On going down in the morning, I found my aunt musing so profoundly over the breakfast table, with her elbow on the tray, that the contents of the urn had overflowed the teapot and were laying the whole table-cloth under water, when my entrance put her meditations to flight. —
早上我下楼的时候,发现姨妈在早餐桌前陷入沉思,手肘撑在托盘上,茶壶溢出的水淹没了整张桌布,而我进来后打断了她的思绪。 —

I felt sure that I had been the subject of her reflections, and was more than ever anxious to know her intentions towards me. —
我确信自己是她思考的对象,更加渴望了解她对我的意图。 —

Yet I dared not express my anxiety, lest it should give her offence.

My eyes, however, not being so much under control as my tongue, were attracted towards my aunt very often during breakfast. —
然而,我的眼睛并不如我的舌头受控制,吃早餐的时候经常被姨妈吸引。 —

I never could look at her for a few moments together but I found her looking at me - in an odd thoughtful manner, as if I were an immense way off, instead of being on the other side of the small round table. —
我几乎无法连续几分钟看着她,而不发现她正在以一种奇怪而深思的方式看着我,仿佛我离她很远,而不是在小圆桌的另一边。 —

When she had finished her breakfast, my aunt very deliberately leaned back in her chair, knitted her brows, folded her arms, and contemplated me at her leisure, with such a fixedness of attention that I was quite overpowered by embarrassment. —
早餐结束后,我的姨妈非常慎重地往椅子上一靠,皱着眉头,双臂交叉,以自己的心情从容地看着我,我被这种专注的目光深深地压倒了。 —

Not having as yet finished my own breakfast, I attempted to hide my confusion by proceeding with it; but my knife tumbled over my fork, my fork tripped up my knife, I chipped bits of bacon a surprising height into the air instead of cutting them for my own eating, and choked myself with my tea, which persisted in going the wrong way instead of the right one, until I gave in altogether, and sat blushing under my aunt’s close scrutiny.

‘Hallo!’ said my aunt, after a long time.
‘嘿!’ 姨妈说。

I looked up, and met her sharp bright glance respectfully.

‘I have written to him,’ said my aunt.
‘我已经给他写信了,’ 姨妈说。

‘To -?’
‘给 -?’

‘To your father-in-law,’ said my aunt. ‘I have sent him a letter that I’ll trouble him to attend to, or he and I will fall out, I can tell him!’
‘给你的岳父,’ 姨妈说。 ‘我给他写了封信,我会让他去解决的,否则他和我就要闹翻了,我可以告诉他!’

‘Does he know where I am, aunt?’ I inquired, alarmed.
‘他知道我在哪里吗,姨妈?’ 我惊慌地问道。

‘I have told him,’ said my aunt, with a nod.
‘我告诉过他,’ 姨妈点了点头。

‘Shall I - be - given up to him?’ I faltered.
‘我会 - 被 - 交给他吗?’ 我支吾地说。

‘I don’t know,’ said my aunt. ‘We shall see.’

‘Oh! I can’t think what I shall do,’ I exclaimed, ‘if I have to go back to Mr. Murdstone!’

‘I don’t know anything about it,’ said my aunt, shaking her head. —
‘我一点都不知道。’我阿姨摇了摇头说。 —

‘I can’t say, I am sure. We shall see.’

My spirits sank under these words, and I became very downcast and heavy of heart. —
这些话让我的精神低落下来,我变得非常沮丧和心情沉重。 —

My aunt, without appearing to take much heed of me, put on a coarse apron with a bib, which she took out of the press; —
我阿姨似乎没有太在意我,系上一条围裙,从柜子里拿出来; —

washed up the teacups with her own hands; —
亲手洗了茶杯; —

and, when everything was washed and set in the tray again, and the cloth folded and put on the top of the whole, rang for Janet to remove it. —
当所有的东西都洗净摆好,桌布叠好放在托盘上后,她按铃叫珍妮特来收拾。 —

She next swept up the crumbs with a little broom (putting on a pair of gloves first), until there did not appear to be one microscopic speck left on the carpet; —
接着用一把小扫帚扫起面包屑来(事先戴上手套),直到地毯上看不到一丝灰尘; —

next dusted and arranged the room, which was dusted and arranged to a hair’sbreadth already. —
接着擦拭整理房间,虽然这个房间已经擦拭整理得一丝不苟。 —

When all these tasks were performed to her satisfaction, she took off the gloves and apron, folded them up, put them in the particular corner of the press from which they had been taken, brought out her work-box to her own table in the open window, and sat down, with the green fan between her and the light, to work.

‘I wish you’d go upstairs,’ said my aunt, as she threaded her needle, ‘and give my compliments to Mr. Dick, and I’ll be glad to know how he gets on with his Memorial.’

I rose with all alacrity, to acquit myself of this commission.

‘I suppose,’ said my aunt, eyeing me as narrowly as she had eyed the needle in threading it, ‘you think Mr. Dick a short name, eh?’

‘I thought it was rather a short name, yesterday,’ I confessed.

‘You are not to suppose that he hasn’t got a longer name, if he chose to use it,’ said my aunt, with a loftier air. —
‘你不要以为他没有个更长的名字,如果他选择使用的话,’我的姑姑语气更高傲地说道。 —

‘Babley - Mr. Richard Babley - that’s the gentleman’s true name.’
‘巴布利 - 理查德·巴布利先生 - 那才是这位绅士的真名。’

I was going to suggest, with a modest sense of my youth and the familiarity I had been already guilty of, that I had better give him the full benefit of that name, when my aunt went on to say:

‘But don’t you call him by it, whatever you do. He can’t bear his name. That’s a peculiarity of his. —
‘但是无论如何,你不要叫他那个。他不能忍受自己的名字。那是他的一种特性。 —

Though I don’t know that it’s much of a peculiarity, either; —
虽然我不知道这算不算什么特性, —

for he has been ill-used enough, by some that bear it, to have a mortal antipathy for it, Heaven knows. —
因为他受够了,被某些人以此为名字的人折磨,对这个名字已经有了致命的厌恶,天晓得。 —

Mr. Dick is his name here, and everywhere else, now - if he ever went anywhere else, which he don’t. —
这里,以及任何其他地方,都叫他迪克先生吧,现在 - 如果他曾经去过其他地方的话,在这里他不会去的。 —

So take care, child, you don’t call him anything BUT Mr. Dick.’

I promised to obey, and went upstairs with my message; —
我答应服从,然后带着我的消息上楼去; —

thinking, as I went, that if Mr. Dick had been working at his Memorial long, at the same rate as I had seen him working at it, through the open door, when I came down, he was probably getting on very well indeed. —
在上楼的路上,我想,如果迪克先生一直以同样的速度在他的纪念碑上工作,就像我从楼上看到他在工作一样,那他现在可能做得很顺利。 —

I found him still driving at it with a long pen, and his head almost laid upon the paper. —
我发现他仍在用长长的笔努力书写,几乎把头放在纸上。 —

He was so intent upon it, that I had ample leisure to observe the large paper kite in a corner, the confusion of bundles of manuscript, the number of pens, and, above all, the quantity of ink (which he seemed to have in, in half-gallon jars by the dozen), before he observed my being present.

‘Ha! Phoebus!’ said Mr. Dick, laying down his pen. ‘How does the world go? —
‘哈!菲波斯!’迪克先生放下笔说道。‘世界怎么样? —

I’ll tell you what,’ he added, in a lower tone, ‘I shouldn’t wish it to be mentioned, but it’s a -’ here he beckoned to me, and put his lips close to my ear - ‘it’s a mad world. —
我告诉你,’他又以低声说,’我不希望被提及,但是这是个 -’ 他朝我招手,把嘴唇凑近我的耳朵 - ‘这是个疯狂的世界。 —

Mad as Bedlam, boy!’ said Mr. Dick, taking snuff from a round box on the table, and laughing heartily.

Without presuming to give my opinion on this question, I delivered my message.

‘Well,’ said Mr. Dick, in answer, ‘my compliments to her, and I - I believe I have made a start. —
“嗯,”迪克先生回答道,“请向她问候,我——我相信我已经有了一个开端。 —

I think I have made a start,’ said Mr. Dick, passing his hand among his grey hair, and casting anything but a confident look at his manuscript. —
“我想我已经开始了,”迪克先生说着,用手在他的灰发中间穿过,看着他的手稿,表情一点也不自信。 —

‘You have been to school?’

‘Yes, sir,’ I answered; ‘for a short time.’

‘Do you recollect the date,’ said Mr. Dick, looking earnestly at me, and taking up his pen to note it down, ‘when King Charles the First had his head cut off?’ —
“你记得日期吗,”迪克先生认真地看着我,拿起笔记下来,“当查理一世被砍头的时候?” —

I said I believed it happened in the year sixteen hundred and forty-nine.

‘Well,’ returned Mr. Dick, scratching his ear with his pen, and looking dubiously at me. —
“嗯,”迪克先生用笔挠着耳朵,怀疑地看着我。 —

‘So the books say; but I don’t see how that can be. —
“书上是那么说的;但我不明白怎么可能。 —

Because, if it was so long ago, how could the people about him have made that mistake of putting some of the trouble out of his head, after it was taken off, into mine?’

I was very much surprised by the inquiry; but could give no information on this point.

‘It’s very strange,’ said Mr. Dick, with a despondent look upon his papers, and with his hand among his hair again, ‘that I never can get that quite right. —
“这很奇怪,”迪克先生看着他的文件,手再次插入头发中,神情沮丧,“我就是始终弄不清楚。 —

I never can make that perfectly clear. But no matter, no matter!’ —
我就是搞不清楚。但没关系,没关系!” —

he said cheerfully, and rousing himself, ‘there’s time enough! —
他愉快地说着,振作起来,“向特洛特伍德小姐问候,我进展得非常顺利。” —

My compliments to Miss Trotwood, I am getting on very well indeed.’

I was going away, when he directed my attention to the kite.

‘What do you think of that for a kite?’ he said.

I answered that it was a beautiful one. I should think it must have been as much as seven feet high.

‘I made it. We’ll go and fly it, you and I,’ said Mr. Dick. ‘Do you see this?’

He showed me that it was covered with manuscript, very closely and laboriously written; —
他向我展示风筝上密密麻麻地写满了手稿; —

but so plainly, that as I looked along the lines, I thought I saw some allusion to King Charles the First’s head again, in one or two places.

‘There’s plenty of string,’ said Mr. Dick, ‘and when it flies high, it takes the facts a long way. —
“线很长,”迪克先生说,”当飞得很高时,就能把事实传播得很远。 —

That’s my manner of diffusing ‘em. I don’t know where they may come down. —
这是我传播它们的方式。我不知道它们会在哪里落下。 —

It’s according to circumstances, and the wind, and so forth; —
这取决于情况、风等等; —

but I take my chance of that.’

His face was so very mild and pleasant, and had something so reverend in it, though it was hale and hearty, that I was not sure but that he was having a good-humoured jest with me. —
他的脸非常和蔼愉快,而且看起来很尊敬,尽管他还健康强壮,我不确定他是不是和我开着一个好笑的玩笑。 —

So I laughed, and he laughed, and we parted the best friends possible.

‘Well, child,’ said my aunt, when I went downstairs. ‘And what of Mr. Dick, this morning?’

I informed her that he sent his compliments, and was getting on very well indeed.

‘What do you think of him?’ said my aunt.

I had some shadowy idea of endeavouring to evade the question, by replying that I thought him a very nice gentleman; —
我有点模糊的想法,试图回避这个问题,因为我觉得他是一个非常好的绅士; —

but my aunt was not to be so put off, for she laid her work down in her lap, and said, folding her hands upon it:

‘Come! Your sister Betsey Trotwood would have told me what she thought of anyone, directly. —
“来吧!你的妹妹贝茜·特洛特伍德会直截了当告诉我她对任何人的看法的。 —

Be as like your sister as you can, and speak out!’

‘Is he - is Mr. Dick - I ask because I don’t know, aunt - is he at all out of his mind, then?’ —
“他-是说狄克先生-我问这个是因为我不知道,姨,他是不是有点精神不正常呢?” —

I stammered; for I felt I was on dangerous ground.

‘Not a morsel,’ said my aunt.

‘Oh, indeed!’ I observed faintly.

‘If there is anything in the world,’ said my aunt, with great decision and force of manner, ‘that Mr. Dick is not, it’s that.’

I had nothing better to offer, than another timid, ‘Oh, indeed!’

‘He has been CALLED mad,’ said my aunt. ‘I have a selfish pleasure in saying he has been called mad, or I should not have had the benefit of his society and advice for these last ten years and upwards - in fact, ever since your sister, Betsey Trotwood, disappointed me.’

‘So long as that?’ I said.

‘And nice people they were, who had the audacity to call him mad,’ pursued my aunt. —
“而且那些大胆地称他疯狂的人,都是些不错的人,”我姨继续说道。 —

‘Mr. Dick is a sort of distant connexion of mine - it doesn’t matter how; —
“狄克先生是我的某种程度的远房亲戚-这无关紧要; —

I needn’t enter into that. If it hadn’t been for me, his own brother would have shut him up for life. That’s all.’

I am afraid it was hypocritical in me, but seeing that my aunt felt strongly on the subject, I tried to look as if I felt strongly too.

‘A proud fool!’ said my aunt. ‘Because his brother was a little eccentric - though he is not half so eccentric as a good many people - he didn’t like to have him visible about his house, and sent him away to some private asylum-place: —
‘骄傲的傻瓜!’我的阿姨说。‘因为他的兄弟有点古怪 - 尽管他并不像很多人那样古怪 - 他不喜欢让他在家里露面,把他送到某个私人疗养所: —

though he had been left to his particular care by their deceased father, who thought him almost a natural. —
尽管他已被他们已故的父亲托付特别照料,父亲认为他几乎是个天才。 —

And a wise man he must have been to think so! —
他一定是个明智的人才会这么认为! —

Mad himself, no doubt.’

Again, as my aunt looked quite convinced, I endeavoured to look quite convinced also.

‘So I stepped in,’ said my aunt, ‘and made him an offer. —
‘所以我介入了,’我的阿姨说,‘并给了他一个提案。 —

I said, “Your brother’s sane - a great deal more sane than you are, or ever will be, it is to be hoped. —
我说,“你兄弟是神智正常的 - 比你或将来的你神智正常得多,希望如此。 —

Let him have his little income, and come and live with me. —
让他保留他的一点收入,和我一起来住。 —

I am not afraid of him, I am not proud, I am ready to take care of him, and shall not ill-treat him as some people (besides the asylum-folks) have done.” —
我不怕他,我不骄傲,我愿意照顾他,我不会像有些人(还有那些疗养所的人)那样虐待他。” —

After a good deal of squabbling,’ said my aunt, ‘I got him; and he has been here ever since. —
经过一番吵闹,’我的阿姨说,‘我得到了他;他从那以后就一直在这里。 —

He is the most friendly and amenable creature in existence; and as for advice! —
他是存在中最友好、最易相处的生物;至于建议! —

  • But nobody knows what that man’s mind is, except myself.’
    - 但除了我自己,没有人知道那个人的思想。

My aunt smoothed her dress and shook her head, as if she smoothed defiance of the whole world out of the one, and shook it out of the other.

‘He had a favourite sister,’ said my aunt, ‘a good creature, and very kind to him. —
‘他有一个喜爱的姐妹,’我的阿姨说,‘一个善良的人,对他很好。 —

But she did what they all do - took a husband. And HE did what they all do - made her wretched. —
但她却做了她们都会做的事情 - 结了婚。而他也做了他们都会做的事情 - 使她痛苦。 —

It had such an effect upon the mind of Mr. Dick (that’s not madness, I hope! —
它对迪克先生的心智产生了如此大的影响(希望这不是疯狂!)。 —

) that, combined with his fear of his brother, and his sense of his unkindness, it threw him into a fever. —
结合他对兄弟的恐惧和对他不友好的认识,导致他发高烧。 —

That was before he came to me, but the recollection of it is oppressive to him even now. —
那是在他来找我的之前,但即使现在,回忆起来仍然让他感到沉重。 —

Did he say anything to you about King Charles the First, child?’

‘Yes, aunt.’

‘Ah!’ said my aunt, rubbing her nose as if she were a little vexed. —
‘啊!’ 我阿姨说,摩擦着她的鼻子,仿佛有点烦恼。 —

‘That’s his allegorical way of expressing it. —
‘这是他修辞的方式。 —

He connects his illness with great disturbance and agitation, naturally, and that’s the figure, or the simile, or whatever it’s called, which he chooses to use. —
他自然地把他的疾病与巨大的扰乱和激动联系在一起,这是他选择使用的比喻或类比。 —

And why shouldn’t he, if he thinks proper!’

I said: ‘Certainly, aunt.’

‘It’s not a business-like way of speaking,’ said my aunt, ‘nor a worldly way. I am aware of that; —
‘这不是一个像做生意的方式来说话,’ 我阿姨说,’也不是一个世俗的方式。我知道这一点; —

and that’s the reason why I insist upon it, that there shan’t be a word about it in his Memorial.’

‘Is it a Memorial about his own history that he is writing, aunt?’

‘Yes, child,’ said my aunt, rubbing her nose again. —
‘是的,孩子,’ 我阿姨又摩擦着她的鼻子说。 —

‘He is memorializing the Lord Chancellor, or the Lord Somebody or other - one of those people, at all events, who are paid to be memorialized - about his affairs. —
‘他正在向大法官纪念,或者向某位大人物纪念 - 至少是那些人之一,被付钱来受到纪念的人 - 关于他的事务。’ —

I suppose it will go in, one of these days. —
我想总有一天会明白的。 —

He hasn’t been able to draw it up yet, without introducing that mode of expressing himself; —
他还没有成功地将其内容整理出来,而不引入那种表达方式; —

but it don’t signify; it keeps him employed.’

In fact, I found out afterwards that Mr. Dick had been for upwards of ten years endeavouring to keep King Charles the First out of the Memorial; —
事实上,后来我发现迪克先生已经努力十年以上,试图让查尔斯一世不出现在纪念册中; —

but he had been constantly getting into it, and was there now.

‘I say again,’ said my aunt, ‘nobody knows what that man’s mind is except myself; —
我再说一遍,没有人了解那个人的想法,只有我自己; —

and he’s the most amenable and friendly creature in existence. —
他是存在的最为顺从和友好的生物。 —

If he likes to fly a kite sometimes, what of that! Franklin used to fly a kite. —
如果他愿意有时放风筝,那又如何!富兰克林过去也会放风筝。 —

He was a Quaker, or something of that sort, if I am not mistaken. —
如果我没记错的话,他是个贵格会教徒,或者类似的人物。 —

And a Quaker flying a kite is a much more ridiculous object than anybody else.’

If I could have supposed that my aunt had recounted these particulars for my especial behoof, and as a piece of confidence in me, I should have felt very much distinguished, and should have augured favourably from such a mark of her good opinion. —
如果我能想象到我姑妈这些细节是特意为了让我知道,并且是对我的信任表现,我会感到很荣幸,而且会从这种信任中看好我。 —

But I could hardly help observing that she had launched into them, chiefly because the question was raised in her own mind, and with very little reference to me, though she had addressed herself to me in the absence of anybody else.

At the same time, I must say that the generosity of her championship of poor harmless Mr. Dick, not only inspired my young breast with some selfish hope for myself, but warmed it unselfishly towards her. —
同时,我必须说,她对可怜无辜的迪克先生的支持之慷慨,不仅激发了我的一点私心希望,还让我对她无私地产生了赞赏之情。 —

I believe that I began to know that there was something about my aunt, notwithstanding her many eccentricities and odd humours, to be honoured and trusted in. —
我开始明白,尽管她有许多古怪和怪癖,但那些事实上值得尊敬和信赖。 —

Though she was just as sharp that day as on the day before, and was in and out about the donkeys just as often, and was thrown into a tremendous state of indignation, when a young man, going by, ogled Janet at a window (which was one of the gravest misdemeanours that could be committed against my aunt’s dignity), she seemed to me to command more of my respect, if not less of my fear.

The anxiety I underwent, in the interval which necessarily elapsed before a reply could be received to her letter to Mr. Murdstone, was extreme; —
我经历的焦虑在她给莫德斯通先生的信得到答复之前不可避免地变得极端; —

but I made an endeavour to suppress it, and to be as agreeable as I could in a quiet way, both to my aunt and Mr. Dick. The latter and I would have gone out to fly the great kite; —
但我尽力控制自己,以平和的方式对待阿姨和狄克先生。我和狄克先生本想出去放那只大风筝; —

but that I had still no other clothes than the anything but ornamental garments with which I had been decorated on the first day, and which confined me to the house, except for an hour after dark, when my aunt, for my health’s sake, paraded me up and down on the cliff outside, before going to bed. —
但由于我仍然没有比第一天被装饰的那些丝毫不讨人喜欢的衣服,除了在天黑后一个小时外我只能被困在屋子里,唯一例外的情况是为了保持健康,每天晚上睡觉前我阿姨要在悬崖上带我走一圈。 —

At length the reply from Mr. Murdstone came, and my aunt informed me, to my infinite terror, that he was coming to speak to her herself on the next day. —
终于,默德斯通先生的回复到了,我的阿姨告诉我,他就在第二天要亲自过来和她谈话,这让我无比恐惧。 —

On the next day, still bundled up in my curious habiliments, I sat counting the time, flushed and heated by the conflict of sinking hopes and rising fears within me; —
第二天,我依然身穿奇怪的服装坐着数着时间,由于内心潜藏的希望和恐惧的冲突,我感到脸潮红,体温升高; —

and waiting to be startled by the sight of the gloomy face, whose non-arrival startled me every minute.

MY aunt was a little more imperious and stern than usual, but I observed no other token of her preparing herself to receive the visitor so much dreaded by me. —
我阿姨比平时更加威严和严厉,但我没注意到任何她在准备迎接我如此害怕的访客的迹象。 —

She sat at work in the window, and I sat by, with my thoughts running astray on all possible and impossible results of Mr. Murdstone’s visit, until pretty late in the afternoon. —
她坐在窗前工作,而我坐在一旁,想着默德斯通先生的到访可能带来的一切可能和不可能的结果,直到下午晚些时候。 —

Our dinner had been indefinitely postponed; —
我们的晚餐被无限期延迟; —

but it was growing so late, that my aunt had ordered it to be got ready, when she gave a sudden alarm of donkeys, and to my consternation and amazement, I beheld Miss Murdstone, on a side-saddle, ride deliberately over the sacred piece of green, and stop in front of the house, looking about her.

‘Go along with you!’ cried my aunt, shaking her head and her fist at the window. —
‘走开!’我阿姨冲着窗外摇着头摇着拳头喊道。 —

‘You have no business there. How dare you trespass? —
‘你在那里无事生非。你怎敢侵犯? —

Go along! Oh! you bold-faced thing!’

MY aunt was so exasperated by the coolness with which Miss Murdstone looked about her, that I really believe she was motionless, and unable for the moment to dart out according to custom. —
我阿姨被默德斯通小姐毫不在意的样子气急败坏,以至于我真的相信她当时动弹不得,无法按照通常的习惯冲出去。 —

I seized the opportunity to inform her who it was; —
我抓住机会告诉她是谁; —

and that the gentleman now coming near the offender (for the way up was very steep, and he had dropped behind), was Mr. Murdstone himself.

‘I don’t care who it is!’ cried my aunt, still shaking her head and gesticulating anything but welcome from the bow-window. —
‘我不管他是谁!’我阿姨大喊着,依然在窗前摇着头,手势也是一切但欢迎。 —

‘I won’t be trespassed upon. I won’t allow it. Go away! Janet, turn him round. Lead him off!’ —
‘我不会被侵犯。我不允许。走开!简尼特,把他掉过去。领走他!’ —

and I saw, from behind my aunt, a sort of hurried battle-piece, in which the donkey stood resisting everybody, with all his four legs planted different ways, while Janet tried to pull him round by the bridle, Mr. Murdstone tried to lead him on, Miss Murdstone struck at Janet with a parasol, and several boys, who had come to see the engagement, shouted vigorously. —
我从我姨母背后看到一幕匆忙的战斗场面,在那幅画中,驴子四蹄分立,顽强地抗拒着每一个人,琴娜试图拉着缰绳使它转动,默德斯通先生试图带着它前进,默德斯通小姐则用遮阳伞朝琴娜猛击,几个围观的男孩们则大声呼喊。 —

But my aunt, suddenly descrying among them the young malefactor who was the donkey’s guardian, and who was one of the most inveterate offenders against her, though hardly in his teens, rushed out to the scene of action, pounced upon him, captured him, dragged him, with his jacket over his head, and his heels grinding the ground, into the garden, and, calling upon Janet to fetch the constables and justices, that he might be taken, tried, and executed on the spot, held him at bay there. —
但是我姨母突然在人群中发现了那个顽童——把驴子看守得密不透风,是她视为罪犯中的头号顽固分子之一,虽然他也才十几岁,姨母冲出战场,扑向他,捉住他,把他裹着外套,用力拽着将他拖入花园,然后呼叫琴娜去叫巡警和法官,要他立刻被逮捕、审判和处决,她将他困在那里。 —

This part of the business, however, did not last long; —
不过,事情的这部分并没有持续很久; —

for the young rascal, being expert at a variety of feints and dodges, of which my aunt had no conception, soon went whooping away, leaving some deep impressions of his nailed boots in the flower-beds, and taking his donkey in triumph with him.

Miss Murdstone, during the latter portion of the contest, had dismounted, and was now waiting with her brother at the bottom of the steps, until my aunt should be at leisure to receive them. —
穆德斯通小姐在后半场比赛时已经下马,现在与她的哥哥一同等待在台阶下,直到我姨母有空接待他们。 —

My aunt, a little ruffled by the combat, marched past them into the house, with great dignity, and took no notice of their presence, until they were announced by Janet.

‘Shall I go away, aunt?’ I asked, trembling.

‘No, sir,’ said my aunt. ‘Certainly not!’ —
“不,先生。”我姨母说。“当然不能!” —

With which she pushed me into a corner near her, and fenced Me in with a chair, as if it were a prison or a bar of justice. —
说着,她把我推到靠近她的角落里,用一把椅子围住我,仿佛那是一个监狱或审判的栏杆。 —

This position I continued to occupy during the whole interview, and from it I now saw Mr. and Miss Murdstone enter the room.

‘Oh!’ said my aunt, ‘I was not aware at first to whom I had the pleasure of objecting. —
“哦!”我姨母说,“起初我不知道我要反对的是谁。 —

But I don’t allow anybody to ride over that turf. —
但我不允许任何人在这块草地上呼啸驰骋。 —

I make no exceptions. I don’t allow anybody to do it.’

‘Your regulation is rather awkward to strangers,’ said Miss Murdstone.

‘Is it!’ said my aunt.

Mr. Murdstone seemed afraid of a renewal of hostilities, and interposing began:

‘Miss Trotwood!’

‘I beg your pardon,’ observed my aunt with a keen look. —
‘请原谅,’我姨妈说着,眼神锐利。 —

‘You are the Mr. Murdstone who married the widow of my late nephew, David Copperfield, of Blunderstone Rookery! —
‘您就是娶了我已故侄儿大卫·科波菲尔德的遗孀的那位卢德斯通先生吗,他的家在布兰德斯通庄园! —

  • Though why Rookery, I don’t know!’
    - 虽然为什么叫庄园,我也不明白!’

‘I am,’ said Mr. Murdstone.

‘You’ll excuse my saying, sir,’ returned my aunt, ‘that I think it would have been a much better and happier thing if you had left that poor child alone.’

‘I so far agree with what Miss Trotwood has remarked,’ observed Miss Murdstone, bridling, ‘that I consider our lamented Clara to have been, in all essential respects, a mere child.’

‘It is a comfort to you and me, ma’am,’ said my aunt, ‘who are getting on in life, and are not likely to be made unhappy by our personal attractions, that nobody can say the same of us.’

‘No doubt!’ returned Miss Murdstone, though, I thought, not with a very ready or gracious assent. —
‘无疑!’默德斯通小姐回答,尽管我觉得她并不是很愿意或不那么亲切地同意。 —

‘And it certainly might have been, as you say, a better and happier thing for my brother if he had never entered into such a marriage. —
‘正如你所说的那样,如果我兄弟从未这样结婚,对他而言,这当然可能会是一件更好更幸福的事情。我一直持有这种看法。” —

I have always been of that opinion.’

‘I have no doubt you have,’ said my aunt. —
‘毫无疑问,你是这么想的,’我姨妈说。 —

‘Janet,’ ringing the bell, ‘my compliments to Mr. Dick, and beg him to come down.’

Until he came, my aunt sat perfectly upright and stiff, frowning at the wall. —
直到他来的时候,我姨妈一直坐得笔直而僵硬,皱着眉头看着墙壁。 —

When he came, my aunt performed the ceremony of introduction.

‘Mr. Dick. An old and intimate friend. On whose judgement,’ said my aunt, with emphasis, as an admonition to Mr. Dick, who was biting his forefinger and looking rather foolish, ‘I rely.’

Mr. Dick took his finger out of his mouth, on this hint, and stood among the group, with a grave and attentive expression of face.

My aunt inclined her head to Mr. Murdstone, who went on:

‘Miss Trotwood: on the receipt of your letter, I considered it an act of greater justice to myself, and perhaps of more respect to you-’

‘Thank you,’ said my aunt, still eyeing him keenly. ‘You needn’t mind me.’

‘To answer it in person, however inconvenient the journey,’ pursued Mr. Murdstone, ‘rather than by letter. —
‘而非以信函回复,’继续说默德斯通先生,‘考虑到这个旅程可能多么不便。’ —

This unhappy boy who has run away from his friends and his occupation -’
这个不开心的男孩离开了他的朋友和职业 -’

‘And whose appearance,’ interposed his sister, directing general attention to me in my indefinable costume, ‘is perfectly scandalous and disgraceful.’

‘Jane Murdstone,’ said her brother, ‘have the goodness not to interrupt me. —
‘简·默德斯通,’她的兄弟打断她说,’请你不要打断我。 —

This unhappy boy, Miss Trotwood, has been the occasion of much domestic trouble and uneasiness; —
这个不开心的男孩,特洛特伍德小姐,一直是许多家庭麻烦和不安的根源; —

both during the lifetime of my late dear wife, and since. He has a sullen, rebellious spirit; —
不仅是在我已故的亲爱妻子的有生之年,而且是之后。他有着顽固、叛逆的性格; —

a violent temper; and an untoward, intractable disposition. —
暴躁的脾气;和难以驾驭的脾性。 —

Both my sister and myself have endeavoured to correct his vices, but ineffectually. —
我和我姐姐都曾试图纠正他的恶习,但都未能成功。 —

And I have felt - we both have felt, I may say; —
而且我已经感觉到 - 我们俩都感觉到,我可以这么说; —

my sister being fully in my confidence - that it is right you should receive this grave and dispassionate assurance from our lips.’
我姐姐是完全知情的 - 您有权从我们口中得到这个严重而冷静的保证。

‘It can hardly be necessary for me to confirm anything stated by my brother,’ said Miss Murdstone; —
‘对我而言,确认我兄弟所说的任何事情几乎是不必要的,’默德斯通小姐说; —

‘but I beg to observe, that, of all the boys in the world, I believe this is the worst boy.’

‘Strong!’ said my aunt, shortly.

‘But not at all too strong for the facts,’ returned Miss Murdstone.

‘Ha!’ said my aunt. ‘Well, sir?’

‘I have my own opinions,’ resumed Mr. Murdstone, whose face darkened more and more, the more he and my aunt observed each other, which they did very narrowly, ‘as to the best mode of bringing him up; —
‘我有自己的看法,’默德斯通先生重新开始说道,他的脸色变得越来越阴沉,他和我姨母彼此观察得越来越仔细,’关于如何最好地教育他; —

they are founded, in part, on my knowledge of him, and in part on my knowledge of my own means and resources. —
它们部分基于我对他的了解,部分基于我对自己的能力和资源的了解。 —

I am responsible for them to myself, I act upon them, and I say no more about them. —
我对自己负责,我根据它们行动,并不再多说。 —

It is enough that I place this boy under the eye of a friend of my own, in a respectable business; —
我将这个男孩放在我的一个朋友的眼下,一个体面的生意里; —

that it does not please him; that he runs away from it; —
如果他不喜欢,从这个生意中逃走; —

makes himself a common vagabond about the country; —
在乡间成为一个普通的流浪汉; —

and comes here, in rags, to appeal to you, Miss Trotwood. —
然后来到这里,衣衫褴褛,向您求助,特罗特伍德小姐。 —

I wish to set before you, honourably, the exact consequences - so far as they are within my knowledge - of your abetting him in this appeal.’

‘But about the respectable business first,’ said my aunt. —
‘但首先谈谈体面的生意,’我姨妈说。 —

‘If he had been your own boy, you would have put him to it, just the same, I suppose?’

‘If he had been my brother’s own boy,’ returned Miss Murdstone, striking in, ‘his character, I trust, would have been altogether different.’

‘Or if the poor child, his mother, had been alive, he would still have gone into the respectable business, would he?’ said my aunt.

‘I believe,’ said Mr. Murdstone, with an inclination of his head, ‘that Clara would have disputed nothing which myself and my sister Jane Murdstone were agreed was for the best.’

Miss Murdstone confirmed this with an audible murmur.

‘Humph!’ said my aunt. ‘Unfortunate baby!’

Mr. Dick, who had been rattling his money all this time, was rattling it so loudly now, that my aunt felt it necessary to check him with a look, before saying:

‘The poor child’s annuity died with her?’

‘Died with her,’ replied Mr. Murdstone.

‘And there was no settlement of the little property - the house and garden - the what’s-its-name Rookery without any rooks in it - upon her boy?’
“那个小财产 - 那所房子和花园 - 那个什么-Rookery,没有乌鸦的地方 - 没有给她的男孩留下遗产吗?”

‘It had been left to her, unconditionally, by her first husband,’ Mr. Murdstone began, when my aunt caught him up with the greatest irascibility and impatience.

‘Good Lord, man, there’s no occasion to say that. Left to her unconditionally! —
“天哪,男士,没有必要说那个。无条件地留给她! —

I think I see David Copperfield looking forward to any condition of any sort or kind, though it stared him point-blank in the face! —
我想我看到大卫科波菲尔德面对任何条件都是一副恍然若失的表情! —

Of course it was left to her unconditionally. —
当然是无条件地留给她的。 —

But when she married again - when she took that most disastrous step of marrying you, in short,’ said my aunt, ‘to be plain - did no one put in a word for the boy at that time?’
但是当她再婚 - 当她采取了那个最灾难性的步骤嫁给了你,简而言之,”我姨妈说,“有没有人在当时为这个男孩说话?”

‘My late wife loved her second husband, ma’am,’ said Mr. Murdstone, ‘and trusted implicitly in him.’

‘Your late wife, sir, was a most unworldly, most unhappy, most unfortunate baby,’ returned my aunt, shaking her head at him. —
“你已故的妻子,先生,是一个非常不懂世故,非常不幸,非常不幸福的孩子,”我姨妈摇着头对他说。 —

‘That’s what she was. And now, what have you got to say next?’

‘Merely this, Miss Trotwood,’ he returned. —
“特罗特伍德小姐,”他回答。 —

‘I am here to take David back - to take him back unconditionally, to dispose of him as I think proper, and to deal with him as I think right. —
“我在这里是要带大卫回去 - 无条件地带他回去,根据我认为合适的方式处置他,根据我认为正确的方式对待他。 —

I am not here to make any promise, or give any pledge to anybody. —
我不在这里做任何承诺,也不向任何人保证。 —

You may possibly have some idea, Miss Trotwood, of abetting him in his running away, and in his complaints to you. —
你可能有某种想法,特罗特伍德小姐,支持他逃跑,并支持他向你抱怨。 —

Your manner, which I must say does not seem intended to propitiate, induces me to think it possible. Now I must caution you that if you abet him once, you abet him for good and all; —
你的态度并不似乎是为了讨好,这让我觉得有可能。现在我必须警告你,如果你一旦支持他,就是永远支持他; —

if you step in between him and me, now, you must step in, Miss Trotwood, for ever. —
如果你现在插手我们之间,那么,你必须永远插手,特洛特伍德小姐; —

I cannot trifle, or be trifled with. I am here, for the first and last time, to take him away. —
我不能开玩笑,也不允许别人跟我开玩笑。我来这里,第一次也是最后一次,是要带他走的; —

Is he ready to go? If he is not - and you tell me he is not; on any pretence; —
他准备好走了吗?如果他没有准备好 - 你告诉我他没有准备好;不管任何借口; —

it is indifferent to me what - my doors are shut against him henceforth, and yours, I take it for granted, are open to him.’
对我来说无所谓什么 - 从此我将对他关闭大门,而你的门,我想你会毫不犹豫地向他敞开。’

To this address, my aunt had listened with the closest attention, sitting perfectly upright, with her hands folded on one knee, and looking grimly on the speaker. —
在听完这段讲话之后,我的阿姨一直非常认真地倾听着,端坐着,双手交叉放在一只膝盖上,严肃地看着讲话者。 —

When he had finished, she turned her eyes so as to command Miss Murdstone, without otherwise disturbing her attitude, and said:

‘Well, ma’am, have YOU got anything to remark?’

‘Indeed, Miss Trotwood,’ said Miss Murdstone, ‘all that I could say has been so well said by my brother, and all that I know to be the fact has been so plainly stated by him, that I have nothing to add except my thanks for your politeness. —
‘特洛特伍德小姐,’默德斯通小姐说,’我哥哥已经说得很好了,我知道的事实也已经由他清楚地陈述了,我没有别的要补充的,只有感谢您的礼貌。 —

For your very great politeness, I am sure,’ said Miss Murdstone; —
非常感谢你的礼貌,我敢肯定,’默德斯通小姐说; —

with an irony which no more affected my aunt, than it discomposed the cannon I had slept by at Chatham.

‘And what does the boy say?’ said my aunt. ‘Are you ready to go, David?’

I answered no, and entreated her not to let me go. —
我回答说不,请求她不要让我走。 —

I said that neither Mr. nor Miss Murdstone had ever liked me, or had ever been kind to me. —
我说默德斯通先生和默德斯通小姐从来没有喜欢过我,也从未对我友善过。 —

That they had made my mama, who always loved me dearly, unhappy about me, and that I knew it well, and that Peggotty knew it. —
他们让我那位一直深爱着我的妈妈为了我而伤心,我很清楚这一点,皮格蒂也清楚。 —

I said that I had been more miserable than I thought anybody could believe, who only knew how young I was. —
我说过自己比任何人都更加痛苦,因为只有知道我的年纪会感到难以置信。 —

And I begged and prayed my aunt - I forget in what terms now, but I remember that they affected me very much then - to befriend and protect me, for my father’s sake.
我恳求我的姨妈 - 现在我忘记了当时用了什么措辞,但我记得那时那些话对我产生了很大影响 - 为了我父亲的缘故善待和保护我。

‘Mr. Dick,’ said my aunt, ‘what shall I do with this child?’

Mr. Dick considered, hesitated, brightened, and rejoined, ‘Have him measured for a suit of clothes directly.’

‘Mr. Dick,’ said my aunt triumphantly, ‘give me your hand, for your common sense is invaluable.’ —
“迪克先生,”我姨妈得意地说,“伸出你的手,因为你的常识真是无价的。” —

Having shaken it with great cordiality, she pulled me towards her and said to Mr. Murdstone:

‘You can go when you like; I’ll take my chance with the boy. —
“你想去就走;我决定和这个男孩共同承担风险。” —

If he’s all you say he is, at least I can do as much for him then, as you have done. —
“如果他真像你说的那样,至少我可以为他做到跟你一样多。 —

But I don’t believe a word of it.’

‘Miss Trotwood,’ rejoined Mr. Murdstone, shrugging his shoulders, as he rose, ‘if you were a gentleman -’

‘Bah! Stuff and nonsense!’ said my aunt. ‘Don’t talk to me!’

‘How exquisitely polite!’ exclaimed Miss Murdstone, rising. ‘Overpowering, really!’

‘Do you think I don’t know,’ said my aunt, turning a deaf ear to the sister, and continuing to address the brother, and to shake her head at him with infinite expression, ‘what kind of life you must have led that poor, unhappy, misdirected baby? —
“你以为我不知道吗,”我姨妈置之不理地对着姐妹说,继续和对着弟弟说,并摇头表达了无数情感,“你那个可怜、不幸、误入歧途的婴儿必须过着怎样的生活? —

Do you think I don’t know what a woeful day it was for the soft little creature when you first came in her way - smirking and making great eyes at her, I’ll be bound, as if you couldn’t say boh! to a goose!’
你以为我不知道你第一次出现在她生活中对那个软弱小天使意味着多么悲伤的一天 - 你肯定对她眨眼笑嘻嘻,仿佛你对一只鹅都不会说‘哇!’”

‘I never heard anything so elegant!’ said Miss Murdstone.

‘Do you think I can’t understand you as well as if I had seen you,’ pursued my aunt, ‘now that I DO see and hear you - which, I tell you candidly, is anything but a pleasure to me? —
“你认为我现在看到了你、听到了你,就不能像看到你那样好好理解你了吗?”我姨妈追问道,“坦率地说,我现在看到了你,听到了你,实在是一点也不令我快乐。” —

Oh yes, bless us! who so smooth and silky as Mr. Murdstone at first! —
哦,是的,天佑我们!谁比缪德斯通先生起初更文雅细滑呢! —

The poor, benighted innocent had never seen such a man. He was made of sweetness. —
那可怜、愚昧的无辜者从未见过这样的人。他充满了甜蜜。 —

He worshipped her. He doted on her boy - tenderly doted on him! —
他崇拜她。他疼爱她的男孩—深深地疼爱着他! —

He was to be another father to him, and they were all to live together in a garden of roses, weren’t they? —
他将成为他的另一个父亲,他们将共同生活在一座玫瑰园里,是吧? —

Ugh! Get along with you, do!’ said my aunt.

‘I never heard anything like this person in my life!’ exclaimed Miss Murdstone.

‘And when you had made sure of the poor little fool,’ said my aunt - ‘God forgive me that I should call her so, and she gone where YOU won’t go in a hurry - because you had not done wrong enough to her and hers, you must begin to train her, must you? —
“当你确信这个可怜的小傻瓜了,”我姨妈说,“上帝原谅我称她为这样的,而她已经去了你不会轻易去的地方—因为你对她及她的人还不够残忍,你就要开始对她进行训练,是吗? —

begin to break her, like a poor caged bird, and wear her deluded life away, in teaching her to sing YOUR notes?’

‘This is either insanity or intoxication,’ said Miss Murdstone, in a perfect agony at not being able to turn the current of my aunt’s address towards herself; —
“这要么是疯狂,要么是醉酒,”穆德斯通小姐完全焦急地说,因为她无法改变我姨妈讲话时的主题。 —

‘and my suspicion is that it’s intoxication.’

Miss Betsey, without taking the least notice of the interruption, continued to address herself to Mr. Murdstone as if there had been no such thing.

‘Mr. Murdstone,’ she said, shaking her finger at him, ‘you were a tyrant to the simple baby, and you broke her heart. —
“缪德斯通先生,”她说,冲着他摇了摇手指,“你对这个天真孩子是个暴君,你伤透了她的心。 —

She was a loving baby - I know that; I knew it, years before you ever saw her - and through the best part of her weakness you gave her the wounds she died of. —
她是个爱的婴儿—我知道,多年前你见到她之前我就知道了—在她最脆弱的时候,你给了她她最后死去的伤口。 —

There is the truth for your comfort, however you like it. —
这就是事实,无论你怎么喜欢。” —

And you and your instruments may make the most of it.’

‘Allow me to inquire, Miss Trotwood,’ interposed Miss Murdstone, ‘whom you are pleased to call, in a choice of words in which I am not experienced, my brother’s instruments?’

‘It was clear enough, as I have told you, years before YOU ever saw her - and why, in the mysterious dispensations of Providence, you ever did see her, is more than humanity can comprehend - it was clear enough that the poor soft little thing would marry somebody, at some time or other; —
“正如我告诉你的那样,多年前在你见到她之前 - 而你为何会见到她,这是人类无法理解的神秘安排 - 很明显这个柔弱的小东西会有一天嫁给某个人; —

but I did hope it wouldn’t have been as bad as it has turned out. —
但我曾希望不会像现在这样糟糕。 —

That was the time, Mr. Murdstone, when she gave birth to her boy here,’ said my aunt; —
“那时候,默德斯通先生,她在这里生下了她的孩子,”我姑妈说; —

‘to the poor child you sometimes tormented her through afterwards, which is a disagreeable remembrance and makes the sight of him odious now. —
“后来你时不时地折磨过她的可怜孩子,这是一个令人不愉快的记忆,现在看见他就感觉讨厌。 —

Aye, aye! you needn’t wince!’ said my aunt. —
哎呀,你不必皱眉!”我姑妈说。 —

‘I know it’s true without that.’

He had stood by the door, all this while, observant of her with a smile upon his face, though his black eyebrows were heavily contracted. —
他一直站在门边,一直观察着她,脸上带着微笑,尽管他的黑眉毛紧锁。 —

I remarked now, that, though the smile was on his face still, his colour had gone in a moment, and he seemed to breathe as if he had been running.

‘Good day, sir,’ said my aunt, ‘and good-bye! —
“先生,你好,”我姑妈说,“再见! —

Good day to you, too, ma’am,’ said my aunt, turning suddenly upon his sister. —
“女士,也祝你好,”我姑妈突然转身对着他的妹妹说。 —

‘Let me see you ride a donkey over my green again, and as sure as you have a head upon your shoulders, I’ll knock your bonnet off, and tread upon it!’

It would require a painter, and no common painter too, to depict my aunt’s face as she delivered herself of this very unexpected sentiment, and Miss Murdstone’s face as she heard it. —
“只有一位画家,而且不是普通的画家,才能描绘我姑妈说这句非常出乎意料的话时的表情,以及默德斯通小姐听到时的表情。 —

But the manner of the speech, no less than the matter, was so fiery, that Miss Murdstone, without a word in answer, discreetly put her arm through her brother’s, and walked haughtily out of the cottage; —
但那讲话的方式,不亚于内容的激烈性,使默德斯通小姐没有作出任何回应,明智地挽起她哥哥的胳膊,傲慢地走出小屋; —

my aunt remaining in the window looking after them; —
我姨妈依然站在窗前照顾他们; —

prepared, I have no doubt, in case of the donkey’s reappearance, to carry her threat into instant execution.

No attempt at defiance being made, however, her face gradually relaxed, and became so pleasant, that I was emboldened to kiss and thank her; —
然而由于没有挑衅,她的脸渐渐舒缓,变得非常愉快,于是我就大胆地亲吻并感谢她; —

which I did with great heartiness, and with both my arms clasped round her neck. —
我用满满的诚意,双臂紧紧搂着她的脖子,亲吻并感谢了她。 —

I then shook hands with Mr. Dick, who shook hands with me a great many times, and hailed this happy close of the proceedings with repeated bursts of laughter.

‘You’ll consider yourself guardian, jointly with me, of this child, Mr. Dick,’ said my aunt.

‘I shall be delighted,’ said Mr. Dick, ‘to be the guardian of David’s son.’

‘Very good,’ returned my aunt, ‘that’s settled. —
‘很好,’我姨妈回答,’这就决定了。 —

I have been thinking, do you know, Mr. Dick, that I might call him Trotwood?’

‘Certainly, certainly. Call him Trotwood, certainly,’ said Mr. Dick. ‘David’s son’s Trotwood.’

‘Trotwood Copperfield, you mean,’ returned my aunt.

‘Yes, to be sure. Yes. Trotwood Copperfield,’ said Mr. Dick, a little abashed.

My aunt took so kindly to the notion, that some ready-made clothes, which were purchased for me that afternoon, were marked ‘Trotwood Copperfield’, in her own handwriting, and in indelible marking-ink, before I put them on; —
我姨妈非常喜欢这个主意,于是那天下午为我购买的一些成衣,在我穿上前,她用自己的笔迹和防水性标记墨水标上了”特罗特伍德·科波菲尔德”; —

and it was settled that all the other clothes which were ordered to be made for me (a complete outfit was bespoke that afternoon) should be marked in the same way.

Thus I began my new life, in a new name, and with everything new about me. —
因此,我开始了新的生活,用一个新的名字,周围的一切都是全新的。 —

Now that the state of doubt was over, I felt, for many days, like one in a dream. —
现在怀疑状态结束了,我感觉自己像在梦中一样,持续了许多天。 —

I never thought that I had a curious couple of guardians, in my aunt and Mr. Dick. I never thought of anything about myself, distinctly. —
我从未想到,我有一对奇怪的监护人,就是我的姑姑和狄克先生。我从未清楚地考虑过自己。 —

The two things clearest in my mind were, that a remoteness had come upon the old Blunderstone life - which seemed to lie in the haze of an immeasurable distance; —
我心中最清晰的两件事是,旧的布兰德斯通生活已经变得遥远,仿佛隐匿在无限远处的薄雾之中; —

and that a curtain had for ever fallen on my life at Murdstone and Grinby’s. —
以及,一个幕布永远地落下了我在莫斯钉斯通和格林贝的生活。 —

No one has ever raised that curtain since. —
自那时起,再也没有人揭开过那幕布。 —

I have lifted it for a moment, even in this narrative, with a reluctant hand, and dropped it gladly. The remembrance of that life is fraught with so much pain to me, with so much mental suffering and want of hope, that I have never had the courage even to examine how long I was doomed to lead it. —
即使在这个叙述中,我也不情愿地抬起了幕布一会儿,然后欣然放下。那种生活的回忆对我而言带来了太多的痛苦,太多的心灵煎熬和缺乏希望,我甚至从来没有勇气去检讨我注定要过那样的生活多久。 —

Whether it lasted for a year, or more, or less, I do not know. —
我不知道它持续了一年,还是更长,或更短。 —

I only know that it was, and ceased to be; —
我只知道它曾经存在,然后消失了; —

and that I have written, and there I leave it.