I received one morning by the post, the following letter, dated Canterbury, and addressed to me at Doctor’s Commons; —
我有一天早上在邮局收到了下面这封信,信封上写着坎特伯雷,收件地址是我在博士法庭的地址; —

which I read with some surprise:

‘My Dear Sir,

‘Circumstances beyond my individual control have, for a considerable lapse of time, effected a severance of that intimacy which, in the limited opportunities conceded to me in the midst of my professional duties, of contemplating the scenes and events of the past, tinged by the prismatic hues of memory, has ever afforded me, as it ever must continue to afford, gratifying emotions of no common description. —
“由于一些我个人无法控制的情况,已经有相当长一段时间,我们之间的亲密关系被打破了。在我繁忙的工作中所能拥有的有限机会里,回顾过去的场景和事件,通常会被记忆的五颜六色所感动,一直给予我愉悦的感情。 —

This fact, my dear sir, combined with the distinguished elevation to which your talents have raised you, deters me from presuming to aspire to the liberty of addressing the companion of my youth, by the familiar appellation of Copperfield! —
“这个事实,亲爱的先生,再加上您的才华使您达到了卓越的地位,使我不敢奢求以熟悉的‘Copperfield’称呼与我青年时期的伴侣。 —

It is sufficient to know that the name to which I do myself the honour to refer, will ever be treasured among the muniments of our house (I allude to the archives connected with our former lodgers, preserved by Mrs. Micawber), with sentiments of personal esteem amounting to affection.

‘It is not for one, situated, through his original errors and a fortuitous combination of unpropitious events, as is the foundered Bark (if he may be allowed to assume so maritime a denomination), who now takes up the pen to address you - it is not, I repeat, for one so circumstanced, to adopt the language of compliment, or of congratulation. —
“处境如我这般,受原始错误和一系列不利事件的幸而相连的影响,现在拿起笔来写信给您-我重申,正如那被废弃的船只(如果他可以自称为如此海上的名称),它不适合采用恭维或祝贺的语言。” —

That he leaves to abler and to purer hands.

‘If your more important avocations should admit of your ever tracing these imperfect characters thus far - which may be, or may not be, as circumstances arise - you will naturally inquire by what object am I influenced, then, in inditing the present missive? —
‘如果您更重要的职责允许您追溯这些不完美的文字到这一步——这可能会发生,也可能不会,取决于情况——您自然会询问我在撰写这封信件时受到何种目的的影响? —

Allow me to say that I fully defer to the reasonable character of that inquiry, and proceed to develop it; —
请允许我说,我完全遵循您这一合理的询问,并继续解释; —

premising that it is not an object of a pecuniary nature.

‘Without more directly referring to any latent ability that may possibly exist on my part, of wielding the thunderbolt, or directing the devouring and avenging flame in any quarter, I may be permitted to observe, in passing, that my brightest visions are for ever dispelled - that my peace is shattered and my power of enjoyment destroyed - that my heart is no longer in the right place - and that I no more walk erect before my fellow man. —
‘没有更直接地提到可能存在的我运用雷电或引导吞噬和报复之火的潜在能力,我可以在此提一句,在经过时,我最明亮的幻想永远破灭——我的平静被打破,我的享乐之力被毁灭——我的心不再在原处——我不再端正地行走在我的同胞面前。 —

The canker is in the flower. The cup is bitter to the brim. —
花朵中有蛆虫。杯中的苦涩满到了边缘。 —

The worm is at his work, and will soon dispose of his victim. The sooner the better. —
虫子在起作用,很快将处理掉他的受害者。越早越好。 —

But I will not digress. ‘Placed in a mental position of peculiar painfulness, beyond the assuaging reach even of Mrs. Micawber’s influence, though exercised in the tripartite character of woman, wife, and mother, it is my intention to fly from myself for a short period, and devote a respite of eight-and-forty hours to revisiting some metropolitan scenes of past enjoyment. —
但我不会岔开话题。’处于一种特别痛苦的精神状态之中,即使在米卡伯太太的影响及其三合一的女人、妻子和母亲的作用下也超出了它的减轻范围,我打算暂时逃离自己,并为了回顾一些过去令人愉悦的大都市场景,投入48小时的喘息。 —

Among other havens of domestic tranquillity and peace of mind, my feet will naturally tend towards the King’s Bench Prison. —
在其他宁静的家庭港湾和心灵宁静中,我的脚自然会趋向于国王座监狱。 —

In stating that I shall be (D. V.) on the outside of the south wall of that place of incarceration on civil process, the day after tomorrow, at seven in the evening, precisely, my object in this epistolary communication is accomplished.

‘I do not feel warranted in soliciting my former friend Mr. Copperfield, or my former friend Mr. Thomas Traddles of the Inner Temple, if that gentleman is still existent and forthcoming, to condescend to meet me, and renew (so far as may be) our past relations of the olden time. —
‘我不觉得自己有理由请求我的前任朋友考珀菲尔德先生,或者我的前任朋友富有仍在世且愿意前来的寡德尔斯先生,去俯就我,重新(在可能的情况下)恢复我们旧时的关系。 —

I confine myself to throwing out the observation, that, at the hour and place I have indicated, may be found such ruined vestiges as yet ‘Remain, ‘Of ‘A ‘Fallen Tower, ‘WILKINS MICAWBER.
我限制自己只是提出这样一种观察,即,在我所示的时间和地点,可能会发现这样败落的遗迹——’仍然保留,一座倒塌的塔楼,WILKINS MICAWBER.

‘P.S. It may be advisable to superadd to the above, the statement that Mrs. Micawber is not in confidential possession of my intentions.’

I read the letter over several times. Making due allowance for Mr. Micawber’s lofty style of composition, and for the extraordinary relish with which he sat down and wrote long letters on all possible and impossible occasions, I still believed that something important lay hidden at the bottom of this roundabout communication. —
我读了几遍这封信。尽管考虑到米卡伯先生为文风格高傲,以及他写长信件的特殊兴趣,但我依然相信在这个绕圈子的沟通之底藏着某种重要的东西。 —

I put it down, to think about it; and took it up again, to read it once more; —
我放下书信,思考了一会儿;又抬起它,再读了一遍; —

and was still pursuing it, when Traddles found me in the height of my perplexity.

‘My dear fellow,’ said I, ‘I never was better pleased to see you. —
‘我亲爱的朋友,’我说,’见到你我真是高兴。 —

You come to give me the benefit of your sober judgement at a most opportune time. —
你在最合适的时候给我提供了你清醒的判断,真是太及时了。 —

I have received a very singular letter, Traddles, from Mr. Micawber.’

‘No?’ cried Traddles. ‘You don’t say so? And I have received one from Mrs. Micawber!’

With that, Traddles, who was flushed with walking, and whose hair, under the combined effects of exercise and excitement, stood on end as if he saw a cheerful ghost, produced his letter and made an exchange with me. —
高兴得脸红的特拉德尔斯,头发因为运动和兴奋的效果而竖立起来,好像看到了一个欢乐的鬼魂,拿出了他的信与我交换。 —

I watched him into the heart of Mr. Micawber’s letter, and returned the elevation of eyebrows with which he said “‘Wielding the thunderbolt, or directing the devouring and avenging flame!” —
我看着他认真读着麦卡伯先生的信,并对他那双翘起的眉毛做出了回应,他说:“挥舞着雷霆,或者指挥着吞噬和复仇的烈焰!” —

Bless me, Copperfield!’- and then entered on the perusal of Mrs. Micawber’s epistle.

It ran thus:

‘My best regards to Mr. Thomas Traddles, and if he should still remember one who formerly had the happiness of being well acquainted with him, may I beg a few moments of his leisure time? —
‘我代表汤姆斯·特拉德尔斯向他问候,请他如果还记得曾经结识过我的人,能否抽出一点空余时间? —

I assure Mr. T. T. that I would not intrude upon his kindness, were I in any other position than on the confines of distraction.

‘Though harrowing to myself to mention, the alienation of Mr. Micawber (formerly so domesticated) from his wife and family, is the cause of my addressing my unhappy appeal to Mr. Traddles, and soliciting his best indulgence. —
‘虽然提起让我痛苦,但麦卡伯先生(曾经如此和睦)与妻子和家人的疏远,促使我向特拉德尔斯先生发出悲惨的请求,请求他最好的宽容。 —

Mr. T. can form no adequate idea of the change in Mr. Micawber’s conduct, of his wildness, of his violence. —
特拉德尔斯先生无法想象麦卡伯先生行为的改变,他的疯狂,他的暴力。 —

It has gradually augmented, until it assumes the appearance of aberration of intellect. —
这种情况逐渐加剧,直到变得像智力失常一样。 —

Scarcely a day passes, I assure Mr. Traddles, on which some paroxysm does not take place. —
我向特拉德尔斯先生保证,几乎每天都会发生某种症状。 —

Mr. T. will not require me to depict my feelings, when I inform him that I have become accustomed to hear Mr. Micawber assert that he has sold himself to the D. Mystery and secrecy have long been his principal characteristic, have long replaced unlimited confidence. —
T先生不会要求我表达我的感受,当我告诉他我已经习惯了听到米考伯先生声称,他已经出卖了自己给D。神秘和隐秘长期以来一直是他的主要特征,早已取代了无限的信任。 —

The slightest provocation, even being asked if there is anything he would prefer for dinner, causes him to express a wish for a separation. —
即使只是被问到晚餐他有没有什么喜欢的,他都会表达希望分开的愿望。 —

Last night, on being childishly solicited for twopence, to buy ‘lemon-stunners’ - a local sweetmeat - he presented an oyster-knife at the twins!

‘I entreat Mr. Traddles to bear with me in entering into these details. —
‘我请求特拉德尔斯先生宽容我的详细说明。 —

Without them, Mr. T. would indeed find it difficult to form the faintest conception of my heart-rending situation.

‘May I now venture to confide to Mr. T. the purport of my letter? —
‘我现在敢向T先生倾诉我的信中意思吗? —

Will he now allow me to throw myself on his friendly consideration? —
他现在是否允许我投身他友好的考虑之中? —

Oh yes, for I know his heart!

‘The quick eye of affection is not easily blinded, when of the female sex. —
‘爱的敏锐眼光很难被蒙蔽,特别是对于女性。 —

Mr. Micawber is going to London. Though he studiously concealed his hand, this morning before breakfast, in writing the direction-card which he attached to the little brown valise of happier days, the eagle-glance of matrimonial anxiety detected, d, o, n, distinctly traced. —
米考伯先生正要去伦敦。尽管在今天早餐前,他在写下贴在昔日幸福小棕色行李箱的指南牌时,刻意地掩盖了手,婚姻焦虑的鹰眼发现了,d,o,n,明显地被勾勒出来。 —

The West-End destination of the coach, is the Golden Cross. Dare I fervently implore Mr. T. to see my misguided husband, and to reason with him? —
马车的西区目的地是Golden Cross。我敢热切地恳求T先生去见我的误入歧途的丈夫,并与他理论? —

Dare I ask Mr. T. to endeavour to step in between Mr. Micawber and his agonized family? —
我敢要求T先生设法介入米考伯先生和他悲痛的家人之间? —

Oh no, for that would be too much!

‘If Mr. Copperfield should yet remember one unknown to fame, will Mr. T. take charge of my unalterable regards and similar entreaties? —
‘如果Copperfield先生还记得一个不为人知的人,T先生是否愿意接受我不变的关怀和类似的恳求? —

In any case, he will have the benevolence to consider this communication strictly private, and on no account whatever to be alluded to, however distantly, in the presence of Mr. Micawber. —
无论如何,他将慈悲地考虑这份私人通信,并且无论在何种情况下都不得提及,即使是稍微间接地,在米考伯先生在场时。 —

If Mr. T. should ever reply to it (which I cannot but feel to be most improbable), a letter addressed to M. E., Post Office, Canterbury, will be fraught with less painful consequences than any addressed immediately to one, who subscribes herself, in extreme distress,
如果 ​​特莱德尔先生真的回复了(我不禁觉得这是极不可能的),写给E. M.,坎特伯雷邮局的信,将造成比直接寄给一个自称在极度困扰中的人更少的痛苦后果。

‘Mr. Thomas Traddles’s respectful friend and suppliant,


‘What do you think of that letter?’ said Traddles, casting his eyes upon me, when I had read it twice.

‘What do you think of the other?’ said I. For he was still reading it with knitted brows.

‘I think that the two together, Copperfield,’ replied Traddles, ‘mean more than Mr. and Mrs. Micawber usually mean in their correspondence - but I don’t know what. —
“我认为这两封信一起,科波菲尔德,”特莱德尔回答,“比麦考伯夫妇通常在信件中表达的意思更多 - 但我不知道是什么。 —

They are both written in good faith, I have no doubt, and without any collusion. Poor thing!’ —
我毫不怀疑它们都是真诚地写的,而没有任何勾结。可怜的人! —

he was now alluding to Mrs. Micawber’s letter, and we were standing side by side comparing the two; —
现在他指的是麦考伯夫人的信,而我们站在一起比较这两封信; —

‘it will be a charity to write to her, at all events, and tell her that we will not fail to see Mr. Micawber.’

I acceded to this the more readily, because I now reproached myself with having treated her former letter rather lightly. —
我更愿意同意这一点,因为我现在在自责自己对待她以前的信有些轻率。 —

It had set me thinking a good deal at the time, as I have mentioned in its place; —
那封信当时确实让我想了很多,如我在适当的地方所提及的; —

but my absorption in my own affairs, my experience of the family, and my hearing nothing more, had gradually ended in my dismissing the subject. —
但是,我的个人事务的吸引力,对这个家庭的了解,和没再听到消息,逐渐使我不再纠结于这个问题。 —

I had often thought of the Micawbers, but chiefly to wonder what ‘pecuniary liabilities’ they were establishing in Canterbury, and to recall how shy Mr. Micawber was of me when he became clerk to Uriah Heep.

However, I now wrote a comforting letter to Mrs. Micawber, in our joint names, and we both signed it. As we walked into town to post it, Traddles and I held a long conference, and launched into a number of speculations, which I need not repeat. —
然而,我现在代表我们两人给麦考伯夫人写了一封安慰信,我们两人签了字。当我们走进镇上寄信时,特莱德尔和我进行了一次长时间的商讨,进行了许多推测,我就不重复了。 —

We took my aunt into our counsels in the afternoon; —
下午我们把我阿姨也纳入了我们的议事中; —

but our only decided conclusion was, that we would be very punctual in keeping Mr. Micawber’s appointment.

Although we appeared at the stipulated place a quarter of an hour before the time, we found Mr. Micawber already there. —
虽然我们比约定时间早了15分钟到达指定地点,但发现米卡伯先生已经在那里了。 —

He was standing with his arms folded, over against the wall, looking at the spikes on the top, with a sentimental expression, as if they were the interlacing boughs of trees that had shaded him in his youth.

When we accosted him, his manner was something more confused, and something less genteel, than of yore. —
当我们招呼他时,他的态度比以往更加混乱,也不那么优雅。 —

He had relinquished his legal suit of black for the purposes of this excursion, and wore the old surtout and tights, but not quite with the old air. —
为了这次郊游,他弃用了法式黑色套装,穿起了旧款外套和紧身裤,但气质已不如从前。 —

He gradually picked up more and more of it as we conversed with him; —
随着我们与他交谈,他逐渐恢复了更多往昔的风度; —

but, his very eye-glass seemed to hang less easily, and his shirt-collar, though still of the old formidable dimensions, rather drooped.

‘Gentlemen!’ said Mr. Micawber, after the first salutations, ‘you are friends in need, and friends indeed. —
“先生们!”米卡伯先生在第一次问候之后说,“你们是在时候需要的朋友,也是真正的朋友。 —

Allow me to offer my inquiries with reference to the physical welfare of Mrs. Copperfield in esse, and Mrs. Traddles in posse, - presuming, that is to say, that my friend Mr. Traddles is not yet united to the object of his affections, for weal and for woe.’
“请允许我关心一下Mrs. Copperfield和Mrs. Traddles的健康,假设我的朋友特拉德尔先生和他所爱的人还没有结合在一起,无论幸福或悲伤。”

We acknowledged his politeness, and made suitable replies. —
我们感谢他的礼貌,并作出适当回答。 —

He then directed our attention to the wall, and was beginning, ‘I assure you, gentlemen,’ when I ventured to object to that ceremonious form of address, and to beg that he would speak to us in the old way.

‘My dear Copperfield,’ he returned, pressing my hand, ‘your cordiality overpowers me. —
“我亲爱的柯波菲尔德”,他握住我的手说,“你的热情让我感动”。 —

This reception of a shattered fragment of the Temple once called Man - if I may be permitted so to express myself - bespeaks a heart that is an honour to our common nature. —
“如果我可以这样表达的话,这种对一个曾被称为人类神殿的破碎残片的接待,显示出一个为我们共同的自然而光荣的心灵。 —

I was about to observe that I again behold the serene spot where some of the happiest hours of my existence fleeted by.’

‘Made so, I am sure, by Mrs. Micawber,’ said I. ‘I hope she is well?’

‘Thank you,’ returned Mr. Micawber, whose face clouded at this reference, ‘she is but so-so. —
“谢谢你”,回答米卡伯先生,提到这一点时脸上愁云密布,“她勉强还好。 —

And this,’ said Mr. Micawber, nodding his head sorrowfully, ‘is the Bench! —
“而这”,米卡伯先生说,悲伤地点点头,“就是板凳! —

Where, for the first time in many revolving years, the overwhelming pressure of pecuniary liabilities was not proclaimed, from day to day, by importune voices declining to vacate the passage; —
“在这里,多年来第一次,压倒性的债务压力没有被日复一日地宣布,被一些不愿让道的声音; —

where there was no knocker on the door for any creditor to appeal to; —
“门上没有敲门者可以诉诸; —

where personal service of process was not required, and detainees were merely lodged at the gate! —
“不需要将送达告知个人,被羁押者只需被囚禁在门口! —

Gentlemen,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘when the shadow of that iron-work on the summit of the brick structure has been reflected on the gravel of the Parade, I have seen my children thread the mazes of the intricate pattern, avoiding the dark marks. —
“先生们”,米卡伯说,“当那砖结构顶端的铁栅影子在碎石道上反射时,我看着我的孩子穿过复杂花纹的迷宫,避开深色标记。 —

I have been familiar with every stone in the place. —
“我熟悉这个地方的每一块石头。 —

If I betray weakness, you will know how to excuse me.’

‘We have all got on in life since then, Mr. Micawber,’ said I.

‘Mr. Copperfield,’ returned Mr. Micawber, bitterly, ‘when I was an inmate of that retreat I could look my fellow-man in the face, and punch his head if he offended me. —
“科波菲尔德先生,“米茶伯先生痛苦地回答道,”当我还是那家庇护所的住户时,我可以直视我的同胞,并且如果他冒犯我,我能揍他。 —

My fellow-man and myself are no longer on those glorious terms!’

Turning from the building in a downcast manner, Mr. Micawber accepted my proffered arm on one side, and the proffered arm of Traddles on the other, and walked away between us.

‘There are some landmarks,’ observed Mr. Micawber, looking fondly back over his shoulder, ‘on the road to the tomb, which, but for the impiety of the aspiration, a man would wish never to have passed. —
“在通往坟墓的道路上有一些地标,“米茶伯先生眺望着肩头,”假如没有对这种心愿的亵渎,一个人会希望永远不要经历过去。 —

Such is the Bench in my chequered career.’

‘Oh, you are in low spirits, Mr. Micawber,’ said Traddles.

‘I am, sir,’ interposed Mr. Micawber.

‘I hope,’ said Traddles, ‘it is not because you have conceived a dislike to the law - for I am a lawyer myself, you know.’
“我希望不是因为你对法律产生了厌恶 - 因为你知道我自己也是律师,“特拉德尔斯说。

Mr. Micawber answered not a word.

‘How is our friend Heep, Mr. Micawber?’ said I, after a silence.

‘My dear Copperfield,’ returned Mr. Micawber, bursting into a state of much excitement, and turning pale, ‘if you ask after my employer as your friend, I am sorry for it; —
“我亲爱的科波菲尔德,“米茶伯先生兴奋地爆发了,脸色变得苍白,”如果你问起我的雇主作为你的朋友,我感到抱歉; —

if you ask after him as MY friend, I sardonically smile at it. —
如果你问起他作为我的朋友,我会讽刺地微笑。 —

In whatever capacity you ask after my employer, I beg, without offence to you, to limit my reply to this - that whatever his state of health may be, his appearance is foxy: —
无论你以什么身份问起我的雇主,我恳请你,毫不冒犯地,请限制我的回答为这样一点 - 无论他的健康状况如何,他的外表都很狡猾。 —

not to say diabolical. You will allow me, as a private individual, to decline pursuing a subject which has lashed me to the utmost verge of desperation in my professional capacity.’

I expressed my regret for having innocently touched upon a theme that roused him so much. —
我表示遗憾地触及了一个激起他如此强烈情绪的主题。 —

‘May I ask,’ said I, ‘without any hazard of repeating the mistake, how my old friends Mr. and Miss Wickfield are?’

‘Miss Wickfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, now turning red, ‘is, as she always is, a pattern, and a bright example. —
‘威克菲尔德小姐,’麦卡伯先生说,现在脸红了,’一如既往地是一个楷模,一个光辉的榜样。 —

My dear Copperfield, she is the only starry spot in a miserable existence. —
我亲爱的柯波菲尔德,她是悲惨生活中唯一闪亮的一点。 —

My respect for that young lady, my admiration of her character, my devotion to her for her love and truth, and goodness! —
我对那位年轻女士的尊敬,我对她品格的钦佩,我对她的爱和真诚、善良的奉献! —

  • Take me,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘down a turning, for, upon my soul, in my present state of mind I am not equal to this!’
    - 带我,’麦卡伯先生说,’走一条拐弯路,因为,我敢说,处于我现在的思维状态,我无法胜任这个!

We wheeled him off into a narrow street, where he took out his pocket-handkerchief, and stood with his back to a wall. —
我们将他推到一条窄巷子里,他拿出手帕,背靠着墙站在那里。 —

If I looked as gravely at him as Traddles did, he must have found our company by no means inspiriting.

‘It is my fate,’ said Mr. Micawber, unfeignedly sobbing, but doing even that, with a shadow of the old expression of doing something genteel; —
‘这是我的命运,’麦卡伯先生说,真诚地哽咽着,但甚至这样做时,也带着一丝做某事体面的表情; —

‘it is my fate, gentlemen, that the finer feelings of our nature have become reproaches to me. —
‘这是我的命运,先生们,我们天性中的高尚感情已经成了我的羞辱。 —

My homage to Miss Wickfield, is a flight of arrows in my bosom. —
我对威克菲尔德小姐的尊崇,像箭般射入我胸膛。 —

You had better leave me, if you please, to walk the earth as a vagabond. —
如果你愿意的话,最好离开我一个人在地球上漫游。 —

The worm will settle my business in double-quick time.’

Without attending to this invocation, we stood by, until he put up his pocket-handkerchief, pulled up his shirt-collar, and, to delude any person in the neighbourhood who might have been observing him, hummed a tune with his hat very much on one side. —
没有理会这个祈求,我们一直站在一旁,直到他收起手帕,拉起衬衫领子,为了欺骗周围可能正在观察他的人,戴着歪斜的帽子哼着一首曲子。 —

I then mentioned - not knowing what might be lost if we lost sight of him yet - that it would give me great pleasure to introduce him to my aunt, if he would ride out to Highgate, where a bed was at his service.
我接着提到 - 不知道如果我们失去他会失去什么 - 如果他愿意骑到海盖特来,我很高兴向我阿姨介绍他,那里有床可以住。

‘You shall make us a glass of your own punch, Mr. Micawber,’ said I, ‘and forget whatever you have on your mind, in pleasanter reminiscences.’

‘Or, if confiding anything to friends will be more likely to relieve you, you shall impart it to us, Mr. Micawber,’ said Traddles, prudently.

‘Gentlemen,’ returned Mr. Micawber, ‘do with me as you will! —
“先生们,”米考伯先生回答说,“你们随我愿!我是海洋表面上的一个稻草,在大象的推动下四处颠簸 - 不好意思,我应该说是元素。” —

I am a straw upon the surface of the deep, and am tossed in all directions by the elephants - I beg your pardon; —
我们再次手牵着手走路,找到了刚要启程的马车,顺利抵达海盖特而没有遇到任何困难。 —

I should have said the elements.’
我心里非常不安,也很不确定该说什么或做什么最好 - 特莱德尔斯显然也是如此。

We walked on, arm-in-arm, again; found the coach in the act of starting; —
米考伯先生大部分时间都深陷入阴郁之中。 —

and arrived at Highgate without encountering any difficulties by the way. —
他偶尔试图让自己振作起来,哼唱着某段曲调的结尾; —

I was very uneasy and very uncertain in my mind what to say or do for the best - so was Traddles, evidently. —
但他深陷忧郁的情绪反而更加令人印象深刻,特别是当他嘲讽地戴着歪斜的帽子和拉起到眼睛上的衬衫领。 —

Mr. Micawber was for the most part plunged into deep gloom. —
我们去了我阿姨的家,而不是我的,因为朵拉身体不舒服。 —

He occasionally made an attempt to smarten himself, and hum the fag-end of a tune; —
我阿姨一被叫来就出现了,并以亲切的热情欢迎米考伯先生。 —

but his relapses into profound melancholy were only made the more impressive by the mockery of a hat exceedingly on one side, and a shirt-collar pulled up to his eyes.

We went to my aunt’s house rather than to mine, because of Dora’s not being well. —
我们选择去我阿姨家而不是我的,因为朵拉身体不舒服。 —

My aunt presented herself on being sent for, and welcomed Mr. Micawber with gracious cordiality. —
我阿姨一被叫来就出现了,并以亲切的热情欢迎米考伯先生。 —

Mr. Micawber kissed her hand, retired to the window, and pulling out his pocket-handkerchief, had a mental wrestle with himself.

Mr. Dick was at home. He was by nature so exceedingly compassionate of anyone who seemed to be ill at ease, and was so quick to find any such person out, that he shook hands with Mr. Micawber, at least half-a-dozen times in five minutes. —
迪克先生在家里。他天生对那些似乎不适的人格外有同情心,总是能快速发现这样的人,所以他在五分钟内至少与麦考伯先生握手了半打次。 —

To Mr. Micawber, in his trouble, this warmth, on the part of a stranger, was so extremely touching, that he could only say, on the occasion of each successive shake, ‘My dear sir, you overpower me!’ —
对于处境困难的麦考伯先生来说,这位陌生人的热情是如此令人感动,以至于在每次握手时他只能说:“亲爱的先生,您让我感动!” —

Which gratified Mr. Dick so much, that he went at it again with greater vigour than before.

‘The friendliness of this gentleman,’ said Mr. Micawber to my aunt, ‘if you will allow me, ma’am, to cull a figure of speech from the vocabulary of our coarser national sports - floors me. —
麦考伯先生对我阿姨说:“这位先生的友好让我感到意犹未尽,如果您允许我,我可以从我们更粗犷的国家体育词汇中借用一种比喻 - 我为您而感动。” —

To a man who is struggling with a complicated burden of perplexity and disquiet, such a reception is trying, I assure you.’

‘My friend Mr. Dick,’ replied my aunt proudly, ‘is not a common man.’

‘That I am convinced of,’ said Mr. Micawber. ‘My dear sir!’ —
麦考伯先生说:“我深信。”亲爱的先生! —

for Mr. Dick was shaking hands with him again; —
因为迪克先生又在与他握手; —

‘I am deeply sensible of your cordiality!’

‘How do you find yourself?’ said Mr. Dick, with an anxious look.

‘Indifferent, my dear sir,’ returned Mr. Micawber, sighing.

‘You must keep up your spirits,’ said Mr. Dick, ‘and make yourself as comfortable as possible.’

Mr. Micawber was quite overcome by these friendly words, and by finding Mr. Dick’s hand again within his own. —
面对这些友好的话语,麦考伯先生感动得几乎无法自持,再次感受到迪克先生的手在自己手中。 —

‘It has been my lot,’ he observed, ‘to meet, in the diversified panorama of human existence, with an occasional oasis, but never with one so green, so gushing, as the present!’

At another time I should have been amused by this; —
另一个时间,我可能会对此感到好笑。 —

but I felt that we were all constrained and uneasy, and I watched Mr. Micawber so anxiously, in his vacillations between an evident disposition to reveal something, and a counter-disposition to reveal nothing, that I was in a perfect fever. —
但我感到我们都受到了限制和不安,我焦急地观察着米卡伯先生,他在是否透露些什么之间摇摆不定,让我如同发烧一般。 —

Traddles, sitting on the edge of his chair, with his eyes wide open, and his hair more emphatically erect than ever, stared by turns at the ground and at Mr. Micawber, without so much as attempting to put in a word. —
特拉德尔斯坐在椅子边缘,眼睛瞪大,头发更加竖立,时而盯着地面,时而盯着米卡伯先生,甚至连一个字都没有试图说出来。 —

My aunt, though I saw that her shrewdest observation was concentrated on her new guest, had more useful possession of her wits than either of us; —
我看见我阿姨,虽然我知道她最敏锐的观察力都集中在她的新客人身上,但她比我们俩都更好地掌握了理智; —

for she held him in conversation, and made it necessary for him to talk, whether he liked it or not.

‘You are a very old friend of my nephew’s, Mr. Micawber,’ said my aunt. —
“米卡伯先生,您是我侄子的一位非常老朋友,”我阿姨说。 —

‘I wish I had had the pleasure of seeing you before.’

‘Madam,’ returned Mr. Micawber, ‘I wish I had had the honour of knowing you at an earlier period. —
“夫人,”米卡伯先生回答,“恨不得我更早便有幸认识您。 —

I was not always the wreck you at present behold.’

‘I hope Mrs. Micawber and your family are well, sir,’ said my aunt.

Mr. Micawber inclined his head. ‘They are as well, ma’am,’ he desperately observed after a pause, ‘as Aliens and Outcasts can ever hope to be.’
米卡伯先生点了点头。“他们和Aliens and Outcasts一样好,”他绝望地停了一会儿,“可以希望的。”

‘Lord bless you, sir!’ exclaimed my aunt, in her abrupt way. ‘What are you talking about?’
“老天保佑您, 先生!”我阿姨用她那突然的口吻说。“您在说些什么呢?”

‘The subsistence of my family, ma’am,’ returned Mr. Micawber, ‘trembles in the balance. My employer -’
“我家人的生计, 夫人,”米卡伯先生回答,“危如累卵。我的雇主 -”

Here Mr. Micawber provokingly left off; and began to peel the lemons that had been under my directions set before him, together with all the other appliances he used in making punch.

‘Your employer, you know,’ said Mr. Dick, jogging his arm as a gentle reminder.

‘My good sir,’ returned Mr. Micawber, ‘you recall me, I am obliged to you.’ They shook hands again. —
“我好先生,”米卡伯先生回答,“您让我回忆起了,我感激您。”他们再次握手。 —

‘My employer, ma’am - Mr. Heep - once did me the favour to observe to me, that if I were not in the receipt of the stipendiary emoluments appertaining to my engagement with him, I should probably be a mountebank about the country, swallowing a sword-blade, and eating the devouring element. —
“雇主先生 - 休普先生 - 曾经对我说过,如果我不领取与他的雇佣关系相应的薪水,我可能会成为一个在乡下踩刀吞火的江湖骗子。” —

For anything that I can perceive to the contrary, it is still probable that my children may be reduced to seek a livelihood by personal contortion, while Mrs. Micawber abets their unnatural feats by playing the barrel-organ.’

Mr. Micawber, with a random but expressive flourish of his knife, signified that these performances might be expected to take place after he was no more; —
米卡伯先生挥舞着刀子,随意而富有表现力地表示,这些表演可能会在他不在世时发生; —

then resumed his peeling with a desperate air.

My aunt leaned her elbow on the little round table that she usually kept beside her, and eyed him attentively. —
我姨妈将手肘搁在她通常放在身边的小圆桌上,专注地盯着他。 —

Notwithstanding the aversion with which I regarded the idea of entrapping him into any disclosure he was not prepared to make voluntarily, I should have taken him up at this point, but for the strange proceedings in which I saw him engaged; —
尽管我对诱使他透露他不愿意自愿透露的信息这个想法感到厌恶,我本应该在这一点上插话,但是我看到他正在进行的奇怪活动,他将柠檬皮放进壶里,将糖放在熄灭器盘上,将酒倒入空瓶子,并自信地试图从烛台中倒出开水,这些行为是其中最引人注目的。 —

whereof his putting the lemon-peel into the kettle, the sugar into the snuffer-tray, the spirit into the empty jug, and confidently attempting to pour boiling water out of a candlestick, were among the most remarkable. —
我看到他忙着这些事情,所以没有立刻打断他。 —

I saw that a crisis was at hand, and it came. —
我看到了一场危机正在来临,而它终于来了。 —

He clattered all his means and implements together, rose from his chair, pulled out his pocket-handkerchief, and burst into tears.

‘My dear Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, behind his handkerchief, ‘this is an occupation, of all others, requiring an untroubled mind, and self-respect. —
‘亲爱的柯波菲尔先生,‘密考伯先生边掩面边说,‘这是一种需要心无旁骛和自尊的职业。 —

I cannot perform it. It is out of the question.’

‘Mr. Micawber,’ said I, ‘what is the matter? Pray speak out. You are among friends.’

‘Among friends, sir!’ repeated Mr. Micawber; and all he had reserved came breaking out of him. —
‘在朋友中间,先生!’密考伯先生重复道,他所有的感情都爆发了出来。 —

‘Good heavens, it is principally because I AM among friends that my state of mind is what it is. —
‘天呐,正因为我是在朋友中间,我的心境才变成了现在这个样子。 —

What is the matter, gentlemen? What is NOT the matter? Villainy is the matter; —
怎么了,先生们?什么事不是问题?恶棍才是问题; —

baseness is the matter; deception, fraud, conspiracy, are the matter; —
下流才是问题;欺骗、欺诈、阴谋才是问题; —

and the name of the whole atrocious mass is - HEEP!’

MY aunt clapped her hands, and we all started up as if we were possessed.

‘The struggle is over!’ said Mr. Micawber violently gesticulating with his pocket-handkerchief, and fairly striking out from time to time with both arms, as if he were swimming under superhuman difficulties. —
‘斗争结束了!’密考伯先生边用手帕疯狂地做手势, 时不时用双臂挥动, 就像是在超人的困境中游泳一样。 —

‘I will lead this life no longer. I am a wretched being, cut off from everything that makes life tolerable. —
‘我再也不想过这种生活。我是一个不幸的人,与让生活变得容忍的一切都隔绝。 —

I have been under a Taboo in that infernal scoundrel’s service. —
我在那个该死的流氓的服务下一直受着禁忌。 —

Give me back my wife, give me back my family, substitute Micawber for the petty wretch who walks about in the boots at present on my feet, and call upon me to swallow a sword tomorrow, and I’ll do it. —
把我的妻子还给我,把我的家人还给我,用密考伯来替代那个现在穿着我鞋子的小人,明天让我吞下一把剑,我会做到。 —

With an appetite!’

I never saw a man so hot in my life. I tried to calm him, that we might come to something rational; —
我从未见过一个人生气到如此程度。我试图让他冷静下来,以便我们能够谈出些理性的内容; —

but he got hotter and hotter, and wouldn’t hear a word.

‘I’ll put my hand in no man’s hand,’ said Mr. Micawber, gasping, puffing, and sobbing, to that degree that he was like a man fighting with cold water, ‘until I have - blown to fragments - the - a - detestable - serpent - HEEP! —
“我绝不会跟任何人握手,”麦卡伯先生喘着气,喘不上来,抽泣着,以至于他犹如一个与冰水搏斗的人,”直到我把那个可恶的蛇——希普——吹成碎片! —

I’ll partake of no one’s hospitality, until I have - a - moved Mount Vesuvius - to eruption - on - a - the abandoned rascal - HEEP! —
“在这屋檐下无论有什么招待——尤其是朗姆酒——我都会窒息!除非我先把那个骗子、撒谎者——希普——的眼珠子挤瞎! —

Refreshment - a - underneath this roof - particularly punch - would - a - choke me - unless - I had - previously - choked the eyes - out of the head - a - of - interminable cheat, and liar - HEEP! —
“我——我会不认识任何人——不说任何话——不住哪里——直到我把这个卑鄙无耻之人——希普——粉碎——分崩离析——到无法寻觅的原子! —

I - a- I’ll know nobody - and - a - say nothing - and - a - live nowhere - until I have crushed - to - a - undiscoverable atoms - the - transcendent and immortal hypocrite and perjurer - HEEP!’

I really had some fear of Mr. Micawber’s dying on the spot. —
实在担心麦卡伯先生当场就会死过去。 —

The manner in which he struggled through these inarticulate sentences, and, whenever he found himself getting near the name of Heep, fought his way on to it, dashed at it in a fainting state, and brought it out with a vehemence little less than marvellous, was frightful; —
他挣扎地说出这些语无伦次的句子的方式,每当他快要说到希普这个名字时,就会挣扎着继续往前说,昏昏欲睡地冲向这个词,以一种近乎不可思议的激烈程度呈现出来。 —

but now, when he sank into a chair, steaming, and looked at us, with every possible colour in his face that had no business there, and an endless procession of lumps following one another in hot haste up his throat, whence they seemed to shoot into his forehead, he had the appearance of being in the last extremity. —
但是当他沉到椅子上,蒸腾地看着我们,脸上呈现出各种绝对不该出现的颜色,喉咙里一个又一个的隆起物迅疾地顺着往上直奔额头,他看起来已经是生命的最后时刻了。 —

I would have gone to his assistance, but he waved me off, and wouldn’t hear a word.

‘No, Copperfield! - No communication - a - until - Miss Wickfield - a - redress from wrongs inflicted by consummate scoundrel - HEEP!’ —
“不行,柯波菲尔德!不要与任何人交流——直到——韦克菲尔小姐——得到——希普——所加诸的冤屈的补偿! —

(I am quite convinced he could not have uttered three words, but for the amazing energy with which this word inspired him when he felt it coming. —
(我确信他没有办法说出三个字,除非是因为每当他感觉到这个词的时候,它给了他惊人的能量。 —

) ‘Inviolable secret - a - from the whole world - a - no exceptions - this day week - a - at breakfast-time - a - everybody present - including aunt - a - and extremely friendly gentleman - to be at the hotel at Canterbury - a - where - Mrs. Micawber and myself - Auld Lang Syne in chorus - and - a - will expose intolerable ruffian - HEEP! —
) “无法分辨的秘密——不会告诉任何人——这周的今天——在早餐时间——所有人都要到——包括阿姨——和那位极其友好的绅士——在坎特伯雷的酒店——我和米卡伯夫人——回顾往事地合唱——并且揭露了这个无法容忍的恶棍——希普! —

No more to say - a - or listen to persuasion - go immediately - not capable - a - bear society - upon the track of devoted and doomed traitor - HEEP!’

With this last repetition of the magic word that had kept him going at all, and in which he surpassed all his previous efforts, Mr. Micawber rushed out of the house; —
随着他在这最后一个保持着他前进的魔法词语的重复,他超越了自己之前的所有努力,米考伯先生冲出房子; —

leaving us in a state of excitement, hope, and wonder, that reduced us to a condition little better than his own. —
让我们兴奋、充满希望和惊奇,使我们陷入了一种几乎与他自己相同的状态。 —

But even then his passion for writing letters was too strong to be resisted; —
但即使这样,他写信的激情仍然无法抵挡; —

for while we were yet in the height of our excitement, hope, and wonder, the following pastoral note was brought to me from a neighbouring tavern, at which he had called to write it: -

‘Most secret and confidential. ‘MY DEAR SIR,
‘最秘密和机密。 ‘亲爱的先生,

‘I beg to be allowed to convey, through you, my apologies to your excellent aunt for my late excitement. —
‘请允许我通过您向您优秀的阿姨致以我的道歉,对于我最近的激动。 —

An explosion of a smouldering volcano long suppressed, was the result of an internal contest more easily conceived than described.

‘I trust I rendered tolerably intelligible my appointment for the morning of this day week, at the house of public entertainment at Canterbury, where Mrs. Micawber and myself had once the honour of uniting our voices to yours, in the well-known strain of the Immortal exciseman nurtured beyond the Tweed.

‘The duty done, and act of reparation performed, which can alone enable me to contemplate my fellow mortal, I shall be known no more. —
‘任务完成了,赔罪行为完成了,这样我才能看到我的同类,我将再也不会被人知晓。 —

I shall simply require to be deposited in that place of universal resort, where

Each in his narrow cell for ever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep,

’- With the plain Inscription,
- 写上简单的铭文,
