This is not the time at which I am to enter on the state of my mind beneath its load of sorrow. —
这并不是我在忧伤的负担下进入的时刻。 —

I came to think that the Future was walled up before me, that the energy and action of my life were at an end, that I never could find any refuge but in the grave. —
我开始觉得未来对我来说已经封闭,我生活的活力和行动结束了,我永远找不到避难所,只有坟墓。 —

I came to think so, I say, but not in the first shock of my grief. It slowly grew to that. —
我确实逐渐开始这样想,但并非在最初的悲痛冲击中。 —

If the events I go on to relate, had not thickened around me, in the beginning to confuse, and in the end to augment, my affliction, it is possible (though I think not probable), that I might have fallen at once into this condition. —
如果后来发生的事件没有包围着我,一开始让我感到困惑,最后又加剧了我的痛苦,可能(虽然我认为不太可能),我本可以立刻陷入这种境况。 —

As it was, an interval occurred before I fully knew my own distress; —
事实上,在我充分意识到自己的痛苦之前,出现了一段间隔。 —

an interval, in which I even supposed that its sharpest pangs were past; —
一个间隔,我甚至以为自己的最尖锐的痛苦已经过去了。 —

and when my mind could soothe itself by resting on all that was most innocent and beautiful, in the tender story that was closed for ever.

When it was first proposed that I should go abroad, or how it came to be agreed among us that I was to seek the restoration of my peace in change and travel, I do not, even now, distinctly know. —
当初提议我出国,或者我们之间如何达成一致,我应该通过改变和旅行来恢复内心平静的决定,即使现在,我仍然不清楚。 —

The spirit of Agnes so pervaded all we thought, and said, and did, in that time of sorrow, that I assume I may refer the project to her influence. —
Agnes的精神在我们悲伤的时期中无处不在,我想可以将这个计划归功于她的影响。 —

But her influence was so quiet that I know no more.

And now, indeed, I began to think that in my old association of her with the stained-glass window in the church, a prophetic foreshadowing of what she would be to me, in the calamity that was to happen in the fullness of time, had found a way into my mind. —
现在,我开始思考,之前将她与教堂中彩色玻璃窗的联想,是对未来发生的灾难中她对我的影响的预言性预示。 —

In all that sorrow, from the moment, never to be forgotten, when she stood before me with her upraised hand, she was like a sacred presence in my lonely house. —
在所有的悲伤中,从那一刻开始,那永远不会被遗忘的时刻,她举起手站在我面前,她仿佛是我孤独房屋中的神圣存在。 —

When the Angel of Death alighted there, my child-wife fell asleep - they told me so when I could bear to hear it - on her bosom, with a smile. —
当死神降临时,我的孩子般的妻子安详地在她的光辉上入睡,当我终于忍受得了时,他们告诉我这样说。 —

From my swoon, I first awoke to a consciousness of her compassionate tears, her words of hope and peace, her gentle face bending down as from a purer region nearer Heaven, over my undisciplined heart, and softening its pain.

Let me go on.

I was to go abroad. That seemed to have been determined among us from the first. —
我要出国。这似乎从一开始就已经确定了。 —

The ground now covering all that could perish of my departed wife, I waited only for what Mr. Micawber called the ‘final pulverization of Heep’; —
现在覆盖着我逝去妻子所有可朽坏之处的地方,我只等待着麦卡伯先生所说的“希普的最终粉碎”; —

and for the departure of the emigrants.

At the request of Traddles, most affectionate and devoted of friends in my trouble, we returned to Canterbury: —
在特拉德尔斯恩爱忠心的朋友的要求下,在我困扰中,我们回到坎特伯雷: —

I mean my aunt, Agnes, and I. We proceeded by appointment straight to Mr. Micawber’s house; —
我指的是我姑妈,Agnes和我。我们按照约定直接前往麦卡伯先生的家; —

where, and at Mr. Wickfield’s, my friend had been labouring ever since our explosive meeting. —
在那里,以及威克菲尔德先生的家里,我的朋友自从我们那次爆炸性的会面以来一直在努力工作。 —

When poor Mrs. Micawber saw me come in, in my black clothes, she was sensibly affected. —
当可怜的麦卡伯夫人看到我穿着黑衣进来时,她感到心情受到影响。 —

There was a great deal of good in Mrs. Micawber’s heart, which had not been dunned out of it in all those many years.
在这许多年里,Mrs. Micawber心中仍然有很多良善。

‘Well, Mr. and Mrs. Micawber,’ was my aunt’s first salutation after we were seated. —
“嗨,Micawber先生夫人,”坐下后,我姨妈首先打招呼道。 —

‘Pray, have you thought about that emigration proposal of mine?’

‘My dear madam,’ returned Mr. Micawber, ‘perhaps I cannot better express the conclusion at which Mrs. Micawber, your humble servant, and I may add our children, have jointly and severally arrived, than by borrowing the language of an illustrious poet, to reply that our Boat is on the shore, and our Bark is on the sea.’

‘That’s right,’ said my aunt. ‘I augur all sort of good from your sensible decision.’

‘Madam, you do us a great deal of honour,’ he rejoined. He then referred to a memorandum. —
“夫人,您对我们非常看重,”他回答道。然后他提到了一个备忘录。 —

‘With respect to the pecuniary assistance enabling us to launch our frail canoe on the ocean of enterprise, I have reconsidered that important business-point; —
“关于金钱上的援助,让我们能将我们脆弱的小船推入创业的海洋,我已重新考虑了那个重要的商业点; —

and would beg to propose my notes of hand - drawn, it is needless to stipulate, on stamps of the amounts respectively required by the various Acts of Parliament applying to such securities - at eighteen, twenty-four, and thirty months. —
并且愿意提议我的本票——请务必注意使用符合各种议会法律适用的金额的邮票 — 在十八、二十四和三十个月后到期。 —

The proposition I originally submitted, was twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four; —
我最初提交的提议是12、18和24个月; —

but I am apprehensive that such an arrangement might not allow sufficient time for the requisite amount of - Something - to turn up. —
但我担心这样的安排可能不会给我们足够的时间来等待必要数量的——某物——浮出水面。 —

We might not,’ said Mr. Micawber, looking round the room as if it represented several hundred acres of highly cultivated land, ‘on the first responsibility becoming due, have been successful in our harvest, or we might not have got our harvest in. —
当第一份责任到期时,我们可能没有在收获季节取得成功,或者我们可能没有进行及时收割。 —

Labour, I believe, is sometimes difficult to obtain in that portion of our colonial possessions where it will be our lot to combat with the teeming soil.’

‘Arrange it in any way you please, sir,’ said my aunt.

‘Madam,’ he replied, ‘Mrs. Micawber and myself are deeply sensible of the very considerate kindness of our friends and patrons. —
“夫人,”他答道,“Micawber夫人和我深深感激我们的朋友和赞助商们的非常体贴和善意。 —

What I wish is, to be perfectly business-like, and perfectly punctual. —
我希望的是,完全做到办事效率高,绝对守时。 —

Turning over, as we are about to turn over, an entirely new leaf; —
在我们正要翻开一整页崭新的篇章时,即将翻开的一片崭新叶子; —

and falling back, as we are now in the act of falling back, for a Spring of no common magnitude; —
在我们正在倒退时,倒退了,迎接一场非同小可的春天; —

it is important to my sense of self-respect, besides being an example to my son, that these arrangements should be concluded as between man and man.’

I don’t know that Mr. Micawber attached any meaning to this last phrase; —
我不知道米卡伯先生对此最后一句话有什么看法; —

I don’t know that anybody ever does, or did; —
我不知道有谁曾经对此有所解释或了解; —

but he appeared to relish it uncommonly, and repeated, with an impressive cough, ‘as between man and man’.

‘I propose,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘Bills - a convenience to the mercantile world, for which, I believe, we are originally indebted to the Jews, who appear to me to have had a devilish deal too much to do with them ever since - because they are negotiable. —
‘我建议,’米卡伯先生说,‘汇票 - 这是商业世界的一种便利,我相信,最初应该感谢犹太人,他们似乎从那时起就与这些东西扯上不清不白的关系 - 因为它们是可转让的。 —

But if a Bond, or any other description of security, would be preferred, I should be happy to execute any such instrument. —
但是如果债券或其他任何形式的证券会更可取,我很乐意签署这样的文件。 —

As between man and man.’

MY aunt observed, that in a case where both parties were willing to agree to anything, she took it for granted there would be no difficulty in settling this point. —
我姨妈观察到,如果双方都愿意同意任何事情,她认为解决这一点不会有困难。 —

Mr. Micawber was of her opinion.

‘In reference to our domestic preparations, madam,’ said Mr. Micawber, with some pride, ‘for meeting the destiny to which we are now understood to be self-devoted, I beg to report them. —
“关于我们的家庭准备工作,夫人,”米卡伯先生有些自豪地说,“为了迎接我们明确自愿追随的命运,我要报告一下。 —

My eldest daughter attends at five every morning in a neighbouring establishment, to acquire the process - if process it may be called - of milking cows. —
我的长女每天早上五点在附近的一个农场学习挤奶的过程——如果这个过程可以这么称呼的话。 —

My younger children are instructed to observe, as closely as circumstances will permit, the habits of the pigs and poultry maintained in the poorer parts of this city: —
我的小孩子们被教导着尽量模仿这座城市贫困地区养殖的猪和家禽的习性; —

a pursuit from which they have, on two occasions, been brought home, within an inch of being run over. —
这项追求曾经两次将他们带回家,差点被车碾到。 —

I have myself directed some attention, during the past week, to the art of baking; —
在过去的一周里,我本人也关注了一下烘焙的艺术; —

and my son Wilkins has issued forth with a walking-stick and driven cattle, when permitted, by the rugged hirelings who had them in charge, to render any voluntary service in that direction - which I regret to say, for the credit of our nature, was not often; —
而我的儿子威尔金斯则拿着一根拐杖,如果得到允许,就会赶放在那些粗俗的雇工手下牧养的牛; —

he being generally warned, with imprecations, to desist.’

‘All very right indeed,’ said my aunt, encouragingly. —
“非常好,”我姨妈鼓励地说。 —

‘Mrs. Micawber has been busy, too, I have no doubt.’

‘My dear madam,’ returned Mrs. Micawber, with her business-like air. —
“我亲爱的夫人,”米卡伯夫人以她务实的态度回答道。 —

‘I am free to confess that I have not been actively engaged in pursuits immediately connected with cultivation or with stock, though well aware that both will claim my attention on a foreign shore. —
“我可以坦率地承认,我并没有积极参与与耕作或牲畜直接相关的活动,尽管我很清楚在异国他乡,这两者都会需要我关注。” —

Such opportunities as I have been enabled to alienate from my domestic duties, I have devoted to corresponding at some length with my family. —
我尽可能地抽出时间,远离家庭职责,转而和家人写长信。 —

For I own it seems to me, my dear Mr. Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, who always fell back on me, I suppose from old habit, to whomsoever else she might address her discourse at starting, ‘that the time is come when the past should be buried in oblivion; —
因为我觉得,亲爱的科波菲尔先生,时候已经到了,过去应该被埋在遗忘中; —

when my family should take Mr. Micawber by the hand, and Mr. Micawber should take my family by the hand; —
当我的家人应该伸出手拉着米考伯先生的手,而米考伯先生也应该拉着我的家人的手; —

when the lion should lie down with the lamb, and my family be on terms with Mr. Micawber.’

I said I thought so too.

‘This, at least, is the light, my dear Mr. Copperfield,’ pursued Mrs. Micawber, ‘in which I view the subject. —
‘至少,亲爱的科波菲尔先生,’米考伯夫人继续说,’我是这样看待这个问题的。 —

When I lived at home with my papa and mama, my papa was accustomed to ask, when any point was under discussion in our limited circle, “In what light does my Emma view the subject?” —
当我和爸爸妈妈住在家里时,爸爸习惯于在我们有限的圈子里讨论某个问题时问:”我家的艾玛是如何看待这个问题的?” —

That my papa was too partial, I know; still, on such a point as the frigid coldness which has ever subsisted between Mr. Micawber and my family, I necessarily have formed an opinion, delusive though it may be.’

‘No doubt. Of course you have, ma’am,’ said my aunt.

‘Precisely so,’ assented Mrs. Micawber. ‘Now, I may be wrong in my conclusions; —
‘正是如此,’米考伯夫人表示同意。’现在,我的结论可能是错误的; —

it is very likely that I am, but my individual impression is, that the gulf between my family and Mr. Micawber may be traced to an apprehension, on the part of my family, that Mr. Micawber would require pecuniary accommodation. —
这很可能,但我个人的印象是,我家和米考伯先生之间的鸿沟可能可以追溯到我家人担心米考伯先生需要财政援助。 —

I cannot help thinking,’ said Mrs. Micawber, with an air of deep sagacity, ‘that there are members of my family who have been apprehensive that Mr. Micawber would solicit them for their names. —
我不由得想,’米考伯夫人深具睿智地说,’我家族中有人担心米考伯先生会向他们提出担保。 —

  • I do not mean to be conferred in Baptism upon our children, but to be inscribed on Bills of Exchange, and negotiated in the Money Market.’
    - 我不是指我们的孩子在洗礼中被授予的名字,而是指被刻在汇票上,在货币市场上交易。

The look of penetration with which Mrs. Micawber announced this discovery, as if no one had ever thought of it before, seemed rather to astonish my aunt; —
米考伯夫人宣布这一发现时的洞察力似乎让我姨母感到有些惊讶; —

who abruptly replied, ‘Well, ma’am, upon the whole, I shouldn’t wonder if you were right!’

‘Mr. Micawber being now on the eve of casting off the pecuniary shackles that have so long enthralled him,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘and of commencing a new career in a country where there is sufficient range for his abilities, - which, in my opinion, is exceedingly important; —
‘密考伯先生即将解除束缚了他许久的金钱枷锁,’密考伯夫人说道, ‘并且在一个充分展现他能力的国家开始新的事业, - 在我看来,这是非常重要的; —

Mr. Micawber’s abilities peculiarly requiring space, - it seems to me that my family should signalize the occasion by coming forward. —
‘密考伯的能力特别需要空间, - 我觉得我的家人应该在这个场合表现得更加突出。 —

What I could wish to see, would be a meeting between Mr. Micawber and my family at a festive entertainment, to be given at my family’s expense; —
‘我希望看到的是,我家人举办一个欢乐的宴会,以表示这个场合; —

where Mr. Micawber’s health and prosperity being proposed, by some leading member of my family, Mr. Micawber might have an opportunity of developing his views.’

‘My dear,’ said Mr. Micawber, with some heat, ‘it may be better for me to state distinctly, at once, that if I were to develop my views to that assembled group, they would possibly be found of an offensive nature: —
‘亲爱的,’密考伯有些愤怒地说, ‘我觉得最好我立即明确地声明,如果我向那群人阐明我的观点,它们可能会被认为是冒犯性的: —

my impression being that your family are, in the aggregate, impertinent Snobs; —
‘我的看法是,你的家人总体上是粗鲁的势利小人; —

and, in detail, unmitigated Ruffians.’

‘Micawber,’ said Mrs. Micawber, shaking her head, ‘no! —
‘密考伯,’密考伯夫人摇着头说, ‘不! —

You have never understood them, and they have never understood you.’

Mr. Micawber coughed.

‘They have never understood you, Micawber,’ said his wife. ‘They may be incapable of it. —
‘他们从来没有理解过你,密考伯,’他的妻子说道。’他们可能做不到这一点。 —

If so, that is their misfortune. I can pity their misfortune.’

‘I am extremely sorry, my dear Emma,’ said Mr. Micawber, relenting, ‘to have been betrayed into any expressions that might, even remotely, have the appearance of being strong expressions. —
‘亲爱的艾玛,’密考伯先生说,感到后悔, ‘我非常抱歉自己竟然说出了可能看起来是强烈言辞的表达。 —

All I would say is, that I can go abroad without your family coming forward to favour me, - in short, with a parting Shove of their cold shoulders; —
‘我只想说的是,我可以在没有你的家人前来支持的情况下出国, - 简而言之,只需他们冷漠的背离; —

and that, upon the whole, I would rather leave England with such impetus as I possess, than derive any acceleration of it from that quarter. —
‘而且我想,总的来说,我宁愿以我拥有的推动力离开英国,也不愿从那个方面获得任何加速。’ —

At the same time, my dear, if they should condescend to reply to your communications - which our joint experience renders most improbable - far be it from me to be a barrier to your wishes.’

The matter being thus amicably settled, Mr. Micawber gave Mrs. Micawber his arm, and glancing at the heap of books and papers lying before Traddles on the table, said they would leave us to ourselves; —
事情就这样和睦地解决了,米考伯先生搀着米考伯夫人的手臂,打量了特拉德尔斯桌子上摊着的一堆书籍和文件,说他们会离开我们自己; —

which they ceremoniously did.

‘My dear Copperfield,’ said Traddles, leaning back in his chair when they were gone, and looking at me with an affection that made his eyes red, and his hair all kinds of shapes, ‘I don’t make any excuse for troubling you with business, because I know you are deeply interested in it, and it may divert your thoughts. —
‘我亲爱的柯波菲尔德先生,’特拉德尔斯说,靠在椅子上,看着我,眼睛泛红,头发乱糟糟的,’我并不为打扰你谈论业务感到抱歉,因为我知道你对此深感兴趣,而且这可能让你的思绪有所转移。 —

My dear boy, I hope you are not worn out?’

‘I am quite myself,’ said I, after a pause. —
‘我很好,’我停顿片刻后说。 —

‘We have more cause to think of my aunt than of anyone. —
‘我们更应该想到我婶婶而不是任何其他人。 —

You know how much she has done.’

‘Surely, surely,’ answered Traddles. ‘Who can forget it!’

‘But even that is not all,’ said I. ‘During the last fortnight, some new trouble has vexed her; —
‘但即便如此还不够,’我说。’在过去的两周里,有些新的困扰困扰了她; —

and she has been in and out of London every day. —
她每天来回于伦敦几次。 —

Several times she has gone out early, and been absent until evening. —
几次她早出晚归。 —

Last night, Traddles, with this journey before her, it was almost midnight before she came home. —
昨晚,特拉德尔斯,在这一段旅程之前,她几乎在深夜才回家。 —

You know what her consideration for others is. —
你知道她对他人的体贴。 —

She will not tell me what has happened to distress her.’

My aunt, very pale, and with deep lines in her face, sat immovable until I had finished; —
我的姨妈脸色苍白,脸上有深深的皱纹,坐在那儿一动不动,直到我说完; —

when some stray tears found their way to her cheeks, and she put her hand on mine.

‘It’s nothing, Trot; it’s nothing. There will be no more of it. —
“没事,特洛特;一切都会好的。 —

You shall know by and by. Now Agnes, my dear, let us attend to these affairs.’

‘I must do Mr. Micawber the justice to say,’ Traddles began, ‘that although he would appear not to have worked to any good account for himself, he is a most untiring man when he works for other people. —
“我必须要公正地说,米卡伯先生虽然似乎没有为自己做出什么好的成就,但是在为别人工作时,他是一个不知疲倦的人。 —

I never saw such a fellow. If he always goes on in the same way, he must be, virtually, about two hundred years old, at present. —
我从未见过这样的人。如果他总是这样干下去,他现在差不多相当于有两百岁了。 —

The heat into which he has been continually putting himself; —
他一直处于极度的激动状态; —

and the distracted and impetuous manner in which he has been diving, day and night, among papers and books; —
他一直在煞费苦心地翻阅文件和书籍; —

to say nothing of the immense number of letters he has written me between this house and Mr. Wickfield’s, and often across the table when he has been sitting opposite, and might much more easily have spoken; —
更别提他在这个房子和威克菲尔德先生之间,经常在桌子对面坐着时,他不便多谈话而是写了给我的大量信函。 —

is quite extraordinary.’

‘Letters!’ cried my aunt. ‘I believe he dreams in letters!’

‘There’s Mr. Dick, too,’ said Traddles, ‘has been doing wonders! —
“迪克先生也一样,”特拉德尔斯说,“他也变得神奇起来了! —

As soon as he was released from overlooking Uriah Heep, whom he kept in such charge as I never saw exceeded, he began to devote himself to Mr. Wickfield. —
他刚刚从监视乌里亚·希普那儿解脱出来,一直在全力帮助威克菲尔德先生。 —

And really his anxiety to be of use in the investigations we have been making, and his real usefulness in extracting, and copying, and fetching, and carrying, have been quite stimulating to us.’

‘Dick is a very remarkable man,’ exclaimed my aunt; ‘and I always said he was. Trot, you know it.’

‘I am happy to say, Miss Wickfield,’ pursued Traddles, at once with great delicacy and with great earnestness, ‘that in your absence Mr. Wickfield has considerably improved. —
‘我很高兴地说,韦福朋先生,在你不在时有了很大的改善。’ —

Relieved of the incubus that had fastened upon him for so long a time, and of the dreadful apprehensions under which he had lived, he is hardly the same person. —
‘摆脱了这么长时间以来一直困扰着他的包袱,摆脱了他一直活在的可怕恐惧之下,他几乎变成了另一个人。’ —

At times, even his impaired power of concentrating his memory and attention on particular points of business, has recovered itself very much; —
‘有时,他甚至恢复了对特定业务事项集中记忆和注意力的能力;’ —

and he has been able to assist us in making some things clear, that we should have found very difficult indeed, if not hopeless, without him. —
‘他能够帮助我们澄清一些事情,如果没有他,我们可能会觉得非常困难,甚至绝望。’ —

But what I have to do is to come to results; which are short enough; —
‘但是我现在要谈的是结果;这些结果已经很简短了;’ —

not to gossip on all the hopeful circumstances I have observed, or I shall never have done.’ —
‘不是闲聊我观察到的一切充满希望的情况,否则我将永远说不完。’ —

His natural manner and agreeable simplicity made it transparent that he said this to put us in good heart, and to enable Agnes to hear her father mentioned with greater confidence; —
‘他自然的态度和愉快的简单使人明白,他这样说是为了鼓舞我们,让安娜斯更有信心听到她的父亲被提及;’ —

but it was not the less pleasant for that.

‘Now, let me see,’ said Traddles, looking among the papers on the table. —
‘现在,让我看看,’特拉德尔斯说,看着桌子上的文件。 —

‘Having counted our funds, and reduced to order a great mass of unintentional confusion in the first place, and of wilful confusion and falsification in the second, we take it to be clear that Mr. Wickfield might now wind up his business, and his agency-trust, and exhibit no deficiency or defalcation whatever.’

‘Oh, thank Heaven!’ cried Agnes, fervently.

‘But,’ said Traddles, ‘the surplus that would be left as his means of support - and I suppose the house to be sold, even in saying this - would be so small, not exceeding in all probability some hundreds of pounds, that perhaps, Miss Wickfield, it would be best to consider whether he might not retain his agency of the estate to which he has so long been receiver. —
‘但是,’特拉德尔斯说,’留下来作为他支持的手段的剩余资金 - 我想甚至房子被卖掉时也不会超过几百磅,也许,韦福朋小姐,最好考虑一下,也许可以让他继续担任他长期担任收款人的财产代理。’ —

His friends might advise him, you know; now he is free. —
‘他的朋友们可能会给他建议,你知道;现在他是自由的。’ —

You yourself, Miss Wickfield - Copperfield - I -’
‘你自己,韦福朋小姐 - 柯波菲尔德 - 我 -’

‘I have considered it, Trotwood,’ said Agnes, looking to me, ‘and I feel that it ought not to be, and must not be; —
‘我已经考虑过了,特洛特伍德,’安娜斯对我说,’我觉得这不应该,也不能这样;’ —

even on the recommendation of a friend to whom I am so grateful, and owe so much.’

‘I will not say that I recommend it,’ observed Traddles. ‘I think it right to suggest it. No more.’
‘我不会说我推荐它,’ 特拉德尔斯观察到。’我认为建议是正确的。不多说了。

‘I am happy to hear you say so,’ answered Agnes, steadily, ‘for it gives me hope, almost assurance, that we think alike. —
‘我很高兴听到你这么说,’ 阿格尼丝坚定地回答道,’因为这让我几乎可以肯定,我们想法一致。 —

Dear Mr. Traddles and dear Trotwood, papa once free with honour, what could I wish for! —
亲爱的特拉德尔斯先生和亲爱的特罗特伍德,如果爸爸能够光荣地自由,我还能希望什么呢! —

I have always aspired, if I could have released him from the toils in which he was held, to render back some little portion of the love and care I owe him, and to devote my life to him. —
我一直希望,如果我能够从他被困的困境中解救他,再多回报他对我的爱和照顾,把我的一生奉献给他。 —

It has been, for years, the utmost height of my hopes. —
这多年来一直是我最大的希望。 —

To take our future on myself, will be the next great happiness - the next to his release from all trust and responsibility - that I can know.’

‘Have you thought how, Agnes?’

‘Often! I am not afraid, dear Trotwood. I am certain of success. —
‘经常考虑!不用害怕,亲爱的特罗特伍德。我对成功有信心。 —

So many people know me here, and think kindly of me, that I am certain. Don’t mistrust me. —
这里有这么多人认识我,善意地对待我,我确信。不要怀疑我。 —

Our wants are not many. If I rent the dear old house, and keep a school, I shall be useful and happy.’

The calm fervour of her cheerful voice brought back so vividly, first the dear old house itself, and then my solitary home, that my heart was too full for speech. —
她那宁静而热情的愉快声音,使我如此清晰地回想起了亲爱的老房子本身,以及我的独居之家,以至我的心太满了无法言说。 —

Traddles pretended for a little while to be busily looking among the papers.

‘Next, Miss Trotwood,’ said Traddles, ‘that property of yours.’
‘接下来,特洛特伍德小姐,’ 特拉德尔斯说,’那是你的财产。

‘Well, sir,’ sighed my aunt. ‘All I have got to say about it is, that if it’s gone, I can bear it; —
‘好吧,先生,’ 我的阿姨叹了口气。’我对它的看法就是,如果它不见了,我可以忍受。 —

and if it’s not gone, I shall be glad to get it back.’

‘It was originally, I think, eight thousand pounds, Consols?’ said Traddles.

‘Right!’ replied my aunt.

‘I can’t account for more than five,’ said Traddles, with an air of perplexity.

’- thousand, do you mean?’ inquired my aunt, with uncommon composure, ‘or pounds?’

‘Five thousand pounds,’ said Traddles.

‘It was all there was,’ returned my aunt. ‘I sold three, myself. —
我姨母说:‘那就是全部了。我自己卖了三个。 —

One, I paid for your articles, Trot, my dear; and the other two I have by me. —
一个是我为你的东西支付的,亲爱的特罗特;另外两个我留着。 —

When I lost the rest, I thought it wise to say nothing about that sum, but to keep it secretly for a rainy day. —
当我失去其余的时,我觉得最好还是先不说这笔钱,而是秘密地存起来备用。 —

I wanted to see how you would come out of the trial, Trot; —
我想看看你在这场考验中会表现如何,特罗特; —

and you came out nobly - persevering, self-reliant, self-denying! —
你出色地走出来了 - 坚持不懈,自力更生,自我牺牲! —

So did Dick. Don’t speak to me, for I find my nerves a little shaken!’

Nobody would have thought so, to see her sitting upright, with her arms folded; —
看她端坐着,双臂交叉,没有人会这么想; —

but she had wonderful self-command.

‘Then I am delighted to say,’ cried Traddles, beaming with joy, ‘that we have recovered the whole money!’

‘Don’t congratulate me, anybody!’ exclaimed my aunt. ‘How so, sir?’

‘You believed it had been misappropriated by Mr. Wickfield?’ said Traddles.

‘Of course I did,’ said my aunt, ‘and was therefore easily silenced. Agnes, not a word!’

‘And indeed,’ said Traddles, ‘it was sold, by virtue of the power of management he held from you; —
“事实上,”特拉德尔斯说,“它是根据他从你那里得到的管理权出售的; —

but I needn’t say by whom sold, or on whose actual signature. —
但我不必说卖给了谁,或者由谁实际签名。 —

It was afterwards pretended to Mr. Wickfield, by that rascal, - and proved, too, by figures, - that he had possessed himself of the money (on general instructions, he said) to keep other deficiencies and difficulties from the light. —
后来被那个流氓向威克菲尔先生假称(还用数字证明)他是根据一般指示拿走了这笔钱,以避免其他赤字和困难曝光于光天化日之下。 —

Mr. Wickfield, being so weak and helpless in his hands as to pay you, afterwards, several sums of interest on a pretended principal which he knew did not exist, made himself, unhappily, a party to the fraud.’

‘And at last took the blame upon himself,’ added my aunt; —
“最后还把过错归到自己身上,”我阿姨补充道; —

‘and wrote me a mad letter, charging himself with robbery, and wrong unheard of. —
“写了一封疯狂的信给我,指控自己犯下了抢劫和前所未有的错误。 —

Upon which I paid him a visit early one morning, called for a candle, burnt the letter, and told him if he ever could right me and himself, to do it; —
我一个清晨前去拜访他,要了一支蜡烛,烧掉了那封信,告诉他如果他能弥补我和自己,就去做; —

and if he couldn’t, to keep his own counsel for his daughter’s sake. —
如果他做不到,为了他女儿的缘故就保持缄默。 —

  • If anybody speaks to me, I’ll leave the house!’
    - 如果有人跟我说话,我就离开这屋子!”

We all remained quiet; Agnes covering her face.

‘Well, my dear friend,’ said my aunt, after a pause, ‘and you have really extorted the money back from him?’

‘Why, the fact is,’ returned Traddles, ‘Mr. Micawber had so completely hemmed him in, and was always ready with so many new points if an old one failed, that he could not escape from us. —
“其实,事实是,”特拉德尔斯回答,“麦卡伯先生已经如此彻底地把他困在其中,每次旧点失败,他总是立刻准备了许多新的点,以至于他无法逃脱我们。” —

A most remarkable circumstance is, that I really don’t think he grasped this sum even so much for the gratification of his avarice, which was inordinate, as in the hatred he felt for Copperfield. —
最引人注目的事实是,我真的不认为他抓住这笔钱的原因是出于他贪婪的欲望,虽然这种欲望极其强烈,而是出于他对考柏菲尔德的憎恨。 —

He said so to me, plainly. He said he would even have spent as much, to baulk or injure Copperfield.’

‘Ha!’ said my aunt, knitting her brows thoughtfully, and glancing at Agnes. ‘And what’s become of him?’

‘I don’t know. He left here,’ said Traddles, ‘with his mother, who had been clamouring, and beseeching, and disclosing, the whole time. —
‘我不知道。’ 特拉德尔斯说,’他和一直在嚷嚷、恳求、透露一切的母亲一起离开了这里。 —

They went away by one of the London night coaches, and I know no more about him; —
他们乘坐了伦敦的一辆夜班车离开了,我对他再也不了解了; —

except that his malevolence to me at parting was audacious. —
除了他离别时对我的恶毒。 —

He seemed to consider himself hardly less indebted to me, than to Mr. Micawber; which I consider (as I told him) quite a compliment.’

‘Do you suppose he has any money, Traddles?’ I asked.

‘Oh dear, yes, I should think so,’ he replied, shaking his head, seriously. —
‘啊,亲爱的,是的,我想是的,’他认真地摇摇头说。 —

‘I should say he must have pocketed a good deal, in one way or other. —
‘我想他一定以某种方式藏起了好多钱。 —

But, I think you would find, Copperfield, if you had an opportunity of observing his course, that money would never keep that man out of mischief. —
但是,我认为如果你有机会观察他的行事方式,你会发现,金钱永远无法让他远离麻烦。 —

He is such an incarnate hypocrite, that whatever object he pursues, he must pursue crookedly. —
他是一个如此本质的伪君子,无论他追求什么目标,他都必须走捷径。 —

It’s his only compensation for the outward restraints he puts upon himself. —
这是他对于他对自己施加的外在限制的唯一补偿。 —

Always creeping along the ground to some small end or other, he will always magnify every object in the way; —
他总是匍匐在地寻找某些微小的目标,因此总是夸大沿途的每个事物; —

and consequently will hate and suspect everybody that comes, in the most innocent manner, between him and it. —
因此,他会痛恨并怀疑每个以最无辜方式出现在他和目标之间的人。 —

So the crooked courses will become crookeder, at any moment, for the least reason, or for none. —
这些不正当的手段会变得更加不正,随时可能由于最微小的原因或无端。 —

It’s only necessary to consider his history here,’ said Traddles, ‘to know that.’

‘He’s a monster of meanness!’ said my aunt.

‘Really I don’t know about that,’ observed Traddles thoughtfully. —
“真的不清楚呢,”特拉德尔思ful地观察着。 —

‘Many people can be very mean, when they give their minds to it.’

‘And now, touching Mr. Micawber,’ said my aunt.

‘Well, really,’ said Traddles, cheerfully, ‘I must, once more, give Mr. Micawber high praise. —
“嗯,真的,”特拉德尔愉快地说,“我必须再次夸奖麦卡伯先生。 —

But for his having been so patient and persevering for so long a time, we never could have hoped to do anything worth speaking of. —
如果不是他一直如此耐心和坚持了那么长一段时间,我们是不可能希望做出值得一提的事情的。 —

And I think we ought to consider that Mr. Micawber did right, for right’s sake, when we reflect what terms he might have made with Uriah Heep himself, for his silence.’

‘I think so too,’ said I.

‘Now, what would you give him?’ inquired my aunt.

‘Oh! Before you come to that,’ said Traddles, a little disconcerted, ‘I am afraid I thought it discreet to omit (not being able to carry everything before me) two points, in making this lawless adjustment - for it’s perfectly lawless from beginning to end - of a difficult affair. —
“哦!在谈到这个之前,”特拉德尔有些为难地说,“我不得不遗漏了一些点(无法事事如愿)这个完全从头到尾都是违法的解决 - 一个困难问题。 —

Those I.O.U.’s, and so forth, which Mr. Micawber gave him for the advances he had -’
那些欠条等等,麦卡伯先生给了他的,作为他所做先期支付的 -”

‘Well! They must be paid,’ said my aunt.

‘Yes, but I don’t know when they may be proceeded on, or where they are,’ rejoined Traddles, opening his eyes; —
“是的,但我不知道什么时候会开始执行,或他们在哪里,”特拉德尔回答着,睁大了眼睛。 —

‘and I anticipate, that, between this time and his departure, Mr. Micawber will be constantly arrested, or taken in execution.’

‘Then he must be constantly set free again, and taken out of execution,’ said my aunt. —
‘那他必须会不断被释放,然后再次被执行,’我姑姑说。 —

‘What’s the amount altogether?’

‘Why, Mr. Micawber has entered the transactions - he calls them transactions - with great form, in a book,’ rejoined Traddles, smiling; —
‘那个,米卡伯先生已经很正式地记录下这些交易—他称之为交易—在一本书里,’特拉德尔斯微笑着回答。 —

‘and he makes the amount a hundred and three pounds, five.’

‘Now, what shall we give him, that sum included?’ said my aunt. —
‘那么,我们应该给他多少钱,包括这个数目在内?’我姑姑说。 —

‘Agnes, my dear, you and I can talk about division of it afterwards. —
‘亲爱的艾格尼丝,你和我可以事后再讨论如何分配这笔钱。 —

What should it be? Five hundred pounds?’

Upon this, Traddles and I both struck in at once. —
听到这里,特拉德尔斯和我立刻插话道。 —

We both recommended a small sum in money, and the payment, without stipulation to Mr. Micawber, of the Uriah claims as they came in. —
我们都建议给他一点现金,然后支付乌里亚债权的款项,不做任何限制。 —

We proposed that the family should have their passage and their outfit, and a hundred pounds; —
我们提议这个家庭应该得到他们的船票和装备,还有一百镑; —

and that Mr. Micawber’s arrangement for the repayment of the advances should be gravely entered into, as it might be wholesome for him to suppose himself under that responsibility. —
还有,米卡伯先生关于偿还预付款的安排应该被认真考虑,因为让他自以为有这个责任可能对他有好处。 —

To this, I added the suggestion, that I should give some explanation of his character and history to Mr. Peggotty, who I knew could be relied on; —
此外,我提议向佩格蒂太太解释一些他的性格和历史,我知道可以信任她; —

and that to Mr. Peggotty should be quietly entrusted the discretion of advancing another hundred. —
并且暗中委托佩格蒂太太,酌情再预付另外一百镑。 —

I further proposed to interest Mr. Micawber in Mr. Peggotty, by confiding so much of Mr. Peggotty’s story to him as I might feel justified in relating, or might think expedient; —
我进一步提议让米卡伯先生对佩格蒂太太产生兴趣,通过向他透露我认为可以披露或认为有必要的一部分佩格蒂先生的故事。 —

and to endeavour to bring each of them to bear upon the other, for the common advantage. —
并努力将它们相互联系起来,为了共同的利益。 —

We all entered warmly into these views; and I may mention at once, that the principals themselves did so, shortly afterwards, with perfect good will and harmony.

Seeing that Traddles now glanced anxiously at my aunt again, I reminded him of the second and last point to which he had adverted.

‘You and your aunt will excuse me, Copperfield, if I touch upon a painful theme, as I greatly fear I shall,’ said Traddles, hesitating; —
“古柏菲尔德,如果我碰到一个痛苦的话题,你和你的阿姨将原谅我,”特拉德尔斯犹豫地说; —

‘but I think it necessary to bring it to your recollection. —
“但我认为有必要让你回想一下。” —

On the day of Mr. Micawber’s memorable denunciation a threatening allusion was made by Uriah Heep to your aunt’s - husband.’

My aunt, retaining her stiff position, and apparent composure, assented with a nod.

‘Perhaps,’ observed Traddles, ‘it was mere purposeless impertinence?’

‘No,’ returned my aunt.

‘There was - pardon me - really such a person, and at all in his power?’ hinted Traddles.

‘Yes, my good friend,’ said my aunt.

Traddles, with a perceptible lengthening of his face, explained that he had not been able to approach this subject; —
特拉德尔斯脸色明显地变长,解释说他没有能够接近这个话题; —

that it had shared the fate of Mr. Micawber’s liabilities, in not being comprehended in the terms he had made; —
它与米考伯先生的债务一样命运多舛,在他的要求中没有被包括; —

that we were no longer of any authority with Uriah Heep; —
我们对尤赖亚·希普已经无法命令; —

and that if he could do us, or any of us, any injury or annoyance, no doubt he would.

My aunt remained quiet; until again some stray tears found their way to her cheeks. —
我的阿姨保持沉默;直到再次有几滴零星的眼泪流到她的脸颊上。 —

‘You are quite right,’ she said. ‘It was very thoughtful to mention it.’

‘Can I - or Copperfield - do anything?’ asked Traddles, gently.

‘Nothing,’ said my aunt. ‘I thank you many times. Trot, my dear, a vain threat! —
“没什么,”我阿姨说,“多次感谢你。小Trot,亲爱的,徒劳的威胁! —

Let us have Mr. and Mrs. Micawber back. And don’t any of you speak to me!’ —
让我们把密考博夫夫妇找回来吧。别人都别和我说话!” —

With that she smoothed her dress, and sat, with her upright carriage, looking at the door.

‘Well, Mr. and Mrs. Micawber!’ said my aunt, when they entered. —
“好了,密考博夫夫妇!”我的阿姨说道,当他们进入房间时。 —

‘We have been discussing your emigration, with many apologies to you for keeping you out of the room so long; —
“我们已经讨论了你们的移民问题,非常抱歉让你们等在外面这么久; —

and I’ll tell you what arrangements we propose.’

These she explained to the unbounded satisfaction of the family, - children and all being then present, - and so much to the awakening of Mr. Micawber’s punctual habits in the opening stage of all bill transactions, that he could not be dissuaded from immediately rushing out, in the highest spirits, to buy the stamps for his notes of hand. —
她向在场的全家人解释了这些安排,让他们无比满意,孩子和所有人都在,接着助了密考博夫先生在所有票据交易的初始阶段恢复起来的习惯,以至于他不能立刻改变主意,摇身一变,高兴地冲出去买票据用的邮票。 —

But, his joy received a sudden check; for within five minutes, he returned in the custody of a sheriff ’s officer, informing us, in a flood of tears, that all was lost. —
但是,他的喜悦很快受到打击;因为在五分钟内,他含着眼泪被一名法警带回来,告诉我们一切都完了。 —

We, being quite prepared for this event, which was of course a proceeding of Uriah Heep’s, soon paid the money; —
我们早已对这种情况有所准备,当然这是尤利亚·希普的行为,很快就支付了钱; —

and in five minutes more Mr. Micawber was seated at the table, filling up the stamps with an expression of perfect joy, which only that congenial employment, or the making of punch, could impart in full completeness to his shining face. —
再过五分钟,密考博夫先生已经坐在桌边,充满喜悦地填写邮票,只有那种合拍的工作,或者是调制朗姆酒,才能给他那张灿烂的脸带来完全的快乐。 —

To see him at work on the stamps, with the relish of an artist, touching them like pictures, looking at them sideways, taking weighty notes of dates and amounts in his pocket-book, and contemplating them when finished, with a high sense of their precious value, was a sight indeed.

‘Now, the best thing you can do, sir, if you’ll allow me to advise you,’ said my aunt, after silently observing him, ‘is to abjure that occupation for evermore.’

‘Madam,’ replied Mr. Micawber, ‘it is my intention to register such a vow on the virgin page of the future. —
‘夫人,‘米考伯先生回答道,’我打算在未来的空白页面上做出如此的誓言。 —

Mrs. Micawber will attest it. I trust,’ said Mr. Micawber, solemnly, ‘that my son Wilkins will ever bear in mind, that he had infinitely better put his fist in the fire, than use it to handle the serpents that have poisoned the life-blood of his unhappy parent!’ —
米考伯夫人会作证。我相信,‘米考伯先生庄严地说,’我的儿子威尔金斯永远要记住,他宁可把拳头放在火里,也不要用它来触摸那些中了毒的毒蛇,它们污染了他不幸的父母的生命血液!’ —

Deeply affected, and changed in a moment to the image of despair, Mr. Micawber regarded the serpents with a look of gloomy abhorrence (in which his late admiration of them was not quite subdued), folded them up and put them in his pocket.

This closed the proceedings of the evening. —
这结束了当晚的程序。 —

We were weary with sorrow and fatigue, and my aunt and I were to return to London on the morrow. —
我们因悲伤和疲劳而感到疲惫,我姨母和我第二天将返回伦敦。 —

It was arranged that the Micawbers should follow us, after effecting a sale of their goods to a broker; —
安排是,米考伯一家在向经纪人出售货物后,跟随我们一起去; —

that Mr. Wickfield’s affairs should be brought to a settlement, with all convenient speed, under the direction of Traddles; —
威克菲尔德先生的事务将在特拉德尔的指导下尽快得到解决; —

and that Agnes should also come to London, pending those arrangements. —
安妮斯也会在这些安排完成前来伦敦。 —

We passed the night at the old house, which, freed from the presence of the Heeps, seemed purged of a disease; —
我们在那所旧房子过了一个晚上,不再有希普家的存在,这使得房子仿佛被一种疾病净化了; —

and I lay in my old room, like a shipwrecked wanderer come home.

We went back next day to my aunt’s house - not to mine- and when she and I sat alone, as of old, before going to bed, she said:

‘Trot, do you really wish to know what I have had upon my mind lately?’

‘Indeed I do, aunt. If there ever was a time when I felt unwilling that you should have a sorrow or anxiety which I could not share, it is now.’

‘You have had sorrow enough, child,’ said my aunt, affectionately, ‘without the addition of my little miseries. —
‘孩子,你已经有足够的悲伤了,‘我姨妈深情地说,’没有必要再加上我的小苦恼。 —

I could have no other motive, Trot, in keeping anything from you.’

‘I know that well,’ said I. ‘But tell me now.’

‘Would you ride with me a little way tomorrow morning?’ asked my aunt.

‘Of course.’

‘At nine,’ said she. ‘I’ll tell you then, my dear.’

At nine, accordingly, we went out in a little chariot, and drove to London. —
于是,九点钟,我们坐上一辆小马车,驶向伦敦。 —

We drove a long way through the streets, until we came to one of the large hospitals. —
我们穿过一长段的街道,直到来到一座大医院。 —

Standing hard by the building was a plain hearse. —
站在建筑物旁边的是一辆普通的灵车。 —

The driver recognized my aunt, and, in obedience to a motion of her hand at the window, drove slowly off; we following.

‘You understand it now, Trot,’ said my aunt. ‘He is gone!’

‘Did he die in the hospital?’


She sat immovable beside me; but, again I saw the stray tears on her face.

‘He was there once before,’ said my aunt presently. —
‘他以前曾在那儿,’不久之后,我的阿姨说。 —

‘He was ailing a long time - a shattered, broken man, these many years. —
‘他病了很久 - 这么多年来一直是一个病弱、崩溃的人。 —

When he knew his state in this last illness, he asked them to send for me. —
当他在这最后的病中知道自己的状态时,他请他们把我叫来了。 —

He was sorry then. Very sorry.’

‘You went, I know, aunt.’

‘I went. I was with him a good deal afterwards.’

‘He died the night before we went to Canterbury?’ said I. My aunt nodded. —
‘他是我们去坎特伯雷的前一天晚上去世的,’我说。我姑姑点了点头。 —

‘No one can harm him now,’ she said. ‘It was a vain threat.’

We drove away, out of town, to the churchyard at Hornsey. —
我们驱车离开了城镇,到了霍恩西的教堂。 —

‘Better here than in the streets,’ said my aunt. —
‘这里比街上好,’我姑姑说。 —

‘He was born here.’

We alighted; and followed the plain coffin to a corner I remember well, where the service was read consigning it to the dust.

‘Six-and-thirty years ago, this day, my dear,’ said my aunt, as we walked back to the chariot, ‘I was married. —
‘亲爱的,这一天,36年前,’我姑姑说,我们走回马车时, —

God forgive us all!’ We took our seats in silence; —
上帝原谅我们所有人!’我们默默地就座; —

and so she sat beside me for a long time, holding my hand. —
她静静地坐在我旁边很长一段时间,握着我的手。 —

At length she suddenly burst into tears, and said:

‘He was a fine-looking man when I married him, Trot - and he was sadly changed!’

It did not last long. After the relief of tears, she soon became composed, and even cheerful. —
情绪并没有持续很久。在发泄了眼泪之后,她很快就安静下来,甚至变得开朗起来。 —

Her nerves were a little shaken, she said, or she would not have given way to it. —
她说她的神经有点受到了震动,否则她不会屈服于此。 —

God forgive us all!

So we rode back to her little cottage at Highgate, where we found the following short note, which had arrived by that morning’s post from Mr. Micawber:



‘My dear Madam, and Copperfield,

‘The fair land of promise lately looming on the horizon is again enveloped in impenetrable mists, and for ever withdrawn from the eyes of a drifting wretch whose Doom is sealed!

‘Another writ has been issued (in His Majesty’s High Court of King’s Bench at Westminster), in another cause of HEEP V. MICAWBER, and the defendant in that cause is the prey of the sheriff having legal jurisdiction in this bailiwick.

‘Now’s the day, and now’s the hour, See the front of battle lower, See approach proud EDWARD’S power - Chains and slavery!

‘Consigned to which, and to a speedy end (for mental torture is not supportable beyond a certain point, and that point I feel I have attained), my course is run. —
被托付于其中,并迎接迅速的结局(因为精神折磨在某一点实在无法忍受,而我感觉我已经到达了那个点),我的人生走到了尽头。 —

Bless you, bless you! Some future traveller, visiting, from motives of curiosity, not unmingled, let us hope, with sympathy, the place of confinement allotted to debtors in this city, may, and I trust will, Ponder, as he traces on its wall, inscribed with a rusty nail, ‘The obscure initials,

‘W. M.
W. M.

‘P.S. I re-open this to say that our common friend, Mr. Thomas Traddles (who has not yet left us, and is looking extremely well), has paid the debt and costs, in the noble name of Miss Trotwood; —
附言 我重新打开这封信是要告诉你,我们共同的朋友,托马斯·特拉德尔斯先生(他还没有离开我们,看起来非常健康),已经用特罗特伍德小姐的尊贵名义支付了债务和费用; —

and that myself and family are at the height of earthly bliss.’