AS Yaakov, the stoker, had done in his time, so now Osip grew and grew inmy eyes, until he hid all other people from me. —
正如当年炉工雅各布在我眼中一样,现在奥西普在我眼中一天天长大,直到他把其他人都掩盖起来。 —

There was some resemblanceto the stoker in him, but at the same time he reminded me of grandfather,the valuer, Petr Vassiliev, Smouri, and the cook. —
他身上有一些炉工的影子,但同时也让我想起了祖父、估价师彼得·瓦西里耶维奇、斯莫里和厨师。 —

When I think of all thepeople who are firmly fixed in my memory, he has left behind a deeperimpression than any of them, an impres — sion which has eaten into it, asoxide eats into a brass bell. —
在我记忆中融入最深的人中,他比其他任何人都留下更深的印象,这种印象像氧化物腐蚀黄铜钟一样刻骨铭心。 —

What was remarkable about him was that he hadtwo sets of ideas. —
他的脑海里有两套思维。 —

In the daytime, at his work among people, his lively, simpleideas were business-like and easier to understand than those to which hegave vent when he was off duty, in the evenings, when he went with me intothe town to see his cronies, the dealers, or at night when he could not sleep.

He had special night thoughts, many-sided like the flame of a lamp. —
他有特殊的夜间思想,像灯火一样多面。 —

Theyburned brightly, but where were their real faces? —
它们燃烧明亮,但真正的面孔在哪里呢? —

On which side was this orthat idea, nearer and dearer to Osip.

He seemed to me to be much cleverer than any one else I had met, and Ihovered about him, as I used to do with the stoker, trying to find out aboutthe man, to understand him. —
他对我来说比遇到的任何人都聪明,我围绕着他,就像以前我与炉工一样,试图了解这个人,理解他。 —

But he glided away from me; it was impossibleto grasp him. —
但他从我身边溜走了;抓住他是不可能的。 —

Where was the real man hidden? How far could I believe inhim?

  I remember how he said to me :

  “You must find out for yourself where I am hidden. Look for me!”

  My self-love was piqued, but more than that, it had become a matter oflife and death to me to understand the old man.

With all his elusiveness he was substantial. —
尽管他如此难以捉摸,他是实实在在存在的。 —

He looked as if he could goon living for a hundred years longer and still remain the same, sounchangeably did he preserve his ego amid the instability of the peoplearound him. —
他看起来好像可以再活上一百年,仍然保持不变,他在周围人的不稳定中始终保持着他的自我。 —

The valuer had made upon me an equal impression ofsteadfastness, but it was not so pleasing to me. —
估价师给我的印象同样是坚定的,但对我来说并不那么令人愉悦。 —

Osip’s steadfastness was of adifferent kind; —
奥西普的坚定是一种不同的坚定; —

although I cannot explain how, it was more pleasing.

The instability of human creatures is too often brought to one’s notice; —
人类的不稳定性往往让人注意到; —

their acrobatic leaps from one position to another upset me. —
他们在不同位置之间的杂技般跳跃让我感到不安。 —

I had long agogrown weary of being surprised by these inexplicable somersaults, and theyhad by degrees extinguished my lively interest in humanity, disturbed mylove for it.

One day at the beginning of July, a rackety hackney cab came dashing upto the place where we were working. —
七月初的一天,一个喧闹的马车冲到我们工作的地方。 —

On the box-seat a drunken driver sat,hiccuping gloomily. —
在马车驾驶座上,一个喝醉了的司机闷声喝着酒。 —

He was bearded, hatless, and had a bruised lip. —
他有胡须,没戴帽子,嘴唇瘀青。 —

GrigoriShishlin rolled about in the carriage, drunk, while a fat, red-cheeked girl heldhis arm. —
格里戈里·什什林在马车里翻滚,醉醺醺的,而一个胖乎乎、脸红扑扑的女孩扶着他的胳膊。 —

She wore a straw hat trimmed with a red ribbon and glass cherries ; —
她戴着一顶用红丝带和玻璃樱桃装饰的草帽; —

she had a sunshade in her hand, and goloshes on her bare feet. —
她手里拿着阳伞,脚上穿着赤脚穿着凉鞋。 —

Waving hersunshade, swaying, she giggled and screamed:

“What the devil! The market-place is not open; —
“见鬼!集市不开放; —

there is no market-place,and he brings me to the market-place. —
这里没有市场,他却把我带到了市场。 —

Little mother — ”
小母亲 — ”

  Grigori, dishevelled and limp, crept out of the cab, sat on the ground anddeclared to us, the spectators of the scene, with tears:

“I am down on my knees; I have sinned greatly! I thought of sin, and Ihave sinned. —
“我跪下,我犯了大罪!我想到了罪恶,我就犯了罪。 —

Ephimushka says ‘Grisha! Grisha!’ He speaks truly, but you —forgive me; —
阿菲莫夏说‘格里沙!格里沙!’他说的是实话,但你们 — 原谅我; —

I can treat you all. He says truly, ‘We live once only, and nomore.’ ”

  The girl burst out laughing, stamped her feet, and lost her goloshes, andthe driver called out gruffly :

  “Let us get on farther! The horse won’t stand still!”

The horse, an old, worn-out jade, was covered with foam, and stood asstill as if it were buried. —
那匹老掉牙的马全身是泡沫,站得像是埋在地里一样静止不动。 —

The whole scene was irresistibly comical.

  Grigori’s workmen rolled about with laughter as they looked at theirmaster, his grand lady, and the bemused coachman.

  The only one who did not laugh was Phoma, who stood at the door of oneof the shops beside me and muttered :

  “The devil take the swine. And he has a wife at home — a bee-eautifulwoman!”
“该死的禽兽,他家里还有个妻子 — 一个漂亮的女人!”

The driver kept on urging them to start. —
车夫继续着催促着他们出发。 —

The girl got out of the cab, liftedGrigori up, set him on his feet, and cried with a wave of her sunshade :


  Laughing good-naturedly at their master, and envying him, the menreturned to their work at the call of Phoma. It was plain that it wasrepugnant to him to see Grigori made ridiculous.

“He calls himself master,” he muttered. —
“他自称为主人,”他喃喃自语。 —

“I have not quite a month’s workleft to do here. —
“这里还有不到一个月的工作要做。 —

After that I shall go back to the country. —
之后我将回到乡下。 —

I can’t stand this.”

  I felt vexed for Grigori; that girl with the cherries looked so annoyinglyabsurd beside him.

I often wondered why Grigori Shishlin was the master and PhomaTuchkov the workman. —
我经常想知道为什么格里高利·希什林是主人,而福马·图赫科夫是工人。 —

A strong, fair fellow, with curly hair, an aquilinenose, and gray, clever eyes in his round face, Phoma was not like a peasant. —
⼀纤细的浅色男⼭69、拥有卷曲的头发,⼀张狼⻰⿇的⽵,圆圆的脸上配着灰色、聪明的眼睛,福⻢并不像⼀名⽂。 —

Ifhe had been well-dressed, he might have been the son of a merchant of goodfamily. —
如果他打扮得体, 也许他是位出⽣于⼤.呼家庭的商人之⼦。 —

He was gloomy, taciturn, businesslike. Being well educated, he keptthe accounts of the contractor, drew up the estimates, and could set hiscomrades to work success — fully, but he worked unwillingly himself.
他闷闷不乐, 沉默寡言, 勤奋工作。受过良好教育的福马为承包商做账,起草预估, 能够成功地让同伴们工作, 但他却不情愿地工作。

  “You won’t make work last forever,” he said calmly. He despised books.

“They can print what they like, but I shall go on thinking as I like,” hesaid. —
“他们可以印刷任何东西, 但我仍会按照我喜欢的方式.思.,”他说。 —

“Books are all nonsense.”

  But he listened attentively to every one, and if something interested him,he would ask all the details about it, perseveringly, always thinking of it inhis own way, measuring it by his own measure.
但他会专心地听每个人讲话, 如果某个东西引起了他的兴趣, 他会坚持不懈地询问所有细节, 总是用他自己的方式思考它, 用他自己的标准来衡量它。

  Once I told Phoma that he ought to be a contractor. He repliedindolently:

“If it were a question of turning over thousands, yes. —
“如果是要翻几千的话,是的。 —

But to worry myselffor the sake of making a few copecks, it is not worth while. —
但为了几个铜板我费心使力,不值得。 —

No, I am justlooking about; then I shall go into a monastery in Oranko. —
不,我只是四处看看;然后我会去奥兰科的修道院。 —

I am good-looking, powerful in muscle; I may take the fancy of some merchant’s widow!

Such things do happen. There was a Sergatzki boy who made his fortune intwo years, and married a girl from these parts, from the town. —
这种事情确实会发生。有一个来自斯尔加茨基庄园的小伙子,在两年内混出身家,娶了一个本地姑娘,来自这座城镇。 —

He had to takean icon to her house, and she saw him.”

This was an obsession with him; he knew many tales of how takingservice in a monastery had led people to an easy life. —
这成了他的执念;他知道很多关于在修道院效劳后找到舒适生活的故事。 —

I did not care for thesestories, nor did I like the trend of Phoma’s mind, but I felt sure that he wouldgo to a monastery.

When the market was opened, Phoma, to every one’s surprise, went aswaiter to a tavern. —
当市场开放时,Phoma出乎所有人的意料,去了一家小酒馆当服务生。 —

I do not say that his mates were surprised, but they allbegan to treat him mockingly. —
我不说他的同伴们感到惊讶,但他们开始嘲笑他。 —

On holidays they would all go together todrink tea, saying to one another :

  “Let us go and see our Phoma.”

  And when they arrived at the tavern they would call out:

  “Hi, waiter! Curly mop, come here!”

  He would come to them and ask, with his head held high :

  “What can I get for you?”

  “Don’t you recognize acquaintances now?”

  “I never recognize any one.”

He felt that his mates despised him and were making fun of him, and helooked at them with dully ex — pectant eyes. —
他觉得伙伴们看不起他,在取笑他,他用无奈的眼神看着他们。 —

His face might have been madeof wood, but it seemed to say:

  “Well, make haste; laugh and be done with it.”

  “Shall we give him a tip?” they would ask, and after purposely fumblingin their purses for a long time, they would give him nothing at all.

  I asked Phoma how he could go out as a waiter when he had meant toenter a monastery.

“I never meant to go into a monastery! —
“我从来没有想过要去修道院! —

” he replied, “and I shall not staylong as a waiter.”

Four years later I met him in Tzaritzin, still a waiter in a tavern; —
四年后,我在扎里宾遇见了他,依然是一家酒馆里的服务员; —

and laterstill I read in a newspaper that Phoma Tuchkov had been arrested for anattempted burglary.
后来我在报纸上看到,Phoma Tuchkov因为企图破坏而被捕。

The history of the mason, Ardalon, moved me deeply. —
石匠Ardalon的故事深深地触动了我。 —

He was the eldestand best workman in Petr’s gang. —
他是Petr团伙中年龄最大、工艺最好的工匠。 —

This black-bearded, light-hearted man offorty years also involuntarily evoked the query, “Why was he not the masterinstead of Petr? —
这个四十岁的黑胡子、轻松愉快的人不由地引起了这样一个疑问:“为什么他不是老板,而是Petr呢? —

” He seldom drank vodka and hardly ever drank too much; —
”他很少喝伏特加,几乎从不喝醉; —

he knew his work thoroughly, and worked as if he loved it; —
他对工作了如指掌,并且工作时就像是在热爱着; —

the bricks seemedto fly from his hands like red doves. —
砖头似乎从他手中飞出去,如同红色的鸽子。 —

In comparison with him, the sickly, leanPetr seemed an absolutely superfluous member of the gang. —
与他相比,瘦弱的Petr似乎是团伙里绝对多余的成员。 —

He used tospeak thus of his work:

  “I build stone houses for people, and a wooden coffin for myself.”

But Ardalon laid his bricks with cheerful energy as he cried: —
但阿达隆兴致勃勃地砌砖,同时喊道: —

“Work, mychild, for the glory of God.”

  And he told us all that next spring he would go to Tomsk, where hisbrother-in-law had undertaken a large contract to build a church, and hadinvited him to go as overseer.

  “I have made up my mind to go. Building churches is work that I love!”

he said. And he suggested to me: “Come with me! —
对于受过教育的人来说,在西伯利亚很容易发展。教育在那里是一张王牌!” —

It is very easy, brother, foran educated person to get on in Siberia. —
我同意了他的建议,他得意地喊道: —

There, education is a trump card!”

  I agreed to his proposition, and he cried triumphantly :

  “There! That is business and not a joke.”

  Toward Petr and Grigori he behaved with good-natured derision, like agrown-up person towards children, and he said to Osip :

“Braggarts! Each shows the other his cleverness, as if they were playingat cards. One says: —
“难道还能有其他吗?夸夸其谈是人之常情; —

‘My cards are all such and such a color,’ and the othersays, ‘And mine are trumps!’ ”

  Osip observed hesitatingly:

“How could it be otherwise? Boasting is only human; —
“难道能有其他吗?夸夸其谈是人之常情; —

all the girls walkabout with their chests stuck out.”

“All, yes, all. It is God, God all the time. —
“全部,是的,全部。这都是上帝,上帝时时刻刻。 —

But they hoard up moneythemselves!” said Ardalon impatiently.

  “Well, Grisha doesn’t/’

“I am speaking for myself. I would go with this God into the forest, thedesert. —
“我在说我自己。我会跟着这位上帝去森林,去沙漠。 —

I ‘am weary of being here. In the spring I shall go to Siberia.”

  The workmen, envious of Ardalon, said:

  “If wc had such a chance in the shape of a brother-in-law, we should notbe afraid of Siberia either.”

  And suddenly Ardalon disappeared. He went away from the workshopon Sunday, and for three days no one knew where he was.

  This made anxious conjectures.

  “Perhaps he has been murdered.”

  “Or maybe he is drowned.”

  But Ephimushka came, and declared in an embarrassed manner:

  “He has gone on the drink.”

  “Why do you tell such lies?” cried Petr incredulously.

“He has gone on the drink; he is drinking madly. —
“他去喝酒了;他喝得疯了。” —

He is just like a comkiln which burns from the very center. —
他就像一口从中心燃烧的炭炉。 —

Perhaps his much-loved wife is dead.”

  “He is a widower! Where is he?”

  Petr angrily set out to save Ardalon, but the latter fought him.

  Then Osip, pressing his lips together firmly, thrust his hands in hispockets and said:

  “Shall I go have a look at him, and see what it is all about? He is a goodfellow.”

  I attached myself to him.

“Here’s a man,” said Osip on the way, “who lives for years quite decently,when suddenly he loses control of himself, and is all over the place. —
“这里有个人,”Osip在路上说道,“他过了多年相当体面的生活,突然失去了控制,乱七八糟的。” —

Look,Maximich, and learn.”

We went to one of the cheap “houses of pleasure” of Kunavin Village, andwe were welcomed by a predatory old woman. —
我们去了库纳温村的一家廉价的“娱乐之家”,被一个老贼婆热情地欢迎。 —

Osip whispered to her, andshe ushered us into a small empty room, dark and dirty, like a stable. —
Osip对她轻声说了几句,她就领我们进了一个小又黑又脏的房间,像个马厩。 —

On asmall bed slept, in an abandoned attitude, a large, stout woman. —
在一张小床上,一个高大而肥胖的女人独自睡觉。 —

The oldwoman thrust her fist in her side and said :

  “Wake up, frog, wake up!”

  The woman jumped up in terror, rubbing her face with her hands, andasked :

  “Good Lord I who is it? What is it?”

“Detectives are here,” said Osip harshly. —
“侦探们在这里,”奥西普严厉地说道。 —

With a groan the womandisappeared, and he spat after her and explained to me:

  “They are more afraid of detectives than of the devil.”

  Taking a small glass from the wall, the old woman raised a piece of thewall-paper.

  “Look! Is he the one you want?”

  Osip looked through a chink in the partition.

  “That is he! Get the woman away.”

I also looked through the chink into just such a narrow stable as the onewe were in. —
我也透过缝隙看到了一个与我们所在的狭窄的马棚相似的地方。 —

On the sill of the window, which was closely shuttered, burned atin lamp, near which stood a squinting, naked, Tatar woman, sewing achemise. —
在紧闭的窗户槛上燃烧着一盏油灯,旁边站着一个斜视的赤裸的鞑靼女人,正在缝制一件衬衣。 —

Behind her, on two pillows on the bed, was raised the bloated faceof Arda — lon, his black, tangled beard projecting.

  The Tatar woman shivered, put on her chemise, and came past the bed,suddenly appearing in our room.

  Osip looked at her and again spat.

  “Ugh! Shameless hussy!”

  “And you are an old fool!” she replied, laughing, Osip laughed too, andshook a threatening finger at her.

  We went into the Tatar’s stable. The old man sat on the bed at Ardalon’sfeet and tried for a long time unsuccessfully to awaken him. He muttered:

  “All right, wait a bit. We will go — ”

  At length he awoke, gazed wildly at Osip and at me, and closing hisbloodshot eyes, murmured :

  “Well, well!”

  “What is the matter with you?” asked Osip gently, without reproaches,but rather sadly.

  “I was driven to it,” explained Ardalon hoarsely, and coughing.


  “Ah, there were reasons.”

  “You were not contented, perhaps?”

  “What is the good — ”

Ardalon took an open bottle of vodka from the table, and began to drinkfrom it. —
阿尔达隆从桌子上拿起一瓶开封的伏特加,开始喝起来。 —

He then asked Osip:

  “Would you like some? There ought to be something to eat here as well.”

  The old man poured some of the spirit into his mouth, swallowed it,frowned, and began to chew a small piece of bread carefully, but muddledArdalon said drowsily:

“So I have thrown in my lot with the Tatar woman. —
“所以我和那名鞑靼女人走到了一起。” —

She is a pure Tatar, asEphimushka says, young, an orphan from Kasimov; —
她是一位纯种鞑靼人,正如Ephimushka所说,年轻,是来自Kasimov的孤儿; —

she was getting ready forthe fair.”

  From the other side of the wall some one said in broken Russian:

  “Tatars are the best, like young hens. Send him away; he is not yourfather.”

  “That’s she,” muttered Ardalon, gazing stupidly at the wall.

  “I have seen her,” said Osip.

  Ardalon turned to me:

  “That is the sort of man I am, brother.”

I expected Osip to reproach Ardalon, to give him a lecture which wouldmake him repent bitterly. But nothing of the kind happened; —
我原以为Osip会谴责Ardalon,给他一次激烈的训斥,让他深深后悔。但事实并非如此; —

they sat side byside, shoulder to shoulder, and uttered calm, brief words. —
他们并肩坐着,肩并肩,说着镇静简洁的话。 —

It was melancholyto see them in that dark, dirty stable. —
在那间黑暗肮脏的马厩里看到他们,颇感忧伤。 —

The woman called ludicrous wordsthrough the chink in the wall, but they did not listen to them. —
墙缝里的女人发出荒谬的话,但他们并不听。 —

Osip took awalnut off the table, cracked it against his boot, and began to remove theshell neatly, as he asked :

  “All your money gone?”

  “There is some with Petrucha.”

  “I say! Aren’t you going away? If you were to go to Tomsk, now — ”

  “What should I go to Tomsk for?”

  “Have you changed your mind, then?”

  “If I had been going to strangers, it would have been different.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “But to go to my sister and my brother-in-law — ”

  “What of it?”

  “It is not particularly pleasant to begin again with one’s own people.”

  “The beginning is the same anywhere.”

  “All the same —”

  They talked in such an amicably serious vein that the Tatar woman leftoff teasing them, and coming into the room, took her frock down from thewall in silence, and disappeared.

  “She is young,” said Osip.

  Ardalon glanced at him and without annoyance replied :

  “Ephimushka is wrong-headed. He knows nothing, except about women.

  But the Tatar woman is joyous; she maddens us all.”

  “Take care; you won’t be able to escape from her,” Osip warned him, andhaving eaten the walnut, took his leave.

  On the way back I asked Osip:

  “Why did you go to him?”

“Just to look at him. He is a man I have known a long time. I have seenma-a-ny such cases. —
“只是看看他。他是个我认识很久的人。我见过很多这样的例子。 —

A man leads a decent life, and suddenly he behaves as ifhe had just escaped from prison. —
一个人过着体面的生活,突然表现得好像刚从监狱里逃出来似的。 —

” He repeated what he had said before, “Oneshould be on one’s guard against vodka.”

  But after a minute he added :

  “But life would be dull without it.”

  “Without vodka ?”

  “Well, yes! When you drink, it is just as if you were in another world.”

Ardalon never came back for good. At the end of a few days he returnedto work, but soon disappeared again, and in the spring I met him among thedock laborers ; —
阿尔达隆永远没有为了工作回来。几天过后,他回到工作岗位,但很快又消失了,春天时我在货运工人中遇见了他; —

he was melting the ice round the barges in the harbor. —
他正在港口周围给驳船除冰。 —

Wegreeted each other in friendly fashion and went to a tavern for tea, afterwhich he boasted :

“You remember what a workman I was, eh? —
“你还记得我是个怎样的工人,是吧? —

I tell you straight, I was anexpert at my own business! —
我告诉你,我在自己的工作上是个专家!” —

I could have earned hundreds.”

  “However, you did not.”

  “No, I didn’t earn them,” he cried proudly. “I spit upon work!”

  He swaggered. The people in the tavern listened to his impassionedwords and were impressed.

“You remember what that sly thief Petrucha used to say about work? —
“你还记得那个狡猾的贼佩特鲁夏常说关于工作的话吗? —

Forothers stone houses; for himself a wooden coffin! —
为别人盖石头房子,为自己造木棺材! —

Well, that’s true of allwork!” I said:
那是对所有工作都是真的!” 我说:

  “Petrucha is ill. He is afraid of death.”

  But Ardalon cried :

  “I am ill, too; my heart is out of order.”

On holidays I often wandered out of the town to “Millioni Street,” wherethe dockers lived, and saw how quickly Ardalon had settled down amongthose uncouth ruffians. —
在假日里,我经常漫步离开城镇前往“百万街”,那里是搬运工的住处,看到阿达隆是如何快速地与那些粗野的暴徒们融为一体。 —

Only a year ago, happy and serious-minded, Ardalonhad now become as noisy as any of them. —
仅仅一年前,快乐而认真的阿达隆现在也变得和他们一样吵吵嚷嚷。 —

He had acquired their curious,shambling walk, looked at people defiantly, as if he were inviting every oneto fight with him, and was always boast — ing:

  “You see how I am received; I am like a chieftain here!”

  Never grudging the money he had earned, he liberally treated thedockers, and in fights he always took the part of the weakest. He often cried :

  “That’s not fair, children! You’ve got to fight fair!”

  And so they called him “Fairplay,” which delighted him.

I ardently studied these people, closely packed in that old and dirty sackof a street. —
我热切地研究这些挤在那条又旧又脏的街道上的人群。 —

All of them were people who had cut themselves off from ordinarylife, but they seemed to have created a life of their own, independent of anymaster, and gay. —
他们都是那些与普通生活隔绝的人,但他们似乎创造了自己独立于任何主人的生活,并且很开心。 —

Careless, audacious, they reminded me of grandfather’sstories about the bargemen who so easily transformed themselves intobrigands or hermits. —
他们漫不经心、大胆,让我想起祖父讲的有关渡船工很容易转变成强盗或隐士的故事。 —

When there was no work, they were not squeamishabout committing small thefts from the barges and steamers, but that didnot trouble me, for I saw that life was sewn with theft, like an old coat withgray threads. —
没有工作时,他们也不介意从驳船和轮船上小偷小摸,但这并不让我烦恼,因为我看到生活就像一件旧外套上缝着灰色线一样,都是由小偷行为构成的。 —

At the same time I saw that these people never worked withenthusiasm, unsparing of their energies, as happened in cases of urgency,such as fires, or the breaking of the ice. —
同时我发现,这些人从不像在火灾或排冰等紧急情况下那样热情地、毫不吝惜地工作。 —

And, as a rule, they lived more of aholiday life than any other people.

  But Osip, having noticed my friendship with Ardalon, warned me in afatherly way :

“Look here, my boy; why this close friendship with the folk of MillioniStreet? —
“听着,孩子;为什么要和Millioni街的人这样亲近呢? —

Take care you don’t do yourself harm by it.”

  I told him as well as I could how I liked these people who lived so gaily,without working.

“Birds of the air they are!” he interrupted me, laughing. —
“他们就像空中的鸟!”他笑着打断我说。 —

“That’s whatthey are — idle, useless people; —
“他们就是 – 游手好闲、无用的人; —

and work is a calamity to them!”

  “What is work, after all? As they say, the labors of the righteous don’tprocure them stone houses to live in!”

  I said this glibly enough. I had heard the proverb so often, and felt thetruth of it.

  But Osip was very angry with me, and cried :

“Who says so? Fools, idlers! And you are a youngster; you ought not tolisten to such things! —
噢,你–!这是被羡慕、不成功的人才说的废话。 —

Oh, you —! That is the nonsense which is uttered by theenvious, the unsuccessful. —
等你长大了再说;那时候你就可以飞翔了! —

Wait till your feathers are grown ; then you canfly! —
我会告诉你的老板关于你和他们的友情。” —

And I shall tell your master about this friendship of yours.”

  And he did tell. The master spoke to me about the matter.

“You leave the Millioni folk alone, Pyeshkov! —
“别去惹米利奥尼街的人,皮什科夫!” —

They are thieves andprostitutes, and from there the path leads to the prison and the hospital. Letthem alone!”

I began to conceal my visits to Millioni Street, but I soon had to givethem up. —
我开始隐瞒我去米利奥尼街的行踪,但很快不得不放弃。 —

One day I was sitting with Ardalon and his comrade, Robenok, onthe roof of a shed in the yard of one of the lodging-houses. —
有一天,我和阿尔达隆和他的同伴罗贝诺克坐在一家旅馆庭院里的小屋顶上。 —

Robenok wasrelating to us amusingly how he had made his way on foot from Rostov, onthe Don, to Moscow. —
罗贝诺克正在有趣地给我们讲述他是如何从顿河畔的罗斯托夫步行到莫斯科的。 —

He had been a soldier-sapper, a Geogrivsky horseman,and he was lame. —
他曾是地皮兵,一个吉奥格里夫斯基马兵,他跛了。 —

In the war with Turkey he had been wounded in the knee.

Of low stature, he had a terrible strength in his arms, a strength which was ofno profit to him, for his lameness prevented him from working. —
虽然身材矮小,但他的手臂有着一种可怕的力量,但由于跛脚无法工作。 —

He had hadan illness which had caused the hair to fall from his head and face ; —
他曾患病导致头发脱落; —

his headwas like that of a new-born infant.

  With his brown eyes sparkling he said :

“Well, at Serpoukhov I saw a priest sitting in a sledge. —
“哦,我在谢尔普霍夫看到一位牧师坐在雪橇上。 —

Tather,’ I said,‘give something to a Turkish hero.’ ”

  Ardalon shook his head and said :

  “That’s a lie!”

  “Why should I lie?” asked Robenok, not in the least offended, and myfriend growled in lazy reproof :

  “You are incorrigible! You have the chance of becoming a watchman —they always put lame men to that job — and you stroll about aimlessly, andtell lies.”

  “Well, I only do it to make people laugh. I lie just for the sake ofamusement.”

  “You ought to laugh at yourself.”

  In the yard, which was dark and dirty although the weather was dry andsunny, a woman appeared and cried, waving some sort of a rag about herhead :

  “Who will buy a petticoat? Hi, friends!”

Women crept out from the hidden places of the house and gatheredclosely round the seller. —
妇女们从房子的隐秘角落悄悄走出来,聚在卖主的周围。 —

I recognized her at once; it was the laundress,Natalia. —
我一眼就认出了她;是洗衣女纳塔莉娅。 —

I jumped down from the roof, but she, having given the petticoat tothe first bidder, had already quietly left the yard.

  “How do you do?” I greeted her joyfully as I caught her at the gate.

“What next, I wonder?” she exclaimed, glancing at me askance, and thenshe suddenly stood still, crying angrily: —
“接下来会发生什么事呢?”她瞟了我一眼,然后突然停下来,愤怒地喊道: —

“God save us! What are you doinghere?”

Her terrified exclamation touched and confused me. I realized that shewas afraid for me; —
她恐惧的呼喊触动并困惑了我。我意识到她为我担忧; —

terror and amazement were shown so plainly in herintelligent face. —
恐惧和惊讶清楚地显现在她聪明的脸上。 —

I soon explained to her that I was not living in that street, butonly went there sometimes to see what there was to see.

“See?” she cried angrily and derisively. —
“看见了吗?”她生气地嘲笑道。 —

“What sort of a place is this thatyou should want to see it? It’s the women you ‘re after.”

  Her face was wrinkled, dark shadows lay under her eyes, and her lipsdrooped feebly.

  Standing at the door of a tavern she said :

  “Come in; I am going to have some teal You are well-dressed, not likethey dress here, yet I cannot believe what you say.”

  But in the tavern she seemed to believe me, and as she poured out tea,she began to tell me how she had only awakened from sleep an hour ago, andhad not had anything to eat or drink yet.

“And when I went to bed last night I was as drunk as drunk. —
“昨晚睡觉的时候我喝得烂醉如泥。 —

I can’t evenremember where I had the drink, or with whom.”

I felt sorry for her, awkward in her presence, and I wanted to ask herwhere her daughter was. —
我为她感到难过,与她在一起感到尴尬,我想问问她女儿在哪里。 —

After she had drunk some vodka and hot tea, shebegan to talk in a familiar, lively way, coarsely, like all the women of thatstreet, but when I asked about her daughter she was sobered at once, andcried:

  “What do you want to know for? No, my boy, you won’t get hold of her;don’t think it!”

  She drank more, and then she said :

“I have nothing to do with my daughter. What am I? A laundress! —
“我与女儿无关。我算什么?一名洗衣妇! —

Whatsort of a mother for her? She is well brought up, educated. That she is, mybrother! —
她受过良好教育,教养良好。她是我亲爱的!” —

She left me to live with a rich friend, as a teacher, like — ”

  After a silence she said :

  “That’s how it is! The laundress doesn’t please you, but the street —walker does?”

That she was a street-walker I had seen at once, of course. —
当然我马上就看出她是个街头女郎。 —

There was noother kind of woman in that street. —
这条街上没有其他类型的女人。 —

But when she told me so herself, my eyesfilled with tears of shame and pity for her. —
但当她亲口告诉我时,我的眼睛里充满了羞愧和对她的怜悯之情。 —

I felt as if she had burned me bymaking that admission, — she, who not long ago had been so brave,independent, and clever.

“Ekh! you!” she said, looking at me and sighing. —
“呃!你!”她看着我叹息道。 —

“Go away from thisplace, I beg you! I urge you, don’t come here, or you will be lost!”

  Then she began to speak softly and brokenly, as if she were talking toherself, bending over the table and drawing figures on the tray with herfingers.

“But what are my entreaties and my advice to you? —
“但是我的劝告和忠告对你有什么用呢? —

When my owndaughter would not listen to me I cried to her: —
当我自己的女儿不听我的话时,我对她大喊: —

‘You can’t throw aside yourown mother. What are you thinking of? —
‘你不能抛弃自己的母亲。你在想些什么? —

’ And she — she said, T shall stranglemyself! —
’ 她——她说,‘我要掐死自己!’ —

’ And she went away to Kazan ; she wants to learn to be a midwife.
’ 然后她去了喀山;她想要学习成为一名接生助产士。

Good — good! But what about me? You see what I am now? —
好 — 好!但是我怎么样?你看见我的现状了吗? —

What have I tocling to? And so I went on the streets.”

She fell into a silence, and thought for a long time, soundlessly movingher lips. —
她陷入了沉默,沉思了很长时间,无声地动着嘴唇。 —

It was plain that she had forgotten me. The corners of her lipsdrooped; —
显然她已经忘记了我。她的嘴角下垂; —

her mouth was curved like a sickle, and it was a torturing sight tosee how her lips quivered, and how the wavering furrows on her face spokewithout words. —
她的嘴像镰刀一样弯曲,看着她唇颤抖,脸上摇摆的皱纹无声地述说,简直是一种折磨。 —

Her face was like that of an aggrieved child. —
她的脸像一个受委屈的孩子一样。 —

Strands of hairhad fallen from under her headkerchief, and lay on her cheek, or coiledbehind her small ear. —
有几缕头发从头巾下滑落,落在她的脸颊上,或盘绕在她小耳朵后面。 —

Her tears dropped into her cup of cold tea, and seeingthis, she pushed the cup away and shut her eyes tightly, squeezing out twomore tears. —
她的眼泪掉进了冷茶杯里,看见这一幕,她推开了杯子,紧闭双眼,挤出另外两滴眼泪。 —

Then she wiped her face with her handkerchief. —
接着她用手绢擦拭着脸。 —

I could not bearto stay with her any longer. I rose quietly.


“Eh? Go — go to the devil!” She waved me away without looking at me; —
“嗯?走吧 — 让我静静!”她挥手把我打发走,没有看着我; —

she had apparently forgotten who was with her.

I returned to Ardalon in the yard. He had meant to come with me tocatch crabs, and I wanted to tell him about the woman. —
我回到院子里找阿尔达隆。他本来想跟我一起去捉螃蟹,我想告诉他有关那位女人的事。 —

But neither he norRobenok were on the roof of the shed; —
但是他和罗本诺克都不在棚顶了; —

and while I was looking for him in thedisorderly yard, there arose from the street the sound of one of those rowswhich were frequent there.

I went out through the gate and came into collision with Natalia,sobbing, wiping her bruised face with her headkerchief. —
我走出大门时,撞到了拿塔利娅,她哭泣着,用手绢擦拭着受伤的脸。 —

Setting straight herdisordered hair with her other hand, she went blindly along the footpath,and following her came Ardalon and Robenok. —
用另一只手整理着凌乱的头发,她盲目地沿着人行道走去,后面跟着阿尔达隆和罗贝诺克。 —

The latter was saying:

  “Give her one more; come on!”

Ardalon overtook the woman, flourishing his fist. —
阿尔达隆追上那个女人,挥舞着拳头。 —

She turned her bosomfull toward himi; her face was terrible ; —
她把胸部转向他,脸上充满了恐怖; —

her eyes blazed with hatred.

  “Go on, hit me!” she cried.

  I hung on to Ardalon’s arm; he looked at me in amazement.

  “What’s the matter with you?”

  “Don’t touch her!” I just managed to say.

  He burst out laughing.

  “She is your lover? Aie, that Natashka, she has devoured our littlemonk.”

Robenok laughed, too, holding his sides, and for a long time they roastedme with their hot obscenity. —
罗贝诺克也笑了,捂着肚子,他们用淫秽的话语嘲笑我很长时间。 —

It was unbearable! But while they were thusoccupied, Natalia went away, and I, losing my temper at last, struck Robenokin the chest with my head, knocking him over, and ran away.

For a long time after that I did not go near Million! Street. —
那之后很长一段时间我都不再去百万街了。 —

But I sawArdalon once again; I met him on the ferry-boat.

  “Where have you been hiding yourself?” he asked joyfully.

  When I told him that it was repulsive to me to remember how he hadknocked Natalia about and ob — scenely insulted me, Ardalon laughed goodnaturedly.

“Did you take that seriously? We only rubbed it into you for a joke! —
“你当真了?我们只是开个玩笑揶揄你而已! —

As forher, why shouldn’t she be knocked about, a street-walker? —
至于她,为什么不能被揍呢,一个街头女人? —

People beat theirwives, so they are certainly not going to have more mercy on such as that!

Still, it was only a joke, the whole thing. —
但是,整个都只是个玩笑。 —

I understand, you know, that the fistis no good for teaching!”

  “What have you got to teach her? How are you better than she is?”

  He put his hands on my shoulders and, shaking me, said banteringly:

  “In our disgraceful state no one of us is better than another.”

  Then he laughed and added boastfully:

  “I understand everything from within and without, brother, everything! Iam not wood!”

He was a little tipsy, at the jovial stage; —
他有点喝醉了,处于愉快的阶段; —

he looked at me with the tenderpity of a good master for an unintelligent pupil.

  Sometimes I met Pavl Odintzov. He was livelier than ever, dressed like adandy, and talked to me condescendingly and always reproachfully.

  “You are throwing yourself away on that kind of work! They are nothingbut peasants.”

  Then he would sadly retail all the latest news from the workshop.

“Jikharev is still taken up with that cow. Sitanov is plainly fretting; —
“季哈列夫还在忙于那头母牛。斯坦诺夫显然很烦躁; —

hehas begun to drink to excess. The wolves have eaten Golovev; he was cominghome from Sviatka; —
他开始过量饮酒。狼吃掉了戈洛夫;他从斯维亚特卡回家时被狼吃了; —

he was drunk, and the wolves devoured him. —
他喝醉了,狼们把他吞了。 —

” Andbursting into a gay peal of laughter he comically added:

“They ate him and they all became drunk themselves! —
“它们吃了他,然后它们自己都喝醉了! —

They were verymerry and walked about the forests on their hind legs, like performing dogs.

  Then they fell to fighting and in twenty-four hours they were all dead!”

  I listened to him and laughed, too, but I felt that the workshop and all Ihad experienced in it was very far away from me now.

  This was rather a melancholy reflection.