I began the next day with another dive into the Roman bath, and then started for Highgate. —
我第二天又一次潜入罗马浴场,然后开始前往海格特。 —

I was not dispirited now. I was not afraid of the shabby coat, and had no yearnings after gallant greys. —
现在我并不沮丧。我也不再对破旧的外衣感到害怕,也不再渴望豪华的马车。 —

My whole manner of thinking of our late misfortune was changed. —
我对我们之前的不幸事件的整个思考方式都改变了。 —

What I had to do, was, to show my aunt that her past goodness to me had not been thrown away on an insensible, ungrateful object. —
我要做的是向我的阿姨证明,她以往对我的善意并没有白费在一个麻木不仁、忘恩负义的对象身上。 —

What I had to do, was, to turn the painful discipline of my younger days to account, by going to work with a resolute and steady heart. —
我要做的是,通过坚定和稳定的心态,把我年少时的痛苦磨练转化为行动。 —

What I had to do, was, to take my woodman’s axe in my hand, and clear my own way through the forest of difficulty, by cutting down the trees until I came to Dora. And I went on at a mighty rate, as if it could be done by walking.

When I found myself on the familiar Highgate road, pursuing such a different errand from that old one of pleasure, with which it was associated, it seemed as if a complete change had come on my whole life. —
当我发现自己走在熟悉的海格特路上,追求的已经不再是以前令人愉悦的目标时,整个生活似乎都发生了完全的变化。 —

But that did not discourage me. With the new life, came new purpose, new intention. —
但这并没有使我气馁。随着新生活的开始,也来了新目标、新打算。 —

Great was the labour; priceless the reward. —
劳动艰辛,回报无价。 —

Dora was the reward, and Dora must be won.

I got into such a transport, that I felt quite sorry my coat was not a little shabby already. —
我兴高采烈起来,感到有点遗憾自己的外衣还不够破旧。 —

I wanted to be cutting at those trees in the forest of difficulty, under circumstances that should prove my strength. —
我想开始砍伐困难之树,以证明自己的力量。 —

I had a good mind to ask an old man, in wire spectacles, who was breaking stones upon the road, to lend me his hammer for a little while, and let me begin to beat a path to Dora out of granite. —
我差点想去问一位带着铁丝眼镜的老人,他正在路上敲石头,能否借我他的锤子一会儿,让我开始用花岗岩为朵拉铺路。 —

I stimulated myself into such a heat, and got so out of breath, that I felt as if I had been earning I don’t know how much.

In this state, I went into a cottage that I saw was to let, and examined it narrowly, - for I felt it necessary to be practical. —
在这种状态下,我走进了一个我看到出租的小屋,仔细检查了一番,因为我觉得务必实际行动。 —

It would do for me and Dora admirably: with a little front garden for Jip to run about in, and bark at the tradespeople through the railings, and a capital room upstairs for my aunt. —
对我和多拉来说,这房子是最合适不过的:前面有个小花园,让吉普可以在里面奔跑,透过栅栏朝着商贩们吠叫,楼上有一间非常好的房间留给我的阿姨。 —

I came out again, hotter and faster than ever, and dashed up to Highgate, at such a rate that I was there an hour too early; —
我再次出门时,比以往更加炽热和兴奋,飞奔到了海盖特,速度快得我提前了一个小时到达; —

and, though I had not been, should have been obliged to stroll about to cool myself, before I was at all presentable.

My first care, after putting myself under this necessary course of preparation, was to find the Doctor’s house. —
在这必要的准备之后,我第一件事情是去找医生的住所。 —

It was not in that part of Highgate where Mrs. Steerforth lived, but quite on the opposite side of the little town. —
医生的住所并不在海盖特的那个部分,而恰好在小镇的对面。 —

When I had made this discovery, I went back, in an attraction I could not resist, to a lane by Mrs. Steerforth’s, and looked over the corner of the garden wall. —
发现这一点后,我又不禁去了一趟斯提福斯夫人住的那条小巷并越过花园墙的一角看了看。 —

His room was shut up close. The conservatory doors were standing open, and Rosa Dartle was walking, bareheaded, with a quick, impetuous step, up and down a gravel walk on one side of the lawn. —
他的房间紧闭着。花房的门敞开着,罗莎·达特尔光着头,一边在草坪一侧的碎石道上急匆匆地走着。 —

She gave me the idea of some fierce thing, that was dragging the length of its chain to and fro upon a beaten track, and wearing its heart out.

I came softly away from my place of observation, and avoiding that part of the neighbourhood, and wishing I had not gone near it, strolled about until it was ten o’clock. —
我悄悄离开了观察的地方,避开那一片地区,后悔自己曾经接近过那里,四处溜达直到十点。 —

The church with the slender spire, that stands on the top of the hill now, was not there then to tell me the time. —
现在山顶上耸立着的带着细长尖顶的教堂那时还不存在,无法告诉我时间。 —

An old red-brick mansion, used as a school, was in its place; —
一个当时的红砖老庄园,被作为学校使用; —

and a fine old house it must have been to go to school at, as I recollect it.

When I approached the Doctor’s cottage - a pretty old place, on which he seemed to have expended some money, if I might judge from the embellishments and repairs that had the look of being just completed - I saw him walking in the garden at the side, gaiters and all, as if he had never left off walking since the days of my pupilage. —
走近医生的小屋,一座相当漂亮的老房子,他似乎在这里花了不少钱,从外观上来看,应该是刚刚完成装饰和修缮——我看见他穿着裤筒,一如既往地在侧面花园漫步,好像自从我学生时代以来就从未停止过步行。 —

He had his old companions about him, too; —
他周围也有他的老伙伴; —

for there were plenty of high trees in the neighbourhood, and two or three rooks were on the grass, looking after him, as if they had been written to about him by the Canterbury rooks, and were observing him closely in consequence.

Knowing the utter hopelessness of attracting his attention from that distance, I made bold to open the gate, and walk after him, so as to meet him when he should turn round. —
知道从那么远的距离无法吸引他的注意,我冒昧打开门,走在他后面,以便在他转身时遇到他。 —

When he did, and came towards me, he looked at me thoughtfully for a few moments, evidently without thinking about me at all; —
当他这样做,并走向我时,他若无其事地想了几分钟看着我; —

and then his benevolent face expressed extraordinary pleasure, and he took me by both hands.

‘Why, my dear Copperfield,’ said the Doctor, ‘you are a man! How do you do? —
‘哦,我亲爱的考柏菲尔德,‘医生说,’你长大了!你好吗? —

I am delighted to see you. My dear Copperfield, how very much you have improved! —
见到你我感到非常高兴。我亲爱的考柏菲尔德,你改善得非常多! —

You are quite - yes - dear me!’
你相当 - 是的 - 我的天!’

I hoped he was well, and Mrs. Strong too.

‘Oh dear, yes!’ said the Doctor; ‘Annie’s quite well, and she’ll be delighted to see you. —
‘哦,是的!’医生说,’安妮很好,她会很高兴见到你。 —

You were always her favourite. She said so, last night, when I showed her your letter. —
你一直是她最喜欢的。她昨晚说过,当我给她看你的信的时候。 —

And - yes, to be sure - you recollect Mr. Jack Maldon, Copperfield?’
并且 - 是的 - 你记得杰克·莫尔顿先生,考柏菲尔德吗?

‘Perfectly, sir.’

‘Of course,’ said the Doctor. ‘To be sure. He’s pretty well, too.’

‘Has he come home, sir?’ I inquired.

‘From India?’ said the Doctor. ‘Yes. Mr. Jack Maldon couldn’t bear the climate, my dear. —
‘从印度回来吗?’医生说。’是的。杰克·莫尔顿先生无法忍受那里的气候,我亲爱的。 —

Mrs. Markleham - you have not forgotten Mrs. Markleham?’
马克厉姆夫人 - 你可没忘记马克厉姆夫人吗?’

Forgotten the Old Soldier! And in that short time!

‘Mrs. Markleham,’ said the Doctor, ‘was quite vexed about him, poor thing; —
‘马克勒姆夫人,‘医生说,’为他感到相当生气,可怜的家伙; —

so we have got him at home again; and we have bought him a little Patent place, which agrees with him much better.’ —
所以我们把他接回家;我们给他买了一个小型专利地方,对他更适合.’ —

I knew enough of Mr. Jack Maldon to suspect from this account that it was a place where there was not much to do, and which was pretty well paid. —
我对杰克·莫尔登先生的了解足以怀疑,他所在的地方不太忙,但报酬相当不错. —

The Doctor, walking up and down with his hand on my shoulder, and his kind face turned encouragingly to mine, went on:

‘Now, my dear Copperfield, in reference to this proposal of yours. —
‘现在,我亲爱的考珀菲尔德,关于你的建议。 —

It’s very gratifying and agreeable to me, I am sure; but don’t you think you could do better? —
这对我来说非常令人高兴和满意,我确信; 但你不觉得你可以做得更好吗? —

You achieved distinction, you know, when you were with us. You are qualified for many good things. —
你知道,当你和我们在一起时,你曾获得过荣誉。 你适合做许多好事情。 —

You have laid a foundation that any edifice may be raised upon; —
你已经奠定了任何建筑都可以建立在其上的基础; —

and is it not a pity that you should devote the spring-time of your life to such a poor pursuit as I can offer?’

I became very glowing again, and, expressing myself in a rhapsodical style, I am afraid, urged my request strongly; —
我再次变得兴奋起来,用狂热的口吻表达,我怕,强烈地提出了我的要求; —

reminding the Doctor that I had already a profession.

‘Well, well,’ said the Doctor, ‘that’s true. —
‘好吧,好吧,‘医生说,’那是真的。 —

Certainly, your having a profession, and being actually engaged in studying it, makes a difference. —
当然,你有一个职业,并且实际上正在从事学习,这是有区别的。 —

But, my good young friend, what’s seventy pounds a year?’

‘It doubles our income, Doctor Strong,’ said I.

‘Dear me!’ replied the Doctor. ‘To think of that! —
‘天啊!’医生回答说。’想想看! —

Not that I mean to say it’s rigidly limited to seventy pounds a-year, because I have always contemplated making any young friend I might thus employ, a present too. —
‘我并不是说这严格限制为每年七十英镑,因为我一直想过给我可能雇用的任何年轻朋友一份礼物。 —

Undoubtedly,’ said the Doctor, still walking me up and down with his hand on my shoulder. —
‘确实如此,’医生说着,仍然一手搭在我的肩上走着。 —

‘I have always taken an annual present into account.’

‘My dear tutor,’ said I (now, really, without any nonsense), ‘to whom I owe more obligations already than I ever can acknowledge -’
‘我亲爱的导师,’我说(现在真的,没有任何废话),’我已经欠您的恩情多到无法报答了 -’

‘No, no,’ interposed the Doctor. ‘Pardon me!’

‘If you will take such time as I have, and that is my mornings and evenings, and can think it worth seventy pounds a year, you will do me such a service as I cannot express.’

‘Dear me!’ said the Doctor, innocently. ‘To think that so little should go for so much! Dear, dear! —
‘天啊!’医生天真地说。’没想到那么一点钱可以换来那么多的服务!亲爱的,亲爱的! —

And when you can do better, you will? On your word, now?’ —
‘当你能做得更好时,你会这样做吗?发誓吗,现在就?’ —

said the Doctor, - which he had always made a very grave appeal to the honour of us boys.

‘On my word, sir!’ I returned, answering in our old school manner.

‘Then be it so,’ said the Doctor, clapping me on the shoulder, and still keeping his hand there, as we still walked up and down.

‘And I shall be twenty times happier, sir,’ said I, with a little - I hope innocent - flattery, ‘if my employment is to be on the Dictionary.’
‘如果我被分配到字典工作,那么我会快乐数十倍的,先生,’我说,带着一点 - 我希望是无辜的 - 谄媚。

The Doctor stopped, smilingly clapped me on the shoulder again, and exclaimed, with a triumph most delightful to behold, as if I had penetrated to the profoundest depths of mortal sagacity, ‘My dear young friend, you have hit it. —
医生停下来,再次笑着拍了拍我的肩膀,以一种极为令人愉悦的胜利口吻喊道,仿佛我已经洞悉了人类智慧的至深至刻之处:’我亲爱的年轻朋友,你说对了。’ —

It IS the Dictionary!’

How could it be anything else! His pockets were as full of it as his head. —
它怎么可能是别的东西呢!他的口袋里装满了,就像他的脑袋一样。 —

It was sticking out of him in all directions. —
它从他身上四处裹挟而出。 —

He told me that since his retirement from scholastic life, he had been advancing with it wonderfully; —
他告诉我,自从从学术生活中退休后,他一直在与它共同进步; —

and that nothing could suit him better than the proposed arrangements for morning and evening work, as it was his custom to walk about in the daytime with his considering cap on. —
并且,对于早晚工作的安排,没有什么比这更适合他的了,因为他白天习惯性地戴着思考帽四处散步。 —

His papers were in a little confusion, in consequence of Mr. Jack Maldon having lately proffered his occasional services as an amanuensis, and not being accustomed to that occupation; —
由于杰克·莫尔登最近提出偶尔为他做文书的服务,而不习惯那种职业,他的文件有点乱; —

but we should soon put right what was amiss, and go on swimmingly. —
但我们很快会纠正错误的地方,并且顺利地进行下去。 —

Afterwards, when we were fairly at our work, I found Mr. Jack Maldon’s efforts more troublesome to me than I had expected, as he had not confined himself to making numerous mistakes, but had sketched so many soldiers, and ladies’ heads, over the Doctor’s manuscript, that I often became involved in labyrinths of obscurity.

The Doctor was quite happy in the prospect of our going to work together on that wonderful performance, and we settled to begin next morning at seven o’clock. —
医生对我们共同着手处理这件精彩作品的前景非常满意,我们决定第二天早上七点开始。 —

We were to work two hours every morning, and two or three hours every night, except on Saturdays, when I was to rest. —
每天早晨工作两个小时,每天晚上工作两三个小时,星期六除外,那天我要休息。 —

On Sundays, of course, I was to rest also, and I considered these very easy terms.

Our plans being thus arranged to our mutual satisfaction, the Doctor took me into the house to present me to Mrs. Strong, whom we found in the Doctor’s new study, dusting his books, - a freedom which he never permitted anybody else to take with those sacred favourites.

They had postponed their breakfast on my account, and we sat down to table together. —
他们为了我延迟了早餐,我们一起坐下来吃饭。 —

We had not been seated long, when I saw an approaching arrival in Mrs. Strong’s face, before I heard any sound of it. —
我们坐下不久,我就在斯特朗夫人的脸上看到了一个即将到来的表情,之后才听到声音。 —

A gentleman on horseback came to the gate, and leading his horse into the little court, with the bridle over his arm, as if he were quite at home, tied him to a ring in the empty coach-house wall, and came into the breakfast parlour, whip in hand. —
一位骑马的绅士来到了大门口,把马牵进小院,缰绳搭在手臂上,就像他非常熟悉这里一样,把马系在空荡荡的马车库墙上的一个环上,拿着鞭子走进早餐厅。 —

It was Mr. Jack Maldon; and Mr. Jack Maldon was not at all improved by India, I thought. —
这是杰克·莫尔登先生;而我认为杰克·莫尔登先生并没有因为印度而有所改进。 —

I was in a state of ferocious virtue, however, as to young men who were not cutting down trees in the forest of difficulty; —
然而,对于那些没有在困难的森林中砍树的年轻人,我却是充满了狂热的美德。 —

and my impression must be received with due allowance.

‘Mr. Jack!’ said the Doctor. ‘Copperfield!’

Mr. Jack Maldon shook hands with me; but not very warmly, I believed; —
杰克·莫尔登先生与我握手,但我相信并不是很热情; —

and with an air of languid patronage, at which I secretly took great umbrage. —
他带着一种懒散的赞赏态度,而我内心却对此感到很生气。 —

But his languor altogether was quite a wonderful sight; —
但他的懒散确实是一种奇特的景象; —

except when he addressed himself to his cousin Annie. ‘Have you breakfasted this morning, Mr. Jack?’ said the Doctor.

‘I hardly ever take breakfast, sir,’ he replied, with his head thrown back in an easy-chair. —
“先生,我几乎从不吃早餐,”他坐在摇椅里,把头仰起来回答道。 —

‘I find it bores me.’

‘Is there any news today?’ inquired the Doctor.

‘Nothing at all, sir,’ replied Mr. Maldon. —
“先生,一点儿消息也没有,”莫尔登先生回答道。 —

‘There’s an account about the people being hungry and discontented down in the North, but they are always being hungry and discontented somewhere.’

The Doctor looked grave, and said, as though he wished to change the subject, ‘Then there’s no news at all; —
医生神情严肃,似乎希望改变话题,“那就没有新闻了; —

and no news, they say, is good news.’

‘There’s a long statement in the papers, sir, about a murder,’ observed Mr. Maldon. —
‘先生,报纸上有一篇关于一起谋杀案的长篇报道。’马尔登先生观察到。 —

‘But somebody is always being murdered, and I didn’t read it.’

A display of indifference to all the actions and passions of mankind was not supposed to be such a distinguished quality at that time, I think, as I have observed it to be considered since. —
对人类所有行为和激情的漠不关心表现,在那个时代并不被认为是一种高尚品质,我想,正如我觉察到它自从那时起被认为是的那样。 —

I have known it very fashionable indeed. —
我确实知道它曾经非常时髦。 —

I have seen it displayed with such success, that I have encountered some fine ladies and gentlemen who might as well have been born caterpillars. —
我见过它展示得非常成功,以至于我遇到一些模样不如蛾的优雅女士和绅士。 —

Perhaps it impressed me the more then, because it was new to me, but it certainly did not tend to exalt my opinion of, or to strengthen my confidence in, Mr. Jack Maldon.

‘I came out to inquire whether Annie would like to go to the opera tonight,’ said Mr. Maldon, turning to her. —
‘我出来是为了问安妮愿不愿意今晚去看歌剧,’马尔登先生对她说。 —

‘It’s the last good night there will be, this season; —
‘这个赛季是最后一个好的夜晚; —

and there’s a singer there, whom she really ought to hear. She is perfectly exquisite. —
而且那里有一个歌手,她真的应该听听。她完全令人着迷。 —

Besides which, she is so charmingly ugly,’ relapsing into languor.

The Doctor, ever pleased with what was likely to please his young wife, turned to her and said:

‘You must go, Annie. You must go.’

‘I would rather not,’ she said to the Doctor. —
‘我宁愿不去,’她对医生说。 —

‘I prefer to remain at home. I would much rather remain at home.’

Without looking at her cousin, she then addressed me, and asked me about Agnes, and whether she should see her, and whether she was not likely to come that day; —
她没有看着表弟,然后转向我,问我关于Agnes的事,问她是否会来那天; —

and was so much disturbed, that I wondered how even the Doctor, buttering his toast, could be blind to what was so obvious.

But he saw nothing. He told her, good-naturedly, that she was young and ought to be amused and entertained, and must not allow herself to be made dull by a dull old fellow. —
但他什么也没看出来。他和善地告诉她,她年轻应该让自己感到愉快和娱乐,不要因为一个沉闷的老家伙而变得无聊。 —

Moreover, he said, he wanted to hear her sing all the new singer’s songs to him; —
而且,他说,他想让她把所有新歌手的歌曲唱给他听; —

and how could she do that well, unless she went? —
那她怎么可能做得很好,除非她去呢? —

So the Doctor persisted in making the engagement for her, and Mr. Jack Maldon was to come back to dinner. —
所以医生坚持为她安排了约会,杰克·莫尔登先生将回来吃晚餐。 —

This concluded, he went to his Patent place, I suppose; —
这结束后,我想他去了他的专利事务所; —

but at all events went away on his horse, looking very idle.

I was curious to find out next morning, whether she had been. —
第二天早上,我很好奇是否她去了。 —

She had not, but had sent into London to put her cousin off; —
她没有去,而是派人去伦敦打发了她的表兄; —

and had gone out in the afternoon to see Agnes, and had prevailed upon the Doctor to go with her; —
并在下午出去看了阿格尼丝,说服医生和她一起去; —

and they had walked home by the fields, the Doctor told me, the evening being delightful. —
医生告诉我,他们走路回家,晚上很愉快。 —

I wondered then, whether she would have gone if Agnes had not been in town, and whether Agnes had some good influence over her too!

She did not look very happy, I thought; but it was a good face, or a very false one. —
我觉得她看起来不太快乐;但那张脸看起来既好也虚伪。 —

I often glanced at it, for she sat in the window all the time we were at work; —
我经常瞥一眼,因为她一直坐在窗边我们工作时; —

and made our breakfast, which we took by snatches as we were employed. —
并为我们做早餐,我们一边忙着,一边片段地吃着。 —

When I left, at nine o’clock, she was kneeling on the ground at the Doctor’s feet, putting on his shoes and gaiters for him. —
当我离开时,九点钟,她跪在医生脚下的地面上,为他穿上鞋子和护腿。 —

There was a softened shade upon her face, thrown from some green leaves overhanging the open window of the low room; —
她脸上投下一抹柔和的阴影,是从悬挂在低矮房间开放窗户上的一些绿叶折射出来的; —

and I thought all the way to Doctors’ Commons, of the night when I had seen it looking at him as he read.

I was pretty busy now; up at five in the morning, and home at nine or ten at night. —
我现在很忙;早上五点起床,晚上九点或十点才回家。 —

But I had infinite satisfaction in being so closely engaged, and never walked slowly on any account, and felt enthusiastically that the more I tired myself, the more I was doing to deserve Dora. I had not revealed myself in my altered character to Dora yet, because she was coming to see Miss Mills in a few days, and I deferred all I had to tell her until then; —
但是我对这么紧密地忙碌感到无限满足,绝对不会慢慢走,热心地觉得自己越是劳累,就越配得上朵拉。我还没有向朵拉展示我新的形象,因为她几天后要来看米尔斯小姐,我决定等到那时再告诉她全部。 —

merely informing her in my letters (all our communications were secretly forwarded through Miss Mills), that I had much to tell her. —
只在我的信件里(我们所有的通讯都是通过米尔斯小姐秘密转递的),告诉她我有很多事情要告诉她。 —

In the meantime, I put myself on a short allowance of bear’s grease, wholly abandoned scented soap and lavender water, and sold off three waistcoats at a prodigious sacrifice, as being too luxurious for my stern career.

Not satisfied with all these proceedings, but burning with impatience to do something more, I went to see Traddles, now lodging up behind the parapet of a house in Castle Street, Holborn. —
对所有这些程序感到不满,但急于做更多事情,我去看了特拉德尔斯,他现在住在霍尔本城堡街的一幢房子的城墙后面。 —

Mr. Dick, who had been with me to Highgate twice already, and had resumed his companionship with the Doctor, I took with me.

I took Mr. Dick with me, because, acutely sensitive to my aunt’s reverses, and sincerely believing that no galley-slave or convict worked as I did, he had begun to fret and worry himself out of spirits and appetite, as having nothing useful to do. —
我带着迪克先生一起去,因为他对我姨妈的逆境感到异常敏感,并真诚地相信没有任何苦力或囚犯像他一样辛勤工作,他开始因为没有有用的事情可做而苦恼和困扰,导致情绪低落,食欲不振。 —

In this condition, he felt more incapable of finishing the Memorial than ever; —
在这种状态下,他感到自己更加无法完成纪念碑; —

and the harder he worked at it, the oftener that unlucky head of King Charles the First got into it. Seriously apprehending that his malady would increase, unless we put some innocent deception upon him and caused him to believe that he was useful, or unless we could put him in the way of being really useful (which would be better), I made up my mind to try if Traddles could help us. —
而且他越努力地工作,查理一世那个倒霉的头就越频繁地混入其中。我认真担心他的病情会加重,除非我们对他进行一些无害的欺骗,让他相信自己有用,或者除非我们能使他真正变得有用(这更好),我决定试试特拉德尔斯能否帮助我们。 —

Before we went, I wrote Traddles a full statement of all that had happened, and Traddles wrote me back a capital answer, expressive of his sympathy and friendship.

We found him hard at work with his inkstand and papers, refreshed by the sight of the flower-pot stand and the little round table in a corner of the small apartment. —
我们发现他正埋头工作,墨水瓶和纸张分布在一隅小房间里的花盆架和小圆桌旁边,这让他感到愉快。 —

He received us cordially, and made friends with Mr. Dick in a moment. —
他对我们非常热情,立刻和狄克先生交上了朋友。 —

Mr. Dick professed an absolute certainty of having seen him before, and we both said, ‘Very likely.’

The first subject on which I had to consult Traddles was this, - I had heard that many men distinguished in various pursuits had begun life by reporting the debates in Parliament. —
我需要与特拉德尔斯商议的第一个问题是,我听说许多在各种领域有所成就的人开始他们的生涯是从报道议会辩论开始的。 —

Traddles having mentioned newspapers to me, as one of his hopes, I had put the two things together, and told Traddles in my letter that I wished to know how I could qualify myself for this pursuit. —
特拉德尔斯提到报纸这一事物时,我联想到了这两件事,于是在信中告诉特拉德尔斯我想知道该如何资格达到这一追求。 —

Traddles now informed me, as the result of his inquiries, that the mere mechanical acquisition necessary, except in rare cases, for thorough excellence in it, that is to say, a perfect and entire command of the mystery of short-hand writing and reading, was about equal in difficulty to the mastery of six languages; —
特拉德尔斯现在告诉我,根据他的调查结果,除了在个别情况下需要的完全优秀所需的纯粹机械学习,也就是对速记写作和阅读的完全掌握,其困难程度大致相等于掌握六种语言; —

and that it might perhaps be attained, by dint of perseverance, in the course of a few years. —
也许在几年的努力中这种技能可以获得。 —

Traddles reasonably supposed that this would settle the business; —
特拉德尔斯认为这样可以解决问题; —

but I, only feeling that here indeed were a few tall trees to be hewn down, immediately resolved to work my way on to Dora through this thicket, axe in hand.

‘I am very much obliged to you, my dear Traddles!’ said I. ‘I’ll begin tomorrow.’

Traddles looked astonished, as he well might; —
特拉德尔斯看起来惊讶,他很有理由这么想; —

but he had no notion as yet of my rapturous condition.

‘I’ll buy a book,’ said I, ‘with a good scheme of this art in it; —
“我会买一本书,”我说,“里面有这门艺术的好计划; —

I’ll work at it at the Commons, where I haven’t half enough to do; —
我会在下议院里学习,我没有足够的事情要做; —

I’ll take down the speeches in our court for practice - Traddles, my dear fellow, I’ll master it!’
我会拿下我们法庭的演讲作为练习 - 特拉德尔斯,我亲爱的朋友,我会掌握它!”

‘Dear me,’ said Traddles, opening his eyes, ‘I had no idea you were such a determined character, Copperfield!’

I don’t know how he should have had, for it was new enough to me. —
我不知道他应该拥有的,因为这对我来说还很新。 —

I passed that off, and brought Mr. Dick on the carpet.

‘You see,’ said Mr. Dick, wistfully, ‘if I could exert myself, Mr. Traddles - if I could beat a drum- or blow anything!’

Poor fellow! I have little doubt he would have preferred such an employment in his heart to all others. —
可怜的家伙!我不怀疑他心里更愿意从事这样的工作。 —

Traddles, who would not have smiled for the world, replied composedly:

‘But you are a very good penman, sir. You told me so, Copperfield?’ ‘Excellent!’ —
“但您是一位出色的书写者,先生。你告诉我,科波菲尔德?”“非常好!” —

said I. And indeed he was. He wrote with extraordinary neatness.

‘Don’t you think,’ said Traddles, ‘you could copy writings, sir, if I got them for you?’

Mr. Dick looked doubtfully at me. ‘Eh, Trotwood?’

I shook my head. Mr. Dick shook his, and sighed. ‘Tell him about the Memorial,’ said Mr. Dick.

I explained to Traddles that there was a difficulty in keeping King Charles the First out of Mr. Dick’s manuscripts; —
我向特拉德尔斯解释说,要防止查尔斯一世陛下出现在迪克先生的手稿里有一些困难; —

Mr. Dick in the meanwhile looking very deferentially and seriously at Traddles, and sucking his thumb.

‘But these writings, you know, that I speak of, are already drawn up and finished,’ said Traddles after a little consideration. —
“但是,你知道,我所说的这些文稿已经起草完成了”,特拉德尔斯考虑片刻后说。 —

‘Mr. Dick has nothing to do with them. Wouldn’t that make a difference, Copperfield? —
“迪克先生与这些没有关系。这会不会有所不同,科波菲尔德?” —

At all events, wouldn’t it be well to try?’

This gave us new hope. Traddles and I laying our heads together apart, while Mr. Dick anxiously watched us from his chair, we concocted a scheme in virtue of which we got him to work next day, with triumphant success.

On a table by the window in Buckingham Street, we set out the work Traddles procured for him - which was to make, I forget how many copies of a legal document about some right of way - and on another table we spread the last unfinished original of the great Memorial. —
在白金汉街的一张窗边桌子上,我们摆放了特拉德尔斯为他找到的工作 - 他需要复制某个关于通行权的法律文件的副本,而在另一张桌子上,我们展开了伟大纪念碑的最后未完成的原作。 —

Our instructions to Mr. Dick were that he should copy exactly what he had before him, without the least departure from the original; —
我们给狄克先生的指示是他应该完全复制眼前的内容,一丝不差,不得有丝毫偏离原作; —

and that when he felt it necessary to make the slightest allusion to King Charles the First, he should fly to the Memorial. —
并且当他感到有必要稍作提及查理一世国王时,他应该立刻拿出纪念碑。 —

We exhorted him to be resolute in this, and left my aunt to observe him. —
我们劝告他在这方面要坚决,并让我姑妈暗中观察他。 —

My aunt reported to us, afterwards, that, at first, he was like a man playing the kettle-drums, and constantly divided his attentions between the two; —
我姑妈事后告诉我们,一开始他像打着定音鼓的一个人,经常分心于两者之间; —

but that, finding this confuse and fatigue him, and having his copy there, plainly before his eyes, he soon sat at it in an orderly business-like manner, and postponed the Memorial to a more convenient time. —
但是发现这使他感到困惑和疲劳,而且有了他的副本放在眼前,他很快就会以井然有序、务实的方式坐在那里,将纪念碑暂时搁置。 —

In a word, although we took great care that he should have no more to do than was good for him, and although he did not begin with the beginning of a week, he earned by the following Saturday night ten shillings and nine-pence; —
总之,虽然我们非常注意他的工作量不要过大,虽然他并不是从一个星期的开始就开始工作,但到隔周六晚上,他挣了十先令九便士; —

and never, while I live, shall I forget his going about to all the shops in the neighbourhood to change this treasure into sixpences, or his bringing them to my aunt arranged in the form of a heart upon a waiter, with tears of joy and pride in his eyes. —
在我活着的时候,我永远不会忘记他到附近所有商店中去,将这笔财富换成六便士的情景,或者他带来的安排在托盘上形成一个心形的方式,眼里闪烁着快乐和自豪的眼泪。 —

He was like one under the propitious influence of a charm, from the moment of his being usefully employed; —
从他被有用地使用开始的那一刻起,他就像受到了魔力的影响; —

and if there were a happy man in the world, that Saturday night, it was the grateful creature who thought my aunt the most wonderful woman in existence, and me the most wonderful young man.

‘No starving now, Trotwood,’ said Mr. Dick, shaking hands with me in a corner. —
‘特罗特伍德,再也不会挨饿了,’狄克先生在角落里握着我的手说。 —

‘I’ll provide for her, Sir!’ and he flourished his ten fingers in the air, as if they were ten banks.

I hardly know which was the better pleased, Traddles or I. ‘It really,’ said Traddles, suddenly, taking a letter out of his pocket, and giving it to me, ‘put Mr. Micawber quite out of my head!’
我几乎不知道特拉德尔斯和我哪个更高兴。 ‘实际上,’特拉德尔斯突然拿出一封信,递给我说,’弥卡伯先生完全被抛到我的脑后了!’

The letter (Mr. Micawber never missed any possible opportunity of writing a letter) was addressed to me, ‘By the kindness of T. Traddles, Esquire, of the Inner Temple.’ It ran thus: -
这封信(弥卡伯先生从不错过任何可能写信的机会)是写给我的,”由议员 T. 特拉德尔斯恩愼尔士之善意送来”。内容如下: -


‘You may possibly not be unprepared to receive the intimation that something has turned up. —
‘也许你已经做好接收某件事情出现的准备。 —

I may have mentioned to you on a former occasion that I was in expectation of such an event.

‘I am about to establish myself in one of the provincial towns of our favoured island (where the society may be described as a happy admixture of the agricultural and the clerical), in immediate connexion with one of the learned professions. —
‘我将要在我们幸运岛屿的某个省级城镇定居下来(那里的社会可被描述为农业和神职的幸福融合),直接与其中一个学术界建立联系。 —

Mrs. Micawber and our offspring will accompany me. —
‘米考伯夫人和我们的子女将与我同行。 —

Our ashes, at a future period, will probably be found commingled in the cemetery attached to a venerable pile, for which the spot to which I refer has acquired a reputation, shall I say from China to Peru?

‘In bidding adieu to the modern Babylon, where we have undergone many vicissitudes, I trust not ignobly, Mrs. Micawber and myself cannot disguise from our minds that we part, it may be for years and it may be for ever, with an individual linked by strong associations to the altar of our domestic life. —
‘在告别这个现代巴比伦时,我们已经经历了许多变迁,我和米考伯夫人无法掩饰我们的心灵,我们或许会分开,也许是多年后,也许是永远,与我们家庭生活祭坛相连的一个个体。 —

If, on the eve of such a departure, you will accompany our mutual friend, Mr. Thomas Traddles, to our present abode, and there reciprocate the wishes natural to the occasion, you will confer a Boon

‘On ‘One ‘Who ‘Is ‘Ever yours, ‘WILKINS MICAWBER.’

I was glad to find that Mr. Micawber had got rid of his dust and ashes, and that something really had turned up at last. —
我很高兴发现米考伯先生摆脱了他的尘土和灰烬,最终出现了一些事情。 —

Learning from Traddles that the invitation referred to the evening then wearing away, I expressed my readiness to do honour to it; —
从特拉德尔口中得知所提到的邀请指的是当时已经逝去的晚上,我表示愿意对此表示敬意; —

and we went off together to the lodging which Mr. Micawber occupied as Mr. Mortimer, and which was situated near the top of the Gray’s Inn Road.

The resources of this lodging were so limited, that we found the twins, now some eight or nine years old, reposing in a turn-up bedstead in the family sitting-room, where Mr. Micawber had prepared, in a wash-hand-stand jug, what he called ‘a Brew’ of the agreeable beverage for which he was famous. —
这间住所的资源是如此有限,我们发现双胞胎现在大约八九岁,躺在家庭起居室里的一张折叠床上,米考伯先生已经准备好了一壶他所称的“一壶醇香饮料”。 —

I had the pleasure, on this occasion, of renewing the acquaintance of Master Micawber, whom I found a promising boy of about twelve or thirteen, very subject to that restlessness of limb which is not an unfrequent phenomenon in youths of his age. —
我在这个场合有幸重新认识了米考伯先生,他是一个大约十二三岁的有前途的男孩,非常容易受到青少年这个年龄段常见的不安躁动的影响。 —

I also became once more known to his sister, Miss Micawber, in whom, as Mr. Micawber told us, ‘her mother renewed her youth, like the Phoenix’.

‘My dear Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘yourself and Mr. Traddles find us on the brink of migration, and will excuse any little discomforts incidental to that position.’

Glancing round as I made a suitable reply, I observed that the family effects were already packed, and that the amount of luggage was by no means overwhelming. —
当我做了一个合适的回答时,我看到家庭物品已经打包好,行李的数量并不是很多。 —

I congratulated Mrs. Micawber on the approaching change.

‘My dear Mr. Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘of your friendly interest in all our affairs, I am well assured. —
“我亲爱的柯波菲尔先生,”米考伯太太说,“我深信你对我们所有事务的友好关心。 —

My family may consider it banishment, if they please; —
如果我家人愿意这样认为,他们可能会将其视为流放; —

but I am a wife and mother, and I never will desert Mr. Micawber.’

Traddles, appealed to by Mrs. Micawber’s eye, feelingly acquiesced.

‘That,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘that, at least, is my view, my dear Mr. Copperfield and Mr. Traddles, of the obligation which I took upon myself when I repeated the irrevocable words, “I, Emma, take thee, Wilkins.” —
“这是我观点,亲爱的柯波菲尔先生和特拉德尔斯先生,我在重复了不可撤销的话语时承担的义务。” —

I read the service over with a flat-candle on the previous night, and the conclusion I derived from it was, that I never could desert Mr. Micawber. —
前一晚我点燃了一支扁平蜡烛,读完了仪式,我得出的结论是,我永远不会离开米考伯先生。 —

And,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘though it is possible I may be mistaken in my view of the ceremony, I never will!’

‘My dear,’ said Mr. Micawber, a little impatiently, ‘I am not conscious that you are expected to do anything of the sort.’

‘I am aware, my dear Mr. Copperfield,’ pursued Mrs. Micawber, ‘that I am now about to cast my lot among strangers; —
“我知道,我亲爱的柯波菲尔先生,”米考伯太太继续说,“我现在将把命运投入陌生人之中; —

and I am also aware that the various members of my family, to whom Mr. Micawber has written in the most gentlemanly terms, announcing that fact, have not taken the least notice of Mr. Micawber’s communication. —
我也知道,我家中的各位成员,米考伯先生已经以最君子风度写信宣布了这个事实,但他们都未对米考伯先生的通讯做出任何回应。 —

Indeed I may be superstitious,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘but it appears to me that Mr. Micawber is destined never to receive any answers whatever to the great majority of the communications he writes. —
事实上,我可能有些迷信,”米考伯太太说,“但我觉得米考伯先生注定永远不会收到他写的绝大多数通讯的任何答复。 —

I may augur, from the silence of my family, that they object to the resolution I have taken; —
从我家人的沉默中我可以推测,他们反对我已经做出的决定; —

but I should not allow myself to be swerved from the path of duty, Mr. Copperfield, even by my papa and mama, were they still living.’

I expressed my opinion that this was going in the right direction. —
我表达了我认为这是朝着正确方向的看法。 —

‘It may be a sacrifice,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘to immure one’s-self in a Cathedral town; —
“这可能是一个牺牲,”米考伯夫人说,“把自己关在大教堂镇里; —

but surely, Mr. Copperfield, if it is a sacrifice in me, it is much more a sacrifice in a man of Mr. Micawber’s abilities.’

‘Oh! You are going to a Cathedral town?’ said I.

Mr. Micawber, who had been helping us all, out of the wash-hand-stand jug, replied:

‘To Canterbury. In fact, my dear Copperfield, I have entered into arrangements, by virtue of which I stand pledged and contracted to our friend Heep, to assist and serve him in the capacity of - and to be - his confidential clerk.’

I stared at Mr. Micawber, who greatly enjoyed my surprise.

‘I am bound to state to you,’ he said, with an official air, ‘that the business habits, and the prudent suggestions, of Mrs. Micawber, have in a great measure conduced to this result. —
“我必须告诉你,”他带着一种官方的口吻说,“米考伯夫人的商业习惯和慎重的建议,在很大程度上促成了这一结果。 —

The gauntlet, to which Mrs. Micawber referred upon a former occasion, being thrown down in the form of an advertisement, was taken up by my friend Heep, and led to a mutual recognition. —
米考伯夫人在前一次所提到的挑战被广告形式接受,由我的朋友希普接受,并导致互相承认。 —

Of my friend Heep,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘who is a man of remarkable shrewdness, I desire to speak with all possible respect. —
“关于我的朋友希普,”米考伯先生说,“他是一个非常机智的人,我对他要表达尽可能多的尊重。 —

My friend Heep has not fixed the positive remuneration at too high a figure, but he has made a great deal, in the way of extrication from the pressure of pecuniary difficulties, contingent on the value of my services; —
我的朋友希普没有把确定的报酬数额定得太高,但是他已经在解决经济困难的压力上获得了很多成果,取决于我的服务的价值; —

and on the value of those services I pin my faith. —
我的信任就寄托在这种服务的价值上。 —

Such address and intelligence as I chance to possess,’ said Mr. Micawber, boastfully disparaging himself, with the old genteel air, ‘will be devoted to my friend Heep’s service. —
“我所拥有的一些演讲技巧和智慧,”米考伯先生自夸地贬低自己,带着那种古老的君子风度说,“将被奉献给我朋友希普的服务。 —

I have already some acquaintance with the law - as a defendant on civil process - and I shall immediately apply myself to the Commentaries of one of the most eminent and remarkable of our English jurists. —
我已经对法律有一些了解-作为民事程序的被告-我将立即致力于研究我们英国一位最著名和杰出的法学家的评论。 —

I believe it is unnecessary to add that I allude to Mr. justice Blackstone.’

These observations, and indeed the greater part of the observations made that evening, were interrupted by Mrs. Micawber’s discovering that Master Micawber was sitting on his boots, or holding his head on with both arms as if he felt it loose, or accidentally kicking Traddles under the table, or shuffling his feet over one another, or producing them at distances from himself apparently outrageous to nature, or lying sideways with his hair among the wine-glasses, or developing his restlessness of limb in some other form incompatible with the general interests of society; —
这些观察,实际上是那天晚上的大部分观察,都被米考伯夫人打断,她发现米考伯先生坐在靴子上,或者用双臂托住头部好像感觉松动了,或者意外地在桌子下面踢特拉德尔斯,或者将脚互相交叉,或者将它们放在看似违背自然的距离处,又或者侧身躺着,头发搅在酒杯里,或者以其他形式显示他的不安躁。 —

and by Master Micawber’s receiving those discoveries in a resentful spirit. —
而米考伯先生则愤恨地接受这些发现。 —

I sat all the while, amazed by Mr. Micawber’s disclosure, and wondering what it meant; —
我一直坐在那里,对米考伯先生的披露感到惊讶,想知道这意味着什么; —

until Mrs. Micawber resumed the thread of the discourse, and claimed my attention.

‘What I particularly request Mr. Micawber to be careful of, is,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘that he does not, my dear Mr. Copperfield, in applying himself to this subordinate branch of the law, place it out of his power to rise, ultimately, to the top of the tree. —
‘我特别要求米考伯先生注意的是,‘米考伯夫人说,‘亲爱的考柏菲尔德先生,他不能在专注于这个较次要的法律领域时,使自己无法最终跻身佼者之列。 —

I am convinced that Mr. Micawber, giving his mind to a profession so adapted to his fertile resources, and his flow of language, must distinguish himself. —
我相信,米考伯先生,专注于一种与他丰富的资源和语言流畅相适应的职业,必将脱颖而出。 —

Now, for example, Mr. Traddles,’ said Mrs. Micawber, assuming a profound air, ‘a judge, or even say a Chancellor. —
比如说,特拉德尔斯先生,‘米考伯夫人深具庄重之势地说,‘一个法官,甚至说一个大法官。 —

Does an individual place himself beyond the pale of those preferments by entering on such an office as Mr. Micawber has accepted?’

‘My dear,’ observed Mr. Micawber - but glancing inquisitively at Traddles, too; —
‘亲爱的,‘米考伯先生观察到 - 但又好奇地看着特拉德尔斯; —

‘we have time enough before us, for the consideration of those questions.’

‘Micawber,’ she returned, ‘no! Your mistake in life is, that you do not look forward far enough. —
‘米考伯夫人回答说,’不对! 你在生活中的错误是,你没有往更远的地方看。 —

You are bound, in justice to your family, if not to yourself, to take in at a comprehensive glance the extremest point in the horizon to which your abilities may lead you.’

Mr. Micawber coughed, and drank his punch with an air of exceeding satisfaction - still glancing at Traddles, as if he desired to have his opinion.
米考伯先生咳嗽了一声,带着极度满足的神情喝了口朗姆酒 - 仍在侧目看着特拉德尔斯,好像他想知道他的意见。

‘Why, the plain state of the case, Mrs. Micawber,’ said Traddles, mildly breaking the truth to her. —
‘特拉德尔斯先生,事情的实情是,’特拉德尔斯温和地向她揭露真相。 —

‘I mean the real prosaic fact, you know -’

‘Just so,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘my dear Mr. Traddles, I wish to be as prosaic and literal as possible on a subject of so much importance.’

’- Is,’ said Traddles, ‘that this branch of the law, even if Mr. Micawber were a regular solicitor -’

‘Exactly so,’ returned Mrs. Micawber. (‘Wilkins, you are squinting, and will not be able to get your eyes back.’)

’- Has nothing,’ pursued Traddles, ‘to do with that. —
“- 特拉德尔斯继续说,“与那个没有关系。 —

Only a barrister is eligible for such preferments; —
只有一名大律师才有资格获得这样的提拔; —

and Mr. Micawber could not be a barrister, without being entered at an inn of court as a student, for five years.’

‘Do I follow you?’ said Mrs. Micawber, with her most affable air of business. —
“我明白你的意思吗?”米考伯太太以她最亲切的商务口吻说。 —

‘Do I understand, my dear Mr. Traddles, that, at the expiration of that period, Mr. Micawber would be eligible as a Judge or Chancellor?’

‘He would be ELIGIBLE,’ returned Traddles, with a strong emphasis on that word.

‘Thank you,’ said Mrs. Micawber. ‘That is quite sufficient. —
“谢谢,”米考伯太太说,“这是完全足够的。 —

If such is the case, and Mr. Micawber forfeits no privilege by entering on these duties, my anxiety is set at rest. —
如果是这样,而米考伯先生又不因担任这些职责而丧失任何特权,那么我的焦虑就得到了解决。 —

I speak,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘as a female, necessarily; —
我说,”米考伯太太说,“作为一个女性,这是必然的; —

but I have always been of opinion that Mr. Micawber possesses what I have heard my papa call, when I lived at home, the judicial mind; —
但我一直认为米考伯先生拥有我在家时听我爸爸称之为的司法头脑; —

and I hope Mr. Micawber is now entering on a field where that mind will develop itself, and take a commanding station.’

I quite believe that Mr. Micawber saw himself, in his judicial mind’s eye, on the woolsack. —
我深信密卡伯先生在他那爱断案的头脑中,看到了他自己坐在毛毡上。 —

He passed his hand complacently over his bald head, and said with ostentatious resignation:

‘My dear, we will not anticipate the decrees of fortune. —
‘我亲爱的,我们不要预料命运的裁决。 —

If I am reserved to wear a wig, I am at least prepared, externally,’ in allusion to his baldness, ‘for that distinction. —
如果我注定要戴假发,至少我在外表上已经做好了准备,’指的是他的秃顶,’准备好接受那种荣誉。 —

I do not,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘regret my hair, and I may have been deprived of it for a specific purpose. —
我不后悔我的头发,而且也许我被剥夺它是出于特定目的。 —

I cannot say. It is my intention, my dear Copperfield, to educate my son for the Church; —
我不能肯定。亲爱的柯波菲尔德,我打算教育我的儿子成为一名牧师; —

I will not deny that I should be happy, on his account, to attain to eminence.’

‘For the Church?’ said I, still pondering, between whiles, on Uriah Heep.

‘Yes,’ said Mr. Micawber. ‘He has a remarkable head-voice, and will commence as a chorister. —
‘是的,’密卡伯先生说。’他有一种非凡的头音,将开始当合唱团员。 —

Our residence at Canterbury, and our local connexion, will, no doubt, enable him to take advantage of any vacancy that may arise in the Cathedral corps.’

On looking at Master Micawber again, I saw that he had a certain expression of face, as if his voice were behind his eyebrows; —
再次看着米考伯小师子,我看到他脸上带着一种表情,仿佛他的声音在眉毛后面; —

where it presently appeared to be, on his singing us (as an alternative between that and bed) ‘The Wood-Pecker tapping’. —
这种声音很快就会出现在他的眉心上,在他向我们唱(作为睡前哼唱和替代品)’啄木鸟的敲击’时。 —

After many compliments on this performance, we fell into some general conversation; —
在对他的表演给予了许多赞美之后,我们开始了一些一般性的谈话; —

and as I was too full of my desperate intentions to keep my altered circumstances to myself, I made them known to Mr. and Mrs. Micawber. —
由于我对自己绝望的打算充满了心头之忧,我向密卡伯先生和夫人透露了我的改变的状况。 —

I cannot express how extremely delighted they both were, by the idea of my aunt’s being in difficulties; —
他们俩听到我姨妈陷入困境的消息后,无比高兴,我无法表达这种高兴。 —

and how comfortable and friendly it made them.

When we were nearly come to the last round of the punch, I addressed myself to Traddles, and reminded him that we must not separate, without wishing our friends health, happiness, and success in their new career. —
当这个重要的场合发生时,我与他握手道别,并亲吻了米考伯夫人。 —

I begged Mr. Micawber to fill us bumpers, and proposed the toast in due form: —
我请求米考伯先生为我们倒了一杯酒,并提议了这个祝酒词。 —

shaking hands with him across the table, and kissing Mrs. Micawber, to commemorate that eventful occasion. —
特拉德尔斯模仿了我,但不敢试图在第二个方面步我的后尘。 —

Traddles imitated me in the first particular, but did not consider himself a sufficiently old friend to venture on the second.

‘My dear Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, rising with one of his thumbs in each of his waistcoat pockets, ‘the companion of my youth: —
请允许我用这种说法 - 和我尊敬的朋友特拉德尔斯: —

if I may be allowed the expression - and my esteemed friend Traddles: —
请允许我这样称呼他们 - 代表米考伯夫人,我自己和我们的后代,向他们表达最热烈和最坚定的感激之情,感谢他们的祝福。 —

if I may be permitted to call him so - will allow me, on the part of Mrs. Micawber, myself, and our offspring, to thank them in the warmest and most uncompromising terms for their good wishes. —
人们可能期望,在将我们送往全新生活的前夜,”米考伯先生说得好像他们要去五十万英里那样,“我应该为两位如今在我面前的朋友作一些告别的发言。 —

It may be expected that on the eve of a migration which will consign us to a perfectly new existence,’ Mr. Micawber spoke as if they were going five hundred thousand miles, ‘I should offer a few valedictory remarks to two such friends as I see before me. —
但我对这方面的一切已经说过了。 —

But all that I have to say in this way, I have said. —
我对此只有一点要说的,我已经说过了。 —

Whatever station in society I may attain, through the medium of the learned profession of which I am about to become an unworthy member, I shall endeavour not to disgrace, and Mrs. Micawber will be safe to adorn. —
无论我在社会中取得什么地位,通过我即将成为其一个不配的成员的学业,我都将努力不致辱没,而米考伯夫人定会装点其间。 —

Under the temporary pressure of pecuniary liabilities, contracted with a view to their immediate liquidation, but remaining unliquidated through a combination of circumstances, I have been under the necessity of assuming a garb from which my natural instincts recoil - I allude to spectacles - and possessing myself of a cognomen, to which I can establish no legitimate pretensions. —
在暂时的财务压力之下,出于要立即清偿债务的目的,但由于一系列事件未能偿还,我不得不穿上使我本能感到反感的外衣 - 我指的是眼镜 - 并拥有一个我无法合法主张的绰号。 —

All I have to say on that score is, that the cloud has passed from the dreary scene, and the God of Day is once more high upon the mountain tops. —
我要说的就是,乌云已经从那忧郁的景象上消失了,太阳神再次高照群山之巅。 —

On Monday next, on the arrival of the four o’clock afternoon coach at Canterbury, my foot will be on my native heath - my name, Micawber!’
下个星期一,当下午四点的客车抵达坎特伯雷时,我的脚将踏上故土 - 我的名字,米考伯!

Mr. Micawber resumed his seat on the close of these remarks, and drank two glasses of punch in grave succession. —
这些言辞结束后,米考伯先生重新坐下来,连续饮下了两杯酒。 —

He then said with much solemnity:

‘One thing more I have to do, before this separation is complete, and that is to perform an act of justice. —
在我们分别之前,我还有一件事要做,那就是进行一次公正的行为。 —

My friend Mr. Thomas Traddles has, on two several occasions, “put his name”, if I may use a common expression, to bills of exchange for my accommodation. —
我的朋友托马斯·特拉德尔斯先生曾在两个不同场合,出于我的需要签署了汇票。 —

On the first occasion Mr. Thomas Traddles was left - let me say, in short, in the lurch. —
第一次托马斯·特拉德尔斯先生被——让我简单说,被抛弃了。 —

The fulfilment of the second has not yet arrived. —
第二次的履行还未到来。 —

The amount of the first obligation,’ here Mr. Micawber carefully referred to papers, ‘was, I believe, twenty-three, four, nine and a half, of the second, according to my entry of that transaction, eighteen, six, two. —
第一项义务的金额,”这里麦考伯先生小心翼翼地查阅文件,“我相信是二十三英镑四先令九个半便士。根据我的记录,第二项是十八英镑六先令两个便士。 —

These sums, united, make a total, if my calculation is correct, amounting to forty-one, ten, eleven and a half. —
把这些总和加起来,如果我的计算没有出错的话,一共是四十一英镑十先令十一个半便士。 —

My friend Copperfield will perhaps do me the favour to check that total?’

I did so and found it correct.

‘To leave this metropolis,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘and my friend Mr. Thomas Traddles, without acquitting myself of the pecuniary part of this obligation, would weigh upon my mind to an insupportable extent. —
“离开这座大都市,”麦考伯先生说,“离开我的朋友托马斯·特拉德尔斯先生,却没有履行完这笔义务的金钱部分,将使我心感重负得难以承受。 —

I have, therefore, prepared for my friend Mr. Thomas Traddles, and I now hold in my hand, a document, which accomplishes the desired object. —
因此,我已经为我的朋友托马斯·特拉德尔斯准备好了一张文书,我现在正握在手中,完成了期望的目标。 —

I beg to hand to my friend Mr. Thomas Traddles my I.O.U. for forty-one, ten, eleven and a half, and I am happy to recover my moral dignity, and to know that I can once more walk erect before my fellow man!’

With this introduction (which greatly affected him), Mr. Micawber placed his I.O.U. in the hands of Traddles, and said he wished him well in every relation of life. —
随着这个引言(使他深受感动),麦考伯先生把借据递给了特拉德尔斯,并说希望他在生活的每个方面都过得好。 —

I am persuaded, not only that this was quite the same to Mr. Micawber as paying the money, but that Traddles himself hardly knew the difference until he had had time to think about it. —
我相信,对于麦考伯先生来说,这与付款并无二致,而特拉德尔斯自己也几乎没意识到这种差别,直到有时间考虑这件事。 —

Mr. Micawber walked so erect before his fellow man, on the strength of this virtuous action, that his chest looked half as broad again when he lighted us downstairs. —
麦考伯先生在这种有德行的行为的支持下,昂首挺胸地走在众人之前,当他领着我们下楼时,他的胸膛看起来比原来宽了一倍还多。 —

We parted with great heartiness on both sides; —
双方都很热情地告别; —

and when I had seen Traddles to his own door, and was going home alone, I thought, among the other odd and contradictory things I mused upon, that, slippery as Mr. Micawber was, I was probably indebted to some compassionate recollection he retained of me as his boy-lodger, for never having been asked by him for money. —
当我把特拉德尔送到他自己家门口,独自回家时,我在沉思其他奇怪和矛盾的事情中想到,就算弥可伟先生靠不住,但也许我从未被他索要过钱,得益于他怜悯我的记忆,因为我曾是他的房客男孩。 —

I certainly should not have had the moral courage to refuse it; —
我肯定没有道德勇气拒绝; —

and I have no doubt he knew that (to his credit be it written), quite as well as I did.