I got down to Yarmouth in the evening, and went to the inn. —
我在傍晚到达了雅茅斯,并去了旅店。 —

I knew that Peggotty’s spare room - my room - was likely to have occupation enough in a little while, if that great Visitor, before whose presence all the living must give place, were not already in the house; —
我知道佩格蒂的备用房间 - 也就是我的房间 - 如果那位伟大的访客还没有来到这所房子里的话,很快可能会有其他人来占用。 —

so I betook myself to the inn, and dined there, and engaged my bed.

It was ten o’clock when I went out. Many of the shops were shut, and the town was dull. —
当我走出去的时候已经十点钟了。很多商店都已经关门,这个城镇很沉闷。 —

When I came to Omer and Joram’s, I found the shutters up, but the shop door standing open. —
当我来到欧默和乔姆的时候,发现百叶窗已经关闭,但店门却敞开着。 —

As I could obtain a perspective view of Mr. Omer inside, smoking his pipe by the parlour door, I entered, and asked him how he was.

‘Why, bless my life and soul!’ said Mr. Omer, ‘how do you find yourself? —
“天哪!”奥默先生说,“你感觉如何? —

Take a seat. - Smoke not disagreeable, I hope?’
请坐下。- 不会讨厌烟味吧?”

‘By no means,’ said I. ‘I like it - in somebody else’s pipe.’
“一点也不,”我说,“我喜欢- 只是别人的烟斗里。”

‘What, not in your own, eh?’ Mr. Omer returned, laughing. ‘All the better, sir. —
“那你自己的里不行吗,哎?”奥默先生笑着回答说。“这样更好,先生。 —

Bad habit for a young man. Take a seat. I smoke, myself, for the asthma.’

Mr. Omer had made room for me, and placed a chair. —
奥默先生为我腾出了位置,并搬来一把椅子。 —

He now sat down again very much out of breath, gasping at his pipe as if it contained a supply of that necessary, without which he must perish.

‘I am sorry to have heard bad news of Mr. Barkis,’ said I.

Mr. Omer looked at me, with a steady countenance, and shook his head.

‘Do you know how he is tonight?’ I asked.

‘The very question I should have put to you, sir,’ returned Mr. Omer, ‘but on account of delicacy. —
“正是我应该问你的问题,先生,”奥默先生回答道,“但出于礼貌。 —

It’s one of the drawbacks of our line of business. —
这是我们这行业务的一个缺点。 —

When a party’s ill, we can’t ask how the party is.’

The difficulty had not occurred to me; though I had had my apprehensions too, when I went in, of hearing the old tune. —
我当时没有意识到这个困难;但当我进去时,也有些担心会听到老调子。 —

On its being mentioned, I recognized it, however, and said as much.

‘Yes, yes, you understand,’ said Mr. Omer, nodding his head. ‘We dursn’t do it. —
“是的,是的,你明白了,”奥默先生点头说道,“我们不敢问。 —

Bless you, it would be a shock that the generality of parties mightn’t recover, to say “Omer and Joram’s compliments, and how do you find yourself this morning?” —
天啊,如果通常人群都无法恢复地说‘奥默和乔拉姆恭候,你今天早上身体怎样?’ —

  • or this afternoon - as it may be.’
    - 或者是今天下午 - 就这样。”

Mr. Omer and I nodded at each other, and Mr. Omer recruited his wind by the aid of his pipe.

‘It’s one of the things that cut the trade off from attentions they could often wish to show,’ said Mr. Omer. ‘Take myself. —
“这使得我们无法表达他们经常希望表达的关心,”奥默先生说道。“看我自己。 —

If I have known Barkis a year, to move to as he went by, I have known him forty years. —
如果我认识巴克斯一年,随着他经过我也认识他四十年。 —

But I can’t go and say, “how is he?”’

I felt it was rather hard on Mr. Omer, and I told him so.

‘I’m not more self-interested, I hope, than another man,’ said Mr. Omer. ‘Look at me! —
“我希望我并不比其他人更自私,”奥默先生说道。“看看我! —

My wind may fail me at any moment, and it ain’t likely that, to my own knowledge, I’d be self-interested under such circumstances. —
我的呼吸随时可能停止,在这种情况下,我不太可能以自己的知识为中心。 —

I say it ain’t likely, in a man who knows his wind will go, when it DOES go, as if a pair of bellows was cut open; —
我说,对于一个知道自己的呼吸将会停止的人来说,当呼吸停止时,就像一对被打开的风箱; —

and that man a grandfather,’ said Mr. Omer.

I said, ‘Not at all.’

‘It ain’t that I complain of my line of business,’ said Mr. Omer. ‘It ain’t that. —
“我并不抱怨我的行业,”奥默先生说,“不是因为这个。 —

Some good and some bad goes, no doubt, to all callings. —
不可否认,各种行业都有好坏之分。 —

What I wish is, that parties was brought up stronger-minded.’

Mr. Omer, with a very complacent and amiable face, took several puffs in silence; —
奥默先生面带满足和和蔼的表情,沉默地吸了几口,然后说,重提他的第一个观点: —

and then said, resuming his first point:

‘Accordingly we’re obleeged, in ascertaining how Barkis goes on, to limit ourselves to Em’ly. She knows what our real objects are, and she don’t have any more alarms or suspicions about us, than if we was so many lambs. —
米尼和乔拉姆刚刚下到屋子里,实际上(她在之后的时候,帮助她的阿姨了一点),去问她今晚他怎么样; —

Minnie and Joram have just stepped down to the house, in fact (she’s there, after hours, helping her aunt a bit), to ask her how he is tonight; —
如果你愿意等他们回来,他们会给你详细消息的。 —

and if you was to please to wait till they come back, they’d give you full partic’lers. —
你要点什么? 现在来一杯酸橙和水吗? —

Will you take something? A glass of srub and water, now? —
“我自己,”奥默先生说着拿起了杯子,“喜欢抽酸橙和水,因为这对我那麻烦的呼吸进入行动的通道被认为有软化作用。 —

I smoke on srub and water, myself,’ said Mr. Omer, taking up his glass, ‘because it’s considered softening to the passages, by which this troublesome breath of mine gets into action. —
但是,天哪,”奥默先生嘶哑地说,“出了问题的不是通道! —

But, Lord bless you,’ said Mr. Omer, huskily, ‘it ain’t the passages that’s out of order! —
不过,主,”奥默先生又说,接着又一口吸着空气,“出了问题的不是通道! —

“Give me breath enough,” said I to my daughter Minnie, “and I’ll find passages, my dear.”’

He really had no breath to spare, and it was very alarming to see him laugh. —
他真的没有多余的气息,看到他笑起来真的很让人担心。 —

When he was again in a condition to be talked to, I thanked him for the proffered refreshment, which I declined, as I had just had dinner; —
当他又能谈话时,我感谢他提供的茶点,但我拒绝了,因为我刚吃过午饭; —

and, observing that I would wait, since he was so good as to invite me, until his daughter and his son-in-law came back, I inquired how little Emily was?

‘Well, sir,’ said Mr. Omer, removing his pipe, that he might rub his chin: —
“嗯,先生,”奥默先生说,放下烟斗,摩挲着下巴: —

‘I tell you truly, I shall be glad when her marriage has taken place.’

‘Why so?’ I inquired.

‘Well, she’s unsettled at present,’ said Mr. Omer. ‘It ain’t that she’s not as pretty as ever, for she’s prettier - I do assure you, she is prettier. —
“唔,她现在很不安稳,”奥默先生说。”这并不是因为她没有以前漂亮了,因为她更漂亮了——我向你保证,她更漂亮。 —

It ain’t that she don’t work as well as ever, for she does. —
这并不是因为她不像以前工作努力了,因为她是。 —

She WAS worth any six, and she IS worth any six. But somehow she wants heart. —
以前她就相当于六个人,现在她依然是。不过她有点缺乏真心。 —

If you understand,’ said Mr. Omer, after rubbing his chin again, and smoking a little, ‘what I mean in a general way by the expression, “A long pull, and a strong pull, and a pull altogether, my hearties, hurrah!” —
如果你能理解,”奥默先生摩挲下巴说了一会儿,抽了一口烟,”我所说的概括表达“努力拉长、努力强烈、一起努力,我的心肝们,万岁!” —

I should say to you, that that was - in a general way - what I miss in Em’ly.’

Mr. Omer’s face and manner went for so much, that I could conscientiously nod my head, as divining his meaning. —
奥默先生的表情和举止表达了很多,我可以心安理得地点点头,猜到他的意思。 —

My quickness of apprehension seemed to please him, and he went on: —
我灵敏的理解似乎让他很满意,他继续说道: —

‘Now I consider this is principally on account of her being in an unsettled state, you see. —
“现在我认为这主要是因为她目前处在一个不稳定的状态,你知道。” —

We have talked it over a good deal, her uncle and myself, and her sweetheart and myself, after business; —
我们和她的叔叔以及她的心上人商量了很多,都是在工作之后; —

and I consider it is principally on account of her being unsettled. —
我认为主要是因为她心情不定。 —

You must always recollect of Em’ly,’ said Mr. Omer, shaking his head gently, ‘that she’s a most extraordinary affectionate little thing. —
‘你必须记住艾米莉,‘奥默先生轻轻地摇了摇头说,’她是一个非常特别的可爱小东西。 —

The proverb says, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” Well, I don’t know about that. —
谚语说,“不能把猪耳朵变成丝绸钱包。” 嗯,我不太清楚这一点。 —

I rather think you may, if you begin early in life. —
我更倾向于认为,如果你从小开始,你可能会成功。 —

She has made a home out of that old boat, sir, that stone and marble couldn’t beat.’

‘I am sure she has!’ said I.

‘To see the clinging of that pretty little thing to her uncle,’ said Mr. Omer; —
‘看到那个可爱小家伙对她叔叔这么依依不舍,’奥默先生说; —

‘to see the way she holds on to him, tighter and tighter, and closer and closer, every day, is to see a sight. —
‘看到她每天越来越紧密地、紧密地抓住他,这就是一个景象。 —

Now, you know, there’s a struggle going on when that’s the case. —
现在,你知道,当情况就是这样的时候,就会有一场挣扎。’ —

Why should it be made a longer one than is needful?’

I listened attentively to the good old fellow, and acquiesced, with all my heart, in what he said.

‘Therefore, I mentioned to them,’ said Mr. Omer, in a comfortable, easy-going tone, ‘this. —
‘因此,我对他们提到,’奥默先生言辞舒适、悠闲地说, —

I said, “Now, don’t consider Em’ly nailed down in point of time, at all. Make it your own time. —
我说,”现在,完全不要考虑艾米莉在时间上的限制。把时间定为你们自己决定。 —

Her services have been more valuable than was supposed; —
她的服务比预想的更有价值;” —

her learning has been quicker than was supposed; —
她的学习速度比预期的要快; —

Omer and Joram can run their pen through what remains; and she’s free when you wish. —
奥默和乔拉姆可以把剩下的问题解决掉; 当你愿意时,她就自由了。 —

If she likes to make any little arrangement, afterwards, in the way of doing any little thing for us at home, very well. —
如果她喜欢在以后做任何小的安排,在家里为我们做任何小事情,那很好。 —

If she don’t, very well still. We’re no losers, anyhow.” —
如果她不喜欢,也很好。无论如何我们都不会吃亏。” —

For - don’t you see,’ said Mr. Omer, touching me with his pipe, ‘it ain’t likely that a man so short of breath as myself, and a grandfather too, would go and strain points with a little bit of a blue-eyed blossom, like her?’
因为 - 你没看见吗,‘奥默用烟管碰了碰我说, ‘像我这样气喘吁吁的人,而且还是个祖父,不太可能和一个蓝眼睛的小姑娘较劲吧?”

‘Not at all, I am certain,’ said I.

‘Not at all! You’re right!’ said Mr. Omer. ‘Well, sir, her cousin - you know it’s a cousin she’s going to be married to?’
‘完全不可能!你说得对!‘奥默说。’嗯,先生,她的表亲 - 你知道她要和表亲结婚吗?’

‘Oh yes,’ I replied. ‘I know him well.’

‘Of course you do,’ said Mr. Omer. ‘Well, sir! —
‘当然你了解,‘奥默说。’嗯, 先生! —

Her cousin being, as it appears, in good work, and well to do, thanked me in a very manly sort of manner for this (conducting himself altogether, I must say, in a way that gives me a high opinion of him), and went and took as comfortable a little house as you or I could wish to clap eyes on. —
看起来她的表亲做得很好,生活也宽裕,以一种非常男子汉的方式感谢我(我必须说他的举止让我对他的高度评价),然后去租了一栋我们任何人都会喜欢看到的舒适小屋。 —

That little house is now furnished right through, as neat and complete as a doll’s parlour; —
那栋小屋现在装饰齐全,就像一个玩偶的客厅一样整洁; —

and but for Barkis’s illness having taken this bad turn, poor fellow, they would have been man and wife - I dare say, by this time. —
如果不是巴基斯生病情况变糟,可怜的家伙,他们很可能现在已经结为夫妻了 - 我敢说是这样。 —

As it is, there’s a postponement.’

‘And Emily, Mr. Omer?’ I inquired. ‘Has she become more settled?’

‘Why that, you know,’ he returned, rubbing his double chin again, ‘can’t naturally be expected. —
‘你知道那个嘛,‘他再次摩擦着他的双下巴说,’ 这当然是可以预料到的。 —

The prospect of the change and separation, and all that, is, as one may say, close to her and far away from her, both at once. —
变革和分离的前景,可以说,既离她很近又很遥远。 —

Barkis’s death needn’t put it off much, but his lingering might. —
巴基斯的死不会让这种情况延迟太久,但他的挣扎可能会。 —

Anyway, it’s an uncertain state of matters, you see.’

‘I see,’ said I.

‘Consequently,’ pursued Mr. Omer, ‘Em’ly’s still a little down, and a little fluttered; —
因此,‘奥默先生继续说,’爱米丽仍然有点低落,有点慌乱; —

perhaps, upon the whole, she’s more so than she was. —
也许,总的来说,她现在比以前更是如此。 —

Every day she seems to get fonder and fonder of her uncle, and more loth to part from all of us. —
她似乎每天对她的叔叔更加亲近,更不愿离开我们。 —

A kind word from me brings the tears into her eyes; —
我说一句好话她就会流泪; —

and if you was to see her with my daughter Minnie’s little girl, you’d never forget it. —
如果你看到她和我女儿明妮的小女儿在一起,你会永远不会忘记。 —

Bless my heart alive!’ said Mr. Omer, pondering, ‘how she loves that child!’

Having so favourable an opportunity, it occurred to me to ask Mr. Omer, before our conversation should be interrupted by the return of his daughter and her husband, whether he knew anything of Martha.

‘Ah!’ he rejoined, shaking his head, and looking very much dejected. ‘No good. —
‘啊!‘他回答,摇摇头,看起来非常沮丧。’真是个悲伤的故事,先生,不论你是怎么知道的。我从来没想过这女孩有什么错。 —

A sad story, sir, however you come to know it. I never thought there was harm in the girl. —
我不愿在我女儿明妮面前提及-因为她会马上反驳我-但我真的没想过。 —

I wouldn’t wish to mention it before my daughter Minnie - for she’d take me up directly - but I never did. —
我们谁也没想过。’ —

None of us ever did.’
None of us ever did.

Mr. Omer, hearing his daughter’s footstep before I heard it, touched me with his pipe, and shut up one eye, as a caution. —
奥默先生在我听到女儿的脚步声之前就用烟斗碰了我一下,闭着一只眼,作为一个警示。 —

She and her husband came in immediately afterwards.

Their report was, that Mr. Barkis was ‘as bad as bad could be’; that he was quite unconscious; —
他们报告说巴基斯先生“糟糕到了极点”;他完全没有意识; —

and that Mr. Chillip had mournfully said in the kitchen, on going away just now, that the College of Physicians, the College of Surgeons, and Apothecaries’ Hall, if they were all called in together, couldn’t help him. —
珍皮刚刚离开时在厨房里哀伤地说,如果医生协会、外科医生协会和药剂师公会一起去了也救不了他。 —

He was past both Colleges, Mr. Chillip said, and the Hall could only poison him.

Hearing this, and learning that Mr. Peggotty was there, I determined to go to the house at once. —
听到这些,得知佩格蒂先生在那里,我决定立即去房子里。 —

I bade good night to Mr. Omer, and to Mr. and Mrs. Joram; —
我向奥默先生、约瑟姆夫妇告别; —

and directed my steps thither, with a solemn feeling, which made Mr. Barkis quite a new and different creature.

My low tap at the door was answered by Mr. Peggotty. —
我轻轻敲了门,佩格蒂先生应了。 —

He was not so much surprised to see me as I had expected. —
他见到我,并没有像我预想的那样吃惊。 —

I remarked this in Peggotty, too, when she came down; and I have seen it since; —
当佩格蒂下楼时,我也注意到了这一点;从那时起,我也见到了这一点; —

and I think, in the expectation of that dread surprise, all other changes and surprises dwindle into nothing.

I shook hands with Mr. Peggotty, and passed into the kitchen, while he softly closed the door. —
我与佩格蒂先生握手,走进了厨房,他轻声关上了门。 —

Little Emily was sitting by the fire, with her hands before her face. —
小艾米莉坐在火炉旁,双手捂着脸。 —

Ham was standing near her.

We spoke in whispers; listening, between whiles, for any sound in the room above. —
我们小声交谈;在此期间,时不时地留心楼上是否有任何声音。 —

I had not thought of it on the occasion of my last visit, but how strange it was to me, now, to miss Mr. Barkis out of the kitchen!

‘This is very kind of you, Mas’r Davy,’ said Mr. Peggotty.

‘It’s oncommon kind,’ said Ham.

‘Em’ly, my dear,’ cried Mr. Peggotty. ‘See here! Here’s Mas’r Davy come! —
“艾米丽,亲爱的,”佩戈蒂先生叫道,”瞧!这是戴维先生来了! —

What, cheer up, pretty! Not a wured to Mas’r Davy?’

There was a trembling upon her, that I can see now. —
她身上开始颤抖,那景象我现在仍然记忆犹新。 —

The coldness of her hand when I touched it, I can feel yet. —
当我触碰她冰冷的手时,现在仍能感受到那种寒冷。 —

Its only sign of animation was to shrink from mine; —
它唯一的活动迹象就是躲开我的手; —

and then she glided from the chair, and creeping to the other side of her uncle, bowed herself, silently and trembling still, upon his breast.

‘It’s such a loving art,’ said Mr. Peggotty, smoothing her rich hair with his great hard hand, ‘that it can’t abear the sorrer of this. —
“这是一门充满爱的艺术,”佩戈蒂先生用那双大而硬的手抚摸着她浓密的头发说,”它无法忍受这种悲伤。 —

It’s nat’ral in young folk, Mas’r Davy, when they’re new to these here trials, and timid, like my little bird, - it’s nat’ral.’

She clung the closer to him, but neither lifted up her face, nor spoke a word.

‘It’s getting late, my dear,’ said Mr. Peggotty, ‘and here’s Ham come fur to take you home. —
“亲爱的,时间已经不早了,”佩戈蒂先生说,”汉姆来接你回家了。 —

Theer! Go along with t’other loving art! —
“走吧!跟着另一个充满爱的人去吧!” —

What’ Em’ly? Eh, my pretty?’

The sound of her voice had not reached me, but he bent his head as if he listened to her, and then said:

‘Let you stay with your uncle? Why, you doen’t mean to ask me that! Stay with your uncle, Moppet? —
‘让你和你叔叔住在一起?你不是真的要问我这个吧!跟你叔叔住在一起,小家伙? —

When your husband that’ll be so soon, is here fur to take you home? —
当你的丈夫很快就要来接你回家的时候? —

Now a person wouldn’t think it, fur to see this little thing alongside a rough-weather chap like me,’ said Mr. Peggotty, looking round at both of us, with infinite pride; —
‘现在一个人看到这个小东西和我这个粗险家伙站在一起,不会觉得,’佩戈蒂先生说着,骄傲地环顾我们两个; —

‘but the sea ain’t more salt in it than she has fondness in her for her uncle - a foolish little Em’ly!’

‘Em’ly’s in the right in that, Mas’r Davy!’ said Ham. ‘Lookee here! —
‘Em’ly的想法是对的,戴维先生!’哈姆说道。’瞧这里!’ —

As Em’ly wishes of it, and as she’s hurried and frightened, like, besides, I’ll leave her till morning. Let me stay too!’

‘No, no,’ said Mr. Peggotty. ‘You doen’t ought - a married man like you - or what’s as good - to take and hull away a day’s work. —
‘不,不,’ 佩哥蒂先生说。’像你这样有妻室的人 - 或者说差不多了 - 不能拿走一天的工作。 —

And you doen’t ought to watch and work both. That won’t do. You go home and turn in. —
你不能同时照顾、盯着工作。这不行。你回家去睡觉。 —

You ain’t afeerd of Em’ly not being took good care on, I know.’ —
你不用担心艾米不被好好照顾,我知道的。’ —

Ham yielded to this persuasion, and took his hat to go. Even when he kissed her. —
哈姆听从了这一劝说,戴上帽子要走。哪怕在他吻她的时候。 —

  • and I never saw him approach her, but I felt that nature had given him the soul of a gentleman - she seemed to cling closer to her uncle, even to the avoidance of her chosen husband. —
    - 我从未见他靠近她,但我感觉到他有绅士风度的灵魂 - 她似乎更紧紧地依偎在叔叔身边,甚至不顾她所选择的丈夫。 —

I shut the door after him, that it might cause no disturbance of the quiet that prevailed; —
我关上门,以免打扰到静谧。 —

and when I turned back, I found Mr. Peggotty still talking to her.

‘Now, I’m a going upstairs to tell your aunt as Mas’r Davy’s here, and that’ll cheer her up a bit,’ he said. —
‘现在,我要上楼告诉你阿姨戴维先生来了,这会让她高兴一点,’ 他说。 —

‘Sit ye down by the fire, the while, my dear, and warm those mortal cold hands. —
‘在火炉旁坐着,亲爱的,暖和那双冰凉的手。 —

You doen’t need to be so fearsome, and take on so much. What? You’ll go along with me? - Well! —
你不用这么害怕,不用这么悲伤。什么?你要跟我一起去? - 好啊! —

come along with me - come! If her uncle was turned out of house and home, and forced to lay down in a dyke, Mas’r Davy,’ said Mr. Peggotty, with no less pride than before, ‘it’s my belief she’d go along with him, now! —
跟我来 - 走吧!如果她的叔叔被赶出家门,被迫躺在沟渠中,戴维先生,’ 佩哥蒂先生依然骄傲地说,’我相信她现在会跟着他走! —

But there’ll be someone else, soon, - someone else, soon, Em’ly!’

Afterwards, when I went upstairs, as I passed the door of my little chamber, which was dark, I had an indistinct impression of her being within it, cast down upon the floor. —
后来,当我上楼时,经过我小房间的门口,黑漆漆的,我模糊地感觉到她在里面,倒在地上。 —

But, whether it was really she, or whether it was a confusion of the shadows in the room, I don’t know now.

I had leisure to think, before the kitchen fire, of pretty little Emily’s dread of death - which, added to what Mr. Omer had told me, I took to be the cause of her being so unlike herself - and I had leisure, before Peggotty came down, even to think more leniently of the weakness of it: —
我在厨房的火炉前有时间思考,想着可爱的小艾米丽对死亡的恐惧 - 这加上奥默先生告诉我的信息,我认为这就是她表现得如此不同寻常的原因 - 在佩戈蒂下楼之前,我有时间更宽容地思考这种弱点。 —

as I sat counting the ticking of the clock, and deepening my sense of the solemn hush around me. —
当我坐着数着钟表的滴答声,加深我对周围庄严安静的感觉。 —

Peggotty took me in her arms, and blessed and thanked me over and over again for being such a comfort to her (that was what she said) in her distress. —
佩戈蒂抱着我,一遍又一遍地为我感谢和祝福,说我在她悲伤时是多么地安慰她(她是这么说的)。 —

She then entreated me to come upstairs, sobbing that Mr. Barkis had always liked me and admired me; —
然后她请求我上楼,抽泣着说巴克斯一直很喜欢我,赞美我; —

that he had often talked of me, before he fell into a stupor; —
在他陷入昏迷之前,他经常谈到我; —

and that she believed, in case of his coming to himself again, he would brighten up at sight of me, if he could brighten up at any earthly thing.

The probability of his ever doing so, appeared to me, when I saw him, to be very small. —
当我看到他时,我觉得他很少有可能这样做。 —

He was lying with his head and shoulders out of bed, in an uncomfortable attitude, half resting on the box which had cost him so much pain and trouble. —
他半躺在床上,头和肩膀破坏着一个不舒服的姿势,半体重在那个给他带来很多痛苦和麻烦的箱子上面。 —

I learned, that, when he was past creeping out of bed to open it, and past assuring himself of its safety by means of the divining rod I had seen him use, he had required to have it placed on the chair at the bed-side, where he had ever since embraced it, night and day. —
我听说,当他不再能爬起来打开它,也不再使用我见过他使用的探测杆来确保它的安全时,他要求把它放在床边的椅子上,自那时以来一直拥抱着它,日夜不离。 —

His arm lay on it now. Time and the world were slipping from beneath him, but the box was there; —
现在他的手臂搭在上面。时间和世界正在从他身下溜走,但是这个箱子在那儿; —

and the last words he had uttered were (in an explanatory tone) ‘Old clothes!’

‘Barkis, my dear!’ said Peggotty, almost cheerfully: —
“巴克斯,亲爱的!” 佩戈蒂几乎欢快地说, —

bending over him, while her brother and I stood at the bed’s foot. —
在她弯下身子看着他的时候,她的哥哥和我站在床脚。 —

‘Here’s my dear boy - my dear boy, Master Davy, who brought us together, Barkis! —
“这是我的亲爱的孩子 - 我的亲爱的孩子,大卫先生,是他把我们凑在一起的,巴克斯! —

That you sent messages by, you know! Won’t you speak to Master Davy?’

He was as mute and senseless as the box, from which his form derived the only expression it had.

‘He’s a going out with the tide,’ said Mr. Peggotty to me, behind his hand.
“他随着潮水而去了,” 皮格蒂先生在我身后低声说。

My eyes were dim and so were Mr. Peggotty’s; but I repeated in a whisper, ‘With the tide?’

‘People can’t die, along the coast,’ said Mr. Peggotty, ‘except when the tide’s pretty nigh out. —
“沿海的人们不会死,” 皮格蒂先生说,”除非潮水退得很靠近。 —

They can’t be born, unless it’s pretty nigh in - not properly born, till flood. —
他们也无法出生,除非潮水涨得很近-真正的出生要到涨潮之后。 —

He’s a going out with the tide. It’s ebb at half-arter three, slack water half an hour. —
他随潮水而去。潮水在三点半的时候退,涨潮之前有半个小时的平静期。 —

If he lives till it turns, he’ll hold his own till past the flood, and go out with the next tide.’

We remained there, watching him, a long time - hours. —
我们呆在那里,观察他,很长时间-几个小时。 —

What mysterious influence my presence had upon him in that state of his senses, I shall not pretend to say; —
我的存在对他在那种状态下的神秘影响,我不敢说; —

but when he at last began to wander feebly, it is certain he was muttering about driving me to school.

‘He’s coming to himself,’ said Peggotty.
“他开始清醒了,” 皮格蒂说。

Mr. Peggotty touched me, and whispered with much awe and reverence. —
皮格蒂先生碰了碰我,带着敬畏和尊重低声说。 —

‘They are both a-going out fast.’

‘Barkis, my dear!’ said Peggotty.
“巴基斯,亲爱的!” 皮格蒂说。

‘C. P. Barkis,’ he cried faintly. ‘No better woman anywhere!’
“C. P. 巴基斯,” 他虚弱地喊道,”任何地方都找不到比她更好的女人!”

‘Look! Here’s Master Davy!’ said Peggotty. For he now opened his eyes.

I was on the point of asking him if he knew me, when he tried to stretch out his arm, and said to me, distinctly, with a pleasant smile:

‘Barkis is willin’!’

And, it being low water, he went out with the tide.