advice:
这让她感到 gerlai 平静,她给了我一个建议:

“Put all that aside; forget it. It is only out of books; they are lies, thosebooks. —
将所有这些放在一边;忘掉它。它只是书里写的;那些书是谎言。 —

” And laughing softly, gayly, “Think for a moment, silly! God was; —
“她轻轻地笑了起来,开心地说,“想一想,傻瓜!上帝是; —

andHis Mother was not? Then of whom was He born?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Good! You have learned enough to be able to say 1 don’t know.’ ”

  “The priest said that the Mother of God was bom of Joachim and Anna.”

  Then grandmother was angry. She faced about, and looked sternly intomy eyes.

“If that is what you think, I will slap you. —
“如果你这么认为的话,我会打你的。” —

” But in the course of a fewminutes she explained to me. —
但在几分钟后,她向我解释了。 —

“The Blessed Virgin always existed before anyone and anything. —
“圣母在任何人和任何事物之前都已存在。 —

Of Her was God born, and then — ”

  “And Christ, what about Him?”

  Grandmother was silent, shutting her eyes in her confusion.

  “And what about Christ ? Eh? thVI saw that I was victor, that I had caused the divine mysteries to be asnare to her, and it was not a pleasant thought.

We went farther and farther into the forest, into the dark-blue hazepierced by the golden rays of the sun. —
我们越走越远进入森林,深蓝色的雾笼罩着金色的阳光。 —

There was a peculiar murmur, dreamy,and arousing dreams. —
有一种奇特的嗡嗡声,梦幻般的,唤醒着梦境。 —

The crossbill chirped, the titmouses uttered their bell-like notes, . —
松雀鸟叽叽喳喳,山雀发出铃铛般的声音。 —

the goldfinch piped, the cuckoo laughed, the jealous song of thechaffinch was heard unceasingly, and that strange bird, the hawfinch, sangpensively. —
金翅雀啁啾,布谷鸟笑声盈盈,金翅雀嫉妒的歌声不停歇,而那种奇特的鸟啄木鸟深思着歌唱。 —

Emerald-green frogs hopped around our feet; —
翡翠绿的青蛙在我们脚边跳动着; —

among the roots,guarding them, lay an adder, with his golden head raised; —
在根部之间,一条蛇躺着,金黄色的头抬起来; —

the squirrelcracked nuts, his furry tail peeping out among the fir-trees. —
松鼠啃着坚果,毛茸茸的尾巴在杉树间露出来。 —

The deeper onewent into the forest, the more one saw.

Among the trunks of the fir-trees appeared transparent, aerial figures ofgigantic people, which dis appeared into the green mass through which theblue and silver sky shone. —
在冷杉树干之间,出现了透明、空灵的巨人形象,通过绿色的密林,蓝色和银色的天穿了过来。 —

Under one’s feet there was a splendid carpet ofmoss, sown with red bilberries, and moor-berries shone in the grass likedrops of blood. —
脚下是一片华丽的苔藓地毯,点缀着红色的越橘,草地上的泥橘子像血滴般闪光。 —

Mushrooms tantalized one with their strong smell.

  “Holy Virgin, bright earthly light,” prayed grandmother, drawing a deepbreath.

In the forest she was like the mistress of a house with all her familyround her. —
在森林里,她就像一个家中的女主人,周围都是她的家人。 —

She ambled along like a bear, seeing and praising everything andgiving thanks. —
她像熊一样蹒跚而行,看到并赞美着一切,感恩着。 —

It seemed as if a certain warmth flowed from her through theforest, and when the moss, crushed by her feet, raised itself and stood up inher wake, it was peculiarly pleasing to me to see it.

As I walked along I thought how nice it would be to be a brigand; —
当我沿着小路走时,我想象着成为一个土匪会是多么美好; —

to robthe greedy and give the spoil to the poor; —
抢夺贪婪者,把赃物分给穷人; —

to make them all happy andsatisfied, neither envying nor scolding one another, like bad-tempered curs.

It was good to go thus to grand — mother’s God, to her Holy Virgin, and tellthem all the truth about the bad lives people led, and how clumsily andoffensively they buried one another in rubbishy sand. —
像这样去见外婆的上帝,去见她的圣母,告诉她们人们过着的坏生活,以及他们多么笨拙和令人反感地把彼此埋葬在破烂的沙土中,这真好。 —

And there was so muchthat was un necessarily repulsive and torturing on earth! —
地球上有太多令人难以接受和折磨的事情! —

If the Holy Virginbelieved what I said, let her give me such an intelligence as would enable meto construct everything differently and improve the condition of things. —
如果圣母相信我所说的,让她赐予我一个智慧,使我能够重新构建一切,改善事物的状况。 —

Itdid not matter about my not being grown-up. —
我还没长大并不重要。 —

Christ had been only a yearolder than I was when the wise men listened to Him.

Once in my preoccupation I fell into a deep pit, hurting my side andgrazing the back of my neck. —
我一心一意地走着,掉进了一个深坑,撞伤了侧边,擦伤了脖子后面。 —

Sitting at the bottom of this pit in the cold mud,which was as sticky as resin, I realized with a feeling of intense humiliationthat I should not be able to get out by myself, and I did not like the idea offrightening grandmother by calling out. —
坐在这个坑底的冰冷泥浆中,黏性如松香,我意识到自己惭愧之极,我自己爬不出来,也不喜欢打扰外婆叫喊。 —

However, I had to call her in the end.

  She soon dragged me out, and, crossing herself, said:

  “The Lord be praised! It is a lucky thing that the bear’s pit was empty.

What would have happened to you if the master of the house had been lyingthere? —
如果主人躺在里面会发生什么事呢? —

” And she cried through her laughter.

  Then she took me to the brook, washed my wounds and tied them upwith strips of her chemise, after laying some healing leaves upon them, andtook me into the railway signal-box, for I had not the strength to get all theway home.

  And so it happened that almost every day I said to grandmother :

  “Let us go into the forest.”

She used to agree willingly, and thus we lived all the summer and far intothe autumn, gathering herbs, berries, mushrooms, and nuts. —
她总是很乐意同意,于是我们度过了整个夏天,一直到深秋,采集草药、浆果、蘑菇和坚果。 —

Grandmothersold what we gathered, and by this means we were able to keep ourselves.

  “Lazy beggars!” shrieked grandfather, though we never had food fromhim.

The forest called up a feeling of peace and solace in my heart, and in thatfeeling all my griefs were swallowed up, and all that was unpleasant wasobliterated. —
森林在我心中唤起了一种平静与安慰的感觉,在那种感觉中,我所有的悲伤都被吞噬,所有不愉快的事情都被抹去。 —

During that time also my senses acquired a peculiar keenness,my hearing and sight became more acute, my memory more retentive, mystorehouse of impressions widened.

And the more I saw of grandmother, the more she amazed me. —
而且我看到的奶奶越多,她就越让我惊讶。 —

I hadbeen accustomed to regard her as a higher being, as the very best and thewisest creature upon the earth, and she was continually strengthening thisconviction. —
我习惯于把她视为一个更高贵的生物,视她为这个地球上最好最聪明的生物,而她不断地加强了这种信念。 —

For instance, one evening we had been gathering whitemushrooms, and when we arrived at the edge of the forest on our way homegrandmother sat down to rest while I went behind the tree to see if therewere any more mushrooms. —
例如,有一天晚上我们在采集白蘑菇,当我们在回家的路上到达森林边缘时,奶奶坐下休息,而我去树后看看是否还有蘑菇。 —

Suddenly I heard her voice, and this is what Isaw : —
突然我听到她的声音,我看到的是: —

she was seated by the footpath calmly putting away the root of amushroom, while near her, with his tongue hanging out, stood a gray,emaciated dog.

  “You go away now! Go away!” said grandmother. “Go, and God be withyou!”

Not long before that Valek had poisoned my dog, and I wanted verymuch to have this one. —
不久之前瓦雷克给我的狗下了毒,我非常想把这只毒狗抓住。 —

I ran to the path. The dog hunched himself strangelywithout moving his neck, and, looking at me with his green, hungry eyes,leaped into the forest, with his tail between his legs. —
我跑向小路。那只狗以一种奇怪的方式驼背着,没有动他的脖子,用他绿色、饥饿的眼睛看着我,跳进了森林,尾巴夹在腿间。 —

His movements were notthose of a dog, and when I whistled, he hurled himself wildly into the bushes.

“You saw?” said grandmother, smiling. “At first I was deceived. I thoughtit was a dog. —
“你看见了?”奶奶笑着说,“一开始我被欺骗了。我以为它是一只狗。” —

I looked again and saw that I was mistaken. He had the fangs ofa wolf, and the neck, too. —
再次看时,我发现自己错了。他有狼的尖牙,还有颈部。 —

I was quite frightened. ‘Well,’ I said, ‘if you are awolf, take yourself off! —
我吓坏了。“好吧,”我说,“如果你是狼,赶紧走开! —

’ It is a good thing that wolves are not dangerous in thesummer.”

She was never afraid in the forest, and always found her way homeunerringly. —
奶奶在森林中从不害怕,总是准确无误地找到回家的路。 —

By the smell of the grass she knew what kind of mushroomsought to be found in such and such a place, what sort in another, and oftenexamined me in the subject.

“What sort of trees do this and that fungus love? —
“这种树喜欢这样或那样的菌子? —

How do you distinguishthe edible from the poisonous?”

By hardly visible scratches on the bark of a tree she showed me wherethe squirrel had made his home in a hollow, and I would climb up and ravagethe nest of tlie animal, robbing him of his winter store of nuts. —
她用树皮上几乎看不见的划痕向我展示松鼠是如何在树洞里安家的,我爬上去,抢劫动物的巢穴,把松鼠的冬季坚果库夺去。 —

Sometimesthere were as many as ten pounds in one nest. —
有时候一个巢穴里会有十磅的坚果。 —

And one day, when I was thusengaged, a hunter planted twenty-seven shot in the right side of my body.

  Grandmother got eleven of them out with a needle, but the rest remainedunder my skin for many years, coming out by degrees.

  Grandmother was pleased with me for bearing pain patiently.

  “Brave boy!” she praised me. “He who is most patient will be thecleverest.”

  Whenever she had saved a little money from the sale of mushrooms andnuts, she used to lay it on window-sills as “secret alms,” and she herself wentabout in rags and patches even on Sundays.

  “You go about worse than a beggar. You put me to shame,” grumbledgrandfather.

  “What does it matter to you? I am not your daughter. I am not lookingfor a husband.”

  Their quarrels had become more frequent.

  “I am not more sinful than others,” cried grandfather in injured tones,“but my punishment is greater.”

  Grandmother used to tease him.

“The devils know what every one is worth.” And she would say to meprivately: —
  “魔鬼知道每个人的价值。”她私下对我说: —

“My old man is frightened of devils. See how quickly he is aging! —
 “我的老伴怕鬼。看看他是多么快地变老!” —

Itis all from fear; eh, poor man!”

I had become very hardy during the summer, and quite savage throughliving in the forest, and I had lost all interest in the life of mycontemporaries, such as Ludmilla. —
  在夏天里,我变得非常强壮,因为住在森林里已经变得相当野蛮,我对于我的同龄人,比如露德米拉的生活失去了所有兴趣。 —

She seemed to me to be tiresomelysensible.

One day grandfather returned from the town very wet. —
  一天,祖父从城里回来时湿透了。 —

It was autumn,and the rains were falling. —
  那是秋天,雨水纷纷。 —

Shaking himself on the threshold like a sparrow,he said triumphantly:

  “Well, young rascal, you are going to a new situation tomorrow.”

  “Where now?” asked grandmother, angrily.

  “To your sister Matrena, to her son.”

  “O Father, you have done very wrong.”

  “Hold your tongue, fool! They will make a man of him.”

  Grandmother let her head droop and said nothing more.

  In the evening I told Ludmilla that I was going to live in the town.

  “They are going to take me there soon,” she informed me, thoughtfully.

  “Papa wants my leg to be taken off altogether. Without it I should get well.”

She had grown very thin during the summer; —
整个夏天她变得很瘦; —

the skin of her face hadassumed a bluish tint, and her eyes had grown larger.

  “Are you afraid?” I asked her.

  “Yes,” she replied, and wept silently.

I had no means of consoling her, for I was frightened myself at theprospect of life in town. —
我无法安慰她,因为我自己对在城里生活感到害怕。 —

We sat for a long time in painful silence, pressedclose against each other. —
我们在痛苦的沉默中坐着很长时间,紧紧地挨在一起。 —

If it had been summer, I should have askedgrandmother to come begging with me, as she had done when she was a girl.

We might have taken Ludmilla with us; I could have drawn her along in alittle cart. —
我们本可以带上卢德米拉;我可以把她用小车拉着。 —

But it was autumn. A damp wind blew up the streets, the sky washeavy with rain-clouds, the earth frowned. —
但是当时是秋天。一阵潮湿的风吹过街道,天空乌云密布,大地看起来很愁眉苦脸。 —

It had begun to look dirty andunhappy.